Thank you, Mr. Chair. For announcements today, our next meeting will be Thursday, September 28. At 3pm at Detroit Public Safety headquarters, and the B LPC. next community meeting is Thursday, October 12. At 6:30pm the seventh precinct we'll be hosting at St. John Presbyterian Church at 1961. East Lafayette in Detroit.
Thank you for that. I know that in your secretary's report, there may be some items that requires votes. And so noting that we don't have a quorum. We cannot handle those items as of yet. If you have any other reports that you might be able to provide, you can do so now.
I can certainly provide the secretary report as well as the community impact report if you would like and then hold any decision the items that are for decision for when we have a quorum may proceed. Thank you. So for the Secretary reports today, incoming correspondence are outlined in the agenda. Just wanted to provide an update in regards to performance management, the seek to destroy talent development and performance management does facilitate a performance evaluation cycle that runs from July 1 Through June 30 of each year as an update to the LPC, administrators staff as well as OCI. The performance evaluations for fiscal year 2022 to 2023. have been completed are all eligible staff members and individual goals for the current fiscal year 2023 to 2024 have been drafted to align with the board's adopted goals, services and metrics workbook, which the board adopted on the 17th of August once finalized, those individual goals will be loaded onto the system and monitored throughout the fiscal year. each staff member will receive regular feedback on progress toward their goals throughout the fiscal year and will receive a mid year review between January and February of 2024. In regards to critical incident debriefs, the use of force resulting in serious injury that occurred on the first of September at 6:50pm. The vo PC office has not heard from the chief's office as of yet advising when a incident critical incident debrief will be provided to the board and so when we are provided that date, then the staff will let the board know where administrative leave without pay consideration. There are two scheduled for today on the agenda. In addition the department is submit a new administrative leave without pay request. And commissioners you have received some of those documents by email this week. And once all of the documentation is received, you will receive a full packet for review. Also showing in your packets it's an updated document the outstanding DPD requests for today. And you can reference that at your leisure or contract services procurement has renewed the purchase agreement for parliamentarian Services. Dr. Jackson, and the purchase agreement was shared with the commissioners by email this week. as well. For citizen complaints there was one transfer complaint to communicate and operations that case did close on September 11. And the allegations were demeanor and service in regards to staffing updates and I'll just give a few the ones that don't require decision today. Stephanie Phillips, the position changes salary increase that was approved by the board on the 17th of August. That appointment letter with an effective date of August 17 was written by HR recruiting and assigned by the chairperson on September 19. Hr confirmed that Miss Phillips has received her letter so the item is complete. In regards to all positions in this jasmine Taylor will be starting in the new administrative as a new administrative assistant on Monday, September 25. In addition glad to report that there's a posting up now went up today for three investigators scroll CI. So if you know someone who has investigative skills and is committed to transparency and oversight, please have them apply. In addition, the TAs the LPC analyst position also went up as posted as of today. So if you know someone with analytical project management and Lean process improvement skills, please also have them apply at the city website. Mr. Chair that concludes any reports that I have that do not require a decision from the board.
Thank you so very much and let me take this time again to encourage the public that you do have an opportunity to make public comments for those who are in person or you can fill out your public comment card and give them to Mr. Brown. For those who are online you can make yourself gotta identify yourself for public comment at that time. And so knowing that we have expended the majority of what we can do and our amended agenda, just will begin with public comment. Continue rather with public comment.
This is your current we have five speakers and the all in attendance tonight. Call those first. Followed by Miss Priya Butler, Paul about Miss Bernie Smith.
Good afternoon board. Good afternoon, Mr. Eric Blanc from Sacred Heart Catholic Church here in Detroit. A surprise surprise but no surprise this week. A young black man lost his keys in his car and police showing up and you can imagine what happened he got pretty rough. And I believe I've been informed that he's still in the hospital. But He locked his keys in the car. So the police came. Everyone knew what to do. But that's just cell phones because we cannot trust the police to tell the truth. So he was roughed up. Everybody got it on various videos. And so we're dealing with another situation again of excessive force in the opinion of so many. Now the investigation is not complete. You can't release the videos right now, but the public has released the video so we can see what happened. But are you really surprised? At my lengthy interview with Ross Jones of channel seven. I committed myself never to give up this fight. Because as you sit here and play these games and laugh and joke and talk about missing persons and lost dogs, I don't know what else you got to come up with. To divert our attention away from things. This board is a danger to the citizens and especially to black men of Detroit because they are the most prevalent victims of police brutality. Every time you swayed every time you get up some shiny object about what else we should be paying attention to. Young black men in this city are at risk. Thank you. Thank you,
Mr. Chair. You gotta get a quorum that you recognize
that as soon as vice chair takes a seat. Don't rush. Thank you, noting that we do have a quorum at this moment we will suspend public comments to when it arises on our agenda. So at this time, we'll have the introduction of conditioners by Secretary SHAW
Thank you Mr. Chair, Chair quantas Presley, Vice Chair Jim Holly Here. Commissioner Linda Renard
county Linda Bernard district to present
Mr. Banks present. Commissioner Willie Bell Rosen district for Commissioner Willie Burton. Commissioner Lisa Carter. Commissioner Ricardo more submitted an excused absence. Commissioner Annie Holt
here at large and now I will be leaving at four o'clock.
Commissioner Hey Soos Hernandez.
Thank you. There is a quorum. And with that, we'll now move on to the approval of the September 21 2020. Lee agenda. So no problem was a second. Is there any objection? Mr. Chairman, Commissioner bale in reference to
white or His representative. He is a nation of 10 minutes. As you will know, I help interested to you personally and it's people address that I think can appropriate that we will not just crypt the chief in terms of reporting out just a long tradition of this board. That she started is the right to speak. And but we do not district him over his representative to speak so I'll ask, actually, the move is 10 minutes. designation.
As chairman? Yes, the Commissioner can move to amend the agenda by striking out the time limit. Okay, it's the time limit is not removed. Then when you adopt the agenda, you are in fact adopting a 10 minute limit on the sheet. So the commissioner could move to amend the agenda by striking out 10 minutes. So,
Mr. Chairman, second,
have moved and seconded any discussion. Let me say this is way of discussion during my entire tenure being on this board and it hasn't been as long as you there have been these time allotments that have been placed next to presentations that as you are well aware, there has not been one time at this meeting where we have limited the Chiefs remarks. And so this again, is has been a reference point so that we can be efficient and moving forward and never has been a limitation to stop the chief or His representative for making any necessary remarks. And so I want that to be noted.
As Chairman all due respect. Yes, I recall when the deputy chief was speaking, he restricted or speaking, and then moving on to the person speaking. So that is something that I brought that to your attention that was inappropriate. So I just want to clarify, this has been an issue. Since we've been here, at least iser and active long ago, our community made it that's
noted because again, that our community meetings because we receive presentations from the chief police as well as the precincts there was a request that those presentations happening at the same time. It was a misunderstanding from the Chiefs representative at this time, and they chose to be and allowed the precincts to report but if you know in last week's meeting, the Assistant Chief presented and the precinct presented and there was no limitation on either and so again, I just want to say that it's appropriate. Yeah, as a standard. That is how we have operated. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. I think discussion has been implemented. So now we'll all those in favor of striking the 10 minutes from the chiefs of police report, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed? That motion passes now we move to begin the approval of the agenda. All those amended as amended. We now move on to the approval of agenda as amended. All those in favor please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed? By that passes. Next we move on to the approval of minutes for the September 14 2023. Meeting. Will your second support and probably the second is there any objection? Hearing no objection, those minutes have been approved. Now move on to the introduction of the OPC staff Chief of Police elected official representatives and community leaders.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. For the OPC staff. We are present today Chief Investigator Jerome Warfield parliamentarian Dr. Francis Jackson. Just join your Underwood, Mr. Robert Brown, and Mr. Drew freeze. We also have president from OCI supervising investigator with calling in stone supervising investigator Ainsley Cromwell and investigator Henry Ellis. For our American Sign Language interpreters today we have Miss Shikata and Dr. Stephanie Beatty. We are present today also DPD HR director Katrina Pattillo than Handyside is our court reporter sighs providing video as I started to Alan Quinn is providing audio. Sitting in for the chief today we have Deputy Chief Mark bliss are elected officials and representatives Miss Willie overall from firing state representative Tyrone Carter's office. Don Davis from city council member Fred Hall The third's office, and former Commissioner William Davis, also present as Miss Krylya Butler from the community relations President second precinct and Mr. Ron Tom is VP of DPLA.
