Okay, let's go ahead and get started. First, hi, everybody. Thank you so much for this afternoon. We're gonna try it out here. Our shooting for 630 but no lameness later than 640. Okay. We have a lot of stuff in your packet, most every district information. First thing on the agenda is to approve the agenda. So does anybody see anything on today's agenda? That needs to be changed to redo anything?
My MPU designation continues to be designated as K first. I'm sure you did.
Anybody else? I don't want to hear all right. Motion, that the agenda be accepted as presented
with admonition that
can I get a motion please that the agenda be accepted with that? So move to the second second.
Anybody opposing the acceptance of it cannot be accepted by unanimous consent. We have for Saturday's agenda that you have the track
first thing that we have to take a look at the resolution Mr. Mathis sent over to us today.
We could actually start before the resolutions is are they presenting on our on our studio this morning that's what it says on
Oh, please. No, maybe maybe.
We were gonna choose the committee's and stuff.
No. So okay. I think I don't just say she's not going to present but there will be a presentation about
I believe so. I'd like to double check that.
If there's one to the presentation, I would like that to move up to the present.
Oh, I'm sorry about that. Yes, there will be a presentation. I thought you were asking whether she was doing it. Well, I
don't care who's doing the presentation. Yes. Presentations. Sending this presentation. Presentation. Strategic
planning is recommended getting moved up to the tourism presentation section.
That's where everybody starts the weighing
of the same mindset
going on with the congregation. Is everybody Yes, everybody seems to be okay with everybody.
The same thing is everybody in agreement that we will present presentations
all right. Board Commission's and appointments in your packet. The last two pages of the packet. You have a letter from
I'm Dr. Dr. Jasmine, hope
you're on here. You can see it's about the resolution before I put the presentation during resolutions,
no, I'm looking at the agenda. We changed our presentations we changed strategic move to strategic planning the next thing on there is voice. Four points now resolutions to do have to get a chance to read them. So don't ask me any questions I've just
gotten today. So what I would say was I interrupted your flow and I'm trying to remind you what you have a class visitation. Okay.
So do you have two resolutions? Mr. Anything to say about those?
Well, one of them is one that was sent back to me by the full body
in the changed very slightly but there was actually I watched the record that wasn't at that meeting. There was like the city back I think it was just like dealing with it at that particular moment. And that's the PDH resolution. And then the other one is the resolution that was the committee was tasked with generating with regard to servants quarters and that's an FYI. So there are a couple of footnotes that are actually footnotes, better questions. The last time I checked, there was no action J authority
and it's the last and there wasn't an action before.
So I mean again, I as far as as how we move forward with that. Because the issue is originating in J. Park and we have not yet had an official statement on the position of J or group Park. I'm not sure that we will be ready to come back with the business over the next one. I thought that it was important that we bring it as an FYI nonetheless, so that everyone would have a chance to see mortgage for thinking
this is an important issue. Quick question. Do you remember that when the mayor had the meetings? She knows. I think it's quarterly English that said that they were working on this issue as the mirror test and what the heck was service for
Yeah, I mean, there was there was a statement to the effect that it was you're on their radar, but it wasn't clear what actually was being taken. Last year I
checked with him and see if the mayor's office has initiated anything on this.
One I think that any action would probably be legislative,
I'm sure. Sure sure. wouldn't hurt to check with touch bases with court cases where they look at this as what they were looking for.
I'm sorry, are you asking if that's the case? Are you saying you believe that
I'm interpreting for when or inquire is that rather than r&b Delicious and creating the illusion that they say we can separate them? They've already come up with a similar remedy. Mr.
Because a few things here that. I don't think and that is what according to what was asked of us by the community was for us to know and also to You said you don't know where MPJ and Grove Park stands on this.
Well, I spoke to Sue mentioned what I believe who was going against AIPAC and when I spoke to her MPJ in Croke Park had not yet taken the position. So there was a group of neighbors who were concerned angry consents, whatever, but that had not yet translated itself into position stated in any way from the MPU.
So as the Bucha a path can take a position was one of them take a position first.
No, I merely included it as a footnote in that.
I would have liked to include a footnote nearly quoting the position of
are consistent with the content of the resolution. By instead it says there really should be a reference for this so far for me J taken a position question mark, question mark question.
Think that the way that that code is being used, is the over the exploit a rural part, but it can be used anywhere. And so my position would be that I think it's a bad code that is that I saw the damage. And so I don't think I need a statement from them. Well recognize a representative in our area,
that's an easy change to make in that it usually involves deleting a footnote.
I guess I'm just kind of concerned in terms of like how this isn't ready to go, just FYI. And we, as a body voted Nasr this now I think, at least 90 or more days from opposition from the committee.
I'm sure yeah, what what do you want? Are you asking a question?
