Again, it is July 20 2022. That's a lot of two's count, I need to get rid of this thing because it's flashing at me. This is animal mastery circle. And we're going to be working today on adding an element to our power animal retrieval, with the intention that the client takes initiative to connect with the power animal in a way that the power animal recommends, so that the power animal can influence the clients intuition, can inspirit the client to give them the advice and ideas and best approach to help the animal was whatever it is that the subject is. And the reason for this is because last month when we did animal circle, or might have been on one of the Mondays, I had yarp as a customer, and Yark. God bless him, the spirits gave several people the knowledge to put clay on his open sores on his hocks. And I had been but I increased my level of the green clay, the French green clay, and things seemed to get better. And then they didn't get better. And then I went out on a photography trip, and I came back and they were way worse. I mean, like explosions worse. So I had done some adjustments on things and I made different adjustments. I added prednisone back into his mix, and, you know, some other stuff. And it just, I wasn't getting anywhere, and I'm getting really worried. I had you know, I tried all this different stuff. And I'm out there in the garden. And I'm sort of in a daze, trancy kind of state and I see this image come to my face of a wonder dust bottle. And wonder dust is a really old cowboy product that's been around for at least well, as long as I've had horses there's been wonder dust. And it's a caustic powder that you put on proud flesh. And proud flesh is flesh that grows not on humans don't really get it horses get it. And it's highly it's it's it's disorganized tissue that's highly highly veined and capillary, then it bleeds and it bleeds and it grows and it grows. And it turns into this big, Lumpy leading nests. I don't know I always get this, but they do. So York had been turning his hawks had been turning into proud flesh baseballs. And well, that's kind of extreme. So I put the powder on it. Oh, yeah, right. That's probably one as you build, maybe that's the clue. Within four days, I'm seeing huge, huge change, huge change. So that was the clay that the spirits had been recommending. And if I had followed up with my power animals and my teachers about that, I might have learned that. So I knows what I'm doing. And I didn't do that. What about our clients who don't, our technique we're adding into our little mix here is to retrieve a power animal for our client animal. And to ask that power animal to give something that the client can do to connect with them, to help them shape shift their consciousness so that the power animal can come in to their consciousness and inform them with information is is not a shamanic journey. This is it might be as simple as they soften their eyes, take a deep breath and just think about beautiful flowers. And then it comes in, we don't know. But it's something that you're going to have your client do every day, in an in a pathway to engage with this power animal and allow the clients choices to be guided by the power arrow, you know, all of a sudden, they get the Wonder dust bottle in front of their face. Yeah.
That's what our plan is today.
So, I'm gonna do us a check in and then I'll call in and we'll go from the call in. Well, no, let's do it the other way. I'll do the call and then we'll do check in and partner up. And then we'll get to work.
You grandmother sunflower, please gather all of our little circles into your big circle. So we may collectively call in the directions and stand within the protected space. May we now turn to the north and open the gateway of the stars. And stepping through we sing the song to the milky way for her to come and bless her circle and join us. And I asked you to call in the other spirits of the sky with whom you have become familiar. Quasars, pulsars, planets
it was
and now the power animals, teachers and star beings that you know and love
and the tree that guards the North Thank you. As we pass through the northeast through the boreal forest, we call the beautiful ancient ones. And stepping to the east reopened gateway of Dawn made the power animals, teachers and ancestors of the East who are our tribes our partners come
and made the renewal of the East stepped through and fill our circle and the power of the tree of the east
to guard this direction.
And we slip around now through the south east through the old knowing and old treasures and come to the gateway of birth in the south which open you please to all the ancestors, all the tribes, all the wisdom keepers and to Earth herself to come and join us now
and the tree of the south and as we now slip around the Southwest stroke of Bristlecone and note the giant ocean and call the ancestral spirits of healing from the beginning of time. And stepping now to the edge of the West we ask the gateway of Twilight to open and the ancestors who guide us back and forth between our lifetimes to come
in our tribes in the times before this time anyway oh and the tree of the West to complete the quadrants. We go now through the northeast through the shimmering tall trees and dark cliffs and glacial water back to the north. And walking together now down the pathway to the center. With the Milky Way aligning above May the North Star illuminate and ignite the fire in the center of our collective circle now.
