WCC, Committee on Public Safety, Judiciary & Homeland Security
3:34PM May 2, 2024
background check
wayne county sheriff's
dirty. I am chair, Irma Clark Coleman and we have with us Commissioner edge. Jonathan, can we have the other three who have excused absences roll? Okay, go ahead. Well, thank you.
Commissioner gunlock.
Commissioner Garza has a question and excuse. Commissioner Clemente has requested an excuse. Commissioner dobb has a question and excuse Commissioner Coleman.
You've now have a quorum present.
I do not have a quorum, so we'll just be taking this information and then we'll just send it to send it on to full board. We won't be taking votes on it logins simply send that on to full board because we do not have a core. Okay, Madam Clerk.
Be chihuahuas marks.
I have none.
Moving to item D unfinished business there is no listed
I don't want no new business fording the April 2024. Report on sheriff's office overtime class.
Okay, bonita.
And we have Chief Michael Turner here also. Warning, Good Morning, morning.
So the overtime report that estimated for you for the month of April. We have for our fiscal year 2024. Through the march 31 2024. Our overtime budget is 8.3 million. The actual cost as of today, as of March 31 was 9.7 million. That takes us 1.4 over the actual budget. At this time. We are budgeted for 1070 positions. As of today's date, we have 379 Faking police positions, and 44. Civilian. I do want to mention that as of 2009. And we've always had we came as a 2009. It was always 100 to 150 vacant police positions that were on the books.
So how long has it been since you've had a full
agreement? Good morning, Michael Turner, cheaper staff Wayne County Sheriff's Office, I've been in this position since 2009. And we've since 2009 been a minimum 150 Plus short. Since George Floyd, it escalated. We have today as you know, done more in recruitment, the past year and a half than we've done the previous 12. Still not enough. And our plus minus ratio is about even what I mean by that I get 20 in and 20 leaving out the door due to predominantly retirement, some going elsewhere. So we are at the table in the sheriff's office, trying to come up with out of the box ideas because if you keep doing the same thing, we know you keep doing the same results. What we have done in this is not official yet, because I've had a preliminary conversation with the sheriff and with the county execs office who was working very diligently with us to change these numbers around. And so we're working in numbers were presented a sheriff toward the end of the week. And then we'll be coming back to inform the committee but I will give you a heads up. Just don't want to lay it all out because it hasn't been approved by the share. And once it is I want to come to get the blessing of this committee. But we're looking at closing 20 of the 379 positions to increase recruiting. And when you increase recruiting, you have to increase your background investigators Because currently, each one of our background investigators has about 15 cases. We win set with the Troy police and their recruitment team to get some additional ideas of what they're doing. And it was good to know that all of us in this law enforcement family had the same problems as it relates to recruiting and they themselves are doing Out of the box thinking, there, they have 50 people in the recruitment department who were talking about the city. Yes. Okay. And so we did get some refreshing ideas from them as well. And we're going to increase the numbers of recruiters. But you also got to do background investigators and background investigators do about five cases, per right now ours is doing about 15 Per. And as you well know, you don't just hire off the street, it takes us three to five months to get an individual in because you have to do the diligent background check. But the other thing that we want to do is something that never been done before. And I think that as I've run campaigns, most of my adult life, wanted to run a campaign each one reach one, we have roughly 100 employees in the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. And if I offer them an incentive, we could conceivably have 800 additional recruiters out there, we're only trying to get 300, often a $1,000 incentive to go read to go recruit one individual. And you don't get that up front. Obviously, you would get $500 If the individual interests the jailers Academy, and another $500, when they come off probation. And so we would like to run that campaign to get additional recruiters out there just trying to reach one one person. And once we put it out to the Wayne County Sheriff's family first, and then in two months, we'd like to open it up to the entire county weighing employees, etc, which one each one reach for. So those is just to give you a snapshot of what we're diligently trying to just throw everything up against the wall and see what sticks as we try diligently to recruit as well as prepare for the 1000s of high school students about to graduate in the next two months. Do
you have people in the high schools? No,
we do not. We just don't have enough to do we would they they're going around, but it's still not enough.
