All right. So if you want to share anything, please feel free to you know, like, the space is yours and may have some questions, but I leave before the end. Probably getting some notes. Meanwhile, you're talking. But also the reason why I'm doing a video is that probably a lot of people are interested. And maybe they cannot just make it today or they you know, a lot of people are not really popular on Discord like big on Discord, but I feel like they would really like to see stuff happening. So I think it's good. I started to document some of these meetings. So yeah. Take over, feel free to share. I don't know if any do any authorization or,
yeah, I have a small presentation. So I just shared the link to the presentation, I'll should also share my screen for people who, you know, don't have access to that.
All right. So hey, I'm Julian. I'm sure. Some of you might know me. But I worked at Oculus for a couple of years before this. And here's the team behind bezel. We started bezel about about a year ago. And you're seeing it right now, it's the sort of web based browser app or product that supports a wide range of 3d capabilities. So all the way from like basic modeling, to like, design together with your teammates to like prototyping and reviewing with comments. And then, you know, specifically today also be able to interact with it and XR. So that's the, that's what the poll tool is capable of today. And I will show you a bit about how the tool works, what it's all about. And then a quick demo of like me putting together a XR prototype. And then you'll be able to see like how that stuff works in real time. All right. Yeah. So I animated all these things in the bezel. Bouncing logo, and then a hand that's pointing to my face. Yeah. All right. So the story goes. But man, I used to work at Oculus for a while. I wrote on this OS experience. So this is what happens when someone puts on the VR headset. And, you know, they have all these panel apps floating around you, and you can interact with all of them. And when we were designing the OS, a lot of designers who are building out the experience, we're using something like fitting to iterate on the UI and all these things to kind of decide on what the general direction of the product design would be. And almost in every meeting, someone would ask, like, hey, how do I see this design and headset? How do I see it in 3d? And the answer was, well, if you really wanted to, you would have to pair with like a prototyping engineer, and like ship out a unity experience that it's like, fully interactive. And then you would export it into like an APK that you were siloed into the quest and it just got really messy real fast, especially with remote work. And, yeah, it was just a whole issue. And I took a step back one day, and I thought, okay, there's a broader Scotland, you know, a broad opportunity for us to build like an easier, collaborative 3d design tool that caters to xr needs as well as like 3d checks, as well. So that's why we built basil. And as a quick exercise today, I will put together a small XR prototype with you so that you can also learn more about how this thing works, and then also see how this sort of interacts with the rest of it. I also want to have this talk kind of be a conversation as well. and not just a one way, COC. So once I sort of jumped into the demo mode, please feel free to stop me and ask questions and stuff like that as well. So I will open this link in my file editor, sec.
Okay, so this is the basil file that I was just sharing before the presentation, except now I'm in like edit mode
the way I set up those bookmarks or those camera views was just to these bookmarks that was set up in the file. So the first one was like, hello, second one. And then the third one. And the way you set these bookmarks is just by pointing, we're just looking at something with your camera, and then just adding it right here. If I say like, oh, this is like, besides, the capture is me from that angle, so that anyone else including myself, who comes into this file can experience this file from this specific camera angle. But anyway, I will go to the UDI portion of things. So what I did was just a couple of minutes before the talk, I looked at this screenshot, and I was like, Okay, let me try to, you know, put together a very basic model of what that might look like, with an interactivity perspective. So you specify camera angles from the position and activate it. Yes. So you have, when you're in the scene, whatever camera angle you're currently viewing the file from, that is the bookmark that will be saved, if that makes sense. So, pick this thing, I just put together a couple planes in this view. And these are all just kind of like rounded corners and rounded planes that I put together, but just using the command center. So if I just start typing my PL, the first suggestion is playing and I hit spacebar, it became like that. And then after that, like, I do that. And then like rounded and, and stuff like that. So