And we with our sacred trees around it like planets around the sun protected by the spiral arms of the Milky Way our circumference and all the ancestors in compassionate space It's who had worked with us and will work with us and who have loved us and do love us
may the above illuminate with the creative life force and the below absorb and reflected back. And may we stand basking in the center of that conjunction as above, so below, as within so without, here we are Oh Joanne, where are you? Are you in Wahaca or?
I wish. Now,
I'm back in Chicago, going back to Highland parks. And Richard has another
big test tomorrow morning. And then he has an appointment with a new doctor.
On the fourth.
Hopefully, we can go home after that.
Well, I'm glad you have a nice, comfortable bed to be settled on while
you're doing brothers.
A brother Thank you.
Um, well, I thought I would come back because I wasn't sure I did it right the first time this morning. And so I thought I'll see how the afternoon goes.
Yeah. Good. We're partnered with Patty this morning. Yes, yeah, you'll probably have a different experience now. Because we set this up for the power animal to give you the instruction and as a function of the client. So the power animal, giving you the instruction that the client needs to use in order to connect to the power animal. And each client is going to be really a different thing. A whole different deal. Because each person is really different. Thank you. Brenda, how are you honey?
Lots going on a lot of stress here right now. But I'm just taking it one day one step at a time.
Well, I'm grateful that you came to circle in the middle of stressful lots going on? Yeah. Is it 150 degrees in Michigan right now?
92 at seven o'clock at night? Yeah. Humid is beyond the word. I mean, it's just the air is so heavy right now. It's hard to breathe out there. Yeah, very heavy air. I mean, they keep saying that we're gonna have these thunderstorms and we get this afternoon I think I had less than five minutes of rain it was ridiculous. Keep hoping for the they be I wish they would just go through and be done with it so the air can settle but it's just really really humid.
Yeah, all the warming Pat
Yes, what Brenda said about the weather. My phone says it's 84 outside right now. I live in a basement space so it's a little bit cooler. So I'm glad for that. But I've been painting in an air conditioned building on the third floor in the heat so I'm kind of wiped out so I'm glad to be sitting down in some place. It's not as it's comfortable. Wow.
I can't I can't fathom that. Yeah, Phoenix used to be considered hot now. We're a cooler place.
Wow. Now we're still hot. Dry. You know,
that used to be a joke, but it's a dry heat. Now it's not a joke. 100 and 110. Dry is way better than 90 wet.
Way better.
Okay, my darlings. We're going to partner up. We're going to do animal healing for each other's critters. And the key piece of it is that when you're done doing the healing or whenever in the process you like you will retrieve a power animal for the client animal and you will ask this power now Animal to give you guidance that you can give the customer, your client for what they can do to connect with the, with the power animal and become inspired by them. So this does I mean people who have no shamanism can still get a ritual of whatever it is that power animal says. So the person is intending to connect to the power animal, and does this thing. And the power that opens the door for the power animal to come in and give guidance. And because this is kind of experimental on my part, I want us to go ahead and do it every day, the thing we're told to do, and keep a little catalog of what you receive, if anything, and what happens for your animal as a result of that, if anything.
Okay. Pat,
with whom will you partner? Okay,
I'll just say that I don't have an animal, but I have one in mind that a friend has but how will that work with mine?
Would your friend be willing to do the little thing?
I have a friend who will be very willing to try.
Great, so you'll just convey the information.
Okay. Yeah, it's fine. It's even better,
because that person will then be like I after that.
Okay. Well, I'll work with with Kayla. Okay.
And let's partner, Karen, who are you going to partner with? There's three of us, you may choose from?
Okay, I'll pick who's next to me, which is, Joanne.
All right. And I'm with Brendan that. So we're going to just really quickly here on the line, talk about what the animal is and what the key issues are, then we'll do our journey. And when we come back, we'll share in circle, at least this at least the ritual the thing that the client should do to connect with the animal. For example, this morning, I was during journeying. And the information I got was I was working with Charlotte. And the power animal was a skunk for one of her cats. And the power animal said that Charlotte when she's handling the cat, two cats gonna have some surgery and need some medical stuff, you know, so there's handling involved in what she has to do, when she's handling the cat to envision in her mind, one of the gorgeous landscapes that she loves to paint and that she loves to dream about. And to lay that on to the cat like a blanket. And as she does that she's changing her brain. And the skunk is going to come into her brain and guide her intuition give her guidance, like, oh, we better call the vet or you know, whatever it is. And then I asked for two signs and with which I can only remember one, so I asked for a sign that I did not tell Charlotte. And so she is to do the thing and report. And I'm hoping that she reports back that she had an intuition to keep the cat in a really dark place. Because it's an eye problem. See? So you might ask for a sign like that, that if the client does this, you're hoping the client will respond this back so you'll know that this whole thing is in a you know, tight circle. Make sense? Okay, I'll begin. I don't want this to be Yark again, because I asked for Charlotte to help me with the arc this time. Instead, I will have it be for feed law. Who is has nothing wrong with her? Really, but seems to need some emotional healing loving and support. Feed Liz a blonde Icelandic mare. And what do you have for me, Brenda?
