Awesome. Let's do it. Right. Hi, everybody. Oh my god, wait, it feels like a lifetime ago that we did our last q&a. It's got to be that virtual conference thing. I don't know. I feel like I've seen you, but I'm not seeing you. Like, you know, I don't know I missed all that. So hello, everyone. Again, welcome to the course for health professionals q&a Call in a chappelow less, please let us know what is your what is your biggest win this week? What are you grateful for today? And What project are you working on right now? Okay, I'll give you a few seconds to type it out. Great to see all the people that are joining in, we'll give you a few seconds to get your bearings and potentially also answering some questions. And you know, of course connected to your audios. Alright, so before we can really get started, here's some housekeeping notes. Number one, don't forget to book your milestone calls milestone calls. This is where we celebrate your wins and talk about next steps. So just to remind you, the three milestones are number one, finishing up five Facebook Lives and not die. And two is to actually do three sales calls, or complete a sale or throwing 10 affiliation pitches, okay. And so please, please, please book your milestone calls when you hit those, you know, milestones and post your celebration that Facebook group so we can celebrate with you, right. And also, if you're coming up for renewal, check your email for renewal options and email us if you have any questions, we're happy to answer that. And also you could have gotten haven't gotten a chance to listen to critique that is posted yesterday. Establish time to finish that and submit any follow up questions you have for tomorrow's call
with a coach but it's all coming back. Or you
have any specific questions you'd like to work one on one with a coach don't forget to book your monthly laser coaching call. If you missed it, I was put it on Facebook. It's the month of March. So we're going to be starting everybody has a brand new fresh laser coaching call this month as well. Finally, announce it. So March 17. We have our regular during our regular call time we'll be teaching well that will be to do that. So V is gonna be the intro verse building system. My inner introvert is thinking at the same time, okay, my fellow introverts sitting with me, y'all. And we of course, we will have templates and q&a for you. If you're interested in learning how to transfer your phone sales skills to text or social media DMS definitely come live. Okay. All right.
Thank you, Anna, for that. So yeah, for sure. Come live next Thursday, if you can, if you can make it because we are going to teach that which I'm so excited about. And I know some of you have been asking about that as well. So yeah, so super excited. Super excited. So okay, and with that, on that note what I want to dive into today, we've got some really great questions for sure, queued up and a couple of you want to chat with as well. So Rebecca, Rebecca, Valerie, I saw your questions. Definitely want to chat with you guys. So don't disappear on us. I'm just seeing who's who's in the chat here. So okay, so yes, all of the above everything that Hannah said reiterating that and I want to kind of chat really quick about lead magnet and email build an email list building. So in the chat if you can let me know first, I want to know, you know, how many of you do it does anyone have an email list? Do you you know, do you use an email list and what I mean by email list is you know, something like MailChimp something like you know, AWeber or there's 6 million different software's so let me know in the chat so I know kind of where to take this so that it's most helpful for you. meaning are you capturing emails in some way shape or form totally fine if you're not yet and totally fine if you've been doing this okay, Kristen says just got started pulling my emails into Mailchimp awesome made my first campaign but was waiting on critique to send it out. Yeah. And you know, what the like, send it out. You know, like I'm sure like, you know, the first of everything is really just you know, doing it just starting is totally fine. Not yet. So Sarah, but I need to Chris has just started to only have a few perfect so the starting actually is the hardest part. So getting that first email is like, figuring out all the tech behind it. And that's something that we can for sure help you guys with and by we, I mean, Jill, because I can't but so there's the content piece and there's a strategy piece so Okay, Valerie says Oh, Kristin said have 1000 emails so far. What? What? I need to pull pause for this. Okay. That's amazing. Okay, great. So that's that's a lot that's a lot of humans. So that's amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Okay, great. Valerie says I do have MailChimp with many emails in it but I haven't used it in a year or so cool. So what you're going to notice that's a great great distinction that's a whole other option. If you are in that boat then what you're going to notice when you first send out and trust we have done this many times where we've disappeared especially on our health side of things. And when you when you come when you come back you know people are gonna be like, who this right so what you're gonna notice is probably a much smaller Oh spin rate and much smaller click through rate, you know, all these nerdy internet marketing terms, all that means is a lot less people, you know, a lot more people being like, what did I sign up for? Who's Valerie again, right, which is totally fine. That's just kind of what comes with it consistency is key, but it is what it is when we get started, we want to just get started is is the the name of the game and then regain consistency. Valerie going forward, it'll be great. So noticing that, you know, if you had, let's say, let's take that out, you know, 1000 people example, you might notice that 250 of them are active, right? Okay, so let's see, let's see, let's see, where did that Oh, Rebecca says I have a mailing list of patients about 250 people, that's incredible. I really feel like that's, you know, plenty. And what that means is because the quality over quantity really, really matters with email lists. So let's talk about that for a second. Definitely, like in terms of numbers, oh my god, there's, there's a whole like, if you were to go down the Google rabbit hole about list, building an email list, and whatever online, you're gonna find sort of the, you know, this, you're gonna feel this, like, no matter what number it is, you're gonna feel like your email list is not big enough. And there's this like, email, list shame, or whatever it might be right, especially if you're in if you start talking to people about affiliates, and this, that and the other. And sometimes people want to know your email list size. Listen, don't bother with any of that. Like, the bottom line is, especially with what you guys are doing when you're not selling a $2 thing. Of course, I'm exaggerating, but you're not selling something that's really inexpensive. The number doesn't matter as much as the quality. So you know, having, you know, 250 pass patients, people that know like and trust you. And actually, I'll take it a step further. These are people that have bought from you. So this is a list of buyers right to use. I'm translating kind of, you know, private practice language, employee, you know, language, hospital language to internet marketing language, right. And these are buyers, right? These are people that have bought your thing, whether whether that thing was your time at the time, right, that thing was your hour, but these are buyers, this is a whole different type of 250 than 250 that opted in for my free cheat sheet. Does that make sense? So it so this 250 equates to I don't know, I mean, we'd have to figure out what the conversion rates are. But like, 1000, right, more so 1000s of people that opted in for a free thing. I'm a junkie. Okay, so I want you to like for sure. And actually, you know, Renda, who was a previous client when she did her 80,000 I'm sure some of you saw her testimonial, when she did her $80,000 launch, which really was only $80,000 Because after that, she was like, that's 4040 clients, and I got it, I need a minute. And I was like, absolutely close the doors, like take a minute, right, you got to create the darn thing. Now, that was from a list of I can't remember the exact number, but it was in that 200 range of past patients, that's where and she was an OB that that, you know, emailed her past, you know, 200 So then some patients, so that's huge. That's really, really significant. Okay, so, um, what makes sure okay, I'm seeing a couple a couple more comments. So I use Facebook for lead generation that got me about 30 emails, awesome. She care I love, you know, love that kind of quick and dirty start great. And you're doing awesome in terms of sales. So that's really the the important thing is like, you know, yes, you know, the front end funnel, right. And by the way, there are no silly questions. So as I'm talking, if I forget to translate something, if I say an acronym, that doesn't make sense, please put it in the chat. Chances are good that if you have the question 20 Other people do as well. So I will just, you know, flesh it out as I go. But I want you to think about you know, there really is, you know, you're going to start with that let that interest list, so to speak. And then it goes to you know, it eventually falls into those that are going to become clients, right. So let's say 10 People are interested, one person becomes a client. Awesome. Sounds great, right. And these are not exact numbers, we can talk about conversion rates and all that another time. One thing that I want to mention mention just because I know who we've got in the room, we've got a bunch of people that are very concerned as you should be about legality about making sure your i's are dotted T's are crossed, no one's no one's wearing an orange jumpsuit. So when you are doing things like pulling from your you know, like your iPhone contacts, and putting them into mainship, MailChimp, and all of that jazz. Also, I love Kristen, that you're using the term CSV file. That's great. Okay, so when you're doing all that jazz just unknow and understand get nerdy a little bit if you want to read through the MailChimp Like Terms of Service or whatever tool you choose to use, I'm sort of tool agnostic with this as with everything else, but MailChimp is probably what I would recommend you start with, it was what we started with back in the day, mostly because, and Gil, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but they're free up until 2000 contacts and which maybe, maybe that's still the case. And then also they're they're fairly simple, right? They're fairly simple to deal with. Honestly, I actually missed them in a lot of ways. We use Ontraport. Now, which I love, and we've been on there since 2015, but it's super complex. Okay, so I would definitely not recommend you start there. It's also really, really expensive. Um, a couple other people in the group that haven't mentioned. So repeating the question ahead. Again, if you haven't commented in the chat, I want to hear from you. Do you have an email list? What's going on? Jessica? Howard, Brittany, let us know in the chat, whoever else hasn't commented also want to hear from you. So okay, so with all that said, so in terms of the the terms of service and all that Making sure that you are not doing anything you shouldn't do. There is this thing called the can spam act definitely google it, if you'd like, go down that rabbit hole, you know, the TLDR. The too long didn't read on it is really you need to have consent to email people. So when you're grabbing, for example, a list of past patients, or whatever it might be, figure out what the best way to do that, in terms of this is a little bit all of this, I'm going to give you a little bit of a spectrum, okay. And what this means is, there's what's what, you know, the the legality, and then there's what you're comfortable with, okay with with just about everything. And I know, we have a couple of legal questions coming up in today's call, I want you to think about, you know, the, let's see, they're like, let me give you two options, and there's probably 6 million in between, here's one option, right, like, like, you could email like your Gmail contacts, right, you could email them all, you could, you could put them all in your MailChimp, you could just go ahead and add them all into your MailChimp, email them and say, Hey, if you want to opt out, meaning if you want to unsubscribe, click here and you can unsubscribe, what that's going to do is that's going to get you a good chunk of let's just use Christians numbers so that we can use easy numbers out of those 1000 people, let's say 100 of them decide to unsubscribe, you've got 900 people left. Now, I don't know that doesn't tell me anything in terms of how, how responsive these 900 are going to be or anything like that. But that's let's just play with those numbers. Now, option two, and there's 6 million options, right? Option two would be emailing those 1000 people and saying hey, would you like to opt in? You know, would you like to sign up for my MailChimp I'm starting this newsletter I'm starting this thing I'm you know, doing I'm capturing email addresses I get we can talk about wording of all that. But opting in versus opting out right now out of those 1000 what's likely to happen without instead of us ending up with 900 people, what's likely to happen is they're gonna be like, Why Why am I doing this? For what I don't know, I'm gonna get I don't even know what this is also in busy oh, I want to do it. Oh, my three year old needs something, oh, you know, squirrel, off they go. We're gonna end up with if we're lucky. 300 emails, right. And it's math, maybe even me being generous. So think about what you want to do my preference, I'm always you know, like, I'm what I'm talking to my lawyer my account, whatever I I ride the, the further into entrepreneurship I get. And maybe this is my third world upbringing as well. But I ride the the line of of risk pretty, pretty, pretty close, right? So I would rather do the first option, talk to your attorney, Google it, think about it, pray about it, do what you want to do. It's up to you, right, so figure out what you want to do. But the name of the get going forward, though, that's kind of what you want to do up until now. Going forward, for sure you guys need to be capturing emails in every, you know, in every possible interaction. If you're doing a free workshop in person somewhere, capture emails, do it however you want to do it on your iPad, do it on a piece of paper, do it however you want to do it get consent, of course, consent is the name of the game. And then you know, do it there's I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole, at least not today of single opt in double opt in, there's 6 million different options. Keep it simple, but capture emails, we're gonna get into the tech side of that another time. And by we I mean someone else on my team, in terms of how to use MailChimp, if you've got questions or anything like that, but what I want to talk about today is really giving people a reason to opt in. So another question for you guys to pop in the chat. Does anyone have for those of you that are capturing emails? Do you have a cheat sheet? Do you have what's called a lead magnet? Do you have anything in terms of a thing a reason why they should give you their email address, right? Because obviously, you know, like, give me your email address. Well, for what, you know, there's if you have a reason why it's gonna be much more compelling, the chances are gonna be a lot greater that they're actually gonna say, Sure, here you go. So I'm curious and seeing in the chat, so let me know in the chat right now, because that'll help me tailor this to you. I'm seeing in the chat from Brittany, I'm building it now. We only have 12 or so right now. Awesome. I wish I would have started sooner. Yes, that is literally I can guarantee you every single human on the planet will say that. And they're right, myself included. Every single person says I wish I would have started sooner. So for those of you like you guys are so it's such a great place, especially when you're starting just starting out. Like this is the beauty of it. You're starting out correctly. Like I can't tell you how many people like three years into their business will be like I've never collected an email address and it's like oh my God, so many humans lost. Okay, so I've added an opt in on my Facebook group questions fantastic. Love that and you know, we're going to give you a whole cheat sheet on this as well but take notes as always, I want to hear what your takeaways are after today's call building a landing page right now with a lead magnet audio training freebie five steps to take awesome, great, I love it. I love it. So yes, make it as legal as possible in terms of service, all that good stuff, you can definitely get Terms of Service and Privacy Policy templates. Those are easy peasy.
