I'd like to just take a quick look and say hi to everybody. Welcome to our little ongoing. Yeah, so, so fun. Hi, Amanda. Welcome back. Mandy was with us and our nonduality program in Mexico, which is so fun. Cool. So what we do on these sessions is I just riff away people send me questions, we got a bunch of really cool ones that were sent in. I answer those and then if you have a question you want to ask live that's always best to go to the reactions column, raise your hand or write something in the chat call me know how this works. I do have a couple little announcement things coming up. We got a dream group thing with Marianne tomorrow. She's been hosting that and the people that have been attending you've been raving about it. I have a confirmation I'm interviewing Tenzin. Wangyal Rinpoche this coming Tuesday on his new book. Second Edition of the Tibetan Yoga is a dream and sleep. So I'm really excited about that. He's He's like the guy here, right? So that's pretty that's pretty sweet. So that's set for nine o'clock. We don't do these live. But the fact that I actually got him nailed after I don't know how many years that's pretty cool. In two weeks, we do this menlyn New Year's thing. I think Alyssa is going to post those in the chat column, this New Year's celebration thing that I do with mela group. With Sharon Salzberg, Krishna Das Bob Thurman, Michelle Lowe, I think Alberto Villoldo I think some other really wonderful people. So that's coming up. I'm going to be doing like a two hour chat with Bob and nocturnal meditations, which is fun. And then the second weekend in January, the I'm doing a weekend thing with with Bob Thurman through manleigh them. Link will be up here as well on Lucid Dream Yoga. So I'm super excited about all these upcoming things. But today what I do, I'm going to start with these questions that were sent. If the person who sent it is here and wants to do any follow up after I do my attempt to answer these are more than welcome to come online and we can do some live q&a. Back and forth. That's always best. Okay. All right. Let's see. Here's the pause. Here we go. recording in progress. Okay, so here we go. So from Jerome used to live on Jerome court in some traditions, it is sad that you choose your own parents before you are born. on a spiritual level, this idea of pre birth choice, rebirth choice raises all kinds of questions. Yes, it does. For instance, is this part of a lucid volitional experience of death? Who exactly is making the choice and how is the choice presented and by whom? I love these questions. These are awesome. Yeah, so really, Jerome, it depends on who you talk to and who you ask the it's all over the map here. Some traditions, and I've heard them say, Yes, you do have a choice? I don't think so. And let me tell you, this is also in resonance with Buddhist and Hindu teachings and it just makes so much sense to me. So instead of just being a dilettante and talking about what other traditions talk about, which I'm not qualified to do, I can tell you what I think, and I can tell you what the Buddhists and Hindus seem to resonate with here as well. You don't have a choice. In the sense this is this is really actually very interesting. You don't have a choice tonight. So if you want to know how you're going to be reborn. Look at your experience tonight. The tradition is replete with this, you want to know how you're going to die. what your experience is going to be like in the Bardot's. Look at your experience at tonight's dream. In fact, the Bard was or called the dream at the end of time and so this makes so much sense to me. That if you are not aware in the dream if you're not lucid in the dream, and therefore can make choices. That's a great reason for engaging in lucid dreaming, Dream Yoga. And a big reason why Dream Yoga in particular came about as a way to prepare for death. So Dream Yoga came about specifically to deal with your question. So think about it. You're going to sleep tonight, you don't become lucid, who makes the choices in your dreams. You doubt your habits? Do your karma does. So it's like the famous question I always ping this out when Trump when he was asked what is it that reincarnates your bad habits. So this makes a lot of sense to me. If you don't wake up and take control of your dream now or in the Bardo. What decides for you what uses for you, you doubt your habits do your karma does and to take this into a really kind of practical arena. Your habits are deciding for you now, I mean, literally, what's the stat over 95% of what we do is really dictated by unconscious processes. You think you're making your choices now you think you have free will now yet? Not really. Yeah. I mean, we could debate the whole freewill thing. That's that's a little bit outside the scope of what we're asking here. But to me, I just say look at your life now. And realize how much of your life now you're taking rebirth right now. Jerome moment to moment, a moment you're going through the battles right now. What's dictating your your rebirth Now, if you're not mindful, aware or lucid to what's happening now, your bad habits, your habits, karma, that's what decides for you. So I actually don't again, I put my foot down here. I don't agree that you have a choice after death, unless you're lucid. If you're lucid, that's a game changer. That's when you can in the great masters, His Holiness Karmapa Dalai Lama and the great ones. They have utter complete control of their choice for one reason because they have no unconscious mind so there's no karma or bad habits, the buffet them around. Plus they never lose consciousness. They're completely lucid through the whole thing so they can control the whole shebang. Who exactly is making the choice you aren't your karma? How's the choice presented? It's presented just by the release of your comic propensities within the borough arena. So that's a little bit trickier. Question How is the choice presented as presented is in the same way that choice is presented in in your phenomenal reality right now. It's dictated by the arising from in this case collective group karma. In the Bardo, it's the choice is presented. Again, you don't have a choice, but the environment is presented, even by habits itself. Who was making the choice? Yeah, that's a really, really big question again. cabasse making the choice if you're lucid, who's making the choice? rigpa nature mind. Okay. All right. That's a good one. Thanks, Jerome. If you're on and want to say something else, feel free to come on. I don't see anything. Okay. All right from Joe, are all mantras a method of I'm going to answer some of these as we go along because there's a number of questions here and it's hard to keep them all together. Are all mantras a method for karmic purification? Yes, it depends on how you define that because somewhat related to the other question mantra meaning literally mind protector. In this regard, what mantras do connected to the earlier question is they literally protect your mind from involuntary rebirth? The mind is always taking involuntary shape now, just look at the this the discursive levels of commentary on your mind there's always layer upon layer upon layer of unconscious subconscious gossip. That's your karma. That's your habit running in the background all the time. And so your mind is taking rebirth moment to moment to moment in the form of those loop? discursive patterns, your thinking. Mantras protect you from that they voluntarily shape your mind. That's what mantras do type of voluntary rebirth practice literally. And they're a method of karma purification because they prevent the accumulation of karma right so I'll have I'll say more to that in a second. So, if so, is the type of purification is a type is the type of purification specific to the Deity mantra? Mostly, yes. Well, this is such a big topic so if you're looking again I started a little bit just because there's so much covered here there are very specific modules like bajo Safa right on virtual Stockholm is the is the short version of it the 100 syllable on budget stuff as am I am I never lie about just that. But the Benevity said you know, 100 mantras which I recited 120,000 times so I know that one pretty well. That's a very specific purification mantra that is generic to cleaning up all karma. In addition to that, them particular specific mantras associated with specific archetypal deities are in fact designed to purify particular particular involuntary forms of habit.
