The west side and West view. And we're working with our art team to kind of kick that back off and reengage. There's a lot of community engagement within the piece that was chosen. So we'll also be coming back out with how we're going to engage the neighborhoods and trail users with art that goes throughout the park. But other than that, I'm just really excited to tell you guys that we're work starting construction, hopefully soon, hopefully, this spring. And we'll have a lot more updates to come when we are able to really sit down and realize the schedule after permitting. So with that, I think I turn it back to Brittany.
I think you have one more slide.
But it is, but it's a 16 month construction schedule. Again, we don't know when that 60 months is going to start. And obviously we'll get back to you guys, hopefully very soon with the more detail panel.
Thank you, Megan. And thank you, Jennifer as well. And a brief apology to the audience. I know that there was a blue disruption of a line through the presentation. Zoom wasn't our best friend at the moment, but we got it figured out. But also know that the full presentation has been uploaded to ABS site without any disruption. So be sure to get your copy there. If you need to reference back to anything that you may have missed. We appreciate your patience. Now, as stated in the beginning of the meeting, we will answer as many live questions as time permits, questions and comments can be typed or verbally expressed by raising your hand. Our audience is made up of zoom online of Phone and Phone attendees as well as Facebook Live. We are back. We had to let YouTube go for the moment but you can participate in the conversation if you are on Facebook. Let's briefly review how you all can contribute to this conversation. If you would like to speak press nine on the telephone keypad to raise your hand. When the discussion begins. A member of the team will open your line when it is your turn and your phone will prompt you to press six. To unmute yourself I'm sorry star six online attendees you can submit a response at any time in the q&a box. In addition, you can upvote a response by clicking the thumbs up icon. The raise your hand feature is also available to all zoom participants however, we are part prioritizing I'm sorry the phone attendees and for Facebook Live attendees please feel free to participate in the comment section. Someone from our staff will make sure that you Your questions are heard as well
okay, I've got one from Robins earner with regard to RDA. Question about RDA and the new beltline entrance. If you are a car heading west on RDA, and there's a dangerous right time slip, continue on RDA at the intersection with Cascade. The slip lane has painted bumped out to make sure the turn sharper and make turning cars slow down. But it's only paint that people routinely drive over the paint to maintain a high speed. It's a blind turn it is very close to the Beltline crossing. I'm concerned a speeding car could be on top of the new beltline interest crosswalk before they realize it. Is there any thought into putting traffic claiming calming devices there. I'd like to see some stainless steel bullets as opposed to plastic bullets. Jennifer, you want to take that one?
I would ask that Robin, please contact me after this meeting with my contact information because I want to understand a little bit better what she's describing. That's you know, that's that's very specific. And you know, I can meet her out there even or if I can't get a picture of it. But Robin, can you please just contact me? Yes.
And Robin. Jennifer's contact information will be available on the next slide actually. Great. Thank you. Absolutely. From Dan. Well, there'll be vendor opportunities at the plaza at the park at the plaza and at the park. Megan
So, from the park perspective, we're building this on behalf of City of Atlanta park so any vendors will have to be procured through their system. I'm not sure how that works anymore. Britney actually might know more than me. But yeah, the park can potentially have vendors but it would have to all go through city land Parks Department
And generally I don't know what the city's processes relates to open pending, I believe that everyone has to have be licensed and properly per minute. But generally, only vendors are permitted when there's various events happening and you have to go through event organizers unfortunately.
Seen, Marissa actually mentioned the question. Instead, I like to again suggest a new curb cut, where the Lucille access to the Beltline is now she provided a Google link. Unfortunately, I'm not the one sharing the presentation screen, so I won't be able to click the hyperlink. But
I looked at it. Look at it. And we're actually going to be reconstructing that whole side of the sidewalk in the access will be completely different from what you see. Now. Maybe not completely, but it'll be different from what you see now. So we also think there's a bike amenity curb cut to get into the park and then onto the BeltLine, I have to double check that. I want to say we've got the detailed plans on our website. But yes, we will have bike access on Lucile for people to get over. We have to be really careful with that, because we also want to prevent cars from using that access as well. So we'll have bollards as well as signage for how to get into the park and use the amenities as well as how to get onto the Beltline trail. I hope that answers your question.
Again, from Rosa, she wants to know how is the community being included in these developments? Well, Miss Rosa, is actually these meetings that are happening, right. And outside of that, just like Jennifer mentioned, they're happy to do one on ones with you all to address any questions or concerns. Whenever the time may be. Jennifer has mentioned coming out onto the property to address certain things. I'm sure Megan would do the same thing as well, in addition to any of our other project managers, but it does start here. And we're happy to help wherever we can assist. Megan, you want to add to that or Jennifer would you like to?
I would. Hey, Roz, it's good to hear from you, Nathan. So that director of community engagement, just taking a look back a little bit in terms of the development of the design of the park, the design of the complete streets, even the focus of where the Complete Streets being implemented on Ralph David Abernathy. A lot of this work was done a number of years ago, and we started our design work in 2017. That design work carried through until about February of 2018 for the complete streets project. In the case of the Noda Park project. We actually had our first meeting in September of 2016. But we wrapped up our engagement for that part design in January of 2019. So those were a lot of public meetings public input that led us to the point where we could kick off construction and continue engagement thank you
thank you Nathan them a lot of that happened before I got here I'm sorry Raza but we are always an email or phone call away happy to help and assist you. From Tiffany, what will be the black line protection devices on the RDA Complete Streets
Tiffany what is protecting the bikes from the parking is going to be this concrete median that is runs parallel with the curb. It's just in an isolated area from East Ontario to Inman, that's the only location where there's actually a physical protection for the bike lane. Everything else is just striped out as far as bike lane is concerned along that segment.
