2021 jul 01 things that do and do not make sense to me
4:25AM Jul 1, 2021
Rob Nugen
physical body
infinite number
So let's talk about when we talk about things that make sense to me. And some things that do not make sense to me. theories that I've heard which I just simply have to reject, for whatever reason.
Suddenly, I'm going to suddenly I'm going to go back to my high school days. And I had been approached by Christian Christians. I don't know what the term even really means. But people who would say that they were Christian. And do you know that? Do you know Jesus and all this stuff? Okay, so at the time, I first heard them all say, Oh, I better act, right and, you know, accept Jesus into my heart and all this stuff. And later, I read a mega billboard like a marquee outside of a church. And it said, Love does not record his his brother's wrongs or something like that. And I was like, hold up, hang on just a second here. Love doesn't keep track of his brother's wrongs. And I've seen on like 100 marquees, God is love. It got God keeps track of all of our wrongs as I, oh, we've got a little Trinity trilogy of you know, what doesn't work here lost the word like to turn into a false hood. You got God is love. Love doesn't keep track of wrongs, but God does keep track of wrong. So something may work in here. Three little gears all, like, meshed together and don't let each other move. And that began the crumbling of my belief in the like that Christianity, you had the right concept was a pretty fundamental flaw in the claims there.
I was raised in a Unitarian Universalist Church, I was raised and I was raised in a church that said, Here are the questions. They didn't say, here are the answers. Here's what you must believe. Like, here are some questions for you, as you're on your own, you know, quest for spiritual awareness or religious, you know, what have you. And I like that concept that each person has their own experience. And so let me I'm not going to say that that's what the Unitarian Church believes. I don't know if there is a belief in that regard. But for me, I think each person has their own experience of life. And, like, their own connection to God, quote, unquote, as it were, in as much that we are experiencing life in physical form. And yet our consciousness is coming from a non physical form. And I can't scientifically fight someone who believes that consciousness is created by the brain, but I have my own anecdotal evidence that my car Consciousness is not confined to my physical body. And I go into like kind of a physics kind of perspective, not mathematics, but it's like, okay, probably not confined to the brain either. Especially given that, for example, the Egyptians used to toss the brain out of the skull believing that was not important. And they focus on the heart, then Anyway, I'm not going to get into that. Immediately here. I had an experience of being like, having I had a dream, I was I was sleeping in my physical body was sleeping, I dreamt that my feet were kind of folded up like I was in a full pike position is the Turman like gymnastics, like completely like, knees and like touching my nose, or vice versa. And in this case, I was on my back and my knees were folded up to my chest and they feet up. So above me and by like, the concept of proprioception, or that perception of knowing with my eyes closed, I know where my body is, I can touch my fingers together without seeing them. I knew where my legs were, I knew where my feet was, and my feet, I can't say it, but I knew where my feet were. And I was like, wow, I am really folded up here. And then realized, like, Oh, this is you know, I must I'm dreaming and then it's like, oh, but this is really real. And I had the experience of beginning to like, recognize that my physical body I'm sorry, my physical body didn't fold like that. So this experience of my body could not be inside my physical body, I recognize that and so I tried to lift it out of my physical body to allow myself to float up. And with that intention, I got my non physical body kind of pointed upside down with the kind of stuck at the head so to speak. And I thought perhaps my physical body hat was like I was clenching my teeth at that time, I used to grind my teeth at night and I
so I slightly shifted the muscles in my teeth to release them. And that motion of my new muscles triggered the gin told descent as if on curling a piece of paper. He went his eyes it laid down into my non physical body kind of resting slowly and gently into my physical body. And I remember feeling the experience and very explicitly telling myself okay, don't move don't panic, just relax, just experience. And so I was just feeling the experience of my non physical body merging with my physical body, feeling your vibrational electrical energy. In my like, tingling kind of thing in my physical body, as it's slowly the the sense of being in my physical bodies slowly like flowed down in from my head down my body to my feet. And I remained resting. I said, Okay, memorize this. I went over it a few times in my mind to remember the exact sequence. That's why now even news 2530 years later, I can remember that it was that I was up and I thought maybe my teeth were clenched, so I unclench my teeth, and I can't I remember all of that. And it's very clear, like proof to me that my consciousness is not connected to my physical body and as much as it's not created by my physical body. And so I, I therefore, jump to the claim that it's like not that my consciousness doesn't come from my physical body. It's coming from something else. And I am not here to explain what that is. My guess is that consciousness is a thing. Which is, like its own, like, like, gravity or magnetism or your consciousness. And it's just, I guess it could be even called a force because consciousness makes things happen. But anyway, I'm not going to go into that too much. But I mean, it just makes sense to me that it's not it's not coming from the physical but quite the pill, that they're distinct things. And maybe some connection but not like a causality kind of thing. I've read enough stories and heard enough YouTube videos of people interviews, talking about having near death experiences. I met a man who explained he had a near death experience. And, actually to that was when I met Joe mcmoneagle, back in 1996. And I've, I've talked to people who've done it very close friends of mine who've done experiences with io huascar. In Petru in case, I'm thinking of now. And he came back, stating equivocally a threat word stating Clearly, the spirit world is real, period, you know, that's as a clear sentence. And I was like, Okay, cool. You know, I didn't really doubt it ever, but you just need to have his confirmation of that. man named David. And