So there are specific mantras that are designed to purify specific, kind of habit patterns for sure. That are associated with a deity. Absolutely. For example, is there a specific deity a mantra for an addiction? No, not really. Depends on how you define addiction. So again, this terminology was not used when mantras were created and you can't just willy nilly just create your own mantra, right, you have to have a you have to be at least the level that eath Boomi really high level of realization when you can hack into the vibratory codes of reality and bring these Sonic codes basically into common domain. So it's not like very, very few people have the power the capacity to actually upload mantra. So mantras when they were devised the term addiction wasn't used in the way we're using it now. But if you think of addiction, in the sense in the larger multi, Vaillant archetypal sense that we're all fundamentally addicted to our habits, we're all addicted to form. We're addicted to thought we're addicted to all these behavior patterns. Then, using that larger definition of addiction there are specific deities and mantras for addictions depending on what you're addicted to. So if you want to purify here's just a couple of quick examples. If you want to purify your addictions you anger, you recite our showbiz mantra if you want to purify your addiction to passion, you recite Amitabh as mantra if you want to purify your addiction to jealousy, you recite a mega cities mantra. If you want to purify your addiction to pride. You recite Raja Sabha was mantra ad infinitum. And so that's one reason there are in fact so many deities and so many mantras because there's so many different ways that habit parents can be created and therefore purified. Are two three questions here. Many of us receive empowerments in Tibet, that's for sure. And do not understand and did not understand what vows we are taking because they are in Tibet. I love this because it's so spot on and they weren't explained to us. Oh, yeah, chocolate because I've been through dozens of these. I have no idea what they're doing. I do now but I didn't then. How do we know if we broke the vows? Samaya. They called the tantric vows are called Samaya vows. And so there's three brief interjection here. There are three classic formulations of BIOS the Indiana vowels. The Mahayana, vows, bodhichitta vows, Bodhisattva vows, and then the tantric vows which are the Samaya vows and I'll get I'll say more about that in a second. How do we know if we broke the vows and how to repair the broken vows do we need to worry about that? I was told by a translator that we would never agree to the vows if we knew what we are agreeing to. Oh, that's hysterical. It's like you said lol totally an lol. Well, here's the deal. I haven't Joe this is again when you go to an Ivy shake. Empowerment are intimate and long. There are many ways to receive the empowerment if you're going in just to do that. And again, this does not mean just in a pejorative limited sense if you're attending an empowerment as a blessing, empowerment. This is anybody can do this. For instance, you go to a massive four day college chakra empowerment that someone like His Holiness the Dalai Lama does. There are no Samaya commandments associated with a blessing upon read. So you're not violating anything. If you go in, however, with the intent that hey, I want to do the college chakra sadhna I wanted to recite the college chakra mantra, I want to do the college chakra visualization. That's a different story, then yes, then you need to know what you're doing. Because then you actually do take on Samaya vows, so Maya commitments and you really want to know what you're doing. So it really depends on the level of empowerment that you're receiving blessing empowerment. You don't have to worry about this. A full blown tantric empowerment to do Asana. That's a whole different story. Then you have to do you have to be aware of the Samaya stuff in there, 14 Root Samaya vows and then a whole subsidiary list of secondary vows. You kind of need to know about those. Because otherwise you're getting married and you're getting married to the Deity and you don't really know the Marriage Requirements, right? You don't know what the the significant other in this case, the other is very significant, right? You don't really know. But what the significant others really asking of you. So in those cases, you want to dot your i's cross your t's get your spiritual attorney and make sure you know what you're doing. So I'm going to leave it at that unless you're here and want to come on. Because if you didn't take this with a specific sadhana in mind and based on the question, it sounds like you didn't in my training, you don't have anything to worry about. Mantras said silently as powerful as those said out loud. This is a third part of this person's question through series I feel a stronger energetic energy. Perhaps DD presence the more I whisper or say the mantra silently, maybe because the sound doesn't overwhelm the energy feeling. Okay. Mantras said silently are really just as powerful as those said out loud there's three you know, there's many ways to recite mantra full blown full blown auditory like me you know on Monday by me home on money Putney home then you a whispered recitation. Then you do what's called a virtual recitation or silent as you recite it in your mind. They all have the equivalent power. However, one little asterisk here, there is a little bit to be said karma takes on more impact when it goes from mental to verbal to physical and so I let I'll let you sort out if that means mantras have more efficacy, efficiency when they recite it out loud, my training says no, but there is something about reciting things vocally that does add a little bit more karmic oomph when you go from purely mental to verbal to physical. Okay. All right. That's something you said some nice things about me. I don't need to repeat those. But thank you for those nice words. Okay, from Kunzang and again, if people were here and want to follow up, just raise your hand Kunzang how to begin exploring the Dream Yoga path. Is there a beginner category on nightclub site? What about books etc? Yeah, yeah, we have a lot. There's a lot Kunzang so if you're a member of nightclub, we've got a ton. Oh my god, you know, like 300 hours of stuff. The one I would do there if you are nightclubs I remember. Go all the way back to the very beginning of the webinar series that we started almost three years ago. There's like 60 other webinars they've kind of tapered off quite a bit because honestly, other things are taking precedence. And you know, I've said almost everything, but that's actually not true. I said the most important things to get people up and running in these. I don't know how many webinars we've done by now, but consulting if you're interested, I would start with the first ones because I do a pretty rigorous systematic presentation all the way through. That's one way. Second thing in terms of books. I've written three books on these. The probably the most entry level user friendly one is the book I published last year with Harbinger press. Where do I have it? Oh, here it is.
This gives me a chance to put up my lemonade stand right. So the lucid dreaming workbook, a step by step guide to mastering your dream life. There you go. And maybe Alyssa can put that in the chat column. This is this is a you know, workbook type thing where you know you fill in and you do the little exercises and the people that have gone through it have gotten derive some benefit. And so I recommend you start with this because there is a series of progressive practices here. To really do Dream Yoga effectively, really helps to have a strong foundation and lucid dreaming. Once you get your feet underneath that a little bit consoling, then this is the book we're discussing in the nightclub book study group thing this is my second book, Dream Yoga illuminating your life to lucid dreaming and the Tibetan yoga is asleep. I cover a ton of material here, right? And then I honestly Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche I mean, you know, I'm interviewing him on Tuesday. His second edition of his beautiful beautiful book, The Tibetan Yoga is a dream and sleep fantastic. And then outside of that, oh my gosh there's so much here my friend start checking out all the different interviews on the on the nightclubs site all the podcasts that we did starting with I mean starting with like a how many of them right very specific ones with Daniel love Robert Wagner several with Charlie moralise. Steven the bears. I mean, there's either how many 20 of these interviews and these are really great because almost with every one of my guests, I asked them, what's your go to induction method, what you know, these kinds of things. So that's probably enough consulting to get you going for quite a while. Other really great books, my dear friend, Stephen, the bears. His is books, especially exploring the world of lucid dreaming. I'd read that one first. And then his first book is lucid dreaming proper. These are classics. That'll keep you going for a while and all in in both books. I have a fair amount of suggested reading material on the back. literally dozens and dozens of books that are you can draw up. And then what you do to get going is join us on my club and do all the stuff that we do the meditation thing. Sounds like Kunzang Tibet name maybe you're a meditator. Meditation is like the number one thing you can do to start really exploring these sorts of things. But if your honor want to discuss further, more than welcome. Okay, here's a nice technical one from Lloyd. This is This one's very interesting. They're all interesting. But this one, this one's cool. The below longer bits worth reading, I've become a little bit aware of the role of dopamine and regard to the phenomena of wanting during the course of this year, there seems to be an association between bipolar disorder and dopamine dysregulation. Also, Parkinson's disease is associated with a decline in dopamine production and the substantia nigra is this brain region decay experiences decay. And along with that, the individual becomes more and more apathetic to go on a bit further, I have come across YouTube videos. Yes, whenever you get, I'm gonna say this tongue in cheek whenever you come across a YouTube beauty video, it's got to be true, right? You careful that I say that not they're not true. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying be careful. I have come across YouTube videos talking about dopamine detox. Okay. Sounds good. Where one purposefully watches and lets go of craving. Yes, that's a really good thing to do. In your estimation, how much of working towards gaining freedom through spiritual technique is gaining mastery over the system versus working on other important goals. Okay, that's an interesting question. Well, you're talking about the difference between neurology and phenomenology and so this is where let me just say a couple things here. Yes, there are neural correlates. Not to consciousness, but to meta consciousness their neural correlates not to consciousness, but to meta consciousness. Well, that's not quite true. There are neural Kyle correlates to both. It's just that neuroscientists study the neural correlates to meta consciousness, not the neural correlates to consciousness. So what this means is that your question is dealing with what's called neuro phenomenology which which is that whenever you have a particular experience, in this case, craving desire, that's the phenomenology part. There's a neurological correlate to it. There's a brain thing going on, in this case, the dopamine gig. And this is actually very interesting. Let me toss this into the mix briefly. Bernardo said this the other day that I thought was just really pretty brilliant. I was I was listening to a Ralph on his show. And he was talking about psychedelics and drugs and stuff and he said something really interesting that just was so spot on. You said you're on drugs right now. You're you're on drugs right now. You're on dopamine, you're on serotonin. You're on acetylcholine. You're on drugs right now. And so when you get when you're doing something like acid or psilocybin or ayahuasca, yes, you're on drugs, but basically those are working with altering the the biochemical and neural matrix of your brain right. So this is actually a very interesting thing to look at. You are on drugs right now. So let's get back to the main topic, neuro phenomenology. Yes, it's interesting to explore these sorts of things. I'm very interested in neurotransmitters and this whole neurological thing. But if you really want to gain mastery over the system, gain mastery over what you can work with directly. I mean, you don't most of us don't have the capacity we don't have unless you're in an fMRI, where you have immediate neurofeedback, where you can get these sorts of things within a feedback even mechanism. So you have that information there. But fundamentally, if you want to gain gain freedom is gain freedom over exactly what you're saying is you're craving mind. Read the book, Judson Brewer, I interviewed him two years ago the craving mind he's a MD PhD, really great neuroscientist who's also a pretty serious practitioner. He talks a ton about this sort of thing, but in a very real way. A massive part of the spiritual meditative thing is in fact about establishing a relationship to this whole craving phenomena. And so when you do that, then all the neurological stuff that you're talking about is automatically altered, right, because that's the neurological correlate of the transformation. Of those phenomenological states of mind. So, you know, unless you're on here, like and want to follow up with this further, let me see if I'm missing anything. How much of working towards gaining freedom through spiritual practices gaining mastery over this system? Yeah, I wouldn't. You know, again, that's gaining mastery over the neurological correlate to this particular type of craving thing. In this regard is everything is huge. This connects to the question earlier about addiction. I mean, basically where we are we're all fundamentally addicts, and I think I shared the story with you when I went into my three year retreat, which was phenomenally painful for me. First three months, and I tried to figure out why is it so hard to just sit in this room? You know, day after day after day, I felt like I was just being burned alive. And then I realized several several weeks in and I realized, I mean, this is detox. I've never been addicted to classic substances. I just don't roll that way. This stuff has no interest in my life. But I realized maybe this is exactly what happens in detox and I really felt that way I was becoming detoxified from my addiction to craving altogether. From my substance abuse I abuse the substance of thought that substance abuse, I abused the substance of the phenomenal world form of abuse. So we're all substance abusers. We're all addicts, whether we know it or not. And on one level, we have to cut ourselves a little slack because we live in the cosmological schema. We live in the in the domain of literally it's called the realm of desire. So euphemism, we live in the realm of addiction craving. So therefore, it's no surprise that we're all fundamentally addicts because we live in this world of addiction craving. And so what you're talking about here, Lloyd is going really deep into the primary issue of samsara which is why we suffer because we crave so read Justin Brewer's book listen to the podcast I did with him, and absolutely positively by working with craving relating to it instead of from it because relating from it is no relationship at all. This is how you will transform your mind and also this dopaminergic system system, right? This is cool. I like this stuff.
Hey, you know, Amy has her hand up. Let me get her unmuted real quick. I think it might be
this is Lloyd. It is the question have to do with anything we're talking about right now? Yes. Oh, okay. Fire away. Yes.
Hello. This is Amy. I just wanted to put a personal anecdote in there. I I have had bipolar disorder. My firstly my whole life. And I've also been lucid just about my whole life. But I'm getting advanced now where I'm becoming more lucid during the day. And it's more continuous from day to night and night today. And in fact, the mantra that I've made up for myself I write it down in my journal and that is a meeting that sort of de structuring my bipolar emphasis is just falling away as any sort of identity for myself is I don't think about that anymore. I don't feel that way anymore. I'm much more just lucid in the now and I just have to type I sent in a question. I hope you get to it. I'm not to preempt anybody, but it relates I've just had since May over 65 dreams of a wasp hive, a wasp hive and I draw it a wasp pod. And the hive is a container for my soul. There's no no wasps and it is empty. And the hive itself is my layers of life experience that is a crew right. And each dream I have them every few days. It's like a lesson. It's like a guided tour into this lucid realm and, and recently, it's just escalated and gone very quickly and I feel like I'm now up in the collective unconscious. So that was my question for you about what I do there. But anyway, that bipolar stuff is totally become deconstructed. I realize a ton of it was learned because it's, it's built into the hierarchy. of my family tree. And it's just falling away as I've become more lucid, especially the day tonight night today. lucidity is it's been amazing. Absolutely benefited me.
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. Thank you for chiming in and I will get to your question. It's like two or three down and then you can come back around because you hit you had some real easy things to say about the collective unconscious which I can get you but a couple of things here. Just put an exclamation point on everything you say you're spot on. And this whole notion of deconstruction is colossal. I mean fundamentally our desires are based on constructs the selfs sense sense of self as a construct the sense of others a construct and you want to know better Lloyd's question you want to know the fundamental mechanics of desire want, is when we want by definition we want something other, right? Otherwise we wouldn't want if we had everything we wanted, we wouldn't want so when you say want by definition, it means other and so basically if you want to really solve the whole desire thing, deconstruct duality, deconstruct the self sense. And by so by totally deconstructing the sense of other Hey, guess what happens? You no longer want. You realize you already have everything that you want. In fact, here's another brief thing for you, Lloyd. And this is a really powerful contemplation. I say this all the time because it warrants reiteration all the time. Take a very, very, very close look at the mechanics and phenomenology of desire, and see if the following is in fact not true. We think we're happy when we get what we want and that's why we never stopped wanting that's why we're killing this planet and over consuming in all the levels of epidemics of obesity and everything. Consuming, consuming, consuming. Because again, we live in this realm of deficiency lack where we feel we can only satiate that desire by billing ourselves from external agencies. That never leads to it because you're eating the menu instead of the meal. So take a very close look at desire. You think you're happy when you get what you want? No. You're really happy when you stop wanting. So we confuse the satisfaction of desire with its temporary transcendence. Let me say that again. This will save you a trillion dollars. If you have a trillion dollars we confuse the satisfaction of desire with his temporary transcendence. So just transcend craving transcend desire, by realizing you already have everything you could possibly want. This is exactly what we spent a week in Mexico on the non duality program flooring about you already have everything you could possibly want. You'll get rid of all your craving and get rid of all your suffering. That's really what what liberation is about. So you deconstruct all it's exactly like Amy is talking about to get to these fundamental truths and principles. So thank you for that me and I'll get back to the rest of your sent in question in just a second and you're welcome to come back on that. Okay. Awesome. Okay, from Katie, thank you very much for recommending the book creation and completion and essential points of tantric meditation. Yeah, so this is part of the thing that I ping out or Alyssa pings out on social media for me recommended books. This book for the for the deeper divers. Oh my god, this book is beyond profound. For the deeper divers, I can't recommend this book to you highly creation and completion, the essential points of tantric meditation. I happen to have it right here. Because I gave a talk to Tergar about this book. This is an amazing book I don't know how many times I've read it. The Commentary on the seminal textbook jungle control lodo Thai, I can't recommend this book to highly deep. It's not an easy read, but it's really profound. I read it and kept studying since then, last week Carragher community offered a live oral transmission of this text and also a white Tara sadhna. Both read by in Tibetan by Lama Trinley wonderful. Could you please unpack a little bit of the phenomena the aim of oral transmission? Okay, sure. So this connects a little bit you know, these it's interesting, some of these questions are really connected. This connects a little bit to the hobby shaker the Wong the empowerment question earlier. And by this what I mean, is that when you get there, well, there's again so much to say here if you go all the way to the top and get a full blown empowerments be shaker very often there's a what's called a long associated with that or sometimes irrespective of that. There is what's called a reading transmission. So this is what Katie's question is about. And there's also a third aspect to this which is called the tree try and Tibetan which is the commentary. So long, long and tree are the try of the three principal ways to make to kind of convey this kind of lineage blessing and transmission power. So basically, specifically Katie, if you're here, what this refers to the long is a