Hello, everybody, welcome back to the weekly word, I know that I have been a little bit inconsistent. And you know, I just thank y'all for the grace for allowing me to take my time, because a lot of transitions still happening in my life. And I feel like a lot of y'all can probably attest to that or can identify. So I think y'all for the grace, I really just want to hop into this. Today, the cars that we have on the table are the seven of pentacles, the chariot, and the ace of cups already was standing out to me when I look at this is we have two sevens on the table. And seven, the first thing that comes to mind were to Zolani, who was one of my instructors in the Cecilia, Western spiritual Academy. And one of the things that Zolani taught us about the number seven one of the meanings, the significance of that number is that it can represent Divine Alignment. And as I'm looking at these cards and thinking about the seven of pentacles, being in a car that speaks to us about having done some work, and still waiting on the return that we're hoping for. And then we have the chariot, this figure who is leaving home, leaving what they know, to explore the possibilities of what's out there.
And part of me is wondering if some of us are ready to fully commit to the process that we're in right now. It feels like many of us are ready to call it quits. It feels like many of us are ready to pack up our balls and go home. But feels very strong with this chariot card in the center of this spread is spirit is asking for us to dig a little bit deeper, to hold on a little bit longer to redirect our focus to the end goal. The beautiful, beautiful message or the beautiful picture that we have with this ace of cups showing us the divine it has a hand and what we're working on has a hand in these projects, our dreams, where we see ourselves. We're not doing this alone. In fact, a lot of the dreams and desires that we have were birthed in us from the Divine from our ancestors. And so if it was given to us, if it was entrusted to us, then we are capable of carrying it out of seeing it through. So what are the things that maybe you're thinking or just a maybe you're rethinking where are the areas in your life where you may be exhibiting a little bit of impatience because things are not working out the way that you thought or as quickly as you thought they might.
I'm also using the yami Oracle and the cars that came out for this particular deck is they are also modeling which is the rainbow and RJ which represents abundance. What I love so much about this also not a card is that it depicts a pregnant person. So it reminds me a lot of the Empress there's a lot of of life. And the baby has not been born yet. This touches a little bit on what we discussed in the last weekly word about the seed in the ground, and how sometimes we are still buried, we talked about the womb and the birthing place. And so with this rainbow card, showing up showing that we have a world of beauty, a world of like creativity, we have beautiful gifts that we're holding, that we're keeping safe.
In this time, it's not so much about being time to deliver per se. This feels like a message to say that, with all that you have to offer with to the world. Please allow yourself to protect your energy, to protect your gifts, to protect your creativity, to honor yourself, by seeing it all the way through to the end. For those of you who have been pregnant and had children, you know that when you get to the end of that pregnancy is very uncomfortable, to say the least. Because you're carrying around that heavy baby. And so how might you go about preparing yourself for the arrival of this baby? What do you imagine this baby to be like? How do you see it being loved and received in the world. And if you couldn't tell, I'm not talking about a human baby. I'm speaking about all of the gifts, all of the projects, all of the dreams and hopes that you have for yourself and the world. The things that you hold dear that you carry on the inside of you. Rather than focusing on the fact that you haven't seen it yet? How can you begin to increase your faith and partner with the divine to get excited about it, to believe in it again. To wait for it and to make preparations for it for when it comes. At the end of a pregnancy, parents begin something called nesting where they can't sit still. Because they are making ready for the birth of this baby. They are cleaning, they are decorating. They are buying things they are fussing around, they're folding little clothes and they're doing all these things. And what they're doing is actually aligning themselves, aligning their space, aligning their homes to prepare to receive the gift that's on the way. And so for us, when we talk about seven are presenting Divine Alignment, what are the ways in which we can begin to align ourselves to receive the answers to the prayers that we prayed to receive the gifts that we've been keeping. embedded on the inside for so long. Seven can also be a number of perseverance, focus intention. We see that in the chariot car So, how can you this week begin to redirect your energy bring it back to preparing and making room for your gift that you have to offer to the world
how can we go back to the foundations? How can we get back to the basics? How can we get very clear on reestablishing the foundation upon which our upon which we stand and you even more so how are we
allowing ourselves or helping ourselves recalibrate and bring ourselves back to a place of inspired focus
inspire focus you know is the energy that you feel when you starting up a project that's new when you when you wake up early because you can't wait to get to that thing that you love. You can't wait to talk to everybody about it. You can't wait to post about it on social media, you can't wait to just tell everybody about what you got going on. Inspired focus. I mean, finding, reigniting the joy that you had at the beginning of this thing. That is what the chariot is asking for us to do. That is what the seven of PENTACLES asking for us to do. Yes, it is asking for us to wait and to persevere but also how do we dig down deep? As the ace of cups is asking? How do we dig down deep to find that inspiration again, the joy, the love for what we're doing the love for what we're all about?
Does it make you happy? This metaphorical baby you're carrying
does it make you happy?
It is important now to protect your energy and that foundation because that is necessary for the success of your gifts of your pursuits. Protecting yourself means to honor yourself means to honor your boundaries to honor even your limitations and know that that is not an indictment against you. But it's an opportunity to then receive the cup from the Divine to receive that extra dose of inspiration to receive that extra dose of support along the way. Because success with this card of abundance, success is imminent. We just have to do our part the perseverance, the making ready, which represents our Divine Alignment. And then we have to trust that the divine will do their part to get us ready and prepared to accept all of the beautiful gifts Not only that we hold inside of ourselves, but to be a witness to the gifts that exists within our community as we all begin to collectively birth, beauty, hope, liberation, inspiration, community that is the true abundance where we can all eat, and we can all celebrate with one another. Because everybody brings something to the table. And honestly, the best thing that any of us any of us could ever bring is ourselves. Ashay I have a card, which is from Lauren, I don't know what this is from y'all. But it's one of my it's actually one of my favorite decks to use right now. Oh, it is the soul flower Oracle deck. And the card that I pulled is the card, the milk thistle card. And it represents forgiveness. I just want to read the message here. And then we'll close. It says life has taught you to protect yourself. But sometimes you end up hurting yourself. Milk Thistle helps you to let go through the power of forgiveness of all the self imposed restrictions and defensive armor that are making it hard for you to open and receive all the love and abundance the universe has flowing toward you. And that's my prayer for us today. That we would that we would forgive ourselves for the times that we were impatient with ourselves for the times that we did not give ourselves enough grace on the journey for the times that we may not have been able to see that the divine has been with us and has not abandon us that we will forgive ourselves ever return to the love of the ancestors so that we can see that they have a full cup that overflows for us with an abundance of what we need. That is good news. I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see you next time