Rest. And to that, I say Detroit is known to be a trendsetter, and we need policies like these across the country. Lastly, these folks must not know, I believe you are very, very brand new to the city council, to not understand the majority of this council is God, fearing, God, loving God led and ready to serve Him. And I'm grateful that we're here today to establish policies that will protect and help everyone. Thank you, Madam President. I would like to call the question, and I believe that I need to read what is in front of me today, which is that I move this ordinance to be placed on the third on the order of third reading. And considered read, I move the ordinance number seven before you move.
You move to call the question first. So yeah, let
me, let me. Thank
you, Madam President, let me read this for the record that I move the ordinance be to be placed on the order of third reading and considered read. I move the ordinance be passed as submitted. I move the title be the title to the ordinance be confirmed.
Okay, so we need you to first call the question, and then we'll go back to the ordinance. Yep. Okay, okay, sounds good. Alright. So there was a motion to call, call the question. Any objections hearing, none. That action will be taken. And then members, Santiago Romero, if you want to read the script now, thank
you, Madam President, I move the ordinance be placed on the third on the order of third reading and be considered read. Actually, we had to stop in the beginning and the whole thing Understood. Thank you. I was reading the highlighted portions. I moved to take the table on the ordinance to amend chapter 31, of the 2019 Detroit city code offenses by adding article 14 offenses and healthcare facilities, which consist of sections 31 dash 14 dash one purpose. Sections 31 dash, 14 dash two definitions. Section 31 dash, 14 dash three, eight foot personal bubble zone, and sections 31 dash, 14 dash 415, foot buffer zone to advance the city's interest in both protecting the ability of the individuals to exercise their rights to freedom of speech and expression, and protecting the right of individuals to seek medical treatment and advice free from harassment. Lead on the table. September 17, 2024
All right, Hearing no objections. That action will be taken. Council Member Santiago Ramiro,
I move the ordinance be placed on the order of third reading and considered read,
carry no objections. That action will be taken. Council Member Santiago. Ramiro,
I move the ordinance be passed as submitted. There being a roll call required.
Would the clerk please call the roll?
Council member waters Yes. Council member Whitfield, Callaway no council member young Yes. Council president Sheffield yes council member Benson. Council member durhall
council member Johnson Yes. Council Member Santiago Romero, yes. Council President Pro Temp Tate,
seven yeas, one nay, Madam President, and motion passes.
All right, the ordinance is approved. Council Member Santiago Romero,
I move the title to the ordinance be confirmed,
Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Thank
you, Madam President.
All right, thank you. Moving along to the Office of contracting and procurement.
Council Member Santiago Romero for resolutions, line items, 20.2 through 20.5 first up is contract number DSS number eight, 100% city funding to provide abatement and demolition of the 85 approved residential properties located in areas where solar arrays are proposed. Total Maximum order limitation is 2,750,000 that's for construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6003853, dash, a, two, 100% blight funding. Amendment two, to provide an extension of time only for environmental support services. Contractor, DLZ, total contract amount 1,375,000 that's for construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6006483, 100% city funding to provide a supplemental on demand ride sharing and ride hailing service program for eligible city of Detroit residents via mobile application contractor, Uber health LLC, total contract amount 650,000 that's for health. Last contract is contract number 6006497, 100% grant funding to provide fiduciary services to administer essential public health programs for the city of Detroit, resident contractor southeastern Michigan Health Association. Total contract, amount 3 million. That's for Health Council Member Santiago Romero, for resolutions. Council
Member Santiago Romero,
thank you, Madam president's motion to approve 20.2 through 20.5 All
right, so any discussion on 20.2 through 20.5
discussion, Madam Chair, Council Member Calloway, objection to 20.2 or does that have to Wait? As a chair, it has to wait. Yep.
Okay, if there's no discussion, we'll move them for approval, and if there are any objections at this time, you had discussion. Yes. Member Johnson, thank
you. Um, in regards to line item 20.2 um, I would like to ask for the office of contracting and procurement, if they can explain the supply schedule process, and noting that we have four different vendors that are that we're looking to contract with, I'm interested in knowing the supplied schedule process.