Thank you, and again, we are appreciative of everyone's attendance at today's meeting, hoping that it will be a productive one. With that we'll now move on to the G RPC officers report. And I don't think that I had anything particular to suggest otherwise that there are a couple of items that are moving forward. We have had some conversation around securing the board's attorney and there have been some encouraging conversations that have been had around that looking forward to bringing that to the board in the near future. And then also, you know, I know that there have been some serious conversations around the appropriateness of the Community Impact Report. And I just want you all to know that that is under deliberation to ensure that what our goals are to that community impact report is actually met. And we are in conversations to unnecessary of boundaries for that. Anything else from any officers regarding our Bo PC officers report? Hurry, no. Hurry. No, we're now move on to our Community Impact Report.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. The presentation will be coming up shortly and it's also located in your packets behind tab number five.
Please Let the record reflect the commission heard and he's joined us. Thank you, Mr. Chairman,
chief investigator. Now we'll be providing today some insights into the OCI inventory and the staffing needs to catch up with the current inventory. Move on to slide two.
So the current inventory in the Office of Chief Investigator right now is 907. New Chairman
but the video isn't showing it and communities to see what it is we're looking at. Please
duly noted we're working on that but for the sake of time, we may continue. Sure.
There we go. Thanks. And we're just like
to the total inventory of opening cases at the Office of the Chief Investigator as of 915 2023 is 947 cases. Of those 947 cases 501 of those cases are designated as backlog cases. 99 of those cases are between 61 and 90 days. 168 cases are between 31 and 60 days and then 179 cases are from zero to 30 days. One
more One second here, chief investigator, we're think we're on slide two here, whoever is manning the PowerPoint, handling the PowerPoint presentation,
we can just click two more times we'll have all of the information up on the slides.
Reporters behind Hi. Oh, hi. Okay. Thank you. Sorry, who's who's running to the PowerPoint? Just one moment Mr. Shear? Thank you. There we go. Thank you. Please.
Can you repeat yourself a chief investigator Now this slide is
absolute go back one
more slide. And we'll be there. Which section there we go. Five. You just say section five in your that's what I thought in our binder in your binders, correct? Well,
yes, I believe we're all on the same page. Now. We can continue.
Thank you, sir. Again, you have 947 open cases and the Office of the Chief Investigator as of September the 15th. On those 947 cases, 501 of those cases are labeled as backlog cases, those cases that are 90 plus days old. 61 To 90 cases were 99 cases and cases that are 31 to 60 days or 168 cases. And then we have 179 cases that are zero to 30 days ago. And as you look at the slide in the cases that are sort of backlog 24 cases have anniversary days, between October and December of this year, the one year anniversary date. And what we're trying to do and we're attempting to do is to close out as many of these cases as we can so that the department if there is a sustainable allocation, you can still meet her out discipline, because if it goes over a year then we lose the department's abilities to meter out discipline. One of those cases are in the 99 or in the 99 column that represents cases that are 60 to 90 days though.
Next slide, please. So in this slide, what we're showing is a few things. So first of all year over year, I'll see I usually is not closing as many cases that are coming in. This is definitely a recipe for developing a backlog as we have. There are a few years where you see closures met or surpassed the receipts on 2014 2015 2016 2019. And then 2022 was an anomaly that's being looked into as well. So that's what's showing on the blue and orange bars. But then you can also see that investigators are closing cases at just about the same rate as they always have been about one case per week, except for 2022. And then lastly, you can also see that incoming cases that's in the blue hearts are increasing over time, but there are staffing levels are actually be decreasing over time and that's showing in the gray bar. Next slide please. This is the same type of data but it's showing month over month or 2023. Again, I'll see is receiving more cases then it's clothing. We month over month here and investigators are closing at about one case per week, which is pretty typical. I will note here that in July and August you see a slight uptick where investigators are closing 1.2 cases per week on average. And that's a result of increased accountability that chief investigator has been putting in place. So I think the big takeaway here is that OCI is not white staffed. And so let's talk about what white staff looks like for OCI. Next slide, please. So for the volume of cases that are coming in every month, about 135 On average, and considering that the existing inventory is just around 950. And if we assume that we want to get that close the existing inventory calls within the six month period. Also assuming that chief investigator will put processes in place and accountability in place to have investigators close to cases per week on average. We're still looking at needing about 35 investigators that includes the seniors on staff in order to accomplish this. And in addition to that, you have more staff really more supervisory support and administrative support. And so that will require six six supervising investigators and four admins total. And that's of course, target of closings. 295 cases per month. Again, handling was coming in, as well as taking care of the backlog. We can go to the next slide.
We're talking about a total number of cases that we know are in our shop and cases that we have run across several weeks. ago, we informed you that there were some cases that we found in the system and in the database that was marked as closed. However, they were not they were never brought to the board you all never signed off on them and the final decisions and the full investigation had not been completed, but in the system they were marked as closed out of those 256 cases. But 159 of those cases were dated back to 2021. And another 100 cases were dated back to 2022. There are only one case for 2023 There was too much and 56 cases if they're added to our backlog would bring our totals to 1203 total cases if they are to be reopened to be investigated. That will take us to a total of 757 backlog cases and the rest of the numbers remain the same but that's if those cases are reopened. And again, we discovered that a few months ago and we brought that information to the board at that particular point in time.
When we sign off on those cases being closed.
We have a response to that. So
no Commissioner sign those cases. Most cases are closed in the system. And commissioners you actually received the spreadsheet a couple of days ago that list what investigator was assigned to each of those cases if you'd like to reference those so we do know
I would like to know that.
On the board want to share Commissioner Herman
Thank you. I'd like to ask a question on behalf of many traders. They want to know zactly we want to know exactly how many cases were confiscated by another agency.
And I'm going to ask you to hold that question and we hold our questions to the presentation ends and then we will answer that. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you Mr. Chair. And to continue with the next slide please.
I just on this last slide. I just wants to make it clear that she's a skater and myself. We were looking for a decision at some point from the board if these cases should be reopened and investigated or the charter does chair
condition to hold. Thank you
information saying something you have access to.
It was a spreadsheet that was provided for us through email about a week ago.
Actually yesterday yesterday.
Thank you for that.
And the spreadsheet has a list of all those cases, the 256 cases that are under consideration to reopen and indicates which investigator was assigned to those cases. Moving on to this next slide. Here's the staffing requirements. Let's go back one. Please. So if the board provides direction to reopen those cases, as Chief Investigator indicated the inventory is going to go up. And so we've done a recalculation of what that means for staffing then if we need to work those cases as well. So that will mean existing inventory will be somewhere around 1200. Looking to close though still within six months and still handling the regular incoming volume. We're looking at meeting quality investigators, including seniors total for that time period that would need that would require seven events seven supervising investigators to provide the supervisory support and still for admins admins to support and then that will be closing 335 cases per month. Next slide.
We want to talk about now is our short plan goal and our short plan. How are we going to attack this? So one of the things we are going to do is implement a quick fix so we're asking our investigators to look for those cases that we can close somewhat immediately and they're in within our SOP there are opportunities for us to do that. Once we've done a preliminary investigation once we've talked to the complainant and once we have looked at the the video and all the requirements. There are times when our investigators will look at the video and understand that the actions that are alleged did not occur at all those cases are what I will consider low hanging fruit for us. And so we will look to be able to do that. Also effective August 21st. We gave the commitment that we're asking each investigators to close two cases a week. And we've sent that information before but it's in our presentation as part of our action plan. We're also looking at performance improvement plans that will be starting fairly quickly for those investigators who are having some issues closing two cases a week so that we can give them the support that they need to get up to that two case per week number again, we looked at the trend early on in the presentation for pretty much 2012 I believe on that the number has been one case a week but we're trying to push that to two cases a week. We also want to maximize our budgeted staffing. We again as was announced earlier, we have three investigator positions that need to be filled those that posting went up today. We also would like to have expedited backfields for those investigators who are going to be retiring or for those investigators who are moving on to different positions. We would like an expedited process versus the one that we have been dealing with as relates to our budget amendments. When I was a secretary and the board was talking to the city council, it includes the staffing of tasks investigators to help with the backlog. To help get those numbers down as well as tasks administrative assistants. Introducing senior investigators and interim supervising investigators will be required to help catch up the inventory by mid 2024. In addition, it will include the cost of a new case management system and we've looked at a couple of management systems. And we are hopeful to be able to bring you a proposal shortly on a case management system that we believe will be efficient for Office Finally, are our short playing a short term plan. We want to maximize our public value what we mean by that we want to prioritize investigations as I said earlier, there are nearing that one year mark because it's a critical mark for us to make sure that anything that is sustained as relates to allegations will certainly meet the disciplinaries definition to be have the discipline meter for those officers if he also takes off. You can also take action on all sustained allegations even over a year by informal counseling. So we were still able to get some counseling done for those cases that are aging over a year so we don't want to take our eye off that ball as well. Next slide please. As it relates to our long term action plan, we want to focus on process efficiency. And this is some of the things that we've already started continuous improvement, Six Sigma Greenbelt project to improve efficiencies and quality of investigative process. And we'll talk a little bit about that a little bit later. But one of the things that we're doing is to make sure that when you hit your cases, that that was in your case, or the fact that you need to make sure that you can make the decisions based on what's there and we have some processes already set up in office to ensure that we will also have again a case management system that we plan on implementing as well as established reduction rates and quality program as relates to our 2024 2025 budget. We will be submitting an amended 2024 25 budget to reflect staffing needs based on the process and the volume that is forecast.
