082 Optimal Health & Wealth | Dr Jack Kruse ~ Man of Mastery
5:26PM Aug 13, 2021
Michael Bulloch
Dr. Jack Kruse
decentralized network
critical thinking
Medicine has changed. It's now become more centralized and less decentralized. And I try to tell doctors if you plug into both nature and a thing like Bitcoin, you can actually create freedom and time. And it's very encounter intuitive for people to understand it. And I become pretty passionate about explaining to people how health and wealth really are functionally linked through the centralized you know, medicine and decentralized monetary network, so that they can improve the life get more freedom and get money back.
Guys, welcome or welcome back. My name is Michael Bulloch. I am the founder and host of the man of mastery podcast, tribe, community movement, journey, we are all here on this journey. The lifelong never ending journey towards self mastery. Like me, I know that you are interested in that in becoming the better version of yourself every single day to create, live and leave your best possible legacy that we're all here to get from good to great to truly holistically successful, exceptional in every area of life. And that's what we're here to find and learn from the best in the business in all those different areas. That's what this podcast is here to do, and to support. And I would ask that one of the things that you can do to support and be of service is to continue to share this information and share this podcast and this community with others. Whether that is through liking and rating the podcast, whether it is literally sharing the podcast, whether it is sharing a post, or you know screenshot your phone playing this episode, and post a screenshot on Instagram or Facebook. Anything you can do to bring others who may also benefit into this movement be of service to them by doing so. And I guess by way of an ask or another announcement before we dive in today, this one is coming out shortly before Father's Day. And I just want to bring attention back to one of our past guests who's become a great friend. And as part of this same community Brian dowdy, founder of the Declan James watch company, just an amazing guy dedicated to legacy in creating timepieces. And as a dad of two young boys and as a husband. And as a veteran serving our country. This entrepreneur and his his timepiece company, the Declan James watch company, they make an amazing piece. And I don't know if this is the case this year, but oftentimes, he'll run sales or discounts that he offers around things like Father's Day. So just keep an eye on that, Check. Check back for it. I love the idea of success amongst our own tribe and community here and continuing to foster that. So check out Brian and what they're doing a Declan James, watch company. And then let me introduce you to today's guest, Dr. JACK Cruz, this individual and gosh, I've never done a podcast quite like this where the sun is shining, birds are chirping. And we talk about some pretty mind blowing stuff. I mean, some of this just gonna break the norm, right. bluezone longevity? If you've heard about that, well, he says no way that doesn't hold any more skin cancer, what really causes it? What's the incident underlying skin cancer that he's going to talk about? blue light, what are some of the health we know about health hazards, even interruption to things like your sleep pattern, but he's talking about blue light as a contributor to cancer now as well. But man, we're diving deep. Do you know what your mitochondrial haplotype is? And we're talking about thermodynamics. We're talking about decentralized systems in nature, and in finance. So man strap in your seat belt for this one, Dr. JACK Cruz is he's gonna go deep. I'm gonna sit here and nod my head that I understand even 10% of it. But if you're anything like me, you're probably going to take a bunch of notes or want to listen to it a second or third time. Take notes, and then go research look up, find and dig into some of these rabbit holes yourself. But bottom line, although Jack's got some very detailed science as a neuro surgeon to what he's going to share today, he is here to help better our health and our wellness, not only physically, but financially. And those are two big components to what we're all after. So Jack's got a bunch of deep science behind it rooted in in And natural rhythms on Earth and in the universe. So, let's learn from jack Cruz today in Episode 82 of the man of mastery podcast.
This computer alright fantastic. We're rolling with Dr. JACK Cruz. Welcome sir. Glad to have you on this afternoon sunny afternoon down there and panhandle of Florida on your side. I'm going to will splice in an intro to this but just by way of starting this conversation super interested to talk to you today learn from you. I know you are a respected neurosurgeon, you are very deep in the medical and biology field. But also fascinating to me that you extend that thinking and the the proponent that you are to critical thinking into other areas, including financial and wealth and health in that area of currency cryptocurrency a very hot topic these days. So super excited to talk to you about both. I got some Spartan stuff on the wall back here, which is how I met Ben Greenfield. I know you've been on his podcast, as well as Super dads. Ben super interested in mitochondrial health as well. So welcome again, doctor. Glad to have you today. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Yeah, fantastic. So, you know, we're talking a little bit off air as we started here, about my audience. And a lot of us I think are getting into those years where we start to think about health and the later seasons of life. And you specialize in longevity, you have a company around it, where's the best place for people to start thinking? And how do we start this conversation on longevity?
Well, I mean, I look at it like this. The most valuable asset that we all have is time. And I think most of us take it for granted. On the biology side, you know, when I do podcasts, when we talk about health, I try to tell people your return on equity, when it comes to time has to be healthspan. And just as when it comes to wealth, what good is being really wealthy if you don't have any money, and the person always comes to mind, you know, on the finance side is probably Steve Jobs debt of 56 from the use of his his own devices. And then on the biology side, a former friend of mine, who we're pretty tight with I'm sure, you know, is Charles poliquin. And the key thing is I want most people in my age group is you know, I'm a boomer in my sixth decade, I want people to know that if you maximize your use of a decentralized network. What does that mean? It has a big connotation for a lot of people, but basically means there's no one between you and the decision making tree that you have to make. So for example, were designed by evolution, to be in the decentralized network in nature, nature is fundamentally decentralized. And when you realize that who gets in between that relationship with us as we get older, it's actually doctors of which I happen to be one. And how do we do that usually with Big Pharma solutions, so the middleman is Big Pharma. The goal is when you get older, how do we limit the impact of middlemen in our decision making? My belief is that the more you plug into a decentralized network like nature, the less that you're going to have to rely on prescriptions, from doctors, surgery from doctors, and really all types of, of medical services from doctors. To me, that's the biggest return on equity that one could get as you age. The same thing is true on finance. And, you know, most people I don't think really understand that health and wealth are fundamentally linked. The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States thing is actually my profession, physicians. And it usually turns out that it's tied to actually cancer therapy and cancer therapy begins to be a real big issue for people as soon as they hit 4550 years old. And cancer incidence, at least since I've been a physician, over 35 years, has gradually gone up when I was a young doctor, we only saw that in people that were usually above the age of 16. Now, childhood cancers and cancers in your generation, probably Gen X, Gen Y, much higher than it was, you know, when I was your age, going through this, and I think part of the reason for that is when I was a kid, we had an industrial economy, we went outside to do things we didn't have things to bring us inside and right now. I'd say for the last 3040 years, we've motive, we've changed to a technocracy where technology has brought us inside instead of outside and I don't think that we've realized how that change has actually changed our biologic trajectory. And you know, for boomers, who are like Lee said, on the back nine in real life,