All right, it could come down, please.
All right, good afternoon.
Good afternoon through the chair. Tony stewart limit, Deputy Chief Procurement Officer from the Office of contract and procurement.
Good afternoon. Eric Cooper, office contract
so through the chair, the supply schedule is contracts that are set aside for small and vendors that we do contracts with their reoccurring services. And so in the past, we've worked with this honorable body to do supply schedules for smaller services like cutting grass, tree removal, janitorial and security services. But today, we are coming before you to bring a new supply schedule, and it is a pre qualification process. The process remains open so that any contractor that feels that they are interested can participate at any time. Today, we're bringing four before you, and what this supply schedule is doing is it's related to all of the residential houses that have been pre approved in the solar residential This will allow the demolition department to have contractors immediately be it on contracts for demolishing those houses that have already been pre qualified. So we bring them before you. You determine if the contractors can participate in this service. When the demolition department has a request to demolish any of those houses that have been pre approved, out of the package of 85 those contractors will be the only ones that bid on it, and then we'll move forward with whoever the lowest responsible bidder is to provide that demolition service.
Thank you for that, and so are you. Can you confirm whether or not there were more than the four vendors that are presented before us today that went through the process, so
through the chair,
through the chair, yes, as the current there's only the four that have actually submitted for this program, but all of the vendors that are pre qualified for demolitions for The City of Detroit that meet the recommendation for this have been invited.
Okay, thank you. And I believe the requirement for that wrecking license is the thing that may have maybe thrown some people out who did not respond. So that's I just wanted to confirm that the four that were being presented were the four that responded. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President,
thank you. Member Johnson, yes. Member waters, yeah.
Thank you. And I want to thank you for sending me that information. I had the same concerns as member Johnson, did you know you had four people? And I thought that we probably had additional people here in this city in particular that would would qualify who, who had have reckoned license. Maybe they just didn't know about it. Maybe didn't see their email. Perhaps they weren't invited. I don't know what the case might have been, but we certainly want to include more people, and there's still time to do that. Is that correct? Yes.
So through the chair, we did invite all of the current approved demolition contractors. So the notice is out again. This does not close until 2026 which is when we should be finished. But they can submit at any time. They can sit to submit today, they can sit tomorrow, once we get new vendors that submit, we'll come back before this honorable body and bring them to you and say, Do you approve them to participate? And as we discussed yesterday, there was the mention of a joint venture and mentor venture. We do have the documentation for joint ventures and mentor ventures inside of the solicitation, so that if anybody is interested, they can download that and work with our civil rights and inclusion and opportunity department in order to receive the certification, just making sure that whoever they're in a joint venture with also has been approved to have a rec and license To perform the service and that they they do have employees that are operators to provide that service. Yeah,
and, and just Through you, madam president, so, but we do. We have some women who can do that, that are right here in the city. They just didn't apply, I suppose. So
through the chair, yes, I believe lead head is one she has not submitted for this actual program yet.
you. And then, really quick, I think this may be to Trish. Just wanted to get clarity on the 50 privately owned structures that are being proposed to be demolished in this particular contract, in the status of the eminent domain and the transfer of property, just ensuring that the demolition won't take place until that is in place. Or can you just kind of verify the process of the transfer of property, of ownership to the city and then when demolition
will occur? Yes, ma'am. Good afternoon. Tricia Stein, Chief Strategy Officer for the mayor, and to you, Madam President, we are in the process. There's 85 structures, as Tony just mentioned, 50 of them are privately owned. And we are in the process of doing voluntary acquisition. We have done 20, just, just a little over 20 of those already. And then we have, as you probably read it in the paper, and we've certainly talked about, we've filed 89 condemnation lawsuits with the court. 16 of those have structures. So so out of the 50 privately owned, I know just throughout a lot of numbers, out of the 50 privately owned, just about 17% of those have structures, and that is part of this pipeline. And we're working through those. We've made good faith offers, which is fair market value. We are working through the legal process of negotiating, and intend to pay fair market value and and work that through our timeline. And our goal is to have all properties acquired by the end of January, either through negotiation, volunteer acquisition or the part proceeding, and then hope to have all structures demoed by quarter one of 2025 and turn over all site control spring of 2025
Okay, so the ones that we that go through the court order process are those still being proposed to be demolished. Is that Yes, so but nothing will happen until the court proceedings are in place and all of that is done before any demolition occurs.