Thank you so very much for that. And so there was a question lifted by Commissioner Burton relative to the amount of cases that were confiscated for investigation. Do we know that number?
I don't have an exact number? No, we have an estimate. It's estimated about 700. Is that sufficient?
No, that's really high and I think there's something that we really need to continue to address as a board and I'm just so excited that we have a new chief investigator on board with a solid thorough plan how to move OCI and and you know, further ahead so we can get these cases down. But I'm all set right now. Just times Chairman.
Commissioner Bill,
support Commissioner. reference to this issue here. I don't know why we don't know the numbers of that I heard were like 300 At one time, and now he's talking to sub 100. But we need to aggressively pursue that with IG in reference to these cases, if they are sitting there doing nothing, and I don't know the investigation, but we should never sit no notice that we no concern to them about addressing this issue. Here. We should we normally Yeah, we'd have
and but just to the point and maybe they can provide some clarity. It's my understanding the cases that had been confiscated were technically closed. They're closed cases and the only impact that they might have a backlog is if through investigation. They suggest that process of closure was insufficient, and it may be open to him. But all of the cases that were under investigation are technically closed,
where you get some clarity. Thanks for that. And 40% of the cases that we deal with his demeanor and we have demeanor on videotape. If you're not take along investigations to investigate demeanor it's gonna take so we need to aggressively look at that in terms of how we want to approach those issues of that guy.
Was that in the escalation around the percentage of demeanor or was that
on our caseload on the standings being that way for quite some time.
It's one of the higher numbers demeanor and procedure leads the allegations that come into our office without question. I don't have the exact synergy in front of me right now.
And that will be helpful data points for the next time we have this presentation. Any further questions from our commissioners is Commissioner Mr.
Chairman briefly. You said that there were 256 closed cases which are under Greek consideration to reopen because once the investigation was completed two there were no findings or determinations and three, there were no Commissioner signatures on it. So that just means somebody just got a bum rush the files took just closed on it even though there had been no work done.
Ma'am, what we discovered I was working late one night in OCI and I ran across one case and I ended up doing a cross reference on it. And as I did the cross reference on it, that is what stuck out to me that one case that I found was closed in the system, although I saw on the paper that it was not completed. So I contacted madam secretary Madam Secretary, you did a full query. And we saw that time 711 cases however, a number of those cases were duplicates. So we worked through each line item to bear it down to that 256 And so I cannot chronicle or describe how that number got to be I'm sorry. Those cases got to be closed. But that is what we found as we were doing our internal checks.
I just want to say I appreciate your efforts and those of the board secretary as well in this in this matter. I and your initiative when you spoke about us getting a new case management system. We've obviously had people in both of your positions for some time. And none of this has ever been disclosed or even recommended in terms of new case management systems. So I applaud both of you for your initiative in this regard. Thank you
any further questions? Make sure you hold
the secretary to the board and we shall now the case management system that you just put on the budget amendment. Um, I understand that the one we were we were dealing with somewhat antiquated yet. I thought I also understood that you had there was some discussion about you gaining access to one now is that was that the case management system as I understand the discussion
through the Chair, I can provide some clarity around that.
Because the short term and a long term plan so in the short term, we will utilize the current case management system with some extra licenses, but knowing that the long term or more sufficient case management system might be secure. Thank you. Chair, no problem. Any further questions from commissioners? Hearing none. Is there any other report under the Community Impact Report?
No, Mr. Chair, thank you for your report. We'll
now move on to the chief of police report with no time limit.
Good afternoon Deputy Chief Mark Willis On behalf of Chief James White. I'm going to start with the update on injured officers. Currently there's one it's one police officer from the ninth precinct who is disabled and recovering at home due to an on duty injury. crime data as of September 21 2023. We'll start with homicide are 2023 years to date number is 198 homicides compared to our 2022 year to date, which is 218. We have a decrease of 9% in homicides, non fatal shootings again year to date for 2023 646 Compared to 2022 year to date 704. That is a change of a negative 8% robberies year to date. 1059 compares to 2020 to 1005. It's an increase of 5%. Total Part One violent crime, our year to date is 9424 Compared to 2022 is year to date of 9420 with no change, rest 0%. There, carjacking. 2023, year to date, 127 2022 year to date 182 for a decrease of 30% for carjackings. I'm going to move to the mental health related calls for service in the last seven days. we service 238 calls for service in 2022. At the same time we had 10,645 Currently we're at 11,795 and then service calls for 2022 at this time 9327 is 2023 10,411. Oh, I'm also going to include overdose related calls. In the last seven days. We've had 172 calls for service and we serviced 130 of them overall in 2022. We had 6273 overdose related calls compared to currently 6200 and then service calls overall in 2020 to 4473 and currently at 4553. Moving on to significant events. Incident Number one is to triple shooting, which is one fatal and two non fatal on Saturday September 16 2023 at 4:23pm officers were dispatched to the 15,000 block of West Chicago to investigate a Call to Service Corps shooting. officers arrived on the scene and administered aid to victim number one who was shot multiple times. Medic 17 arrived at the scene and pronounced victim one dead on the scene. As officers began securing the scene. We were notified that two additional victims were shot in the 9000 block of Greenwood. Medics 71 transported both victims number two and number three okay.
Medic 71 transported both victims number two and number three to Sinai Grace hospital for treatment. victim number two was listed in stable condition and victim number three was listed in temporary serious condition. He's texted us and officers from the second precinct, six precinct and homicide Task Force arrived at the scenes to investigate. These factors determined that three black males wearing ski masks got out of a silver SUV armed with an AK 47 and shot the victims after the shots were fired. The suspects left the location northbound in a silver SUV. Detectives are following up on all available leads to identify the suspects. However, the incident is still under investigation. The Detroit police department is asking anyone with additional information regarding this incident to contact Crimestoppers at one 800 SpeakUp Incident Number two, a fatal stabbing on Monday September 18 at 11:27am officers were dispatched to the 2300 block of central to investigate a call for service query stabbing. officers arrived at the scene and observed the victim lying on the sidewalk bleeding from the neck. They also observed a female holding a towel to the victims neck to stop the bleeding. Medic 11 was dispatched to the scene and transported the victims to Henry Ford Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Detectives and officers from the Fourth Precinct and homicide arrived at the scene to investigate. Detectives determined that the victim was assaulted after an altercation with a black male slim build with dread loss. Suspect was last seen walking south on the location. short time later. officers arrested an individual matching the suspects description. The suspect was conveyed to the Detroit Detention Center for processing effects from the homicide unit are currently preparing a warrant to be submitted to the Wayne County prosecutor's office. He incident is still under investigation. The Detroit police department is asking anyone with additional information regarding this incident. To contact Crimestoppers at one 800 Speak up. Incident Number Three non fatal shooting of a 15 year old on Sunday, September 19 at 3:44pm officers were dispatched to the 12,000 block of Payton to investigate a ShotSpotter alert that was later updated to a shooting. officers arrived and observed the victim a 15 year old male with a gunshot wound to his white Shin officers and ministers and medical assistants until the medics arrived. The victim was conveyed to Henry Ford Hospital and was listed in temporary serious condition. Officers detained a 17 year old male who was with the victim at the time I'll just shooting. Detectives from the ninth precinct detective unit responded to the scene. The detectives determined that the victim and a 17 year old male were observed by witnesses shooting at a house on page the street as a 17 year old was arrested and conveyed to the ninth precinct pending further investigation. Eventually, both juveniles were released into the custody of their parents. Detectives continued to gather evidence related to this case and expect JCO wants to be submitted to the Wayne County prosecutor's office soon. The Detroit police department is asking anyone with additional information regarding this incident. To contact Crimestoppers at one 800 Speak up. And now for some positives. Coffee with the cop on Tuesday September 19 at the Detroit Police Department's had precinct held their BI monthly coffee with the cop at in harmony Cafe suites and more at 12,041 Dexter Avenue. Community members were welcomed to enjoy coffee and conversation with officers of the 10th precinct voiced their concerns and ask questions. Commander Eric Caskey Captain Brandon Lewis and the precinct. The neighborhood police officers were in attendance to DPD and Healthquest injury clinic on Tuesday, September 19. The Detroit Police Department partnered with Healthquest physical therapy at public safety headquarters in the Schuyler room and hosted an injury clinic event. This is provided an opportunity for staff members to have their injury concerns assessed and they were able to ask questions about potential injuries. One Detroit partnership press conference on Wednesday, September 20, United States Attorney's Office held a press conference as 211 West Fourth Street, United States Attorney Don and Isom Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, and chief James D. White announced the results of the targeted strategy to reduce gun violence in Detroit neighborhoods with the highest incidence of violent crime, which are Detroit's eighth and ninth precincts. The 100 Club valor awards dinner on Wednesday, September 20 10 awardees from BPD were honored with valor awards at the 100 Club 69th annual dinner at the Detroit Athletic Club. Seven police officers two sergeants and one Corporal are all honored for their heroic efforts. Chief white also spoke and commended their efforts. And finally, you think engagement summit on Wednesday, September 27. From 6pm to 8pm. Chief White will be hosting a teen youth summit at the Wayne County Community College Northwest Campus at the Larry Kay Lewis Education Center building the purpose of our Yes, which is youth engagement Summit is to gather safety issues and concerns through the perspective of Detroit youth and to hear what they feel they need for future success. We also have resources available to enable kids to stay and get on the right path. There will be a panel of five to six which includes chief white cool engaged with the youth and a q&a forum. This will be educational, uplifting and engaging. So if you have time, please stop by. And that concludes my report.
