Well, thank you. It is eight o'clock on Tuesday, February 16. It's above zero degrees. Just want that noted for the record. I might actually leave the house today. I don't think I've stepped outside once yesterday. So let's call this meeting to order. Olivia would you complete the roll call please.
Yes, we have Cameron grant. Tom to be Arlene zortman. Lauren Sally. Jean Christopher. Lisa gallon or Polly Christiansen, Kathy fetlar,
Harold Domingues and kyndra Daniels.
Thank you. Welcome, Polly. It's good to see you. Item number two approval of the minutes from our January 19 2021. meeting those were in the packet. Do we have any updates corrections or or comments regarding the February 19 minutes?
I move to approve them.
we have a motion in a second. No discussion all in favor? Thumbs up. Any opposed? None opposed? Those are considered approved. Item number three is public invited to be heard. And before the meeting started, we were notified that there were there has been no one contacting us requesting to be heard. So unless anyone has shown up in the last minute and a half, we will move on to item number four new and old business and not item four a is review and adopt electronic participation policy for city of Longmont board and commission meetings. And that was included in your packet. Is there anyone on staff that wants to give a bit of background on this?
I think Karen's going to do this one. But
let me jump in. And I'm not sure Karen has joined us yet.
Yeah, I'm wondering if she's having technical issues, let me know up. So generally on this one, we created just for you all sort of the backstory on this one. As we moved into the COVID world and we had to have the electronic meetings via zoom, we created a sorry, somebody calling in teams, we created the electronic policy. And if you notice in the first paragraph, emergency circumstances under which city of Longmont or commission may participate in border commission meeting by telephone or other electronic means of participation, such as video conferencing. And then we outline the emergency situations in terms of where this can be enacted, obviously, for me is determining that meeting a person is not practical or prudent. Everyone can hear one another. And then you can see the point on the public where they can hear it and at least one board or commission is present unless not feasible due to the pandemic or disaster. So this is really just pulling together what we've been doing. We've put this in place for the City Council, we put it in place for all our other boards, and commissions. And we just felt like we needed to add that for you all.
I think it makes good sense since we're operating in that passion anyway. Does anyone have any questions? Or do you? Can I entertain a motion to approve the policy? Tom?
Yeah, the question.
So number five says all votes are connected by roll call. I mean, is that have they really been doing that during the meetings? Or is it wait as long as you can see them and hear them? Is that acceptable? If he can see him and hear him, it's acceptable. Our city clerk sometimes if you watch the council meetings don't have to go Okay, who voted for what to make sure that it's clear. But But yeah, it needs to be clear. And we we do that in a number of ways. So
we have a motion.
I will move to approve.
Jean moved Arlene seconded. Any further discussion. All in favor, some thumbs up, roll call. unanimously approved. So we will move on to item four be advisory board members and resident engagement, and discussing ideas for the Housing Authority Board participate in that to ensure communication between residents, staff and board. So this is an issue that that we first started discussing, I don't know how long a year or so ago and maybe a little bit less, and it got lost during the COVID time. But Arlene wisely reminded me about this. And so we thought we had to put it on the agenda for discussion. And I think the concept was the the, there's some real value in communication. And that over the years, there might have been less communication between the board in particular, and maybe others on staff and our residents. And so we wanted to bring this back for discussion, to explore ways we might kind of stimulate this type of connection. And so what I think I'll do, I'll turn it over to Arlene to get her initial thoughts and see where we take this, Arlene.
Okay, um, when I was able to visit some of the facilities earlier last year, one of the things that came up was that it would be nice if there were meetings where people could get together with board members, and, you know, staff and just kind of talk about maybe some concerns or what's going good, that type of a thing. And I just kind of wanted to follow up on that, because I think it's an excellent idea. However, as long as we have to do it this way, virtual, I'm not sure that we'd get that many people to participate, as compared to if we actually met it, mat on each one of the facilities and open it up to the people that were there. So I think it's important to do, I'm just not sure when we can get going on it.
I wonder if there's some value to it, even though this is a difficult time for everybody to connect and communicate. There's some value just to having the option, even if only a handful of people take advantage of it. Yeah, that might be might be an opportunity for somebody who has a significant issue they want to discuss to reach out to us. Otherwise, they have to wait around until EDM on the second Tuesday or third Tuesday, whatever the date is, and go from there.
Do any of the facilities have places where they've got computers set up so people could actually go in and get on there? Rather than have to deal with it from home? It might be easier for them to do it that way. Your computer labs?
I'm trying to think some do. And I'm trying to. I know though, that was something we were working on in Aspen meadows, apartments. And then there's Karen. And some do some don't I think is the answer. Karen.
Thanks, Harold. So I would say a couple things. Yeah. So one, some of the computer labs that were in operation. The equipment got so old over time, you know, that they really were no longer usable. So there's, there's so there is a couple things that we're doing number one is you know, we are working with Hearthstone and lodge since they now have you know, broadband or basically next night internet as part of their utilities. So, so we are working with them and the senior center in, in giving folks Chromebooks to be able to have access for people who don't have, you know, have that technology. And we're also looking at a checkout system of Chromebooks at the sweets, again, because they do have the they do have the internet. Actually, we weren't able to get the internet at harsono large Sorry, I'm I'm incorrect. But so we are looking at how through a combination of Chromebooks that the senior center can give away and those that we can check out that was available through the cares act because we couldn't give them away. So we're trying to at least enhance access to devices for for folks who don't have that. So we're continuing to look I guess, are looking at ways to address the digital divide because it is certainly an issue that we are concerned about and continue to look for resources to address those. And I think the other thing is that, at some point you, you might want to invite Lisa, to talk a little bit about what she and the community managers are starting to do, to reach out and connect with residents. So bit by bit, as as the, you know, as we can loosen things up a little bit, they are trying some different ways to engage. So, at some point in this conversation, I would invite Lisa to participate to chime in.
And then if it's okay, I'm going to share my screen with you all, and show you where we are. So you can see what part of we're going to be dealing with so and then she can see obviously, we're in the yellow dial. One week 116.1, were in blue, terms of average positivity, stable hospice, this is moving. And this is because you're always anchored against low numbers. And so what I will tell you is what it looks like our hospitalizations are going up, we're still significantly lower than where we were before. And so this one, you have to understand that piece. But even if we move into blue, and you look at gatherings, even in blue, it's up to 10, from no more than two households. So even when we move to Blu, I mean, that's going to be a challenge. And we'll have to. So generally, you could probably only have under this the way this is described to people together who are from different units. And so this is the challenge that we're going to have ongoing. And so we were, we even thought I even thought about finding a way to get a projector with a camera. So we could talk to larger groups still won't work with the way the rules are working based on how you can get people together because of the household size. And so I think we are going to have to work on finding a way to get people to connect, but I think it's Lisa needs to talk about what they're doing to try to bridge that gap in the interim.