Sarah says I do an allergy cross reactivity chart awesome. And also I want you to think about you know when you have your freebies and all that, you know, like see how it's doing right like give it a few months give it you know, like not a few days, right a few months and see how it's doing and see if you need to refresh it. See if that's what See if something will work better, right? So think about that. I don't want you to tweak it, you know, tweak it constantly, you have much more important things to do. But that's something I definitely want you to think about. Okay, so a couple people that don't have freebies, awesome. It's a hook. Yes, it is. It's a it's a, you know, lead magnet is the technical term, right. But what it is, is it's a freebie, it's some reason a compelling reasons I'm going to share screen, I'm gonna show you a couple of them on our health site, just to give you a couple of ideas. And yeah, just want to have some reason why they're opting in. This is an additional strategy in terms of in addition to everything else you're doing, I still want you to focus for those of you that are on sales calls. And you know, again, getting sales is more important than getting than getting emails, right. So this is something that I want you to do in conjunction with that, but I don't want it to take away time from you actually doing your problem agitate solve and you getting sales in the door. Okay? Okay. Shakira said I sent them a free ICU nursing report. Okay, great, awesome, awesome, awesome. Something that is valuable to them is really what you need to what you need to create, right? So think about what is it that would be when you're thinking about your ideal client. And what would be great is go back to your module one, your two worksheets on module one, there's gold in there, right? Like don't reinvent the wheel, go back into their before and after? And try and get yourselves into the shoes of you know, when they first started. So for example, for us in this program, like mindset would probably not it mean, it's something our clients need, for sure. Right? Before they get started, I would even say, that's probably what they need the most. But and here's the really, really key, but it's not what they want, before they jump in, like you guys know, after being with us for a good amount of time, you understand the value of mindset, you understand why you would need that you understand? You might want more of that, etc. But before people jump in, they're like, No, I just need to know the I just need to, you know, it's just a strategy thing, right? So they might they might need, they might think they want something different. So remember exactly how we talked about in module one for your program, in terms of the wrapping paper and bow, that is the most important part more so than what's inside the box. Right? So what I mean by that is, if you're selling again, let me you know, take it all the way to the studs, something super simple. If you're selling weight loss, you know, it's the weight loss, not the broccoli and the treadmill, right, my example that I've been using for years, it really is. So it's not what they don't want the broccoli, they don't want the treadmill, they want the weight loss, okay, they might get the broccoli, they might get the treadmill, and I know there's 6 million other ways to do it. But you get the gist, right? So we want to make sure that it is you know, six tips to lose the water weight fast, you know, whatever, right? I'm like getting this on the fly. But I want you to think about what is it that they want? Okay, all right. Couple more things in the chat. And I'm going to share screen. Is there a way to collect emails from our Facebook group members? Absolutely. And team if you could help me out with that, if we don't already have a video on next. I know, I've showed it on screen before in terms of those questions when people jump in. If you can get back to Christa on that that would be that would be helpful. But yes, for sure. I want you guys to collect emails when you're creating your Facebook group for sure. For sure. Okay. So yes, if you have all of your past clients, Valerie, that is, you know, the most probably the most valuable thing I would much prefer 250 past clients, then, you know, 1000s and 1000s of people of random people that just happened upon your site, it's going to be much more valuable, if that makes sense. They're going to be much hotter leads much warmer leads than the cold traffic cold audience. Okay. So, um, data data, and as far as Okay, so let's let's, let's do this. So that so you know, again, the last thing, I'm not gonna get too too far into like legalities and all that, but you should be using a software like MailChimp or similar. Please don't use Gmail and put everyone on BCC. The most important thing if I can tell you only one thing, and I know this is basic, but I want to make sure it's clear. People need to have a way to unsubscribe, there has to be a way that they can themselves, hit a button, hit a link, do a thing, not email you but do a thing to get off that email list. That's the most important thing. It's not just a legal thing. It's an ethical thing, y'all. I mean, you I'm sure you've been on I've been on the occasional In other word, like, for example, in the duck and the dance world where everyone's kind of new at business every once a while I get put onto these things. And I'm like, Y'all, this violates so many different things you don't even know. But it's mostly just annoying, right? You want to be able to unsubscribe, no longer interested, no worries. And here's the other piece of it. And I would underline this, capitalize this or whatever. Don't take it personal. You guys, this is not this is no longer use. So as you're building an email, as you're building an audience, people will opt in and opt out all the time does not mean that they don't love you, when they unsubscribe, please don't get there is a way to get like emails, when people unsubscribe on MailChimp or whatever else, please don't sign up for those. It does nothing good for your mindset. And you and please assume only only positive assumptions is kind of my motto, no negative assumptions. Why? Because they're not helpful. They're not helpful. So understand that we've got people we've got even past clients that Adore Us and reach out to us for this, that or the other here and there and are no longer on our email list. Why? Because they're, they've they've they're three years ahead. Right? They no longer need our emails, right? So it's not personal. I want you to really, really, really, really take that in. Okay, so I want to really screenshare today, all I want to go over is just content and just a couple of ideas for you to do in terms of lead magnets, because we've had a lot of questions in terms of building your email. Melyssa want to make sure want to just give you a couple of where did it all go? Hold on a second, just a couple of ideas from our health site. Let me let me show you let me show you. Let me go to. Okay. And this is guys, first of all two things super basic. Okay, as with everything, I want you to keep it super basic, ugly, but functional is the way to go. This is where, you know, we've talked about design in the past. And I'm like and on Fiverr, for for something like this for designing a cheat sheet. Sure, use Fiverr. Right? Like, it should be simple, I want you to think about right now just grabbing a Google Doc, and you should be able to make a cheat sheet and an hour, okay, you should be able to, like knock this out in an hour, it should be that simple. It could be something as simple as what you would do a blog post on so I'm gonna just going to show you three examples. And then of course, if you have any questions on it, let me know. And then we're going to dive straight into your questions. Okay. So what I want to do first, this is just an email delivering that but I want to go first to our website, right. So what you're going to see when I land on our website, if you guys don't have a website yet, for anyone that doesn't have a website, do not panic, we're going to definitely give you ways to do this without a website. For right now just focus on the content, I'm scrolling down only because I want to trigger the pop up, deter there, it's possible that there's no pop up because I've already been on here a couple times this morning to grab the cheat sheets. So what you'll notice is you can either do a pop up or you can do something on the sidebar like this. So you can see the seven things your your you wish your doctor told you about, about IBS, this is one possibility. Here's another one, right the SIBO diet, like what to eat when you have SIBO, etc, right. So all I want you to have is I'm going to show you what it is. So you can either have it on a pop up again, we'll get into tech lead, or you can have it on a sidebar, if you have no website at all, we're going to create a lead page. And we're going to do it that way. Okay. So what this is, is, you know, again, a way for someone to enter their email address and get the thing, okay, and then once they enter their email address, they're going to get the actual, you know, cheat sheet or whatever else, I'm going to show you three of them that I've got what you know, super simple, what I want you to focus on right now and definitely pop any questions in the chat. This is just a very simple like, what to eat on SIBO. Right, this is a big, you know, this leads into our other offers. So I want you to think about for us, for example, we have a whole thing on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth on IBS. And so what you know, one of the biggest frustrations people have is I don't know what the heck to eat, it feels like I can't eat anything. So what is it in your thing in your field? What is it that is a frustration for people? And how can you solve that? Like, this is a very simple just Yes, no list. And then I'm going to I'm going to kind of show you what happens after this another time. But a very simple yes, no list like this can be created on a spreadsheet and minutes, we can design it later. And that this is all it is right? vegetables, meat, yes, no, etc. Okay, that's literally it. That's all it is. I'm going to show you two other possibilities. So think about it. So if you're taking notes, I want you to think about do you have a list that you can give them a list of either helpful supplements for your thing, either helpful tools, if you're doing something that's physical therapy, exercise wise, you know, the best tools to eliminate, you know, you know, to the best three exercises you could do at home to eliminate back pain, I want you to think about something really, really simple, the shorter the better. I would even argue that these 10 pages is way too much. So keep it to three, if you can, it just so happens that SIBO is complex. And it really and we do a lot of just page breaks on this for design purposes. But again, when we put this together, it was very likely content wise, three pages. Okay, cool. So two other options just to give you a little, just two other options I want you to think about it really is like if you've written a blog, post an article, anything like that, I want you to think about you know, literally just an article, like an article type thing that you can write that can become a cheat sheet. So for us, this is another one is the five biggest, biggest mistakes to avoid when treating SIBO. We tested this one out it did really well as well. So notice that this is just it's just like a blog post. Now I do mention of course, our paid solution, right you know, right away. But it really is a very simple article, it's just fleshed out design wise, but think about what five things you can you can do. Right? So these are this is what it is for us. Right not seeing a SIBO specialist not taking a prokinetic right away thinking about antibiotics alone would cut it the reason why like some of the some of the thinking behind this is because we have an herbal antibiotic, right we have a whole protocol that we recommend. So want you to think about something like five biggest, biggest mistakes. I'm only gonna give you three ideas for today. So list five biggest mistakes. And then where did I put my third one doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Here we go. seven things you wish your your doctor told you about IBS. So this was a play. Here's another like I want you to just think outside the box. So for us we really wanted to go after IBS intestinal bacterial, not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The irritable bowel syndrome, thank you. Okay, um, because 84% of IBS cases are SIBO etc. And so we wanted to kind of broaden the net we wanted to throw out to cast a wider net I catch people that had no idea what SIBO was right? So want you to think about that as another possibility, especially for those of you that have something that's a little more niche. I mean, I know everyone in their cousin knows now