Let you use Merlin. He's been limping. off and on, on his right rear leg. We think it's mostly arthritis, but I think that's what I'd like you to work with him.
Okay. Thanks.
Kayla, who do you have? For Pat? No,
let's do presto, um, he's my, you know, middle sized cat. I'm black male. Now, again, same thing, nothing really wrong with him, but I kind of feel like he's not. I feel like he's kind of struggling with his place in the hierarchy. Because, you know, there's still a few of those tiny little issues from before when he and Allegra were kind of butting heads a little bit. So I just want to kind of help him feel stable in his environment and safe and all those things.
This is the hierarchy of cats in your house. Oh, you're muted? Oh, she's muted. I can't hear you. She's muted.
Sorry. Yeah, I mean, there's not really a hierarchy issue yet so much, but like, if I'm petting the one cat, he immediately has to come morning. Okay, you know, so I feel like he's maybe just not feeling secure and his space in that way.
Okay. Presto. And for you, I have kitka who is a 20 year old cat. She's kind of a tabby, very nice coloring. And she's for 20 years old. She's not bad. My her person says she has some kidney issues. She has the back. She's got her back leg back legs that don't really work. And she kind of taught her is from the food dish to the bed to the litter box. But she seems to be happy. So and I know my friend is eager to take care of her and give her what she needs. And I'm sure would appreciate some knowledge from get his power animal.
Yeah, so in this case, for the sake of this, do general healing and empowerment. But leave it to the power animal to give the inspired information to the client instead of giving a laundry list of all the things that she should do. Does that make sense? Yeah.
Good, good. Joanne. Well, mute me. Sorry,
I haven't been home in five or six weeks. I don't know. But I'm thinking of oppo our youngest. She's about a year and a half she's a dog.
even though she's quite happy with us, and I've worked really hard on her fears of others, she still still has that if you if she if she goes out with me and on the walk with the dogs then if anybody comes up she runs home because she's so frightened. She she was quite abused and et cetera. So I would like to I would like her to feel safer, more comfortable. I would like her if she to overcome all of her fears if she can. She's very
sweet. Okay.
Okay, I have female cat. Her name is Sadie. She has Eielson and folic granule granuloma complex, which basically is an allergic reaction to whenever she had fleas in the fleabite. And so that results in well, they call them rodent sores, but they're like open sores. She tends to since she's been with us, she gets them on her paws. She usually she gets she gets one of those sores on one of her front paws. It can't be on her back one but this one, she now has one that we're mending with the prednisolone and on her pod but I also noticed she He can drip liquid from her nose or now it's dripping from her eyes. So I don't know if it's part of that or if it's something else but just to heal that in her so that we don't have to keep putting her on medicine. Thank you
Okay. It is 29 I will call us back at 40 That should give us enough time to do a good check in
I need to make a note on this my brain is a little tired and I don't want to forget so I'm gonna make a couple of notes.
Morning Okay, thanks. Appreciate that. Who would start
Okay, I will brand up the power animal is a sun fish, giant sunfish and so big it's hard to even see the sun fish for all the shimmering of the water and refractions coming off of his silvery sides. He's really a phenomena and you can invoke Him by Well, I don't have a stuffed animal, but your left hand on Merlin's head and your right hand stroking up his chin. Just lovingly, and ask the sunfish to inspire and guide both of you. And then ask Merlin questions like does it hurt in your stifle? Does it hurt and then you think we're this checklist? Does it hurt your hawk? Do you want to go see ants jusy bla bla bla bla bla and Merlin's body language will answer you. And the big affirmation will be him flopping down. Even though you're doing this he's just so wham down under the ground. Like A an exhaustion. And so it's really for you to invoke Merlin's capacity to answer you with the correct intuition inspiring him. And to do it physically through this, this through body language. And then there is the key thing that I'll be looking for is different than that. But in your report, I'm hoping you mention it. Thank you.
