Loveland Trust Commission Meeting September 12, 2022
1:21AM May 23, 2023
city council
chief steward
All right, it is 630 as co chairs not seeing a chair online yet I know she's in Washington DC. We'll go ahead and get this call this meeting to order and get started. Welcome What do you how's that? Very good. All right. So they I know that Sara has been texting me and we've been talking back and forth. So I know she's going to pop up and Jeffrey. Rain should be popping up online as well. So please let us know when they come in there. That's probably her texting me right now it is. So we'll kind of do attendance. So I don't have an attendance thing with me, but I'll do this obviously. Commissioner Dr. Commissioner swagger. Mr. Drake here, Commissioner Barrett, Mr. Vickers, Here. Commissioner black, your Commission Commissioner Bullard? Commissioner choke chair, sir. Oh, yeah. Commissioner Shoal. Thank you. Commissioner ward. Jeffrey, that's it. Right. That would be all of us. Those who are not president's COMMISSIONER MAY or will be online. But we do have a quorum present so we can make decisions tonight. Anybody have any issues with the approval of the minutes or make a motion to approve all the minutes from last meetings? So move. Very good. seconds. No other issues noted or discussion? Very good. We've approved the meeting minutes. The agenda tonight, obviously the big discussion. Our agenda meeting is going to be the discussion for our final wrap up for the City Council. We have to have that in myself. Yes, we'll get there. I'm just going through the agenda review. To get we have to have that in I believe by five o'clock. Is that correct? By 1700 hours on Wednesday for that final presentation. All right. Note that Mr. Five o'clock. Sorry. So that will be that'll happen. Tonight, we're going to discuss some subcommittee recommendations. Have a probably an updated discussion on the Raymond Doza event. Other than that, right update the City Council that's we're gonna talk about heart and soul. Subcommittees if we need to update anything on that, and then the community survey of the city's discussion on Community Survey. With that, I will open it up to public comment a public comment tonight. I get a point of clarification. Yes, sir. Is this the planning commission meeting? No. It doesn't look like it's it did. Okay. So our topic really would not apply to this
this is the we were we had
Community Trust commission. You have anything to do
with the cell towers in Loveland and No. Didn't look like the planning of so they're virtual tonight. Okay.
I live over there. I'm sure the four storey St. Paul time. I had a big picture. Yes. Awesome. Yes. Yeah, everybody. Take a look Thank you though. I encourage you to go there's a thing if you go on to this insert web city website that you can actually probably phoned in. I don't know when that can still happen or not while you're here, but definitely get your voice heard. Yeah. Thanks for coming here though. Seeing public comment, dissipate. Do we have any online public companies?
Thank you. Users. If you would like to speak during public comment, please press star nine on your phone or choose the Raise Your Hand feature
we do not have any users for public comment.
Okay, thank you. Sara's having trouble signing on. And just to make a note Commissioner Shoal, and Hildebrand shell arrived. I think Patrick's taking notes. So and as Jeffrey PiFan.
Okay. Just do it. Yes, if not, I am. And it's being recorded. Yeah. All right.
Discussion on the city's 2022 Community Survey. Jane Mayer was supposed to do that she's having trouble getting on just so it's on public record. She's working through that. That's who my texts are coming through.
So we'll jump into any discussions actually, I'm gonna Well, that's gonna take up a will move that if we need to down the agenda. So let's jump to since those people are here, Commissioner Barrett update on the commendation for Raymond Doza.
When we start, the statue is being engraved, and the city has agreed to pay for it. Yay. And the artist, Jane D. Decker is going to she's not going to be able to attend the ceremony. But she's going to write a paragraph and ask that someone read it at the ceremony, just describing how the trust piece was created, and the intention that went into it, and how it relates to what Mr. Mendoza did that day. And then we do have confirmation from May or March that she will be there. And she would love to say a few words. She will keep it short and sweet. She promises and interim chief steward will be there happily. And he I've asked him if he wants to say anything. He says if we would like him to say something he will. I said I you know, if you're compelled to say something that would be great. If not, you know, I don't think that we should compel him. But that's my two cents. So I just wanted to throw out Should we ask him to please prepare a statement? And? And if so, how would you like to communicate that to him? Other than that, we are good to go for the 17th Somewhere between 310 and 320. As I understand,
I'm gonna have a point of order because Commissioner shells got some new information or something from an email that I forwarded Today whatever one turns green,
okay. Yeah, so I spoke with Caitlin who is heart and souls, CEO, President, I don't know, whatever. But she's kind of the leader of the nonprofit. And she told me that right now we're slated from 307 to 317. Give or take with the introductions. And she would hartsel would like us to forward like a basic script for each of the presenters. I spoke with Jackie Marsh too, and Jackie Marsh has like I never use a script or may or March. So she would like us to afford her some speaking points, which I think we can do probably for all the presenters. And as far as I know, it would be Mayor Marsh, Chairperson, Mayor from CTC. Ray, obviously Mendoza. And I was hoping that chief steward would, there was a concern that was raised, it's completely rumor, it's not confirmed at all. But there is a concern that there may be protesters or people who are not happy with the presentation, possibly, and so heart and soul and I believe CTCs whole intention was to keep it very positive. to really bring up and present the positives of what Ray Mendoza contributed to the community that day, the example he contributed. And, and so in that regards, I think it would be really helpful to have chief steward speak, because I think it would keep it, he could really set that tone that this is something that the city wanted to participate in, and that it's not a negative on any side of our police department. It's just in response to a situation that happened that we all wanted to resolve and fix the areas that it brought up in our community. So anyways, that was, I believe everything in the email.
It was because I have some, just some clarification questions. So you, your subcommittee's been in contact with them, correct? Yeah. So they want for people to speak in seven in 10 minutes?
Well, pretty much that's kind of so awesome. With the with the intent of the the celebration that they're doing. It's just to celebrate the Latino community, right heritage. And it's really the event is all entertainment. We're the only speaking portion of the four hours. So they do introductions, but they're not having a lot of speaking presentation from what Caitlin?
I think there is I think there is at least one speech. Okay. Yeah. And I can't, I'm foggy there. But yeah. Okay. And it's a foot lagoon. So
here's, here's my concerns as co chair, and I was been talking back and forth with Sarah. So hopefully she gets her linked to work. So she can pop online. It is concerning that they want five people to speak in 10 minutes, especially a mayor in a chair, because the mayor, I mean, plus to give an award you want to be able to give, right? The whole intention was to celebrate Mr. Mendoza, his actions that day, just right, it didn't matter it. We pick that because of how he fits into this celebration, correct. The other concern I have is if they have a concern of what we're going to say, I'm assuming is that why they want the scripts. And if there's even a inkling of a rumor on social media of protests, because your email made it sound like they were very concerned that they didn't want to put the that heart and soul into a bad light with the city of Louisville. So those are my concerns from that email.
Right. It wasn't on social media that the concerns were raised. And in really, Caitlin was just trying to prepare for the worst case scenario. So it doesn't need to be bigger than it is I think we just she wanted to ensure that we were all on board with making it a very positive event. And because heart and soul and the city of bloodlines name is also involved in the celebration. We wanted to make sure it was a very cohesive, celebratory situation. This was just something that was raised as a concern that she really, she just wanted to forward that on. It was not nothing. It's a rumor. But we've she felt like we should be aware of the rumor. And just make sure that we are very intentional about how we present our award. From the get go. We knew it was going to be a very limited time. I felt like it was important to have the city's voice and the PDS voice in this presentation. I would almost prefer it for us to be a little more quiet. Then for the PD or the city to be that was my that's my personal that piece is my personal piece.
I don't think so hopefully Sarah. Sarah was working on that link there, Jeffrey. So we're talking about we've jumped down to the heart and soul event on our agenda. Jeffrey just so you know where we're at. And we're discussing the concerns. So if hopefully if Sarah jumps on here, Commissioner comb or I'm the co chair
I'm on I will be totally back in my hotel in like two minutes so two minutes no sit down.
So here's here's I'm not gonna speak for I can't speak for obviously Mayor Marsh or anybody else but five People speaking in a 10 minute slot with those kinds of credentials. In my history of doing this is nearly impossible to tell everybody you have two minutes to say something nice about Mr. Mendoza. So, I would suggest that if the CTC backs out of that, that Mayor marsh and interim chief
divide the time
they each get five minutes, they they at least can say something.
So, so that's fine. That's fine, if that's the concern, because now so here's, here's where I'm at. As a co chair, I'll let Sarah when she gets back to hotel pop in, and anybody else can have this discussion is my concern is that if we want to make this a celebratory, big team, we are now crushing it into a five minute here, come out on the stage, shake your hand, here's your ward, thank you very much. Boom, off you go. It's not ever the intentions I thought of the CTC was to make it like Mr. Ben DOS, you didn't amazing. We just happen to pick this event because it fit all the evidence stuff. And that's not that's being squished. You see, I'm saying that it's not going to be like this big hurrah that we all have in our head. It literally will be like music stops, somebody comes up, everybody talks for one and a half minutes for the little MacGibbon award and moves on and then the rest event goes on. Am I missing something in that?
Yes. I think so. Okay, um, I'm a member of heart and soul. So I, and I've talked with Lin automate, and a little bit with Caitlin, not much. And they're organized. Pretty much they had. I'm amazed that to start off with, they were not sure that they wanted to include us. But there were several people who spoke up and it was like, Yes, we really do want to do this. One of the things they did was that they decided that several of the people that they had kind of questions about in their participation, they decided they would wait and ask those people at a different time. So yeah, there's a reason that squished and and just saying that this is about about Ray Mendoza and this is honoring that and you know that's that's it and I mer Marsh I think indicated that she didn't want more than a minute. So yeah,
yeah, I I just want to make sure that we all understand there's five people in 10 minutes that they're asking, right. Five important people.
Yeah, Sarah can do the intro and read the deck Decker's paragraph that's like a minute present the award. Mendoza can have two to three two to four minutes the chief can have one and Mayor Marsh can have a couple and that's still under 10 minutes realizing Yes. That's quick. I wanted Mendoza and the word to be the highlight and take up the majority of the 10 minutes in chief in Marsh
they need some speaking points. I'm sure we would have no problem giving
Yes, Tara
commissure bear.
