As people are trickling in by the way, if you're new to this event on Thursdays starting with COVID, who have close to two years ago, we started getting together just to talk about stuff and it's just keeps continuing which is kind of fun. So what I do is I answer questions that are submitted in advance. There's a number of that have been submitted some really great ones. And then obviously, when I ping through those, you can raise your hand it's always better if you have one. If you want to write one in the chat column, that's great too. And we just basically riff away. It's just a chance to kind of discuss some things but a couple little announcements. We launched this edge of mine podcast platform about three weeks ago, which was a way to take some of the stuff behind the firewall or nightclub community bring a little bit more to the public domain for a number of reasons. And just this week, we posted a I think, a pretty rich interview that I did with Dr. NIDA, who said Tibetan physician and also a real dream yoga master, very wonderful, sweet guy and I've been trying I've been actually trying to get this guy for like 18 months, so I'm super glad that finally happened. A couple ones really coming up there and really excited about Chris bass. The one I think most compelling interviews I've done based on his book LSD in the mind of the universe, even in a three hour conversation with there's so much more to say. So Chris is gonna come back. We're about to set a date. And I just set up a time with Evan Alexander, which is kind of a big one for us. For me. He's an academic neurosurgeon. He's the guy who wrote this bestselling book. Proof of Heaven into other books since then, really caused quite a stir. He basically died near death experience, no brain activity, nothing for a full week full coma. He comes back, writes a remarkable book about it, and he's a really smart guy. Definitely scientists scholar academic type. So Evan is agreed to do something with me I think we got that set up and April already have a date for that. So I'm super psyched about that. I asked Alyssa to ping up to things that mela Luna Spartan whatever time we can to starts tomorrow. You can still sign up for that. We got a bunch of new people from the new people from the mela conference that we did two weeks ago. They're going to be coming on board. So if that has any interest to you more than welcome, like, I guess for that and then the last one for today is our three day event. I think starting April Fool's which is a perfect day to do it. And hidden lands, pure land sacred lands. So there's a link for that as well. Other things happening, but maybe that's enough for now. I thought maybe what we could do before we start is just hold a moment of silence for recognition acknowledgement. of what's actually happening in in Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia and the like. Meanwhile, how painful is this to witness right but very witnesses what we can do right now and we actually have more power to help them we can imagine so I thought it's just as a way to acknowledge the enormity of what's happening there, all the hardship, all the suffering, we could just take a minute in silence where if you do something like the practice of sending and taking and Tomlin maybe you could do that for a minute, but just as a way to tune into what we're doing here and putting it in a larger context. So let's just take a minute of silence. Just connect to what's happening in that part of the world. Right now. Thank you
if people even had a glimmer of what we discuss in these sorts of things, these sessions, nothing like this would ever happen. Right? So what we're doing actually, it's not philosophical. It's not speculative. The material that we cover, actually, when it's really brought to mind at heart is radically transformative. In terms of the way we relate to ourselves and to each other. So that's helpful to keep in mind that that it may seem sometimes and it's very easy for people to get kind of caught up in spiritual bypassing and all the subtle traps that occur with dealing with this sort of stuff is a disconnect from what's happening in the world. But if you really engage in these pursuits properly, it's actually a way to connect. I begin every single day now with some practice specifically towards what's happening over there. It's really, really, really tragic. So I'm going to go through there's a bunch of really cool questions. I'm gonna summarize some of these because they're a little bit some of them are quite long. I'm going to get kind of cut to the quick so we have time to get the live ones. So it's from Christine. Once you are stable in a lucid dream practice and there's a question right here from her what is considered stable in that regard? In the Buddhist Soviet dream and sleep Yeah, so what can what's considered stability in lucid dreaming during yoga is first of all constancy being able to do it with some regularity almost at will. And then the stability clarity and duration of the dream. That's what constitutes stability. Anyway, I ran out of random dream plans the other night, and we'd like to actually start with the prescribed practice as in what comes after putting onto the wall and making things bigger, etc. I could practice these these are basically stages two and three. In my cartography, like a back disease more, but is there what are the next steps? Can you comment on the practices of lucid dreaming? Well, lucid dreaming doesn't really have practices Dream Yoga does so there's a difference right? Lucid dreaming is not the same as Dream Yoga. Dream Yoga, transcends but includes lucid dreaming. So lucid dreaming doesn't really have stages. The least that I'm aware of Dream Yoga definitely does. And what I do, Christina, and we're going through this in the webinar series, so if you're a nightclub member, I'm doing an entire series on this right now. We're like, I think stage five of nine I just did a couple weeks ago. So I write about it a lot. Also, in my book, Dream Yoga. I go through all nine stages in two chapters. I'm doing the same thing in the webinar series. So I'm going to refer you to those sources because we've already I've already presented quite a bit on that. There's a ton that you can do that's what constitutes the dream you'll curriculum, Dream Yoga curriculum, but basically after what you're saying. Then stage four briefly would be working with fear creating frightful situations intentionally in the dream stage five would be working with transforming identity. stage six would be working to actually embody the dream body of another character. stage seven is a special dream body where you cultivate will be conducted in the western world with other body experiences and astral projection. Very similar in fact, to what Eben Alexander excuse me another's experience. And then stage eight and nine are a little bit more esoteric transitions into formalist practices that transition to sleep yoga. So there is a tone to do lucid dreaming. Not that I'm aware of. It's mostly. I mean, I don't know of any particular sequencing of stages of practices, Dream Yoga, absolutely. So nine stages in my in my riff on this, and if you really want to explore it, you know where to go. Okay. Alright, so let's see here. Okay, so I just feel your video is yours, you know, yeah, I shot this thing with guy called Beyond Belief, which I had some hesitation in doing. I haven't even seen it yet. It's a TV production thing. So I guess it's just been released. I haven't even seen it. I honestly can't stand to watch myself and listen to myself. So I'll probably never watch it. I hope it was okay. Georgia is a nice guy. I did a thing with him on Coast to Coast like a year ago, we kind of hit it off. And he's he's pretty clever, pretty smart guy. So I think we had an okay time. Pretty professional production. I found it fascinating. And they read your books. So I apologize. That's cool. If they're Okay, question one during any phase of the dream state. Is the dreamer able to access past lives? Hard just say yes, theoretically for sure. Absolutely, positively.