Not so I guess for me, in terms of I think that the issue is becoming stale. Like for example, this. This will act as a body for the committee to come back with something is now done about three months.
We haven't had a quorum for our last two meetings, just the first thing that since the request.
No. And I actually attended one meeting when there was a quorum, and
we discussed about it. And then following that discussion, we had this on paper and then we met twice with that and couldn't move something out of me. So
I mean, I just think that
are you saying that beyond the FYI.
What our hope was that we weren't like that. We just, I mean, I've read yours. This is the medicine you sent down already. I've read it
this this is this is the version that we didn't revise this in committee, we discussed processes, versus there's Yes, this is the version that when I went to medium.
Yeah, I mean, I read I read it. I mean, there are a few things out I mean, alpha if you want to include hip I feel like on face value, it does what it the net benefit is something that I would be happy about.
You can make an admission to me
before the body is never it doesn't mean it can't be handled. We've done this we've done this before. If something was before the page, FYI and somebody should go and move it we
do you think it represents coming from a committee a stronger vetting and that's why you want it to come from the committee or I'm just trying to understand,
I just think that the body asked for something and we don't normally do that. And we still haven't done that. But we've done something different other things.
So how has this been presented as FYI, a different than what typically happens out of any of the
committee typically res most resolutions? Particularly that committee comes as a first read and then there's only been a handful that flies
well therefore is it yeah, that is this first read this this this has never been before the full body of a packet.
So this so is this a go for first read that makes money passive is that
that is that is the usual order things.
I said is that the intent?
Now what I was what I was getting at was do we want to preempt action on the part of MPU J or not? If they are planning action, I don't know. I mean, I'm not privy to.
Looking at the summation paragraph, the last paragraph essentially that this resolution was asking that code sections new code sections need to be here as all this extra gasket. So I don't see why we cannot go ahead and make it the first reason that means we'll be voting on it in September, since we're talking asking the council to change codes in the midst of zoning 2.0 I don't think that would be too far behind schedule, if we actually voted on this in September. And submitted it immediately to the
eye. So I guess my concern is that if if someone comes to us, represented to me by legitimate issue, library now, the clap for me starts as a as a community surplus. Right and our response to this has just been, you know, it can be done and that no big deal in terms of if we want to be a board that responds to system participation. We will use this example as a way of making our process
seem to be the one that's pushing back as to whether that is an adequate response to
know I'm actually I can I can live with response. I mean, I personally don't think the definition of family needs to be included in this in this particular resolution, but I will live with this what I'm saying
so what is your recommendation that instead of this be first read on Saturday? No,
I'm not really happy with this. It'd be the first screen because we can choose to meet to waive the first screen, let it be the second and adopted we can choose to do that.
But the first week the final vote will be on whatever we fashion at the meeting. Is that where they're doing some amendments at that time?
Well, I mean, it will be back in front of zoning and languish in September and may be changed in that committee meeting and if there are specific requests made the general body airpad meeting that something be changed then those changes may be made also out of the form that we get it when we get it for first read it's not always identical to the form that we get it when we vote. So it does doesn't necessarily come back. I was gonna
see raises those questions. I guess when I was suddenly thinking is that this back and forth with it creates multiple first reads because it's amendment changes in and so that there's a 30 day no we don't we don't vote I'm clear now but that's
sort of somehow that's what I was gonna be the last time they use my fly. Was the paper that you were walking, so to speak. And so the first reason I wouldn't know what that meant when we used to fly. Well, I thought it was again because that was dealt with like a one on the last on the bathwater resolution section. And our meeting it was It wasn't from Committee.
It was it was a process that we had arrived at some time ago. And forgotten exactly if you whatever the resolution would be brought before the body as an FYI before it was brought forward by his business. So yeah, and whether you call that FYI, First Street, I think it was somebody said something a few months ago about hope. Let's not call it FYI. Let's call it three. That was just what you call it.
If the mountain President put on their first reading on the actual and it should be made no second read and voting. I don't care. So
that clear data.
Those are only two resolutions but to have to
also at this that we've been presented to, I guess parliament. Another compelling it's a transportation issue, but it's an attempt to produce practical solutions for for citizens. That dealt with the right paperwork. Richard Taylor, and I collaborated on it. We sent it to Jim and Jim gave us a real reasonable response as to why we should send it to the committee. But there was an additional resolution that Richard and I collaborated on and it was trying to take some remedy for citizens who have long disrupted delays and
that those train tracks, you're conflating two different things that I said in an email. No, no. So the one that the thing that I should go to the comedian he was a bit about the acrp.
A third time he told me
and the reason I did that was because we don't have a public safety committee that showed that if you want a public safety related resolution to come before the full body, you don't have a committee to bring it
through. So we are going to revisit this as
well. We I had suggested that we discussed that at this meeting. So as being as being an appropriate process, that if you if you have a resolution that you as an individual member would like to see brought to the body, but that the logical path forward is through a committee doesn't exist. How do you deal with that? And what I had said was Well, but the logical way to deal with that would be to bring it through. Okay, what process was
the gentleman what's his name right now we need a resolution
to do that. And Mr. parliamentarian before going to a committee.
