Hello, everybody, this is July 20 2022. I'm Karla Meskhi. This is the spirit healer, mastery circle. Animals, focus on animals. Thank you for coming, it's good to see you today. We're going to call the spirits and go around check in. And our agenda today is to begin a series of things on deepening our practice. And I send an email out that explains why I think this is important. You know, shoemakers horse, and I'll explain that further. But we're going to begin today
I'm sorry, I
can't hear you rattle.
Okay, thank you
sure, got the phone off La la la.
Grandmother sunflower, we're gathering together today to get better at what we do. And we asked you to bring us into a circle all our special people and our power animals, teachers and trees. And may we turn together to the north to open the gateway of the stars.
We call him the power of the Milky Way. We're calling in the power of the planets to support us and Venus in debt. Calling in the power of the cosmic beings that you have connected with before. Take a moment to remember them and ask them to come
in and the tree who guards the North and the power animals and teachers and ancestors of the North. Thank you. We welcome you. And we tiptoe now around asking the boreal forest of the north east to be strong and present. To the gateway of the East and the sun. Entering through this gateway, we call out to the ancestors, the power animals and the teachers familiar to us in the East.
And we ask you to call your familiar friends. And then they call their until we have a crowd of compassionate helping spirits.
We asked the tree of the east to hold this space. And we pass now through the southeast. And its fields of history and its forest of mystery to the South Gate of Earth May the power animals, teachers and compassionate ones of yourself come now. Every lesson you've learned every teacher you've ever met we asked you gracious spirit to lend your support to everyone in the circle in addition to your true friend, to your keyhole gateway to all of us I
made the tree of the cell hold this gate strong and we pass smell through the Southwest through the ancient forest and deep seas
and we come to the west to the gateway of Twilight May the compassionate spirits of the West come May you recognize and remember those you've met before
May your spirit can you guys come in and the tree of the West should complete the four direction and we've crossed now through the Northwest in the silvery shimmery forest of the tallest trees back to the north gate we proceed now down to the center and may the North Star illuminate the light in the center of our sacred space
the crystals the fire, whatever it is for you I see us all now standing around this center connected now to our personal sacred trees our personal sacred circle our power animals and our teachers like each of us is a planet around the Sun held within the galaxy of our sacred circumference reaching high now we asked for our sacred circle to be empowered and illuminated in all three dimensions. from above to below, from stars to Earth received and returned. reflected and enlivened.
As above, so below as within so without. And here we are.
Thank you guys for coming. It's good to see you, Corky. We've missed you so much.
Thank you. It's great to be here. I really been intentional about disconnecting, but your email was so compelling. Yeah, I think it's an important step forward. So yeah.
I know it's like after getting slugged in the face hit over the head knocked up sideways by a bottle of something called wonder dust. It isn't that a great name wonder dust. I realized that I am working on trying to bring together a way of our being in embedded communication with the spirits and Trinsic communication with the spirits. And I have been missing probably one of the most important steps in my training, right in my practice and in what I teach. And it's like holy cow. Are you kidding me? Poor Yark says how many months is it gonna take for Yadav? Finally, listen. So if you for those of you who are watching, recording and don't have any idea what I'm talking about my whole old horse Yark has metabolism problems. He's he's got Cushing's and consequently he tends to get sores and he's robbed his Railhawks ra this spring and they became open sores. And they are still open sores and the vet put him on prednisone and that helped some and I did this and I did that and blah blah blah. And I'm still open source. So we made Yark the centerpiece. I think it was this healing circle on the months ago, and many people came back and said you need to use clay. Now I had been using a green, French clay real fancy stuff. And I applied more of it. And I did more of it. And it helped some. But it didn't fix the problem. And then I went out to shoot the stars. And I came back and the Hawks had exploded. I mean, unbelievable, like, oh my god, what am I gonna do. And I'm just sort of walking in the garden, cleaning up the aphids, and all of a sudden, this boom, I get hit in the head by this image of a bottle of a product by Farnham, called wonder dust. And it is exactly the product that cowboys had been using for the last 50 years to fix this kind of wound. I have a bottle of it my tack room. It's 10 years old, it hasn't even been opened. But it doesn't go bad. It's it's copper sulfate and some other stuff, it doesn't go bad. It's just a bunch of caustic powders that you put on the wound. And it that proud flesh, which is the problem, the body heals differently, the body changes the way it heals. And it's been day for now, him one of the sores is at 80% and the other one, and is really closing the external, the edges are closing and the internal is really drying up. And the other one, which was the one that I thought