effect. It's interesting. There's some Eben Alexander gave this really It's one reason I pinged out to him to get him to talk to me, which he agreed to. He gave this unbelievable presentation in the middle of conference if you weren't there. You could probably still sign up for that actually. But he and Deepak Chopra gave some really amazing presentations and even talked about how studies have shown and I've read this literature elsewhere that up until age five, six, past life memories are actually quite common. After that, there's there's a form operational thinking comes in and it's like these memories are just basically raised. So you can remember a past life at any point. Whether you can remember it in a dream state for sure. Question two is connected is the dreamer. Actually, it's the stage three that question three and I'll come back to question two because question one question three, you're connected. How does the dreamer differentiate between a dream and a potential past life regression? That's really hard to say. First of all, I have not done this past life regression thing. I know there's a bunch of books out on it. I think what's his name? Newton has done a lot about this sort of thing. Getting a lot of traction. There's some really interesting literature on this stuff. I haven't done it. So I can't speak with a lot of authority outside of what I read. How do you distinguish between differentiate between a dream and a past life regression? That's really difficult to say because on one level, it really it kind of depends on how you define dream. I assume in this case, you're talking about a nocturnal dream, a nighttime dream. In that case, I think part of what would be able to help you distinguish that would be just the charge behind the dream. Because when you have authentic past life recall, which is again, this I don't really role too much in this world, so I have to be careful. I'm not proclaiming myself to be an authority here at all. But I've had some glimpses of the sort of thing and just like with a hyper lucid dream or a dream of premonition or cognitive to dream, they just deliver a different impact. There's something truer and there's just this ineffable intuitive felt sense that whoa, this there's something a little bit more real going on here. And so therefore, to differentiate between that and a dream, dreams occur across the vast spectrum a lot of dreams are basically just neurological noise, meaningless. That's a pretty easy thing to differentiate. However, when you get into the authentic dreams, prophetic dreams, hyper lucid dreams, then that gets trickier how to separate those two out I can't say I really don't know. So I don't roll too much with past life thing. The regression thing, I haven't done it so I can't speak with a lot of authority. So question two. Is the dreamer potentially able to resolve karma within the dream state? Possibly wanting a lifetime to work out? Karmic traces that I can answer for sure. 100%. That's one of the reasons to do the practice. And there's a tremendous literature about this is all over the place in the Dream Yoga World absolutely, positively. You can totally work out your karma in a dream at the level of DNA at the blueprint level. That's a major reason for engaging in these practices. So in short, that when I can answer with authority 100% You can totally purify habit karma in Dream Yoga. Absolutely. Okay.
Oh, lots of cool questions. Okay, so
let me see if I can tease this one apart from John, a after again, I'm summarizing these after having trouble with some negative events. In dreaming nightmares, bad sleep, I bought your book on Dream Yoga, and put some of my experiences in the context. Cool. Thank you. I'm writing to ask you if you know or understand the pseudo scientific concept of precognition. Oh, okay. Yeah, I can talk a little bit about this. First of all, I'm wondering, John, if you were here, why are you calling it pseudo scientific? precognition? Let me tell you this. It's real. It is proven as you can prove these sorts of things. There are countless countless cases of this. I've had experiences of this. I mean, there's so much to say here just watch the video. Google this video. precognitive dream and airplane crash I don't know the exact length maybe Alyssa you can find it. I show this in all my Dream Yoga programs. Watch this thing and tell me that precognition isn't real. So just Google airplane crash the cognitive dream that George Noory and I were talking about when I talked to him he actually interviewed this guy. I can't remember his name. Who shared the dream that you'll watch. Also read out my so much on here read the work of William James. He talked about this a ton philosopher psychologist Read the last of this incredible three volume series the best volume tripartite volume ever released on a challenge to materialism called the last one's called consciousness on bound, a highly recommend it there are several chapters on precognition there, you read this stuff. It's just undeniable, done deal. Case close. precognition is real so I'm not sure why you call it pseudo scientific. So anyway, that's a different topic. Um, since having some practice with this I imagined parentheses sometimes dreaming andalas reform so in other words, it sounds like you've had some sort of precognitive events. That's great. I have found that I have had some quite remarkable and unexplainable experiences where my brain seems to be ahead of my experience not at all uncommon, not uncommon at all. I don't really know how to explain it or what to do about it, but I thought reaching out to you might be worth it. Oh, totally John, for sure. Well, here's the way it works. Carl Jung talked about it in the, in the, I mean, again, I can speak a little bit more authority from the Buddhist point of view. And the Buddha's yoga Chara tradition, the teachings of the eight consciousnesses. Really one of the most sophisticated philosophies ever to come out in India, unequivocally super powerful set of teachings. Understanding the eight consciousnesses you will get a very clear understanding of why this stuff happens. And it's actually not at all uncommon and how powerful it is. Everything arises out of the eighth consciousness. So a brief riff on this particular map of the mind all these latent seeds are called beaches, backtalk predispositions that lie in individual and then collective unconscious. I talked a little bit about this with the species mind with Chris beige, by the way, he has some really interesting things to say about the species mind. Super interesting connected to Carl Jung and the work of his collective unconscious stuff. But it makes it makes total sense to me. And I've had quite a few of these experiences. Where you have something again, as so many references here read read Oliver Sacks, the neurologist his book, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
The chapter on the disembodied woman, this gal who, the night before she went into surgery at a really bad feeling at a really bad dream, pretending particular event and surgery. She didn't pay attention to it. She went into surgery and she lost all interoceptive proprioceptive capacities, exactly what the dream predicted. So the bottom line here there's so much to say, John is your unconscious mind your unconscious body, karma habit? Experience germinates underground first. That's where it's going to sprout in so if you have a sensitive relationship to your mind through things like dreams, you can tune in to these developing blueprints, before they manifest and construct that experience and therefore similar to the purifying karma thing. You can act on these things, they can literally save your life they can literally save the life of somebody else. So if you have an interest in this, explore the sources I mentioned. This is not at all uncommon. I've had it my own personal experience a lot of our own iron as people who work with dreams talk about this a lot super common. You know, how do you tell again, it's it's it's that same sort of thing that I talked about earlier, when you have these dreams of premonition. precognitive dreams. They just come with a lot more bag, charge import, in my experience, they almost always tend to happen just before you wake up. And then you wake up and you're just so startled, sometimes shaken. I've had these dreams where I wake up and I'm just shaken. And I just know I said, Well, this was not a normal dream. I read those down, like title them, I date them, I studied them. And it's just this intuitive thing. I don't know how else to say it that that I go, I'm really going to pay attention to this one. This is a really important dream. And who knows it I don't live in parallel universes that I that I can travel. It would be super interesting but impossible. Study right? What would happen if I didn't act on some of these dreams? would in fact, something happened? That wouldn't have happened. Who knows? Nobody can actually describe that but precognitive precognition 100% Real Deal 100% Read all the literature read the studies be the science and then work with it in this capacity. It's super interesting stuff. Okay. All right. Here we are pinging them off I love it. From Mark Hey Mark. In your view interview with Tergar that was about a year or two ago. You said something about Kimbo remember che meaning mentioning at one breath meditation. Do you remember if he said more about this? Yeah, totally the one breath meditation I learned this from my teacher can't remember to Like he said, here's the thing with this. That's it, man. He didn't say much more becomes from the Mahamudra teachings. Maybe there's one page in the transcript. I heard these teachings live but in the transcript that I got, there's literally one page and here's my thing to you about this. Somewhat playfully. Why? Why do you want more? This is a little bit like I had a conversation with Dr. Anita. Same thing. Just last week when I was interviewing him. I asked him I say Dr. Anita, is there a mantra for Dream Yoga? And he said yeah, he said, ah interestingly enough, my initials Ah, that's kind of cool. And and I pause for a little while and just like you mark I said, Okay, is there anything more? And he said, Why do you want more? Isn't that good enough? Right? Isn't that good enough? And I he busted my chops in a very playful way and I totally agree with him. Why do you want for the one breath meditation the profundity comes from the simplicity. Just pay full attention to what inhalation what exhalation? That's it. Leave it at that. You will notice this you will notice in this your experience you'll see it in the in the literature in the teachings, the more advanced the practice gets the simpler it is, and they're less there is to say it's only at the earlier provisional levels that we have all these complexities, all these teachings, all these variations to match the complexity of these variations of the mind. But eventually, you're just going to return to the Ultimate Teaching, which is utterly silence where there's nothing left to be said. You just have to do nothing really just do nothing. Do it. Well, that's it. So I get what you're saying mark, but I would let the simplicity and Keppler MPJ. Same thing there's that's all he said. one paragraph, maybe half a page. That's it. Keep it simple. Let the simplicity defeat your complexity. Okay. All right, here we go. There's probably a dumb question. No, there's no dumb questions from Joe. But why is liminal dreaming not better than lucid dreaming and working towards Dream Yoga? Okay.