Thank you, I'm actually going to take a phone attendee DM you should now be able to answer your question
I still have a Robin on the line. You can go ahead and talk as well. You can unmute yourself
not sure if these are these hands were raised prior to the chat q&a box but I'm gonna go back to the q&a. All right, Marissa. Great question. Tiffany. The tattoo shop and Westview leaves their sign in the bike lane all the time. For Rohan, I noticed that 1371 Rap David Abernathy, Boulevard, Southwest Atlanta, Georgia 30310 was also demolished to the Beltline by that as well. What about the billboard there?
Don't know that address? I'm going to have to look it up. I don't.
Hey, I can take that one. I'm Cathy O'Brien, Director of constructor for Atlanta BeltLine. So that property is actually not all by Atlanta BeltLine that was done, I believe by GA D O T. I'm not 100% Certain on that. But we've been trying to find out our sales, but that's outside of our control and we don't own that property.
I think Dan is trying to speak again, some action to unmute yourself.
I'm sorry, I sent the question through the question. announcer. Okay.
Are you good? Was there anything else we needed to address? No.
Okay. Well, I had my question was, let me go back to my question.
When would the Benson trees be replaced on the Lucille beltline entrance?
I'm looking at the overpass.
Yeah, it's the best is leaning and the trees are ugly. So roots in trees is coming
up. Yeah, as part of the construction that'll all be removed and then fenced off. While we're while we're in construction. But I noted it, and I'll share it with our asset management team and parks team to Parks's. This is all part property. So they're in charge of maintenance, we try to help them out, especially in issues where we've got fencing leading on anything over signs down, stuff like that. So I'll mention it to them. Because we aren't getting started for a couple of months here. They can go and take a look and fix whatever's there. But it'll be replaced as part of the park. So you don't have to look at it for that long. Thank you very much.
All right. Looks like Clinton has something to say as well. Go ahead and unmute herself.
Thank you, Brittany. Yeah. My question is regarding the BeltLine, at the intersect intersection of Ralph David Abernathy, and cascade, so it crosses over to the Kroger's cut a little bit unrelated to what we're talking about. But hopefully it can get an answer from you all. The beltline process over at cascade from rap, David, it's a Kroger right there and behind that Kroger, you can kind of start going down the BeltLine, but it stops there. And it's not, it doesn't take you all the way down to like Lee and wipe. You have to cross over the street, I believe and kind of take that sidewalk down. Do you guys have any plans to ever finish that pavement behind? I guess behind that some of those businesses are behind Lee and white. So we can kind of go straight down from the back end, instead of crossing over to the sidewalk park or it's not going to ever be part of that gets the Beltline completion.
And then you want to take that into that.
We do intend to come back and finish what we call the missing tooth. As you've described it. I can't guarantee when that will be done. But I do believe our intent is to see if we can include the design. In the coming fiscal year budget. Our fiscal year starts on July 1. There are a couple of others that we're looking at two and probably closer to June we'll have a much better idea as to whether that design hiring a design consultant for that has been approved. Thanks,
Kevin. Thanks, Brandon. Yep, absolutely.
Trevi Leslie wants to know, will the trees and phase one be replaced and that's also followed by what are what are the downed trees disposed of?
So in phase one, the only place where we're actually putting trees eight trees are between East Ontario and Inman, that is the only landscaping that is in this project. The rest of the right of way down to Willard will be kept as straight sidewalk with pedestrian lighting on one side and then just straight sidewalk down to the to the Firestation no no plantings along those areas in the right of way they're keeping it clear as far as the disposal of the trees Randy are Allen with one of you all like to answer that question
tractor on great. Okay, if they can't come through, typically what's done is these these trees because of the size they are they are normally just disposed of in a landfill. They would be marched and potentially taken to it's possible they might go to a nursery for reuse in some way. But typically, it's just they these are taken down and taken to a landfill. That's,
that's exactly right. That's what will happen with the they were actually mulched up when they were brought down and the stumps were grind down below the sidewalk grade. And they are put in the into a nursery for molt. Okay, thanks, Randy.
Appreciate the confirmation.
Thank you, Rohan and dn double down on this. How about adding a couple of pickleball courts to the another park in addition to basketball, I'm actually hearing that Pickleball has become a popular sport, Megan.
Office question every meeting lately. We really don't have a lot of space to add in. Parks is actually already asked us this question too, because they're trying to find opportunities throughout the city for even one or two pickleball courts. So we did take a look a couple months ago to see if it would be adaptable or if any of this space would be adaptable in another park. It really wouldn't. There's really nowhere for us to fit a pickleball court in or the programming that would need to go with it. But we are working with the Parks Department to find little parklets or little areas along the Beltline that are accessible from the Beltline for possible pickleball courts, but we are not building them into this one but I will say that parks is definitely taking pickleball very seriously and They