Hey, y'all. It's been a long time. I just want to let you. I'd say, as I say, I'm back. I'm back y'all who so much has happened. But God is good. I'm telling y'all. I have so much joy. First of all, the fact that I'm here even been giving this message after all the things and the transitions that I have been through over the last month, who I have nothing but praise and thanksgiving on my heart and on my tongue. I'm so excited. And I'm just grateful to be back to get back to the weekly word. Welcome back to the weekly word. Welcome to my favorite season of the year is autumn, happy October, which is the best month of the year. And I have to give an extra special happy hoodoo Heritage Month, y'all. My goodness, is like the most wonderful time of the year. I mean, so many things happening. So many things happening. We're celebrating a lot of things this time of year, and one of which the cool kids will call the spooky season. Now, I'll be honest, I grew up super Christian, if you were a Christian kid or grew up in a church like I did, and you probably understand that spooky season halloween horror films or TV shows all that stuff was banned. We didn't do that. We didn't even have a hallelujah night on Halloween Halloween in my in my church growing up like they just completely ignored the holiday. Okay. So I will be honest, I don't know nothing about the fun and festivities of the season. Listen, I am not one of the people. I am not one of the many millennials that super excited about hocus pocus to what I tell you that was not my jam out that was not allowed. So I'm happy for y'all. But it's not it's yes, it's, I'm just hanging out, you know, watching. Y'all have some joy. But it's all at the same. It just was not a thing that we did. But I do know a thing or two about fear, and about how to find my way in the dark. And that's what we're going to talk about today. Today's weekly word is entitled, are you afraid of the dark. And that's a fitting title, because of the season that we're in one. But also because of the cards that I have on the table. today. I have the ace of pentacles I have the star. And I have the 10 of swords. All three of these cards are in reverse. And one thing that I like to say about reversals is that I found in my Tarot practice, that the medicine that you need lie in the reversals. I know folks see reversal, especially clients and you know, that I have if they see a lot of reversals or hear a lot of reversals in their reading. Sometimes they panic because I almost feel like there's like a judgment against the reversals, but y'all the medicine, the goodness, the real truth of the matter comes from these reversals. So when I saw these I knew that we were gonna have some things to really discuss. ace of pentacles the star and the 10 of swords are you afraid of the dark? What sensations make themselves known when you envision yourself in a dark room by yourself no one there just you engulfed in darkness. When you think of being in the dark, what images come to mind
what feelings
surface Do you feel safe? Do you feel secure? Or are you afraid of the dark?
When I'm sensing for us is that as we are transitioning seasons, and moving from summer into fall, we have been dealing with some really big things. I've spoken to a few people who said that September was a big month for them, very tumultuous, a lot of things shifting. That was even the case for me. That's why I didn't hear from me. For the month of September, a lot of things happen. And what I'm sensing is that there are yet something's still in progress. The ace of pentacles typically is a card that tells the story of the Divine, handing us an opportunity. The Pentacles represent Earth energy. So I like to think because I come from the south, I come from farmers and tenders of the land. So I like to think of that pentacle as a seed. And so in its upright position that ASA pentacles is the universe giving us this seed, this opportunity,
this gift
that will grow, that will multiply that will be fruitful, that will nourish. When is in this reversal? It reminds me of a seed that's buried underground. The fruit is not ready to bear or be better be born to spring forth is pretty mature is not yet ready for the growth trajectory that it is capable of. It's almost like if you planted a seed, and then tried to dig it back out, because you don't see anything happening on the surface. So for me, the ace of pentacles feels like the work of being in the dirt. And almost like rushing the process, sometimes the ace of pentacles and reverse can speak to us about bad timing, or missed opportunity. For me when I'm looking at it now for this particular reading, it feels like wanting to rush ahead. It's not that the divine has not given us a gift. But it's almost as if the gift that we have been given the dream that we've been giving, given the blessings that we're hoping for the divine has given us a little nugget, a little seed and the seed has been planted. But because we haven't seen any evidence that the seed is actually fertile, that it can grow. is almost like we're trying to dig it back out of the ground just just to check.