Yes, through you, Madam President, we will not do any work on these until we have legal control of to do so. 100%
right. All right. Thank you, President, pro tem Tate, thank
you, Madam President, through you to Stein as well as I know we had our meeting, and thank you for having providing that meeting, providing us with information. And I want to ask some questions to the demolition department director. I don't know if you've seen those responses that have come through, because I have not
Through you, madam president to President, pro tem Tate director counts is still here, and so could provide an answer. I have not seen your questions either so, but we certainly can address them right now, particularly about your reuse. So we just talked about that this morning, and there she is always
helpful to know in advance, though
and appreciate through the Chair. I'm not certain that I've seen the questions that you mentioned. We talked
about it in our meeting, so it's a verbal so
we through the chair again. We do plan to aggressively look at what we can do in order to repurpose a lot of that material. The intent is to salvage as much as we can from those properties. But again, we still have our ego determination on us, and so we have to be critical about making sure that we're not in violation of any of that consent agreement, action that's against us.
I appreciate that, because that's what you told me on the call, but looking for again, creativity and a little bit more structure surrounding that blanket response. I'm okay with moving it today, but I do reserve the right to reconsider as we move forward. So I'm asking again for a little bit more concrete I was very serious in asking that question. I just, you know, just conversational that's important to me, so thank you, Madam President. All right, thank
you pro tem.
All right. Any additional questions? All right, thank you guys and hearing no additional questions, there was a motion to approve 20.2 through 20.5 any objections?
Objection? Madam, Chair, Council Member Callaway, line item, 20.2
Member Santiago Romero objections, 20.2 any further objections? Right hearing, no further objections. The resolutions will be approved. Press a waiver on line. 20.2 I'm going to object. A waiver.
Object the waiver. Madam Chair, Council Member, count Okay,
and myself as well. President Sheffield, that motion does fail. Madam President,
yes, request a waiver for 20.1 this is the facilities ordinance. Clinics are eager to get this through, so request an ordinance for 20.1 a waiver, excuse me, for 20.1
I'm sorry, what was the urgency for this? Again, clinics
about needing this to be enforced now for them to be able to move forward with the enforcement. 20.1
okay. Is there any objections?
Objection? Madam Chair, okay,
so there is an objection for 20.1 president, so the motion fails for a waiver one, 20.1 member, Benson,
discussion, I'd like to actually be on the record voting on the bubble ordinance motion to reconsider. Okay,
so the waiver did fail, and so there's a motion to reconsider for line item 20.1, any objections, hearing none. That motion is approved. To reconsider, we will now move forward with the vote again. Member Santiago Romero,
motion to approve 20.1 we don't
need to read the whole thing again. Director powers, correct. Dr powers, does she need to read the ordinance again?
Sure. Doesn't have to on the record. Okay.
Okay. Member Santiago Romero has moved this for approval. There being a roll call required with the clerk, please call the roll.
Council member young Yes. Council president Sheffield, yes. Council member Scott Denson, yes. Council member durhall Yes. Council member Johnson, yes. Council Member Santiago Romero Yes. Council President, pro temp Tate Yes. Council member waters Yes. Council member Whitfield Callaway No, eight yeas, one nay, That motion passes. Madam President,
all right, the ordinance is approved, and we will continue. Now back to our agenda. From the Office of Development and grants. Council
Member Santiago Romero, resolution line item, 20.6
Council Member Santiago Ramiro,
motion to approve this is a charging and fueling infrastructure grants,
right any objections, hearing, no objections. The one resolution will be approved from the police department.