It seems a little dreamy so liminal. Dreaming is is a more recent I like is Jennifer do pears phrase I like it. So I have adapted it from her book by that title. By the way, I did interview her like two years ago. She's cool. Yep. liminal. Dreaming liberal means threshold used to be hypnagogia Kip the public and still is in the academic scientific community. I like the word liberal, dreamy. It's that pre post space where you fall asleep. You're not quite dreaming. You're in that Bardo until could be also called Bardo dreaming. You're just popping in and out. That's liminal spaces. And so I'll tell you I'll ask you a question after I finished reading the rest of it. So back to you. It seems a liminal dreaming the ego is not there. Well, yes and no or diminished. Yes, it's popping in and out. Why? They lucid dreaming the egos often more prominent. Well, yes and no, there is well, it depends on the level of lucid dreaming most entry level Yes, there is a dreamer. There is the go up function there. There's that relative self sense. So yes, I agree with you there. But not always the higher stages. of lucid dreaming ie Dream Yoga. That's what constitutes stages eight and nine of that. You you try to actually erase this or see through I shouldn't say race because there's nothing to erase egos just a funny way of looking at things and arrested form of development. But you continue here it also seems like it would be easier I think that to be liminal dreaming would be easier to make the transition from liminal dreaming to Dream Yoga. Well, so let's start with here's here's my riff on that. So why is liminal dreaming not better than lucid dreaming and working towards Dream Yoga? Well, they're both great. I wouldn't say that. One is better than the other. The really cool thing about all these practices, liminal dreaming, lucid dreaming, Dream Yoga, sleep yoga, Bardo yoga. The reason there are five of them is because there's five spectrums of the nocturnal mind and each one of these practices targets one of those spectrums of frequency domains. So can you say one is better than the other? It's like saying, Well, my right foot is better than my left hand. i They're not better. They're just different. So little dreaming is as good as lucid dreaming. For Dream Yoga. They're both fantastic. So I wouldn't put one above the other. My my charter is, like you're saying is use them both. Lucid dreaming is fantastic. liminal. Dreaming is fantastic. So I would just engage in both of them because there are ways to bring a quality of lucidity, awareness, no matter what dimension of mind you're experiencing. So either one can bring about lucidity. So the most important thing here maybe the take home message Joe is listening to your awareness altogether. That's the point. These states fundamentally are ultimately democratic. They're all one taste the same the great equanimity. There's no difference between these states fundamentally. And so why not just work with the lucidity awareness principle through all of them, right. So I hope you get what I'm saying. They're all great. One's not necessarily better than the other Okay.
All right, here we go.
Hear then I think. Oh, yeah, from my friend, Mike. Hey, Mike. One of my favorite buttons. Why oh, why? Why oh, why is it so easy to forget the teachings and to drift back to reaching to the material world of forms? Having already had the realization that reality is not my opinion of the material world? What a great question like well, there's a number of reasons for this. First of all, it's not a realization because if it was realization, it would be stable. It's an experience. So when you say having already had the realization, this may seem like oh, this is just nitpicking word. No, no, no, this is important. By definition, realization is stable. There would be no recidivism, there would be no relapse. So I would rephrase the last part of your question, having already had the experience that's not stable. That's going to fade by definition, experience. states of consciousness, by definition, always have a beginning and an end. That's why they never last and we start there. Why why is it so easy to forget the teachings and drift back to reacting to the material will deforms because that's what we're most familiar with Mike. That's what we've, we've carved this Grand Canyon through repeated iterations of this process, literally neurologically the default mode network. Because we've we've we're always coming back. We've been trained in the world materialism. We've been trained to see the world holistically. We're still addicted, we're still toxified. We're still toxics and poisoned by this. And so what you're saying is, this is just par for the course. You have these little breakthrough experiences, you understand them. You experienced them, it's not stable. You haven't completely incorporated it. That's what constitutes the path. And so I also love your wording here My why is it easy to forget because that's just what we do. Forgetfulness is mindlessness. It's non lucidity, it's distraction. These are all synonyms for forgetfulness, and we all suffer that a large part of the material this weekend for the bardo domata Weekend is about this kind of primordial amnesia. We are trained in forgetfulness. We're really good at it. We cut it that groove every single time like every single time we're distracted, which literally means pull apart, pulled away. How many times this has happened in your life a day like 30,000 times. Every time you capitulate to distraction, you're you're making the Grand Canyon bigger, and therefore guess what happens? You keep falling into it, you keep falling into it. So cut yourself some slack, my friend, this is totally par for the course. kind of smile, laugh at the extraordinary power of these habit patterns. That's another way to talk about it. This is an unbelievably powerful habit of amnesia to forget. And it's just where we go. It's just what we do. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything about it. We work with it. We understand it we realize the power of habit. Karma is another way to talk about karma and then we just keep coming back. We keep remembering over and over and over. Like the visor region said really beautiful. The essence of spiritual practice is remembrance to remember to remember over and over so we counteract the forgetfulness, the sliding back the recidivism by just keeping going. And then eventually through the power of causality karma habit, you will find that, hey, I'm not forgetting as much anymore. I'm less distracted. I'm more mindful. The state should say that yes, the state is turning into a trait. The experience is transforming into realization. So this is such a colossal topic like that. There's a massive body of teachings, the actual teachings that talk about the transition from experience to realization are in Yamantaka in Tibetan, so that's why my friend, welcome to The Club. Welcome to the club of forgetfulness. We're all unwitting members. of it. It's because we practice forgetfulness distraction mindlessness all the time. That's why it's just our default. So hang in there, man. It'll get better. And then it'll get worse because you're going to die. Sorry, but I know Mike, I know Mike, I could read him a little bit. Okay, let me see. Here's one. Okay, so I'm not sure I asked the answer this. No, I did. Okay. From childhood. I have enjoyed a rich fantasy life. In both good and bad in both good times. And bad immersion and fantasy seems a natural state. I'm going to answer this as I go along, because it's a long question.