many of them would be afraid of, you know, cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, but when I explained to them that Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized man Need network that's a monetary network for value. That trend reverses space and time they get it. And the The interesting thing is, many people in the in the Bitcoin community are millennials and millennials tend to hate boomers, because they think somehow we stole their future from him. Until I casually point out to him that it was my generation that built the internet. It was my generation that built iPhones, it was my generation that built Intel, Microsoft. And I tell them, you know, right now, Bitcoin is decentralized. And if you understand when you plug into that, you can get a huge benefit. You know, boomers that are my friends, who've owned say a lot of gold, I point out, some of them tried to send $100 million of gold from say, Dustin to San Diego, where you're at, it cost you $10 million to do that same thing, with Bitcoin would only cost you about $1.50, maybe 10 bucks tops. That's why when I made the comment, but anything that's in a decentralized network can traverse space and time. It's not meant to be a loose statement. It's actually factual. And the other thing, the reason why decentralized networks are important for people to understand. They're the most thermodynamically efficient ways to do things. And I spend a majority of podcasts explaining to people how efficient photosynthesis is and trees, or how efficient it is when it comes to mitochondrial medicine. And I think people kind of get that, but I don't think they really understand it. Well, when it comes to finance, until you know, I break out from them. What's the difference between, say Warren Buffett's ideas and say people invested in Bitcoin 10 years ago and explain to them, if you shunned Warren Buffett's ideas who's running the generation above me, and you actually benefited from Satoshi Nakamoto, his monetary network and invested in 10 years ago, you'd be much more effective. And the reason why is the asset is growing at 230% a year, see, but Buffett's idea in a centralized network was to take time compound and go over 56 years to become a billionaire. The only metric to make that operational is you have to have a stock that returned five to 10% a year. But the key metric is it can never lose money in any year. If you do that, you'll be a billion just takes you a really long time. Most of you know that Munger and Buffett are, you know, more ancient than I am crazy parties. And this is what I teach physicians, because right now, physicians in my life, we used to not, you know, be number one in suicide, we used to not be number one in burnout. And now we are, and the reason for that is because medicine has changed, it's now become more centralized and less decentralized. And I try to tell doctors, if you plugged into both nature, and a thing like Bitcoin, you can actually create freedom in time. And it's very counterintuitive for people to understand it. And I become pretty passionate about explaining to people how health and wealth really are functionally linked through decentralized, you know, medicine and decentralized monetary network, so that they can improve the life get more freedom and get money back, you know, and I never thought in a million years that I'd be able, you know, to help young physicians create monetary wealth so that they wouldn't have to be employed physicians, because when I first came out, there was no such thing as an employed physician, right. And you know, now 98% of physicians out there are employed. And this is bad news for a guy like you, because when you go to see a doctor like that, are you getting his opinion? Are you getting the opinion of his employer, the employer, and a lot of patients don't understand. That's part of the reason why doctors have to write some of the prescriptions they do, because if they don't, they don't get paid the bonuses that they're promised, even if they know it's not the right thing to do. And I think when doctors realize that they can unplug and plug into a monitoring network that will return the benefit to them, that they don't have to go get a blue check from Twitter, they don't have to go get their paycheck from a CEO of a hospital system or a health care system. And they can actually practice medicine between them and their patient with nobody in between. To me, that's a huge benefit. That's why I signed up to do this.
I just had a conversation with a doc yesterday by chance and we were talking about as children are born up the parents choice if they like to collect a umbilical cord sample of tissue or blood, the send off and have stem cells extracted and banked for possible future technology use in medicine and and this Doctors Hospital system precludes them. doing that. So the patient could say, hey, Doctor, I would like to collect my baby stem cells. And that doctor would have to say, I'm sorry, my employer this, this, this entire hospital system will not allow me to do that.
Yeah, I mean, to me, that is the problem with centralized medicine. You know, the sad part about this, I don't even think a lot of the public understands. You know, they're they're pretty good about bad mouthing us and allopathic medicine. But I don't think they understand how the system has changed over the last 40 years, to make it almost impossible for doctors to work on your behalf. Because of the the doctors are no penalize for that, and penalize, especially now in the last two or three years, and especially with COVID. If you don't realize how financially career wise, they fire you, they will actually make sure that the primary care doctors at the hospital employees do not send you any case. In other words, they will destroy your business if you don't fall in line with the party line. And that's no, that's exactly what, you know, communism or totaal tattle tale. Exactly. Sorry about that. Sometimes, governments actually do, and but I don't think people realize that we have medical tyranny, right now and in healthcare because of centralized medicine. Um, and I almost hate to say this, but part of the reason why that's the case is because older doctors I'm talking about the generation above me got sick and tired of dealing with the bullshit, quite frankly, that they had to face because they were the Marcus Welby generation, I wasn't. But when I saw medicine change, because I was in that transition. I was like, how can I allow a CEO or a CEO or a bean counter tell me how to treat my patients with disease a disease beat zc. And when I actually saw how they were doing it, by pulling the financial strings, kind of like Pinocchio, that's when you had to worry about what's the ultimate long term effect of this, you know, for patients long term. And you know, I think, you know, when we talk about return on equity, what are allopathic doctors really good at? We're good at a kid stuff you get in a car wreck, you get a broken leg broken on a subdural hematoma. We're great at that. But what do we suck at? we suck out the things that we have all these chronic disease epidemics and like obesity, autoimmunity, diabetes, you know, those are just a few examples. And those are the things that are actually killing Americans. And when you think about the country that we live in, that's shouldn't be the case. I mean, what like 28th in the world, and infant mortality, and you know, we call other countries third world. That's ridiculous.
Let me let me ask you about, about a trend I kind of see or hear about in. I mean, no doubt big corporations, whether that's medical corporations, whether that's farmer whether that's insurance, or you start to see Amazon getting into into the medical industry, you start to see Walmart. So when you when you start having like the doc in the box, Urgent Care type of stuff pushed out to the Walmarts of the world where I can go in and have outpatient services, check on the simple stuff. That's probably also the the high profit end of the business, decentralized in the in the sense of getting it out there to many people, but centralized in the case of being controlled by a very few number of large corporations that are going to steer the course of the industry. Absolutely. That's actually
been the goal for the last 3040 years. In fact, that's the main goal of Google right now. they've, they've done it, you know, with like, AWS, we saw all saw that last year during the presidential election, and parler got the platform. People were surprised, but we've actually seen in medicine, we actually had a doctor on Twitter, almost get the platform for actually making a tweet about breastfeeding to a patient online about, you know, just had a baby. And a registered dietician turned him in, and it costs him a million dollars to defend his medical license. That never whatever happened, you know, when I first came out, but that's the reality that we live in now.
And I don't think breastfeeding, which is endorsed by the World Health Organization, but by the way, and I know anecdotally, unfortunately, I have a similar story of a doctor who was encouraging their patient to think critically about the option for the the COVID vaccination and was reported and has insurance and other issues now, because of attempting to present sort of all the data and, and encourage critical thinking.
