Oops, we're recording. Ah, okay, we need like a checklist for like when you start, like do these things, I can also share this document. So I'm not that's,
that's actually a good idea for not just not just a checklist, right? But like, like, whoever the first like two people to get here are to go through the beginning stages of right every time so that because you need at least two people to know what's going on at all right? Because one person by themselves not gonna do anything so, right.
And I think also, just having that document makes it easier for again, we want to be able to hand these meetings off, right, so the general meeting, you know, I think will lead the first few, just so we can have a better understanding of Robert's Rules actually are Robins, my resident expert on that. And, but once we have kind of a checklist or a guide on how to do it, then we should start handing it off to other members, right? Because because we want the members to be trained on how to lead a meeting, how to make sure people stay on topic, you know, shutting down people who are taking up too much time, everyone should get the training
to do that shouldn't just be us. Okay, so
I think for this, my thinking was, I can use like a transcript software like otter AI, and just transcribe everything we're saying. And then if we're good about having some sort of like, audio Mark, where we say something like next step, or something, or something more unique, really where you can break the audio into chunks. And then you can use us like AI software or something to summarize the text
real quick. That way,
it's not a lot of work on our part. But it does make it very easy for someone can just read a summary of what happened in the meeting, without actually having to sit there for an hour and listen to the whole thing.
And then they also have available, oh, this chunk, if I want to read this portion to know exactly what went on, or whatever, right?
I think with otter, you can actually search through the whole transcript. And if you want to hit play somewhere, just click on a word, and I'll start playing from there. Because it's not 100% accurate. So it sounds like we're saying something weird, you can just hit play and
listen to what we were actually saying.
Perfect for communication. So I think for our communication and keep everything public again, you know, we should avoid kind of making decisions in separate chat rooms, basically, where it's just us, we should try to keep all of our communication, I think, is it up yet to be have a steering committee? Subsection on the forum?
Maybe not? Not. Okay.
So make like a steering committee section that's just like the WC members and WC meeting notes. Go to one just be specifically for steering committee. So if we're trying to think something through like, you know, should we do this event, which should be or whatever we're thinking about? Just keep it all on there, which is, I know, it's a little bit annoying, because you don't actually get notifications. And, you know, it's this kind of async messaging process. But it's the easiest way to keep things easily searchable, and very transparent from membership. And I think that's like a price worth paying. Because again, yeah. Like my thing has been after engaging the school board, like why are like nonprofits or like DSA meetings, less transparent than like school board stuff, like the Brown Act says you can't do business like, you know, secretly. And yet, TSA doesn't live up to that level of transparency during their meetings. And so let's at least reach a level of like, you know, Bucha government transparency?
Yeah, because people use it more, they'll be they'll know, to go there first, as well. I'm trying to sort of foster that with the Instagram page. And I know, it's my personal answer, then two and a half times or whatever. But I want people to know, go here, if you want to know what's going on, and then attend the meetings, branching off from there. If that's if that seems is that business, correct? Yeah,
yeah, I'd
like people to go there first, and just see what we're up to. And then yeah, go from there.
And I, like we'll have to figure
out how to combine kind of the website and the forum together at a certain point. Because for the website, we have I have a we're using Webflow. So it does have like a membership aspect to it. So you can hide things behind a membership wall. And so certain things like our budget, which I don't think should be open to the general public. That's stuff we can hide behind the membership wall. And so do we keep it you know, on the forum, or do we keep it on the website? What's the best place? I know the website will get a little cluttered out For a while, and so maybe some things like that should be kept separately on the website, or
we have, sorry,
it seems like the, the way you have the website set up that's like, it should be, you know how like Link tree kind of works, where it's like a portal to all the other things, it seems like that should probably be a clean, you know, get to the forum, get to our Instagram, get to our whatever, right? And then any other like important information is going to be at one of those locations. Yeah, that way, we can just have a single like portal for everyone to go to.
That works. Yeah, we can add more of a navigation on the website.
Does anyone have any experience with web flow?
My brother might, I don't know if I asked him. Okay. I
think I picked it just because I wanted to challenge myself. Okay, but yeah, and then I think for membership, or we can talk about that in a second after we go through this, but let's not forget to do that for budget. So me and Paolo put this together, and we just put like, you know, we can steering committee can spend up to 10% of the budget. But again, all that stuff has to became communicated to the membership right away. And also explaining the rationale. That's another thing. I've also, we've also mentioned a couple times here of like explaining why we're doing things, I think that's really important. Like it's not good enough to just say we've decided to do X, like you should explain to the membership, why we're doing it and how it furthers the cause of the group.
Just more partly
for transparency, but also just so the membership understands, like it's a partially educated through that. Okay, so any questions before we go on to the actual rules for everyone?
I think we're good. Okay.
So treasure, this is Chris's new raw, however, the most like role where you will have to be most compliant and all these things like everyone else can kind of winging it, but so we will have to set up a bank account somewhere, you know, figure out how many people need to sign off on that. I think one of the problems, not problems, but one of the things we'll have to put on the agenda for next meeting is first. And I don't know if this is true for bank accounts. But if some of the tax documents how long have you remember which one it was exactly, but we need like a president position. And since we don't have a president position, we need to basically pass pass something during membership that just says one of the other positions for the purposes like of that tax document will be referred to as president. But like, that's it. Otherwise, it's just like fears are normal. But yeah, so when we meet treasurer's in charge of like making sure people are being paid properly, you can reimburse people up to $30 at a time. That doesn't seem like a lot, but we're not going to have a lot of money. So we can have that number over time. If we want.
