all right, good morning everyone. We would now call to order our formal session for Tuesday April the ninth that the clerk will please call the roll.
Councilmember Scott Vinson. Customer for Doha. The dough president has been Leticia Johnson. President. Tusk we will get via the Sensia Santiago mero.
As a member of Santiago De Muro, Muro indicated that she would not be present this morning.
It was so no. customer may Walters. Present. Customer is the Woodfield Callaway considering the Coleman, you're on the second hospice report from James Tate and Council President Mary Sheffield pregnant. We have a quorum President, Madam President,
all right, there being a quorum president. We are back at it in session. And we will go straight to our invoke invocation for this morning. We have joining us none other than Pastor Ron Randolph berry from church of the Messiah. Good morning, Reverend Barry.
Good morning Council President how are you? Doing? Great, thank you. Okay, everybody, let us pray. The Lord be with you. Heavenly Father, we ask that you bless us this day. We ask you Heavenly Father to bless this meeting. We asked you Heavenly Father to bless us and keep us as the apple of your eye. Thank you, ma'am, the father because your word says if we acknowledge you, you will direct our path. So we thank you Heavenly Father, and we ask you to direct our path. We actually only father to bless everybody in this meeting today. We actually Heavenly Father to bless our city council. We thank you, Heavenly Father, for every leader that is represented here. And we thank you, Heavenly Father, that you are with us. We actually only find them to bless them to make the best decisions that they possibly can. On behalf of our city. We actually Heavenly Father to bless the citizens of this great city. We ask you father to bless every leader, every teacher, every student, every parent, we ask you Heavenly Father, to keep us as the apple of you and we thank you Heavenly Father, for everybody who was standing up in your name. We thank you Heavenly Father, for everybody who is making a difference in our state in our city and our neighborhood and in our community. We think and pray to this day, Heavenly Father for good divine grace, your divine love, and your divine guidance. All this we ask. In Your name. Amen.
Amen. All right, thank you so much. Reverend Barry, we appreciate you joining us this morning. Looking forward to silence the violence this year in June and that you have a lot planned for June as Gun Violence Awareness Month and we're looking forward to hearing more about it.
Thank you so much.
All right. Thank you so much, Robin Berry. All right, the cargo net. We've been joined by member Benson as well. Purple so no and we will go straight to our presentation for this morning. We have Cempaka who will do a presentation Good morning. And we will cut off our public comment after the presentation. Make sure your microphone is on just press the bottom wait helper.
Oh, thank you. It's some code when it's red. It means it's working. So thank you so much for the opportunity to spend a few minutes with you today. I know you had a late night last night so appreciate your time today. I know y'all know Cheryl Terrio is here. She's our Director of External Affairs. And so we're going to co present this and so I'm going to ask Cheryl to kick us off but thank you. The morning Madam President and council members, this is such a wonderful opportunity to BB for you again. It's like reunion time. So I just want to briefly go over some of the information in regards to Simcock what we're doing our partnerships and opportunities for you to become involved more and we're just looking forward to this presentation and your questions afterwards. So some COC is a association of local governments, and we focus on regional planning, and since since its inception since 1968, some COC has acted as a regional planning partner and a local partner with our member member communities. Some caucus nonpartisan board members, our local elected officials and represent a broad range of communities that are Simcock members. Whether they are small, large, urban or suburban, some coccyx 60 staff persons are equipped to serve our members needs. Simcock develops regional based plans with input and consensus from our local government leaders. Our work covers the areas of transportation mobility, infrastructure, stormwater management, education and workforce development as well as economic development and air and water quality. We assisted with transportation safety projects, walking and bike projects, corridor analysis and funding opportunities for these kinds of projects. And we can help with analysis of park leads and identify opportunities for funding. And now I'd like to hand it over to Amy O'Leary to talk about some of the specific initiatives that we offer. All right, thanks, Cheryl. So a lot of the work we do at sem cog starts with data and so on the screen you'll see some examples. We do have demographic data and forecasted data for the region. We also though you can see on the screen that we have information such as EB in the top left, the bottom left we have things like tree canopy and parks information. The top right is our road flood risk tool to analyze the roadways and the risks they have from flooding. And on the bottom right is our commuting patterns. And that's just the beginning of many maps and data that we have at some cog. We just wanted to give you a feel for it. We do a lot of work in transportation though and as one of the requirements we have is to develop the long range transportation plan. So what does it look like? And we're in the middle of doing that right now. It's called Vision 2050. And we did hold a public input session throughout the region, including at the butzel family Recreation Center. And we also are having a virtual open house on May 1. Doing a long range plan though, is something that that opens our region up to over a billion dollars a year in implementation funds for our roads. So on the screen you'll see the millions of dollars that is scheduled for the city of Detroit and broken into the different categories. As Cheryl mentioned, we spend a lot of time working on transportation safety, and that's a huge priority for us. And some of the things we do are data analysis, modeling letters of support and we both Sam cog in the city have received safe streets for all grant funding from the federal government. And we've been trying to be helpful in in implementation of those. shown on the map is our crash map for the city and one of it is zoomed in. Look at our high priority crash locations along Gratiot Avenue. This may we also will be kicking off again for our six year an education campaign called Safe street Southeast Michigan so encourage you we have bike lights and other things for residents to share with them on how to be safe out on our roadways. One of the things we spend a lot of time on always are funding programs. And so we wanted to highlight what funding has come into the city in the last few years for our programs. The first one is the transportation alternatives program and that will fund things like bike lanes and streetscapes trails, for example. And so you can see that you've received over $11 million in five awards there. We've also awarded over $12 million for our air quality programs, which is both C Mac and carbon reduction. And then last week, we awarded $79,000 to the city for asset management to gather local road condition data on your local roads for about 2000 miles of roads. In the environmental work that we do, we have adapted our region's first priority Climate Action Plan. And we're very thankful that this taskforce that we had was co chaired by councilmember young so that was really helpful. And on behalf of the region we also applied for nearly $200 million dollar grant for EPA to decarbonize buildings throughout throughout Southeast Michigan. We have
received some funding in the area of flooding and climate resiliency. And you'll see on the screen just a couple of examples. Over $4 million to implement green infrastructure in communities in Southeast Michigan and another 700,000 from a local foundation. Finally, some cog was officially designated the Economic Development District for Southeast Michigan last spring and that joins us with over 400 others throughout the country and this designation really unlocks additional support and dollars to come into the region. So to make the most of this opportunity, we are launching a southeast Michigan Economic Development Council to guide the work of the region. So please, if you want to learn more about that or interested in joining or having someone joined please let us know. I'm gonna now turn it over to Cheryl for a couple of final comments. Thank you, Amy. And Simcock offers a number of in person workshops as well as online seminars. And those are available at no cost to our members. The QR code on the screen will take you to the current listing of upcoming workshops and I want to draw your attention to one that's on April 17 on rethinking budgeting strategies and I know you're completing your budgeting process. So just seeing some case studies in regards to other approaches to prioritizing budget decision making. It's helpful I think to all local leaders and another one will be in regards to our aging region looking at housing options for our seniors and the resources associated with both. Our next executive committee meeting will be on Friday, May 3 and the General Assembly will convene again on Thursday, June 27. At one Campus Martius Well that's right here. So we hope to see all of you there and participating. And there's a QR code to register to get additional information also. It will also be available in the regional update, which is a publication that comes out electronically every two weeks. So hopefully you are all receiving that as well as your staff members. Some caucus also actively involved in legislative issues important to the city of Detroit and our members from across the region. We actively share our policy positions which are based on regional consensus of our members, with legislators representing the region both in Washington and in Lansing. Some COC also offers maps that where you can identify who is your local state legislator as well as county commissioners. So that's one of the resources that is easily available to everyone. And we share our expertise by offering testimony and in Lansing and in DC on important issues for local governments. And in fact, Amy was just in DC providing testimony and watch your email inbox for future opportunities. And we will be kicking off their legislative policy task force in a couple of months. So if you're interested in that, please reach out to us the contact person is Michael Spence. And I believe his information is provided on the link as well. As you can just contact my office so now that you've had a high level overview of the work that we do, and I want to remind you to sign up for the regional update because that's the best document to receive information in regards to all of the programs activities funding that we offer through our organization, and also invite you to participate on our various task force and committees. And we recently had Coleman Young, um, Councilmember Coleman Young, participating with some green initiatives as well as councilmember Benson was very involved with mobility, biking and the Eevee Summit. Thank you again for that. So we always welcome you, wherever your passions aligned with the work that we're doing.
Right and
me having a close
just want to thank you again. And if you have any questions, we're happy to answer. All right, thank
you so much for the presentation and we will go to questions or comments or any questions from my colleagues at this time. Thank you so much. And did you email the presentation because I did not see it? Yes, we did. Okay,
I'll make sure we have our business cards. Okay. In this lesson.
We will make sure everyone gets a copy of that as well along with your contact information. All right. All right. Thank you so much for being here. And thank you so much for the presentation. And if a clerk would know we've been joined by member Callaway is well,
local so no. President
Yes, member Benson. Just briefly
just want to say thank you to SIM card. It's not everybody realizes what you do or how important work is that SIM card does and just as an urban planner, so I've been I've been very focused on work with SIM Cox since the 90s. And just to see you all here, continue to do the work continuing to expand the work and then really being leaders and tip of the spear when it comes to EVs, regional governance, really bringing the entire region together to coalesce around really important issues, especially when it comes to greenhouse gas when it comes to sustainability. And when it comes to mobility, we really do appreciate you and just the data that is at your website and people don't realize how much data you can get from SIM cards website when it comes to this traffic information when it comes to economic development, really a great tool and a great resource that everybody should avail themselves to just want to say thank you. All
right, thank you. All right, we will proceed now to our agenda and the agenda of this session of Tuesday March the 2620 24 will be approved. There being no reconsiderations or unfinished business. We will proceed to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee,
but we posed to those two departments. The five
reports will be referred to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee, or the internal operations standing committee
reports from various city departments.
The three reports will be referred to the internal operation standing committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services Committee
Flowood plus from various city departments.
Before reports will be referred to the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee for the Planning and Economic Development Committee,
eight inputs from various state department
the eight reports will be referred to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee or the public health and safety committee.
For Team reports we will see the firm's before
feeding reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee. We will now move to the voting action matters under other matters, there are no I was my personnel under communications from the mayor and other governmental officials and agency.
