Oh all right. Good morning, everyone. We will now call to order our regular session of Tuesday, July the 23rd. And if the clerk will please call the roll
this council member Scott Benson.
Council. Benson Yes.
Councilmember Fred Gerhardt at their favor Gabriela Santiago Romero. Councilmember Mary waters resident, Councilmember Angela Whitfield Callaway. Councilmember call me Jana. Second. Council President Pro Tem James. Hey, your council President Mary Sheffield.
Madam President, you have a quorum.
All right. Thank you there being a quorum. We are in session and we will start off with an invocation. We have joining us Pastor jacquelene Nelson from Davidson. Missionary Baptist Church. Good morning, Pastor Nelson.
Good morning. Good morning to you. It is my honor to be here this morning. And I am just honored to render prayer on behalf of our city council, and to those that are participating on today. So let us go to God and prayer. Eternal God, we come now in your presence. First of all God, we acknowledge that you are here with us. I thank you now God and I asked that you would continue to be with our city council God, that you would be with our chair with Mary Sheffield, oh God, and for all of our council members. I pray God now in these turbulent times in which we are living in, that you would give our council peace, that you would give wisdom that you would give knowledge and that you would give them God, what it's necessary to handle your business. I pray God now for the covering. I pray for those that are listening that are participating, oh, God, and God, I pray that you will continue to move by your Spirit. We know God and we surrender all unto you that we will handle those things that are pleasing in your sight. I pray to God for health. I pray for strength. I pray for our city, oh God, that they will make decisions that will carry out the business that's necessary to keep us strong to keep us healthy. Oh God. Now God moved by your Spirit. May your Shekinah glory field room may feel this zoom God so that they might know God that you are ever present with them. So thank you now God, honor Oh god, get your praise, Your Honor, and your glory. And in the midst of it all God, get your praise, for you deserve it all. And we thank you now, in the powerful name of Jesus we pray, thank God and amen.
Amen. All right, thank you so much, Pastor Nelson, for blessing us this morning with that beautiful invocation. Feel free to hang on virtually, if you would like to. If not, I do understand. So thank you for joining us, ma'am.
Thank you bless you. And thank you so much you, God bless you. All right, bye bye.
All right. For those who would like to make a public comment please make sure you raise your hand at this time we will cut off public comment after our presentation again if you are in person and or joining us virtually please make sure you raise your hand at this time as we will cut off public comment after our presentation. And colleagues we have a brief presentation this morning from BC in FEMA and we do have those representatives here in person with us who would like to provide an update and you can come join us here at the microphone those who are going to present.
In as you all speak to state your name and titles for the record and the floor is yours to begin Alright, that microphone if we can make sure it's on.
Testing one two, there it is. Good morning Raymond Scott BC.
Crystal Rogers General Manager Environmental Affairs for BC
Raquel Winton BC environmental specialist
Eric McCluskey I'm the floodplain management and insurance Branch Chief from FEMA Region Five
Thank you. And good morning to this honorable body, our president pro tem and each of you. We wanted to start off briefly by saying thank you, thank you to the administration staff and regards to our community rating system, new award that will be presented to you momentarily. And we also would like to thank you the honorable body because if it wasn't for you instituting the legislation, we would not be here today for this great award that will be also beneficial for all the residents of the city of Detroit that deals with floodplain insurance. So with that being stated, I'm going to turn it over to Crystal Rogers, who's our general manager and also floodplain manager for the city of Detroit. And she can give you a little background before we have the formal presentation. Thank you.
Thank you.
The community rating system is a program put in place by FEMA, to for the National Flood Insurance Program which allows communities to enact higher standards. And in this way to get discounts on flood insurance for all of our residents. Here at the city we've worked very diligently to impact or enact some of these higher standards. And through that we have get a class rating of seven which allows our residents to get a 15% discount on flood insurance. This is for all Residents regardless of if they're in the floodplain or not. So that's just a brief history of the CRS system.
And with that, I'll let Eric
do his presentation
thank you
morning. And again, thank you for having me here today. It's always an honor to be able to recognize communities that have gone above and beyond and taking proactive steps to actually reduce the flood risk and make local homes and businesses more resilient to flood disasters. As was said, the community rating system is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages communities to adopt higher standards and take on other floodplain management activities above and beyond those of the National Flood Insurance Program. Communities that join the CRS program, reduce flood damages to insurable properties. They strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program and encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management. Detroit is no stranger to flooding and the damages that come with it. But instead of allowing the disaster cycle to continue unabated, the city has taken proactive a proactive stance in protecting their people in places that define it. They've done this by joining the community rating system. As was said that hard work and vigilance is now paying off. I'm here today to announce that Detroit has earned a CRS class seven, saving up to 15% of flood insurance policies throughout the city. The city's accomplish this by taking on several notable activities one is preserving open space within the special flood hazard areas. Open Spaces the most effective way to eliminate flood damages by allowing areas to flood without fear of structures or other development being placed in harm's way. City officials implemented higher regulatory standards to help ensure that new repaired and reconstructed buildings and other development are more resilient to the risk of flooding. A lot of this success is attributed to local leaders who have dedicated their careers to making the city more resilient for flood disasters. This starts at the top with Mayor Duggan, city council president Sheffield City Council, all city staff but particularly I want to speak Play Special thanks to Crystal Rogers and Raquel Winton who are our floodplain managers and CRS coordinator here in the city. And so without further ado, on behalf of FEMA Region Five and the National Flood Insurance Program, I'd like to please present this plaque in recognition of the city's accomplishments
okay, okay, so colleagues looks like they want us to come down to accept the photo and we will come down now and do a pictures at the end of the presentation. Okay. And then just lastly, can you speak on how residents how do you go about getting the reduction in the insurance is there a number that you call do you reach out to your insurance provider just how do people take advantage of the 15% reduction
Sure, very simply, it shouldn't be automatic automatic when you contact your flood when you contact your insurance agent okay ask them to show you that discount. So this also only
automatic okay all right. Thank you all so much and colleagues we can come down now for a group photo.
bank machines appreciate it
All right, thank you again to be seated in the female representative for being here write news for the city of Detroit. And we thank the entire city for the work that we all collectively have done to allow for this to move forward. With that being said, We will now proceed to our agenda. And the Journal of the session of Tuesday July 9 will be approved. There being no reconsiderations or unfinished business. We will proceed to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee,
five reports from various city departments.
The five reports will be referred to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee or the internal operation standing committee.
Nine reports from various city departments.
The nine reports will be referred to the internal operations standing committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee
finds reports from various city departments.
The five reports will be referred to the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee or the Planning and Development Committee
by reports from various city departments.
The five reports will be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for the public health and safety standing committee. Six reports from various city departments. The six reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee. We will now move to the voting action matters under other matters. There are no items Madam President, under communications from the mayor and other governmental officials and agencies. There are no idols Madam President. All right. We will move now to public comments. And we have about 56 public comments. So we're going to do a minute and a half for public comments. And we will start with those who have joined us in person. Miss Betty Lyons you will be first followed by Adam Berry.
Last week, I hoped the Mandela fellowship listened, recognize and took to heart the satanic act by Dugan of refusing to release over $600 million in overpaid property tax belonging to Detroit residents. That hate is still prevalent, and same hate that refuses the reparation to blacks for slavery. Last week, Miss Williams spoke of integrity. Miss Callaway of truth, Mr. Whittaker still has not provided any evidence to the residents. Regarding this stolen money. We know lawyers defend and protect criminals of satanic acts, putting integrity truth and claim hands on the back burner. Do you know the danger of defending Dugan evils and turning your back on the residents? If you have one? Check your conscience.
Right. Thank you so much. And Madam Clerk if you can know we've been joined by councilmember Young as well as councilmember Callaway please.
Purple so Nope. Madam President.
Right. Thank you, Mr. Barrett.
Adam Barrett, Detroiters for Tax Justice. There'll be three of us reading a resolution to retract provisions of the Hudsons Detroit tax incentives today, which you should have before you I hope. Whereas Dan Gilbert's bedrock has received a total of approximately 260 million in tax incentives from the city of Detroit since 2017, to build a new tower on the former Hudson site. And whereas those tax incentives were predicated upon a promise of creating 19 176 new jobs to in turn generate 71 million in new city tax revenue. And whereas moving 850 existing General Motors employees in from the Ranson does not qualify as new job creation. And whereas minus 850 spaces the agreed upon job creation and tax revenue increase totals cannot be met with the remaining space in the Hudson's tower. And whereas both the mayor and the DGC were on record in 2022 saying the 71 million figure for the new revenue was based on the assumption that all jobs would be new. And whereas City Council's own resolution to own resolution on the issuance of the commercial rehabilitation exemption certificate for this project stated that such issuance was predicated upon having the reasonable likelihood of increasing and or retaining employment. Next.
Okay, thank you so much, Mr. Berry, Emily Barnes.
And whereas since the tax incentive requests were made, the Hudson's project has been scaled back in scope and scaled up in cost. And whereas the Skillman branch library remains close to the public due to the Hudsons construction site. And whereas General Motors will occupy the Hudson's building tax free for 10 years of vicarious benefit that stems from the federal opportunity zone designation meant for poor areas that Dan Gilbert got in 2018 after donating to Trump, and whereas the basis for both of bedrocks tax incentive request to the city were already highly contentious when made in 2017 and 2022. And whereas General Motors and its employees paid property and income taxes to the city of Detroit well at the red sand, but under the current transformational brownfield laws lobbied for at the legislature by Dan Gilbert in 2015. All tenants of the new Hudson tower will instead pay all those taxes to the developer bedrock for 35 years. And whereas, in 2018, bedrock negotiated another massive $618 million incentive package from the Michigan Strategic Fund. And whereas Detroit taxpayers are also state of Michigan taxpayers, and whereas Michigan's brownfield laws were updated again in 2023, so that developers can also capture sales and use taxes related to their properties. And whereas even with 2000 new jobs, it is impossible to generate $71 million in new tax revenue if bedrock is capturing all the property income sales and use taxes of all activities on its premises as per the transformational brownfield plan.
All right, thank you, Miss Myra Hyman, followed by restaurant.
Whereas rather than a net tax revenue gain of the foregoing represents a massive tax revenue loss to the city and a clear violation of the agreement that the incentives were based upon. And whereas the same issue has already seen at least three highly critical articles written about it in the news since April, and whereas the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, recently calling back tax incentives from the scaled back Marshall EB battery plant project sets a precedent for similar situations. Therefore, we the members of Detroiters, for Tax Justice do resolve that city council user to authority to revoke the commercial rehabilitation exemption certificate for this project, an option falling within their power under the commercial Rehabilitation Act, when the developer has not proceeded in good faith. We further resolved that in accordance with the Detroit civil rights inclusion and opportunity department requirements. Under the community benefits ordinance. We're monitoring such agreements, that City Council must, by resolution, revoke, revoke the tax abatement exemption certificate or initiate a call back against this non compliant developer.
Taking the time to press Milan, followed by L. Martin.
Thank you. We look forward to this city council holding a press conference to announce where they're going to return the $260 million in tax incentives to fund city services that are currently funded to return money to the Detroit schools that was taken from them to give to Dan Gilbert from money from the library. Money from the special needs children money from Parks. You hold the press conference and decide where this money should go. Let's have a positive outcome for this for everyone. I also want to on another subject bring up a serious concern in northeast Detroit, where brown enterprises the maroon family has put a cement mixing plant in without notifying the neighborhood and there's serious dust part particle issues going on in that neighborhood. I've walked the streets I've talked to the neighbors and the plan is for they have leveled acres of residential homes at six and Kona area, just northeast Northwest cool Warners and they are planning to put a concrete crushing plant there. You remember when cork town was facing that how the city council and B seed and the media and the public came against it and stopped it? Nobody's standing with us to stop this. And we're not going to have children walking to school breathing silica dust
up Mr. Bhalla?
Good morning. My name is Alan Martin. Martin, to our council, President, Council, President potel are phenomenal Council I'm here for two reasons. One is to support the Solar Initiative on behalf of district seven, Detroit impact and others who have been working alongside of the community, the solar project is simply one piece of the pie. We recognize that the city of Detroit has many, many challenges. That's just one piece that we need to do, in addition to many other things that that can help the city move a little bit further. But the residents of district seven have been working diligently with the district manager with a council member, FRED DURHAM, to put together a piece where where they're totally in support of, of this piece. Now I understand other folks have come in and tried to speak on their behalf. Many of the members of the community are here today to speak for themselves. The second piece that I wanted to bring the counselors attention. Back in 2008, the council approved the commission for youth and youth peace and justice. It was the Youth Commission for the city of Detroit. And it's been sitting dormant for since that time, we'd like to have the council bring it back. Because the young people in the city deserve a right to be at the table and then make some decisions for the city of Detroit. I thank you so much. And I appreciate your support for the project for both solar and for the
thank you so much, sir, we appreciate you. Thank you for sharing that. Donald sistrunk followed by Larry Johnson. Good morning, I'm
I'm here to in favor a solar panel for district three, that which will bring the house of Phoenix that shall be utilized by the public and the city of Detroit. And with that being said, I'll grant that to my granddaughter and the funds that are she'll receive will be used back into the city. Thank you.
Right, thank you so much. Larry Johnson.
Warning, calm. So I support the solar panel initiative. And it'd be real good for the city, not just for the people living in the neighborhood but also for the city, because it will be another way they can save money through solar energies supporting the buildings and different things. And I hope you look favorable on the solar panel Initiative and the people that receive estimates on their homes. I hope you hurry. I mean, I hope that you support that also.
Thank you sir.
Thank you so much. Major Bob Tillman. Former senior airman.
Good morning. My name is Major Bob Tillman. I'm with the Tuskegee Airmen. Detroit chapter in whom the honorable Coleman a young was one of our members. Tuskegee Airmen was the first black pilots in the military. If it wasn't for the Tuskegee Airmen, World War Two, we would have lost it. So I think we all deserve a great round of applause for our Tuskegee Airmen. And thanks, Bill Coleman, a young junior. We are just so proud of him, taking him in his father's footsteps. And I'm here on the initiative. This district seven solar energy power for our young people. Thank you very much. God bless all of you.
Thank you, sir. God bless it was well.
Alex gilsdorf Diane van born will be next everyone.
I'm Alexandra gilsdorf, also known as the Econ guy, and I'm here to trust my stronger and stronger support for Detroit's hybrid solar panel initiatives. This program is a game changer for our community transforming vacant lots into sites of clean energy production. Economically, this initiative offers substantial benefits. It lowers energy costs for residents providing financial relief and enabling families to allocate their savings elsewhere. Additionally, it creates local jobs from installation to maintenance, boosting employment opportunities and stimulating our local economy.
