did not take a look at the resource section. You know it's going to ask if anyone saw any corrections to be made on October 15 minutes.
If not, then I'll ask for a motion that they be accepted as presented by the chair. Yes, sir.
I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting volume collections. Thank you so much.
Second, to the very last in the sector, bodies are developed since do it so we don't have to run back to five
or gymnotus.
So it has been properly motioned
and seconded that the minister will be October 15 minute meeting, be accepted as presented. All those in favor please raise all voting members in favor please raise your hand?
all those posted please raise your hand. Anybody who's standing by I'm showing that we had was it 1919 AP US present as anyone else come in. And the last two maybe four from a piggy bank. And the other one I got to motivate nine changes. Thank you so much. The minutes of your November
November meeting and that looks like there are nine chains. All those of you that have a copy of the opportunity to read them. Did you see any corrections that need to be made
that I'm president I don't see any need for corrections but there we go. Sorry. I didn't have my my phone. I don't see any need for corrections but I make a motion to accept the minutes.
Thank you. All right, Mr.
Proper motion and seconded that the minutes from the November 19 meeting be accepted as presented. All those in favor. Please raise your hand voting them for something.
Anybody guiding a closing inventor see? Take care
the attendees that I have 2071 Confirm confirm. Now
the next item on the agenda is last class is our normal process we had the officer was 23 to three officer elections. There were other questions about the office of president and because there was no majority of reach. I think there were 10 votes for me and nine votes for Mr. Hunter and then there was one driving vote for Miss pockets. That being said, the presidential election will have to be redacted. And I think that your notice about the meeting for today. All of that was explained thoroughly. On that notice
is chair I'm not clear as to what it means why the majority vote what is it based on? I checked the firewalls and security guarding them by walls. And Robert Smith reports addresses there but I'm not sure where where it's coming from.
Okay. We're going to ask Mr. Martin, who's the Chair of the nominating committee to come up and he will go over all of that for you.
To mark it up. So this is an issue on which our bylaws are silent, and so therefore defer to Robert's Rules. According to Robert's Rules, what is required is a majority of the votes cast in order to elect a candidate. So we need that indication of this particular election. There were 20 votes cast and majority would be more than half which would be 11. And the person who got the most votes was and she received 10, which is less than the left. So the prescribed procedure, according to Robert's rules is that we would go on to a second ballot, and if need be a third route and an easier fourth ballot and much the same way. As a political convention, not a run off, as we did for Georgia senator. And so in fact, we are not today redoing the election that we held in November, but rather we are continuing it in a way that it should have been continued. Does that make sense? Okay.
Mr. Whiteman,
would you pursuant to the memo that you sent it? Would you be willing to read verbatim the process surely just explain
if I had planned to do that anyway, but do it now. So at the December 11 2020, to a parent executive committee meeting, the committee determined that the daypack election for the office of president conducted on November the 19th, was inconclusive, and that no candidate can receive the majority of the votes that were cast. As such a second ballot was an order that was not conducted at that meeting. The executive committee to determine the appropriate remedy for this is to conduct that second ballot and if need be a third, fourth, etc. At the December 17, which is today. This was determined to be a continuation of the November election rather than a new election. A second ballot is not the same thing as runoff. All votes for eligible candidates, including those written in will be counted as they were on the first ballot. eligible candidates in this context, are anyone who is currently and has been for the last three months a member of AIPAC a third ballot will be in order if no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast on the second ballot. And so the outcome of this process may be the election any eligible member of the body including those whose names did not appear on the printed ballot, and those who received no votes on the first route. There is no requirement that a panel member voted what was president of the November 18 meeting in order to vote on the second ballot in December 70. Any ballots that are marked for in eligible candidates for ballots that are not turned in will be treated as extensions rather than past ballots. What that means is that they will not count for the total of your job. It is possible that it made that President be elected in this meeting, who was elected to a different office on November the 19th. In that case, was such an important election for the new vacated office suite. I hope that is
clear. One question is yes, there was one write in for the for that office. The president. Yes. Does that person that name, go into the ballot today,
that will that they will not be printed on the ballot, as we are not reopening the nominations process. So the ballot is exactly the same ballot that was handed out in November. And the option to wait in candidates is exactly the same as it was then. So the option in writing that candidate or any other eligible member of body is still available to anyone catch on.
Very good. Did everyone understand the procedure?
No. Mr. Mr. Martin, that was somewhat different from the memorandum that you sent the memorandum or the letter basically spoke to process of today. Oh, I'm
sorry. You're referring to referring to prior email?
Yes speed dial, which
I think we're referring to the thing that was shipped out and that was something that I had sent to her and nationals
that prior to be able to consent still is that been negated by subsequent questions and answers.
Yes, I would say it was negated when we chose to adopt today's agenda.
Even if the agenda defies process,
the agenda does not
okay. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
So well, I guess didn't can you ask me specifically what it is you're concerned about?
Well, the memorandum says is very specific about process and it almost intimated I think it did state that at best the body to deal with. At best it could only vote to have a revote and then if you would read it that if you
read I'm sorry, I do not have it with me. Oh, it was very good. Call.
I'm called the district more or less. And once again, I appreciate that he has been negated by events, maybe events that took place a DJ committee meeting, and are over a few minutes ago to adopt the suggestion
and thought at some point to decide in that what one of the arguments was the lack of timeliness the lack of timeliness of the child.
Okay, there are a bunch of issues. And I believe we I won't I won't let you say that completely resolved and that we need to sort through this adage. Yes, and so the question with regard to timeliness pertains to appeal of a decision of the presiding officer which we all decided did not take place. There no one has appealed and deceived my decision at department that that did not occur and has not occurred.
When I thought occurred at the executive meeting is that the secondary group agreed that a revote was was was appropriate. But I thought that that to also come before the body
where the executive committee agreed to put it on this month's agenda. Yes, as they take Yes. And then this body, the minutes go voted to adopt this agenda, meaning that it is now on the agenda. Certainly, it would certainly have been within the rights of any member of this body to have objected to the adoption of the agenda. And that then we've been open to debate on the question that we're now raising as to whether or not we should be doing this today. Why is this the agenda? Why is
that interesting to do today?
Why is that a reasonable interpretation of that? I venture to say that the question of Weibo, the office of president will come before you today, adopting the agenda of mind. There are you're adopting that point on the agenda, but does it necessarily say that a revoke, confirming or revoke or the question of a repo
my impression of the action of the executive committee was that we will be conducting and it's not a refund. It's a continuation. I mean, I think it was listed as revoked, but I don't believe that it's an accurate description. I believe that what Laura sent out, which is basically where I sent the board is conception and that's what I've tried this impression of what the executive committee voted to do, is to have this on the agenda today for a vote as in the election. Now, if you were present at that meeting, as were several other people here, if someone else had a different impression before believes that it is ambiguously listed on this agenda.
Okay. Yeah, sure the executive body does not have the authority to challenge the election. Or read read it the executive board was the need to bring this to the body as a motion. And that was clearly stated on the white Jim didn't catch that. But yeah, the executive committee does not have the authority to challenge something like this. This is a motion item that has to be brought in for the general body and is listed on the agenda. That's the purpose of this to bring the motion or not.
Mr. Morales, response, please don't move yet. Mr. Mr. agreement with China.
Well, I actually from that, so, I do agree that the executive committee did not have the authority to take action. However, once again, I will point out that it was listed as vote on this gentleman. So my interpretation of our vote to adopt the agenda was that we would take on that process. That is not the general consensus. Then, I would like to make a motion that we take on that process which is to say that we conduct the vote, as was my impression we will be doing today.
Most of this this just take the village and be on the safe side. emotional detachment is my motion, efficiently making a motion to get a second? Second question for discussion. This discussion of commodity tonight please. without disturbing that motion on the floor, motion I think Jerry had a question. Okay. Good morning.
Good morning. And thank you kind of reminding us I just want to make sure that we're clear on all options available to the body today. So the motion that has been presented is to conduct a continuation of last month's vote. What are the other options available to this doctor Mr. Maher?