Well, we did have Michelle go through because she's really involved with Boulder County Health. Go through the guidelines. And we were allowed, we're allowed to have gatherings in like community areas, social distance. So we did groups over at the hartstone in the lodge, did 15 minute gatherings with six household members, and a couple staff members and we set chairs 15 on side 10 feet apart. So it allowed people to come in, then we did these meetings every 10 minutes. So we had time to sanitize the whole bill or the whole area, get the next group and go through the same agenda, sanitize and go on. And we did six groups at each of the hartstone in the lodge over two days.
Okay, I like that idea. And I would be more than glad to do participated. If it was an option with you guys. It sounds like a lot of work. But it also sounds like something that I like the idea of moving ahead with.
Lauren's been patiently waiting with her digital hand raised.
And what about outdoors, I've two things. I think if we, when the weather gets better, obviously not now. But maybe when things warm up, if we're able to do it outdoors, we'll be able to have more people, lots more people. And it might be nice, you know, to get some fresh air coming up from all this year. The other thing I wanted to mention was for any locations that either don't have great internet access, or you know, we're having trouble getting technology into the hands of residents. Boulder County AAA Area Agency on Aging is launching a program called connect with tech where they will match Chromebooks and hotspots for six months of internet. They just they just did contract I just approved some contracts for it. So I happen to know that this is coming. But you could reach out to to their organization to see if that's something that we could point our residents to for those who don't qualify for city of Longmont type services. It is for older people, but depending on where they live, that might be a great option.
That that is a that's a great program. And and Lauren is as Lisa mentioned, Michelle Wait, who's our Senior Services Manager is is connected with the AAA for Boulder County and that program and the folks that are running that so. So that's a great reminder that, you know, we're we're trying to tap into all the different resources To try to help get either internet or and or tech devices in the hands of folks who don't have them so that they can, they can connect. But that's a great, great way Maya.
And the nice thing is, is training is involved with this program, right? So it'll teach people how to how to get online and use the technology, which is probably a bigger barrier, sometimes the getting the technology itself.
So I'm wondering if we need to kind of wait until maybe June ish or so to take a look at this again, and I don't know, right now, it's
so cold, it's
If you all want live drawing,
I was gonna say I really liked the suggestion. I'm just making sure Lisa is aware that we are interested in available, but I think whatever we do needs to dovetail in with how she and her team are managing each of those communities. But so first of all, we're available. And second of all, I think that there are a lot of ways to communicate that, that we may or may not be on top of. I've never been to one, but I've seen reference to the coffee with counsel popping back up. So I don't know how if that's all on zoom, or if you're doing that outdoors, or the actual coffee coffee shop, but I think that's a similar concept. And I know our our population may have more challenges on on technology, then then the general population, but I think it's just I'm in favor of providing an opportunity, holding ourselves out to Lisa and and letting her know that if she thinks it's appropriate within her management umbrella, that we'd love to do it.
And to answer your question, we're doing the coffee with councils remotely. First one was interesting, because they have to call him because it's just the open ended piece in this. We could rethink that in a different way. Because it's, it's a captive, for lack of a better word, we know who we need to invite. And so we can invite people from the facilities, which makes that a little bit easier than what we had to do on the coffee with counsel. And I think there's ways we can do it. Also, so everyone knows many of the Affordable internet programs that we've established. I think there's 100 meg program for $19. Now, and then we have other affordable opportunities of Vietnam, excite those are all, if we have next slide in facilities, those are available for the people that live in the facilities. The difference in this case is the sweet, we were able to do a bulk deal. Or we're paying for it because of the requirements associated with the supportive services. So we're paying for internet connectivity. They're one of the things I talked to Karen about, I'm kind of getting into the ops report a little bit but to answer this question. Next slide. We're also working with some folks that have different TV options. And so we're trying to understand what that looks like. So even if we don't do the bulk deals for the facilities, residents have the ability to take advantage of some of these lower cost options for next slide, if it's available. And I think I think we're almost every place in some form or fashion, it's a matter of getting them into the unit.
So I think the other thing that I would just add to this or is that it Terrell connecting with our residents, after this really long year is is certainly Top of Mind on for Lisa, the team, our new team of community managers, you know, I think for the entire organization is figuring out ways we can start connecting with our residents in whatever way is possible. So we're checking the dial, the public health dial of the year residents is saying when are we going to open back up community areas so so we're, we're checking all that. And so it is top of mind, for the staff. And and I think we will continue to look for opportunities. We are also you know, we're working on a kind of a newsletter option too. And so that also might be a way I'll be it kind of a one way communication, but it could be ways that the board can at least reach out in that way. So so we will we will make sure that we're talking about and continuing to explore opportunities as as they evolve with the with the pandemic.
Well that sounds good. Thank you, Arlene. For for bring this up again. And for the discussion, I think it's it's, it's time we start to focus on some of the things that we have forgotten about over the past 10 months. And this is this is an important first step. So they're no other discussion items on on for B, why don't we move on to four c, which is an update on the voluntary compliance agreement. And there is a brief letter in your packet brief in terms of oh my gosh, brief 18 page letter,
something like that that brief.
So I'm hoping someone will give us a summary of this.
Probably be me.
So this is the first annual report to head giving update on the voluntary compliance agreement and where we stay on there's been a lot of progress has been made over the years. Kathy,
Kathy, your your connection is off.
I don't think the headset
Well, we may have to do is let her get out and come back in.
I'm here, Kathy. So if you want to exit the meeting, I'll let you right back in I'm watching. And maybe just turn up your volume a little bit. Yeah, I can't hear you at all.
And I was gonna skip ahead before D but I'm guessing and Kathy might be part of that one as well.
Yeah, that would be her internet looks good because the videos fine, but I can't hear you Kathy.
I love that she
has a backup just for the record.
Headphones number three.
I know.
If this doesn't work, she needs to get out. Probably relaunch. Yeah, you're
right, Harold.
No, you're like robotic out Kathy. So if you just want to leave at all let you right back in.
Sorry, I
know it's frustrating.
kameron. While she's doing that, if you want to go ahead on the city report. I want to do the update operations after he but if we want to go ahead and ask Lisa to do B and C.
