interview that was supposed to be done at 8am fine.
Is actually on time, if you think about it, true,
true. It's about insurance, things you missed my pitch, very not my pitch for
the sick man. But how'd it go?
It was good. It was good. Um, everybody liked it. I think it's getting picked. I don't know. It's about incarcerated workers in Minnesota and how they're how they're forced to not forced to work, how they work, but get paid like 25 cents to $5 an hour.
Yeah, awesome. Actually, I'm a vote for that.
Wait, what were the other pitches about
um, Olivia did,
what do you call it? She did hair and loving your hair, like different types of that one was nice. Um, who else pitched the new the new kid pitched about, about, like murals in Minnesota, or like the artwork. Oh, cool outside. Um, but Demetrius said it was going to be kind of hard to do that, because you need, like, copyright, yeah, something like that. And then he made us, like, the I forgot his name. What's his name? Again? The new
person who the new the new one,
the like, the young one, yeah, the one who's pro Israel. He's pro Israel,
yeah, because of, like, something like Kanye said that's the reason it was, it's, he's uneducated. But
this is the Kanye with work?
I don't know. He was like,
we've been knowing that Kanye is like, messed up in the head, like, Yeah, but he listens
to him. Anyways, he made us, like, go around and say what we liked about his project and what we didn't like. It was took. It took a while. Everybody in there had to say something, and we're like, okay, yeah, it was weird. Then I went last and then Halima is going to pitch, I think next week, because a lot of them, a couple of them, didn't know that we were supposed to pitch and have slides done. So they just had it on, like a Google Doc. But I might be like, late, late next week. It depends, because I have a test that ends at like 515 but if I go long on the test, like, take extra time, I'll probably arrive to hyper on like six, 610
Yeah, so I might miss
a couple pitches. Oh, well, what are you pitching?
I don't know. McCall's not going to be here next week. So are you guys pitching together? We were supposed to. I'm going to ask it and see if she still wants me to pitch like without her there. If not, I had my own rough idea, so I'll probably work on that. And then he said,
everybody who has to who will pitch, has to pitch by next week, because we're going to also vote next week on which ones are going through. So whoever doesn't have it done just doesn't get their idea pitched. So if you guys are working together, then I think it's better if you pitch. Okay, yeah,
really, why is your camera off? Because I am.
You're recording and I'm not wearing a hijab. So, oh, okay, yeah,
you don't have to do that. It's just audio anyways, so yes, yeah,
okay, I'll answer to the best of my ability, yay. Okay,
wait, wait, actually, my
partner had some questions, so let me pull this up real quick. Is
this for which internship? Um.
Technically not an internship, just a program called 360
Oh, that one. Okay, yeah,
okay, I'll ask his questions first.
How has Medicaid impacted your access to health care? Oh,
okay, okay, introduce yourself first.
Like, my name, name, age,
school, I guess, um, do you know, like, what your insurance is? Yeah, I do. Okay.
Okay, so Sarah Ramon, I said it in the most white way. Anyways, ceremony, 18 University, Minnesota, Twin Cities and I have a you care, blend. You care. OMG,
I care
too. Sorry,
um, was I gonna say? Oh, yeah, yeah, um, you should probably say what
grade you're in,
freshman, but Junior in junior by credit in college. Yes, actually, okay, okay,
so his question is, how has Medicaid impacted your access to health care.
Um, it
impacted it for the better, in my opinion. Um, I probably will. We would probably struggle paying for health care if it wasn't for you care or Medicaid. Um, just a doctor's visit itself is pretty expensive, so, and we don't really, I think we pay monthly or yearly, I forgot, but because of Medicaid, or you care, we don't have to pay every time we get sick, or we don't really have to pay, probably, like, we probably pay, like, $1 for our medication or something like that. So it's definitely cheaper and more affordable. Yeah, I was like, I know a lot of people that, like, were getting braces in high school and middle school, and they had to pay for their braces, and I didn't have to pay a single penny for my braces. So yeah, so it definitely helps us financially. Um,
could you, like, check later and see if you pay a fee, like, monthly or yearly?
Yeah, yeah. I'll ask my dad. Thank you. Okay,
um, and of course, if you don't, if they don't want to share that, that's fine too. Um, have you faced any challenges or limitations while on Medicaid. Um,
not, not to my knowledge, um, there are, like, I know my mom was like, like, was trying to get something with her tooth. Then I think her like, she needed a new tooth, or something like that, and they didn't cover it. So there were, there are some things they don't cover, obviously, but it's like less likely to happen in a way I don't know, but there are some things they don't cover, and if they are covered, it would be highly appreciated, if you care is hearing this, please cover more things, but please,
sorry, sorry to cut you off. But um, is your mom? Was your mom born here? No, do you know when she tried to get that covered?