what SIBO is. But when we were doing this, it was fairly new in the, you know, health sphere. Yes. So I want you to think about what is your broader net? Right. So for those of you that help with Hormonal Health, like, is it just painful periods? Right, how can we how can we expand? Is it menopause, everyone knows about menopause, they perhaps won't know about, you know, kind of the intricacies that you're going to help with? Right, so So what can it be? Can it be a tip list? Can it be something that you wish your doctor told you about? So So again, this is super, super simple, we're going to get you all these, if you want to take a look at them in more detail. No worries, I want you to think about just an ugly Google Doc. Okay. And this again, this could probably be designed for $5 on Fiverr. So for now, I want you to just think about the the content itself. And then from there, technology wise, this is what it ends up looking like as people sign up, they get an email, I just signed up as test so that I can very clearly unsubscribe and not throw off the team. This is like the laziest email I've ever seen that it was written most likely by me. But it really can be this simple. Okay, and then later, we have a whole sequence. And we can get into that later in terms of how we take this. Now we take this email address, and there's a whole automation that triggers that, of course, we can get fancy later. So for those of you that mentioned, I'm going to show this real quick. I don't want to overwhelm anyone, it's possible I will. There's things you know, for those of you that have been running that have email list and are ready to take it to the next level, what you can do on thank you pages, let's see if I can actually find it on thank you pages for when they sign up. They can, they can upgrade, right. So like this is, for example, one of our thank you pages, where there's a video they can watch. And it is you know, they can they can sign up for you know, they can buy this this book, and then they get hit with another thank you page for a supplement and so forth and so on. Right? So we can go the upsell rabbit hole, or we can just hit No thanks. So I want you to think about that as like for those of you that are just starting out that do not have an email list that do not have a cheat sheet, I want you to ignore all of this. And I want you to simply focus on creating a cheat sheet so that we can also add the tech piece of it which we'll talk about at a different time in terms of how to capture that email how to deliver all that good stuff. For those of you that have been doing it for a while I do want you to think about can you upgrade your thank you page. And in in that case, for those of you that are ready for that, what I would suggest your thank you page upgrade be is honestly a link to book a call. You know, at the very least if you don't want to do that, at the very least join your Facebook group something right like give that make use of that real estate that thank you page is valuable. So what is the next step? If they express interest? They got your cheat sheet what's next? So want you to think about that. Cool. All right. I'm gonna leave it at that for right now. We'll talk more about this later. I definitely want to see your questions. Are there any questions? Hannah on this particular thing before we roll into the questions for today? Any questions? You guys pop them in the chat?
Any questions about cheat sheet creation lead magnets, anything like that? No. Okay. Cool. Sounds like sounds like we're clear. But um, yeah. And you know, if you want to brainstorm ideas, pop them in the Facebook group, happy to brainstorm ideas. But keep it simple. It's really like, you know, resist the urge to overcomplicate it, honestly, three things would be really like it can be you could literally have it done today. And I would actually like to know and it was, does anyone is anyone going to create it today? Because I think you should for those of you that have an email list, I would love to know if you're gonna upgrade your thank you page. Alright, let's roll let's let's roll straight into questions because I know we've got a lot of great ones today.
Right The first step is from Kira so here as where do we put our post our mission statements? What do we put on our existing website and Facebook? sighs I don't have an email list. How do you develop one?
Yes. Okay. So email lists, were chatting about that. So I'm gonna I'm gonna skip that one. I would say the mission statements everywhere. Everywhere, Kyra so what anything you've got any assets that you've got? Websites Facebook page, Instagram page, if you've got them, put them on there for sure. I would put them at the bottom of your emails. So I would have it as your email signature for sure. As well as a link to your Facebook group if you guys don't already have that please put it on there any any anywhere that people like the more the merrier like the the more places the better. Instagram bio, Facebook bio, anything I'm missing Hannah on that.
Yes, so some people also have LinkedIn that could be in your house right now. Wow. And so we actually come up with a quick and dirty google doc over here to kind of show you love it with screenshots of where you can put down all you have to do is go into your profile page for whatever that is to edit it to fit.
Yes. Okay, perfect. See team knows much better than I do. So yeah, see the chat. They're for what has popped in, which is awesome. Thank you panna for that, and I think, but also, I want you guys to get used to like, I want you to tell the Uber driver. Okay, I want this to come out of your mouth constantly as like what you do. So I no longer want you to say I'm an RN, you know, I want you to say I help x with y. Okay, cool. Let's keep going. Because I know we've got a few lengthier ones.
Right, so the next up, we also have a question from Kira, and she's asking about the purpose of late the laser call. Yeah, and what are the appropriate answers? So honestly, this could be anything. A while back we have I posted on Facebook saying that this could be using for mindset gifts or next steps and action plans or content questions or clarification, or even preparation for sales calls and Facebook Live practices. But since then, we also have used it for reviewing worksheets, and brainstorming or tech acts as well through like I can literally walk you through and visualize help you go step by step how to do certain things, or review Module Context and build up a plan for the next steps or just plain and simple using it as a confidence booster or reconnecting with your mission. So the possibility is literally almost endless, with the exception that I'm not a lawyer. I can't I can't get you out. We can. But other than that is up to you is a one on one time with a coach to to discuss anything you would like to share.
I love it. I love it. Love it. Awesome.
Right and next up we have from Michelle. So Michelle is asking. And I'm not so jiving with this during the pot part as I dislike to stir up the negativity and tough times for myself and others, in addition to not having a microcomputed at all. Can you address this? What are your thoughts?
Yes. Okay, I don't see Michelle on here. Um, so yeah, so the stirring the pot, I'm guessing that that is the agitate part of the problem agitate solve, so. And, Michelle, when you're watching the recording, you know, first of all, it's not just you, like if you're new to this style of marketing, you know, it's this is not new to you at all. And then you know, in terms of not having the program created, I almost feel like those, those are two separate things. So, okay, so first of all, I want you guys to think about it and pop in the chat cuz I would love to know, does anyone else, you know, struggle with the problem agitate solve with the 99 problems framework with doing a Facebook Live on that or even writing a post about that we'd love to hear. Okay, here's some yeses in the comments. Cool. So yeah, Michelle, you're definitely not alone. I, you know, I think you know, what's interesting. First of all, I want you guys to think about the fact that you only You really know how the sausage is made, you're the only one that really knows what you're doing. So questions that are similar that I've gotten in the past is like, should I do some other stuff? In addition to PA Yes. Should I post some, I don't know, fluffy rainbow pictures or whatever. Right? Some other type of content. And the reality is only this is content, this is helpful content, right? Only, you know, what you're doing and how, and in terms of, you know, because there's, there's a little bit like, I think some sometimes, you know, we think like we are
poking, you know, like, like, what's, what's the word I'm thinking of is like sticking our finger in a wound, right? With the agitation. Right? And I know a lot for you know, I think, you know, for mental health therapists and whatnot, depending on your profession in here, like for some of you, this is even more triggering than others. And I want you to think about the why behind this, because it's not just my answer will never be because it's effective. Okay, but well, it will never be only because it's effective, because for that matter, there's a whole bunch of cult building strategies that are also effective, right? There's a whole bunch of I mean, any tool can be used for good or evil, right? So yeah, like Google, neuro linguistic programming, you know, cult, you know, how cults are built and all that jazz. I mean, it's freaking fascinating from a human psychology perspective. And also, so, you know, so want you to think about, you know, while you're doing this, and I really want you to think about the fact that I mean, yes, of course, you know, we we want, you know, your program to be successful, we want you to be successful, we want you to have sales, all that good stuff. But I also want you to think about the fact that really, the, the short of it is, is that if you are not really diving into the depth of the problem, and this is both on a sales call, for example, and if you're, you know, in the introvert selling system next week, we're going to teach it same thing, same skills that we teach you for phone sales, we're going to teach you for DMS and all that jazz, if you're not going through the you know, finding out the problem part of that call where it's really a difficult conversation. And similarly in the problem agitate solve, if you're really not doing the agitate part. You're really doing your client a disservice. So I want to take it about like it's not about you for a second you're really doing your client a disservice. And the reason for that is because you and I both know that they are not going to get the NICU popped on Michelle's are answering your question. You're not you know, the client your client is not going to get the outcome or the result with a bandaid when they need surgery. Right. And I always like to exaggerate things because it's the best way To make a point. So I want you to think about, you know, the fact that you know, is is them getting a blog post? Is them reading a blog post going to solve all their problems? No, it's the beginning. It's what might create this, like, oh, maybe I've been thinking about this wrong, it might create that level of a breakthrough, okay, but they're not going to, from me likelihood, let's talk about percentages, right? likelihood of them grabbing a blog post and going, You know what, Rebecca is right? I'm going to change my whole life, here's how I'm gonna do it. I'm going to follow all these steps, I'm getting up tomorrow at six in the morning, Tomorrow's the day, I'm gonna do it all up, it got tough. And that's okay. I'm strong enough to do it by myself. You guys, like the reason your program is life changing. And I know it is because our coaches have been through it, you know, through your, your Google Doc with a fine tooth comb and have bounced it back to you with any changes that need to be made. You know, the reason for that is because you've got this time, you've got this container, you've got this code, they're able to ask questions. So whether it's a coaching call, or email, or there's all these different types of support that you have, in addition to your brilliant content, if they're not going to get into your program, if that's not the case, if that's not true, if you don't feel that we either we have to Broadway, we have two possible problems, we need to work on your program, or we need to work on your mindset, because you need to understand that and believe that and feel that and have the certainty of that, before we can even address any of this before a sales call is gonna go well, before your marketing is gonna go well, any of that, right. So so so you know, you have to be solid in that, okay. But from that, if, if that's the case, if your program is going to is right for this individual, right, if your program is right for this group of individuals, so for this individual, if