It's not a natural state. It's a state that seems natural similar to to Mike's question, because you've capitulated to it for so long. It's actually not a natural state. So immersion and fantasy is another way to talk about immersion in distraction. Because if you don't have a fantasy, you're not in contact with reality. You're not in contact with what's happening. You're living in an alternate reality when you're lost in fantasy. That is not that not the natural state. It's only because it's been going on for so long for you that it feels natural. It's not natural. You've just capitulated to it to such an extent that it now appears natural. Okay, if not with friends I make them up. Okay. That's great. invisible friends are cool. Have mental conversations, but never losing touch with reality of Oh, that's good because if that's taken to an extreme they'll those are the realization and depersonalization disorders. So that's good. You want to be careful with that. I'm a stable productive retiree who rates life satisfaction is excellent High five. Good for you, Nancy. I've shared this with both therapist and spiritual teachers. And always get such diverse answers as to good or bad. Okay, well, yeah, let me finish the question with that preamble is there a proclivity of proclivity, positive proclivity, you flipped the words here is there is this positive proclivity to the practice, will this reform? Not necessarily Nancy, just because you have a really vivid imagination, it's not necessarily a proclivity, however, you could harness it. So this is this is probably why you're getting mixed answers to this because it's not a Boolean Aristotelian. Yes or no black and white. It's and by this, what I mean is when you talk about illusory form, that three forms illusory form, practice when you're working with a capacity for imagination slash fantasy, this is connected to what's called Pure illusory form. And so to learn more about that, I think my book dreams a light riffs on this quite a bit, where you can use the capacity for fantasy imagination to work with what's called Pure loose reformed practice in that regard, yes, this can be a gift. If you're working with traditional imperialist reform, which is what most people think of the no this is not helpful, it just becomes distraction. So you can harness this in positive ways. If you work with things like pure illusory form, practice, not not impure illusory form, okay could in fact be considered a part of illusory form? I just answered that pure illusory form. I wish more spiritual teachers would address the role of fantasy and spiritual life positive or negative again, I greatly appreciate Okay, yeah. So, if you harness it properly, you don't talk about it as active imagination. This is connected to what's called the DOM or deity yoga practice, where you conjure up to the power of fantasy but here's the difference, Nancy, this is this is voluntary rebirth. These are also called Generation stage practices. This is where this talent can really help you. But it's not a fantasy that because fantasy in my definition is one of indulgence. You're just kind of getting lost in the vivid display of your mind and movies of your mind. That's not practice that's just going to the theater. It's not inherently problematic, but it's also not beneficial. So you can take that proclivity and then it's no longer fantasy, then you're actually working, you're directing. You're generating the construction of your visual visualization practice for particular and to create a mandola you visualize yourself as a deity, all the things that generation stage practices work with. So if you really want to unpack this, dig up stuff on generation, stage practice. Deity yoga and Yidam practice. It's all about this kind of thing. So this is really quite a nice question. They can be harnessed, either good or bad, and that's where you're getting good and bad responses depending on how you engage in it. Okay. All right. There was a question here from Tim about whether I would ever write really nice, sweet words. Thank you, Tom. I really appreciate it about whether I would ever write a memoir biography. I really appreciate the kind words here Tim, but I don't think so. I'm not that interested in myself. I find myself kind of boring. And so I get it tongue in cheek. I really appreciate your kind words. That's not in the stars for me. I just I just have no interest whatsoever. I appreciate my life. I appreciate my body. I appreciate what what I do. But do I want to sit down at some point and write a hagiography or a spiritual thing? It's just not the way I roll. That doesn't really speak to me. So I very much appreciate your question, Tim. But that just doesn't speak to me. So. Okay, so I think there were a couple others that came in. Let me come back to these just want to make sure I get them all.
And then we can go live so to speak. Okay, so I got those hang with me for just a second. Oh, here's here's a good one. I think these are all good from Andre. I got an abstract question. Imagine you have a follower in today's Russia. Yeah, some of my stuff has been translated into Russian so I might actually, would there be anything spiritual practice for such a person? To focus on that you could advise, recommend teach based on the Buddhist Dharma and your personal experience? Given that it would be very much appreciated. So I guess what I'm taking here, Andre is you know, is there anything that I can recommend that someone in Russia do? Yeah, for sure. Well, I mean, you know, meditation altogether, is is without peer because when you so two main practices when you connect deeply to your own mind and heart through meditation, and this is what Chris Wright writes about in his book LSD, you know it the universe from that perspective. Sooner or later, you're going to connect with everybody else because we all share the same bed of mine. We're all we really are all one at this or not. It gets technical, but we share this commonality and when you get below your superficial thing, the selfness stuff, which is what causes these wars to begin with thinking that you're separate from others. You start to drop down awake down to who you really are with meditation. You are naturally going to find yourself connected not only to every other human being on this planet, but to every animal, and then to the planet itself. We're all inextricably connected. We're all one if you define that property appropriately. So that is a very powerful practice, just steady, center, gather way down. And then you might find you find yourself just unbelievably heartbroken with what's happening because these people are just you in a different Ukrainian form, going through unbelievable hardship. So from that will be born just tremendous natural empathy and compassion, right. So that's, that's an incredibly powerful practice. Secondly, of course, is the practice of Tang Lin. And if you're a member of nightclub, we talk we did a number of presentations on the practice of Tang land you can see when and where the practice of sending and taking where you breathe in suffering. In this case of the is your Russian you bring in the suffering not only of the Ukrainians, but also other people on Russia. And you relieve them of that suffering by breathing out on the medium of the breath, healing, curative, wide light, that kind of thing. These may seem to be you know, ineffectual spiritual, philosophical types of things. No, they're not not at all they actually have so much more power because it's meditation will show you that some of the teachings that I just paint a little bit today will show you is you know, world is not made of matter world is made of mind. Really, trust me out of this the world is made of heart mind spirit. Whatever you want to talk about calling, it's not made of matter. And so when you connect to that really deep level and realize that we in fact are deeply connected to everybody else, no kidding. Then you can dedicate your merit to them you can you can relieve their suffering by bringing it upon yourself. This has no meaning power. At all. If you're highly materialistic. That's why Putin is doing this because he's completely lost in that insane level of wrong view. And that's why he's so early contracted and causing so much devastation because he sees himself separate from these people. So we work with our hearts we work with our minds realize to be meditation, that in itself will then propel us to do the right thing. And then secondarily, I would practice the recommend the practice of Tomlin to N G LM. Those alone are just monumentally effective and I do these every day. Literally every day I start every practice session with Tang Clan and then obviously meditation altogether. So those are the two that I'd recommend Andre. Lots more to say there but I think that's probably enough. And so let me see. Did I get them all? Yeah, okay, I got that one. Got that one. Okay, I think now we can open it up if there are any live ones or written ones. I think I got them all.
Yeah, there was a couple of the chat. Did you see those? Didn't yet but I'll go right. Oh, unmute. care why you do that?
Hi, Andrew. It's Carl. Hi, how
are you here?
Good. Just checking in on some dreams. It was the anniversary. Can you hear me?