The initiative also enhances long term economic stability by generating 33 megawatts of solar energy. It's significantly offsets the electricity required to power 127 minutes of pull buildings, including City Hall, police and fire stations and recreational centers. This transition to renewable energy reduces our dependence on volatile fossil fuel markets, ensuring more predictable and stable energy costs. The community benefits packages impressive, homeowners in the SOAR footprint receive substantial compensation, energy efficiency upgrades with at least $15,000 per home, and potential reductions in energy goes by 10 to 20%. I'm here to to support the solar panel initiatives. And I think I thank you all.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Good morning Council members. I'm Diane Van Buren. I was here last month, representing the green taskforce Renewable Energy Committee and shared with you some of the information of how far we have come in Detroit with recognizing how we can be a green city. I started 20 years ago with Councilman cockerel and the green Taskforce. And so being a lifetime resident of Detroit, I am so proud that our city has come so far. So yes, I am in support of the solar neighborhood initiative. And there are many reasons why I am co owner of a woman owned solar business in Detroit. My partner Diane, the other Diana's were affectionately known in the city, has sent to each of you statement about reasons why we support this initiative. But let me let me just change it a tiny bit here today. And talk a little bit about the climate in the country. Right now. We're talking about climate change. And there are some folks out there who are denying climate change. And we just heard all about it last week at the Republican Convention, can Detroit prove to the world that renewable energy is not just a Solar Initiative, but it's an economic engine for our city, that we will be known as innovators, that we will be bringing more innovators to the city because we're the ones who are going to be doing things differently. And I just get so furious that the climate change deniers, the folks who are saying the Biden money is being wasted. How's it being wasted when it's creating jobs? Let's support the Solar Initiative. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the Okay, thank you. Mia Williams, Jerry Flynn Dale would be next.
Hello, my name is Mia Williams. I'm illegally being evicted. This is a judge dismissed it and this lady keep putting me out. Keep talking about she gonna put me out the building don't get shot up. I can show your stuff on the phone on my phone. She keeps threatening me and putting me out because I came to her with a complaint. And every since then, she just keeps harassing me and I pay my rent through time. She returned back and said you get you still get now this is a judge that told her he dismissed it. And she's still going over a judge here. I had to come down here because I heard you and the mayor talking about it. So please help me thank you.
So number waters.
Thank you, Madam President. I'm looking from staff. It must be an office. Oh, could come to all one of y'all get the information from from her please so that we can reach out. Thank you. We'll be in touch. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President. Thank
you. Councilmember waters, Jerry Flynn do
the morning City Council. Morning. I'm here to in support of the Solar Initiative. I believe it's going to be beautiful for residents in the city of Detroit and people to have solar at home. A lot of people are trying to drive the electric vehicles and I want to put a charge Just stationed at my house and have solar on my garage so that people can come by and charge their cars up. I will be very scared to drive a electric car. And I don't know if I'm going to run out of electricity. So I think this would be very good in the city, Detroit new move the city for forest technological. That's all I have to say for right now.
Thank you.
Thank you for letting me speak.
Thank you for being here. At Mitchell. Anthony Thomas will follow. Hello. Good morning. Good morning.
Thanks, Pat Mitchell. And I'm the owner of five properties afford the O'Shea project. And it's a win win situation, I think for everybody. And it brings us forward to the future. Thank you.
Thank you so much for being here. Anthony Thomas. Followed by Kayo Kuntala.
Hi, thank you for having me here. So I'm here to again, show my support for the project that everyone is here speaking about.
I do believe that is a very, very unique and great idea to use solar energy to power the city in the community. And I've heard a lot of great things and ideas from providing job opportunities and lowering costs, as well as from all these lovely people behind me. And I just came in to show my support, and I can't wait to see where this leaves us in the future. Thank you for having me.
All right. Thank you for coming down.
Good afternoon, Council. I'm Kyle Candela from district two. And I know you're aware of my stance on the solar fields at this point, but with the way the city's PR team was pushing this information on its socials and still doesn't have any concrete answers to our questions. I'm here again to remind you that the city hasn't done enough work to be ready for this massive land grab in the movement of green energy. We need transparency, we need to be told that and I don't need to be told that I don't have a say on the social media post when two fields will be within the eyesight of my backyard. If the city money is being used and city buildings are the only ones being powered by the fields. Everyone should have a vote and everyone should have a say in this. We need an economic impact study actual cost analysis. How much to buy all the homes build the fields upkeep the land. How much does DTE stand to make as a contractor for these? How much are you actually saving by taking all this land and decimating it just for the city buildings benefits? Where are the long term and immediate environmental impact studies? How are you addressing the heat islands these cause the trees, gardens and green spaces you're raising? What's the 30 year plan after these contracts are up and what do you do with this property you're taking from Detroiters? How are you addressing overtaxing current citizens while losing the tax base in these areas? How are you addressing mass regional transit, which our lack of is a huge fossil energy issue? How does that how does this help our lack of affordable housing and walkable sustainable neighborhoods? Like the state fair ground that's next to a bus hub, a grocery store and everything else that could be great affordable housing? Did you thoroughly investigate any other options such as freeway sites? Or parking lots raising solar fields? green spaces below.
Alright, thanks.
No problem. Thank you for letting me speak.
Thank you so much. Elena Harada
Thank you. Good morning. I apologize for interrupting speakers when they're seeing things that I cannot abide. I suffered from a condition that makes it very hard for me to listen to lies without saying anything but I'm working on it. I'm here if we're carrying hammers comments. She says this, General Motors announced that they're moving their headquarters to the husband tower, bringing 850 of their employees from the Ranson these are not new jobs but relocated ones. Duggan and economic growth Corp went on record in 2022, saying the $71 million for the revenue was based on the jobs being new. In 2018. bedrock got a massive $618 million incentive package from the Michigan Strategic Fund. The state brownfield law was changed in 2023. Now developers can capture sales and use taxes related to their properties. GM will occupy the Hudson's tower tax free for 10 years stemming from the federal opportunity zone designation meant for low income areas that Gilbert got in 2018. After donating to Trump's presidential campaign, Detroit and Michigan taxpayers are fed up with unknowingly financing these projects. We voted for villages that are now siphoned off for pet projects. It's not about creating jobs but rather creating a tax haven for Dan Gilbert and General Motors. Also GM paid tax taxes property taxes at the rents and and its employees paid income taxes to the city. But under the new laws, lobbied for by Gilbert alternance of the new A to get developers I know you know this. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Thank you, Mr. Raja. Alonso de la parte followed by lying at words.
The morning, following. I have a problem. I need help. I've talked to Councilwoman Sergio Romero, I live in District Six. And she has known about this problem like since before she was elected. And she has ignored me the whole time. And also lies saying that, Oh, I've done everything I can when she has done nothing at all. And this is a problem that you will have the power to solve. If only you understood what the problem was. You need to sit down with me so that I can explain, you know, because in this a minute and 30 seconds, I can't properly explain this problem. But But yes. All right. Yes. So, so this problem, you'll have the power to solve it. And then also is a problem for everyone. I'm not the only one affected several people that are affected. And yeah, and then like, for example, you're paying too much for software services. Gee, if only there were a bunch of underemployed people in this city with a talent for software development, who could do this work for less instead of you getting price gouged by Motorola, and all these other companies that I'm seeing on here? Like, I need help. I need you all to listen, you know, to actually understand this problem. Listen, ask clarifying questions, because if you don't ask clarifying questions, you don't understand the problem.
Thank you. Thank you so much, sir. Santiago Amuro. Thank you, Madam President. Good morning, Alonso. Good to see you again. And the problem that you mentioned over and over and over again, you did not mention and that was the difficulty that you're having right now finding employment. That's a problem that many people have a problem that that we are working on. My office has helped you build out your resume. We've helped to connect to different job opportunities. We've met with you over and over again. You and I were actually friends before I became elected and now you are differently towards me and I understand it. And that's okay. I see yet you called for a recall for me for a third time. I see that I understand it, and I get it. But I have helped you over and over and over again. And I will continue to do so. But you're right. There's a problem that unfortunately, I cannot solve, but anything within my power we will continue to do. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President. Thank you, Councilmember Santiago Ramiro and if a clerk will know she's here as well. Mark also note, Madam President. All right, and we will move now to nayeem Edwards, followed by Ronald Foster,
morning Council. When I was nine members, I live in council president Sheffield's district and work in Pro Tem Council, President Tate's district, I work for Michigan State University and wanted to speak on the value of agri voltaic acts and support of the Solar Initiative. But after listening to the speaker, concerns over here, I'm fully in support and aware of the fact that equity is something that definitely needs to be kept in mind as this Solar Initiative is built out. And there's definitely a way to do that. I unfortunately don't know the exact details of how it is planned to be implemented. And I'm not sure if eminent domain, okay, so, eminent domain is what it is, but it is what it is, forgive me. we all we all recognize that there is a need for solar and alternative energy. Unfortunately, if folks need to lose their homes, there are also alternative ways to reduce our carbon footprint, alternative ways to reduce our climate impact as well in Detroit, and definitely ways to help Detroiters remain in their homes which have has been an issue for decades, to say the least. All that said, if there is an equitable way to implement solar panels and our communities, and you all enjoy strawberries, raspberries, hazelnuts, these are plants and crops that can grow beneath solar panels if the land can also be used equitably underneath these panels. And as a person who works for Michigan State University. I'm also aware that U of M has templates and models for ways we can implement that in our community. Thank
you. Thank you. Thank you so much for your public timing. Ronald foster followed by Eldrick Burton.
Good morning through the chair, liason who was once asked what happens to a dream deferred, and Martin Luther King acid, he said a dream deferred is a dream denied. Glad to see major Tillman in here. And I hope he shared the story of the premier field mutiny, which I think is important for our history. Dream of equality and dream of black leadership. That's what I want to speak on today. I appreciate everything. And our president is down to pack deck and, and everything. But now it's the time for us to show our support for whom the people through their delegates have nominated to be the president. And I think it's important that we do that. Not only do we have an opportunity here, we have opportunity to have black leadership and our local, federal and state legislators. Throughout the community, our state legislators have been coming out to community engagements, they're really listening to the people. And I think it's important that our community continue to come out to the community engagement, we have to take advantage of this opportunity to transform this city in this nation by voting. So that's it. We asked the black leaders when they do get in to maximize our opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless for our seniors, for our children, and our disabled. So I just appreciate everything. I'm very happy to see what's going on. I have one daughter, and it's good for her to visually see that any and everything is possible. And the quality does is this so I appreciate you all for this.
Thank you, Mr. Foster.
Mr. Barton, followed by Leo Brown, alibi, Destiny Williams.
give honor to God who's the head of my life and to my wife for supporting me in my endeavors and to the city council members for allowing me to speak on this podium issue that is extremely important to the future growth and development of our great city. I give deep respect and appreciation to the city council for giving all of your full and unbiased attention to the matter of solar farming, and the future of renewable energy proposal, or comeback city. As a government body, you all have gathered together a great host of public, public opinions, and a variety of professional agencies to speak on these matters of placing solar farms in our communities, weeding out the myths and the end the truth about the lack of danger that it may cause I call it the fear factor of the unknown by educating us on all the overwhelming benefits and opportunities we have to becoming one of the nation's first major cities to welcome such a futuristic renewable energy source in our communities, which I must say that my district tube has given 100% Complete approval of Well, the other seven districts selected has given upwards of 85% approval, only fear and miss out holding us back from becoming again the nation's first innovation and creation of technology and have done over the past as we have done over the past 100 years. My name is Elton Burton, I am a 71 year native Detroit resident, and oh, the city of Detroit, the director of the nonprofit organization, Miss Van and national community development operations.
Thank you for allowing
this. Thank you, sir. Bo Brown, alibi, Destiny Williams,
these ingredients Council. I wanted to share my support for the Solar Initiative. Want to share also, when this program was first introduced to me, I was vehemently against it.
Yeah, maybe just speak a little bit into the microphone. Well, we can hear you someone. Yeah, when
this program first came out, I was vehemently against it. I was putting a lot of money into our property. And we just had our own plan on what we were going to do to, you know, contribute to the city and the equity in our home. When this project came out. We were basically looking forward to other shooter drop as most proposals, you know, had that variable, and I haven't been able to find any, unless there's any, you know, malfeasance that we don't obviously aren't aware of. I haven't been able to find any. So I want to share some some notes that I took from meeting two weeks ago from lighthouse and DTE and the meeting that they had which all and it addresses a lot of the concerns that I'm hearing a lot of residents say so I don't think people understand that electricity cost Detroit $7 million annually. So solar panels will offset that because the power goes back to the city who was able to distribute it. However y'all please. Are we pleased I don't think they understand that land bank maintenance and these properties, dumping, and Detroit water and sewage Department reports not only crime and blight, and you know, a list of other things. But these are all overhead costs that vary tremendously. And we is very hard to compute that. We talk about the benefits of the solar panels. I'm not saying much that wouldn't benefit our people in our city for the future. So
thank you so much for sharing that. Thank you. Destiny Williams, followed by Janice Henry. Good morning.
My name is Destiny Williams, and I'm 18 years old, and I am in favor of the neighborhood's solar panel initiatives. People underestimate the effects of climate change. Growing up in Detroit, I had the privilege to grow up in a time where Christmas was a winter wonderland. Nowadays, this is not the case, when Christmas rolls around, I can only pray that snow will cover the grass on the ground. And the Motor City Detroit has contributed, push on to my generation, global warming and climate change is a huge issue. And this is our opportunity to redeem the damage that we've done. This, this initiative was built with us in mind. It's not just about reducing the cost, but it's about reducing our environmental footprint. I've worked with other programs such as the Detroit youth mobility Summit. And as a youth advocate for sustainability, I can see how impactful this project could be for our community and the long term benefits that solar panels and solar energy can bring on our community scale this project to bring people together reduce crime, and making Detroit a cleaner and safer environment for everyone. on the global scale, Detroit could be Detroit will be setting an example for tackling environmental issues and joining the fight against global warming and climate change. And for this to happen, we need your support. The first question I asked after reading this document was would people be removed from their homes? After listening to the people speak however, I'm sure there are improvements that can be made to ensure people would not lose their homes so that we can so that we support both Detroit, the city and Detroit the citizens. Thank you.
Thank you.
Miss Henry,
yes, how you doing? My name is Denise Henry. And
I'm here to represent the people that's on the street, homeless.
We've been homeless for two years, we'd be out we trying to reach out to get some help is no helps in the shelters. We sleeping on the flow, we need help. You see what I'm saying. So all the other things we need property out here. It's like it's nowhere rent is too high $1,600. Even if you work you can afford it. And there's so many people out here sleeping and I'm one. But two years, I haven't gotten any help. And I'm out here trying to get help. But the shelters don't have no room is nothing. So what can I do you help?