that's how I was able to put together DT shapes together. So the first thing I'll do is, I will kind of show you what happens if I like click on this button. And then let's say if I click on this button, I want this window to hide, right. So I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this button here and greedy. And then I'm going to add a a actually, before that, I'm going to have to add a state to this window. So what that means is, I click on it, I add a state here. And those the second state so immediately I have the base state, and then a second state called state one. And let's say for the second state, I add an opacity property, and I fade it to basically zero. Then that point, I have a base state and that state one. So I'm also going to repeat in this plan to life. Left plane right here. What I'm going to do is I'm going to add an interaction
so that you pointed down the left plane goes from base state to state one. I will be adding more like a dancing that you can play around with if you want but I'm just gonna keep it as simple as possible. So
can you hear me? Yeah. So meaning that the interaction is kind of centralized in a way or it's like attached to an object
So the interaction is attached to the object. So that's why we had to, like keep an eye attached, this interaction to this blue small button is triggers or acts upon the left plane that I just renamed. And what happens now is, if I put quota play mode, so I just clicked on pay, it's kind of like the prototyping mode for figma. Except it's in 3d. And I click on this button, that claim kind of fades away with this short animation, because I have now set up but basically attached a quick animation that is triggered by the button object to act upon another object in the scene as well. But it's just a quick example to show you the type of sort of prototyping and sort of basic interactivity that we could attach in the scene. One more thing I'm going to do is, oftentimes, when you're working in 3d, by yourself or with your team, you have some 2d Inspiration stuff that you want to base off of, right. So all we do is I look for an image in Google, I'm just gonna drop a PNG, right here on the scene. So you know, for those working with like blender, or like, you know, a couple of 3d tools, you might be familiar with, like bringing in JPEGs, and PNGs, and kind of filling up your 3d space with this stuff as well. And that's exactly what I'm trying to, say, brought in this like beat Sabre image online. And I realized that like, there's like some beat Sabre stuff on the right here, so I'm just gonna try to like fill that out as well.
Yeah, don't spend too much time to kind of like, perfect everything, but at least get the basic idea.
Yes, that's actually also possible. So if I were to put that aside for one second, click on this little thing.
And that allows me to upload an image. And if I upload that as an image, it's uploading. And then it looks a little dark, because I changed the color. But yes, that should also work.
Yes, I didn't know if this code had these, like heart emojis that come out. That's kind of cute. Yeah, so let's say, if I press on this rightmost button, or actually, let's say if I clicked on this little plane, I want to add a little hover effect or like a little bounce zooming effect to it, just to show that I'm like activating this plane. That I'm just gonna add a second state as before, where it's a slightly larger ms slightly coming up front. So you can compare the two states by just going up here and then saying, you know, this was my base state, this is where I started. That habit state one I want to do is add an interaction, this lightning icon here, this is what we use for interactions in vessel and have plain to Yes, go from base state to state one on hover. So let's see how that feels. That might be a bit fast. 500 milliseconds, but okay, so yeah, that I'll show you how I can kinda right. Then click on that exact thing disappear. And the cool thing about this is obviously we're in desktop mode right now. But if you were to go to this presentation, shortening 610 That totally partners in the VR headset, you We'll be able to interact with this in VR. So I can actually pull that out for you. I just got casted does anyone have like, a VR headset with them right now that they brought to the event? Just in case? Okay, if it's okay. I have it.
I have it, but I didn't know how I mean, is it possible to do it together? Kinda?
We could Yeah. I just meant to kind of, if you have a headset, it might be cool for you to like, experience it yourself kind of thing, but it's not. It's not a requirement. Yeah. Try to see if I can pass it to my desktop like my VR view so that you can see what's happening in VR, if possible. I'm trying to do that, right.
What's the best way to for me to throw this on to my headset? may sound silly but it's like, cuz specific browsers allow me to have input from my headset, right so like, what's the best way for me to get the link from your onto my headset?