That won't be the last time the last time I introduced a resolution for myself personally to the full body. There was backlash about process.
So Committee of the Whole is a process that have identified the problem supporter, and the reason why I think it's a bad idea is that aid in my opinions, the Committee on a path has turned into a dumping ground of issues that are not only the purview, and we really start getting to that so the Committee of the Whole allows all 25 voting members to become whatever committee we need to be, whether it's public safety, whether it's utilities, whatever committee it is, and we can then take that issue in union and forward that information to still working on your one page. I will have it ready right now.
I think this idea of you right there saying well,
if glory wants to bring a resolution before the full body this month, are you going to have a procedural problem?
I'm going to have the same issue I have viewers, okay, which is that we should not be creating a precedent when individual people can
watch. But but that's that's what you said about
but I'm also giving you a committee of the whole is not the actual process with that is created to deal with committee issues.
So your recommendation would be for the President to create a committee of the whole during the meeting. Okay, so
a community hall was when the body goes from being into our living room we physical onto a committee meeting, and we deal with committee issues, such as introducing a resolution and then reach we can pass the resolution then once we get done become avocado, and then the body can vote on that resolution because current with
the full body. Yes. Okay. You can do it in the meeting. Right. So then, but if you glory which I would like to introduce this resolution, can we go into a committee meeting of the whole? Yes. And then we would say Okey dokey, do that. And then Gloria could introduce her resolution and then we come back out
Correct. Okay. Yes, that if that committee doesn't exist, you can't go into that committee as a whole. So it could just be brought before the body is discussed in that measure? Can
I've been doing research on this, madam president, and you can because the committee will hold because you think critically this is gonna have a chair right? You actually appointed chair for the committee and what the cause we don't have that committee.
So what I'm hearing is no undue delay. We've got folks lingering in jail for now since April, so outwardly can expedite you're saying this will be attended to
interview find that
way now. We have a public safety issue with a transportation issue. What is the issue? No, no, no. That was some unnecessary confusion. They forgive yourself. Yeah. Because I can usually it asked me
two questions. My waist that's actually introduced something about that. Yeah. We don't need anything here. Right.
Because we don't have a public safety committee. The other one that's gonna stay in cvhs. Transportation,
we have one load train.
Yeah. We care about that. I mean, it's like it's
the best transportation media shoe we have a transportation. That's right. But the other is a public safety issue and we don't have a
title. That's instead, the white one around us that we're going to shift into the Committee on a par with hopes that we can get it out of there. And then we can learn about what's important later on.
I'm not sure parliamentarians have this file, but as a member of the body I will be objective because that is a procedural error. That is bad precedent. It's not how you do that. There is a way to handle resolutions that you either can't get to a committee or you can't have committees and it's there's a process is called the Committee of the Whole that is a formal process to do that. The way that we're talking about just given to the committee, that is that is that is what you're doing. Is you're making that committee essentially bigger and stronger and given him more purview when that's that's the unintended consequence. I understand your issue, and I support your issue, but the process has to be right over making a bigger issue. What because what happens when that committee doesn't bring another issue? From the other members about things that are distracting the regular body?
But what I could see that would be my fear. Yes.
Well, that's a problem. Well,
I could see in light of the fact that you don't have your transportation committee. And until transportation though, I mean, public safety.
I'm telling you, this is water cancer with that. It's called you go into a committee of the whole because then you create the committee right there must be appointed chair, you do the business, you come out and then you vote on this,
if you will, a document is said to be what the basis for you're saying it's precluded from going into the committee of APEC in light of the fact that we don't have a public safety if you can show something that clearly makes me feel like this behavior this, this, this issue falls within that, then I'll say yes,
well, in other words, if I was to say if you have a committee, you send it to committee.
Well, I'm gonna have to say what No, there's nothing that says that you can't send it somewhere, that instead what we're not going to ask a public safety issue because we've never felt unsafe.
As far as that goes, I don't see any reason why an individual member can introduce something on the floor and me. And I don't think there's anything inconsistent with Robert's Rules about that. But the last time I tried it, I got all countries pushed back
to that, because there are 25 people who was born and then 25 people came to every meeting, trying to induce the resolution. We will be there forever. So we have a process that we've been using to make it more equitable, fair, but also
never happened in the 60s.
Because we don't allow people to walk in resolutions. We don't do that. We've never I remember, I remember when I first got a PAP and Terry Ross come in here to give them such a hard time. We've been doing resolutions that he was reading from handwritten notes. And you always say no, that needs to be printed. And then they started printing them out at the meeting handling. Yes, I know. That's not the time to read. Like that's that's that's what's happened is we cannot we cannot blame the
price. That was why we came up with the notion of an FYI we're first street.
