I'm just going to jump in into this and this could have worked. So what I'm going to do today is I'm going to give you some background, open overview about the niche market work some of you guys are familiar with. And then at the end, I will present what the package is. We do have a certification. So national certification there many of our real estate agents go through it. We have about 14,000 people that will be certified throughout the country. And I'll show you guys the these are the costs and all that. And like I said, you can make a decision whether this is something you guys want to use, bring to your team. And then we can make arrangements for that. And so that's pretty much okay, so the link is on the chat. If you guys click on the link, you can download the eBook. Just take a second and do that real quick. So that way you guys have the notes
and make sure that everyone is
doing that. So just taking a couple of seconds with you guys to get that information. It will take what I'm what I'm going to do today is I'm going to cover about, it's about 90 minutes worth of it but then again, you can stay as long as you want as long as you want and if you have to go I understand. So again, click on the link, download the nails so you can have him and that will take care of everything. All right. So, just really quick. My name is Mike Torres. I'm one of the cofounders of MTI education. I've been in this business for over 20 years. Previously before I got an undergraduate degree in real estate, I have a graduate degree in education. So before I got into real estate, I was a former teacher for the longest Unified School District so I took two of my passions, education and real estate and combined them and that's how MTI was born. One of the other co founders is Molly choice. My wife she has been very experiences which she and I have done a lot of properties in the property world. So we understand this niche market very well. In we here at Mt education, we design what we call the ultimate proper real estate system. So the system has three major components. The first component of course, is the education. That's the heart of it. So we have your system. We developed the curriculum based on all these years of experience. And this curriculum has been used by 1000s of people across the country. So not only we develop the curriculum, but also as being a former educator. I understand the importance to have support in the back end. So all of our students have access to a support system. And the support system is components and many different tools that we have for them. Now once we finish the support system and it was in place and the next thing was for us to be able to teach people how to get access to this leads. So when you think of our our system and the ultimate prognosis system is education, with the support and the lease, always working together as an ecosystem, so that the students use all the tools at all times and that's what creates the success that we have based on one of our some of our students that uses our programs. Now a little bit about ourselves who we are we certify over 14,000 Real estate agents across the country closing 1000s of provisions to actions per year, we developed the ultimate private real estate system exclusively designed for the real estate professional. We all offer the only national certification employment real estate goals, secrets, and secret stands for Certified probate. Real estate specialist. Today secrets is recognized by probate courts, real estate boards, judges and attorneys across the country. MTI has the largest network of certified probate real estate specialists in America and we are the strongest national brand in profitable staging, excuse me education. So a little bit about who we are. Another question that comes up quite a bit among people is like what's so special about probate real estate? So those of you who aren't experienced, you're familiar with this, but if you don't, if you have, you know, Jim Skiba background if you don't have a lot of experience in probate real estate, the first thing is this information is free. This is public information. And he's very, very easy to obtain. When I teach this, I tell people, the easiest way to get access to this latest release is really simple. First of all, step number one is you got to get access to our case number and to get access to a case number today, with all this technology available to us. You can use basically any search engine. For example, right now I'm standing in the LA County area. So if I want to look for a case number in the LA County, I just go to Google and I will type Los Angeles County legal newspapers. And the reason why I use legal newspapers is because every probate there is pile at any courthouse in this country has to be published in a legal newspaper letting the community know that this person has passed away. So whenever I find that case number, I'd be able to go to step number two, which is pulling this information directly from the probate court. So again, going back to my example, if I go to Los Angeles scan the legal newspapers, it will give me different choices. I click on one of them. One of the ones the website open up, I'm looking at all the different parts of them or that specific legal newspaper. So I'm looking for the link within the says classify section. Once I click on the classify section, it will show me all the legal postings and then once I find that area, I'm looking for a posting this says Minister of state of blank person, case number blank. That's how I get access to a case number. So that's the first step in the process. Once the I find the case number, I write it down on a piece of paper. Step number two, I go to my local County probate court. So again, using the LA County as an example, I go back to Google and I will type Los Angeles County probate court, and it's going to give me the probate court website. I click on it once I'm on the website. I'm looking for the link that will say case summaries or online cases something along those lines. Once I find the link, I'm going to click on it and it's going to ask me for a case number. I'll take the case number that I found on the legal newspaper. I plugged that in and it's going to give me two choices either is going to show me the entirety case online, or it's going to show me a summary of the case. If I can find the entire case online, then I don't have to go to the courthouse to pull this information. But if I only see a summary of the case, that means the my county that I'm looking at is going to ask me to go directly to the probate court to pull this manually. So that's one option nowadays, somewhat account is occasionally more tech savvy. But they also discovered that if I give you this information for free, we lose in revenue. So they are getting smarter. What they're doing is now they're charging you a fee that per page, or they can charge you a membership to pay to be able to access this information online. So it's still in the transition phase for some of the core classes across the country. So that's how you get access to this information. This information is free. There's really hardly any competition. This is really interesting. This is one of the niches their competition is very low. And the reason being is because most people don't understand what we call the probate timeline. And the probate timeline is the key to being successful in this niche market. And I'll show you guys in a few minutes. The probate timeline, very low close to client acquisition in terms of expense 90% of people who manage an estate will sell the property. So this is a very highly motivated sellers niche market. And when you sell the list and the ears become buying prospects, so this is again, another unique piece of being in this niche market that once you're working with the families and your prospect and in the case, once you finally just list the property and you sell it, these people who you are interacting with rather process they become heirs and now they're getting inheritance. So some of these individuals now they're having 50 $100,000 in their pocket, and now they're going you know what, it's time for me to buy my first home, it's time for me to upgrade him upside maybe it's just I want to start an investment portfolio. So it's really interesting. We can generate multiple Commission checks and have just one specific cases. And I have students, one student Brad Bregman, no San Diego, he got five bank commission checks. I was just one case just working with the family members was really interesting. So it's a very unique niche. Especially if you have a large team of people that you're working with this will be a great for them. Also, you have access to qualify buyers without investing any money and this niche market is not driven by the economy is truly recession proof. Right now one of the biggest challenges that many people are telling me I just finished actually a meeting with Georgia about an hour and a half ago. And I was asking them what was the biggest challenge that we're going through and they keep saying, you know, buyers trying to find sellers they really need to move forward. And what I was explaining to them and I said look, a regular seller in a probate seller is two worlds apart. The regular selling have a choice. They that they're selling because maybe they downsize the upsize. Maybe they have a job relocation, you know And right now, the way the market is they're sitting on the properties with a very low interest rate. You know, they're going to three, three and a half percent 30 year and the way they market is the deadline. They're not selling so that's the bottleneck. They have a choice. They probably sell it. On the opposite side. They have choices. I mean, so they don't have a choice. The regular citizen have a choice. The province really doesn't, because they are right now they're managing an estate. They have responsibilities to pay the State bills, they have to pay creditors, they have to file taxes depends on how much money is involved in the state. Now they're dealing with property taxes. So there's a lot of moving pieces that they have to manage any they don't have the money. They have to liquidate This is when 90% of these people always sell in the real estate piece because the most valuable asset to the estate is the property. And I show you in a few minutes. What is going on within this niche. It's just there's so many moving pieces. So when you think of a regular seller, they have a choice to do they stay in the game, or just get out of the game. He probably seller don't have a choice. They have a responsibility. They have a legal responsibility to the estate and to all the people involved. So it's a different it's a different world. So when I talk about probate real estate is very unique on its own.
