Help students succeed with AI

Otter provides faculty and students with real-time captions and notes for in-person and virtual lectures, classes or meetings.
Schedule a Demo is an absolute lifesaver for anyone who’s ever been tasked with the unenviable task of transcribed interviews, events or meetings.
You know that sinking feeling when you’ve zoned out in a meeting but you’re pretty sure something important was just said? keeps that feeling at bay.
The idea to automate meeting transcription makes sense for the remote work environment created by the pandemic, where people have been splitting their time between work, parenting, homeschooling and other duties... That’s one area where can help.
....a solution for that pile-up of virtual meetings in your calendar.

Save time with Automated Lecture Notes

Connect Otter to your Google or Microsoft calendar and it can automatically join and record your meetings on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.  Follow along live on the web or in the iOS or Android app.

Get context with Automated Slide Capture

Otter records audio and automatically takes notes in real time, so that you can focus on the discussion. Highlight notes to reference anytime. In virtual sessions, Otter automatically captures lecture slides and adds them to the notes, helping students recall details with full context.

Make learning accessible and inclusive

Ensure classes are accessible using Otter's real-time captions. Empower students with the ability to highlight, comment, and insert images within class notes and give them advanced study tools with stored transcripts, search capabilities, and keyword highlights.  All highlighted notes are reflected in the takeaways panel.  Students can tag others and ask questions, without interrupting the discussion.

Remember key moments with Automated Summary

After the lecture is complete, Otter automatically generates a summary, helping students remember key moments, without having to read the entire transcript.

Save time with Automated Lecture Notes

Connect Otter to your Google or Microsoft calendar and it can automatically join and record your meetings on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.  Follow along live on the web or in the iOS or Android app.

Get context with Automated Slide Capture

Otter records audio and automatically takes notes in real time, so that you can focus on the discussion. Highlight notes to reference anytime. In virtual sessions, Otter automatically captures lecture slides and adds them to the notes, helping students recall details with full context.

Make learning accessible and inclusive

Ensure classes are accessible using Otter's real-time captions. Empower students with the ability to highlight, comment, and insert images within class notes and give them advanced study tools with stored transcripts, search capabilities, and keyword highlights.  All highlighted notes are reflected in the takeaways panel.  Students can tag others and ask questions, without interrupting the discussion.

Remember key moments with Automated Summary

After the lecture is complete, Otter automatically generates a summary, helping students remember key moments, without having to read the entire transcript.
Otter has greatly increased my productivity, and I can achieve the same amount of tasks in a shorter time span. All my clients are surprised and ask me how I can achieve so much!
Juliet Inyang
Thanks Otter, you enabled me to do the thing I love most: writing, hands-free!
Catherine O'Neil

Want to save time and be more productive at school?

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Meeting notes made easy
Otter empowers everyone to engage and be more productive in meetings with real time automated notes and transcription.
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For all your needs
Otter has you covered with real-time transcription and features to empower more productive interactions.
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