riverside_thea_willette quantum ... _ jul 18, 2024 002_radical_massage the
4:21PM Jul 18, 2024
Krista Dicks
Thea Willette
massage therapist
Radical massage therapist and welcome to another episode of the radical massage therapist podcast. My name is Krista. I'm a registered massage therapist of almost 18 years in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and I am also a clinic owner of almost two years. I am not the radical massage therapist but you are thank you so much for tuning in and wanting to learn more about the benefits of being a massage therapist which extend much more beyond what we do as massage therapists and extend into your your own life as well. And I just tried to highlight the benefits that this career can provide for us and the opportunities, freedom, flexibility, financial success, as well. I also like to use this podcast to invite guests on that are a little bit unique to the profession as well or that they have something to offer to the profession maybe they might not be in massage therapy but they have something that they can offer to massage therapy and today Theo will lad is definitely one of those individuals feel well at is a meditation instructor of quantum touch practitioner and a level one instructor and ambassador for the quantum touch therapy technique. She came through my email because she is offering a workshop in quantum touch therapy she offers these courses and these workshops on line so they are accessible to anyone so no matter where you are listening to this you can get training with Dr which is really wonderful. So a little bit about Thea is that she discovered meditation and quantum touch through her own fertility struggles while working as an ultrasound technologist at a women's health and fertility clinic and is seeing her patients challenges firsthand, she felt a profound intuition that there had to be another way. This led her to explore the healing power of breath, and she naturally welcomed three beautiful children into her life. Impressed by the simplicity and effectiveness of this work, Thea became a practitioner and instructor of quantum touch. This modality is so simple and natural that anyone can learn and practice it. By bringing awareness to breath and intention. Individuals can move lifeforce energy through their bodies promoting healing and balance. Thea uses this technique daily on herself, her children, her students, and clients, and even in everyday interactions. I do want to say that this episode does talk about fertility, miscarriages, motherhood, so if this episode is not for you today, I completely understand. But you can learn more about the app as well. In the details of the show notes, you can discover more about quantum touch therapy perhaps through through that way. I hope you enjoy this episode with the
CEO Welcome to the radical massage therapist podcast. It is a pleasure to have you here.
Thanks so much for having me. Yeah,
it's always interesting how I invite guests onto the podcast and how guests find the podcast as well. You were offering this course it was originally going to be an in person course in Ottawa. And so you were obviously marketing the course to health and wellness practitioners that came across our email as a massage therapist, the course that you offer now is going to be virtual versus in person. I think that's really wonderful because you can access so many more people. But that is essentially how you came across my desk and then invited you onto the podcast because you're we're going to talk about quantum touch therapy. And it's something that I hadn't heard about before maybe each individual word, but as a whole, it's something I'd never heard about before. And I'm always interested in learning more about that what is out there, and how we as healthcare practitioners massage their pacifically can share that with our clients, whether we choose to learn the technique ourselves, or whether they have questions, or whether we need somebody that we can refer to that does this technique. I just like to know more so that I can be a better a better resource and not just see words on the screen and then like, you know, make up my own assumptions about it, as I'm sure you've encountered as well.
Yeah, quantum touch. It is an energy healing modality. And it works with lifeforce energy. Oh, tapping into our breath. We can bring lifeforce energy through our body and then using our attention and intention, we can amplify it and direct that energy. So I mean, just to go a bit into my background, it was actually massage therapist at first introduced me to energy work. And I mean, if you back, go back a little bit further into my story. I was struggling to get pregnant and at that time, I was actually working me as an ultrasound technician at a women's health and fertility clinic, and when it came time for me to need treatments through my work, I had done one round of progesterone. And I feel like it just mentally sent me over the top. Emotionally, I just couldn't handle the grief of infertility, the grief of miscarriage is just all of it. So I just said no to treatment. And it was just as knowing that there had to be another way. And that just sent me down this series of synchronicities. It was like suddenly, I became aware of this online speaker who references other speaker references other speaker who just happened to say something about, for me, what he had said, was a gluten free sugar free dairy free diet, all of his clients got pregnant in three months. And I said to my husband, you know what, I got nothing to lose. And I just did it. So I just cut it out that day. And then, like, within that week, I was sleeping again, I experienced so many changes, like brain fog lifted, I wasn't as constipated as bloated as I could just feel my energy coming back. And we got pregnant that cycle. And it just blew me away. And then in that it was actually Boxing Day. And I had to drive to work because I was scanning the women that were cycling up the clinic that day. So someone had going on holidays, just to scan these patients, and I'm going into work and it was really icy and my car spun out. And I ended up totally in my car. And I was able to walk out of it thinking I was pregnant, but I wasn't 100% Sure