Where do you stand on video games? Did you play a lot when you were a kid? Do you have kids that play video games? Do you like board games? Do you like strategy games? Do you like, I don't know, games of the mind. And why do you think I have all of these questions? Well, let's run the intro. And I think that'll explain everything. Let's go. Welcome to trailer park, the podcast trailer Podcast. I'm Eric on this and let on this show. It's trailer time podcast trailers. That is we hit play on a podcast trailer and then we discuss that trailer. Was it entertaining, expressive, unique, innovative, we talk about what we liked about that trailer and what we think could be improved. And then sometimes we hear from the creators of that trailer, they jump in and tell us what went into the making of it. We do all of this because we think that trailers are great. They're a great way to discover new audio content for the listeners among us, and they're a great way to improve our craft as audio readers. It is a two fold mission. So that should explain my gaming line of questioning up at the top. But if it doesn't, here's the connection. Today's trailer, today's trailer for trailer park, the podcast trailer podcast comes to us from Eric silver of multitude productions. The trailer is for a show called games and feelings. We'll hit play on that trailer in just a moment. And then we'll come back for some chatter. And you may have noticed that so far on this episode, it's just me talking which is different because usually this is me and Tim Vegas talking about trailers. We are a duo. However, we did discuss between season one and season two, trying out doing some solo episodes here and there. And we actually we're not going to do it for this episode. But when we started to record we realized that Tim's hardware, he has an audio interface. It wasn't updated. Or there was some sort of issue we weren't exactly sure what was going on. So we decided there is no time like the present to test out new episode formatting. So here I am. But you will still be hearing from Tim you will not be without him. We're gonna leave some time in our analysis after the trailer to get his take on the trailer. What he liked what he didn't like, what could be improved, you know the deal. So let's hear the trailer and then we will be back with my take and then Tim's take, how does that sound? Let's hit the tape. Hello
gamers. See, you might have felt a type of way about me calling you a gamer. And that's not because of what you're playing. Because if you'd like games, you might be a gamer. But because of all that other human stuff that gets in the way, like how other people look at you how society look at games, and how we look at ourselves. That's why this show exists. Games and feelings is an advice podcast about games. Join me question keeper Eric silver, and a revolving cast of guests as we answer your questions at the intersection of fun and humanity. Because you know, you got to play games with other people. And we're talking about every single type of game, video games, tabletop games, party games, laser tag, escape rooms, game streams, d&d podcasts, the companies in the workers that make these games, anything and everything in between. If you like what you hear and want to level up your emotional intelligence, subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts, new episodes every other Friday Games and feelings because the instruction manual doesn't say anything about feelings.
Thank you, Eric for submitting that trailer. Before we get to our asynchronous analysis of the trailer for games and feelings. Let's make sure our listeners know how this show works. So how did Eric get his trailer for games and feelings into your ears? Well, he submitted it to us via a forum on our website, you can find that forum by going to trailer park podcast.cr d.co Boom, it's that easy. Here's a little bit more about games and feelings. It's billed as a games advice podcast from their website. Games and feelings is an advice podcast about being human and loving all types of games, video games. TTRPG is if you're not familiar, that's tabletop role playing games. And I realized that that sounded like I read it off of a piece of paper like I'd never heard of it before I actually have but I was going through each of the letters and making sure that I got them right. So that's TTRPG is tabletop role playing games. There you go. Escape Rooms, bar trivia, whatever the games are. Whether you need a game recommendation, you need to sort out a dispute or you need to learn how to put your money where your mouth is when buying something our revolving panel of experts in games and feelings are here to help. And this show comes to us from multitude productions, which is a really cool podcast production studio, as well as a physical recording studio in Brooklyn, New York. I'll start off with what I liked about this trailer, which is pretty much everything. I don't know if I'm necessarily going to have anything negative to say I went through it I was making a list of what I liked. And I was also trying to keep a bullet pointed list of what I didn't like and I didn't write anything on that list. So let's get to what I liked. First of all, what really stands out to me say it with me Now is the music. I just thought it was so perfect. And I felt like I was inside a video game. Also, what stood out to me was the hosts energy. Eric is clearly the right person to be hosting the show. I talk a lot when I'm being interviewed on podcasts about podcasting about what makes you the perfect host for the show, if you are considering becoming a podcast host, and I think it's very clear to me why Eric ideated this show why Eric and Amanda and the team at multitude came up with this show. This is Eric's passion. This is his baby. He wants to be talking about games. He wants to be talking about the feelings that come up when we play games, or when we think about playing games, or when we talk about talking about games. So Eric really makes sense to me here. I also really like that he addressed us right at the start. He said Hello gamers and then he made us think he made us think Do we like that nickname? Do we want to be called gamers if we don't want to be called gamers? What feelings is that bringing up for us? That is going beyond telling me just what's going to be happening on this show. It is asking me to think a little bit more. It's asking me to engage with the title of the show. I also really liked that he named himself Eric named himself the question keeper, he is already letting us in on inside jokes before the show even starts so that when we go to Episode One, we know that that's Eric, he's the question keeper. And we know that we are gamers. I'm really intrigued by this topic, because I have never really considered myself a gamer. I realized that I asked you all those questions at the top of the show. Were you a video game player growing up? I didn't answer that question myself. I like word games, I don't really tend to love card games or strategy games or anything like that. So and I never really grew up playing Nintendo or video games, or I did have a Gameboy I saved up for that. But I really only played Frogger. So I didn't really consider myself a gamer. So this to me, when we initially picked this trailer, I was thinking this is gonna be relevant, because I think a lot of people do identify as gamers, but I don't myself. So I think that the title of the show got me thinking these questions got me thinking, and I'm definitely