Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
All right, so we are back for another episode.
I've already sad because even though the episode two, I know we're gonna be done with 10 episodes, and we'll be like,
Ah, now I know. Well, let's enjoy it while we can. This is season five, Episode Two South Cobra Kai Mall. Oh, I just read that fitting name.
I just got. Yes. I was thinking like mold phase. I was like, What are they talking about a moment. What does that have to play? Or bowling with an accident? That's funny. Yeah, exactly. That's what I thought I didn't think more like a plant.
Oh, it's a mole in this episode, which was set up in the first episode. Yes. But before we jump into this exciting episode, a word from our sponsor. I'm ready. Are you ready?
I'm ready man.
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Perfect. All right. Every episode is brought to you by
Wait a second it is it moly.
I'm way off. I'm focused on that. Yeah, it is on Netflix. It is
on Netflix. It was released September 9 2022. And this episode again, season five, episode two. Mole. It's what I'm going with no way.
Is it mole or moly?
Well, I don't know. But there is a mole on this episode. Oh, so Okay, well, what you want,
honestly, either way. Yeah, either way would work because malaise is always a Mexican dish. Yes, it is. And there were mole either way it would work. That's so great. Look at his best. So great. Either way, so good.
Now, the rating for this episode is 8.3 on IMDb, another strong one holding, right? Eight. So
I'm assuming we're gonna be in the eight. So I mean, I would be surprised if we ever dropped below eight. And I'm
assuming just gonna guess now, like Episode Five is always kind of a highlight. And then nine and 10 are always off the charts. But the whole season works together. It's one big, cohesive, cohesive machine and so you can you know, rate the bits but they're all great to me. And we're jumping into the synopsis, which is chosen in Daniel hatch a risky plot against Terry in Mexico, Robbie and Johnny look for Miguel who discovers the truth about his father, who are in for an exciting show, Sal?
Yes. And I'm very surprised by the opening scene. I was not expecting this. And yes, very pleasantly surprised.
So let's jump into our scene by scene breakdown. Let's go and we do begin in Okinawa in 1972. That would have made me one and I think you weren't born yet.
I was not born yet. But depending on the time of year my parents married may have been creating me at that. Oh, okay.
Oh, you were in the works. Yes. But so this is setting up exactly what I think could and should be coming and that is a Miyagi series. This is it. We are already seeing it unfold Sal and how it could work
chosen. I was big time excited to see the Cena young Sato a young chosen. Is this really happening? That is so cool,
believable. And he trains his students in the way of the fist and we do see a super young whom I chose tutelage chosen a young much younger than his other students, by the way. Yeah, he seems to be the youngest one in the class, right? And is his nephew. And what is Sato say to the student body?
This is where you start to see the subtle persona starting to take place. Right? Because just like just like when he's older, here he is now when he's younger, army training is not enough. Your head must forget pain to succeed. You must overcome train mind train body.
Wow. And they follow you know his lead. But then Sato sees a very young chosen doing what?
I can be spotted that I wouldn't have spotted this. Yeah, he's on it. Yeah, he's all over. Chosen. You have to put your fingertips in the sand and, and and chosen put a pillow in there like some sort of, you know, soft sack. Yes to cushion his fingertips. And he is busted.
Busted. He goes over there, pulls it out chosen shortcutting. And this is a theme and chosen his life.
And then when the scene closes, he does it again. Did
you notice that he puts it right back in that's like he doesn't Yeah, what does that mean? Why just shows you who we're going to meet in Karate Kid, Part Two, this guy who goes down the fast path.
In other words, he's busted. He knows now he did wrong, and yet he still does it. Well
so now we're at Cobra, Kai dojo and silver declares John crease is not Cobra Kai, which is a far cry south from what he's preaching in their Karate Kid part three. And what is he saying that movie?
John creases karate? It was,
it was gonna be gorgeous, Cristo Joe's. But now he's not even Cobra Kai, because the students are Cobra Kai. And then he goes on to introduce new senseis and pairs them up with the students. And so, of course, undercover chosen picks.
He picks Tori and I was wondering if that was planned. Did he and Daniel set that up? Or did he happen to choose Tori when he was there?
Well, he knows who the all Valley champ was. And he might as well go to the top dog you know, and kind of I don't know what him and Dana talked about behind closed doors you know, Tori hears her background or whatever but I guess he's gonna start with this is the best. Let's figure this person out. Right. Not start with some newbie that he doesn't know but and maybe saw her on TV. As Daniel was showing him things murder
mentioned on the commercial.
Exactly. Tori Nichols all Valley champ first female winner ever. Yes, exactly. Might have
gotten her eligible for sag AFTRA with that commercial.
So now we're in Mexico, and Johnny and Robbie find a lead to track down Miguel, but unfortunately so what happens to the eagle Fang van?
Here's what I have issue with this scene. Okay, the van gets towed, a guy comes over, tries to explain at first politely you gotta move your van dude. And Johnny doesn't understand it. But but here's the
language barrier. So there's no bridge barrier. But
here's the problem probably is on the phone. Robbie has entered Google Translate. Hello, let me tell you, my neighbor across the street does not speak much English. She's Armenian. I speak zero Armenian. I wrote a whole letter to her had a translated gave her the letter. We had a nice chat her and I we communicated. What would you translate? We're talking about the neighborhood and some of the buildings for sale and just talking about talking about the community. Yeah. And yeah, it was fantastic. It was fantastic. And we after I did that, I said, language barriers are now broken.
It's true, but it happens so fast. And it's more Johnny interacting with this guy. And it's pretty funny. And it's funnier that it does happen. He's like, no, no, no, the vans numbers. He's taken it completely wrong. I don't want your money. And so Jonathan's Shakedown, and another one, another Shakedown, this is what happens in Mexico. And he dismisses him and Nate told that thing immediately sound that is like, Okay, let's go. And I love how Johnny then throw something at his own van.
Like, what is it a burrito? Because
yeah, it's like losing your food and you're throwing your own car. I like so pretty funny. And now we're Hector's home. And so it looks very similar to a Russo's home. It's really nice done up, he's got, you know, spare bedrooms, guest rooms. And Hector makes his famous, what
which is essentially beef or grilled meat. Right. That's what I read online anyway.