I was pregnant cuz I was just gonna go check myself when I got to work. So needless to say, I didn't go into work that week. And then I ended up going into see my massage therapist. So I had called my doctor, she was like, Well, you know, you can get yourself checked out. So I had been in a chiropractor appointment, I made a massage therapy appointment. And I wanted to see my misuse. And I had known her for maybe a year or so at that point. So she kind of knew me, she knew that I was struggling to get pregnant, obviously knew that I just had this car accident. So I got on the table and she's like, you know, Thea, you've experienced a lot of emotions. Don't be surprised if you start crying during this massage. And I was like, What do you mean? And she's like, well, we store our emotions in our muscles. And as I'm working it, you might feel the need to release these emotions. And that might come out like a cry. And I was just like, blown away. I was like, What do you mean, tell me more. So she kind of told me about how we can store energy and in our body. So all these emotions that weren't expressed. And as she's working on, it is naturally going to release that. And needless to say, I did I like ball during that it like really helped. And she was telling me how like massage can help with grief. And I was like, Man, where was this when I was grieving, like I didn't realize that massage had so many benefits in that way. And then I kept coming back to her. And it was like every time it came back, she offered a little bit more information. So now I went from not being pregnant to suddenly being pregnant, and also having work with my massage therapist. And it just brought up the awareness that there is more to healing than what I had been trained in medicine. And I started learning about the power of my breath. And I remember just thinking, I just want to help women heal, there's got to be a way that I can help women heal. And sure enough, I came across a YouTube video of Richard Gordon talking about quantum touch. And he's talking about how anyone can learn this modality. Everyone is capable of this because all healing is self healing. So I look into it, it resonated with me, I booked my first workshop, which just happened to be on the same weekend that I was wanting to get away with some girlfriends. And of course, no one was free to get away with me. And this, this workshop popped up. So I got to learn it. So having no background in energy work, I was able to learn this technique in the first two hours. And this is the way we teach it in the workshops. We teach you how to use this breathing technique so that you can bring the energy up through your body and then feel it coming out your hands
what's missing. Okay,
I'm gonna need to pause. There's like a fight going on outside my door. So I'll be right back
to what you need to do. All right,
thank you.
Yeah, no problem. It's all good. It's, it's the real world. It's no
it is. Yeah, so with quantum tides, we're working in the level of the subatomic level, smallest units of matter where everything is vibration. Everything is frequency. And particles behave differently. So we're using the observer effect. So the moment you put an expectation, or you're observing that particle, you're adding in your intention, you're going to affect change. And this is where we can use consciousness to create changes and to actually affect matter. So this is a new paradigm If it's called Quantum because we're working at the subatomic level touch because it did start out as a hands on healing modality, or Richard Gordon is a gentleman who founded quantum touch. And he had learned from an intuitive healer Bob Raz mucin. So Bob just intuitively knew where to put his hands to create these changes in the body of his clients. Richard was just blown away and became his apprentice and his neighbor and just studied what Bob was doing. You notice when Bob was taking a breath, like where Bob was placing his hands, what Bob was thinking, because our thoughts affect matter. That's the consciousness. So what was Bob's intentions as he was doing this work, and then Richard put that all together into that really simple technique. And that is what's called Quantum touch. So it's all based on our human nature, I talked about breath, we bring in breath. So that's how we access lifeforce energy. And we use his breathing technique where we can bring the breath through our body, and thus bringing the energy through our body. So then we're using our body as an amplifier, and then we're sending the energy out on our exhale to the client. So the energy will flow through our hands, or we're sending distantly, it goes out with our intentions. And this is really important for massage therapists, because you're always having your hands on people. So you're likely going to pick up any sort of energy or lower vibrations from your patient. And when we use this technique, quantum touch the breath is what helps us to maintain a higher vibration. So you're not going to pick up those energies off of your client. And you're actually going to create a benefit to your client, because you're going to provide that energy for them, that's really going to help them to move through whatever concerns they're having.
Right? Yeah, that was one of my questions, because you did mention, like in our emails, that it is very can help a massage therapist maintain their energy throughout their day, or any kind of hands on profession, they can maintain their energy. And I was like, well, like, Tell me more. Because we are in a hand, it's a hands on technique, exactly what you said, we pick up on people's energy, whether we're aware of it or not. And vice versa, they're also going to pick up on our energy if we're not in, like the room with a client at the time, if we're, you know, our mind is elsewhere, or our body is elsewhere. And we all have off days. No, you know, it really happens. So um, yeah, it was really interesting how you mentioned that, and is that what you just mentioned, as well that like, that's how the therapist can maintain their energy is through the breath work, and then you think can stay at a higher vibration, not take on what that client is bringing to the table that game? Absolutely.