Yeah. Do you think it gets to this within that tension? Right, like that's how you actually get work done. It's messy, but that is a part of getting work done.
So we can move on this weekend.
I think we should make a decision here about the process by which glorious acrp resolution should be
handled. Mica ran out last night directly as planned, and we can probably make quorum now with this department all these people worked out. We barely made more than we were in the outreach in the community, which was terrible.
And I know you're in my neighborhood.
Oh yeah, we made it. There. The main
characters what you're proposing some additions? Yeah. Doesn't
know I mean, I don't know what the what the resolution would do. So I am genuinely asking maybe it does do that.
Because when these decisions come back to whatever we decide in terms of whatever is decided it comes back to us and then the whole board has to vote on whether or not we're going to move in whatever direction we're gonna have to vote on this resolution.
Madam President, I will take a motion on this issue. I will take my my own leaf use. If you are comfortable with a public safety resolution on a path. I'm gonna leave the house.
Okay. What are we talking about? The letter colleges wants a support letter for ecrb.
There's a solution now, who has
a resignation
that she wants to introduce.
And is it coming from the transmitter chip?
No, it's coming from it's gonna come from the Committee on a path but it's a public safety issue.
It's coming from the board and she has no way of bringing it in for the body because the only process we seem to have were the bodies right before the appropriate video and in this way, it gives over to company destinies in this case. And what I've said is I can remember how
to do it the right way.
Well, and to your point about being responsive to things that happened like I think this is a genuine
if there is a transportation, there's public,
public safety,
public safety issue, and we don't have public safety committee. Am I understanding you correctly? With the committee? Is that that can be presented to the HR body and what happens after that. So like,
literally when we get to committee reports, Laurie to say I have a bad report that would have come in public safety. And you know, Madam President, we're going to clean the house and we discussed this and to get so So
yes, the report but what she needs to present it as a resolution. It can be
asked for action, so it'd be a resolution but that's where we get the reports and actions from the committee. So that you can say okay, there's a motion about community how they make one the second and then you do not share that? Right because you're going to deal with it. When it comes back to the new hope we then become a certain body with the same members. We're no longer the apex board. We're not a pack Committee in the House. And then you can appoint a chair that shouldn't be Gloria because she's not bringing the issue anybody else. And then we go through she presented with the payment, if we choose to move forward with it, that will be coming. We say okay, we want to move forward with X, Y and Z. And it will come out to me that we have to revise it, and we will for the body that we vote on it again. But at the pass the Committee of the Whole is going to pass the bar exam, but that was the proper way to do it.
There we go, Mr. parliamentarian and set your interpretation as well.
But this is not the issue, which is how we get through the correct process in APA so that we don't come back later on trying to tell somebody you can't do this when they hit us in the face but Oh, you did it with such ease anxiety. So that's why I asked him to find out as much as he could find out for me about convenience, so that we would know what we can and can't do. So migration to you. They've already if you have a resolution that you and I think you said Richard or Jim. Elaborate okay,
I sent it to Tim and Tim.
So now you're on the other resolution. You're back on transportation.
Which which resolution of which What are you What is it that you want to present to the body? Is your resolution?
Well, we haven't drafted the rest of it. That's
what I'm saying.
Is the concept of a resume, not yet.
There is the confusion is there hasn't been another resolution that we drafted. That transportation issue what the transportation issues to deal with no resolution and in fact,
no. Let's deal with the Lord knows what she wants the resolution to say. But there is a resolution, but it has not yet been written. Yeah. Okay. I offered to help but what I said there was I have no idea how we can get this people with a body so and we discussed this at the executive committee and then the resolution
created out will
help you get to the bottom but this is the same thing he said at our last meeting. This is exact same thing that he said in the meeting. He said that I will help because I think what's his name friend offered the tiptoe he says I will help but we don't have the public safety.
Solution for
I will help you get into the bind. I'm not I'm not opposed to
it worries. No worries. Now that we've gotten this all cast up, Arctic is
nothing. I would encourage you to be written in letter form. And I think it could just be presented to the body that too. And if if there's a letter we've gotten, we've gotten in trouble before where we have the concept of a letter but if there's a draft letter to give a percentage that people can read, and they can say, Yes, we support the president sending this letter to whoever it's addressed to. We can get through it. In one meeting can be done,
but we hate again. Can you do it and get the letter to me no later than Wednesday morning. So I get credit for Saturday's packet. Switching to
resolution a letter one letter
we get the way he frames issue sometimes i I will pick you back up and maybe wordsmith a lot.
