Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
All right, Sal, we have finally done it. We have our first interview from a cast member of Cobra Kai.
I'm so excited about this. Really. I mean, some of my friends on Facebook, I gave him a little teaser on like, we're gonna be interviewing a member of the cast. I was so excited. And they're like, Who's it gonna be? And I'm like, You just wait. So big time excited to announce the news.
Me too. And we got ourselves a la Russo. What a great start. We were fortunate enough to get Griffin Santo Pietro who plays Anthony Russo.
Oh, my God, we're practically in the family. Here we are in the family. We are now a part of the Russo family.
We've done it. And I gotta say he was wonderful to talk to he's 14 years old. Great up and coming actor. We got into every facet of the show. No spoilers, though. I didn't even try to get anything out of him, because I'm sure he's sworn to secrecy. But just so the audience knows. This was an interview between Griffin and myself. Because we had logistical issues. And, and sometimes with interviews, we're not always going to be available. But no problem. I know, Sal, you would have loved to be there.
Oh, yeah, definitely. I mean, I want to be there. But yeah, sure these things happen. I wasn't able to be there. But definitely looking forward to to hearing it and sharing it.
Absolutely. And you were there in spirit. You did some great research on the social media side, I was focused on the films and his career. So you gave me some good tidbits to throw at him, which you'll hear these nuggets, and I even gave you credit. I'm excited to share this interview. And I know it's the first of many cast members to come.
Well, I think we need to make our way through the family. Since we're starting with Anthony Russo. Played by Griffin. We can then go to Samantha. Yes. Maybe then Amanda. Work our way to Ralph then go into the Lawrence universe.
Get a coven there. Wow. Who knows, man? Oh, yeah. But so I hope you guys enjoy it. And here we go. Griffin, I'm super excited to have you on our podcast today. Let's talk Cobra Kai, we talk about all things Cobra Kai Karate Kid. And you're actually the first cast member we've had on the podcast.
Oh, I don't know that. That's so cool. I'm happy to be here. Thank you for having me. Yeah. So
what is it like Griffin scene, Netflix helped take Cobra Kai, which is a great show to another level to a bigger audience when it launched in late August. Well, it's
been really cool. Because I feel like for the first two seasons, it was just on like, a smaller platform and being someone who is always scrolling through Netflix, it was pretty cool. Like seeing it up there.
I bet your family and friends are probably excited too. Yeah, everyone ever knew about it? You know? Exactly. I felt like for two seasons. I was telling people about it telling my friends. I gotta see this. And now it's like, no, have you seen this? Jason? I'm like, right. Yeah, we do this podcast about it, because it's so good. And so just for our listeners, just to be clear, you play Anthony la Russo is credited in 11 episodes. And I describe you as like a young Gen Z or video gamer very sarcastic and always has great one liners. Is that kind of accurate?
Yeah, I would say that's exactly how I would describe it.
So Griffin, how did you go about landing this role as Anthony LaRosa
it was actually funny because I live in Connecticut, but I filmed it in New York. It was before like COVID. So it's much easier to like go places. I remember, it was just from tape that I didn't have like a callback or anything. I don't remember a whole lot of details about it. But I do remember the scene it was the you know that joke about the English muffin. No, remind me it's like, I don't know. It's like it's something about English muffins that I say like what are we in Afghanistan or something? But that was I remember that was the scene that I auditioned with. And I didn't really have any callbacks from they just kind of hooked me.
Oh, wow. Well, I do remember the line when you had with Johnny about Kanye Medusa. Yeah. Gotta get the catch up. That was a classic. It's also on your reel that I saw so often go back and watch the English muffin one for sure. But when you went in to audition for this, Griffin, did you have any knowledge of the Karate Kid? I mean, you're quite young. How old are you? 14 1514 Yeah, so karate kid came out in 1984. The second one came out at six. The third movie came out at nine. So did you even know about that? That trilogy?
Well, actually, my when I was like young, much younger my grandpa would watch a bunch of like older movies with me from the 80s and one of which was Karate Kid one and two. Added C three before I auditioned, but I definitely knew I knew what it was when I had the audition. Okay, so you knew what a Cobra Kai was? You knew all Yes, I knew what a Cobra Kai was when I heard it. Okay. All right. Cool. Can
I didn't know I love it. It's your grandfather, which makes me You're really old right now but I'm really glad that that he enlightened you on it. Did you like it? Did you kind of gravitate to
you I was super into it was like the one movie I remember like even older movies like Jaws and stuff, but I remember the Karate Kid was the one I really thought was
awesome. You said Jaws, which is my all time favorite movie, by the way. So it's a really good movie. Oh my gosh. And just like the Karate Kid, it ages so well. They both do. Right? I love to see younger generations, which I think is part of the charm of Cobra Kai. Because here's a whole new audience. Two generations later fallen in love with it again. So I was just curious if you had that love for it. And apparently you did. So that's it's great. Yeah. When you were cast, was it really excited to know that you're going to be Daniel Russo? Son? Yeah, that
was crazy. We knew that from the audition based on the audition. But like it was still like I don't think it fully registered until I was on set that day. Like, like when I not that day, but like, you know what, I got it. Yeah. But like, that's when it fully hit me. That's pretty cool.