I think I've worked with this particular horse once before, which was really cool. She remembered me. Oh, her big thing is, yeah, her big thing is there's some you're right, there is some emotional stuff. In it comes from some of it from her past, some of its from now. And her her animal was actually the most, this tiny, tiny, tiny little mouse. And she's like, I'm not real fond to most, I don't really like mice. And I suppose if you're not going to have to really interact with the most, but you'll be fine. So most gave two things. And so I'll keep one quiet so that you when you report back, then then I'll know that you were able to get it has that. And then the other one was?
Which one do I want to give you?
Well, how do I connect to mouse to receive,
I'm just gonna have to just shoot I forgot to ask exactly. But they're just showing you that if you just think about a tiny little mouse, and with with federal right there, you're gonna catch the right mouse. Okay, this tiny little brown mouse, and they connected like I held, I held the mouse out so that fella could see the mouse and sniff it and all that stuff. So they connected so you'll be able to catch it that way.
I'll hold on to one the other one was she really wants you to tell her the horse your horse really wants you to tell her when you leave for extended periods of time. That's really feeling abandoned and, and sad that you're just like, she's used to you taking care of her. And then you go like you're going on these different trips for your photography, which is fine, but she said if she would just tell me that somebody else is coming to take care of me. I'd feel better about it. So that was one of the real big things that she wanted you to know. And then there's two others that are kind of connected so I'll leave that one for you to report back to me about Okay,
thank you all right. You're Welcome to Sweet you're almost all
ks sound so well know Kayla and Karen then there's Joanna pet you're not okay, so Joanne Well
she's very sweet. And she also is very receptive to when I was doing this with her she really heard a lot I just really liked it. And grandmother rain was with me and she immediately looked at her and said that it this thing, these things from the fleas was an auto immune response, the auto immune response, and that and then you see Well, it's interesting first, this tiny little mouse did come. But that was not it. It was like shape and shape shifted in change because all of a sudden there was this very large porcupine. And this porcupine is there for you to remember is to help Sadie remember that she does not have to fight herself. She does not have to do that to herself by taking a quill and poking her a bit with it to remind her that she doesn't have to fight with herself like that and
yeah, that was that was it for that thing and then for the dripping from the eyes and the nose. Well, what came was that was Colloidal Silver. I don't know if you know who it is silver but that's what came Colloidal Silver drops of Colloidal Silver twice a day in her food and that you could also put it on the on the thing but it was mainly to remind to it's mainly for you to remind her that she's I don't know why she's fighting herself. But maybe you could find that out thank you.
I will have to journey about that. I don't know. That would be interesting. Huh? I even have colloidal silver. So that's perfect. I will try that with her. Thank you so much. So am I to when I use MIT use a quill or something like that to remind her and then that is how the information will come to me
Oh, you're muted.
It was really huge doing that for her, so that she recognizes that. She doesn't have to do that her body doesn't have to do that. I don't know why she Okay. Okay.
Perfect. We'll do. Thank you.
Okay, so
Okay, so, um, OPOs power animal is came in as a very huge lion with this really large mane. But its shape shifted to a stuffed animal size. So it's not to scare Opal, because it's sized it he knew would overwhelm her. And so when lion is placed next to her, it grows bigger so that it ends up per size. And lion says that he's there to help with courage and as a safety net. And Lyon shows me that he's, he's in a net, and undernet and he's inviting Opal to come in, but she wouldn't come in because she was that was too scary. So he invites her to go walking, and she doesn't want to do that. So he lays in front of her, and then they slowly merge together. And then Opal feels what it's like to have courage and competence. And lion comes out and then they do go walking. So, to connect with Lion, your you are to think of a lion. So if you can imagine a lion and just kind of overlaying her with this lion like a blanket. Or if you have a stuffed animal to place the lion next to a bowl, a stuffed animal of a lion to place that next to Opal, and then the guidance will come and the lion will roar into your consciousness. And then we did extraction and transmutation for healing. And then the lion ended up swallowing her and regurgitating her with a crown on her head. And then Lion i think it was lion suggested that you have a bowl of water called a fear bowl. A fear F e AR a fear bowl and into this fear bowl of waters just to put whenever you see Opal in fear, or or something like that you place that image or a word or something into this bowl. And then you take the water bowl and you throw it onto the land where the land spirit will transmute it and return healing water into her regular bowl of water.
Oh, wow.