Correct. And, you know, the thing is, I think, when you get in an environment, like we're in, I think everybody can think but Thinking is not the most. I think critical thinking is the most important thing. And the reason I say this, I did a TED talk about 10 or 12 years ago that got banned because it was considered too controversial because it was based around this idea of centralization versus decentralization. And I sat in it as the last line in the talk. ideation without execution leads the deletion of every good idea. good ideas come from critical thinking. So if you really want to take it back to the nth level, where does critical thinking come from actually comes from mitochondrial Redux actually comes from being plugged in to the proper, you know, decentralized network, like people don't look at Planet Earth as the spaceship that traverses the Milky Way, and the Galactic plane. But that's what we're evolved to. And when we are told by doctors for the better part of 50 or 60 years, that some of the things in this universe are not good for us, like the sun, which you can see me sitting in now. You got to start asking your question, who's benefiting from this advice? And unfortunately, I do venture to say that probably 98% of the people that watch this podcast on the surface, you gave them a multiple choice question before they listened to it? Let's say Yeah, I definitely would use sunscreen, I would definitely do this because it's a problem. And I'm gonna tell you the data is exactly the opposite. In fact, if it wasn't the trees behind me and the wild animals out there should all have skin cancer. And they don't. And that makes you ask the question. And then when you say to the dermatologist here, there's another funny thing in the literature that you guys have, those people that get melanoma skin cancers of all type, we tend to have low vitamin D levels. So vitamin D is only made from UVB sunlight from the sun. So if the sun really was toxic, tell me why that's the case and why it's been shown in every single study that's in the dermatology literature. Because that's not the type of light that causes the problem. But see, if they keep you out of the sun, what do they do they make you an obedient idiot, so that you keep coming back and get a wallet biopsy, through the centralized program. And then guess what? The profiteers that own, the dermatologist and ophthalmologist do pretty well. And they try to Muslim guys like me that point out, hey, instead of believing what the doctors tell you, how about you go read their literature. And you know, when I throw these papers in front of dermatologists, it's kind of like the end of a Bugs Bunny thing. But the buddy buddy, that's office, they just don't get it. And the thing is, your your evidence based medicine is only good if the evidence is good. Turns out when you cherry pick the data to support the narrative that supports the profiteers because they're paying your salary. 50 years after the effect, you see what I've seen where I saw medicine changed, you know, if you looked at a pie chart, when I first went to medical school is from 1986. Back then, doctors made 73% of the gross money that was allocated to health care, you know what it is today. 10% 10%, say less than 15. It's 10%. And guess who now makes 73% of the gross profits, hospital administrators. In fact, you can look at a trend for the time I've been a doctor, the single number one growth area in healthcare is become a hospital administrator. And you'll make yourself happy it used to be when I was younger, you know, your mom wants you to become a doctor. Now. If you become a doctor, I would actually tell you an object more I told both of my kids if you want to go to medical school.
Yeah, it does not look like I get ROI Right Now. Take me a little further on because you're sitting in the sun, obviously. And I did want to ask about that. So I'm glad you brought it up. sun exposure, and you mentioned vitamin D levels and UVB. So is there a certain time of day in terms of sun exposure? And is UVB more of the peak peak sun hours or the shoulder sun hours?
Well, it looks sunlight is kind of interesting, you need to understand is a lot of variables. So I'm going to tell you the first thing you have to know is a what's your mitochondrial haplotype is what does that mean? I'm going to make it simple for the audience to understand, I want you to think about a Ferrari. Everybody knows that a Ferrari engine when it comes out the factory goes 225 miles an hour. Well turns out that each one of us when we're born, we get our mitochondrial engine, which makes all the energy in our body and I don't want to say it makes it it transforms energy that we use into things that cells use. You want to focus in on that energy efficiency. So mitochondrial haplotypes comes in different varieties. For example, people born at the equator, they have l zero l one l two. These are called Couple haplotypes This is most of the people from Africa. These people don't release any heat in terms of when they do physiologic work. This is the reason why a Kenyan or someone from Nairobi, can go to Boston and destroy everybody else in those races. The flipside is those people tend not to do good if you put somebody from Nairobi, say, in Boston for a multiple years at a time, that African American would die of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, why? Because they have a couple topple type, uncoupled haplotypes, which is what most of the United States is from is from Northern Europe. Why? Because when we migrated out of Africa about 70 to 100,000 years ago, there was a benefit to creating more free heat from metabolism. Why so that we could offset the colder environments. So when you realize that black people who come from Africa who have couple pathotypes, dark dark skin, they can stay out in the sun, for unbelievable amounts of time and, and their vitamin D levels come up in time. The problem is if you put a black person and say in Detroit, or Ottawa, that's akin to taking a cactus and putting in the tundra and think there's no biologic complications. And if you think about COVID, it should explain to you now why people with darker skin got COVID because most of them live at higher latitudes. And that's the reason why because vitamin D turns out to be one of the proxy chemicals that controls innate and cell mediated immunity. Now a person like me who's from the 59th Province, who has freckles and this white, I can now sit and Dustin and I can sit out just like an African American could, for 12 hours a day and not get French, right. The reason why biology has built something into is called the solar callus, if you understand how to use it, you can offset the risk. My people, we have light hair, and blue eyes. Because we live at high latitudes, that means we can absorb sunlight, because it's sparse. And we can absorb it very quickly. The problem is if you take somebody from the 59th latitude and put them at the 28th latitude, which is where I'm at, generally, that's equivalent to saying this house is wired in the 1920s. And you just put a brand new generac power source in it, you're going to blow everything up. But it turns out nature allows people that have uncoupled haplotypes, to be able to handle it this slowly over time when you understand the quantum biology behind it. And that's kind of the stuff that I teach people about how it works. The problem is when you have a couple topics, right? It's very, very difficult to live in uncoupled life for a really long period of time. And this is the reason why even in the southern part of the United States where we're between, say 28 latitude and maybe 35, we have the stroke belt for people with dark skin, because they don't realize the 28 even not subtropical, the 35 when you compare their haplotypes and their skin types, that's still that's like being in the tundra for somebody who is got an equatorial haplotype haplotype is one part of the story. The second part is a Fitzpatrick score on their skin. So I told you, I have a Fitzpatrick long because I have freckles on him a white point, try to give you an example. I can't think of the guy. Well, we can use Usain Bolt, he is at the 20th latitude in Jamaica. He's pretty dark guys, probably a Fitzpatrick five, when you realize that he is built to be outside in the sun all the time, without any real risks. And that allows him to perform really well in the things that he does and you know, athletically all know that he destroyed the 100 meter in history. And if you think about all the great runners that we've had that won multiple gold medals, you're going to see that they all tend to come from low haplotypes. In fact, I actually pointed this out. I think to Ben Greenfield A long time ago, if you look at the top 20 rushers in the NFL, every single one of them with the exception of one comes from the southeastern part of the United States. So when you understand the metrics, turns out the way we use sunlight is different. So I teach people how to use sunlight based on these factors. So the answer is not a global answer that you're looking for. It depends on your n equals one context. And can I put it together for you relatively quickly? Without expensive labs? Yeah, I have a blog on Patreon that talks about how to build your solar callus and that nature's way, and I tell people how to go find their habits right. And then I tell them, probably the single most important thing about some CDs to see the sunrise every morning so it sets the circadian clock in your eye, which controls everything else in your body. When it comes to vitamin D production. You have to have between To 90 and 320 nanometre light, depending on your latitude and location, that time changes. So for I am right now, that occurs this time of year since it's may 21, about eight o'clock in the morning, all the way to about 430. At night, the next month, that's going to expand out from probably seven o'clock in the morning, all the way to almost seven o'clock at night.