We could vote to accept the results as presented which would amount to voting for and the president next year and therefore could not be factually different from simply conducting an election. Or we could vote to conduct the continuation of the election by other means, in which case we would not actually be
conducting the question here. Most of the
time, or by a means since there is an issue of the time of his election as we are now in December and you shouldn't be seeing our new officers in January. The other means that I would suggest would probably be an election buddy because we didn't allow the President to do that already adopted process that allows us to make a motion to that way. However, there was some question about the GA meetings and how it pertains to what we do. I'm not entirely confident that we will be keeping the GA Meetings Act will be to do that.
No further questions.
Clear it does not say that there are the options as stated it seems that there is a default. If we accept the motion and vote on the motion, or affirm or deny the motion that is before us. That that will entail cause the vote to be as it was. I'm sorry.
That would bypass the apologize. In essence, what
I'm saying is, if we vote on this motion to accept it, then it's a moot point. And therefore there is no real option and if we deny this, then elections would stand as I am understanding. I am not 100% Sure. But I would like clarification on that because it seems to me that if we vote on the affirmative, men we have to exercise the right to read, read calculated automatically. If we do not then the election would stand as it is. Is that not correct?
I believe that is not correct. Certainly if we vote to vote and vote. However, if we're not against the idea of avoiding, then we need another motion to do something different. And presumably that motion would be to accept the results of last month's election as results of the election, rather than really having that default position. And if we choose to do that, as I said, the more it would amounts in consequence to having an election and so we have an option by the majority of the body to do either of those things. Have you watching for firmer results, and I would assume that the members of the body prefer to do the latter by written ballot in the election rather than my race against your body, but it is certainly an option to do that.
I just want to make sure that there's two options before us to revote or the body can ratify the last month's election. And those are the two options I'm hearing Mr. Mr. Mark more or less. Okay. So,
I always like to have more meaning. And we have our secretary here. The motion that was made and passed is not was to bring the body to bring an election before the body for a vote was I want to do an hour to set the vote. It was to continue the election and to have a second ballot. So that was the motion was secretary's here she can verify that she was she was definitely the meeting. She was present at the meeting. And took the minutes. In addition to that the city did weigh in and give them a pinion in terms of what should happen. They reached out to the city's parliamentarian to confirm. So it is my job as a member that we cannot just simply accept something that is just there was concern that we must continue to have an election because if we did on the drawing was not reached for the presidential election. There was never reached, there were 1020 votes cast a majority if not majority in London, in addition to have 20 people voted and those voters will consider that it takes 11 folks to win the election. None of the candidates reach out. That is what would have to happen. There was no to the chair or to the rest of you to continue because there was no we've never reached and this the purpose of the plan that is present. If you could share with us
that as a separate request. My understanding is the issue of timeliness has been erased under Robert's Rules of Order. The nature the nature of of what is stated and Robert's Rules of Order Hazel currently incident, the election for whatever the occurrence, that there's a challenge. That challenge has to be met in a timely manner. In Robert's Rules of Order, there are instances when you can create a challenge further out from the incident itself. But that's where there's a clear defect in the ability to even conduct the election. For example, if we had if we did not have quorum, it would have been an impediment to the process itself. What we had in this instance was a failure within the process. When did the when it was noted that it was noted that Mr. Martin himself is admitting that he error he said he should have as the NomCom chair should have been moved to have a revote but did not there was no motion on the floor. We could the body could have said with Mr. Bob, why don't you do what you're supposed to do. There was no motion no second, and no discussion brought to the floor at that time, which would have been the appropriate time to visit the question of revote and that's why I believe what has been said by Mr. Barton, what is actually corroborated in the Robert's Rules of Order. There was no equipment to the election process itself. There was a failure in the process. So that failure should have been addressed right in there and that was not addressed to time later. A day later, weeks later, that I believe Lachlan, I think was smart decided that previously in his memo,
I think it's very clear that at our last executive meeting, we had this discussion and the points that you've made are already ratings, and at that executive coming up in the body, understanding that at that it's
wonderful. Alright, let's be clear about what we're talking about. That's a rule the candidates, the people will just look at it purely for both of those. Everything to you is entitled to one vote for admission. There were 20 folks tasked in order for this body to have a decision on anything, it requires a majority. So 20 people vote for anything to approve this agenda. Anything you have to have a limit vote to approve the agenda. So if we were to essentially just accept the election from last month, you're saying that the 10 people who voted not to have the current their vote counts less than the typical voter to have that President President. We can't do that. That's, excuse me. That's a symptom of obsolescence. Think about from that perspective. No. Nobody else counts more than if we made a mistake. And we can say everybody was credited, because it's not the chair of the election. Isn't the chair of this meeting. It is not the chair of the commentators responsibility to get it right. We all have a part in the process. upon which the season was the question raised, raise the flag to ask the question in the presidential race, the degree to the drawing. And the report it is stated back an incorrect number of folks cast. There was a lot going on. Nobody's perfect. The chair thought that there was 11 nine one, not turn back. So in that region and not just move forward with an era that is this paramount to this band. There has to be recourse and the recourse is not simply to agree to the election. It is for the ballot. To continue and have a second
back, if I can jump in and continue my thought please. So at the last executive committee meeting, it was decided it was voted that we at this general body meeting would be holding a new election. That is indeed how I interpret it. So I understand that there may be some different interpretations of that. But I want to be very clear. My interpretation of the last executive committee meeting was that there will be a new ad vote for president again and they didn't move forward. On today's agenda. That is what was approved. Now how that was interpreted as to what what does it say here? What a repo means I need Serbian repo of Office has made a new election would be held today and no other interpretation of
that executive authority. The authority goes back to this month. I understand that but to be happy to vote,
the executive body voting Absolutely. The executive body voted to Happy new election for president today. Let's get everybody on the same time.
It just doesn't want your members respectfully. You all have had plenty of opportunity to discuss this. I think this is the opportunity to get some perspective from the bottom of things. And so if you could just give us one moment. I think the problem with the continuation of an election is that I was not president last month, and so a continuation of an election should happen at the same time. Otherwise, these votes are now new votes and or different votes. They all have the same voting members who are present and allowed to vote then that would be different. So in my opinion, it is most appropriate that we host a new vote, that that where all of the members that are reflected today are properly conquest is a continuation because if you continue an election and a voting member is not here from the last election, then now it truly doesn't count in a very different way in my thinking.
Okay, thank you. Mr. Morrow,
please is tomorrow we will want to vote in
just a moment. Mr. Mr. Mr. You have a motion on the floor. I think that we need to first go ahead and exercise that motion and then move forward because we could be here arguing back and forth all day. And like Mr. Lamont said, we discussed this at the Executive Board Member Meeting the Executive Board does not have the final decision. Is you the buyer. The motion on the floor right now, is that the body votes to see whether we do another election. Let's get step one and move on to step two. It is already 1044. All right. So Mr. Martin, do it and that is the nominating chair. Would you please take the mic. So,
Jerry, what you're essentially doing is adding debate and if you can't do that I'm not ending
the motion to come back to the mic. So let's complete the process. Mr. Mr. Hunter, we have discussed we, you all argued about this at the executive committee meeting, industry discussion, and you're now you know, doing the same thing. The board is the entire body. Let the board do your job. Okay.
So, Mr. Lamar, there was something that just spoke on about terms of balance and the same people who have to vote. So that actually is not true. For example, if there is a multiple ballots for example, we have to continue to go to 25 ballots. There is no requirement that says that the same people who voted for the first ballot have to vote in every single family ballot. That is not required. For example, for the for the United infrastructure of Georgia. I'm just saying my preference.
I told you I understand that, you know, elections can occur in different times. It would just be my preference that we host a new vote because there are different voting members. Here today. Not that it has to be the process.
And one thing is why this was given to us these reasons, the minutes from the executive Robin, what was the motion to get this item on the agenda? And why she's getting that that's the rule. I don't know if you have a chance to to tell us what the Senate parliamentarian said.
Rushing concert, placed a motion on the floor that the state election for President APEC be placed on the agenda at the next at the next APEC meeting. Lora Hawk Second the motion eight were in favor, one opposed and three extensions.