You know what, honestly, again, bad Latino here. I have not heard of that. I have not heard of that
dish. Sounds good.
I'd like to try it. I will try it.
And then Hector, Miguel begin to connect, talking about karate and how Miguel is a champion, California and how come Hector is not heard of him. I mean, come on. I mean, there's like a zillion karate tournaments for teenagers. But, you know, he's thinking he's like, next next level, but we figured out why later. Hector is kind of in the game, if you will. And then he begins when Miguel begins to share and open up on the verge of
and this is when we learned that Hector is not the boy's father.
Yes. Well, Miguel was about to open up and say some more. Okay, it's always about he's just about to Yeah, he's distracted. And then it kind of it pivots the conversation, because Maria and Luis go right in and out and they're outside by the pool. Again, very nice place. But yes, now Hector takes over the conversation and begins to share that, you know, he's not the voice father. Yeah. Like, Oh, okay. Okay. And Maria was previously married. That's her kid. And then he mentions that he was married.
Okay, now, this is news to me. Did we know that they were married?
Yeah, I don't know if she ever said ex husband.
I have not heard anything about that. No, I never heard that. So this is news. Yeah, it was interesting.
So we are going to learn some things this episode that we had not heard before. Yeah, and But she mean, Carmen yes had left him and so Miguel is like, whoa, I'm getting a new side of the story and I never heard this I'd only heard my mom's side our Rosa side. So it's
an interesting side to hear and I
know you've got some times where this absolutely and please share.
Well, not yet. When Miguel has a special moment, that's when I will share my special moment.
I'll take a break. So now we're at Cobra Kai back to Cobra Kai and chosen trains Tory and talks about honor honors really big with chosen and a theme in this episode in particular, but knowing where it came from knowing he had no honor. He is all about honor now. And you know, something he was obviously missing in the credit card part too. So without a doubt, but now he's like the holder of Miyagi dough, you know, the museum, the dojo the history. This is what he lives for. This is his passion.
I think that what we learn I mean, in Karate Kid three I think that chosen to karate kid to your correct Karate Kid to in Okinawa chosen thought he was dealing with his honor, but he was just dealing with his ego. It was it ego that was hurt. Not as honor that was hurt. Because he was ego damaged. He hurt his own honor is what he did. But he thought he was chasing on him. He was just chasing his own ego damage, or trying to repair a
damaged himself with Sato sonko. And then just wanted to kill Daniel and Kimiko. And what was that going to do? Like? What was the outcome of that chosen? Had he been successful? It's not like his uncle is gonna say, Oh, that's great chosen. Come on. That was ridiculous plan but he was not. And chosen goes on to say what tutori
I thought I had lost my honor. Eventually understood. No one can take honor from you. Only you can take honor from yourself.
There you go. That's exactly what he had done previously. And he knows and these are words of wisdom here so very,
because do you think maybe also, he saw a piece of himself in a young person like Tori
Oh, probably. Yeah, I mean, cuz she has a lot of
a lot of rage. Right? He had, he had a lot of rage.
And that may have been shared by Daniel or Amanda. They know Tori somewhat. Right. So absolutely. And then silver appears because he's kind of checking in on all these senseis working with the students. And we learn undercover undercover chosen name is What Sal
Kokichi Tatsuya,
but everybody calls him, Joe. Like a scene from Monty Python, the Holy Grail. They call me Tim, you think it's his big name? It's Joe. Great. Okay, since a Joe That's what silver calls him from then on out which I love. I mean, we had since a gem and since a Chris on the on the podcast, so I like it. It works right. And now back to trading. And he says, first trade mind, then train body. Silver stands aside, hey, don't let me get in the way. unchosen says,
If you want to break free of troubles, you must face them directly.
And then chosen, Joe demonstrates after Tory kicks the bag and it's better. She's got more focus now. But when he does, Silva immediately recognizes that he knows tanks who do and learns chosen is from Kyoto. And then they reference some things. That's kind of funny. It's like, you know, they both been there. One guy is talking about a shrine or temple.
Well, what I thought in that instance, was in that very moment. Yeah, Silver was trying to catch him wasn't trying to catch him right there. I mentioned, like, how
much of an insider is this guy? Does he know his stuff? And then of course, chosen counters. I think it's Fushimi in near a shrine like silver saying, Hey, you got to go check out this shrine. And of course, Chosun comes back and says to many tourists, and your next visit, go to nanzan G temple, you know, it's like, Oh, okay. All right. For tat these guys are filling each other out. You know, this guy knows some things. So great scene setting up for more, for sure. And definitely Silva is keeping his eyes on since a Joe.
Yeah, he is suspicious. I don't know if he hasn't figured out yet or not
suspicious. I think he sees an ally here. And oh, okay. Hang
on. So you think at this very moment at this moment in time that Terry silver does not suspect chose?
I don't think so. I think he was putting some feelers out. Like, how insightful is this guy? He obviously knows this style that he appreciates. And he is looking for like, not just another Sensei, but someone who could be kind of replacing crease essentially. That's what I'm seeing here. Yeah. Now I know we know where it goes. But I'm saying right here he sees a potential ally, potential number two
Okay, so I was under the impression that right off the bat Silva is suspicious but Okay,
so now Johnny and Robbie, we learn Oh 4000 pesos, which is how much in US dollar so roughly $200. So they would owe that to get the car out of the impound. But sound Johnny thinks it's much more than that.
Yeah, didn't they say they went 4000 pestles? That's like a million dollars.
Obviously, as turnovers, but still it's only half of what we have. So you know, whatever the number is we don't have $100.
Exactly. It's like if someone tells you hey, I'll sell you this BMW for 10,000. And you don't have 10,000. Well, sorry, you could
sell it to me for a grand. I still can't afford it. Yeah. So naturally, Robbie enters because they round this corner wherever they're at. And he sees this chili pepper contest. They both see it but Robbie is going to enter it. He talks Johnny out of doing it. I can do it. And he recognizes the chili pepper here. So the red sabina I guess him and his mother are familiar with these peppers. I'm a big pepper guy.
All right. I could probably not like well, pepper competition. Well, I
could do a hot sauce competition, but I probably I have done a pepper competition with some friends before. I probably wouldn't be in this contest. I don't know if I'd win but I'd go all in. But I love the setup. And I also love it they use this old Atlas easy sill containers I was like,
and I like I like how the guy brings it out.