Yeah, no, I was my president. All right. We
will now call for our general public comment. Everyone will have two minutes for public comment. Okay, all right. And we're gonna also put off the public comment as well for this morning. Are we Fraser followed by Malik Shelton. Morning,
morning morning. Thank you so much Madam President and body of the whole and my council member district to miss Calloway. Want to introduce myself cardi Fraser the founder of Detroit is different. Detroit is different is healing community through culture and events immediate. So one of the events that we have coming up is a package I gave my mom's my first van This is an event that with the draft coming, I felt that Detroit is different should do something that really honors was connecting in our community. And I feel that the best way to do that is by giving all of the Detroit football moms an opportunity to meet pro NFL moms. So this is what is going to happen. Why because I really think that with everything happening we're missing out on a lot of the family. We always want to point a family with what is done with Detroit is different. So it will take place at Marygrove conservancy which is in district two as well. Inside the community. It's going to be Sunday, April 21, from two to 6pm. They're also going to be a resource hub. This resource hub will be steel with different things building brick masters, which is a mentorship group. With Keith Bennett and many others it's intergeneration also from the Mojo Debate League so Juwan Howard and what he does and then from the grub bank, natural banks will be talking about meal prep with healthy foods and different things. And when I think about how this came together a lot of help from Visit Detroit, Grand Valley State Skillman teen height team 84 And also the Pro Football moms Association. Herman Moore has partnered with this event. There are some different ads going through social media through Detroit is different. I hope that you all can come out or have some of your people come out. A lot of the registrations are filling up on Eventbrite, but we're going to stream this event as well. And this is just an event that I wanted to let the people know in the community. No, this is how we're doing. The NFL draft through each rate is different. You can contact through info at Detroit is Thank you so much. All
right. Thank you Mr. Frazier. We appreciate you and we will make sure we get out the event to our networks as well to support all right, thank you, sir. Mr. Shelton.
Good morning Council and as well as residents of this great city, since it's the last day of the holy month of Ramadan. I'd like to begin my presentation by my comment by quoting 4913 The Holy Quran which says all humanity, we created you from a male and female and then spread you throughout the world. It did made you want to different nations and races and ethnicities and tribes. Not so that you would despise one another, but so that you would learn from one another and the most honored among you. Is he or she who has the most regard for and the most of God in the most. God conscious is also said in Islamic tradition. Do not be an oppressor and do not allow yourself to be oppressed. To not be an oppressor and do not allow yourself to open your press. And if you see injustice, first tried to correct it physically badly or with your hand. You are unable to do that. Then you have an obligation to speak out against it. And if you're unable to that to do that, then at least speak out against it in your heart. You see Detroit as issuing billions of dollars in bonds with very little critique from the council. This is outrageous. This city and residents vary in drowning under not only the principle but the debt also for the next 2030 years. When you look at the debt service payments every year, the interest payment is almost as much as the principal principal. This is outrageous. usurious interest rates and slave not only individuals but he enslave entire nations Mr. Shelton,
that's your time, sir. Thank you so much, Mr. Shelton.
Betty Lyons followed by Miss Williams.
Justice, justice, justice, the return of my overpaid property tax and with interests the illegal holding of my money by the workers of iniquity, Dugan and Dana nessen. No one has yet proven in black and white that there's my signature, acknowledging that I was told of this theory, Rashida to leave a Muslim lawyer dropped everything she was seeing on TV and she went to the aid of the Hamtramck community to speak, support and encourage the Muslim community. Why isn't she here supporting me? Haven't seen her. Where is that? proudness unless it's for Muslim why haven't seen those other people who don't even want to hear what I think about they only only want me to do what they want. I have a mind of my own. I can think for myself. I want my own money. I don't want no food stamps. I want my money, no credit. I don't want green stamps, none of that junk. I want whole hard cash with more than that credit with that interest that I need. Also, those people have it's a smacks of the evilness of Dugan, because they want me to accept what they say. I have a mind of my own. I know what I want. So I don't want to hear about these invisible people. That's working for me because they're doing nothing
that's all I have to say today. But I want to reiterate, do not fall into that evil Dugan, and all his tripods or whatever he works with is strictly evil. Thank you.
They work with us. Okay, this is my first time coming here concerning the corruption and illegal stuff in the state of Michigan but especially in the city of Detroit. You all sit on this council I said here see you guys on your boss on your devices, council members in this unbelievable everywhere I go to be able to say transparency and accountability. So let's start you all have to go approve a lot of different stuff. And my concerns about the police department. Fire Department DTE at&t to bus drivers all the city official workers is going on three years. So my question is why are city official workers driving around in the city stalking me in a city official vehicles? I've been having problems with the Detroit Police Department over three years. And when I leave here, I will be going to the turnover theorists concerning this issue also. I stay in the shelter because this illegal corruption and they have undercover officers in New York, coming into the shelter going through my stuff without a search warrant. And the last time I was at the border commission being the assistant chief said oh, we don't have any police officers. At no shelters. But that's true to how can we believe anything, anything come out of anything to come out you guys smile, because you all sit up here behind these chairs and you all express expect us to believe all this garbage. The bottom line is corruption money instilling in you are do not do your job correctly. It is election year. You don't need to be on the city council. You don't need to be in office because you guys work for us. And that's the bottom line.
Right. All right. Thank you, Miss Williams.
Governing Council. My name is Tara Tia, you are a last name is brown. I realized that I am here late to discuss right to counsel before any more money is given to right to counsel. There needs to be some studies on how good is working because I do court watch it ain't working out organized with Detroit eviction defense and the feedback we are getting from tenants. It is not working. I've seen it in action. The reason I'm coming down here is because I'm noticing we're right to counsel. The attorneys are coming into court basically with the mindset of moving the tenant right away regardless of what the tenant is telling them regardless of what the tenant is showing them. The attitude is I can get your 45 days. It's become a slogan around there. The other thing is how soon can you move. Tenants aren't wanting to move they want repairs to be made. BC has done a better job of coming out. However, how many tickets are you going to write before you bring somebody down here and prosecute them? Right now? I have a complaint with the Attorney General's Office against the property management company called Great Lakes property and investment service run by Jasmine McMorris she's a slumlord. She's actually the person that shot it by how well she hired somebody to shoot at my house last year during my eviction. Yeah, she has no broker's license since 2000 And I would say probably for she's taking several 100 Detroit residents to court for houses that were failing inspection. The city sued her for blight. She has no broker's license. I've been telling the lawyers at United Community Housing Coalition that she has no broker's license. She has no standing to be taking these tenants to court and yet and still she is allowed to bring them down there. These attorneys, I'm telling the tenants make sure you let your lawyer know she doesn't have a broker's license. United Community Housing Coalition has attorneys there that don't know the difference between a real estate license and Olara license. They're arguing with me in the hall about whether or not this woman is licensed. I'm a licensed real estate agent. I know she's not licensed. I'm telling them this and they will still go into court and allow tenants to be put out there is a homeless school teacher right now. Well, she just got to play Sunday, and she lost her house because of that. Thank you. Alright,
thank you so much. Miss Brown. Michele Thurman. Good morning, Gloria stone. And then Ronald Foster. Good morning.
Yes. Good morning. I'm Amina for housing issues. I reside at Garden View Estates. Um, I signed my lease last year, September 28. There was reap repair issues that was needed before I moved in. That was not repaired. Right now going back and forth in court. And this is not just a court order, but a city order as well. This property was is not registered as well. Um, I have been retaliated against. I have been harassed. They gave someone a key to my place to enter late at night, and I do we have cameras. Last week, they shut off my DTE account. Knowing that if you don't have a DI T active that's automatic eviction. I have a two year old I just recently adopt my granddaughter. It was a no brainer I had to adapt. Not only am I'm going through this, but every time somebody open up the door and hear the alarm go off. She runs she crashed you scream because she thinks is intruder. This like when they gave someone that key to my place. All of the things is very unlawful. I'm going back and forth to court you have a boy appointed attorney. She's no good. She's no help. Of course. My money is in escrow and maintenance themselves told me they refuse to do any work in my home. My stove isn't working it wasn't working. When I moved into silliness splitting. The duct vents need to be cleaned. We know that can catch fire along with the dryer vents as well. They refuse to do anything. So that's why I'm here at the meeting. I'm not a meeting person. I took off from school to be here today. Because I want to voice what's going on and no one is trying to take my side take up for me in which everything they do is totally on loss. So that's why I'm here. Thank you.
All right. Thank you Sorry that you're experiencing that man before you leave. We do want to do want to assist you while you're here. Miss Thurman, you are in councilmember hos district spell member Dr. Hockey want to get your team to help, Mr. Chairman?
Yes, thank you, Madam President. If you can go and Herve is up there he will be able to assist you but from my understanding. You also had a conversation with Yolanda Laughlin on our team, but we will do whatever we can to get you some assistance. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you. Yes,
member Callaway,
thank you Madam Chair. And good morning everyone. A couple of weeks ago I was able to rescue a family that was standing out in the cold west out west eighth mile road and they do have shelter now put them up in a hotel for one night and then the next day we did get them some shelter thanks to the one 800 hotline number member waters. On Saturday I was at the laundromat for a meet and greet on Shaffer near Finkel. And lo and behold, a mother was there. Washing clothes with an 11 Her 11 year old daughter. She came to my staff was crying because she was getting evicted at that very moment. We stopped the meet and greet. I went to her home on Tracy right around the block from the laundromat and it was not in the best condition. And she had a bogus deed. The person who rented her home didn't own it. And 36 District gave her an eviction notice on her door to be out by that Saturday the sixth. But since they hadn't been there by two I told her she'd probably be safe until Monday so I'll check on her today but we were able to get her shelter. But there is a problem in the city with black women with children being evicted. I don't know if what we're doing at 36 District Court is really helping. I don't because every time I'm out, I'm running into women with children that are being evicted or homeless. And I don't know what the answer is. We put all the resources in place. I do believe we've done that we've established a new hotline for housing, a one stop number, but Madam Chair, it's a it's a problem. Most definitely it's a problem. So I don't you know I guess we'll continue to work on it. But these are my own personal experiences. So they're real and we all know that they're real. Thank you. Thank you so much Madam Chair.
Thank you member Callaway. Are you missed on what Okay Miss Dolan. You can come on up Gloria stone followed by Ronald Foster.
Good morning.
Happy Monday, everyone.
My name is Florian stone and I'm in same situation being retaliated against by my landlord. I moved in my practice in the house on December 15 January 29th, I was getting a eviction notice because inspector came out to the house and said that the house was led infected. I actually got four tickets landlord got four tickets. I called the landlord about it and because I questioned her about these tickets and about the lead, she says she was evicted me. I haven't been in the house 30 days and I got an eviction notice.
