Richard Tasker

Director of Product Management,
Product Update
Otter AI Chat: Unlocking Hidden Gems Across All Your Meetings
Otter AI Chat is Meeting GenAI - and now there’s multiple ways use the power of Otter AI Chat.
Productivity Hacks
OtterPilot vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot: A Comparison of Meeting Assistants
Both OtterPilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot are AI meeting assistants designed to improve meeting productivity. However, they have some key differences in features, pricing, and integrations. Here's a breakdown to help you choose the best option for your needs.
Productivity Hacks
‍OtterPilot versus Google Duet: Which AI Meeting Assistant is Right for You‍
AI transcription tools can be a valuable asset for anyone who regularly attends or hosts meetings. They can help you save time, stay focused, and capture all of the important information that's discussed. Two of the most popular AI transcription tools on the market are Otter and Google Duet.
Productivity Hacks
OtterPilot vs Zoom AI Companion: Which AI Meeting Assistant is Better for Your Meetings?
Virtual AI meeting assistants are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace, as they can help to improve meeting productivity and efficiency. Two of the most popular AI assistants for virtual meetings are OtterPilot and Zoom AI Companion.In this blog article, we will compare the two AI assistants and discuss which one is right for you.
Product Update
Otter AI Chat: In Your Meetings
Otter AI Chat is collaborative AI intelligence that acts as a meeting participant instantly answering questions, collaborating with meeting participants, and generating content based on meeting data.