reading transmission. That is basically a way to connect you all the way through a lineage of oral transmissions all the way back to the origination of the of the sacred texts that you're studying. And this case, the Tarot side, or the loan from the texts of juggling cultural do tie and so what happens is there's the teacher, the master, whatever reads it, that creates kind of the seed for this blessing. Power, then whoever receives the long if they're qualified at a certain level, then they're able to distribute it themselves. And so fundamental, the the notion here is to create a kind of electricity cord, electric cord, wireless transmission of energy going all the way back generation to generation to the very root essence of these texts, that plugs you then answer this lineage. And when you do it and you really stay open to it, you don't you're not distracted, you're not checking your watch. You're not like doing whatever you're 100% present, you're really listening is a 220 volt plug in to the lineage that brings about this entire transmission thing. And so that's the principle reason the phenomenon of long is in fact really that I wouldn't say as simple as that because it's not simple, but it's actually very profound. That fundamentally you're kind of connecting to the electricity, of the transmission of this lineage going back to the very beginning. And there's a lot to be said about the power of lineage. It's the closest you're gonna get to a guarantee that a tradition is legit, that it's working that there's some authenticity here. And the Tibetans take your stuff very seriously. They they they don't confer they don't confer lungs randomly, so they certainly don't do Wong's and Abby shake is randomly, but it's all somewhat in this especially long listen, and Hwang's wa ng IV shakers are somewhat in the same stream of the power of connecting to lineage going back all the way to the root source. So if you're here and one has asked more about that, I think that's probably enough. Oh, here's Okay. Here's I participated. We can't figure out what really happened. Sometimes you don't have to really figure out what happened. Just feel notice what you experience. I don't understand Tibetan but now there is a strange feeling that's good that somehow these these vocals and consonants are in my body. Yes, they are. And in a certain way, they've been stimulated, woken up. So when you do it, like a full blown empowerment on one level, you can think of the empowerment as being somehow conferred from an external agency. That color checker for instance, if you're doing a color checker empowerment that the external college chakra somehow then comes in does His external agency thing. But just as importantly is is when you do something like that the color tracker within you is around stimulated awakened, so it empowers the college chakra within you. And so in a real way, there's something similar happens to the reading transmissions with texts like this lungs, where it jogs your memory because on one level, you know, you're already but uh, you just forgot, you're already called chakra you just forgot you're already Tara in the 24 manifestations of that Tara but you just forgot. And so long, long tree all these things are designed to shake your memory to wake you up and activate the the seeds within you and so that's one reason we do these things because these These seeds are latent within us, and we activate them and then they start to grow. And you may notice I've done this you know, you do an empowerment you do it seriously and then certain very interesting magical sorts of things start to change for you. So these things are not social constructs. They're not designed for entertainment. They're very, very profound. So anyway, Katie, if you're on that's what comes to mind. Okay, let me get married and then I'll come back to Amy's I'm listening to the recordings of purlins to chorus Thank you, so sadly, unable to attend live. So I'm unable to ask a question about sukawati and POA. For those of you who are not Tibetan, I apologize. There's a lot of great Tibetan questions here today. This is a little bit on the unusual side of things, but hey, so what so as enables ask questions about su casa de the pureland of Amitabha and POA. POA is what's called the injection of consciousness practice during the retreat. I received a Ruka varje Yogini and parmesan was another empowerment thing. What is it today, deities and empowerments today are received for Ruka budgie Guinea Empowerments. Again these are two more fundamental archetypal entities now we can add them on both the college chakra built.
Tara I mean there's literally hundreds of these because there is hundreds of these energetics archetypes within you. I received these apartments and practice the Saudis and visualizations good for you. There are pure land is key Raja I'm confused. I'd never sure how to pronounce this one. shadrack Aedra I'm confused about where I should hope to go when I die. Oh, I chuckle marry because these are these are just really great questions. I'm confused about where I should go when I die. So cavity Amitabha or hookah about genies puroland Hey, if you can get the either wine and I wouldn't worry. If he can get to either one, you're in great shape. So here's the deal. Here's why. sukawati sukawati is is the easiest and just because it's easy doesn't mean it's less powerful. Right? So cavity has the easiest visa access. This pure land and a certain sense, quote unquote, was designed for the general public. Anybody who does these practices with a concerted effort? Study the Pure Land material does the practices does the aspiration prayers. recite the mantra etc. It has a really pretty strong shot of being reborn after they die if you believe in this sort of thing in the most accessible of all puroland sukawati So who am I to say that you should go there versus you know, Haruka budget ease Carolann. I can't tell you that. This is something you need to ask your teacher. If you have a connection to whoever gave you this environment and you're doing Asana, you need to ask them, I'm in no position to say you should do one or the other. But generally the other pure lands of which everybody has their own puroland. So all the ones I was talking about earlier, right in Assam, Baba jovia Maga city Amitabha Bayana in dozens of others, all the supreme Buddhas, they have their own pure lands. But the general visa requirement for most of these is first Bhumi which is that's not easy to actually attain the path of saying that first Bhumi again, sorry, for those of you who don't know, the whole Tibetan thing here is just a little bit too much on the pack. Unless you have that level of realization, which is not easy. You're not going to be you're not going to get to these pure lands. So cavity, it's easier to cross into this. So I would say as a general default that's where you want to go. But I am in no position or authority to say that's where you should go because you're doing this other side that you need ask your teacher okay, I remember you taught that once one achieves rebirth and so cavity one needs never returned to as a human unless one chooses to do so as a bodhisattva. Yes, that's what they say makes sense to me. I've also learned that Heruka is pure land is a pure land for more advanced spiritual education. I mean, if you've heard that, then I would, I'm not going to contest it. So of course, I'd like to go there. Okay, then you should go there. But as far as I can tell, pull up practice. Projection of consciousness is only associated with Amitabha Avalokitesvara to cavity No, that's not true. Paul will practice you can have a poor practice with any of these pure lands and again and talk to your teacher about this but fundamentally the way I was trained is one of the characteristics of where you're gonna go again, I'm just going to tell you, what I learned is that instead of visualizing Amitabha, on top of your head, and reciting his mantra when you're doing what's called nirmanakaya, POA, you visualize Hey, Ruka virginiana top of your head or whatever, but archetypal Budo the puroland you want to go to you recite their mantra, and then you affect POA that way, so that my understanding is POA is not just associated with Amitabha Absolutely not. least that's the way I was trained. If you can clarify this, I be even more grateful than I already am for your teachings. Thank you. So much. So yeah, Mary, that's what comes to mind. Okay, that's a great question today. Goodness, we're gonna be here till six o'clock. Okay. So here's I'm going to come back to hope these aren't too fast. Well, here's Amy's Okay any back two years have you been greeted by the collective unconscious in recent dreams good for you. Draw what I see there are see drawings and posts on the dream journal board. I did see some of those Amy, they're beautiful. Thank you for sharing those high five. I'm wondering what to do when I'm in that shared space. What comes after the greeting? What should I be looking for what actions make sense? I'm in all what I'm experiencing? Are there take teachings or techniques I should be learning from about this. Okay, great question. Well, I mean, first of all, here's the deal with again, now we're going to be a little bit into the into the psychology in particular depth psychology, because Collective Unconscious is fundamentally associated with the depth psychology of Carl Jung. This guy was a bloody genius, right. And it's, I mean, what can I say? It's absolutely brilliant. But you know, the Collective Unconscious is a powerful it is it is to access that I wouldn't get stuck there. And this doesn't in any way, dismiss what you're doing and what you're exploring. I mean, it's fantastic that you're actually able to do these sorts of things. It's really, really great. But it's still the collective unconscious shared by samsaric dimensions of being it's still associated with certain levels of the eighth consciousness. So yes, you can explore it, you can do it if you want to, you know, explore this in a more classical sense. Read the work of Carl Jung, explore his teachings on the collective unconscious and how to work with archetypes in that sense. It's really really powerful. But the spiritual gig transcends but includes that it goes deeper in my opinion. As powerful as Jung was, it's really interesting because Jung criticized Freud went deeper which is right on, he had a certain running familiarity with spirituality. In fact, he wrote the introduction to the first translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which he saw and interpreted in a psychological fashion. That's a very interesting, somewhat tricky thing to do. And what I mean by that is, because he didn't have the reference points to and again, I'm just projecting my understanding, because perhaps he didn't have the reference points to understand what the Tibetan Book of the Dead was really about. He had no choice but to download translated translated using the structures and mechanisms of his own mind. And therefore, was he giving an accurate rendering with a psychological interpretation? Not so sure. But because this is a really big topic and I want to get to some of the written questions and live ones.