And then there's other techniques to bring into. So there's ways of amplifying your intention. So we really bring in like the vibration of love the vibration of gratitude, the intention of seeing your client happy and well, right. And I like to use the example of like a sore knee. Or maybe you can do some sort of muscle spasm or a tight muscle, you don't want to heal the tight muscle, because then you're always going to create this state where the muscle is going to be tight. So you want to imagine what is the outcome that is relaxed, right? So you want to see your clients happy, healthy, thriving, playing with their kids, doing the activities that they love to do, being able to do their errands, not being stressed, like not being stressed isn't a good example, because you're still focusing on the stress, right? So then you need to ask your client, what does not being stressed look like? What does it feel like, right? So you really want to bring in that future intention. In my workshops, I always use the example of the knee, like, having the intention to heal the knee is not a good intention, because you're going to continue to create situations where you need to heal the knee. And we don't want to just sit here and heal all day. Like we want to get out there and live our life. So you want to ask your clients like what is it that that they want? Like, what is it that they want to do? What is that passion that they have inside, and you want to imagine them already doing it. So sending your intentions there is going to help them jump over this pain that this lower vibration that they're experiencing. I
like I like that setting the intention, but not not about healing a specific area. And I think that as therapists we do get caught up in in that they come in with low back pain. I have to fix the low back pain. But I think even Yeah, it's wonderful that if you just ask a few more questions about what does not having low back pain look like to you and how would it feel and then setting those intentions through this work? To really to better understand it. It's also interesting because when you give it more insights to to focus, sometimes the body is not always going to heal, like in the linear way either. So just focusing on creating that Like, healing the knee or healing the low back pain, the body might be like, that's not my priority today. And it could, it just creates more stress for the client because they came in for low back pain, it's not, you know, the expectations have changed, it's not going, it's not going away. Because there's other other work to be done or you haven't connected with the right questions.
A lot of times, if you want to dig deep enough, I mean, don't really have to go that deep, to be honest, it's going to be some sort of emotional cause. There's some sort of stored emotion that's not expressed that's in there. So like the low back, quite often, there's a lot of anger, a lot of resentment, a lot of fear that is stored in there. And as a massage therapist, if you're not aware of that, you're going to start to feel that coming up in yourself. And you're going to resonate with that. And that is why learning this technique is so powerful, because you can just raise your vibration by using this breath work and setting an intention that your client is happy and healthy. And you can simply just ask, like, what are you up to this weekend? Right? And just see what they say like, what do you do? What are your hobbies? And then you could just imagine them golfing, right, they're able to like swing, and they're good.
So with it being a like a hands on technique for, for practitioners, or anybody wanting to learn this technique, what I have to like questions about about about massage therapists using it as well is that you don't really it sounds like as massage therapists or somebody in hands on bodywork, you just don't necessarily need to tell your client that you have, you might you don't have to tell them that you're you have this technique and that this is what we're going to do. Today, we're going to do quantum touch therapy on you today. It really sounds like it's a skill that you you have that can enhance the experience for the client. And you're not, you're not withholding information from them either. But there's just something that's going to be different about your massage and maybe previous massages that they've had, and they might have received more progress than they've had with other therapists as well.
Absolutely. And most massage therapists that take the workshop, they're using it 100% of the time, and not just massage therapists, anyone who takes this workshop, it becomes his way of breathing, this way of living, that it just becomes natural, and you're doing it all the time. So absolutely, it's going to help your clients. And I mean, even for myself, I just use it almost as this natural way of just choosing my frequency choosing my vibration. So if I'm going into some sort of environment, and I start to feel off, right, I can feel maybe it's a lower vibration, I don't feel comfortable, then I've simply just start running the energy, and I can bring my vibration up. So I'm no longer at the mercy of what the environment is. And this is why and like I mean, I like to explain to my mom is like, it's like prayer on steroids. Like you're really just wishing your clients well, you want them to be well. And this is just the way you're going to breathe. And you're going to drop into your heart and just allow that to expand and radiate to your clients and you're going to wish that they're well, and you're going to see them enjoying their lives or weekends or families, and they're going to feel so good after it.
Of course, we're gonna have massage therapists or healthcare practitioners hands on body workers that are more evidence base of it. And then of course, we have massage therapists who don't really care where the the knowledge comes from. They're just like, if this is going to help, I can still be a healthcare practitioner and learn this tech, the more energetic technique as well in the end, and so that, but how would you like not? How would you explain this to somebody who was more evidence based? And as well?