Thank you Miss Henry. I know that HRD came into the auditorium and are trying to assist you right now while you're here with housing. And so if we can continue to work with you to see how we can also address and hopefully help you get into some type of housing, but it's a serious issue in Detroit is no question about it. We have a lot of work to do around the issue of housing. And yes, a lot of people are so I understand. And so we are going to continue to work as hard as we can. But while you're here, let's continue to work with HR D to make sure that you have been processed that we have your information and we can kind of find some housing for you while you're here. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for coming up and speaking up about the issue of housing in Detroit. We appreciate you. Okay, that was our last in Person public comments. So we will now go to those who have joined us virtually. And Rittenberg. How many callers do we have?
Good morning, Madam
President. There were 46 people who had raised I'm sorry, 45 hand people who would raise their hands before you will cut off public comment. And the first caller is Ali Iqbal.
Gomorrah Yes. Hi.
So I'm here today to talk about the neighborhood solar panel initiative. This initiative represents a transformative step towards a cleaner, safer and more vibrant community. It's not just about solar panels. It's about creating an environment where everyone can breathe clean air and live comfortably. Through this initiative financial support will be provided. To make homes safer and more energy efficient. A well maintained vibrant neighborhood can deter crime and foster a safer environment for all especially young people. The comprehensive community engagement process ensured that voices were heard and the project was designed to meet real needs. It's what the community is sited based on what they see every day. This initiative serves as a powerful example of how cities can tackle environmental challenges while uplifting communities. It promises a cleaner, safer and more vibrant neighborhood offering Every one the chance to thrive, investing in sustainable energy today means a brighter, healthier future for all. I truly support this change, recognizing its potential to make a very real difference now and for generations to come. This isn't just a step towards solar, it's a step towards sustainability in our future. Thank you.
All right, thank you.
The next caller is Michael snipes. We're learning
by boring. Yeah, I'm a part of the Trinity paper community. And I'm also affected directly with a Solar Initiative. And I'm all for it, you know, I feel like this funds that I'm going to use is going to help me my family grow and get more property and more investments into myself. If I like I said, it's gonna get rid of the bright. And as far as to Costco, ultimately, in 30 years, I'm pretty sure the money was safe city was save money based on the fact that they creating energy from the fire. So no, that's to me. It's a win win. And also, as far as health wise, we already know, we've been, we have, we may have some unknown factors that we don't know about the sort of traditional, but we do know, all emissions and the co2 that's burned into the community is into the air atmosphere is worse, often it's already killing the planet. So we need to do something new. And that's pretty much all I really want to say about.
Right, thank you.
The next caller is William M. Davis.
Good morning, that'd be heard.
Yes, you can.
I like to speak on a very important issue to me in a lot of city, Detroit retirees, you know, the city of Detroit, you know, takes an annuity clawback from our pension check minds is almost $1,000 a month, some as low as $50 a month, some is over $1,000 a month. But yet, yeah, won't take back money from these developers to come up with all these promises and say they're going to deliver all these things. You know, all these are this capital and jobs and money to the city. But you know, quite frequently, a lot of them seem to scale back. The ones that do scale back, you know, if you could take if you could claw back money from city and short retirees to work for the city 2030 or 40 years, you know, longer than some of y'all been living, but Jawbone go out to the millionaires and billionaires. I think that's just wrong on so many levels. You know, I think I should give me a break and say the retirees a break on our clawback, you know, we should not have to keep paying, you know, something that the money's just coming out was our annuity savings, fun? How to subsidize our own pension. Whereas these millionaires and billionaires get these deals and promises and promises and promises and they don't deliver. But yeah, let's close your eyes to them. So I think something needs to be done. And I think both of them you need to call back if they don't live up to their original agreement. Thank you
the next caller Mr. Davis, apologies. The next caller is Beulah our Walker.
Right Good morning.
EULA Walker Good morning.
Good morning, Miss Walker.
All right. Can we come back to Miss Walker please?
Okay, the next caller is Maria Dievas.
Hi, Council. My name is Maria Diaz. I'm calling to speak in favor for the neighborhood's solar panel initiative. Because this is exactly what the city needs as a resident and advocate for sustainable development in Detroit. I have seen firsthand how impactful this project can be for our community. With neighborhood solar panels initiative, we will receive financial support making our homes and environment solar panel ready and safer. This means potentially reducing our energy bills with new solar ready homes with long term investments in our neighborhood. This is exactly what this initiative is about taking care of our young communities and investing in our future. The City of Detroit Right is partnering with developers to make sure that our voices are genuinely heard. And you and the city are committed in developing our young future we need Detroit to stay new. The world is developing fast and Detroit needs to keep up with these new initiatives. Detroit cannot fall back again behind our city we need to move forward. I believe in this project will stand a new precedent for how cities can address environmental challenges. This is for what our community needs for a safer environment not just for Detroit but for our young community to enjoy Detroit Thank you everyone.
All right, thank you
the the next caller is phone number ending in four to seven
Good morning
all right. Caller ending in four two did you say seven?
Yes four to seven
four to seven Good morning
caller four to seven Good morning okay if we can come back to this caller please. Okay,
the next caller is Marguerite Scarlett Maddix
right Good morning Miss Maddox
I'm not at home that
I'm not
we get everyone has
a pain and lifting
from the right now
know another thing is the elderly
yeah oh
thanks since
101 working
there we're
going through again
something you may not
know now
to sit down what do
you do discuss so we can make a shake
but everyone in this life
the operator does not depend on
him. Oh I'm
a mother a bear You're done
they love me
annoying oh me
who wants to make cabinets? He but no one should be ashamed
I do it. Probably not the best become
owe me
I have
no peace.
Everyone to go in, they want to go number one
we won.
Thank you. May God bless everyone.
Thank you so much Miss Max. She was Maddox where you finish?
I believe she was I muted her.
Okay, thank you.
The next caller is Ashley Perry.
All right. Good morning.
Good morning. My name is Ashley. I'm currently a medical student at Wayne State. I wanted to voice my support for the neighborhood Solar Initiative, which I believe will benefit the environment and transform neighborhoods of Detroit. As a pre health professional. I think working towards a cleaner environment is one of the most impactful ways we can improve health and reduce morbidity in Detroit. And in addition to that, that significant economic benefits provided for residents will promote and increase public health and public safety. So overall, I think it's in the best interest of community health and the environment and the city of Detroit to adopt this Solar Initiative. Thank you.
All right. Thank you so much.
next caller is Camillia owl.
Good morning.
Good morning. My name is Amelia. I am a resident 32 year resident in district one. And I would like to speak on that Trinity picfair Solar Initiative. It's been over a year now since we were introduced to this. And we have had several meetings with district manager and things are explained and listen to the persons involved on the city council meetings and also receive information that was presented to city council. And I think there's been plenty of time since the mayor accepted Biden's Renewable Energy Initiative, and plenty time to investigate anything pertaining to solar farms. And it seems now that it's in the city council's hands is being held up with a lot of questions. And I will just like to suggest that all the information that was received from all companies involved be thoroughly investigated and move forward with this initiative. And also, I'd like to speak on the home situation there is a lack of homes in our area. And it would be nice to have homes built not just apartments. I've never lived in an apartment. And I think a home is a better place to be I would love to have a new home in the city. And I think a home is a better place to have a yard and raise a family and I think it would bring more people to the city in all those areas.
All right, thank you.
The next caller is Ruth Johnson.
Ruth Johnson. Good morning.
Good morning. May I be heard?
Yes, you can.
I'm calling regarding the proposed amendments to the rental code. I would ask this council not to take any action including not sending it for public hearing. Until community members including seated members and partners have had sufficient time and sufficient information To learn about discuss deliberate, provide comments and recommendation as well as to ask questions. I personally have not had time to educate and engage I see dead members who are. Some are landlords, some are doing housing counseling, doing tenant and community organizing. And this is a significant and wide ranging set of changes that are being proposed. I am so thankful that member waters and other members of the City Council are concerned about people who live in rental housing as well as those who provide rental housing. However, let's work together to get it right. There's no reason to rush unnecessarily. Again, I asked this council not to set this for public hearing, because there has not been adequate community education and engagement by the city, or by those of us who are involved in housing issues. It's important that we do it right. And not rush. Thank you for your time.
All right, thank you.
The next caller is Karen Winston.
Here in Winston, good morning. Can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Okay.
On a solar sluggish that solar is not new. And it's not limited to a particular reference that Cooperation Council reference references relates to 16 dash one dash one, there's a whole code reference to solo and where it can and cannot be and it's not new. So it's not just something that just jumped up. So it's specific as to where so look and be and the silver bullet project, which was just announced, it's specifically for low income areas for their homes, not, you know, not for going elsewhere to finance detainee. So it's making me wonder, like I said, Who has stock and DVD we need to know that. But particularly, the sum of all was a project on a federal level that had 60 is a larger reference to what the mayor is trying to do, you know, selecting certain locations, but it speaks of many things where you're gonna have wires, so all of the solar initiatives, everything that it depends on. It's a plethora of conditions, not just when you want to take somebody's property that is not the determining factor. So you cannot write or you cannot defeat your own. ordinances. It's ludicrous, probably criminal. Thanks.
All right, thank you.
The next caller is Miko a Williams.
Good morning.
Hi, good morning Council members to Miko Williams.
Go right ahead. Mr. Williams. You have the floor
Miko Williams, are you there? Are you showing that he's muted?
He shows that he's unmuted but also he was muted for a second.
I can't Are you?
Can you hear me that we can hear you now? Go right ahead. Oh, good. Okay, we've
been having problems with the Zoom since yesterday. I don't even see the clock on the timer. So please give me enough time to say thank you very much for supporting the hydrate Detroit share water donation drive. My name is Tamika Williams. I'm the Chief Executive Director. We're a 501 C three that helps a water advocacy help you with your water bills, and I pay bills to keep you from getting shut off. Now let me tell you something. Thank you so much for supporting to hydrate Detroit. Share water donation drive Saturday was a beautiful event. Thank you, Madam President Sheffield councilmember Fred Durer Hall, Leticia Johnson, and Mary waters for your contributions to making sure that everyone has access to this one resource that we share clean water in the city of Detroit that we own and that we have to cherish. But also I want to make sure that everyone knows if you're there shut offs that are increasing. We just found this out last week. That's why I jumped into immediate action. If anybody needs help with a water bill or need to solve their water bill or just have questions, call us at 313-279-0608. Extension one immediately. Don't wait and procrastinate when it gets to September, and then your water ends up shut off. If you're on lifeline. You better pay that $18 water bill period. And also we're working on a new payment plan that will be unveiled at the end of the month. I'm very grateful for DWSD for their hard work leadership and partnership working with hydrate Detroit, and Wayne Metro as well. We're just trying To make sure that no one gets their water shut off. Thank you for taking my comment. Have a great day.
All right, thank you, Mr. Williams, you appreciate you as well.
The next caller is Irma Lee Park.
Good morning, thank you. I am definitely in support of the Detroit Solar Initiative, green infrastructure and healthy communities. The solar project is indeed a big step in positioning Detroit to be a leader in climate resilience and innovation. This clean energy project provides community benefits, notably energy efficiency, reduces our dependency on fossil fuels, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigates climate change impacts like heat waves and flooding, the selected neighborhoods will stand out as notable examples of resiliency. In addition these spaces could provide, we could have native plant metals, which provide nearby nature experiences, community gardens, the agro voltaic that nayeem talked about, provide flood protection through green stormwater infrastructure and the right of way, or managing stormwater using bioswales on the fields themselves, but DTE must be held accountable for any action to diminish or slow the growth of community solar opportunities. We have a Detroit public lighting authority, which allows us to create our own power and DTE must not in any way through their participation have any ability to stop us from exercising our right to use the power that we generate. So there are many opportunities left without 39 square miles for housing, commercial development and a botanical garden. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
The next caller? Is Steven hollering
can I be her?
Yes. Stable, we can hear you go right ahead.
Okay, so I'm here to speak in support of the solar farm initiative. You know, when it was first announced, I was skeptical. The COLA they, you know, you know, I kind of didn't like that, you know, it took up a lot of land, you know, kind of prevented homes from the, you know, over the time from going to different lectures, different informational sessions and seeing really the positive environmental impact they can make, you know, I'm in full support. You know, I still don't love that Brazil farms was chosen, but still, you know, I think this is a really good opportunity. And, you know, all these professional complainers that come every week, they've been spreading a lot of misinformation about it. You know, these are to operate municipal buildings, not the Hudsons building, not Dan Gilbert's building, municipal buildings, and you know, this will provide really a they'll do a lot of how, you know, towards the long fight towards climate change, which is a very big concern of mine and several and you know, a lot of these neighborhoods where they're running the solar farms is no one wants to develop their, you know, for Councilwoman Conway if you want people to develop in the O'Shea area, try to find a developer you know, because you know, the financing there doesn't exist in those neighborhoods and
All right, thank you.
The next caller is phone number ending in 2700
to seven zero Good morning.
Good morning. Really Charlton speaking on buying gates. Dugan and his CFO and recently issued another unlimited texting obligation buy for $46.3 million. He's grown but in the dust off his old boss that went before Detroit motors back in 2004. And in 2009, which was way before the huge change in the demographics of the city because of the chapter nine bankruptcy as well as a huge change in the city because of the loss of over 200,000 residents. No questions. Did the City Council issue a council authorizing resolution document on this latest $46.3 million bond issuance. And where is the official statement on this $46.3 million bond issuance? Because the residents, including yours truly have the right to read it. Dugan is bragging about the money that this new issue was supposed to be saved? What? I found out that the interest rate is still.
Great. Thank you.
The next caller is phone number ending in 534.
Other 534 Good morning?
Yes, good morning. Can
you hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Okay,
well, that last comments or presented some disturbing news. And, you know, there's just a real problem with the lack of transparency here. Like the Solar Initiative. I'm not necessarily against solar. But I'm not convinced this is the right plan. I keep asking to see the details of the plan, but we can't see it. So how can we make a determination whether this is a proper public purpose, to take people's private property? A lot of the people there, it's not their fault. There was an investment in the area, the land bank apparently has been in control of most of this land. For what about 10 years now? So that's a problem. Yesterday, I had three city employees hang up on me, I got muted and Mary Sheffield's meeting about the land bank, and I won't question why that wasn't done in person because people didn't get to ask all their questions. I was also not led into the board of zoning appeals meeting, I was put in the waiting room for like seven minutes until the meeting ended in drops. So we have a serious, serious, serious transparency problem here. I mean, I do get it that officials are elected allegedly to represent us, but we should be able to give you input and please don't treat us like we're total. I don't know what that we can't see this information and decide for ourselves. I've been asking city council members I've asked the director sustainability for the actual contracts any any other actual professional studies, not the opinion of the health director who is not a solar panel experts, and we don't get
Thank you Miss Warwick.
The next caller is demand election integrity.
