Episode No. 134 You Get To Make The Rules - 1:8:22, 11.11 AM
6:02PM Jan 8, 2022
Jessica Lauren
pregnancy test
Hello and welcome to The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, a weekly podcast helping goal getters, ditch the excuses, do the work and make ish happen. My name is Jessica Lauren and you are listening to episode number 134!
Hey y'all Hey! And welcome back to the SJS podcast. I am so happy to be back in the podcast chair. If you guys know I've been gone since November-- okay word out shout out to Wyclef Jean-- your girl was gone til November, she was gone to November, I needed a break. And now that I'm back refueled, refocus, recharged and ready to do the doggone thing. So Happy New Year to you. I know those January 9 has been, you know, eight days in the game, but still happy new year, I hope that it is starting off with ease and grace and goodness and mercy and all of that jazz. So what are we talking about today? Well, today we are talking about the fact that you have the power to create the rules in your life. So we are at the top of a brand new year after going through a couple of years of pandemonium, right. And so this is the time of the year where your pastor your podcast, boo, you know, Instagram base are all telling you what you should be doing right? You should be working out you should be getting rest, you should be hustling you should have your goals figured out, you know what, q1, q2, q3 and all that looks like right? But a lot of times we get trapped up in the shoulds what you should be doing or where you should be at. And today we're going to talk about how to free yourself of everybody else's arbitrary shoulds and how to make sure that you're aligned with what it is that you truly want, how you truly want to feel, and the vision that you have for your life. Right? You are the guru of your life and is no one else. But we've become so accustomed to outsourcing, right? We read books and listen to podcasts and go on YouTube and look on Instagram, right and it's okay with all of that, like it's fine finding inspiration and having leaders that you feel aligned to and trying to seek guidance. But sometimes we can over saturate ourselves with that. And we lose our own compass, our own sense of direction, sometimes we get inundated with so many should messaging that we feel left behind our timeline is all screwed up, right. And because we're always outsourcing to other people, places and things we can't really hear or feel or be led to what was specific to our lives what God has planned for us what it is that we truly want to do, and B and C so that's what we're talking about, in today's episode, How To Create your own rules, how to define your own version of success, and not get caught up in what everybody else is telling you what you should be doing. So I'm excited about this episode because I get caught up in the shirts too.
I think a lot of us do, especially with social media and TV, it's easy to compare yourself and be like, Well, should I be doing that? Should I do that? You know, I went to school, I went to college, I did everything in the Bible I did x y and z i play my cards right should not be further along should not have more money should not have more accolades, right. And a lot of time, God is like baby pump the brakes. That's natural life. So that's what we're gonna be talking about today. I'm really excited about today's episode. But first, before we jump on into the nitty gritty of the show, I have a little bit of an announcement. And I'm so excited to share with you today. So y'all know that I love me the Sunday jumpstart podcast, I love hanging out with you. Every single Sunday and Wednesday. That's my jam. But recently it's been on my heart to do a little more. So the Sunday jumpstart the whole premise is to help go Gators ditch the excuses do the work and make it happen. My idea was like you know what, on Sundays, let's get some inspiration so that we can make it through the week, right? And then on Wednesdays, you know when it's hump day you already tired. That's when we pretty much give up on our goals and give up on being consistent and showing up. I was like it might need a little hit of energy to jumpstart them into the rest of the week of finishing strong. And then it just started to dawn on me like wow, and I only do that two days a week. So that ideas started to kind of haunt me in every waking moment like Jessica would if you did a podcast every Monday through Friday to help everyone as they're waking up and brush my teeth and cooking breakfast. driving to work have some type of inspiration and motivation that'll help them jumpstart into a good day. And I was like, My Lord, this is already a lot of work what is you talking about? But,