That's not the case, St. Atlanta, that's not going to be the case in San Diego. And it won't be the case in New York. We're fortunate these days because we now have apps on phones, Id minder. And D minor is made by micro league at Boston University is probably the foremost researcher in vitamin D biology where you can actually find out, put your Fitzpatrick score, and they can tell you how many I use you're making based on the latitude and the altitude of where you are at that time. So you can optimize these things for yourself, if you decide you want to do your own mind.
Perfect. Alright, so I'll have to get links and get links up to that your blog on Patreon. I'm glad you mentioned the app that was gonna be a question point about circadian rhythm and the sun rise, getting that exposure of light through our eyes. I know a lot of times, you know I'm going out with with sunglasses on, right that are UV blockers and some even some lenses like you've got on will be UV blockers that that light exposure, you need it without those kind of lenses correct,
right. And the analogy for that is what I tell my patients, and I'll give it to you here in the podcast, because I think people will be interested in it. If you and I if I came to visit you in San Diego, and you and I went out in your backyard and we planted a orange tree and we put the nutrients in the ground. And then your wife came out and threw a tarp over the tree where we get any oranges. Not so much. You got that right away. But what people don't realize when you wear sunglasses, contacts, or even regular glasses, it changes terrestrial sunlight, what sits right behind your central retinal pathways in Iraq, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and guess what pituitary does? Makes just about every hormone in your body? What does the hypothalamus do? It controls energy balance in your body. So when you realize that, and you put that over the top, most people have never had the experience to see how big a change that is. So like when you come to my farm at the longevity clinic, I'll take a spectroscope we'll go out, I'll show you what the solar spectrum looks like, at different parts of the day. And then we put your sunglasses or your contacts, or your glasses over the top. And I show you this is actually what you're getting. And it gets even crazier. When I show people they tell me like they have an indoor existence in terms of their job. I said, you know how glass affects, you know, the solar spectrum. And most of them looked at me like I'm crazy. And then I showed him about 40 to 60% of infrared. A light, which is the most dominant part of sunlight is blocked by the glass in the window, blocks all of UVB, it blocks most of UVA, some gets through, but not much not enough for you to have the effect. So it has no effect on blue light from the sun. So effectively, living indoor life, say in an office is actually the same as being blue light toxic from your phone, your or your computer. And most people are stunned to see that most people don't understand it until they see the spectroscope to see the effect of glass in their house. And it's even worse when you understand that modern glass is different in the glass that we have like in historic places. I used to have a house on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, glass there was made over 120 years ago, back glass allowed more red and more UV through than the modern glass that we have today. So modern modern technology actually is increased the problem, because what were they looking at when they made this class? They were looking at trying to be energy efficient. No one ever realized that just the act of being inside makes us energy deficient.
Yeah, no, I did not realize that. That's pretty shocking. And it's just aggravating this, this blue light toxicity. So just just one more, since you brought up sunscreen, besides the fact that maybe you're blocking some of these important UV and spectrum and so forth. Beyond that, do you have any concerns with the content of sunscreen or if somebody is going to use it? You know what to use. If you know the history of sunscreen, again another Dc I should say a centralized idea that dermatologists and doctors came up with it's now a $5 billion industry.
They have gotten people to believe that the sun is toxic. When it turns out the real cause of skin cancer is actually the fake light that's inside it's blue light. In fact, we know that a lot of sites are stimulated by blue light now not by UV light. Um, the number one melanoma right now in the United States is not skin melanoma, it's I melanin that gets one From computers from cell phones, on average, the United States citizen looks at their phone 150 times a day. And people don't realize that the color temperature their screen is 50 750 Kelvin, which is solar noon, which is one UV light supposed to be out, but it reaches that time for 30 days, it's mostly blue light. And that's, those are the kind of key things when what I just told you, that's a decentralized answer. from your doctor to me, I should say to you, so that you can sit back and go, maybe I need to think about how I'm using light my environment, a little bit different. This is not something you're going to get told by the blue check doctors on Twitter why it's beneficial for you to go get biopsies and go see them for either a melanoma on your skin or melanoma in Iraq. You know, you don't make any money when you do things. Right. And I always tell people, this and I maybe you'll chuckle out of my say, it's kind of funny. I never have to teach lions and hippos, quantum mechanics, I just have to teach humans it. And the reason I have to teach him Is it because they're the only animal with a brain, a quantum computer on this planet that are allowed to break nature's laws. I the way they think.
So going going back to nature, and we kind of started talking about nature and decentralization. In that context. When you say nature, do you mean nature, the external environment around you? Do you mean the nature of our biology within or are all together?
I mean, physically what i'm talking I'm looking at, okay, like where you're seeing me on the split screen? Yeah, this is what we're evolved. Now, I wasn't evolved through my lineage at the 28th latitudes. But if I adapted to it, because you know, 1516 years ago, when I started to realize that RNA and DNA are the hardware that are important in some respects, but not for most diseases. It turns out, it's the other genome in cells that's way more important, which is the mitochondrial DNA. mitochondrial DNA is the software that controls the heart. Turns out, guess what controls the software, three things in nature, light, water and magnetism. And when you realize that, that is a function of what nature does, that's a completely decentralized network, meaning that it's completely chaotic. But our body is constructed to take perfect cues from nature to use it. So for example, most people know that the entire electromagnetic spectrum goes from radio waves all the way up to really nasty stuff like cosmic radiation. Turns out terrestrial sunlight goes from 250 to 760 nanometer light, which is visible light, which is very tiny. So we literally lose use 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum to run our biology. And when you realize that, you start to realize what happens if a silly talking monkey, you know, 2 million years after evolve, gets the idea that they want to invent an iPhone, and connected to the internet so that we can communicate being a podcast about decentralization and centralization. Are there any biologic effects to using other parts of electromagnetic spectrum? With respect to the software, the hardware and ourselves? Turns out? The answer is yes. And we don't realize, we think that there's no biologic conundrum, to the fancy things that we do on technology. And it turns out, Mother Nature has had about 3.8 billion years to innovate those solutions in all things that are a lot. modern man basically got the ability to use the electromagnetic spectrum, probably in 1893, when Tesla, you know, built the AC power grid. And we started to plug into it to create all the devices that we all know today. Most of us don't realize that each one of those come with a biologic tool to a certain degree, and certain people have bigger risks than others.