Pleased to be here this morning the machine made the decision to try to come up with something different.
Good morning, everybody. Good afternoon. Sorry, actually, without context, I would prefer to read the email that was responded to First Friday, December 2020 to 4:30pm lea I hope this email finds you well. In the election last month. A majority was not reached for the election of President I believe and Robert's Rules supports this. And the current president Miss Phillips has been made aware and nothing has been done. Or placed on the agenda that came out to address this. On the current executive board meeting and the proposed agenda for our December APEC meeting. I believe the election needs to be done again or round. Can you please give me an official opinion from the city? Results for the election or 10 votes and Phillips nine votes rushing Hunter one vote Gloria Hawkins when? Respectfully rushing printer my response was fine. Tuesday December 13 at 1:45pm Good afternoon brushing off. As you know I am always reluctant to speak to any matter about which I am not informed. So I will often consult with other city departments or colleagues for definitive answers. In this case, I consulted with a registered parliamentarian who works regularly with the city of Atlanta. It is our position as informed by a registered parliamentarian that to win the President's seat with 20 people voting a candidate would have had to receive 11 votes. It is our recommendation that you vote for president again, while I have your attention. If I may ask again. Will you all please ensure that anyone who speaks at any point during an APEC meeting is speaking from a microphone. I experienced the November meeting as a member of the public and felt what others must feel when they can't tell what is going on or what is being said. Thank you all for serving our city. Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns or if my team or addict can help in any way kindness regards Lea.
Prove that one of the attitudes we have started to come and I experienced all that chatter before is the person who's trying to trick me and it is incredibly distracting is always just people who are present don't know what's going on is people need to know what's going on. Don't know what's going on.
Since we're still in the discussion, Mark and I do love this city and I do love everyone in this big room. I do want to discuss something in matters to the subject. I believe that our people, our constituents in the city of Atlanta deserve better. We deserve more. We deserve more positivity moving forward and not just that just action from each and every one of us. So I feel like it's necessary to read to this we owe it to ourselves battery for stalling. Who cares about that? Put it to the side. Let's redo this. We already know that there isn't it was not a fair number. If there's 20 People 10 nine and one there's that's not fair. Let's move forward and I believe that the people deserve to do this all over again. That's it. That's all I have to say.
All right, if you have any other comments before this.
I was just gonna say to that the biggest failure here is that our bylaws are silent. I bylaws do not say majority did not say plurality. At that time, we then default to Robert's Rules of Order. I would argue that the parliamentarian is unaware that the that the challenge to this process is that the motion was not timely raised at that last meeting. I agree with the parliamentarian has said but what I suspect that parliamentarian is missing is the lack of time is the only reason we had to default to Robert's Rules of Order is because our bylaws is to have the bylaws say majority the bylaws are silent, it is Robert's Rules, it says majority the bylaws rules concurrently says majority however it has to be timely raised. Let on Chairman
folks debate turn your second
motion and second that the discussion because turning your back over to this democracy and argument for official records and documentation. I am vacating the seat at this moment. No you're not. I'm not out Okay, so I've mentioned before, which
is why motion was it Yeah, but but she said she's gonna turn it over me. Sorry, I was just recapping where we work. So the motion on the floor by me was that we have this lecture which is to say we have to say development not strongly seconded, and we were in the period of discussion on that motion. And I think in response to this question I pointed out but I will point out again, because we have gotten lost in the chatter, that if we decide not to do that, that does not end this issue. That merely means somebody else has to make a motion to do something. Now, Kyle's motion was that the energy debate, and that RS majority probably was not the best idea or emotion on the last speaker on the topic, but has to be addressed because it was probably second. So we need to take action, which takes about two thirds, right. Two thirds of those present now to vote to end debate on this topic even though no one is waiting to debate this topic.
You're you have the floor. Now I've turned it over to
yourselves during this meeting because we know what you need to call for people to vote on whether or not to end debate on whether or not you have an election.
Kidney I think my mistake when I called him up as the chair of the nominating committee. I was trying to get over to him but we will move on. You've heard the motion. And as I understand the motion, we are now to vote on closing the discussion. That's correct.
No, no, no. We because the motion was made to close discussion. We have to address that because because it will prevent all of your mind waiting to speak from speak wonderful. Our selection members.
Yes, okay. He was just going to be explanation. All right. The motion on the floor ladies and gentlemen, is definitely close to discussion on the topic and all those in favor please. Raise your hands high so they can be counted.
I got 2020 2020
Oh, those opposing please raise your Wi
Fi card is not a voting
member at this point. But Kyle is
and so there you go. Abstentions? All right. That motion passes over 2002.
So can we have 2121
Press? Okay, that's our district. So then we can address the underlying question of whether or not to have slash
motion on the floor. Is that we
excuse me, we're going to restate your motion.
The motion was that we pull this election which is to say the second ballot
or you heard the motion and that is that we have an election to do a second ballot. All those in favor, please raise your hands. And based upon the data the white papers.
or 77 8080.
All right, all those opposed, please raise your hand. It is 20. So whenever I'm sketching somebody spending
so then the vote is a change to Chief.
So now we turn it over to you, Martin.
You want to come up there
okay Eric. You're welcome.
Just a moment keep ourselves open to further feature issues more along the need for this No, I think that additional hands would not be an order given an email that was distributed last night calling less resulted to question for just that reason.
And as valid.
Is it more discussion before the balance of textile?
It's gonna take me a minute to do this so you don't distract me that's fine.
I want to invest some money, not specifically trying to persuade you in this way. But we are in a time where I think we need to rethink what we're writing when you're writing and how we are affecting people personally. I thought that email was sent out that shoe address was Fs somebody's paying it can add worse. Revenue small where it got into people's personal lives, actually was dealing with when I came on council, and the bottom line is it was not signed by an individual and we'll leave that up to each person to decide whether if they were in a position that couldn't be of influence and they don't want that position to be held out, or whether it was cowardly, regardless, that I felt to be inappropriate attacking volunteers because I have stated the people more mainly in this and I saw the people that they become like as many as support or sometimes when they support this particular process individual or whatever, not necessarily meetings and spending some time sometimes if there is rare and hollow conditions such as the use of power to light our homes etc. We also use power to try to diminish people and to knock them down a notch or to place oneself above and beyond all by getting groups together to attack. They call those things gangs in the city of Atlanta. So please people when we are serving this great city. Keep in mind, what you're saying is important is influential. And guess what? It also influences not people so much as you might think. But this letter could have been a backfire. And cause people to stand fast against your topic just as much as it was to your topic. Again, I implore you to use common sense common courtesy and decency and treat each person as you would like to be treated yourself. Thank you.
This is a comment that was prompted because of history. Eric. I do want to say that we are so eager to help our neighbors not only ourselves where we live here in the great city of Atlanta. I do know that regardless of the outcome today, the work still needs to be done. Regardless of what's said, regardless of one's opinion of other people. I do believe that people only write stuff like that area where they either feel intimidated or they're afraid. And I'm I'm glad that you know most of us have that influence on others. But I will say our our work when we do it in the community. It speaks volumes because it not only helps our local community here at a park we're able to help the whole thing. And I do believe that we can see a bright future regardless of the outcome today, because again, that the work needs to be done. But we have a great team players here you have 25 interviews with different communities that are willing to push outward. So regardless of what said, regardless of which type that regardless of which emails, regardless of what's opinionated of any, any one of us, I believe that we can all bring for positive change at any time. Okay,
so we are getting ready to proceed to this election. So let's end the commentary now please.
So do you have a procedural?
Anyone abouts you can mark them clearly indicate your preference in any way you want. writing it in day or making a mark next to the day that you wish to go for work that makes fun and maybe receive clear your intentions. Okay. Question,
a question. There was some there was some concern about voting members versus non voting members when the ballots were handed out last time and so I thought it might be in order to have seating placement
that the issue in the last election for the reason that the number of ballots handed out was always equal to the number of people that have been counted on the roll call. And the number of ballots collected in was only unequal to that number once and by one missing ballot, which left in somebody's pocket.