What I'm just one more question about it.
Let me let me let me finish okay. What I would recommend, if you want to really go into this is I would recommend, after you explore it, you know, you're working with a kind of translational domain. I would work more with transformation. I would I would actually work to try to go deeper to the ninth consciousness to something that's actually substantive. It's not transcendence, sub substance, even the collective unconscious, which is the collective superconscious mind, clear, light mind. So I'm not dissing what you're doing at all. It's fantastic. It's great. But at a certain point, it's going to bottom out so to speak, because you're still in samsara. You're still just moving deck chairs on the Titanic, not a criticism just situating it within a larger perhaps framework of the spiritual factors, which would include explorations of the super unconscious mind, which would be like clear like mine. So anyway, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I just thought
that's okay. I didn't mean to cut you off either. I submitted that question. For today. I've had additional dreams because I've asked specifically I've asked myself like what's above the collective unconscious because I was sort of simmering there. Simmering in that space. And I was shown that my high was on a ladder. And if can you see that the ladder out of the collective unconscious and I'm up at the top of that ladder in another space. Oh, cool. I mean,
nice. Cool.
So I'm where I'm, I think I'm where, what you're talking about? Yeah, yeah.
Beautiful. You know, I might just this is this may or may not be of any interest to you. I would say, don't go higher. I'd say go lower. Okay. Or that what I mean is, I actually prefer metaphors that are sub ascending, not transcending. And by that, it just it just speaks to me a little bit more that that basically if you look at the collective unconsciousness as germinative, of the expressions of the archetypes as they manifest in physical reality, you can go something that's even more German than that you can go lower than that right and left and therefore you can get below the stem cell to the very nature of the whole shebang. So I actually find switching the metaphors. The letter should be going down, and I should say, should consider the ladder ladder to go down below. And so otherwise, there's this escapist tendency, possibly this transcend Transcendentalism, that can become somewhat interesting and potentially problematic. So again, it's called psychology, not height psychology. So depth psychology into depth spirituality. I would just go as deep as you fought possibly
like that. Yeah, okay.
That would be good. And then really just maybe familiarize yourself if you want some doctrinal infrastructure for this. The Yoga Chara read the literature on the eight consciousnesses, and there's a vast repertoire there. Tech, not Han wrote a beautiful book called Understanding our mind or understanding your mind. That's a really great text the work of called Brunhilde soul he's got about four or five volumes on the yoga Chara. This is really interesting to understand, because it'll go below what Jung was talking about into deeper dimensions of being. So that's what comes to mind.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks for your offering. Really cool stuff. Thanks. Hey, so let me see what's in the chat. And if there's anybody here that wants to raise their hand Oh, tendril, right okay, hold on here.
From Sam, the other night, I had a dream that I was having class on the nature of change and impermanence. It was a middle aged Asian man with classes there after I woke up I realized it was Trump me che look at the photo. Definitely was him. In your opinion, is there some spiritual significance when we dream of a spiritual teacher, a master like this? There always is. I can't say exactly Tim what it means for you. Dreams of clarity, right? Whenever you can have a dream of a teacher master deity or whatever. It's always significant. The specific the specificity of the significance I can't address with you that would be more like a dream interpretation thing. And that's this is not quite the right forum for that sort of thing. But anytime you have this sort of thing, it's basically it's an indication of the purification of karma. We talked about that earlier. That your unconscious mind is basically spending more and more time with spiritual and higher so called or lower depending on what metaphor you want to use ideals and therefore it starts and manifests in your dream. So very, very cool. The specifics I can't say but definitely cool. Okay.
Jerry, could you have Alyssa spell the mantra that when something like Oh money mom mumble repeated like, 12,000 times that he was oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. On virtual sattva home sorry. Yeah, oh, em. Almost all start with them. They almost all end in home. By Dr. Ajay Ara sattva SAP de da own Varsha. Sattva home is the short version of the classic 100 syllable mantra which I won't spell out which is the archetypal version of software is like a super deity. He's like the king of all the sunblock idea these Jerry he's associated with the iron soft and in Jewish mysticism, basic goodness, she will occur in Shambala, Dharmakaya and Buddhism. So by yourself is a really unique specialty. He is like the like the archetype of all the deities. And so that's why his particular mantra has so much power. I need to excuse myself for one minute because I'm expecting someone to clean my dryer ducts and my dog is barking like crazy and I have to make sure he's not here. I'll be right back.
Okay, all good sorry my new computer glasses. They really help. Okay, all right, so Oh, yeah, George fire away. There's a couple of live ones fire away.
Hey, Andrew, how you doing? I'm good. Man. How are you? Doing? Fine. Thanks. Thanks. Actually, I would like to share two short points today. You might or might not remember, a couple months ago on q&a. You and I, I asked you a question and we both and we discussed on the thought of the possibility of integrating rigpa during a lucid dream basically integrating the the dream images with rigpa in a lucid dream. Yeah, and, and I think one of you commented, I remember one of your comments, saying that, that this is not so much talked about in the teachings and I actually had the opportunity to, to ask a couple of cases actually, the last couple months. Exactly on this question. I wanted to share what they said. That's interesting.
Hands on while you're does talk about it a little bit when he talks about clear light dreams and also just parenthetically, parenthetically, and then I'll stop and you can run with it. This is actually exactly the fruition I mentioned the book earlier, from Katie's question creation and completion. The union of creation and completion is what actually creates these types of clear light dreams. So that's also connected to that massive, beautiful book by John Coltrane watertight, but in that book, he doesn't really talk about dreams in this regard. So I'm very far away and very interested to see what he said.