The three things that you just mentioned are super scary. Well, he said he just scared me into getting the the blue blocker glasses on like we just talked about for a bit water, which is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, not just in terms of scarcity, but quality of water, clean water, and
that's not the water I'm talking about. Just so you know, okay. I'm talking about the water your mitochondria makes. Okay. Let me explain this to you mostly. Most people think that food, like when you talk to a food girl, you talk to a nutrition girl, they always think that food comes down to carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Here's the funny thing. When you open up a biochemistry book, you'll notice that the inputs of mitochondria doesn't make any shuttles for proteins, lipids or carbohydrates. You know, it makes the input of mitochondria called electron chain transport. What is the output of mitochondria turns out it's protons that's been fo had that makes 18 Be those electrons eventually go to oxygen. Here's the crazy part. The entire food web on planet Earth is tied to photosynthesis. Every food chain on this planet goes back to the sun. So when you realize, but the sun can only interact light can only interact with electrons and mitochondria dealer electrons. Everybody in third grade learns co2 plus water, they sugar, but sunlight, that's photosynthesis. You know what, nobody realizes that mitochondria reverse that process, it takes sugar and turns it into co2 and water. Turns out the water that mitochondria makes is very different than the water you drink or the water that's in your CSF, which is in your brain or in your blood. Turns out the water that your mitochondria make is deuterium depleted, meaning that it doesn't have a heavier isotope of hydrogen. And why does that happen? Here's the key point. Everybody learned about the Krebs cycle and probably freshman biology. You saw these crazy stops. But what did the biology teacher or the doctor never teach you is that we have 3d hydrogenases inside a cell and those dehydrogenases pick a specific hydrogen on the carbon backbone, the lipid backbone, or a protein backbone in which to feed in to mitochondria. Why? Because it was picked the wrong hydrogen, the whole system would break. Why? Because the atpase needs that light hydrogen, the work to make water that doesn't have the channel, it turns out, when you break this process, you manifest disease. In other words, remember I told you before the mitochondria is like the energy in a Ferrari, it becomes less energy efficient when you put deuterium in the matrix. So it can transform energy from the environment that you're in.
So that you can make the proper amount ATP. How does that manifest that manifests in us in disease. And that's fundamentally how it goes. And what aging really is, every decade you go up, we have a fancy term, it's called heteroplasmy. What is heteroplasmy mean? That we allow about 10% more deuterium in the matrix, because the engines in our system, don't recycle them as well as they did when we were 10 1520 years old. And that process is controlled by to change programs that control mitochondrial biology, which are controlled by light, usually UV and red light. You've probably heard the names of those that's called on top of GMA proptosis. A tapa G is a fancy name for recycling about engine. And a proptosis is when the engine is beyond repair, we replace it with a complete new one. Obviously, autophagy is is a big deal, for most issues, a pop ptosis, it's not a good thing to happen. When it happens in your brain, you wind up with diseases, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, frontotemporal dysplasia, ALS, things like that. But we all know that those diseases have spiked in the 20th century and early 21st century. Why? Because now we're using a different environment that we're adopted, we've done things differently. Most people in the feed industry like to point out, you know, like things related to high fructose corn syrup and things like this. But you know what, they never tell you all those processes. You know, what the big problem with them is? Fundamentally, they're not made by photosynthesis, they're made in the lab. So what does that mean? There's more deuterium. that's fundamentally, my process, food is really bad for you. It's not all the things that you've been told, you know, through, you know, the last probably 10 years on the internet. And the craziest part of the story when you understand how photosynthesis is reversed by mitochondrial biology. I told you it's light water. And the last one is magnetism. This is where most people truly shift the bed. They don't realize that mitochondria, through the process of metabolism make chemicals that everybody's heard of called free radicals. What's a free radical? free radical is a chemical that has one unpaired electron in the outermost shell. Why is that important? Because anything that has an unpaired electron as a magnetic moment, it turns out that magnetic signal is really important. Why is that the case? What's the terminal electron acceptor and mitochondrial oxygen? It turns out oxygen is the only paramagnetic gas on the periodic table. What does that mean? It's drawn to things that make a magnetic field, right towards you, the atpa spins. As protons go through it. More ad spends more oxygen is drawn to it to collect the electrons that come from the food. Now you begin to see truly how the Ferrari engine works. And it turns out that food has a totally different meaning to you because actually, food is an electromagnetic barcode of photosynthesis as we go around the planet, depending on where we live. So, for example, if you live in Boston, and it's December 31, and you eat a coconut or pineapple, just because Whole Foods as it doesn't mean it's the smart thing to do. Because some stupid dietician told you to healthy turns out, if it never grew in that environment, the sun at that latitude is being talked to your brain through your eye and your skin through these chemicals called options. And when you eat something that shouldn't grow photosynthetic event environment, when you assimilate that into your body, you give it a signal of molecular chaos, we have a name for that in, in medicine, and you've heard it, it's called inflammation. What is that brown, too much deuterium gets into our body, and the mitochondria can't handle it. And what happens, respiratory proteins shrink out, the atpase doesn't do too well. And guess what your sleep gets destroyed.
This is just one little part of the story. And that's the thing that makes quantum biology really cool. And everything I told you today about that is tied to the decentralized network. That's nature. And to me, once you realize that you need to live a seasonal life tied to your haplotype and tied to your skin tone. And you optimize it for the level where you live. Actually, optimized life is pretty freakin simple to do. You don't really need a doctor like me, you actually have a doctor in your own head just like lions, and hippos, D. And when I can get you to realize how to optimize your biology for light water magnetism, magically, you get better and you don't need prescriptions, you cut the middleman out, and then you start to understand, why am I really paying jackfruits you're paying for this information, you're paying for this critical thinking ability, which is kind of what she asked me in the beginning. Sure, as. And when I go take this back, I said, Okay, now that I gave you longevity, and your ROI is better. Let's talk about you making some money. Let me tell you about this decentralized network, that mandate tree, the first one,
great, let's let's pivot to that. But before we do, and thank you for summing it back up to that level, because that makes great sense on how to get with you figure out some of these things on how to optimize and then put them in action. Just on and so I think part of what I heard you say was, not only do we need to eat naturally versus manmade foods, but seasonally and locally, and Blue Zones, these communities around the world where people are statistically living longer. What's the key there?
The key is damn button or lie to the data was cut back the number one blue zone out where you are, which is the Seventh Day Adventists they've already lost their advantage because their environment specifically from technology has radically changed. The same thing is true tokenomics the Okinawans used to have amazing longevity right now they don't that's changed in the last 10 or 15 years. So a lot of people have gone back and looked at them Butler's work when he wrote the book. No longer true. And the reason why. And I'll give you an example is, you know, on Indian subcontinent, we have 5000 year history of people being vegetarian or vegan. Those people never really got sick. You know, we're the number one place in the world where type two diabetes now is faster growing than any other place on the planet, same place. You got it right there. And why is that the case? Well, it turns out you when you eat a vegetarian diet or a vegan diet, and you bring Google and Facebook's data centers to that mainland 25 years ago to where Bangalore is, even though they're on the bottom tip of India that sticks out to me in the ocean, which is right out the 20th oddity, you have fundamentally changed their environment from 5000 year history. And it's it's been a conundrum for epidemiologist to figure out why In fact, this has changed. And what people don't realize is that blue light and non native EMF change our ability to make vitamin D in our skin. So even if you ever skin in the game, you won't make it because it turns out that the way we make vitamin D is from UVB sunlight, but it's not by enzymes. It's actually a totally photonic process, where we take an Astra, of cholesterol called 70, hydro cholesterol, change one double bond through sunlight requires mitochondrial water to make that conversion. So all EMF meaning blue light and EMF that we've introduced, reduces mitochondrial water production, you can't fundamentally make vitamin D and here's the craziest part of the story. The way you tan your skin more often than not is blue light and UVA light so you can be tan still have diabetes, and be skinny. And it turns out Guess what? Indian diabetics are different than America diabetics. You know why because they live in a subtropical environment. So they tend to be skinny American diabetics who live on non subtropical way tend to be fat. But guess what, they both have fundamentally the same disease and it's been a conundrum for doctors to figure out And the reason why they don't understand Light Water magnetism or how mitochondrial medicine really works
is pretty, pretty scary stuff, but pretty, pretty mind blowing at the same time. So Oh,
I mean, it's cool to learn how nature works, I think super cool. I think every every kid who's been, you know, to a museum when you learn something, I've always been, you know, totally curious. I'm like, I want to know why. All the things I was taught in medical school. Now, I have to question because, as been a physician, as long as I have, everything that I was taught in residency, most of it for chronic disease doesn't work. So you know, you can take Einstein's action, if you keep doing the same shit over and over again, expect a different result. That's insanity. So at some point, as a physician, you have a duty to say, why is it that you know, the calories in calories out model and go exercise more doesn't really work. And when you get to the rabbit hole that you and I jumped down in the podcast, so there you go, you know what, there's some confounding variables like light water magnetism and mitochondrial medicine, that doctors and researchers never code for, like, for example, every single study in obesity is always done on nocturnal animals in a lab that's blue. So no wonder we don't get the answer. I mean, we're asking the wrong questions. And we're studying the wrong kind of animals. You need to study this. And actually mammals that are diurnal that live in the sun, whose retina is pho topic and not scope top. And then you'll start to realize, you know, how leptin biology works, how melanopsin works, and you know, why God or evolution put the major energy hormone in our body in our subcutaneous fat. Because when you think about it, it's the craziest place in the world, to put the thing that determines energy balance in humans in your fat until you realize that it's totally a light mediated phenomena, then you go. Now, it makes sense.
