I'm well, I move that we deny the chief's recommendation for suspension without pay for Officer Scott McKenzie. Second motion
made by Commissioner Presley to deny the crest to suspend what I pay officer McKenzie second by Commissioner Bernard, any discussion. Oh, I'll take a discussion, just any discussion, and we got discussion
right here. Now the first time that that was committed was
details of closed session,
okay, I'm sorry about that commission. Sorry,
okay, all right, any other discussion?
I'm sorry. I should have got that out during, oh yeah, the closed session, there
being no discussion, other further discussion. All in favor? Say, aye, we
going to abstain just now hearing arguments for the first time today, and need more time to review, so I'm abstain at this time.
Commissioner Moore is excused, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Hernandez, no, Commissioner Presley, yes, and Commissioner dewash is excused. Commissioner woods,
Five yes votes one day and one abstentions are two name. I'm sorry I didn't get the other. I thank you,
Commissioner, all right, thank you. So the it is dismissed.
Some issues in new business. Are we still with new business? Yeah,
I'm not done yet. Okay? Yeah, I'm sorry. Chair,
through the chair. Commenters, Bell and I voted no correct, if we could just have the record reflect that
it was my mistake, sir. Yes, there were two no votes and one abstention and one abstention. Yes, sir.
Okay. Give us the record clear. Make it clear he is not. Excuse
me. Excuse me. Excuse me, both the Secretary, the
vote received was as follows, five yes votes to no votes and one abstention.
All right, thank you. I Commissioner Hernandez,
thank you through the chairs, part of new business, obviously, with the announcement of Chief White's appointment to become CEO of D, when that kick starts the B, O, P, C, S, charter mandated obligation to conduct a search, one that's going to be national in nature, so that we can then complete our charter mandated obligation, and provide the mayor with three candidates, three qualified candidates. So at the direction of Chairman Woods myself, along with a few other commissioners, will lead that search, in partnership with City of Detroit. HR will kick off that that committee, that special committee, next week and set a timeline that will make public to the community so that you know, step by step where we are, along with that search and providing those three names and completing our obligation.
Okay, yes, Commissioner banks, you had something. Yes,
I did through the Chair. I want to make a motion. I move that we subpoena DPD for the full unredacted Michigan State Police report on condition Coleman. Is there a second?
Second, Second.
Motion made by Commissioner banks to subpoena DPD for the full unredacted the case of Kenisha Coleman, right from the state police. And it was second by Commissioner Bernard Burton, one second. You only get one second. Second by Commissioner Bernard any discussion. All in favor? Say, aye. Aye. Anyone opposed? Say, No, no, no, no, okay, no, it fails because you didn't get the majority of the vote. Do a roll call roll roll call vote.
Commissioner Presley is left, and Commissioner Dewas is excused. Commissioner woods, no.
I have recorded three no votes and four yes votes.
Excuse me, Mr. Attorney, find out if that is sufficient enough. According to the charter. I don't know what how that makeup is, in terms of what you need to the approval that you need. Is this a simple majority, or, excuse me, or, or is it or you need a super majority? Excuse me, excuse me. So check the what the charter says about that. And if we know the majority, we know the majority of the votes have say stated yes at this time. And if that be the case, then, then you are to put together subpoena and go with the wishes of this with the majority of the vote. If that's the case,
yes, Commissioner through the chair, yes. If I could just add a little bit of commentary, this is the same motion that we originally submitted a few weeks ago, which actually kick started the process for Michigan State Police to provide the redacted report that we received. They decided to provide a redacted report. I don't see the outcome changing. That's their prerogative. So it's just the same vote and the same submission that we already did. There's no difference in this request. I just want to make that clear for the public. It's
absolutely redundant. And then again, I don't know if the department, and because I had these robust discussions and with the department as relates to this, as well as with the State Police, if it's their report to release. And so that's going to be a legal issue and and we'll let the court speak about it, you know, saying, hey, that's what, that's what I want to do. Go ahead, have at it. You know, it ain't it, because there's, there's nothing to hide in this situation. No one is running from anything or, you know, I want that report to be received by the community as much as just like anybody else, but I, my is my understanding that is not the department's report to release. They have to have authorization from the State Police, just like we cannot authorize we cannot release the report, because that's the state police report, and whoever been leaking it out among us, they are a violation of the law, you know, and so we shouldn't be leaking reports to the community willy nilly, you know, so you got to be very, very careful. I wanted the community to be fully, fully abreast and aware as to the facts in that particular case, because, again, as I said before, that it's not my position to play with the emotions of anyone, especially the family of Kenisha, comments, they deserve respect. They deserve answers, and at this point they haven't came before this board complaining about anything but Commissioner Smith, yeah, through the
Chair. I just had a quick question with the redacted report. It just takes out the name and different portions. And so all the report was there just different names that we weren't privy to were taken out correct. And then also my question is, and when we get this report, the unredacted version, who are we supposed to give it to? The
motion that was made and adopted? Doesn't guarantee that Michigan State Police will provide an unredacted report, right? It doesn't guarantee
upon, upon whatever they decide to do, and we have this report in our hand. Then, then what? What are we supposed to do with it?
And then,
let me, let me also make clear to that that, and let me retract and let the record reflect, and I'm going to change my vote, because I did decide to abstain, or to to not even have any dealings with this situation at all, and and allow the vice chairwoman to handle this. And so if it was, we really didn't even need to vote, you know, because it has, it has already been discussed. And so I've been reminded about this issue. And so I'm 1,000% out of this situation for the for the sake of transparency. So the vice chairman, she's, has to him in this situation, but the attorney, do if, if it's the you know, you go ahead and discuss all of the matters on this situation, because I'm removed myself out of this situation. I want no dealings with it in no shape, form or fashion, and thank you for reminding me of that, and it just keep going circle for we going through a rabbit hole. But you know, it's all good. Make a statement, and then we can I
may provide some clarification once the Board approved the adoption, and has, again tonight, approved the adoption of a motion to subpoena the department for the unredacted report. That is a legal matter, and it will be determined in court, right? It will, I mean, if the if the department elects not to provide that report to the board, then in order for them not to do that, then our lawyer, we go to court to decide whether or not the department is rightfully or wrongfully not providing the unredacted report. But right now, our attorney has clear direction to subpoena, to prepare a subpoena and serve that on the department legally, they have a certain amount of time in which they can respond, and then we move from there. Okay,
I have no comment on it, but go ahead.
Motion to adjourn, motion
made by Commissioner Yes. Second by Commissioner Bernard. Any discussion? All in favor, say, aye. Anyone opposed, the motion is carried. This meeting is adjourned. You.