Now, let me keep showing you more information. So I did recently I did a survey is asking people across the country, what was the biggest challenge and it was really interesting as the survey came back and here's the biggest five challenges that most real estate agents are going through in their business they say there's really no unique selling proposition to differentiate myself from the crowd. I need access to the tools creating today's new top producers difficult to be located as relative to the high competition in the marketplace. And when I saw this, I'm thinking the right I mean we have about 1.3 million real estate license across this country and everyone is chasing the same inventory so it's very competitive. When you're looking at the market as a whole. They also say difficult to locate a qualified listing opportunity and the real estate market is totally unpredictable. subpoena a former educator, I always like to do research, I mean research really gives a clearer picture of what you're looking at. And I found this chart this is by NAR simply showing the real estate market behavior over the years. And as you can tell you guys are very experienced people the real estate market is constantly moving. So I can my next question is like, Okay, how does this niche market probing fits within the real estate arena and it was really an eye opening the difference? First of all, the real estate market always moves cyclical, but in probate is very stable. This is one of the very stable niches within real estate because it's all connected to the lifecycle. And that is the key here. You want consistency, consistent flow of inventory. This is a beautiful niche to get in. So I did my research and let me share with you guys what I found. This is a study by the US Bureau of the Census. And this is a study of population 60 years or older. And as you can see, at the beginning of a decade, we had about 77 million seniors was 60 years or older. They projected by 2030. We're gonna have about 92 million seniors 60 plus so here's the key. This telling us that luxury is near horizon, it's not uncommon for us to reach 8090, even 100 years. So that is one of the greatest things for human for humans. The problem is, the longer we live, what happens to our financial resources over time, it diminishes. People never plan to live this long. That is a huge problem. This is why we have reverse mortgages in the open market because people are running out of cash and their most valuable asset to the estate is their homes. 70% of all the properties they go through the probate court is free and clear. That's what the money's sitting in equity. So people are tapping into their own homes to be able to supplement their income as they get older. Now here's the the effect after effect of this is that as people pass it on, now you have this state it's going to go through the probate courts and the person who's in charge realize that there's no liquidity all the money is gone. But there's two things you cannot avoid in this country debt and taxes. So how am I going to pay taxes? How am I going to pay the creditors, how we're going to pay medical bills, funeral expenses, how am I going to pay for the attorney fees so that's what they're going like, I need to have something I need to sell something. And that's why 90% of these people are liquidating and their most valuable asset to the estate is always going to be the real property. This is why there's such a high turnover in terms of people liquidating all these properties because they people that are using all their money, there's no money at the end of the day. We have a lot of cash, bullet states cash for that acid poor, and that's what the opportunity comes in. So here's more stats as of 2021 According to the census thereby 91,330,000 I'm sorry, 830,845 homeowners in the United States, that's what I call the inventory. So the national NAR says that about 5.3 million homes are sold in the US per year on average. So when I start finding this information, I'm looking at this map Okay, so we have about 91 million homeowners and according to Nar about 5.3 million of these homeowners will sell so what is the percentage at the end of the day? Then I realized that only 6% of homeowners across this country are selling their homes. So I can tell you that on January 1 only ever. Six out of 100 people are going to be selling their homes this year. And this is why my survey people were saying is very competitive. It's very crowded, because everyone is going after the same thing. That's why let me show you something different. This is what makes this niche market so unique.
According to the CDC, as of 2021, about 3.4 million people die each year in the United States, according to the census 65% of these people they pass away. They own at least one house. Again, it's just a math problem. What is 65% and 3.4 million that creates a 2.2 million potential probate listings in this country. And we know based on stats 90% of these people liquidate these homes because again, like I say people are living longer the longer you live, financial resources diminished. So what is 90% or 2.2 million as a 1.9 million properties being sold across this country cheers from this niche market or property real estate and people think they will dispute about probate. That means that somebody died not necessarily in probate, we have people who are alive, but they liquidate in their homes. So this is bigger than what people really think it is. So when you put the numbers together if I have a 5.3 million according to Nar been houses being sold across this country, and based on the statistics about 1.9 million more this property is coming from this niche market or property real estate, I can safely I can safely say that about 30% of all the homes being sold across America comes in this market this niche market or property real estate hopefully this making sense guys, I'm throwing a lot of numbers. But that's basically what it is. When you look at all these statistics. This niche market is bigger than what people used to think of. It's just there's there's a massive number. And the other part is that we have a huge generation coming through the baby boomers generation is the wealthiest and largest living generation today. And this is why we see so much real estate going through the probate courts today and I'll give you more information in a couple of minutes. Now here's your average probate house in order to get access to this. Just need a case number and find out where your local Probate Court is located. You can do this in LA you can do this in Texas, you can do this in Utah. You can do this in New Jersey. Basically, if people are living there, there's always going to be a probate court so there is real estate available in your own backyard every single day. I overheard with somebody who's from the Chicago area cook county to county is huge. Oh my gosh, there's so much profit because to just Cook County alone. So it's a great place to do business, especially up in Chicago. Now there's two ways you can settle on a state in America. Either the person died with a fully vested leave in short, or people die with a will or nowhere. The only way to avoid probate is if the person had a fully vested trust upon death. Let's call a little bit deeper into this. So a trust is something is a legal document that is put together by an attorney once the trust is completed, now the owner of the trust will have to move all of their personal assets from their personal name to the trust name so they have the house into the trust. They have investment properties into the trust. Anything that is appreciating assets will be moving to the trust once everything is completed. Now we have a fully funded trust. If the person passes on, this travel goes to the attorney's office and between the attorney and the trustee. They will liquidate the estate. That's how it works. Now here's a common mistake. People says the trust everything's done correctly, they fund the trust. Later on, they decide to refinance. So they take the house out of the trust, they refinance and they forgot to put it back in when something is left out of the trust or time on death in this situation. They have to take the leave insurance, but I leave with the probate court asking the court to put that asset back in it. And now the court will have to make a decision based on the intent. What was the intent of the deceased person to put it inside of the trust or to leave it out? If they put it back? Into the trust, everything goes back to the attorney's office and he continues if they leave that acid outside of insurance now this asset will be probated all the way through. Now, that's a common mistake that people make. But if only 5% of Americans have a fully vested leave insurance, therefore 95% of the people that die in this country there is they get settled with the probate courts. And that's what the opportunity is is incredible. Now, let me show you I did a little research. Someone I went back a year and a half ago two years ago, told me that probably wouldn't work for them because there are farm areas area was there were a lot of well to do people educated people. They didn't think that probably worked for them. So when they gave me that information, I'm thinking Let me see let me do a little bit more digging to see that is true. So I put a collage of people who their estate went through probate, and I'm going to share that with you just to make a point here. Probate does not discriminate. The fact is less than 5% of Americans have a fully vested trend, therefore, everybody else has to go through probate. If you have a Will you go through probate if there's no wheel, you still go through probate because the only way to avoid it is a fully trust a living trust. So and let me share with you guys this collage, every single person this collage, their estate went through the probate court. And as you can see, I mean there's the one that I was a little surprised is the one on the upper right corner that was kind of took me a little bit. I was I was kind of shocked. I was like I can't believe this man didn't have everything done correctly. He knew he was dying. He was he had a live insurance. He was putting everything on the trust. Once he passed away. The next step in the process is is taking inventory of all the assets. So the trustee the attorney would take an inventory with Steve state. And they found one account that he was not inside of the trust at time of death. And this account had about $300 million worth of Apple stock in it and he was not inside of the trust. So in a situation like this, they went to Santa Clara County, California. They filed with the probate court asking the court to put their account back in it. And the court will have to make a decision based on the intent what the intent was to put everything in the trust. He just missed one. So they put everything back into the trust and he went back to the attorney's office but the moment you file any documents at any courthouse in this country becomes a public record. So you can literally go to Santa Clara County and pull the Steve Jobs case, read the trust write down exactly what happened was the attorney who was the trustee, so all this information is available to you and that's where you can generate really good qualify leads. Then you have from the disk over some of these people from the upper right. Upper left corner from left to right you have when the Houston Pablo Picasso Sonny Bono, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson's estate was in probate for almost 10 years and the biggest problem on the estate was having estate it was a Bitcoin going on. So it was a fight between the royalties the music, they all the wealthiest he was coming from the music companies and the companies didn't want to pay and the estate was fighting know that money should go into the estate so they were millions of dollars coming you know coming in into the the estate because of the royalties of his music. And that's the reason why it took so long to settle. Everyone's tried to come to an agreement. So the probate court eventually found an agreement among everyone that everyone was happy, but it dragged on for almost 10 years. And who made most of the money, the attorneys. That's the fact it's really sad. Then you have next to him. Mohammed Lee Howard Hughes, Steve Jobs, James Gandolfini. Heath Ledger. Did you guys recognize who is in the middle there? The guy with the top hat? Take a take a wild guess who that is? To see if you guys can recognize him typing on the chat just for fun.