you know, I believe that if a dream is nagging you and ideas nagging you, you have to follow it through. So after months of not listening to myself, I finally over the break was like, Girl, let's do this daily show. So without further ado, or procrastination or self doubt, I am happy to announce that the morning jumpstart podcast is launching on January 17, best Monday at 8am Central Standard Time. So what's going on on the morning Jumpstart? Well, it's the exact same thing as the Sunday jumpstart, right? We're helping go getters, ditch the excuses, do the work and make it happen. But instead of it just being over here on Apple podcasts or Spotify or Stitcher the morning jumpstart podcast is going to be over on Patreon. And it is going to be live. That's right. I am streaming this podcast every single morning, Monday through Friday, at least at 8am. And it is an opportunity for you to come over me and why are you getting dressed brushing your teeth, getting the kids ready for school and get some inspiration to start out your day. The only difference is is that it won't be a one sided conversation. You guys can actually join me on the show. That's why I'm a pull some y'all out the audience, like come on and talk with me. Or you can ask questions or leave comments. And all of that jazz I'm super excited about it is every Monday through Friday at 8am Central Standard Time. Now if you live maybe I'm on a pacific coast. Or I'm in New York or you know I'm in a different country getting up at 6am What are you talking about? Well, what's cool about Patreon is that you can have access to the episodes so that you can watch them later it'll be archived. And it's not only just a show that you watch and listen to right, Patreon allows me to build different tiers that have different benefits to it. So if you want to listen to the show, you have to subscribe for $10 a month, right? Just a couple of tulle cups of coffee, and we can hang out every Monday through Friday until the end of time. Right get our minds right together. But then if you want a little extra extras from something, there are other tiers where we could call work together every Wednesday. There's some group coaching in there. There's some accountability partnerships going on. There's a Slack community where we could all text each other, hold each other accountable. Talk about our goals and our dreams and what we're struggling with imposter syndromes. There's gonna be movie nights meetups, you get some discounts on merch that's coming out in the merchant exclusive to Patreon. So y'all the morning Jumpstart is aware of that I'm super excited about it. We're launching January 17. And if you want to join, just go to the Sunday jumpstart.com and click on the tab that says Patreon. Okay, this Sunday jumpstart.com and click on Patreon. So what happens to this show, this show is still gonna be here still free 99 is still gonna be on Apple Spotify tune in Stitcher, the whole nine and we are still going to do the Sunday and Wednesdays episodes. But if you want a little bit more community, if you want to not do your dreams alone, if you need a burst of energy and support and sisterhood and go get her hood early in the morning, then the Patreon show which is called the morning jumpstart, which is lab and we stream it that day, then that is a show for you. So I'm super excited about it. And I'm a little bit nervous because I've never done a live show but bear in 2022 We've taken all the risks. Okay, so just go to the Sunday jumpstarted.com and click on Patreon to get more information be sure to subscribe now. So that everything is working smoothly on January 17. You'll be emailed with how to get access to the episodes and all that jazz. So y'all I'm excited to spend every single morning with y'all. Yeah, let's do the doggone thing. So now that we have official SJS business all buttoned up, let's dive on into this week's episode episode number 134 You get to make the rules Alright,
so as you guys know, I took a break and November and it was the strangest thing because typically, I tend to take December off every year, as far as content creation is goes like I'm like I'm done in December. I just want to hang out. But that feeling kind of came over me a little bit earlier it was in November and it was interesting because typically by November I am burnt the hell out right but that wasn't the case this time. What it was is that I just had this deep desire to be steel. We all know like, at the end of the year, all of us are trying to just finish strong finish strong, we got to meet our goals. And I'm typically about that life like, oh my goodness, you know, I, I still got a few things on my list. Let me hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle. And for the most part, I'll just stick to it and then do what needs to be done. But this year, I promise you, it was like, with every fiber of my being, I wanted to slow down and press pause, I wanted to like get into hobbies. Like, all of a sudden I wanted to do puzzles or I was looking at sewing machines, like I want to start falling. I wanted to decorate the house and spend time with my family. Like I just wanted to unplug for a little bit. I talked about this in last episode before the break, where I spent a big chunk of 2021 being a sponge. I was soaking in so much information. And it's because 2021 is when I decided to you know, I lost my job. So I was like, I want to go all in on my business. But this time around, I want to do it right. So I was listening to every podcast, I get every class, I was just getting so much information, I will find a new guru on Instagram. She's like, I made $6 million in one day. And I'm like, okay, Teach me your ways. Or I wrote a book in five days and I'm a New York Times bestseller. Okay, I want to do that too. Like I just was getting so much information that eventually I started to spaz out like I can't hear myself I can hear God, let me tap out it was just an overwhelming sense that I needed to unplug, be still and go within like, you know how butterflies are trying to escape the cocoon. My boat was trying to go back in it, okay, I just wanted to be in the house and just be normal. I didn't want to be a content creator. I didn't want to be an