So my thought is to have Mr. Mendoza speak last on this so that he does have the spotlight. So if chair Meyer could go after it like like like Mayor Marsh goes first says her really one minute she has a couple of bullet points. If chief steward is not compelled to speak his just being there on the platform is going to make the statement that we need to make in my TOS in my opinion. I don't I don't think if he doesn't if he's not compelled to speak I don't think that we should force him and then and then it goes right to chair Meyer making the making the connection between our intention and the D Decker award the way it looks. I'm using D Decker's words and then to Raymond does it for the balance.
Okay, so I have a if I have an order of operation on that to send them as be able to send them a script. Right. So if we kind of hear what you're saying chair Mayer would do the introduction.
Give me and Marsh would lead with Stewart standing by her and Renee Marsh does the With what presents the award.
So we don't want an introduction of the CTC come up with a recommendation. Sure. And then turn it to Mayer, because that, like you said, I like your idea that that would take a minute, Sarah, you're still around. Because I don't see
a video so y'all can see my smiling face.
Because like I said, I totally can't speak for I just been in conversations with tear mirror that, you know, she didn't want to give a 15 minute speech. So just being able to introduce Hi, I'm the chair of the CTC we come up with his word for this, turn it over to Jackie or excuse me, Mayor Marsh, and Mayor Marsh can turn it over to Ray Mendoza. Everybody understands there's 10 minutes right, right. Yes, Michelle. So
in this, so my opinion is recording. Part, Part of the the rumor or whatever was also the chief steward wasn't was reluctant to speak, which when we spoke with chief steward, he seemed completely behind this presentation. And so I was, and I reiterated that to Caitlin, that, as far as we're aware, chief steward was on board the city was on board. Did your donation we had Aaron and I spoke with him. The
year I did as well. Okay. The the mayor is absolutely honored to be there short and sweet. The CIO is interim chief steward. He's he will he will be there. Absolutely. And he just needs to know what time. He's not sure he wants to say anything. That's all. But
so what I understand is that that he doesn't know he wants to say anything, or was he wasn't sure what we wanted him to say.
He's he's not sure it's required. I mean, if we required him to say something, and that's exactly what if you need me to say something, I'll say something. And I think I mean, what I said, if you're not compelled to say something, we're okay, if you're just standing there, if he's on the platform that says volumes that speaks volumes, as a member of want to put words in someone's mouth that aren't there, right.
Correct. As a member of the lateen can like community, I will tell you that one or two sentences will change the relationship that is addressed in the Jensen and Hughes report that is addressed in the community survey that is addressed in the CTC survey. And I think this would go a long ways in achieving some of our goals. And I think asking him if he would be okay with saying, what we come up with be more if he doesn't feel like he can say what we would like him to say, then I think like, yeah, then don't say it. But if he's like, sure, I mean, everything he said to us in the interview. I was blown away. Like if he could say that to us publicly. If you guys said to the community publicly, it would be really awesome.
I don't disagree with that whatsoever. I just so let's have your subcommittee, reach back out who's ever Chair of your subcommittee reach back out to him and
award subcommittee or the Raymond dozer? Who's
ever doing The Raven Boys? Committee visit
communication? I'm not sure.
So the Raven Doza award committee. And if you would like help from me, I would appreciate being looped in so that we're on the same page for something that's coming up. It who was the chair of that? Chair. Okay. So if we could communicate with him together, that would be helpful. I tried to reach out to Jackie, just just get a feel of what she wanted to say. So that we would be on the same page that I have not heard back. The important thing to me is that we're a group of people speaking together. We chose to do this as a group. And it's not something that should be highly politicized. It's not an opportunity for anyone, in my opinion, to make this into a way to get more votes or a way to get anything, we're, we're honoring a person who did a good thing. And I think that's what I'm trying to focus on. And I would like to speak to the other two so that I know where we're at and if we're comfortable being there. Again, we as a truss Commission have 11 members now need to all be on the same page.
So to bring, I don't know, if you sort of bring you up to speed on the agenda, we jumped from the discussion, because because you couldn't log in down to the Raymond Doza, heart and soul event. So we kind of suggested an order of operations that you would introduce, we saw, we have five people to speak in 10 minutes, basically, that you would just kind of do an introduction. This is the CTC, this is what we recommended. Turn it over to Mayor Marsh, who would have a couple of minutes to speak and do a one minute break. I would love to see a mayor speak for one minute.
On Saturday,
she could do it and she's good. All right. I just don't know.
If it's just us. All right. If we don't
put Yes. Now, chief steward, if he Yeah, he, he probably wants to speak for a minute. And then that leaves the rest for Mr. Mendoza. Everybody agree with that? You see, did you hear that? Chair? Well, Sarah,
that your mayor, after the introduction, then Sarah, you would you would actually officially present the award, potentially with Jane D. Decker wants to write a paragraph about how the trust statute was created and the intention behind it. And she and if you would like to include some of her words in what you say, you could make that part of the official presentation to Mr. Mendoza. And then really the rest of it, Mr. Mendoza gets to speak about how he feels about what happened that day. And even though he was afraid he did the right thing. So
I'm turning the meeting back over to you now that you're here.
Yeah, well, if you can help me while I continue getting all my stuff together, I got trapped downtown because my Lyft driver left me and then charge me money for it. So I don't know how this works. You guys. I'm in small town, we don't have Lyft. Do we have Lyft with Uber? Anyways, I was trapped downtown. So I'm working really hard to get everything like organized real quick. So if I introduce and then hand it over, and then hand it over, and give the award, since we don't have Jane's paragraph that she'd like to say, it's hard for us to approve that as a group. So that's my concern there. And we can have discussion about that if you'd like. I'm sorry, Catherine, would you? Did she say anything about exactly what she wants to say? Yeah, can you
just see a description of, of the intention behind the creation of the statue, that the the it's called trust, because each member on this side of the statue is trusted to not let go and not live, everything fall down. And she would just write something about like that. would tie that into that day, we needed someone to step in and be the person who didn't let go, who did the right, you know, stepped up to do the right thing.
I personally think that's good. Is there any more discussion on that? So anybody have any concerns or thoughts on that? Please speak up. As long as it's
to the statue. Yeah.
Okay, cool. Like I said, I haven't heard back from Mayor Marsh. I don't do discussion on that. And what we think she'll say anything,
Mayor Marsh, and she will keep it several of us. Five of us, I think can now talk to you may or March, we need a chair in every subcommittee going forward. Every five of us have talked to me or Marsha and she has told all of us she has few bullet points short and sweet.
Did she say what those bullet points are? Because again, as as a committee, we all need to be on the same page. It can't you know? We Our job is to create trust in the community. It's not to forward anybody's political career. Not that that's the case. But I'm just saying we should have some kind of information on that. Or if we have that'd be great to
share. Yeah, we'll get bullet points for Caitlyn, which can be shared but then how do we get I guess if anybody had a an objection, how would we handle that not having a meeting between now and Saturday?
Hold that thought. Thank you. Hildebrand shell, please, please.
I spoke with Mayor Marsh after I was told to reach out to Caitlin by the subcommittee. I reached out. She called me back on Sunday morning. After the discussion on Sunday morning, I reached out to the chair and to the other two, and I'm sorry, I did not reach out to Drake to forward on heart and souls request regarding what we had asked her the first time I'm not sure whose political career is at stake here, because none of us are politicians. But so if she had asked me to please get in touch with the people who were presenting, and then she raised her concerns. So you it was Sunday morning, I didn't hear back from most everybody. So but I did reach out to I told Kaitlyn, I would reach out to Mayor Marsh. And I asked her for the specific time that it would be showing because chief Stewart had asked us specifically about that. And then, and that was it. And so I reached out to Marsh forwarding on what heart and soul had asked for. And then I reached out to the members on the committee, saying that this is what was asked for, and, and the chair. And then when Mark Marsh called me back, and so she told me, she asked us in this meeting, to come up with bullet speaking points for her. She knows, she told me she wanted to thank Mr. Mendoza, for being courageous for his integrity for his bravery. And for speaking up about a situation he didn't feel was right, which is exactly what we had asked the city council to do. And she said, That's all she was going to say, with a heartfelt sincere thank you. And that was all that happened.
Yes. I really feel like at this stage of the game with this recognition for Ray, I feel like heart and soul, Marsh, the Chi achieve our chair, Mendoza, there has to be an element of trust between all of us that we're all on the same page. And we all have the right intention. And that this, these people are going to stick to the intention and the speaking points that we talked to him about. And I think I mean, I just feel like we need to kind of trust each other at this point at this stage and the amount of time, Tara and I have spent upwards of four hours with the chief. And since our business meetings, he has been gracious with his time, very generous, and he unequivocally is in support of this. I feel like we've established a pretty good relationship with him. I mean, I do feel that inside. And so I don't think it would be putting words in his mouth, I think he genuinely would want to know, just give me a couple, you know, what are you looking for? I think he would be happy to say something, or 30 seconds or something. And so, and we can say the very same thing. That may or may or may or March talked about what I just want to thank him. And we're in support of this. And I'm happy to be here today. I don't know. But I really do think there's an element. We got to trust each other at this point a little bit that it's going to, we're all going to do what we said we're going to do with the right intentions.
I agree
with all right. So because I want I know our big discussion is going to be our CTC is final. So you councils want to make sure we
one minute Jeffrey has his hand up.
Yes, Jeffrey.