Thank you. Any questions from commissioners? Commissioner thanks.
Yes. Share. Deputies cheap plus, the individuals who was shot I the individuals in the SUV, our nose picked us knowing that was shot by those individuals with the SUV
through the chair I believe two were in temporary serious conditions so they're probably still recovering. And the other one was a was a fatal.
Okay, I'm all set.
Thank you. Thank you, Holly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for your report. I've heard it each detail. Maybe I'm missing something and it could be no I'm we're bringing injury. But when you say they took off the CMS and they were the back of black males. Normally I normally have a minimum number us dealing with the color one way or the other. When you when we do the report. It's just something that I'm missing. I just need to live in terms of describing what I'm saying through the chair up. I mean, it's time to say one way or the other it just seemed like it just grabbed me. And that's the first time we start talking about when to pull the mask. Off. ski masks off identifies black males
whose chair so it's for some of these incidents because we're asking people to speak out or trying to give as as as best description we can to those to to the community at large so they can look at it and really understand who were at best looking for. So it makes sense. If we do have that information we try to give it we don't in
what you do, but you you would agree with me 990 8% of our crime in Detroit is black on black. Again, I was just smart. For some reason. I missed this over the over the time, where we basically have to describe the people as whether they're black or white. And that's okay, I'm just I understand why did you indicate it So, okay.
Thank you any further questions? Let the record show that. Commissioner Carter has joined us. Commissioner Holt.
Thank you for your report. And there was a you made mention about a press release that included the Attorney General is Mayor Duggan and chief White is a tempted to hold the objective of that press release as related to I guess, violent crimes or gang violence in two precincts a was just mine. And in line, what was the objective?
Through the Chair we're focusing on on violent crime. Specifically some probably it's a targeted strategy for any type of violent crime, some using a firearms in those precincts.
Was there Rizal or other kind of outside of our friendly information? What are the strategies? What are the strategies that was suggested at that? Press release
through the chair. So one of the one of the things that we're looking at is how we're taking some of these cases, how they're being looked at how they're being reviewed, and some of them can be taken federally. So that's one of the things that when we look at targeting violent crime, just trying to get those violent individuals off the street and try to keep them in you try to keep them off as long as possible. Thank you.
Thank you, Commissioner Bill.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Could you keep us informed about the young man from Senior High School from ecourse that was shot and killed in Detroit. Could you give a special stitching update in reference to this young man losing his life and the drive by shooting
at me memorialized in the minutes.
Any further questions or comment here?
I got one quick one. This chair conditioner banks. Yes. It is Chi bliss and all these crooks who had on these kidnappers, right? If they had come on in broad daylight, or was it nighttime or broad daylight, can you tell us that through the chair?
It was approximately at 4:23pm that it had to so it was in daylight.
All right. Hearing no further questions from our commissioners. Thank you so very much for the Chiefs report. I'm sorry, Commissioner burden.
Yes, Mr. Chairman, question for the chief. Can you give us an update of what occurred on the ninth present? Were officers involving use of force pertaining to a guy that apparently did not show his ID at a time also, can you give us an update on that as well as schedule a date with all of the commissioners so we can see that body worn camera and audio is very important for oversight body like like this to see all footage. So we can so we can have a clearer picture. What occurred on that day? I believe that was Monday at five or 5pm, I believe,
reported through the chair. I know that there's going to be a briefing that's that's forthcoming. What I would like to do was wait until everything is collected in order to give you a comprehensive and complete briefing to give you bits and pieces. I don't think it does anyone any justice on it. I would much rather have at start to finish where everyone's involved and any questions or concerns can be addressed. I just think that right now with where we're at. That's, that's probably the best course of action.
Who was she who was chair real quick briefly? No, the police are involved in the community 20 477 days a week. Many of our Detroit residents has been reaching out to individual Commissioners. And so I am calling for the video and audio today. And I like it if we can have that and in a very time sensitive manner. Because we want to know what really occurred on that day.
Through the Chair, I will make that recommendation and send it up to make sure that we can get that moving as expeditiously as possible.
And we're the officers were in their body worn cameras. Each officer involved
through the chair there is body worn camera video. All right.
Seeing no further questions again, thank you so very much for your report. I just thought we were turned back to oral communication.
This is here currently we have seven speakers. This video Butler all about Mr. Bertie Smith, all by Mr. Anita Williams.
If there's any citizen who would like to make public comment, if you're in the room, please fill out public comment form and give it to Mr. Brown. If you're online, you can identify yourself for your remarks. Go right ahead.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon. My name is Ray Palmer and I'm the community activists, commissioners at your meeting September the seventh 2023 You expressed concerns about the Community Impact Report. I agree that information regarding an officer's name and behavior should not be made public until you have carefully considered the information given to you. The public and the officers life and livelihood are in jeopardy if it has not been investigated and the decision has been made. The community impact report should hear the details and results after your decision. Commissioners when you have a closed session and return within five minutes or less. What kind of decisions are you making? I am aware that this isn't a paid position. But don't you believe that you should meet as a group to discuss the cases brought before you? I have asked several of you why you don't meet before going public. Are you not allowed to respond to the public and address their concerns? Why and why not? Thank you.
Thank you. Good
afternoon, commissioners Good afternoon. I'm gonna be brief because I know time is of the essence you guys two minutes and I know I have always supported the police department. But seeing what happened this week. I was kind of upset. And it wasn't totally except in my estimation. I even talked to my children by some other shut up and don't say nothing. I can't. I can't be quiet because we were not used to the police having that kind of attitude or anyone. The man told him and had keys and whatever happened afterwards. I'm not aware of it. But the fact is, I think the police should be more aware of when when a person tells you that a car belongs to them. I'm thinking about why can't we have police here in the cars, patrolling neighborhoods. You have the group of 300 and the other group that's under contract with the Detroit I mean with Edison. I do not hear about what they're doing out in the neighborhood. I would like to know that in fact, I'm one of the first women and Harley I was another one of the 300 so you know how long we've been around. But anyway, what I want to say is I think the quality should take time sometimes and get out of their cars and walk down the street and let the neighborhood know who they are and be very very acceptable and speaking songs and hello and so quick. I think that would be a good beginning. This way. We will know what the police is visible in the neighborhoods. That will be something that I suggest. All right. This is something that I got from my my mother years ago. says every time Paul speaks is advertising his ignorance. Also, you cannot sleep through life as a sleepwalk through life. Detroit cannot cross the finish line if they don't participate in the race. My last thing is you have the power. Let's use it.
Thank you so very much
this Williams followed by Mr. Carr Matt.
