Chang Chen

Chang Chen is the Head of Growth & Marketing at She has 14+ years of experience in growth and marketing for SAAS companies.
Productivity Hacks
Best OneNote Alternative: Review of Top Note-Taking Apps
Find the best OneNote alternative apps in 2022 for students and professionals. We include the features and pricing of each app to guide your decision.
Productivity Hacks
A Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda Template You Can Use Right Away
In today’s world, technology changes rapidly, and users have come to expect frequent updates and consistent output from tech and software companies. Understandably, it can be hard to meet these expectations when working on complex new software and technology projects.
Productivity Hacks
How to Transcribe Zoom Meetings with
Transcribe your Zoom meetings in real-time using while collaborating with your team and reviewing meeting notes.
Productivity Hacks
How to Convert MP4 to Text
MP4 files are some of the most widely-used video file formats in the world. They were first released in 2001, but 2003's release is more...
How to Create an Effective Sales Meeting Agenda
Nowadays, there are more ways to communicate than ever. Although messaging and email dominate many of our day-to-day interactions, sometimes...
Productivity Hacks
Virtual Meeting Etiquette Guide for Professionals
The shift to remote workforces has put a spotlight on how people interact with one another over the Internet. While many professionals...
Productivity Hacks
Zoom Etiquette for Students | A Guide to Online Learning
The environments in which students learn are rapidly changing. A few years ago, online classrooms existed, but they were far from...
Productivity Hacks
Work From Home Statistics & Trends In 2022
From foraging for plants and animals for food close to the dwelling facilities to working from home to save gasoline during...
Productivity Hacks
7 Meeting Tips for a More Inclusive Work Culture
As workplaces have evolved in recent years, one of the most welcome changes is the shift towards building more inclusive cultures that ensure...
Productivity Hacks
10 New Year's Resolutions for Productivity Improvement in 2022
Although it may seem hard to believe, yet another year has gone by, and a new one has arrived. As we exit the holiday season, there’s one more...
Productivity Hacks
Using a Voice Recorder to Create Custom Keepsake Gifts This Holiday Season
The holidays are always an opportunity to create long-lasting memories. Between gift-giving, feasts with family, vacations, and other sources...
Productivity Hacks
Best Productivity Planners: 11 Great Options for 2022
With the New Year rolling in and resolutions top-of-mind, people all over the world are looking for ways to increase their productivity in 2022...
Productivity Hacks
Note Taking Tips and To-Do Lists: How to Keep On Track This Holiday Season
For most of us, the holidays are filled with equal parts stress and magic. In the midst of all the proverbial holiday cheer is the frantic rush to...
Productivity Hacks
4 Note Taking Strategies for Remote Students
The past year’s pandemic has been hard on students across the globe. With many elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and...
Productivity Hacks
The 4 Best Digital Note Taking Strategies for Busy Professionals
Note-taking is one of those things that can fall to the wayside as we get older. As students, note-taking is always top-of-mind...
Productivity Hacks
What Is Remote Communication: The Ultimate 2021 Guide
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way organizations operate. But some of these changes were a long time coming...
Productivity Hacks
The 10 Best Productivity Apps To Crush Your 2022 Goals
Every year, hundreds of new productivity apps hit the market, promising to make your personal and professional life easier, simpler, and more...
Productivity Hacks
The 5 Best Note Taking Apps of 2021
Taking notes using virtual software has become a way of life for the vast majority of people. Breaking out the pen and paper simply does...
Productivity Hacks
Online Meeting Etiquette Mistakes You Might Not Know You're Making
Over the past year and a half, online meetings have become the norm. Yet, alongside this shift has come a whole slew of new social rules...
Productivity Hacks
How to Write a Great Board Meeting Agenda
Board meetings are important events that can help decision-makers understand where their company stands, as well as shape how it will move forward...
Productivity Hacks
9 Virtual Team Building Activities to Connect Your Distributed Team
Team building may seem more complex in the age of remote workplaces, but it’s just a change of environment; human nature remains the same. This...