And then what's that been like, you know, working with and meeting the likes of Ralph Maggio. Williams Zack. Martin Cove. I don't know if you've had any scenes with him, and but definitely
had issues with him. But I have met him. Very nice. It's much nicer than his character.
I would hope I would hope he's been since a crease. And then you've also worked with Randy Heller. Right? Yeah. Daniel's mother on the original film. Yeah, she's so great. You had some really great scenes with her. And that was really nice. Sal and I are commenting that you guys had really good chemistry. So I mean, just so neat. You're like plopped in this folklore, this classic tale. And now you're an integral part of it, which is got to be amazing. Yeah, it's really cool. And so I remember his sound I saw being my co host for this show. But we noticed like at the All Valley season one finale, it's like you got hoisted out when your mother and Sam left and we're like, no, let Anthony stay. He's enjoying the karate. He's finally getting into this. And you get whisked away. And then season two is like after the second episode is like, where's Anthony? And then I always at camp and then finally you come back for the finale. So we were always keeping an eye because and you're at that point. Now you're probably going through that which we all have that Grossberg. You know, if you're 14 years old, you're changing from what you look like in season one of Cobra Kai, where do you want to go? Maybe no spoilers? Of course, you have to give me season three. But where do you want to see your character go as the show evolves?
I mean, I trust that the writers know exactly what they're doing. I mean, there's I think there's a lot of ways to go with it. Like anything they'll come up with will be great.
What do you see yourself or have any aspirations to be part of the martial arts on the show? I mean, do you practice martial arts or is it an interest of yours?
I think like every kid I took like karate, maybe like for a summer. But I haven't died. No, ever since I was like eight on it. But that would definitely be a cool way to go with the character and it's something I'd be definitely open to.
We hope so to the character has the LORUSSO bloodline, which, you know, Sam's got some skill, so we just keep thinking, Anthony could be that guy, you know, he could be another spokes in the wheel for the show. Robbie's got the DNA of Johnny Lawrence. So yeah, we hope it goes that way. But again, not asking for anything. We'd like to see the show unfold as it's supposed to. I never go look at stuff or rumors or whatever. So Sal had chimed in with this. He wanted me to ask you this question because he couldn't be part of the interview. But explain to me if you would, what the central Brothers is, is that your brothers in some sort of band you guys have?
No we don't. I mean, we have like official band. Like ever since we were kids. We like we're very musical family. I'm actually probably the least High School. Or you're the actor, right? Yeah. But like, you know, my older brother he plays he's really good saying he plays like a bunch of instruments and so does my little brother. And so like, you know, during quarantine stuff, we would try to like, perform play the guitar. For one thing someone does the drums for another and someone sings, but I think actually for awhile when we were little, we wanted to be like the Jonas Brothers.
So how many other two brothers you have?
I have two brothers one older and one younger. So I'm the middle Okay,
when you contributed What was your instrument
was sent to us go one it always be like my brothers, one of my brothers teaching me how to just do one thing on their instrument, like my brother and maybe teach me something on on the piano for a minute or like the guitar for a minute. I definitely want to learn more instruments, but I didn't you know, so focus on that thing.
Tell me what made you get into acting? How did that become part of your pursuit?
I actually wanted to be an active since I was very little. I think I started like officially doing auditions, like film auditions and stuff when I was like, nine maybe. But I remember like, watching TV shows and I'd always like you got to, like make an extra character that I would want to be in my head. Or Or I would like see myself as one of the characters you know? Yeah. I asked my mom, you know how it happens. My mom gave me a very vague explanation and it was too complicated for me. So I left it alone. But then I did like theater a lot of theater for a while. Okay, um, And then I eventually I think, I don't know maybe someone recommended somebody to my mom after they after show or something. And then I did like a talent search and I got my agents and my managers and then I've just been doing auditions ever since
I looked on your IMDB, which we all do in the business, but what was the crash? The Superbowl pirate boy? What was that?