It's a famous banker.
Give you a hint. JP JP Morgan. Steve. That's correct. So JP Morgan here is this man who's very wealthy, legal counsel at all times businessman. And yet at the end, he didn't have his personal stuff. taken care of. And this is why he's standard. I go into probate next to him standing next to the bookshelf. That's Charles Schwab. You have Walt Disney Paul Walker, Thomas Kincade Marilyn Monroe and then of course meet me White House. Robin Williams. Robin Williams had a trust and the reason why his his trust ended up going to probate was because his family and the wife kept arguing over the Napa State. It was a very expensive piece of property. So they had to go through the probate court and the moment went to the probate court. It became a public record. Eventually the court ordered the sale of the Napa State so everybody got their inheritance and moved on. And you have Philip Seymour, Roy Disney who are friends, and we can do Aretha Franklin. They just found her it will about a weekend ago. We can half ago. In a couch out of all the places they found her wheel and then you have Anthony Bourdain, the list goes on and on. My point is this. You can be wealthy, you can be famous, you can be brilliant. At the end of the day, people do not prepare for their end of life. And this is why only 5% of Americans today have a fully vested living trust. So there's a 95% opportunity for your team and you to tap into this niche market and make a ton of money literally is an incredible, incredible niche. Now let's talk about the different powers that go through the probate court. Living Trust. The reason why you see a Living Trust point the probate is because something was left out at time with them. Usually the problem is the house so whenever I see a Living Trust going through probate, I stop and read I scan the file really quick. And like I said most of the time is the property that was out of the trust. Another one this is a niche within the niche. I don't know if you guys have finished with this called guardianships. Now the guardianship can be a guardianship of a minor or a guardianship of an adult. Let me give you this scenario of what is happening within this niche market. Most people right now are living a long life and will longevity comes problems. So it is not uncommon today to find people with Parkinson's, dementia. These are diseases that robs the person's ability to care for themselves. In situations like this. A family member steps in and they become the guardian to the estate. So they file with a local probate court asking the court to become the Guardian once they get approved. Now they take over every decision making from financial to health, everything they speak in they they begin making decisions on behalf of that person. So let me give you a typical scenario of guardianship the person is older, they're having some medical issues a family member takes over. Now once they take over, they have a legal responsibility to provide 24/7 care for that individual. So for example, somebody with dementia or Parkinson's, we're dealing with a 24/7 care meaning it could be a nursing home, assisted living facility to care for the individual or if they want to spend a little bit more money they can do in home health care. But the average costs of this type of service is very, very expensive. Just curiosity guys, what is the average monthly costs of an assisted living or a nursing home in your in your areas? Can you type it in the chat? What is the average monthly cost of something like that in your area? There you go. 60 170 500 I seen as high as 10,000 a month Yeah, there you go, Joe. So when you're spending let's say, let's be kind of a little bit conservative. Let's say we only spend in three to 4005. Four to 5000 is a very good number. Well, if somebody's spending 4000 $5,000 a month on providing care for this person, within six months all the money's gone. So what happens next? Remember, they have a legal responsibility to provide care for this individual. So the next step is I gotta sell something, and it goes back to the most valuable asset being the home. So in Guardian ships, especially adult guardian ships, they are liquidating their home because they need the liquidity they need the money. So whenever you run into a guardianship file, I always tell people stop scan the file really quick find out who's the Guardian, there's a phone number there's an address call them start the conversation with them, because eventually they will be settling in sometimes in the file specifies exactly what they're going to do. I've seen files when they tell the court we need to sell the house located at address because they give the problem and now they're telling the court I need to sell and the court says okay, go ahead, move forward, then they all should they issue the order to sell the property. So God wants us to re files to work with and of course the last one, the last one the most people are familiar with property files. So when people ask me, which is the best file to work with, I will say that oh Ray files are fantastic. You know, the bulk of the business is going to come from probate is that people that passed away but they all each individual one has an opportunity or someone so when you're dealing with probate is beyond just people who die and this is what I was telling you earlier 30% of property has been liquidated across this country come from this niche market of probate. So I mean, people who are alive trust properties, probate properties, and all just one big combination of just a large inventory. And so in some of these properties, you don't even know what that probate property is. They won't even tell you on the MLS because just regular sales. So it's really interesting. All right, let's talk about the person who is going to handle the administration of the estate. Now, these people are known as personal representatives or prs. They also known as executors or administrators executors mean they were named on the wheel. I mean, it's feta means there was no wheel of practice. So the executor executes the wheel, the administrators administer the estate, but the most generic term, they're known as personal representative of prs. That is going to be your probably seller, that is the person that's going to sign your listing agreement at the end of the day. So I have a quick question for you guys. Can't be accepting it. Can the attorney of record calls to be the executor or the administrator give me a why for yes and the name for now. Can the attorney of record can also be the executor or the administrator? Give me a white for Yes, but I need for now. Yep, you got Kelly? You're correct. They can also be the executor is that the nor now? That's not the unknown usually is a family member. This is why this brings so many multiple commission opportunities, because as you meet the family member who is in charge, most of these family members they want to talk to the entire family. So they gathered together and they I mean a combination is basically a collective decision. So you as the listing agent, you're interacting with everybody. And at the end of the day, these people are going to receive part of the inheritance. This is when I said it's not uncommon to generate one, two or three deals out of just one case is because the more people involved, the higher the the opportunity for you to get multiple commission checks that are the deal is really interesting, guys. This is what we call the probate timeline I asked I always tell people
is in this niche market. I've been doing this for 20 years and at the beginning I made a lot of mistakes. I was cursed that I was hanging my phone was people people were really angry at the beginning. And I it took me a while to figure it out. Why first of all, they're not angry at me. They're angry at the grieving process. That's why they're angry. They're lost someone de la. So it was really important for me to understand what we call the probate timeline. And the property timeline is what the person is at, depending on where they are in the process. So for example, at the beginning of the process, they filed a petition for probate. That's what I call like the application. Once they filed the petition for probate, and the court approves it and everything is good. They issue what we call the orders for probate. It takes about a month or a month and a half. So the petition is probably the most important document for us in terms of generating business for ourselves. So the petition will give me the attorneys information, petitioners information to see the information in here as information everything that I need to start prospecting is on that document. Now, once they approved the application, quote, unquote, then they issue the orders. So at this point, the person is legally in charge. So now the petitioner can sign my listing agreement. Now the petitioner can make decisions on behalf of the estate. But there's one more document that I need in order to close the sale in order to transfer title is called Letters of administration and it takes about 30 to 40 days. So one of the letters of administration's or issue then now I can go to title and they can transfer it from the dizziness name into new by the new buyers name. So when you're looking at this, it's really important to understand what the person is. So let me just switch names I'm going to give let me see if I have this I'm going to call petition for probate market number one, or is for probate anarchy number two, and let us administration's market number three. Okay. So let's say we training your teams, okay. And we're going to ask the personnel for example, you take you know, you're getting familiar with this and you're like, Okay, I'm going to start prospecting and I'll say okay, before you go prospecting, which market are you going to focus on? When you go pull these leads at the courthouse? Are you going to focus on Market One, two, or three? So that's my questions to all of you based on what you are, what your experience is, in when you're done in probate, which which do you think is the best market what when, one, two or three, type it on the chat based on your experience, which is the best market to work with? Okay, Paul is saying number two. Okay. All right. I can't believe nobody's saying all of them, which is most people sometimes will say all of it, you're correct. One, two or three are really good markets. This is when I, this is what I learned.