Well, actually, they didn't say much actually. They I asked the first gay basically just looked at me for five seconds. Like Like, like, I don't know, probably I thought like a kindergarten kid would ask him about higher mathematics. And he just said, it's very advanced. And the next event the next next day, during public talk, asked the same question and he said the same. It's very advanced, but it's the ultimate it's ultimate fruition. So that's what you're exactly what you said just now. And that was, was beautiful to hear that and also open up or make clear that this is such a long way to go with that. I mean,
yes, it's the it's the most advanced form of dreaming until dreaming. Stops altogether. So I completely agree. And really, for those who are interested in this, the way to actually grease the skids for that type of dream is to work with the union of generation and completion stage meditations. That's how you do it and then when they are actually brought into union then a consequence and it's also one way that they you know, they bought and brought into union is because you start having dreams like this. So yeah, very cool. That's really awesome, man.
Second, second point, second gen, actually, very quickly, so I follow up on the question or the third. I was lucky it was like yeah, it's, um, I had the opportunity to ask, and I asked him and asked him, just, you know, I mean, when I'm sitting on the cushion, and I'm, I'm in rigpa. It's a different experience than being lucid in a dream and seeing dream images. I don't feel the same i There's Rick, but quality is not strong, or it's, it's not it's not the same, same experience, not the same quality. And he actually just answered what he said in one sentence, and he didn't say much more about that. But he said, your dream. So actually, so I asked him, so I have to have to specify so I basically said so I feel that I'm not in rigpa, even if I'm lucid in a dream and see those dream images and interact and so on. So he said to me, and that really shook me. He said, those dream images are Eureka.
That's correct. That's when they're seen in union with generation. So Jim. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Spot on. But let me just let me just say one little thing here and see if this lands with you. It's very subtle, but it's important because when you start talking at this level, this really super refined non dualistic level language becomes pretty problematic. So when people say it again, and let's say I'm not being accusatory I hopefully what I'm saying might be revelatory. You can't actually say I'm Enric Bob, because those terms are mutually exclusive. You cannot be in rigpa rigpa is actualized when you are gone. So you might actually have that's one way you know that you're having rip experiences because there's no you. And so when you come back out of it, yes, retrospectively, because that's the worst thing in the union of generation and completion initially, is usually completion stage only, by the way. That's the pointing out the Dharmakaya aspect of it is only when you come out and look back on it that you can say, Hey, I was in great GPA. But when you're in great GPA, you can't say that you can't say anything because there was no you. At that point you are taught Farmasi you become rigpa. So this may seem nitpicking but it's not. It's actually quite important. But good for you. I mean, to have access to three cases like that.
That's right. Yeah, absolutely. Just Just one more comment. As I as it's totally different for me being lucid in a dream and not feeling that I'm in rigpa. So that's that's clearly for me in the loop. I'm lucid in the dream. Yeah, I might be lucid in a dream, basically, seeing the images but it's, it's not required. So with that, with that with that answer. Same basic that the dream images, the Yeah. Are rigpa that basically that basically yeah, as I said it shook me and basically sent me back to the cushion actually, for an audit to be able to integrate that maybe in the waking state more with with a with a mind images or mine appearances coming up during regular practice on the cushion. So slowly moving, maybe. Yeah, okay. I can't really explain that now. Do you get what I'm saying? Basically, so, yeah, rift the rift between daytime practice and nighttime practice, even though I'm lucid. The the connection to recover was not there, you know, until you're
really high up until you're pretty high on the boonies, there's going to be a rift that's what constitutes the path is developing greater access stability to rigpa until fundamentally there's no difference. So don't beat yourself up about it. It's just this is just part of what's involved with increased stability in the day and at night. And so it's really exactly like the gay said, you know, when you when you realize it's also connected, by the way to to the perfectly pure illusory form. So this is another set of practices. And if you look at my book dreams of light, I have several chapters where I talk exactly about this thing. But until we can realize the display in this case, the display is the actual the appearance of images in the dream, until we can actually recognize those as the rubric is as a display of rigpa. We're still suffering out generation and completion, and therefore you're not having a clear light dream. But the way the way you work with it is exactly what you're doing. You know, you just continue to stabilize your meditation, increase your stabilization of the recognition of Ripa, but it's also very, again, very subtle trap. Don't get stuck. In the Dharmakaya. Because rigpa is the unity of the trachea. And very often people just get stuck in the Dharmakaya. No, this is one reason why you can't make that union yet of you and the appearance because you're still separating out. The Rupa chi is from the Dharmakaya see, and so you want to be able to integrate all three kinds. Otherwise, you're still very, very subtly I wouldn't say stuck, but very, very solidly, working with this path of integration. But this is pretty cool. It's me again, subtle, advanced stuff, but I mean, you're obviously talking to some amazing people that can help you so high five, that's awesome. Thank you. Thank you. For your follow up. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Good stuff. Okay. So KP Oh 506
I need to change my Zoom ID.
It looks like some serial number thing right? Here. No work ID.
So you mentioned this book and that you're going to be speaking with this author. I found this book very difficult but it's what got me started on my on my journey into lucid dream so did you say you're interviewing him for your podcast or what's your
Well, I endorsed the book he asked me to endorse his book. He interviewed me a couple of years ago and he was doing some stuff turns on one gal I love this guy. He's amazing. And I read that book when it first came out like wow, many decades ago now. And so the new edition second edition came out I rift I endorsed it. And so I'm going to be interviewing him on Tuesday. We're gonna
be good. So that'll be on your podcast. Yes. Great. And then I had a question. So I'm reading your dreams of light. And I guess my question is, you know, I'll read your teachings on emptiness and the chapter on the science of emptiness. You know, it just blows your mind. It's like how every atom is empty and ultimately you know, the universe is empty and things moving at the speed of light and but in the moment when I'm reading your teachings or any teachings, like I get it gosh, I understand emptiness and are I understand the Heart Sutra, and then an hour later, I'm back to being petty. Worried about stupid things. I forget it. And so how do you work with this? I guess it's just our human inability to keep the teachings and to forget and it makes so much sense and then it's gone.