Good afternoon,
good afternoon. I apologize. Hi guys. This incident occurred last year in July 2022. And this woman had I have footage around I have video around my house. This woman who had a weapon on me and said she was going to kill me and everything so how question is with that recording? This is how all this stuff happened? The detective who was over the case, I want to know this. That video still exists because I received a letter from the sheet office and I don't believe it came from the sheep. And then another incident concerning like I spoke to the kind of affair so about the UPS robbery, all this I've been coming to you guys for about five or six months. It's the same woman and every time I come up here and I speak concerning this issue. The police department always helps this woman out escort her Nikita Wilson the fire department it then can't work do you even have her people come to my house? They say it's not even documented that the sheriff's even came to my home. It was It wasn't even on record. My point is all of this everything that I've been going through and I'm still having issues with the same person for her to come into my house illegally and I see her on cameras and everything and the police are still helping the same personnel. This is not acceptable. You guys have a job in position to take care of this and make you transplant and it's not at all here. You and I came in here. We don't even know card over here. They're like hey, don't you want me to come up here and sleep no more. Thank you. Mr. Kamek. followed by Mr. Bottle cost
Yes, my name is Bob Carmack. Where's the porter Burke's video. So only been a year, year and a half. He got shot 41 times. You guys are police commissioner. You are responsible for people Detroit. If you don't want to do his job. Have you guys read this charter book you can investigate? You can subpoena you can investigate yourself. You need to be sued, taken the court to pause and you have to do a job to protect these people. He's doing political work from Mike Duggan. Mike Duggan is a criminal. He needs to be put in jail. And cheap white does what he's told to do. People got to wake up. He's a Black Hill black He don't care he's white from pneumonia. Shit the more black dead die language please. The more black said died better off he is and the way more white skin move in. I'll be real which this is facts. You must check the population I was changed. Host your black here. You'll hear about Porter Burke's How you gonna hide this if it happened in New York for some kickass joke quarter one times at five o'clock in the morning. It'd be riots out there. What did he do in five your club family at seven in the morning. How's the Tigers get that number? From Mike Doug shut him down. Shut that bam. Keep filming keep your mouth shut. Or you keep your mouth shut. Where's where's the video? Where is it? You got Rebecca McKay here who? Boss charged me because he did cheat on his wife put a video that she signed the false war she didn't stay active. David took a judge of a crime committed by me because there was no crime if Paulo state statue 56515 Tour de la but she got a word because she meets with the mayor every two weeks and because I caught on Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank
you, Mr. followed by Miss Alexander field
Good evening. Oh, first thing I want to say is Mr. Mosley is pretty good guy. Bring him back without delay if you can. Secondly, in 1604 So we're calling it clear that quote house of everyone is to him as his house Castle fortress as well for defense against Andrea and violence. As for his repose, and then the 1920s former mayor of Detroit Governor Michigan, Eastern Michigan, US Attorney chief judge of the Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy reiterated during the sweet Strauss that a man's house is his castle. And it has the right to be protected. Dr. orthos we fought and eventually committed suicide as a result of those trials. Today we cannot have anything going on at people's houses under any conditions. So whatever laws that you have they're unjust that they're going on at people's houses. Under no conditions can we have white people calling up their fists in a uniform assaulting residence? Okay, training is far than anybody's balling up their fist. It has an internal rage and Colonel pants as they need to be screened before they get in this office. So I just want to say and reiterate, just look up just three trials. I have a major question how many of our officers today are in uniform or on the Brady list? Do you guys take accountability? I have oversight of the Brady list. Okay, and shoot more of them beyond the Brady list. So I'm just take these things into account. I've been coming down quite frequently speaking about racism within a race racism within a community and there are manifesting without any resolve without any reprisal, and without any consequences to it, and the community will not stand up for it. I ask that you guys get practice, identify non lethal use of your time.
This field followed by Miss Linda Bong.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon. I just would like to kind of reinforce how critical it is. I appreciate it. Some of the people speaking about this like last week and a gentleman just before me, but how critical it is to ensure that these meetings are focused on police accountability and police oversight. We have you know, DPD and WC Pio for crimes that are committed by civilians. But if you look at the pain that we get here on the on that second page, it has the duties of the board, and the vast majority of those duties are for police oversight and police accountability. And I've been to several of these meetings and sometimes they kind of feel like a little bit more of like a PR event for DPD. And yeah, I just wanted to emphasize that, you know, like this young gentleman right here he failed several civilian criminal allegations that were still under investigation. However, a couple meetings ago when he kind of got up and had a little bit of an outburst. About how inappropriate it was to talk about police misconduct, which I think it may be a little bit inappropriate for an officer to dictate what the board should be talking about or what the community should be talking about. But anyway, so I just started I'm a little bit mixed up but I just wouldn't appreciate having the ability to have public comment. And yeah, thanks.
Thank you. We appreciate
your comment. This Boehner followed by former Commissioner William date.
evening, everyone, this is my first time here so I'm not sure what's going to come out of my mouth but it will be respectable. Thank you. I live on Braille Street in Michigan. A three st is has been in targeted every incident that I have recorded since last September and I have been failed. They my neighbors have been working in my home and up to today. They are still coming into my home when I'm not here. And the eighth precinct has done nothing. As reported so many incidents, you didn't even know return calls. These people are not questioning having had any answers. Oh, why this has continued today up till today. They came into my house two days ago. I just put two doors up because they Jimmy Jam last time the outside and like I can't control that but I changed everything. My mother. I worry about her. She's nine he was senior. She lives with me now. So I have been contacting the commissioner's office and four reports. I can't even go to the eighth precinct. No disrespect now, but you have some dirty, dirty dirty dirty policemen have there. done nothing for me, left. And that's it. Or take me to institute for being in my backyard to my home. And he said to me, you crazy what did they take me sign on? I couldn't do anything. They threw me in the park never been in a police car before in my life. I will be 70 years old in February and I am disgusted over what goes on in my area. And that's not it is so much more than they will come in my home and
that's your time but we're so heartbroken that you ever had to experience that type of violation in your home. And I'm sure that that has been captured. And so you can share that with second deputy chief hopefuls. They're right behind you. And we will capture that information to ensure that it's followed up and then for the complaints that she says she wasn't receiving from the eighth precinct. We want to follow up on that with our senior investigator. So they will take your request right behind right behind you.
When we're Commissioner Davis
Good evening, can I be heard?
Yes, you can go right ahead.
Okay, I'd like to start off again saying that I think the Community Impact Report is one of the best things this board has done in the last 10 years. I also agree that during the course of given that no officers name have should be given I haven't heard the officer's name so far, but no officers name should be given until whatever action that was going on is thoroughly investigated. And once those actions are investigated, this should be returned and the community should get an update on those. Awesome I think this needs to be some stronger language about misconduct and offices the misrepresent facts, especially if they're the video shows otherwise. You know that that should be severe consequences. Because I'm not like when I was on the board I did a part in the national white paper on do the turn to see you know, so when one officer see a nun officer doing something they need to say something you know, this sport, still need some help. But I think embedded leadership now and what they've had and the last six years. Thank you. Thank you.
This is your last speaker.
Thank you so very much for your public comment. And now we will move on to the presentation of the board from our human resources bureau.