So if I'm going to the courthouse, and I'm going to pull this data, and my goal is to generate a quick list in the next two to three weeks. I'm gonna get a listing on my books. I'm going to be working with market two or three why? Because market number two, number one, the petitioner has legal power to sign my listing agreement. Market number three, they have the paperwork that I can close the sale. Okay, so those are really good markets. However, if I want to build a business, or work on off, or three or one mistake that I was making, is that I was calling people on marquee number one, and I was talking about the real estate piece. That was the biggest mistake I was making when I was prospecting at the beginning. Because many of these people didn't have any legal powers. So this is when I got the rejection. You know, don't call me that's when they start giving me all kinds of different, very, very interesting names, and they'll hang up on me, and then I'll be I suppose going on. So what I had to do my big shift was this if I were to call somebody on market number one, for example, let's say that the phone rang and they pick up and go in and I'll say to me, I speak to Bob Smith and he says, This is Bob, how can I help you? I will say something like this. My name is Mike tourism with ABC Realty. I specialize in probate real estate. We have a division in our firm, and I've worked with a lot of executives. In your case you are the executor for the estate of black personal case number blank. And I stopped and I said Am I correct so far? That was the mistake I was making until I figure that out. So at this point, people will say yes, I am How can I help you? And then I will switch into service driven. I never asked anyone on market number one, if they were going to sell the property. I will say something like, you know, I work with executors, administrators, guardians and trustees and sometimes you guys need some, you know, some additional help. What has been the biggest challenge for you and so in the, in the process so far, and they might say, well, you know, what do you think I need and I will say, Well, you are right now at the beginning of the process, so you might be stuck taking inventory of all the assets. You might be looking at the property thinking, Okay, I have a lot of stuff to donate. Do you know any donation centers in the area? And I just started the conversation with them. And they were like, No, I don't. Yes, I have some stuff that I need to get rid of, but I just don't know what to do. I'm waiting to have some meetings with the family. And that's how I begin to connect with them. So what I learned is that if you ask the right question at the right time, then they connect with you. I was jumping too soon. Like for example, if I call somebody on market number two and instead of me asking, you know, what's the biggest challenge that will sit at this point in time, you might be looking into looking into all their personal assets, you're trying to find the evaluation was the way these things are worth. So have you received a complimentary PCMA and they were like what's the PCMA fiscal a probate comparable market analysis? No, I don't have one. I explain to them what it is. And so let's get together. Let me gather some information for you. And then I'll be able to bring this report so you can have a handy one of these reports can be given to you whoever is doing your taxes. The other report now you have in your front of you, you know exactly what the property is worth. You can have a meeting with your families and figure out if this is what you want to do sell the property, keep it or maybe keep it as a rental. I don't know. What's it then I began to ask a little bit more deeper into the questions. What are these family members are thinking? So the questions begin to ship and if I call somebody on market number three, they don't business mode. They're like okay, I need to just get rid of some of the stuff because the time the more time that goes by the pressure changes, because now for example, the market number two the moment they orders for probate, and I'm sorry, mark number three, the moment and letters of administration are issue. Now creditors compiled against the estate. So after market number three, these people are getting now bills from different creditors looking at I wasn't expecting this I wasn't expecting that. And they realize I don't have enough money. I need to begin to liquidate something. So again, as time goes by, the urgency to liquidate goes higher and higher because more things are happening. And that's what I discovered over the years. You have to understand the timeline and you have to ask the right question at the right time. That's that's the biggest lesson that I learned over the years in doing this. And as soon as I was able to place the right question the right time. Everything changed. Now all of a sudden just business begin to really take off. So hopefully the guy is this is making sense for all of you guys. But let me just kind of go a little deeper into into what type of administration so when the orders are issued. So remember, the petition for probate is 70 started or is for probate a person becomes legally in charge. So once the orders are issued, there are two types of orders in some parts of the contrary, the common formal or informal administration, in other parts they call an independent or dependent administration, but let me kind of give you an explanation of what it is. And it depends on administration. What really means it's like saying, Now you Mr. Padilla, Mr. petitioner, now we gave him your power to be in charge of the estate. And at this point, if you choose to sell the house, you can hire your own real estate agent. You can lease the property for sale, you can accept the offer and if no one is contesting the offer, and everyone is OK. All family members are okay with it. You can move it and sell it. So it's basically a regular sale if he's given independent administration. Now, if it's given dependent administration, what he's saying, You are now in charge to the estate. You have the legal powers to find your own real estate agent, listed property for sale. Accept the offer, but when that offer gets accepted you need to send that off to the court for the judge to sign it up. Why would the judge gets involved at this point? Well, at this point, the judge wants to make sure that the property has been so a market value. So how did they just know what the right price is? There is a person that works for the court is called the property heritance referee. That's your quote unquote your appraiser person. So the property heritance referee sends a an opinion, what the property should be selling for. The judge will look at the report and they look at the offer and if it's within range, they just won't sign it off. And now it goes back to the seller and they can now close the sale. So that's the difference between an independent or dependent administration. One requires a signature and the other doesn't require a signature, but it's nothing like a short sale. It doesn't take months. This is something that is very quickly you might take a week or two at the most. And this is called an ex parte exploitation is behind closed doors isn't that judge's chambers. That's what it takes place. The judge is basically looking at all things, making sure that all the paperwork is done correctly. The price is within range and once is all good. Then the judge will sign off and moves on to them. The next the last phase which is closing the sale of the property. And we have here an empty education. We're really into communities, we strongly believe in communities so we have a community on Facebook. It's called the MTI education Tsipras community and that's what all of our students from all over the country they gather and exchange information, they share successes, they ask questions, and from time to time I go down and find out what's going on what's in the feed. And as you know, I found this to this is really interesting. It's one of our students and just shank and she typed on the feed Hi my first confirmation this morning over beers unfortunately, piece of cake confirmed that 866,000 Well, basically what she's sharing in the community is like I needed a signature from the judge. The judge signed it off and going into the closing phase. So that's really what it is. And so when people ask me, Should I focus on dependent or independent it doesn't really matter. They all pay at the end of the day, they all going to pay your commission they all going to give you the business you're looking for. And sometimes we get testimonials from some of our students, and they Andrea just send out this testimonial. Close over 20 private transactions generated over $200,000 in commissions since earning my designation and one of the things about this lady is she reached so much success within this niche market is because she mastered the proper timeline, she understand exactly how important is to ask the right question at the right time. And we you know, in the system that we built, we develop a cheat sheet so we have a cheat sheet where literally tells you okay, if you didn't mark it one ask this question If you mark it to as that question, so we help our students develop this discovery questions list. So when they're talking with people, they are they actually having conversations, because this is all about relationship building. That's really what the whole thing is all about. Okay. Now let's talk about the person who's in