And it's a so it's also stacked there in the skin, skin is the largest organ in the body, right? You got it got the most surface area,
it's also the number one place for T cells are, which has been a big missing link in the COVID. Story, you know, on social media, T cell immunity is the reason why people were able to get away from the best vaccine one can get is the one I'm sitting in right now. Not a messenger RNA or no virus from Big Pharma. Again, decentralized versus centralized solution, once you understand that you have a doctrine you, nature gave you some amazing things to operate. Once you understand how to use them, you'll begin to see, you know what, my body has so much wisdom in it. The problem is, I need to get out of my own way, because my brain puts me in situations that allow me to break nature's law. And I never realized fundamentally, what a big deal this is. And, you know, it goes back to your original point why you wanted me to come on the podcast. Hopefully, people have gotten from the discussion you and I have had, that most of this comes down to critical thinking, I went through some failures in my own health in my own practice, that taught me this stuff. And just so you know, I didn't learn this stuff. You know, in classical medical school or in residence. I didn't figure it out until afterwards, when, for about 10 years I was in practice, I was like, why aren't my patients doing better than I thought. And it's a really big conundrum in residency, because residency, you only see your patients for a short period of time in clinic. When your private practitioner, you're seeing the same people over and over and over again, over like 234 or five years in residency, do your residency a couple years and you're out, you may only see the person 567 times. So this is a really big eye opener, when you come on private practice. And you're like, you know, in residency, I was able to leave. Now I got to, you know, be stuck with these people. And I'm not giving the answers, it becomes very frustrating. And to be honest, that's actually why most authors, these days have become burned out. And now that we no longer use paper charting, we're now using computers to do all the charting the blue light, and the EMF from the computers have led to lower dopamine levels in the doctor. And guess what? That leads to depression, mood disorders, and eventually suicide?
Yeah, honestly, I was surprised. Get, you know, getting to know some doctors, I thought, well, what a fulfilling career, right? to actually help people you should be very, very happy. And a lot of these guys are unfortunately not very happy. But let's say let's say we can, let's say we can live happy and live longer. And given that we're now we're now about to live through a pretty bad financial and monetary crisis. We've punted the last few, you know, we're reliving these peaks and valleys now, these booms and bubbles, but we've kind of punted the severity of the last two or three of them. If we go back what a decade plus to the global financial crisis, Bitcoin was invented 2008, nine or so right? So we've got something this new concept, this new technology that was created, decentralized, created with a model of scarcity. Right? There's a finite quantity to ever be created. How does so? How do we make that bridge? How is that decentralization similar to nature? And let's talk about how that's a tool that is really the polar opposite of the centralized monetary system in this country, and really the fiat currency system of the world. Which, by the way, just so I think most people know this at this point, what if we pull out my wallet? Right? It's not a US dollar. It's a Federal Reserve Note. I'm not even a government bank that is a private for profit bank that is running this whole mess that's about to run right into the ground in a bad way.
Yeah, well, I mean, remember, that started to Jekyll Island 1913. He was the great idea of actually JP Morgan's dad and JP Morgan, where the federal government kept running into these problems back that time where they'd have been in bust with the business cycle. So the Federal Reserve was created by a group of, you know, shareholders to this day, we still don't know we have a pretty good idea of where they're from now. But what the problem is, is they have created these things called that's like this the last step cycle, the end of it, most people know, it's called World War Two. Hitler was the guy that actually ended it because he created global industrialization, you know, to defeat the Nazi army. What people don't realize is that, from World War Two, the thing that actually helped most of the world is Britain was the global reserve currency prior to Bretton Woods, which was in New Hampshire. Then the United States dollar took over in 4646 371. Our dollar was backed by gold. Nixon ended up in part because his treasury secretary told him if he did that he would not have to worry about losing an election over trivial things like oil and food. the petrodollar was created in the for the last 50 years that happened in August of 71. We have been slowly the basing our currency, what does that mean in English? You remember the last time we had a president in the media made a big deal about him not paying any taxes, just so everybody's clear, the guy that donated more money to buy was Buffett, Buffett is a billionaire as well, no billionaires pay income taxes. But you know what tax everybody pays. It's called inflation. It turns out that inflation is, is created by monitoring inflation. So what has happened from 71 to today, the amount of money printing that's gone on, which is focused on the anti money supply has gone through the roof and COVID has actually maximized this, because we've printed almost 40% of the dollars in circulation in the world in the last 18 months. So right now, empty supply means that monetary inflation is about 40% in July, I should say in January through April of this year, who brought this idea to the market again, a boomer, especially for the Bitcoin millennials, that was Michael Saylor for MicroStrategy. He came out and said, overnight, money got really scarce for him. And he realized that from talking to a CFO, that the monetary supply was about 20% inflation. Well, when we got all the data in for 2020, turned out it was right around 25%. And now with the Biden stimulus and some of the general account from the Treasury, and the second stimulus, which is called an infrastructure bill, total in 2021, we'll have another $10 trillion added. So total, the data for the first four months of 2021 is now at 40%. So that means 40% of your value. And I want to be very clear on this. That doesn't add in your local and i'll i'll tell you what yours is the local inflation rate because remember, inflation rate is not generalized to everybody the base rate for monetary inflation is but you in San Diego are facing 15.9% chocolate index that's municipal and state where I am it's only 8.9% I have no state income tax. I live in a low tax area. So that means for you, for you to make money this year in the market and any kind of securities, you have to exceed 55.9% otherwise, technically, your portfolio's losing money may look like it's going up, you know, in the fidelity account. But when you denominate it over the monetary inflation rate and your chocolate index, it's impossible for you to make money Guess what, that's effectively what's been going on since away to a great degree and you know, there's a lot of people out where you live in California, who think they become millionaires Because of what's in their account through the wealth effect and what they don't realize, if prices are held stable here, and this is monetary supply, and it goes down like that, that actually is inflation. And you can get inflation when prices are hold stable when the currency is actively being debased. And this is the crazy part people don't understand. So I tell people all in a lot of stocks and bonds, the nominate your returns and gold, you'll be totally pissed off. Then if you denominated in Bitcoin, you'll absolutely shit the bed, and you'll realize just how much money you lost.