I can't go ahead. Yeah, it seems to be
a it's been about a year since I've really had any lucid dreaming contact, but it seems to help. You know, to be powered a lot by this anniversary of my husband's birthday was the other night and I got him. He came home in a black plastic box which has been in my bedroom for a year but I got him this beautiful bird terracotta thing with with a with a huge bird beak and wings and an open top and to put the ashes in and put outside so he can come and go and all that and have some freedom with his his ashes. And so the night before that, and this is the question. You know, I used to pop myself out. I used to get so excited when I knew I was lucid dreaming that I would bump myself out right? But I did fly a little bit and things like that. So what happened in this dream is I'm up against a rock wall ledge a very thin ledge. I keep thinking of it as the blade a thin blade between jumping and not jumping and then that same thin blade between lucidity and non lucidity. So I'm on the rock wall and I'm convincing myself that I can in fact jump because I'm dreaming. And so as I get powered up convincing myself am I do leap and then in midair. I do have this beautiful sense of that drag that that gravity like like a bird that's being lifted up and I and I did. I think I was lucid because I said okay, we're lucid, were lucid were lucid, and good and bad news that folded into the dreams like didn't bounce myself out. And I didn't, um, cause too much excitement with the lucidity. But I was like Oh, I couldn't I didn't it just I'm wondering whether I dreamed I was lucid. I know you can't answer this. Did I dream I was lucid or was I lucid? And then so but then in the rest of the dream I was carrying around these pieces of this terracotta thing to show people see this is a dream so I know the difference in feeling when I'm when it's just part of the plot, you know lucid dream and when it's real
Yeah, well first of all cool dream and like kinda like you said, I can't say what's total authority because we can have not only are there degrees of acidity as you know, care, but there we can also flick around and out of those moments of lucidity. So you could have a moment where you have in your like while you're awake. I'm lucid, I know that you're there, and then you just ping out of that. And so you're still dreaming but you just lose it. You can also have these kind of recursive or false awakenings right where you're lucid in one dream and then you fall into another one right and you're not lucid or vice versa. So I can't like you suggest I can't speak with real authority as to what actually happened. Probably something like that. My guess is you had a moment of lucidity. You recognize that and then maybe you lost it that happens all the time, then you come back in. So I can't really run further with that. But the fact that you had this somewhat auspicious day that's kind of cool also not at all uncommon. These kinds of PowerPoint days. In where you know what can kind of generate that that's hard to say maybe something from him who knows maybe some deeper eminent within you who knows. So I guess the only thing I can say is is is cool. I mean good for you for having this kind of thing. The interpretive end of it, I leave that up to you. So I'm not entirely sure where to run with it outside of just that. No,
that's it it's just that when I've been lucid before there's been this buzzing in my body and this incredible it's like seem so monumental and and the flight I'm wondering if there is actually a marker to say, you know, I guess it's just intuitive and if I don't feel like I really got lucid then I probably didn't.
Well, that's I think that's spot on. And again, there's degrees of lucidity. And that's it especially on the shady or liminal end of it. You're not quite sure you're kind of it's either marginal lucidity or like I'd say you're flickering in and out. When you're having like like you mentioned earlier, vibration or whatever full blown lucidity then, you know, without a doubt, it's like well, right? I am totally 100% lucid, but there's nations in between right?
It makes me think that my ego is so frickin stuck on itself that it would rather create this whole film for me about the fact that and trick me. Then just let me loose a dream. It's unbelievable. I have a book question or an info question because I I do a lot of study on on the rebellion and the ancient Egyptian texts and alchemy and Hermes trismus justice and all that theme so parallel that it must have traveled to India and then Tibet does anybody make that connection? Because
it doesn't have to travel to Indians to bat. It just travels in the mind space. It travels to cyberspace and so there's all kinds of conjecture. Oh, you know for incentive Christ, go to India and then come back in the last years did the cities come? To the Eastern West? Who really knows? But I will never, you know, like I said, you don't have to go to India, you just have to tap into these deep dimensions in space and time don't exist at those levels. So the resonance is this is part of the perennial tradition and kind of approach to a perennial philosophy, which makes a lot of sense to me. That when you start to get into these couple of older cultural surface structures, you get into the deeper deep time deep structures. The farther down you go, the more collective and the more universal these experiences actually become. So yeah,
that's dollars that any scholars that you know of who are making that connection, like I read Francis TSOs book, but that didn't really go into
Egypt. When you say that connection, one connection is that is there. Are there any
scholars working on the connection between Tibetan Buddhism and Egyptian mythology?
Gyptian mythology Oh, geez.
The Alchemy that comes out of Egypt
that's a good question. Um, I mean, no, I have one person I get asked my Islamic friend use of, but off the top of my head. I can't think of anything if somebody else listening can can get on. I'm not aware but it's unbelievable these days, a lot of scholarship and who's doing what? I wouldn't be surprised if somebody is doing this sort of thing, but I just don't know of it. So thank you. Okay, thanks. That's how Okay, next one, I'm going to cruise through. Really?
Andrew, how are you?
Alright, he can really
um, so question is, so I've mentioned briefly one time that I had this experience where I was sleeping, I work or my awareness was kind of coming back and I had my mouth open and my breath was obviously coming out of my mouth. And through that breath, there was a voice coming. So it wasn't mean my mouth wasn't moving. The voice was actually traveling on the breath. And I don't know what it said and that's not the important thing. But more important was the feel was like I could feel the vibration that the voice was making kind of with with the breath and it was like the voice was like swirling. On the breath to come out. So this kind of has kind of put me in the direction of the importance of breath, and I watched your interview with Charlie Morley. Both of Yeah, yeah, I did watch a bit of the event one Yeah. And so there are definitely a lot of input. So I'm just kind of trying to connect some dots of the between the winds, the drops, and consciousness and breath and kind of, yeah, can you connect those dots for me?
Well, they're definitely connected, right. But the breath just your breath is just the outer body correlate of the inner respiration, which is when long prana Qi right? So they're not they're not the big word is they're not isomorphic they're not the same. The otter breath is a phenomenal epigenetic. It's an outer expression of this inner process. And so you can make these outer body correlates each one like the prana, Nadi, Bindu, Tigray chakra, all the different constituents of the subtle body absolutely, positively have outer body correlates and analogs. And so breath is obviously the most intimate connection to long and Qi. And so I'll pause for a second because outside of that, you know, then the exploration of the whole subtle body and its anatomy and physiology. This is an enormous topic, not only in spiritual inner yogic practices from a number of traditions, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Sufi, Jewish mystics. But then you've got the whole medical end of it, the whole Tibetan Medicine, subtle body Chinese medicine that works with the same body in these entities for purposes of healing. So because it's such a big topic, maybe you can help me in terms of some specific application or aspect of it, or is that branch good enough?
Okay, so how does consciousness Connect? The winds, for example, is that consciousness is the winds.
Well, irreducibly, this is an interesting question. This can be answered in two levels on one level, everything is consciousness on an absolute level, on another level, more specifically with the inner yogic stuff in that languaging Bindu is most specifically connected to consciousness. But the big news, right, the winds which flow through the channels was gathering the chakras, so they're all connected. But of those the most subtle The one is most overly connected to consciousness or that typically the bindu that drops and so if you really want to explore of those, the one that's most directly that would be the one to explore. It's also the hardest one to understand, somewhat appropriately, because consciousness itself is somewhat interesting and difficult to understand, but they're all deeply connected. And one way of course, just in terms of like, states of consciousness is as you probably know, or remember the way it works is that the drops flow through the channels, writing the winds, together with the chakras, to create states of consciousness. So right now depending on the system, that particular process is taking place and the chakras are biting here, you're awake, or at least you seem to be when you fall asleep deep dreamless sleep they drop into the heart, in the dream state, they go to the throat, and every particular state of consciousness is actually connected to how these inner processes actually work out. That's what makes the inner yogic system so incredibly profound and compelling. And so this is again, this is a really big topic. If you can get a copy of it and I don't know it used to be restricted, but it may not be the best exposition on all this. It's not easy, but it's really profound is the profound inner principles. The author is pretty sure swung door J but the translator is my friend Elizabeth Callahan. If you can get that text that will give you everything you need to know on this topic. It's a monumental text. Everything is there you really you'll be you'll be good for a year with this book.
Thank you. So yeah, the essay was called
profound inner principles profound. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you Take care. Okay, fine.
All right. Okay, I'll get you unmuted.
Okay, hey Ross. Get them unmuted is my old friend, my wonderful friends.
