Radikal Life: The Manual for Optimal Being-ness is now available!
11:51PM Oct 31, 2022
Marina Patrice Vare (they/them/MP)
Manjot Singh Khalsa (he/him)
purchase price
sat nam
Sat Nam. I'm Manjot Singh Khalsa, Radikal Co-creator of Radikal Life. We are so excited to announce that Radikal Life: The Manual for Optimal Being-ness is available for purchase now.
And I am Marina Patrice Vare. I'm the co-creator of our Radikal Life project. And I'm going to tell you a little bit about what you'll find inside the manual. So the manual is based around 14 verbs, and they're designed to help you skill build in order to optimize your experience of being human. So inside of each module, you'll find three classes, most of those classes are between 45 and 60 minutes long. So between the two of us, right now, we're gonna see if we can remember all 14 modules and tell you what they are. So we've got breathe, clear, cleanse, connect, create, do, intuit, move, meditate, nourish, stretch, strengthen, rest, and think. Did I miss any of them?
You said breathe.
I think I said breathe.
You said move.
I did.
You said nourish.
I did!
You we got them all, all
I think we got them all.
As you can tell the scope of the project has been large. And we're really excited to bring it to you. Head on over to our website at Radikal dot Life. Check out the modules. When you head over to our checkout page, I just want to highlight for you that it's usually $1,080, the purchase price for all 14 modules. We do have a launch promo going and so it's $150 discount, so $930 from now through November 15. Nothing fancy that you need to do we've automatically applied that price at checkout. So you don't need a coupon code or anything. And I also would just want to highlight that the individual modules are also for sale on a sliding scale. So super excited for you to check this out. And you know, get going working your way through the modules. Each module has materials that are available immediately for download. So you can watch your materials on the platform website, you can download them to whatever device you choose, and then they're also available inside the Zenler mobile app. Anything else you want to share about the project right now?
I just want to say thank you all so much. We are so looking forward to connecting with you and really journeying together on this path of optimal being-ness. Sat Nam.