How To

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How To for Clubdeck
Transcribe, highlight, & share Clubhouse live!
How To
Choose Who You Share With
How Privacy Works When You Share At, your privacy is paramount to us. We know some conversations are meant to stay between just you or...
How To
5 Reasons Why You Need for Zoom
5 Reasons Why You Need for Zoom
How To
How to live transcribe Zoom meetings with and Soundflower on Mac
The easiest way to live transcribe a video meeting on a Mac without playing the sound on speaker mode is by using - here's how...
How To
How to transcribe any video with
To transcribe any video side-by-side with, all you need to do is follow these 3 easy steps!
How To
Login Help
Wondering why you log in and you see a free Otter Basic account without the conversations you saved? You probably logged into the wrong account or ina
How To
Why did my Otter price change?
Here are answers to a few common questions about price changes: How will I know if my price is changing? If your price is changing, Otter will...
How To
How to transcribe Cisco Webex meetings with
Transcribing a Webex meeting is easy with all you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps...
How To
How to transcribe a video on a PC with
The easiest way to transcribe a (live) video on a PC without playing the sound on speaker mode is to use this simple tool!
How To
How to transcribe a video on a Mac with
The easiest way to transcribe a (live) video on a Mac without playing the sound on speaker mode is by using - here's how...
How To
How to transcribe any video meeting with
To easily transcribe a video meeting LIVE with, all you have to do is follow these 4 simple steps...
How To Live Notes Demo
Otter Live Notes enables the hosts of Zoom Meetings & Webinars to provide live transcription in a separate browser window. Speakers are identified post-meeting.
How To
Troubleshoot Zoom recordings stopped syncing
Have Zoom recordings that stopped syncing into and are now "processing" for a long time? This article will help you troubleshoot and resolve this problem.
How To
How to unhide your Apple ID email in Otter
How to unhide your Apple ID email in Otter so that you will receive conversations shared to your real email address, and people you share to will recognize it's from you.
How To
Collaborate, Manage, and Search Media Files with Otter and Dropbox Integration
You can collaborate, manage and search media files with Otter and Dropbox Integration. For more Info, Sign up here.
How To
A Smarter "Home"
Otter has a new Home screen to bring you timely reminders and notifications so you can quickly review and take action.
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