For record keeping.
Again, we should figure out how exactly we want to do this, I think. So I guess there's a discussion we should have. I switch back and forth between, like wanting to use Google Docs because it is very easy. And anything else gets very annoying to use very quickly. But at the same time, you have like the top city stuff. And I'm in for them. So far, all I've seen is that they actually hold their diaries or their trash. And like read vines from them to be like, see what these people actually think the radicals or whatever. I
mean, as far as like important documents that we would store in Google, like if least ones that we're not using regularly, we could just encrypt them. And that way they wouldn't have access. Because even if they were stored on Google Drive, they could be encrypted. Can you encrypt on Google Drive? There's no I mean, we could use a, like a third party encrypted. Yeah. Because yeah,
and I honestly don't know like, what that would be you know, like,
it's not working.
Yeah. I'm really fascinated by spy stuff. So I have a I work
think for the most part. Like it's something we should keep in mind, I think. Like if and we're not anywhere close
to it, so we'll have to worry about it for now. But eventually I feel like you're going to wear like, the left will reach the point if it is successful that we do start getting banned from social media websites, or from platforms like At this point Express uncertainties are not close to it yet, but we should be developing ways to deal with that once we do reach it. But I think for now, I'm okay with just using Google Drive stuff.
That is easy. You can encrypt, if you will workspace account on Google Drive.
We do a workspace account. Okay. Oh, cool.
All right, so we can have
people looking for that. Perfect.
Okay, so I think for all the books and everything will figure that out.
You know, a nice
template to keep track of everything. And since they should be also readily available to the membership, it should be something that's kind of quick and easy to understand. So maybe have a few sheets that summarize expenses, on like, where things have been spent. So membership can see at a glance, how things have been spent. And of course, we just get feedback from people like if they request a certain thing, we don't have it. If we can just use like the script or formula to have it there, then we can just have it there. Yeah, for the collection, local dues, or pledges. Again, there's this, you can use, like member full, I think, is a platform name. And they take like a certain percentage. But the nice thing is, is that with no work on our part, they can you know, renew, or cancel their membership, and all of that, and you can put in automations to it, where if they cancelled, then they lose access to the forum, or they lose access the membership plan portion of the website. I think, to me, that's worth the couple of percentage points that we lose. But then the only additional part was an palabok sub last time was that we also need to be able to handle people that accept cash. Because if we're actually trying to focus on like, real working class, folks, then they may not be attached to the banking sector that might not have accounts or credit cards.
I know, I literally didn't, I still don't have a bank account. Right now today, I have a something that does credit card stuff, but I don't have a bank.
So for those kinds of purposes, then I think whatever platform we ended up using, I think, let me just look it up so we can find it and take it to the membership
Yeah, can we do like bank runs? Maybe if we have the bank account set up locally? That's
what I was thinking we can basically just meet up with whoever or have them come to one of the public meetings, pay their dues there, put it in a sealed bank envelope ticket or whatever, you know, yeah,
I think that might be best.
I think it's called number stack. So let me leave it in the chat.
There it is. And then pricing is a promotion price to content? Sure. Let's see how this works for now. Pricing is $25 a month, which sucks. What are discounts for
nonprofits get a percent discount? So there you go.
Okay, so Well, I think if
you all agree with this, then we can do this. We can approve it at this next meeting that's coming up tomorrow to you this kind of our money collection process. We're not going to use it yet, obviously until we file all the tax stuff. No collecting money until then.
But yeah, and then I'll work on our with someone are recorded myself kind of doing it.
Getting it integrated into the website and the discourse forum. And then I'll be there ready once we actually already started
collecting dues? What am I sharing Exactly? My whole screen? Just just the bylaws right now. Okay.
All right. So that'd be so for dues. Hopefully, that's easy. And then yeah, maybe I think we can probably sync the data from member from member stack onto an like a Google sheet. And then you can have the people who do catch on to that. But then that will be Chris your responsibility to keep that up to date.
Yeah, sounds good. Yearly financial report. That means
yeah, well, I mean, I don't think we're gonna have a lot of contracts anytime soon.
And yeah, I thing. I don't know if there's any,
like real stuff that we need to do on a quarterly basis. But I think at the end of the year, we'll probably need to we need to produce something. And then initiate fundraising efforts to the year for fundraising. That's a question I had for everyone. So obviously, we don't want to go get grants from whoever, like local governments. But you can we can still do like grassroots fundraising. Right. So the way so the way DSA does it now is they're like, basically, they count their fundraise like their donors as members, like a large section of DSA is like 100k, which is more like 60k now are just people who donate because they believe in the cause. But once you donate, you become a paper member, right? The problem was that it does dilute like a quorum numbers. So I know, like, we need 10% Quorum. But if you have a bunch of people, this would be a wonderful problem to have. If there's like 1000 people inside the county who have like donated to us, but they're just donors, not actual members, then the number of people who need to hit quorum, like keeps going up. The
so when if we were to get larger, we could do a system of like vote delegation, where for members who are you know, who can't come to a meeting, they could delegate their vote to someone else? And they just have to, like, let us know, basically ahead of time.