Yeah, yeah. Great question. Yes. That's the difference between experience and realization. So you basically we as we go through the path, we go through three general phases. They don't have to be necessarily in order but it does help. First phase in a certain way is understanding that's kind of what you do when you read and you study and you know what we're doing here is I'm flapping my lips and maybe something of value is sticking in your understanding certain things. At a certain point, the understanding will give way to experience where you have exactly what you said you have an experience of emptiness. But experience by definition is like mist. It doesn't last. And that's fine. I mean, just the fact that you've had an experience is really quite quite okay. Then really what happens that's a very brief glimpse of what I just very quickly shot out earlier about the path of seeing so the path of saying basically, third phase of five, five phases of one path is not like five different paths. But the path of seeing is exactly that path when you first experience emptiness reality. And then because of the power of habit, there's habit again, right karma, your bad habits kick back in, and the light goes back off and then you forget you lose it. So the essence of spiritual practice, the larger region said, this is beautiful. The essence of spiritual practice is remembrance. We forget for dozens of reasons the forgetfulness manifests. In distraction. It manifests in non lucid dreams and look at your mind, how often you're distracted. That's, that's a moment of forgetfulness. So that's really the the practice becomes one of increased memory, increase memory, remembrance, and that when that memory is stabilized, which takes a little bit of time, that journey and Buddha's languages journey from the first to the 10th Bhumi, that 10 levels, then you then you attain the stay at the stage of realization and that's basically full awakening. So don't worry that the light comes on comes back off. I mean, Houston Smith put it the religious scholar, beautiful line, the process of the path is to transform flashes of illumination into abiding light. That's just what the path is about. So we all have that we all people who are interested have these glimpses, but for many, many reasons, they're just not stable, too many bad habits. We still fall into the habits that we've constructed. And so the way you proceed is with a sense of understanding See, so now you retrofit your experience with this understanding. And you approach everything with a sense of levity, playfulness, lightheartedness, and don't try it's very interesting. Don't try too hard. In fact, I would say don't try it at all, to recreate the experience because the experience is actually brought about by quality of openness. And so this also ties in gets really solid with this business. It ties into this earlier question about desire and wanting. Well, if you want too much to reestablish that experience of emptiness, well guess what happens? That's still a subtle form of craving. Now you're just craving for spiritual experience. You become a state junkie, or what my friends V calls a god addict. You just become addicted to that. So it gets really slippery. So the way to do it is you let go of even that. You let go of everything that's real emptiness, self liberate the emptiness of emptiness, you let go of everything. And the more you do that, the more it gets what happens the more you open, let go, let go open, open, let go. Well, guess what happens the more the light keeps coming on. And so that's the whole delightful, torturous. thing we call the path right and so patience, humor, levity, proper understanding, so you just joke at the whole thing and also determination, perseverance and endurance. I mean, my I did my three year retreat at a place called Super choline, which means Dharma place of patience or forbearance, endurance where you just keep going. And then eventually, because you're doing something that's in resonance with reality, it actually becomes easier. It's a lot easier to wake up than it is to fall asleep. That's the really good news. And when you die, this is really good news. When you die, these glimpses become extremely powerful, because that's what's going to be revealed. The full light of this will be revealed at the moment of death. What you're experiencing is what's called the child luminosity. At the moment of death, the child will recognize the mother that's called the mother and child luminosity in Reunion. And that's enlightenment. And so these small little glimpses, there's no small thing. Learning how to relate to them understand them is also really helpful. So we celebrate, but then we release and then we just continue, continue continue. You forget you forget, but you might find you're remembering more and more and more, because glimpse of emptiness is a glimpse of the natural state. And because it is natural, it actually becomes more and more natural, the more you just hang with it, so to speak.
Okay, very helpful. Thank you.
Yeah, welcome. Good stuff. Good question. Okay, maybe two more. Oh, actually, I got a minute. What time did we stop? Yeah, we got a few Okay, from the US far away, but
a little a new
meditation question. Practice of Shemitah. You know, when the mind drifts into discursive thought, you know, the advice is to return to breath and body. But of course, if if that becomes so much of a crutch, then because you know, again, but the body itself as a as a, as a thought as a mental construct. How does one start to let go of even that or if you have it, you know, because ultimately, you know, going towards the path of seeing
great question from last. Yeah, this is a great one. This is this is precisely the transition from referential to non referential practices. And the way to do it is through practice and increase familiarity with non referential shamatha shamatha with I'll give you six names for the same thing, and then I'll land with a name that I use the most non referential shamatha formulas shamatha shamatha, without sign up particular shamatha or my favorite, open awareness. Learn more about open awareness. I refined this. This is like my main one of my main practice riffs these days. That's the way you make that transition, because you're right the body is as important as it is. It's just a hitching post. It's an anchor. At a certain point, you can pull the hitching post out you don't need it. That can certain point that hitching post becomes problematic because the best that that can do is bring about a state of tranquility shamoto will not get you a light show once a pacifies it doesn't liberate and so as powerful as shamatha is you can get stuck as Milarepa said you can get stuck and Shama does pool. It becomes so tranquil, so blissful. This is where the traps of the jhana states come in. The jhana states are fantastic. They're brilliant. I mean, all the stuff I talked about with with Nelson Armstrong, amazing stuff. I'm not dissing that in the slightest, and he's a master with that stuff. But these are still at the level of shamatha just super refined shamatha. In fact, you can attain qualities, what's called Supra mundane shamatha where you can get stuck in the in these refined states for a very very long time. So in order to make this transition you put a crowbar and that's not the right image you you you transition away, transcend but include that's important transcend but include your referential meditations using body breath candle, Mantra, whatever any reference any form. And you transition into the formless meditations, in particular open awareness. This is the genius transitional practice from form to full blown rigpa. So for those who really want to develop this transition, you know, you're we're talking George about rigpa you know, when rigpa degenerated the generates into open awareness, so you can therefore use open awareness as breadcrumbs, leaves, breadcrumbs, you can follow your way back into rigpa by using the practice of open awareness, and so, from that, that's where I would work with play with. So an incredibly powerful practice that I'm riffing on more and more these days because the more I do it, the more I realized it's great gifts and it's great contribution.
Do you make a distinction between open awareness in nature of mind?
Yes, I do. Yeah, open awareness is still not nature of mind. Again, nature mind rigpa. Same way nature mind rigpa degenerates, like you're in Samadhi. You're hanging out in that space, which is quite lovely. Well, again, somebody in connection to the serial number question. Sorry, I didn't get the name. It's gonna it's going to collapse because it's not stable. It's just, I mean, it's just not stable. When it collapses and degenerate, so to speak, it degenerates into open awareness. So open awareness is that nature of mind, but it's, it's about the closest I know of outside of other practices that are beyond our scope right now. That the people can use to work their way up, because if you do open awareness to full fruition, it actually transitions into nature of mind. See, so that it's a genius practice. It's like unbelievable, means you. Rinpoche teaches this a ton. And now I see why and I teach it a ton because it's just so powerful. So yeah, if you don't if you don't know about it, look into it, because that's what you're looking for. Thank you. Okay, Jerry. Fire away, Dr. G. I guess it's Dr. J. Right. Dr. J.
You know, I've mentioned this before, but, and I've worked on a search, but I've only found one person, this whole area, southeastern Michigan, who knows anything about anything but you know, the western style of, you know, go for what you want and stuff like that. Yeah, I wrote an essay. I think once on contemplation. Me Yes, I did. And I'd like to download that and read it. If you could put it in the chat column or something you know how to do.
Yeah, you know, you can find it several places Jerry published it. I didn't publish it. Tricycle published it. So if you look, I think it's called the lost art of contemplation. Um,
I'm not sure because I you know, I moved, I was moving and somehow I printed it and then lost it.
Oh, that's the document that I had. Yeah, I'd have to pull that out. It's in a folder somewhere. But what I'm saying isn't until I do that, which, if Alyssa reminds me, I can have that up for us next time. Until I do that I'm trying to cycle published it in a slightly abridged form. You'll find it there. But my whole 10 page 10 Page point thing I have to pull it out of the folder and I can't do that right now.
And the other thing is, you know, the first experience I've had with meditation was Transcendental Meditation. But, you know, since nobody else did it, or any other type, I fell away from it. I have had many, let's say amazing experiences. But you know, no one could back me up. Are you offering a course online about meditation
let me think here for a second.
I'm doing a Rolodex of all the things I have coming up over the next eight months. When I'm doing a program for tri cycle one reverse meditation like classic standard meditation
Yeah, I mean, I I don't have any teachers I don't have anyone to go to to know if I'm doing it right or wrong.
Well, here's what here's what there's two things you can do. You live in southwest Michigan, you know by jewel hearts in
southeastern Michigan, just north of Detroit. Yeah. Do
you know about jewel heart and Arbor used to be Gaelic Rinpoche center he died but it's still there. No. Check them out. Okay, here are an hour I'm pretty sure they're still in Ann Arbor jewel heart. Jewel heart. Yeah, it's Gaelic Rinpoche seen he was a beautiful gelukpa Whew. I'm pretty sure that center is still there.