Yeah, so right now, the easiest way would just be to copy an audit slash 610 W five s to the browser, your headset or like another option is to just log in to your account on your headset by just going to start it that requires a couple more clicks because you have to enter the email and stuff but that should also fit barely be quick because you know what when you log into your account in your headset who have this you have access to the same files both on your desktop and your headset so you can go both ways. We are looking for ways to improve this workflow though. I know Oculus just released a better way to like open links in your headset so that's that's part of our ongoing improvements as well let me cast
all right. People see that is that
yes, yes
yes, we can see all right
so I'm just going to I'm going to do is type as then the six characters that's 610
believe I miss
this one to do that will be a five s all right.
Man, then once that loads, going to click on view in VR. Can you see my VR experience with it with my control and everything?
Yes. All right.
So just gonna go to this little thing that we made together. Click on this, that faded out. So now I have a fully interactive VR prototype that I just made in like five minutes. And if I hover on it easier just to zoom down on me
yep. So that's just a quick quick way of putting something together on your desktop as you would on figma but a design tool and then just putting up your headset, you know, in this context, I'm assuming people are interested or at least aware of like XR development or start design but if you are looking to work on an extra headset, this will be a way for you to interact and experience it as well.
I have a question regarding like, so the way you interact with these objects, can you actually have some sort of like behaviors of those specific objects? Like in AR and VR, there are a lot of kinds of, you know, they call it my eye Marquis que COVID solvers. But there is a lot of behavior that those elements have for you to interact with. And is there any sort of prototyping tool or part of the tool that allows you to do that?
Elements? They mean, how would that differ from what I just showed you?
Like, for example, let's say I think I miss music's playing what I asked, but like, for example, if you go on MRT, K, H, there is this section where they have all of these utilities for, for example, when you turn the legal maneuvers like repositioning in front of you. Or, for example, if you don't look at something for a certain amount of time, that that venue disappears, and you need to re re make it real reappear, doing some sort of interaction. In Oculus, I can think about, you know, like the bar that you have at the bottom, when you turn, like photos, you
know, you don't have that type of interaction today. The only types of interaction we support, at least right now are sort of like event based. So okay, and I'm sure like, once we expose more driver based animations, or more sort of different trigger points that we fit depend on from a system or like user perspective, that's definitely possible. Right now, what we have worked so far is just triggered, like that event based system, depending on controllers and, and cursors. And stuff like that. Is Yeah, definitely possible in the future, it's just really just opening the door to what's possible with a cross device, multi platform process, because I think that there's this sort of stereotype almost, I would say that, like, Oh, if you're working for VR, you have to create in VR design in here as well. But at least from my personal experience, working at Oculus and, you know, working with VR for years, it's from an ergonomic and like, like, I burn perspective. I personally enjoy just working on my laptop as I would with any other product, and then be able to like have spurts of like VR interactivity, that extra interactivity, be involved as part of the design workflow, not you know, stare at my VR headsets for hours on end. So that's my my preferred workflow. I'm sure there are like some different preferences out there. But I there's something that at least from talking with a lot of people in the industry as well, that that's like a general perception that I got.
I absolutely, I absolutely agree with you. They want to give space to you know, if you have more things to show or anyone else has some question about like, being in the headset all day. Definitely you need like, back and forth. To save your eyes, especially in VR, probably more than your yard feel like it's kind of a heavy, heavy testing of the problem.
Yeah, 100% 100%. Didn't want to open up the scene for questions, if anyone had any questions. Basie asked if you rotate, yeah, so, I mean, you can use both controllers for these movements and stuff.
Does anyone have any concern question questions and things? I have a lot of questions but
I know it's not really a question. But from my experience with out so first of all, hello, I'm Daisy. Really cool stuff here. I also do both UX and xr stuff. So Adobe leave this kind of tool will be super useful in the future. So, as I see the scene, like, I guess my first thoughts is, I wonder whether there are some kind of like, a system, or kind of like snap to grid interaction. And I will in this kind of thing, because usually you say in Blender, we will have that kind of reference to, yeah, help me just have a better sense of skill. So, yeah, that's my kind of initial thoughts.