Council Member Santiago Romero, a resolution, line item, 20.7
Council Member Santiago Ramiro,
motion to approve. This is a resolution from our police chief asking to transfer firearms to miss Tricia Patty, who is a widow of police officer Michael Patty,
all right, any objections, hearing none. The one resolution will be approved under resolutions.
Council Member Santiago Romero, two resolutions, line item 20.8 and 20.9 noticing that line item 20.8 was postponed from last week formal session. All
right. Council Member Santiago Romero
motion to discuss 20.8
All right. Discussion
member, Madam President, excuse me, 20.8 This is the resolution setting the towing and storage fees that came through our committee. I know that we held this up last week for any other questions, wondering if there are any other questions or if the body feels comfortable moving this forward. Today, I will state that we have heard that this is 10 years in the making, 10 years behind, and I very much focus on making sure that we're getting things done, that we go through the process. We held this process during a public health and safety we heard that we're moving fees now to industry standards, and a lot of this was pointed to inflation. My question during the committee was, excuse me, discussion, if I haven't said discussion already for 20.8 I did during committee the the instance of inflation causing the fees to go up was mentioned, and I said, if there has been any advocacy at every level of government to reduce inflation so that our residents don't have to pay for it, and I was told that that is not something that we should think about. It doesn't impact us in our decisions. And I disagree. I think it all impacts us. I think it all matters, and I am proud to have helped get the process here. But as it is today, I do not agree to the rates that we're seeing. They are already $100 over many times, and I know that in my office, we get constant calls of people whose cars got towed. They have to pay three to $800 to get their car the issue that they've had in retrieving their cars. I just don't know enough, but we have been asked over and over again to go through this process. And I did. I that is my me, answering my and doing my job, but I'm doing my job and stating that I don't support the fees as as they are being delivered today, and wondering if anyone else has any questions need some more time? If not, then we would have to vote this up or down today.
Thank you. Council Member Santiago Ramiro, so my my concern with this, and it's not necessarily the rates, and I've had the opportunity to talk with someone in the police department about the process of actually notifying residents when the accident occurs, their option to go with a police toll authorized tower versus a third party. And so, from my understanding, there is a form that a resident can fill out, and that should be presented at the scene of an accident that says, Here is your option to go with a police authorized tour, and they have to sign and weigh, waive their rights, essentially, not to go with a police authorized tour or to go with a third party tour. Whether that is happening, is my concern that it may not be. And what happens is a third party tour comes to the scene before a police authorized tour does, and they're charging them 567, $100 more than what a police authorized Tor would charge. And in fact, not only are they paying more on site, they also are paying more in their car insurance, because the insurance company then has to take on that and they increase the cost. And so I reached out to DPD. They did inform me that recently, probably within the last six months, that a form now is presented at the site, and they have to sign it and waive their option to not go with the police authorized tour, but go with a third party tour. Now is that process being implemented? I have not received the assurance that I need. In fact, I'm looking at possibly trying to do an ordinance. There's no policy that's in place right now with DPD, there's more of an informal directive. And so I would like to see an ordinance in place that essentially states that if an accident occurs, or whenever you know, a police authorizer told company comes on the site that this form must be presented, that they have to sign and waive their rights. Because if not, what I'm hearing is happening is that third party tours are coming to these accident sites prior to DPD and are charging and towing these cars before the police authorized tours get there, and they're not even knowing they have an option to go with the rate that's, well, 345, $100 cheaper if They go through a police authorized toll service. So that's my concern. Is not necessarily the rates, per se, but how do we address that issue? Because residents are not even aware that they have an option to go with the police authorized rate at the 100 $200 rates that we're getting ready to approve, they're paying six, $700 to a third party, who, by the way, from my understanding, are finding out about these accidents somehow, and are going to the scene before the police, and they're making a whole living out of this, and who pays the resident in the towing fees, and they're ultimately paying in their car insurance. When we talk about the rate of car insurance, because the rate of your insurance increases because they're paying for these increased tow rates. So that is my concern, and I'm not trying to, you know, tie the two together, but ultimately, the resident is not even going to benefit from these fees if we don't address that issue. So I'm working with DPD. They did send me over a directive that was just revised that was sent out, but they did also agree that it could be looked into a little bit more whether or not this is being implemented. And then also, lastly, I would say that the third party companies, once they come on the scene, they should be providing some type of documentation that says, hey, you have a right to go with a police authorized score, and if you don't want to go with them here, you know waiving your fees there because they're beating the police to the scene, and they don't even know that they have this option. So that that's my position. Thank you,