I ended up
trying to get this resolved with the landlord. She wanted me to clean the window seals and I was told not to touch the window sills because the layer poison could affect my body. I work and she felt that I should be the one to clean up her mess and I say this was a problem before I got in here. I said you breached the contract because you didn't tell me about this lead poisoning. The the inspector said they've been looking for the landlord for several years now due to this tickets that she has come to find out she doesn't even live in Michigan. She stays in California. And she's using my address as her address so she don't have to pay taxes on a house. So I found that out recently. Then I asked her how can we resolve this issue? She said we can't you have to get out. I ended up going to court and they didn't hear anything I had to say they swept me under the rug and told me to be out by the 29th Her lawyer said that I hadn't paid rent. I just moved in the house the first time I was supposed to pay the rent I had paid January and February was getting ready to pay February's rent, she didn't want the money. So then she said I wasn't paying rent. I put the rent in escrow. Then the judge was gonna say that. They will make her do the repairs to the house the furnace the led the leak in the basement from the walls when it rang and the land. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. So I'm not sure if you are in Callaway as district but we'll get your information and see exactly where area you reside in and see how we can support you and connect you as well with your district council member as well while you're here. Okay, so if we can get Tyler to get with her as well. All right, Mr. Foster
Good morning. Rudy. President council president just want to first thing I highlight and say I appreciate you know us you guys his job. But I do appreciate you sticking around and 1011 o'clock in the evening to to get it done. And now that's commendable. So I do. Very, very grateful for that. Also, I know those budgets can get boring at times. I do appreciate each and every one of you guys advocacy respectfully for what you guys constituents one more social, social issues. I appreciate Miss Callaway I went to the coffee hour and it was with the seniors I was very happy to see a lot of their resources their seniors again, and things that's available to do. Very, very grateful for that. I'm grateful for council president when she heard it was an issue where housing was able to find a way to get some housing at 80% ami. That's commendable, and I'm very, very happy to hear that. I want to highlight today that each one of our residents came down today and with one shape or form of another. It was associated with housing issues, whether they were in shelters, whether it was getting put out or whatever the case may be when it comes down to our black women and our children. That highlights an issue where black men should not be going in there doing these things by themselves. They should have support of black men and highlights and need to have black men engagement. No more responsibility. Sorry, I'm picking up those roles and responsibilities. My appreciate just everything that you guys are doing. I know you know what to do a little inch at a time and I appreciate jokes and just try not to throw stones. We're not living in a glass house so it's easy to be positive and highlight the things that you're grateful for and want to say Keep up the good work. There's plenty more work to be done, but I appreciate just everybody. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Foster, we appreciate you as well. And that will conclude in Person public comments and we will now turn over to our virtual callers.
Good morning, Madam President. There were 20 Hands raised on Zoom before you would cut off public comment and the first caller is renowed Shumsky.
Good morning.
Good morning, madam president can be
heard? Yes, you can.
First and foremost, I just want to thank all members of the transit community, the city council and also the administration for increasing the wages for the drivers before the budget season. I honestly don't know how the budget turned out for transit for this year. I'm going to say I can assume that we probably did not have any funding for the low income fare program which I find disappointing. We have a lot of aid programs across the city right and they don't do as much reach they try to help as many people as possible. But when someone's a returning citizen or someone that's homeless, or someone that's a veteran or someone that's experiencing unemployment, right, and they are asked to pay for bus fare, and by accident, they run into someone that's passing out bus cards. That's going to be our aid programs for people that are less fortunate in our city. I find that really disappointing. And it seems like the city celebrates the babies being taken out of water. Right? This is an old organizing adage, right? Why are babies in the water? So we've given awards out to the people that are taking babies out of the water, but nobody is asking who's putting the babies in the water in the first place. And when someone stops that process right, putting the babies in the water in the first place and they stop that that person doesn't get celebrated but the rescue Where does see how backwards that is and what that what that relates to the local fare program is that someone has to be lucky to run it to a church or someone that's passing out bus passes instead of our city having some sort of program where those that are on harder times or to get out of jail or who served our military or who was in between jobs who wants to work need to get around the city but can't because they don't have the means to do so. So I'm going to continue to advocate for this with the budget season or out of budget season until you understand it Thank you.
All right. Thank you, Bernard.
The next caller is Steven whoring.
Can I be heard?
Yes, you can.
Well, what a lot of the previous caller said was quite gibberish, you know, like me, you know, he's been in the city for 10 years. But you know what I want to say is, you know, overall, you know, that low income fare program. You know, I understand $2 is a lot of money for a lot of people, but we also got to be clear, we have so much problems above this, you know, our buses aren't going on time, you know, our drivers aren't getting paid. Well, you know, there's so much issues, you know, before we even having this discussion about this low income care program, and, you know, to be honest, you know, the proposal you know, I read that proposal, the Detroit people's platform made and you know, a lot of the people who would not be eligible for that low income care program are people who probably make under 20 grand a year. You know, the moms who work at McDonald's who raise fam they won't be eligible and you know, they could lose their spot in a pool to some homeless guy trying to joy around, you know, it's it's a proposal, and you know, I'm thankful that counsel did not look into it, you know, I would definitely be open to it. The sponsor came and, you know, decided to pay for their son helps, you know, I would definitely be supportive of that, you know, but in the meantime is, you know, the way the program is with reduced fare is working, you know, the only people that should get reduced fare are elderly, disabled, my minors, and, you know, if you want to expand it to veterans, that's fine. But, you know, the proposal what the previous caller said was just be blacks. And lastly, you know, I want to say on the proposal, there was a mention of smaller buses on Lipper noi what that the reason that
all right, thank you so much.
Next callers to hear on that
morning council thank you for all that you do in in passing the Coalition for property tax and justice to resolution but where are other resolutions? What's happening with it? Can you give us an update on that? Secondly, we are still being illegally overcap illegally taxed. On our homes. Why are we paying taxes we don't owe you already know that $600 million, which was illegally taken from us and we're being illegally overtaxed find the people who are being overtaxed stop requiring them to pay taxes if they don't Oh, we shouldn't be paying on one level alarm okay in taxes now. Oh, taxes. I've been overtaxed $60,000 I already paid everything. Don't drive me nuts, nails for the city. Drainage fees, nothing you've already charged me enough. And all of us. Still, when we are oversexed? We don't get the assessment papers, some of us at all. So there's still a problem with the assessor's office that needs to be dealt with those two proposals. We resolutions we need to make sure there are in effectiveness not being put in in effect. Counsel, can you please tell us what's happening with the two resolutions and what can be done to get a pass you were kind enough to do that. We want to know what we need to do to get on path and then the bike lanes are dangerous. I am disabled when I get out the car. I'm already in the street. I have to swing my door way out so I can get out. And it's dangerous. Why do we have these black bike lanes? There's no light I never see a biker. Okay, so this is dangerous. You need to stop especially on six mile or what's called Nick nickel. This dangerous for me to try to get out the car is dangerous because for drivers dangerous that that has the right to counsel
the next caller is Tim.
Morning Tim Good morning,
calm through President Council and council members. My name is Tim Moore and my company is UI in Detroit IPTV. We've been around my family's been around the city my grandfather Frank Murphy actually prevented my grandfather from me extradited back to Mississippi to be lynched because he was protecting my grandmother. We operated pizza cleaning at Cobo Hall for 35 years. We employ trained and inspired hundreds of the charters without benefit of a community benefit agreement, the need of a community benefit agreement and tax breaks but I'm here for Detroit, IPTV and UI N. We recently lost about a contract to a company out of Troy for media services. We've done media services for the city of Detroit for two years. We documented the charter commission we traveled, we went to different locations set up around the city did that when COVID came we trained all the chartered members to use Zoom. But the contract for Media Services is primarily doing press conferences and we've done press conferences but I've checked to see if they're doing anything different but press conferences and nothing but speakers, microphones and speakers, microphones in media equipment. We have all of that but the purchasing department said they came out and check our capacity, but they didn't do that too after you all had awarded this contract. So we can make a difference. I told them that we can employ really and trained 15 or 20 Young people in media services. And we they got a million bucks. We got it. We recently got a $2,000 contract for the draft and we could do a lot more if we had your support. Detroit is the most uninformed city in the nation because we don't have any black owned media here. You guys can make a difference. Keep that in mind for your future decisions. Thanks for your time.
All right. Thank you so much, Tim. We appreciate you.
The next caller is William M. Davis.
Good morning. Can I be heard?
Yes, you can.
I like to welcome you back on No, yeah, I was here late last night. I like to start off by saying a few things. One, there's a problem the city of Detroit with missing black women and children. You know, and I think there's not an emphasis on trying to find them. I think that's been a problem is continues to be a problem and more needs to be done. Also, there's a problem in the city of Detroit with underreporting of crime and misclassifying crime to make it look like it's not as bad as it is. You know, a lot of people just do not have faith in the system, and they do not report crime. And some people don't report crime because they don't want the police come into the door when they tell them some illegal activities on their block. You know, so something needs to be done about that. Also, you know, I still think is a major problem. All these city vehicles that leave the city every day, that might be going 20 or 30 or 40 miles outside the city or more. There's more wear and tear on our vehicles to make our vehicles life expectancy decrease. And also that's a crime because our Michigan State Attorney General just started prosecuting people for that. So to save a lot of trouble, like 85% of the command staff of the Detroit Police Department live outside the city. We even need to be a greater emphasis on making sure our Detroit Dallas and our Detroit residents and our Detroit workers get more benefit for them Detroiters also like what Tim was just saying, I think there's a problem that not many of our dollars stand in are going to black media or black public says you know, we need to make sure our dollars not turning over in our city. That's how you expand economic pie for everyone. That's not happening, at least not to the extent that it can and should be happening. Thank you. Have a great day.
All right, you as well. Thank you.
The next caller is Betty a Varna.
Good morning, Miss Varner.
Good morning to all within the sound of my voice. I want to ditto everything that Mr. Foster said and I appreciate the count. So I was with John last night because I wanted to know the entire process. This my first time going through the entire process of the budget. And some of y'all were there up to 12. And that's commitment. So, great job. I'd like to thank how God negotiated and came together with the numbers and regards to the administration and the council and you got the job done. So great job. Wasn't anything in there for the community organizations and the parks. So I'm going to come at you a different way. I'm going to ask you to please come up with some type of program where community organizations that are taking care of parks that are not being taken care of by the city of Detroit, they're doing the maintenance, and they're making the parks beautiful and having a place where people can go and congregate and be safe. Come up with some type of grant or something that is not so hard to fill out. Don't make it where they have to be a 501 C three, just give them some easy money. My organization. Yes, we are 501 C three. We have been successful with a neighborhood beautification grant, but that's not an easy grant. And I talked to so many presidents, especially senior president, they just give up because it's just too hard for him. Even though all of the assistance that the city has offered, and way Metro. But let's come up with some way to get these people some money. And I'm asking that we need help. We need some playground equipment. And so I'm asking you for that support for a diba community park in the memory of our late press. Vice President grinton in the near continue to support my pinko corridor thinker and limonoids to think on why on me I think you're doing a fantastic, great job. I'm impressed with what you did.
All right. Thank you so much Miss Varner.
Our next caller is Karen Winston.
Hello. Yes Good afternoon. Excuse me. Good morning is Winston.