Um, probably, like maybe three years ago, three years she was a she was a US citizen, too. So, okay. Oh, okay.
Then Never mind. It should have been covered. I was about to say there's, like, a recent change in politics policy for immigrants, but if she's US citizens and now then, but, yeah, okay, anyways,
um, there was also this one time, I think it was last year. A lot of us got sick at the same time for different reasons, too. So we were all going and, like, they were scheduling, like, multiple I probably went to the doctor like, five times that month. And then I don't usually go that much, but then they sent, like, a letter, and they're like, oh, everything every visit now for the next month, until the month is over, or something like that, you have to pay it. But overall, like that's not something that happens often for me, at least. So it's not really a problem, in my opinion. But yeah, there are still limitations, but it helps a lot.
Um, looking ahead, what do you hope for the future of Medicaid? Um,
for Medicaid, I think that everything I feel like health care should be free in general. Um, people in Canada. Should just buy Minnesota and we will have free health
Yeah, but just free health care for all
Medicaid or not in general, I'm for free health care because it is a necessary, necessity. We have the freedom, we have the right to life. Sorry, human right. So, yeah,
is there anything you consistently depend on Medicaid for?
Um, well before, if we were talking about before my braces, it would have been my braces, and then now it's, I don't think it's anything really my family. Yes, they depend on things me, not really, aside from, like the spring when I need my allergy medications over the counter. Yeah, but my dad, or could I speak about my family? Or, yeah, um,
I guess, just like, make sure it's fine with them, if, I mean, it's fine right now, like, end up using it, but like, make sure that it's okay with them.
Yeah, it's fine. My dad has diabetes and a couple other things. And he needs medicine consistently, so that helps him pay for that. And, yeah,
Oh, dang. Now I wish I was interviewing your dad, because I have some questions about that. Like, Well, maybe you can ask, but it would have been nice to get it, like, on tape, but, like, I guess, like, how is this like? Because there's obviously, like, different types of medications you can get, and some are definitely better than others. And it's like, a well known fact, I guess, like, is he like, on the like, not as good ones, because they're cheaper.
But I don't, I
mean, you could, you could send me the questions and I could ask him and maybe record if you want. Technically,
we're not really supposed to do that. Oh, really, okay, yeah, I don't. I think he's on good
once. I mean, it works for him. So I don't
know. Has he ever had any trouble, like getting something covered? Do you
know? No, not that I know of. No, I don't think he has.
Does he get, like, regular, like, eye checkups and stuff like that? Yes, um,
sorry, I'm just like going through the window you've kind of already answered. Okay, okay, um, do you feel that Medicaid gives you access to the doctors and special lists you need for your health conditions when you need them?
Um, I think so, yeah. Um, when I need to go to the eye doctor, I can when I had, when I was younger, I had something like scoliosis or something, and it was like, for a permanent I'm dropping this info, um, but, like, it was when I was young, and they were like, We need a follow up, like, because it was like, before I hit puberty. And they were like, we should, like, fix it now, before then, or something like that. And I had access to the bigger, more specific places, I guess, and then,
yeah, when,
when I needed to go to a dermatologist that was covered,
um, yeah,
your dermatologist was covered. That's actually kind of surprising, really.
Yeah, exactly I went. I went once it wasn't it was they just gave me this one cream. It's not like I only went once, but my brother went a couple times, and it was covered for him. Too. Nice. It goes more consistently. Yeah, physical therapy a lot like when I needed it and when my brothers needed it, and my dad and stuff that was covered
is that usually not covered?
No, I just like, remembered that you had injury last year. I had been, yeah,
wow. Okay,
this is off topic, but I have to share it. I like something with my pinky. I thought it was broken. It was actually, like fractured or sprained. I don't know if that's the same thing, but it happened in Algeria, and I went to the doctor, and she guess, instead of gonna be a cast, she put two popsicle sticks on my pinky, and it worked.
I mean, if. Works. It works. Here have I don't you, I don't know if you've gone to, like, the hospital in Algeria, like, multiple times, but how do they compare?
Oh, at once it
was the US is better.
But hey, Algeria is like, free. So
Algeria is free? Yeah.