I am not questioning the results. I am just saying that it might be helpful to have the division at the room to voting versus non voting members of that one
ballot that will be left in somebody's pocket. I just spent quite a bit of time writing the number two on each of 21 ballots that are not going to be handed out and the reason for that is if we collect less than 21 Bounce, these ballots will not be valid. If we go to a third they are only for the second ballot. There eliminate the problem that may or may not actually occur, but I figured it right. So that being the case, we don't have 21 ballots ready to go very hesitant. I have mine I'm going to give a handful of terriers with food out in the audience and hand them out to everyone who is a voting member please raise your hand to get one. I am going to start here so that we can expedite the process. Yep. And then we will collect it back up. Again. And we will come right so everybody up here on the desk. Please raise your hand if you are your voting member in this election. voting member raise your hands please Thanks Kyle is your button. You not a metaphor house Anybody need a pen? And then
hey, so while you have marked your ballot, please hold it and give it back to Terry Terry. We had about 21 ballots. Yes, yes. Okay. So Baldwin in ballots
the library you exercise Okay, so is everybody turned up?
No idea. It's everybody who plans to turn in and out turn it off. Yes. Well, it would be nice if everyone jumped in but since nobody to summon we didn't the last time that was why we're going to do It.
Okay. So we handed out 21 ballots. We collected 21 votes we counted 21 dies. Terry, I agree on the count of those 21 ballots. And what we agree on is that 13 people voted for Dan and eight people voted for Rashid. Okay. So 13 is a majority of 21 which means I believe that we have elected as a president for an extra year given that we have now dealt with all that we need to deal with and we have kind of some issues. It would be nice. If someone were to make a motion that we perhaps accept the results of this year's election as they have been stated. A motion to accept the election results. Okay, we have a motion motion for machines that we accept the results of this election is there a second? up okay have a second Richard rouse decided earlier that something spoken from the lectern has more gravitas than some something? I'm sorry. Okay, in that case, the second is yours. So we have a motion machine secondary area that we accept the results of this election, all those in favor of history for the discussion. All those in favor of the reason
we again congratulations miss and I will say that as recently of the appointed utilities Chair, thank you for that. I not only will hold myself accountable, but everyone else not you because you got voted out, but everyone else accountable for their roles to help AIPAC in the city of Atlanta. So congratulations to you, Madam President. Okay,
so we have a motion to second that we accept the results of this election. I see no one we can speak so I assume there's no further discussion. All those in favor of accepting those results please raise your hands sir seven
when you want to read
he wasn't raising his hand. Number two, I didn't count on something.
Okay, I appreciate all right, Courtney, Could everyone please raise your hands one more time? Thank you, okay.
2021 2021
Okay, so there's 21 So there shouldn't be any repose. Is anyone focused? There shouldn't be anyone there stating is anyone saying? No. All right, that is unanimous that we aren't done thank you. Thank you Oh, I'm sorry.
I think it's the same kids saying calm down on yours. We seen
passwords city officials prepared department of state and
city officials and the
other departments. Okay. Okay. And basically, as I said earlier, we had several appointments to 14 positions that we can slated for this month's agenda. Those were moved to our January agenda after Pacific to that process in January. The Warren presentation on today's agenda and based on the CHS committee and it is a read only country resolution. You seen it before, but they made some corrections to us amendments to it. It was submitted to you in the packet. So please read that and be prepared to vote in June
and to this just saw the Milan this is kind of tool that
you can't before if you read my announcements about a CD adjusting but it's not for the Spanish network. So
yeah, but there are 222 The deal there are two
resolutions dealing with the tree ordinance that we discussed and CHS This is the one that we decided to move forward with the formatting and the committee and a before us off
next niche things and that's the limit backwards is
that yes, essentially the this one is something that originated with us and the other one is essentially us endorsing someone's position
board a taskforce reports we're going to ask
to make the reports we have already invested Lanta that's too strong,
Terry Roth. I think the tea but will appear for the life work that I do, which of course is liquor licenses took place in the same city that this this past week. We had three brothers that came before us. Definitely bad luck to you. However, the MPU did not appear at the hearing, which gave us board members, very little to watch on the on the report from the MPU to the bachelor's degree mistake two reasons for the denial. And so we were left on a hearing from the attorney of the applicant themselves. And of course they claimed that they had no idea why they'd be thrown to the back. So I can't stress it enough can be used. If you escape from the gratification with a new district. It is incumbent upon you to come before the LRP and state the reasons why just we just need one representative vote. We need to hear from the community. And we are just if you show up thank you.
Listen, Mr. Ross. Was it clear that the business outcome
Yes. Will there be you say reports and so the only way for that to happen was for the last week. And like I said on three or one they said they recommended but there were two of them there were no reason for the denial, much less. One day the representative position.
I had a question in the past, and sometimes they'd be usually notifying me that we know that move has been close in terms of notification that it's one took, for example HTTP, the guy's an advocate and the agenda. Are We Now picture that he was notified that there's going to be a natural for this board?
Well, we're fairly confident that they'll be user notified. We're starting to Thompson, use due diligence to make sure that you are aware of the upcoming hearing dates that 30 of you had voted to deny. They were there. And they were at the table but that was what allowed me to to to bear with me the opposite. So So yes, we're confident that the viewers that are aware they're just not bothering to send anyone or or and if he's reached out to you, you can reach out to me as well. But yes desperate or and your savings. Going
to have a question for Ross and I just wanted to respond to Mr. Hendrix question really for the good of everyone here. Sergeant tungsten has to his credit, really, really stepped up engagement from apt to the NBA news in a way that I've not seen it but really for years that I've been in this role, Sergeant Thompson actually sends an email to the chairperson, when it is scheduled to be on the upcoming agenda and he does not have a clear recommendation. He sends an email to the chair and he copies us on that so I know for a fact that he is reaching out to the Additionally, we were able to get added to the distribution list for the first time and so the NPD chairs also get the agenda as women are sent out.
And then one, Mizzou Sunday Jones's presentation at the cheaters training last Palooza Wednesday and Thursday. So increase the patient. Is it possible that that part of the presentation of that can be sent out to all of the chairs? I don't want to get separated from all the other person recording but I was very impressed with his presentation and I think it's information that the chairs need to have but also need to show it to all of their members. If you're like me, my thinking their spiritual communities. So it gets to a point where you're constantly trying to make them understand what has to happen and LRP but I think if you shared that his presentation with it, they'll understand it better. And don't do what Terry said You know, we just don't We don't we don't want that we just tonight, you got to come up with some legal reasons for this.
This is just a question for you, Terry at the bottom of each AIPAC email that I send out to the general body to remind regarding meetings, I do try to attach the LRP schedule there. If you don't mind sending me an updated one for this coming year. I'd be grateful. Yes, sir. And yes, and I'll make sure that that's on the cap agenda as well
as services within your purview, but I mean, sometimes agencies speak to each other. Why would we have to do an open records request for what they have in their files in terms of helping us be more informed? Decision makers.
And the application itself is proprietary information. I pay for counsel, security, social security numbers and things like that. And so that information is not not just made readily available to the public. And so I guess when the request comes, that information is redacted and then passed on to them requesting
the licensee and licenses suspended by the state. And NPD has that and we don't know it and we're proving not known that the license has been. That's kind of that's the kind of evidence I'm talking about. Not the application itself. This basically some demographic stuff, but no, you're what what the findings are basically what's in there.
Well, so So one, private investigator bar for the license Review Board. And he will hold an investigation of the channel. And there have been times when APD has recommended a denial of the country voice as well and was of course curious and Wayne APD said normlessness not give them a license. That's so that sound like this before us movies for the NBU Emmys this past investigation of ABB.