Madam President, that's incredibly helpful. Incredibly helpful. As far as I know, it's what you mentioned to be true is what we're hearing from residents, and if we can figure out a process to give them an option that is not the three to 500 the 800 that, I mean, supportive, but to your points, that is my concern is, and again, information is sometimes hard to understand. There's, there's a lot of conversations had. I mean, I just find something right now. Thank you. What I don't want to happen is that we approve this, and residents think that we are furthering creating more barriers, creating more more struggle for them. And if we can figure out a solution to the problem that you raised, which is my concern, happy to figure that out, I wonder how much time would that take? Yeah, because I know this is something that we wanted to get approved.
Have I have those questions, yeah, and I'll stay for the record that I'm okay with approving the fees today, if need be, but just know that we will have a memo on record and following up on this issue. I literally was just talking with the HA from the BPD, the attorney, just getting more details of how to really address the issue, because that that is my main problem, and I don't want to have to tie bar the two. I understand that we need to raise the fees, but it is a major issue that cannot go not addressed. So I saw two hands over here, member Callaway, followed by member waters, yes.
Thank you, Madam Chair, you. You've touched on the issues that I have, and with the third party tours, they're getting advanced information, and we could probably figure out how they're getting that. It's been in the news before in different communities, and in this community, we know what's going on. And then my concern is, I've had quite a few people to call my office when their cars are told they go to certain impound areas, and then the fees are so huge they can't even get their cars back, so they're left there. And then you have the whole salvage, you have the whole auction from some of those cars. So it's, it's it's all entangled. It's all entangled, and it's just unfair to a lot of the folks who live in Detroit who can't even afford the insurance on the car. And then if they're in an accident, you have these third party tours coming in, charging all these race they don't know that that option is available. It's not being told. It was not told to me when my car had to get told, and then don't let the car have to get impounded if it goes to one of those areas, one of those lots, more than likely they're not going to be able to get that car back. So then you're going to have they're going to sell that car. It's going to go to Redford to the auction. I've been over there too. So it's all entangled, and hopefully one day we will untangle it and do us right by the people who deserve to have better services, and a fair shot at some of these services. But right now, it's all entangled, and a lot of us know, you know what I'm trying to describe. Maybe I'm not doing the best job of it, but it's, it's like a game being played, because once the car is impounded, then you take it to the lot. A lot of these folks are young African American folks, you know, they call our office. They call my office. Cars impounded. There's a daily fee to keep it there. You know, you're renting a space for your impounded car. You're trying to figure out how to pay the tower. They keep the car if you can't pay them. So it's all entangled. So thank you Madam Chair. Whatever happens, happens. But thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you so much. Member Calloway. Member waters. Oh, thank
you, Madam President. I just want to thank you for raising that issue, because I frankly, get tired of seeing the vultures circling around in this city all the time. I mean, it's as though they're looking for somebody's car to tow. I could be anywhere at a grocery store or whatever. I'm thinking, why are they here? And and, and then you have people whose cars get told right from in front of their own apartments. Then they tell them $675 to get your car back. It makes no sense. So there's something we need to do about it. Let's protect what we're doing here, as you indicated, making sure that people know that they have that option first and foremost. And I do like that. In fact, I appreciate that. So thank you, Madam President. Thank
you so much. Council. Member waters, and I don't think a lot of people know if that is even an option, to be honest. Yes. Member Callaway, followed by member Johnson, yeah, Madam
Chair, it was in the news about a year or so ago. You had two police officers, right? And one would call and tell them what the accident is, right, and then they would send their friends to towing company over there, and that one of the officers got a car out of it, one of the car sets that was told the cop was able to keep the car, I think was a BMW for his daughter. But it's all in the news. I'm not making this up. So it's entanglements and it's, I don't want to say scandal. I don't want to I'm not going to use that word. That's not how I'm going to describe it. But it stinks. What happens in the city? We have one guy here, everybody you know, he's called all of our offices. He was here today on another matter, it happened to him. Then Metro times picked up a big case. A young man lost his car after it gets impounded. We have to remember, there are daily fees. But again, two police officers, I don't know if they're on the floor still, but make those phone calls are over here, send my friends towing truck over there, pull that, tow the tow the vehicle, and take it to my other friend's lot. Then we're going to start tacking on daily fees. And we're talking about a lot of young people getting caught up. So hopefully we can unravel this, this process. But it needs to be it needs to be unraveled. Thank you Madam Chair.