intrigued by this topic. I also really liked how at the end, Eric makes mention of the fact that instruction manuals only really talk about the rules, they don't talk about feelings. So that's kind of where this podcast comes in. It fills in those gaps. There are feelings that come up when we win when we lose when we tie when we make new friends when we play and that's what this podcast is going to talk about. So those are all the things that I really liked about this trailer, I honestly don't have anything negative to say I think the only negative thing that I could possibly come up with is that just because this trailer is really great doesn't necessarily mean that I am going to become a full fledged listener of the show. But that is more on me than it is on the trailer or on the cover art cover is beautiful. You should check it out if you can. I just still don't necessarily consider myself a quote unquote gamer. Although I would like to hang out with the question keeper sounds like a great guide. Let's now hear from my co host, Tim vas, who obviously is not here with me recording what he's going to send in a voice clip. And we'll play that right now. Thanks,
Ariel happy to share how I feel about the trailer for games and feelings. I also have a ton of appreciation for this trailer. So quick positives length, it was one minute, I'm increasingly convinced that this is the perfect amount of time for a trailer. If you keep the copy Chris like in this one, there's plenty of time to tell the listener about the show. I also really liked how Eric use the term level up during the call to action. It was a clever way to make me want to check out the show. I also love that Eric's voice was the first thing I heard not the music, though the music is fantastic and from what I understand was uniquely created for the show. So top notch fivestars Pasco collect $200 such a fabulous trailer, I do have one negative. And this message is not only for Eric and the fine folks at multitude, but it goes out to all podcast creators out there. Turn off the ad spots on your trailers. It is such a bummer to hit play on a trailer. And it's an ad for mint mobile or kitty litter. Y'all it's a simple fix. Most platforms allow you to turn off ads on specific episodes. I am not against ads. They are essential to the sustainability of the medium. I'm just talking about your trailer. It will enhance the listener experience. Okay, that's all I got Ariel, back to you. I've got to get back to leveling up on monopoly go.
Thank you, Tim. One thing that I noticed over the years of being aware of multitude productions, the production house that created games and feelings is that they do a really great job of cultivating fan bases for their shows building community. They do this through a number of different avenues, but one that stands out to me is their live shows. We asked Eric about their live shows and here is what he said.
We've always done live shows and conventions all the way back to pot X and pod con which I miss dearly. It's always been a thing that multitude has wanted to do. Because like people are already there, we're already Tabeling. And kind of is a nice opportunity to give the audience a chance to like, be audience members for a while while they're like really participating. Really expending a lot of energy is like, you know, I'm going to enjoy someone else doing something for a second. Also, I love doing live shows just getting actual in person response to myself instead of kind of like waiting and seeing if someone will say that. And I you know, I have a theatre background. So I just love doing stuff in front of people. But we did one in Manchester because that's where Jasper Cartwright, the permanent guest on our show, that's where he lives. And I was visiting him with Manda, my wife, and it was just a fun chance to do it. I mean, I had never traveled to the United Kingdom before, I haven't had a lot of experience in Europe. And I'm like, you know, let's just do a live show. Let's see it because we wanted multitude fans to be able to see us in Europe.
Thank you for sharing that Eric. And thanks for submitting that voice clip. If you are interested in learning more about games and feelings, go to games and feelings.com we love and easy to remember website. Now before we move on to the credits, dear listeners a quick look back at our season so far. Last week, we played the trailer for dads cry to the week before the trailer for creative architects. And the trailer that started off season two of our show was from the show American song bag. If any of those intrigued you, you can check out our back catalogue and let us know what you think. You can leave us a review on Apple podcasts telling us how much you love or don't love us. There's a lot of debate on the internet about the value of ratings and reviews and let me share this Know Your leaving a review for us won't necessarily boost us up on the Apple podcasts algorithm or the charts. But do you know what it will do? It will make us happy it will make me happy. That's right. And sometimes that is better than an algorithm boost. So if you want to leave me a review, we will be happy to read it on this show. In the coming weeks. We recently did get a new review from Jay Trotter, five stars, it says I absolutely love podcast trailers. They're an art form unto themselves. Looking forward to hearing some trailers and some background info as well. We love to read it. Thank you, Jay for submitting that. More soon, please. And until then happy trailering whether it's listening or creating Bye. Oh, good. You stuck around. And that means you get to hear about our sponsors. They're the ones that make this show possible. If you're a podcaster looking for ways to reach your audience, we recommend you check out fan list. If you go to fan list.com/trailer Park, you can see our fan page there you can send us a tip, you can ask a question. You can record a voice clip and more. It's a really cool way to stay in touch with us and to support us. Did you know that fan engagement is critical in today's podcasting economy, you probably did know that the more you engage with your listeners, the more they'll love you support you and help spread the word about your show. fanless makes it really easy for you to set up that entire system. Go to fan list.com To learn more about creating a fan page for your podcast. We are also sponsored by OSHA. They're our podcast hosting provider, their interface is extremely easy to use. If you're listening to this right now and you're a podcaster you probably already have a hosting provider. And you probably think switching over will be annoying and cumbersome. But that is not the case. OSHA makes it really really easy and the switch is worth it. Try it out for yourself. Go to osha.co That's a U S H A dot c o link in the show notes of course. Find us on social media we're at trailer park underscore pod on Instagram. You can also email us that's Hello at trailer park pod.com This show is written and edited by us aerial nice and flat and Tim Vegas our music is from melody that's me lod.ie our logo is by Kayo slicked up we record the show on squad cast and edit in the script though because this was a solo episode it was recorded and edited into script and thank you listeners for tuning into this episode and tuning in week after week but especially to this episode, where I was so low except for Tim popping in with that voice clip. Thank you to Tim for popping in with that voice clip. We will catch you next time happy trails