That's coming that's the next one. I mean, the first one though on the table is ancient container which I love those glass containers. But so what happens when he talks Johnny out of entertain Robbie's going to do it what takes place?
But this is Robbie versus the big bald guy. Yes, it's they're going head to head
head to head round one head to head they're going tip for tat with these red sabinas Like, you know, hang in for the final the fight. He can hang in there and he's swatting other guys when they basically they have a glass of milk in front of them. Yeah, that's like that's how you tap out. Yeah, and we saw this on the first like photos like yeah, like did Robbie went a milk drinking contest. What is this? Well, now we know. It's a red pepper contest.
So is that what you did? When you done this with your friends? You have milk there on the reading our bread bread
or milk? Does something not water? Water is not gonna do anything. It just fans the flame? Yeah, I won the one and only contest I was in I'll put it that way. That's pretty good. But when this round one ends, Robbie wants more because they need the money. They need this money to get the car out of tow. And they bring out the L Jalgaon. Yeah, the trim. This is when the guy brings in the special hot pepper that you probably did it with tongs, you touch it
on your fingers, you rub your eyes. You're done, then you're Yes.
So now we're back at Hector's house. And Miguel is in his own bedroom, one of the guest rooms and he's calling Carmen. And Sal, he's upset with her very angry.
He has one visit with Hector and now he thinks he has it all figured out. And he's basically accusing his mother of lying to him about the whole thing or about, about lying about the type of man that Hector is that's what he's accusing her of. And
what he's missed out on. You know, what have I missed out on seven? I didn't get to know this guy the whole time. This guy successful. He's fun loving. Sure. He's interested in me. Like, but he doesn't even know who he is at this point in time. But yes, a lot of anger, a lot of hostility. Teenagers. It happens. Carmen tries to warn him. And then we hear Hector in the background mentioning Go ahead.
El Hoyle out of there.
It's calling he's wants to take him there. And she hears that. Just you know, he's in the background though. And his voice you think she Yeah, she's she's cringing at the thought of us from the past. And then Miguel migi. Hangs up on mom. Now, maybe this is just payback for Sam hanging up on Miguel. Pay it forward. But yeah, so that's happening. He's bonding with his father his father's on aware. And Miguel has a grudge against his mother. That's very important. You don't want to share yet. We're not there yet. We're not there yet. Okay, we're not there yet. Back to the chili pepper contest.
I forgot that they bounced back to Oh, yeah,
it's this show is about that short scenes and and
yeah, and then I get confused. But yeah. Oh, this is when
the L dragon arrives. Yeah, sorry. He calls for it. And now it arrives with the guy and the tongs and all that. Yes. And Johnny goes all in like a poker. We're all in. They got up Danny.
We made the witness like the ice breaking challenge from karate kid too. Yeah,
exactly. And then Robbie summons Daniel. Oh, that's what he was doing. Karate Kid. Part two.
I didn't tie the two together. Yeah.
Because he learned that when he trained with Daniel back in the day Yes, yes. icebreaking contest. You called it?
I forget. I swear to God I forget that Robbie trained Miyagi
Yeah. Oh, yeah, that happened. Right? And I forget. Yeah, they went to that place and the woods was there and in the one hand, it was all that
beauty. Yes. The one hand hands down. Yeah. Yes, that's right. So
Robbie eats the L Chaga. And the big guy follows. And oh, by the way, Robbie is great at it. He's eating it and everyone's looking at him and because, you know, most people can't take it and there's the milk and you know, so the big guy sees him do it grabs it really fast. But so what happens?
This guy was burning up so much. You could actually see like a skull pulsating. This guy's head was on fire. Yes. It looked really, really genuine. Well, he was
bald for a reason. It was a great casting. You could have been in the scene. Sal?
No, dude, this guy's head. I'm serious. You can't do that. I played the scene again. I was like you could see his like skull pulsating. This guy was next level. He couldn't
hide it. And he jugs the milk and not just chugs the milk. he spews it all over Johnny and Ravi.
Oh, yeah. He just said he can't he can't hold it in. But Robbie wins.
They scooped the cache, they're victorious. They can get the car out of the impound. That's right. So now we're back at Cobra Kai, and Terry silver invites chosen over for dinner. I like this cell. And Tori confronts silver. After that happens. He walks away. Tory confront silver and sell. We saw this coming.
Did you I don't know if I saw this coming with Tori. Well, once I
saw the ref, it was a matter of time, she's going to share what she saw. I assume that she will confront him at some point in time. I was waiting for this to happen. Okay. See,
I was not expecting a confrontation, I was going to assume that she either just accepted her victory and moved on or renounce her victory. But I didn't necessarily expect confrontation like this. I mean, she like straight up, confronted him. I gotta respect for that.
I thought she would show up, have this confrontation with trophy in hand and say, Here, I saw what happened with the hat. You know, that's what I expected. So it wasn't to that level. But yes, she confronts him. And I was shocked at the way he handled it. Like, he just admitted it.
And you know, people never do that. Whenever you confront somebody, they always deny it. So the fact that Terry silver just admits it right away. I gotta hand it to him. But then again, with somebody like Terry silver, you don't know if that's him just being open and vulnerable for a second or again, a new strategy and inoculation?
Yeah. And then he uses an analogy about a starving guy stealing food that justifies his actions. It's like, wow, she's probably been there. Right? Or at least something close to it. She's been in some hard situations. He knows he's just like, crease or what have you, lady.
Wait a second. Have we seen Tori steel? I remember this. Sam thought she stole from the country club. And have we seen Tori steal?
No, but I mean, she's in a tough spot. Right. When she was working at the restaurant. Did she ever take extra food home to feed her family? We don't know. But the look on her face was like, Yeah, I'm in similar situations. I could see how that it's just got her. Her motor running. He knew just what to say. And he also says that if Tory wants to continue, and he wouldn't blame her if she walked away, but if she wants to continue, he will make Tory the future of Cobra Kai. So that's Nicholas karate now.
Yeah, and I'm imagining not only more on air mentions, how about a big billboard in Encino, with Cobra Kai Torrey Nichols. That would be amazed karate is bad girl. So that's kind of what she's thinking. Right? Yeah, karate is about Oh, I like it.