Afternoon through the TRB presenting the human resources, your Report for the month of August. Passing on a copy of the slides for you all as well. So you can follow just in case. PowerPoint doesn't get up. So per the current departmental staffing for August, we were at 90% per sworn we were at 83% What 177 vacancies are actually far different than last year when we well over 300 Police assistants were 94% for civilians. Were 81%. Next slide for sworn recruiting from the beginning of the fiscal year until August 31 We process yes that 166 applications 96 were in processing at the time 28 applications withdrawn 362 archive at one temporary disqualify disqualified 73 currently just qualified 126 Wheeler and coals testing next slide are the MCAS testing for the written and written test. They had 116 scheduled 60 appear 41 Pass 68% passing rate 19 Fail 32% failure rate five reschedule one withdrew 50 No shows for physical agility 145 were scheduled 70 appear 40 passed which was 57% passing rate 30 Fail 43 failure, failure rate 16 rescheduled to withdrew that these fix no shows next slide. For new hires, we had 23 civilians looking we did not have any new hires for the month of August. We have two classes in June. We have one in July for the past graduation. We graduated 28 in August. For department residency for Detroit. We have 500 employees, two sworn 121 civilians and 15 Police assistant and for your non Detroiters we have 1880 sworn 226 civilians 19 Police assistants of those new hires 10 for different residence was a civilians and excellent for attrition. We were trying to keep it below 15 a month. For the month of August we had 17 we had four that resigned out of the academy one that passed away so that put us over what we have been seeing since January. We had separated one police assistant for a total of 30 for the month and the leave of absence are definitely continuous. We had 16 sworn eight civilians FMLA intermediate we had 49 sworn 68 civilians paid parental leave we had eight sworn one civilian medical leave three sworn five civilians and only carry five sworn don't leave three civilians restricted 165 sworn 14 civilians, disabled 19 sworn to civilians sick we have 15 sworn three civilians next slide. For monthly separations, we had a total of 1716 were police officers when started. And for suspensions. We had 718 17 police officers one Corporal we have 541 in the drop program. Next slide. When we look at separations two hires from January, the beginning of January to September and these are current as of today. So all these slides are currently up to the month of September. They have 109 separations compared to the new hires 246. We have surpassed last year's hire rate, you have a net gain of 137 and excellent are sworn separations when we look at 2022 to 2023. January to September last year you had 260 this year you have 109 And as I stated we had 17 in August, but we only have three for the month of September and excellent. Members go on to other law enforcement agencies. We had five in August and currently in September we have zero so if we keep that trend to zero, that's better than any month since last year of January 2022. And excellent. We have currently four academy classes at the academy next class is going to graduate October 27. Our next class will start in the month of October or for September. We've hired 24 already and we placed them at the precincts just to get them familiar recent and acclimatized to BPD next slide. And the next slide Kirlian statements are 2023 We have a total of 37 and that's fine. Korean statements since the contract we've had a total of 104 requests from members wanting to return to DPD eight requests since the last time I briefed you all 44 have been hired 48 have been approved. He has 17 They're doing some processing stage for nooses submissions, 24 Deny 13 withdrew, and one under review. You can stay on that slide. So if you can read that slide. That's just some new recruiting initiatives that we're doing and some new apartment partnerships that we've established recently. Excellent. marketing advertising, we've received more than 672 leads in the last three weeks. And so we are making sure that we contact all those individuals back next Saturday here. At headquarters, we're going to have a one day hiring process. That means you can complete the process pretty much all in one day. So we are looking for citizens that want to be police officers or if you're interested in law enforcement, and they do not want to be a police officer but they're interested in civilian careers. We will start at 7am and we will close at 5am Excellent. And then the next slide is just basically showing some additional outreach and education that we're doing. And then in any questions. This concludes my Berry.
Thank you so much for your consistency in your therapy. truly appreciate it. Any questions for Mark, commissioners? Hearing none, thank you so very much. Thank you. I'm not We now will return back to the border secretary's report as there are some action items that needs to be considered Secretary Shaw.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. So the last item in my secretary report is in regards to a memo that can be found in your packets. As well behind tab numbers six and this is in regards to position amendment recommendation from the staff. And I will just read certain components of this here. So as you know the BLP staff has been working with the classification and compensation areas to ensure that the LPC staff is staffed with the right skill sets to support the board's charter mandated functions and class the compensation has completed their review for the position of attorney to the board of police commissioners, as well as the legal assistant of our positions that are budgeted for the board. I'll move very quickly past the attorney piece and opposition position amendment is recommended based on class and compensations recommendation. And so moving on to the legal assistant status recommend the following position amendment for the legal assistant position to actually removed the legal assistant position job code 091941 and replace it with job code 013374 which is an executive administrative assistant level two and there are several items here I have listed as rationale for that. The first is that the current legal assistant position is under the bargaining unit law department paralegals UAW 412 unit 86 and the board will have restrictions based on union contracts and Corporation Council approvals. As the board pursues that particular legal assistant position. The second or classic compensations estimation, the legal assistant job description does not fully align with the functions that the board needs is positioned to perform and the executive assistant to is an appointed position, which allows the board the most flexibility to recruit and manage this position to meet the needs of the board. Once ready for hosting staff will work with recruiting to tailor the postings to attract candidates with legal experience and the recommended budget is salary of 65,000 is just below the median of the compensation range for the executive administrative assistant to per the city Detroit compensation schedule. And just to note here, the position amendment that's being recommended it does not have any type of budget impact as far as dollars because currently the legal assistant is budgeted for 65,000. And the executive administrative assistant to position will also be budgeted as 65,000 If approved by the board.
Thank you and so as a result of that presentation is chairing today's a motion to amend the budget to remove the legal assistant and to add executive administrative to ending approval from budget finance and HR
just determine Yes. Was there a motion to adopt the original position the original title legal assistant
would have been before my tenure, I just think that time has been coded in the best part
of the board's existing budget.
Okay, so you're the motion is to amend the budget and the chair.
Hold on one second.
Okay, you're not just amending you're moving. You're not amending the budget. We're amending the title. Correct. And that title was originally in the budget. Correct. So the motion is to remembering something previously about it. This was already adopted. When we adopted our budget. Yes. Okay. So that's gonna requires two thirds. Okay.
If I can just clarify as far as process, the board doesn't adopt the board's budget. That's something that's approved by city council. So the current budget that the board has today, through the chair, the current budget that the board has today is not was never formally adopted by the Board. It was given to the board by city council.
I think what you're trying to get to though, is two thirds is necessary. Versus majority vote that would
if, if this was something that has already been adapted by the board, and you're changing it to something else, from legal assistant, executive administrative assistant, that's the question, okay. If this is not something you've adopted, then then you only meet majority, okay to change it. Okay.
Commissioner Bill,
I just want to speak to the council does not dictate our budget. We present a formal approval of the merger by the board to the council. That's just normally how it works in terms of that process. They don't give us our budget. The mayor don't give our books. We present it to the Council. Thank you,
Mr. Chair. I get a motion for
you have one second I just need clarification. And so as we did something similar What was that maybe about three weeks ago in changing a title for OCI to a new title? And I don't think we'd be mature. I mean, two thirds majority then would that be a likewise motion or because
the issue is, if you've already adopted this title, that's that's the essential question. If you've not adopted it, this is just an original main motion. Okay. Can you only
majority I believe it's an original motion. This is what we've inherited that was already created by
all you need is a simple majority, to adopt the motion to change the title, from legal assistance to executive administrative assistant.
Okay, thank you Commissioner bank. That's what you're doing. Yes, that's what we're doing. Okay. Commissioner banks
Am I released are released all right ahead. All right. I,
I moved to amend the budget so removed the legal assistant and ad executive administrative assistant to Pending approval for a budget finance and HR
is there a second second
has been moved in second is to remove the legal assistant and add administrative assistant to Pending approval from budget finance. I'm sorry, budget, finance and HR. Are you ready for the questions? Commissioner Burton.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, you know, I feel that you know, we have more than enough administrative assistants working for the board. We just recently our office has recently hired additional administrative assistants. I feel that this board is long overdue for his own attorney as well as her legal assistants something that we have fought for. Some of us have fought for for many years since I've been in this seat. And and I think that it's a disservice to our community when we do not have a legal attorney representing this board as well as a paralegal. But to bring on additional administrative assistant is something that is not going to move the board forward. I think the other components that are missing will help at some point, but this is not the answer. And we continue to staff with more additional administrative assistance, at what point of time are we going to be budgeted to bring on these other items? We are already looking at the current budget of the board and look at what we staffing for our salaries. So it's not a good luck for the future. This board and I'm sorry, Mr. Chair, I will vote no on this. Because this is this is you know, I think we need to revisit it. I think this needs to go through committee overall sorry, for
duly noted, no need for apology. Any other debate or discussion? Hearing none, I think we're ready for the question. We'll do a roll call vote.
Chair cuantos. Presley?
Yes. Well, I should have stated again, this vote is on the motion to amend the budget to remove legal assistant and ad executive executive administrative assistant to Pending approval from budget finance and HR. That's a yes for me.
Vice Chair Jim Holly is Yes, me. Commissioner Linda Menard
staying on as
Commissioner Cedric banks. Yes. Commissioner Willie Bell. Commissioner Willie Burton. No. Mr. Chair you have I think we have one more list. Looking at the totals here and Commissioner Lisa Carter My apologies.
So that motion fails. Me.
Yes, like your holiday.
I have no problem with the vote. I was just watching no this that take the place of attorney. Attorney is coming of this this hope do we just made a legal fitness that takes the place of attorney. We will have an attorney and based upon my VN is over the personnel I think that will be coming so it does not take the place of of a that takes place about a legal set of attorney. We will have an attorney. It'd be very shortly.
Want to see attorney comment. Can you tell us please?