Productivity Hacks
8 Ways Otter Makes You a Better Employee
The past year and a half of the COVD-19 pandemic has ushered in nothing short of a paradigm shift for modern work — and it’s not going away any...
Productivity Hacks
How to Use Digital Tools to Help Teams Free Up Space for Mental Health
Over the past few years, mental health has taken center stage as one of the most pressing concerns facing modern workplaces. And although...
Productivity Hacks
5 Best Automatic Transcription Tools​
Thanks to the improvements of automated tech in the last 10 years, tasks like manual transcription seem antiquated and obsolete. Not only are they...
Productivity Hacks
Tools for Recording & Transcribing Meetings
For decades, human transcription has been the norm. In almost every meeting and conference room, there used to be someone for note-taking...
Productivity Hacks
How to Record a Webinar
In a world connected by virtual meetings and long-distance communication, web conferencing is an important tool. Whether you want to...
Productivity Hacks
How to Convert MP3 to Text
For nearly three decades, MP3 has remained the most commonly distributed audio format. MP3 files are audio files that are compressed...
Productivity Hacks
How to Measure Productivity in Your Remote Workforce
The past few years have seen a massive shift toward remote work. Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have served as a catalyst for its recent...
Productivity Hacks
25 Free Project Management Tools to Try Today
Every team has its own workflow and project needs. Some prefer using email inboxes to manage projects. Others like visual-first solutions, such as...
Productivity Hacks
Best Way to Transcribe Video To Text
It is no longer news that including videos in your content marketing approach spikes engagement. There’s a lot of talk about how to create...
Productivity Hacks
How to Convert Wav to Text
WAV files are the king of audio. They are lossless files that keep a huge amount of data within. This means that they are prime candidates for...
Productivity Hacks
Distance Learning Statistics and Growth of Online Education in 2021
The distance learning statistics below signaled the massive growth of the distance learning market, the challenges of remote education, and...
Productivity Hacks
Working on Vacation: Here’s How to Stay Productive
“Vacation” and “work” are not two words that people generally like to see together, and we would most definitely recommend against...
Productivity Hacks
Top 11 Productivity Hacks for 2021 (Hybrid or Remote)
As many business owners and employees are learning, working remotely comes with its own set of challenges. Unfortunately, finding productivity...
Productivity Hacks
5 Ground Rules of Virtual Meeting Etiquette
When starting a Zoom meeting with a new group of teammates, coworkers, or clients, it can feel a little strange to know the right things to do or...
Productivity Hacks
Shocking Meeting Statistics In 2021 That Will Take You By Surprise
Meetings are part of our professional lives – no work schedule is complete without them. But that doesn’t mean all meetings are productive...
Productivity Hacks
16 Remote Working Tools for Better Collaboration, Communication, and Organization
How can you ensure that your team is as effective as possible while working remotely? Luckily, there are remote working tools that...
Productivity Hacks
Remote Team Communication: 5 Key Tips and Best Practices
Remote team communication is fast becoming a necessary choice for businesses seeking to thrive outside of the traditional office environment...
Productivity Hacks
4 Challenges Of Working Remotely (And How To Rise Above Them)
Working from home may seem like the perfect solution for employees who are tired of the nerve-racking commute, micro-managing bosses...
Productivity Hacks
5 Virtual Ice Breakers for Your Next Zoom Team Meeting
Zoom meetings present a completely new social environment for people who are not accustomed to video calling. Even if you do...
Productivity Hacks
Top 5 Web Conferencing Tools for Productive Meetings
Online meetings have become a central part of daily operations for many businesses around the globe. The right web conferencing...
Productivity Hacks
Full Guide to Distributed Teams: Tips for Building and Managing a Distributed Team
Building and managing distributed teams require unique approaches that often differ from traditional business practices...
Customer Stories
Featured Part-Time Student – Catherine O' Neil
Catherine O' Neil works in an academic library, studies part-time at university, and is a freelance writer on the side. She discovered Otter...
Productivity Hacks
Working From Home: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Maximize Productivity
Whether you’re working from home for the first time or you’ve been a home-based worker for years, you know that it presents unique...
