Solving the problem is not rooted in a material analysis, of getting rid of guns and fortifying schools. A solution to the problem is living within the framework of the coming of the Kingdom of God. The culture of the kingdom is truth, beauty, and goodness. Most people want to change the world outside of their own lives, without changing the world inside their own hearts, and minds. Jesus said, in John 831, and 32, "if you continue in My word, you will be my disciples indeed. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." We live in a post truth culture. And we should be those who pursue the truth and promote the truth. It is effectively true that the Bible can build nations. And it can not only change our own lives, but it can build nations that are free, just compassionate, and where humans flourish. Make God and not the state, the center of your life and community. Don't look to the central government to solve these problems. We the people, are to solve them, don't live as slaves of a tyrannical state but live as free men and women. The change begins and the human heart then moves out work to the family, the church and the community. Cultural change that is needed begins with a worship, the cult, the worship of the living God. This culture promotes life and peace. Take personal responsibility for your lives. Live in the whole universe, not half the universe. live in a universe that has a moral and spiritual framework where all human life is sacred. work to restore the family, restoring the fathers to the home and valuing the maternal and nurturing mother. Promote virtue at the heart of the household, in the church, and in our schools. Teach that which is good, do not promote evil. Teach that which is true, do not repeate lies. Enjoy the beautiful, teach what is beautiful and not what is novel and hideous. We do have a problem. But the problem is not solved within a material framework. The problem is solved within a biblical framework with biblical language of biblical concepts.