I just want to speak on administrative rules and procedures. Because if we don't have the administrative rules and procedures in place, then the public is gonna stay misinformed. And it seems like that might be you know, the focus of counsel, maybe not you individually, specifically. But I mean, it's, you know, it's not personal, it's business we have to know, you know, and not after, but we have to know and you have to know that you're doing the right thing. And the only way you're going to know is to have a reference, not hearsay, you know, not because somebody told you this was what we do. Now, so anything in the procedure, we have to weigh the public have to be able to reference it and document it. So right just like you're changing in the procedure, what your budget hearings. I don't need to watch it anymore. Because, you know, I'm just interested now because I don't get a chance to you to ask the department's a question or even get an answer. So it makes it useless, you know, for from my perspective, and so what I like to do is just go back later and look or you know, see what's going on, but we can't even do that anymore. Because the the assessments are now no longer available. later than 21 You know, just before you guys came in, so you have no reference. They've left you no reference. You can't even see how they used to do it. So all you have is what you've been told. And what you've been told as a crop. Now, as far as our tax property taxes go, we got to validate that these guys are competent. No way we should still be being overtaxed, and you've told us we're not getting it back. So why are you still Why are you still sending it to us? Now so like I said, I didn't stay I didn't listen, I went to bed last night. I hope you guys got a good night's rest.
All right. Thank you you as well.
The next caller is phone number ending in 299.
Morning caller 299.
Yes. Good morning to everyone. Hi. My name is Joyce Moore with Virginia Park community coalition within the boundaries of the Virginia Park community. I come before this Council today and say one we needed a participatory budget. Why? we have seven districts. Although you have a budget for the city of Detroit you can identify the specific needs of every district by having a participatory budget. Number two memorandum of understanding. I'm hoping that you go out the city twice and ask people what do they really want that no land trust is one chief finance officer definitely should have a approval of any fence being sent the 250 million now $250 million bond for blight should be looked at much closer in terms of where to spend how it is spent who has spent and has requested in terms of the structure Detroit land bank is gay vine cash Viana 400 vacant lots and 100 houses. Okay, the structure needs to be looked at as the mayor has five directors of which he appoints three. Where's the fairness in there? Now we asked the 42 of those houses and we will not get in it. We did not get those houses because of the fact that he wanted an extended deadline which you gave him so we'll get the houses. He isn't going to. He doesn't get the deadline. We don't get the houses. What are those houses was 1657 tailor that houses up to negotiate with Detroit land bank as it was a kid that house to the gentlelady. Now they say we made a mistake. We just want you to accept that mistake and I'm saying no. What is the recourse? If my Cassia Yano lose any of the 42 houses that would have been given to Virginia Park community. They should be given to our community to be to be sold, sold to people who want to live here, etc. I can't go into detail on that. Now all I can say to the council is that we appreciate what you're doing. But we don't feel that you managed to get money or decisions that was going to help impact upon the citizens and residents in Detroit. Thank you very much for your time. I yield mine.
All right. Thank you so much, Miss Moore.
The next caller is Marguerite Maddox. Scarlett
All right. Good. Morning, Miss Maddox.
Good morning.
Congress about
being vegan
ways that we give inmates women with children when dealing with with children children because
they get them so proud to be here. Please remember we outline we began we did we aim to
and another thing that I am concerned about the
day where you were born going to give you citizen drivers ready to go racking. The best way to figure out a way to make it easier
this sitting in wondering where we how to go back, do different things. See so doing everyone to be able to play around
thank you so much Miss Maddox.
The next caller is Samsung FM T two to seven you
right Good morning
Good morning. Can I be heard?
Yes, you can.
Um first of all, I want to make a comment a statement about the Black Media. We need that it should be done. Why should we be left out? We've been left out long enough. Number two, on on Davidson East Davidson. Between Justin and Phil on the traffic light does not allow people to really come out. They blocked the traffic for you to come out because we can't make a left. We can't make a right on salon and Davidson at six miles. They say you can't make a turn on red. So therefore you standing there you waiting that traffic light needs to be changed. Because when the light on one leg goes, the other one goes and you can't get through. Something needs to be done about that. Also, I want to talk about the the issue of people popping fireworks up to three o'clock in the morning. That's That's unacceptable. When do you got to stay be woke and hear fireworks popping all night long. The seniors should be taken care of the children should be taken care of. I appreciate you all. Doing the budget I didn't get a chance to watch last night, but I wished I had but anyway, appreciate your kudos to those that stayed up all night trying to get it done. But it's a lot of things that needs to be done in a city. That's not including people and I'm gonna say black people because we left on a on a lot of things. Council president and there's a lot of things that needs to be changed. I've been trying to get these trees cut down and down yet. They haven't done my alley yet. I mean there's an alley and looks like it's adjacent to the lot but it's not they need to clean these alley. They doing it around me but you're not doing it on my street. The Alley needs to be cleaned on Davison.
All right. Thank you so much.
The next caller is Karen hammer.
Hello. Can you hear me?
Yes we can. Hello? Yes, we can hear you miss hammer.
Okay. Thank you. First, thank you for your efforts as council to work on the budget and represent Detroiters as other commenters have highlighted, we need a participatory budget process. This is a future priority. Detroit should practice prioritize a climate plan to include less dependence on fossil fuels and implement clean energy and equitable transportation. The inflation Reduction Act allows tax credits and funding for projects that switch from fossil fuels to clean energy in Michigan alone, shifting to renewable energy would create 150,000 jobs. Save more than 1700 lives a year and save the average Michigander $11,000 a year. Imagine how this reducing fossil fuels would help Detroiters Detroiters old housing leaks energy year around year round creating hardships and paying high utility bills. mitigate this with investment in low income Whole Home retrofits which are insulating and preventing air leaking from the homes. It creates more jobs for Detroit residents and better homes to live in. Start with a free energy analysis from DTE and then contact Detroit or working for environmental justice to refer contractors. You can consult also with the Michigan Environmental Council with their expertise on this along with the Michigan Climate Action Network. Thank you.
Thank you. If the clerk would no member Yang has joined us as well.
All right, next caller is Miko a Williams.
Good morning, Mr. Williams.
Hi, good. Morning. Can you hear me?
Yes, we can.
Yeah, I would like to make a question. The council member please answer my question about did he get the information it will he shared with us publicly about the NFL draft of how businesses nonprofits and organizations could work in the draft or be involved with the draft. I also would like to say that you know, surrounding the draft that we should be included in our city, our residents. Our citizens should be on display for all the world to see that Detroit is a horse sport square. We are the only city lucky enough to have all of our stadium in a square radius file and so we need to be participatory in that. So I would like councilmember to share what he received with the rest of the public today. I also want to say and warn Detroiters to please pay your damn water bills. There are 60,000 accounts that are 90 days and two. We don't know who they are 60 100 lifeline plan members have not paid their bills within the net. Within lifeline bill. That's the $18 water bill. As I told you before, you cannot mess up an $18 water bill and we work very hard water activists are working hard trying to get you settled and situated so your water don't get shut off in May. So again, you need to contact the water department or you need to go to a metro if you need help to get on that lifeline. councilmembers I know the budget. I think you all in your Britain marathon yesterday. I'm sorry, I couldn't say. But it does need to be a participatory process. I do echo what Miss Karen Winston said about us being participatory meaning that we should ask the department questions when we hear certain things. And I feel I've been screaming that for years because people will cut try to come down here. Lay all this dig on you and then try to get out within one hour and want to ask our questions or your writing your questions in writing. Also I thought you all approve things over $250,000 that involves a family discussion. There are some contracts that have it please.
Thank you Mr. Williams.
The next caller is L Brown.
Mr. Brown Good morning
Good morning. Greetings mabie hurt.
Yes you can. Yeah.
I wasn't going to call in regard to the Solar Initiative today. But I actually woke up to homicide detectives and crime scene units outside of my house.
So typically the
application process I'm calling from District Three Mt. Olivet. I feel like still we are the best demographic for all the proposed applications. But we don't have 100% approval we had out of that believe that 10 applicants in our area. The homeowners in our area. Only nine of them have approved and the last one. They just haven't been able to get a hold over. But today was a pretty bold reminder as to why I feel you know this is the best area. But yeah, there was a dead body and the fear on our block. So, you know, there's obviously an issue that, you know, even the, you know, some people in the general public know, hey, I can get away with doing this type of dumping over there in this area. So and then not to mention, you know, this is also the same area where they had the fire so many years ago where burned down I think like 10 to 15 houses. So, you know to come full circle and to be able to benefit from the Solar Initiative. You know, I think that'd be I think it'd be a really good story. But then like I say today, you know, it was a bowl reminder again, why like I feel that, you know, our application should just be review and be considered but I yield my time and I appreciate those and constant. Alright
the next caller is phone number ending in 124.
Caller 123
May I be heard?
Yes, you can.
Okay, well first of all, I'd like to say we need to investigate the hands lowering and people not being called them public comment like I had my hand lowered before public comment was closed yesterday afternoon, but it wasn't called. So I wrote out a council members about a proposal and environmental proposal called no mo May. In other words, don't let don't issue tickets for grass because it's important to let nature do its thing. So we have pollinators that, you know, get the plants reproducing and they produce oxygen and we give them carbon dioxide so please consider that in Arbor is doing it. Ferndale is doing it. And we should do it too. We have a tremendous soil problem to develop the mowers for the developers north and landing we're out here mowing over the garbage again. No plastic bottles and bags and stuff to bring to my property etc but they don't get ticketed 16.4 The unlimited tax obligation bonds have you done your due diligence? And please somebody oppose the waiver on this and do your due diligence I think 2004 and 2009. voter approval is stale because the population has decreased significantly. So this is very inappropriate in my mind. I don't see a legal memo and that that is okay. Let's do financial literacy in the city not just about the tax credit packages but about the bonds that we are asked to pay or you think we still have to pay from old sale voter approval, oppose the land bank MOU I, but I see you were funding it. So I see how that's gonna go down but do a listening tour. Hear from the residents otherwise you're not doing your due diligence. I support member waters amendment to eliminate the nuisance abatement. Where's the legal memo on the legality of that? Because the land bank goes around says don't do what they do but do as I say they need to take care of their own property first before they go harass private property owners. And what is this man's obsession with demolition? That are for money $200 million in convert you're going after private property and not helping seniors who probably fear the roofs gonna collapse when heavy rain is that was he would like it.
Right, thank you, Miss Warwick.
The next caller is Bobby Johnson.
Greetings Greetings. One thing you know that budget was kind of short, really didn't represent the city of Detroit and I'm with her a lot of times my hand does get lower before I may even call but I'm looking at 9.5 That's 779 69 West Fisher. I didn't know it was was Fisher is it says in that contract. That That building is adjacent to 7960 West for and what is the special use for and why are we only selling that property? For 40,002 benzene and then 9.2 contract who was being ie properties and why are we paying almost $272,000 for two renovations of houses. I do like that you guys did a study on youth council. I liked the Baltimore one, but I think we should have put some money and make sure it's a commission not a task force because we like to make a lot of commission I mean taskforce that have no problem no power and it's just to say oh I'm doing something I'm trying no make them Commission's where they have power and stop playing with people trying to trick them. Also we have a whole bunch of emergency demolition. Once again, we have like almost I think it's like 678 contracts of emergency demolition. Why are we having so many emergency demolition. And then another thing we need to have some kind of tracker about the young girls and the black women that are coming up missing. There's no database in the city of Detroit that are tracking saying that this child has been returned if this woman's been returned, we have no accountability and the police force is they're not doing their job. There needs to be some more oversight on the oversight. The whole thing about it is we're coming up missing and nobody's taking here or looking for these children. We don't know if they come back. We don't know if they're when they
write thank you Miss Johnson.
