Sunday December six, be watching in the news, more and more and more help coming into the conservative cause to make things happen to clear out the corrupt landscape, additional and then more additional, outside help will come in so much so that all of it will not be needed. And we have to be careful to shun the parts that would drag us down with compromise, because we won't need the overage in the cause. The Lord is granted victory, it's been handed to his effort. And therefore he will assist especially in the judiciary process. As things go better and better in the right direction. What will happen before our eyes is the move away from people saying isolated as individuals to wanting to get amalgam amalgamated into groups organized groups, they will have a corporate personality of conserving the foundations of America, the opposite side will succeed in closing some things down in some efforts. But it won't prevail. God's program will march on with more high level Christian leaders coming in that had been silent. Even from the Pentecostal camp, and a refreshing Renaissance, of even other positive values and subjects coming to the fore. All around the progress will be slow, but it will be sure and it will be strong. The great need is undeveloped people and conservatives come into the center will be to help train the vacuum. Where in the infrastructure where God gives more and more of conservative voices positions of influence reactivated again. There will be this vacuum of infrastructure. And one of the problems that we will need to face is we'll be seeing an even overstress on law as a reaction without a needed understanding of the spirit of the law. And while it is good that the rule of law is given back its priority place, the lack of depth of understanding in the infrastructure helping leaders will be conspicuous and will need nuancing desperately parachurch ministries like helps, will be given divine strength or run, not just walk but run to the aid of the upcoming situation, the new landscape where problematic pieces in that landscape are going to be systematically thrown out, set aside, taken out gutted is they need to be God is issuing a cleaning house. Those that are not against this are for us. And while at moments, we will not want to work with certain people that are resisting. We must see God's purposes in them coming to the fore in while avoiding over identification. There must be on the part of the remnant God's leaders, the church, Bible teachers a strong effort to help those that are in the margins you might say and leave it to God to separate those that will come to himself and stay true to himself.
the conservatives are going to take it on. They're going to get more and more help. They'll galvanize in more and more groups. judiciary will be supportive. At the upper levels where it really counts. Remember, the way the judiciary works is the higher overturns the lower in one can have many lower court so to speak defeats and with one single swipe at the circuit and supreme court level all under that is erased. It's the way the judiciary system works. And while we need to be watchdogs and growl, so to speak. That's natural chase away those that are helping the cleaning up process. Females again are women warriors are going to be crucial and they will come through. Not only will corruption be revealed with a capital R, the corruptions will go beyond the ones presently manifested. And while there'll be a tremendously strong reaction against the revelation of these corruptions, that pushback by dark media, dark net, etc, will not prevail against the blowing of the shofar by God's unmerited grace, he is sending more help coming in to win the day to make things happen, while still vigilantly, vigilantly, very carefully, keeping separate the logical moral majority (LMM) from the true remnant (RMM). Stay encouraged God is before the news he is behind the news. It is through his church and his plan for it, that we will see it will become more and more evident more and more edifying, how his truth is marching on.