So when I started figuring this out, probably in about 2018 2019, I started to realize, you know, what, here's my wildcard for neurosurgery. I said, I can actually use this asset that's built in a completely decentralized area because I think of it thermodynamically I look at Bitcoin as an organism just like you and I are turns out the hash rate of Bitcoin is like the metabolic rate in a human that would be tied to your T three and T four hormones. And it turns out that the difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin is totally tied to the circadian mechanism and us so you know, good regenerates people. And it turns out sleep is totally tied to the circadian mechanism, which is, which is confirmed through sunlight and darkness. And it turns out sunlight in the morning, and darkness at night after sunset is controlled by a theme nuclear receptor called Rev. rb. And we now know that we didn't know that when I was in medical school. So we know how to tighten up the circadian mechanism because we all know that when we sleep and sleep, well, we meet all the cycles, that's when we maximize on top of gene a pop ptosis that we talked about earlier. What does that do? It recycles the engines in our body that make us thermodynamically more efficient. Turns out the difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin does exactly the same thing. So when you see that what Satoshi Nakamoto actually built is actually some of the very same things that are based in nature. And you hear that they're both decentralized, just realize there is no other thing on the planet that's decentralized, but nature and Bitcoin, Mother Nature was built, you know, by whether you believe in evolution, or or God, either a god or just by fortuitous nature of the cosmos. And it turns out, Bitcoin was innovated after a financial crisis when people got wrecked. And somebody got the idea, maybe we need to take this centralized power away from the Fed, and give it back to the people let's have a peaceful revolution. Because if you understand Bitcoin, fundamentally, it's what I'm saying to you today. Buying Bitcoin for your first time today is like taking a vaccine against the people that formed the Jekyll Island, against the people that are in Washington DC, against the people. And I mean, this totally on both sides. It means left and right. instead of dividing us a left or right, which is what the government has been really good at doing for the last 50 years, we have to realize that it's about people who are culpable. And people are capable. That turns out the people that are culpable are the people that we've elected. And the people that are capable of fixing this problem is you and me. See, we the people built Bitcoin. That's the whole idea behind Satoshi Nakamoto. And his idea was to build a decentralized network so that no one could get between you and your money. There's nobody there. Just like I told you before, when you come to see me as a doctor, Big Pharma is not going to come in and say, Hey, jack, this guy's got high LDL cholesterol, let's put them on stack. No, we're gonna put you in the sunlight. Because what I told you before about how you reduced LDL cholesterol from the sun, making vitamin D, and when you actually see this thing unfold in front of you, you start to go, Man, I'm getting older, I want to maximize my my wealth and my health. Maybe I need to start looking into this whole idea about decentralization in my life in different aspects of my life. And then slowly as you creep towards doing that in your life, guess what you'll find? You'll get better and better. It's not what I tell my members, when you know better, you do better. And that's a function of critical thinking.
What do you what do you mean just to back up one moment on the parallel you drew between circadian rhythm and, and and the daily cycle, right? That's cyclical. And the hash rate the difficulty of Bitcoin mining, which is only going one direction, right, it only gets more
today today, it went down in a different direction. I don't know if you actually remember what happened today. In Bitcoin history. The CCP came out this morning and banned all Bitcoin mining in China. So since most of the nodes are over in China, what does that mean? Everybody's freaked out. That it's gonna be really hard to get transactions if you understand what Nakamoto built. It's actually really bullish for anybody's a miner here in North America, because the difficulty adjustment when you turn nodes off and a certain part of network gets easier to run transactions in the other part. That's exactly how biology works never works on couple systems negative and positive feedback loops. And it turns out when I talked about this in Bitcoin rooms, like when all on clubhouse, I explained to people that Bitcoin is the predator in the crypto space, Alt coins are the prey, predators have to have prey animals to live. You know, unfortunately, a lot of Bitcoin Maximus are a little bit toxic, they tend to talk about all kinds of shit coins. And I don't do that, because I understand the process of where all these coins for them. And it turns out, that if you get rid in biology, like we have this experiment already, in Yellowstone Park, we took the wolf out. Turned out when we took the wolf out, it actually changed the way the water flowed through Yellowstone Park, and nobody could believe that it was taken the wolf out, and it changed everything cleaning the deer, population, badgers, and everything else. There's a beautiful video on YouTube that sir john Attenborough talks about this effect. The same thing is true in Bitcoin, when you change something in the ecosystem, it's going to have huge effects. And the thing is, I don't know how Nakamoto had the foresight to see these effects. But he did, he made Bitcoin just react like an organism, so that it can react real time to the thermodynamic Givens and remember what I told you truly what a decentralized network is all about, archetype wise, it is the most thermodynamically efficient network to do things. And that's what nature is. And that's actually a Bitcoin, when you understand that, you know, selling your gold and your stocks and your bonds, becomes a lot easier proposition one truly understand truly how Bitcoin is built. And yeah, it's a volatile asset. But you would expect volatility when you realize, unlike Warren Buffett, who hasn't realized Bitcoin has gone up 233% in 12 years, if you would have invested $1,000 in Bitcoin 12 years ago, you'd have more money than Warren Buffett, you wouldn't have to wait 56 years and 56 years, and be 98 years old, to have the success he hasn't see. That's why I'm trying to tell you, what do you get from a decentralized network? You create freedom, and you create time. And ultimately, what are we here for? What's the most valuable asset? How do we start this prior to what time we started with time? God? Yeah,
what's I mean, said said differently, or inversely, the value of the value of Bitcoin that we're talking about you and I living here, we're expressing it in terms of US dollar. Right, right. It's the inversion of that is how is the value of Bitcoin gone up relative to the dollar dollar value going down relative to Bitcoin? I guess one of the things the bad news for your, your, your Boomer buddies that prefer gold and silver, or whatever precious metals as as real money, besides being able to transport it from Dustin to San Diego and so forth, is that's a very manipulated market. Right? This this price is determined by the spot market, which is hugely corruptly manipulated, Bitcoin being decentralized in its in its original technology, you couldn't touch it. Now we're creating ETFs. We've created futures, it's allowed more access, more participation. But it's also increased, I think, some volatility, it's in kind of increases this headline effect of what's happened in China today and so forth. So it's adding to the volatility, it affects short term, that price expression. But does that concern you long term?