is going to take him out is the it doesn't have margins closing yet, but the internals are drying up, and we're getting there. So what the spirits had said was wander dust, but they don't wander nuts. They showed people this powdery clay and I misinterpreted. So if we had this little place thing in place, I would have had a better chance. And this little thing is we do healing work for each other's animals. And we asked the power animal to come and guidance support this is standard. What we don't do is encourage the client to journey with that power animal on a very regular like even daily basis, maybe even in many journeys, to call that power animal and to go into that merged half and half state when addressing the sick animal and get the information that the spirits are trying to impart in real time. So that's what we're going to do today. We're going to up the game on calling in a power animal. And we're going to turn the switch so that we the client become responsible for staying in a shamanic connection to that power animal to receive the gift of knowledge that that power animal is trying their damnedest to get through to us. Well, you don't know. Okay, I don't know what he said. Oh, Lord,
does that make sense? I mean, yeah, where am I? Where am I getting from you guys on this?
You know, I think the owner is all is obviously engaged with this when we're working for their animals, but they're often so Pat they're in a passive role. And this calls them into a participatory role that might be new for them. That's, that's my question is, you know, somebody is expansive enough to inquire about shamanic healing for their animals. But maybe they're not open to actually journeying for themselves. How do we bridge that?
We're going to ask the power animal to give us the specific instructions to give that person to enable the connection. And I have no clue what those struck instructions are going to be. Yeah, I also don't know why. My on my camera on my screen, my image doesn't show up. Which is kind of a nuisance for the recording sake. So I'm speaking in Charlotte's with the one who's being recorded. I'm just gonna go to Gallery, that'll solve the problem. Okay.
So it's like giving the client homework.
It's like giving the client homework. But the homework is helping the client learn to walk between the worlds learn to enter a state of consciousness that allows them to receive information from this particular power animal. And to do it in a way that is not convoluted. That is more like, you know, that exercise with your eyes, that you do to see the three dimensional thing come out your hard focus, you can't see the three dimensional things, but you learned a soft, soft focus. And then the three dimensional things comes out. We do that exercise and horseback riding actually to go to soft focus eyes to connect to the energy of the horse. And when you do that your body takes over your connection to the horse and you can you have a whole different dimensional reality, what kind of a thing can the person do to do a soft focus to be able to receive information from the power animal. Just a little more background on this. On this place, I'm trying to go with it and where I really want to go with mastery circle. One of the reasons that I go out and I immerse myself in the dark night to shoot the stars, is to immerse myself in the dark night and be in the energy of that place with no distractions. Right, there's nobody else around. I own it, if even if it's a national park, the busiest next national park, you own the place at night. Even places where photographers flock, they all crowd into certain little areas, you own the rest, you own it, you're the only person there. Right? So night allows me to get rid of all of the static. And I have been I have found that when I repeatedly go to a place, I have developed an energetic connection to it that is not intentional. It's physical. And so for example, in this last trip, I did a four day trip, and on the last day, and I went to places that were new to me, and it was hard, you know, it's kind of like, Who are these spirits? What are they about? Why is this guardian spirit chasing down my neck looking at me like an invading invading the space because I'm here at the wrong time of day. You know, I'm out of place, right? But when I went back to the last site, which was the wave formation at page, I've been there four times now photographing it, I've hiked it, I've done ceremony on it, I've laid out on the rocks and celebrated it. And when I've walked onto those rocks, they embraced me the spirits of the land said, Oh, is it good to see you. And as I was shooting the scenery, and lying on and seeing the stars, I realized that the thing about this that I'm trying to really embrace is not just shamanic journey stuff, it's physical stuff. And to really, really go where I'd love us to be able to go, we need to have a practice. Each of us would be individual on this, that gives us that physicality input. So connected flow as part of that. Merging with your power animal and walking around as part of that. But we need we need to really make that thing, whatever that is that bridges the worlds for us part of what we're doing. And so the that's the whole kind of thing I want to work on did make making that part of what we're doing. And this tiny little piece of it is important, because if this works, we will find that the power animal we are retrieving for our customer will give the guidance to the customer for them to begin that interweaving for themselves. And the largest most complicated tapestry is woven one thread at a time. So this is a thread, then we're going to learn stuff that's cool for us. And we're going to give a gift to our partner.