Good morning.
Good morning and through the Chair, may I be heard? Yes, you can. Um, I am in the grants with Miss Winston, this is very criminal this the Solar Initiative, there is no equity in it. You are dangling money in front of very desperate people. You had women coming down there and desperation about their housing. And you shuffle them off to you know, your opportunity in the back. That means that things aren't working as they should. And so we have an internal problem. 99% of the people who call them that were forward. were misinformed about so many things. And I heard I'd like to hear your rebuttal on what they were saying, you know, they can get solar on their homes. They can that it's going to knock our $9 million bill for utility bills for the buildings downtown. We're going to get rid of that. Mr. Coralie. He squashed all of that. What we need is a baseline health report from Ms. Fair, who you brought out for this, bring her out for the health report that she by charter mandate is supposed to present to the city. So we have a baseline. These people are calling about this pie in the sky. Go look at O'Shea. We can look at O'Shea and see none of what they're saying is true. And go over there and make that work and then maybe we can go further but otherwise, this should not be brought up right now. Nine that one has concerns 16 that for
right thank you.
The next caller is red flower growers.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Hello, can
you hear me?
Yes, we can hear you.
Hi, my
name is Tiffany Tilson. I am the owner operator of red flower growers urban farm. Detroit's West Side district one white more after listening to A lot of the comments I have mixed feelings about their solar panels. Yes, I'm in favor of renewable energy. However, I'm hoping that the city of Detroit does not close out the resident, I hope that everyone is going to be given a fair deal in this. And I am also hoping to see some aggro voltage going on that there that just slap those solar panels around the city and don't allow the three loads of benefit from it, at least for food, or some other incentives. I like the idea of taking a vacant land that the kids are looking at now and turn it into something productive. But I don't want the residents in the city of Detroit to get cheated out of anything. I would also like to encourage all council members present. So please vote in agreement for the animal ordinance as a part of full sustainability that we need in our neighborhoods and communities because we don't have any grocery stores. And I appreciate everything that everyone is doing. Especially Councilman take. God bless.
The next caller is Betty Avon.
Miss Varna Good morning.
Good morning, Madam President and to all the council members and to all people within the sound of my voice. I want to tell you council members that I appreciate the work that you are doing. The City of Detroit working with organizations to help us improve our community. My special thanks go out to my council, person, council member, Dr. Hall. We appreciate to the sodales were black Association. For all the support that you have given us. As you have been our council person in district seven. I want to say I support William Davis, and the work that he's doing for the city. Retirees, I support where his mission and goal is. And I'm hoping in the near future, what their wishes are become a reality. I'm in support of Mrs. Ruth Johnson from Sudan. Please put a pause on the rental agreement. Public hearing so I am a Sadad member and for not only Sadat members just why the public can be educated on the program. I'm in support a missed not everyone should be treated. The same with dignity. Thank you.
Right Thank you.
Next caller is Calvin glass.
Good morning,
Ernie. Can you can you hear me?
Yes, we can hear you.
Hi, I'm Dr. Calvin glass of Our Lord the Lord's Church on the east side of Detroit. been serving the community for over 35 years. We're the first black church to go solar in Detroit and third black church to go solar in Michigan. I just want to put my support behind the Solar Initiative. I would love to see a city wide also believe in micro grids with any community that wants solar. I would love to see vacant houses or the vacant lots be replaced with brand new houses was solely efficiency on it. My take this, I'm not just for solar. I'm for clean energy I'm for sustainability. We have the highest amount of asthma and respiratory problems and cancer in our area. So I applaud the council I applaud the mayor plug holes was trailblaze in a way as we have trailblaze the way we have eight solar lights on our parking lot. We have 26 solar panels. I would like to see houses of worship. I would like to see clergy, get involved and teach us environmental stewardship. We are to be stewards of our land. We are our bodies are the tip of the Holy Spirit. So we need to do our part. So thank you for that time.
Thank you so much. next caller glues. The
next caller is the next caller just disappeared. The next caller is Alan. Tin is mA and I apologize for my pronunciation.
Right call to the floor is yours you have a minute 30 general public comment
caller Are you there?
Can you hear me?
Yes. Hi, how
you doing? I'm going trying to support the solar panel. I'm from a six mile i 75 area. If anybody's familiar with that area. It's nothing but dumping grounds for people in the suburbs. My mom lived there for 83 years. I lived there for 52 years. We only have four houses in the neighborhood. It's constantly getting dumped. I just did a channel for report last week, streets are flooded, commercial vehicles can get down in and make deliveries for meds. I'm totally with the solar, buy us out. Let us go that there's there's nothing in that area. There's nothing coming in that area. Nothing we had have to live around blight prostitution drug and it's just it's just a horrible area. It's time to go. And I totally support the solar panels.
Thank you. Next caller please.
The next caller is Ben to wiki.
Wiki. The floor is yours you have a minute 30 general public comment.
Good morning. My name is Ben doohickey. I'm the Director of Community Partnerships at Walker Miller energy services and a resident of District Six. Here to express support on behalf of Walker Miller for the city's proposed Solar Initiative. I've been working in the clean energy and efficient energy efficiency sector for over 10 years. And I want to emphasize to this body the magnitude of resources becoming available for communities like Detroit in transitioning to clean, efficient and renewable energy. This proposed Solar Initiative is not only an immediate opportunity for folks who live near the arrays to receive Home Repair and energy cost reducing improvements for their homes. It's also an opportunity for the city and its residents to develop the experience and skills required to support neighborhood level clean energy projects in the future. The forthcoming program resources represent an opportunity not only to support home repair in a city that has long needed it but also to incorporate the reduction of energy and utility burdens creating healthier living spaces and more resilient communities. Millions of dollars in funding for residential energy upgrades will be made available over the next six to 12 months through Michigan solar for all and Home Energy rebate programs. These programs will support insulating homes replacing heating, cooling equipment and reducing energy costs to the development of rooftop and community solar. The city's investments through the Solar Initiative today will allow us to build capacity which will support swift and meaningful distribution of these forthcoming funds, building local economies and clean energy careers along the way. Thanks.
caller please.
The next caller is called and user one. Calling
user one the floor is yours you have a minute 30 general public comment.
Yes, you can.
Good afternoon, Madam President. I seen on the news with Mike Duggan and Mary waters where you are going to introduce some new policies for land owners, but many of these owners are still non compliant. It doesn't work when you have Building and Safety defending these owners and knowing for deplorable conditions, that when citizens bring complaints, they go and tell how often people call City Council what days of the week and not do anything. And I'd like to know what is your office going to do to address those issues with the slum landlords and why is nothing being done? Why is it okay for owners to have properties and not keep them fixed up? I keep calling and letting it be known the street he is not addressing the high grass in the neighborhood and I've been complaining for some time. I've been complaining to your office for close to a year have a gas station that has a light that would affect the street better. And it won't just put the bulls off so that drugs can continue to.
Alright, thank you so much Miss Shea. And we will continue to report any property owner within the city of Detroit that is not keeping their property in compliance. And I'm looking forward to seeing the ordinance that is being proposed by councilmember waters. And as always, we'll continue to work with you on any issues that you report to our office. So thank you for calling gaming che. And we will move to our next
next caller Cunningham.
Cunningham Good morning. We're going in and out a little bit, but try to proceed. Let's see if we can hear you.
Remembering 91143344494
Last week, I had Trump person reached out to my car the next three or four days a young person that I guess much as a bus ticket was screaming and hollering about not having any for bus tickets to give up and leave, come around about 30 minutes later, like a circle downtown and a park. And then he brings us into cars and start sweating. And so I had to use a deterrent. So of the language that they don't care, I don't care that you do this for the community and blah, blah, blah they are all in their hand. They were under the age of 30. And it was just just hard to get out but opted not to take a break for a moment. I'm asking everybody to pray in the Holy Spirit to come on the show more reliant. And for yours truly brother cutting my shot. My son My son My son got shot.
All right. Thank you Mr. Conahan.
The next caller is Chloe Austin.
Hi, my name is Chloe Austin, and I'm a recent graduate of Michigan State University. I joined public comment today because I wanted to voice my support for the neighborhood Solar Initiative. I strongly believe that the neighborhood Solar Initiative will not only benefit the environment, but also transform vacant land in the neighborhoods of Detroit. As a rising first year law student with a bachelor's in international relations. There is no question that policies that combat climate change are essential for improving the environment in Detroit and worldwide. Not only will the Solar Initiative propel Detroit to the forefront of climate change prevention, but it will also encourage neighborhood transformation thanks to the economic benefits that are guaranteed to residents. This investment in our future is something I strongly support and I appreciate your time. Thank you.
All right, thank you.
The next caller is election integrity RU.
All right. Good morning.
Morning Mr. Crowley. Good morning.
All right. We can come back please to Mr. Crowley. Okay.
The next caller is Troy new. Hello,
am I audible?
Yes, we can hear you. Good morning. All right here for public comments.
Thank you, council members. I'm calling to speak on behalf of the petition to protect the provisions for the Hudson tax incentives. I'm sure it's superfluous for me to remind the council that in a competitive economy with full fully functioning capital markets, there is no justification for subsidizing private for profit development, nor has any reasonable evidence to support trickle down and other terms due to economic theories at the National let alone local macroeconomic level. strong economies are built on strong fundamentals, particularly a strong middle class. Taking money from the middle class and subsidizing the multimillion dollar private investment directly contradicts standard economic development principles. Tax incentives are best structured as either tax deductions or tax credits. These incentives unlike a big missing captures are provided to the applicant after again After the applicant has demonstrated that it has satisfied the necessary criteria, giving a tax credit upfront and then hoping for some type of benefit in return is to put it mildly poor business practice. Yes, Jack with his beanstalk ended up with golden eggs but in but it doesn't make buying magic beans a sound policy decision. Furthermore, any company that claimed a tax deduction without qualifying without qualifying commenced not only fraud, but also tax evasion. What bedrock has done is precisely that and its non compliance should be taken justice seriously. Not only must counsel revoke the exemption, but it must also demand that rock repaid the taxes owed with penalties and interest and use that money to invest in the middle class economic growth in Detroit. It's time to put money and faith in Detroit President Thank you.
The next caller is iPhone.
iPhone. Good morning.
iPhone Good morning. Okay, we can move to the next caller.
Okay. The next caller is Renard munch on ski. Good morning.
Good morning. Good morning, Madam President. Can I be heard?
Yes, you can.
Good morning, Madam
President and council, really excited to hear just all these comments, either for or against sustainability in our city with a solar plant. But that's not what I'm speaking about. I'm an organizer with Detroit people's platform transit justice team, and I wanted to actually make a call for equity for paratransit riders. So, zero emissions is extremely important to our city climate solution, right. And this means using vehicles that don't pollute the air to transport people with disabilities, and older adults. And the paratransit system needs to match the efforts of the fixed line bus system in terms of cleaning the air and having zero emission vehicles. So electric buses and vans don't produce harmful emissions. This is less air pollution and fewer problems like asthma and heart disease for Detroit residents, which the rates are extremely high here and gets way above the national average. This will fight climate change with reducing greenhouse gases and particulate matter, which is important for tackling you know, our emissions and climate goals and less noise as well to make our neighborhoods peaceful, but the health benefits of zero emission transparent transit is important because those passengers are exposed to emissions at much longer intervals. Then bus riders are you're just boarding the bus and getting on and off. But for paratransit vehicles, it takes a while to load. So this means that individuals with disabilities are impacted.
Thank you.
The next caller is bernicia Lloyd.
Good morning.
All right. Good morning. All right. All right. If we can come back to this caller please. Okay.
The next caller is phone number ending in 678.
Caller 678 Good morning.
Are 678 Good morning.
Okay, let's come back to this caller as well.
Can you hear me?
There you are. Yes, we can hear you. Good morning. Yes,
good morning, councilmembers. I'm calling to speak on behalf of m i h or better known as nine Housing Coalition. It's a program that helps the residents in the city of Detroit be able to stay in their homes, and many, it helps them to buy their homes. I'm one of those that the program helped me to stay in my home because I was looking at being a homeless veteran. So I'm just hoping that the council will keep this program and tack and to and to help those citizens in Detroit who was having some of the same problems that I had. Thank you.
Great, thank you.
The next caller is phone number and phone number ending in 194
or 194. Hi, how
are you? Good. Okay, glad you guys can hear me my name is Crystal heart and I do reside in the O'Shea community district seven. I am calling because I have experienced the both both of the transitions as far as the first one in coming into the second one having a solar field. And I will say that among my community, as I spoke for the first one, I am in support of our community having the solar field, I believe that it will bring a great change over here as well if calm a lot of things down and I've experienced over the last 30 years. So as for that, I'll keep it short. God bless you guys. And I hope that we can move forward in this process.
next caller is Tammy black.
Hi, my name is Tammy black. Thank you, council for letting me have the opportunity to speak today. I am definitely in support of the solar that's coming to Detroit. I've been an advocate for solar for the last 20 years. I've also installed solar and Jefferson.
Okay, you're calling in support?
Yes, we're calling I'm calling definitely in supporting. And I'm looking to be a part of the workforce development. We have a workforce development team that we've just finished the first cohort for and we're proud of that, and we're looking to get those individuals employed. And we're looking to talk to DTE and Lonestar about giving us the opportunity to put some of our people that we're training in place. And I'm also not only I am an African American woman who owns a solar installation company, and I am also an electrical contractor. So we're looking to bring some bring the solar continue to bring the solar to Detroit. And we're happy that these communities are looking to be a part of the Solar Initiative. Here in Detroit, we're setting the groundwork for other cities. And I'm glad to be a part of that. And I just am excited about what's coming for us and the wealth and building that our community.
Right, thank you.
Madam President, all the callers that are left are the ones who had not responded. So I will start with phone number ending in four to seven
the morning by the 47.
All right, how you doing? Good morning. This is Curtis Williams district seven basically called in and just to give a little input on the solar project. I think it would be a very good project to bring here we haven't had anything in this area for at least 40 years that just started to actually do some street repair, low sidewalk repair.
So I just wanted to add that will be good for a lot of folks that actually would like to relocate as well as the residences here that can give them fitness to do some positive things for their home and just around the area. And I was hoping that you would consider
district seven as one of the next alternatives for solar power. And I hope that everyone there has a blessed day. Thank you
all right, thank you.
You're very welcome.