Thank you member Calloway, Council Member Johnson. Thank
you Madam President, and thank you for elevating that. I think whatever everyone is saying is we need some public service announcements so our residents know and understand that they have that option. I've had constituents reach out to the office as well, and they complained about the amount of the toe and later, just to find out that it was not a police toe. And so the entanglement that member Calloway talks about really has to be untangled, and our residents need to understand the option that they have so they don't reach out when it's a private tower who's charging them $500 for a tow and then the daily fees that continue to add up. And so I'm not sure why the request is for us to vote on this today, but I will also say that I have not yet had a conversation with anyone relative to this particular item, and there was something put on my calendar for Friday and and I am requesting, I like to request a one week postponement so that conversation can be had and and we can identify ways for us to share greater information with the general public so they know what their options are. Thank
you. Thank you. And I support her when we bring back. And I just wanted to be very clear that we are currently working with DPD, I prefer some type of ordinance that clearly states that at the site of wherever there's an option for DPD authorized vehicles to come that this form be presented that there is a waiver signed acknowledging the waiver of your rights to not take that police authorized toll. And then also, if third party entities are going to operate that they too, must provide a form that acknowledges that the resident knows of their right to go with the police authorized tour and that they're, you know, waving their rights to do so. So it should be in a form of an ordinance. It should be a policy within DPD that is voted on. I'm not sure about the board of police commissioners. We can work out the details, but I would like to see an actual policy and a law that's in place, not an informal directive. It needs to be a law that is put in place in the city of Detroit. So we will put that in writing and make sure that that is submitted for LPD and law to look into. And I will support as well as member Johnson mentioned a one week bring back. Are there any objections to postponing this for one week. Okay, Hearing no objections, we will postpone line item 20.8 or one week. All right, moving along to 20.9 Did you move that one as well? Okay, Council Member Santiago has already moved. Romero has already moved this for approval, not yet. I'm sorry, go ahead.
Sorry, madam president, 20.9 motion to approve. This is a resolution recognizing indigenous people's day.
All right, any objections, Hearing no objections. The resolution will be approved. And under resolutions,
Council Member Johnson, a resolution line item 20 point 10.
Council member Johnson,
thank you, Madam President, motion to approve line item 20 point 10. This is to cancel the following standing committee meetings in order for city council to attend the legislative retreat from October Well, the standing committees that will be canceled are on October 9 and 10.
Alright, any objections, hearing, no objections, the resolution will be approved. And before we go to referrals, member young, I know you have one walk on referral?
Yes, madam. President, thank you, Mayor. President, um, I would like to make a motion to move to new business, a Request for Authorization of a DTE company for underground easement for the electrical services equipment at Chandler Park. It's for the new football dome, right?
Any objections to walk this on to new business, Hearing no objections that action will be taken. And Madam Clerk, if we can move this item now,
sure council member young, a resolution.