Picking up where Mike Barnes left off. I like it. So now Johnny and Robbie, back in the eagle Fang van. Love it. And Robbie shares. How he won.
That was so good.
I love this. And Johnny loves it. Yeah, because what did he do?
Well, he switched candy confection for the hot peppers. He did the old switcheroo. And he ate the candy.
Yep. And chewed on it and chewed on it. I was so so watching to a second time for notes. Yeah, you see the way he always kept that fists clenched. Like oh, man, there was the switch right there. The first watch. I didn't even
no one and they did it really fast. Like really quick,
really fast. Yeah, that was really, really well done. And yeah, Johnny's like, that's like one of the coolest things I've ever seen. So yeah, he's loving a son. Lots of bonding here. And then Carmen calls with info about El Arroyo verde. she overheard it on the phone with Hector somehow sow she honed in and got that name once it was so fleeting, but that's the tip. And now they got to turn around and they're heading there because Miguel is going there with Hector.
I feel lame that I missed that. Okay. Yeah. Carmen reported because she overheard that from ever heard it just before the incident. reported it to Johnny. Okay, I got it. I missed one of my
favorite parts of the scene. We've not talked Bow. It's the fact that they are now donning their beautiful FBI shirts because they had milk spewed all over them. So it's perfect for the scene because what is to come? Now they have the right gear on? Well,
Johnny would not think for a second that that's not a good idea. Or, wait, did he do it to try to look like the FBI? Or should he have thought maybe we shouldn't look like the FBI.
You could go either way with Johnny on that one. I don't know. I mean, the minute they see the back, you're sure it would work if you have like a vest or jacket on. But the jokes you know, it's not gonna really hold up the minute you turn around, but they gotta see
you from the back though.
So now we are at El Hoyle better there, which means our translation is
the green hole. And by the way, I know I didn't predict this, but as a UFC fan for many years. I guess I kind of maybe thought in the back of my head at some point, there'd be sort of this merging of karate and MMA or this clash rather, right. Yeah. I kind of forecasted this in my own mind.
Yeah. Because this is an MMA event slash nightclub. And so we meet vicinity, the wolf Gonzalez, who I believe is a real MMA fighter, Eric Anders.
Nice. Okay. I didn't know that. Cool. That guy. He
comes over. He looks the part though. That guy's all tatted up looking like a bad dude. Yeah. And we also learn that Hector runs things. This isn't just a visit the nightclub with my buddy, who's also my son, Noah, he runs things and we start to learn more about him. He's a successful guy. And then they toast to put in the past away. Interesting.
Yeah. How did Miguel feel about that? Was
he Yeah, it was kind of like, okay, yeah, you're shutting
the door on your pastor shutting the door on me. Right,
exactly. But maybe it's new beginnings. But yes, because you could just tell like, he had a different life. He made a lot of money. It was probably questionable his line of work. Right. But now he's trying to change his, his path. And so that's what they chose to. But yeah, Miguel still kind of like yeah, okay, okay, you're getting rid of the past, but maybe I'm part of the next chapter.
That sounds nice. I like that. Yeah.
That's what he's thinking. Yeah, I
like that idea. Sure.
So now we're at the Russos house, and Daniel and love this is dressing chosen for a meeting with silver. And he gives him a little jacket, because you know, he's a little bit smaller than chosen. Not big time, but a little. And so this reminds me of Chris Farley. From Tommy Boy, or in Tommy Boy. And it's fat guy and a little coat member and David Spade. And he's Richard, I love this sequence. They don't take it that far. But that's immediately what popped in my mind. Yeah. And Daniel super nervous. Like, it's just like getting chosen, like as his daughter's going on a first date. Like, he's just so nervous. He wants everything to go right. He's trying to dress chosen, and then chosen shares more about honor. Again, a big theme for chosen,
my uncle tried to teach me about honor. But I was not ready to learn. I thought shortcuts, cheating would get me through faster, make my life easier. My cowardice was exposed for all to see, we will find his weakness will push him to his limit, we will reveal his true colors for all to see. Like that. It's well done,
I suppose you know, and again, this really brings that Miyagi dough presence to the show, which I love. I love this ideology. And also just the way you know, just having chosen here just it's ratcheted up for me so I'm loving it.
Um, yeah, I mean, we've never thought that we would see chosen as a little boy who would have thought that never or young Sato who would have thought we'd see that
well I have thought Yun Sato because I think Mr. Miyagi and Sato will be playing my show and my idea and Mind's Eye they're playing and Mr. Miyagi his father's training them and sure you could bring chosen in the years down the road Absolutely. And I got a whole take on that but I'm gonna hold it for right now just right now like you have something you're saving I'm saving this well you
know what we're gonna see those in that Miyagi spin off and we're not only see a young Miyagi a young Sato, also, apparently a very young chosen as well. But Miyagi is father.
Unbelievable. We only saw him on his deathbed.
Yeah, man. It was it was young. He must have been a badass when he
was hey, what about Miyagi his mother? Wow,
what does she know? We know nothing about Miyagi.
I know there's so much to uncover. It's going to happen. I know I've made predictions before like Mike Barnes will be season four. Hey, it happened season five. But I think this is a no brainer slam dunk for the franchise. I would agree. So that speech you just gave was enter cup was shots of Tory with the trophy looking at it pondering In what Chosun had said earlier, and what Silva had said to her, I have
to say, though, Jason, that trophy and not as good as 84 Oh, no,
no, not as good as a great year of trophy designs.
Yeah, trophy design has gone downhill a little bit over the years. It's all 3d printing. Now. It's just the same Exactly.
So then it's also intercut with chosen arriving at Silver's home. And Daniel then Warren's chosen as he enters the lair. And by the way, a butler let's chosen then. And
how rich are you? If you have a butler? And you brought
up before we started recording? Like how did chosen even get there?
Yeah. Did he Uber there or I think LA Russo auto or USA Daniel?
Daniel is waiting for him. Car he dropped him off.
Like he should be like around the corner of binoculars, right? Yeah, exactly.