The next caller is iPhone
right iPhone All right. The call he's here he already spoke earlier we can proceed
apologies the last caller to come back to who had raised their hand before you would cut off public comment is bernicia Lloyd
Wright Good morning.
bernicia Loyal right Brittany shallow Going once. Going twice. And if you have a public comment, please submit it to the clerk's office so that it will be a part of public record. And that will conclude all of our public comment for this morning. And we will now me we will proceed now to our agenda for this one. morning
for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement councilmember
Hall three resolutions, line item 16.1 through 16.3. Or sub is contract number 600 by seven to four dash a one 100%. City funding Amendment One to provide an increase of funds for promotional items and or various novelty products, contractor corporate specialties LLC. total contract amount 314,000 That city wide. Next contract is contract number 6003758. Dash a one 100% Arper funding Amendment One to provide an extension of time and an increase of funds for needed assistance and strategic guidance for grant compliance contractor. A ie CLM Great Lakes incorporated total contract amount $18,007,956. That's for the officer the Chief Financial Officer. Last contract is contract number 6006179 100 was sent city funding to provide income tax discovery and Compliance Services for the city of Detroit. Contractor LLC young and Associates PC, total contract amount 500,000. That's what the officer the Chief Financial Officer costs. Remember, they're Hall three resolutions.
President Move for approval for line item 16.1 through 16.3.
motion has been made. Are there any objections to the three resolutions? Hearing no objections, the three resolutions will be approved.
Madam Chair, remember Callaway was to waver on line item 16.1.
Waiver headed or requested for 16.1. Any objections? Hearing on a waiver will be attached to line item 16.1.
Madam President requested a waiver for line items 16.2 and 16.3.
motion has been made any objections to a waiver one 16.2 and 16.3. Hearing none a waiver will be attached to those items from the Office of the Chief Financial Office.
Councilmember dr. Hall or resolution noting that this line item was postponed from last week formal session. Councilmember Hall
Thank you, Madam President, line item 16.4 as a resolution of authorization to create and fund the solar on move for discussion for line item 16.4. Okay, discussion. Thank you, Madam President. And I know we had a lot of members of the public come down today expressing their opinions on the solar equity fund as well as just the entire solar package, and just wanted to have the opportunity for members of the administration, if they are online or present to weigh in as well. I know there are other resolutions that have come through other committees for this and we postpone it for a couple of weeks. No, we have also received information today that council members may want to review prior to making their decision but wanted to have the opportunity to have questions answered in real time as well, Madam President, so I will leave it open for discussion.
Thank you.
Mr. Washington. Who do we have one virtually.
Madam chair we have on give me just a moment. I know Miss Stein and Mr. mallet and Mr. risin are heading up to the auditorium. Just give me one moment here.
Online we have from lifestar Ben apara. Lucy Bullock Seeger Davis Williams. And there's a few more whenever Miss Glassman is ready.
Right, thank you we will move those individuals over. And we will open it up now if there's any questions or discussion on this item knowing that we also have four other items that are on the agenda for solar so I'm not sure if colleagues you all want to discuss them all at once motion for discussion. Okay, so we'll move 17.1 which is the relocation assistance, a real estate law contract? 20.1 is the lifestar contract. 20.2 is DTE contract, and 20 point 17 Is the resolution of necessity. There's a motion to discuss all items at this time. Okay, and remember, don't how were you done?
Thank you, Madam President. And again, I know we received some documents today. I know, Corporation Counsel is on I know, we received a privileged and confidential document that still obviously members may want to review, and cannot necessarily be discussed publicly. But to Corporation Counsel, I wanted to know if he had an opportunity to review it if that went to Corp counsel as well. And to weigh in on that.
I did not see Corporation Counsel. Virtually not sure if he's virtual or coming down in person in the interim, Mr. Whittaker, if you can come up, because I know you also have been working with Corporation Counsel in both attorney Todd Perkins.
Present Yes. To
answer Mr. duros question, we did supply Mr. Khan, this kind of red mallet with a copy of the the doc the privilege document, and we circulated from the outside counsel to date, at your, at your direction, counsel. So he does have it. He had it for about an hour he had about the time you did. So he should have had an opportunity to look at it. But as I indicated to you, council president, none of these documents in my opinion should be discussed in in an open session. The purpose of providing legal opinion is to to insulate the city from an outside challenge that might be forthcoming if the council acted on these, these items in a positive way. So before you you act, we are we're asking you to set up a a closed session to discuss all three documents with the attorneys that prepare them. So you can be fully advised as to the legal positions that each one have.
Alright, thank you so much. Attorney. David, Director Whitaker, member Galloway. Yes,
thank you. And good morning, Madam Chair, make a motion to bring all these items back after recess. We have quite a few documents that we need to review. None of us really want to feel rushed. We want to make sure that we have read, review digested and understand. And I don't think we can do that. So I'm moving to bring these documents or these items listed here today. After recess, Thank you, madam chair before we dive into a huge discussion, and our own attorney is asking us to hold off and just have something just have these discussions in closed session. I concur with that. But I would ask that we not continue to drag this on when I don't think we're prepared to make a decision today. So I move to bring these back after recess. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Members. Yep, I know still going to be discussion. Member Benson.
Alright, thank you. I'm glad to hear the willingness of this body to be contemplative regarding such an important decision, I was prepared to make a motion to ask for the setting of a closed session based on the need to discuss these documents away from this table. But my request was going to be to make that closed session either this Friday, or next Monday, so that we could make a decision on the four line items that are before us and have the ability to review and discuss this latest opinion away from this table and effort to actually make the decision. Next week now not feeling rushed. We've had this in committee for three weeks. We've been working on this for well over a year now my bosses, some of which are still here are looking forward to this body making a decision in favor to support solar, because their lives will benefit as well the health of this community, but I'm waiting for more discussion. And i Madam President,
Madam Chair, I have a discussion,
So there is a motion on the floor. We can't allow discussion on the motion unless someone thinks otherwise. Member Doha Thank
you Madam President and to member Mrs. Point I am okay if we postpone it for a week vote to postpone it after session, I think is a bit disingenuous as well to state that we have not had adequate amount of time to review this. And all transparency. Multiple council members have submitted questions not only to the administration, but to Corporation Counsel. There have been hearings in the public about this particularly for this issue. And the only thing that is outstanding and new information that we have received today is an opinion from independent counsel, which remember, business point can be addressed in a closed session prior to next Tuesday. But now, if that point, or at that point, if there are members that Tuesday, that felt that they have not had adequate enough time, because we still have one more full formal session they left. If they have not been able to read that opinion, in one week, then I think that is a proper motion. But considering that we have one more full day of formal session this entire week, and as well as what has already been done from work in the committee's I don't think making a motion to bring this back. And by the way, we're on recess for an entire month. I think making a motion to bring that back would not be fruitful to discussion, because then we know how these things work. We go for an entire month. And then folks, not necessarily may not. We're still may want more time, just based off of their opinion or where they may want to vote on this. But I do think there has been an ample amount of discussion. We have postponed this item particularly to solar equity fine now for three weeks.
Three weeks.
And so, Madam President, I will be strongly objecting to the motion to bring this back after recess. Because just as we have done with other items, I think there is ample time for council members throughout the week. And if we are to have a closed session to review this property. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you, member Doha council member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. And I know we've been dealing with this for some time. Now. We've had it for three weeks. I feel like though when it came to for counsel, it was just provided to counsel all of the information. So we do have these four items that are moving forward. I thankfully now I've had an opportunity to connect with residents in the Gratiot Finley area because there is an area within district four that is part of phase one. I had to FIRA Rushton who came out to a district council meeting yesterday evening, to address a lot of the concerns and questions that residents had. I do feel as though I have steel an outstanding request to the administration relative to the solar arrays, particularly the one in District Four, not sure if my colleagues would be amenable to extending that beyond District Four. And so I have a tremendous concern relative to zoning, which I've had for some time, and would like to figure out how we move forward with that. I've offered a thought a consideration relative to the greater area around the solar arrays. I'm still looking for feedback on that from the administration. And one thing that was elevated for me this morning, is the agreement. If there is an agreement that is offered to do farming, under the solar panels, what that agreement looks like and so I share with everybody all the time. I'm a Virgo. I'm very detail oriented, that that's what that means, right? I look for the details in everything just to make sure that I'm comfortable under understand where residents are in District Four relative to supporting the solar projects, and I want to make sure that I can go to sleep at night as well. And so I have to cross the t's and dot the i's. I don't feel as though I'm ready to cross the t's and dot the I's and so I am supportive of a postponement. And I do think it is appropriate for us to take the time during recess to have a closed session to finalize the details that are before us now, and then be prepared to move forward. And we can move forward expeditiously after that. But I do think that is disingenuous to me, at least based on when I received the information to say that we've gotten this, that we've been working on this for a year. Yes. Some facet of the city has been working on this for a year. And I think it's important to understand that while the administration has been working on it for a year, we're not asking for a year to review the detailed information that has been provided to us. We've had it for three weeks, again, that Virgo kicks in, and the Virgo says, Okay, we've received, I believe 20 documents that are detailed. And we're trying to comb through that and make sure that we understand what it is that we're being asked to support and to make sure that it is right for the community. Lastly, I will say, as I was headed to the community to interview, a resident in her group, her grandchildren that did a phenomenal job on why solar panels, solar arrays would be great for the Gratiot family community, I ran across a vehicle that was dumping in an area adjacent to where the solar array is going to go on the other side of Gratiot, I should say. And so I have a greater concern for the overall area, and how we're going to address blight and improving the quality of life for those residents. And so I appreciate the desire to move forward. Again, when we have these items that are brought to us, these are not the only items that we are reviewing. We're reviewing this and a variety of other items. And so to provide this to us and ask for us to make a decision on this in three weeks, I think is a bit disingenuous. And I do I have raised this several times because we get these large, these items that make a great impact on our community. And we're asked to move it through very quickly. And so I am requesting that, you know, when we have these items that there is work that's done in tandem with the administration and city council so we don't get everything at once. And so that gives us a little bit more time to breathe and make good decisions for our residents. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you, Councilmember Johnson. Did you ever hear res Maria? Member young, followed by Member Santiago De Muro?
Thank you, Madam President. I am a Libra. So I'll probably take a different approach than my colleague. I appreciate her eloquent retort. But I am ready to move on this today. You know, I've looked at all the information, I have seen all the legal opinions, I've seen all the analysis. And first of all, I just wanted to say, before I talk about my constituency experience, I just want to say to Mr. Whittaker, thank you so much. What an illuminating What a brilliant legal mind you are, and to the corporation Council mallet, my God. I mean, I understand why you were the chief Supreme Court justice. And the precedents that I've seen the reasons that I've seen legally, I think are acceptable for me for my analysis. But I will, here to, to Mr. Whittaker, to wanting to have a closed session. But I also just want to say, I think that you know, like member Johnson, she's absolutely right. You know, we've we've dealt with this since last year, that we have a lot of things coming, I just, and I respect that and respect my colleagues feelings towards that want to get this done and want this get this done, right. I just also feel that we have made letters of intent. We have made promises to constituents who are waiting for this, and who have been waiting for this for a long time. And I think that as I learned from member Benson time kills deals. And I think the longer we wait, the longer we hold back on this, the less of an opportunity that we're going to have to do this. And I think that opportunity is going to slip through his fingers. And I just think the fact that we're talking about $90,000 for people who are directly impacted by this 50 1000 to $25,000 people were in the area 18 months pay rent, we're also talking about potentially, I think in the Cobra tool, dealing with the environmental analysis, the benefits from that, you can see a reduction in terms of environmental interests turns the negative environmental externalities of 15 to 23%, last time I checked. So those are really big things. And I also just wanted to say that what really touched me was when I went to visit with the people on Van Dyck, and live across the street from one of the solar panels that will be located in phase one. And they were extremely happy with this process. They really embodied what neighborhoods and cities should be, she was kind of like, they were kind of like the mother and father, grandparents of that neighborhood. You really felt embraced with their spirit of love and generosity, as they allow me to be able to walk into their home and talk about the benefits of this talk about the illegal dumping that was happening in these areas, talked about the drugs and the needles and the things that they were seeing that were not fit environmentally for their neighborhood, as well as was not fit for their children are to be able to find. And so they're also talking about the fact that the neighborhoods in which they, which they are living in the improvement in home value. And so this means a lot for a lot of people who've been waiting 30 years, some of these folks have been on these blocks, when they were filled, were houses where some of these folks have lost their house due to foreclosure and live in a van across the street, and still keep up the lot across from them. Because they care and are committed to the neighbor. So I think that we need to show that we care as much for our citizens and love them as much as they care about us and love the city. So I would, I would hope that we will be able to along with member durante talked about least postpone this for a week for us to be able to have the closed session. But to postpone this until after recess. I would just be vehemently opposed to that. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you, members, Santiago Rivera. Thank you, Madam President. I completely support solar. And this project is exciting, but based on the legal opinion that we just received the third legal opinion, quite frankly, I don't know if we'll be able to solve the legal protections that we need in two weeks. I understand that our residents are waiting for this, I understand that this will help us towards our climate resiliency goals. I support all of that. I also support protecting our city, and making sure that we do this rights. And as has been mentioned, there has been discussion and review of this on top of the other council business that we hold. I have no problem with postponing this. I offered I suggested a closed session in public health and safety. When we first had this discussion. I said, it sounds like we are all over the place. And we should discuss this in a closed session. I support that I ask that we do so on Monday, if possible. And right there, we'll see whether or not we actually have what we need to move this project forward. But quite frankly, based on the legal opinion that we have right now. I do believe in get a closed session. I said that from the very beginning. And from then we'll see whether or not we are ready to move forward. Thank you, Madam President. Thank you Member Santiago. Ramiro, President Protune safe. Thank
you, Madam President. I have yet to hear a argument as to why we cannot bring it back in after recess. We are definitely gathering the information. I think that is critically important. There's new questions that came about. We have colleagues who have were in the first phase who are questioning and have issues with certain things they may have heard and may not have heard and still need to go out and speak with members of the community with them within those areas. I think that's important. I know it was mentioned that there were letters of intent that were sent out and promises that were made. I think it is imperative that we ensure that we don't make promises that we can't keep in terms of time, but in terms of time, again, I've yet to hear exactly why outside of a desire. I get that but why is it such an impediment to move this item to allow for colleagues to have questions answered, It sounds like honestly, that the numbers are there to approve this. But it feels like there's just some questions that have to be answered. So that's why I'm, I'm not understanding we've waited. There's been conversations for over a year within the community about this, and this council has received documents and new information up to this point, there will be really no excuse for a request, I don't think for additional time with an additional month of recess where we don't have committees that we have to continue to churn through hundreds of legal documents and contracts to go through. I think it also allows for colleagues who have not been able to visit the locations, the installations, potential installations within their their respective districts, it will give them an opportunity and others as well. I've heard from my colleagues who wanted to go out and talk to residents, even though it may not be their district because we do hold a hand in a vote. I think that I would support my colleagues desire to move this unless again, there's some some other reason why there is a definite need to move on this prior to recess. I believe that it's imperative, it's important that we also indicate I think, I've heard it from member Santiago Romero, and I'll say it as well. Asking questions about the Solar Initiative, does not mean that you're against it. Asking questions about Solar Initiative does not mean you're against solar and renewable energy itself. What it means is that you have questions and it's unfortunate that when, when Council ask questions, again, not saying I don't hear anybody saying the solar is bad, or anything like that, these are questions that people are asking. And I think it's it's unfortunate that when counsel asked the questions we're deemed as the bad guy or slowing things up. What we have to do is also keep in mind is that when counsel signs off on something, that's it for counsel. So that's why it's imperative that we ask the questions that we ask whether it's a development deal, whether it's solar energy, whether it's a contract. So that's, that's, that's, that's how I feel. I will support my colleagues, especially those who have projects in this first phase, as it relates to the timing of this. If it you know, colleagues who have items in the first phase want to bring it back next week, I'll support that if they want to bring it back post recess, I will support that as well, because the phased installation within district one is slated for phase two, not sure when that's coming, but at least I know that it will not be prior to recess. So I would like to defer to my colleagues who actually have installations in the collective number of colleagues.
Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you, President Pro Tem take councilmember DuBois.
Thank you, Madam President. I just want to call just a quick point of order as well. I know the motion was to bring this back to after recess. And from my understanding, procedurally, what we've done at this table is not postpone. Because there's not a bring back. It's a postponement. We don't postpone items for longer than one week anyway. So if I would think it would be proper, that if it was postponed for one weekend, and if that's the motion next week, then that's the motion to postpone after recess. But I know and I know, my my president pro tem always stays. He's a big procedural guy. And so I think that would be the proper procedure to follow. And so they want to put that on the record. Thank you, Madam President.
President Pro Tem Tate.
Thank you, a member Hall. You're absolutely right. We do it in clips. But I think it's important for we for us to let people know what our thoughts are, you know, moving forward to say next weekend in our minds, we believe that is not going to happen next week, I think, you know, will be disingenuous of us to do so. So that was the reason why I said two weeks but procedurally, you are absolutely correct. One week postponement is all we can do. Thank you, Madam President. And
Dr. Powers just to clarify that this so we can have you on the record as well to making sure that we the motion would have to be to bring it back and when we were to postpone for when we cannot bring it back after recess?
All right, thanks. You have any additional comments or questions and so member Benson's motion was to postpone for one week. And so that is the motion that we will take up now saying that technically Mr. Calloway we cannot postpone it until after recess, it has to come back. And then we will have to postpone again if that's the will of the body. Okay. And then Mr. Whittaker or two? I think this would be Mr. Whittaker. I know we had talked about there was mentioned about a dual track regarding some changes to the zoning ordinance as well, because I still have some outstanding concerns with zoning as well, too. I know that lately, Cooperation Council has indicated that we're fine moving forward as is. But for belt and suspenders. I've been hearing it a lot lately around here. We were going to also pursue two routes. And where are we with that? Have we started the second route? As far as changing the zoning ordinance to allow the exemption of solar initiatives?
Madam President, we did get an assignment for Mr. Benson, to proceed in that manner. And we have begun doing that. It has been somewhat slow because of Mr. Tas illness. But we are moving in that direction consistent with the requests we get from Mr. Benson. So you know, bringing it back after recess, who knows? We might be able to get that on the books before you act, which illegally would be a better place for the city.
Thank you. Okay. Thank you so much. Member, Director Whittaker. Awesome member Young.
Was whatever. Just a point of clarification. So in terms of the exemption from the zoning ordinance, you're talking about in terms of the process that that the land was being on the books? Right, right. Not Not, not that it doesn't exist? Because I've just because I've already seen it. You It's a the amendment. I think the 16 dash one dash one. I think you're just talking about the you're talking about actually going through the process will be on the books. Right,
Madam President, we are working through that it may be different than what you saw originally. Oh, it was floated. I think I think when we finish we're working with with the administration as well. But when we finish, it may not look quite like that document looked?
Is it a substantial change? Can you speak to the changes now? Or? Or is that something you want to talk?
Yeah, I think I think much of what we need to talk about should be handled in closed session. If there's any residual that can be spoken at all and open session. It should be done after the closed session.
I just want to make sure just for my clarification that the language exists is just not going to be what we're looking at now is not going to be what's going to be before us once it goes to the proper changes. And that actually going to talk about us further in closed session.
That's correct. Okay.
Look, thank you, sir.
Remember Calloway?
Yes. Thank you, Madam Chair. This is question for Mr. Whittaker as well, but you don't have to come back to the podium. What our will our outside counsel be invited to the closed session? Okay. Thank you.
Yes, Director Whitaker
or some lawyers. says, I'll have I'll have my staff he should have his staff. You need to be Coronavirus. Okay.
All right. So we will work with you Director Whitaker and my colleagues to get that schedule. And a motion has been made to postpone for one week line items 16.4 17.1 20.1 20.2 and 20 point 17. Are there any objections? Hearing none, those items will be postponed for one week. Yes.
Have a date. I spoke to your independent counsel about Friday and Monday. In anticipation of today's discussion. If you give me a date and time, we can draft a resolution because you have to pass a resolution before you can have a closed session. We can draft a resolution for your consideration today. And you can vote on it today.
Okay, President Yes, member Benson motion
to set a special a closed session on Monday.
Member Santiago Mira, what time is your session to madam presidents? We usually wrap up around 1112 Depending on the agenda should it be too much. So one or two o'clock two o'clock for closed session should work. Okay.
Oh o'clock. Prepare.
Thank you. Thank you. All right. We will We'll proceed with the agenda for the internal operation standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Councilmember Johnson for resolutions line item 17 17.2 through 17.4. First up is contract number 6003597. That's a one revenue contract amendment one to provide an extension of time for collections for Department of appeals and hearings. Contract and linebarger goggan Blair and Sampson LLP total contract amount, zero. That's for appeals in hearings. Next contract line item 17.3. Contract Number 6006306 100%. ARPA funding to remove and replace generator for Linden data center, contractor mobile city Electric Company, total contract amount $814,022. That's for do it. Last contract is contract number 6006 to nine to 100%. City funding to provide for state lobbyist services, contractor governmental consultant Services Incorporated, total contract amount 120,000. That's for law. Customer for Johnson three resolutions.
Thank you, Madam Clerk. Councilmember Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 17.2 through 17.4 17.2 17.1.
Do we 17.1. Madam president was postponed. Okay,
I'm sorry. Sorry about that. Thank you. Thank you, member Johnson. All right. motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The three resolutions will be approved from the law department.
Also member Johnson five resolutions, line items 17.5 through 17.9.
Councilmember Johnson
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval online items 17.5 through 17.9. These are various requests for legal representation and indemnification and a settlement.
Right motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Objection members from Seattle Romero 17.7. The clerk would no
circle so Nope. Madam President.
Any further objections? Hearing none, the resolutions will be approved. From the Human Resources classification and compensation division.
Councilmember Johnson a resolution line item 17 point 10.
Councilmember Johnson
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 717 point 10. This is a request to amend the official compensation schedule for the Office of the Inspector General for an information analyst and just to share with colleagues this is a new position that's being created. Okay.
Thank you, Councilmember Johnson and Hearing no objections. The one resolution will be approved. Under resolutions.
Councilmember Johnson are resolution line item 17 point 11.
Councilmember Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval. This is to reappoint John George to the Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
All right, motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved,
Madam President. Yes. I'd like to request a waiver on line item 17.2 through 17.4 as well as line item 17 point 11.
Right motion has been made for a waiver of any objections. Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to those items for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement. Councilmember
young or resolution line item 18.1. Contract Number 6006375 93%, Wayne County, ARPA and 7% state opera funding to provide sitework construction for Joe Lewis Greenway segments song q2 zone, our zone s zone T and zone U contractor major contracting group incorporated total contract amount $16,253,151.30 sent. That's for general services. Council member young or resolution.
Council member Young.
Thank you, Mr. President. Move to approve line item 18.1.
Any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved to my burden. Yes.
waiver on line item eight requesting a waiver on line item 18.1.
Right Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to that item. For the Planning and Economic Development standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurements, Council,
President Pro Tem James take two resolutions line items 19.1 and 19.2. For Service Contract Number 6005724 Dash 811 100%. ARPA funding Amendment One to provide an extension of time for rapid title search of current owner and date of ownership services contractor. Each title agency incorporated total contract amount 140,000. That's for housing and revitalization. Next contract is contract number 6006 to four to 100% CDBG funding to provide planning study services for the street comment and pedestrian connectivity intervention in the courtown. Choice Neighborhoods areas. Contractor SmithGroup Incorporated. total contract amount $787,050. That's for planning and development. Council President Pro Tem James take two resolutions.
President Pro Tem take
President move approval of line items 19.1 and 19.2 place.
motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the two resolutions will be approved. Madam Chair, yes, Mr. Washington.
Yes, I did want to note for item 19.1. There was a correction letter previously sent I believe, last week or the week before, and the contract numbers should read as 605 to two to batch a one. So it is just for the correction of the contract number. I'm not sure anything needs to occur today. Given us approval
with the clerk's office, do you all have a updated copy of the contract? Yes,
we do. Madam President. Okay.
Thank you. Thank
you, Mr. Washington.
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer Office of Development in grants. Mr.
President Pro Tem James take a resolution line item 19.3.
President Pro Tem Tate
and the president move approve of line item 19.3. Please write
line item 19.3 is accepting the Community Development Lead hazard control program grant. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections the one resolution will be approved
with Crystal waverman President law 19.3 waiver
has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken from the City Planning Commission.
Council President Pro Tem James take an introduction of an ordinance line item 19.4.
President Pro Tem tait the president I move that the ordinance be read twice by title ordered printed and laid on the table.
Hearing no objections that action will be taken from the City Planning Commission.
Council President Pro Tem James Tate a resolution setting a public hearing line item 19.5.
President Pro Tem
president I move that we approve line item 19.5 for date to be determined.
All right motion has been made for the scheduling of a public hearing. Hearing no objections. The resolution will be approved. From the City Planning Commission,
also President Pro Tem James Tate a resolution 19.6.
President Pro Tem Tate
when a president I move approval of mine item 19.6. Please Gushan. With discussion.
All right, discuss it discussion. Councilmember Benson
are Thank you. I want to thank the Chair and the Planning and Development Committee for taking the time to listen to the community residents and the advocates and practitioners in the childcare space. They can further advocate for changes.
Thank you. All right. Thank you. All right. Well, shouldn't have been made to approve this as the extension of review period for chapter 50 text amendment for childcare ordinance. Hearing no objections be won resolution will be approved. From the Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority council
president pro tem James Tate, elaborate resolutions line items 19.7 through 19 point 70.
President Pro Tem take Thank
you Madam President. line items 19.7 through 19 point 16 are essentially these are abolishment of brownfield redevelopment plans that have been completed, these are projects that have been completed. So this is procedural and line item 19. Point 17 is for a approval of a brownfield Move to approve line items 19.7 through 19 point 17. All
right, motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections the 11 resolutions will be approved. From the housing and revitalization department.
Also President Pro Tem James Tate three resolutions line items 19 point 18 through 19. Point 20.
President Pro Tem tape
when a president move approve of line items 19 point 18 through 19 point 20.
Right motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The three resolutions will be approved.
The President is approved. I'm excusing request for waiver on line item 19 point 18 Please.
All right, Hearing no objections or waiver will be attached to 19 point 80. From the planning and development department.
Also President Pro Tem James take four resolutions line items 19 point 21 through 19. Point 23.
President Pro Tem team president move approve of line items 19 point 21 From 19 point 23 please.
Madam Clerk Madam President, I probably should that should be line items 19 point 21 through 19 point 24
All right. All right. Pro Tem take on a president
whoo move approval of line items 19 point 21 through 19 point
All right. motion has been made in Are there any objections? Hearing no objections before resolutions will be approved by the public health and safety standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement Council Member
Santiago Romero 16 resolutions, line items 20.1 through 20 point 16. Madam president so there will be line items 20.3 through 20 point 16. Noting that line item 20.1 and 20.2 have been postponed to next week. First contract is line item 20.36004351. Dash a one 100% city funding Amendment One to provide an extension of time for demolition salvage slash deconstruction zero value contractor architectural salvage warehouse of Detroit total contract amount $1. That's for construction and demolition. Next contract contract number 6006331 100%. bond funding to provide proposal and trash out group 9024 properties contractor premier group Associates LLC total contract amount $112,455 construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6006329 100%. bond funding to provide proposal and trash out group 1724 properties contractor premier group Associates LLC total contract amount $115,093.13. That's for construction and demolition. Next contract line item 20.6. Contract Number 6006328 100% bond funding to provide proposal and trash out group 1624 properties contractor premier group Associates LLC total contract amount $92,720.75 cent construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number oh 6006408 100% arpa funding to provide stabilization of commercial structures. Contractor DMC consultants, total contract them out. $634,011 That's for construction and demolition. Next contract line item 20.8. Contract Number 6006390 100%. City funding to purchase MSA breathing apparatuses, arts and services contractor McWeeny. Equipment LLC doing business as McWeeny emergency total contract amount 1,800,000. That's for fire. Next contract is contract number 6006378 100%. City funding to provide new firefighting holes inspection and repair contractor HD at worst and Company. total contract amount $149,575. That's for fire. Next contract line item 20 points in contract numbers 600634 to 100%. City funding to purchase powered and non powered extraction equipment. Services contractor McQueen equipment LLC doing business as McWeeny emergency total contract amount $228,960. That's for fire. Next contract is contract number 6006406 dash a one 100% bond funding Amendment One to amend terms for the interlocal agreement for the operation, maintenance and management of public lighting contractor public lighting authority. total capital amount is 22 million that's for public lighting. Next contract contract number 6006333 0% major street funding to provide construction engineering and inspection services for major street improvement projects. Contractor AE CLM Great Lakes incorporated total contract amount $2,960,420.52. That's Republic works. Next contract line item 20 point 13 Contract Number 6006334 100% major street funding to provide construction engineering and inspection services for major street improvement projects. Contractor hobo Roth and Clark incorporated total contract amount $3,259,659.01 That's what public works. Next contract contract number 6006335 100%. Major street funding to provide construction engineering and inspection services for major street improvement project contractor time consulting engineers incorporated total contract amount $1,507,716.44 cent that's for public works. Next contract is contract number 6002858. Dash eight to 100% major street funding amendment to to provide an increase of funds for electrical design, geometric design and intelligent transportation system services. Contractor ws P Michigan incorporated total contract amount $1,771,753.40 cent. That's what public works. Last contract is contract number 6004208 dash a one 100% major street funding Amendment One to provide an increase of funds only to complete road construction services contractor. Angelo the freight construction company Total amended contract amount is $3,992,080.51. That's for public works. Also Member Santiago Romero 14 resolutions.
