Detroit City Council Formal Session, part 2 (missed first 7 minutes)
8:50PM Nov 26, 2024
President Sheffield
intelligence specialist
homeland security
new position
line items approval
human resources
labor relations
housing revitalization
community engagement
disaster recovery
rental housing
basement backup
ARPA funds
affordable housing
public safety
meeting adjournment
Questions for Miss Patillo. I think that's her name, and they try to bring her on screen, but she wasn't accepting, or she wasn't available. I just wanted to know, what is the intelligence specialist? What is that? What is that job? Is there? Is there someone currently in the position we're trying to increase their salary, or is this a new position altogether? And that's line item 15, point 19.
Move the Chair. Mr. Washington. Yes, we have Katrina Patillo online as well as DC Hayes in person.
Those individuals. DC Hayes, if you can come forward, please. And if we have someone online, if they can introduce themselves for the record, wants to see themselves on
the screen. So I am Katina patella, Director of Human Resources. Can I be heard? Good afternoon. Good afternoon,
gonna hit that button down there. Sorry.
Good afternoon to
this honorable body at
Franklin Hayes, Detroit
Police Department that department, deputy
police chief. Thank you. Did you? Did you all have an opportunity to hear the question, or you need my colleague to repeat it?
Yes. I believe the question was, Is this a new position for the Detroit Police Department? This is the position that has come over from Homeland Defense. So this was originally with the city, and this is now coming to the Detroit Police Department as of July 1 was that,
was that Homeland Security? Because I think you said Homeland Defense, Homeland Defense. I meant Homeland Security, if I may, Mister Chair, it's Homeland Security, okay, City of Detroit, Homeland Security, Emergency Management. Thank you so much. Member. Callaway,
thank you so Good afternoon, sir. So this position is a new position for DPD. It's coming over from Homeland Security
through the chair. That's correct. Ma'am.
Okay, all right. Thank you. That's all I want to know. Was this a new position?
I think the other question was, are they? Are the positions vacant or filled. We currently have all of the positions filled, except two. So there was 21 positions that came over.
Colleagues any further? Online items, five, 15.9 18, excuse me, and 15 point 19. Seeing none. Is there a motion? Okay, you already motion. It's not committee that's right. There's a motion to approve line items 15 point 18 and 15 point 19. Any objections Seeing none those items shall be approved. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
All right. Is there a request for waiver.
moving on, alright, so from the Human Resources Department, Labor Relations Division, it's going to be 15 point 20. I
believe Mr. President, that item was approved with the waiver. The only other item was 16 point 26 point
of information. What? 15 point 26 or 1616?
Point 26 where we're going to head in ped from the Office of contracting and procurement clerk,
Mr. President, Are you online? Item 16 point 26
Yes, ma'am. The wrong Yes.
That would actually, that is one resolution council member durha on behalf of council president Tate,
housing and revitalization. That's what I should have said, Yes, housing and revitalization. Um,
there was an open motion on that to postpone till January, and
there was this big discussion at 16,
right? And we brought it back at the end of the agenda. We are now at the
end of the agenda, and now you're going to decide what to do, yeah, but I want to
just introduce it to the meeting right now, which we I don't think we have yet. Have you all right? Member deer Hall,
thank you, Mr. President. President, move for discussion for line item 16 point 26
thank you so much so line item 16 point 26 we did recess to allow for discussion and conversation, specifically with member Johnson and HRD in particular. Member Johnson give you an opportunity to provide any insight, if you would like.
Thank you, Mister Chair, I'm not sure if you want the department to come up and speak, because I did not have an opportunity to have lunch. We were having a conversation. And I would like for Director Snyder to perhaps give an update on where things stand.
Thank you, Director Snyder. If you can hit that button till it turns red until the turns green at the bottom of the mic, introduce yourself for the record again, please
through the chair to council member Johnson, yes, we did. Oh, I'm sorry. Julie Schneider, director of the housing and revitalization department, so we did have an opportunity to discuss some of the outstanding questions that both council member Johnson had, as well as some of the other questions that were brought up during our last discussion. So I was asked, How about participation? So on April 8, I'm sorry, on April 1 and April 8, two meetings were held. They were the Department of Neighborhood, city wide doncast, which we found to be a way to reach more people about our proposals for community development block grants. Then when we have kind of narrow CDBG, sorry,
can you put a mic? Yep. Sorry, is this better? Yes, a lot better.