The next caller is ADOS Detroit.
Through the Chair, may I be heard?
Yes, you can.
You've heard you've heard a lot of things today. The last caller had so many issues. That what you can say about this city is this dysfunctional? I'm going to call about 16.1 and 16 that to pilot programs that reduce or no taxes to certain people. I want to know who pays for their police fire. garbage pickup. I want to know and I need an answer, Councilman dr. Hall, don't ignore me 16 That three and 16.4 are both illegal Why would I Why would I put houses or real estate up four to four cars. The police have too many vehicles we've asked them and so has council woman asked them to give us an itemized number of vehicles that we have and that we've bought. I'm not I don't I don't see any savings in this and it's absolutely ridiculous for you all to go along with it. 16.6 How about the contaminated sites that council member was? Young believes I should go and look up. No, you should go and look up 9.2 b I'm an grandes BNP properties Who are these people? The bridging network? Where did these houses come from and why are my city funds paying for renovations? I thought that public money could not go for private needs and you should have you heard the council I mean the the mallet yesterday tell you that you know this group, seven 7.3 year part you're over the task force for reparations. We have more liquor license than are allowed in a city and they're being given by the state. The state redlined us the state we had a sundown city we have reasons why the task force can cat has has a leg to stand on to sue this state and and this city for the treatment of black people 9.8 No to the land bank. We don't want them with the nuisance of basement and 10 dot 11 as a travesty our Arper funds being used for commercial structures.
Thank you.
The next caller is Frank Hamer.
Good morning. Good morning President Sheffield and the honorable City Council. Can you hear me? Yes. April 22 will be Earth Day. The day after there will be a book event at the source booksellers on Cass Avenue. The title of the book is the global environmental catastrophe has begun. It is a sequel to a book published in 2014 called catastrophe alert. The book being presented on the 23rd proves that many of the prognoses made in 2014 are becoming a reality faster than expected. We're in a race against time. For the past year. It's been reported every month that we have been living on the hottest planet in recorded history, actually, in the past 120,000 years. The consequences are clear record forest fires, massive flooding, dying forests the danger of the collapse of the world's oceans, the accelerating extinction of species, intensifying melting of glaciers and daily reports of weather disasters. Come November we're faced with historic choice the ex president who was a straight out climate denier who will completely deny the science or a president who thankfully declared during the State of the Union, that we are faced with a climate crisis. I challenge anyone on city council to assess whether the Biden administration is meeting the actual challenge we're faced with or for that matter, even Sam cog, which this morning reported on their activity in regards to the environment. If you believe that you can expand your awareness on the actual environmental catastrophe that we're facing, you owe it to yourself and to Detroit who you represent, to attend a book event at source booksellers again, April 23. And if you can't go send one of your staff members, we can be doing a lot more to build our residents awareness of the problems we face and what it's going to take to bequeath a livable planet to our children and our grandchildren. Thank you.
The next caller is made Mayberry.
The morning the morning Mayberry.
Yes, good morning. How are you?
Doing? All right. Thank you.
Thank you. Good morning, everybody. I was going to speak about the parking this down town Detroit to make it accessible for seniors to be able to get around downtown. The underground parking has been closed each each. Each time I've been trying to get down there. It's more accessible for me to come to the town hall meetings or the city council meeting. Because the rest of the parking in the area is too expensive. It's like $30 If I stay there for two hours or three hours, it's $30. So I think there needs to be something needs to be done about that. But when I was also asked to put the city council to still I haven't got a yay or nay on on the flag, the Unity flag that black red and green flag to be flown over the city Detroit for Juneteenth day, as well as the Martin Luther King Park for the renovation I see that it a little little something that's being done for that park. But I haven't gotten a gay or nay on that. But also I'm working within the reparations committee I went to that meeting and it is is not informing that the residents of the city of Detroit about the reparations also so can so how can we do what can we do to help to get the word out about the reparations? And it's not and stop all the research to so that we can start getting either monetary or some kind of resolution for that reparations and I think I'm gonna gonna yield my time
the next the next caller is Motor City Roo.
Can you hear me clearly?
Yes, we can hear you Good morning.
Hey, Siri, define ignorant.
Ignorant means lacking knowledge or awareness in general, uneducated, or unsophisticated.
Now, I'm gonna list off a few words in a couple of phrases. Crafty, asinine.
skullduggery, tom foolery? He sat in a dark mood. It was last night, city council 12 o'clock. Also still to bear trap proof. Now, yesterday we went outside and saw the Eclipse as it took place and was quite refreshing to see what I saw. And I I want to say this wholeheartedly. The vast majority of the city of Detroit is ignorant. Now, Mary Sheffield, to you, particularly, you cannot control the narrative of a grown man who understands his right to freedom of speech. And you cut off my public comment, and I didn't say anything that was what I've seen, or against the rules, your tab will happen. Now. I'm gonna address it in this way. Your father doesn't know that I had a receipts about his trickery and trickery as a word as in western this generic and yes, he pays like he waits. It might be embarrassing to you might be embarrassing to him, but I geek G. Now if you don't take the tag, the city of Detroit doesn't take the tag of meetings mother. I'm going to reduce this city to rubble. You particularly are not going to be the mayor of the city of Detroit, as so decreed by the citizens, the ones that aren't ignorant and know what's going on. Now who all was involved in the plan. The one your daddy told me about.
All right, thank you, Mr. Crowley.
And the last caller who raised her hand before you cut off public comment is coming in.
All right, good morning, Mr. Cunningham.
Mr. Cunningham, good morning.
Good morning, Madam President. Good morning, city council and everyone on the sound of my voice can y'all hear me? Yes, we can. Again, good morning. I pass on bus tickets. east to west, north to south and there's a great need people trying to get on their feet. People who don't interact or touch that demographic, speak against giving away free fare or tickets or, or any form of assistance for veterans working poor and etc. I think it's due to the fact they don't encounter or care to encounter or be in interaction with people who would need that service. I thank everyone for the donations of hand warmers, gloves and the bus tickets I pay for out of my pocket. Outreach vehicle is in need of transit transmission repair. I never have any good luck any I never have any good luck at all, as regards to a mechanic and my vehicle, and I'm a very poor person. And so the money that I have raised, I don't want to spend it and it's not a good mechanic. And I just don't have good luck when it comes to mechanics. And when I'm spending my last for that repair, I want to make sure I get some get somebody skillful and trustworthy. Please continue to keep me lifted in prayer and my mother. The hotline number is 313-444-9114 if you need to reach me 3134449114313 fold fold fold 911 fold that number was made so you can remember it and on Facebook retroactive fairness. And I want to thank City Council for not being a rubber stamp.
All right, thank you Mr. Cunningham. And that will conclude all of our public comment for this morning and we will now proceed to our agenda for today. Understanding committee reports for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement
council member Darryl Hall to resolutions. line item 16.1 is 16.2.
Alpha member Dr. Hall.
Thank you Madam President. line item 16.1 is a resolution of authorization for the preserve on Aswan limited dividend Housing Association LLC Payment in Lieu of Taxes otherwise known as pilot. This is four or five newly constructed apartment buildings that consist of 69 units with a combine by 1865 square feet of commercial space located in an area bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on a North 14th Street on the east butternut Street on the south and 16th Street on the west Move for approval for line item 16.1.
All right, any objections? Hearing no objections the resolutions will be approved.
Remember there ha Thank you Madam President. line item 16.1 or 16.2 Pardon me is for field Street. Third, limited dividend Housing Association LLC payment in lieu of taxes. This is a resolution of authorization. This is for 44 townhomes and one five unit apartment building known as Hamilton house is in the area of St. Paul on the north Sheridan on the east East Lafayette on the South and East Grand Boulevard on the west. This project also includes 14 Two bed one bath and 33 bit and one bath townhomes in addition to an apartment building consisting of one bed one bath and four bed, two bath one bed one bath apartment. This is for free parking as well move for approval for line item 16.2.
All right, any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved. And we're gonna have a waiver on 16.2 member Dora.
I was gonna request them all together but I requested a waiver from item 16.1 and 16.2. All
right, Hearing no objections that action will be taken from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer Office of Budget. Councilmember
Darryl Hall three resolutions, noting that line item 16.5 was reported out of committee without recommendation
and from a reader ha Thank
you, Madam President. Second line item 16.3 First that is resolution of authorization for the vehicle installment purchase authorizing resolution. Motion for approval for line item 16.3.
All right discussion on this item. Member Callaway
Yes Madam Chair if you can show me as a no on line item 16.3
No, there's no discussion we'll move for approval and if we can show Alpha member Callaway as a note one line item 16.3.
It was so note Madam President.
Hearing no other objections, the one resolution will be approved. Remember, dear ha
Thank you Madam President. line item 16.4 is a resolution of authorization. This is the bond authorizing resolution UTL bonds series 2024 Move for approval for line item 16.4
All right, a motion has been made any objections on 16.4? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved
to request a waiver for line item 16.4. Madam President,
any objection to a waiver? Objection. Okay. Hearing in objection that motion will fail. And councilmember de Rojas
Thank you, Madam President. Moved to discuss line item 16.5. discussion. Thank you Madam President. As noted for council in our special session voting on the budget, yesterday evening line item 16.5 has already been passed and so this item can be removed from today's agenda motion to remove line item 16.5 from today's agenda Hearing
no objections we will remove line item 16.5. The Office of the city clerk City Planning Commission.
Also remember Dharohar resolution line item 16.6.
Councilmember Doha
Thank you Madam President. line item 16.6 is a resolution of authorization for any z zone certificate application for the rehabilitation of a residential building into four condominium units at 9767 Dundee and the naarden Park neighborhood enterprise zone area This has also been recommended for approval by the CPC as well as committee Move for approval for line item 16.6.
All right, Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved.
request a waiver for line item 16.6. Any
objections to a waiver? Hearing none that action will be taken under resolutions. Councilmember
Calloway a resolution line item 16.7. Member Callaway.