You know, this is something I've been working on, but I use different language around it, it's and I realized that my life journey has been living in a liminal space all of my life, which means, of course, that you mostly don't fit in with the rest of the world. But now that I'm one way older, the world is way different. And, you know, I've sort of met more of my people, it's easier to live in a place where you are literally in touch and process with multiple dimensional expressions. And that's what you're calling this too. And we need more of it in the world, because of all the changes that are going on. But wow, that's fabulous. Right.
And to find that place, not in a way that's dictatorial, you know, like, this is how you do it, you must call in a certain way, you must, blah, blah, blah, no, that's not it at all, for each of us as individual expressions of the of the universe, to reclaim our relationship with the universe, individually. And collectively, and that's what the villages actually that's all the villages. The village is that inter interdimensional meeting ground. And so as I was putting this together, the star master who's really Mr. Boss of the village, for me, showed me one of those cool round symbol things, it's got all the lines and all the astronomical, you know, one of those cool things and he just laid it over the whole village and said that this is what we're doing we're creating a cooperative space for all of you who are working in this way but were the whole spirit healer community to co generate and CO create an inter woven relationship with the spirits who choose to come and join you and the world that you interact with as spirit healer, circle, and as individuals kind of a big deal.
I'm assuming you have not tried it with a client of your own yet.
No, you're gonna help me out we're gonna try to get
so this is an experience yourself here and we're trying to figure out how we could incorporate it with
Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna make this sell. We're gonna work on this. We're gonna create this Yep. Okay. We'll go you look perplexed
it's my first time in this circle, so I'm
great. Well, welcome to an advanced class. That lady is ready for this. She's your new teacher. You know every one of us is a teacher but I'm just saying you are ready Olga. You are ready. Okay, all go you're pairing was with with Corky. Olga is pairing with Corky Karen pick pick from Charlotte, and Patti.
Let's see. I'll go with whoever is next to me, which is Patti.
That's the way I like to do things. And that means I'm partnering with Charlotte. Mama please. I have a new addiction. It's the Limon cello. It's so good. It's got a touch of vanilla.
And it matches corgis outfit
Okay, consider who your animal is that your partner will be doing healing work for and you know what you want healed on? That we'll exchange that information. We'll do a classical shamanic healing whatever that means. Olga ah Um, you don't know what that means, but you know how to journey
you know about journey and the healing for animals. Questions that I have. Do you need a picture of animal? Yeah.
No you don't, you don't need that so you're not to do that you're going to retrieve a power animal. As part of the healing you're going to retrieve a power animal for your client animal. And then you're going to ask this power animal to give you a very easy to understand and easy for you to explain thing, action technique that the client should do in order to connect to this power animal and receive on demand information from them about what to do for the the client for the animal. So in other words, I'm working for Charlotte, I'm going to work on which cat Just name one
will do mistake she's back with eye problems.
Okay, so Miss nifty side problems. All right. And I go and I bring Mystique into the sacred circle. The spirits come they do their thing. And then I asked who is the power animal for Misty the power animal comes I'm going to call it a big white bird. And I asked the big white bird How can Charlotte connect to you in order to receive a flow of information that will be useful to her as she's healing and treating as she's treating her animal? The conditions will change your ideas of what to do are going to change what does Charlotte what what technique should Charlotte use to draw your energy in close to her so that she receives in her though and in the way that her brain does the inspiration to do the best next thing the How can you in spirit her What should she do? So that you in spirit her and she then is inspired to do the right thing?
Are we transferring a power animal to animals that we working with?