Okay. Sorry, thank you, malo talker, and don't want to yell into the microphone, sir. Okay, so sorry, you can't hear me. So on April 1 and April 8, there were two meetings that were held. They were the city wide Department of Neighborhood meetings. We found that the joining the doncast is a way for us to reach a broader set of people and to wait, a way to meet more individuals, rather than people that are associated with, say nonprofits or CDOs. When we have meetings that are CDC, what are CDBG specific, we tend to have people that are somewhat related to the industry attend. So we've been joining the doncast and and communicating that this is a part of the the agenda through our our GOV Delivery System, through the city's Facebook, through our Facebook, through by notifying council members that these will be the meeting. So we had 170 people attend the April 1 meeting, 160 people attend the second meeting. We received five comments after the April 1 meeting, six comments after the April 8 meeting, 12 additional comments during the public comment period as it relates to the matter at hand. We did receive feedback related to the use of funds for rental housing, asking where they would be, how owners could be eligible, we did receive at least one comment asking, why not more money for our homeowners? But other people did talk about more, more specifics about the rental housing in follow up to the question about HUD and whether or not a partial agreement would be accepted so after the first allocation of funds. So it's important context to note that the state of Michigan had only received or grantees within the state of Michigan had only received CDBG disaster recovery one other time, that was for the Midland floods that happened a few years ago after the dam collapsed. So there's not a kind of extensive experience in managing CDBG disaster recovery funds, as there are normal, normal CDBG funds, there's additional requirements. So we submitted, at that point, a request, a grant, an action plan that obligated 47 of the 57 million that had been allocated at that time. We received feedback from from HUD that that wouldn't be acceptable in the future, that they would not sign a gram grant agreement where all of the funds were not obligated, and that they had heard from their regulators, which is the Office of the Inspector Office of the Inspector General, that that would not be acceptable going forward. So we are not able to, we would not be able to submit a grant agreement that does not fully obligate all of the dollars. In speaking with the ocfo, they indicated that that should additional funds become available for ARPA that should it be the will of council to prioritize basement backup with those dollars, that that would be acceptable under their understanding of the Treasury guidelines and rules, because it is An existing or pass pass program, so one of the potential proposals, in order to make sure that these dollars are fully obligated, would be for us to accept and appropriate as is required, As is proposed today, with a commitment from from myself, that we would work to answer the questions that council has and how the the money allocated for rental housing could serve those that were impacted by the floods of June 2021, and should that not be the case if I'm not able to meet that bar that the that reprogramming of those funds could be on on the table. So that would require me to put forward a a plan that council would find acceptable, and give Council the opportunity to either accept or reject that plan, and if not, then I could reprogram those funds. I I don't know that. I don't want to speak for council member Johnson, but I don't know if those if that that proposal was acceptable, but it is, it is a way for us to obligate the funds and allow some time for us to answer those kind of finer questions about how I could make sure that those dollars in that program benefited those residents that you're most concerned about.
Okay, and when would you potentially be able to get that plan to us
through the chair. So I would look to do, I mean, I would certainly look to do that before we brought any of the requests of her funds prior to council, with the holidays. So I would love to, I would like to say, and then, under typical circumstances, I tell you, two months. But with the holidays, I probably need a probably 90 days to complete that plan, to make sure that I'm gaging, engaging you, your offices and others to do that. I don't. We wouldn't. We would just be receiving probably that allocation, maybe in the end of January, anyway, if it's accepted and appropriated. So that means I'd have something due to you probably the end of February.
And I just want to ask another question and bounce back to you. Member Johnson, I know you indicated that you had not gotten a lot of input, feedback, connectivity with renters thus far, what has been the Department of neighborhoods assistance in that effort, outside of hosting or allowing you to speak at the doncast meetings, talk
about how we
engage? Sure, yeah, I I'm speaking sorry through the chair. Rico rose, Chief of home repair, neighborhood services, HRD, through all of our outreach efforts, specifically with private sewer repair, the Department of neighborhoods has been involved every step of the way, including the public, public meetings. Prior to launching this we sat down with every district manager, talked to them about the program, the design, the eligibility criteria, and provided them with all of the marketing and outreach material to shoot out to black clubs. So they've been engaged every step of the way since the launch of this program.