I'm talking to someone on a sales call, and I know, her name is Jane Doe, and I know it's gonna help her because I know her situation great. Or if I'm talking on a Facebook Live, and I don't know what 25 People or 350 people are watching this, but I know that it is right for this particular type of group of people. And that's who I'm talking to. And that's who will stick around because it will resonate with them, everyone else is gonna fall off, right? Any plumber showing up to our Facebook Live is going to drop off. So I want you to think about I want you to think about that. If this is the solution that they need, what is it that I need to what mindset shifts, what shifts in beliefs do they need to make or have before they are ready to do the work before they are ready to jump in and do this right. And that is ultimately what you're doing with your problem agitate solve, it's also what you're getting at through your find the problem part of your sales call or in your introvert selling system, DMS, you're really going to in depth you really want to show them like for example, if they're, you know, let me let me pick a topic and pick a problem. If their marriage is on the brink of divorce, you know them leaving that phone call or them leaving a notice I'm kind of answering this in both because the same problem, right? It's either on a phone call, or them leaving the Facebook Live thinking they don't have that big of a problem. If you are there to give them their their a pat on the back. They're not going to do anything to fix it. They're going to get further and further and further into that problem. Does that make sense? So similarly to i Where did I share this I'm having deja vu Oh, I did it on the virtual conference. Some of you guys might have not been there, I told a story I haven't really told all that often. In terms of you know that that sort of misdiagnosis that I got in that like, you know, Doc telling me like, Hey, you're gonna be you know, you're gonna end up in a wheelchair, if you keep this going. That for me was what I needed at the time for me to make a huge change in my diet and lifestyle. Now, if he had instead told me, this was a, you know, one on one console across the table, if he had instead told me like, hey, I really think I recommend that you, you know, try out, you know, being gluten free for 90 days. And let's see how that goes. Do you notice how those are two completely different conversations? I would have left them in like, I that's great. But the kids want pizza on Friday? So I don't I mean, I'll do my best. Do you understand how there's two completely different mindsets that I'm in based on those two different conversations? So I want you to think about, I want you to think about that. Does that resonate with you guys? Like let me know in the chat if like if this if you're picking up what I'm putting down? Because if I need to say the different way I'll say it a different way, but I want you know, yes. Okay, cool. Michelle, that's awesome, especially since it's your question. Okay, good. Yes, Jessica. Awesome. So yeah, I want you to think about in terms of what you're doing, I want you to think about this is, you know, doing it from a position of, I mean, yes, it's an effective marketing tool, tshirts and effective sales tool. Fantastic. There's a million others. The reality is I want you to think about this is what your client needs, what they need is there's not enough tough talk, there's not enough real talk in the world. And you might be the first person even though they've seen 18 people before you, you might be the first person to shoot it to them straight and be like, You know what, what you're doing isn't working and you've been doing it for 18 years. And if you keep doing it, you're gonna get the same results how you like them apples. Okay, so that's kind of the conversation that we're having. And I want you to do that with carrying Curiosity and concern I want you to you know, phrase out appropriately I want you to do you know, like when we when we talk about doing the agitation like a lot of times you'll notice me saying things like that's not your fault you know, like this is because you know, we've been sold this idea or whatever it might be so do the same right with your clients like it's not about hammering them over the head repeatedly. That's not going to work either doesn't make anyone feel really good and doesn't really make them want to tomorrow, jump in and fix everything. But I want you to think about what is needed for them to make a change, and having lovey dovey conversations that lead to oh, I'm doing pretty good. And then leaving your Facebook Live or leaving your phone, your your phone call your sales call, thinking that they've got this on their own. If they don't, and you know, they're headed towards a cliff, that's you're doing them a disservice. And so I want you to really think about, you know, that's you stealing from the people that need you most. And if you do that reframe in your head, and you're like, oh, okay, I don't want to be. That's a, that's a Richard move. I don't want to I don't want to do that. So I want you to think about, you know, like, what can you do to serve them and oftentimes showing them the truth, showing them the, you know, the hard truth, oftentimes is exactly what you need to do. Cool. Does that help with that part? And I know there's, there's a second part. Okay, cool. Cool. Okay. Michelle says, Great, awesome. So in the second part, in terms of not having your program created at all, I'm going to do this briefly, because I know I've mentioned this before I and I, and we could totally do. So not next not next call, because we're doing introvert selling system, but I could do an A cool thing on program creation, and I think I will. But I really, really, really strongly suggest that you don't create anything, you know, until you have a client because it will change. Okay, Sarah says yes. Okay, awesome. Yeah, then let's do it. Well, we'll just pencil that in for the very next time we see each other. So, you know, I strongly suggest that you don't create anything chant, because it's going to change. So your program, your table of contents, your roadmap that Google Doc is your program, okay? It is what you're going to start off, you know, from, so I want you to sell from there, I want you to give yourself two weeks, or whatever it is that you feel that is appropriate in terms of the start date, and then from there, you're going to create it live with them. Okay, so I want you to think about that. And so from the selling piece, and from this integrity piece, I want you to think about that. And feel free to say all of those things, like be in integrity, I don't want anyone you know, pulling wool over anyone's eyes or anything like that I'm not into any of that jazz, I want to make sure like, be really transparent. Like when you're reaching out, I forget who it was, I think it was Rebecca maybe was saying that was that you have 250 past patients, like I want your email to be as simple as this, like, Hey, I'm creating a program, it starts on the 15th. And we're gonna create it together, you know, we're gonna build it as we go, which is awesome. Because you get to, you know, help me build this out and roll up, we're rolling up our sleeves together. So that means I get to pivot with you to make sure that it is the best possible program. And because of that, you're also going to get it at the lowest rate it will ever be. All of those things are true. Okay, so I want you guys to think about that, in terms of that is why I don't I don't want you to create a program until you have some people that have paid you money, because chances are really good that your program is going to change and you're going to have wasted so much time and energy. Okay. And I've seen that time and time again, if it gives you a mini heart attack, then create module one. That's my exception module one, if that makes you sleep at night, that's totally fine. Okay, let's does that help? Does that help? Michelle, any clarification on that, you know, you have two other questions. So I want to make sure we get to those which he or she is okay, cool. Yes. Okay. Um, Hannah, hit me with the two other questions from Michelle.
Sure. Number two is is there a specific program you recommend for taxes and financial planning to stay organized from the get go?
Yeah, so nude identity. Okay, so I'm not I'm not a CPA. I love the idea of getting keeping staying organized from the get go. And I also want you guys to keep it really simple until you've made $1 There's nothing to financially plan, you know. So I want you again, I really want to make sure that we're going into like, just for you, Michelle, in particular, just because you're asking the question, I want you to stick on sales and marketing, sales and marketing, sales and marketing. Now, you could literally start with a spreadsheet. My one thing that I would say as a recommendation to get started is keep things separate. So yes, once you've made your first dollar, like go create your go create a business checking account, right, keep your finances separate, you can absolutely you know, I would recommend once you're making real money, go hire a CPA. But you know, what we use is QuickBooks we have a an accountant these days, we have a bookkeeper as well. As the most important thing, the thing that's hard to do later is go separate things. So keep your business expenses separate, and keep your business income separate from your personal. And in the beginning, if you don't want to go create all kinds of different accounts and go spend all day at the bank which I don't think that's a great use of your time, I would just say just your market. Okay, so that means keep receipts keep them separate. Like that could be a as simple as a Gmail folder, I want you to keep it really simple or a folder, print a PDF, and throw it on a folder on your computer. If you'd like analog style, print it, throw it in a manila envelope or whatever you want. And in terms of the money coming in, that should be really really easy in the beginning because it is a clean $2,000 There's not all these different $25 sales, it's a really clean $2,000 Right? So you get 234 of those Shakira, I see you in the room, you've already made several sales. So my advice to you would be different. My advice to you now that you've made several sales is have make sure you have that business checking account. Make sure you have you have you know have like your business, credit card or whatever that's separate and make sure that that's what you're going to use to pay for any tool subscriptions etc. Just to make your accountants life a little easier than the year make your life a little easier at the end of the year. But you can very simply like sign up QuickBooks Online and put it in there. So that would be my quick and dirty. Okay. Awesome. You're already ahead of the game. Love it. Okay, cool. That's on that one quick and easy.
Yes. And last one, is there a way we can do Facebook Lives and half the text copy itself? So we are not taking the transcript out?
So, Facebook Lives will automatically add closed captioning. But are you saying you want like a typed out transcript after you've done
the Facebook Live?
Yeah, that's correct. Because I've noticed some people do Facebook Lives and then they come back in. And all of a sudden, like, everything they've said, on their Facebook Live is all typed out. And I'm like, What the heck? I'm like, did they go back and type? Oh,
no, no, no, you could use you can use
a transcription service like or It they do cost money, but then you don't have to sit there and type the whole thing out that way. And if you want the subtitles to show up on your video, there's a way to do that in the Facebook settings as well. But if you want a transcript, I would recommend using a service.
Yeah, so I would probably start with just the the free version on that Facebook offers for the subtitles for sure. Michelle, I think that's probably plenty. But yeah, Joe what can you pop those to the otter and the rev just so that the links are on there? I think that would be plenty it just having the subtitles Michelle. And definitely don't be typing anything. yourself.
Yeah, it wasn't I wasn't aware that Facebook Live had a free version of it. Um, I cuz I go back, I do the lies. And then I actually go back and then I type in bullet points.
uh huh. Yeah. So you can so are we talking about the same thing? Because there's bullet points like in your actual post, like, like your title, and you're saying, Hey, I'm going to talk about these three things. And those are three bullets. You could type out for sure. But you're talking about the exact words that came out of your mouth. Right? Exactly. Yeah. For that part, I would say I would go with what Jill said, the subtitles that come with Facebook automatically. I wouldn't spend any more time than not from. Thank you. You're welcome. My pleasure. All right. Let's rock and roll, Hannah.