It is forthcoming again. There was conversation that was had this week and we'll be presenting something to the board sooner than later. Commissioner Bill,
could we the questionnaire Commissioner burden raise could we clarify how many ministers system that we have? And I'm looking at specific responsibility of what we needed. Who is charged and mandated duties and we got serious action for more investigator perhaps we can make that change to investigator I just
budgeted for and that's a conversation to be had but again, to assist. What is the oncoming attorney there will be need for support staff. And so this executive assistant position is provided support staff for the attorney. So I completely recognize as the presentation presented earlier that the scale of work that we have to do requires us to have more investigators. I definitely agree with that. But we want our board attorney to be efficient in their work and then it will require some support staff that that is well and so we will go back to the table and try to craft it in a way that's more amendable to amenable rather to this board and they will bring that back Commissioner Bernard.
I just want to say that I I can't say to the board strongly enough. How important it is that you get your own attorney about 50 pages in this binder. Our legal quote, quote legal opinions from the Office of the General Office the Corporation Counsel by a person who does not have a P number in the state of Michigan, which means they are not a fully licensed attorney in the state of Michigan. We have no legal representation right now. We desperately need our own lawyer. And furthermore, as a as a licensed attorney, who's argued and won four cases, I'm sorry, three cases in the Michigan Supreme Court. I don't agree as a labor lawyer who's won labor cases for the suit for the city of Detroit and in the Michigan Supreme Court with any of this legal advice and I so want us to have a person with labor lawyer labor law experience and so forth. Because I mean, this is just way over there. And I could find probably five volunteer attorneys who would review this and leave this information and agree with me. We are we are not able to serve you to public. That's a fact. Right right now by making independent decisions regarding actions regarding police officers, police discipline, and even the reports of the of the chief investigator How dare they challenge such a thing? So I agree with you 100%. We desperately need a legal assistant and an attorney
to the Chair. Thank you Commissioner burden chair Commissioner Holly raised, raised the point that we have attorney comment. But the rest of the board we are not in that conversation. Where do you like to know what Commissioner Hollywood or you get his entail from whoever you're speaking to? Because we are all in the dark on this one?
Yeah, I mean, it's too early to actually say and so it's still in process, but we've been in constant consultation with the law department to ensure that we can get our own attorney to the board. But how can we have not run into those? Because the conversation is not yet ready to be brought to the
board because it sounds like some plan is being addressed. But it's
not if I opened it up in the BOE chair or stating that there were further conversations that we had and there will be a report coming to the board sooner than later. I communicated that the beginning of the meeting.
Any further questions,
or hearing now we'll now move on to our sorry, well, you don't just say to carry support. I am Mr. Chair. All right. And we did an announcement earlier and so now we are here for a matter of new business. And we had this conversation about a month ago relative to the consideration of the appointment status of two currently suspended with pay employees and at this time there was some unreadiness on by the board, wanting some documentation from the law department, as well as a scar relative to the decision. And you should see that documentation in your binders. And so I'm hoping that the board is ready to make a motion one way or another on what we will do in regards to the two suspended employees. And so the determine Yes, right here how
I like to move that the Melanie White will be restored to full duty as policy director as policy director.
Okay, this is one quick is there an effective date on that motion?
Okay, with whatever you said, Mr. Chair, you
don't have a core
was just lost the quorum. And so that means that we could take a
I'm gonna leave, you just want to go I could go and
get it. Let's take a two minute
recess. Commissioner Carter and Commissioner Burton would you do
one more for quorum, but yeah, we'll take a two minute recess. And until we are able to establish what
we're looking to effective
I call the bridge.
Can you please say Commissioner burden, emission burden Can you please remain
small Cremona just can't do this
just disrespected.
I don't know. You just love Merton on the back okay.
Noting that we now have a quorum the chair now was resumed the meeting to call it back to order back the order has now caused the meeting back to order by sheer Holly.
A mood that Mrs. White will be restored to her food store for looting as policy director. Effective out August the second October to say I'm sorry,
guys, we're probably going to second that we restore Melanie white to her for duty as the OPC executive manager of policy effective on October the second 2023 has been moved in second. Any discussion discussion right here in Michigan banks.
So the only thing about that about interim Secretary white interim chief investigator Akbar
well be executive manager policy white.
She used to be interim Secretary right
policy manager.
He was Policy Manager.
Okay, only thing about that we're gonna have no evidence on what took place. And before I can vote Yay or Nay, I need to see some evidence. And the Secretary I think the Secretary was bringing something up in about a week or two was maybe
I wouldn't refer to the chair. I wouldn't refer to that as evidence. There are formal investigations in progress. Certainly chief investigator and I can provide information on inconsistencies or anything that we've come across but we don't have access to enough history to give a definitive answer on any type of investigation.
And I think we should at least wait for a week or two until she can provide a little something for us. And we can really make an accurate decision to determine that's what I'm thinking.
Thank you
one second vice chair Holly. I just want to kind of again, set the context for you know why we're here. Again, it was about a month ago that we were at the table and there was unreadiness and I think that I stated with some level of passion that you know, we should really do our due diligence in this time that we have so that we can make a decision one way or another because I wholeheartedly hear what you're saying Commissioner banks, but we can't confidently say when an investigation will be completed. And the dilemma that we face is whether or not we continue to pay them in full while they're at home, doing absolutely nothing or to bring them back to at least get a work product out of what we're paying them to do. And so while we could postpone it another week, or two weeks, a month or even a year, if that's the desire of the board, I'm hoping that we can get to a point that we can move one way or another to be responsible stewards of the taxpayers dollars. And so your point is well taken.
Mr. Chair, that's good. Good, I get that. But at least this wait a week or two. We'll see we'll have a little bit of documentation because I can't compete no money or I can't. It's not a win. Well spending some time.
Here. Let's just be clear, we're not a judge or jury. This is not a matter of conviction or a call anybody guilty but what they've done. These are at will employ appointees appointed by this board and we have the right and authority to remove them from their positive, right alcohols or to bring them back if that be our desire. But this is not a matter of leading to adjudicate evidence and figuring out if somebody did something wrong that that is what the pending investigations are for. We're just wanting to find out what is the board's desire when it comes to the status of two employees that we currently have
suspended with pay. Just a chair Dr. Jackson, because this cannot be postponed and it cannot be posted on your next meeting. You can't postpone it for two or three weeks. You can postpone it to next week. Now if you really are not ready, and you want more time. The only way to do that is to refer the matter to a committee that can't be a file cabinet before knows you can't just do it for form. You have to be first to committee for them to do certain things. And then bring the report back. But you're talking about just postponing the motion. The motion to restore melanic Why can that be postponed beyond this week's meeting? Now you get to next week's meeting. You could postpone it in but you can't duration that'd be being beyond next week's meeting.
Thank you for that. And so again to remind my colleagues the motion that is currently on the floor, excuse me is to restore Melanie right to her full duty as Bo PCs executive manager of policy, effective October the second 2020 chair, Commissioner banks,
extra secretarial questions. When will you be able to have a little bit of in about a week's time will you be able to have a little information on them? Madam secretary and auto week's time
through the chair was been requested is the details around what chief investigator and I have seen as inconsistencies and questions that have come up from an administrative perspective and the roles certainly we can provide in the next week or so. information around that. I do want to be clear that that is a report out of again, administrative inconsistency that we've seen and really is has is not intended to influence this vote.
And to that point, the awareness of inconsistencies, that does not mean that those institutions are responsible for either of these employees. And so again, that's why the only medium that can really get to what I think you're looking for is the conclusion of these investigations. But unfortunately, we can't set a time limit on when those investigations will be done by sheer house by sheer Holly
Commissioner banks and other commissioners. We had a meeting we had an executive meeting with end leaning microphones you had a meeting with h&r. No, I had no problem with restoring them all the way around. We could do either. There's no problem with h&r. We checked with h&r and as a commissioner, I would like to thank you if you will like to. I like to think if you've made the motion as a suggestion, I would be copying it. If you made the motion. I would I would literally select support that and expect that I will not have this motion if I'm thinking there is some stuff in there that basically when a person is bored or embarrassed the city h&r has indicated to us there is no problem with going one way or the other.
And again, that is not a matter of a meeting that we had with a tribe. That's a matter of the documents that you have in your binder right now that comes from HR as well as from the law department, Commissioner bell and then Commissioner Berman and me.
Let's just remind the board there was no evidence or any wrongdoing or concerns on the board secretary or the past Chair in reference to this matter. Also, Corporation Counsel mallet, we just revisit his report that we act improperly. It was no basic to act. He wanted us reinstated back quite some time ago. So this we cannot talk about postponement. This is the proper time to rectify a situation that his chair took without support on the board. Thank you.