Yeah, I'm gonna have snap the grid right now. But it's part of this ongoing theme of like, design UX improvements that we want to make inside the product. So that, you know, just like what you said, in Blender, we want to be able to support all these convenience functions and like facility functions, so that people can basically make stuff as fast as possible. And as easily as like they would on 2d design to liquid. So that's the type of goal we have. Currently, a lot of the functions that we have today are relatively primitive in terms of positioning, and we do have snapping in general. So let me actually spend a bit of time to like, talk about that. So if I have, let's see, off here. And I have another box right here. And let's say the goal is for me to snap this box exactly along that edge, all I will do is we have this thing called the Move tool. And I don't know Daisy, if you have like bezel open in front of you for you try it out as I speak. But you know, to activate the Move Tool, what you can do is kind of like move the optic around the scene, however as you want. And in terms of snapping. If I hover over this corner right here, then snap to that corner. Did you see how that kind of like stuck to that exact intersection point? Yeah, so that type of snapping we do have. And that can actually go a pretty long way in terms of making sure things align, and stuff like that. But that's how it would be, we would easily make like, walls for like a virtual house or something like that as well, because you kind of want those walls corners to exactly intersect as well. All right. So does that kind of help?
Yeah, that's definitely helpful. And I just noticed, like this whole map on the bottom left could also be kind of a useful visual aid for that.
Yeah, yeah. So the viewport that many viewport as we call it, is what sort of provides a bird's eye view of the entire scene you're working on top of and maintain viewport here is sort of what you interact with. So yeah, so yes, I mean, I can try to put something together real quick as well. Let me change the backdrop. So you can better see. Well, I'm PowerPoints if I have this thing. And then I'm just going to copy paste the duplicate, rotate this 90 degrees. And then what I'm going to do is actually be used as snapping tool, snap, this vertex, that vertex.
Is there any principle of scale 1d, since you allow that vertex snapping?
I'm sorry, principle of scale.
Like, I mean, being like a unity user for a while, I think it's there's something that it's an icon also from an architecture background. So I've been using 3d modeling stuff forever. And I think if there is something that bothers me about like game engines, and usually these kinds of tools for Pixar, is that there is not like a good way to scale stuff precisely. These vertex snapping is actually amazing. I really liked that because it's very unusual to find with that level of precision, but it would be very, very cool. And maybe this is just a feedback for your product and for making things better. I give you usually in those Software, what you can do is like, decline one vertex and then touching another vertex and just scale in one direction. So in that way, let's say what you what you have done there, if you add, do different cubes have a different size, you could have just extend the second one to match the length of the first one in just that great match and the mat from the vertex. So scale one D, I think is one of the most helpful things that we've allow you to do a lot of stuff, positioning things. Just, you know, just I know that probably it's possible doing sort of extrusion already, but scaling the extrusion is it's a different concept.
Right? Yeah, for sure. Were, if I were to is going to show you how extrusion works, right now, at least, if I just had like a little cut here. And then I can just extrude that. But you're saying like, for example, like these dimensions could be matched so that it's more aligned with the general geometry?
Are you moving the screen? Because my seems like it's okay. Yes, sounds good. Thank you so much. Yeah.