We do that Lisa? What she's back maybe we gotta stick with Kathy Hopson in a second here.
Now you're gonna have to restart your entire computer and then come in.
All right, why don't we jump with item five be the Hearthstone lodge budget update. We said would you like to take it away.
I'm excited to say that we have found the money to for the Hearthstone and the lodge to go ahead and implement the pendant system instead of the pool courts that we currently have in place. This will alleviate resonance from being on call over hours and responding to the pool cords and somebody fall in a smoke detectors going off. This will be an automated system that the residents will either have a wristwatch or a necklace type pendant that they could push kind of like a life alert it will only work inside the building. And we hope to get that system approved today or tomorrow and work on getting it installed over the next 10 to 15 days. We were able to find the money within the budget, different sources but it we're moving forward. So that's really exciting for me because it's been one of my priorities. I started, anybody have questions on that it's going through Best Buy as well. So they are backing the system.
And this is, this is actually I'm gonna jump in with something, too, that we've been our fire department and our Public Safety Department has been wanting us to do, just because of the unique issues with the pull cords, and then individuals responding and then calls for service coming in. And so this, we're really excited about this on a number of fronts, because it does get them connected to someone who can then triage, understand what the issue is, and then make the calls into the appropriate person. And ultimately, we don't then need the the people responding from the facility and have to work through those issues. So we think this is important step. And at least in I've talked about, and I've thought about the potential viability of expanding this to potentially other units as we can. This is a requirement for this facility because it's a to to property. And so that's why we're having to do this here. But this is something that's definitely on our mind for other locations. Oh, is this a microphone and a speaker? Then it goes?
No, what happens is when the resident activates it by pushing the button and tapping the button, they will get a phone call to their phone that they've registered either their cell phone or their personal phone, and then the dispatcher will, if they don't answer they'll automatically dispatch SMS but if the resident answers they can kind of triage see what the situation is. If if they need police medical fire from there on, or maintenance. What
if a resident loses misplaces? Do we are we going to charge the resident for the fee? Or are we going to pick up the car
they'll have to pay the replacement cost for the device, which I believe is $25.
Well, that sounds like an excellent addition.
Yes, yeah. Lisa, is there a provision for when residents accidentally hit that button? And well, that's my personal phone,
or their phone number on call whatever number they have listed, they'll call and see if it's truly an emergency or if it was an accidental push. But we will also get reports daily and monthly of all the calls so if we have a resident who's hitting it accidentally we can always suggest them going from either the watch to the pendant around the neck or some other way of carrying the device.
Okay, yeah, because sometimes that'll happen and they're not with it within reach of their phone. And they don't know they've done it and but I appreciate you know, let's do the following up and I'm glad to get the reports Great. Great.
And Lisa, when you say it works in the building does it work for like a certain radius outside of the building in case someone has a fall or or an emergency just outside the building? Like a slip on ice?
They said it should because there will be six repeaters I believe per built six to nine repeaters per building. So it should work on the exterior as well. And the company should be able to detect what repeater it's coming off of. So they're not in their units. It should at least say what vicinity of the building they're in. Okay,
that's great.
Excellent. Any more discussion on the Hearthstone lodge? And if not, at least you want to talk about five see your general update. Okay,
well, we've had a busy month hired another manager she started on the second of February and so she is full time at the suites and overseeing Aspen Meadows senior and Aspen Meadows neighborhood. Her name is Corrine Lindsay. She's She's here with us now. So that completes our hiring for now. We are getting ready to do a couple audits. We have had audits at the Hearthstone and lodge this month and then asmin metal senior is actually going through a file review as well for the rehab. Then if we just look at the affordable gross potential rent report, it shows all the availabilities of what units we have rented. We were making some progress. The suite two has the most units available out of the eight. I'm excited to see now we have four rented Friday afternoon another prospect from MHP was contacted and did all their paperwork so we should do Filling at least half those vacancies in the next two weeks. Any questions on the vacancies? Questions on any other management items going on?
I mean, go ahead,
on the village place, you've got that you reduce the rent. Does that kind of correspond with the rest of the units that are in there? Or is this something new?
We did, we wouldn't reduce the rent on the two bedroom 60% unit, because it has been vacant for a little over five months. And the loss the vacancy loss we've had, we look at that versus reducing the rent by about $200 to see if we could fill that unit was a significant difference. So we're hoping to read that because we do have another two bedroom 60% that is on notice as well. So we don't want to stuck with two of them vacant for an extended amount of time.
And what's the poverty level on that? Is it 30 or 40%? Or 50
years 60% unit? Okay.
Well, if we have nothing else on on five B or five C, I see that Kathy has rejoined us why don't we jump back to four c? And I'm crossing my fingers at the audio sounds crystal clear. Oh, no, it's not clear.
So Kathy, we can hear you a little bit. Just faintly thankfully,
she said she's gonna try again. So why don't we stick back down to the city report and let's let's jump back to five eight Harold if you don't mind.
Or, or Molly O'Donnell, I think is also I thought I saw okay. So, so Molly can certainly report on item five D if you wish.
And then I'll hit five.
I'm not hearing you, Molly.
Okay, can you hear me now?
Yes, good.