Okay, now,
I want to be clear, that statement that there was no concerns is not completely accurate because there are two investigations ongoing right now. Right at the same time, the law departments opinion was that it was inappropriate as a matter of procedure. Correct. Not that there wasn't a basis for the suspensions but how it was done by the former chair law department said was inappropriate as a result they said to rectify that we should ring them back. So that that is accurate, but it was not a matter of no places for it. It was the procedure. Commissioner burden
to the church. Committee Chair. I'd like to amend the motion by moving that we eliminate the policy manager position entirely because you have a very strong policy subcommittee where we actually have attorney Linda Brunner, who's now chairman and I was the past chair of that. So we actually got some things you know that that's actually working here on the border was
mentioned. A minute is out of order. It's not in germane to the motion that's on the floor. That will be a separate
mission of could offer as a substitute motion.
But I'd like to, I like to offer that as a substitute motion.
Is there a second in this motion to eliminate a prpc executive manager position completely?
Second, it makes it a very clean process. Alright, it's
been properly moved and seconded. Is there any discussion on the substituted motion? Hearing no discussion? Let's take a roll call vote. All those in favor. Secretary Shaw.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, Chair quantas. Presley? No. Vice Chair Jim Holley. No. Commissioner Linda menar. Yes. Commissioner Cedric banks know. Commissioner Willie Bell. Commissioner, Willie Burton. Yes. Commissioner Lisa Carter.
All right, that's
Yes. Who knows. So that motion fails. Five noes to yeses. That motion fails. And so is the substitute motion like an amendment Do we go back to the original motion that was his chair you go back to we're now back with original motion that has been moved to or Melanie wise to call duty ads executive manager a policy. Any further discussion? Commissioner bank
right here. Sheriff can we hold on this this week? And maybe then the madam secretary I have low on little clarity for us.
Is that a substitute motion?
No, sir, that would be that motion is higher ranking than the main motion okay. So is there a second home is cars a second it is debatable if the motion to postpone is adopted in this matter would be under next week's agenda as unfinished
business okay, so there's been a motion that is made to postpone this to next week's meeting is there a second?
I'll second it because information is what we need. Right.
Right. I was just we just say last time and information is coming now. We're doing this again. But is there
any discussion? I'm gonna make an amendment amendment
There's a host amendment to the motion to postpone. I'll hear your proposed amendment.
Thank you, Mr. Chia. And then this has to be germane to the motion to postpone correct it can't be part of the main motion.
Could it be amendments to postpone for closed door session for that? So we can have that party present, allow them to argue their case allow colleagues to raise questions as well. Would that be appropriate? Yes,
sir. It would be Mr. Chair. If the commissioner wants to amend the motion by adding or a closed door session, that amendment would be in order but you have to vote on that amendment.
Now the only thing about that while it gets out, do that in discussion. So that's been the motion. Is there an amended motion? Is there a second?
Okay. Then what's
their discussion? All right. So the discussion that I have is that we have attempted to handle this matter in closed session previously, but was opined that these matters does not fit under a closed session. Is that a correct? Description? Secretary show
there is the direction that has come from the law department before they're very specific guidelines for going into closed session according to the OMA and so those guidelines would have to be pursued before the board can successfully do that. If
if going into closed session on this matter would be a violation of OMA, the OMA would be the higher ranking opinion. And the OMA does restrict closed sessions of public bodies to certain specific events. So that is a legal question. That is not in my playpen.
Yeah. So
I guess that motion is based on this vote on that motion, knowing that it may not be legal according to the Open Meetings Act, but we need an attorney. So all those in favor of
postponing the motion to add closed session
all of those were in favor of amending the motion to postpone with the addition of a closed session.
You're you're voting on Amendment to the amendment, which is to add closed session to the posted amendment to postpone. Yeah, but you're not voting on the motion to postpone you're voting on the amendment. Which is to make it a closed session.
It gets to the motion to postpone I'm just trying to be clear about what we're meant to show you.
The motion to close on the motion to
the closed session, to the postponement so this about the closed session so all those in favor of having a closed session around this matter, please signify by saying hi. Roll call vote please.
Share Quantis Presley No. Vice Chair Jim Holly. No. Commissioner Linda Renard. Yes. Commissioner Cedric. Thanks. Yes. Commissioner Willie Bell. Oh, Commissioner Willie Burton. Yes. Commissioner Lisa Carter. Oh,
right. courts were mad. That was three years and four noes. You're back to the modal that motion fails. So now we're back to the home to next week's meeting. I think discussion has been exhausted ready for the question.
I think. I think it was related to to Commissioner bankss request that the staff come back with their limited review
the motion to put it all so that the staff can come back with further information relative to leave employment conditions. Right. Is there any discussion? Yes, Vice Chair Holly.
listeners. It's better to you. She's always told you. She has no value. There's no value to this discussion. She has she has nothing that's going to add or subtract the Secretary in terms of admin, a discussion about this. This matter is basically just our matter, not the Secretary and not the chief officer. This is this is she'd already indicated she has nothing to add to this. Apparently it's a little bit but she said that that's actually not adding anything. He didn't say the chair.
Mackinac golf course. Mr. Banks, Doctor, you know, I love you, man. I love you. Now let me say this. She's She's weighing in something else. She has something for us. We get nothing right now.
That is not true. You have a legal opinion. You have an HR opinion and you have your own position on whether or not you believe that they will be valuable coming
back or not. And we have though, I'm telling you I'm sponsoring right we don't have it
in your inner Tomo. It is in your own lane here. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Commissioner Bernard.
I mean it. We have a new board secretary, she's had an opportunity to look at our operations and and see where our strengths, where are our weaknesses. We have a new investigator who has done most of them actually a phenomenal job in showing us so very many weaknesses we have been working under and to have them come back with a specific report about about this issue and about these positions is very important to us. It hurt. It doesn't hurt us at all information is power, and we don't have it. And I think everyone in this room can reach a consensus about many of these issues. There is a big difference. There's an A and a B, and she's the one that has all the documents upstairs. I mean, and the history of what happened when she walked in. We haven't heard any of
that. Yes. And so again, to that point, the Secretary has done an amazing job at bringing that information to the board. Each week. Every time something has been paralleled has been an inconsistency. She has brought it to this board in our secretary and her secretary's report. In addition to that, hold on, let me finish in addition to that, our chief investigator even Today brought to our attention that there were some cases that were that were close without any investigation of signatures, and so we have that information. But what they can't say is, is that that was the responsibility of either Melanie white or Ogma.
Secretary files are currently locked up in the conference room upstairs. She can go over those files. When she came, all of the personnel files had been removed and now the whole room is locked up. We can't use the conference room because those files are in there. A summary or review of those files and a report to us is important.
Any part of the question Commissioner bale or comment rather Commissioner Bill
Mr. Chairman, six months. Nothing has materialized on the staff in reference to this matter. And IG is still working on this matter. And you have a linear legal opinion. In whiting Commissioner Hala indicated to you HR de Lille it was badly handled. So what information do you need any father
is fine with giving people raises things like that, not by the board chair.
All right. Is there any further discussion on the motion to postpone this for next week meeting so that the staff might have an opportunity to provide some more and help you all to make this decision? Hearing those discussion? Let's vote roll call on the motion to postpone to next week's meeting.
Chair contest Presley No. Vice Chair Jim Holly. No. Commissioner Linda Bernard Yes. Commissioner Cedric banks. Yes. Commissioner Willie Bell. Oh, Commissioner Willie Burton. Yes. Commissioner Lisa Carter.
All right, with three yes votes and for no votes that motion to postpone has failed. Now we're back to the very original motion, which was to restore Melanie white to her for duty as the OPC executive manager of policy effective October 2 2023. Question Luke. Question has been caused there second. I like to it's been properly moved. And second, although it's debatable question. All right. All those in favor please. signify by saying aye. Aye. Aye. All those opposed? All right. The question has been called we'll move directly to the vote on the motion to restore Melanie white to afford duty as executive manager of policy. You got to hold
right here. I oppose it. Okay,
your opposition has mirrored your opposition have been marked and two thirds has been secured until the motion passes. And now again, we're to our
look, I think they call in your Commissioner Bernard.
Someone's call. We're now moving to the motion to allow Melanie white to be restored to our for duty as executive manager of policy.
He's lender is asking me to single handle call. center point.
It's not that important. It's your business.
Are you going to be in the room or not? Right so with two commissioners leaving the room, obviously skating in their responsibility to put a vote on 205 You're okay. All right, there is no quorum so the chair cause motion towards Germans. Okay. There's no motion with Germany. So we don't have a quorum. So there's nothing left that we can do on the agenda with no quorum and so we have to adjourn anyway, so I so apologize to the public for our inability to do the city's business today. Great evening. They just have
Thank you. So I want to do I know I know you're
making all this money. Wish I had
this right, but we didn't make the decision to send them home. We didn't