charge. The person who's in charge, usually our prospect is between mid 50s to mid 60s. That's kind of what I prospected most of these people they still have regular jobs. They have a spouse, most likely they might have a college aged kid living at home and all of a sudden, a loved one passes on. Okay, if this is the case, then we'll have to know now that handled they have to handle they owe the responsibility. So there's a mortgage to the estate, they have to send the mortgage payments. Let me make sure we clear the estate makes the mortgage payment, not the executor, there is no legal recourse towards the executor or the administrator is the estate in some cases. It's really unfortunate that the estate doesn't have enough money again these are cash flow states. So if you have a mortgage and there's equity in the property, if you don't make the mortgage payment, you can be foreclosed I seen probate properties being foreclosed with equity in it. And the reason being is that there was no liquidity so they have to create them you know, they have to make them mortgage payments. They have to pay any insurance, any association fees have to maintain any hospital medical bills have to be paid property taxes got to be paid. If the estate is worth a lot of money. Now we're dealing with property taxes, and everybody has to file state and federal taxes in addition to the any attorney fees and estate on the piece. So the person who's in charge of an estate have a lot of responsibilities. It is just
it's very overwhelming. I myself was the executor to my father Steve, Malia my wife, she was the executor next to her mother's estate and so we've been on both sides of the equation. We understand both sides and is very having this type of job is very overwhelming. This is what I was saying earlier. A probate seller do not have choices. They have to perform and this is the reason why 90% of these people have to liquidate because there's so many outstanding debt that has to be settled before everything closes. So what do we have here? Your motivated sellers, guys, this is what I'm talking about. This is a very unique niche market because of this. So we're dealing with someone who is in a completely opposite of a regular seller, and that's what makes it so attractive for many real estate agents. And then we again sent out a quick testimonial for Caroline it makes the point she says I have completed a before employee transactions I listed in soda for an executive recently. We needed to sell it fast I was able to bring in four offers in the property including two all cash offers, which was in within three weeks. This is when you have a listing in probate. It's not uncommon to have bidding wars. It's not uncommon for the list for the property being listed. being sold before we even hits the MLS is a very unique list in the US is good qualified leads that you can work with. And that's I think, I think we're making the point here guys, even in the one of the things that happened because of the pandemic is shift the way we do our business. I mean you and I are right now interacting on a zoom platform. And before the pandemic, a lot of the people that were prospecting they were they were talking to PRs in the PRS will say, Well, I have to come back in let me talk to you when I get back in town. It'd be back in about a month and a half and then we can chat about it today. When people are saying I need to talk to my family members. It's really easy to say let me send you a zoom link. Lets me next Friday, four o'clock, five o'clock, and then I can answer any questions. So a lot of our students are definitely taking advantage of all this new technology. This is this is kind of one of the silver linings of the pandemic it just opened up so many different doors or how we communicate with people today. So that what I'm what you're seeing on your screen is one of our students who lives who just type my son a listing last night everyone is asking what do you do? Which market level Did you work? With? And then so he says, Actually, I did a Zoom meeting. And I did all that paperwork via Docusign. So in the middle of the pandemic, our students were making money using this niche market because of the technology that is available nowadays. So it's really interesting how our business has shifted for the good. It's just something that is different and it makes sense for people. Alright, so let me kind of give you a bird's eye view of how the whole thing moves. Remember, the personal representative is the person that's going to make all the final decisions. So they're the ones they have a choice to either file the petition for probate, by using a paralegal. The paralegal fills out all the paperwork, gives them back to them, and they themselves file the petition for probate to the court. Option number two, they hire the attorney and now the attorney files the paperwork to the court is called a petition. For probate. The moment the petition for probate has been filed, it becomes a public information. I call that the probate lead. Now it's public record you can walk in there, gather the information you're gonna find the name of the PR name of attorney name of the deceased property address, heirs everything you need to start prospecting. So once you start prospecting, you have choice if you have a phone number, I'll definitely pick up the phone and call these people again. Be very aware of where the person is at in terms of the timeline. Don't ask if they're going to sell the house and get to market number one. It will never work. Okay, so make sure we asking the right questions. So I started the conversation with the PR by either making a phone call by develop a good solid, maybe three or four letters and the letters the theme of the letter has to match where they are in the process. So if I'm looking at, oh, I'm working with somebody in marketing, number two, let me send this letter. Let me send out there and you're going to follow up with these people. I usually tell people you have to follow up with them, at least four to six weeks. So every week I'm touching this individual either by email, by having sent them a letter, maybe a postcard making a phone call, just keeping the conversation going. And the conversation will evolve based on the questions that you're asking, and this is the key to their success. Now let's say you try four to six times and no one is getting back to you before you give up. This is when I tell my students contact the attorney like people will say way my why don't I contact the attorney right off the bat. I mean the attorney is going to be on the paperwork and they already know the client as well. The reason why they don't want you to contact the attorney right off the bat is because if you don't know the attorney, if you call them most attorneys they already have relationship with real estate agents. That's that's their I used to call the good ol boy club. I mean, once you have an attorney in your pocket and it's just like, it never stops. It's just a flow of properties coming your way. But if you don't have an attorney well now that you're working with, let's let's talk about how we're going to communicate with them. So you know, a simple script that you can work with when I call the attorneys again, this is something that I learned over the years, it took a lot of trial and error. And so when I call the attorneys today, especially if I don't know the attorney, I will say something along the lines of You know, let's say I'm calling for Bob Smith and I speak to Mr. Smith, please. And the attorneys had this to see how can I help you? And I had to be really careful how I'm gonna draft my pitch. I will say, Mr. Attorney, my name is Michael Reese. I work with ABC real estate and real Realty and I understand that you are the attorney of record for the state of blank person case number blank. Am I correct so far? That's what I call an undeniable truth. And every attorney will say yes, I am. How can I help you? So what I reached the PR who is blank, not being successful, there is a property located at this address. And I wanted to know if this property is going to be for sale. They asked me Are you a real estate agent? Are you an investor? So I tell them who I am. I am licensed in the state of blank area, and I have a lot of interest in people. Is the estate thinking about liquidating the property keeping it as a rental? Or is it a family member living in there? So the person will say well actually we were going to sell it but we already have a real estate agent is going to handle the transaction. So thank you for calling. And I tell my students that before you hang up, this is your 32nd pitch. You're going to say Mr. Attorney before you hang out there and explain to you what I do. And then you begin to tell them I said look, I work with executives administrators, guardians, trustees, we have a lot of resources that we help them with. We understand the probate process we understand the notice to propose action is very important. We also understand that without the letters of administration, we cannot close the sale. So when you work with us, we are certified professionals. We understand the process so there's no babysitting here. We will keep you in the loop as we go with it. Did you have any current clients that we can help with? So that's kind of the you know, I always teach him, you want to become the one stop shop. That's really what you want to become. You want to be the person where somebody will call you and say hey, I'm looking for a state sale company. Oh, let