To answer her question, it is in the code that if an applicant's state license has been revoked, the C automatically revoked SEC has to revoke that license as a part of the code. So we should not be coming to you if a state has revoke
their license and we're going to take care of this for you. We don't have to somehow learn that the state has revoked it but we still see the operation going because we haven't heard from the city that has been started talks and I think we try and have that conversation and now we're driving
just like a pure lesson for people and I can easily be correct because it really is a time
for more reports, that the session actually hadn't been on the site or
anything else Mr. Wants
to deny the show. Or that you need to
say come on up. What I was gonna say was that I did receive an email from Sergeant Thompson, notifying me that we were on this past gentleman, but I cannot receive an email a copy of the LRP agendas for quite some time and I usually get them regularly. So I don't know who maintains that list and I don't know the other chair so we're getting those emails, but I seem to have been dropped from the relevant lists.
We always have to go to the MRP agendas and pull down ourselves. Sorry, Thompson was sending them out I think at the beginning of the year as a general email to planning but recently we've not gotten my
frustration the same I used to get them regularly and now I don't
know. Do I have any other apologies to any boards or commissions or authority expressing this celebrity if you want to make a statement about the investment management committee reports, the bylaws committee Mr Kyser?
And Bylaws Committee Chair, our committee reports of threats are available. We'd have been meeting we don't have any proposed resolutions are going to survive right now. We don't like either these days sexual or whether it's our committees you eat amongst eight activities that each member as well as the chair are appointed by the President. And since we did not have that compensation election, so today, we're not going to be contingent upon that. Additionally, just the confirmation of approving the reference will be there already. Is there going to be some people who are being appointed by their due for the year and as always, we are accepting suggestions, comments recommendations on a proposed survivals we've been keeping a list of that throughout the year. We'll be sure that that information in question is
not a question but the clarification and its roadmap if you can help us with this. We have we actually err on the side severance and I met with this amount of stress on yesterday to talk to the representative from MP rage, and we were told at that time that we no longer have an alternate that we only have one person who can vote essentially as we have to change our bylaws for a better
yet so we back in February I believe that was perhaps March I can look up in a second. We sent correspondence to 11 kind of advisory boards executive board, advising them that the law departments interpretation of the code is that there is there are 25 voting members that make up the board of the advisors that make up the last report sorry about that. We're recording the 25 voting members. What your bylaws say, will be based on what you're emitting determines the bylaws should say but the Department of City Planning is recording the 25 voting members pretty bad. No, I was joking. I'm sorry. I misunderstood that. Yeah. We we've been in conversations with the ATF bylaws committee chairperson about this as well as the executive board. So they're aware of this as well. All right. I
just want to make sure that it's clear.
Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mr. Mr. Mark. Let's just look at some of the older emails that came from ATP. And you're right, it looks like the chairs have been left off. For months at least I just started looking randomly at different months. So thank you for letting me know and I'll let them know. I know at one point they were sending them I guess they stopped and I I definitely don't check to see what's listed in there. So I'm thinking something they don't
just want to say this this June was your company about the battles is worth. Okay. Let's do the powers that influence is rapid and clear. Mr. Martin? Yes,
Jim Martin up again. So, my understanding is that until our bylaws are changed, and we've adopted those changed bylaws that we've survived and continued to operate under our existing bylaws. Whether the city's recognizes that or not is a sort of a different question, but we can't suddenly start operating under a different set of rules because somebody else tells us to when we have been adopted, so
just because this conference, Mr. Kessler, and the last
November 21, demonstrate the date. We discussed this issue and I presented to you to the board for suggestive language for a membership. Do you have that with you?
I've got electronic copy of
bridging portunity That
to divide please Miss mentor while he's moving ahead. The explanation as I have been with the chair in understanding this is the narrowness of what is being said there is only one registered voter with both DCP and the clerk's office. If that person doesn't show up to vote, there is no vote for me. That is the narrowness of this.
And for clarification, because we do have some new people that started with us this year. I don't like maybe understanding what the issue is. Last year what happened in the end of 2020. It was a recommendation based commentary and that led you to increase membership from 25 to 75. That included the chairs and appointed delegate and an appointed architect from each MPU. At that time when we voted on this, it seemed logical because if you look at the listings of the boards and commissions in the city's data, it refers to a BAP delegates an origin so there was no question as to why, you know, at that time, there would have been no question about it. When I contacted the clerk's office, about our swearing in ceremony, and she asked me how many people were there and I told her that we had made that change to our powers as they were when the JPEGs January 2021 that there were 25 Cheers 25 delegates and 25 alternates, the court said what? And so she said, Would you please send me your boss when he made that change? I sent her or resend me. The code that allowed people to make that change and we did not this was not a codified thing. This was a decision that was made project forward. And at that point that makes you contact with planning and say that there be no they cannot make those kinds of changes to the city council.
it was 90
seconds after we had these lengthy discussions about that, yes, we are to function according to the vote. We are to function like all other things. If you are the appointed person are very safe person I'm not gonna say delegates you're often union appointed voted for you authorize it over for your NPU that means if you vote for the NPU for that entire year just like if you want a golfer B you hold that seat and he can come in and sit down and vote for you. We according to them are supposed to function the same way. Now says any pair made the mistake of expanding with that complication. We discussed it and is that okay? Yeah, we have to stay within COVID 25 designated voting members, but the others whether they will originally chairs, delegates and alternates still can be a part of a path as representatives of their MPs there and non voting members but their representatives, we need our community because of all these boards and all that we have come to me to have. So we felt as non voting representatives of their day to day then we have enough people to go on right now, Mr. Kessler, would you please read what pulled up in everything that I did research on and came up with
just sort of just for reference, this is the suggested revision to the bylaws that was presented to the bylaws committee at its last meeting by President so I was this has not been presented as a committee item to the body today, but that Northwest will read it and for the record. Articles article for members pursuant to section six 4001 emphases COVID one it says the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board should be composed of 25 voting members. The chair ation every planning committee or a unit or the designee favorite plan creation has been any Advisory Board shall write to the zoning officer from the voting membership each year by January 15. And key chairpersons shall submit to the Department of State Planning at the name, address, home and cell phone number and email address of the person who was appointed a voting member for that issue for the fiscal year. failure to timely provide us information or results and then you end up voting members of natural ability to vote at board meetings and continue to service at the city voting board member until either the following occurs. Why didn't you chair identifies replacement to the board coding that no resides or three? It kind of present on server recognizes it seems to be but remember, April 20 minutes may designate up to two additional non voting representatives be appointed to other boards and commissions, etc. However, you refer to my voting record from yesterday and the voting members may vote and the voting members if the voting member is not present. Again, this is a suggestion from the president is not a suggestion that voted on by the finance minister Larsen.
When you comment on
this we'll be wrapping up. The school year is
a special year, July to June, July June whereas our appointments are January 1. Okay so can we can thank you but
I just want I don't have the ordinance that sets up the but clearly, whatever bylaws we create cannot conflict with the ordinance. It is believed we morphed into this system of chair delegated alternate because people didn't want to come down on a Saturday morning. So it was a system of rotating the three people to come but as it stands now, and it's been deemed improper, our bylaws and so but our bylaws cannot conflict with the ordinance. What is what is being said now, there is one registered voter not three but one and if that person is not here, then that ng he does not get a vote, even if the church should come in and if they ultimately come that is the thrust of the interpretation and the law departments.
So let me be clear, and to Jim's point, this is an interpretation from the bottom. That is not what Apex firewalls currently state. We currently allow each NPU in addition to the chair to designate a designated delegate, and we are allowing those people depending on who shows up, conditioned upon all of your requirements, diversification, swearing and whatever else. There is nothing in front of ordinances that says the designee is an annual basis return on service that's defined here in the code of ordinances and the code states in Section six dash 4003 The amount of planning advisory board and day one prepare its own bylaws not inconsistent with state law or city so I think it can still be further discussion regarding what the process is to provide notice from the immediate to the city and to AIPAC regarding who the designee gets, whether that is just a manual thing. Whether that can happen in different fashion events level is currently the call for the designee to be appointed, but allow some other changes throughout the course. So I think there's still further discussion that needs to happen on the refinement. And as soon as read writing was the suggestion from the current president and foregoing president regarding what she thought might be a while identification for the difference.