And I think about what that looks like. From the seeds perspective, the seed is our dreams, our visions, our hopes, our goals, our desires, our prayers, all these things that we want to see grow and become manifest in this life. So imagine that being buried underground is dark now surrounded by soil on every side is sometimes the soil becomes damp. And that soil can be cool. So now we're talking about a cold, damp, dark place. And I feel like that's where a lot of us a lot of the things that we're hoping for and dreaming about, that's where we feel they are now. And because we have big desires, we are attached to things that we're praying for, we're attached to the things that we want to manifest, we're attached to those desires. So it's like we are buried with this seed. And because we are unsure, if the seed will actually produce the fruit that it promised, some of us may be tempted to dig it back up to constantly check the progress. Because some of us are afraid of the dark place, not knowing that that is the place of growth. In fact, that dark place underneath the surface is the only way that seed can grow. That's the birthing room. That's the womb
that's the place where growth bursts forth. So we're going to need some faith, we're going to need to trust what we cannot see or perceive. And so that's where the star comes in. The star has a testimony, because they have just survived the crash of the tower. However, when the stars are verse, it lets us know that when this tower crumbled, maybe you did not land on your feet. Maybe instead of being in the star in the sky, shining brightly. The Divine Self fit for you to be buried
like a seed. And
it's very tempting when you're in that seed form. Especially after dealing with the tumultuous change of the tower. It's very tempting not to trust the divine to handle it is very tempting to want to get out of that uncomfortable place. Well, what if I didn't ask to be buried? I'm supposed to be in the sky and the divine agrees you are, however, I want you to be like an oak, a mighty oak tree, says the divine, I want you to have longevity. I want you to last for generations. The seed that the divine has given us these dreams, these desires, they are not supposed to be just a blip in time they are supposed to last. There are some things that some of us are dreaming of and hoping for and working toward that, I believe could be from everlasting to everlasting. The Divine says yes, the change that occurred in your tower season was shocking. The movement was maybe aggressive or maybe it was a little fast. And rather than give you the fast the satisfaction of a certain Saying that you want it to happen in your timing, rather than catapulting you to a place of high visibility, this might be a great time for you to isolate, to be separate from the others. I'm going to take that which you care about, and bury it, put it in the dirt
the burial is not the final resting place for us. It is just the birthing room.
And so the star in reverse also speaks to us about a lack of faith. It can speak to us also about despair, because some of us would rather not be in a dark place because we are afraid of the dark. But that's because we don't understand the power
that can happen in a dark room.
What happens when you're developing film in the dark room, and someone opens the door, all of your footage is over exposed and destroyed is of no use. Staying in that dark place, and I don't mind you when I say dark, I don't mean I'm not speaking about our mental capacity. I'm not speaking about depression. I'm not speaking about those things, per se. But follow the analogy. Because if we're speaking about something like our mental capacity, then we need some assistance with that, then we may need some care. We need some professional help. When I'm speaking of the dark place, I'm speaking of speaking away from a more spiritual sense. And that's why I keep also calling it a birthing room. That's why I'm also calling it a womb. These are all dark places that bring forth goodness that bring forth
fruit in its time.
But we just have to believe and trust the divine enough that if you brought me through something that was difficult before. And I trusted you with my desires and my hopes and my dreams. Then I can wait on the sea to grow. We can't be so afraid of the dark places, including and especially the dark places that we should explore more. Yeah, I'm talking about our shadows. Our shadows teach us about the duality of who we are. They help us to embrace the wholeness of who we are.
And then we come to
the 10 of swords in reverse. Now this car, you got a shot on this one. Now this car when the 10 of Swords is in this reversal. It is speaking to us about being at the end of the turmoil, being at the end of that rock and hard place we're talking about now this is the place where we can start to get up again. We're saying now the seed is starting to unfurl and starting to grow and we're going to start to see that sprout bursts forth from the surface. So the dark place is a temporary place. A person who's having a baby doesn't stay in labor for the rest of their lives. A baby does not stay in a womb for ever is always a temporary place but a necessary place? What are you incubating? Are you the one in the incubator? Are you the one that's evolving and growing? Because if you have been in this dark place I want you to know that it's almost time to come out. Even in the 10 of swords, we see the sun rising in the background. We see that this was a dark place, but now the sun is coming up. We see the sores begin to fall away. We see the faith begin to rise as the sun comes over the horizon. Because what you thought was the end was just the birthing row. When you thought it was over, then you will hear your baby cry when you thought it was done, and that nothing was ever going to happen. There you'll see the green sprout bursts forth from this soil is the rose in the concrete?