Let me unmute here. So I have a question. In a recent call. There was a woman who self identified as a psychic and indicated that she was experiencing God and God imagery and all that in in her consciousness. Okay. And I was wondering that in that case, is she a psycho not discovering realms that pre exists or consciousness and post existed? Or is this just a projection of psychic material? Like the shadows on the wall of Plato's cave? And how would you know the
difference? Yeah. Geez, Ross, what a great question. First of all, great to see you my friend. Yeah. Good to see you. Um, what a great question. You know, I feel I'll speak somewhat theoretically, because in order for me to even attempt to answer that, I'd have to ask her a ton of questions and tease that apart. So let's speak a little bit more. I wouldn't say theoretically, but just put it in a more abstract, just a way to kind of suss this out these realms. There is real or unreal as this realm and that is the wisdom traditions are unequivocal about that. There they are as real or unreal as this fell. absolutely, positively. They exist. In fact, one wonderful there's so many ways to study this but my friend Reggie Ray and his book if you want to explore this for us, Secrets of the virtual world. The first two chapters of that book, are all about the cosmology of the Buddha's view. It is breathtaking, it's really fantastic stuff and when you really slow down and settle your mind into it, it will really open your mind. So what are the things around here again, there's so much to say here again, if you haven't read Eben Alexander stuff, Proof of Heaven and Oh, what's this? I can't remember the other map of heaven and then a mindful universe. Here's an academic neurosurgeon. He talks about these dimensions that he went into that he said were they were hyper real, they were more real than this. He came back from those and this seemed to be false compared to that. The other place Ross, where I probably have gained the greatest insight on this is the Pure Land teachings. This is this the tradition in Buddhism proper, that really explores these the 27 different realms of samsara, the post samsaric realms, the pure lands, all these dimensions these multiverses and again, this stuff is if you really reflect on it, this is mind blowing stuff, even in quantum mechanics is you know, there's a very 100% legitimate, one of the many interpretations of quantum mechanics is the many, whatever it's many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, that even in the realm of physics, there is now the universe is a multiverse.
There's, there's just so much incredibly interesting things. So I would recommend and then I'll be a little bit more specific about what might have been happening with this woman. The Pure Land teachings have probably given me the most on this because they they talk about this with real kind of clarity and rigor, all the different bandwidths, the frequencies of existence in the samsaric domain, really super interesting to explore and then I know people really gifted meditators who claim and I trust them, that they can actually like the psychic, they can explore these dimensions and they see them all in this kind of ultimately democratic way. We just for all kinds of egoic and someone who breadstick reasons tend to think oh, this is just, it's just it's like this is the only realm it's this kind of Galileo or Copernican, you know, it's like spiritual Copernican view that this is the only way right everything is, is self centric. Everything is is Earth centric and all that. absolutely, positively not. So the puroland teachings have a tremendous amount to say here, all these different dimensions, both samsaric and transept Zark that are just as real and in many cases more real than this. So for sure, 100% Guaranteed. Now in terms of what she experienced, I can't say with tremendous conviction and authority that I have to ask her a ton of questions. But here's the thing about psychics. Psychic is just a label that we appended people that are really just open. These are people where their boundaries have softened very often women, not always but they're just more porous. They're more permeable, they're more aware and awake of these, the interplay between all these multiverses and so psychics are just basically people who are more open and as you become really, really open, that's what the Buddha is the ultimate opened one. Then then these these these universes become completely available to you and throughout the literature. You meet all these accounts of masters you could say the ultimate psychics who certainly teach and when they teach, they see it's not just amongst them annoncer there, they see the bodhisattvas there they see all the I mean, literally as I'm seeing you, they're able because they're so open, they see all these different dimensions. And so I love this magical in the best sense of that word, not the pejorative sense, display of reality that we are, the world is really as you know, not made of matters made a hard mind, spirit, whatever you want to call it in the display of that heart, mind, spirit, all its iterations is infinite. And so we can tune in all the stuff totally. So whether she's doing it authentically, or whether it's a projection of her own thing I can't say but that's the other thing that definitely can happen. So here's the kind of the so called shadow side of this for sure. You can also then have projections of this where it's not this ontological thing. It's purely epistemological. In other words, it's your projection. That's a little bit harder to tease out. And usually when I get engaged in these types of conversations on a public forum, it's not the venue to do that right? To really talk somebody through and just say, hey, let's be super clear here. What are you seeing what are you feeling? And then I will say, and I don't do it in a public setting, if this was my experience, because who am I to say, this is what's happening? I can't do that. But I would simply say based on what you're saying, if this was my experience, this is what I think is happening. So I'll pause for a second to see if some of those noodles are sticking on the wall for you. But that's what comes to mind. I mean, I love this stuff, because it just shatters conventional ways of looking at things and and parenthetically, again, from a more scholarly academic point of view. This three part series is massive contribution irreducible. Mind, beyond physicalism and consciousness on bound. You'll be reading these for five years, massive contributions from the academic scientific community, about decimating this materialistic world and opening up to the magic of a, you know, idealistic world in terms of philosophical term, you know, and then reading the stuff. Reincarnation studies for cognitive studies, telepathic studies, clairaudience, clairvoyance, all the stuff that is categorically dismissed by the scientist. And I think it's largely done that for psychological reasons, actually for fear, you read this stuff and it will blow your mind open in a really great way. So I'll pause for a second to see if that helpful, but that's what comes to mind.
That was helpful and I think it answered my question. So I think we're good and we can move on. Thank you very much
and nice to see you take care of you to take care but okay. All right. Hi, Kathy. Hi, Kathy. Fire away. I'm looking at some questions here.
Hi, Andrew, how you doing? I thank you so much for answering for picking up the question. I have a question just about death and preparation for death. So like, according to Buddhist Buddhism, is it ethical to engage with voluntary stop eating and drinking, which is like practice that's legal in the US and
medically assisted dying, which is legal in five states? Right. Great question. And I didn't see it. I just forgot to answer it. So thank you for bringing it up. Yeah, it depends on who you ask. So here, I will. I will tell you what I think and the sources that I have read and also do my own contemplation on this. The difference between active and passive is passive euthanasia. If you're doing passive euthanasia. There. There's no karmic repercussions to that and honestly, if I have the luxury, that's probably what I would do you stop eating you stop drinking. And then within usually a month at the most, usually within a week, especially if you stop drinking. If you maintain fluids, you can you can go for over a month. You just that's called passive euthanasia. You have a terminal disease. Why go through the suffering? Again, this is me I total disclaimer. This is just my interpretation of the literature and the people I've talked to passive euthanasia is okay. Other teachers will say no, any level of euthanasia is not okay. I politely disagree. I think passive euthanasia because the intention is okay. The intention is to reduce suffering. You're not trying to harm others, you're trying to alleviate your own suffering. So that seems to be cool. And I've heard a number of pretty big time masters say that active euthanasia that's a different story. That's the Kevorkian thing that's going to Switzerland which is where some people now can do this. They that is seemingly frowned upon. But you know that again, who's to say you know, I mean, depends on who you ask. But as a general rule, the active euthanasia thing, unless it's for a pet, interestingly enough, if you're doing if you're actively euthanizing a pet to remove their suffering, I've heard a number of teachers say that's totally okay because pets don't learn from their suffering. So again, I'm just a mouthpiece here. I don't know I don't know what the karmic scorecard is here. I have no idea. But it just seems to make a lot of sense that path passive euthanasia is okay. There's a wonderfully powerful film by Karen Van Buren on this this really it's difficult, but it's really as beautiful as these painful films can be. I can't remember what it's called, but it's a it's a really powerful film about a physician actually in my area. who elects to passively euthanize and he describes his journey. Once he stops eating and drinking and how he transitions and after like five 710 days, or I can remember when he actually starts talking and somewhat ecstatic terms that this is this is totally fine. It's great. So the act of thing, it's generally frowned upon because the intention the karma, intention is what really is the biggest driver in the generation of karma more than the act itself is the intention. And so with active euthanasia, the traditions frowns upon that a little bit more but I have to say I've had conversations with big time thinkers, philosophers on this topic. And there's so much variation on this one, even within the literature of the Buddhist literature proper. There's a tremendous variation there. are times when religious suicide is considered totally okay. I can't think of the book on the top of my head but in my book, Kathy, if you don't have preparing to die, I have an entire section. What I call the difficult topics, suicide, euthanasia, abortion, miscarriage all that kind of stuff. And so I go a little bit more detail in that section and I'll refer you to that just for the purposes of time, but it's a really important question. And not so easily answered in my opinion, but that that's what, that's the way I roll with it. That's what comes to mind. Okay.