Okay, but whatever it is that you want us to deal with as it relates to that issue. You need to get it in hand to me no later than Wednesday morning. Because I have to get that stuff to get the credit. And that's I feel like the
city of Flint can also be just as
but if you know you know thankfully this is
a public meeting last month. Yeah.
Okay. I don't see any resolutions for the committee, or the committee.
We don't develop committee. They don't have a resolution, but we do have a report.
Yeah, they have a report. Yeah, that's I'm looking to house check to see if any resolutions. So there won't be resolutions, but they will be bringing motions on the resolution council. So I don't see any resolution
while chair if we before we move on to the next topic. I want to go back one more step up. To the board appointments. I think we open.
We have we have two pending applications right now. From this distribution fee,
P in India as a PDF
and that's for the acrp and then you have I gave you all her information lies in the back of you and the last two pages of your packet is the endorsement from the president Jasmine. Okay. On behalf of Mr. Richard Taylor is seeking to be appointed to be online. So, Mr. J, of course is the delta x are the voting member. For cases we will be there Saturday appears to answer any questions about both the appointees that determine the person and see what they can do with it. All right. So you have in this room, you have to speak because I'm looking at papers over you.
Just as a point of reference, legislation has been introduced to sunset the Public Safety Commission. So that might soon be going off our agenda completely.
Well, you know, they had a meeting, I knew something was going on, who introduced the legislation to these words,
the author of the legislature,
the author of those he can't submit it because he's on all counts, not the original,
updated version. Keisha wait councilmember wait.
And she received a favorable recommendation unanimously out of the Public Safety Committee.
So sunsetting the commission that
we had, we had four people that were appointed and our public safety shippers
as well working groups and all working in this issue, they had a few meetings, they did meet a couple athletes, and now they are sunsetting which yes, it makes make sure never exist in the first
semester, notify me that they have not received notifications. So
are they gonna notify the committee members that the committee itself is sunsetting? Or they're just gonna be pretty quiet?
I'll ask Eric if he has gotten this notification because when they
censored the short term rental
to this day, I still receive
just two, so we got to go over to the board commission appointments. Then we got the resolutions taking care of strategic planning. That hasn't moved up. Yet. We got down to planning your presentation. The scope to these upcoming meetings for the bylaws Debbie has sent over. She sent over her report she sent over also request that for the next committee meeting held August 24 At six o'clock we got CHS land use and zoning September 4 September. 11th. Every executive committee
have the same question still September 2, just a second September 2 that are out there. No, no September. Where are you? The meaning is that not a holiday for the first Monday. In September. Always a holiday.
wouldn't be so holidays. Jim, I never ever met
lapsit Gym loyal
every night but gyms for me. It paid off on holiday but before it was on holiday
every time Yeah, we talked about the problem was having meetings scheduled on the first Monday was Mondays tend to be popular holiday days. And I was
looking at a potential new day.
I should tell you mentioned it I'd forgotten that that's all okay.
Let me know if you make it make a change between now and Wednesday.
Yeah, yeah. Okay, machine. Are
you still a member of the bylaws committee or Yes, you are. So you're not you're no longer an ex officio member, you're now an appointed member or
parliamentarian that's what gave him under the bottom off but I was he was
an ex officio member. Now he's an appointed member.
So proud materias ex officio
members. That's his language I was I was a member of the body because of the position. So
the European member, yes.
ex officio by the power of that seat you are in that position. You can
be appointed to be an ex officio member. It's not necessarily a seat that you occupies
based upon that seat, ex officio office,
but it can also be because
we will agree to disagree, Your Honor.
I didn't I didn't know I couldn't remember when you had resigned as parliamentarian. I was looking at the date on the report and
so I have not been removed for the pleasure of the President. By the seats. Oh,
not officially been appointed to be
removed. I've been I've been told the target of bad blood. Jim. Do you want me off the Bible committed?
I was just asking a question. I'm only doing the mystery
can be utilities could be transportation committee and utilities committee. I need you to have me okay. Even if you have to have your meeting, just like committee on a pair before to join body, whatever you have to do. We need you to have meetings.
Go ahead. Just I want to send out a letter so I didn't get an opportunity to ask you.
And why are you sending out letters? Let's go ahead and take care of everything you're supposed to be taken care of. When are you going to send out the letters about the
so I've been lobbying you to get some more money. Well,
here's the thing.
This is versus our finance secretary who should be doing
continuing continued September he's just knocking on the door. As suggest that we go ahead and move the award ceremony to December that will give you a feel for our Christmas for our Christmas meeting. That is all that we would do. That that gives you enough time to get your letters out get your nominations from the US and then hit you hit me up for as much money as you can. You're up
to the are you in agreement with that? Yes.
We were speaking about those committees and the committee and when Richard has decided to come on and serve harbor transportation when they say that I agree with then ideal time is before the big meeting. You know, you've already got to be in place but this isn't just can't make those not, you know, early morning meetings on Saturday. I also take note of what was his name to read.