I hadn't noticed that microphone is not working, so I have to play around. Okay, so I am here to provide an update on the Aspen Meadows apartments rehab project. So as of the end of this week, the 19th, we will be 80% complete with interior work. The third floor South Wing is a wing that we just completed, the move in went smoothly for those residents. And right now the second floor South Wing is underway. And so that's the one that will be done by the end of this week. doing those movements and two days was a challenge but it went smoothly have generally residents were quite happy with how things went, we have a lot of support on site. To make that happen. The Gathering room is nearly complete, and the mailboxes are switched over the new mailboxes, and operational. The work on the interior during the next four weeks will include the completion of that second floor South Wing units. And then upcoming will be the first floor South Wing and that'll be the completion of all the units. The Office and the first floor lobby continuation will also occur in this next round starting next week. We are still waiting for our elevator and window replacement schedules because that once the units are complete, that's the last bit that will require relocation assistance. We're still waiting for those they won't schedule until they have all their orders in place. And with COVID and things lots of orders for things have been slow. But they will most likely happen after the unit work is complete. So we will be working on that relocation process on a separate track. Um, we will are also going to update our resident survey. We did one regarding the elevator and how many residents might be totally dependent on that elevator to access their unit. We did that before construction. But because the elevator work is happening quite a bit later than the beginning of construction. We want to update that. So we'll be doing another outreach effort as soon as we have a schedule. The window replacements are a single day install though. So that's a smaller coordination process. The exterior work that we've done today is still the substantial completion of the roof. They haven't done anything With winter weather, but most of the exterior work including all the windows will start in March and go through June. The whole job altogether in terms of contract building is 43%. Complete, we have a substantial amount of contingency and allowance budgets that we have not had to dip into, because things have gone quite smoothly on that front. So we've been working to add some value added features, and we're working to add some more currently. So we've already decided to go ahead and do the full parking lot paving, only two thirds of that lot was included in the budget originally, this will put all asphalt in the same lifecycle. We also got city traffic engineering to agree to restrict parking on 21st. Right next to that South East entrance to the parking lot just for safety, we've had a lot of close calls or even accidents there. The we've also added a common area furnishings package, including the gathering room, the resident Business Center, which is going to be located on the second floor and the property management office. We're going to be doing some safety improvements and ways to improve natural light in that office as well as while we're doing this. And then we've already completed interior signage package to update the look of all the directional signing and unit numbering and make sure it's you fast compliant. So that's already an ongoing. We are currently working on the following items to see if they are feasible. And well, some of them are feasible. We're just working on pricing and scope, the video security system to integrate with other la property systems, landscaping upgrades, including possible garden boxes, because we know residents really enjoy gardening on site, and some patio furniture upgrades and ways to improve irrigation outside. So if there's any questions on that, or any other suggestions for things we should look at for value added features, we would love to have that.
No questions or suggestions. Well, thank you. That's a great update. It sounds like we're making very good progress on it. Let's move on Harold, the five year progress on the Lh Lh DC structure, and reorganization.
Okay. And I also wanted to add to what Molly's working on one of the things that we've done. And she mentioned it is the video security system is really the when when we started this, we talked about creating consistent using consistent technology across all all of our facilities. And that's a couple of things that we've caught one, the door system is something that we caught and bringing that it so it's consistent what we have in our other facilities, the cameras, the camera conversation, just for this group to know is also we've got two camera systems, one in the neighborhood. And then this one that interact with each other the camera system at the neighborhood is old. And if you remember, this is one that we're having a lot of trouble with just getting into the system. And so we're working both of those for the neighborhood and for the apartments, but where they will interact with each other and be essentially on the same platform. The key for this and this is tied into the security work that we've got the bid at village Place Apartments to do based on some issues we were having there is that there's also going to be a web platform. So you have remote access into those systems should you need it and and what we want to do then eventually is have a consistent platform across all the facilities so that we don't continue having the one offs as we're moving forward. Lisa didn't talk about that. But that's the same work that she's doing with the maintenance staff right now in terms of things like faucets and sinks and so we can just do that. And so it's really good work in terms of the progress of the Lh Lh DC structure reorganization. This is one that we're going to need to spend some time with the board on the ellijay board, which would be the city council members at this time. We have two two attorneys working on this issue. One is Chris gullickson. You all may have seen Chris in previous conversations because he is doing a lot of the financing. He did a lot of legal work on the financing work that we've done for many of our facilities. He's actually representing the Development Corporation. On the Housing Authority side we're utilizing and working with Ben Doyle. Ben used to be a county attorney. He's now in private practice, but then was the one that actually did all of the work or most of the work in terms of the change that they made at the county and really How the county commissioners became the the actual Housing Authority Board. And they worked through their processes. And so Glen or Chris and Ben are really giving us two different viewpoints based on their perspectives, we hope to have a report from them in the next couple of weeks, well, let's say next two to four weeks in terms of, excuse me a high level report in terms of their recommendation. The the big piece on this is, there's a couple of things in place. So if you all will remember when we talked to you about the report from Betsy Martens, and she really talked about the change in HUD conditions, and combining the Development Corporation model with the Housing Authority, and that really strengthens the financial position of both organizations when you do this, and the fact that HUD now looks at it a different way than they did when you had to have the Development Corporation. So that's a piece in terms of the financial side of the equation, what we're also trying to understand is the liability component to this, and how you can carve that liability piece out into the, into the each individual housing unit. And whether or not it makes sense to have the Development Corporation exist in some form, based on the liability. And and we're going to get I'm pretty, I'm expecting we're gonna get two different legal responses on this in terms of what that looks like. And then it really is going to be an evaluation of what is the risk in doing this. But you know, that we think that at least in the interim, you know, as we talked about with you all, the Development Corporation still needs to exist. And until we can get to a point to make some final decisions, it also will tie into a little bit in terms of some development opportunities that are coming into play and how we can utilize it. And
and once Kathy joins, we'll talk about that. But my hope is actually, you know, by April, that no later than April, we have a clear sense of the recommendation we're going to make to both you all and the Housing Authority Board on this issue and where we want to go and how we want to move there. In this, depending on the path that we take, it could be anywhere from a nine month to nine to 12 month untangling of all of the financial components in many of these properties. And so they will give us a sense of what that will take to in terms of the time of the actual untangling and and moving it into the housing authority if if that's the direction that the board wants to go. So making progress, that was something we kind of we kept pushing out because we needed to deal with more of the immediate operational issues. But I should have a report within the next month based on the conversation I had on Friday with our legal representation on this internally. Any questions?