Perfect. All right. I'll get you unmuted Aaron.
Okay, and then I have a couple in the chat.
Hey, Andrew, how you doing?
Good. How are you man?
You're well doing well. I asked you last time I questioned about meditating in the lucid dream state. Okay. So I want to come back be an ask you. I've had a few experiences where I got to practice a bit more now and I had an interesting experience. I just want to briefly perfect so I'll just skip to the end where I become lucid. So lucid in the dream I sit down and I'm doing the awareness of awareness meditations. So there's no other characters in the dream or anything. So I'm really in front of a tree. And one thing I noticed that the dream kind of starts to glitch when I really settle in. It's hard for me to explain about the way that the tree branches were swaying. You just was a little off but since I'm meditating, I'm also trying not to pay particularly, you know, attention to that at all. That's not really my focus. So as I'm meditating after a while, I do end up getting a bit distracted so I get up and for some reason, I feel like I want to yell for putting some Baba so I and I called twice in the last time the syllable kind of stretched out like the dream kind of took some other control and instantly collapsed on itself. So I was now in the dreamless sleep state, but yes, do lucidity there, which I asked you years ago. Another question about this. So that lesson, actually, that you gave me came back into play. So I noticed that there was no body there but there was still a tendency for me to believe if that makes sense. me to feel this body that's actually not there. So my Okay, let me rip off that away. I want to try to dive deeper. Let me relax that away. So as I'm relaxing at first I was a little nervous because the experience happens so quickly. I've been in the dreamless sleep state before but you know, I didn't expect it this time. You know? Yeah. Oh, relaxing. You know, things are starting to settle down a bit more but something new happened for me there was like a moon and it was very interesting because there wasn't a dream scape there. There wasn't like a dream or any other phenomena outside of just this moon and that's it. Then I started to relax a little bit more, you know, trying to still go deeper. And then all of a sudden he kind of broke through and there were just lights. I don't know how to explain it just flashes of lights. To me. It kind of looked like stars. But once again, I'm trying not to perceive a perceiver you know, so I'm trying to just that's the part of the experience on my Okay, well if I can, you know, get get through this part. So but so there's not technically a me seeing there's just seeing happening, if that makes sense. And then but there's just flashes of lights and like, like zooming in or flashes, and then after a while, it just fades back into the space. And then the waking state kind of just waking up I guess just emerging from that same space. Sounds like huh, that is I laid in my bed for about 30 minutes trying to you know, there was really nothing that I could even say about it. You know, so I'm not exactly sure what that was or anything.
Well first of all high five bro I mean that's like that's just awesome. I love hearing the story and I love what you did with it. I love the sequencing and I love what you saw. I mean really just makes me smile. Yeah, super cool. Oh my gosh, so many things to say so. Yeah, so let's just start at the very end, so to speak, when when you descended into this kind of non referential experience of of lights and whatnot. And I really liked what you said. Because I suspect what you're saying actually was appended after the experience in other words, because when your
aha, during the experience, there was not really that's why I say there's nothing really I could say I had to sit here. Like, I'm trying to put it together after the fact. That's right.
That's exactly right. Yeah. And that's the importance of understanding because, you know, when you're in the space, there's actually none of this is happening is retrofitted. And that's fine. Because you do want to understand what happened and you want to work with it. And that actually attests to the validity of the experience that that you weren't actually having the experience because there was no you so that's, that's real sleep yoga. That's real formless meditation. When you talk about a little bit earlier wasn't that may or may not have been fully formless. In other words, when you were proceeding nothing. If there was a sense that I was proceeding that that's formless in the sense that there's no display or no form, but it's not formless in the sense because there's still an experiencer there's still a witness, right? And so the fact what's really cool is you actually are articulating the type of openness and dissent that would actually occur occur as you went deeper and deeper. You're describing a very classic, beautiful experience. And so when you drop into this really deep, non referential experience of light you're dropping into the Dharma talk, you're dropping into true or Turia into language, you're dropping into the luminous empty matrix of reality, that's archetypal. That's even pre Well, I don't need to get into the Platonic thing. But reality is fundamentally made talking about the blueprints of reality. Reality is fundamentally made of these lights. And so in the in the Jewish tradition, this is exactly what we're talking about in the Bardo. dama TasTAFE. This weekend, the Jewish teachings on the Safarov the 10 lights is totally connected to this. The Bardo Dermatol is all about this. And so basically, through exactly what it was opening, relaxing, relaxing, opening, dropping, dropping, you dissolve you so to speak, experience this these lights, there's a there's a whole practice connected with this not only sleep yoga, but if you really want to explore this my friend the the aspect of Xhosa that's called toggle T H O G Al. The practice of spontaneous presence. Oh my gosh, where to go for this. There's there's a lot. It's really pretty damned esoteric. This is the most interesting profound stuff on the market in my opinion. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes about it most publicly. He's book wonders of the national mind riffs on this. There's another book called hydrops of Dharmakaya that riffs on this. And then Hydrox Heart, heart drops, heart drops of Dharmakaya and then I'll leave the rest for later. I want to send you off and see what happens when we talk next. But there's more to go with this in terms of you can actually turn this into a path. There are ways to work with the lights, there's ways to establish a more profound relationship. And then basically take your experience of those lights with you so that when you wake up, you actually start to see that the whole world is actually made of that reified light that's what this world is it's that light that you deconstruct the the MidState reified frozen into this. So basically, you return to the construction side of reality. It's so cool. And you'll sometimes see geometric patterns. I think Kimberly, Kimberly may have talked a little bit about this and one of her questions a while back, but you basically use that you again, thank you. It's just this self reflexively where light wisdom that appears. That's the matrix of reality. That's what reality is made up. So you return to the construction site, my friend, so high five, here's the thing. Don't try to repeat it intentionally.
Because this question
let the whole thing go. Because if you try to reproduce it, it won't happen again. Okay, in order for it to happen, you have to reinstate the conditions that brought it out, buttered about in the first place, which means you have to drop the whole bloody thing. Give yourself a little pat on the back, and then let the whole thing go, because otherwise it'll backfire on you. So drop it, release it, let it go. And then you may find yourself just returning returning to that same bed because this is a natural state. Just don't take it too seriously. Play with it, let it go. And then you'll see the lights will start they can start to actually do things and coalesce and there's, again, there's so much more to say here, but that's probably enough for now.