And thanks. Yeah. And actually, I was gonna jump in on something sort of similar. The commissioner Black was just talking about which was I thought I had heard someone at the beginning of this discussion, saying that Mayor Marsh wanted talking points. And I just wanted to clarification if that's accurate or not. And but either way, it maybe goes to Commissioner blacks point that the probably all these speakers would appreciate these, and maybe it would alleviate any concerns that this group, everyone knows what's being discussed. And, and and you're in this meeting today, which is maybe your last one I'm not sure Commissioner, it sounds like you have something up your sleeve. If that would make sense to have talking points, and maybe there's simple as Commissioner black just said, but just wanted to check, did murmurs ask for that? Whether or not she did is that something that you all would be interested in providing to all the speakers so visual,
just Just a quick comment, I I'm happy with everything that's going on. So don't interpret this wrong way. But I don't think it's really in our purview or what would be a good idea to provide talking points to the mayor, and it's no disrespect to the mayor. I think I just don't think that that's really our job. I think, I think if we put together a one page bullet point of who we are, what we do, why we did it, why we took this and then provide it to all the speakers equally, and let them kind of speak as they see fit
by? Yeah, that's, I was just gonna make that suggestion that
I, and I, and then that way, because I really, I understand why heart and soul would want to have some kind of control over, but I think it's a little bit unreasonable. I guess we can't, you know, their speakers are going to say, you know, hopefully, I mean, we confident they're going to stay on theme or on message, but I just think it I would just be nervous. So I just think and I and I'm okay with having the chair or with with with Commissioner Hildebrand shell or anyone just do on behalf and not have to make a big production out of it. So that's my two cents.
So chair, Mayor,
my heart and soul before it gets,
well, they just want a script,
just so they know, this is what we gave them. We're trusting their Yeah.
And she's not trust not she's not distrustful of us at all. I didn't want to communicate that. No, I don't think location skills are not the top notch.
And just want to make sure that like we're all together.
Yeah, she just wanted to know the basic intent. Because you know, it is a celebration that she works really hard on the heart and soul has worked very hard on. And it's kind of their baby. And so she just wanted to be like, we want to make sure we're aligned, that attend like we all know each other's intents and that I think she doesn't want to like a script script. She was like just a basic, so she kind of knew what was going on as well.
So here's my suggestion to that. I agree with Commissioner Shoal chair mayor. Since you're leading this off, do you want to create bullet points, which then the mayor can tag onto yours and chief steward can tag onto yours, their own words, but you least have the bullet points and then you're in control of that does that sound so let's do
this and a group banner. So I make a motion that I create a one page document that incorporates our goals and mission, and how we see the award or you know, what we see of the award. And then we distribute that to mer marsh and chief steward. That way they know what we're going to be speaking about and what our goal is with this award. Again, it's free speech, we can't dictate what they say. But we have worked for an entire year to create something really good.
And we should have at least some kind of definition of what we're doing. So the motion is I will create a document that I will give to Mayor marsh and chief steward. And you guys trust me to create that.
And Raymond knows it needs to be included.
Yes, yes. Sorry, Jeffrey. Yes.
Sorry. Just one thing. And also it sounded like that this document also serve double duty to give heart and soul. So they know that
yeah, sorry. Yeah. So create a document, but with the trust in me that. So again, since we act as a group, we have to do this in a, you know, in a meeting like manner. So I need to know that you are all in consensus that you trust me to create the document and give it out without everyone's input since we don't have another meeting before that. So I move that I will create a document that will include all of the bullet points we have spoken about and give to heart and soul Raman dosa, Mayor marsh and chief steward. All in favor? I'll second that. Yeah, we need to say sorry, second. Sorry. All right.
One discussion point.
Chair, please,
please discuss.
When you send that out to Mayor marsh in the chief, will you also invite him and welcome him to speak 30 seconds, one minute, based upon the page that you send him? Can you make a request,
I can make a formal invitation. So again, I will amend the motion to include a formal invitation for chief steward and Mayor Marsh as well since we'll just we'll just include everybody formal invitation included for everyone. Any more discussion?
Yes, city manager Adams.
Thank you. I guess I would say don't be bashful. The mayor is speaking almost every day somewhere. It's hard to keep up with her sometimes. But so so what she wants and I can tell you this because we You just had some work with her this weekend on Saturday, if she wants to know what it is you want to emphasize and she, she's great about picking the words. But she doesn't want to then say it, and then she hears it again and hears it again and hears it again, she's looking for what you want her to kind of speak about, and give her a time limit. And if you do those things, she's good. And the same with the chief, I know he will he's anxious to participate in any way he wants. You want him to as a trust commission, you're presenting the ward, not the city, not the mayor, you are as trust commission. And he wants to support that however you want him to support it. So if you want to speak, he's not at a loss for words, you have to give him a time limit to because you saw him here for nothing now, you know.
So I amend my motion again, to be more definitive and what we're asking with the bullet points. If you guys want to define exactly what we're asking, that'd be great. The only so we can't we are not part of city council. We've excluded them from the Commission. We have a final meeting next Tuesday. We know our city council is not always on the same page as each other. So inviting one member and then telling them we want them to speak on these points, I think could be taken poorly. What are your thoughts?
Commissioner bear has a comment for this discussion on this motion.
Please love if if Mayor Marsh andorre interim chief steward would come up with a heartfelt sincere, you know, on one of the darkest days in Loveland history, you Mr. Mendoza, we're the person on scene who did the right thing. And we're here to honor that today.
But we have to allow them to say what they want to say I agree with that. That is amazing. And that's what we need from this. But they are individuals and they're speaking for themselves. They're not speaking for us. I will be the voice for us if we need like that is what my job is in this plan inviting them to speak. So we got to keep that in mind. Tara, I see. I see some hands motion happening.
Yeah. And I think like to be specific with Mayor Marsh, like even if Jackie or if I'm sorry, Commissioner Barrett gave her that she asked for bullet points because she does use her own words like we're not giving them. This is your script. The script is just an outline. It's not. It's our intention. And so it will be their own words. No. Words. It's just the intention.
That's what serious bullet points would be. This is what the intention is. Here's the bullet points.
But I'm just saying. I want to be very clear. We're speaking the CTC is speaking for the CTC. Correct. We feel very strongly that Raymond Doza deserves an award he did the right thing. We're not saying Mayor Marsh thinks this or chief steward thinks this. We are saying we the CTC have done this work. And this is how we feel strongly. Right. Am I wrong? I don't know. I could be at a lion. You can tell me I am out of line. But I just want to be very clear that we're not trying to put any words anywhere where they're not supposed to be. We're trying to say this was the right thing. And this is what we expect citizens to be recognized for in our community. Correct. And declared, I see your hand up.
You would you would have that in your document that the words similar to what I just said, you would have to that in your document that goes to them, that this is the CTCs visitors we're giving this word because words similar to what I said and come up with their own. Yes,
I think we all believe that chair Mayor can represent us well, in that. So I have a second any more discussion. Aaron's here. I'm
gonna I just wanted to say. chair that you mentioned that the CDC didn't allow city council that was not that was in the ordinance. They set that up. Yeah. They
said that we did not say that. But as a CTC, we are not make sure to Yeah, no, they made sure that they separated themselves. So I want to make sure that we're clear that
like Jackie Marsh was invited because she's the mayor, it was in the mayor position would have been invited. And I would imagine that if the mayor or the chief warn in support, they would have declined. His personality type seems like he would have had a problem with declining if you wanted to. So
so in the wording, I want to be clear that we invited them not as CTC right, so that we don't I goofed on the ordinance. She's not speaking for all of city, we just, we just need to tread lightly. We have one more meeting, we've known how these have gone. We're speaking for ourselves because we worked hard. We trust this person, he did a very good job, but not because of anything else. So that's, that's all, that's what I've been concerned about. I'm here in DC with a bunch of politician snakes. Like, we have done such good work, and I don't want to goof it up. So to make sure we're, we're really covered.
I just had a follow up or clarify. I am sensitive to the optics of the politics. And I do, I'm assuming that this is a public event that all of the other eight members of city council are free to attend and be supportive. The systems show there, so they they, I mean, it's not is the kind of chiller head of the city, it means the mayor, we defer to her, which is, I think, protocol, so I mean, I'm, you know, I just as long as it's clear that there they are free to attend. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's a public wide. It's in fact advertised. You'd be great.
Yeah, I was gonna say we'd be I mean, not, but not p. But, but yeah, I would. Alright,
so we're up for a vote. Sounds alright. has come to an end. Yes.
Any more discussion? So we're voting on allowing me to create a bullet pointed document that will be shared with an invitation to Mayor marsh and chief steward and Raven dosa. Before the 17th, I will try to get that done on Wednesday. All in favor of allowing that to happen. Please raise your hand. And if Shane, you could help me
do a great night. It's unanimous here. So
all right, then it passes. Thank you guys for the trust in me. Shane, will you continue on the meeting?
Did you say you want me to continue on with the meeting?
If you can continue on the agenda? That'd be great. Because I can't pull it. I'm just having technical issues. We're
gonna we're gonna go back to the one we skipped, which be the city survey results, which has your name on it.
Alright, so city survey results. Let me try to pull them up. They were given to us today. I guess let's start it out. Super quick and simple. Do we feel that these are necessary to complete our report? discussion, please? Raise your hand.
The only the only thing I wanted from the city survey were two things. I wanted to know the number of people who responded which it looks like it was somewhere in the six hundreds 620 something 640 something. And the the whatever they decided was not made it did they trust basically, did they trust the city? Or was there a level of distrust communicated there? And that's it. I don't think that we need to incorporate anything from that. What I want to be able to do is just when somebody says, Well, you only had 544 results? Well, yeah, we and we got those for free. By doing volunteer work and reaching out to the community and all for awards, you got 600 Something results spending, how many 1000s of dollars? And so yeah, it's you know, neither one is considered statistically relevant. If you're gonna go by the book, but this is the community's voice and we need to listen to it.
All right, um, Jeffrey, I might need your assistance here. So we have a lot of conversation to have about our report, instead of going point by point and say, do we need to vote on this, let's make an amendment that if you have something either strongly opposing or strongly agreeing with the person who's brought up a point, please speak on that point. I don't know that we need votes unless it's crazy opposition or but I think we can discuss this together, and then come up with amendments and just keep rolling. So Katherine, what I'm hearing is that you're saying you would like some of the study results to be included? Just that trust question and to say, here's how many answers you got. And we can make that like two sentences and say CTC survey did this city survey did this does is that correct? Jeffrey, sorry.
I just couldn't confirm it. Folks have had a chance to see the draft report. We do have a section on it that has the community survey in there. This would be an easy thing, if the if the CDC of our use today to add a summary of the relevant information from the from the survey? We could we could put that into that section
doing the summary of the survey.