Thank you Madam Chair. I'd like to read a statement before asked for make a motion to approve. I'm going to read the actual resolution. Thank you to the staff of LPD. Resolution and support of Michigan Senate Bill 632 of 2023 concerning payday loans, whereas the term payday loans is used to describe the practice of providing short term loans to individuals in need of immediate funds with the expectation that the loan will be paid back once the borrower receives their next paycheck. And whereas in addition to fees, payday lenders charge huge interest rates on payday loans in Michigan payday lenders can charge fees reaching over 340% annual percentage rate, while the average credit card APR was at an all time high at just 22.8% and 2023. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and whereas, and were asked due to the high interest rates, payday loans can trap barrels in a cycle of debt, as shown by a 2018 study by the Center for Responsible Lending which found that 70% of the payday loans in Michigan are taken out on the same day, a previous loan is repaid and at certain 86% are taken out within two weeks of another repayment and whereas these trends are particularly concerning in an economy where seven and 10 Americans report that they are living paycheck to paycheck to paycheck, and whereas stores that offer payday loans are specifically located to prey on low income communities. As mapping data shows that payday lenders are disproportionately located in communities of color and rural areas with the lowest median house color, household income and whereas the Michigan Senate recently passed bill 632, introduced by Senator Sarah Anthony, which caps the APR for payday loans at 36%. And whereas Senate Bill 632 passed with bipartisan support, and if passed by the House of Representatives, Michigan will join 20 other states that have passed common sense regulations to protect their citizens from predatory payday lending practices. And whereas because payday lenders are disproportionately located in low income, urban areas like Detroit, and communities of color, Detroit has a particular interest in protecting its residents from being targeted by payday lenders. Now, therefore, be it resolved that your choice City Council Council urges the Michigan House of Representatives to pass Senate Bill six three to now be finally resolved that the Detroit City Council the tri city
clerk rather send copies of the resolution to Detroit delegations of both the Michigan State House and Senate Senate to Mayor Mike Duggan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Madam Chair, I move to approve the line item 16.7 which is a resolution in support of Senate Bill 632. Madam Chair, motion has been made for approval, Hearing no objections that resolution will be approved. Thank you remember Callaway. We will now move for the internal operation standing committee and before we do the one item. We do have a walk on for a calendar amendment to City Council's calendar and if Mr. Whittaker can briefly come up so we can take this up now please. there a motion to walk one the Detroit City Council calendar for 2024 motion. All right Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Mr. Whittaker. Madam President, we offered that amendment to your calendar to reflect the activity that's going to happen in city Detroit on on April 22 and 23rd. The building authority this morning announced that they will be closing the building on both days I recognition of what the activity is going to city relative to in the NFL Draft. Apparently downtown will be inundated with traffic and the conditions are such with the people that are coming with traffic and parking etc. That the building authority have elected to close this building. And obviously if the building is closed and then not allowing visitors in the building, it will make it very very difficult for council to have normal operations. As your build is the your body has to have visitors in to for your sessions under the Open Meetings Act. So we are asking that you strongly consider canceling. Also activity on both the 22nd which is the which is a Monday so public health and safety and Tuesday, your formal session. All right, thank you Mr. Whittaker and the calendar that is before as does reflect the date change. For the APR, we says, Alright, is there any discussion on this item? Proto. Thank you, Madam President. It's just trying to find out if any alternatives were sought. I know one of the locations I had mentioned in the past was potentially a public safety headquarters that we could continue our sessions over there. I know they have the capability. So I understand if traffic is the challenge over there as well, but just wanted to know, if any other locations were explored. We did not look to see if there are other other places that might be sufficient. We recognize that would involve the clerk. And I think that I don't know the clerk is not going to be in the building. And it would also involve media services. And anytime you moving counsels meetings to another location, it really is a whole constellation of city departments that are affected. It would have to be enacted to accommodate your meetings. So it would it would take, it will take quite a lot to move to meetings. Certainly we would have to notify the public and you would have to have sufficient space for the public to attend. The police headquarters, I think could accommodate it. If you'd like us to explore we certainly will. But I think given given what the mayor is asking I guess the mayor is also shutting down city services. As well out of this building city operations out of this building, which is pretty much the entire city operation other than folks who are operating outside of the building, but we can explore that if you choose but we would recommend that you just simply cancel and reschedule your activities for the following week. I will I have I will go with the will of the bottom just wanted to know if it had been explored and if there's any desire to do so if no one raised their hand for that to take place and that shows any support and again, I'll go with the will of the body. Thank you for the chair Graham Anderson law department. Just want to state that law is completely in alignment with LPD on this issue, as well. I know Pro Tem there had been some suggestions about potentially having this at the Detroit Public Safety headquarters. I do have an opinion. That was back in 2019 that had some problems with having open meetings at that location. I'm happy to share that with your team. It to briefly touch on it is yes, of course. They have openings that were there all the time. I didn't want to go down that road. But I know this was a legal issue. I thought it was more of a it's not a wheel issue. So not so much that it's barred. But the problem is, is that members of the public back in 2019 Raise complaints alleging that the identification policy is a violation of the Open Meeting act. It was determined it was not but it was a bit problematic. So I just wanted to touch on that as well. Okay, not just that part wasn't. Again, it really comes down to what this body liked. And if the body doesn't want to do it, then I'm okay with it. Like discussion? Discussion member Benson. Well, I'm I want to explore and I share some of the same misgivings as having any event, fantastic event, but allowing any event I should I believe this is the tail wagging the dog. I believe we should continue on to people's work that we needed to find another venue. We just gave $2 million to the library. Why not go to their auditorium. We have other public venues that wouldn't require that level of security that can support and that we as a city support financially, I would hope that they'd be willing to host us for something as important as doing the people's work moving forward. So I'm open to the to the conversation as well. Okay. Any other discussion? All right, so is there a motion sounds like there may be a desire to look for an additional location or is there a desire to move forward with the proposed calendar that was submitted from LPD Yeah, I think it really comes down to I'm sorry. No, no, I'm just saying if there's no wheel, there's no wheel right now. No, it sounds like just remember Benson and I raise your hands about it. Okay, remember Callaway? Man, Madam Chair move. We just accept the calendar best. That's been presented to us by LPD. Thank manager All right. motion has been made to accept the calendar that has been proposed by LPD Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the calendar will be amended calendar will be approved. Or the internal operations standing committee from the mayor's office.
Councilmember Jensen a resolution line item 17.1.
Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 17.1. This is to appoint William will Marquez to the historic district commission effective immediately and expiring on February 14 2027.
Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved from the Office of contracting and procurement
council member Johnson three resolutions line item 17.2 through 17.4. Noting that they are all three contracts Contract Number one, contract number 6000554 dash a 14 100%. City funding amendment 14 to provide an extension of time and an increase the funds for legal services contractor Frank Rusik PLLC total contract amount 5,570,000 That's for the law department. Next contract contract number 3073 to 691 100%. City funding to provide parking for city employees. Contractor SP plus Corporation total contract amount $182,300 Human Resources last contract is contract number 600587 to 100% are preferring to provide equipment devices and installation services contractor groundwork zero total contract amount $1,563,581.44 cent Ness for do it. Councilmember Johnson three resolutions.
Councilmember Johnson
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 17.2 through 17.4.
Right any discussion discussion, Madam Chair? Yes. Member Callaway.
Thank you madam chair on March the 26th. We approved five requests for legal representation and indemnification in the matter of Davian. Pickens versus the city of Detroit. Long before the vote, my office attempted to work with the law department to view video concerning the Pipkins matter. The afternoon before the formal session, the law department denied our request. Because I did not have the proper information concerning the case. I voted to deny legal representation and an indemnification today, Madam Chair, I will be a no vote on the feet rest sack legal services contract. This is the 14th contract million dollars. This is $5 million, increasing it by 1 million. Clearly the law department will need these resources much more than this suburban law firm. Since the law department will be going forward to trial in this matter. Thank you Madam Chair.
Thank you member Callaway. Any additional discussion on these items. Right Hearing none member Johnson moved in for approval. Are there any objections?
Objection madam chair on line item 17. Point to the Fink breast sack, Law Legal arm contract. The 14th one Thank you Madam Chair.
Hearing no other objections the three resolutions will be approved from the law department.
Councilmember Johnson's separate resolutions line item 17.5 through 17 point 11. Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval. On line item 17.5 through 17 point 11. These are various lawsuit settlement requests and requests for legal representation and indemnification.
Hearing no objections, I'm sorry. Objections. Yes. Protune.
Thank you, Mr. President. A please show me No objections for line item 17.9 17 point 10 and 17 point 11.
The clerk would know that was sent out Madam President. Okay.
Any other objections? Hearing no further objections the seven resolutions will be approved. Under resolutions,
Councilmember young a resolution line item 17 points. Well,
remember Young.
Thank you, Mr. President Move to approve line item 17 point 12.
All right. This is appointing Adrian Keith Bennett, the Detroit City Planning Commission as the at large representative by councilmember Young. Are there any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved.
Madam president yes. I'd like to request a waiver on line item 17.1 17.3. And 17 point well thank you.
All right, Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to those items. But the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement
has to be very young or resolution line item 80.1. Which is contract number 6006006 100% major street funding to provide irrigation systems repair and maintenance contractor American sprinkler and landscape incorporated total contract amount 225,000 And that's for general services. Councilmember young one resolution.
Councilmember young
Thank you madam president Move to approve line item 18.1.
motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved for the planning and development committee from the Office of contracting and procurement.
That's the president pro tip Jane's take two resolutions line items 90.1 and 19.2. Both are contracts first. Contract is contract number 6005583 70%. ARPA and 30% CDBG funding to provide a data management incentive solution portal for the housing and revitalization department. Contractors Bill Ave incorporated doing business as neighborly software total contract amount 2,180,000. That's for housing and revitalization. Next contract is contract numbers 6006051 100% ESG funding to support her us require coordinator coordinated entry system known as cam to access households for housing services such as rapid rehousing contractors, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, total contract amount 200,000. That's for housing and revitalization council president pro tem James Tate two resolutions,
President potentate
and President move approve of line items 19.1 and 19.2 please.
Motion has been made for approval. Were there any objections discussion? Madam Chair? Yes, discussion member Callaway,
thank you so much Madam Chair. It looks like we are about to approve 7% of a $2 million contract going to accompany in Atlanta Georgia. Madam Chair, when we take the vote out have to be a no on 70% of a $2 million contract going to Atlanta Georgia. Thank you Madam Chair. That's line item 19.1.
Okay, all right. Thank you remember Callaway. motion has been made and any objections and we can note member Callaway is an objection. Michael so No madam president any other objections? Hearing none, the two resolutions will be approved. From the housing and revitalization department, council
president pro tem James Tate a resolution line item 19.3.
Pro Tem Tate
President move approval of line item 19.3. Please
write line item 19.3. Is the reprogramming amendment or the Community Development Block Grant annual action plans for multiple fiscal years. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections the one resolution will be approved
in prison. Yes, of course the waiver on line item 19.3. Please.
Okay, a waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken from the planning and development department.
Also President Pro Tem James tight a resolution noting that line 19.5 should be noted as a Planning and Economic Development standing committee referral under the new business agenda and not a voting item which is listed as today.
All right, pro tem,
the president moved to refer line item 19.5 to Planning and Economic Development standing committee.