So that's that's their engagement. But how has How have they engaged the community? How do we know about their engagement? Because that's something that has not been discussed yet. I know again, they've had the meeting, and you all attended the meeting, but what has been their actual engagement with the community? Try to get more of those folks that we need engaged in this process, truly engaged. So
just to the chair, I think what I was responding to earlier was that a statement that who has been, who people are hearing for more of is, is homeowners. And I was making the statement that it's it's not on typical or a tip, it's not I've been talking for a long time, so sorry. It's not unusual for renters to not be as as politically or community engaged as others, and so when we're doing the Don the doncast or people are not identifying whether or not they're renters. I just
want to say this, though, because you just said that they're not as politically connected or engaged, politically engaged. So why would they even be on the doncast? Well, the same folks that we're talking about that you said not politically engaged, why would they even be a part of the doncast? Why would they even know about the doncast? To tune in to get this information
to the to the chair, because we do have a pretty substantial renter, renter representative on our Facebook, on our on our list serve, because that is one of our main clientele, and it's a way that we are typically working with people. I know that from when I show up at meetings, who's at those who's at those meetings, there are, there are renters that are, that are there and that are coming. But the dimes don't ask people whether or not they're they're renting or or homeowners in those meetings. So I have really no way to say whether or not they were or weren't at those meetings. I'm not trying to be difficult. Maybe I'm not understanding. I'm
just saying, you're saying about at that meeting. So just like in district one, I don't just rely on my meetings to connect with or engage the community. We engage on a regular basis, a daily basis. If you don't know, you don't know, that's fine, but I'm I'm asking the question just to get that information, to provide a more full response. But again, you're not department of neighborhoods. If you don't know, you don't know,
to the chair. I mean, I, I don't speak for the Department of neighborhoods, and I expect that they wouldn't speak for for HRD and a reverse situation. So it would be speculative. And I don't think this body expects me to to speculate. I receive HUD requires us to do public meetings, so we do focus groups with renters when, for example, we've been doing the work on the accessibility study. We did work with the with home Connect. We're doing when we've been engaging with renters and getting their feedback. We've been doing so with a lot of focus groups. And the way we reach them is the way we reach people just like in the same way that we put out advertisements for this doncast. It's no different. The way we're collecting we're trying to engage with people and get people to sign up when we're doing focus groups for runners. Is the exact same way that we advertise for a CDBG Action Plan, which is through all of our our channels, through our partners, such as city council, or through CDOs. And CDC is that we work with frequently. It's the same method of engagement, and I know that renters do respond to those when we're doing our focus groups and and they're being connected with otherwise too when we're doing the action planning process as well.
Thank you. Member Johnson, anything else you want to add now?
Thank you, Mr. President. I just want to ask within the allocation of funding with CDBG, dr, is there a plan to create a disaster recovery plan
through the chair to council member Johnson, in the first allocation of funds, some of the dollars were allocated for a resiliency plan that is currently under contract through PDD.
I'm not sure if that is the same thing. So I think if I had to guess, if we're focused on a resiliency plan, we're focused on creating turning rec centers into more resilient hubs, like the community center at a B Ford park that manages storm water, that has solar panels on the rooftop. Things of that nature. I am wondering if we are going to develop a plan that says to the city how we respond to disasters, and
again, that's after it happens.
Correct post, immediately after the disaster happens. Right?
Um, through the chair to to council member Johnson, I believe that would be a question for the Homeland Security team.
Well, I'm really speaking to the allocation of dollars within CDBG. Dr, are there any dollars allocated to develop this plan? I do know that Homeland Security should be involved. I also think HRD should be involved as well.
Sorry, I'm just getting very refreshed. Steve, right now, the plan that we that that PDD is is conducting, is focused on trying to make us more resilient from from the changing climate that we are going through. I it's not an emergency response plan, it's it's more engagement on and planning for what the risks are, based on data that we're getting through, through these weather events and and updated floodplain information to to do that advanced work so that we are more resilient, and that is certainly involving other departments that are have that infrastructure. But again, it's, to my understanding, it's and it is being managed by PDD. It is. It is not a disaster response plan,
and I personally think that's something that we need to incorporate within that, because no matter how resilient we are as a city, we will still have disasters that impact us. And the question and the key is, how do we respond as a city to any area that has been impacted by a disaster? I will also just say that in our conversations, we basically concluded that the resolution is the resolution, that there is nothing that is going to change, and I still feel the same way that I did. I still can't fully grasp the focus on affordable rental housing development within these dollars and how they're being utilized, because I do see a tremendous a tremendous need to help residents become more resilient within their homes, and that is the whole key to CDBG, dr, especially after we had such a significant challenge in 2021 so we've had the conversation. I don't think it's necessary to go round and round in circles, but I would like to ask for you all to incorporate a disaster recovery plan specifically that addresses how the city responds to disasters, considering this is disaster recovery funds. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you. Member.
Young, yeah, I don't know if I'm addressing you or maybe I'm just saying this just in general, but from my understanding, is the federal grant, it is very tightly written, and you have to be able to adhere to how the federal grant is written and the guidelines and the procedures, otherwise you will not qualify for the money. Is that correct
for the chair to council member young that yes, that is correct.
You have to accept how it's written or you will not qualify for the money. That's my understanding how these things
through the cherry, we have to write a a plan that is responsive to the disaster at hand for which we receive the funds, right and because these are community development black grant dollars, that adds a kind of additional limitation on what dollars can be used for. The predominant need is their predominant impact after the June 2021, was was, was housing, and so housing of both homeowners and housing of both renters, and that was evident in the claims that were submitted to FEMA. So that is why the plan in front of you was meant to balance out a previous commitment that is primarily going to go to serve homeowners, and I'm certainly willing to work together to put together a plan on that rental housing to make sure it addresses renters and and we can certainly do that together. I'm certainly happy to do that, and I believe I've to the greatest extent possible during my nine and a half years at the city, then good to my word when I make those so I will. I will continue to do that, if that is the will of this body.