I mean, it could definitely be better. It's work in progress. But yeah, yeah,
how easy or difficult is it for you to get a timely appointment or treatment when you're covered by Medicaid, or just in general,
um, I don't know if this is, like, because of my insurance or because of the hospital or place itself. It's like, say, like, if I wanted to go see a dermatologist, I don't know if it's because, I don't think it's because my insurance, but I have to wait, like, a solid two months to go see them, because they're packed everywhere. So it's, I don't think it's because of the insurance. I think in general, um, the ER, obviously I could go and wait a couple hours and be through, um, even the dentist. The dentist was horrible too. Like, if you want to, if you like, can't make it to an appointment and want to reschedule, you have to wait, like, an extra month,
or orthodontist, not 10, Like the braces people,
yeah, yes, that sounds right. Um,
have you ever had to,
oh, well, this kind of oh,
I'll ask it anyways, but it's kind of a repetition. Have you ever had to delay or forego treatment because Medicaid couldn't or wouldn't cover it due to other coverage limitations or whatnot.
Um, that, well, there's,
I'm speaking about the racist point of view, okay? Because that's why I'm using a lot lately. Um, they covered my retainers the first time, right? And then I need a new retainer for the top of my teeth because the other one broke, or something like that. And they were like, oh, yeah, we we're never gonna cover this again. For you. You have to pay it out of pocket. So it's like, and it's $150 and I'm waiting for that TPN PBS type paycheck to come off, because I don't want my teeth to this. But, yeah, they only pay it once. And like, even for like glasses, like to get, like, if, like, your lenses are scratched for glasses, or if you want new glasses, you have, like, you have two years. So once every two years, you could get a new pair. Otherwise it would be out of pocket.
And then,
yeah, I think that's it for now. So
retainer, you get like, like, it resets like, after you you get it, or you get it covered a couple times in what you said, like, a year. And then if you get retainers, wait, what?
No. Okay, glasses. For glasses you have, you could get a new pair every two years, I'm pretty sure. Oh,
right, right. So, yeah, but if you go over that, like, you have to cover it yourself,
yeah. So, like, if your glasses, say break before those two years or something, you would have to go buy them yourself, if you really wanted them
well, yeah, but what I'm saying is like, so that makes sense, but they're saying that they'll only ever cover your retainer once, like in your life.
That's what I that's what I understood. And then I asked them again, and they were like, Yeah, you have to pay it out of pocket. So I was like, Okay,
that is crazy,
because you gotta get it replaced, right? Like, that's not a lifelong thing, right? For the most part,
because it's just a piece of plastic. So wait, what? For the most part, because it's just a piece of plastic, and then it gets old too. Like, you're not gonna wear the same thing in your mouth for years. That's disgusting. Mm, cool, but yeah, dang
well, thanks for that. Yet that was it was interesting.
What are some of the biggest challenges you faced as a Medicaid recipient when it comes to managing your health care, I think that's the
only problem I really face personally, of that, like limitation in a way, because, like, even, even my glasses right now, I got them last year, right and then now they're just, I. I don't know how they're all scratched up. And they have like, Oh my God. They have, like, ink from a, like a pen exploded in my jacket pocket, and my glasses were in there, all over the lenses, and I can't take it out. But, yeah, I'll probably have to get myself some glasses out of pocket too, now that I think about it,
oh, my goodness. But yeah,
so I guess that's the limitation, like, yeah, because, like, even my my mom, I don't know how my mom doesn't take care of her glasses, but they broke. They break so many times. And they're like, three glasses too this, she just finds a way to break them. So, like, she goes, sometimes goes, like, a year and a half without glasses, or she really doesn't want to pay it, but,
or she, like, gets the Dollar Tree once. Just,
they do, actually, yeah, apparently,
well, I guess it's just, like specific to her, like prescription,
maybe because they give you a number, and I think my number is too low for like, Dollar Tree or something like that. There's specific number, yeah. Um, um, I said the Dollar Tree ones obviously aren't that good, but, oh yeah, they're not like the type of glass she needs them for, like, reading, so it's not like something that she uses every day. Yeah,
um, have you ever had a claim denied, a claim.
What is, what is the, oh, something about you care, also that we I think this is what the claim is, you care. I think is Minnesota based. So there was, like, a couple years ago, my mom needed to, she, like, fainted in a hotel in, like, South Dakota. We went to South Dakota, and she fainted, and the ambulance came and got her, because, like, we had no idea where we were and stuff, and then they sent, like, this huge bill for that ride. Because why she was, like, she wasn't in Minnesota. She got injured outside of Minnesota. So I think you care only works in Minnesota, if I'm They
do, yeah, yeah. So I just look up if they were, I mean, based, and it said yes. So I think that's
what's I think that's a limitation that is that, I guess, because if you, like, are traveling, like, outside the state and you get hurt, it's kind of, you have to pay for it, like, tell me why? Like, that short five minute ride in the ambulance was like $1,000 too. It was bad.