That would be awesome. A couple of things that yeah, a lot of things I won't be able to like touch on in detail right now. But we can subdivide, basically any mesh in the scene. And yeah, a lot of cool things with that, too. But one thing I could show is, I shared the link of this file. And it's the breaking point. Oh, I actually have a we have levels of subdivision. Right now. We're at subdivision level three. But we actually show a small tooltip value over three may impact performance, because I know I think this is what you're referring to. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, now that I just shared the file link, if anyone joins that filing, they'll be able to interact with this file in real time as well. Yeah, yeah. But that's a pretty basic view of the full what Tesla's currently capable of yeah, as you can tell, Daniel is right here. Yes, it is multiplayer. It's collaboration is a key component to what we're trying to do with bezel, right, because the beauty industry is, has been mainly viewed as like this sort of legacy complex heavy tooling system that you will have to sort of install these like, really heavy tools to like, even if you want to put a couple planes and a couple images and a couple of 3d models together, you have to boot up this whole system, like get things working on the X point and stuff like that. We really want to change the way we think about this, we really want to move away from that concept of like heavy commitment to get something in 3d. We want to move towards this new reality. Where, you know, I just share the filing right now. And then Daniel just jumped in, Daisy just jumped in. And we're like collaborating together. That's the type of interactivity and like lightweight, 3d iboating to prototyping and 3d design. You want to establish what the industry
does anyone have any question? I otherwise I'm going with many. Okay, so the first question I have is more about, like, I tried this magically and didn't work. I wonder the specificity of VR is something that you are like, when you come in from Oculus I understand completely. Like, are you open to see this tool also serving headsets like you know, HoloLens, you're magically
well 100% Yeah, I mean, does magic Magic Leap has access to WebEx directly or no?
To opening star? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah, you can do that, you could do that. So
really the only requirement for any headset like magic VT, for example, to experience bezel files, is just a browser with web XR capabilities. So I've actually seen tweets of people like experiencing as 1000 Pico, I believe, and also like another headset that I'm thinking on. But I've definitely seen that will be used in the browser apps of all sorts of VR headsets. Yeah, so really, it's sort of this open platform, right? Because the web is a cool way for all these different platforms to connect in terms of content and productivity, because now I can share content between my laptop and my headset, as well as between me and my teammates. And between, like the Oculus quest, and like the Magic Leap, one or something like that. So I think there's this huge interconnected web of 3d design that we could establish Daisy sort of making a histogram and as far as I speak, but I think that's the future that we want to help the whole industry to come together. So we didn't see any tool like this at Oculus, so we built it, and it to a certain extent that it works, you know, as you've seen, so I think I would just love to see this being adopted in different teams and different projects and see how to improve as well. By the way, this is all free. There's no like payment associated with it or anything like that right now. Because it's you know, it's all just a beta.
Yeah, this is amazing. And looking at the I saw on Twitter, some I started to see on Twitter, some prototypes that are maybe the chat GPT. They say, Make or make? No. And probably there is a string analyzer, did they create it or something like that? Or, you know, anything more complex than that to start to create some stuff in the environment? Would you think that maybe one day, like also, since you are also doing this from web, so from web typing text seems to be pretty easy task will be open to do some exploration of that where you can, you know, get those two or three strings that allows you to set up something not in three minutes, but in 22nd.
Yeah, I mean, I think this is the Yeah. The ultimate feature, right, it's like, the easiest way of content creation. And I don't think like, now, okay, one thing I will point out, before I talk about more philosophical stuff, is, we already have this command center, right? So whatever you type, there is no like, there's not even like a shortcut key like Command K or, or anything like that. It's just, you start just start typing while you're on basil. And then we have this command set that takes in whatever intent you have, with what you want it to do. Obviously, we have a finite list of capabilities right now on vessel, but whatever you type, let's say, you know, like what you said it'd be like, red box, in a one on one with something like that. I mean, this is pretty basic. But then if you press spacebar, let's look at understand what that means. And then just like activate that for you, I'm not sure with today's software and like today's design patterns are typing that is easier than this on the box, and then making it read. But I think as As the industry and as these API's evolve, I'm sure in the future that we can investigate what that means in baseball as well. The other thing that I wanted to point out was we have this asset library. And you know, these are also all free and open right now. And all it takes for us to like, put something in is just like, you know, something, and it's dragging. And I say, I want this
let's see, epic Delphi. So someone else made this 3d model, right? Now that it's part of this community of 3d assets, we have this search bar, what if this is actually connected to an API that can auto generate whatever 3d asset that you can imagine? If I describe like, light green, or with five threes? Maybe that's like the type of future that we'll have to fight this type of dedication. I want to make any promises. That's coming to bezel anytime soon. But this is just kind of playing around with that idea. Right now.