Okay. So we, you had indicated that you were going to like double the amount of recruiter recruiters that you have. What's the status of that? You said you're going to go from three to even bring in three additional recruiters,
we're talking about bringing on four additional recruiters as for additional background investigators, and also changing the modular on how we do jailors training. We were already thinking about this and come to find out the Troy has already done it. By changing the modular, we started jealous training class, when we have at least 10 to 15 people in the pipeline. Well, when you put somebody in the pipeline, then somebody else steals them. That's right. So so by changing the modular, we can start on within a week. And you come in at week three, you go to week seven, and then circle back and do week one and two, that alone will also help us as well. Okay. Commissioner cannot? Yeah. All right. So
one thing that, you know, we've been hearing a lot on the need for recruiters, as well as you're now speaking in terms of hiring more individuals to deal with background checks. So with this new influx of potential candidates, how are you trying to and you also talk about changing a modular as relates to training? How does what's the plan for increasing the number of trainers and, you know, for the Academy to, to make sure that we did to make sure that we can, you know, follow through as relates to those modular changes. So, are there any plans of hiring additional trainers, additional officers or employees within the training? Absolutely, yeah. And
what they come with, they come from within the people that you hire to do your training. We're going to will, they will they will be able to select people who are already deputies.
Well, retired deputies. Yeah, maybe we're trying to bring back retired deputies, retired police officers to train as well as do background. And if they're, if we've not have been as successful as we like. And so we try not too often. But if we see an individual that that has the skill set to go outside the law enforcement family, we're also talking with CEOs Office of Professional, they have a professional recruiter team. And so we're talking to them as well, because they have hired a recruitment team to bring to look for nice non police officer positions in the county of Wayne. So we're working with them as well. So that's another layer of recruitment that we'll be able to utilize.
This year, can we get back to finish?
So that you answered my question? Thank you,
you're welcome.
One, walk me through the timeline of a person that you go out and recruit. today. If you if you were if you went out to some, some one of your recruiting bears, and you were able to recruit a person, walk me through what that whole timeline looks like.
Probably about six to seven weeks, they have to go to agility test, there's several tests that they have to do a filter first, they have to first you, if you're going to recruit him, then they have to fill out the paperwork they have to match that pay they apply is very test. Yes, they got to apply, okay, in application process, okay, are certain tests that they have to go through written test, written test, mental psyche, very physical? And once they go through that process, then they have to go through the background process, which is even longer.
So even before so you bring them on? Or they don't bring them on you. So they apply? And then and then they have to go through these examinations? Correct? The written examination and the agility. Correct. Then the next step is the background check. Yes. Okay. And how long does those 123 things take the
background check is the longest and it depends. The older you are, the more you have to check out. And it depends what they find, if you find something nice the explanation if it's a flag, and so you have to go skip the explanation. And so each background check can be different depending on the individual.
So that would be really probably be the hang up, then it's a background check. Yes,
that's the longest that's the longest part of the whole process. And then after that, you have to go to all interview.
An oral interview with the count. Okay. And then you get hired. Okay, so there's five steps, pretty much apply. Exam, background check, all the way up to get the agility, background check. And then the, your actual interview? Yes. Dress five steps.
And then within that background check on. Also you have to do your drug testing, drug screening as well. Oh, yeah. So that that's before you can move to the academy. Before you can move. Which step before you can even move to as if we want
to move to step one. From I mean, you can apply, apply, but the next step is a drug test drug test after your background check, or that infamous Okay, that's all part of the background check
in the elephant in the room is still while marijuana illegal is not acceptable and law enforcement. Still an elephant?
Yeah. Yeah. And of course, they can have any infractions.
felonies, some misdemeanors will deter as
well. misdemeanors, misdemeanors also,
if it's a high misdemeanor
those are the challenges and these aren't new. These are the challenges that's always confronted law enforcement. It's just unfortunately Astra baited since George Floyd. But one of the things we're very pleased to the county executive and labor relations, they've got a historic contract, and a new building that we are so excited to get ready to move into that we also believe those will help tremendously. And I honestly believe that that with this incentive, it will help us to stabilize at a bare minimum, and stabilization for us is to get within 100 openings. Yeah.