All right. Next up, we have two questions from Valerie. So Valerie, as I had a phone call with your attorney today, she said the best way to keep business separate from the course is to have a separate website with business, do you think is a good idea? Or is too much doing right now?
Yeah. So yeah, I mean, it's, you know, like I said, attorneys are classic Elizabeth as well, she already knows how I roll. She's always like, this is what I would do. And they're you know, attorneys and CPAs are the most conservative, and that's their job, right? Their job is to find all the possible ways that there's one crack and something that you could fall possibly fall through. I would say, I would delay it, you know, I would delay it till you're making money. Basically. That would be my my, you know, my suggestion in that you might pivot, right. So if you go create a whole, that's my whole thing is like, I just hate for you to have wasted time and money. So you might pivot what your program is, you might pivot the title, you might pivot, the name, the URL, all that good stuff. So I would say probably get your first, you know, few clients in and then from there, then yes, go create a new website. Yeah, does that help? And then just decide, like, you know, if you want to go the super conservative route, and do it right now and spend the money and time that's fine, too.
So when you're talking about like, the what we were talking about earlier, like the cheat sheets? Yeah. So that's not on a website.
So yeah, so that can be on your website. So if you have a website already, that can be on your website. So that would be like Valerie, forward slash five mistakes, right? You could, you could put it there. Or you could use something like lead pages, which you'll can type that URL in the chat. You know, and you can do something like lead pages. And that could be its own thing. You could also do both. You could also use lead pages, which I would recommend unless you guys want to get you know, fancy with design, it's like $37 a month. And you can you can, you know, have a nicely designed page on your site. Yeah, okay.
So that's actually on your would be on my website, it would
be on your I would I would have, if you have a website, I would use it for those of you that don't have a website, you can usually pages on its own, but if you have a website, I think it's just going to give you more, you know, you're going to use that asset, they're gonna be able to go click onto the about page and be like, Oh, okay, you know, even so as long as it's not completely unrelated
No, yeah, I because she was talking about to like, you don't want to do specific diagnoses and I'd have like specific diagnoses on my website. That's why I'm like a little bit nervous. Like, right, right.
Yeah, I totally get it and so you know, so when you're one on one you do do those specific diagnoses and with this you don't Well again, I mean, you know, I think I totally agree with her in terms of that's the cleanest way to do it, but I don't see how there could be a problem as long as you're using the correct contract you're using the correct on that, you know, using the correct language on the phone in terms of you're not operating within your license, you're operating you know, you're selling a group coaching program, you're not doing you're not operating as a practitioner. You know what I mean? Like, you cannot delegate treat or cure anything the usual.
Okay, yeah, I would just say web guy take something off something similar like that, like last week. So I'll just have them add something back in.
Yeah. I mean, you know, it's really your comfort level. Like, I really feel like if on that page, I mean, I agree that having you know, the more separate things, the better. Sure, but I think if on that page, you're very clear. And you even say like, this is, you know, a group coaching program. This is, you know, not intended to diagnose, treat or whatever, right, make sure you have the right disclaimer in place, I think you're going to be fine. And then and also for all of us, you guys, like in terms of CPAs, lawyers, all that good stuff. As soon as you are making money, then yes, please go do it. Go create a separate bank account, go create all of that, like all of the above, once you you know, this is pro business level stuff, I just don't want you to do these 25 things that are going to bankrupt you. As you're not, you know, you haven't made you haven't brought in a client yet. Because I feel like that's putting the cart before the horse. I feel like once you've got a client, we're like, Okay, this idea is actually happening. We're executing on this great, make your first few $1,000 Then go reinvest the whole of it, you know, back into your business if you want. Yeah. Cool. Does that help? Yes. Awesome. All right. Let's go to the next one.
Yeah. Second question from Valerie, she asked, I have trouble deciding on support for my program, I have it narrowed down to a private Facebook page, live group q&a and help tickets and leaning towards the live group q&a to help tickets. Because I have a private Facebook page for my business. I did nothing with it. I'm concerned about having one is like q&a with help tick is enough help.
That's plenty of help. Yeah, that's plenty of help. The only thing you know, like the only thing missing from that would be that group component and the community. But you can decide to add that later. It's always easy to add support, it's really difficult to take away support. So I think a live q&a with help tickets is perfect.
So meaning I don't do I not build a Facebook page then at all for it or
so. So I don't so you're I think you're talking to a group, right? Like a Facebook group, like we have. Yeah, like a private one. Where Yeah, I mean, I would, I would love it if you did, because I feel like that'll give them the community aspect. But is that is that giving you is that feel stressful? Does that feel like too much to manage?
Well, like the I was kind of thinking the private one, because then I would I would be the one that would have asked it. So I guess the dip is the differences between like, there's a private Facebook page, and then there's a not private one. Right?
So yes, um, Joel, can you help me with the wording on that? Because I, you know, they feel like they've changed it a million times. So we're talking about like, the free group versus the client group.
Yeah, exactly. So like, your client group is a private Facebook group that people can't find it's private and hidden.
Okay. And then the, and then the free group is basically it's not public, because if it was public, then everyone could see what's in it, it's somewhere in the middle, what's the terminology for that, and you can
find the group the groups, but they can't see any of the content unless they've been added to the group, right?
Okay. But both of them require adding so both of them you can't like just join and jump in and do whatever you want by yourself. They both require moderation. So you're
saying definitely have the free group, but not necessarily that client one or both?
I mean, I would love for you to have both but if that feels totally overwhelming, you can add that later. You know, so the purposes of each of those the big one, the free group is you know, marketing and it's still working better like this may change on a dime like Facebook does. But there's it's still like getting more play getting more visibility, then a whole bunch of other things. So I think it's a great place for you to do your PJs. I think it's a great place for people to invite their friends. It's a great place for a lot of those things. I think the private one, the the what I love about it is it gives them a chance to connect with each other. Okay, so I don't feel like it needs to take that much time from you. But if it feels totally overwhelming, you can add that later on if you want. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Okay, good. Awesome. Awesome. Great questions. All right. Let's keep going.
Next up we have from Krista she asked, What are your thoughts on tailoring and you've a few modules of the course to special populations for clients buy courses we help women reduce fatigue PMS and period problems and a half of my first two sales calls and women have complete different issues that happen you know, like we have different nutritional needs and I have a feeling that this trend will continue as you talk to more more woman. So if I made specialized modules for populations of women, it would be like someone that has already been diagnosed with PCOS then there will be some different nutritional modules then someone with regular cycles with painful periods.
Okay, so great question Krista. I think um, yes and no. So yes, I love the idea of having like different videos that are for specific people I wouldn't do I wouldn't complicate your life and have it be like almost like different modules and they're only sent this and whatever. No, no, let it be a library. and let it be like, for example, if you're like, if Module three is nutrition, then have it be that you have a video, that's if you've been diagnosed with PCOS, this is for you, if you're in menopause, this is for you if you're this and that this is for you. And that way you're not doing like any like, like you're not running accidentally somehow, like three sub programs or something, you just have the one program, but it is a little bit tweaked based on those different needs. So I think it was great. And if you have these to like, go into those sales calls confident because you know, like, this is part of the beauty I would for all of you guys like this is part of the beauty of like, Oh, that's awesome. I didn't even think I was gonna create this one, four, you know, this particular thing. And now I will because I've got you in there. And if you don't join, I won't create it. Does that make sense to create it as you go and as you find the need? So let me know if that helps Krista?
Um, yeah, can
you hear me? Yes, I can perfectly
okay. Um, yeah, that does help I was. So when you say there's like a library? It's like starting out? Aren't we just emailing them? Exactly, like a login website? So like, let's say that the person with, you know, these two different people joined with two different problems. Yeah. And what I just send them the specific video that I made? No, I would still send them both of like, yeah, both nutrition ones and say, Hey, this one might be more geared towards you. But here's both of them.
These are not individually as a great question. I'm glad you're asking this. Because these are not individual emails, I want you to build those emails so that they can literally even if you have one person joining the group, I want you to build those emails as they can go to everyone. So that email when I get to, like I just made up Module three is nutrition. Module three is gonna be like if you you know, if you've been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian, you get this and if you know, like, but yeah, it was not individual.
No, so maybe make a couple of nutrition videos or whatever, for example, and, and just send them both. But in the video, I would say exactly, you've been diagnosed with PCOS, this would be more geared towards you.
Exactly. And I would, what I do think is helpful is make sure that the above the video or the title of the video is very clear. So I won't even watch it. If it's not for me. And then and that you like I do, I am a big fan. And this is for all of you guys. I'm a big fan of if we can do multiple if we need multiple 10 minute, 15 minute videos, versus 145 minute video much, much more a fan of that. So they can go straight into the one that's on them and ignore the ones that are not for them. Okay, okay, yeah. And that way, you've got that like email built out, because that email, those emails I send out are literally going to be your copy paste to go into your membership site as soon as you have that.
Gotcha. Okay, at what point do you recommend doing a membership site?
I would say make money first. So always my answers would be make money first. Um, honestly, I would run your entire first run of your program, let's just say you have an eight week program, I would run those, like, I would basically if and when you have the bandwidth in week six. Like for us, that's pretty much what we've done. And that's considering I feel like I've got more bandwidth because I've got team, right. So when I'm adding in bandwidth is time Money Team, really the important part of that is team or I don't have to do it all myself. So for a lot of our clients running that first program is a lot because you've done the marketing sales, and you're now you're doing the delivery and the content creation. That's probably a lot. So I would I would say if you don't even get to this till you know, and again, you're doing rolling enrollment, right? So you're sending out those emails and whatnot. And so I would say if you're doing this at the 90 day mark, great, you know, but make sure you make money first because that's, that's number one. Number two, a lot of content changes are going to happen in that time, which is a little bit messy. And that's exactly what we expect. It's perfectly fine. But then that way, you can actually put it in there and be like, Okay, this is what this is what it's ending as, and it's still 1.0 You know, okay, yeah. Okay, thank you. That's helpful. You're welcome. My pleasure. All right, let's roll. I know we're gonna we're gonna keep you guys just a wee wee bit late, just a few minutes late. Thanks for hanging in.