Here's what I'm concerned about. So I understand that and I think it's legitimate that there are other ways which we can spend this $17 million however, we're talking about a total of $95 million and what I don't want is, I don't want the headline that we sent this money Back to federal governments that was clawed back because we couldn't even agree on what the majority of the money was appropriated for. I think that'll be a mistake. And I also think even though, and I'm just gonna just be honest, good, just lay it out, just for people to play it out here, even though the Trump administration did not appropriate these funds when he gets in office, that doesn't mean that he can't take it away, and that's what I'm concerned about. If we delay this, is the fact that we will have and I understand the reasons why, or opposed to it, I don't gonna have a hell of a time going to my constituents and telling them that we had to send back $95 million on federal grant to the federal government. I think we take this money now, I think that we need to ask if we're serious about fixing up our sewers and using that $17 million for things we're supposed to use it for. We do. We want a commitment from the administration that you will apply for another grant specifically to be able to do that, because bottom line, from my understanding, is that this grant is set the way that it's set. And really the question before us is, do we want to choose to accept this or not? And I think that we need to accept this for the greater good. And I would be very much opposed to delaying this. You do not look a gift or couple rules of the road to live by. Don't scratch a man's car. You'll take food off another man's plate without asking, and you don't give look a gift horse of $95 million in the mouth. You don't we need to accept this. Thank you.
Thank you. Council member young council member Johnson, thank
you, Madam President. Just for clarification, so 47 million has already been programmed and we're utilizing now. We're talking about the other 48 million
through the chair to council member Johnson, that's correct, the other dollars are under a grant agreement currently. So
is, is it possible for the 47 million to be Claude back, if you will?
So we're really focused on the on out the the risk is to the I believe the risk is to the unobligated dollars. And so that kind of hard to hear you. I'm sorry. I believe the risk is to the unobligated dollars. And so that is the proposal that's in in front of you today. Okay? And I have not we're kind of dealing with some unique circumstances at the at the federal level, but I believe, because we are under contract with the first 47 that it's the it's the remaining dollars that are most at risk. Okay,
and just as a reminder, the the new president comes into office january 20, after we return from recess. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you. Member Johnson
to the chair. Yes, that is correct, but the Congress, Congress is seated right after the New Year. The Congress is seated by on january 3, and it would be an act of Congress to re appropriate dollars, rather than the administration.
All right, I'm not sure if my question was addressed regarding the ability to use ARPA dollars for this at counting this as an existing program
to the chair. I did speak with Miss data Meyer, and she said that yes, because there is an existing, there was an existing ARPA program that should dollars become available, and it's the will of this body to prioritize that, that yes, that would be an acceptable or eligible use of those dollars.
All right, so we are back to member Johnson, are you keeping your motion as is?
Was the motion that to bring it back after recess. Sure.
Okay, so there's still, that's the motion. The motion is still on the floor. Discussion, yes, Council Member Benson.
I appreciate the concerns here, but also it is also I'm really concerned about not approving today, and I just want to make sure. And I thought I heard this earlier, that if we were to approve today, we now have locked in our money, and there is still opportunity for conversation about how we allocate this money and we reprogram once we have approved today, that's it
through the chair to council member Benson, yes.
So then we have another bite at this apple to try to work with the concerns of this body. If we approve today, if we don't approve today, then we're not guaranteed to be able to reprogram or have any money to allocate for residents
that is a correct understanding of the situation I believe. Yeah, okay.
Thank you member Johnson,
thank you, Madam President. I feel like I have to have a retort after everything, so I just want to share. So we sat down and talked. There is no appetite to amend the resolution that is before us today, whether today or tomorrow, there is a focus on affordable rental housing development for the use of these dollars. These dollars were sent to the city for disaster recovery. I'm saying that we essentially have the same out of funding to implement the private sewer repair program and 1200 houses throughout this entire city. There were 30,000 35,000 people who had a backup in 2021 make those numbers make sense. If we can get to 1200 for a total of 1500 can we get to 2000 city wide? That's still city wide. Can we get to 2500 with the additional 17 million? But we want to allocate funding for affordable rental housing development, and again, I question if residents that currently live in the city of Detroit benefit from the affordable housing that we have supported thus far, or Yeah? Are we providing quote, unquote affordable housing opportunities for folks to move into the city of Detroit? I'm not opposed to anybody moving into the city of Detroit. I'm saying, How are we providing support for our existing residents, recognizing the great need that is out there. That's my only question. That's the only conversation that I'm really interested in having. And director Snyder may speak to a report that was provided, that was shared with me a short while ago, that pretty much focused on ARPA funding that has been used to provide assistance to existing household if we didn't have these special pots of funds, how are we providing support to our residents? This, to me, is just an opportunity to do that and do it at a greater level, and we will find some affordable housing dollars, I'm sure, again. And let me just also just mention, when I had conversation about ARPA dollars being reprogrammed, I was personally frustrated because I have a number of residents who reached out to me who do not income qualified for the private sewer repair program, but they applied for the basement backup protection program. Those funds were exhausted. I was hopeful that we would be able to allocate some ARPA funds to the basement backup protection program prior to Now, prior to having this conversation, but that never happened. So I'm not certain that the ARPA funding that we're talking about now that may become available will be provided for basement backup protection or private sewer repair. Again, private sewer repair is income qualified basement backup protection was not and still residents throughout this entire city in 2021 had an issue with a backup in their basement, regardless of how much money they have coming into their household. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you member Johnson.