Yeah, I think,
yeah, that's something we should figure it out. Because that was that was at least I've heard some critiques of the delegation method just because it's easy to like, sure. Yeah. There's
definitely problems
with all that stuff. And like, there's a reason we've kind of, we're kind of keeping boats to, like actual member, like attendees of meetings, instead of every vote going on membership all the time.
That would be kind of hard. Yeah.
But like, maybe on the members stack, like ones who are applying to become a member, you can have the option of like being a member or just a donor, and then we
don't count quorum. Maybe that's a way we can do it.
That seems like a good I mean, at least for now.
Yeah. Okay. So for members, option, owners.
And then I think we need a way to figure out, honestly, the member program will kind of be on the honor system, because
we say like, you can either work or go to school here.
In Santa can County, even if you don't live in Santa King County and still be a member. And I personally don't want us to be like, we need your transcripts to confirm that you actually go to school here. So I think I'll somewhat be on an honor system, just hopefully you
do. Do those things.
I think it would, it would only be an issue. If they were either on the steering committee maybe or if they started making issues inside the group. Right? That would be the only time that would matter. Really.
Then I think we reserve the right to ask at that point.
Yeah, that seems reasonable to me. Okay.
And yeah, sort of like address Florida, and then never come to an in person meeting when we ask. Sweet around here. And then, okay, and then through that, and fundraising works, then we can if we do fundraising, then we just drag them through the
basically the member stack program. Okay, well, here's another question. Probably, I think we can get back to Blue Access.
I don't. I've seen DSA chapters that have like ActBlue donation links. I don't think you have to like sign anything that's like, I want to be loyal Democrat. He's acted blue. I
think it's this high support, like progressive policies. I don't know. Do we want to pursue that? Or does it give off like Democrat vibes? I don't, I don't think that
I don't think the like I'm not a big fan of using people's systems against them. But in this instance, I don't know if that's that big of a deal. At least at the moment if it if it becomes like a problem and we can deal with that.
I think
like if if like for like, when things are starting the way I look at it the way that things are starting out, you want to take as much help as you can get. And then if you run into problems with the whatever help you took, then you can deal with it when
comes along. Because you're gonna say something.
I'm just curious like month to month, I guess similar to but rarely is saying is if we're if we're getting donations consistently, then yeah, we could take a second look at it. But I'm curious if I mean, I'm curious how often people will donate if they're paying dues, because I wonder what the participation will look like if it's mostly going to be bullish showing up to meetings and paying dues, or people that are donating. They're like, I just support your cause. So I'll just have to see. Yeah, I
think okay, so that blue doesn't have a monthly and it's
yeah, these work with any firewall, see four, and three, but they take like, 4% cut. Yeah. Okay, so we can also bring that to the membership.
I think the only like, what I'm envisioning is I know there's a lot of there are a lot of people who would like to support our cause. But who, like wouldn't want to be labeled socialists, especially like,
yeah, yeah.
And the ACT blue, like, because everyone's payments, like data is already saved in there. It's really easy for them to just like, click come and hit like $5. And I, like, donates immediately. Yeah, instead of member stack where they would have to put in a credit card info. So it's like it for just fundraising, then it's an easy way to do fundraising.
Let's see. Although, to be real,
it was very hard to fundraise in San Joaquin County, but not a lot of people here donate to
anyone? Yeah.
It's actually, you know, what I've discovered, and I lived in the Bay Area for a while. It's very, the something about the Central Valley, it's just hard to organize anything in general, let alone something where your people are giving you money. Yeah.
I think one of the reasons McNerney ended up dropping out was actually because a lot of his volunteers came from
the bay. And when the redistricting took the day out, he lost a big volunteer pool. So
we are trying something very difficult, like difficult, which is, yeah, but so far, you know, what other people have been trying to organize like political campaigns, when a lot of people don't believe in either party. But you know, like, I don't know, if you ever shared like that. Last year, there was a group that was cleaning up parks, like parks around Stockton, like clean up Stockton, or something. They consistently add, like 1020 people out there every time. So it's like, if you give people something that's not connected to
that. I remember I was saying about Rules for Radicals, right? In that book, he says that, regardless of whatever you want to do, right, you have to go into your community and find out what they want you to do. And then just find a way of doing that that like gets them excited to come out, basically. And that can be something as he uses an example of getting people to eat beans, and then go to the theater and fart on rich people basically, I think is amazing, but you know it, I think that brainstorming that kind of stuff is going to be pretty critical. Oh, well. You know what I was listening to it at work. I kind of missed the beginning part of it. I think it was that they were trying, it was a it was a protest of some kind, basically. And it was a black community that was protesting against a white rich community and they were trying to get them to do something that I forget right now. And because they were they had basically made it illegal to protest. And they couldn't like attack the like the cops or the city hall or whatever. They went after the theater because that was like something was really popular in that city. And it there's nothing illegal about farting, so it's amazing. All right.