If I could also correct the record because it was in Montana parliamentarian changed our bylaws incrementally. I was the parliamentarian without bylaws approved by the by, again the voluntary does not or anyone member can change the bylaws that requires a third vote. And what I did was I captured what had already happened in a man for became a member of this body and put it in our Bibles, chairs, delegates origins and then serve it in that format. Before the fact is and I've been doing it with cultural events here, and when I did was when I chaired that committee was to capture things that we have been doing that was not codified in our bylaws. So that's a decision that Rasheed came up with a lead is something that was that had been in paper since before my time. So rushing, rushing the property of the furniture didn't make that change. I just thought it was
absolutely thank you for the great work, I think I'm here with Clemson that is coming from the chair. There's still a desire to have as many people we will be calling something different like NP representatives but I think the more the merrier. If the narrow focus here in you might say on kid what's the process where he saw that that may likely have to be visited. I think the cost of it is only back in
record a record both so
so what a wonder. I think that there's a there's a there's a consensus of our community probably a sudden, and we're going to be reports. So we could you know, get this schedule. But once we have this you will be appointed to me get the schedule, but also I think that we need to be clear that there is a there is everyone does not agree with the definition of designating the timeline of events. So we have to kind of fish that out. And that is a great place to do that. Next slide. What
was that? Did that conclude your report?
Just just the last comment on this as well as as you had experienced here this meeting today when the wall was called. There was no class if you want to be there, but it's a paper, as far as I know has never been operating beyond 25 possible voting. votes have not been split. So while there has been a concern when there was the swearing at the top of the year, about swearing in more than 25 people, the musical personnel records that show they definitely get an alternate for many years. So I think there is still some conversation but I think it's much more procedural that we can address in the bylaws that it needs to be kicked out in conjunction with the clerk's office for the pharmacy plan. Once again, what has been read in the record here is a recommendation, not conclusive. There will be further discussion. But we look forward to resolving this issue so that AIPAC can function effectively timely and for compliance with ordinances and then all other parties can understand and how they operate. And we can prepare our own models as long as they are not inconsistent state law.
If I may, I would ask that the lack of planning advisory board to resolve the matter as expeditiously as possible considering we raised this in February 2022 And we are now heading into January as of January one we are absolutely only recording and acknowledging as members of the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board 25 People were mainly for you all are making 25 people that were recorded as the members of the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board, which is consistent with every other piece at the city there are no I think I do think that is respect and agree with Mr. Hunter's comment that we should not be having a committee meeting in this place. I'll keep it short. But I do want to acknowledge and reiterate as I've said many times that a PAP is not an entity with a PAP should not be functioning as it were thinking of itself as an impact as a city board, isn't it? Well, we can do whatever we want to do because we make our bottles or whatever if that was a singular lead on the board. And I think that to be to maximize its effectiveness. Just my opinion to maximize its effectiveness. It would be beneficial to AIPAC to operate more like a city board than like an EU so that's all I'll say on that and I'm happy to help in any way for a booth, any whatever you all think is most important to you. I'm happy to advocate on your behalf.
And if I can add to that this little group is representing the cities on that. As you always commentary that was elected and reelected. I cautioned you want to talk to this so quickly without without really, really to the test because we are required to have the team that was on record. That next thing that will be said is that those were the five members. I was also picking up officers and again none of that out etcetera. So we can
do so many inner panels.
No, it's not what I'm saying is that is the 25 voting members is what needs to be done visual record. And so what else besides that the Texans want to be said that the members themselves I didn't electoral Boy, that members of elected officials of AIPAC must also be consistent with that. And if you look at our board, we have quite a few people who are delegates alternates who serve who never go to the voters meetings and they're here every single day, and they work very hard. So I can assure you by talking to us there was a plan, all 60 plus of us that are active, that be careful with that in the morning, because maybe we can put ourselves in the work that we've been doing for a long time.
It's the law, a law firm was taken by voting
members along and as an attorney you also know that the laws interpretation, that lawyer gave the challenge that someone else can design a judge, right. So you can work with your communities. Okay. I would say my advice as a parliamentarian to this is a caution. So be careful of what could happen.
I was just going to ask if Mr. Murray wouldn't mind sending the same communication that was sent to the MPU chairs to the AICPA body so that it could be shared with the delegates and alternates as well. What communication are you talking about? misleads, I believe, referencing
something that was verbally stated in believing, would
you be willing to put that in writing and disperse it to the Apoc
out into the person that they say that I didn't make a statement to mislead?
Whenever the city communicate something it should be probably made in writing so that it can be consistent across the city has been communicated to,
to the Atlanta planning advisory boards executive board, I'm pretty sure you were included on that correspondence. That worries somebody 2022, perhaps March of 2022. I can look up and see exactly what the date was, but this is already communicated in writing. Thank you.
And if you'd like for me to communicate, if you'd like for me to communicate that from the emails that we exchanged I'd be happy to share that with the body. But I am asking if the city of Atlanta would like to share that with the APEC body directly, so that it can be shared to all of our delegates and alternates so that we can all be reading from the same page of music. I think that would be helpful.
This present, Mr. Kessel s.
Question, I think I have a question
or two random I guess I'm a little bit confused. I will why bylaws
I should say that have to match the law. However, that does not preclude us from joining the bylaws that will also incorporate magazine a tagline was that will incorporate that ultimates can be or can serve as committee shares etc because it doesn't stay in your order is that the officers of the Executive Board has to be format 25 Or does
enter a state that
is and nobody cheers.
can serve on any committee. We got to let them divorce conditions Yes. further clarity.
You know we sit to eat what is the word is a process of I think I was here to time. What is the process for not making it so wedded to a very narrow window 25 people? What is the process for substituting what is the process for updating. But currently, the rule is whoever is registered, if they're not here, there's no vote even if the check comes. But the process is to keep in mind. To keep in mind,
I'm sorry I cannot allow you all to say things that are found on the audit side. It's exactly section six dashboards. There was only one that just actually see the only office that required upon it is to be elected from the voting members. It is the presiding officer and literally says let's actually see the latter part of the board shop and read.
We're talking about the government the government
spending was he asked do the officers have to come from from from the holidays as our chair said, Guess what the one that says is the Alanna kind hearted board. Charlotte, the presiding officer from the voltage of the
mountains stated in our novels,
maybe you miss her but it's the tumor as per the ordinance say that our officers have to be elected from the 25 sec auditors. Unfortunately. Say that,
okay, perfect. So, don't do that either. We can tailor our firewall
we want to get the chat over so that we can
tailor our bylaws to fit this last mile committee chair as I was before and so this is our proper time to just go in and tweak and work within the system. We don't have the finances, more proving the system and we have
just a clarification for every night. Simply include this under Article four, Article Five offices and election, the offices of the board children the President first vice president second vice president recording secretary, corresponding Secretary of financial secretary and parliamentarian the officers showing up elected from the voting members of the board as defined herein and shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws. Employees of the city of Atlanta may serve as voting members on the board but may not serve as officers of APM. All candidates for office must be current members have amen for three consecutive months to be efficient.
That's perfect. Grab a chair, that's exactly what I was talking about. We need to tweak that such that it is incorporators of a larger whole And so yes, paranhos specifically asked me about the ordinance because we cannot write in conflict to the ordinance. We can change our Bibles to serve our purpose and that's that's exactly why I was going to wait for the clarity.
Both parties to the members have a copy of the bylaws. It's sent out with every meeting notification. It's at the bottom under the helpful things you shouldn't miss Kessler.
I included it because otherwise we'll continue this committee. He
said Mississippi
this has been a question that has been a peppers as I've been in the past. 2018. So in the opposite
by September 30 I know you don't have that same degree of strict regulations, but I do know that we do have to provide our hours to the Office of Planning what is the designated date?
I would like I would like to confirm my response to you but I will tell you it is as of this moment that is not understanding that a PAP doesn't have a deadline date for bylaws. I don't think any of the boards and commissions etc. Have a deadline date for bylaws. I don't even know that they need to be updated manually. Because again, a PAP is not an NP you submitted annually, but I'd like to confirm that by reviewing the code.