Productivity Hacks
Zoom Fatigue: What It Is and How to Combat It
Now that more companies are shifting to a remote workforce, Zoom has become one of the most popular ways to communicate for...
Productivity Hacks
5 Common Challenges of Online Learning & How to Overcome Them
While teachers have to deal with many new challenges in a virtual classroom, students also have to overcome the challenges of online learning...
Customer Stories
Featured Business Student - Neil Mascarenhas
Online learning has become the norm since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lack of face-to-face interaction has proved to be difficult...
Customer Stories
Featured Student – Andrea Bossi
Meet Andrea Bossi. She’s a student, and a journalist, who began using Otter after hearing about it through a friend. Much of her time is spent...
Productivity Hacks
5 Online Learning Strategies & Tips for Successful Students
The need for effective online learning strategies has never been greater. As more students transition to online education, both online teachers...
Productivity Hacks
Online Teaching Tips & Techniques for the Virtual Classroom
It’s unclear if the transition to online education will be permanent, but it seems that the future of learning is at least partially remote...
Productivity Hacks
5 Benefits of Online Education
As more business and academic activities move to the digital sphere, more and more students look to online resources for their...
Customer Stories
Featured PhD Candidate – Tammy Clemons
Tammy Clemons is a PhD candidate pursuing her doctorate in cultural anthropology. Before finding Otter, Tammy had a lot of experience with...
Productivity Hacks
How Is Helping Companies Transition to Remote Work and Distributed Teams
According to research from Global Workplace Analytics, the number of US employees working remotely increased by 44% in the last five...
Productivity Hacks
How to Add Captions to Video (Add Subtitles With One Simple Tool)
Creating quality video content or presentations requires a lot more than a camera and a tripod. You need to have a design plan in mind before...
Productivity Hacks
The Ultimate Guide to Recording Interviews, In Person and Online
For a number of professions, conducting interviews is an essential part of the job. Journalists, researchers, entertainers, students and even...
Productivity Hacks
How to Video Conference From Home
The global lockdown has accelerated the trend toward working remotely, and it seems that now it’s here to stay. This transition brings...
Productivity Hacks
How To Host a Webinar: 8 Tips for Successful Webinars
Webinars have become essential to the modern workplace. They differ from video conferences in that they serve as a means of participation...
Customer Stories
Featured Freelance Management Consultant - Paul Rogers
Professional freelancers enjoy the flexibility of being their own boss, providing services to a variety of clients without being tethered to...
Productivity Hacks
How is helping students and teachers transition to distance learning
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, just about every sector of society has undergone changes. But few people have felt...
May 1 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing
Kayleigh McEnany holds a briefing. The Trump administration will distribute a total of $12 billion and provide a relief fund payments to 395 hospitals across the country that have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Productivity Hacks
Zoom Transcription Services For Remote Meetings
Zoom Transcription Services For Remote Meetings
Productivity Hacks
A Complete Guide to Writing Interview Transcripts (With Tools Comparison And Free Transcript Examples)
A transcript of an interview offers an organized and accessible record of everything that was said. This puts it head and shoulders above recorded...
Customer Stories
Featured UX designer - Heather Applegate
Heather Applegate, a UX design lead for a mobile team in Chicago, frequently consults with a variety of airplane and pharmaceutical companies...
Productivity Hacks
Love It or Hate It: Here’s What You Need to Know About Working From Home
There are plenty of reasons you might find yourself considering the option of working from home. The recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak...
Customer Stories
Featured UX Designer: Peter Kattan
Attending meetings, conferences, and events is a business staple for professionals around the world. And no matter the industry, taking accurate...
Productivity Hacks
How To Write Effective Meeting Notes (With Templates And Samples)
hether you contribute to intense marketing meetings or you’re tasked with recording official board or committee meetings, taking effective...
Customer Stories
Featured Entrepreneur - Kevin McCann
Otter can help business professionals working across a wide range of categories. Kevin McCann does consulting with clients, and has found that...
Customer Stories
Featured UX Designer - Tina Bizaca
One of the most important aspects of software development is user experience (UX) design. With the intention of understanding and responding to how...
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