I beg your pardon? trillion dollar budget. Can you confirm the top line number? Well, we'll prefer that. I won't be distributed. One of the things I want to tell you is that I haven't had a chance yet to go over the detail of a counteroffer made by capital B. They're going to we're going to meet sometime next week. And we'll see if we can move that. And I'll have more to say about that. 90 Day Review on where the origin of the Coronavirus if I knew that I wouldn't ask for a 90 day review. I don't know.
To release the report in full after 90 days.
Yes, that's less there's something I'm on aware of the President's proposal too small for you from the Republicans. What is your thought on it? I had a good conversation very brief, but a good conversation with Capita senator and I told her we would she's going to contact me next week. I told her we have to finish this really soon. And there's another republican group that also wants to talk and but we're gonna have to close this down.