So I guess that's
a that would be a claim, right? That got denied,
kind of, yeah. Like you just submitted like a, like a receipt, I guess, to your insurance, and if they denied, that's a denied claim. Um, what was I gonna say, though? Um, but he didn't have any Did you like, pay it like in full? Did you not like receive any other type of help, Medicaid? I'm
not sure. I'll get back to you. I'm not, I'm not sure, actually, okay,
I'm actually curious. Now I'm gonna, like, look up if they'll cover something out of state.
Maybe, I'm not sure. I never really followed up with that. That was a while ago too, but I remember they kept on sending us, like, letters in the mail. Yeah, they'll
do that. I got like, six letters when I wouldn't pay my last clinic visit. And then the last one I finally paid it, because they were like, This is your final notice. I was like, oh, that's, that's scary, yeah, um, it says that you care does cover emergency, emergencies and accidents out of state?
Maybe they did. I remember they were so good. They were sending a sibling. I'll check back. Yeah, okay, dude,
they were just being like, weirdly stingy. Okay. Anyways, next question, do you find it difficult to understand or navigate the Medicaid system, such as coverage details, co pays or eligibility? Um,
payment wise, I don't I don't even understand how it works, if I'm completely honest, like I said, I have to ask my dad eligibility. Like yesterday, I had a dentist thing, and then they were like, oh, we'll submit something, see if you're eligible, and then we'll get back to you in a week. So I think they take care of that. And, like, even when, even when I needed, like, my braces, it was like, they the dentist, that's the orthodontics itself. Submit something to my insurance, and then they get back to them. So it wasn't really me that was in the middle of things, and then the orthodontics was like, Oh yeah, they accepted you, you could come in to get your braces. But I wasn't really a part of a process, in a way. I just was like, Okay, send them whatever you need to send. I don't know what they sent them, but they Yeah,
so you like, find like, you don't really have to deal with any of like, the like, the claim, requesting, or anything like that. I guess,
no, just for what they needed to do. For me, they just took a bunch of pictures of my mouth.
Like, teeth are horrible, give her things so
he could. They weren't even bad. I just they were there were just spaces between my teeth that wasn't bad, but yeah, so they just send them like pictures or whatever they need. For me, that's all they did. And they're like, yeah, we'll let you know. But it's kind of more of the place itself, like the orthodontics itself that covers or does the process for you.
Did you find it hard to like? Or have you ever found it hard to, like, set up appointments, though, or anything like, I guess, on, like, your insurers website that you've had to do, like, navigating that site? Was it hard if you've ever had to do that? Do you when
I sign up? I don't sign up with my insurance. I sign up with the size you care. But then I also have to, like, if I want to sign up for or schedule an appointment, I like, go to the Alina Health website, and that's where I'll do like, the test results come out. It's not on the actual insurance thing. But if they do have a website, I never been on it, yes, no, I
No, wait, so you yourself. Have you ever had like, an out of pocket? Pay
no. I mean, aside from, like, when I go, like, pick up medicine or something, they're just like, pay $1 and I'm like, okay, $1 it's $1 Yeah.
Like, actually, yeah,
that's crazy. Whoa. Like, at that point, why even pay? I
don't know. I don't know. But, like, every time you pick
up better than full price. Have you
ever had a different health
insurance? Not that I know of. No. I uh,
do you ever worry about your Medicaid benefits being reduced or cut, and how would that and how it might impact your health care access?
Um, well, yesterday, when you were like, does anybody use Medicaid? I was like, No. And then I asked my mom, I was like, What's Medicaid? And she was like, oh, it's like, you care and stuff or something that has to do with it. And then I searched it up, and I saw that Trump is going to do something or wants to reduce it. So yes, if something happens and I will have to pay out of pocket, I will be very mad, and I won't be able to because I am a broke individual, but yeah, Trump wants to do something. I didn't really look into it, but I should with Medicaid specifically. So
he just wanted to cut a lot of funding for a lot of stuff. And then he technically got his like thing, like his proposal rejected because he didn't like submit it during the right time frame. But that like doesn't necessarily mean that he can't try again. So, oh, okay, he'll probably try and do that again. Yep. Um,