Exactly. Well, Daniel then gives his own speech, because he is warning chosen. You'll have to play his game. But don't let your guard down. If he sees a weakness, you may not even know until it's too late. He'll do things to make you feel special. He got me on his side once. Let's not forget that. So he did. Karate Kid part three, Dre. They'll try to do the same thing with you. This plan has an expiration date. Silver's too smart. Eventually, he'll figure us out. And when he does be ready to fight. And that's spot on. This will only work for so long. So there's a way to get in there.
I Jason I liked it. Daniel says that silver is very smart, because we've never heard anybody say that. And I know you and I have gone on and on about who's more evil crease or Terry silver. So who's smarter than Chris or Terry silver? Are we to assume at this point, not only is Terry silver, more evil than Chris but he's smarter than Chris.
Yeah, well, he's more educated in lots of ways. You know, the money taught him how to use influence and power in ways that Chris doesn't know none of them know because if you go back to Vietnam, he was still scared crease was the Big Bad dog but then several one off in the world and took over his father's business and just really learned how to be this corrupt you know, guy and then he took in lots of knowledge. He knows lots of stuff. He can go tit for tat with chosen on history, you know, and Okinawa versus Kyoto. It's like it's incredible. His base. But yeah, I'd say he's quite smart because he's continued to grow and learn. Unfortunately, it's for the wrong size. But it is what it is. But so once they get inside, and this meeting is set, it's great. I mean, his house is stunning. They've got this big table they're on opposite ends. You see the pool in the background. It's like it's just so perfect and it's picking it right up where credit card parts we left off when he was in the Enos house except for and that one he's still kicking guys butts and he's training all the time. You know this silver is not doing that is actively but silver offers chosen a 50 year old Yamazaki which kind of sounds like motorcycle mash up with Yamaha and Kawasaki. Yeah, but I'd say this great whiskey. Which by the way to put the cap to you look at you having your whiskey there is that Yamazaki Is that what you have there and 50 unfortunately
this is not Japanese whiskey here. But I am using the same glasses that chosen and Terry silver using that as the Glencairn glass as gltn car and is the official whiskey tasting glass. Now I have to say though, I have to say I believe chosen and Terry silver, were holding it wrong because they were holding it by the bulb. Oh, you need to hold it by the bass sound, I'd have your body temperature effect.
You would have known they're full of crap just by the way they're
their glass like you guys are holding your glass. Yes.
Well, that's wonderful. And they also have because chosen, you know, he's the guest of honor. So Silver has filleted humble from the home country ready for him so they opened it up now they never really do much eating that always drives me crazy in these types of seeing I know there may be a bite if that because I don't think there was a bite here and I'm I'm always waiting for like, oh yeah, this is no food gets neglected and shows and movies. It's like oh my Come on. It was like someone spent forever on that. And they actually had to go get it and prepare it but what
but but at least they don't have any obviously empty cups.
That's true. So have you sow ever had this 50 year old whiskey or filleted hammer?
I've never had the hammer. I've never had 50 year old whiskey but I have had the Suntory whiskey and I gotta tell you that was next level
even $2 Whiskey and that glass tastes good right?
This glass up it takes the occasion takes
the well and turns it to top shelf. I love it.
Well yes. And so silver also
asked chosen how long he's been in the valley and chosen says the year not true. He's been there a few weeks but so I want to ask you the same question. How long has Salvatore Rodriguez been in the valley?
One of the things I love about Cobra Kai, is that how it honors the valley? It gives it the honor, it gives you honor to the San Fernando Valley because the San Fernando Valley was once the thing it was once a thing they made movies about it. Yeah, the day the Karate Kid of valley girl, etcetera. Oh, yeah, fast times. I feel like the valley Fast Times at Ridgemont. Hello. My older siblings, they were Valley girls, you know, so I feel like the Valley has lost some of its Mystique being swallowed by greater Los Angeles. So I love this show how it honors the valley. I have lived in the valley most of my life but was actually born in Los Angeles proper. I was actually born over the hill in Hollywood. I was actually born in I was born in East Hollywood is where I was born. Okay, I like Hollywood. Okay, I was born in East Hollywood. But just by chance on the way to the hospital. Then I came back home to the valley so I lived in the valley but was born in Hollywood then came back to the valley. So my entire life. I've lived in the valley but was born on the freeway in the backseat of a car on the 101 freeway. No. Yeah, near the bar on the one on one. I was born on the one on one for you. One on one baby. Yeah, I'm a 101. Baby. Exactly. Because they were all the way to the hospital. Apparently. I didn't know that. Yeah, that's amazing. Um, now I've always fantasized about finding that car if I could find that car. Imagine driving the car you were born in. That would be amazing. Or we're just the exact spot that would be interesting to find that spot to my mother has been no help though.
That's amazing. Well, I love that story. But also the movie licorice pizza came out not too long ago, Paul Thomas Anderson, all in the valley. So there are movies that are really that's great movie. And it's really just highlights the valley much like we're talking about. But silver and chosen connect over their rivalries. And their rival sow in this instance, is Daniel Russo. Silver mentioned him by name, and we know chosen his rival from the credit card party because they show a clip of it here. So it's like, I love how it all goes back to Daniel Russo. Well, so now we're back at the green hole. And FBI agents Johnny and Robbie enter and they look like FBI agents. They come in to smokes there. The lady did not belong there. They do not belong there. Hector's informed immediately Yeah. But it's not a walkie talkie. I think it's it's on his phone. Yeah, but and then he quickly looks at Miguel who's you know, innocent Miguel. accuses him
well, because coincidentally this is this mysterious stranger shows Yeah,
i Hey, there's an FBI guys here Ah, man federal what's what the heck. Looks at Miguel accuses and checks him for a wire.
By the way. This is where we see the turn. Because yes, for this moment. It's been very, and we don't
know, you know, accommodating. Yes, it's
good for the gentleman until right now.
And then he checks him for a wire. Of course, Miguel has no wire and then grabs his phone sound. Yep. Yep. Just checking things. Of course. It's just like innocent photos of Samantha and him and it's like, and then he realizes bad judgment. But we know, bad guy.