I have a million and a half questions. Well, and, you know, I love this, this is kind of my dream right now. Getting out of shapes, XR, and all that stuff. And something that seems a little bit more useful. So my question on this specific topic? What's the pros and cons of time? Things from like, Sketchfab into here? Is it just like, is it a legal thing? Is it a like, you know, the quality of the acids could be too big or just like, really hard to unpack them? Like, have you guys thought about it? I don't know.
Yeah, no, this is a question that we've always been talking internally in the team. I think
think one analogy to like, like, help us understand this topic is if figma had a library integration to something like Behance. For me, I don't know what like the best 2d design community would be. But like a look at an external third party library of all these cool design assets I can bring into your file, right? I think the platform achieves it with like a community base, that is able to self generate a lot of these things. And when I use Sketchfab, I mean, you know, all I have is respect for the platform. But it takes a lot of filtering to get to the type of model I want to get. And sometimes the models are very heavy, and not necessarily fitting for like a web experience that, you know, might not be support, like a huge, super high poly scene. Right. So I think there are those factors that we have to consider. I actually talked with Alvin, the founder of Sketchfab. A while back, and he's actually open to us, exposing the library as an API in our library, for example. But yeah, I think there's some like design related thinking that we would have to do before we actually sort of opened up Pandora's box. Just because, yeah, yeah.
One more I can I don't I tend to bulldoze in conversations, and just like, make sure I just keep talking. So my last question for until everyone else. How hard is it to because right now, I think there's really no tool to create good UI, like especially paneling before, like, you know, quickly outside of like figma and then converting it into unity. How hard is it for you guys to tie in like a plugin or an API to from like, figma to say here, so if I just want to explore with like, some panel design within figma and then quickly export that into this.
So it's funny that you bring that up, because we actually have an exciting update on that Rome, coming very soon. Very soon as in like, in a matter of days. I think what we imagine is like, just because there's a broad base of All designers currently using tools like figma, obviously, but that makes sense for like to the interfaces and stuff like that we really want to do is bring a lot of that, especially for people who work in XR, in general, super easily so that these planes and whatever frames you have in figma can become these 3d shapes. And we actually have a couple internal explorations and prototypes of it working. And, you know, we envision this this magical workflow, where you could still work with figma, if you want. But we have this interconnected system of Ezel displaying your figma frames in 3d Live. And then obviously, you'll be able to interact with them in an XR just by countless following. Yeah. So you know, for something like Unity, it wasn't meant to be like a UI tool, right? Like it's not meant to design at UIS. So I think they must wait for that in terms of 2d surfaces. But obviously, for people who work in XR, or 3d in general, need a way to experience those designs in 3d natively. I think the bezel offers that, that capability. So yeah, so in short, stay tuned.
Daisy says, was literally watching Daniels video about prototyping for extra three months ago. Yeah. Yeah. So honestly, hey, by that might change in terms of what the easiest way to experience something that you just designed to figma in VR might be? This might take that process from many, many hours to like, like, 20 minutes.
Yeah. Nice. Yeah, that is important. I mean, you know, when we were working with these types of designs at Oculus, and I think we all sort of put on our imagination hats and try to think about oh, how this would feel in headset if I was like dragging this app closer to me and stuff like that, because there'll be have these like systems around design systems really around like that. And, you know, like, you'll kind of want the dialogues to pop up closer to you, in terms of distance from your fob as well. So a lot of things that play an important role in XR design, that we just don't have the the appropriate tooling to experiment with quickly today. So yeah, that's that's a gap that vessel fills.