So in the in the retrieving parch going stepping back boom. Mistake is there we've done extraction we've done power and fusion we build up a book. And I call him who's the power animal big white bird comes in white bird. I blow you on Mystique I connect you to mistake. May you all be all one. Great now wiper. Tell me something. You're going to be working with this cat, but Charlotte's the one who needs to know what the hell to do. How can she what techniques simple technique? Should I tell her to use so that you can inspirit her and give her intuition? The understanding of what's best next.
huh? Okay, Charlotte, I'm working on the stick and she's got the eyes again with the eyes.
Yes, what she, what happened was we I took back in she had crashed her head into a fence and got a concussion. And the doctor thinks that started again, the problem with the eye where she's got to hurt a hernia and ulcer in it. And she says she's also got my more eyelashes growing in. So she's got to take care of all that. We're getting ready for an operation.
Okay, which I left her Right, right. Right. I wondered she could knock herself silly on the head. It's been over a month. Okay, a month ago, she knocked herself silly her is also writing and she's got stuff going on. And she needs support for the operation and all of that. Check. Okay, you're getting Yark II poo because there are many things involved that result in the expression of these sore hawks but we'll stick with the Hawks because wandered us may be one of the pieces I may need to know a lot more The Ark as you know is a big horse. He's a small horse. He's Brown, Brown 28 year old Icelandic gelding. Patty, who do you have for Karen?
Okay, I'm gonna get mine out that means I'm gonna give Karen pumpkin.
She's gonna be
a that's pumpkin.
she's going to become a permanent foster of mine. She's probably going to be having her second eye removed from glaucoma in the next week or two. She has sore hawks, she is incontinent. So, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on with her. Okay.
And how old is she?
I really don't know. I haven't got that information from the shelter yet. I'll probably be getting her on Friday.
I know she's been at the shelter for a long time because they haven't. Okay.
Okay, I'm going to give you Scarlet. The dog are my dog. Female. She's pure white. She's a Great Pyrenees German Shepherd mix. Maybe she needs help with her PTSD. Specifically. I think accepting other energies and other nonhumans in her environment no matter where that is. If it's on a walk or if it's in the house.
You mean like cats and dogs?
Yes. And birds and squirrels and right.
But you're not talking about ghosts. You're talking about critters?
Yes. Thank you. Yes, exactly. Yes. Um I think that would probably be enough. I think I have ideas, but I know nothing about her. And so there could be other stuff that comes up that I'm not aware of. And I'm okay with that, too.
Thank you. Thank you. Olga.
Could you allow me to share screen
One moment, please. Ready
Oh, this is my sister's cat. Her name is Juliet. And she's 18 years old. And she's not filling herself off lately. So I did journey on her but another input would have been nice to have.
Wood would your sister to your sister is going to be receiving the knowledge of how to connect with the power animal. Is that going to work out?
Yeah, I will explain it to her.
What's her name?
My sister's name? Irina. Okay.
What's the cat's name? Juliet. Juliet. And Irina
Corky that is a very cool cat Olga. Very cool. Now, that cat has been shaved.
No, no.
That's okay. All right. All right. Good. Just just trying to get a feel of that. My I'm going to ask that you journey for my cat cloudy. She is a just sort of standard striped tabby cat. I have. She was her litter was rescued from under a house in the wintertime here and I adopted her because she was not a cute cuddly kitty. She did. She's She's not well socialized. That's the nice way of saying, but she is absolutely in love with another one of my cats, also a striped Tabby, I often have to look twice to see who's who. So there's something about her I think she's very smart and very aware but something Something is not right. Something needs to be nipped together in a new way. And I don't know what it is. A she is I believe, exceptionally bright and exceptionally perceptive. So, but it's meshing that information with like, the my intention to be kind and supportive to her. She's still very skittery and so on and so forth. So she's a member, I have four cats in the household and a dog she gets along with everyone. Well, it's just her relationship with the world is skewed in some way. Is that clear? Is it that's all it is pretty much all I know about this? Sure. Okay, great.
Okay, any last questions of your partner? remember their name, rank and serial number. Okay, it's 38. I'm calling you back at 50. We are unfortunately going a little long. We'll make a decision on how to handle that. When we get back
Does anyone have to leave at 12? At the top of the hour? All right, is it okay? If we go to 1215 Our first order of business is going to be to communicate to one another, the technique, the thing too, and have the client become connected to the power animal. So I want to make sure all of that gets put onto the tape. And we'll make a commitment to do that we clients and to what the results of that are. So I'd like to chronicle how this is functioning for us. We'll walk around and do that. And then we can tell the rest of the journey and breakout rooms. So Patti, what is it Karen shall do to connect to the power animal you retrieved?