So hello, my understanding is that the Lh Lh DC board is still meeting regularly to
they're not meeting. Okay, um, they're making their meeting, what we talked about with them is we'll meet as needed. And they will have under their bylaws, they have to have, I think one meeting a year, and there's not a lot of activity, so there's really not a need for them to meet right now. And that's what we we had to work with them. Because if you'll remember, they wanted to have this completed by the end of the year, and that was impossible. So that was the agreement we had, we're also thinking about options, depending on timelines if we need to find a different way to report appoint other board members, if we need to go longer if they actually want to stop serving in that capacity. So that's some of the things we're going to look at. Okay. In terms of update on operations, you all may hear last night, we had a a sprinkler burst pipe burst because of the cold at the suites. I want to commend Lisa Korean Dennis Vidal in the work that they did. We were pretty fortunate when we went out there and actually burst in the stairwell. And so in terms of the number of units that were impacted, when we first heard it It was one of those moments where like, How bad is this going to be? Fortunately, when we got in, we only there were only three units that had water in them, at least a lot of water in them. So we made plans working with Karen and the group to relocate three people. At the end of the day, we only had to relocate one person, because 24 seven responded very quickly, to get into the units. And, you know, really thankful for them, because it wasn't just the housing, Housing Authority going through this Apparently, there were many other multifamily units experiencing the same thing. But based on the number of units that were potentially impacted the work that we've done with them, they were able to respond to our facility very, I think they were there within an hour of when they got the call. So it went really well in terms of the water removal, they're going to be there again today to really look at the moisture content in the walls, and see what we have to do in terms of a more permanent drying that we need to do and how aggressive we need to be in that process. We are trying to schedule a meeting with the Housing Authority Board, we were going to try to do this in conjunction with our normal city council meetings. And so you all know, how we handle the general Improvement District. They adjourn as the city council. And they reconvene as the general Improvement District, they would do the same thing here. We actually talked to the city council last week about the fact that we have so much stuff we need to go over, as they jumped into this role and bring your recommendations to them, that we're gonna need a special meeting, we're trying to schedule that right now. And get that on the books. We may be able to get it. You know, we try to schedule at midday Friday, just in case you are interested. I'm had some folks with some scheduling issues, we could potentially do it from three to five on Friday. So we're sending out emails, if not, we're gonna have to get it next week. And when we do that, we will we will let you all know. And that may be something where at least the chair if the chairs available to be part of that conversation and kind of help this transition as we're moving forward. But we will. We will let you all know. Karen Kathy if I missed anything. Karen
So, um, so the two things that I would add is that last week, we had a very successful vaccination clinic at Hearthstone and and Lodge and so and village place. So. So basically, we pretty much had a full day, half day to Hearthstone lodge half day to village place. And, and we were able to have 43 total vaccinations at Hearthstone Lodge and 33. At the village place, all the vaccinations were used. So Michelle, and Lisa and her community managers were, they had a plan a plan B Plan C, so that we made sure that we used all of the vaccinations, we so we had 70 plus year olds 65 to 69. And then if there were any vaccinations, less we had left we had people on standby so they could come in and get vaccinated. The second clinic is set for Tuesday, February 23. And that will and that will basically that's going to be at Fall River I believe and and we will target the residents of Fall River Spring Creek and Aspen Meadows senior apartments. And so that will be at people that we will schedule for, for that that second clinic. So so he it was just it was a great, great success, a lot of work. Certainly partnering with public health with King soopers, which actually provided the vaccinations and you know, and just, you know, just the the gratitude from the residents in our facilities that you know, that they were able to access a vaccination and a vaccine in their own backyard was, you know, it was pretty, they were very grateful,
I guess I should say.
Yeah, that's wonderful.
Yeah, yeah. Karen, can I I'm going to add to that too, because obviously, this was a very efficient operation. And there were two openings at Hearthstone and Amy called two of the residents here, who are extremely vulnerable, vulnerable. And I'm just really delighted how efficient the whole operation went. So kudos to everybody involved.
Yeah, and I think to that point, we talk a lot about, you know, we've talked a lot about what we're doing. But I will also say this has been a unique opportunity for us as a city. Because they were able to do this at the facilities, we're now talking about the folks that work for the city who are over 70, who may not have been able to be vaccinated, to see if we can include them in this as well. And so they're, you know, what we're now seeing is the give and take between both sides of the house in terms of how we all help each other in different ways. And I wanted to point that out, because a lot of times we focus on this side. But this is a piece where this has really become a, you know, a great issue for us, the city structure and the community in general, in terms of being able to have these conversations, this is a model in my conversations, on the other side, that they're really testing this pop up piece, and how that's going to work as we get more vaccine, so that we can then bring that out and really target other populations within our community. So this is a test for the broader county as well, they've done it in Longmont with the Housing Authority, Boulder housing partners in Boulder County housing authority in this testing process.
And and the only other announcement that I would make under operations is that we were able to hire and she started last week would be our new Housing Choice Voucher specialist. Her name is Rhonda Hill. And and so she is now on board. And so we have both Housing Choice Voucher specialists in an operation, and yeah, it's good to be good to have pretty full staff. So yeah, so that's, that's
well, in what I was saying. And this is as much for Dennis idelle. Qur'an and Lisa, for rock stars last night, that was my call to Karen, when I left the facility and with the rock stars, just seeing the process that they went through how they were handling the situation. You know, it was different this time. And that's really a testament to the work that they've been doing. I also wanted to let you all know that when you go into facilities, you can get a sense in the, in the field, just how people interact with you, and how things are going. And I will tell you that this is this is where the work that everyone's been doing, where you kind of come away and you go, Okay, we're making progress. Interaction has been much different at the suites for me last night during a crisis versus other times just in terms of the involvement and the interaction that they're having with the folks that live in the facilities. And the and that's paying off in different ways. And and you know, I asked the question, to Korean how's it going because she's in the facility, and she's like, fine. And, and just seeing how they were interacting with both Lisa and Korean in the process was phenomenal, and how quickly they got a hold of it in this situation. So I wanted to just publicly say, Great job, everyone that did it. And it was a much different. It was just different this time around. And so thank you. But I'll also say that I'm seeing that as I moved to other facilities and some of the interaction. And you know, I received a note from an individual at the lodge in Hearthstone. And who's there I forgot.
Andrea, Andrea, and in that and so we're now seeing everything we wanted to see. It's now really starting to to take place and in terms of the the positive relationship that we're seeing with people in the different facilities. I wanted to add that as part of the operational report. Kathy, Karen, Michelle, everybody's doing a great job in this and we're now rounding the corner. And so I wanted you all to know that.
Well, it hasn't been easy to get here. So it's great where we are, but I don't want to forget the slog that it was to get here and it's those those of you that have that are on the screen here that kind of helped us make that progress. So I'm losing track of my alphabet. But I'm looking at section five. Tom, you have some input?