Have a comment that is about? So I'll go Nicholas. First, maybe is it possible to experience visiting a stereoscopic view only through web Xi? Or you can use it with this with the headset or my understanding? Go? Daniel is Edulis. Think
Are you seeing like if we understand what a stereoscopic view would imply in terms of hardware,
sir, yeah, the question is more about, like, I understand the depths in VR, or is it just the flat on a web browser in VR? Because your platform has depth and it's in 3d, but then VR example I saw was the it shows up as a banner. Oh, and which is to the is that possible?
Yeah, so I'm not sure if you were here for the beginning part of the presentation when I actually was immersed inside the scene in 3d. Okay, be able to see that. I can do it again if you like.
Which I think maybe I missed it.
I can. One sec. I'll just I just have to like pull it up again.
Yeah, Nico's theory, is that just the button that says like, go in VR and then just you just go Yeah, yeah.
So, you know, I'm connected, live to my current headset, as you can call. And then if I click on human VR here, it actually puts me into this VR view. Okay, great. Yeah.
We just want to add a comment, like, what makes me think about all of this work? I mean, for me, this is way more than a prototyping tool for the simple reason that you can visualize these and on every WebEx our platform, so you're sort of deploying this prototype to everyone very easily. And way faster than building an application. So WebEx are is there to grow also for the accessibility that brings to everyone probably, and, you know, like, it's probably the future of building application. Instead of thinking about so many different platforms, because the strength of unity, or other software engines, it's still the fact that you are deploying things as a standalone app for on several number of platforms. What do you think about that? Like, how do you see that growing? And this is more, you know, I'd also speculation, I don't want you to have that feature tomorrow, of course, you guys are just building the impossible now. So just just more of your, you know, philosophy, how you think and
yeah, I mean, so are you basically asking how we see this beyond a prototyping tool? Because it's accessible for all devices? And it's just like, the quickest way to do that? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think we're starting as a design and prototyping tool. And there's just so much more that we have to do within that scope for us to do it well, right. Because, you know, as we uncover today, and what he said as well, there are a couple more things that we need to add the even the design and prototyping workflows to make it more I mean, the fifth thing you mentioned around like, like, having your I follow you and more like direct points, I think that stuff we really need to enhance so that it is better, like it is like an objectively better experience than using a like a heavier solo tool. I think what once we achieve that, in the future, there is a path where we become sort of like a web content platform, where if you just upload like a bezel file, I mean, at that point, this might become more than a file, but a bezel experience, you might be able to just experience a game that you're playing VR, or experience a new world that like your friend, or your teammate built for an event or a social event or something like that, where it's not based on like, met as a horizon. But even built on top of this, like open network of allotted URLs that like people can like jump to and stuff like that. So I mean, there's a lot of like flexibility that we have in terms of what we do after the design tool is established. But I don't know if that's like the type of thinking that you're thinking about.
Just going that direction.
Yeah. 100%
Does anyone want to jump in? Seems like a very open discussion. So feel free. I see a lot of people here. Yeah.
Blake, do you want to say something?
Okay, well, Jeff Dean anytime guys. Like is
thank you for the demo. Course. Yeah, I really appreciate it and spending time going through it. And, you know, I'm a grad student working in media design right now. So anything that can help communicate something simply through prototype is super helpful. And definitely envision myself using very serious Yeah.
What do you what do you work on? That program?
I'm a thesis here. So that means, like coming up with a novel interact using Unity right now to come up with it. And I think someone mentioned about the ability to create panels and like having to import it like that. Yeah, this looks like, it sounds like be a lot more helpful to design it here and then import it into, into my Unity project. That's like some of the key I've been getting is like, you're building something in 3d, you don't use 3d assets. That's a 3d doesn't look as good to see, but they make it something
I had to do audio was slightly cut off at the end.
Yeah, if this is something that I'm definitely going to be pursuing, as I finalize my visual the UI for my, for my Unity project. It's like an immersive spatial audio experience.