Hearing no objections that will be referred to Committee.
The President will approve of mine item 19.4.
Please, Hearing no objections. line item 19.4 will be approved
for the public health and safety standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement
councilmember Benson five resolutions line items 20.1 through 20.5 Noting that they're all contracts. First step is contract number 3069240 100%. City funding to provide an emergency demolition demolition for the residential property at 3877. Meerut contractor DMC consultants incorporated total contract amount 24,500 As for construction demolition, next contract is contract number 3071035 100%. City funding to provide an emergency demolition for the commercial property at 8607. West burdock, including basement backfill contractor attimo demo demolition company, total contract amount $183,706 construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6004819 dash a one 100% are performed a First Amendment to provide an extension of time only for upgrading electrical and avionics on a 1972 bail. Oh H das five eight helicopter contract the Great Lakes Aviation Services LLC total contract amount $296,880 nests for police next contract is contract number 6004820 dash a one 100% opera funding Amendment One to provide an extension of time only for upgrade electrical and avionics on a 1970 bill. Oh H das five eight helicopter contractor Great Lakes Aviation Services LLC total contract amount $172,600 That's for police. Last contract is contract number 6005339 100%. City funding to provide underground utility facilities locating marking and staking services and compliance with state of Michigan mistake regulations contractor USI C locating Services LLC total contract amount 2,468,000. That's for public lighting. Councilmember Benson five resolutions.
Councilmember Benson,
motion to approve with discussion.
All right discussion member
Benson opening up for my colleagues they have any questions. Any
questions? Yes, member Callaway,
Madam Chair. Is there any lawn on on for police? I have a couple of questions about the helicopters just wanting to know how many help because I think we just approved the purchase of a helicopter now I see that we have a 1972 bill and a 1970 bail. So how many helicopters does that police department has in its fleet. Madam Chair.
Thank you member Callaway, Mr. Washington. We can have someone on from DPD please,
Madam Chair, could we please bring this back at the end? I believe there may be tied up in a meeting right now.
We can postponed to the end of the agenda line item 20.3 and 20.4 motion Hearing no objections we will postpone those items for the end of the agenda. Any additional discussion on the remaining items Hearing none v3 The additional three resolutions will be approved. Under resolutions
council president pro tem James tait a resolution line item 20.6 or 21.
President move approval of line item 20.6. Please
any objections? Hearing no objections the one resolution will be approved.
Under wave one 20.6 Place
a waiver has been requested. Hearing no objections that action will be taken under resolutions.
Alpha member waters are resolution line item 20.7
Alpha member waters
he stepped away okay. How some member base and on behalf of council member Mary waters are resolution line item 20.7.
Promotional moves today and will
be today into she comes back. All right. Hearing no objection we will move this to the end of the agenda. We will now move to the new business portion of the agenda from the mayor's office.
Awesome Mr. Vincent a resolution line item 21.1.
Member Benson. Motion to approve. Alright, this is a resolution for the transit center to be named in honor of Jason Hargrove, a beloved Detroit department of transportation bus driver who passed away from COVID 19 In April of 2020. Hearing no objections of discussion yes or no to colleagues.
Yes. Um, thank you Madam Chair. This transit center is currently in district two. And I'm actually had an opportunity to meet with the family, actually and also on 2021. I was at the unveil of the mural of him on the side of one of the fire stations on seven mile right before you get to John R. So I asked the, my my colleague if I can join him on this resolution since it is in district two and also I was there for the unveil and also agreed to have the name named after to have the center named after Jason Hargrove. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you remember Vincent if you don't mind if we could put in the name of a colleague
joining on partly
the cargo note circle. So don't Madam President. All right. Thank you. And if there are no objections, we will approve this resolution waiver. It will be in the name of the council and a waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken. And member waters you are back we will go back to your resolution. The clerk will move line item 20.7.
Councilmember waters a resolution line item 20.7 member waters. Thank
you. Thank you, Madam President. This resolution is just basic basically establishing July as the month for senior citizens senior citizens month. Oftentimes, many of you know that. Lots and lots of activities happen in the month of July for senior citizens and so we want to use the month of July to uplift our seniors. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you member waters.
Discussion. Yes. Mr. Benson to member waters. I'd
like to join you on this one.
Thank you. Can we put this in the name of the council member waters? Yes. I would like to join us the Callaway would like to join I'm sure others would as well. Okay, there's no objections. We will put this in the name of the council. The clerk with no purpose so No madam president. All right, Hearing no objections, the resolution establishing July as senior citizen month will be approved. And we will now move to the new business portion. of the agenda. We took care of the line item 20 point 21.1 from the mayor's office.
Councilmember Yang, two resolutions line items 21.2 and 21.3.
Member Young.
Thank you, Madam President. I move to approve line item 21.2 and 21.3.
motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections to the two events? Right Hearing no objections. The two resolutions will be approved by President yes member Young.
I'd like to request a waiver for line item 21.2 at 21.3.
Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to both events from the Office of contracting and procurement councilmember
Benson six resolutions line item 21.4 through 21.9. Noting that they're all contracts. First contract is contract number 6006067 100%. capital funding to complete phase two interior and exterior renovations of the ninth precinct. Contractor is Gandalf Incorporated, total contract amount $1,999,504 construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 600613 to 100%. ARPA funding to provide DPD Training Center parking lot construction contractor DMC consultants incorporated total contract amount $3,312,733.90 cent construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 307387 to 100%. City funding to provide rental of 40 weapons detection systems for the 2024 NFL draft contract or is evolved technology. total contract amount 200,000. That's for police. Next contract is contract number 6006141 100%. City funding to provide gas masks filters for DPD contractors CMP distributors incorporated total contract amount $166,350. That's for police. Next contract is contract number 370-307-3408 100% grant funding to provide emergency OH EM bus parts contractor Gillick LLC, total contract amount $70,348.60 cent that's for transportation. Last contract is contract number 6004 A five dash a 100%. City funding Amendment One to provide an increase of funds for contractors Shrader tire and oil incorporated total contract amount 4,488,000 That's for transportation. Councilmember Vincent six resolutions
Madam President line item 21.9 It did not read just said an increase of fonts and it's just saying for so that's how it came from OCP Okay,
thank you. Madam Clerk. Do you have the resolution though for that one that correctly stated on the resolution? We can pull it just to verify.
Madam President, we do not receive a separate contract with a resolution attached pertaining to that particular line item.
We can move members who want to move for approval with discussion,
All right and just mr. Washington. We can make sure we have a correct contract description. That we are approving for line item 21.9.
You're muted mr. Washington.
My apologies Madam Chair, as we call for 21.9 or more Valerie Massey from OCP. She may be able to advise and get what we need.
Right They will be promoted.
Madam President, she has been promoted but she needs to turn our camera on.
Okay, please just turn your cameras on.
Valerie Macy Good morning.
Good morning.
Okay, we can't see you but just wanted to make sure we are approving the correct resolution for the purchase of bus tires. A new coach tires. The contract description does not verify exactly what it's it is in the description. Just wanted to make sure that we are okay moving forward if that's just a era that we can move forward. On or two we need to have a different contract description submitted to us.
So this is for a contract increase. But the description is for Tire Repair Services recapping and retreading but let me just give it to you. While we have it on the contract, hold on just a moment.
All right, Miss Massey, if you want to, or you want to email that over to us and to the clerk so that we can have a copy of that please. Sure. Okay, and we will always take care of it. Okay, and we will just bring this back towards the end of the agenda.
Right, Mr. Yes. If we have questions, you just want us to wait until the end. Go ahead. Is she still on? Yes, nicely.
So long, ma'am.
Yes. This is the first amendment for an increase of $1.7 million dollars. The contract was initially approved in January of 2023 or $2.7 million through November 2025. services remain the same. This amendment allows for the supplier cost adjustment. Why is the city eating the cost? Of the price increase and not the contractor? Because we're we're still operating under the contract, which does not expire until 2025. So whatever weight rate we agreed to, through 2025 should remain an effect. So why are why is the city eating the cost of the increase? Not the contractor.
The contractor provided proof that the manufacturer went up on the pricing for them. And we found that the increase was fair, reasonable and in the best interest of the city because we're paying less than the cooperatives are even with the increase and we're going to need additional funds because we're going to put more buses out on the road
I'm sure thank you but we agreed to a rate and if there is an increase. Usually the contractor will eat that cost. But they're coming back to us before the contract ends which doesn't end until 2025 or an increase of $1.7 million more than half of what the original contract represents. So Madam chair when it does come back. If we vote on Albia no objection. Thank you. I'm Pro Tem. Thank you.
Thank you any additional third, what what are those items one more time please.
They will lie items 21 point 10. I'm sorry, President. There will lie items 21.4 through 21.9.
All right. Any additional? Seeing none. Are there any objections?
objection? Mr. Chair, yes, objection if you can show Callaway as a note on line item 21.9.
Shall be noted. Any additional
no President,
thank you those acts that action shall be taken on those arms. Chair request a waiver on land.
point 1.4 point 1.6 point 7.8 And point nine.
There were motions for waivers on those particular items. Any objection?
objection? Mr. Chair on line item 21.9. Having a waiver. Thank you, sir.
All right. There will be no waiver on line 21.9 due to the objection waiver shall be placed on
the Mr. Chair as President. I'm sorry. Just to clarify member Benson requested a waiver for 21.4 21.6 21.7 and 8.4 21.67
and eight Yes.
There was no request for waiver on 21.9
It was so no, thank you.
So you do yes, but it was a nine
Okay, that's
right. Those actions shall again be taken.
From the office of contracting and procurement
councilmember Jung two resolutions line items 21 point 10 and 21 point 11 Noting that they are both contracts for General Services first contract is contract number 6001491. Dash a to 100%. City funding amendment to to provide an extension of time for pistons basketball court renovation project to repair replacing various city of Detroit basketball courts. Contractors, Michigan recreational construction, total contract amount 2,500,000 next contract is contract number 6005847 100%. Proper funding to provide Game Room equipment for City of Detroit recreation centers contractor pro billers, pool table service and sales Incorporated. total contract amount 225,000. Councilmember Jung two resolutions
Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, Mr. President. I'm sorry. I would like to move to approve line item 21 point 18 and 21 point 11
motions to approve line items 20 point 21 point 10 and 21 point 11. Any objections? See none that action shall be taken
away from item 21 point 11
is a request for a waiver on line item. One point 11. Any objections?
Thank you Jenna. No, no, no, Jake. I'll just say thank you, Mr. Benson for doing it.
Okay, seeing no objections, that action shall be taken from the Department of Public Works Administration.