He really
had an aggressive campaign to try to get close to come on. And so again, my impression is that we've spoken up a number of times in our regular meetings and I'm not sure again, Richard is going to
so everybody will know I am sending letters to us. This is G through L and we are asked for them. Once again, please send me nominations for the acrp also send you with the packet that Mr. Reid sent to me the information that he wants them to know before they make that decision to say yes, I want to do this. That save us a lot of work. Mr. Kessler had to say
yeah, while we're still on committees, if the doctor to speak about committees, the general body meeting and the bylaws committee where we take it up as well that we give due consideration to how much effort we want to spend on pulling putting these committees together at the end of the year versus having foresight as to where we should be headed and what that committee structure look like.
This brings us into our presentation for Saturday on the strategic plan. And we're scheduled
to define the board structure,
committees and executive board positions. Define committee structure with roles and responsibilities
that is
an issue with what whether we needed an education committee and what does it do for instance, I'm in education committee reduced, I think to seminars when I first came that was Patterson was the chair precisely we do educational videos
basically she here's the thing that the education
adopt the mascot or something, I think
she started working on that. That is going to be used in conjunction with the schools and all that they never got with that. Ultimately, we have not had a functional Education. Mr. Hunter has expressed to me several times that he thinks we need to keep education. Personally, I really don't think we need an education committee. Committee council needs to be restructured and issues that we are dealing with the cities do they, for example.
I don't think we need to get into that discussion now. We're going to have the discussion as the body on Saturday. Yes. So we are trying to get done with this meeting in one minute. So I think we can say this appointed discussion and debate the merits of
any opportunity. Just an example of what I mean.
Rushing I said two things I want to say one goes back to when you said you're going to send out this letter again. So that means are we holding the appointments for the ecrb? are we inviting Dr.
Scissors has already come in later, too.
Because I want to give her a heads
up to we have a candidate who has just been out here's the thing, just because the candidates appear at a particular meeting does not necessarily mean that we have to vote off at that time. We can reserve voting to vote on all candidates. But ultimately, still have to send out these notices. I think Mr. Casper broke it up at the last meetings asking him all the NP use for that those slots are built. So I think it's somewhat
close the leaders add an additional layer of what we think assessed in choosing those nominees because it's there very
major resend to you all that sent those of the apologies. It was it was what six or seven pages and how much time is required. Do you all still have that or do I need to be sent them to the board so that they can be themselves
the other thing I wanted to mention that will also be part of the conversation about the governance of the board and stuff like that that was going to be done. Is it the bylaw committee is recommending that we move our elections. So that's part of our report. We read it that's one of the big takeaways that we that we are that will go hand in hand and what we're going to be discussing, but that will come after the presentation but I think that is you know we should leave it at that be part of the sausage that the bar committee has looked at that we have discussed. And I believe it's unanimous that we need to really look at moving our ledger
because it caused us a conundrum.
So that's that's my two points.
Do you have anything posted? No, of course not. I do. I do I do. So a quick it's not really an update but a quick update on the timeline or on the next step. So in September, and September we'll have someone from the Department of City Planning in Africa. So I'm sorry, I was distracted. We focus in at the July meeting of the committee on AIPAC there was some discussion. I don't even remember what the discussion was. But I mentioned in that discussion, that I have been working pretty diligently to shift the focus or shift the way of thinking so that departments will see a path as their first stop when they are creating engagement plans for large statewide initiatives, not their day to day operations, but for citywide initiatives. And with the CDC I had I thought it was a really good opportunity for the department. So these electromyogram to lead the way, especially considering all the discussion that this board had around zoning point out and that engagement plan. I thought it would be a good time to really show how it should be done and really a learning experience for the department and for eight as well. So I'm really happy to report that in September, our department will be presenting to AIPAC on the engagement plan for the CDP. Right, right, right and take feedback and on the engagements presented on the plans and the feedback on engagement plan and then coming back in October, if there are any updates to the back in October, so it's a small win. But it's a big win for me because you're working on it for a long time. So a really good one I think for AIPAC and for branding and so there's that. Also working on getting the CEO invested Lana will be supplemented Dr. Ellen's implemented to drop by and visit with a pad I made them aware of the conversation that was had and saw the motion there was there was some action taken by this board. I'm sorry, I just don't remember the details and I don't have my notes in front of me. But the the action that was taken was requesting us to send investment Lanta a request for them to provide your report. That's what it was of the voting items. Provide the enthusiasm sorry, not y'all but to provide the chairs with the report. of the voting items. So we had a really a couple of really positive conversations there. And then I asked the CEO, would she be willing to come and talk to AIPAC at some point by the end of the year? So she was very quick to agree to do that. So we're working on getting some scheduling down there. And Commissioner Prince is also working on scheduling a well overdue introductory visit.