Yeah, maybe we can go to like the Democratic Party fundraisers and start all over
so say anything to say what it's like cultural food.
so we'll try to use like glue for fundraising. I think once we file our all our documents, it's a pretty quick process to get through. And then mostly what happens after
Secretary so that is probably your role.
So you're basically in charges to Google Drive. I
guess. That's it, I will. So I don't know if I have everyone's correct
emails, if you could drop them in the chat real quick.
But I'll share the working class env folder and
I will keep everything in there. And then that will also just be the
main thing. So I think probably I don't know how to prepare an agenda properly, according to Robert's Rules. So do you have like a template or something?
I guess I'll review that.
Okay. Right now our,
that might be a good, that might be a good like infographic to make for
for like new members. Sorry.
All right. You should get an email for the super quick. Can you see the Google Drive? Now? Yes. Okay. So
the database folder, we've been trying to just put all the, like the board minutes for all the SUSE meetings on here. So just as an easy way to like search through them all. And the same thing for stalking City Council, which I haven't uploaded yet. That's basically what the database is. And then we have some books. And I'll just put, like, my collection of ebooks on here, nice. But we'll keep this kind of behind, behind the membership wall, because I don't want to get like a takedown notice by whoever
filing their personal use only
do not read if you don't own this look.
These are her preach files.
Okay, and then I will have to figure out kind of a way to organize the, like the communication. So I have like the first email in here that we sent out. Kind of so just kind of sorted. So it's easy to track. And again, the whole point is make it easy for someone else to come in and then draft an agenda or draft an email and know where everything goes. Okay, so the agendas for meeting to schedule meetings. Okay, and I'll show you Robbie or I'll make a loom to show everyone how to use Action Network for scheduling meetings and sending out the emails. For calendar, I think there's, I think there's like a Webflow plugin for calendar, which looks a little nicer than Google Calendar with the option of like, adding yourself to events. So you can have that on the website. And again, I think Riley's point of having kind of a link to the track thing of links on the homepage will make it easy for people to see what we're up to.
And then I will give also everyone here the login for steering login for me
one second. Yeah.
login for the Intuit working class unity the actual Google like work place or whatever account and then that way, none of us are locked out of anything. Okay. Membership coordinator homelessness, Riley.
So any questions so far? And our attendees reading this document.
Think well, I just got the email now. For the Zoom meeting. I have no idea. That's so strange. That doesn't make any sense. Did you send the drive email?
Yeah, I just I didn't send a drive email. I just told Google Drive to notify.
Okay, well, maybe I don't know. Maybe some more than that. I'll keep looking at it. I'll let you know if it doesn't show up for something
that already censoring us.
I guess.
I got the link the folder share.
Okay, but I had an email with the subject like VCU steering committee meeting.
I see it. I
sent it on a fifth
I'll keep an eye out. All right. I have
one from the fifth and then I had the confirmation from two minutes before the meeting started.
That's the one I got I got the confirmation. I did not get the one from my fifth so I don't experience strange. Psychics out
it's already started. You gotta move over to carrier pigeons. So
that's our first Community Project a coop
WC two.
Okay, so membership coordinator, or sorry, Robbie, any other questions or like comments on what you think we should like, should be on your plate given these responsibilities
now, but like says look at a review that then for. Okay, like, we have, like in both we usually have a general agenda, but then there's just new business and new business. And that's where everything is where as I think we want to actually include that stuff in the agenda. So, okay,
we just kind of figure out a form and all that stuff. I think, again, like I was saying, I think all of our agendas should have at least a link to like, click here to add whatever you want to the agenda. And just make it clear, like, it doesn't matter. Just add whatever, don't be afraid of thinking like it doesn't fit or whatever.
I would like for one of us to
this may be too time consuming. But if we do have time for someone to, for one of us just go through the agenda, just kind of explain what each topic is like on a loom video or something like this. Just so if someone's very new, or hasn't come to a meeting, they can watch that real quick and see what's
up or coming to a meeting.
But I know that's, that'll take like least 30 minutes. Yeah, so I think we can leave it as optional. If you have,
like, I might be able to, if we like have some bullet points, and I just be able to make like a picture for like, you know, graphic design thing for it. Somebody can just look at it go the and then be caught up more or less. Okay,
yeah, that works to you. I just,
again, I think we should really think about like, what stops people from coming back to meetings and participating?
And address all those points? Good, I think.
So from what I've heard from other chapters from DSA chapters, is that sometimes steering committee like, likes that no one else knows what the hell is happening to them, they can kind of push through whatever they want. So yeah, so I mean, a lot of the a lot of the stuff that I like I've advocated for for this is like, learn from the failures of all these other words. Let's not repeat those failures.
Let's fail new ways. Yeah,
I learned something along
the way. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so campaign or sorry? Yeah. Correct.
I was just thinking that if we wanted to, like, reinforce that, we can say that a second can't come from another committee member or something it has to come from the membership. Well, that's a
good idea. That's one of the things I hate about the Lodi City Council is like they second things all the time, but it's it's literally just like, whoever gets to raise their hand first. And it's always there's never not a second. Okay.
We don't need to, you know, if we're setting the agenda and it makes sense that we want to say okay, I move that we did this but if we make it so that someone else has to second it then everyone actually understands what's going on.