Well, I do agree that your best salespeople are your employees. No question. I do agree with that. And the incentives to me make sense. I don't know if you can expect your employees to go out there and recruit for you. If they feel like you know, nothing in there for them.
now a gal with the incentive. Yes, it will be.
And just one, just one. I've got three that don't go on to without the $1,000. But you know, that just give me more excited to we could all use a little extra income.
You see, you can't three one that
I'm already recruiting, the sheriff has challenged us all we Oh, I see. So like to get me in. I've got these three in the pipeline already. Regardless, I had my incentive is is my love.
You're trying to outdo the rest of your money. But the organization, you're trying to outdo the rest of your group, while we stretch
it to the top. And I'm also pleased to say that the transition wished the mission of killer sis on the transition team. Well, we have we're moving along and that we guys, we will start training deputies in about a week. And we have transition teams already in from Sheriff's Office, the prosecutor's office, the clerk's office, the court, and JDF all transition teams are in and we will start moving services. Within the next couple of weeks, we will move the kitchen operation over there and start operating out of the kitchen. We will move laundry soon and start operating out of there. Because we can now start taking advantage of state of the art equipment and get out of Division One, two, and three. And we will also be moving the teta unit over before anyone else moves over.
Okay, so what are you? What are you projecting to be in? They're totally totally,
totally July.
That's your projection
projection. We will totally be in there. We believe definitely the court will be the last move.
It's too much. So as you're looking at two months from now, yeah.
August for certain everybody will be in there by August.
When will the administration be in there?
We have not been told yet. We're waiting to be told when we're hoping that will be the first to move in. But that is out of our control.
And that's a separate building, isn't it?
Yes. Yes and no. We're all under one roof. But it is a separate building. And I would love within the next two weeks. I'd like to get the Public Safety Committee over there for walkthrough.
Quick question carefully. Okay, so the move in okay. You just mentioned that you're going to have anticipated August that that's not outside of the six months that we have to Zinsser
we will not yet that we will be dead their life outside of sense that okay, just just Yeah, nah, nah, not that Not gonna happen. Okay. So
the timeline, right. Okay. Yeah. Okay, thanks.
I promise you that because
I was remembering March, right. Okay. Yeah. Cuz March is when they, you know, thanks.
All right. Well, we are concerned and I am still concerned that you're that we're going to be able to get 50 officers by the end of that contract period. That's my concern
that you can send that we ever get how many
50 Isn't that? Isn't that what you're short? For the courts,
we will have to fit the within the year. Go here we go Had that been
what I want to and, and that's one of the reasons why we did put that option in the contract is that yes, we want to we do not want this contract to be long term, but what we want to do is to get the highest and best qualified officers. So, you know, our, you know, our job, and our responsibility is to bring on folks who are capable, and able to carry out the duties of those, those those duties and responsibilities, those positions. And so we do have that year, but there's the option is placed there for the purpose of just in case we almost don't make it and so but so I'm just saying. So just the focus needs to be on getting quality, quality quality candidates first and foremost. Absolutely.
Okay, so I guess my question, still, I'm wrestling with the, with these recruiters here that you had promise us you're gonna get. So where does that stand? Where does the there be? And then what process do you have to go through to get them on board.
So the process stands where we had to identify the money to bring them on. And so our best way of identifying the money was to close 20 is to close 20 positions of the 379 that are open. I
see. So that's what you mean, when you said we're going to close out Korea, and
so that we can create the money to be able to go out and hire recruiters so that we can put forth our best foot and accelerate our recruitment efforts.
So have you been able to close these positions out? We're
working on it now.
We are working on closing
five positions now. That's
it, they're vacant? It's you know, but
it's a process, Madam Chair, as you well know, if you don't have anybody in.
And we're also in the middle of budget. Preparation as of now. So we're going through and really reconciling our positions, before I submit our budget requests.
In regards to that we do and the whole budget process as for folks to do exactly what they're doing, utilize those vacant positions, we talked to the prosecutor's office, and if we have to come back and amend the budget, then we can do that. So absolutely. utilize those dollars. If they will help, you know, to offset it sit and you know, right.
So do you think you're going to have a problem? Okay, so you're identifying that you're the the holdup now is identifying the funds?
No, we identify there's no holdup. It's just going through the process. There's no holdup. We are moving through the process. Making amendments and commit to the Commission for final approval.