And I guess just to be clear, when I say summary, I don't mean of the whole thing, but to the point. Yeah, numbers and trust questions.
there are some relevant, there's some relevant data in this survey results. And some of that is treating residents with respect, being honest overall competence and leveling, government being open and transparent to the public. All of those are on the lower end, that's relevant to our final report and backs up our community survey results. And some of the things that we found under police services rate how safe and unsafe you feel that's much lower. That's the data that came back from that taking care of our vulnerable residents that came out really low and raw, verbatim comments over and over and over supported. Also what we heard in our community survey results in the raw comments. And so I do think a nice little quick little paragraph that this completely backed up everything that we saw in our survey and what so
I think that'd be a good idea to add.
Alright, so like a one paragraph summary of the community surveys when I'm hearing somebody else have anything that you'd like to add to that.
So I am in full agreement with Aaron because when I read through, I was like, oh, we should be proud of our little community survey, because it really did kind of match up. I think we had more negative comments maybe than the the Milton comments may have had. And they addressed that in their survey as well that the online had a little more negative than the Mauldin comments did. But it went right in line, like I felt a little more confident about our survey. And then also, I thought it was really interesting. In one section, it talked about where the community gets community news. And overwhelmingly, it was the newsletter and the website, and pretty much those were the two main condiments of communicating with the community. And so I felt like that was kind of relevant to like some of the recommendations we made about specifically, I knew it because of the website. But so I felt like it gave some relevance to some of the stuff we could just listed as a reference point, to kind of underline some of those recommendations that it helps to,
to add that into our appendix.
Yeah. So that's all I
know, that's great. So I'm hearing like, generally, include Yes, working includes a paragraph. Anyone? Does anyone have any opposition to including a summary of the Community Survey? I? Yes.
In a sense, I do object simply because I think that was emailed out to us today. Was that correct? I was not able to receive it.
So survey results,
the survey results, I haven't seen them because it does not come through on my device. So that's serious. I, and so I would like you. I don't know. But I think more than just a brief summary. I think it's so if that's this, if what you have there is the is the summary. I think, you know, by the way, this is why not add that to the end of our report.
So would be added in it would be added the this there several results would be added into our appendix of links. Okay, and click on and see. Okay, because here's, here's my thoughts on that Commissioner dry for the next is that because it's not our survey? It's the city survey. So we don't want to confuse with that, like the CTC did. We don't want to take credit for something we didn't do. But I do believe everybody else's point that a a paragraph that says hey, please see appendix, e f. G. It does back up what our survey also says so, Commissioner, Dr. Yes, I
think Commissioner Schweiger who was before me she had her hand First, you yield
Schweiger. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. I have been reading the conclusion. And I don't know if like this is the only conclusion on the city survey. But somehow, and I don't know how. But when I was reading through the survey, I found that the conclusion that there is not a great deal of trust, there is less trust in the police and the city government and our elected officials. And maybe somehow we could address that I just as a community member, I want to know that my city, my police department, my elected officials realize that there's a lot of us that maybe don't have a great deal of trust in them.
That could prove it. Well, I'll let Sarah, Jeremy or are you still there?
Yeah, sorry. I was trying to see if I could pull up the slides later for sharing because I could share from my screen potentially. So what I'm getting from that, is that including in the summary that you will, you'll want more of a conclusion from conclusion. Just you'll want us to summarize what your or what we're seeing in that trust questions. Is that correct? I want
that. I want the police and the city and our elected officials to know that they still have work to do.
But yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, hopefully our recommendations that we've already agreed upon, reflect that. So let's pause this conversation. And let's go through our recommendations in the report if we can, and see if that does reflect what we've been talking about so that we can commission at one column before Oh, sorry, Commissioner Joyce, I'm sorry.
Yes, thank you. My whole concern here is that we did our work, we got our results, they came afterwards, they come up with their results. I'm glad they correlate with the hours. But I want to make sure how ever we say it, do it. We don't give the city any credit or any way that they can water down our efforts, as it was us that started this. Maybe they had it in the plan before but we were the initiating factor, I want to make sure that we don't get watered down or overlooked for that. Thank you.
I appreciate that Commissioner dress and I think we can incorporate that because we were able to speak with Nicole Yost. Am I correct Catherine on that spirit to help create and kind of direct those questions. So we can mention that specifically that hey, also our work here was able to be incorporated it within the city's own survey. Is that correct?
Yes, that's correct.
Cool. So is that would that be alright with you, Commissioner? Dr.
What specifically, did was she asked us if we wanted a trust commission or a twist trust question in the city survey. And we said sure. So that I mean, that's the extent of that. I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for there. But
I mean, just a mention of that, I think is helpful to say that we are doing work, right. I don't know. That's me personally speaking. So, commission speak at please.
I'm fine. Thank you. Okay, cool.
Okay, um,
point of order, we are going to combine on the agenda. So it's in the official, the city council presentation for that, and the community survey, we just kind of mash those two together. Cool. For the next hour and two minutes. We'll talk about the preparation for this ETCS final update City Council.
Alright, um, was everyone able to see the
questions are exist. Sorry.
You're black Commissioner Bullard. So would you want to request a some city staffers print out the community survey so that you can have a copy a full copy of that?
Thank you, if they would send it in a different form. I don't know. Okay.
I want to make sure that you have that whether it's one of us print that or city staff print. I want to make sure that you have a chance.
You want to ask your questions.
Let me ask my question when I'm printing out of information So just keep in mind, this survey is going to be presented. Third on the agenda. I've got another energy resource items second and your first. So this is the packet for this particular item. So it is coming that night also. So you can reference in the documents you prepare, that's fine, but it's also going to be part of the packet that night.
So it makes sense about that paragraph.
Mr. Barrett was inviting Catherine to tea and I'll make a copy.
So, city council that city manager City Council has not seen the report yet is what I'm catching.
Hang on, do print me a new one later. So we'll get yours
city manager Adams gave Commissioner Bullard a full copy of the
night. Nice. But city manager so Council has not seen the report yet.
They have it was published last Thursday. We I said twice here and meetings that we the reason this was exciting for us is on the eighth which was last Thursday, we would publish the packet, which had all of our information in it. So it'd be available to the trust commission.
So they will see it tomorrow. And then we can refer there'll be
okay, cool. City council packet, but they will be presented by Nicole and the team that's coming from poco, the survey company that we found for this process. Ask them for years. It's after yours your first?
Cool. All right, so we can make reference to it and mention that we worked with Nicole and the city to create that trust question. So then moving on.
To everybody has read. Yes. A presentation that Patrick put out. Yep. And looked at. Okay.
And one of the things I talked to Nicole tonight, if anybody has any questions about the survey, please call her. She said she'd be happy to answer any questions you may have as you're putting things together.
All right. Awesome. Sounds like everybody has at least seen it. Read it.
Shane, do you have it with you?
I do not.
Okay, I'll go through my report. I'm
sure Jeffrey or
I can excuse me, I can screen sure do want to look at the report or the slide deck.
Let's do the report, please. We'll just go if we can go like page by page and see if anyone has any issues or things they would like to add. Let's just do it that way. Because there's like 45 pages, we need to go quickly. We'll just skim them. If you see a place where we're lacking. Let us know. If you're opposed. Let us know. And we'll have discussion then. But just hopefully Jeffrey can share his screen. There we go. Okay, you tell me where you want to go. All right. So we have this cool table of contents at the beginning to hopefully direct counsel where they're looking. It's awesome. We're gonna it's even color coded. We have an introduction. If you'll all read that real quick. And then let me know if there's anything that we're missing, again, lacking or disagreement with.
Up first probably have the same right.
I'll go with Commissioner Barrett. She got her hand up 30 seconds
the results of the presentation or the volunteer at who attended the library?
Oh, yes, we can add that up. So let me get my notebook or
a table at the library.
My commissioner on it
on my on? Yes. Okay. My situation is that both Commissioner Dr. and I are still here. And we were the alternates. And yes, it says it says 16 members, it doesn't say two alternates. I would like to be included at that point.
All right. So if it says the CTC met for the first time on October 25, as a 16 member commission with two alternates of volunteers with two alternates does that work for you guys?
Yes. And then there's something under under the cap picture to the caption under their picture, I think says
okay, yeah. That we can edit that as well. Jeffrey's on it. Catherine, I saw you it sent an email in that was about the library as well. Correct.
Yeah, there's sorry. When we get there. Thank you make them up front. Okay,
perfect. So anything else right here all right. Good stuff.
So in this section, we'll add about the community survey a little blurb. And do you guys trust us to do that ourselves or do that without a meeting?
Commissioner, our chair mayor, and I've been in contact back and forth met with Patrick, all that stuff to get all this. JEFFREY And Patrick are amazing people, by the way, just throw that out there. I would
like to say I don't spell well either and they put up with
proofreading needed still.
Yeah, it's not finished. It's not finalized. Hopefully you trust us to go through and read and make all the final edits. So anything on this page? We're going to add the library raise. Is this where it goes? Where's that? Yes, right in there, including Loveland farmers markets, the Loveland Justice League, the library. Am I correct? Commissioner Barrett?
Yes, that's correct.
Cool. This survey results. I know last time, we weren't able to share them. So I'm really looking forward to sharing them this time. We'll see how that goes. But I think it's a great little image there. All right, anything else on this page?
We can move on. Okay. Some of their recommendation language got edited. Just to be maybe more clear reading. So please, if you can read that language and make sure that the meaning is still what you were going for? Yeah. subcommittees? Alright, so anything here?
I don't see any hands or any discussion? On the recommendations? I do have. But that is a several pages later. I think it's it's number 1.19.
All right. When we get there, will you please speak up at that point? Cool. All right. Carry on. What I really like I want to point out is that each subject gets a color and a image, which I think is cool.
Beautiful presentation, by the way, this Patrick?
Patrick is amazing. Okay. Anything on this page, though?