entrepreneur, you know, those labels that give us the glory. Like the stuff that we identify as that, you know, give us a little bit of props like are you know, I'm a content creator, I have a podcast, I have a blog, like I just didn't want to be that person just for a few freakin days. But the brig wound up being from November to December until you know today's episode. And so what wound up happening is all in November, I did just that I just watched TV cleaned up like I'm talking about organizing things, y'all we've been living in this house since November 2020. And this steel boxes in our garage that we have not unpacked so I was just doing those things just really, you know, going with it like even though I was watching TV there, I wouldn't watch it till later on at night I was spending days just being quiet like I ain't listen to music. I just want to pray in general, you know, I was having a spiritual awakening. And like I said, I thought it was kind of odd because I wasn't necessarily tired. And that's normally the only time I give myself a break is when I'm burnt out or in a creative rut. Something was just like be steel. So those first three weeks or two weeks of November, that's what I did just whatever I felt led to doing. And I wasn't on nobody's timeline, a deadline, and none of those things, right. So then, November 30, is it 30 days in November, just towards the end of November, I started feeling a little weird. And yeah, I just started feeling a little bit out of my body just a little sluggish, a little heavy, just a little blind. So I was talking to my friends Akila and I was just like, Girl, either my period about to start, or I'm pregnant. And the funny thing about me Santa is at the time, I was already two days late. And she was like girl, you know, maybe you bring me like go take a pregnancy test. And
since 2020, I've taken several pregnancy tests, you know, your period always feels like you're pregnant. So I was just kind of discouraged. I was just like, I know, I probably should take a pregnancy test. But I've been disappointed in the past and I'm scared to take one because then I have to admit that I really really want this to work out. And you know, this is what I'm texting tequila. Like I'm just nervous. I don't know. I think I'm gonna just call it a night and then out try it in the morning. Right? And so I think this is December 1 or whatever. So December 2 rolls around. And for whatever reason my body always like clockwork, like like clockwork, it always wakes up between like 330 and four to go pee to go get some water or whatever. And I was just like, You know what, just doing that. Do we right now like at 330 in the morning, get up, go get that stick and go pee. Some like rumbling through, you know the dress. They're just trying to look for a pregnancy test and I go pee on the stick. And you know how you have to wait three minutes, I said timer for three minutes. And then I'm just playing this game on my phone just like, Oh, I know it's gonna be negative, you know, I'm 37 I'm old, you know, I should probably start coming to terms with I won't be pregnant. And but you know, I was just kind of being a little negative because it was just one of those things where it's like, if I just act natural on about it, I won't my feelings won't be hurt. And you know, in the past, when I took pregnancy test, I would be sad. And it shocked me because it was just like, you know, it's gonna take 10 science takes 10 But you know, I just thought like, I thought getting pregnant was easy, and it's not. So anyway, I go pee on a stick, I'm waiting three minutes, I'm playing a game, I'm just kind of being a Debbie Downer. And three minutes is up, I pick up the test. And there's one very distinct pink line, and then there's a faded pink line. And I'm like, girl. So I go get boo. Oh, it's 3:30am. Like, wake up, wake up. And I was like, I'm praying. And he was like, I already knew that. I said, like, I just know, he was like, I felt something like that girl, Brittany's like, you'd be eating up a storm, you've been sleeping all day, like, you know us pregnant. So we celebrate it. And I cried. And I immediately, like, did all the research and all of that jazz and all of that. So as of recording this, I'm officially 10 weeks pregnant. And it is my first kiddo. I'm super excited. We're super excited. And it's just funny how it all worked out, right? Because I was in the end of the year. And according to you know, just like entrepreneurship legend, you should in the year strong should be hustling, fighting for your goals and doing all the things but my body was telling me to slow down because by the time I found out, I was pregnant, I was already four weeks pregnant. And I just think that's so interesting how sometimes you have to go against the grain right? My body was begging me just to slow down, cherish these moments just just be super present. But the outside noise was telling me to be one show up, be consistent. If you're not consistent, you don't fail, your empires don't crumble or even like it was just all of this eternal noise decorate the house do this for Christmas. It was a lot of my body was saying no, I know, that's what everybody else is doing. I know that that works. For other people, I know that it's Christmas time and you should be coming up with a menu because your family is coming in town, my family did not come in town because them Joker's got COVID. And but there were just a lot of shoulds at the end of the year. But thank God that He has so many different alarm systems and inside of our bodies, or so many different signs that he gives us when he needs our attention. And I'm so grateful that I spent that time going back in the cocoon, because little did I know I had a little human that was brewing inside of me. I don't know why I'm getting emotional, because I'm pregnant. But it was just a lesson. And you know, I'm not trying to make things too deep. But it was just a reminder that I know what's best for me and my life. I can feel it. My body is telling me what to do. My Spirit will just going to be a little bit tired of being on Instagram don't mean to imply I will get Inklings and urges and signs. You know, I'm