So what I when I was talking through this, this reprogramming, there's kind of two things here. So today, on November 26 there is neither the option to submit a partial action plan that will get approved by HUD and signed off by HUD and I will get a grant agreement prior to Oh, it's just not a not, not a possibility, even if I was, we were saying we're going to put the 17 million to basement backup. The timeline would restart today and go far past January, because new public engagement would be required. That is the timeline that we are working under with with these laws and requirements that have been provided to us. What I maybe didn't clear communicate clearly enough is what I'm saying is that if Council accepts and appropriates these dollars today, what I committed to was putting together a plan, because, as I've heard it, there's concerns about, are we serving renters that were impacted by the flood? I will put that plan together and provide it by the end of February, and we would not bring any contracts or any appropriation of dollars to this body before that. If I can't work out something that's that's acceptable, that responds to the concerns about serving renters that were most impacted by the flood, then I we could have that reprogramming conversation. But as it is today, with the timelines that I'm working with and the requirements that have been given to to us by HUD, there's either we're either accepting and appropriating the proposal in front of us, or we are restarting the timeline that will take us far into the new year, and brings about the risk of a new administration. I know that council may not like that, that stark of IT terms, but that is the reality of the timeline and the requirement requirements that I'm working with, and I, I would like to offer a plan for us to work together on how to make those $17 million work for renters that were impacted by the flood. But I would need time to be able to do that that I'm not allowed with the federal timeline.
Madam President,
all right. Thank you council member Durkheim,
thank you, Madam President. And so from what I'm hearing today, and we're still here
at 430
the administration, you know, is better than the administration that you don't know. And now we've got the the irresistible force meeting the unmovable object. And so I guess my question behind that, by the way, member Johnson, is the irresistible force. She's She's pushing. What I'm hearing, though, there's not going to be much movement in this. And so, to my point, even us bringing it back, you know that does nothing if we're stuck at the same place that we are here at 430 this afternoon, the same place that we were at this past Thursday in ped and so for me, and this is just me, and I definitely understand where member Johnson is coming from, and she's very passionate about that as well, But it seems as if we are at an impasse. So for me, I would like to move this forward. I will say, though I do not want to take the chance of sending any dollars back to DC, because the unknown is the unknown. We simply don't know. And so, madam president, if I may, I'd like to make a motion to call a question
I had my hand up first
before you call the question. I love you. Member waters, I'm just saying I withdraw my motion. Madam President, but I would just say this. I don't know what resolution we're going to come to here today when it is already misstated from both sides, and everyone has stated their same concerns, whether that be in the affirmative of this or not. And so for me, I would hope that we voted up or down, because if nothing is going to change by January the third. I don't see the purpose of bringing it back. Thank you, Madam President,
alright, thank
you. Member durha. Member waters,
oh, well, thank you, Madam President, well, that's a that's a point. Member Durham, hold it up or down. Um, I just have a couple of questions. Number one, this affordable housing, because I'm skeptical too, because I'm not getting enough of 30 to 50% AMI for income based housing, as I see it, and I don't know what you mean by affordable housing. In this instance, I can only say that I'm not seeing enough at the right, ami, between 30 and 50% and then I want to know, can you do 30 to 50% or community land trust or something like that, so we get some truly, truly affordable housing. I don't know what the target is. You're just saying affordable housing. So I it's kind of Lucy, especially when the money is so badly needed in other places. And I'd like to ask our attorney to madam president, if, in fact, if we, if we, if we should vote this out today, approve it today. Do we need the administration permission to reprogram it? Can we need their permission, right? So, and they might not give it, but we have to approve the contracts. That's true. So so we do have some leverage. To my colleague from the from the fourth district, I am, I am hoping, and if the administration can hear me now, I wish you all would get online, put your your decision maker online. Tell us how you're going to put some money, where it's going to come from right now for basement backup protection so that we can get those additional dollars allocated. I mean, we need to hear that. So are you listening? Can you put somebody online? Please? Thank you, Madam President. Thank
you, member waters. Are you asking for someone to come on? Okay, Miss mr. Washington, can we, I think the money tell us where, when I think Miss dot Meyer is on. Is that correct? She available?
The chair? Yes. Miss Donna Meyer is available.
Okay, we will promote Miss data Meyer. I
Good afternoon. MS, stademeyer, we can't hear you. Can you hear Can you hear me? No, we cannot hear you, for some reason,
be able to hear me now, yes,
we can hear you. Okay, great.
I believe there was a question from member waters.