Yep. Commissioner show on something to mr. show. Just real
quick. I actually think that particularly 1.1. And is really important. And I'd like to have some timeframe put in place. Just countability sake, just because it's like, I I just think that if we say maybe not one point, but I mean, even in the first paragraph if they like adopt these recommendations, or at least consider them within a period of time. You know, just I just don't want to leave it. I'd like to have some,
What's your suggestion for a period of time? Well,
I mean, I think, you know, I think that they that, you know, that they I mean, the recommendations regarding the P Hab. I think the fact that they haven't taken that up and done that yet, I think is really I find very disappointing. Right. It's really not that hard to do. I mean, and so, and I think if you're talking about citizen engage, I mean, that's that citizen kind of level are engaged with the police department, I think it's something that they should do. And so I would say that they take them up, you know, within I mean, I think they should have have it within six months and have at least something done within a 12 months. So but I but, I mean, I'm
Commissioner dry. Thanks for coming to that. Yeah, I
think a year is way too long. They've already had this report, the Jensen Hughes report for nine months now since it's came out. I would have expected the committee's and the board's whatever was named in the Jensen Hughes, to have started work, not to sit back and say, Oh, maybe the trust Commissioner come up with something for us to do. That's not our job. They should be working on this from day one. So I would say a much shorter timeframe.
Can I pause one second? So Commissioner black and I worked on this and we did speak about timeliness of these things for specifically the implementation plan. Um, Commissioner black. I don't remember if that was part of one of our recommendations. I know we spoke on it. I just want to clarify that quickly before we did we do that.
I think there was only one thing that we put a specific and that was responder program coming up. Okay. Great. So within a year, but I don't think you and I put support that.
Yes, I know. We spoke about that. So I just wanted to clarify. So in the paragraph up there. I feel like so let's quickly run through if let's pause on this for a second. Everybody, please run through the recommendations, because I think a lot of them could be on a similar timeline. So if you'll read through them quickly, and then we can discuss a timeline?
I just have.
Yes. So during our for our meetings, chief steward, there are some plans that they have to have the chief hired on for, okay, there were parts of the plan that needed the actual chief of police, to instigate or to implement. And so when we make these, like, some of them can be, I think, implemented right away, and others will have to wait until the chief is hired. Well. Sorry, sorry.
Well, that's good. It's good. Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm not in the room with you guys. But can we direct this really quick to city manager, city manager? Can you speak on this and let us know if there's something specifically we can't act on or something we should act on.
So thank you, Madam Chair, the point I'd make is on October 11, we're bringing this implementation plan to the city council. So as we pointed out of this document, there are things that are already completed from the plan. Those were marked in green, and are already finished. Yellow are some that are in progress, and a lot of those you have here. And then there are some that were marked red, which were delayed for the new chief. So as far as a plan goes, we'll be giving counsel more information on that on October 11. As far as implementation, what our plan is, some of us depend on budget, in some cases, some of its policy that's in play and in writing, right now being written on. And some things will take work from a new chief to help us get done. So we're planning to kind of parse those out at our presentation on October 11. And we'll have an update to what you all have seen, because you should see his chiefs copy after your meeting. So I can barely read the writing anymore. But so that's why we wanted the feedback. So that that's the kind of thing we'll be coming forward to counsel with is the recommendations thinks you had. So
Commissioner, shall do you want to? Do you have any thing? Any direction for us, please? Well,
I, this is just a suggestion. But I do think that reforming the PCAP and in, in creating kind of more, you know, focusing on kind of the membership, the root of that whole reforming of that board, I think should be done immediately. I mean, and I just think that that that's that's kind of if to my read, and I think I've said this before, but if they had were functioning the way they should have been intended, there would have been no need for a community trust. What as it relates to care, and Garner, because they would have been the one the community. So So I think that and I don't know, I don't have in front of me, the Jensen Hughes to know what 5.1 5.2 5.3 or 5.4 specifically what they address, but I think, if anything, I mean, they I think they need to take up the 1.1 I think I would just like to say immediately or as soon as something because in but
can does anyone have any support or opposition? Aaron, I see your hand up. I can't see anybody else. So Commissioner Barrett knows. Oh, sorry. Who was first? So
I think I was sure I didn't know in our in the ordinance. They created this body it says that the ordinance is necessary. And that that it requires immediate action to limit the damage to the communities trust and confidence in its local government to mitigate the economic damage related to the perception of the events that landed in the mud on national news. It doesn't say that but and to address concerns about the responsiveness of local government maybe you could add you know, add some of that to your press and I'm speaking to city manager to your presentation to council just reiterate that ordinance to as this is immediate.
To Mr. Bear Would you be in support of adding those words to anywhere else in our document? Because
that just right after the first part of the recommendations before you go into the specifics, recommendations to city council, and then right before that last sentence,
so about page Correct?
Page, what page Am I on here?
Right here? Yes.
Five? Yes. Five, right in page five.
Yeah, that would probably that would, would that satisfy Commissioner Shoal? Like because it says immediate? These recommendations shouldn't be done immediately. Because we're just making recommendations.
Yeah. Sure, sure. Would you please turn on your mic? Okay. Are you? Alright?
Yes, um, I think I'm fine with that. I mean, I would make kind of an a very smaller is that under 1.1? It is accepting implement the recommendations regarding the PCAP immediately. Just give me an additional immediately I think would be, and I would be, you'll
see if we add it up here, where it says recommendations, add the language of the ordinance and then reiterate it again. I think I absolutely agree with that. Yeah. For the PCAP. Does anybody else have any strong feelings? Or feelings? They don't have to be strong? No, all right. Well, let's carry on down. So this is how we're running each of the recommendation groups. And then we have at the end of the appendix, and then I asked, and I don't know how many we received, because some people respond directly to Jeffrey and some respond to me. And Jeffrey, if you have supporting documents, I'd love to share the hyperlink. If you have like, a website and on page or a PDF, and on page like 37, there's a really great graphic that you were referencing. Just put that in little, little quotes, or what are these called brackets, so that we can specifically point counsel in that direction. All right, any any thoughts on this page? Continuing on with the recommendations for the LPD?
Alright, I'd mud seeing but
one 1.1 919 1.19? Yep, rip, so require LPT to deliver quarterly updates on his implementation plan and require that, that these updates be made available online to the public, that they include timeframes and additional information if benchmarks are not met, and that community members be given the opportunity to weigh in as updates are given.
It's not clear who the updates are to so I would add up dates to city council.
Okay. Any more discussion on that?
Great. You said to the public and city council.
It is an updates and then to city council. And then the rest of it.
All right. Any other feelings on this page? Um, yes, I kind of do. And that would be a new, it would be a one point 25.
Because since we will never see the IAEA report. And there's nothing about anybody else seeing it. I would like to say two point, something to the effect of to appoint a new committee to study the IAEA report and report to the city council and the public.
discussion, please. No,
no, no, no,
I hadn't thought this. So I'm trying to process it really quick. But I know in the community engagement piece, I had also addressed the IAEA report in a different way, because I didn't recommend a board. But it was recommended that they communicate with the community, what the results were and what their actions would be. And then just creating that feedback loop that we kind of keep talking about so that the community can also have input or you know what I mean or responses that can be addressed, but I hadn't the board I hadn't even thought of
so can we just for Commissioner Bullard sake instead of adding a 1.25 yet Make a note of it. Jeffery, when we get down to her section, you want to see what the wording is and see if it is.
Okay. I did see that and, and I thought, okay, that but but let's get some let's let's do do specific six.
Yeah. So I have something. Let's get there and then let's come back to it. Because I have some thoughts on that as well. But let's just see how Tara worded it and then we can wordsmith
together. Commissioner Shall I was a comment,
oh, Commissioner, shall
I I'm kind of reluctant to kind of recommend forming another Commissioner. So I get that.
I. But what I was gonna say is, I understand the intent. And I and I want to I want to honor the intent. Because I do think it's important. And that's why I think if we, I mean, and that's why I go back to my earlier point about PCAP. I mean, if that's the the police Citizens Advisory Board, it should be released to them, it should be made available, and that should be the body or the institution of public institution that addresses these issues going forward, I think from a position of that's empowered. So I, I mean, I like I said, I mean, I honor the year and 10. I just I'm not sure that I agree with having a commission, but I'm okay. So move on to the discussion.
If we say compel the city attorney to release Karen Gardner internal investigation report to the public and PCAP, or somewhere in there. I'm gonna catch it.
What about what about empowering the PCAP to review the report and make recommendations as to the sufficiency of that report?
Why wouldn't want that until PCAP was revamped.
Alright, let's, let's hold on it. Let's see what else we have. And we'll come back to it. Alright, so number two was co responders. See they have the heart. Cute little icon. I don't know why I love these so much. But I love them. Oh, go ahead. Oh, yes. I just
I think this is really good. The one thing that I have is if we could provide a definition of the police first model, because I think most people in the community are going to read that and they're gonna think What do you mean, you're not putting police first?
Okay, so we, um,
but I think it should be even that there's like a box that like just information just because we I I'm just a suggestion, because I think it's not it's not a point that everyone will understand immediately. And I
think that's good. And I think that we have included a link for that. And maybe there's a good graphic that we could use.
We included links to other community first models, but I see what Commissioner, she was saying, like 2.1 box, just to say something right? Remove the current police first model, which is just a quick definition, which is sending police officers first to a mental health crisis versus mental health crisis people or something of that effect. Does that make sense?
Yeah. Anybody have any opposition to that? Cool. All right. Well,
I don't I don't have opposition. But I'm, rather than saying remove the current police first model, replace the current police first model, which is just in police first, with a more community based model that would include crisis counselors to be deployed
to further I think that it does say that further down in the right, because I know that we included that in there,
but rather remove because we move. Yeah, like replace it with something because we moved to me, it says defined all over the place.
Okay, so we'll look into amending that. Let's keep reading and then see if that point comes up. So we can maybe swap the order or figure that out.
Good, yeah,
removing put replace.
I think we can we can add, keep adding words. And one of the things I like about it is the briefness of a lot of statements. So I would say I would vote for replace, and then add the definition and you know, that's that's enough for the right there.
Sorry, thank you, instead of re reiterating all the sub things like can we just reference See Appendix did it because it's already there.
To what specific point we're talking
about adding up there this cific definition of something of the police firstly, we've already had it referenced in the appendix. So I can't wait. Just say.