Right? Well, she got a Cardinal. So what she needs to do is sing the song of the car. And listen for the Cardinals response because the cardinal is going to tell her after she she can, you know, just listen for the song of the Cardinal. And then the cardinal is going to tell her what's going on with Scarlett herself. I was told she herself can even sing the song of the car
so comprende Karen
Karen's on slomo.
Sorry. Yes. Okay. I will try that. I don't know this out the song of a cardinal but I actually don't think it matters. Yeah. I think that's either, I think, yes, I think I know exactly what that is. Okay, so pumpkin has a dragonfly for a power animal. And you are to ask
your power, your Paddy, your power animal to come and connect and envision a golden thread going from pumpkin to pumpkins power animal to your power animal with the intention of communication and healing to pass along this thread. And
so to also maybe step back and meditate on the desired outcome. Then there was a whole bunch more, but I can put that we'll talk about that. Later. Does that make sense? Yes.
Yep. So I actually stopped Dragon flight this morning. Never ever.
There you are. Thanks, Patti. Thank you
So Paula Dynamo was a black chick. Again, and it says that you can connect with her by looking at her flame of a burning fire. And it will help you to kind of clear yourself from like preconceptions that you have about your cat that you are not you're free of your expectations you let her be who she meant to, and also get ideas of how you can support your on her journey. So burning fire
that's really interesting. So this is a black chicken and I connect through the the fire through a flame. Got it? Okay, great. So the power animal that came forward for Juliet is a huge white cat. We were in, closed in. In the complete lineage of all cats, that's where this healing took place. And so it wasn't surprised that a cat came forward. But this is a gigantic like Norwegian Forest Cat but white. And instead of connecting with Juliette, he's stepped over her and absorbed her so she is fully merged. And, and they are asking that your sister center and and begin to merge with the white force cat in the heart and lung area in in her chest. And they said that it was like soft fireworks, there's this dazzling sparkle to it, but it's gentle. That's what she will begin to feel and it's about. It will make Juliet more receptive to the adjusting of her own electrical impulses that are going on that up. We'll talk more about that that they worked on. But so this gigantic white Forest Cat. Whoa. Thank you.
All right, Charlotte, I was shown a skunk to be the one the bridge and the skunk said that you will be in spirited by him and inspired by him. If you do this. When you're working on Mystique, and you're you're doing whatever you need to do. You will envision one of your favorite landscapes perhaps was one you've painted or a place that you'd like to revisit, melting over her like a blanket. So you're going to fill your brain with that landscape. And you're going to lay that image on her the energy of that landscape on her as though you were blanketing her with it. And when you do that you're going to shape shift into the two worlds. And skunk will come through and fill your brain with the knowledge and your hands with the the inspiration that you will do what is right for her. And I also decided to ask for a a sign that I may have. So when Charlotte does this, and she reports that at end, I did the blanket I connected with and then I made a decision to and I decided to and I'm handling how any changes she may make in the care or anything like that. I know what changes to look for that will that skunk tells me he's going to tell her and I'm not saying what they are because I want to you know, do that. It's just an added piece. Charlotte
Well, Thomas my healer came with when I went to visit York, and he started working on his back legs. And he says, Okay, you're excused, and he pointed direction. He said, Go find the power and when it's over that way, and it's not a bird Okay, you thinking bird now. So I'm out looking in, I'm on the desert and I found a rabbit and armadillos sitting next to each other. And I explain why it was there. The rabbit got up, laughed at me and took off. And the armadillos smiled. He said, Well, I'm not all armadillo. And I'm also a turtle. I don't know what that meant. But he, I should have been warned he, he's quite a character, the feeling you're gonna enjoy having him correct. So we went back over, and I asked, how were you to connect with them? And he said, Well, you have to take your hands and run them over his body. And the way he was showing me it looked almost like connected flow. And he says, and he says she works on her way down the back. She's gonna say Supercalifragilistic that's what she's gonna say. And he laughs us? No, not really. He said that you were to call him? And he's the emissary. Okay. So the other was just to see see how far he could take? Question, I think. And he said that he has a connection to Saturn. And that your messages will come through him from Saturn to help you heal. Okay. Thank you.