Second, third
So how should I pray let's that can for a while
or just a motion cannot be moved and seconded by committee members. So that way it can be either moved or second. Yeah. But just so that we don't have any motions going through just on them steering committees say so. Even if it gets voted down, just you know, so looks good.
All right. Now alright, we'll make sure we can actually do this. I should follow the process. Okay, so that's something we can review at the meeting. An edit. Okay. Anything else? Robbie. Um, I was okay. Membership coordinator. All right. You have a wonderful job.
Whatever it has been building a team of mentors and implementing the membership pipeline, which we have not really defined.
Need to get Jordan B. Peterson to teach me how to do a pipeline properly.
So yes, I think part of that will be since it's political education, so we'll be kind of the book club that you already started the thread on. And the reading group I think like the ABCs of socialism, we should just have that, like I said, a previous meeting kind of a one on one thing. And just repeat that every quarter. And mean, rarely talked about this. But the idea was get feedback on how to improve it every single, every single round, and then make those improvements for the next quarter, which is a constantly improving class that happens every three months. So whenever someone joins, is something they can hop in on, and kind of get caught up with what our what our thinking is when it comes to politics and theory. And then I think for the first meeting, we did not record
I think, um, I
think I think you might have been recording because I remember coming in, and I did Yeah,
I think I recorded the second one. Yeah. Okay.
I don't know. So I don't know if like, I wanted to just upload it. But I don't know if everyone was like comfortable with having them attending being uploaded. And so I think what, yeah, I'm good.
Either, we can just like go into video editing software afterwards, and just like block out all the other squares
besides me. Maybe we can just do that.
But my thinking was also have like a thread for the class, upload all the videos for every quarter into the threads. If someone wants to go back and watch on their own, they can basically take the class at their own time, and then also get to hear some of the questions and answers from the other members.
Did you make a YouTube channel?
No, but we should shouldn't? Yeah, cuz
like, if we're gonna be posting a bunch of videos, YouTube seems like the right place to do that right away. Okay,
channel, all right.
YouTube channel. And
then another thing we talked about at the first ABC class was that we should convert some of the stuff that we're learning from the class into short, like 62nd tiktoks, or YouTube clips. And so we got ideas for I think five or six clips off the first meeting. And I was supposed to make a thread about that. But I will soon. And so
I think Adri
offered to write the script up for some of them. And so once that's done, then we'll, I'll take volunteers will like record kind of 62nd clips.
I have a
teleprompter, so you can memorize lines or anything, just read it into the cameras. And then we can also get a tick tock account, and
a hotkey and one of YouTube's lips, basically, something that'll be good.
For anything else from membership coordinator, membership pipeline, I think. I guess we should set aside some time and think about it.
Yeah. If you want to have like a we might need to just have like an entire brainstorming thing I've been, I can do some brainstorming when we're not on in the meeting. But I think like for the most part, it's going to be a combination of social media and like local. What do you call it canvassing kind of stuff? Because we're going to need we're actually I do this is not really important for the bylaws. But what I was thinking is for both Stockton and Lodi, at least we should try and get people to the city council meetings, steer school board meetings just so we have some representation and all the local government stuff. Because like that can unintentionally bring people in. Yeah, just want hit me up and yeah, just by them knowing we exist.
Yeah. So we can get people out to some of those meetings. And then there are like a bunch of other committees stuff that's important.
Okay, it's gonna do that, I think
for when people do sign up right now, I
think like their welcoming email,
we should have kind of something that they get when they subscribe to don't become members right now. I think they get nothing. So kind of, like we should have. Like for my campaign, we have ladders, so when people first either donated or just signed up on the homepage, they'd get like a certain series of emails like every two to three days, um, that were just kind of like informing them of what the campaign was about. I think something similar for people who sign up just through email. You should have one ladder for people who come members, like a different ladder.
And I think I'm sorry know how many of you all are up for this, but I was gonna,
I was gonna say also does offer new people that join the ability to have like a 30 minute one on one either through zoom, or like in person in the evening or something. But just as a way for, hey, you're joining us or you don't have to wait to come to hold membership meeting.
Oh yeah,
that makes sense to like talk to someone,
just book a one on one,
we'll talk to you for like half an hour and see how the fit.
That makes sense to me.
Okay, I think we can use our.com, that's free, if you self host, something, you can probably get a self hosted somewhere. And then instead of Calendly, because I think you have to pay for Calendly
then that way, they can book their own appointment, and you can make your own, like, you can set availability for each person, and they can just, I think you can combine like all of our availability. So when they show a good time slot, it just goes to whichever one of us is free to have that, especially at that time.
Alright. Anything else for like, kind of the onboarding process? I
feel like that's the weakest point of
these orgs.
Yeah, I mean, I, so once again, this is from Rules for Radicals, which because I'm just in the middle of reading it, but one of the things he says is that any political organization that you start, the community that you build around, it has to be fun, basically, to participate in, it can't just be dry, like we're doing the dry stuff, right. But they got to do the fun stuff, which, you know, that might mean, you know, getting together and having, you know, talking about politics or having fun, or whatever it is they want to do, having, you know, like a meeting at the park in the real world where we can touch some grass or whatever. You know, that kind of stuff. So I think that that if we engage in that where people can like, bring a friend and see if they want to sign up if they like the people, that might be beneficial.