saying like, I'll be tapping away on a computer test, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera and away and then you know, my mama Carl and I'm hitting ignore because now I got goals. I got goals. And then I'm like, wait, it's the holidays, let me get on FaceTime with my mom. And I fear and she's excited about some cheese baking and we get to grow, stop being obsessed, stop being bound to the shoulds and do what's best for you. It happened to me in my business in 2021. You know, I launched my course and this is full transparency. It was a pretty high ticket course the ultimate podcast boot camp, and I put my heart and soul into that course I love that course is very robust. But listening to gurus I was like oh my goodness, you should you know price it at a pretty penny and I did and but inside I was just like I think I know my audience pretty well. I think I know how much you know, I'd be willing to pay if I was trying to become a podcaster I should go with this number that though right and hold for me. And I didn't listen because again, I had outsourced my wisdom. I had outsource my magic. I outsource my intuition to someone else right. And in the course worked out and I got Got a few sales when it was at the high ticket thing, but I was just like, I know I could knock this out the park if I changed the price and showed up I changed the price. Got sales left and right, right. And it's again, I am not anti guidance. I am not anti mentorship. I'm not anti YouTube university right. But when that is the only sole resource source of what you should be doing how you should be moving, something ain't working. Right. Okay. And and we have to unmarry ourselves from what everybody else is doing and get back within and in tune. What is going on in your life in your heart? What are the things that God has that are specifically to you? That is just telling me, Hey, I got this thing for you and for nobody else. Don't nobody else know about it. But we can't really hear those nudges or, or those colonies or Inklings because we're so caught up in this arbitrary timeline, right? I should have a house by the time I'm 20. I have my driver's license. By the time I'm 16. I should have my first kids by the time I'm 21. I share my keys by the time I'm 25. Y'all, I'm a testament I am a historian. I'm historically, a late bloomer. I didn't buy my first house till I was 36 I'm just now having my first child. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 27. Right. I was scared of driving and that 16 You know, my mom was trying to teach me and she was just too panicky and and I just didn't drive until I sat in some pee on the blue LAN train coming back from O'Hare, airport to downtown. And that day, I was like, This is it. So I got on YouTube. I learned how to drive I wrote, I read the rules of the roadway. I asked a pass the friend like, Hey, can I borrow your car I took I drove myself to the DMV, took the test, got the license, and then got my car that next week, okay, I got a license under fire. I was like, I'm not sending nobody's ever again. But I should have already had done those things, right. But those of you that still ain't got your degree, but those of you still ain't got no kids still ain't got your house, she is insane. Still poppin I am a testament that there is still time, life doesn't stop after 25 at the 27 after 30 after 40 after 50 after 60. Every day that you wake up with some breath in your body that is a new opportunity for you to create your own rules for you to create the life that you dream up. You can have it but you have to know what show it is and no shoulds bear, Don't let nobody should all over you. And that's from Sex in the City. What is it that you want? What do you truly want? And that's what I want you to think about as we are in the midst of this new year. Right? What do you truly want before you start making out your goals and and coming up with a brainstorm and making your 12 month plan, figure out what do you truly want what matters to you truly and deeply and sometimes it's hard to answer that question because you're in a cycle of shooting. Okay, so the first question you ask yourself, first of all, what am I shooting about? Right? When I was like 2526 people around me were buying houses, right? And there was a lot of rhetoric at that time. Like if you're renting, you're just throwing money away and I would like go on Zillow. And I'd be like, Well, I'm single and I kind of don't want to buy a house by myself. But then there was this rhetoric where you were strong black woman you INDP You independent like you should want to do it yourself. And I was like, Okay, let me go back to the drawing board and look, then it was like But wait, I gotta cut the grass. And if the pipe freeze I got to deal with that in here