All right, and the reason I ask is because it makes us remember never really kind of definitive answer
and present ourselves to that. And that's fine. For there's a requirement for the bylaws created quarterly review by others, there is no requirement for signing off again couple requirements to get on any timetable. However, when they are amended per the vitals, as well as proceed code, those admitted to do need to be provided to to this clerk so they have that but there is not a date certain deadline by which that has to happen. The only thing that's guided here is a types own like divisions in the bylaws for according to the review by the eyeballs
and uncertainty to leave the warrant under Mr. complementarians watch that's when we develop that system. Unfortunately for us, because we're acting in concert with the DPS although we were not obligated under the statute or the bylaws. We were just at consult that to that end what we're doing is not running at wholesale review in September trying to be deceptive. You're absolutely right. There is no such ordinance, no such bylaw that ties us to a specific date as we've been producing. That's how that affordably reviewed, developed so that we wouldn't be waiting suddenly in September. Everybody's kind of like okay, let's do this.
It doesn't like to make a recommendation to the bylaws committee that will institute such a date. Feel free to make such a recommendation but as this time we do not have any requirement on the date.
I'm planning to pass this is just a request for me that the bylaws can be considered appropriate for Indian bylaws that after each of your quarterly reviews, any suggested changes to be made, that they are presented to the body at the next meeting for the body to go round. That we really have accurate bottles all year long. And even if we don't have to officially submit that to the planning department, we still have to any changes we make like this, they have to be submitted to the clerk's office. So any updates that we're making, we do get a chance to photograph them I know there were a number of things that you are discussed this year not addressing. So I find this because it makes a recommendation that you're going to notice can be discussed after each of your dialogue ingredients, any changes or recommendations that you have come up front and center to body at the next meeting, if at all possible for that for the later
So that is our process. Now the two reports but nothing has come forward out of that body with a motion to make recommendations to us. That's fine. This year, there has not been a specific proposal to say that nothing can come forward. These types of discussions have been debated. We have not gotten to me. There has not come to the final level just at this specific legislation. Or the specific wording of the Bible authentically wants to present presents to the body yet.
Second, it sounds like a White House community needs to be set at some point in time and we've called it sounds like a bylaws discussion or committee meeting needs to be set and all of these additional comments or suggestions can be handled there,
which was the start of the committee report right on top but not knowing who the President would be and since our bylaws stated that the President appoints every member of this body of the committee, and since there could be a change in membership, appointees designees to the body. We have not set a date yet but once those people will confirm that committee will determine a date or location time and provide legislative body with an agenda of what will be discussed
in this segment into the body.
Is that correct? All meetings are open. The code of ordinances
just wanted to get confirmed and their views of the city thinking that it's only the bylaw committee.
voting membership of the committee is limited by our current bylaws which could be a bylaw revisions of what was proposed, but at this time, between three and five members, all appointed by the President, including the parliamentarian are members of the Finance Committee.
Thank you so very much, Mrs. may have a question, Mr. Chairman.
Yes, that's for my statement. Historically, when we have private bibles of minor changes to this minute. We have spent important amount of time going through kicking it back and so why would the suggested possibly create as specific day to review the bylaws and any suggestions coming out of the bylaws committee and hold that a parent meeting specifically for bylaw line on top because it is very time consuming and everyone has an opinion.
And I just want to make sure that so to start off with the point that we need so bad to get to a point or real point members about cooking some music so they can't get beaten the second schedule until I was done. I don't actually know. We weren't running to the second one before the committee was fully appointed. So it was appointed as soon as possible, and we'll be able to get that scheduled.
Okay, Miss Kessler, you're passing. Thank you. So much. Mr.
Guess the Committee met on December 5. Change meeting. Virtually the committee next week on the second of January that our usual location, which is road and I will also send out a link for the first Tennyson meeting which is in my committee report. I did double check that I was asked about this and the executive committee and I was told to stop will be open on January the second you do not consider that to be a holiday. So at our last meeting, we would have to move the resolution that you have before you now to us FYI and you're holding three others journalists report in committee and we will be addressing those.
That's all I have. And you're very glad that
it does his meeting date before January 1, because this is meeting your January 1 circuit
committee on eight that Mr. Ross
Yep, the committee met at 9am this morning audit committee to and to see the letter from a back to the mayor and the city council. Regarding 22 days to dash 1747 which was an amendment to the NPD ordinance. And letter will come out to you will come to you before the end of the year so that we can get it before the city council had read before the city council as well.
The subcommittee for the email accounts and the online presence for a path that is moving along smoothly. There will be a meeting for the end of the year as well to get that green sharp, the many big contribution this week and so we hope that without wasn't forward at the straight by 2023. So there was
at least looking at like obviously did not like to ask all of you to please go to the the AIPAC website. They've done a beautiful job that is a very attractive website. They are working on updating it and making sure that our genders community boards in order to have resolution sent letters that you may want to send you have signed off on that website. So we get an opportunity to take a look at various site responses.
And then beyond that a pat on the back for the memories. We would like to see that come out so that we can give it to them memories beginning in January but we have flexible vendors coming in as it was presented in October. So we just need to get that printed up. Get it to our people, electronically or hardcopy, however we're going to do it
is a living document and we will be right now we are good to go.
That's correct. It gives you l Sherry Lau security day but Today is her birthday.
Our next meeting is January the 21st 2023. Me too. And that concludes my report. Mr. President.
Thank you so very much. Yeah, for the Finance Report.
With the miscreants permission, I'm going to just kind of go we still have not spent any of the residual $600 that we have left. Secretary planned to have us celebrate that holiday celebration today after this need to have on site the difficulties with the venue. So what we all collectively decided to do was that we would have at that at the gym at immediately after the event. So we're going to ask you all to as you prepare to have that meeting prepared as a gesture to fall off or we're going to have the activity over to the man that of this. That does follow the own debt. Only money that we would be spending would be the money that we spent on that food. Originally, most of you know that we used the majority of our bread leverage for the neighborhood members and of course because COVID is stopped last month in January of 2020 or January 2020. We have discussed it and the board executive committee seems to think there is still be something that we need to do to honor those neighborhoods that work so very hard to make the city great. So we're anticipating having using the remainder of the van for the neighborhood matters for us. And we should have more profit margin for that. Now that being said, we're looking for volunteers to help that could be with that activity. Miss Jones, Chiara Apsara older videos that are coming to you. Okay, that was this Keiondre Jones
legend in his areas and terrain, sharp brushing, honor
and glory. That's why it matters or
is there a procedure next month? No. Maybe five minutes? Yeah. She bought she bought the juice she just walked out. That's that's something
that's so there's something different. So that is actually the convenience for the people that matter support and for those of you who are new and never experienced that this, we ask each interview to nominate someone from the EU. That has been an outstanding citizen. Whether it's volunteering to. We've even had people that spent their entire lives picking up trash in their community to keep their feet closed. That's something you would want to acknowledge. We've had organizations that did a lot of things for different communities. So we've sent you all that information in mind, but we ask that each interview this year, nominate a person or an organization in your interview that you'd like to see on all the work that they've done to make your company better. And until we spend that money, we cannot apply for additional community impact right money. So we want to go ahead and get that. And then he can't apply for grad students. We have to believe that this meant she wanted to spend by December 31 But that was just
eminence. All right. Transportation, Mr. Sharp
so there's not really a full report. There's just something quick that we're familiar with the bike share program around the city of Atlanta. I know a lot of people aren't that happy with it. It's pretty ragged right now. But it is important to know that the purchase representative that once brought that that picture to Atlanta is that to help in trying to not only expand that program, but also to upgrade that program at those points from being manual. Whites to be electric bikes, like many other cities do have. So I guess what I was trying to get across is for maybe take this back to your MPO neighborhoods and really start thinking about those areas in the neighborhood. The Washington community would really like to see these bike share stations. So that when it does come to the time where information number is the greater the danger and be able to select those spaces a question Mr.