Good question right quick. This is to our staff, Mr. Adams. Okay. So if if they identify vacant positions within the same category, can't they just move those around appropriately? Or do it doesn't have to come back to the Commission for any action?
Do the chair Commissioner can lot if you're talking about moving the money around, it depends on what line items that they're moving money from one to another is in the same major category and it doesn't come back to the commission. If it goes outside of the major category personnel, then it would come back to the commission. So if it's
all just within personnel with various line items within personnel, that's the category that wouldn't it would not necessarily have to come back for.
Correct. But moving money does not necessarily mean it should lose in the positions or the positions are no longer there some money, money transfer. But sometimes when elected official, the department is move money, sometimes they may be in danger of losing those positions, budgeted positions as well. So that's why a lot of time it does not happen because they don't want to lose those positions for future feelings
where they're informing us and so we'll keep that in mind. All right, thank you
well, as I said, My My concern is that time is ticking. And, and we still, and we've still had haven't really put your whole plan into, into into work yet. And, and it. And my concern is if we're moving at this pace, then that year, we won't be up in them. And they'll be we'll be faced with another contract for additional officers, and I don't want to see that. I really don't want to see that. I won't face that.
Duly noted, which is why I'm here personally, and will continue to come each month to report out our status, our progress, and we're trying to move this as expeditiously as we can, Madam Chair.
Okay. All right. Commissioner can Latin.
No further questions. Thank you.
Thank you both.
Are there any more questions on overtime report? No. Thank you. Next item, item to requesting commission approval of the appointment of John Sarita to the position of Deputy Director of the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.
Move approval, why don't you okay? Just messin with, you know, please
come forward. Before I cannot take some of my children.
The Good morning. Okay. So they seemed like we just went through this process of approving a deputy for that position. So what happened here? Yes. Good morning, Your
Honor. Samara J for through the yourself the chair. We had a deputy director in the den and McQueen. Yes. Who then a transition team with the juvenile justice department where the state was it was under the control and supervision now has gone under the county while on that transition team. He did a good job there and was offered a position. And he liked the challenges that were there for him and took that position. Therefore,
is he still with the county? Yes, he is. He's here with the county. But he's a different role. Correct?
He's chief, something within the administration of the juvenile department. Oh,
I see. Just fill this position a few minutes ago.
It we did, ma'am. You write your address, but actually it's been over a year, as
has. Okay. All right. Well, go ahead.
Well, good morning, and thank you for this opportunity to speak to you madam chair and Commissioner Kinloch, and all the staff appreciate the opportunity to talk to you in person. My name is John sorta recently retired from Detroit Police Department where my final position was commander of the Fourth Precinct. I was born and raised in Detroit. I try to keep this brief. And please ask me any questions I started with. But
I need to know that the information would thank
you. Yeah, I was born and raised in Detroit. Graduated from Wayne Wayne State, both undergraduate and law school. So my career with the city started out in the law department, worked there for five years and then I transferred over to the police department, started out as a street officer and worked my way up to Commander US
at a loss go to a police officer. Yes, I Trollman.
And, in fact, not just law school, but also a staff attorney with the city of Detroit. Yeah. And I actually always wanted to be a police officer and kept putting that aside, and so, got through law school and became a staff attorney and thought I would when I got the opportunity again, to go into police department. I figured I would do that for a couple of years and then go back to lawyering. But once I have had a great career with the city of Detroit Police Department, how many years 30 years 30 years, worked all kinds of different jobs. But again, finished up at Southwest to try which I consider home that's where I was born and raised. So just to come A couple of things, I would point out that I, I guess, I'm most proud of is, I was part of our COVID command post when we were dealing with COVID. I ran our command post, while continuing to work my regular job. And once that settled down at one point, we had over 650 officers out with COVID, or they weren't all necessarily sick with COVID that had exposure. So we were really scrambling. So our job was to make sure they get proper treatment and care, while also making sure we're staffed at the precinct set patrol level, we had to do a lot of jockeying around of personnel to make sure that we're answering all our police runs. And when that settled down, me and my team were sent over to the Testing Center, where we were testing all of our officers on a regular basis. So so we did all that while maintaining our jobs. Switching gears a little bit, I was part of the team responsible for bringing body worn cameras to the department. I was part of the team responsible for bringing active shooter training to the department. And, you know, I've worked precincts, districts and very specialized commands because of my law background. So I've had a really good career at the police department. And this this opportunity when it was presented, I thought was fit me very well. And I'm excited to to add to this great team that Sam has at Homeland Security. And if approved by you all.