All right. Thank you Madam Clerk Member Santiago Ramiro. Thank you, Madam President. I will break these up if there's any need for discussion, motion to approve 20 points three through 20.7. Right. We are moving 20.3 through 20.7. motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Which action Member Santiago Romero 20 points Ford 20.5 20.6 and 20.7. The clerk would know please
critical so note Madam President member Callaway
objection to thank you madam chair objection to line item 20.2. Madam,
Madam Clerk if you can please No,
madam president line item 20.2 is a postpone item
I'm sorry. Yeah, we started at 20.3. Yes. 20.3 to 20.7. Okay. Okay. Hey, Briana, did you have one?
No discussion?
We're in the middle of a vote.
Yeah. Well, I'll wait till after you're done. I've got a question about what? technical error. Okay.
All right. Any further objections on 20.3 through 20.7? Hearing none, those resolutions will be approved. Councilmember Young.
Thank you, ma'am. present on line item 20. Points. Well, Ben Oh, clerk, it says 00 major street funding that should be 100. That should be a one in front of that under 20 points. Was this contract number 606 33300. It should just be a one in front of that, correct?
That is correct, Madam President. Thank you, Mr. Yang, and
we'll make sure we'll get on top of that before this goes to where it needs to be right Mr. Clerk?
That is correct. Thank you. That's where you're the best. Thank
you Madam Clerk, Member
Santiago Romero. Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve 20.8 through 20 points. 10. All right. motion has been made for approval for 20.8 To 20 point 10. Any objections? Hearing no objections. Those resolutions will be approved. request a waiver for all items, Madam President. Meaning 20 points eight through 20 points. 10. Right Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to 20.8 through 20 point 10. Member Santiago Ramiro. Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve 20 points 11 through 20 point 16. motion has been made for approval. Any objections?
Yes. Discussion? Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. I have a question in regards to line item 20. Point 11. And I'm not sure if this has been shared with us and I missed it. I'm really just trying to understand what the reimbursement is for, if we know what work has actually been done.
Right, Mr. Washington? Do we have someone on for 20? Point? 11?
Yes, ma'am.
And Dan from public parking authority. All
right, I didn't hear the first name.
He's in person.
Oh, there you are. Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, having been director strategy for the Treasury Department. Thank you. So this is an amendment to the inter local operating agreement with the PLA. This is, in April of this year, your body approved the most recent ut geo bond transaction which we just price last week, it was a very successful bond pricing, we're very proud of it for $46.3 million $22 million of that is for public lighting. And so the entire local operating agreement that we have with the public lighting authority, does not mention bond proceeds to reimburse their projects. And so we are amending that agreement in order to establish the mechanism by which we will do those reimbursements. So the amendment simply lays out what the PLA will need to provide us so that we can reimburse them that includes the itemized descriptions of the work performed the completion dates and the costs. We will reimburse them for invoices that they have already paid. The amendment also describes what the PLA needs to provide us in terms of annual reporting for bond compliance purposes. Thank you.
Okay, thank you. So for clarification, the work has not been done yet. This is just to allow for the reimbursement. Once the work has been done
that through the chair to member Johnson, as most of you correct, they have started to do some design and engineering work. So we will be reimbursing about $200,000. And the once this amendment is approved and the bonds close next week. But then the rest of the work will start once we have this amendment approved. Right.
Thank you. And I know during budget council president and I were very interested in where this work was taking place. I know it's been broadly identified as commercial corridors. And so I would really love to know to get some additional information as you all continue to proceed on where this work is taking place. absolutely
happy to do so. And we do have an initial breakdown by council district with locations which we can forward to this body after session today. That just details where it's going by district.
Sounds great. Thank you. Thank you, Madam. Madam President.
Thank you, member Johnson. Any additional questions?
All right. Thank you
all right motion has been made for approval and just to repeat the items that was 20 point 11 through 20 point 16. Okay. Hearing no objections, the resolutions will be approved, Madam President. Yes, Member Santiago Amuro requested waivers for 20 points 12. Route 20 point 16. All right, any objections to a waiver? Hearing none, that action will be taken. Yes, Mr. Turner, you understand through
the chair requesting a waiver on 1923 and 1924. That is the Wayne County property tax foreclosure properties and the sale of wayne county tax foreclosed occupied homes.
There any objections to a waiver on those items? Well, is there a motion because you can vote? All right. motion has been made and Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to 19.3 and 90.4.
Madam president request a waiver from line item 19.2. That's the property transfer between the city of Detroit Department of Transportation and the Detroit Land Bank Authority.
Right any objections to a waiver? 19.2? Hearing no objections that actually will be taken.
For the chair, just for clarity, it
was 23 and 24. I was advised you
might have said two and three.
She did say 23. Thank you
very much. Okay. Thank you, Attorney Anderson. All right, President potentate, we were gonna go back up to an item that we may have skipped over you say?
Yes, thank you, Madam President. When I heard the clerk I thought I heard 19 point. 22. So I said 19 point 22 up to 19. Point 2.2 as opposed to through 19 point 24. So that was my error in my ear. So my apologies. So I would like approval for both my items. 19 point 23 and 19 point 24. Please.
So we're actually we just did a waiver and then both of us.
Okay, well,
I think you've been,
but I didn't know I didn't move it because I thought I heard and I just wanted to make sure that that didn't mess anything up. Though we did approve it. I did not say it. I did not motion for those two items. Okay, so I just want to make sure if we get challenged, Dr.
Powers, were you under the impression and the clerk that he moved up all the way to 19 point 20 For me, I did too, but
okay, well, I'm just telling you.
So make sure it's done right. Did you like this? But
this is all procedural? The reality is it's going to be a permanent, I just when I say up to 23 I thought I heard the clerk said 22. So then I repeated 20 up to 22. And I took off 23. And then we went to the next batch of items. So I just wanted to make sure we're we're good if I have to move them. If I want to move them.
I can move them. If we're good. We're good.
I really want to do it, madam. parliamentarian.
We have to review the tape.
Well, the reason I say it is because there's waivers that are requested and I would have requested the waivers on those. And I had not done well.
They just requested requested a waiver when you say you just keep this on 20 Yeah. 2023 24.
This week, okay.
So what are they said if they said
we're good, we're good. Okay.
I didn't know what I say it's okay. My President,
thank you President Pro Tem tight.
All right from the Office of the Chief Financial Office, and the public health and safety committee. Actually, that was postponed. I'm sorry, moving along. For the Department of Public Works city engineering division. Councilmember
Santiago Romero. Several resolutions, line items 20 points 18 through 20 point 24.
Councilmember Santiago Romero. Thank you, Madam President motion to approve any points 18 through 20 points 24. These are all various petitions. Right motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections on these items? Hearing no objections. The seven resolutions will be approved. Under resolution and
council member with Bill Callaway a resolution line item 20. Point 25.
Councilmember Callaway
Thank you Madam Chair. I'd like to read a statement, if I may, and then I'd like to submit it to the clerk for the record. line item 20 point 25 is in support of Senate bills 567 568 and House bills 5098. And I'm proud to support the resolution urging the Michigan legislature to pass these bills. These bills represent a crucial step towards addressing the literacy challenges that many of our children face here in the city, particularly those with dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, excuse my poetry, no bit of that word, but dyslexia. Our city's commitment to the development and welfare welfare of our youth is unwavering. Reading is a fundamental skill that cannot, that not only enhances the academic achievement, but also foster fosters empathy, emotional awareness, and lifelong learning. The proposed legislation will ensure that students struggling to read are identified early and receive the necessary support to thrive academically. With the state of Michigan's literacy rates, ranking 43rd in the nation, and a significant portion of our students not meeting grade level standards. It is imperative that we act by implementing by implementing state approved screening practices, teacher training and creating a resource guide and advisory committee, we can better support our students and improve literacy outcomes. I urge my colleagues and Detroit community to join me in advocating for these essential bills. Together we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our children and the future of our city. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you so much, Councilmember Callaway and member Callaway has moved this for approval. Motion to approve minutes here. All right. motion has been made. Any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved. We will now move to the new portion new business portion of the agenda from the mayor's office.
Councilmember young, we have resolutions line items 21.1 through 21. Point well,
Councilmember young, you microphone.
Sorry, say it again. Thank you, ma'am. Whereas it moved to approve line item 21.1. Through sportsy, one point 12.
All right, motion has been made for approval. And these are all various city events that have received departmental approvals. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the 12. Resolutions will be approved. Remember, member Young. Thank you, Madam
President. I request waivers for line items 21.5 and 21.6.
All right. motion has been made for a waiver on 21.5 which is the Detroit City Clerk's even get out to vote when he 1.6 Is the petition of Williams Park Alliance to hold the Williams Park Alliance event. Any objections to a waiver? Hearing none that action will be taken. Madam Chair. Member Callaway Yes, thank
you request a waiver on 21.3.
All right waiver has been requested for 21.3. Any objections? Hearing none a waiver will be attached line item 21.3. From the office of contracting and procurement
councilmember Santiago Ramirez six resolutions, line items 21 point 3321 point 18 Or suffix contract number 6006447 100%. Grant funding to provide network communication services to select the location for moles grant contract or Comcast Cable Communications Management management LLC. total contract amount 100,000. That's for construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6006440 100%. grant money to lease property at 5716 Michigan Avenue to the city of Detroit Health Department contractor by 716 partners LLC total contract came out $187,500 That's for health. Next contract is contract number 600625 for 100% grant funding to provide air quality monitoring study for impact on local community contractor reaches of the University of Michigan total contract amount $878,783 Ask for help. Next contract is contract number 307641 to 100% grant funding to provide to law enforcement water vessels one seasonal and one all season contractor in W band bolts LLC doing business as North riverboats total contract amount $868,612.50 cent that's for police next contract is contract number 6006438 100% major street funding to provide bits mini bits to millions army resurfacing of classy streets at various locations. Contractor Fort Wayne contracting slash Ajax paving industries incorporated joint venture total contract amount $2,568,460.88 That's for public works. Last contract is contract number 6006437 100% major street funding to provide PW seven days 6020 25 major roles resurfacing repairing concrete patches, cold milling etc. Contractors Fort Wayne contracting slash Ajax paving industries incorporated joint venture total contract amount $8,460,388.29 That's for public works. Councilmember Santiago Romero six resolutions
Thank you Madam Clerk, Councilmember Santiago rimuru. Thank you Madam President. Motion to approve 21 point 13 through 21 point 18. motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The six resolutions will be approved. request a waiver for all six items, Madam President, any objections to a waiver? Hearing none that action will be taken. Madam Chair, member Calloway
we can go back to line item 21.7. I'd like to request a waiver. This is the bicycle tour being sponsored by the University of Detroit Mercy. Thank you Madam Chair.
waiver has been requested and that was 20.7 21.7 i 21.7. Madam Clerk Thank you any objections? Hearing no objections, a waiver will be attached to that item from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Also remember Yun five resolutions, noting that line items 21 point 90 and 21 point 20 are postponed from last week formal session or such as contract number 6005457. Dash a to 100% arpa funding amendment to to provide adjustment of scope for debris remediation services, clearing and removal of garbage slash trash, illegal dumping and other blight issues as assigned for commercial corridors contractor cleaning up Detroit City LLC. total contract amount $2,099,842. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006076 100%. City funding to provide programming for up to 50 campers, ages six to 12 contractor Rosedale Park Baptist Church, total contract amount 75,000 That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6004538. Dash a 100%. City funding Amendment One to provide an increase of false for fire vehicles repair service, labor and or parts on tractor are in our fire truck repair Incorporated. total contract amount 1,350,000. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006413 100. was saying grant funding to provide improvements at Kelly dog park contractor Michigan recreational construction incorporated total contract amount 100,000. That's for general services. Last contract is contract number 606411 33% major street funding 33% Solid Waste and 33% city funding to furnish the rental of heavy duty vehicles and supporting services contractor here hurt Reynolds Incorporated. total contract amount $3,402,540. That's for general services. Also member Yun, five for solutions.
Thank you, Madam Clerk. Councilmember Young.
Thank you, Madam President Move to approve line items 21.9 through 21 point 23.
motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections to the line items? Discussion? Yes. Councilmember Santiago and mural. Thank you, madam president for 21 point, a 23.
There is just want
to get information from the administration. We were expecting the memo explaining the I P A funding and we have not received it wondering if that has been sent over? If not If if it can be forwarded again.
Mr. Washington, yes, that memo is being finalized. It shouldn't be sent out to the body. Today or tomorrow. I did have a separate from your office, which are regarding this contract as well. Related to the IPA funding, IPA can only be used for purchases. And I believe this is for rentals in which it can't be used. So the funding source for this item is still correct. But that memo should shouldn't be forthcoming today or tomorrow.
Amen. President Thank you, Mr. Washington. Thank you. Thank you, Council Member. Any further discussion? Councilmember Yang.
Thank you. Mr. Mr. Hill hearing this right. 21 point 23 is a IPA contracts are definitely right. IPA was IRS. These IPA? I don't see that. On the T report.
The chair? Yes, Mr. Washington.
Through the Chair, the member young know this. The funding sources that you see on the agenda today are correct. There are two other contracts that was in the neighborhoods. The Neighborhood and Community Services Committee on last week they are Ida funded, but they will appear on next week's formal session agenda. Oh,
yeah, that's right. Does that on this committee? We put that the regular bit. Oh, sorry. Okay. Okay. We talked about something that's not here yet. Because now Okay, I'm sorry. What am I looking at? Alright, near my house. I thank you. I'll just want to write it's based on my Wait a minute. All right. Thank you.
Thank you, Councilmember young,
Do we we've already read about it.
We're gonna move on move now. Alright, a motion has been made for approval for the five resolutions. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The five resolutions will be approved. From the Office of the Chief Financial Officer Office of Development and grants. waiver. Yeah. Want to waiver. Before we move forward, Madam Clerk member young.
I want a waiver for line item 21.9 through 21.
point 23.1 point 19. I'm sorry, excuse me. Scratch at 21.9 and 21.12. Point 19 To 21 point 23. And then I have one more way request enter that.
You were saying something? I was gonna refer you
madam president. The clerk office is requesting a waiver for line item 21.5. That is for the event for this weekend for the Detroit City Clerk's office that
we moved that already. We requested a waiver. Yeah, we already did. Yeah, of course. Alright, so there's a request for a waiver for 21 point 19 To 21 point 23. Any objections? Hearing none waiver will be attached to those items from the Office of Development and grants.
Councilmember Santiago Ramiro for resolutions lie items 21.1 to one through 21 point 27.
All right, um, mais is showing starting at 21 Point 24 Correct, Madam President.
You are correct, madam president is in some in correction on my end. Okay. It's by item 21 point 24 through line item 21 point 27. Right. Thank you, Madam
Clerk Member Santiago Ramiro. Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve 20 One point 24 through 21 point 27. These are all various grant applications. All right, any objections? Hearing no objections the four resolutions will be approved on the opposite of development and grants.