me give you three sales companies in your area. I don't know what to do. I just, you know, what am I waiting for? Why stick and so on. And then you can say Have you received the letters of administration? No. What did they look like? Oh, they look like this. We haven't received it. So let me make so you become this this confident that they can call you for anything. And the more you do this, the more money you make, because when it's time to sell the property, they don't think of anybody else. You already have a relationship established with them. And that's the key to the success in this niche market is very relationship driven. But again, it all started with the foundation. Are you asking the right questions, and that's what we need to teach our students. And that's what makes them so successful. Again, in business is it's very simple. The more you do business with people, the more money you make. That's what I believe that's my philosophy. The bigger your network, the bigger your net worth. So they me when I teach this class, I tell people I say okay, here are some of the people that you want to work with. You want to work with attorneys, because attorneys like to work with real estate agents. Why because attorneys cannot prospect like agents can. And agents, especially when they're prospecting in this niche market. They're going to they're going to be asked a lot of legal questions. We cannot give legal advice. So this is a great time to have a good attorney as a reference point. And so whenever there's a legal question, I always said, That's a great question. Let me put you in contact with Greg Royston. He's a great attorney. Here's his number. Tell him who did I send you? And now there is a referral going to Greg and Greg understand that if you send me business, the law of reciprocation says I gotta send business back to you. And that's how I nurture my my attorneys friends. So this this is a beautiful, beautiful energy between the two of them. And now they're good professionals to work with paralegals. A lot of people call directly to a paralegal to file the paperwork themselves. So paralegals, no attorney, executives and administrators, CPAs financial partners that are great people. A lot of these people are the ones they file the tax returns on behalf of the estate. So they're working with executives and administrators, cherub organizations. I don't know if you guys thought of this, but there's a lot of real estate it gets donated, American Cancer Society, Boy Scouts of America YMCA, universities, churches, oh my God, there's so much real estate. I've been doing this for so long. No to want to go but a month ago I ran into a case will says I like to donate 50% of the estate to Utah State University, the education department and I'm thinking how specific it was. This man believe in education. He was an educator, and he wanted to give something back to the university. So this is another area that people don't really think about it. So if you're actively in your community, you want to start meeting people within the community and let them know what you do. So I think the lowest hanging fruit is talk to your spiritual leader, because there's a lot of a lot of real estate that gets donated to the church and most of the churches don't want to get into the real estate business. They want to liquidate and so that is when you can say oh, I just want you to let you know that I received my certification. I'm involved in this niche market, whatever you need that has no end at the end. If I happen to be representing you in the sale, I will make a donation back to the church or I make a donation back to the organization and I'm not saying I'm giving my condition, I'm going to make a donation. And that has worked beautifully. So that's a really good way to partner with people. assisted living communities. This is kind of a left field. This is another another goldmine. They don't people think about it.
It is a business and they have to do marketing just like we do. Just like we do marketing. So the key marketing that they do all the time is they have open houses and doing these open houses. They have different multiple speakers coming in just not just a guest speaker. They have attorneys they have doctors and they have the attorneys, usually the attorneys, the attendees open houses, they talking about setting up your wills, setting up your trust. If you're working with doctors and talking about you know nutrition, diabetes, how to manage hypertension, all these different things. So what I tell people as you find an assisted living community in your area, reach out to them and ask them if they have any open houses. Because now you can become a guest speaker and talk about the real estate market. And they might ask you why. Why do we need a realtor in our open houses? Can you tell them more than 90% of the people that are moving into the assisted living they had to sell their homes to be able to maintain their lifestyle. When you spend in three to $5,000 a month they sell their home that's that's how they maintain their lifestyle by selling their homes. So you can be the one saying let me explain to you and let me teach you how to select the right Realtor. And if they have any questions I'd be more than happy to stay afterwards. There's no commitment to sign up with me. I'm just here to educate. So that's another way to generate really solid warm leads. And it's all connected in this niche market appropriate real estate guys. There's just so many ways so to me, it's very important to develop your network. And we have students that have done a you know, this is a perfect sample of a student Deborah blue. Today she's in Atlanta, Georgia. She's done a fantastic job. And she's thriving. She has a full time probate business. And she just started because of the network. I mean just to give you the results, eight transactions within six months 21 transactions the first six months of the following year, and today, so she does she's the probate agent in Atlanta. And it just all started by doing this kind of this type of approaches this is to dive into into the niche market. Again, just more people this is a really good story, Sara Evans. She said, Oh, PA, Miami, Florida. We do a lot of training, a lot of small trainings. So we have what's called skill set trainings, 30 minutes that we do every Tuesday and doing one of our trainings. You type on the chat. I got a listing from probably yesterday from my first meal out so we have in our program, everything is pre written. So you don't have to really reinvent the wheel. It's all still pretty much done is a plug and play system and people use. There are pre written letters, just they print they send them out and they get results. So again, just people are carrying business. Here's another one Vanessa, super excited Oh my first probabilistic boohoo, and then this is in the in our private community. So it's really great to see great results. I know you guys have from different parts of the country. So let me show you. Alright. Like I said, you guys are familiar with this. If you're not let me show you an actual petition for probate how easy it is to get this information. Like I said earlier, this data is free if you go directly to the courthouse is available to you, but look how easy it is to pull this information. So here's all the attorneys information. The person who passed away shores up Jensen, and then the property with the person leave a time with that. So on the first page and notice the bottom what the title of the page petition for probate, so I got the information for the attorney. This is who passed away and the person on a property at 2603 in the city of Duarte, California. Second page, he tells you personal property zero additional real estate zero. All this person known was the house, the house is worth $700,000 According to an opinion of the court, and then there's a mortgage on the property for 280,000. So this is what I was saying earlier, this kind of leads are fantastic because they gotta make the mortgage payment. So we have motivation here. And there's equity in the property, you know, what is the equity? So this is a fantastic way to go after. And then there's nothing important here. And we know that the petitioner was going to be in charge if the property is in Duarte, California. He lives in Parker, Arizona, so we have an out of state PR. When you find an out of state PR that's even better because they don't know what's going on locally. So you become the eyes and ears for this individual is a great lead. mortgaged out of state PR ideally to work with. Let's see an example familiar noise very easy. Again, this is a sample of a Probate Petition for probate in Illinois. There is the estate there's the name of the person who passed away Katherine Lofton and there is Yvette. She's the petitioner Katherine lives at 1325 North Mayfield Avenue in Chicago, Polk County. And so now I can go into your local tax records. Plug in the information, verify that she is the indeed the owner and you might find an additional property because it's not uncommon. For the person to own multiple properties that she owned real estate. Yeah, according to the record is worth about 174 or five. And then you have the petitioner is the daughter. There is the daughter information. And there is events information, address and phone number. So again, in Cook County, they'll give you their phone number, which is fantastic. In some parts of the country, you get the phone number in others, you can't they don't give you