Oh, so I take my unmute No. So I throw the boots I throw it.
So yeah, so you just have this bowl of water out it isn't for the animals or anyone to drink it is to absorb the images and the sounds and the words of whatever fear and then you take it out and I did it was to throw it onto the land. And then the land spirit will draw that within and then return it. I don't know if it's through the groundwater or however that is and then it will return as healed into her regular water dish.
Okay. Oops. Okay, where did I just do that? Thank you. Yes, you're welcome. Thank you.
Cool, Kayla.
Okay, um, first thing is that kitka got brought on a fancy red pillow. She was kind of curled up in lounging, you know, very kind of regally, but also in deference to her age and abilities and things like that. So but there was definitely some some formality. The power animal for her was a dolphin. Yeah, like, it reminded me so much. I've seen videos where like a dolphin comes up and the cat and the dolphin are touching noses. It was that very same image. And the dolphin was going to offer her fluidity of movement, you know, how it feels to be more fluid and a little more weightless in the water so that she can move a little bit better. And also joy, especially in you know, the last part of her life. I have two signs. But do you want me to sense it's a friend? Should I tell pat or just wait?
Good idea. Sure.
Go ahead and tell Pat. Okay. So don't tell her these. The first sign is to give the cat some sardines in oil to continue with the lubrication of the joints and things like that. And the other one was to take her outside. And you know, it was specified safely. Like if it has to be in her carrier or in like a little wagon or something, you know, like someplace where it's safe for her where she want to skate or anything. And obviously, weather permitting given, you know, life right now. So those are the two signs that hopefully they'll they'll connect to her and let her know to do Okay, those are the ones you weren't supposed to but to connect with. They said that when her hands are underwater like if She's washing her hands or washing the dishes or just anytime Her hands are underwater to just really kind of close your eyes and feel you know how the water feels done her hands how much you know how our skin is slicker with the water change in temperature, you know, you name it, just get into how the water feels on our skin. And then things will come
Okay, that's great. Thank you. So this so I need some clarification on the signs. So when when my friend does these things,
if she feels inspired to do them if if she didn't do them before, but now she feels like she ought to that would be a clear.
yeah, that she's getting the message. Right. Okay. But you don't tell her those things. Those are what we're hoping she'll hear when she connects with
Okay, okay. I
don't have a parlor game but we're just doing it for the fun of it. Okay, okay. Not really a confirmation it's a parlor game the Shema
Okay, Okay, interesting. Well, I did, I got that some things on my journey like the power animal I took off, he took my hand and his problem we took off to find a power animal. And this is where I'm wondering if I maybe wasn't clear and chose the wrong one I fit first I saw a lizard very vividly. Three on the back and white on the bottom. But we kept going I asked I thought I heard no one that one. What I did here and yes on was a small bird. Like a sparrow, the sparrow seemed very practical and down to earth. And there was something about the lizard that didn't feel I just didn't feel like I was I was sort of chosen a wizard, but I'm kind of wondering now. And the question I asked, was to be connected to the bird. And then I asked the bird, what is the ritual that you can do to open yourself to the inspiration from the power animal for presto, we didn't, I didn't get to doing any healing or anything. And I first I saw you with your hands doing something. But that was not clear. So I wished and thought of something something. If I saw you arranging something on a plate, I saw this box of crackers. And I saw, you're arranging crackers in a circle on the playground, what you know, is I was just in Trader Joe's today, and I saw lots of boxes of crackers. And for a moment, I saw a fruit I saw colorful fruit like strawberry blueberry, around a plate. So I'm going to offer those as perhaps something you normally do every day, I don't know. But if you when you prepare food, there's something about the circle and the crackers in a circle.
I may have to modify that a little bit because I'm on full liquids for another week and then pureed for two weeks. And it's a long time before I can get distracted. Okay, I understand. Oh, I'll figure something out.
I think I'd like to journey on this again. Okay, I can let you know, in a couple of days.
All right, cool.
I want to go back and ask my power animal. Let's let's let's check this. It might be about being a power animal. But anyway, I will journey on. Okay. Cool. Thank you.