And assuming pursuant to our last meeting, I did see the first week
good. Yeah, very were very willing. There was no there was the only pushback was around the process. It's easier for us, and I think for the MP who's I think it's safer and he's good for the MP us and easier for us if the process mirrors our existing zoning process. Not that they're perfect, but because it's what the employees are familiar with, as opposed to how it works now, which is you know, you can check the website to stay in the booth, or you can hold that the applicant will come to the FPU and be clear about what they're asking for. And it's just not reliable. And it really depends on the MPU and their level of savvy, their level of experience and all that stuff. So they were more than willing to meet. I won't even say me halfway, they were more than willing to do what the MPs are asking for.
I think also
show me the GRP about sending out.
Only one that didn't have our code into your
machine is in our region. And I
haven't seen a response. I'm glad you reminded me of that because I actually forgot. Okay, I actually forgot, but I did send that email
you sent a request. I just didn't. I mean, I didn't see a response to your request I haven't seen in Delaware begin.
So I don't want to lie on that. So before I leave here, I'm gonna check and see if they responded to me. Okay, so as you can see, this is a new laptop. My dad's I went a whole week before I got like, this is a loan. But yeah, I've had back issues and it's made me fall behind and stuff. So
the approvals or other times when investigated because those entities with some of the report may not be the
ones in there. Are there times that yeah, yes. Yes. Yes. So technically, and this is this has been part of our conversation, but I would rather have just in the interest of time and the purpose of this committee, I'd rather y'all have that conversation with Dr. Clemente when she comes or whoever from the staff that you know, attends with her. But technically, they're not required to go to the MPU at all. By law, there's nothing by code that requires them to go to the MP at all. This is a matter of policy. They're coming to the interview as a matter of policy, because that's investments policy. The city we don't I don't have the
authority to make you they just recommend that they consult with the
community. No, they required their policy requires.
This was very cooperative. Most of the public money was getting given away is passing through the coffers. I play AFC and they go under
development authority of Fulton County
development authority for
the AFC
AC which is the Department of Family and Children's Services.
Or just FYI. Complete a report. Alright. So on the strategic implementation, I believe y'all have this already in your packets. The FA n goes up to four rules of engagement and decorum draft number two, what we tried to get involved last month but we were having printer issues so we couldn't but I believe we get this out. This is the version that has the recommendations from the body highlight of the board highlighted in yellow. As well, money is now printed out for you. We'll also distribute this on Saturday. This is the draft. It has the feedback and we have not heard any anything else on draft number two do not forget over bad We've not heard any other feedback on draft number two, but considering that it incorporates it should be towards the back of your packet like second to last page or visit us online. After the bill
since it was so conservative she sent out
so this is this is this was from I think July or June when we first introduced this
No, no
no, no. No. It's one survey great that there's there's no second survey at all for you
know I'd be I always do
one survey. It was sent out multiple times. Maybe that's the chosen one. Yeah, that's it. Once you do so
people all over the place and I'm just trying to catch up and keep up. Okay, so, the in of course for May June, the goal was to adopt your mission and purpose. We did that as a July meeting. Of course we started a month late in the first place. So we're great job being cooperative, so that we can keep on the timeline so that we can catch up and stay on the timeline. But we did adopt the mission and purpose in July. We've not received any additional feedback on the rules of engagement. It's a quorum as I mentioned, and the adoption in July was moved to was deferred to August. So this should be on your agenda for August, or it'll be a part of my report in August and hopefully adopted. And if there are any edits or recommendations, I hope to receive that in advance so that we can prepare a final draft for y'all to review for July, August according to the strategic plan that you all the timeline that you all adopted for July and August. We will be focusing on the board and committee structure their roles and responsibility, the scope of DCP support and establishing a united voice or a unified voice. I'm sorry, the we did do the survey. We gave you all a couple of extra days which proved to be very helpful. We got 13 responses to the survey, which is more than I hoped for. In my mind. I was hoping for a majority of the average of folks that attend in the averages that might teens I was hoping for 10 We got 13 which is the majority of the actual board which is even better. The responses were we'll have that for you on Saturday. The responses were very thorough and helpful mostly mostly thorough and helpful. And surprisingly similar. Yes, not only surprisingly similar I'm very happy to report that they were exactly what actually they would be I was really hoping that the board would be on the same page and stuff the ballot. Right. I mean, you'll see your response to feedback so you'll know who will share that and you'll see your response will
be IP addresses given with this survey. I'm sorry.
Absolutely not
that how IP addresses
so that was an indication.