No, in fact, as a boomer, I will tell you that irresponsibly long, and I will tell you the reason I say that is because I fundamentally understand Bitcoin and you know, my, my modus operandi right now is to teach Boomer Doc's, how to get out of this system, this is the perfect way to do it. And it's also my way to teach younger Doc's, how to get out of a centralized system, when they understand that when you accept the volatility, the reason you're doing that is because the returns are ridiculous when you explain to somebody what 230% is, now give you an example of this. If you are put three or $4,000 away today, and about two to three years, there is a chance of Bitcoin just returns what its historical volumes are. You'll have a million dollars in two to three years. Tell me where are you going to get that real estate, tell me where you're going to get that in stocks. There's nothing that's outperformed Bitcoin. From the time that it's been around, then I'm going to tell you The reason for that is because it's fully decentralized. And I'm going to tell you, if you understand the scarcity thing, which you brought up before, but it works on Metcalfe's law. Buying Bitcoin today is equivalent to buying Google in 1994. I'll give you a real estate analogy. Because I use this in my crypto classes, and I teach doctors, can you imagine being able to go back and buy all four corners of 72nd and Broadway in Manhattan? For about $4,000 today, what it would be worth in real money today, because that's, that's the kind of returns that we're talking about. And the problem is, this isn't hyperbole, my friend, because you know how we know the money printer has not stopped. And if you understand where we are at the end of this debt cycle, you read any a ray dahlias books, it's either going to be a war, or a devaluation at a hyperinflation event that takes us up. That means that the government right now has a huge risk, will the people revolt against what they're doing? And we saw last year, how bad it was just for the presidential election? What's it going to be like when 50% of the population realizes that the whole pretence of what's been going on last 50 years was to steal their value that they worked their whole life to create, see the millennials, the gen x's and the gen y's, they already get the boomers already don't trust the government, because they saw, you know, their government replaced Henry Wallace, who was the vice president FDR, so they can install trim to drop a bomb, that didn't need to be dropped. And then the same guys that did that kill the president that we elected in 63. You don't have to convince the government that the government is full of shit, we already know they're full of shit. Now, what they're doing on epic proportions about our money. Remember what I told you before, when you have rich people and poor people on the same side, because inflation is the one tax you can't get away from. It's going to create an interesting situation. That's why I always tell people, we are now at the end of the debt cycle. And most of the people alive today on the planet didn't see the end of the last one, I was fortunate that my grandfather taught me all about the last one and how my family navigated through it, I will never forget the lessons that he taught me. Part of the reason I'm passionate about doing podcasts like this, is to impact that information to newer people, newer generations. So let you know that everything that's happening to us today on finance, didn't start in 1971. Started in 1913 with the creature of Jekyll on
preset, and I really appreciate you coming on to share all this. Let me ask one more thing before we before we try to wrap it up and I'll give you your weekend is in terms of crypto so obviously, you said irresponsibly, long Bitcoin, really as a Fiat alternative in terms of technology? Are you an aetherium? Guy or do you participate in any other crypto?
Well, this is kind of funny, you probably don't want to hear this, but I was just in a clubhouse room with one of the SEC. commissioners today. We had a really long talk with over 1000 people in the room. And I asked some very specific questions. I will tell you that I'm a Bitcoin maximalist. I'm not really a fan of d phi. I'm not a fan of aetherium. And the reason I'm not a fan of a theorem is very simple. And I think you'll understand it is aetherium is not decentralized. It's decentralized protocol, but they're building a lot of cool things on it. Right? Ultimately, when you understand that, do you it's almost a common buying a theorem right now. While you may get some good returns, it's like putting your money in goldman sachs and saying oh, I think they have my best interest at heart. JACK doesn't buy that.
I'm with you. I'm with you. Okay, hey, I really appreciate jack I mean, ridiculous amount of knowledge you just jumped dumped on us here. Where are the best ways to follow up right so I want to I want to come back to my my coupled uncoupled I think I know the answer. But I want to go back to some of these metrics. I want to get involved. I want to see your blog on Patreon. I want to know more about how to learn from you work with you. What's a good way for people to find you besides apparently you're on pretty active on clubhouse
Yeah, I'm on I'm on clubhouse I'm on all social media. You can find me on Twitter, Dr. JACK Cruz can find me on Instagram Dr. Cruz you can find me on LinkedIn. Dr. JACK Cruz you'll also see a LinkedIn I have about 150 free blogs on mostly biology stuff on Patreon. It's patreon.com backslash Dr. JACK Cruz. There I have series of blogs. The current series I'm in is the Bitcoin series I got 28 blogs out on Bitcoin right now. I have a ton of stuff on quantum biology and Patreon. My oldest stuff is on my website. My website is jack cruise comm I have a form there my form probably would take you 10 years to read everything. It's free. You don't have to pay anything. for it, there's about four years of blogs on jackers comm that you can find. And probably the newest thing that I have, that's pretty cool. I started a TV program where I take parts of both crypto and actually quantum biology and we do about 30 to 60 minute TV programs and it's like quantum health tv.com you can sign up there. And if you decide you want me to be your decentralized doctor, I am for hire. You can find out information about that a cruise at Destin. Calm
cruise at Destin as in Florida. Awesome. Well, thank you so much, sir. Yeah, the the TV linking decentralized crypto in biology sounds fascinating and a great way to tie together the two things we talked about today. I really appreciate the time and the knowledge. It's kind of one of those rabbit holes that you just want to keep going down. So I would love to keep you longer. But thank you for your time today. I will jump out on all those sites and we'll get them out to the to the audience. I know they're going to be blown away as well. Thank you so much. Awesome. I
appreciate your time to
have a beautiful weekend, sir. See you Bye bye. All right, thank you again to Dr. JACK Cruz neurosurgeon and CEO of Cruz longevity center, that one really ultimately was all about critical thinking, critical observation and questioning of conventional institutional knowledge, wisdom, the norm. And I know none of us here are really interested in the norm, the the mediocre we're interested in exceptional health, exceptional wealth, exceptional longevity, and this skill of learning and questioning throughout life, from life from nature. So so important. So I really appreciate Dr. Cruz and his visit, he's got given a lot for us to learn and to think about here on this one. And and to go deeper on I mentioned somewhere in my intro, the boundless book by by Ben Greenfield, wealth of knowledge. It's an encyclopedia of, of health knowledge, probably 600 pages long and I know Dr. Cruz has been a guest on his podcast as well check out that podcast and check out Ben's book. amazing detail in there as well as there was from Dr. Cruz here today. So be sure to not only go do your own reading and research as you digest this one. But you can find links to Dr. Cruz and other things he mentioned on my website, the Show Notes for this episode at man of mastery.com slash zero 82. So you'll find not only links to where you can find Dr. Cruz he mentioned quantum Health TV, but also things like for example, the D finder app, vitamin D finder app, how you can tune in to where you are and maximize your ability to go out natural sunlight and get vitamin D production, things like that. So just one simple thing that was pretty mind blowing to me to learn about today in this episode. Great one. That's Episode 82 in the books with Dr. JACK Cruz again show notes at man of mastery comm slash 082. pleasure to be with you and bring that to you today. As always, I super appreciate you and your time and I value it and I value being here. Again, share this episode, share this movement, share this knowledge and share your passion for this with with others. And reach out to me if I can be of service to you. Until then get out there and get after it. We'll see you on the next episode.