I had the experience of smoking marijuana in Oregon. somewhere that was it was legal. And either Washington or Oregon can't remember right now. And
the experience I had was I, I knew I was on one level I knew wasn't a safe area. But on another level, I got like, the spooky feeling was I called the and I was nervous and scared in like this kind of stuff. And what I ultimately realized, realizes like, I was able to get out of the experience when the family dog came up to me and started to lick my hand. I was like, all right, the dog is not in on it. I was, I was conscious enough to know that dogs are full of love. I could trust the dog. And whether I can or cannot trust the people, you know, I believe I could. And I did, but that moment I was I own and I thought the my house was actually the devil or whatever. But I was like, all right, the dogs not in on it. I can trust a dog. And so I focused on loving the dog. And I allowed the dog to like lick my hands that came down to the dog and it was like he licked my face and stuff. And that focus of love. Like, reflected magnified, compounded is like, oh, focusing on love, completely changed my experience in that moment. And focusing on fear was like, even if it's like, the tiniest bit of adjustment, kind of like if you have two mirrors that are facing each other, and you tilt one slightly, like, the reflection just curves off into infinity quite quickly. And it was something like that, in my in my sense of if I focus on love, the reflection that compounded and expanded love just like was blasted into infinity very quickly. And likewise, if I focused on fear it compounded and blasted into fear like magnified 10,000 billion kinders I mean, and so that was like, Oh really, and it was like that realization that my intention, my consciousness may makes an M measurable difference on my experience.
So I was like, Alright, I've learned something here. Being that
it's it must be the case it's not just true in this state, this state is offering me the visual perception of that this is a truism my consciousness dramatically affects my experience. I already knew it to be true kind of like logically like the if if I focus on like if I'm looking for a Lego I choose like a size of Lego I need a tour in so I I completely kind of block out all the pieces that look vaguely long they can't be tours so if I were to see a row of tours perfectly lined up, I would ignore it because it's they so it's like it has to be that my brain is able to filter things based on my intention and so if I'm it just makes life more efficient the brain is receiving an on unbelievable amount of information at any given moment and must be able to filter through it quickly. So that we can recognize shapes like tigers, you know, whatever it is that was biologically happy to eat us back in the day needed to be identified quickly like ignore all the leaves and look for the you know, the the predators kind of thing and then if you have to focus down like okay you know, look for these leaves not those leaves you know, we can eat food that doesn't want to kill us kind of thing. So anyway this experience after having smoked marijuana is like Oh shit, do you know is it really makes a difference man, you know, kind of kind of thing so I don't know that it just it makes sense. That there for like, it's better in my life to focus on love as much as possible. I'm not perfect at it by any stretch and new I, I I try my best as best I can't and I forgive myself is as needed and just keep going on my way. This started as like things that make sense. And it's gotten kind of off track here. And I guess that makes sense because I have a feeling passionate and talking about a lot of stuff. I didn't make notes of what I was going to talk about. But I do remember one right now, that does not make sense. And it's on a completely different topic. But some physicists, perhaps think there's this idea that we're in an infinite number of universes. And say that any universe that we can conceive of exists somewhere within this infinite number, because infinity includes all possibilities in this light. Yeah, no, that No, no, it's not. It's not that simple. Yes, there could be a universe where my name is Joe instead of Rob. And everything else is the same. However, there is not going to be a universe that can't exist in terms of probabilities. Like the probability that a lion will manifest in my room right now is not zero, but pretty low. So I'm going to argue that there is not a universe that
suddenly manifested exactly as yours things that just don't make sense on a probability level. Like, there there wasn't, there's not a universe that suddenly a bunch of AI computers all like talking to each other and walking around that is too improbable, for even an infinite number of universes to happen and not going to fight about what levels of infinity we're talking about. But it it's so what, if you want to go that way, then you're saying that that also happens an infinite number of times that there's an infinite number of universes where suddenly all the whole place was filled with, with dancing, robots talking about physics, and suddenly, every monkey on 10 billion typewriters, suddenly also created the works of Shakespeare within 1/10 of a second. Because it's like, dude, know that, that universe can't exist. It's like it, it's an illogical thing. So I don't know. How to articulate this as a like a, to prove to people's like, Okay, look, it can't be that every possibility exists. Sure, it could be that there's several different universes in parallel, whatever, and even an infinite number, but it's not, let me just say, it's not an uncountable number of universes, like uncountably infinite, I'm gonna say it's, at most countably infinite, because it's not going to include the those things which simply wouldn't happen in terms of probability or causality or basic physics. Even if you want to change the rules of physics, you're not going to suddenly manifest a sentient computer in a in a blink of an eye kind of thing. But that, that one just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not going to believe it this lifetime. I would have to see it happen. But even then, I wouldn't think it was real because it doesn't make sense to this brain. So there you go. That's things that I that make sense to me. One thing that does not make sense to me hope, at least proved a little bit interesting. But the main takeaway your attention, your intention is important and changes. Slash creates your experience of the world. So I invite you to keep that in mind and use it to your advantage, which is ultimately to all of our advantage. Okay. Be well and holla at you later, peace bye