and my permanent worry about none of that. Okay, it'd be that hydrangeas that's planted in this apartment. Okay, the grass is always cut. If I got an issue, I call somebody and it was like, You should buy a house because every time Dick and Harry is buying a house right now, but I was like, I hear that and that's cool. But right now I'm still working at a preschool making, you know, minimum wage. How is that gonna work? I'm still chasing after my dream. How's that gonna work? I don't want to just buy any old house I want to live in a safe nice neighborhood and what I can afford right now I will be back in the hood and if I'm in the hood already a mass will be written but society was like just uh, you should be doing this when I was single and just mess you know, just out here it was like, God shit where's your man? You know like when you go back home with your family where's your boyfriend? Where's
this with? It was like that's cool. And yes, I want that tool. But I'm y'all here traveling. I'm on tour baby. I'm on stage honey traveling to different states and countries girl was talking about there was so much pressure for me to Should I hit my 30s and you know is that Well, you should hurry up and get pregnant because it is dragging up. Well, but I'm 37 in bed at some eggs was doing something because I got a little baby just get me as we speak, we have to get an unmarried from everybody else's ideas of what we should be doing and get back aligned with what it is that we truly want deep down inside I let me tell you some of my shirts, right. So my shoes was like, goodness. I know I want kids, but because I'm an actor, I should put that on the backburner and really focused on my career. You know, I really want to be a mom. But I also want to be an entrepreneur and juggling both are terrible. So maybe I shouldn't, you know, try or what were my other shoulds I know I want to be in a committed relationship. That's monogamous, but I'm afraid of being alone. So right now I'm gonna just get whatever I could take this on, I was in some crazy situation ships. And, and just just to hold on to something. Because that's what everyone wants for me, like, just get something justice, so you ain't out there alone. So I was just, it was a lot of shoulds. But I eventually let that mess go. And I finally admitted to myself what it was that I truly wanted. God, I know that, you know, they say put your career first, I should put my career first and be this strong, black independent, you know, like, we have so many tropes and narratives that we project onto people, right. But I want to be a mom, I know I should be a hustler, and make my own empire. But I would love to be a stay at home mom, you know, like, goodness, I know, I should, you know, just get get whatever man is out there. And that's the best I could do. Right? Because black women, you know, the the stats are against us, all of our men are incarcerated, or we're over educated. So just get any old thing. And I did and I was like, This doesn't feel right. I want to be in a committed monogamous, faithful relationship, right? I had so many shoulds shows about what entrepreneurship look like shows about how money and finances flowed into me. Well, girl, you should have a million dollar lunch. Well, girl, I'm just trying to make it a 7000. You know, I'm saying like, What are y'all talking about? That's, that's awesome to aspire to. And hopefully I'll get there one day. But for me right now, girl, I'm just trying to cover my expenses to have a little profit inset girl, you know what I'm saying? So first things first, before you start making your goals, or if you want to re modify them or just something to think about, figure out what are you shooting about in your life? The second thing I want you to figure out is Do you even really want all that? Is that what you really want? Right? Like, like the apartment thing, it was just like, I should have a house. But also, my rent is 760 I got all these amenities? Like, do I even really want that? Eventually I did. And that's the thing is that sometimes we feel like everything has to be right now all in got to happen today. It without the space to evolve and figure those things out. Like what I wanted at 21 is different than when I want to add 37. And I had to give myself the grace and the space to explore that. Right. So anyway, do you really want all that right? Or is that something that someone else has projected onto you? Is that something that you've seen on Instagram or on TV and you aspire to it? And that's cool, but maybe you don't want exactly that thing? You want a facet of it? Right? So of course when we see somebody have $100,000 launch, right, and you're entrepreneur, let's say and you're about to launch something to and you haven't even made $2,000 yet, right? Not to say you can't make 100k But it's like you know what? My goal for real is to be able to cover the mortgage right? I'm outside of my day job. Okay, cool. Let that be the goal. And and like instead of being like I have to have 100k launch, maybe what you're more so attracted about that girl success is like the freedom of money or getting sales in right is not to say that you can't dream big or have big goals, but you have to make sure that they align with what it is that you actually want. Like a course it'd be nice to make 100k But do you have the space to have 100k in sales? Do you have the inventory to have 100k So let yourself grow into things right? So first things first, let's go back.