So your mission is to do this at least every other day, for a week or two. And write down what happens. Make notes and share them with your partner and share them with the mastery circle. Or at least we can create notes and upload those notes to the, to the groups I Oh, there's a place that groups I O that you can upload stuff like that. So we can have a compilation without everybody having to be involved. We'll do it that way. So email each other and copy me. And I'll figure out how we can make notes. Okay. email each other, copy me. And I'll put some genius on it. That will compile and make notes. And now I am going to take the bold move of putting you into breakout rooms so that you can complete your conversation with your partner. And you're just will be dismissed when we're done. Thank you. This has been a really cool circle. And I think we're on to a neat new thing. Breakout Rooms, any last things you want to say before I I'm going to make two breakout
rooms. Thanks, Carla. This has been great.
Thank you. It's kind of cool. Isn't it? Okay, Corky and Olga and Karen and Patti love you guys and maybe I'll see you again tonight Hi, so I want to tell you in the journey that I did, it was interesting because I came into your house and there was a very large male ancestors of yours who looked to be in the man the merchant marine business and he gave me his name but it's slipping my mind but you know those gnarly old see hands and he said that what you're seeking that you're missing is will be found in this photographic map and he gave me this long stretched out Canvas photographic map canvas of a seaside village which he said was on Cape Cod or somewhere in the you know the New England Mariner area. So your New England mariners marinating routes and sea going routes. And in that in the history of your family and that world, tied up inside those walls is the The Secret the key that you're looking for to remember who you are, what your real connection is, in ordinary reality. There's, it's like a chain of pearls of your soul is woven through that landscape. And you're over here and you don't feel like those pearls and you are connected. So he's sitting in your house like a giant ogre. Muscles are mucking around and things and your house is incredibly crowded with spirit. But um, so to work on. Mystique, I had to take her completely out of to Amber's, and we worked on her there. And the healing work was done on her brain, mostly, there is there was dark matter, behind the eye from the concussion, and from a previous issue with the ear. It's because the fascia there is thickened and entangled as a function of her being a Persian, you know, because their faces get flattened and all that stuff back there that doesn't have as much room to move as maybe an obsidian would have. And so that's the issue. And they did amazing amount of physical healing work on it. And the skunk will be inspiring your veterinarian to get some brilliant idea about working with eustachian tubes there you have it.
Yeah, she has the flatter face of the two cats. And it's not my favorite. I really love cloud with his nose. It sticks out and you can see his face. But she's a beautiful personality cat. I mean, yeah. And I have the feeling she was sent to me. For reasons I'd have eaten me up figured out
it was funny. I mean, Thomas is always been my healer. And we spent some time together with him and me this morning. But when I was doing the journey, he was right there. Like, I'm not gonna let you go muck around with some animal without me there. And he's an old Viking type of healer. You know, he's a seer also. And he wouldn't let me know what he was doing. I could see with his hands, starting up at the hips and working their way down. And then by halfway down was when he said, Don't get your power. But he finished when I got back and he was just standing there laughing because I don't know who this emissary animal is, but I got the impression he's not a true armadillo. He's a shapeshifter. And I just loved it when she used to say super CalFresh. Whoa. He laughed at me and said, No, not really.
That's funny. Yeah, I
had the feeling you're going to be interacting with him more than you thought you were? Well,
I'm gonna make a point of it daily, so that I have something to chronicle. I will let you know that I will be doing it this week. But I'm leaving on Monday for a camping trip. That might be as long as seven days. Maybe we would you know, we get out there and we decide we want to come home. So
yeah. Yeah, with the cats here. I have to really figure out how long I'm going to be gone. Anything I do.
Yeah. Well, ours gonna be house setting. So it's,
well, my son will be here but as I had explained to my doctor yesterday, he's the tight I told my son that I was going to have to have another operation for Miss design. And when I tried to explain why he left the room, he can't take it. So he's kind of he's he's there for the good times, but the rest? Yeah.