I think yeah, I totally see what you're saying. I think it's just the first reaction because a lot of that it does the city council know what a police first model
is. Or the blank there, you just say See Appendix for specific. That's all. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah,
I just Yeah, sure.
Yeah, something short, very sweet. Because to Commissioner drives, we don't want to repeat ourselves multiple times.
And also, the report looks great as it is, and keeping it clean, concise, easy to read. We I like okay, we'll just pause here because I was gonna say this at the end, I am so proud of us. We've come like, Look at this. This is a report with recommendations that are specific, we kicked so much, but and just making sure that they see the work that we've done in a clean and concise manner like this is this is awesome. This is exactly what we need. So I don't I mean, maybe I'm speaking out of turn here, but that's why we're going through it to fix it. I don't know. I like what we've done it. So anyways, carry on, keep going.
Okay, I'm raising my hand.
Please speak, please. So you can hear me so well.
So, obviously, I totally misunderstood my communication piece. Because I put the I don't know why I did this. I put the CO responder program also in the public engagement. Is it okay. But also one of the big things I was I was just a little bit different on was that. Sorry, I included, like community members like residents who because I think sometimes when it's your kid or you that's in the system, sometimes you see it from a different perspective than maybe the EMS or the police or you know what I mean, the professionals. And so when you were talking about establishing a committee of stakeholders, I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to put residents in that space or to leave it in the public engagement recommendation? Well, I
really think that kind of it crosses both sides community engagement with that, and I do believe people with lived experience should absolutely be part of that stakeholder committee. From them, but I do feel like that is part of community engagement. That piece, I mean, I don't know how everybody else is.
Commissioners, hang on, Richard Schweiger. me throw stuff on the pile.
Um, I don't know if this is the place for this. But in the CO responder program, where it says decreased the use of jail. And Edie. I think a lot of people won't know what Ed means.
So that was up a page, correct?
Yeah, just to spell out emergency departments that have Edie
I would say
what is this? acronym? So the recommendation to have a definition for EDI and the second paragraph there? Yeah, just a definition to say emergency department. I think. Yeah, instead
of just saying you need to spell the whole word. Okay.
All right. So thank you. Communication engagement. Is there any more discussion?
Communications and engagement?
Did we move? Yeah, we moved on.
We moved on and then we pop back up, and then we pop back down.
So we're back to communicate back here. Yes, I believe Commissioner Baird has. Okay, so
my only question on 3.7. I'm not familiar with the CSU model for for public deliberation, but we currently use and I apologize. I cannot remember the name of it. Hardwood. Yeah. What would be the difference between those two and I'd like to ask city manager if he's familiar with both and and has any opinion about which one would be better? Why would we? Why would we change that from Harwood?
City Manager? I can't see you but feel free to speak.
I'm afraid to see the commissioners are ready to speak first but we both models. We've used Martin in a couple of Martina and a couple of different projects. We've done two. The idea was we wanted to develop some kind of Asante within our own city. So we could do it not only for ourselves but other community projects with several different areas now. So we are looking at using Martina, another area here coming up soon. So we're not opposed to those. But we, but we still want to continue to use our own staff as appropriate. So sometimes when we get a bigger group, we need to use Martine instead of us because we don't have enough facilitators
on 3.7, then could we amend it to say, develop library listening sessions to better reflect the models used by Colorado State and the Harwood Institute? I can't see you so yes, please.
Hildebrand shell commissioner has, so
when I was writing these app, Aaron is really adept at these models, and has worked with them. And so when we were talking to the chief, there were a couple things that came up that he raised some concerns and Aaron. So that's what I was trying to get out. And that's why I put contact Aaron black, because I also needed to contact Aaron black, to specify exactly what we were asking for. So it's totally legitimate.
Well, yeah, and we definitely want to take that off at the end contact me. But in with the chief and how the library session listening session went with the PD a few months back at the library. I just envisioned that going a little bit differently. The chief spoke assistant, Laurie Scott spoke, and then they were asked to leave the room. And I'm in complete disagreement of that. That's not how I would envision another listening session happening. I would envision they're all sitting among each other at the tables. And they definitely don't speak at and leave, they stay. And they converse together. And so I just envision those happening a little bit differently in the future. And so did interim chief steward. He was like, he felt really weird and awkward leaving also he would have preferred to stay in that room. And so I just see those happening a little bit differently, whether that's more on the center for public deliberation, or if it's the hardwood model, but we just talk with the staff at the library for future ones about how that's going to look a little bit different than how it was done the first time. That was the only thing like can
we amend that then to say like develop library listening sessions that incorporate the correct model for the situation. I don't know how to better word that but
appropriate model.
Clarify, is the Harwood model and the CSU model asked them to leave.
No, so that's not a model thing. That was I guess,
just a moderator thing,
a moderator thing. That's why I would love to be part of the next one.
That's that's that's set up
because I really don't feel like we should have PD ever speaking to and then leaving the room we have to integrate and sit together. So I think they'd feel more comfortable to based upon his response.
So then let's amend this one. Um, I don't know how to amend it. Aaron, can you help us? Please something
to the effect of that it's, I would put the state or CSU model and the hardwood model to include open discussions with everyone, no one leaving the room tight,
right more roundtable discussion. And the city manager might have something to say to there's not really speakers that are outside of sitting within the round tables together.
The manager makes.
So appreciate the comment and the sensitivity. I'll say that the audience for that particular item was a little bit sensitive to the police. And so there is an there's an attempt to to lessen that by having them not be there. They're in uniform. And then when everybody's going into breakout sessions, it's felt that might not encourage them to some to not speak so there was a very situational related decision on that one. It's not something we normally do. So to that. It's a lesson learned. I think we found having the police remained worked well in future ones for us. I think that's more of a model that we need to look at And that's a modification to more to the moderator. And how the meetings run, not the hardwood process. Yeah.
So then let's amend that in a way that doesn't reflect any specific model because some things might fit some things might not fit. But to be the most productive for everybody, right?
format, or implementing models that are appropriate to the audience size. Yes. The needs of that audience.
Yes, I like that discussion?
I think so.
Right? So just specific to the audience. That's basically we need to add a model Appropriate and specific to tailor to the audience at the contact. Everybody contact air.
I have your cell phone number. Now. We're friends for life. Just kidding. I mean, maybe. Okay, so then, after Jeffrey gets through this, we'll continue on. We have 25 minutes left. So just want to make sure we're checking in and getting through these but having enough time for everyone to get their voice heard. Again, I want us to have a really successful presentation. So if you aren't in agreement, or need to change, speak up, please. Alright, code of ethics. They need to be
well, down when you're down to to number 6.6. Okay. In, in line to where did it
sorry about that. Was that one a different topic? Is it three? It's on page two page? What page? Are you on? Page? You're talking 10? Okay, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm, I'm later on page 24.
So okay, not there yet. Okay. So on page
might have something to say on this page. Yes, please.
i My only there were a couple of things in a way to get to page 24. about some of the but I would say just for 4.1 adopt and sign the ethics document contain the appendix to support immediately or something because I just, you know, I feel like sometimes these things kind of won't rehash the curricula. But this is really simple stuff. I mean, that this is not, it's not a heavy lift for them to adopt something like this, like, right away. And so I just, I want to make sure that that's noted.
So just add a language have probably just dropped the scientists ethics document in Appendix A, or some version, there are a synonym or not a synonym or whatever, other than the word immediately, because immediately. Yes, Commissioner Barrett.
So totally agree. But I would, I would also like to tie the survey into the reason for the code of ethics, because I think we need to just just highlight that the city survey or our survey revealed that city council has been a major contributor to the breach of trust in the city. And these are the specific things that were identified in that there's a list of them in the in the meat of this, but that this code of ethics would address all of those, I'd like to see that not only the pillars, but also supported by the survey. You know, when our city leadership is, is the biggest perpetrator of breach of trust in the city, we need to tell them why we're recommending that they adopt a code of ethics.
And this is not this is not the time to mince our understandings in our feelings. This is time to say it like it is.
recommendation to that if we were to add something would be in that first paragraph before the recommendations
had some sort of language right this is the code of ethics came directly between
the CTCs 20 on page 28, I believe it is it starts 29 It starts listing the the issue the specific issues with city council that are in ours. survey identified 315 comments having to do with city council and they, they were around the areas of and list them. And I don't think we need to go into personalities again, but list the immaturity, religion and politics and professionalism, integrity transparently. In fact on page 20 of the appendix, and then yeah, and maybe even just refer to that appendix page on on the breakdown of please see the breakdown of, of city, city council related comments. And this led us to the idea that a code of ethics could address all of that for the entire council. Well, in their leadership, a results and Leadership
Without getting too kind of in the weeds on this, because I agree with Commissioner Barrett. And and I think part of part of I think what I'd like to be able to say is, you know, it's, I think part of it kind of when we started that the idea of the Code of Ethics was not in part as much to define the behavior that we'd like to see or create the norms that I think we're that I think are appropriate and demand is the residence. And I think that was reflected in or the standard was not being met, in part based on the comments that we heard from the survey, and that the survey reflected the fact that that, you know, there's a lot of people in the community, they don't believe that they're meeting that standard that we're hoping to set or something along those lines. I I don't I might. I don't want to get into it. The comments, but I think but I think Commissioner Barrett's point is well taken that I think, yes, it'd be grounded in the fact that the this came from a,
so I would put that here's, here's my thought suggestion. This is the Community Trust commission established the pillars of trust, as a basis for establishing standards and developed a code of ethics. For accountability within the city of Loveland. Please See Appendix, whatever survey results, that's how my suggestion would be if that makes sense.
I'm sorry, it was a Katherine Bullard.
Grace, no. Catherine Barrett,
really quick. So we've addressed a survey above. So in the survey portion. Can we just be more clear that all of the recommendations came from this? Also the survey plus all of our other things that we've done?
I'm fine. I mean,
if we can, we could reiterate it here. But if it said up there first, then it'd be easier to reiterate I think personally.
Yeah, I I think so. I think both could be I said and established the code of ethics for accountability within the city of Loveland. I think we just add that in that first paragraph.