Member Young,
thank you, Madam President, request to I would like to move to approve an authorization for DTE electric company for underground easement for electrical services and equipment at Chandler Park.
Alright. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The one resolution will be approved, moving on to referrals for the budget, Finance and Audit standing committee,
Madam President, before you move to referrals, just for point of clarity, so I don't have where the vote was reported for line item 18.50
we did postpone that one. You correct 18.5
yes, that line item should been brought back to the end.
All right, Mr. Washington, do we have anyone one for 18.5 this is regarding the Detroit City Airport and transfer property.
Yes. Madam Chair, we
do have director Perkins online. Okay,
we will promote director Perkins
discussion. Yes.
Member Benson, just
as the director comes online. This has been brought to my attention, and this is part of the airport expansion, something that we've been working on for 10 years now in the third district. In addition, this park was had refreshed equipment in the past at the request of the community when the equipment have been removed because of its age and level of deterioration, and so now the community is requesting that a park be replaced for this, and I know that this park has to be removed, just based on the FAA standards and safety standards. The community, although not as dense as it once was and not as dense as many areas of the city, still is requesting some type of recreation opportunity, and they deserve that as well. Just because you're low income doesn't mean you're low quality, nor does it mean you shouldn't have the opportunity to have recreational opportunities within a reasonable distance of your home. And so the question then is to the director, what can we do to ensure that the community has an opportunity to meet and discuss a replacement for that park
location and
the equipment for the area.
Director Perkins,
good afternoon. Good
Good afternoon to the body and through the chair in response to members Benson's concerns, we are aware that the removal of this park from our inventory does create about a one and a half mile gap in that area. We do have a document that we use to to reduce and eliminate parks gaps. So now this area will be added to that document. And so what we'll do is we'll look at, we have to analyze the area we look at, you know, the population of the area, other parks in the area, the closest parks in that area, the amenities that they have. We are committed to ensuring that this community have some type of public space that they can enjoy, as they did Fletcher Park. And we'll also start community engagement with this group late November to get a assessment of what their needs are, what are some of the things that they would like to see, and then we can move forward from there,
okay, and late November, we're looking at, course, you got company. The calendar doesn't want to work, so we're looking at late November. We're last week of November is Thanksgiving, or we're looking at something prior to that, absolutely
So the second tier, yes, absolutely. Okay.
Now work with your office to get the dates and make sure that the communities understands and they're engaged for the meeting
that will be great, fantastic. Thank you.
You're welcome. Thank you.
All right, thank you. And so we can now move that item for approval. Line item 18.4, is there a motion to do so? Motion? All right, Hearing no objections. 18.4 will be approved. 18.5 I'm sorry, 18.5 will be approved. Thank you. Yes. Member Young,
thank you, Mayor, President, I can request a waiver for the line item that I walked on Request for Authorization of DTE electric company,
any objections to a waiver hearing, no objections that action will be taken and moving now to our referrals for the budget, Finance and Audit. Standing Committee
submitted a two memorandums. Those
two memorandums will be referred to budget, Finance and Audit standing committee for the internal operations, standing committee,
15 reports from various departments. The
15 reports will be referred to the internal operations, standing committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services. Standing
Committee, three reports from the mayor's office. The
three reports will
be referred to Neighborhood and Community Services. Standing Committee for the public excuse me for the Planning and Economic Development. Standing
Committee, four reports from various state departments.
The four reports will be referred to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee or the public health and safety standing committee,
six reports from various city departments. The six reports
will be referred to the public health and safety Standing Committee under the consent agenda,
there are no items. Madam President, right,
we will call for memory reports. Any motion to sustain, motion to suspend. Okay, all right, Hearing no objections. We will suspend member reports for today, under adoption without committee reference.
There are no items Madam President, under communications from the clerk, a report on the pool of the citizens by the mayor. The report will be received
and placed on file under testimonial
resolutions and special privilege. There are no Island President.
All right there being nothing else to come before us today. Thank you everyone and have a blessed, rest of the day this meeting will stand adjourned.