Also remember y'all are resolution line. I don't want to one point 28.
Councilmember Young.
Thank you, Madam President Move to approve line item 21 point 28.
Any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution for the acceptance of a grant will be approved. Madam President requested waiver for 21 point 24 through 21 point 27 for all the applications. Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to those items. A resident and council member
Yeah, request a waiver for line 21 point 28.
Hearing no objections, a waiver will be attached to 21 point 28. From the police department.
Also remember Santiago Romero a resolution line item 21 point 29.
Member Santiago Ramiro Thank you madam president motion to approve. Alright, motion has been made for approval for 21.9. Any objections was 21 point 29 Yet, thanks for Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved request a waiver Madam President. Hearing no objections a waiver will be attached to 21 point 29. From the police department
policy number Santiago Romero a resolution line item 21.
Madam president General Services Department Yes.
Councilmember young are resolution line item 21 point 30.
Councilmember Young.
Thank you, Mayor President Move to approve line item 21 point 30.
Right motion has been made for approval and this is to authorize the Detroit RECs department to acquire 15 parcels from the Detroit Land Bank Authority. Any objections to the resolution? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved under resolutions.
Councilmember Callaway Yes,
thank you Madam Chair. Thank you, Madam Clerk on this is regarding resolute resolution in support of House Bill 4177 of 2023 and House bills 5817 and 5818 of 2024. On Thursday, June the 20th 2024, the Michigan House of Representatives passed House Bill 4177, first introduced by Representative Tyrone Carter on March the seventh 2023. If passed the history museum with authorities Act would allow the Detroit Historical Museum, the Dawson Great Lakes Museum and the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History to with voter approval obtain essential funding for operations by loving a local tax. This would echo legislation that supports the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Detroit Zoo. For years now our city's historical gatekeepers have come before Council asking for support in order to continue to maintain Detroit's cultural artifacts. The maintenance of our city's history should never be called into question. Our children should grow up with the essential understanding of how the components of our shared paths have paved the way for their futures. As the city attracts more visitors, the need to prioritize our routes has become more critical than ever before. Preserving our museum gives visitors an opportunity to educate themselves and connect with the local community. I've asked the legislative possible policy division to draft this resolution in support of House bills. 4177 it is critical that we stand behind these these historical institutions, as they have always stood behind us beside us. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you so much, Councilmember Callaway? Yes, member Benson.
Well, thank Council, woman Callaway for her resolution. This is something that we at the Charles H. Wright, my office have been working on for over seven years now. And it is critical that these bills get passed and this school about their level of sustainability, never seen by either of the institutions. And so it's very important. I'm really pleased to see that we now finally see light at the end of this tunnel with the House passing for seven, seven and just in the Senate now and waiting for the Senate to take up house bills 5817 as well as 5818 Looking forward to finally bring closure to this issue and then the ability to run a campaign who actually get the residence of a Oakland Wayne County to support both of these critical institutions. Thank you.
All right, thank you so much. Member Benson and Ranking Member Callaway, motion to approve Madam Chair. All right, any objections to the resolution? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved. We will now move to our referrals for the president's report when standing committee Madam
President, before you go to the referrals, we have two items that are being walked on. For member young. The first one both of these are on the agenda as referrals to the neighborhood Standing Committee. The first one is to referral line item 8.1, which is the Arif and keldon festival. Like to walk on to new business.
And the other one is like a line item,
it will be referred in this next group that you're doing it to under the referrals because it's line item 25.2. They're both are special events.
Okay, is there a motion to walk to new business or refer to new business line item 8.1 and 25.2? Both are special events. Motion? All right. Hearing no objection, we will walk these on to new business. And member Madam Clerk if we can move both of these. I know this one. Both of these are coming up this weekend.
Yes, Madam President. Council member young, two resolutions. Member Young.
Thank you, Madam President. I like to walk on. Oh, wait. Thank you, Madam President. I would like to move line items 8.1 and 25.2. I'm sorry. I would like to move for approval line item 8.1. And line item 25.2. Thank you.
All right, motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the two resolutions will be approved. And if you want to request a waiver.
Yes, I would. Thank you, man. Pres I'd like to request a waiver on line items 8.1 and 25.2. Hearing
no objections, a waiver will be attached to both items. All right. We also have a resolution for a closed session or this coming Monday at 2pm. Is there a motion to walk this resolution on motion? Motion has been made. Madam Clerk.
Council member Johnson or resolution. Council
member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve the walker.
motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved. Right now continue with our referrals for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee.
Two reports from various city departments.
The two reports will be referred to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee or the internal operations committee.
Okay, okay.
So we will go back to the vote for the resolution. This should be a roll call.
Yes. Madam Clerk? Councilmember, call me on the second. Yes. Council President Mary Sheffield. Yes. Councilmember Scott Benson. Yes. Councilmember Schrader Hall. The third. Yes. Councilmember Leticia Johnson. Yes. Councilmember Gabriela? Santiago Romero. Yes. Council President Pro Tem James Tate.
Councilmember Mary waters. Yes. Councilmember Angela. Whitfield Callaway, nine gays. That motion passes, Madam President.
All right, that resolution is approved. And Madam Clerk if you want to continue with the referrals for the internal operations committee 11
reports from various city departments.
Right, those reports 11 reports will be referred to internal apps for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee
13 reports from various city departments. The 13th. President there will be 12 reports we remove line item 25.2 was walked on to new business. So there will be 12 reports from various city departments. Right
the 12 reports will be referred to the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee for the Planning and Development Committee.
13 reports from various city departments.
The 13 reports will be referred to the planning and development committee or the public health and safety standard committee Tim reports from various city departments. The 10 reports will be referred to the public health and safety Standing Committee under the consent agenda.
There are no items Madam President All right, well
call now for member reports. And we will start with member Callaway.
No report at this time, man to your thanks. That's
a member Benson.
Thank you looking forward to the 28th July szerint, at Lasky recreation center for the East Davidson Village neighborhood looking to get feedback from our residents on a future potential density within that subdivision, future housing types, as well as sustainability models for a reinvested subdivision. And so that will take place at last and Recreation Center from 09 100 until 3pm. And looking for the groups to report out at about the 1155 1230 as well as 1:55pm. I also want to thank Lior seating as well as the health department as well as the win, as well as Wayne Metro. For their support for our fourth Carsey giveaway. We now this year been able to give away over two sessions over 325 car seats for young families within the city of Detroit. And as car seats can cost upwards of $400 that is a huge impediment to safely driving with our young families. And we always see young families driving up to the carseat giveaway with children who are unsecured. In addition, we have Wei Metro who installs with their certified installation technicians, these car seats for safe young families. And so just once again, want to thank everybody, including my team and the Freck for hosting us for our fourth car seat giveaway is a huge opportunity for young families and is glad to be able to do this. Thank you.
Thank you member Benson member waters.
Thank you, Madam President. I am I just want to point out as it relates to landlords and tenants, it it appears that the this becoming the environment is becoming more and more hostile, and dangerous. For for some tenants. Last night, I received a telephone call from a tenant who the landlord had come to her house and pulled a gun on her and her son. And so we managed to the escalate that he ended up being arrested. But these are the kinds of things these are very, very tense times. And and I know that tennis rise commission and along with a compliance ordinance, I'm not sure if that's gonna be all of the answers. I don't know what is going on. And perhaps state laws should should intervene, perhaps state legislators should come up with a law and just say that certain things are not going to be tolerated. But I just wanted to say that for the record, it is really, really intense. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Councilmember waters, President Pro Tem Tate.
Thank you, Madam
President. I know we have interviews that are set for some Monroe, and wanted to find out, Lee wanted to find out they were online or in person that was someone told me that they were online or a remote. If they are in fact remote, I would make those requests that we have them in person. That's just what
I was just a tiny battery, you
too can respond to that.
That afternoon, we can make an effort to make sure that they're all in person. I know that the time is a bit abbreviated. So that may be difficult for some but I know the time we will make an effort to make sure that all of them are here in person because of the time is a bit abbreviated may be difficult for some to manage their schedules, but I believe the most of the ones that I've spoken with actually wanted to do it in person. So I don't think it'd be that difficult.
I guess if, if it's allowable, just to make sure there's those who want to be in person we allow them to but if scheduling is what it is, and we can allow them to also be remote, so be flexible. That was just my recommendation. Someone told me that it was they were all being remotely and again, I could be wrong. That's why I'm bringing it up now. I want to clarify. Okay. All right. Thank you so much. That is my members. Thank you.
Thank you President Pro Tem Tate, also member Young. Thank
you, Madam President. Coffee with Coleman is this Friday, July 26. From 11am to 1pm at Detroit Rosa, that's called with Coleman. Friday, July 26 11am. To 1pm at Detroit Rosa that's 19180 Grand River Avenue. So again, it's coffee with Coleman, Friday, July 26 11am, to 1pm at roses coffee shop 19180 brand river Avenue, UK RRSP and register at 313224424. A also, um, well, everybody knows tomorrow at butzel Family Center, we're going to have a food giveaway of fresh produce. That's going to be tomorrow at butzel Family Center. First come first serve, you can get more information at 313224424. And so again, two things coffee with Coleman, Friday, July 26 11am to 1pm at Detroit Rosa 19180 Grand River Avenue. Then tomorrow at bustle Family Center at 7737 virtual we are having a food giveaway. If you miss the information, call 313-224-4248. And before I leave, I will be apropos if I didn't say that today is my Chief of Staff's birthday. So please make sure you find her and say hello and talk about where the party is because she doesn't like the party so please do that. Because it's we buy expensive enjoy me but I just want to say again, happy birthday to my dear sweet mommy. That is the end of my member report.
Thank you, Councilmember young member Santiago Ramiro. Thank you Madam President. I just want to invite all district six residents to our community office hours in August. Our next one is going to be on Monday August 5 pet in Park from four to 6pm. And I want to invite everyone across the city to join our team GSR second annual D six celebration on Saturday, August 17. We will be at Riverside Park shelter one from 12 to 3pm. Stop by for some fun family adventures and activities will have resources, inflatables, performances, awards and so much more. I want to give a huge shout out to my team who's been working on this diligently all year. And really looking forward to this events and in August. Thank you, Madam President. Thank you, Councilmember. Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. I just want to remind everyone in District Four that we are hosting our community bike ride this Thursday, July 25, at 6pm. In the Maple Ridge community, our meetup location is 14403 Cedar Grove. Our bike rides are growing in popularity, we do typically have a resident from the community who gives us a tour throughout their neighborhood. And so we encourage everyone to come out join us get a little exercise in and get to see more of the district. Again, that is this Thursday, July 25 at 6pm location 14403 Cedar Grove and also just want to gear everyone up for our convening with the Detroit Land Bank Authority on July 31. That is next week, our first day of recess. We are hosting a virtual meeting with the Detroit Land Bank Authority primarily focused on the MOU with the land bank, but certainly anyone who has questions or concerns about the land bank are welcome to join us. That will be July 31 at 5:30pm. If you'd like to attend, please reach the office for the link to be able to join us virtually the office number is area code 313-224-4841. Again, 313-224-4841. Thank you, Madam President.
All right. Thank you so much. Mr. Johnson. member Dr. Hall.
Thank you, Madam President. And to our December residents just want to apprise you of some upcoming events. On Saturday, July the 27th. This Saturday will be the I'm sorry. This will be the Community Health Resource Fair hosted by State Representative Karen Woodside at the Boys and Girls Club, located at 4242 Collingwood again, that will be the 27 this is the community health and resource fair hosted by State Representative Karen Woodside, the Boys and Girls Club at 4242 In Collingwood, there will be free screenings and test healthy home resources like property tax assistance, water assistance and food support, and also mental health clinics. Also this Sunday, July the 28th is Russell Woods Sullivan Association jazz in the park. This is a annual free jazz concert. Right and Russell woods, we're hoping that we have a huge turnout. They're just very great time to spend with a lot of members of the community and Russell was and it's always just a great time. So urging our residents in district seven to come out to that it will be again at the Russell Woods Park and this is the jazz and apart. Finally, our next policy session is going to be next Monday, July 29, from 6pm to 7:30pm at the Edison library at 18400 Joy road. Again, that is July 29, this upcoming Monday from 6pm to 7:30pm. This will be our policy session, and we will be talking specifically about housing. So we invite our members of D seven to join us at this policy session. Other than that, that concludes my report. Thank you, Madam President.
All right. Thank you, Councilmember dear ha. I would like to thank the community in district five for coming out to our annual hoop fest that took place this past Sunday, we gave away over 400 shoes to local young residents youth throughout the city of Detroit, an amazing competitive game of basketball was played, of course team Sheffield took the victory. But it was a great great community event. I want to give a huge shout out to Northwest Goldberg and the work that that nonprofit is doing over on the west side of the district not too far from Henry Ford Hospital, and thank them for their partnership for another annual amazing event for the community. Also yesterday our office kicked off the land bank series meetings which will allow for more dialogue and input regarding the memorandum of understanding. The meeting was very successful. I encourage residents to attend those virtual meetings which will be held in each district, you have the opportunity to go into a breakout room on various topics and get one on one assistance from land bank representative. So when I encourage all of our residents who have any outstanding land bank concerns or issues or like to give input one the current MOU to attend those virtual series that will be held in each council district. I also want to mention that the city clerk's office will be hosting a get out and vote block party this Saturday, from nine to 5pm at 2978 West Grand Boulevard they will be family activities, nonprofit organizations, a bike giveaway children entertainment and much more. Again, that is this Saturday, a get out to vote Black Friday party from 9am to 5pm, hosted by our our own city clerk, so please come out and attend that. And then lastly wanted to mention, we are continuing our food fellowship and fun series where we are connecting with black clubs in senior apartment complexes throughout the city of Detroit. If you are interested in our office coming by to provide resources along usually with food in fellowship, please reach out to our office at 313-224-4505. And actually have one other thing and that is that we have received several emails and concerns regarding an increase in violence or crimes within the Boston Edison area, and other areas within district five. So our office is currently organizing a community crime and neighborhood crime update with the local MPOs both in the east and west side of the district. So please stay tuned to all of district five residents. We will be hosting a community conversation with our MPOs regarding the neighborhood violence that we're seeing and crimes that we're seeing within district five. So please stay tuned for that. Those community conversations that will be forthcoming. And that will conclude my member reports and we will now proceed back to the agenda. Under adoption without committee reference.
There are no items Madam President, under communications from the clerk or report on approval of proceedings by the mayor.
The report will be received and placed on file under testimonial resolutions and special privilege.
There are no items, Madam President.
All right there being nothing else to come before us today. Everyone Have a blessed day and if there's a motion to adjourn the meeting is now adjourned