Oh, that was like, I think three Super Bowls ago. Oh, no, it's gonna be more I was like, really? It was I think they had this kind of competition thing. So whoever can make the best like Doritos commercial for the Super Bowl. And it was like one of my first acting jobs. It was nothing official. It was just a couple. Like I think college students who wanted to make something for it was like a pirate themed or whatever. Wow, I totally forgot about that. He just reminded me that's crazy.
But then he went on to do a movie like the rack pack which had see Thomas Howell who was like a big deal in the ad. So what was that you played the Lommy?
That was probably my I think that I think like you're gonna get the exact order. That was like my second job. Okay. That was I don't remember a whole lot about that one.
But then you were in the week of this Adam Sandler Chris Rock movie, same year and you play Jedi and on your reel. I love that shot of you and the Chandler's driving and you're gonna be a DJ at a party or something. That's a great little moment.
Yeah, that that movie was so fun to work. And I was that was again like, you know, one of my first like, Jobs was pretty crazy to be able to do so young.
What was Sandler like? He was
so nice. It's crazy. How I guess there's always fear when you're meeting someone, like who's famous that you were they're going to be mean. But both Sandler and Chris Rock were like amazing people,
man like you working with Sandler's rock. So macho Zabka is coves. It's crazy, dude. You're on a roll. Thanks. And then you did what was this Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt the young Fran was at the thing at the you're outside four lane flag was what that was.
I think that was that's what it was.
Okay. Well, what are your biggest credits, which I enjoyed on your reel was the episode of bull the flying carpet. You played James Donovan, and what were you taking a selfie on this like pizza that's above this building and you fall out like there's a stunt I mean, you're hanging on you fall off, you get injured, you're in court and a wheelchair. Like that was after you'd already been on Cobra Kai. I take it. But still, that was a pretty good guest appearance on bull. Yeah, that
was a lot of fun, too.
I'm assuming that with the success and rise, the continued Rise of Cobra Kai, right, more things will come your way. You're super talented. I think you're gonna get more and more opportunities on the show. I mean, some of your one liners that we just talked about. Were so funny. I like when that episode when Dan is trying to recruit everybody in the family to come join his karate. And you're like, karate is boring. It's so funny. Here's a show. That's the essence of it all. And you've just like Anthony's checked out, you know? He's like, nonresponse got fireballs. I'd rather play my PS Vita. And then the order and other one off Alexson that's a great moment. You guys have that good energy. And I really want to see your character grow. Any funny tales of working on the show things that you can talk about? Yeah.
I remember in season one, the juice bag moment. That was pretty fun. Because there's a producer his name was Matt. He said I should say douchebag. And I was like, Okay, how should and then to myself, I was thinking about how I should say and then I said it like that.
It was perfect. The pause really sold it because I get it yourself. And it was funny already, but then bam, you hit him with it. So he's actually
responsible for a lot of good one liners that he would add things in at the end. And then on Season One I also remember that tomato telling us the story of how they did the catching the fly the chopsticks, he told us a bunch of different ways and like I think one was like it was already a catch the chopstick and then he like turn it around really quick and made it look like he caught it. Yeah. Or one was like there was this guy and saying, like, catch flies with his hands. And he was like, tie a little lasso around and have it fly around on the string. Then he would like grab the string and then drag it down to the fly. There's like seven different ways. Oh my gosh, that's like he he had it in the chopsticks, like in the beginning and that he let go and they played it and they wanted to play in reverse. Like you just got it.
Right. I remember hearing that one. I think on the audio commentary. I think I heard that portion but I didn't know it so elaborate. That's pretty cool. Yeah. I'm surprised we haven't seen the chopsticks and Cobra Kai, but anything is fair game from Karate Kid. That's what I'm noticing about Cobra Kai. And like you said, you trust the creators. And I always say that the choices that they make are always the right choice. They really honor the movie, and they bring in things and they just always do it the right way. So I'm with you. I know we're in good hands. You're in especially good hands because you're part of the creative, which is just too cool for me. So one thing I'm a little sad about from you know being living in Los Angeles is the movie The original anyway, was shot all around California. And I like when I know certain scenes of Cobra Kai do take place there, and not to put anywhere else down. But I like I like that authenticity. But I know that they shoot in Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia. And so what is that like? And because you know, you're raised in Connecticut, you live in Connecticut right now. And what's it like being in Atlanta for X amount of time during the show? Is that a total culture shock for you? Or it's probably a lot hotter, I'm assuming Oh, yeah,
it's a lot hotter. But I actually have an aunt that lives there. So I visited probably like a couple of times before, on different occasions. And I started sometimes during like, season one, season two, I would I stayed with them, like for a night or two. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. Which is Yeah, which is great getting to see them because I don't see them often. But I really like Atlanta. It's very nice. I wouldn't want to live there when I want to go. It's not my choice of place, but I do really like it. It's really great place.