Eric program it seems like about two years ago, or express concern at Wells Fargo and turns us on exits and egress buildings are being especially cheap to make, especially in the US is to become a daycare. Just wait on that whole southwest quadrant right there. And it's really a safe answer. We are parked there to the point that they are almost impeding the flow of traffic. And I was wondering if that's something that can be taken up by the transportation committee so that we can have that addressed minus both state and local and county safety, public safety issues, and I was delighted to work with you on
this 100% I'll be reaching out to you because I think there's a lot of conversation that we need to kind of have a lot of relationships and to re establish the different departments, especially the Georgia Department of Transportation. So I agree that your take
on that and Mr. Sharp in line with what Mr. Schumer is saying. I noticed there one day last week
on her 66
When you can see from the John area.
Trucks are from
day, one week 166 166 trucks are now in that area. Of course the city has that feeling around the stand for sandy beach snows will be done. You see the city
truck operators
that these were tractors. Apparently this is something that's beginning to happen and DOJ needs to be addressed separately.
All right. Public Safety. You can't guess who's not here. Education is Jones.
Kiana Jones MPJ education really has been, I guess talking about for the past year. Tennessee and safety literacy volunteer opportunities, supporting educators, family support with wraparound services, housing counseling centers. So but for 2020 we want to look towards focusing more on conflict resolution and mediation. What the APS partnership like with water and ensuring that all of our parks and recreation centers are open running to full capacity users registered. Thank you. Any questions since I'm going once going twice? Thank you.
All right. As Miss Ramirez stated earlier, she has been appointed to the as the chair of the utilities committee, and when we made the additional appointments to that committee to work with her utilities like transportation to is in a whole bunch of different services. So she's going to need someone to work with her on so I will be appointing someone as vice chair to work with her on that and as far as the executive committee industry know she was saying Mr. Sharp that you should be appointed to work with Miss Ramirez on utilities. theory that would be a good thing but if you don't have enough work already did, you did not mention in your
all those things,
those trolleys, the street construction process and that they have been terminated for I think it's a couple of months. So if any of you are impacted by that, give this a shot he mentioned in his report but exactly deactivated for a couple of months. Okay,
this was the Executive Committee report is concerned. You heard on the day the beginning of the meeting. Okay. Miss Lulu,
did you have a comment? Student Okay, thank you. Do we have any announcements are made to piggyback
chair. Sorry How many can be sent to us, but there was a few resolutions and because of that they are
starting to so we actually do have responses to the resolutions. I was very pleased with how the process wasn't flawless but for a first attempt. And for those that don't know earlier this year, I reached out to the President and I think Mr. Martin, who chairs the VHS and so on a great path to ask or to propose a a process by which we could kind of make these resolutions work for AIPAC. The incident was so bad instead of you all doing the work to make recommendations to the city and never hear anything back about that. The intention was to ensure that we route those recommendations appropriately and follow up with the relevant department to get a response to those recommendations. We did all of the work on our side to figure out the process to do that. And the process. I believe works well. However, there's always a however, we've learned we will let me also say sorry, most of the presentations that have come out of recommendations that have come out of AIPAC this year. I think there are 10 of them. Almost all of them
were directed to
the Department of City Planning I think there were maybe two or three that were not. Most of them were directed to the Department of City Planning. So planning has prepared responses for all of the ones that were directed to us. Those are the really the only ones I can speak to. However, I learned on through two days ago or three days ago earlier this week, that there may be some concern with the process. So I've asked for a couple of meetings with the law department because I don't know I don't much when I'm talking to them. First.
Suddenly, I hear back from them able to get your responses.
Mr. Tony a question.
Has there been any update? Or can you share any information with us on the realignment of the game news? Just snippets tapings. Anyway now I can't
miss our errors.
So you had mentioned and do you comments and announcements, right so if you don't leave here, I also would like to invite anyone as you mentioned I pointed to delete as chair for AIPAC. I'm on, I guess on TV ever is watching of our constituents and whoever is here in this room who is willing to work with me. I'm open I'm actually curating a plan to move forward with thinking who work with me and the committee. So if dream or anyone else would like to help me I'm here. Second comment. I guess it's not it's within my envy because I'm here but I'm the first and only Latina Latina Bettina on campus in the whole state of Georgia, and I'm excited to be here in Atlanta. That was in your comments, announcements. company go to the mic please. Good morning.
Morning. MTU l share with the Leo this Sunday. Join the Alliance for the activation of coke Park how they sit in the park from two to 5pm on the rock the coke Park. We try to bring activities to the park so we've been having skate at the park every other Thursday. When we come back in the spring when they get caught we'll start making more skate in the park at 7pm but this Sunday come up with a sick holiday SIP in the market. Rodney Cook hard to divide Pm is Sunday December
18 2022. If you email that just they will get it out to all AP users. Okay. Thank you even though you're gonna
have mechanical super
useful mark.
Public comment review this public company. Okay. I would like to thank you ru for having participations in coffee for the past year and I'd like to chastise those writers and not members of this body who have violated the rules of this establishment and brought food and drink into this room and thereby killing the golden goose that brought us those pastries and that coffee
and to that effect I did receive an email from Samantha charity because after last month's meeting that she asked a participant to please not bring food, the food into all the and he was very rude to her. So to let you all know, this is council chambers. Food and drink are not allowed in here. You see water bottles of water at best. My advice to her was if she was into that problem with again and that person insisted on doing it and they did. If she runs into that problem again. Because she has to respect the rules and regulations of her job. I told her to go downstairs and get security to come up and speak to that person. We should not be doing that kind of thing. They think these people have a job to do. And it doesn't take voters a second to be respectful and respect that during the ask us something like that was just too simple. So please do not bring food and drink into the chambers. That is why we're having our other fit outside of the chambers next year. Yeah, that's
okay. Wherever your public comments can you get your your coffee with be redeemed? It would happen this morning.
This is funny because this does not happen to us. You're here. When I got here. Mr. Ross was going downstairs and he told me someone adopted the system. That is not like the three walls of between them they get it up here which is refreshments or whatever.
So of course I'm calling this room and she said You don't smell my human side. She said that
dogs are coming in when I asked her looked really wrong. Who was supposed to be here today? She said somebody had that. She's involved. She didn't know she was supposed to be here. Like oh, okay, so it was just one of those most networks this morning. But we want to thank this group for getting back in even though she feels lousy.
Good. tactic. There was another birthday out there. Be honest.
Oh, yes, that's right. This removes birthdays. Who else wasn't there for the birthday? Yeah. Happy birthday this lady
35 Ha.
I do apologize for that. Today. We had a little mix up over who was supposed to be here. This Rivera has actually called me at like 10 minutes to 10 or cornered and said or something like that and asked how she could help. So come to the carburetor that way your thing kind of close. So I do apologize for that they think that their birthday wishes Happy birthday to my fellow December baby Mr. Leo birthday to you And
regarding the
regarding the refreshments. I just want to point out that for a poor use of a city facility outside of work business hours outside of open the building being open hours, whatever that is called. There has to be staffing present and the staff that's present is responsible for the room or the space. I am now just doing my best to accommodate whenever I can, but they have now responsible for two meeting spaces for APEX meetings, and I usually get a call or email regarding help with bases. And I just wanted to clarify it wasn't just Amanda and it wasn't just that one time. There have been another there wasn't another staff person that reported a similar issue with a different person. So it wasn't just that one person. And it wasn't just Samantha, that kind of sick experiences.
So now not respectable and whatever they asked us not to do something we're going to do and like I said she's very gentle and that they asked you not to break through or not to do something ever. Please do it. It doesn't take them say on the back of your agenda. Do you have a list of upcoming meetings versus the chairpersons have already given you the dates and times of their meetings? The surface still not certain about the public safety community education committee is this a standard set that had that as January 28.
Do you have a location but because of the struggles
I live 2390 Donnelly how Hollowell Parkway in Atlanta and three other morning
recent action all right
is there is nothing else going to ask someone to give us pushing you want to jump most to say when you say all right
after the holidays.
We like to wish each of you a safe and wonderful Christmas season I ask that you keep very conscious and keep in mind that reskill COVID voice cells, let's face the same and therefore to see you Jimmy.