What are you shooting about? Do you even really want that and then once you get all that situated, I want you to start unpeeling the layer okay? All the layers like let that stuff go? What is the truth? What do you really want? I do want kids I do want a home of my own. I do want to move to a different state. I do want a deeper relationship with God. I do want more money. I do want a better job I do. Want to try entrepreneurship out? I want to get back into dating. I want to let that fool go you know, I want to take a vacation. What do you truly want now what the Guru's say, now what everybody on Instagram doing now what your mama told you when you was a child you had to get what do you want? What career path do you want? What do you just want to know? Like, what is it right? And then once you on pure those layers, you need to start figuring out and just observing your life. What in my life doesn't align with those truths, right? Once you figure out what your version of success is, what it is that you want in your life, what are you doing, or saying or believing that don't align with the truth right? So I was like, God, I want to commit it faithful relationship. What I was doing that didn't align with that was being in a situation ship that broke me down to what my confidence this school told me. One day, we were in a car, I was driving my car and giving him more I did okay, it was one of them. And this girl was on the south side. She was like dragging her baby across the street and just being like, mother, baby, bring your Wiebe across the street and I'm just doing all that and I was like when I become a mom, I'm never gonna talk to my kids like that. And that man grabbed my back and he said he will never be a mom. Does that mean it's oh me as a man Tom he said you'll never be a mom Jessica and I was just like, what man says that to any woman but that's how toxic he was towards me just doing anything to break me down because he knew I want to be a man you know like come on. So what was I doing that did not align with my truth of being in a committed relationship with somebody who respects love care and trust and respect me was being with a food that would do some stuff like that that was very that was that wasn't nothing compared to the stuff he was doing right out. He was just out in the streets and it didn't align right. What do we do that don't align with our truth? I want to be financially free. Well, you out at the mall everyday spending $500 a day on the line? Well, I want to be healthier and be my whole so are you moving your body? Are you drinking more water? Are you eating more vegetables? It don't align? Well. I want to advance my career. Okay, have you revamped your resume? Are you on LinkedIn now? Okay, that don't align. I want to be my best self at all times. Okay, well, you just cussed them out the lady at the gas station because she a move up hooking up? What doesn't align with your truth in your life? Right? Once you figure that out, start making small tweaks. And here's the thing, I'm, I'm not saying these steps as if you can do it all today and have it all figured out. These are some things that it's going to take some time to come to terms with right? You'll start getting tired. Definitely, you know, like, look, I'm tired of this charade. I don't just want to drop it. You'll you'll start getting signs from God or having conversations with people like hey, man, what's going on with you? Right? It's not gonna happen overnight. These are practices, you should always be in a practice of asking yourself, What am I shutting about? Do I really want that? What's the truth? What do I really want? What in my life and my behaviors and my speech don't align with my version of the truth? And then finally, how can you open yourself up to it your truth and stop resisting it right? It could be as simple as not responding to that text. Hey, I want to be in a loving relationship. The one thing I have to do to start getting to that side of my life. I'm not responding to this full text when he texts me at 3am asking Can I caught you? You will? Now I know. I responded, what can I start to do? Better? I'm gonna just drink this one little gallon of water today. That can lead me to get a little bit healthier. That's my truth. Right? How can I open myself up to you know what? My boundaries suck? I'm a people pleaser. I'm always tired because I'm trying to be superwoman. I'm going to get a book about boundaries. Or how are you going to get your business off the ground? I don't know. But today I'm gonna get the handle on most Security website. What's the one thing you can do every day?