Okay, so maybe
when someone joins that kind of give them our next social event that we're having,
yeah, also, it would be I don't know exactly what this would be, we'd have to brainstorm it. But it would be good if we had a an easy, early victory that we could point to and go, Hey, this is the thing. And it could be a made up victory to it could be something that just looks like a victory. That's also that's fine. But just something that we can go, Hey, we did this thing. I mean, it's hard to get a real victory.
Yeah, well, I mean, I know what you mean, there's like some stuff where you know, it's gonna pass anyways. And you can be like, Oh, no, we did that.
Yeah, that's actually the exact Yeah, that's the exact example.
Yeah, I think I mean, we did some of that, let's fix this with Z to
it just like is, because it just gets people excited, right? They're like, Oh, I can actually get something done. You know, because that's what at least from my perspective, most people complain about things because I'm disinterested in government, because they think government is dysfunctional, and can't nothing can be done. Right. And if we can, maybe not dispel but start to, you know, weaken that belief, then they might be able to get them to come in. Okay.
But maybe some of that can also be because, you know, there's this other I guess, tactic, which is like dual power, where you want to kind of replace a government function with a function that you're on org or like people are running.
And I'm also reading a bill that urge salons book, right now about that exact topics.
Okay, you link me later, I want to read about it. It's good. Yeah. And so maybe, even if it's not like a policy victory, even if it's something as basic, like, we're going to put together some sort of, I keep bringing up the idea of sports league, or like, whatever, like some social event, which, if it's something a little bit more complicated than just like a one off of that. It could still be a victory for us, right? Like, we got a bunch of people to get and we did this fun thing. Yeah, I mean, at the membership meeting, I was gonna ask people to come up with ideas for what to do at social events. Because right now we don't have anything.
And even if it's like, clean up the park or whatever,
it is social content. Yeah, I, the guy who does the park cleanup, II and I'm sure he'd be down to do it again. I know he's volunteering at hatch. So I think hatch the my partner's actually wants to do like a garden cleanup thing too. So I'll keep in touch and start, you know, plugging those events and I think doing stuff like that even if it's you know, the community garden or a show at hatch or whatever it is, but I think constantly posted I just I've gotten pretty bad at posting on Instagram, but I know people always ask their eyes like, Oh, this looks cool. Like, how can I get involved? And I think having more consistency with this would help. And just seeing us out there, I'll post about it. Like, you know, every time we do something
that's that's been a topic that's been brought up with Lodi City Council too, is like community clean up trying to get the City Council do it. And I talked to the guy about organizing, but he was a conservative and he didn't think that people should do things on their own or whatever. I don't know.
Well, if you don't think government should do it, who else is gonna do it?
That's what I said to him. But he didn't seem to understand that concept. He also was railing about being anti Vax stuff in class. There might be other things going on.
And membership is even if we don't have our events, if we you know, have someone's doing the cleanup, and we can, you know, show up with a bunch of people and say, Okay, we're here from this group and
spread the word of us. Just helping,
we need we need like, Okay, we
need t shirts, but the T shirts. I haven't had time to design yet. And I don't know if you want anything more complicated and like the logo on the chest? Because if we do then cringe Yeah, if you want something more complicated than that, then like Riley you or someone else is gonna have to take over because that's the extent of my graphic design. Sure, yeah, I can do that.
But once you
do, yeah, I it's not. I want to get a union printed. So we can't do like print to order. I have to order like a bunch. So I'm gonna make a design. That's like very basic. Just this logo
is fine. Yeah. I was just looking at it again. This logo would be good on a shirt.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, then, um,
but maybe like black letters instead of white letters. Yeah, it depends on if the shirts are white or
black. So yeah, what color shirt do we want? Like, I like my yellow shirts.
I like black.
You have another black shirts, but
maybe I like it depends on how much it costs to get them ordered. But it might be that we could just do two different colors. Black or white or black and yellow. Or we could be bumblebees, I
think it was like $20 or something. I have to look up how much it was. The shirts were not cheap. What
were you using? Or what service were you using?
Are they called?
It's one of the local union printers like vision printers, something.
Okay, cool. That's cool.
I want to keep on that. Good. Thank the
I think we know we could do
for new people who are coming in, we could get them. Like we could have the entry fee. Be $20 Just the cover a shirt basically. And then any monthly after that. Is goes down to like the $10 or whatever. I don't know if we want to make the barrier entry high necessarily. Yeah. But it could be it might balance out at least I don't know. We don't feel like either or thing too. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. But the problem Well, yeah, but the problem with that is then you have people being like, then you have like, unintentionally made a two tier system.
Oh, yeah. No, that's very good point.
Maybe we just say it like it two months. Yeah, two months. You gotta teach her that. Like, so you can't just join Philip depend on a discount on a shirt.
That'd be insane. But you never know.
Okay, so t shirts for people? Two months. Okay, yeah,
I think that's fine. I'll call and asked. It was creative vision printings.
They're pretty cool. They
were really helpful and like, did some pretty edits for my stuff, when I would send it to all. So I'll see like, what the bare minimum order that we can get away with this. And then put that through. Is this
logo you made? Is it like vector or is it like it is? Okay, cool. Yeah.