Can I have two quick questions just so um, if I go back, like I said, my goal was to meditate like this for 60 days. Should I go back and just like meditate app because I've done it maybe five or six times since we spoke and I did see the geometric patterns that you you said to him that I actually got to me like people say a download and this was post the dream and it just I just heard to observe nakedly don't judge and no internal commentary. So
by far, you're on to my friend that's by far the best thing you can do is a type of witness awareness, where you simply watch the display of these lights because they will they will mature. This is an effortless type of meditation. Once you get to this point, your ability to sustain it is not the right word, but too long. It's not quite the right word because no word start to apply here. The witnessing awareness. Sure, and again, it's a witness postscript because when you're there, you're not witnessing those lights. You are those lights Oh, yeah. Okay, so they will start to do their own thing. And then you'll start to see how eventually that own thing turns into this thing. That's where it gets really cool. But what you just said is right, no commentary, no expectation. Nothing. Nothing. That's what makes it hard. Yeah. We'll relax and let the lights play. No, no, they'll do their own thing. And then they'll reveal themselves in particular ways which maybe we can talk about later.
And my last quick question, I had a dream where you know, I noticed that I when there are other dream characters, I can kind of intuitively know their thoughts. You know, like, I know I can see what they're thinking you know, are you know the reasoning why behind they're doing whatever they're doing a question that came to me I was like, I wonder if that's how enlightened beings kind of see us when they say that, you know, they know I guess everything that's knowable. Like if they like in a dream, how I can dream another being, you know, but I kind of can see like, I'm more lucid than they are so I can kind of see their thoughts or witness their thoughts and kind of put the reason together always like maybe that's how enlightened beings kind of could see into another's mind. They're more lucid than I am.
All I can say you're spot on. I mean, like, like, my first response is like, what planet did you come from? You're sharing some kick ass stuff is awesome. All I can say is just spot on. Big high five if I was there, I give you a big hug. But don't get don't let this get to you, man. Let it go. Because if you try to reinstate it, if you try to, in a Be careful about who you talk to about it. This is different. We're in a protective environment, giving people your motivation here. is pure. But basically the way this experience will mature is if you keep it to yourself. Don't talk about this to other people that don't have a deep connection. Always checking motivation when you do share at this level, because otherwise this opportunity will flip into an obstacle. In order for it to mature. You have to keep it in the crucible of silence. So keep it to yourself. Continue to play an explorer this way. And all really just massive high five, you're doing some really cool stuff but also again on one level, this may seem extraordinary, an actual level it's an unbelievably ordinary, this is just ordinary. So don't you know don't let it blow your up your ego up or whatever. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. What brought about the experience you said how many times I continue to open I continue to relax. That's the narrative. So open to the US relax this. Medic go otherwise it'll turn into a golden chain. Hey,
okay, thank you so much. I appreciate it.
I find really awesome. Like this stuff just makes me smile. Very cool. Thanks, man. Awesome stuff. Okay.
Yeah, a few men I'll get some of the ones in the chat column. Perfect. Yeah, but I just kind of there was three that came in so I messaged him to see had him on one spot.
Oh, okay, here we go. Yeah, so let me get these real quick uh, Andrew at the beginning of the q&a. You mentioned with regard to Ukraine that we can do more be more helpful than we know. Are you referring to Thailand or something else? I'm referring to Tong Lin and a lot more. Oh, lordy. Yeah, this is a like, what's, what is that more? What are the things we can do what's really going on here? That relates to this to a topic that is a little bit above what we can cover here. You know, this kind of universality of the human condition and all the ways we can help but for practical purposes, Tom land is maybe number one here that we can do to help these people. There are other things for sure. But maybe for our purposes, that's the one that I would put a little exclamation point on. Okay. Ah, can you talk about the retreat on the nature of mind amendment? Well, yeah, which was mentioned in one of your recent update meals. Yes, I can. They should have it up on their website. Now. If not, I'm going to lean on them a little bit. It's in July. This is a program that I'm super excited about I it's it's like a the deepest dive of all the stuff that I've refined. And so I'm doing it at mela because on one level, it fits in beautifully. For people who have done the Bardo teachings and stuff I've done there with Bob for the last two years. But it's a full week long program and the deepest stuff that I've ever presented, that I'm super excited about. So nature of mind stuff. Well, that's to say, somewhat connected to what we're talking about a little bit with the question about the lights and everything. Basically discussing non duality is another way talk about it nature, mind enlightenment, what it really is, so that I submitted to manleigh a pretty extensive description on this. And so I'll refer you to their site and that reminds me I'll write back to metla. Michael and say, hey, people are asking, Can you please list that because I sent them the documents for all this a month ago, but they've been so busy with this big conference. They just finished it. They probably haven't gotten it up here. So there's a ton that will be posted on that because I sent them a ton but I'm super excited about the deepest stuff that I have taught yet. And therefore I really get excited about and I'm looking forward to it. So unless there's more on that okay, may I please expand on the death quote a little. Okay. If you have time the case of medically assisted dying happens when a person takes a prescribed pill instead of having the doctor administer it. Yeah. Would you consider that passive or active that's active? Sorry, it's not hairsplitting. Passive means you don't you don't take a pill you don't do anything. Passive means you stop eating, you stop drinking. You You've returned to Ground Zero that way, if you're still taking a pill that's still active euthanasia, and again, who am I to say I totally 100% disclaimer, I can't speak with any authority about the karmic implications of this sort of thing. But let me tell you one thing that I did get from a high level Acharya, that I really appreciated Western one oriented, where she said, she said the thing to do with these things is learn as much as you can understand the karmic implications to the best of your ability, talk to your teachers, do your homework and then you make the decision. It's your deal. And so that's the way I roll with this. I I'm not saying things one way or the other. I'm telling you that what I would probably do if it was me, in my recommending that for other people. No, that's just what I would do. So these are one of these areas. That is proof you talk to a Tera Vaada. They're going to give you a totally different answer. When you talk to a Zen, pure land person. They'll give you a different answer. You talk to whatever, even within the Buddhist tradition, and I've done the homework on this. There's no consensus here. It's all over. The map. So I really appreciate what this Acharya said, you study you do the homework, you understand the karma, you understand the implications, and then you decide you take responsibility. I really appreciated that. I liked that. I liked that a lot. So okay, let's see here. Cool. Okay, anything else? Are we good? We're about the hour and a half mark, which is when I usually close these things out, so pretty close to being done. So are we done?
Yay. I think you got everything. Okay. All right, everybody else is so fun. I love it. Everybody's got to be a total geek and turn on the camera. So we can do this this big love fest here this big trans spatial hug all my friends and enemies. Love you guys. So fun to see you. Join me a mail of this week. We're gonna this is the deepest part of program of a mall. And when when bathrooms on a roll, he's he's kind of a rockstar. But otherwise, I'll be back usual events. You know how this rolls. Great to see everybody. To whatever extent dedication of merit means anything to you. If we've done anything of any value, let's just beam it out especially to the poor Ukrainians and also the Russians to try to be a benefit in this really, really dark time where there's so much the brain. So we'll dedicate the merits all those and between now and then everybody stay safe, keep your heart open and we'll be in touch Next time. Around. Okay. Ciao.