To start opening yourself up to the possibility of your truth right? For a lot of times, sometimes it's so simple as being honest and saying God I actually do want that. I do want to be a mom. I don't want to be in love. We try to hide it because it is wack. That's goofy. And you know, I'm independent. We got these stories, you know, but what's the truth? God the truth of the matter is I really do want that car i knowing I don't be as as witty but God I really like that Tesla, or God, I just, I just want to go on make what do you really want in this okay, go be Don't be lavish saver, you know, like dream big do all those things I'm not saying not to do it, I'm just trying to encourage you to make sure that it's really what you want, no matter how big or small it is, it can be big, I don't want you to think that if you want 100k, a lot better go for it at please do. But just make sure that you're listening to your inner calling your inner wooing that you're not prescribing too much to anybody else's story, even if it's my own, like I tell y'all on the podcast all the time. If you need a break for me, take a break. Take a break, because I want you to be more tapped in to yourself, to your source to God, to your fair share. Sometimes you got to tire me off and that's okay. Were you ready? Come on back, because I miss you and I love you and all that stuff. But just know that this is your life. You are a co creator in your life, right? I read the alchemist for the first time ever. In November. That's also what I was doing. I was reading, reading, reading. And there was a line of just stuck with me to touch me, it said and I might be butchering it. Once you decide what you want, the whole universe conspires to make it happen for you. And if you don't like the word universe, God if you don't like you know, like whatever works for you, God, source universe spirit guy, whoever, you know, it's all working out in your favor. But first you have to admit to it. And then you get to decide, Hey, guy gave me a new day. What can I do? Because you got some old, isn't it? Oh, what can I do to make those things happen? Just small, tiny things. Okay, I'm gonna cycle for 30 minutes at the gym. I'm gonna go for a walk. I'm gonna write one page. I'm seeing one lyric. I'm gonna take one class, whatever it is, just make sure that it's truly from your heart and that you are led to it. Get creative, have fun, make your life good. Make it net, you know, like, oh, girl, what's your what's your what do you want to Zoo, it's all up to you. You have the power to make those things happen. With the way you speak how you show up your thoughts which reading which you listening to get in the habit of creative magic and your life stop outsourcing it. I don't have the answer for your life. Michelle Obama, she don't have the answer for you like Oprah, where they can inspire you, we can all inspire you and we learn to do it. But at the end of the day, you are the guru, you are the rule maker. You know your intuition. God is always speaking to you. Like it's there. Don't let anybody else's timeline trap you get to create your own. And it is okay to be a late bloomer. It's okay. It's okay to start again. It's okay to start at 20 3040 5060 7080 years old. Life is robust and generous. And it doesn't stop just because you have one setback or one thing they work out. But it just keep going. But keep making sure that you're telling the truth. And going after that truth, full force and anything that doesn't align with where you're trying to go. Get rid of it, let it go.
I became a pro and letting things go. And I never lost anything. It might hurt. It might have sucked, it might have been uncomfortable. But when I release my hands, God replaced it with 1,000% better. I promise you that jobs X's all it better. He upgrades me in every single way. So don't be afraid to lose anything. You got this start over start again. I'm excited for this new year for you. You got this but just make sure you ain't getting caught up in the shirts now. Okay. Alright guys. That is it for today's episode. Thank you so much for tuning in. I will be back this Wednesday with a quick tip. It'll be right here over on Apple, Spotify, the whole nine. But if you want to hang out with me every Monday through Friday at 8am Central Standard Time, be sure to check out the morning jump start. And to get to that you just have to find me on Patreon. You can do that by going to the Sunday jumpstart comm and click on Patreon. I talked a lot about a lot today. And if you didn't get a chance to jot down any notes, do not worry. I got your back all the shownotes will be at the Sunday jumpstart.com Just click on episode number 134. And don't forget we have transcripts over there in case you want to print something out, highlight it, hang it up on the wall there are transcripts if you have hearing issues or whatever the case may be is over there as well. Well as always guys, I love you so much and I'm praying for you. You are in my heart I pray that this year God blesses you beyond your wildest dreams y'all I pray that Monday and the rest of this week starts off strong. And again I'll be back here this Wednesday. If you want to keep up with me follow along on Instagram the handle is at the Sunday jumpstart the plan is to show up there way more. Like I said, I took a break, but I'll be there just hanging out giving tips chilling kickin it with you. Alright guys, I love you. And I will see you here this Wednesday. Alright, bye