Yeah. Because again, he does that switch. You know,
he doesn't? Well,
he doesn't he does. Very good acting, very good acting, he does a switch where it's almost like he becomes a different person. You know what I mean? Those people, those are the people by the way, the actor does a great job. Those people who kind of can become different people. Those are the scary people. Yeah, that guy that was making you dinner earlier. This is not him. Now. There's another guy now
for a minute, just for a minute. And then he goes back in but you can't put the genie back in the bottle because Miguel has seen this. He can't unsee it. Yeah, very hurtful and painful. He apologizes. And then they leave because he doesn't want to be anywhere near these female body inspectors. Yes. And so Miguel immediately knows like, there's a crack in the armor. My mom has warned me by him being a bad guy. Now. I see. It's possible, right? Yeah. And it's deflating. But now we see Johnny and Ravi and they spot Miguel. Very briefly across the you know, this ring where they have their MMA matches. But he is confronted by the wolf and Sal, it's karate verse MMA Sal's dream.
This was a very special episode, really, because one of the reasons why I enjoy the martial arts and enjoy watching boxing down Brazilian jujitsu now is because of my early years watching UFC. So UFC got me into watching other forms of MMA, which then now I appreciate the individual disciplines more now as a result of becoming a fan of MMA back in 93 By the way, before they even called it MMA, there was no name for it back then, because you legitimately had a wrestler against the boxer, a taekwondo guy against a jujitsu guy and you To actually have disciplines against each other, so there was not even a thing as MMA back then. I don't even think people started calling it MMA until maybe the early turn of the century, I think, yeah, 2005 Maybe, maybe.
Well, it's great. And Johnny also has
a nickname. What was that? Yeah, the guy says some the announcer says something
white lightning. I love it. And he gets into a fight with the wolf. And they're going tit for tat, MMA verse karate, you know, one guy's up and other guys up. It's a good battle. It's a great fight. It's just one on one in a Robbie's not jumping in. Other guys are holding him back. And then White Lightning. He's gone down south, he's gone down to the wolf, but Robbie does what?
This was so fantastic. And to piggyback on the victory at the, the hot pepper contest. So Robbie throws the pepper to Johnny, drag on, drag on. And then when he squeezes it into the guy's eyeballs, yep. Holy cow, I hope that guy can see.
Exactly that is dangerous. He doesn't do his eyes. The guy gives up, white lightning wins. Now I gotta say, that juice that pepper, the oils are all over his hands and Robbie's hands. So let's hope they also cleaned up, because they brought that thing out with tongs earlier.
Okay, if you have hot pepper on your hands, and this happened to me once, obviously, you don't want to touch your eyes. That's obvious, but you don't want your people to touch their face. You know what you also don't want to do? Yes, I once had hot pepper on my hands and use the restroom. And then forgot all about and then 10 minutes later. Oh, my God.
Hello, don't I did the same thing with icy hot once. And never again. Never again. Knock it. But I love how this fight comes to a close because the eyes are burning the wolves in trouble. Johnny does a great spinning roundhouse Knockout Game over. So the wolf was going to find in this bank match. He beats him before he gets in the match. So this is the match. It's like Rocky five, they took it to the streets. It didn't even have the fight. So I love it great. Now betting had to be crazy. All the gambling on the fight to be maybe there was quick side betting on this new fight. But what a wonderful scene.
I liked that kick to like I tried to figure out. I mean, I'm assuming that that was at least partially a stockman on that. But I'll tell you
it looked like Johnny Lawrence. No, it looked really Zabka it's almost a tornado kick, but not quite. He kind of does it 360 Then he hits him with the Roundhouse. So there's lots of variations, but it was really well executed and a good way to end this fight. For sure.
William Zabka is a career martial artist. Is he not?
I know he was further advanced than Ralph Macho. Yes, he was more of an athlete or at least what I've read. Now maybe he did study a post Karate Kid or even during right he's learning from our one of our favorite referees of all time.
Sure. Patty Johnson, Penny Johnson. So
maybe he then made it part of his life. I don't know. I don't know how far he went with it. But we
you know what, Jason? Well, you and I have come so far with let's talk Cobra Kai, that I'm forgetting some of the early stuff, you know, yeah, it's been that long.
Let's revisit. So now we're at Silver's house, and he's taken chosen to a sword collection. So again, they skipped out on this dinner, right? Grab your drink.
Come with me. Yeah, not even one bite, not even one bite, sword collection,
and he shows him his prized possession with this one amazing sword. And it translates this particular sword to honored brother chosen knows that translation, which is great. So these guys are bonding sow and silver shares, not his whole plan, but he shares part of it and his plan is to make Cobra Kai and karate synonymous to Starbucks and coffee. And so I mentioned something just like this on our first episode. Ever. What's we did the Karate Kid, scene by scene breakdown way way way back in 2019 I was saying that. I thought Cobra Kai was so cool the name and the brand. And I loved Miyagi dough in the movie as a kid but Cobra Kai was just I'm surprised that someone didn't make it the dojo like Chipotle or Starbucks across the country. I'm surprised they didn't just roll them out. Maybe because they were such a bad guys and they go down in the movie but still it just could have lit up like fire because we do know that martial arts exploded after Karate Kid. I mean this happens when you have something that impactful it changes industries. I remember reading recently that in this is hilarious such a different time but The Love Boat the TV show, check Change travel, you know, people took cruises. That show made it like, Honey, let's do this thing. These things have an impact on our culture. And I just thought, man, somebody could have probably done that. Now maybe it was a licensing thing or whatever. So I love that Terry silver is doing it here. I mean, I don't love it, but part of me loves it. You know what I mean? Like it's happening, but it's happening in the wrong hands.
But I like how you mentioned a Lebo because, you know, JAWS kick people out of the water and Lebo brought him back in. Yeah,
absolutely. Jaws made it well, it's ruined me from swimming in the ocean too far. But anyway, great scene here. And silver right here. So you see it. He wants a right hand, man. He says so. And I don't think he's testing chosen. I mean, to a degree because he's seeking that,
but you don't think that he's on the chosen? or suspicious? Still? Not yet? Not yet. Okay.
Very close. So chosen accepts this job and not just probably as just another sensitive but probably like Top New sensei. Yes. Because he's just, you know, he's got the tie in, he knows. Tang sudo. And he just there's something about chosen that it's relatable to silver. And then they toast to righting the wrongs of the past and coming back on top a lot of toast about the past this episode. Hey, have a toast while we're at it. Toast to the past episode, so and then they say chosen says Connie. And that's his toast. And then of course, silver says the same. Leave it at that To be continued.