Alright, so next up we have from Jessica and Laura. So they asked, we are having difficulty narrowing down to support for our program, we feel this age group, they're working with young girls, by the way, needs a little bit more hand holding and guiding as do their parents. Considering the populations for teen and young adults. How can we provide them with a personalized experience without overwhelming ourselves and them? Yeah,
for sure. So great question. Missy. Jessica is on so Jessica and Laura. Great question. Good to see you too. So yeah, so I kind of got the scoop in terms of what support you guys were offering. It was It sounded like you were gonna offer the kitchen sink. Are you gonna be like Jessica's gonna fly to your house and live with you for three months. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you get the gist. I you know, here's what I know about support is it's really, really easy to add. It's really difficult to take away so I do think that you know, the support package of sorts that you had was too much So I do totally agree that your your population might need a little bit more hand holding in terms of all of that, like, what feel what felt when you got the feedback from coaches like what felt sort of easy to take away? Like, what are we down to now?
I don't know. Sorry. Hold on a second. I had two things going.
Do you want? Do you want us to pop your second profile off? Maybe Jill can go, could you boot out the second? Jessica? Maybe that'll help.
There we go. Let's see.
Yes, awesome. So yeah, so what do you have now, like q&a calls, and then you were going to put a cap on that. I'm emailing and Facebook support was going to be a 24 hour turnaround that, if anything, I have more of an issue with the turnaround promised. Then I do with the email and Facebook supporter.
Okay. And I feel like that's an easy switch. Okay. Yeah. And,
and, and feel free to over deliver, but I just want to make sure that you're setting it up to where if one of you has a sick day or whatever you're not, you know, at the hospital or trying to, you know, respond to an email
full time working in other jobs. Right. Yeah, that's, that's a recipe for disaster. No, they're like, Okay, we need to rethink this. Yeah,
so none of you like and they speak for the whole entire program, like no one is providing 911 support. And none of you like, this is not what this is. Right. So like, and I know you guys know this in terms of like, most of you have it on your voicemail, even if this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911 applicable here, too. So understand that, you know, like, you know, what I would what I would probably do, here's an exercise that might help you because I totally relate to this. And this was me. And by the way, I'm a workaholic in recovery. So I get it, because I like want to do the things you know. And when hiring employees, this has been really eye opening, because of course, I didn't want them to do it. Like all of a sudden, it was so much easier to be like, well, of course, our employees aren't working evenings and weekends. Like that's insanity. Right? And our employees have flex time and whatever else, right? So it's like they get you know, like you have to so i want you to think about like when you have employees, what would be reasonable? And think about it if you have only one employee, right? And then unless because like, it sounds like you and Laura are willing to put yourself through the wringer. But would you do that to your employee? Like would you not allow them to have a sick day? If your employee had to be out of the office on a Tuesday? Would the whole business come like crashing down? You know what I mean? So if you think about it from that, from that realm, it's so much easier, it's so much easier, because we're harder on ourselves, but then think about like, no, that's actually insanity. That's not the business we want to build. Yeah. So I would build in that 48 hour turnaround, perhaps or whatever, whatever it might be. And I would actually call it I wouldn't even say 48 hours, I would say two business day. Right? So that that excludes weekends, like No, there's nothing that needs to happen on a weekend. Now if for you, it works best to work on weekends, then great, but I would still keep it at you know, two business day turnaround and know that if you want to try and do it within one awesome, over deliver for sure, feel free. And you're going to find that easier when you have very few clients and then it might then you might really there might be times where you need to lean on that on that. To business, a turnaround when we first start when we had help tickets, for example, part of that was needed, because sometimes were helped tickets that were more in depth where we really needed to kind of brainstorm as a team. And we needed that extra time of being like, I don't know, what do you think, you know, did that before we could reply? So give yourself that as well.
Okay. And with that population? Have you found us a nick, your experience of doing this? A model that worked? Well,
so are you doing is that is the feedback and support into like, separate? So you're doing feedback to the kid and to the adult? Or is the feedback together? The feedback
would primarily be to the student. Okay. Okay.
So what I've found, if that's if that's the case, what I found is that, you know, it does help to sort you're a little bit doubling the work in terms of that support already, so that that's another reason why not to overwhelm it, is to really because you know, better than I do, like you got to speak to them differently. So I think what's what seems, you know, what seems to have been helpful, I'm just thinking in terms of like, our client that did an LGBTQ youth program and you know, a few other situations is like if the if the youth is the primary client, so to speak, is really kind of tailoring the response to them. So using whatever mode of communication they're used to, it's I you know, better than I do, but I would assume just from having reached three kids from 23 to 11, it's it's a little bit of the TLDR. Right, like a little bit of short and sweet. They have very short attention spans, keeping it short and sweet. And then for the parents, giving them the looping them and keeping them in the loop like the bullet points of what is it that they need to know this is what we worked on? This is where we're headed, you know, something like that. Does that resonate for your programming your clients?
Yeah, I mean, we were thinking for the parents more doing like just that we're doing the Facebook group more for the parents where we get information, because we figured that way, and then they could kind of work help each other. But we could monitor it from time, you know. But yeah, because the kids don't use face. They
don't want Facebook. Yeah, of course, they're like on Snapchat, tick tock. Yeah, whatever the heck is next? Yeah, I agree. Well, I really like the idea. I mean, that's actually perfect, though. Because then then the parents will also feel like they can have a safe space of sorts where the kids are not there. They're not going to be there. And they can talk to each other. So I like that idea of like, they have their own community. And then is there a way? And I don't know, is it even valuable? I mean, you tell me for the kids? Like, would it be valuable for there to be a what are the kids using these days? A Snapchat group? Is that a thing? This court? This score? That's right. That's right. There you go. So like, you know, is that helpful? Would that be helpful? Or, you know, yeah, to put them together or not.
And so for like, the q&a is, we were thinking more of like a feedback call, because a lot of the stuff would get them it's like a self program to promote self awareness. So it'd be a lot of kind of like thinking things through IDEA was like that on the weekly coaching call for that really to be like for feedback and to get where they are to share with each other. But then we were thinking like, for both in the mental health realm, so I think small group like eight to 10 students, and Hannah's like, yeah, you're going to be doing like 25 hours of just these calls, if that's the case. So she had recommended me breakout groups. And then we got whatever you're nervous about liability if kids are like, right, right.
I saw that as well. So So here's the thing, first of all, on the number of kids, that one, I would literally kick that problem down the road a little bit, I wouldn't, because you know, you're for and I totally love for all of you guys. Like you guys are so good at being thorough and of like, anticipating, like, how is this going to look like? What's the 10 year vision? I would say, get your first client in and then we'll worry about is 10 too much? Do we need to cap it there? Or what? So I wouldn't worry about that I wouldn't I wouldn't like make a decision on are we going to cap it at eight to 10? Or what I think you're going to notice that you can handle a lot more than than you think and and that it's going to be more valuable for them. Because I think having a bunch of kids in the room that actually are struggling with the same thing is going to be really great. I do think there's like we could we could put a pin in this and think about it some more. But I do think it would be really valuable. Since we're giving the parents a place to hang out on a Facebook group. I think it'd be cool if we could connect the kids somehow. So whether it's a discord group, or even if they've got to learn and download Voxer, they all have iPhones or whatever, some way where they can all be. I think that would be helpful. I do think so what else were was coming up on that. On the liability front? I mean, I think that that's a conversation with a lawyer for sure. You know, just to give you a peace of mind, I think that that's a quick, you know, quick consult with a lawyer. And again, knowing that lawyers are very conservative, she's going to tell you, you know, all the different worst case scenarios, but I think if you have the correct protections in place, you know, you have the right contract in place. And of course, you know, what is your what is the sort of, you know, what's the, what's the standard? Like, when do you need to refer out? Like, when do you have someone with, you know, suicidal ideation or whatever it is where it's like, this is no longer within the scope. This needs a different, you know, different way to handle it. Right. Like, you know, kind of what that is. But I would I would suggest having make sure making sure that your contract is, you know, set and in place for that. I wouldn't worry about it, I wouldn't worry about it beyond that. Okay, all right.
Yeah, that was it, it wasn't a breakout group or on a Facebook page or something like that, and made statements and if we weren't in that specific group at the time, how would that kind of play? Yeah,
well, that and I see that, you know, like, I'm sensing a lot of anxiety around that, like, understand that, you know, you can't like you can't police a group 24/7 If you I mean, if it really made you more comfortable, you could absolutely change the setting. So that, you know, you have to, like all posts have to be approved by you before they can go like and if that's how you need to baby step into it, go for it. In general, you know, I feel like I you know, I don't know, I think that detracts from the value of like, I love that, you know, you guys are able to, you know, communicate on evenings and weekends, which is when a lot of times when you're free and doing this, and our team is not available that right. So, you know, again, we just trust that we filtered properly on the front end that no one's gonna pop off and act crazy at three in the morning. Because if they do, we're not gonna see it till Monday at 9am. And that's okay. Like, you know, it's like take a deep breath on that and and also know that if it does happen, then you'll deal with it appropriately that you have the tools and bandwidth and whatever. Like there's, I don't know of any business that has a human moderating 24/7 It's unsustainable, you know, so I wouldn't dress rehearse tragedy on that kind of thing. And same with breakout rooms and all that. I like it as an idea, but I would say let's do tackle that problem later down the road. I don't know that right now. And if you are going to do that, then you're going to need more support. So that's, you know, when we're talking about okay, now you're making money, you're gonna hire someone, that's fine, but I think that that's a later problem.
Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.
So for now, I mean, we might not have, like, narrowed now or narrowed it down to like, exactly what it's gonna end. But it sounds like we've agreed that you're going to lengthen your turnaround time, right? Yeah. Okay, cool. Um, I honestly don't even know, like, I would, I mean, on the Facebook responding front, I don't know that I would even promise anything on that. I feel like, you know, especially if you're, if you're concerned with a certain volume, it's really easy to get lost in there. Okay. So you know, our team and our coaches and myself, we're in there as much as we possibly can. But we don't promise Facebook replies, and part of the reason for that is like it would be it would be easy to miss stuff. So it's like there's other appropriate channels, when you want feedback from a coach. There's the critique calls or the q&a calls or whatever, right, there's a million different ways to access us. But that's not a guaranteed one. Like it's great for brainstorming and all that jazz. But it's, it's possible when this stuff, so I would change those two things. You have the live q&a, you're going to do a Facebook group for the parents, let's think about what you can do as far as putting the kids together, which I think would be really cool. Something that they would actually want to use would be great. And maybe something that they already know how to use. So going with that possible discord. I know my 11 year old is on there. I have no idea what the app even is, but I hear it. They're playing Roblox on there. I don't I don't know. And I know my 23 year old is on snapchat all the time. There's snap in this, that and the other. So, um, man, that makes me feel so old. So. Yeah, so I think I think figuring that out would be good. Okay, but how does that feel like, does that feel like you're letting go of a lot, because you can always add by the way, here's the here's the like, the blankie, I'll give you his like, you can add all of this. If you feel like you're four weeks into the program, and you feel like you need it. Just add whatever you want to add. But I think let's start with something that is a little more doable, because this sounds like a way to for you and Laura to end up in someone else's program on burnout.