So what about if you're still if you still feel like you're in this dark place, we're still we're still coming upon this sunrising what do we do in this dark place? Trust your spirits that where you are is where you should be right now. Follow your own intuition. In the dark place, you may not be able to perceive with sight. But what other sensations? How else are you able to perceive in a dark place? And so when we are in the middle of waiting for the blessing for the dream for the goal, to spring forth? What can we glean in the dark place? What can we learn about ourselves in the dark place? What can we learn about the divine in the dark place? And then what are we hearing? What are we perceiving what downloads are coming in
know that even in the dark place underneath the surface in that soil, the seed is not dormant, is not idle as we water the earth and as we tend to that seed that's like the divine tending to us our spirits tending to us. So that means that if you're in the dark place, open your hands and receive the water open your hands and receive the sun because even though it's dark underneath the surface, the sun is still shining, we still need that light to bring forth the fruit even if you can't see it, it's there
so if you're still in the middle of that dark place if you still feel like that Berek seed receive
this may be a time for you to be even though we don't have the hermit car here. This is just some time to be isolated with your ancestors to be called and set apart from others so that you can dream with them so that you can commune with them. So that this seed you your gift, your your your hopes when it begins to spring forth that it will be exactly what is necessary for your path and your destiny. Use the time second thing to do use the time when you're in the dark place to review to reflect on all of what has happened to bring you to this place of expectancy? See, the dark place shouldn't be a place of despair. It doesn't have to be what it is a place of expectancy. What if we do interviews hoping that place? Would have were like a child who's everyday waking up Is today the day? Do we do we spring forward today? No, it's not today. That's okay. I'm just going to continue to consult with my spirits, I'm going to continue to pray, I'm going to continue to be with my community, or this time to be by myself, I'm going to continue to go to my altar. I'm going to continue to write I'm going to continue to paint I'm going to continue to do whatever it is that lights me up. Because we need that light in order to grow.
In the what are the lessons?
What are the lessons
if you happen to be someone who's in the dark place, and you feel as though you have been abandoned, it's very easy. And it makes sense to feel that if you are like a barre see that you have been abandoned. You could feel like instead of the Divine handing you a gift that the divine just nursed you aside. That's a very valid feeling.
My hope and my prayer is that even in the midst of those very hard feelings, and even righteous judgment, about how this season of being in the dark feels to you. My hope is that you would begin to just notice things around you. Notice signs of beauty, signs of life
signs of nature, little things. Like I said earlier, when you're in a dark room or a dark place, though, you may not be able to use your physical eyes to see
many of us we will adjust to the darkness, and then be able to move around freely in that place, with no light.
And as we move around freely, we may be able to sense the divine protecting us and keeping us and nurturing us and watering us and cheering for us and rooting for us
and knowing that every good gardener keeps record of every see this in the ground and that
the Divine is not a punisher at least I don't believe so. I do believe that there are systems and people and forces that would try to come against us that would want to snuff us out. That is not the hand the Hand of the Divine. That is not the hand of your ancestors
the process of birth Aereo the process of burial for the seed is to bring forth life. So, if you feel as though your life and your livelihood is being snuffed out, that might be or is not the divine that is a worker of evil and iniquity, that is capitalism, that is anti blackness. That is patriarchy, that is misogyny. That is transphobia. That is ableism. That is queer phobia. That is every single thing that rises up against righteousness and that we can fight against. But when you are in the birthing room with the divine I found there's no reason to be afraid of the dark
it's only for a little while, is only for a little while. Now I'm going to pull one last card. But I have to make sure that I quote The Prophet glory Allah who says, Every day the sun won't shine. But that's why I love tomorrow's. And we thank the prophet for the word, because it's true. Every day, the sun will shine for that seed. That just like I said, that's that energy of a child who keeps looking forward to tomorrow's because there is a day and it will burst forth you will burst forth, you will take on a new form, your dreams will be realized. And you won't even be thinking about the time when you were in seedling form, beneath the surface, because now you are well on your way to being a mighty oak that will last for generations and generations. So I'm going to close with just these two cards that I just pulled. And they say that these are messages from our ancestors and higher guardians. The first message is everything you do is for a reason, your hard work will pay off, cheer up and keep pushing forward. And from the higher Guardian, the message is my energy is assisting you during this time period, you are going through major transitions. And all I want to add to that is this is affirming what I've already said that even as a see beneath the surface, we are not alone. Our ancestors, our guides and our God. They're with us. They're a part of the process. They're not far off. For even in the universe of the 10 of swords. That person with the sores in their back is never able to remove them on their own. Someone has to help with that someone has to assist. And so as we go through this major transition that will ultimately be very healing and illuminating and impactful. We no longer have to be afraid of the dark. Because we are never in there by ourselves. We always have protectors. We always have love surrounding us like a hedge of protection and so It's just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the Bible. When Nebuchadnezzar threw them into the fiery furnace, thinking that he had won by taking care of these three men who defied him. And when they looked into the fiery furnace they looked in and said, How many men did we put in there? The response was three, share with me Shaq and Abednego. And the Bible says that they said, there are four men in there and they are walking around. The scripture says it was so hot that even the people tending to the fire burned to a crisp but Shatter Me shaken a bit and go over okay, because they had a spirit. They had an angel, they had an ancestor who was right there with them in that uncomfortable place, where they thought they would meet their end.
They walked out unscathed. That is our testimony. That is our story. And so the dark place is not a place that we need to fear is a place where we encounter the divine. Y'all have a great one. See you next time.