I can I have a quick question on that. It's great to hear that we're fully staffed. But remember, I have a couple meetings ago, how are we treating the new employees now? Are we having them be city employees? Or are they also la employees? And I thought we had also talked about that moving possibly the LA employees over to the city as well. Yeah, we missed that one. And so that's what we're working on now. So we did get direction. But that's part of why we need the meeting with the council as the Housing Authority Board. So on the city side, we did get direction to do that. And I think that was part of why people have been more interested in terms of this conversation. So we are going to move forward with that. But we need to have now the meeting on the Housing Authority Board with the council members, so they can give us official direction. And we can do this. We've started the conversations. And so some things are going to be pretty easy. Things like health insurance, vision insurance. And I've talked, we've talked to staff about this already. Those things are going to be pretty easy. The one that's going to take a little more research is actually the retirement side. In terms of prior service credit, I mean, how do we deal with these things. And and in some ways, this is really going to be focused on the folks that are, have been here longer, and then the new folks because it's a different issue. And so we've brought Jim golden in and we've created a transition team just on this piece. To get that done. And we Our target is March 31. Knowing that depending on what we hear on the retirement side, that can be an overly aggressive target. But we still wanted to set a target date because deadlines stimulate progress on this at the same time, just so you all know, associated with this is also the move of the individuals. And we talked to staff about this and getting them into the Civic Center with us. So that it is a honestly easier for us to manage. So Karen's not having to be in Kathy, not in two offices, but also get folks closer to me as we continue to evolve and evolve in this structure. So those are two pieces that is easier to do. And we hope that we can move that a little more quickly. The challenge on that side is actually the files and where and how do we store the files, we found places and we can figure it out. But for the files, and so we're working on those pieces. So sorry, I forgot to mention that. But that's another thing in the mix.
And what I would add to that is that we do have task teams that have formed around around that work. So around what Harold talked about earlier, in terms of the structure, we have a task team that's looking at the transition of La staff to become city staff. We have we have some of us that are working on the physical move, and what the heck to do with those files. Because it's kind of a it's a domino it's a domino effect. So certainly, the Housing Choice Voucher specialist staff need need their files, they need access to those files. And, and so there there are multiple file storage issues that we're looking at with certainly the lhsaa, but also with the the city and and our file storage. So So we do have task teams that are have formed, we formed those a couple of weeks ago. To Harold's point is you know, we just need to get moving, we set some target dates. And even if we have to push those out, we we need to have some some milestone targets to shoot for.
And just so you all know as advisory board, and this is important, too. We're going to talk to the Housing Authority Board. And we have different task teams. I'm on every one of the task teams because from a structural and liability perspective that decision making has to be in me in this blend as we're moving forward. And so I bring that up because that's going to be an important piece that you'll see in terms of the liability conversations and everything we're having. And then I will take if needed, I will take that to the appropriate board to make the decision or if it's within my authority in the executive Interim Executive Director role, then I'll make it but we've got to do that to really compartmentalize all of these issues and keep everything separate.
Anything else on the city report that I've glossed over? see nothing. Right, go. We're gonna hope that the third time's the charm. And jump back to Kathy, for an update on the voluntary compliance agreement.
Okay, can you hear me now?
Yeah, all right, beautifully.
My husband gave me the wireless ones for Valentine's Day. And obviously, I haven't worked out the kinks yet. So to work on that. So for the voluntary compliance agreement, this is the first annual report to head that's required, we're going to have to do this report annually until we're out of out from under the agreement. And again, the numbers for the items don't make any sense. But that is how they were laid out in the HUD agreement. So we're going with them because it's easier to keep track of it. But for you guys, it won't make too much sense. So just a brief update, number 10, the monetary relief attendance, I believe the completed status on that first page is really December 11 2019. That's when we agreed that this needs to happen. And then it was actually completed with full payout in February of 2020. So I think that that first dates just an error on
the Fair Housing training the public interest provision, what I don't know quite why it's called that, but it's really ensuring that new staff have fair housing training and section 504 accessibility training. And we have been working on that everyone who was in place as of July 21, receive training. And then as folks have been hired, we have been identifying additional training for them to, to take so that we can keep keep moving on that. Number 12, which is the unit accessibility is really looking at and 12 through 16 are kind of all tied together with this. That's the survey of all of our units, and all of our common areas in every building, including the admin building, and 615. Main. They're all tied together, we have to survey all of those, we have to analyze what needs to happen to become you fast compliant, which is uniform federal accessibility standards, which is what HUD requires. It's above and beyond ADA standards, which is what the city code requires. So do an analysis of what needs to happen around that, and then do a transition plan on what the needs are and how we're going to enact the changes that need to happen, whether it's a rehab that can happen within units, or whether it is somehow in new in upcoming buildings, making more than the required number of you fast units. And how are we going to afford that and that plan, the analysis, the survey, the plan has to be in place and to HUD be by November of 2021. So hopefully, this summer, as we were talking about, we can get in and do start doing inspections of the units and the buildings in a way that makes sense and is still safe and everything. So that's the biggest piece that we still have to have to take on. And again, that covers number 12 through number 16. Basically, number 15 kind of inserted in that. As you all may know, we were able to do seven you fast compliant units at as part of the Aspen Meadows senior apartments, renovation. And we do have a third party architectural firm. inspecting those units had has accepted that firm. And so those units are going to be in full compliance with you fast so we'll have seven units by the time so Meadows apartments is is renovated. So that is helping helping with that at least we should not have to go through and survey Aspen Meadows senior apartments as part of the overall survey. And then there were a number of policies that we needed to put in place or beef up or enact. And they include number 17, which is the section 504 reasonable accommodation policy number 19 which is effective communications. Number 20 which is the fiber for non discrimination. Notice number 21 which is transfer policy and number 23 which is assisted assisted Animals policy, those have all been written, approved by HUD adopted and are in place. And we are starting actually later on this morning to roll those out to the community managers to make sure they fully understand them, and then put in place a plan to roll them out to all of our residents in a way that's understandable that doesn't overwhelm them. And that they, they know how to access those policies and the rights that are given to them. And then also, how do we incorporate them in providing them to all of our applicants that we might have in the future. And that plan has to be in place by April 15. So we can report back to head.
We also as part of the 504, policy, number 18, which is logging, tracking the 504 accommodation requests that we received and how we address those, that log has been turned into hood. We did process 38 requests in 2020. There were four denials. In one, I had requested more information, everyone else was pretty much approved. 13 of the 38 came from the Housing Choice Voucher Program. And most of those were related to needing an additional bedroom to accommodate either a disability or medical equipment or something like that. And then 25 of them were in our in our own properties. So just a little trivia for you there on what we had, had reviewed this year. The transfer policy, what we're finding, on not the policy necessarily, but with number 25, which is making sure that there's Lisa denims, around the ADA units. So if we have people who do not have a disability that are in an ADA designated unit, they just need to understand they can be in there. But if somebody that has a disability needs to go into that unit, they have to transfer to another unit at their own cost. So the policies in place, we are working with the folks who are in the ADA units that might not have a disability. And there's really we have found there's quite a few more, we're still getting the numbers together, but there's quite a few more than we thought
would be applicable in this section. So we are going through those and we're trying to determine because some of those folks have been in there a long time in their units a long time, for instance, village place, some of them have been in there for a decade or more in an ADA unit. So it's very possible they now could qualify. So going back and seeing what their circumstances are, and can we through a reasonable accommodation policy, make them eligible for the unit so that they would not have to transfer if somebody else needed it. So there's just a lot of cleanup work that we're trying to do around that. So we'll be working on that. And that is, we've been extended for that until
April 15, as well. So we're working on on that. Um, we do have a revised application in place and are starting to use that.
we're pulling together the accessible housing list. This is a list of just units that are of properties that should have ADA compliant units. So it's really going back and getting a list and which I really, I think I have a pretty good list already through my city work of developments over the past 10 years or so that have had to comply with Ada so that they should have units we don't have to check and see if they're actually available or anything like that, just that that listing is available to them. And everything else is complete on the record keeping around different data sets and stuff like that. So making progress biggest area is going to be the analysis of the units and then getting some of the policies in place and just normalized within how we distribute those and make those available
to folks.
there any questions on that?