Like, that's what we're trying to get away from. So like, the feedback
is, it's too much. Yeah, it's, it's and it's way too much. I would I would I would argue,
yeah. And then just so for the emails for the two business day turnaround time, we put that just like Monday through Friday.
Yeah, so businesses are Monday through Friday, so that already I you know, it's Yep, that makes us the same. And the reason I use that terminology is because that means also if there's a holiday, there's a holiday, you know, so our team has paid holidays, like a ridiculous amount of holidays, and also PTO and whatnot. And we have multiple people but think about we always started with one person. So if that one person was out or sick or whatever else that meant I was going in there. So think about it based on that. Right. So if it's you and Laura, I mean, think there's two of you. But yeah, think about I would say two business day turnaround, you always want to come in under that. But just promise to yourself. And if you plan on doing weekends, because you feel like doing weekends, or that's what works best for you, then cool, that's fine. But I would I would not necessarily promise that that makes sense. Yeah, give you like for all of you guys, I want you to really think about you know, and for those of you that didn't watch the weren't at the virtual conference, like if you want to like a refresher on that or whatnot, send an email to the team and we'll get you the recordings. But like I talked a lot about, you know, lifestyle, and it talks a lot about schedule. And I know you guys have you know, heard me say it before, but sometimes you need a refresher when you're in it as well when you're like in this building process, because I want you to think about from the get go like build a business that's actually going to fit your lifestyle because if we got to fix it later, we're creating a new problem. You know, like, we're, we're solving one problem or another problem, we're gonna have to fix that problem later, you know, of like this, this, you know, the busyness that you have in your day job in the inefficiency if we're going to go create this busy, inefficient business. What's the point? Yeah, okay, good. Thank you. You're so welcome. Okay, I'm Hannah, hit me with the last question. Thanks, guys,
for him. Okay. It's from Becca. So she as I would like to talk about pricing for my 12 week program, I've come back to this question for myself many times, I currently have it priced at $4,500 for 12 weeks, and I feel confident in this price. And I'm realizing that my sense of integrity is challenging this not everyone can afford this. And I want to help with diversity of women. I can't stay in my integrity and ask people to go into debt and to afford my program. So the question is, can we brainstorm how to find a balance between making the program as accessible to many people and me earning a living wage?
First of all, I love this question back. I love it, you asked it. So thank you. And also, um, and sometimes we edit, you know, questions down for a synchronous and I intentionally we did not for this one I wanted, you know, every single word in here because I think there's some key words, I have it in front of me as well, that are really telling. So one thing you know, it sounds like we've eliminated the sort of like you, you you feel confident in the price, right, the 4500. I want to just touch on a conversation that we had in the past which I know we went back and forth on this in terms of an eight week program or a 12 week program for anyone else that's sort of in this boat. I want to kind of reiterate this real quick before we go back into it. Part of the reason why I love an eight week program start is because it will inevitably have that lower price point and it will just be easier to sell right? It'll be easier to kind of have that jumpstart and then we have a program on the back end if you want etc. Now I know you've talked Abeka to your friend Mariah and she mentioned like she wish she had started with a loan longer program. I disagree just because I think Mariah forgets where she was at, like now she's, you know, super confident and able to, you know, sell it all kinds of price points and etc. But that came after the fact right in the beginning she was scared to sell for 2000. And so I want even though you know that the program is worth the 4500, I do think there's, you know, it's easier again, to sell an eight week program for 3000, or whatever it might be, because it's a lower price point, because, you know, I kind of it kind of deals with all these things at the subconscious level that you're dealing with. But that's fine. If you want to do that 12 week program, which I know we already had this conversation, you had the conversation with the coaches, so we settled on 12 weeks, and that's fine. I'm have no doubt your program is worth 4500. And that was going to be my first question is, you know, like I mentioned before, if you guys are not feeling solid in the value of your program, in what the transformation is, in that it's worth $7,000, and you're selling it for 4500, like a crazy person. That's how you should be feeling otherwise, it's not going to sell, there's no magic script, there's no magic, anything, right? So there's that. So that's one thing. So we're going to go ahead and move forward from that if we need to tweak it, if we need to start lower for whatever reason, you know, that's totally fine, too. And we can move up from there, I want, here's the field when you know, just to kind of touch pricing in general, for all of you guys. Here's what I want the pricing to feel like for you. Because oftentimes when my team and I are reviewing your stuff, we're like this is way under priced. And that's like across the board. Okay, but the only reason we let you go forward with it is because again, if you're not feeling that confidence, and that's so solidness, and whatever else, it's not going to sell, so it doesn't matter that I think it's worth three times that right, it doesn't matter, it's gonna mean that you're gonna end up on sales calls, wasting your time and getting no sales. So we let you go forth and prosper. And then three months later, we hear this is underpriced from you. And we're like, Thank you for catching up. Okay, great. So now we can put it at an appropriate price. That's totally fine, right? So with all that said, you know, I want to go into the integrity piece and a word that really are a phrase that really stood out to me from this is you earning a living wage? You know, I'm like, damn, the bar is low, Becca. That's it. That's the goal. Because can we not? Um, so I, you know, I don't I want to know, I want to hear a little bit more about that. I want to hear like what you know, like, what's your income goal? First of all, let's chat about that a little bit. Oh, god, my, my cry, cry, just give me like a normal.
I know, he's being recorded, but just gonna say it. Okay, so I have the I work clinic, I have my own business. And I can barely pay myself, which is really what got me here. And so I'm living off of my savings. And I've got about two months to go. And then I've got nothing. And so I feel like I don't know if I'm answering this very succinctly. But to charge people $4,500, which is what I think I'm worth and what I think my time is worth in my course, that's going to help me deal with my whole faster my financial hole, right? And, and to drop it down to two or 3000 is going to be like, Whoa, like, that gives me anxiety. Like, I need to move faster than that. Um, and what is my long term goal? I don't know, I don't think I'm someone who needs to be a millionaire. I'd like no, I don't need to be someone who brings in a million every year, to have a million in savings would be a wonderful goal. But I can be someone who's making 200,000 a year or 400,000 a year. That's plenty for me. Okay. And go ahead.
Yeah. And so first of all, thank you for sharing all of that. And this is so helpful, like, you know, in terms of like, you know, your vulnerability helps everyone and you're not the only person that has felt all these things. So I think this conversation is super valuable. And crying is totally, this is a cry, cry friendly zone. So, let's get let's get clear, because I don't want you to do it. I totally agree that 4500 is, you know, like, I love the price point, honestly. And I you know, and totally if you have big goals, like the bigger the price point is just plain math, I don't make up the rules, like the way math works is, the bigger the price point, the less of those we need in order to achieve that goal. I am concerned though, with not having kind of a clear goal. And I think I think we should have like a good better best goal, like what would be your, your very first goal, you know, like, you know, just in terms of a monthly That sounds reasonable, like what it sounds like you can hit
it. So if I'd be making $10,000 Gross each month in a consistent way. Yeah, I'd be super relaxed. Okay, cool. This is working and now I can flow bigger.
Yes. And I also want you know, the like the living wage thing like let's let's dive into that, you know, in terms of in journaling and and also on your one on one calls with your coach because I you know, I feel like there's some mindset stuff coming up. So why and I want you to like dig, dig deeper into that, right? Like, I want to kind of unpack that a little bit more, because it's what brought you here is like, you know, kind of the barely living wage, and now somehow that's snuck into like, I want to make a living wage like No, no, like, we need a way we need way more than that. Like we're here for way more than that, right. So want to make sure it's not this balance between Yeah, like, you know, like, like you're talking about accessibility and you know, not wanting to like want to To make sure that you know that you mentioned not everyone can afford this, I want to talk about that as well. And we may or may not change the price point of your program. Like I'm not saying let's change it to 2000 and do eight weeks or whatever. But I do think and here's, and this is like y'all can quote me, this is for all of you. I do think in the beginning, I am much more a fan of you making sales period, then you like sticking to your guns of like some $6,000 price point, we've had this in the past where people come out of the gate, and they're like, I want to sell it for $6,000. And I'm like, fantastic. That sounds awesome. And then it's like, you know, no sales, but mostly because so then it's like, okay, well, we got to rethink this. But because because there was like this lag there was this like, push and pull happening internally of like, you know that I didn't feel solid in that price point. So I would much rather you have three sales at $2,000.00 at 6000. Right, just to give you that example. So for you so so anyway, that's my that's my thoughts. And this is like almost unheard of, to come out of my mouth, because I'm usually the one you know, and our client that have worked for us with us in the mastermind know that I'm always the one encouraging raising prices. So I'm a huge, huge fan of charging what you're worth. But in the beginning, I do think that you need that confidence to come back from those actual sales and you delivering, and you being like, holy cow, this is great. And that's where, right because you're you're comparing your before a little bit to Mariah is after, right? Where she's out of like, 4500 It's no big deal. Yeah, but we've got like, if you look at the recorded calls, if you've got a whole bunch of anxiety on selling something for 2000. So I want you to to understand that's a perfectly common normal first step, right? Like, that's where everyone starts, like, Oh my God, I don't know, if I could do this, then they do it and don't die. And then all of a sudden, it's like, This is too easy. Let me just let me just raise the bar. Okay, so so there's that piece. The second piece, though here is, and this is for all of you guys, as well, like this whole conversations for all of you guys is, you know, not everyone can afford this. And I want to help a diverse group of women. So Whoo, man, like, I can talk about this for three straight hours. And I'm happy to over the next, you know, several weeks, like, I think we should keep having this conversation. So feel free to keep submitting a, you know, similar questions so that we can keep having this conversation, because I don't think that's going to be one and done today. And I think for everyone, like I'm a huge, huge fan of being able to, you know, serve. And there's two things like, first of all, you know, when I think about your 10 year plan, if I were to if I, if I were to given the magic wand, and I was able to design that myself for you, I do see a whole suite of programs, I see this $4,500 program, I see a scholarship based program, I see a $20 book, there's all kinds of things, right, there's a whole range, and we can help all kinds of different people. And I also know that we need to double down on one thing, and we need to start with one ideal client. And we need to start with a one program. And we need to start with one price point. Or we're going to lose our entire minds unless you have a team hidden somewhere of 10 people that I don't know about like, right and several $100,000 To execute it all until it's profitable. So that's the thing, right? So so I want you to I want you to think about the fact that you're not leaving anyone in the lurch. Like my best client example of this is probably our addiction medicine doc, because that's a field where there is a range of clients, right, I'm the daughter of an addict. And you know, even though my father had an MBA, you know, went to law school was captain of the US Army was not paying his child support and ended up dying at age 42 and losing and we had to buy back his car from the government Okay, so last houses last all kinds of stuff, extremely intelligent man, but addiction is a beast. So you have in in in that field, you have a range of you've got addicts that are joining her program, no problem and paying several $1,000. And you've got, you know, certain people that their credit is a hot mess. And, you know, have absolutely not a dime and are living under the bridge, there are programs for all of that spectrum of people, there's zero judgment, I come from a family of that. So, you know, so I want you to think about, you know, your, you know, this, like the integrity piece, as you're talking about, like, I want you to think about this program, yes, it might be for a certain subset of people. And that is a subset of people that either has the money or is resourceful enough to find the money or whatever it might be. And we'll get that result. And it does not mean that you're not going to create other programs or other ways of you know, getting it and, and you could be like your, your hard line, if you want to go like the Dave Ramsey route, like he doesn't accept credit cards for his programs, for example. So if you decide that that's what you want to do, that's totally and completely fine. If we did that, I think most people would not be able to join our program. So like, you know, all of the successful client testimonials that you've seen, including, you know, again, I'm only going to speak on what's been shared publicly, I won't share any sort of private information but as as we were talking about Ryan, who's a friend of yours, she very clearly you know, shared that she couldn't even put it on a credit card. She had to have a friend invest in her if you know and we were very much hands off of like you want to do it like I mean, no pressure, right? But she was so resourceful and wanted to get in that that's what she did. So you know, I don't want to steal that. I wouldn't want to steal that from you know, someone that wants to do it like I'm a big fan of we don't do any sort of high pressure, you know, anything like that, but I am a fan of these are adults who are talking to and let's not you know be disrespectful and take away their decision making power. Write of whether or not they want to do this. So that makes sense.