that information. But as an example, let's say let's go to the East Coast, Pennsylvania. Again, here's a deceased person, the person who passed away there is the address 6015 Edmund Street, that's where the person on the property a timer that it was the word that give you an estimate value. And so we confirm that there is real estate in the estate. So we have real property. And then on the next page, here is Michael Hoffman. That's the person who is the petitioner. There is his address. And I can see the attorneys information is the attorneys name, phone number, address, everything is right there. And then I went ahead and I kind of made a copy of the wheel just to teach you guys to show you what you know there is the real property if I own the estate as 6015 upon my death I need to sell their shares equal shares among other people, there's still people who are going to get equal shares on the selling of the property. So this is a property that is going to be sold no matter what. This is the kind of leads you're gonna get from this niche market. And so hopefully this is really making sense with you guys. And then so again, here's another student says, this has been godson past three months, have four listings to sell before we hit the market. And it's really cool. Just to show you look at the bottom. This is really important. People ask somebody asked, believe I asked, What is your process for getting the leads to contact you? You mail calls on email, and a response. I mailed the PR my letter brochure and business card, and then usually about three weeks later, again is the follow up. That's the key. I will call them but I can say that with this whole COVID and being at home with kids. I have not had a lot of time to call So this suggests from the PRS calling me it's just a different seller guys. You have your regular seller, and you had your probably seller. And I just I think you guys get the picture is very, very clear. These are different people. So I know that I went over there that my time allowance hopefully this was very informative based on what you learn based on your experience because some of you guys are very experienced in this niche market. What do you guys think about a statement as the population ages the next we'll stay tuned we'll be at the pro before house you think that's a true or false? Type T if you think is true on the chat and give me an app which you think is false.
Let me give you my
forecast. This is an I've been doing this for over 20 years I've done this. And this is what I see. The largest living generation today are the baby boomers. They're the wealthiest these people were the offspring are the people that went through the Great Depression. So this case were growing up with the mindset of don't put your money in the bank because the Great Depression was the biggest banking failure in the history of this country. So they're saying instead of putting your money in the bank, buy your house. Your house is your your best investment and the safest investment you can do. So this is when the pride of ownership really took off in this country because of this generation. Let's fast forward to 2023 Who controls the commercial real estate market in America? Who controls the rental stream the rental market in this country who controls the real estate market in this country today? These are the baby boomers. The largest wealthiest living generation and business statistics. Only 5% of this generation has a fully vested living trust. So imagine how much real estate is going through the probate courts today. In the next five to 10 years. You're going to see millions upon millions upon millions of dollars in real property going through the probate court because of this 95% of the baby boomers will settle the estate to the probate courts. So you guys are seeing almost it's like the perfect time in history. And it's the perfect storm. So this is why a lot of people who never thought about this niche market that are going, huh, let me see. What is this really putting this whole thing about? And when you begin to understand the process and what it takes and how the whole thing moves, it just makes sense. So it's a great place. Let me just kind of I know some of you guys asking questions about the programming and really quick let me tell you what it is. Like I said we had the ultimate program will say system. So if you have a team and you want to experience this and just share with the team. The education is really straightforward. Everything is online. We'll give you the digital files for the workbook, the audio program, marketing, we have pre written letters, we have handouts, flyers, we have letters to attorneys letters to PRs, everything is pre done. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. The online is the certification is a lifetime certification. So there's no annual fees we are an education company. That's what we focus on. We focus into teaching, we're not going to make you an attorney. We're going to give you enough foundation to understand how probate works. The attorney got to go to get the bar and all that stuff. That's their job, but we'll make you in a really well educated well rounded machine in terms of probate. So when you talk to the attorney, you sound professional, you can talk to them, and they will respect you because of your knowledge. So this is what we call the student portal is really easy to work with us. You go to the first section, you push play, and this will appear. This is is pretty straightforward. Now this is what we teach through the whole education component will teach how to generate listing opportunities using probate, living trust and guardianship leads the Five proven steps to get an appointment with an executor or administrator and list the real estate will teach you how to identify the executives and administrators who are ready to sell now, we're going to how to develop strong relationships with executives and administrators. In addition to that, we'll teach you how to create and apply marketing strategies that are most effective when we're listing probate properties. We'll teach you how to contact and communicate with attorneys to get access to their probate property inventory, how to set your prospecting timeline to make sure you get results right away. Of course, that's the key and how to get cash advances for administrators and executives and get paid for helping them so that's what COVID throughout the entire educational part of our system. Now this support we have a lot of tools is called The Secret support. So with the separate support we have every week on Tuesdays for 30 minutes we have this little sessions that we've been doing since the pandemic and they have been very, very successful. We also have on Wednesdays we have a one hour live call with one of our trainers Jack O'Neill and I kind of joke around with people this is not an AI we still all school we like humans. So Jack will be available for an entire hour you can pick his brain he's done probably it's all over the country. Everything that we do here will record and we archive so you have access to all this knowledge. So we have a large library of education. We have an unlimited email support. You also going to join the Facebook community so you can interact with other people would continue giving you access by having the support you have access to the training so you can watch and rewatch videos. We understand being a former teacher we understand that we learn through repetition. This is why we always continue giving you access to the education and we team up with a company called us probate services and US Pro Services is a directory very niche directory. So nowadays people are searching for information. So we have an agreement with them. They're all of our students that go through our program. They're part of the real estate category. So you have your picture. We'll put you as a certified probate real estate specialist. You will have your own page and so this is another marketing tool that is working for you so you don't have to reinvent the wheel you don't have to spend 1000s of dollars in creating your own website. We just gonna piggyback on what they've done and they do a really good job. The leads where do you find the leads? You get them at the courthouse for free. Or another option is you can google and type properly services wherever you are, where you go. By county or by city. We have a partnership with a company called property data and property data is they pull this from different parts of the country. Outstanding Service and they give you unlimited leads per county sent directly to your inbox. So you can select up to three counties and you get those leads via email. In addition to that, they'll give you access to their website. So you can go and look at additional 100 leads per month so if you you get your regular your regular on sales marketing. That's funny. So anyways, so they give you 100 leads a month and each lead what I told you what I just showed you that's what they gave you. They gave you the IRS information, petitioners information attorneys information, all that property information if it's available, and you don't have to go to the courthouse now. They don't pick every county in America. Okay. In terms this is where they have different parts of the country. They have Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minneapolis, Missouri, and so on Texas, Washington so they don't have everything but if they happen to have your county, they can help you very straightforward.