Awesome. Yeah, I mean, I think as well as meant to make the whole process easier. If you want to export these assets directly to unity, that's also possible because we also export like as glTF. Like so turning files, to turn objects in the scene can be exported as glTF as well. Or if the outcome that you want is like it's not as complicated in terms of the advanced features that unity offers, you might just be able to like stop at bezel because we you know, as you saw, we offer that sort of XR, prototyping or SRT Experience that you can output from the file itself with all the interactions and all that stuff. But, yeah, I mean, kind of depends on like, what exactly you're looking for.
I didn't know I didn't realize that you could, you could actually generate interactions with because I've just been coding in C Sharp together.
Right. And that's just a completely different like workflow, like coding and C sharp and all the interactions and scripting all that as opposed to just like a couple of clicks in this app. So I think that's like, especially for people who don't know how to code in C Sharp, I think that's the advantage that we want to bring. Yeah, I mean, you saw me kind of put together this thing. Right, right. Like these interactions came together. And, and xr and stuff.
Briefly, I was I was working on a presentation last time. Yeah, I did see the very.
Yeah. So I think this meeting is also recorded. So technically, the first like 15 minutes are just going through how I put this thing together.
Thank you. Yeah.
Quick question, what is your time? Like, if you guys thought about adding layer paneling and stuff like that? So it's a lot easier to manage? assets in the structure of your file?
Yes, that also is coming. touching upon, statistically, isn't this cause? Well, she's, you know, co founder. I work with Cecilia briefly at Rockwoods as well. But I'm sure she's like, laughing behind the camera, because that's exactly what we talked about, like today and yesterday. So, yes, we're gonna we're going to have a, like a hierarchy layer list on the left, so that you can view exactly what's in the file and also perform a couple of operations on that. Yeah. Coming soon
and we'll let you know what once those features are out, so that you can play around with it. And, yeah, I mean, the whole team that you see here, the first bookmark we're all just super devoted to making sure that the proposal tool is helpful for your workflows. So, if at any point, you feel like, you know, proposals not helpful or you feel like it goes against our goals, then just let us know and we will fix that
thank you so much, you guys. Really like I can't wait to see this evolving and you're welcome anytime just to you know, give an overview of most new features and anything you're doing at first first time I saw this, I brought it up to all my team and I was like screw figma and you know, people are not it's not that easy when you're so used to do use one thing and it would be the same for me coming from a unity background you can do so much we ran into that, you know, like, it still there are certain things that feels to me quite from a developer's perspective, you feel like they are replaceable but the truth that they are now this is a different workflow that you need to absorb and be comfortable with and you can maybe get to the same level of detail with you know, with this tool is evolving. So yes, super exciting. Really, I thank you so much has been one hour almost so if your your time is valuable, you guys so I didn't want to keep you more if there is any other question here.
Please feel free to and no
yeah, there's gonna be a video we just recorded it is a first time we are recording this. This is episode six for who? Who is the first time that is coming here. You guys got here ready? Okay. So yeah, just to give you an ideal context, I this is a channel that I started eventually for helping students learn unity. But then he's becoming a little you know, like a little a mix of things about XR. And every time seems like there is one topic that we can analyze and work together to work on a solution. Super excited to see all these people in believe that this is probably one of the most successful session thanks to basil showing up. And yeah, like here, we are exploring really, we want to keep up with all of the trends that are an exciting one understand what's going on because it's such a fast paced environment, things are changing constantly. One day you wake up and you just like see another thing happening and yeah, so Yeah, feel free to keep stay tuned. Every Tuesday we do this meeting. One Tuesday for Europe, European hour so it's 6am PST, so not suggested if you are based in the US but for Europe, we actually also like we do one day one one week in one week. So yeah.
Awesome. Yeah, I think I'll be around you know, in in future meetings and stuff like that. I'm not like as devoted to the presentation of the product like this, but just to learn more of myself because I'm also you know, I don't know everything about 3d design. I might might act like that, but I really don't have