So we assume that's something that people say in Japan like cheers. That's like cheers, right? Yeah.
It's like cheers. Yeah. So now we are at Castillo Escondido bar now. So this is the very same bar that Miguel faced the thugs from last episode. And, you know, takes one guy put them in a bar are both
this is the same place. Yes. Where the guys are playing poker. They did say
up above it said Casteel Escondido. I'm putting bar on there because they walked in. He serves a drink. So they're hiding out Hector has the keys because SAO, he owns it or he controls it, or whatever it goes into the register also goes in the register like he does. He's too comfortable. It has to be his Sure. And Hector, of course, has a gun, put the gun on the counter. And that's it. So immediately, Miguel is like all the signs are here. Like, oh, my God is pouring drinks. And he shares more about Ecuador. Yeah. And once you say, or what do you get into?
Well, he talks about how he was basically chased out of Ecuador. At least he feels that way. Because he was successful. That's what his story anyway, right? So successful businessman. Yes. Yeah. And then he also mentions Maria and she's only with him for his money. He says
exactly. That. It's like that already, like ruins that facade. And like, oh, yeah, okay, that's just like, nothing happening here. Yeah, then go on.
He says, As men, we think of these things. He says, she really wants me for my money. Well, we don't know that. That's just his insecurity. Maybe, maybe she really loves him, you know, but his insecurities I actually wants to borrow money, because you know, he's really insecure, not thinking that somebody could actually love them. That's not even necessarily insecure. That has to do with like, a low self worth, like, how could somebody love me? You know, like, I'm such a terrible person. So this woman may love you, but you're like, yeah, she just wants me for my money. So he dismisses her, whereas maybe she does literally want to be with him because of love. Not materialism.
But he also talks about Carmen and Rosa. He doesn't
mention names, but we know. Exactly, yeah. You know, it's her is x
and her mother. And so they weren't happy. I was successful. I was chasing business. So Miguel is just starting to see the truth.
What Miguel learns is this man who has obviously led a scandalous life, and there's been some crimes committed, has no regrets. No, right. Yeah, he would not change a thing. That's exactly right. So in other words, losing that marriage, whatever it meant nothing in the name of business. Yeah. So this moment, what Miguel experiences here is he experiences a revelation. It's painful, but it's also cathartic. Because what he finds here is what I found when I sat down with my dad, when I was my late 20s. I had a very pleasant dinner with my dad. I was in my late 20s. I heard his side of the story, not my mother's but you'd never heard never heard his side. It was amazing. It was a very nice evening he and I had but what I experienced that night was the realization and the acceptance that I will never get that father. Yeah, because he has a new family. Yeah, that's a whole nother thing. But whatever I thought I could get or whatever I thought I could rekindle or recapture or just get it was not happening. So because it was not happening there. realization was that's where the healing takes place, then because whatever I'm seeking, I'm not going to get it. Yeah. So therefore, forget it. Let me just seek, you know, wholeness and happiness in other things rather than trying to repair some relationship that really never was, you know, it never was there.
And that's very relatable here because Miguel is devastated inside, you can see it, he can't even hide his emotions on his face. And he leaves. And you know, I was like, Okay, it's good seeing the kid. He doesn't know what's his son.
I'm surprised you let him go so early. Yeah, I'm glad after all that, you know, after all that,
well, you realize is he's just a kid, you know, and he has no agenda.
He's not with the FBI.
I mean, part of me, I don't feel for Hector, because he is such a bad guy and Carmen had her reasons. And I guess if he knew he had his son, maybe bad things could come of it, because he'd be mad. He could retaliate. All these things, but he never really knows that. That's his son.
But you know, when Miguel says he's leaving, and then Hector says something to the effect of, oh, you're leaving. In other words, like everybody leaves me, right? Exactly. Yeah. Oh, you leave to a matter of time. Yeah. So in there, we learn that yes, he's a bad man. Yes. He's done bad things. Yes. But he's also a very sad and lonely man. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And that's what made me then feel. Yes, I don't excuse him, but I do feel a little sorry for him
a little bit. So as Miguel walks out, he calls Carmen. And so Oh, this was so good. It was Wow, tear jerker.
Oh my God. Now we've been calling them Zolo mighty the winner, but I've heard him say, it's like a CH almost show low. It was like a it's like an sh Shola Madonna. Okay, so Sholeh mighty the one. Yeah. Holy cow. Great job. Wow, great job.
Miguel calls Carmen. And they're both very emotional. Because he's telling her like, basically, she was right. Yeah. You know, he figured it out. And he's apologizing to her. And this is real emotion. I mean, yes. Carmen is also very teary eyed. And it's beautiful. But Miguel is doing the heavy lifting here. Sure. And then he looks up. And what is he seeing?
Johnny? Johnny shows up, pops out of the eagle Fang van. And wasn't Johnny kind of little a little
ending there taking it in. I mean, talk about timing. It's perfect timing. Now, this is all happening with Hector, like five feet away. So
this is happening right in front of the store. And I was waiting for Hector to come out. Right. And I was waiting for him to come out. Hit us. But no, no, no, no, he's in there drinking tequila.
And this is truly, in my opinion, one of the show's all time beautiful moments, because it's all this emotion. It's what we just talked about. And Johnny goes over and Hammond Miguel embrace. And he tells his mother, he's coming home. And it's just this beautiful moment. And they don't say much but just enough and then Robbie even stops, but he stops in the background. And Miguel sees him. It doesn't even faze him. He's just loved and he's with who he should be with.
And you can tell the look on Robbie's face was here. Yeah.
You know, his heart is full. He's respectful of the scene. Yeah.
He's respecting their relationship. That's what he's doing. Yeah.
It's great, man. It is one of the most beautiful moments. No doubt.
It was really great. It was really great.
So good end of the show on that, but no, the show always has more. It always has that one more scene and I'm not complaining. So we're back at Cobra Kai. Torre arriving with trophy Sal. This is the scene I was waiting for. I'm like, Oh my gosh, how's this gonna go? We saw her in that kind of inner cutscene during the monologue, you know, with Daniel unchosen and she's contemplating, you know what she's going to do with this having honor. But Sal, she's not quitting Cobra Kai.