I mean, that's a great question. I feel like it really comes down to intentions. Because the moment you put an intention into an experiment, or any sort of you expect to see some sort of evidence, you're already influencing it. So it's really hard to say, I have one osteopath, and he has taken the workshop and he uses it 100% of the time. And he will see a client maybe two, three times. And now he has his beautiful, thriving referral based business. And I hear that from other massage therapists as well. And as you start using this technique, you'll just start to feel it. And I don't know how else to say that on the quantum touch website. They do have links to more evidence based practice, but I mean, it's something that they get to discover.
I don't think anything should be set aside or discounted or, and like just because it can't be proven, I think. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I do have a good story. I have this one woman this is really early on in my career with energy work, and she straight up said She's like, you know, I'm a skeptic. And I was like, Okay, well, the energy will like your body will do your doing thing, right, we're working with the inner healer. And our inner healer already knows how to heal. So they're going, it's going to use the energy and our body is going to use it for the healing as it needs. And she said that her hips were quite misaligned. So she was out by 12 centimeters. And I did the session virtual virtual instantly, I should say, because I use using the telephone. So I had called her, I told her, I'm going to start session lay down somewhere comfortable, and I'll call you at the end. So I call her at the end. And she's like, that didn't do anything that didn't work, all this stuff. And that was like, well, sometimes it takes some time for your body to go through this shifts, right, we're working on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. So you might not feel or see the results right away, but the energy is there and your body will use it as it needs. And she seemed to be okay with that. She hung up. I got an email from her the next day, and there's like a lot of caps in her writing. And she's like, I was feeling kind of tired after your session. So I went to lay down and I wish I had some sort of recording device to record my experience, but it felt like my pelvis was lifted up rotated, and it was excruciating pain, and then all of a sudden, the pain disappeared. And I wasn't sure what had happened. So she's like, I stood up and measured my hips and my measure, my hips were only out I think she said by like, a few millimeters. And then she's like, I had this incredible experience, I slept great. And then my blood, my notice my blood pressure was normal. Okay, and I was like, whoa. So I mean, there's a lot of people who want to be skeptical about it. And I mean, the energy is still going to do what it needs to do. And people are going to become aware of this when they're meant to become aware of it. And when we can really tap into the power of our thoughts and like the intentions and it's just mashing with the breath. And together, it's a really beautiful technique.
Are you familiar with like cranial sacral therapy and Reiki? And do people often come to you and ask what is the difference in this technique, versus though the Reiki or cranial sacral therapy? Yes,
so I'm not entirely familiar with both of those modalities. However, I have a number of students that have come from Reiki, a lot of Reiki Masters, people have been doing it for 30 years. And they say that this is so much more powerful. Where's this been all my life. And what I have gathered from that is it's a breath, it's really bringing in the breath, we're bringing in that lifeforce energy, and we're bringing it throughout our entire body. So I find a lot of energy work can get just up in our heads out of body kind of feeling. And this is what I love about quantum touch is we're so rooted in the body, we are embodying the energy, and we're using our body the entire time to bring the energy through. So we're bringing in that sensation through our own body, and it does feel more grounded and more safe. Which is really beautiful. Yeah. Wonderful.
And the nature of it, you it's accessible to anyone. So it sounds like you have a lot of wellness practitioners who are drawn to it, but it's universal to anybody. You don't need to have a healthcare background. To learn this technique.
Yeah, I've had a wide range of students so like in the healthcare field, nurses, doctors, osteopath, massage therapists, learning how to do this. I mean, outside of healthcare, I've had teachers and bankers and business owners and farmers and moms. I mean, I focus a lot on fertility and pregnancy and women's health. And I mean, this is such a beautiful skill just to have to use within our own relationships and for ourselves. Yeah,
wonderful. Do you have any reactions from the community or any, any pushback about yourself? I mean, you came from a healthcare field there. But do you have any pushback because there's no like, you know, title to to you and then providing quantum touch therapy.
I mean, personally, I haven't had too much aside from my own skepticism coming in. Because I know when I was still in that energy of being skeptical, I attracted a lot of people who were also skeptical. And then once I really allowed myself to believe this work, I mean, like, attracts like, and then suddenly I bring in these people who want to learn. I mean, there's, if you're looking for pushback, there's always going to be pushback. And it's the same thing. If you're, I just don't put my focus there anymore. I put my focus and my intention is always on. My message is going to land with the people who are meant to hear it and who are meant to come to and are ready for this work. So I focus my energy there and when I noticed, there are other sorts of comments. It's just really interesting and it takes us For me, it becomes this internal reflection of what part of me is resonating with this and bringing in this doubt.