I know this is gonna surprise you gotta have Questions, but they're really sort of a clarification. Under 12, where you're talking the unit accessibility, and the 5% of the units have to be accessible. Is that 5% per development or per building? Or is that total? So of the 461? As compared to say, for instance, 60 at Spring Creek or folk, Fall River? How does that work? Yeah, so
as a development is built, 5% of all the units have to be neat, be compliant, normally, but because we're now not compliant. According to HUD, we are compliant with a DA, let me make that clear, we're compliant with a DA because that is the city's building code. And everything met those requirements, it's the you fast the additional requirement that we're not compliant with. So HUD reads this that 5% of all units have to be you fast, compliant, that's what we're not compliant with. So probably what's going to happen if we can't go in and retrofit. So for instance, let me give you a for instance, Spring Creek, the unit's toilets are too and have to be what is it 12 inches off center. Whatever the requirement is, there's a two inch difference, there's a two inch difference. And so the solution is to you can carve out a niche so that it moves the drywall over two inches. Or you can move the toilet so that it is on center. And the problem with that is in some of our apartments, there's radiant floor heating, and that would mess that up. So it's like 1000s of dollars to correct it. So if you can't correct whatever the issue is, and that's what the survey is going to tell us what exactly the issue is in every single unit. If you can't correct it, then the next thing is well, in your next building, can you build 10%? You fast eligible? So that overall the development or the our properties? our holdings are going to be compliant?
Okay. Okay. All right. So under 16, under alterations, it's it's saying that, you know, that lists a bunch of different alterations there. If, for instance, one item is done, does that meet your requirements? So for instance, my question is, if we redo the door hardware, is that going to meet that requirement? or need it under
that particular area, but if there's still other things that we can't do, then the whole unit isn't going to meet it?
Okay. Okay. All right. Um, I know, you talked a little bit about how many places are actually accessible. If a person if on your waiting list, you have a person who just needs a regular place and a person who needs an accessible unit, and you have an accessible unit available? How do you determine who gets that?
Well, if the person who needs an accessible unit and there's an accessible unit available, that's where we're going to, to put them The only time farther
down the waiting list? Or does that make a difference? No, they
do go up to the top of the waiting list if there's a accessibility need, and we have a unit available. Right? least I think that's correct. If somebody if, if all other things being equal, who's who's in there's a unit accessible unit that's available and nobody has a disability, then we're going to offer the unit to get it rented, it's not going to just sit, you know, but then the explanation should be given immediately. This is an ADA unit. We're putting you in here. If you accept it, you could have to move. Right, exactly. And there's a lease addendum that they'll need to sign.
Okay. And then last, on 28, where you're talking about ethnicity, race and ethnicity. Is this a requirement when people sign up or is this an option?
They have the option we have the requirement to report whatever information we get.
Okay. That's it. Thank you.
Thank you, Kathy. I will say that hurt for anyone who wasn't involved at the beginning of the VCA process. This is a good eye opener as to just the complexity of, of everything involved and how challenging it is to work. And I'm amazed at how thoroughly that you've taken us through it. So I appreciate the work. Any other questions or comments on the VCA? report? Tom? And just a quick question.
I mean, this is great to see. Oh, and we're on schedule to meet the April 15. deadline. Yes.
That's all. Okay. Let's, let's jump to the sunset heights project update.
Harold, you're gonna do it or you want me to start?
Why don't you start and then we'll jump in, I'll take the development piece, you take the
sunset heights a bit. Okay.
So, element, who we are partnering with, on this sweets property, and have a sale option, which they have enacted, for at least part of the land, they submitted their application to chafa for 9% credits, February 2, I believe it was. So we have been working with them, continuing to work with them on partnership agreements as well, for Lh a to be the property manager at that property if they do get funded, and then continuing to work on providing support services as well, which is likely to be either the boulder shelter for the homeless, or LA Ha. So still kind of working on that a little bit. So we should find out, I think, in May, is when they'll start making announcements around who will be funded. It is, I think, looking pretty good, they did apply last time, and usually the second time you're in, you know, barring really heavy competition. And there is because it's permanent supportive housing, there's a leg up on that, that chafa and do h are particularly looking to fund those types of projects. So, we will keep you posted on that they are carving out the south west corner for this particular property. So they did move it down, I think a little bit maybe on the property from what the last time that we had reported to you. So if that is funded, then they are already have submitted some plans to planning to start the development process. And they will subdivide the property then in conjunction with the lhsaa, on what that will, will look like as we move forward. So kind of exciting, we'll see what happens as we move forward, and keep you posted on that.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna share a screen with you all. I'm trying to actually get it down so you can see it. So on the development side, we're working through a couple of issues in terms of replanting, and what that's going to look like. In this case, a replant was triggered because of the way the property has to be given to element for this project. And so that's creating some minor issues that we need to deal with. But here is what the site plan is going to look like. So you can see a parking lot here. This is the suites. And then you can see this area here where they're moving it to this location, we're having to work and look at, you know, this, this point here in terms of Ingress egress to meet fire code, I am going to have to have some conversations with the village of the peaks on this issue. We're tracking down some easements that are showing up on the plat but we can't really find so we're going to be working on that in this area. And then that gives us the ability to potentially do something here and then on the backside for additional units. This is it, you know, for those of you that remain remember Fall River. This was part of the property that the city purchased to help the financing for Fall River to complete that capital stack of which now we own 59% of the property which is created some of the changes and in what we're working through now. But to let you all know in terms of the operational piece, when we met with Kevin was pretty much adamant that said, if this is going to happen, the housing authority will be the manager of the property. And that's again, so you all, tie it into the budget. That's what brings additional revenue into the system in order to do this. The question on supportive services that's a little more nuanced. And so you all know that we have mental health partners at the suites. The supportive side is, has a lot of requirements with it, which is why Kathy mentioned the boulder shelter for the homeless, because they they do that now in partnership with element I think it What's the name of the property? Kathy? Caspar Lee Hill, the hill, yo, Leo. So they currently provide that service. So you need somebody who provides it and really knows what they're doing in this case. So that's part of the conversation. It's also part of, do we fit in this. But in the conversation we had last week, it really then is also about connecting these two properties. So we have more robust supportive services, for everyone in this location. actually connect them via connecting them via technology from an operating expense. It then allows us to, to, you know, we have to monitor who comes in and out of these properties. Well, when you connect it via technology, and the system that we've talked about earlier, that we're putting in with cameras, it allows one person to do it at one facility or the other, especially overnight. And so there's a lot of things that we're still building into this process. But I'm really excited about this opportunity, and what it means for our community. And let's all keep our fingers crossed that they can get the tax credits and we can begin moving forward on this project. Kathy Newman want to tell them about the other one that came up last week.