Again, and I would like to see specifics mentioned, just with our survey identified concerns regarding regarding city council, specifically serving public interests, fighting, lack of transparency, parents see lack of integrity, all of the issues that were identified in on page 29. See page 29 can be addressed by a code of ethics. And I'm worried because I've said that three times, I apologize. And that
being the can that verbiage be attached to the appendix. But adding the last sentence of that paragraph, the code of ethics contained in this is intended to reflect the pillars of trust. And estate. Okay. I'm just thinking somewhere in that sentence, we could add, based upon our survey, but put those specific examples in the appendix to keep that part really nice and clean in short, and
just to clarify, in the appendix is the full raw language and everything of the survey? Correct. So they were because I thought we gave them to the we give them to just clarification, the very first one we missed our deadline was that in their in their packet from there, it was wasn't it? They received everything. Yeah. So they have all the raw data and all that right. All the specifics and everything from the Tuesday night that we missed our deadline.
Well in here and we could even add that that wasn't just our survey that was the city's survey. That was a lot of comments.
There are but I wouldn't add the city survey indoor report.
We can mention it during our presentation. Without Yeah, probably wouldn't add it in the report personally.
I would, I'd like to go back to what Commissioner Barrett started off with. And I don't remember what you what you said. But because because we found that these things were lacking, and this is why, you know, we just
need to put in there that the city surveys prompted the code of ethics. CGC survey? Yes. Yeah. The CDC survey. Yeah. prompted the code of ethics.
Yeah. So just my mouth, the city that, you know, the CTC survey identified areas of specific concern, including baba, baba blah, and a code of ethics would address those. I mean, what's the what is the what is the objection to that being right
there. And that sentence right before the 20 words
or less?
I guess the last
only, only to kind of back of what chair mayor was saying, because we addressed the city survey in a
separate area.
Which I think we stayed that in that city survey area.
CTC survey. Yes.
So I was just reading the sent the last sentence, the code of ethics contained in this is intended to reflect the pillars of trust and establish a standard by which the actions of elected officials Okay, now when I read the whole sentence, because I was like, Oh, you could just slide in it right there. But I'm gonna be quiet because we only have 15 minutes left to I was gonna say that. That's probably
I, I think if that if they if you can come up with some line, because what I what I like, I mean, if we could say that the the intent, and the effort that we're putting forth is supported by the survey findings that we that, that, you know, it's that grounded, and clearly that we're not doing this kind of, just for the fun of it, we're doing it because, you know, a lot of the the that was was fun, because I don't I, I agree, I don't think that this in and of itself was going to solve any ethical. But I do think it's going to create at least a baseline for which you can be held accountable going forward. And I think that was the intent. So. So if you want to, for however you want to word it,
I suppose we can include in there. What I'm hearing is that the these the Code of Ethics basically came up because of these reasons, plus the survey results that we received in some way, include that. Would that be good for everybody?
And then just referenced in the appendix, I think,
yeah. And then point people directly to that here are the results we received.
Right, so just so just saying the eight pillars of trust and the areas of concern that were identified in the survey.
Cool. Yeah, we can add up there. And then in the upper survey part, I think we should maybe include our ethics, conversation. But let's keep rolling with our 15 minutes. Again, if you had links that you use subcommittee's for your recommendations, or you just generally think they fit in with what we need, send them on to us so that we can add them to enlist for the I said, okay, cool. Cool, cool. Anything else here? Great. So we're, we're to
the appendices. Commissioner swagger had a comment. Sorry, guys, you're fired.
Did we, it? Maybe when we first started talking about this, did we I know we have timeliness in here. Were we more specific on our code of ethics and having it be?
Oh, Jeffrey, put in a note there that we add the word immediately, immediately, immediately. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. And remember, so we've made recommendations in the past, and they've all been at study sessions where there was no action available. So this is a time we actually have the ability to ask them to do actions. So that's why these are all action words.
In this appendix because we change didn't we put immediately after recommendation? 1.1 with PCAP we would need to add it there too. Oh, good. Cool.
Yep, Comment. Sorry, he's in the corner. I
just just just quick when we gotta remember that when we talk about supported by the survey results, we need to be clear that it's the CTC survey results CTC survey results. Yes. So anytime we're talking about survey results, we need to make sure that we're identifying CTC versus City
survey. Very good point, because we're gonna be talking about that that night, too. So
Patrick just checked in and let me know that anytime we have made a wording change in the first part of the document, he will automatically go through and change it in the second part so we can be a little bit quicker on the second part, and keep keep rolling. So we've already said a word. He's got it. He's got notes. Clearly he's good at this. So alright, anything here? 1.1 1.2 1.3. Great, go. For 1.4 1.5 1.6 and seven.
Awesome, great. Good stuff. Anything here? The next page is?
Very good.
Anybody? Nothing so far. Awesome. How about you guys? Just shout when you do have something. We'll just keep scrolling. Okay. Oh, I see.
I might add. I was going to I'm sorry. I think we're good.
So anything, anybody have any one?
So the committee of stakeholders like would that be a place that maybe we put in?
residence was 2.2
Yes. rec two point to call responders.
Just to clarify the stakeholders should include residents under 2.2. Okay. No, that's fine
so in this list? Tara? Yes. Okay. So if we could add residents Cool. All right.
That on page 20 residents whom needs to be residents who thinks like that they're
back to 2.2 back up there for a minute. I just caught something I didn't see initially. What is TV SD?
I said it was Thompson Valley School District.
It is just
I think it's just t SD. There's Thompson school district. So we need to take the V out of there Thompson School District has just spell it out to say Thompson school
acronyms at all costs. Yeah,
that's that's all and maybe maybe spell out hot.
What? Oh, um, the second bullet point. Yeah.
What is hot? Well,
we're homeless outreach team. Am I correct? Outreach Team I just know Ahsoka always talked about it being the hot he was in charge of the hot
Okay, we got it.
Checking in quickly, we have seven minutes left. How's everybody feeling? We're gonna get through this on time. Is there anything we need to discuss extra? Do we need to extend the meeting
to Can I move to added 15 minutes you to the agenda? or more?
Alright, so there's a motion to extend for 15 minutes? It Do I hear a second. Yes. All right. All in favor.
Everybody but one
all right. Motion passes work. I have to be already 30 I can I can manage if somebody can point out hands that I miss. All right. Um, okay. Keep it rolling. Anything.
Just a point of clarification to have as soon as we start with Hey, city manager said on the word hot that they will come up with language for that. Okay.
Okay. So, I was reminded I need to make some correction and what I said earlier, we have the company any engagement survey on tomorrow night, your item is on the 20th. I keep getting my my weeks mixed up mixed up, and we'll have the full presentation on our survey tomorrow night after that will in a week later will be the item of this.
So City Council will be aware of the city survey. Oh, so we can reference it with them having knowledge about it. Cool. All right. Carrying on down. Anybody else have anything to change? Here? Great. My comment on page 20. Home is 20. were
rare, hesitant home, and should be resident too. And I'd be happy to do some proofreading really happy. Okay.
All right. Anything else? All right.
Cool, keep going.
But I'm seeing hands.
Awesome. On the code of ethics. I have i i put together I mean, well, I didn't put it together. Mike Shaw put together a code of ethics. Commissioner Vick updated it. We refined it in a third meeting with all of us there. And I tried to put together an entire document that included our all of our thoughts. And, and I corrected some inconsistent capitalization and some grammar and, and did everything. Perfect. And this what's here is completely different. How did that happen?
So he probably Patrick probably got the whatever. I bet you Patrick got the middle copy. I'll make sure that Patrick,
because the only problem I really have with this other grammar and inconsistent capitalization. The only problem I really have with this is that it talks about if if there is an ethics or if there's a conflict of interest that it should go to the city attorney, and the gathered attorney is involved. Go ahead. What
could you please just send us the most updated version? He just said he didn't receive the most recent one. And that can be easily swapped out. So then if if subcommittee, were you all on board with that? Yes. Cool, then if that's an easy switch out. Great, thanks. Just a quick
question about the one, the only one thing is the conflict of interest. And I'm, I'm the language, probably fine with it. But I'm just a little concerned because that conflict of interest is one area that's specifically addressed by the city charter. And so we whatever we put out will be subordinate to the city charter. And I just related to that specific point. So I just want to make sure that we're, we're not trying to
so we just
Howard, however. So it's fine. That's fine. When
we talked about one of the most important pieces of this was to have a code of ethics committee and you and ethics committee wouldn't a conflict of interest. If if there were a committee wouldn't a conflict of interest go to that committee? Rather, despite the way it's done now, if the if they created a committee code of ethics committee wouldn't go to them?
I would defer the city attorney.
City Attorney please, if you have thoughts on this real quick.
I would reiterate what Commissioner Shaw has said and that is to the degree, there's any conflict with the Charter, the charter will always prevail.
So basically, how that would work out is that yes, that would go the conflict of interest would go to the committee, the committee would research it, investigate it, find out what their findings are through that committee. But it would have to live their decision would have to line up with the City Charter, which is already a dress code or conflict of interest issues. Okay. That's so yes. Our intent of going to the committee and being brought forth and investigated will happen. They just can't override the city charter.
Okay. So if, if you could please send that over Catherine then latest version will replace it and that'll be good to go. Cool. All right. So anything else on ethics?
On? On number six?
Yes. On the second line, it should be handy comma, with a small r. It's just, it's otherwise you'd have an incomplete sentence
Yeah, when we so those edits will probably be when
that when we get the updated version.
Yeah. Commissioner Barrett sends the current.
Cool. Um, in the, in what I saw,
I don't know. Okay. Yeah. What you saw was the middle version or the one draft before it was all edited in.
Okay, what you had done? Yeah.
Or Commissioner bear went through and fix my
Can you just tell me?
Oh, all right. So I have to go. Thank you, Shane. All right. Um, if I miss you, please don't miss your show. Has
I have one more page? Yes. Getting on the code of ethics. The one. It's just a minor thing. But it says on the second sentence of the first paragraph, it says, Each city council member will post the signature page of the ethics document. I think it should read. They will post the signed ethics document, not the signature page.