Yeah, I love that that self reflection. I mean, I've had conversations before with friends that who might feel nervous to, you know, put themselves out there or share the knowledge that they have, because they're like, I don't have any credentials. And they said most, most of the people that I trust, I'm not looking at their credentials. First, it's because of the referral, it's because of who they are. I've gotten to know them and like them and trust them, even before I do work with them. And I still never asked for the credentials, it's just the results are what matters. And that, that's really special to me. So going back to saj, and massage clients more specifically. So the what are the benefits of combining this energy healing technique with, like massage for the client, what can the client experience on the table, I
mean, the client is may experience emotions, they may experience a deeper relaxation, whatever that pain is that they're having in their body that maybe brought them into massage, they might notice that that disappears, it really goes away, we like to talk about pain as a communication system from our body. So when our body is in pain is your body's way of getting our attention, because where our attention goes, or energy goes. So the pain is our body's screaming out for help. And that is always where we start when we're working with quantum touch. And I like to have clients rate their pain on a scale of one to 10. Because it's such a natural process that the pain gets relieved that it's really hard to remember what an eight was when you're feeling like a two or a three. So I mean, definitely helping with pain reduction for the client. And they're probably just going to feel really relaxed, they might go home and sleep, I've had a lot of clients, they just talk about how great their sleep is the next day, or that night, and they might find that maybe they're not triggered like they used to be, maybe certain events would be triggering to them. And suddenly, they're in that situation, and they're not feeling that trigger, because the energy has already started to heal on the emotional level. And they don't need that trigger to get their attention because that part of them has been healed. So I mean, so many beautiful effects for the client. And then for the massage therapist as well. Now you get to experience that same healing yourself. So we talked about this in our workshop is all healing is self healing. So even as a practitioner, as I'm using this technique to raise my vibration, then my body is going to be able to benefit from that energy as well. So it's not just my client, so the practitioner is going to receive the energy alongside the client. So
it benefits the massage therapist, which is wonderful. And what I'm also hearing is that you don't necessarily need to know what that trauma is, or ask specific questions to draw out that trauma for the client, which in our, in our regulation, like we have very solid lines about our scope of practice. And in our line of work, it can be easy for those lines to become blurred because clients can become emotional on the table, or they could say some some things that, you know, might lead us into another direction. But if there is, it's really important that we maintain kind of our our boundaries, but we're also human. But for this quantum touch therapy technique, it doesn't sound like we need to know what that trauma is in order for the body to do the work and benefit the client. Absolutely.
And even just like you mentioned that the fact that a client can get emotional on the table shows that you're already doing something. And I believe most massage therapists are called to the profession because they have this need this filmless desire to help people and they probably noticed that sensation in their hands too, they just have this natural, they're a little more tapped into this natural ability. And we all intuitively have this we all innately have this is whether we realize it or not. So even just giving a massage, you're already transferring energy, and your client is going to feel that. So when you notice that they have this emotional catharsis, having the quantum touch, understanding this technique just really helps to allow them to move through it and it gives you it almost gives you something to do that, you know, you can help your client through this and you're not going to leave them hanging. And you're not going to get into these uncomfortable situations where they said too much, or you said too much or whatever. You can simply just start doing your breathing. And I mean, this is something I do with anybody who is around me and if suddenly they're upset then I just start breathing and I imagine them well and no one needs to know that I'm doing that. It just is this really beautiful thing we can do as humans.
I think being having the tools to help the client through it are really important. in massage school, they tell us yes, it's possible that your client will cry on the table or divulge some, some deep information because something that they don't give us. And this is how you're going to help them and not just leave them, like you said, leave them hanging. And so this is really, really beneficial as well to as the next next step. So if there are massage therapists and you we've experienced that release on the table, but not known what to do, you know, quote, the right thing, or just the most helpful thing in that moment, this sounds like it can be a really beneficial addition to learn, is it beneficial for mental health as well?