So how long ago he retired from the police department just over a year ago. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Well, sounds good.
Yep. So, had an opportunity a couple of times to work with Mark Diaz on recruiting efforts, and part of the Hispanic Police Officers Association. And we go out and recruit ourselves. And we did some joint projects together, which were actually pretty successful. I thought,
Well, maybe you can help. How can you give us a little help here? Recruiting? Well, I
know Mark Diaz does a great job. And I know he has a team and yeah, but he
has a small team. It's only three. Pete certainly they need more
help. Yeah, for sure. So does every police department? Yeah.
Okay. Okay. Would you like to say something Commissioner can love?
Yes. Yes, Madam Chair, want like to welcome you to the county. quite familiar with your service in southwest Detroit. I represented southward to Detroit on the school board, as well as born and raised and Southwest and near southwest communities. And so your reputation exceeds you. And it's just great to have you as part of the part of the team.
Thank you, sir. Appreciate that.
And says you can't move approval,
move it out for me. You're not unless you'd be making it nameless. Within Thank you. Yeah, can second it. Thank you.
Okay. Anything else you'd like to add? Add? No.
Do you have any questions of me? I'll do my best to answer well,
since normally, we would take a vote on it. Sure. And send it on the full board. But we're mine. Were minus three of our, so we don't have a quorum. So we'll just send it send this on two to four board with with recommendation.
Okay. Thank you so much. Okay.
Thank you for your time. You're welcome.
And welcome aboard. Thank you.
Next item.
Item three requesting commission approval of a 26 month high crime community support grant agreement with the Michigan Department of Treasury revenue sharing and grants division for the prosecutor's office to address case backlogs through retention recruitment equipment and training.
Okay, Tony, good morning.
Tony Guerrero, Chief legislation, grandson Community Relations for the Wayne County prosecutor's office. If I may continue. Sure. Absolutely. Pardon me. This is another example of prosecutor worthy trying to make sure that we don't put a big strain on the general fund. We're very, very proud to have this is a 26 month high crime community support grant agreement between the charter county of Wayne State of Michigan Department of Treasury in the amount of $5 million with no county match this so as to allow the the prosecutor's office to address the case backlogs, which we know, since we're short handed have creeped up a little bit through retention recruitment equipment and training, the term of the agreements from August the first of 2023, through September 30, of 2025. And you will note, exigent approval was granted on this by chair bell on April 26, with the understanding under the procurement ordinance, that is only for a 60 day period, whereas were hopeful that this would go forward to full board the next full board and be dealt with then so that we don't run up past the deadline. Okay,
so these funds, excuse me, these funds are coming from the Michigan Department of Treasury, or the state funds. They are okay. Any questions at all?
Not at all, but just appreciative. As always, with the prosecutor office and her team, identifying these additional resources. We've got
some more grants coming at you.
Yeah, well, she's good at it. Unbelievable.
This, this $5 million, will greatly go to cutting the case backlog down. Will
you be will you be hiring with with these dahlias,
we're going to be hiring. As matter of fact, I was very intently listening to Chief Turner, Madam Prosecutor has instituted a process of recruitment that we've never done in the office before back then very, very proud to say that she's actually had people going out to the law schools. We've had people go out nationally, to recruit for our office and gotten a very good response. We are very, very pleased that the at the efforts, what we what she has done, I should say, is set it up so that we can hire law students when they're in their last year of law school, come in as law interns with us. And then once they pass the bar exam, they can transition immediately to an APA status assistant prosecuting attorney. Whereas before we had to use the project consultant status, which had no benefits, what have you. But we're very grateful to the commission and to the CEO, for the assistance in allowing the base pay to be raised to the point where we now are able to compete.