The other thing is you mentioned earlier, you know, all those mantras and one of them was something like, Oh, Mommy I you know, could you you know, like put in the chat column you know, the spelling of that day or do you say that as you're going to sleep or
if they give me a lot I unfortunately I spit out several rather quickly. The only one that I mentioned earlier when this when it came up in the chat was on Butcher of Sutter Home. There's only one I said more than once. I mean, there's so many Jerry's. Are you looking for like a particular monitor that you can establish a relationship with is that kind of what you're thinking
or sure like? How about I heard that as a monetary you should say before you go to sleep for exam?
Oh, that one? Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, I'm ami de la creme. Let me I'll spell it for you. Awesome. Oh am Yep. Ami, AMD Ami. I'm sorry, ami Ami. Uh huh. de bois de wa Amami. The three h r ih home Ami. They were three h ri H at home. I mean, they were three.
It's also saying that over and overall as you're going to sleep or a beautiful
thing, yeah, it's there's a number that you can do just as you're going to sleep, but that's a really good one, because that's the Tibetan version of Amitabha has mantra. So that will help you again, that extra consciousness to his pure Lanzhou cavity. So that's, that's a really powerful mantra to have during any moment of transition. All my midi Wi Fi, so I do it
every night. She just said during the day too, when you have to deal with
these monitors my friend I say them as much as you possibly can. You want to get to the you want to get to the point you're here's the deal. We are always reciting it again, I say this with mantra, quote unquote, here because it's not a real mantra. But we say samsaric mantras all the time. And usually they're in some version of Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee or if you don't like that one. I yeah, I or if you don't like that one, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind. I mean we're reciting some version These are called seed syllable mantras. Look at your mind. Were reciting some version of the samsaric mantras all the time. That's a really bad habit. Right? Yes, we want to transform that habit into a good habit. And so I do this. I mean, I recite mantras. I wouldn't say 24/7 But whenever I remember again, especially in motion when I'm traveling, when it's situation is going to stretch me test me I'm going to lose my seat. Kind of thing. I am always reciting mantras and you want to do that because eventually a certain point in a certain way the mantra starts to recite you the mantra is starts to do you. That's our that's when you know, in a certain sense, you've somewhat accomplished the mantra because then instead of CNN and the sub crawler, and the sub crawler, right, running through your mind is different layers of samsara. know you've got deities going through your mind, you know, and I love classical music. So usually I have Chopin or Beethoven running through my mind, that's not too bad. You know, it's not quite the same as having a mantra running through my mind. And so the point here, my friend, and again, I say this with complete seriousness, get to the try to get into the habit where you're, you're reciting these things all the time. Because then what happens is, hey, what do you second Wait a second, you know that my mind is taking a kind of voluntary rebirth into the sound. These are sounds of the awakened mind. And so if you can recite these as much as that, I mean, it's a core aspect of all the pureland teachings, get into the habit, good habit, or reciting these things constantly. And it will change your life and you'll start to have visions of Amitabha or whatever you will start to have the pier in your dreams. It's no small thing. And so over the last couple of years, ever since, I mean, it triggered me when I read coulby chondrules book, sound medicine I interviewed here like two years ago, I started doing a much deeper new dive into the power of mantra. I read the teachings from Kashmir Shaivism on the doctrine of vibration. And so I developed a much deeper, more refined appreciation and I think understanding of the power of mantra, and the world is made of sound for God's sakes right think string theory, you know, quantum field theory. It's just my BS basically, membranes and vibration and particles are just nodes. Everything is, I mean, there's something about the new age thing, everything is vibration, it really is. And so you want good vibrations, right? And so, you know, the ultimate mantra is silence. Silence is the sound of God right? But if you can't remain in rigpa ultimate silence, then you recite a mantra, that symbol GokaiOh level. So to whatever extent you can get these things into your system and recite them all the time. So
just said as I was trying to write it down on army
day wha Daiwa do three, three, yeah, it's got a little Hebrew creme
de la creme de la creme. Is that the way it goes? Yeah,
again, there's so many is all mommy partner home is great. There's so many but you asked specifically about what to recite when you're going to sleep? Yeah, during any moment of transition. I'll be tubers mantras really up there really powerful.
Okay, thank you.
And you'll find during the more you do it, the more you'll connect to it. I mean, really, these practices are genius. I mean, they take out their own power. This is your mantra is the first wireless communication system, right? These things are beyond profound. And they're derived by great sidas Rishis masters who are exquisite listeners, you know they like with Prime Minister's question. They're so quiet there's so still there's so pacify with shamatha that they can hear they can hack into the vibratory code or reality. And then they come up and they download or upload their their view this extraordinary auditory capacity in our ear. These vibrations which are the sound of the awakened mind, and then by reciting them, you're changing your subtle body configuration. You're actually you know, you're working with reconfiguring your naughty system. You're evoking a kind of resonance. Mantras are incredibly powerful agents. So to whatever extent you can make a connection, do it. They're awesome in meditation, I was thinking, you know, in terms of meditation stuff, if you're a nightclub member, I can't remember. Yeah, go back to the early somewhere in the in the meditation series things I think also I'm just trying to remember I think it's also in the webinar series. I probably did three, four or five, six different talks about shamatha. If you listen to those early webinars and track them down, I don't know the numbers off the top of my head. Pretty darn sure I spent a fair amount of time with this because this is ultimate lucidity. Practice, right?
So you have a very beginning.
Yeah, way back to your way back. Okay.
Okay. All right.
Anybody else are we good for today? Am I missing anything? If we're good, it looks like we might be. Does anyone know the website that lists and explains the main gods and goddesses in Buddhism? Oh, lordy. Website wise, no, but there's a hell of a lot of books. On these. Website wise, I don't really know.
Oh, yeah. Nice job. Alyssa. Yeah, Amitabha thing. That's great. What does it mean? Mantras don't have to have meanings. The power of a mantra comes from an Salix of power mantras or sometimes yes, they have translations like Omondi Padme home hailed the jewel in the lotus all mommy day where he I mean I'm so shoot with a hijacker ami de la AMI means deathless de la means bliss is connected Amitabha. So basically, honestly, in a very playful way. But somewhat tongue in cheek but somewhat real. This is Amitabh, his email address. You want to FedEx your consciousness into his mind. This is how you do it. Mixing three metaphors. You know? All my media was free. This is his text. This is his email. Address. This is how you get to him. And where is he? Of course, where's the ultimate Amitabha where's the ultimate sukawati puroland here? Always remember, the ultimate mantra is within you the ultimate puroland who is within you. So if you really want to recite the ultimate mantra, remain in absolute silence. That's the ultimate mantra. And then you'll hear everything you need to hear, right? Hey, everybody, nice to see. So what we do here if you're into it, we do this little dedication of merit always to remind ourselves of what we're doing. It's not just for us, because if you take a very close look right there wasn't one we don't exist. We appear yes, we're here we appear and we're waving and you're listening to this goof brain over here spew is whatever. Yes. But fundamentally, we don't exist. So remember, whatever we do, we do to do it. Discover this egolessness selflessness and then we gather all this merit and we send it out, send it to all the people that are in such need right now. And there's a lot so we don't appropriate the little goodies for ourselves. We're doing this if you really want to accelerate your path and teach a camper Rinpoche said this, he said is really, really, really hard. To accelerate your path karma has to work. Its way out on its own terms. However, he said, there's one thing, one thing that can accelerate your path. If you walk it for the benefit of others, the Bodhisattva ideal. So if you really want to put the accelerator on your meditation and your spiritual path, do it for others. Don't do it for yourself. And so with that spirit, we gather everything. Send it out across the world. If you want to unmute and say hi, I always find geeky thing to do otherwise. Dream sharing thing tomorrow. I think I'm on Monday. We got a bunch of stuff coming up. I'll see you in the hood so to speak. Thanks, everybody. Bye, thank you.