I didn't make it someone else made it. Just to be clear.
No, it's good. I like
okay, so yellow or black? And we'll see what that cost. Okay.
All right. So for membership coordinator for the pipeline. If we're just talking about onboarding processes, try to have a method way for them to schedule a one on one. And then try to have like the ladders, which again, Action Network kind of does that for you. So if you put in the emails, you can just tell it after this As many days send out this email, sort of do all that by itself. So kind of have ladders for either trying to convince just donors or subscribers to the campaign members, but for paying members trying to educate them on how the organization works, and then also try to link them to social events that we're having either our own or someone else's that we're going to go to, um, that way they can participate in a way that's not just gone to a meeting.
Yeah, that makes sense. I also I this is not necessarily about onboarding, but once we have at least eight members, we should probably have a if we're trying to make sure that every there's always someone else who can do our job. We should, at least for the steering committee, maybe codify that a little bit. To where there is like a second basically, like kinda like if you're an actor, and you, you know, I can't remember that's called but understudies. Oh, that's what I was gonna say. It's, I don't remember. It sounds a little condescending. But.
Yeah. The shadows.
Something like that. Yeah, the shadow.
That sounds way cooler.
Okay. Yeah.
All right. Anything else for membership coordinator? Are you guys okay with staying for like 10 minutes? In Oregon? Yeah. Okay. Anything else for membership?
I can't think of anything at the moment, I'll probably think of something later. Okay.
And I'll start a thread with this meeting. And then if you get more ideas thrown in there. Okay. And then for campaign coordinator.
This one is for Yeah, like campaigns
are running. So again, not electoral campaigns.
I think I should probably post about this too.
I gave an interview to
socialists organizer, which is like, read by maybe 2000 people in the entire world, not even in the country.
But I talked a little bit about what I thought election stuff would work like. But that's again, not what campaign coordinator is. But if you guys want to read that you can't, for campaign coordinator would be things like, you know, 10, organizing, or whatever. So we all do processes is described later on here. So I guess I just go here. So like focus campaigns will be will have a max of two. And that's the two things that we're going to dedicate a majority of our resources towards. So if there's like a one off thing, like, you know, a kind of vent for Palestine or something, we can do that while still having two other priorities. But if it's going to be like this thing that takes up half of our meetings, then it has to be one of these two focus campaigns. The point of that was, you seen a lot of other organizations where people will form like, five different subcommittees. And then it's like one person or like two people in each subcommittee, and like, everyone else doesn't have the time to give that subcommittee the resources it needs to actually succeed. It just ends up being something that like, like you, and like a couple of other people are working on by ourselves, but you don't really get anywhere. And we want to avoid kind of fracturing or efforts. And some of the pushback I've heard is that people will say, you know, well, if someone wants to join your org to do this thing that they're really passionate about, you should let them work on it, even if they don't succeed. But I think it's, it's the worst thing to let them kind of toil away for a year, rather than get plugged into whatever you're working on. And then give them the possibility in six months to bring up whatever they're concerned about. And then you all actually work on that thing together, instead of them spending a year in like accomplishing nothing, right, even if it's something you're passionate about. So that was the theory behind capping it out to focus campaigns for campaign formation, you know, you have to go to the membership, getting approval from two thirds of the membership to actually get it approved. And again, you have to like announce that at least one month in advance for the campaign operation, again, in the plan of delegating everything, each campaign would get leadership. And so
hey, there you go.
It looks pretty good.
It does look good.
Yeah, I like it. So
for leadership, it can just be one person, but that's the one person that's going to be in charge of the campaign. And again, the membership can decide how many people actually need to be in charge. But that would not be me, right? That would be other people. And then I'm just there to kind of assist and make sure they can. They have the capability of running the campaign. We should have kind of leadership elections for the campaign so people can have different ideas of how they think we accomplish these things, they can present it to the membership, membership votes for whichever leader they want, or however many however many leaders they want. And those are the people that kind of run the campaign. And then again, yeah, just every six months, we have to reprove the campaign with three general membership. So we don't want something and just be like, this is something we do, and we're just like doing it forever. Even if we're not really accomplishing our goals, we should have benchmarks, we should review it in six months. Obviously, we have like, there's a process for cutting it early if we want to, with a significant number of votes. And also, if someone else has a different idea, that thing that they think we should be doing, they take to the membership membership has to vote down on one of these other priority campaigns to then vote on the other one. So it's somewhat flexible in that, you know, we can do whatever we want. But it just kind of sets a cap. And I think, unless we have like, 1000 people where we have the capacity to do like five things at once, yeah, then we can increase the number from two. Right, but until then.
That's that go too crazy, I think. Um, so yeah, I
think, again, the goal is, you know, we want to mobilize people. We want to kind of teach class politics to people through our campaigns, like, that should be the goal. I think what we want to avoid is very like top down, hey, we have a good idea, this good idea will help you, and therefore vote for it. That's what like the politicians do. Now. It doesn't really explain to people why they need it and doesn't come from the people, right? I think, if we want to bring like a ballot initiative or anything like that up for folks, then we should be, you know, organizing tenants, and then talking to them about rent control or whatever. But then they're the ones that kind of drive the dialogue for pursuing rent control legislation. And they're the ones that spread it to enough of a population where we feel like we can get it done. But then that really feels like a bottom up demand. Instead of like, you know, us coming up with the idea and then kind of just shoving it down people's throats, even if it's something that's going to help them, but they may like, it's just a very different feeling as a tenant to be like,
you know, we did this verse.