It was Madam
President, but right ahead, number waters, right through you.
So what we need today, so that we can settle this is a commitment from you that we can add X summer. Donald, how many millions? Two for for basement backup protection. I mean, we need to do that anyway. We have a community, or communities that are that are suffering a great deal, and we just don't have enough enough dollars so that we can make these things happen. And I know that I've been talking to the administration about being supportive of additional dollars for that, and now here we are at the 11th hour. We don't have that commitment, and we're looking to try to find these dollars right here, from this, this particular pile right here. So you have an answer for us. Can you tell us where you going to get some money, how soon are you going to get it to us for for those services?
Yes, so through the chair to member waters. So what we what occurred earlier today is you all approved a resolution that will allow us to extend the contracts that currently expire for basement backup on 1230 so we will be able to extend those for an additional 120 days. We're also going through those contracts now to see if there's already language in those contracts that will allow us to do change orders, so that we can perhaps expand the scope of those contracts. So we are committed to making sure that we extend those dates on our current basement backup ARPA contracts, as well as ensuring that that language is there so that we can come back to council when we identify excess ARPA funds and find out, is this the priority is this? How you all want to spend those dollars? So the plan right now is to come back to this body, probably the latter part of March. So this will be during budget development with the excess funds that we are able to discover between January and mid March, and we'd like to come back to council with those dollars and find out what your priorities are, so that we can potentially add additional dollars to the basement backup program.
All right, remember, waters, were you done?
I'm done. It was. I'm not happy about the response, but I'm going to defer to through you. Madam President, the member from d4
Madam President, I like to rescind my motion so that we can go ahead and vote today.
Okay, all right, so council member Johnson through her motion to postpone this item. And so is there a motion to proceed to move forward with approval of this item? Motion
who approved? Madam President,
are there any objections?
Objection objection member Johnson, Member Santiago Ramirez, the clerk would know. Objection Council note,
and I think member cathway is enough, yes,
the clerk would note. Clerk will So note, Madam President,
all right, hearing no further objections. That resolution will be approved, right? Thank you. All right. We will go now to all of the walk on request that we receive for today, Madam Clerk, if you can proceed.
Okay, the first one, Madam President, is for the budget finance outstanding committee, the resolution that I have madam president saying that is for referencing my item, 14.5 however, that line item was approved earlier. And for point of clarity, the item that was submitted as a walk on, is this item supposed to be replacing the line item that was already approved? Or this just an additional attachment to that line item?
Blue chair, yes. Mr. Washington, yes.
The intention was for that item to swap, to be swapped with the item that you voted on earlier, and not to necessarily be a walk on. That there was a few changes, and that the ocfo and in discussion with Mr. Corley had made. And so that is what that document reflects. That's before
you Okay, 14.5
Yes, all right, so
we've already approved 14.5 so do we need to go back? Dr, powers, just procedurally. How do we move forward with this item? Just it
seems so, we've
already approved
14.5 right, but you have to reconsider
it if you if you're going to have a different
Okay, all right, is there a motion to reconsider line item 14.5
point of order? Madam President, we requested a waiver. Line item 14.5
you requested a waiver? Yes, okay, a waiver was requested for 14.5
and three. Madam President, if I may, from my understanding, I was under the impression of 14.5 the language changes in 14.5 were minor in nature and did not require us to amend or vote as amended.
Okay, Mr. Washington, I'm just going based on what the administration submitted to us. So do we not need to move forward with approval of the amended version that was walked onto us
through the chair I would defer to miss dot Meyer. I think the case may be that it would need to be approved.
MS, data Meyer.
Ms, dang Miss Terry Daniels is online as well.
Give me just a moment, Madam Chair.