Well, it's an experiment you guys were experimenting. And why not? Because we can. I mean, I think the spirits reach out with ideas. And we reach up with ideas. And we work with things until we settle on techniques that work. And I love the idea of being able to give a client a way of participating in an ongoing way. And I feel like knit with that I didn't do something like this with the Ark a long time ago. You know, just because I my brain is old, you know, I'm getting sticky head. Yeah. Yeah. And don't get COVID Oh my god, currently the people who are getting it now this version five are in some kind of trouble from it. So
my surgeon told me right before he's like everybody operated on gets COVID. And I'm like, Well, I'm as boosted as I can be. But two negative tests. And my husband felt terrible this morning. And his was negative as well for the at home tests. So knock on wood. But I didn't actually get COVID Yay.
I'm never going out again. Yeah, you know, um, Elizabeth in our circle, emailed to say that she and her husband are very seriously sick. They're recovering. They're now two weeks of exhaustion. But the antivirals are what kept them from going into the hospital. So this is this. You know, this is like the first way the first god awful thing except nobody's doing anything to stop it. You know, we're not masking up and
well, that's the thing, Richard and I walk around with masks all the time. And nobody has a mask until you go into the hospital then of course, everyone has some ask, but but I can't understand it. Frankly, no,
I don't understand human beings that I'm clear on. Thank you, my friends. I will upload this and get the transcripts to us for to help our memories. I will send out a little note suggesting how we might keep track of this business and create kind of a collective knowledge
Thank you.
And Brenda, you get better honey.
Feel better.
And I love you. Thank you. So
it's actually it. Yeah, no worries. It's just I'm feeling really defeated right now with everything that's going on really defeated.
I understand that. Yeah,
I mean, because in a personal level, we can have things that are defeating, and or not, but when as soon as you open the news, or have any, like crack out of the curtain, it's all really scary to him to close the curtain again. You know,
it doesn't matter a lot of personal.
There's a lot of personal health issues that I'm dealing with now and then Garen is having surgery next week. So, bless you.
Thank you. Lots of stuff is Garin. What's he getting surgery?
She has a she has a ruptured ACL. She's having her knee done. Yeah. And they said, The surgeon said she probably will need the second one done as well. But I gotta get through one financially. First.
It's a big issue. It's a lot of money. But you know, and I had one lady telling me well, you just shouldn't do it. I'm like what you want me to do put her to sleep? While Yeah, no, that's not an option.
Talk to Tara. Tara just went through the and there is a particular surgery that costs less and works better. So we have her contact information. Oh, could you send that to me? Yeah, I mean, she just did with her dog. She and you know, she's a little miss research queen. She's like, right.
Oh, my I trust the surgeon though. I mean, the surgeon. Yeah. The surgeon is phenomenal. He a friend of mine used to work with him. Many of my friends have had surgeries with their animals with this guy. He actually has a very nice energy about him. Because I got to meet him physically he had and I checked, I mean, you know, I got to, I got to check that way too, just to check his energy and it was very nice. And Garen loved him. Garin absolutely loved him. So you're good. I think I think it's the right thing to do. It's just, you know, it's just a lot to go through by myself. Because it's a lot of the the follow up is a lot.
Oh, it's horrible. Yeah. So Merlin, the complaint Merlin had was ACL complaint, but his ACL is not that. It was interesting. So they did ACL on him. shamanic Lee.
Okay, yeah, they've checked. We've checked him and he's he's not popping nothing is. He's fine. He's just really bad. Yes, gerunds. Actually, Kayla Kate, Garen is my my second poodle. Her name, herding comes it's the female version of my husband, my my late husband's name. my late husband's name was Gary is the female version. Garen is the female version of that. That's how she got her name. So yeah, there you go. So, ya know, he, thank God, he doesn't mean surgery. It's just I really want to get him through this limping and just not feeling himself, you know?
Well, I think he's taking on something for Garen there.
I think he used to. Yeah,
he's mirror for me. Yeah. And for me,
so healing him. We did all this healing on him that I didn't describe, but blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, I did a bunch on on Amazon. Sorry. Exactly. I did some. Nice. Sorry. He's got a bunch of Reiki on her. And she was so funny. She goes, Oh, that just tickles. She goes, it feels like little lights off inside of me. She loves absolutely love the rocky so I did that. And I did some connected flow. She didn't really need it physically per se, but it just helps to balance her emotionally. But talk to her talk to her talk to her because she she misses when you're gone. Like she really misses that connection. What's that?
He's a funny bird.
She's sweet. I like her. She was fun to work with. She remembered me and when she came in, she immediately put her head down and let me put my forehead on her her forehead and she that's how she said hello to be very, very sweet. Yeah, but anyway, just say a prayer for my little girl