Absolutely. And we talked about this in the workshop too, because sometimes the healing gets worse, before it gets better. Sometimes they need to fully experience it and move through it. So the fact that they're having a panic attack means that they're moving through from moving through some sort of energy, what we say to our students all the time, is just continue to run the energy, if they're having a moment, just continue to run the energy, really bring in that love. And it's going to help them move through it, it's, I mean, think about, if you see someone crying, your natural instinct is to give them a hug, perhaps rub their back, like you're going to comfort them. And quantum touch really just gives us a skill to amplify that. So that when we see somebody in distress, we have the skills to comfort them. Yeah,
I am also having like flashbacks of like, my generation actually being told not to cry and not to have emotions. And so yeah, I think that this is really beneficial for people on that in that age category as well, that maybe they, they, their instinct is to shut it down. And maybe when they are experiencing if a client is releasing on the table, and they're just like, I need to stop this now, because we don't know what to do. Then then like you said that instinct is to help and to comfort and to allow them to process. But I feel that still very new information. And and a lot of us still need to re relearn that for sure. And I think working in this profession, and working with our clients can be a really good first first step for that, for sure. So tell me about how people can learn about this technique. What does the training look like? What does a certification look like? Yeah,
absolutely. So I teach a level one workshop. So this is a 14 hour workshop. And I teach it over either two to four days depending on what the schedule looks like. We learn about different breathing techniques. Well, I mean, we learned the principles of quantum touch, we learn different breathing techniques. So how we can bring that lifeforce energy through our body. And we learn how to feel into every part of our body to really gain that awareness. We learn to amplify it using the vibration of love gratitude, we learn how to work with so quantum touch, I guess you could call it a secular, it's not attached to any sort of beliefs. But absolutely you can bring in religion you can bring in spiritual guides, you can bring in any sort of system that you have and or what the client has. So we learn how to work with that. We learn how to bring in chakras movement, toning imagination, the course was originally designed as a hands on healing modality. However, with expansion in consciousness, and just learning what is possible, we're doing this virtually through quantum entanglement, which is fascinating. So we learn more steps on how to do this distantly. And as well working through time, which has been so great. And something I've really played with myself, which has allowed me to really offer that to students and clients working through time is this understanding that when we're working at the subatomic level, we're not bound by time or space. So when we send energy through time, we can send energy to our past and really heal inner child work. past traumas. I mean, you can depending on what your beliefs are, you can go to past lives down to generational like lineage, ancestral healing. And then with working through time, we can also go forward in time as well. So this really brings in manifestation I really getting clear in our intentions of like, what is our vision, where do we want to go and we can send energy ahead to ourselves in that moment. So that is the level one workshop to become a practitioner in quantum touch, then you would need to level one workshop. So we encourage people to repeat the workshop because every time you take the workshop, you're going to be at a different level of perspective, you will have evolved, you'll hear things and feel things differently. There's gonna be different people in the groups, a lot of the workshops is practice base and experiential base. So I will teach a teaching aspect, and then we'll practice it and then we'll get to discuss it and learn how everybody experienced it. And we continue to go through that cycle. So by the time people have done the level one workshop, everyone is proficient in this, the skill, everyone is able to send the energy, feel the energy, I haven't had a single client who said that they didn't get it. Normally, everyone gets it within the first two hours of the workshop, it really does go quick with this training. And then the rest of the workshop was really just amplifying it and deepening our skill with it. And then there are advanced workshops, and then that can be used to become a practitioner as well. But simply for massage therapists just taking one workshop, depending where you live, you can get continuing education credits for that. And then you're just gonna have this skill that you can add to your practice. So you can run the energy into your schedule, you can run the energy into your massage table, you can just set the energy and the tone for your space so that as your client comes in, they're just going to feel that love and that energy and the intention that you have set for them, as well as when you're hands on working on them, you can just feel the energy move through into their body is going to help them move through any of their emotions, right? Yeah,
wonderful. Are there any contraindications or situations that this would not be appropriate for clients?
I haven't found any yet. Okay. I mean, quantum touch really works with all modalities like you can just add it alongside whatever you were doing, which makes it really cool. So you can do quantum touch on your own as a separate modality, you can use it with your work, there was a phase where I had learned quantum touch, but I was still working as an ultrasound technician. And I would use quantum touch all the time on my patients, because most times, if you're coming for an ultrasound, especially female, pelvic or obstetrical, there's going to be a level of anxiety. And you can just like feel it right, and massage should be the same, you're in this small little room and the client walks in, and you just like, feel the anxiety. So even as I was just scanning my patient, I'd be running the energy and I could just feel everything relaxed, and I could feel the client relaxed. And it just led to a better atmosphere when I was working in ultrasound. And so those patients, obviously I did not tell them that I learned energy work. But it was really It did get to be a lot of fun. Because if a patient came in and someone else said, Oh, they're a difficult patient, like Be careful with them, or the receptionist would be like they're camping in they don't they're not in a good mood, just be easy with them. And I never seem to have a problem with that,