Madam Chair, while we're waiting for miss out a Meyer to come on through you to LPD, Mister Whitaker, this has happened before, Madam Chair, where we voted on something and then the administration said we voted on it with misinformation and a waiver had already been attached. So when you attach a waiver to an item that you're voting on, but the item has misinformation, does that do away with the waiver? Since, if you're putting on on a waiver with something that's misinformation, wrong information, erroneous information, then the waiver is is useless. It becomes ineffective. We've done this has happened twice before, and you can't put a waiver on something. We're putting a waiver on something at the time that we think is accurate information. Then we get additional information to say that what you just voted on and put a waiver on is inaccurate. So that does away with the waiver, because what the waiver was attached to was inaccurate information. That's my understanding. Mister Whitaker, he needs you to get her off without
Terry till together she should be,
um, just so you know, mister, we can hear you speaking, Okay,
madam. Madam President, yes, I know that there, there's some confusion. Waiver really nullifies your ability to go back and reconsider. That's the purpose of a waiver. So you should be very careful. I caution you about putting waivers on but in this particular instance, as Mr. Dual Hall has indicated, the changes that we negotiated with the administration last night that's reflected in the in the revised resolution are minor, and to be honest with you, I don't think they really make a difference in moving forward whether you reconsider, whether you had the capacity to reconsider or not. In this particular instance, I don't think it really matters. Okay, all right, thank
you. DEPUTY CFO tanmeyer,
Yes, Madam President, is there a question for me? I'm sorry. We're just
making sure the clarity this was walked on to our office here to say that we needed to vote on this amended version. We're being told that we do, do not need to move forward with voting on this amended version for 14.5 so we're just making sure that's accurate, so correct. Okay, so we will proceed. Thank you so much, Madam Clerk. Our next item,
Madam Madam President for point of clarity. So this item that is before us will be switched, will be replacing the item that was voted on. Is that correct? Yes, ma'am, thank you. Next we have madam president for the internal operations standing committee. Madam Chair,
I'm just through, through you. Madam Chair, sorry. Madam Clerk, I'm not understanding what what's what happens. I just need to understand if we voted on something, a waiver was attached and we voted on something that was inaccurate, it doesn't have all the accurate information, then what the waivers attached to is inaccurate. So how do we move on from that and say, Okay, we're going to replace it with something else. So should that be another line item with the accurate information? I'm just trying to understand it. Madam Chair, before we move on so swiftly. Attorney
through the chair, Graham Anderson law department. I believe, from what attorney Whitaker was saying, is it wasn't a substantive change, so it did not materially affect what was voted on. It was just a minor tweak. Therefore, it it that that's the distinction between that and previous cases where we've had this issue, the previous cases, it was a substantive change, where what you were voting on was completely different, where this it was just, you know, minor changes that did not really change the body of it. If I said that elegantly enough. Mr. Whitaker,
I think that was fine, madam president, the reason why it was changed, we wanted to clarify the outcome. We wanted to make sure that council was completely protected by this resolution. This is an unusual circumstance. This resolution, we haven't had one like this before, and we wanted to make house make sure council was completely protected. The language that we put in was building suspenders, and we got clarification last night in a long conversation with the administration about the need to clarify. They were they were confident that council was completely protected by the resolution that you voted on, and there was really no, no difference. We had no substantive, substantive difference after our conversation yesterday about the ability for Council to approve any change going forward regarding these ARPA funds, which was the critical issue that we were concerned with. So we don't that's why we're saying, in this particular instance, the changes that was reflected in the second resolution really are not as important as what member Callaway I but I have to emphasize putting the waiver on is is severe, because you're stopping your ability to go back and change so you should be very careful about automatically putting waivers on items, particularly when you're in a meeting. Maybe at the end of the meeting, we can probably talk to council and maybe put it in a rule, perhaps that waivers should be maybe waited to the end of the meeting before you attach them. Because they are, they are severe,
absolutely, absolutely. So that sounds through the chair Mister, mister Whitaker, are you saying that that change probably needs to occur in the council's rules because that this is problematic for me. I mean, I know we're going to just move on through the agenda, but I'm not comfortable with moving on, and I didn't object to it, but this is a rules a change or something for
Madam President, I would suggest that there would be something that you want to consider any rules you need to think it through, yeah, but, but once you apply it, it takes immediate effect in your ability to change. So if you find in the course of a meeting that that maybe you were acting improperly or something, something needs to be reconsidered. Once you put that waiver in, you stopped your ability to do that.
Oh, Tim, thank you.
So Mister Whitaker, just along that lines and imma wrap it up. So instead of putting all the waivers on at the very end of the meeting, which can be very cumbersome, as we know, is there a mech? Is it possible that we can come up with a rule that indicates that the waivers don't go into effect until
after we adjourn. I'm sure you could.
I think that would be more appropriate and less cumbersome. That's what I would would recommend
in committee.
Thank you mister.
Thank you member Pro Temp take
Thank you. Thank you Madam Chair. Okay,
all right, so we can proceed. Madam Clerk,
okay? Madam President, I have the next walk on. Item is for the 2025 Detroit City Council calendar.
Is there a motion to walk this on to new business? Hearing no objection. We will walk on the 2025, calendar to new business, and we can move this one for approval. Madam Clerk,
Council Member Johnson, a resolution.
Council member Johnson,
oh, she stepped out. Council member waters, a resolution.
Member waters, motion to approve. Motion has been made to approve the City Council calendar for 2025 are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The resolution will be approved. All right, Madam Clerk,
Madam President. The next item, this item still remains in the internal operation, Standing Committee. It is a contract that is being requested to be pulled and walked on to new business. Contract Number 2870456, dash, A, one, two. Is the contract for the law department to provide an extension of time for legal representation, but post bankruptcy restructuring and revitalization, charter commission and other matters as requested. All
right, is there a motion to pull this item from the internal operations committee? Hearing no objections that actually will be taken and attorney Graham, if you want to speak briefly, on through
the Chair. I'm just here to answer any questions if need be. Thank you.
Is there any questions on this item? I'm not sure if you guys had a chance to discuss in the internal operations committee, they have any discussion on this item, right? Hearing, no concerns. Is there a motion to approve this contract?