That's great. So have you been able to see like the different settlement? I know you're primarily at the Lusso household, but what about like Miyagi dough? Do you ever been over there? visited?
Well, it's all on the same staff soundstage. Oh, okay. So I just like walk two feet from the house and then I'm in Cobra Kai dojo.
Well, Griffin, I hope and Sal and I both hope that you start training at Miyagi dough dojo, that's our plan for you. Just I'm just putting it out there. I'm just putting it out. I just got to think that you know, some point you're gonna fight and all Valley, so that's cool. I really want to make it down. I want to see that because I go around the sets in Los Angeles because I'm here. And it's like, I'll go see the south sees where Daniel met Miyagi and he lived and I went by Miyagi, he's a house which is demolished. It's in Canoga Park and that sound, I
didn't know that totally. They rebuilt it on the soundstage.
I know it looks amazing. But you know what, great, I didn't know the demand. years ago. The thing could be a museum now, it really could be a Karate Kid museum, but it's gone. But I'll go see other sets like there's a school that I live a few miles from, and I was driving by with my dog to take a walk. I'm like, Man, this looks familiar. And sure enough, it was the school from the Karate Kid, which has been in lots of movies. So I'm really like Ali's house. If you remember. She lived in Encino at the Encino hills. And so you remember that? It's cool seeing those little staples and I like that. That's been honored. But I needed like a golf and stuff, seeing if you remember the movie, the golf and stuff. And they probably need to redo that with all of you that the Russos had to golf and stuff to take on the Lawrence's or something. But well, that's exciting. So do you see yourself ever migrating West, like so many actors do from the East Coast?
I lived my whole life all around, like New England. I did live in like North Carolina for like four years of my life. But I do I don't know. Because I like when I'm an adult. I definitely either want to live in New York or California.
Okay. Good. Good choices. Yeah. Right. Hopefully without a pandemic on the loose, hopefully, please. Well, anything else you want to throw in any little snippets about Cobra Kai, you want to share out say,
I'm really excited to see everyone again, especially during all this time, it's gonna be great to reconnect with those people. Once you wrap it's been a while, right? I'm usually, like big on Netflix now has like changed the whole kind of routine, I guess? Because they were earlier we'd be pre filming around this time. Right? We'd be filming the next event,
but we're not this year. So Season Three would come out in late April, early May. Now it's season three is coming out like January right. Yeah. So yeah, so after scheduled, but you guys wrapped Season Three some time ago. And jeep? I haven't seen that what since was it pre pandemic?
It was yes, it was pre pandemic.
So do you guys do like zoom calls and all catch up and it's that whole thing. We'd all like
stay connected to like, like social media. And I've like I think I've talked about talk to him like a few times since like we like, left each other in person. Okay, um, but to see everyone in person will be really cool.
And I bet you something else is gonna be really exciting is to see Netflix season three of Cobra Kai come out because it's gonna like stir the pot all over again. And I'm really excited to see those episodes drop into Netflix, as you know, and it gets YouTube did the same thing. They just drop them all at once, which now we're accustomed to. So I'm going to be binging I'm like immediately so we can so we can do our podcasts on every episode so sound I already well, Griffin, I thank you so much for the time.
Thank you for having me.
I would love to talk with you again in the future as your character grows and as your career blossoms. So best of luck to you my friend. Thank you again. Hey, would you say one thing on the way out? Would you just say no mercy, something we always end every episode with got it. All right. No Mercy. That's pretty good. Batman. Totally Yeah, still
got the job done.
Hey man, thank you again.
Yes, thank you so much for having me.
So I gotta say it was such a pleasure chatting with Griff and what a kid
I'm so mad at myself for not being there. Why couldn't I have been there?
He really allowed us behind the curtain. It's great to kind of give Cobra Kai more depth for me and I'm sure you and our listeners now who've never heard him talk before. Yeah, I just feel like we're insiders. Now Sammy, we're kind of insiders because we dissect the show and the whole Karate Kid universe and franchise but now we're truly insiders.
Yeah, I feel like we're like sneaking onto the set of Cobra Kai being flies on the wall wait flies they will be caught with chopsticks. But there you go. I'm big time excited to be opening up the doorway to the cast and the crew and the producers and the writers I know that I know this is gonna go a long way. I know this is only the beginning.
Absolutely. Well said. Thank you so much for listening and we greatly appreciate it if you could subscribe rate and review us wherever you get your podcast.
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