right? Or it's a good opportunity. It'd be like, like, hey, let's, let's see how this really, really works. Exactly. Try it out on the individual. So that was part of my, like, the next sort of question or segment that I kind of wanted to go into is how did you transition like for anybody listening that that may not be a massage therapist, but is also looking for career options. I do like to promote on this podcast that like massage, massage therapy as a career, but if they're listening, and they're still not sure what they want to do, what did that transition look like for you from ultrasound technician to becoming full time, you know, practicing this technique, name it virtually as well. And how it's if you can also share sort of how you now get to market it in a way in, you know, with other people because you're again, it's a technique that maybe not many people know about. So how do you share the benefits with other people and get them to come to see you not being directly in the field of like healthcare. So
I mean, how I got into this was purely my experience and curiosity driven, because I had been working in ultrasound at the fertility clinic for how long like maybe five, six years, but a time I had my own struggles. So I saw what medicine had to offer. And when I was in that position, it was just as knowing that there had to be another way. And then the fact that I found another way, and I was able to lean into the power of my breath, and I was able to get pregnant and have smoother pregnancies and have a smoother labor and have more connection postpartum. Like it just blew my mind. I didn't know this was possible. And then it just became this, like, I need to share this with women. And so when I was on my mat leaves is when I would learn this technique. And then the goal was just you know what I'm done with ultrasound. I really want to share this with women. When I was then I had gotten pregnant with my third. And I was on I was working through that pregnancy and that was when I was really able to start put it into place that we were going to make this transition and I mean, the energy always has such beautiful side effects. So I decided that I wanted to start a new career and then of course My husband's like, I want to start a new career. And I was like, Okay, well, you get to start your new career if I get to start mine, and we realized that we were going to be able to make this work. So I had, my last day of work was the end of my pregnancy with my with my third. So then I had gone on my mat leave. And then I just never returned to work after that in terms of ultrasound. At that point, I had become a practitioner in quantum touch. So I just started with the website. And when you become a practitioner with quantum touch, you do get listed on their registry. So they have a worldwide organization, they have a really great website, so you get listed on there, with your location so people can find you. And when we're working with the energy, the universe has a way of bringing people to us. So there is definitely this aspect of the clients who are meant to find you will. And then in terms of marketing, it's really about sharing it on social media and really having that connection and that openness, sorry, intention, and the openness to receive the clients. And my practice has just kind of slowly grown, fitting it into those pockets of motherhood. Well, I started taking clients as a practitioner when I was pregnant with my third daughter. And then that was I was doing in person because this massage therapist that had kind of introduced me to the world of Energy has she let me do a lot of practice sessions on her and she loved it. And then I was doing sessions for her and her husband. And then it was just kind of like word of mouth. And of course, that was all pre COVID. So I could just go into her studio and into her office and use one of her massage tables. And then COVID happened and everything kind of got transitioned to online. And at that point, I was already doing distant healing too. So that worked kind of well. And then that was when we started moving from my husband's work. So I just kind of kept my online clients and bases. And then I worked as a practitioner for maybe a year or two, just slowly bringing in clients, because once again, I had three young kids. So I was kind of fitting it in around there, technically, I was still on my maternity leave. And that was when I decided I want to be an instructor. Because absolutely there is this space where we can help someone in like a one to one setting. But I just really came to believe that this is a life skill, and everyone needs to learn this. And it helped me so much as a mother and through my own pregnancy journey that I really wanted to share it. So it's one thing to just give a session for a client, but it's another one to teach them this system that they can do it for themselves. So then I had transitioned and I did the work to become an instructor. And now I've been hosting monthly workshops ever since. So like I said, people find me from around the world, I've had a client like students from Australia and Indonesia, and all throughout Europe and same time zone like West Coast. And it's really beautiful. And it's always kind of fun to hear where people are coming from and how they found it. There's normally some beautiful synchronistic story that they can't wait to share. So it's really cool. It's a different way of business. It's there's a lot of trust and faith and aligned action, I would say inspired aligned action. So I would set the intention of the business I want to have the clients I want to have, and then really just waiting for that aligned action, and then acting on that. So it's not completely passive. But there definitely is this level of intention and guidance in it too. Yeah,
I think that there's that is a truth to to, like massage therapy careers as well, that that that is the best way to to market is with that intention and knowing the type of business that you want, setting the intention, trusting the process, but then taking action, as is that is really important. So that's wonderful. I have questions about you mentioned early on in the episode that you're, let's say you can use this technique for yourself when you enter a room and you're feeling that vibration is low. You've also used the words gratitude and love when you're talking about high vibration, can you give it maybe you can't or like but are you able to give us a brief overview about the different levels of vibration and how you might recognize where you are and then a very subtle way that you can bring yourself up to the next level,