Excuse me,
their motion to add this contract to new business. All right, Hearing no objection that action will be taken. Is there a motion to approve this contract? Hearing no objection. This contract will be approved.
Thank you.
Thank you. Attorney Graham, All right, moving along.
Madam President, there is another a walk on request for referral. Line item, 21.1 to be moved on to new business. It is for a lawsuit for Curtis champion versus the city of Detroit.
Is there a motion to walk this, uh, to pull this from referrals to new business? 21.1 Hearing no objections, that action will be taken. Madam Clerk, Council Member waters, a resolution. Council member waters,
motion to approve.
Attorney Graham, did you want to speak to 21.1
through the chairs just
it's a very simple PIP case, small numbers, nothing big here, just trying to get it settled for the new year would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Any discussion on this item carry no discussion. Any objections to 21.1 Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved.
Thank you.
Thank you, Attorney Graham, and moving along to the walk on request for the permit for is that where you are, Madam Clerk,
we can take that one next. Madam President, how about walk on request for permit for a banners to for to install holiday decoration. Banners for live six Alliance request is to walk on to new business.
Is there a motion? Motion Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Madam Clerk,
Council Member Santiago Romero, a resolution Council
Member Santiago Romero, motion to approve any objections. Hearing no objections. The one resolution will be approved. Yes,
waiver on that resolution. Madam Chair, please any Yeah. It's
the end of the agenda.
Any objections to a waiver hearing, none that action will be taken. Alright, Madam Clerk, Madam
President, have a resolution in support of the safer Michigan act. For council member durha is requesting to walk this item on to new business today.
All right. Is there a motion? Motion,
yeah. All right, Madam
Council Member durha, a resolution.
Council Member durha, thank you,
Madam President, Move
for approval.
Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The one resolution will be approved. And Madam Clerk
and madam president, if the last one we have is a walk on for council member waters, joined by council member Johnson, this is a resolution in honor, to honor judge Deborah Thomas is being walked on to new business for a vote today Madam President,
there a motion, motion Hearing no objections. This will be walked on to new business and Madam Clerk,
Council, member waters, resolution. Member waters,
thank you, Madam President, motion to approve honoring judge Deborah Thomas for her labor of love for our community. Thank you.
All right. Any objections, Hearing no objections, the resolution will be approved. Alright, that is all of the walk on, alright? Madam Chair, yes. Mister Washington,
may we also request a waiver on Item 18, point 13. This is for public safety communications.
Any objections to a waiver on 18, point 13, hearing, none. A waiver will be attached to that item.
Madam President,
a waiver from the resolution.
There's a request for a waiver on the resolution for Judge Deborah Thomas, any objections hearing, none that action will be taken.
And Madam Chair, yes. As a point of clarification for item 16 point 1716, point 18, there were correction letters sent for item 16 point 17. The funding source is city funding is listed as CDBG currently, and for item 16, point 18, the contract period date was amended, but I just want to make sure those documents were provided going into the meeting. I just wanted to make sure that was what was
voted on. Madam Clerk. Do
we Madam President? Yes, we are receipt of those items, and the corrections will be made accordingly to those we were in receipt of the corrected amendments. Okay,
perfect. Thank you. All right. Thank you all right, for the president's report on standing committee referrals and other matters for the budget, Finance and Audit standing committee
second, Madam President,
one report. Madam President
one report will be referred to the budget, Finance and Audit standing committee for the internal operations, standing committee,
one report, Madam President, from the law department,
the one report will be referred to the internal operation. Madam President, excuse
me, that item we just approved. We walked that item on so there are no referrals for the internal operations. Standing Committee
for the Planning and Economic Development standing committee,
one report from the City Planning Commission.
The one report will be referred to the to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee for the public health and safety standing committee
three reports from various city departments. The three reports
will be referred to the public health and safety Standing Committee under the consent agenda.
There are no items. Madam President,
we will now call for member report votes.
not moment under adoption without committing. Referee,
there are no items. Madam President, under communications from the clerk, a report on approval proceedings by the mayor. The
report will be placed on file under testimonial resolutions and special privilege.
Council president pro tem James Tate, two resolutions, noting that line item 28.2 is on behalf of council president Sheffield,
President Pro Temp Tate, Madam
President, move approval of the resolutions,
Hearing no objections. The two resolutions will be approved, and that will take us to the end of our agenda. Want to wish everyone a happy holiday. Thank you for your patience. Also want to wish President Pro Tim Tate a happy birthday. I know he'll be celebrating while we on reset. So we want to wish our pro tem a happy birthday. Everyone be safe. Enjoy your family and friends and loved ones, and we will see everyone back on Tuesday, January the seventh. And as you all know, council will be actively working in our districts, and hopefully it joins a little time as well, little break, little pause, little mental health break, it's okay for us to break a little bit. So we love you all. Thank you so much. everyone. Have a blessed evening. This meeting will stand adjourned.