House remember this isn't a resolution line. I don't 21 point well, the
Benson motions were approved as a motion to approve line item 21 Point twelves. Any objections? They none that action shall be taken. Under resolutions
pass a member waters or resolution line item 21 point 13 Number
waters 21 point 13.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I believe that most of us know that DTE has requested another increase. It was just a few months ago when they received an increase from the Michigan Public Service Commission. And now they're asking for another one. Well, the purpose of the resolution is to encourage the Michigan Public Service Commission not to approve the rate increase for DTA. We need affordability just like we have with water we need we need DTE to come up with a plan. These energy service services have have just skyrocketed and they continue to do so each and every year. We also are asking for profit share. They are making record profits, but they continue to come back to the consumers asking for more money. So that was the purpose of the resolution. Hopefully we'll get this to the Michigan Public Service Commission prior to them making their decision. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Member Kellwood
member waters. If you allow me I'd like to join you on the resolution now. Yes.
Motion for a joint edge on that particular resolution any objection? Saying
moving Yes. The clerk do. You have? Oh? Right.
All right. Is Chairman thank you move approval.
All right. There's a motion to approve line item 21 point 13. Seeing no objections that action shall be taken at the chairman. Member waters requested waiver. waiver on line item 21 point 13. You no objections? That action shall be taken. chair member Benson
prepare to go back to 20.3 and 20.41
more time, sir.
Are we prepared to go back to line items 20.3
and 20.4 1.3 and 21.4. Mr. Washington. Are we ready for that one? Those two? Yes, we are Mr. Chair.
We have Deputy Chief Tiffany Stewart online as well as Tony limit
three and 21.4 plus motion. Thank you. We're in discussion
when those individuals are ported over if they can introduce themselves when they see themselves on the screen
Alright, Deputy Chief Tiffany store
Deputy Chief Procurement Officer tony stewart limit.
Good afternoon. Alright, what do we have in this particular item? I know that it was a question. Remember Callaway? Yeah.
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Good afternoon. I just have a couple of questions. One, how many helicopters does DPD have in its fleet?
For currently, Miss Galloway, we have two helicopters in our fleet.
The chair are these the two that are before us today that the 1970 bail and the 1972 bill. Yes ma'am. And are we trying through the chair? Are we trying to get them ready for the NFL Draft?
Yes, we are. So we had to work that was scheduled to be done a lot of the work would not have been completed by the deadline or for the NFL Draft. So the contractor we negotiated just extending the contract to the end of the year so we can get the work completed and we will not take our arborists out of the i helicopters I'm sorry, out of the out of circulation for the draft because obviously we'll need them for that. So once that's completed, they'll get the work done. And hopefully, we'll actually we should have the work done by October. Hopefully.
That was it for me. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you. Colleagues. Is there a motion for line item 20.3 and 20.4 motion motion to approve line items 20.3 and 20.4. See no objections is action shall be taken.
Mr. Chair request a waiver in line 20.3 and 20.4
way were requested for line on line 20.3 and 20.4. Any objections? See none of those action shall be taken. Okay.
Thank you.
Thank you.
For the President's Report. It's understanding referrals and other matters for the budget finance.
Oh, yes. Before you. You go to the referrals. I have a resolution. A resolution in memoriam for Mark Denson. That's to be walked on to new business for President Sheffield if we can move it, Council Member dr. Hall on behalf of council president Sheffield would like to work on a resolution a memorial for Mark Denson.
Remember Darryl Hall don't know if you have a copy of it. Move the item sir.
Thank you, Mr. President move to walk on this resolution in memoriam for Mark Denson discussion
as a motion to move to four vote the resolution of a resolution for Mark Denson with discussion.
Mr. Chair, I'd like to join on this resolution. Mr. Danson was a good Alpha Man and a very strong advocate for the community around economic development for a number of years. He'll make a service will be coming up soon as well as how to join.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for notifying me of that, sir. I would like to join you on that one as well for the chef, President Sheffield. Any additional
Mr. President if I may I think we're completing a vote for to waffle on and then we move for approval for the resolution. If I'm not mistaken. Correct.
We were walking as a motion to walk this item on for new business. See no objections that action shall be taken. At least let's take up the resolution at this point. And again we have member Benson who is seeking to join I am seeking to join Council President on this ordinance or this resolution as well. Any additional Move for approval for the resolution? Mr. President, as a motion to approve the resolution that has just been walked around for for the mark Denson seen objections, that action shall be taken. Thank you. All right. For the president's report on the standing committee referrals and other matters for the budget, Finance and Audit Committee Standing Committee,
Mr. President before again, for me before you go to the referrals, the just for point of clarity the calendar that was approving
it is approved as amended for that approval the calendar that was walked on early I don't believe we
apologize can barely hear you up here.
And I believe they kind of want we walked in on for approval that it was approved as amended.
Okay, Alex, we did walk on the revised calendar but Madam Clerk indicates that she doesn't believe that we did so as amended. Mr. Whittaker
do we okay
are LPD Madam clerk says that we're okay. Any additional mental clerk on that particular
add on that particular item? But one last thing, Mr. President, I do know that the contract that was approved line item 21.9. President Sheffield before she left even though they I didn't want to approve. She had mentioned that she was still bringing it back after receiving the contract. So it was not clear as if that was made to approve it from Mrs. Massey or what she's still going to wait until you are actually received that contract
to purchase a 21.9 ML Yes. When you scroll down.
It was voted out. However, President also stated that she was approving it, and we're still waiting on the contract to be delivered today. So if that's not the case, and I finally just want to be clear on that,
Mr. President,
I remembered Yes.
Thank you. I believe what council president was asking for was a completion of the language that is on the agenda. We have received the contract previously. It's just It doesn't indicate within the language what the contract is for although we we have received
it. Okay. Thank you President. Just wanted to make sure
that so that that means no additional action necessary on that item? Correct?
No, it is not.
Alright. Thank you so much. Any additional metal cart?
No, that's all I have. Thank you. All right.
Thank you. Don't think we really chat again. So for the president's report on standing committee referrals and other matters for the budget, Finance and Audit standing committees.
Mr. President, there are two reports on various departments long that line item 23.4 should refer to the planning and observing standard committee.
The three reports will be referred to the budget, Finance and Audit standing committee for the internal operations standing committee.
There are 70 reports from various city departments.
Seven team reports will be referred to the internal operations standing committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee.
Yeah, flow reports with various city departments for reports will be referred
to the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee for the Planning and Economic Development standing committee. Mr.
President, he reports on various state departments loading their line items 23.4 and 19.5 was included and the referrals.
The eight reports will be referred to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee for the public health and safety standing committee
reports from various departments. 12
reports will be referred to the public health and safety Standing Committee under the consent agenda.
Mr. President,
thank you. We will now go to member reports. We'll start on my left middle to the right. President. Member Johnson before we go into member reports,
thank you prior to go into member reports, I just want to note that line item 9.4 That was referred to the planning the Economic Development Committee should have should actually be referred to the internal operations committee.
That is correct.
There a motion to send line item 9.4 to internal operation, motion, seeing no objections, that action shall be taken. Because it was so no, thank you so much. Right now to member reports member duro.
Thank you, Mr. President. Just very quickly, urging all these seven residents to join us tonight for our virtual community meeting starting at 6pm. We will be sending the alerts out for on GOV Delivery. Again. This is our virtual community meeting we hold every month I will take place tonight at 6pm DPD. For all of our precincts will be on that call as well as DDOT and waste management. Again, this is our virtual community meeting please join us tonight at 6pm. Also to note we ask that you join us on April the 16th Our district seven evening city council meeting will be next Tuesday, April 16 2024 7pm. At Kadish Baptist Church at 20361 Plymouth Road Again that's k this Baptist Church at 2361 Plymouth Road that is next Tuesday at 7pm. All members of the Detroit City Council will be there for the evening community meeting. And then finally our policy session number 14 will be held this upcoming arm not not this upcoming Monday. I'm sorry, but Monday, April the 29th at 2024 or I'm sorry, Monday. April 29 at 18 400. Edison library on Joy road and that is April the 29th. At the Edison library, please join us. The discussion for policy session 14 will involve the Detroit city budget so we will get updates on that and allow for questions as well on our budget. So please join us then other than that, that concludes my report. Thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you, member Johnson.
Thank you, Mr. President. Just want to share with everyone that tonight at 6pm the Great Lakes Water Authority is having a community engagement meeting. I shouldn't say that they are but the community is coming together in a meeting with the Great Lakes Water Authority to have a discussion about the proposed Freude pumping station that is before City Council in the public health and safety committee. The request is to vacate a street in the community so we're encouraging all residents in the area and beyond to join the meeting today it is at 6pm at Emanuel Grace AME Church the address is 490 Connor street again tonight 6pm at Emanuel Grace ame. Church the address for nine zero Connor a discussion with the Great Lakes Water Authority. Thank you Mr. President.
Thank you. Remember young Native Report. Negative report from me as well member waters.
Alright, thank you. This Saturday, April 13 2024. from noon until to start and grow your own business is a it's a mini workshop that we're doing in this located facility is Janessa McGrath center on the second floor and is 17950 VanDyke 17950 and I am this this Saturday April 13 from noon until 2pm Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Amber Katelyn.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, inviting everyone to join me and my Spelman College sisters this Saturday April the 13th from 10am to 1pm. At the Indiana street garden located at 16253, Indiana, as we assist the mayor as we assist the Marygrove community association with their community garden beds. Also our next district two virtual community meeting will be this Monday, April the 15th at 530 You can call our office at two to 445 35 to get the meeting ID and the past call. We'll have representatives from the Detroit Health Department and the Detroit Fire Department. Motor City Makeover will be in district two on Saturday May the fourth supply pickup is April the 26th and flower pickup is on May the second for more information you can call 2020 22 44415 That's 2244415. Also, this Friday, April the 12th We'll have a protest is that emergency protests spread the word and my res the residents over there in district two in the Palmer Park area are saying enough is enough. We have seniors who have not had access to an elevator since January. We've had some seniors that have have not had heat. So we're asking every one to come out and show your support this Friday and the Palmer Park area from 1030 to 1130 74, three 7/3 Avenue. Again, we're asking everyone to come out and show your support during a peaceful protest. It's an emergency peaceful protests on behalf of the residents who are senior citizens in the area who have no heat and no access to an elevator that is this Friday again, April the 12th from 1030 to 1130 right there at 17 437 Third Avenue. Thank you Mr. Chair.
Thank you Madam Clerk. Under communications from the clerk. I'm sorry, under adoptions without committee reference. Yeah, no, I
was Mr. President.
Thank you under communications from the clerk and we put on a pool of citizens by the mayor. Report will be received in place on file under testimonial resolutions and special privileges
awesome when we get to where solutions items 32.1 and 32.2.
Member Young. 31 Excuse me 32.1 and 33.2.
Motion to move 31.1 and 31.2 actually 32.1 and 32 Motion moved 32.1 and 32.2
Thank you so much, sir, as a motion to approve line items 32.1 and 32.2 Seeing no objections was action shall be taken. There being no further business to come before this body. There is no objections. This meeting stands adjourned. The meeting is adjourned.