right? So it's really about turn tuning into our bodies, right the time the moment you notice you started to feel uncomfortable, then perhaps you're in a lower vibration. And then you simply ask yourself, Is this where I want to be? Where do I want to be? And you just start using your breathing techniques that we learn and then setting your intention of what do I want to Feel what do I want to experience? And it's really kind of dependent on the situation. But maybe you're working, walking into a room full of new people and you're feeling uncomfortable. And then ask yourself, well, what is this? What is the outcome I would want in this situation, right, I would want to be able to connect with these people have great conversation, whatever that is. And then you can set that as your intention as you're running the energy. When we bring in love and gratitude, we teach this technique called what you love the most. And it is exactly that is the moment you feel what you love the most. And you allow that feeling to come through your body, now you're going to start radiating that out. So I we even just know this, like feeling love, feeling grateful feeling that joy, those are all elevated states, they feel nicer than fear and anxiety and anger. So it's really about learning how that feels in yourself. And I feel like that's the best barometer is to learn to create that connection with your body, then you start to become aware of like, is this anxiety? Or is this excitement. And once again, it will come down to your perception and your beliefs. Because if you want to call it anxiety, then there's this feeling, and it just kind of comes down. But if you can remind yourself, no, this is exciting. I have one client and she really shifted it for me. We're running the energy. And it's the beginning of the workshop, maybe a couple hours in and she's like, You know what, I know this feeling, this is what I would call anxiety. But I realized it's not anxiety, it's just the energy. And that really shifted for me, because everyone knows what anxiety feels like. But then we call it anxiety. And it comes with this negative connotation that it's a bad thing. But really what we're becoming aware of is the sense of energy and vibration in our body. So the moment you feel that, try labeling it as excitement, and then ask yourself, well, what do I want to do with it? Yeah, that is the energy that is going to allow us to take action and move forward and move into the direction of our intentions. But if we're not clear on our intentions, then it's so easy to fall into anxiety is a bad thing. This is and then I mean, you can just bring in all this guilt and shame and all this, like negative stuff that can come around with that, because that's what we like to think of anxiety as but if you just strip away all of the labels of what it is, what does it actually feel like?
And has that that intuition and knowing those, the energy in your body and what it feels like? I mean, I It sounds like you have a very positive outlook on entering a room full of low energy and feeling like well, what do I want to get out of this and still being able to enter protected, but with the best intention? Has there ever been a time though? I mean, sometimes I might enter a room be like, like, do you want to like just back back away, though? Like, is there a time that you need to just not not do the work and just back like back away from that energy altogether? And, you know, it can be self reflective, but it can also be an opportunity for you to be like, I don't need this
today? Well, absolutely. And I think that depends on your intentions, like it all comes down to what what do you want, right? Maybe you're meant to come into that room, and there's meant to lift everybody up, right? Or maybe you don't need to be there. And maybe you just become aware of like, yeah, I really don't need to be here. And then you give yourself that permission to leave and go home. So it's not to say that you have to put yourself in endure every situation, but really just allowing yourself to get clear, like, why am I here? Am I here? Because someone else expects me to be here, am I here because I feel like I should be here. And if none of those reasons, align with your intention or, or your, what you see as your vision, then you can let yourself go home. Right? You don't, you don't have to stay there. But then you also don't have to be a victim of your circumstances either. So if you find yourself in a situation and it doesn't feel good, then you can start using this technique. I mean, if you're going to talk about like self reflective, it's, it'd be really interesting to notice what's going on in your mind. Like what kind of thoughts are happening at that moment. And I think that's one of the things I love about quantum touch because it really teaches us in our bodies just become aware, what are we thinking and what's actually going through my mind because there is more of a connection than we realize.
So how can people learn more about you the how can they reach out to you where can they find you on Instagram? I really enjoyed this conversation. I know people will want to learn more and I don't want to take up any more of your time but I think we've covered a lot but yes, please share where people can can find you so they can learn more.
Absolutely. So you can find me on my website it's the oval let.com You can send me an email at Hello at Theobald att.com. And I'm on Instagram at Violette. So pretty simple.
And then I'm also going to put in the show notes and on the website as well that you are giving our listeners a free ebook, as well. Can you explain a little bit about what that free gift is? Yeah,
so I just wanted to put basically my words into paper so that people can read along and have an understanding of what quantum touch is. Because sometimes as we're hearing it, we're not actually absorbing that information. So I put all of the information about what is quantum touch into an ebook, along with some testimonials and what clients have been saying, along with the resources to learn more, as well as a free energy share. So I like to do group energy shares where I run the energy to a group. So there is a recording there. So you get to experience a quantum touch session, as well. So that's all included in the eBook.
Excellent. Thank you so much for being a guest for sharing all about quantum touch therapy, but your own experience, how it came to your life and then how its transformed the work that you do. I really appreciated the conversation today. Awesome.