Thank God, WC was there to do it for us.
Yeah, it Yeah, it should just be like, it was really great that they that they were there to help if we needed it. Yeah, that's because like, the, the I can't remember what the exact phrase was, but it was it's like facilitation instead of, I don't know, like saving or so I had some word for saving that sounds like facilitation is basically you're just trying to facilitate people and we're communities helping themselves basically, is the general idea least. Yeah.
And then the ideas along the way, they feel like we'll become working class unity members. Yeah. And then through the organization, we can, you know, do
what we want to do. Okay, any questions about like the campaign, kind of the focus campaign? How it works? Takes to it.
Yeah, no, I think I mean, I like the idea that we'll be able to just have some action, like I saw you already, but in the outline for the next meeting, like we're planning on going to Lodi pride, I think. Yeah, that's I love that just because I think always having something to do at least encourages like, oh, they went they did that thing last week. Let's do this thing next week. We'll just Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Do you have anything to add? Um,
we don't have a chair in the bylaws. And typically, that person is the one who would leave the board meeting who would call it to order who would walk through the agenda? And so if we're not going to have a chair, I think we should at least assign those duties to one of the existing committee member roles.
We roll that into the president thing. Okay, yeah. Chairperson or whatever.
Sure. Should we just, I mean, I
guess we can just add it now. Like, I think chair or President slash vice president vice chair, I think that like, I know at least president was needed right. Paulo for some of the tech stocks.
Um, yeah, I
didn't actually get to look up exactly if it would be needed, but typically, they are present in nonprofits. So I just think to cover ourselves legally, we should have that position.
Okay. I can add majority late but I'll add it to the end. under this.
So do we just want to do let's see what our positions? Okay, membership coordinator? Do you want to take the? Okay, these are the tax documents. So
do you want to be president? Since your name will like go first on everything?
I don't necessarily want to be on a bunch of tax documents. I don't mind doing the I don't mind doing the other roles, though. All right. So if we want to slip, yeah, we can say if you want to split them or have them all on one, that's fine. I
can put on myself. And then I just because you have to give your address and stuff too. I think I'll let I'll let the FBI raid my house, where can we go? Okay, so I just added at the bottom of this, and we can review it again at the meeting tomorrow. For president, vice president just for
either tax purposes or, you know,
currently like for board responsibilities. This will be it. But I think, again, as president vice president will probably delegate soon enough.
The actual running of the meeting,
and so won't be as important overtime. Okay, so it's been another 10 minutes.
So everyone like a little bit more clear on what I think I'm more clear on what the rules will be for us for at least.
Oh, actual dates before we leave. So since we need to work on agenda and put it out one week before the other meetings.
We want to meet like, that Thursday and the Monday before, like the week before the general meetings. Yeah. So the first the first Thursday and the third Monday? Yeah. Sounds good. Okay, fine.
First Thursday, and they're Monday. Okay. And then as long as we get the email out that evening, we should be good. And same times like six, seven?
Yeah, that works for me. Okay. All right. Thank you again,
it's kind of slow going for starting, but
who was the person who was good at Robert's Rules?
vaguely familiar with?
Do you have like a PDF or something that you could email me or whatever? Or just drop in the chat?
I'm not a general one. But I think they should be Yeah. Roberts code.org or something? I think
it was because like the the only thing that I want to make sure is that before the next meeting, that if we have some like, you know, graphics or something that I need to make for onboarding people, I can like, get a start on that maybe. And if it seems like Robert's rules might be important, or like the clarification of like, how we're going to run these meetings, you know,
out of the green, yeah. Because then we can't get it. You can't get accused the
thing about labor notes there had a whole talk on how Robert's Rules are racist, because they're so complicated. only white people can understand them. Which,
wow, that's racist.
Okay, well, he's just got it. That's not exactly what they said. But that's what it feels like when you're in the room.
Like, Well, okay, I
can read. I can understand eventually. Exact Yeah.
Okay. Sounds great. Thank
you again. And yeah, again, I know we're kind of going slow going at the start. But
getting started, this is pretty quick. It's only been like two weeks or whatever.
It feels slow. I've been thinking about it for so long. I'm like, already want to be doing stuff.
But hopefully,
everyone's up next meeting and then probably will be kind of our first like social event. So hopefully, that's fun. And then if he can find something else to do. Maybe I'll reach out to Ian and see if he wants to decide to call a member claptrap number for two. Yeah. And if he wants to restart his thing, or restart it as a part of the VCU maybe we can do that like on the 17th or something
to Eleazar over hatch. I've gotten there this weekend. So I'll talk to him as well and see if I get something going.
Alright, yeah, that'd be great.
Yeah, we should just start easy and then work from there. And then I'll get a quote on the T shirts and stuff
and see on a good point. All righty, thank you so much. Gonna stop recording peace.