No. And this I was surprised to see. Because, you know, after the conversations we've chosen, right, I think she's gonna go in there and be like, I'm out. I'm out.
Right. Done. Yeah, no, but no. She's going to continue. And it's going to be Terry Nichols. Karate. No, I don't know. But then she sees no one else. And silver says no class a day. Got some other things to attend to. So no class. Okay. So she leaves chosen comes in. He arrives. And so what happens?
And he's unsuspecting. He's there for class, right? Yeah. Totally. Yeah. And what's happened is he's ambushed. Chosen gets ambushed by all the senses.
Yeah, silver picks up on it, and calls him chosen. Oh, so he
chosen and chosen didn't go into denial he didn't go into now, who are you talking about chosen? Who's What is this chosen?
He picked up on it when they had the Centauri because they had the Centauri you know and the sword room right? Yes. And is it cheers when they were doing their chairs? Yeah. And in Kyoto they don't do the Okinawa, Okinawa, they do karate. But in Kyoto they do. Come by, come by. And he knew immediately right that in there, and you can if you watch it the second time, and I did, like, oh yeah, there's the moment. There's the moment he's like, disappointed. In boxing, they
call it a tail. And that
was it. Yeah. Silver new. And you watch it again. It's like, yeah, that moment. And then he obliged. And he said, Kati, as well. And he was just like, this guy. I gotta look into this guy. Because this doesn't add up
there. In other words, chosen had silver fooled until that moment. I think so. So chosen out of him say,
until then, yeah, yeah, he did.
Well, like you said, remember Daniel Warren chosen? Hey, now he'll catch on to us. He'll set
a trap. And if you fall into it, you just do a compiler, and you're good, but he didn't know the way of Kyoto because he is Okinawa. Yes. And then silver, not stopping there on outing him. No. He gets six and says oh six and says we talked about last episode from various dojos who are coming here to help run Cobra Kai underneath. Silver's tutelage? Yes. And he gets six essays to take on one chosen and south. I absolutely loved this fight.
I liked that little prep the chosen did. He's ready, man. He's ready. Yeah, getting rich
sequence is. I mean, I love that fight earlier with Johnny but this is more like my style. Like this isn't just for laughs This is Miyagi dough at work. You know you don't want to fight but if you have to fight when there you go, and chosen takes them out without getting hit. Once. Mr. Miyagi style.
And I loved the look on Terry Silver's face. Oh, yeah. I love his look, man. Because you know, Terry silver is thinking, holy shit. This dude. I'm in trouble.
Exactly. And he's like, okay, okay, this guy isn't next level. I'm gonna have to do something. And so, after he best the last guy. He goes over to silver. I think it's gonna keep going. I'm like, you know, he's in trouble. It was his great choice is going to do these paralysis moves. You know, all those amazing things that we've learned over the seasons. But he approaches silver. And what does he say?
Sorry, Jason. Why didn't chosen just kick Silver's ass? I don't know kick their ass is my honor. Okay. All right. Chosen I gotta tell you I have to get used to the the new and improved because the old chosen just would have kicked Terry Silver's ass write that in there. So yeah, this is a little more calm and cool and collected chosen. Now we draw a line. No more expansion. No more senseis no challenge Miyagi dough. Do not come near Lucille family. You cross line. You will beg for mercy. Oh, I like that you will beg for mercy silver
says no. I
like someone tells Terry silver you will beg for mercy. No so awesome. And silver
says nothing. He just looks on with this bigger turn silver and the screen in the background if you saw that. Huge shot of his head says nothing but the gauntlet has been thrown down. And then Cobra Kai episode 206. The moral says been outed but it's game time.
I did want him to be in the Cobra Kai house. For a while I wanted him to be there.
I know it's true this season. If things do get resolved very quickly. There's so many things happening. You're I wouldn't have mind if this was season one. He would have been there for three or four episodes. If not a season.
Yeah, a whole season hiding out in their dojo, but still a great episode and really chose I do like
how he's found out. I like how he's found out the whole, you know, Kati, I like that a lot. Oh, yeah.
plays great. It's just things happen more rapidly. But a great episode and it leads me to episode three and how I consume this, which I know I've talked about before. I know I went right to the next one because it's like, oh my gosh, I end with chosen entering Cobra Kai and now this episode ends with him being ousted and saying the line is drawn no more messing with Rousseau's. So I went right to the next episode.
Sure. And these episodes, they're fairly short and when I say that, I mean even compared to other content. I just got done watching Stranger Things last season. Man some of those episodes are long, you know they're long. These episodes are short.
Oh, exactly. So yeah, I knocked out the next one because I wanted to know but then you kind of want to stop and like think about it because I could have just kept going. But you're absolutely right. You watch the show like Stranger Things or Ozark I love that show binge In that show, it's just exhausting. Because it's, you know, 45 5060 minute episodes, sometimes it's like, and it's a lot of heaviness and darkness. This is like, oh my gosh, this is fun. Let's keep going. It's built for this kind of consumption, which is great. But I also yearn for the movies, because the movies have their own shelf life. And they exist in this long form. And I love that too. Right? There's something beautiful about a movie. So well, that'd be four episodes. I know. But they're built differently. Like, you can take more. Here. You don't see movies, ping pong back and forth with this many fast scenes, it's a different thing. And they're both Well,
let me just ask you this. Can you take could one take four episodes of Cobra Kai and just make it into a two hour movie? And it would kind of feel you'd have the pacing would be different. Would it be? Because I don't get that break? Yeah. And you
couldn't have these two minute scenes. I mean, it would just be a different thing. But for the show the series this works, this is how it needs to build up keeps you going. You always want more you never go, oh my god, what more how many people out there I should ask people have ever despised an episode. And just figure to get back to it. Now you just make it to the end and then go watch the next one later. You don't want to stop these want to start it it's like and if you don't pause Netflix or tell them at the end of an episode, you don't want to go to the next you're gonna keep going. So it's beautifully constructed. Well done, show runners, everybody involved and this was a great episode. So Sal to on the books. Eight to go my friend.
They're gonna go by so fast. And I'm going to enjoy each one and I had a good time today. Thank you Jason. This was a very fun episode. Very exciting. And yeah, I want more I definitely want me too.
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