Yeah, totally, totally. And also, what I'm hearing myself say, too, is I get to charge what I think is appropriate for this course, given the content and my expertise. And I get to get paid for that. Yeah, hell yeah. And, and I can diversify later to it to be able to create offerings, like you said, to a wider population of people. But
right now I get to also take care of myself, for sure. And, and I love that, first of all, and I feel sort of the power in you saying that, and I would, I would even take it one step further and say, Hello, yeah, you get to, and not only do you get to, if you don't, you're not gonna able to help anyone. So you know, one of my sales mentors, Mark, one user, who's hilarious. He used to say he's hardcore. Okay, so his tough love is on another level, if you thought my tough love was tough, this is like TEDx, he would say the best, the best way to help the poor, because he also just calls it what it is, the best way to help the poor is not to become one of them. Right? Hardcore might offend some people totally fine. The reality is right now, not only do you get to you have to, if you don't help yourself, you're not going to be helping all these 1000s of women. Like you're going to be in a position where you need help, you know, and you're needed, you know, so I want you to help yourself, and I want you to help these women, right? Like, you not only get to, like you absolutely have to like this is the bare minimum, like this is like you would never hire an employee and expect them to work for, you know, free, like you're working. Right? Right. Like you would never treat an employee the way you're treating yourself. And to some degree, right. And this is again, right? To make it succinct and tough love, you would never expect that you would never be like, I would like to hire someone, and I'm going to parent pay them barely a living wage.
But never. Right.
So, you know, so let's, so let's let's do that, like, so that. So all of that leaves us in? I mean, it's not like tying it up with a pretty bow. Like I think, you know, we have some thinking to do, like, do you want to continue at 4500? For 12 weeks? Awesome. If so, totally behind that? Do you want to change that? Like, you know, totally behind exploring what that would look like and why and most importantly, but I would say like there, yes, we're gonna start with a certain group of people. And we're going to refine it there. And then there's room to do all kinds of different to add in all kinds of different things. But right now, it would be overwhelming to do even one thing is going to be a lot. But you know, a lot alone. We're definitely not doing three things at once. Right? Okay.
So I want to just recap because I feel this intensity within myself like yeah, I need to launch this course. Yeah, perfect. You know, time is money. Yeah. And so just to recap, my work right now is to decide eight verses 12 weeks, come back to that question again. And then also to dive into like the mindset around money and worthiness. And then truly, what am I comfortable with? Yes. No, I don't feel the ask.
Yes, yes, I would say that and for the age of 1228 versus 12 weeks for two reasons one because of the price point. So that would allow it to make it easier both price point and commitment for clients. So I want you guys to think about part of the reason we recommend that you have that kind of jumpstart boot camp style start is because it's going to be a lot easier to Yes, as opposed to them you know committing for a longer time so it's just easier and then for you also for your very first one I think you're going to learn so much so you know you have a you know, you're sort of like in eight weeks you can you know pivot tweak do what you got to do and by the time the third person is starting or whatever you already know some changes that you're going to make so the shorter the easier on that front but totally completely up to you and also the price point would change probably and you can absolutely sell them something after that you can absolutely have a back end support program you know on the back end of that so yes and then on the on the on the on the deserving piece like I want you like I want your part time job to be money mindset. If you haven't already read Becca as long as it doesn't take any time away from your work so on Audible or whatever else. Have you read any of Denise Duffield Thomas's books? Yes. Okay, great. Okay, so anything that can be I mean millionaire mindset by T Harv Eker. You know, anything that's Napoleon Hill, I want you to be listening to that any podcast that is on money mindset specifically. You know, I really want you to think about you know, like, I'm one of Denise Duffield Thomas's mantras I really love his I serve I deserve, you know, and I really want you to sleep in it, I want you to like, you know, every, you know, hour that you're not doing something else I want you to really like absorb that. And I want you to surround yourself in that and feel free to you know, continue these conversations as well in the Facebook group because I think it's, it's a difficult thing when we're new to it in terms I mean, again, I grew up you know, like getting our clothing from women's shelters and bouncing around in you know, from one person's basement to another. So my mindset journey has been really, really interesting as well in terms of I did not grow up the way my children are growing up. So it's a it's a process, right? And it's something that is a little bit two, step forward, one step back, but if you don't have that, if you're if you're not cultivating that muscle, it's gonna be really sales and everything is gonna be really hard. So I want you to I want you to work on that for sure. And then and then let's let's go out there and make some offers like go out there and start falling on your He's a little bit like go out there and skin, your knees like make mistakes, you know, do the sales calls, do the PA SS, let's see what happens, get on a call and not make a sale, get on a call and make a sale. Let's just you know, that's, that's what you got to do is get out there and do it. I think you're, you know, the way I've chosen to see at least my really difficult moments, right? Like, you've got this kind of backup against the wall, which by the way, I feel like our clients that have moved the fastest oftentimes, it's because of the backup against the wall situation, which is fascinating to me. And I would never have guessed that years ago, my backup against the wall moments have also been the most pivotal in my life. Probably the biggest one was when I was homeless with a with a one year old when I was 19. So, you know, I think that those are the moments where it's like, we don't get to have that much fear. Like we don't have the luxury of fear. We don't have the luxury of procrastination, right? There's no luxury of that. It's like well, Ready or not, I guess I'm gonna go out and do it because what's the alternative? The alternative is looking pretty bad. So, so I would channel that if I if I were you, you know, I would channel that energy into like, you know what, rolling up of sleeves, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna do it. And I'm gonna you know, and I might skin my knees a couple times, but you better believe I'm gonna win.
Awesome. Thank you so much.
You got it, dude, my favorite song The team has heard me listen to this multiple times. Because when I you know, before I do a webinar, I listened to lose yourself by Eminem. Totally explicitly lyrics definitely not kid friendly. But one of the favorite lyrics in there is success is my only expletive option. Failure is not. And I love that, because that's it when your backup is up against the wall. That's that's the mantra. You know, success is your only option. Great. Alright, then make it happen. Cool. All right. Keep us posted. Becca, for sure. All right, Hannah. We are way over time. And that's mostly because I was teaching. So is that it? That's the last question. We
we do have one last question. Okay, he said, I've read that the courses sell better with a price ending in seven. What are your thoughts on changing price to this? Oh, yes.
Well, he
Internet Marketing Land. So simply, I would say yes, that there's some truth to that for lower price programs. So if you have like a $200 program or a $300 program, and you want to sell it at 297 Sure, but for a higher price program, so a part of you know, we're really like bare minimum we want you to sell at 2000 The reality is I'd much rather you sell it like like like I was talking about 40 505,000 That's much more in range with what you guys are delivering your programs are worth you are worth that or more. And at that price point, it really doesn't matter. You're not you know, first of all, you're not doing anything visual for the most part. I think clients you know, like it's a much more it's a much different clientele people are not buying with their limbic brain of like they're not at the checkout stand buying chewing gum, or it's nine you know, I don't even know what chewing gum cost, let's call it 99 cents might be completely out of touch with reality. And you know, so that none of that is coming into play. They know whether it's $2,000 or $20,000 like if you put you know 1997 or 1900 I mean the 2000 mark is really where that kind of ends I would say I don't think it works above then so I would suggest you don't but you can definitely play with it like these are definitely things that you can you know split tests and whatnot if you want to go down that route. I think for the most part people are you know even if you set if you set it at it at 1997 or something like that I think people know and call it $2,000 like they know what that is so I don't I wouldn't bother with it. Alright y'all what a great call great conversation love love, love the conversations around pricing around all the things definitely want to hear your takeaways let me know what stood out to you most I want to know what your biggest takeaway is. So Hannah, Jill is gonna start at takeaways post in the Facebook group Ken has already done it awesome. I want to hear it ticket and take a few seconds now before was fresh in your head. I want to know what is coming up for you what is you know, what was your biggest takeaway from today's call whether it was your own question answered somebody else's question answered would love, love, love to hear and let's see each other next Thursday for the introvert selling system come prepared with questions about selling on the DMS about selling without sales calls and all that jazz. Don't definitely don't delay a calls. Definitely continue doing them. And I would argue that in the beginning calls are where you're going to get your MBA and sales. So it's so much easier to do sales in the DMS when you've got some calls under your belt versus starting there and you know, starting from scratch there, so definitely, definitely continue to do calls. And yeah, and the team will see you guys tomorrow. So bye for now and I will see you next week.