So in searching through to try and find the easement, private easement that Harold was talking about for element, I've been going through a lot of the plans and the the files, and I came across a lease agreement that I forget the name of the partnership. The investors in Chrisman, the Chrisman developers had for the property that is just to the north of the Christmas department. So it fronts on 66 and is behind the gas station and north of the Christmas departments there by Sonic at about 24th in main area. And so I saw that they had a lease agreement, it looked like that ran through 2022. And I know they had come to the LA board. Right before things started crashing and burning with with with Julian and everything and had asked to partner and whether or not the lhsaa could could purchase the property and hold it until they were ready to move forward. And the answer was no. And so anyway, I found this agreement. And so I just emailed one of the guys at the Chrisman development just said Do you still have this lease agreement? Are you still looking to to develop? And I did get a response that No, they don't have the lease agreement. They never put it in place. But they've been talking with the owners, the owners are still interested in selling. And if we're still interested, they would still be interested. So Harold and I are going to meet with them next week. I think it's early next week about the possibility. So there might might be something coming we're not sure what that might look like whether it's another christmann like development or what it would be but or if it's even feasible, etc. I bet at least we're exploring that. So just kind of cropped up.
Yeah. And I think why we're we're we move that one along a little bit faster is because again, revenue generation, and in terms of the agreement and what we get out of it versus what we're putting in. It just makes sense for us to have that conversation. Jean.
Yeah. I want to clarify, I need clarification here. The lease agreement you found which Christmas says they don't have a copy of relates to the apartments that were going to be built or the ones that have already been built in that area.
Now they do have a copy of it aware of what it was they just had it entered into it. Or they had let it lapse or
whatever but
no, it's for the property to the north. So new total new development.
totally new, okay, because Cameron, if you'll remember, we were told, as the board that la che was going to take over the management of the christmann apartments that were built a couple of years ago. Do you remember that? Yeah.
I have a vague recollection.
Yeah. That Christmas that Christmas apartments got up and running. And then in five years lhsaa was to take over the management of that also.
Okay. Yeah.
No, I am when you when you were talking about in the elements, such as, you know, the situation around the sweets. I was wondering about where we were with that with that property? And is that in our to do list? And it seems to me that we've got about two years to go on it. Before we take it over. Yeah. But that's something that I'd like to know an update on it.
Yeah, so I think the answer is yes, in five years, and so we have two years to go. So yeah, that's we will, my intent on something like that would be to probably start prepping a year out. So not. So we still have another year before we start prepping on that.
But if we're doing a new deal with those folks, we can solidify it and bring it back to everyone's attention.
Yeah, that it may it may change. It may, I mean, we may change a lot of things based on if we can do this. And what makes the most sense for us operationally and financially, in terms of the deal structure on the other side, too. So those are all things we'll have to work through.
Well, it is kind of kind of fun to be talking about development deals again, rather than just putting out fires and other fires are probably still smoldering, because I don't want to get complacent. But it's another sign that things are starting to gain a little momentum. So we have bounced around our agenda. But I believe unless someone corrects me that we've covered everything in one through five at this point. And so I'm going to turn to item six, and see if there's any other business that anyone would like to discuss this morning. Arlene,
I just have a question about security at the buildings. Does the security system on the outside doors locked down at a certain time at night? So that only people can get in there that have the code to get in? Or is are the facilities open? 24? Seven?
I'm trying to think through. So on.
Do you want to take that?
Yeah, cuz they're different for properties. And so I'm trying to leave you want to jump in.
So all the entry doors are locked 24 seven, and they have that either have their fault or a code to get into the building. Only residents or those who have been approved to have a flop get into the building. Otherwise, they have to be buzzed in or let in via calling through the call box.
At any time of day.
The common areas are open and they're not secured. But they're inside the building that is secured.
So to get to the common areas you'd have to invest in, correct. Okay.
Any other business? All right, if that's the case, we'll move on to item seven. And I'd entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting today and remind everyone that we have another meeting one month from today, which I think would be the third Tuesday of March. That's correct.
before we adjourn, I just want to let you guys know, depending on how things go with this baby that I'm about to have in the next seven weeks. I may or may not be here for the March meeting. I'm hoping she comes early and gives me a little relief from this awful pregnancy. I may not see you next month. I may see you I might look more miserable than I do now. Keep me in your prayers.
You got it.
Good luck. You are allowed to use that excuse once a year or so is a more frequent issue. We'll have to look into a little more closely
and you do that look miserable. So you're hiding it. Wow.
I've been practicing. I think I Experiencing early prodromal labor so it's like not quite Braxton Hicks, but it's not labor. Like right in the middle and it's not fun. We wish you all the best. Thank you.
Yeah, I wish you all the best is my two are getting ready one leads to college next year, the other the year after. Just take advantage of the time because I'm having a moment right now where I'm going, man, it went fast. So
I know, I have a three year old and then I'll have another and that's it. And I'm just like, wow, I have 18 summers. 18 summers, and that's it. Yeah, sad. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you.
Trust me, they'll be back.
I will welcome them back home if ever but hopefully they don't need to buy then. Yeah.
Thanks, guys. All right. Well, that's
a great way to wrap up the meeting.
You got it. And I will move to adjourn. Again.
I got a motion in a second. All in favor. Good to go. We'll see you next month. Thank you.