Okay. Tell me who goes out. Because I'm on this recruitment ban right now. So coal goes out and recruit for you,
primarily the Chief of Staff, Daryl Carson, who is very well experienced, also, our training officer. And the prosecutor has assembled that a team some people come some people go, but for instance, they went out to Washington, DC, and that was the Chief of Staff Daryl Carson, and three other assistant prosecutors and went out there to recruit. And they're, she's hitting, so you're
locally you're going out of state to recruit. Absolutely.
We want the best, the brightest, and doesn't matter where we have to go. Fortunately, for the county, and fortunately for me, Prosecutor Kim worthy is well known nationally. So when our people are out recruiting, one of the things we hear all the time is wow, you know, she's a legend. Yeah, I'd like to come into working in the Wayne County prosecutor's office with her. Okay.
Okay, well, that's a big point. Maybe Maybe we don't just have to recruit. Locally, we need maybe we need to spread our wings and, and move outside of the county and state, whatever. But we, we just need to fill these positions that we have vacant Madam
Chair, we we love to have what I would call hometown people. And we recruit them actively and all of the law schools, but as you just said, there's no reason to limit ourselves just to the pool that's available here. Right? And besides, different ideas are always good. It's nice to get a totally different perspective from, you know, from the young attorneys that are coming out of various law schools and other states. So
you go to law school before they even get out. Looking for a job. You had him here get up in there last year, and something
that was never done before. Yeah, good idea. Jim has put that in play.
Good idea. We're
having some success. Thank goodness.
Okay. All right. So we will be forwarding this on with recommendation. Thank you, Madam Chair. And thank you. Ordered with recommendation. Okay, yeah. All three items would be well, let's see. A them is number two. Well, one is the report. One is a report, but two and three. Now, okay. We will be forwarding all. Well. That's it. That's all as one okay. We'll be forwarding all items one, two, and three. On to full board with recommendations from this committee. Next item.
F such other matters as may be properly submitted before the committee have
not been informed of any. Oh, yes. Thank you. Everybody, please come forward. You can have a seat I believe you don't have to stand. And congratulations on your daughter getting getting how many millions of dollars in scholarships.
Good for her. Good for her. She paid them good staff.
Thank you so much. Good morning through the chair. Evany McCann, a division director helped him and veteran services Transition Services Division. I am before this honorable body as a courtesy to share with you my intent or to inform you that I have requested exigent approval from Commissioner chair bill for the submission of the Michigan Department of Corrections of fiscal year 2025 funding application. The application will be presented to the community correction advisory board this afternoon at 130. I've been bombarding them with emails for the past few weeks. Just to confirm their attendance. The application has to be reviewed and approved by the board. before it is submitted to the Michigan Department of Corrections by close of business today. The application is slightly higher than our request last year. This year's requests were requesting $2,123,588.60 to accommodate the increase in utilization for programs as well as to increase in the average daily population at the jail. This complete package will be presented to the PSN J board for your review. But I just wanted to share with you as a courtesy that I have requested exigent approval just to ensure that we can continue with programming for fiscal year 2025. Absolutely.
And you do have my full support. Thank you. Yes. Do we have a quorum for the meeting this afternoon? For the community corrections meeting?
Yes ma'am. We have eight I'm sorry seven and a possible so seven members have confirmed confirmed and one is a passable so we will be able to proceed with the meeting. Okay.
Okay. I own them. Okay, thank you so much, ebony. And again, it's nice it's nice when you don't have to mark your pocket.
No one said that
Yeah, yeah. Wow. That's what you're supposed to do. So you'll be you'll be working for a while then. Right? I'm okay.
I'm a little different because mine had gotten a free read. They go read it. Okay, next item.
G public comments.
Okay. Would you please open the lines from zoom or from the phones that we can that we can take, allow for public comment? Either open Okay, is that the lines are now open. So if there's anything more on Zoom, or on the phone to like connect the time at this time, please do so. You see anyone there? No, no zone. Okay. All right. Second Call for public comment. Anyone here in the office here? Anyone on phone or on Zoom would like make a comment this time please your last call for public comment. Anyone? Either here in the office or on Zoom or on the phone, please do it this time. How about emails? Are there any emails?
No emails are received. Okay.
All right. The public comment is officially over. Next item in German. Okay, over German I scored