Where's that? Are sounds like Commissioner Barrett, you got that change, and it'll be part of the version you send
the second second sentence on page 22. In the first paragraph where it says, We'll post this, I think you should say we'll post the signed ethics documents minor, but that's good.
Catherine, did you have that near version?
I will fix that if I do. Okay, cool.
All righty. So onward, we have the documents and sources. Like I said, if you could just send in any additional links you have, that'd be great. We've collected these so far. And we've looked at 100,000 documents, I swear. So we will add all of them. But anything that is relevant, we should just add on and take a look at them if they so choose.
Commissioner Meyer Yep. Yeah. This is Kathy Bullard. I totally forgot. On number two, I mean, the who, what, what, what group is number two? Okay. On the introduction to the CO responders and I don't have a page I'm sorry. But it's way up. Thanks. I think it was
the recommendations page.
No way back. It's okay, okay. The IP as I looked at it, it looks like they were that the first paragraph was not in sentences. And so maybe something to say that something about these are bullet points or something, but to modify that just to do that, so.
Alright, so some wordsmithing there on that first paragraph.
Yeah. No need to do change anything. Just to add something. This what these concerns are up and maybe change punctuation at that point.
I don't know. Okay, we'll work on that one. Yep. Yeah. Anybody have anything else?
Sure. Hello, Brad. Show.
All right, Commissioner Hellbrunn.
No, I just picked it. It was my mistake that I just saw, but in the communicate communication and engagement intro. The very like page nine. The very last sentence. I have professionals and citizens as government, can you change citizens to residents where you like the word citizens? So I usually try to catch it, but I didn't catch that one. Where are you? So it's the last sentence of communication and engagement, just the intro part on page nine. And the very last sentence The actually it's the first word on the last line. Hmm, huh? Good. You could change it to residents. Yeah, that's like, I totally missed it. Cool.
All right. Anybody else?
Great. We have subcommittee updates on our agenda. Is there anything special the subcommittee's need to report since we already spoke about the Raymond Doza award? So like that was the only pressing subcommittee update? Am I missing a? Nope. Awesome. Okay, cool. Check. We do have a slide deck made it is the same information pulled from the report. We will be presenting that you guys on Monday. Would you like to look at it right now? Or do you trust that it will be okay.
You'll be presenting it to us on Monday.
Yes, we have a meeting on Monday. Right before? Okay. Yeah, so we so this will all be finalized on Wednesday and sent in to city council. So they have it so done. You've already agreed that you trust me on this report part? The slides. We can look at them now. if you so choose, or you can trust me to have them done. They all have to be turned in on Wednesday. Gary, I see your hand up. Commissioner Joyce. Sorry.
I just on a slide deck. I just have a little concern that the his RCTC survey results part of that slides? Yes, like 27. Especially, I think it's page 30. So that there's a slide that will be up on the screen at that meeting Tuesday.
Yeah, that graphic will be included. And a quick overview of this survey. It is important to everything we've done. So my goal was to include it. Okay, look,
it's important that, you know, if it's just in the packet only Council sees it, but it needs Yeah. So here's a meeting so the public can see it. Thank you. This
is the slide. Everybody can look and see Jeffery share the screen again. So this is the slide and then we will speak to how it has affected what we've done.
Now, I'm concerned about page like 27 or eight or 930. I think they don't come out or those slides. I don't care too much about that. But I I think it's important for the public to see a slide that shows exactly. Accountability, culture serve as go through all of these Metro districts. I hate that stuff's important for the public to see. And if it's not on a slide at the council meeting, only council members, I'm referring to the this one here, the city survey, no, our CTC, where we we came through, we got this nice chart and it says total for city council 20, positive 315 Negative. And then below that it talks about the Charter, the clerk the library homelessness, and it specifically mentions the counselors. That's the information that the public also needs to say we have to figure out how to get that out to the public.
I agree. Kathy board. I agree.
Is that what we included in our last packet? Because we can pull that information?
I mean, but it's
it's in your presentation tonight, page 2728 29.
Great, then we can include some more
in the slides. Because I would agree with Commissioner drag. So
that's okay, so adding additional this thing.
Oh, those pages. Exactly. Cool.
So, are you seeing what's on the shared screen there? Yes. Okay, so if we can include this as well.
Where would you include that in your slideshow presentation?
right at the survey results, discussion, they will again, they'll receive this packet on Thursday when they get their packets. So they'll have this in written form in that packet, and then we can share it with public.
How long is your slide presentation?
We were given one hour, including Comments,
questions. Okay, so we definitely don't have that time right now. Do we? Okay.
No, on Monday, we will. So we'll complete the slides. By Wednesday, we'll send them over Monday, we'll give this presentation and we can receive critiques about what we're speaking about, we can't change the deck. But we can all discuss kind of maybe we said something a little bit wrong. Or maybe you want to add points that are relevant. But then we can do that on Monday, but we can't change what went in their packet.
You do just want you and and Vice Chair Vic to be the presenters on this?
What do you guys want? I so my preference was vice chair, Vick and I gave the presentation. Katherine, if you would speak to the survey, I thought it was crazy, big part of our, our whole deal, we're going to give the award to Raymond Doza. So we don't really have to address that it happened, they're gonna be very aware of that. They will probably bring it up in questions. That's great. I don't know. What would How would you like to see this go?
Would others like to present? I
know, my preference is if the chair and vice chair manage on behalf of the community trustees. It's we'll have an hour, it's gonna go fast. And so to the extent that we can kind of be very efficient with our time, I think, would be in our best
interest. So we have four minutes left on our meeting.
Just quickly, how are you planning to address questions? Are you speaking on behalf of the entire CDC? Would you elaborate or how are? How is that working?
If there's something that is an answer that we've come up with as a group and previous discussion, I'll feel comfortable talking about that. Otherwise, we act as a body. So I will not be answering questions personally. If they want to ask specific questions of individuals. They're welcome to do that at another time. But since we are acting as a group, I think the best way to manage that is to defer them to a different time so that we can stay on task. Explain what we've done, explain the things that we're proud of and show what we've spent our time doing.
Your data?
This is Commissioner shell is just a clarification, because heart and soul had asked specifically how to introduce especially chief steward and so for city because he's interim chief. Do we announce him as chief steward or interim chief steward? Interim?
City Manager? Yeah.
Okay. He would be introduced as interim chief steward. Cool.
You could relay that to heart and soul when they announce who's
gala that and the notes? Yes. Cool. Um, but yeah. So as far as the presentation goes, again, I would I will not be speaking for myself. I will try not to speak for the group unless it's something that we've very clearly identified. But we want to end on a high note, that's all.
Well, we have the presentation. And we, we can say at the beginning, that we will not accept questions, any questions until we're finished with the presentation. That's an ordinary thing to happen. And then we have questions after that we can figure it out.
Plus, we do have one additional meeting potentially, where we can have snacks and stuff. So we could potentially answer some questions together as a group at that meeting, here. Yes.
Yeah. So during the questioning, we each had our subcommittees and each of us have spent, you know, like Katherine spent most of her time on the survey and code of ethics and among other things, and Raymond does it. But in the questioning coming from city council, if at any point you or vice chair Vic Feel it appropriate to pass that that to somebody else on the commission? I guess. I mean, I would totally be comfortable with that.
I think that's appropriate speaking for a subcommittee that has again, a specific answer, not a opinion. There are there can potentially be as city manager mentioned to us before multiple microphones and chairs. So we can have that option. But I'd like to not give them an opportunity to try to separate us. But one minute further discussion. All right, seeing
Commissioner Bullard with permission, I would write an very brief invitation to each of the other eight city councilors and make sure they're delivered tomorrow. No, okay.
We can share what we send out with every buddy they should be able to see it. But it is it is time to adjourn will be over
managers already invited the entire council No. Okay. Item,
I thought you were gonna bite all of them. But if you're invited, and
so I would I would agree with inviting. I know we're at time but inviting the entire council to stand there not to speak.
So quickly, I moved to invite the entire city. But
she has to do a protocol.
We're over time. We're over time I move to adjourn. I will email the group. We'll make it happen.
Can we extend we can move to extend again? Three, five minutes. Three minutes.
Five minutes. Go. I'm going to extend five minutes.
I second. All in favor?
Approved. Okay. Quickly. So city manager, may we please invite the rest of Council? Yeah,
Madam Chair, you. I have not handled the invitations, you have made read contact with whoever you want, whoever you want to invite. So my suggestion is that you would do an invitation to all of Council, it can be emailed to all of our city council or if you wanted more personal ones, we have an inbox for all of them here in my office. However you would like to make that invitation. We can certainly make sure it gets to them. All right,
Mr. Drive and commissioners Shall
I would say it would be okay to send them a notice saying that this event is happening at the heart and soul if they can, please be there. I don't think we want to target it anywhere. So any of them will expect to think that they are being invited to speak
right. Yeah, right. Right. And she writes really pretty invitations. That's what I was thinking about Council tomorrow.
I would think that would be a really nice touch to hand deliver an invitation to each city councilman, because this is supposed to be a unifying, respectful, trusting event. And so I would love for all of the councillors to feel like they are welcome but
timeout real quick. I missed who so we need the who we need a motion of what when why
I will move that Catherine bullet. Right. Invitations to all of city council including the mayor and to interim chief steward and to city manager Adams and to city attorney Garcia to attend.
Alright, discussion, but quick discussion.
I don't want to confuse the mayor or chief steward, because they're already going to get there already. Chair, so I would amend that and just exclude those two, because I don't want them to get confused. It'd be just the remainder of city council. Okay. Does that make sense?
Okay, so the motion is to extend an invitation to attend an event at heart by heart and soul on the 17th to the other seven council members. And leadership and leadership and leadership. Yep.
If I can make a comment on that. I have already stated that I'm on a previously scheduled vacation so I will not be able to attend but I appreciate the invitation. Anyway. And the other thing too is if you make those by hand, we will take if I get them before five o'clock tomorrow. I can put them in the little inboxes of each of the council members when we deliver that down You're at the Dyess and so they would have them tomorrow night.
Okay, is that alright? So is there a second on the motion?
Yes, there was.
All right. All in favor. All right, motion passes. Okay, now it's time to adjourn. Good night folks. Thanks Sarah and I