And then going back we just this my whole journey has been really interesting for 20 years. When I did my survey and I start looking at the results. I started thinking about my students and I'm like, you know, I've been in the real estate business for 20 years. I have an undergraduate degree in real estate and I love it, education. I love it. And then as I was looking at his challenges I'm thinking that's this niche market take care of some of these problems, some of these challenges and they are so the first challenge no unique selling proposition to differentiate myself from the crowd. The moment you get a certification, whether it's on distressed properties, whether it's in senior senior living, whatever certifications, certifications, or marketing tools, so having a certification in probate definitely opens doors. It makes the journey a little bit easier. People are more open to listen to you. So that's really a good thing. need access to the tools creating today's new top producers. That's about support. That's what the whole thing is all about. So having the exclusive training sessions, having the secret support the coaching calls with Jack O'Neill, email support, being part of the Facebook community all those tools is why help our students become top producers in this niche market and probate real estate. The other challenge difficult to be located by itself due to the high competition in the marketplace. On this one we had to step out of our box. That's when we reach out to us probably services and be like hey, can we put our students in your directory? And they'll they ask us, you know what kind of program that we have and all that and they accept that. So having your profile on that directory is definitely going to open up the door. It's another marketing tool that we don't have to create ourselves and you don't have to create they already did the work difficult to locate a qualified listing opportunity. I think we can say that probably is a very good quality listing properties and you'll find them at their local probate court. You can search online and see if anybody's pulling this information or you can use probably data there is another company let me give you another lead. Another company call us probate leads.com If you call if you go to US probate leads.com And you call them and they could tell them I said you know this I was recommended by Mike Torres or MTI education, they'll give you a 20% discount. So it's a no other way for us to help or just use our business partner property that account if you have information available. So and you know, the last challenge is that the real estate market is totally unpredictable. Yeah, it is. The regular market is very unpredictable. However, this is not connected to the lifecycle. Like I said, if you're looking for instability, I've been doing this for 20 years. In the good times. Of course I go everywhere. When things get a little bit dry a little core, I go back to my roots. So no matter where I am there's always gonna be a private property being liquidated across this country and that's what makes it so unique. So I tell people, do what you're doing. Don't change it. But if you want something to increase your business, add this into the mix, and you'll see the results. It's just a matter of applying what we teach you how to approach it, and this and you begin to see the results and once you get going, it just doesn't stop. This is something you can take until the day you retire. So it's really cool. Now the value of everything that we put together, the ultimate profitable state system is valued at $997 The Super support which is the all the tools that we have available, is valued at $47 a month from us probably services having their premium profile is valued at $37 a month. And then we have probably data property they have your county their value and $99 a month. So when you put everything together, the whole system all the pieces together is valued at $1,180. So when we have presentations like this, of course we give you guys a 50% discount is a way for us to help you have an amazing group of professionals working together so it's a way for us to help. Now you can sign up for the training if you wish to and you can start with invest in one payment is two payment plan 260 $7 will get you started it will give you access to everything. And then 30 days from now there's a second payment or 267 or you can have a one time payment I'll give you a couple of bucks to save I one time payment of 497. So if this is something that you want to follow in apply to your business or bring it to your team, there is no now you can go right now to MTI education.com, forward slash Tsipras and we'll give you the discount the 50% discount because we've been invited by this organization and or if you having some issues, some problems just call the number that 56242135394 If you want us to do a presentation for your team, call that number talk to one and one enrollment advisors. Let them know what you're thinking and based on the calendar, just we got to put it up in the calendar and if it's available, I'd be more than happy to share this information with your team. So we got some bonuses guys, and we always got to offer we offer this to all the people that we work with. The first bonus is usually the secret support is $47 a month, we give everyone at least two months free. So the way our philosophy works is common, you know chain with us user tools. If you like it, keep it and you can keep it for $27 a month. So nowadays you can work with me for a burger, french fries in a drink. That's $27 right there. So because I'm doing this presentation for this group, if you guys move forward, this is what you're going to be grandfathered into it and the next few weeks we'll be raising our prices. It's just we can continue doing this at this rate. So but you guys are in it. Okay. Another bonus that we have for you guys is if you guys sign up and move forward with this. The secret the secret support if you keep the secret support, the premium profile on us private services will be free. So we give you free marketing. You don't have to pay the $37 a month is part of the super support. And the third one is and this is from propagate are probably the NSF product for the people that come in through your program for your final. We'll give them two months of free leads. And then if they like it, they can keep it for $99 a month. So that's the third bonus. And I'm going to do a go actually a welcome to secret that's another bonus that I'm doing so if you guys if you want to jump in this coming Friday, I'll be doing a welcome to Cyprus live Zoom meeting, where I'm going to walk everyone that people do in Georgia in the last couple of days. And other people they're gonna join me and I'm going to walk you through the whole student portal teach you exactly what things are. And I'm going to review market 123 And I'm going to teach market number four. Market number four is what I call the golden leads. And those are the right leads to work with. The average probate can last between 10 to 12 months. So we figured out by pure accident over the years that some people don't sell the property until they reach the end. And by the time they reach the end that's about 10 to 12 months they have to go through no one nobody's calling them. So nobody's following up. Very few people follow up for 12 months straight. So we found a shortcut and I'm going to teach you guys how to use the shortcut. Using probate data as the tool is really cool. Is one of my favorite little trainings that I do so that happens on Friday, July 14 is about 45 to an hour long. And we'll help you guys keep the ground running. So one last I'm getting to the end guys and thank you so much for hanging in there. So one last testimony. This is from my case, I listed a probate properties in close escrow and all eight of them double ended two of them. And this is an update you just sent us this. I just signed up two new listings. One of them is listed for 1,000,075. So it's really cool that I can share with you the actual colleagues doing this. This happens this works. And I can share with you I show you an actual petition for probate. So it's really cool.
All right. So I know Molly Put, put the leads. I'm just looking at this.
The the quick review, you get a 50% discount today. We're gonna give it to everyone who's part of this organization. Start with 267 30 days from now you get a second payment and you're done. Or just make a one time payment of 187 the super support the first 60 days of free and then $27 A month we'll get to all the support fools. US probably services. If you keep the secret support. That direct directory is free, doesn't cost you anything and probably did I did give you two months free. And then you had the welcome to supersalon Board. So when you go to MTI education.com forward slash Tsipras you'll see something like this, click on the red button. It's already preset. So your automatic is going to give you the 50% discount. You're going to see this page look in the center. Wherever you are a probate data has your county, then you sign in with probate subscription. If they don't have your county, sign it without probate data subscription and remember, if they don't have your county, contact us probate list that can't mention my name or company name and they'll give you a 20% discount. All right. Who has control of this? This this zoom presentation because I reached the end. Anybody has any questions for me?
Yeah, let's let's put it over to q&a. Anyone? Got any questions that you want to talk about rather than chat?
Any questions anyone?
I think you did a great job. Mike. Thank you so much.
You're very welcome. I love to teach and I hope everyone I hope you guys are walking away. With more knowledge than just started with. I really do. That's my goal.
And definitely definitely interesting and you know, I was I'm not at all seasoned in probate, but it opened my eyes. I would have thought that attorneys were the go to ultimate but it's just a small portion of it, which is really interesting.
Yeah. Well, thank you so much, Julie. I really appreciate you inviting us and be able to share this information with all of you and for those of you who are I saw a lot of activity going on in the chat. I appreciate your participation in if you have any questions, let us let us know.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Molly.
Take care. Okay, guys, so we're way past the hour. So I'm going to let you all go and if you have any questions or anything, let me know like let Mike know other than that. Good luck and we'll talk some more about this. Have a great rest of your day.