Yes, so we did. We do have the MPU. But that's not how we're providing the responses just like with the last month, how we provided the responses. We just printed out the response without any identifiers or anything like that. We'll do the same this
is definitely a way to
identify the thread that ran through when you say that they were there was some harm Yeah, there was a lot of similarity around committee structure around board structure around membership structure, and kind of overall what takes a path in a good direction and just positivity about where we are a couple of months ago. Alright, so with that we have like I said Saturday we'll have all of that available along with our recommendations. The Oh, yeah. So we'll have our recommendations around committee structure, board structure and everything else. And for September, October, look in the head. You will that the focus is on dashboard and related responsibilities and I believe you have that as well. Yeah, they prepared this nice little cheat sheet for you to know what lies ahead. So you've got establishing the task for September, October is establishing the dashboard to track progress and identify dashboard gatekeeper and then develop the standard operating procedures for critical tasks, which we've already been working on for several months now. So just we've been editing that as we go along as we hear new things from y'all. We're working on that a little bit, but we'll have that for sure. In September for September so last but not least. Oh, the election that was also included in the survey as well. And I think everybody vote one if I remember correctly, I don't have it in front of me. I was trying to pull it up to have in front of me because I knew there will be questions but my laptop is black screen right now. So I think everyone except one person, perhaps or two people were in support of moving the election to March. I think it's what the survey asked her that whatever the survey asked, everyone voted yes, except for one or two people. And overall, people were supportive of the smaller number of committees smaller number of elected officers and each officer, each member being assigned to at least eight.
Now that action of moving the election is an amendment.
Yes, that discussion actually came from the Bible.
And so are we imagining that it will be discussed this month and voted on in September?
I don't think so. But the Bylaws Committee is very well of the
ones hotline. Yeah. I was wondering or if we postpone voting on moving the elections until we're already in the cycle that our current bylaws dictate elections. We're gonna have problems so
the Bylaws Committee discussed it. And the two of us are tasked per the report and coming up with how we get there, but we are not past the window of opportunity. But we have to present some language in September in order to stay on track. Okay, so languages
to timber voting on that language in October. Yes, we do they become immediately
unless we say otherwise. But yes, this was
what is the bylaws committee really did look at that very exhaustively. They had extensive discussion around what does
the law say about bylaws. It just tells you as soon as as soon as they voted
with them, you know what the conflict among those but the complaint is not enough, because there's a code sharing that they've become effective that they don't become effective until January.
If we're voting on that amendment. And we are and it fails, then we're going to need to vote on a nominations committee which
they thought was we knew that there was coming out and we get a pulse check from survey and be able to say yes, we understand that people want to move this direction. We just need to crack the language to get us in there.
To make sure was really presented as a complete after this because he
didn't know and it really was meant to be a pulse check to see if you would have an overwhelming people have an overwhelming number of people that are not comfortable with moving for the opposite. And it looks for now it is just the pulse check. But the pulse seems to show that people aren't comfortable making
collection also it is going to be a part of my report and part of our task was to read the flood given that report to so there seems to be you know, hesitation that it moves forward, that collected the drawing. So count on ourselves and we're gonna present it multiple ways. See how we get the feedback and hopefully we know the answer before we put it out there so we can swiftly move into that.
Is it getting a question or is it the totality in
so so this is a survey, and then our new bylaw committee chairs want to give it as part of our report? And she's going to be no we're going to be welcome feedback in terms of we are proposing Nestle to move the elections to march. You know what, you know what's the feedback that we've got another thumbs up? Then we'll be prepared to present that to the body to go into effect in the next 60 days after that.
And then are we expecting before March to have revised our definition of membership so that we will know who's eligible candidates for office are?
Yes, so the hope is that if it passes, then we also have a whole new amendment to the election process altogether.
Right. But under under our current bylaws, we have a definition of membership, which is membership. So it says certain people are eligible actions
on the service is and also the whole point and then with the election, is that we will know who the people are that are eligible, because the election would now be moved. And those who can run for office.
Well, no, we will know the people who will be eligible because we've all had our MPU election cycle and usually appointed their delegates, but we currently have bylaws that say that a PAP has 75 members all of whom would be eligible candidates for any a PAP offers. So
so the bylaw committee also made a motion to withdraw to withdraw that amendment. Because there has not been anything done with it for six months, pretty much and we weren't in the house. It's back to the membership
that you all had put on the table but never went anywhere. Correct.
And that was the support amount of the committee and because we want to produce something in tandem with what we're going to do. So yes, the members the question will be addressed. The election is to be addressed with and to make sure that I was comfortable moving,
but the the membership question is going to be addressed after the election timeframe. Questions are concurrent with concurrent with
first step will be to move to get approvals and will be elections. That will also give us time to then define membership and also the election process. First Election
move then redefined membership. Yes. How
did we deal with this constant drumbeat? That there's only 25 voting members coming from? City Law Department? That's the membership question. And what was your question? Okay.
That was all with my report.
He's not going to get a motion to adjourn. Second.
Wow, we did a great job. 70 minutes
I was concerned that he was taking me out with that whole resolution that he ran