Good afternoon. It is now three o'clock PM. And so we'll call this meeting of the Board of police commissioners to order. It is clear that we don't yet have a quorum, but yet we will begin with the word of invocation. And that will be offered to us by Commander chaplain, Mr. Leslie Walker, who will be joining us by zoom.
Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much for the opportunity to come and pray for this august body of believers. We thank God for this time we're going to pray. Father in Jesus name we thank you for your goodness, mercy and grace, we ask that you lead and guide this board of police commissioner's meeting with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Father give us even though a spirit to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. And we reviewed every spirit that will come in to cause disagreement, or confusion or division in Jesus name. Now, Father, we thank you now that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every time to rise up against them and judgment shall be condemned. If there's healing needed, there's healing. If there's deliverance needed, there's deliverance and we give you praise now in the name that's above every name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Jesus name, thank God. Amen.
Thank you so very much for your words of invocation. At this time, we'll move forward by asking our ACTING BOARD SECRETARY to provide us with the incoming correspondence as well as announcements. Mr. Brown,
you're good afternoon this afternoon. Currently, we have three administrative leave without paying from the chief authorities offering we have a FOIA request waiver and we have an LAPD Oh, I did sufficient activity report the report from the OCR report from after they announced that to be up to three ministers in a 30 point 24th is located here the safety reporters and the next community meeting is Thursday, June 13 37 prints that will be hosted at Detroit Edison public school academy auditorium. That address is 1903 Working Street, point 207 Among the committee meeting for the scheduled for May 2024. At this time, we have a meeting I believe I have that date for a meeting that may be coming up in the end of May, sir so as of now that's the announcements.
Okay. If we can get confirmation on that day before today's meeting ends, we will make sure that we communicate that thank you. Okay, so now, noting that we have completed the items that we can do under an amended agenda we still are yet waiting on one more commissioner to arrive. And so we will move forward to oral communication for those who have already signed up.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair. Good afternoon. Our first speaker will be Miss Shanita Williams, former commissioner of reginal Crawford and Lieutenant Mark Young.
Hello, everyone. Hello. So I'm going to I'm going to continue to talk about my rate in last week I left off the person that raised me and I was also talking about the gift cards and the way they are covering up my rate and I'm gonna say it. Officers police officers, not the whole Detroit Police Department. I found out about the one 800 Number they have for Cash App gift cards and all this stuff. So the man who raised me, I was his caregiver and he was on drugs. And apparently they did not know that he was going drugged me and raised me so like I said, I'm going to continue to talk about my rape, why they continue to try to cover up my right, that's not acceptable. And something needs to be done. I've been speaking about this over and over again constantly. Concerning the illegal corruption of Detroit police officers in the city. And also they are working together to city workers socking me I'm at a shelter so yesterday, it was a helicopter follow me for 45 minutes. I'm going to make a police report the other day they are communicating with DLT drivers because it was a shift change that just second reason. I'm very familiar with the officers vehicles because I've been complaining about officers following me in a civilian cars over a year. So I can go to any Detroit police precinct and pick out the civilian I mean, officers civilian vehicles. Like I told the turnover fears before and I'm quite sure I got I come to OCI all the time to make these complaints concerning the illegal corruption in no one. No, I'm not getting the hell concerned. Am I right? And something needs to be done, period.
All right. We do now have a quorum and so we will return to our a standing agenda and public comment will come as we move forward through the agenda. But at this time we'll have the introduction of commissioners by acting secretary brown
chairperson Presley here, but Sir person Smith, present Commissioner are missing a banks Commissioner bail present district for missing a burden present who isn't a card missing the more or missing Hernandez? Missing woods.
right with that we do indeed have a quorum. And so now we'll move to the approval of the May 23 2024 agenda before we do so because I have to leave early today. I'm asking that if there is no objection that we can move new business directly after the board of police commissioners report. Is there any objection to that change? The Hearing none the chair now entertain a motion to approve. Yes Commissioner Burt
I recommend that we keep the agenda the way it is today. Okay, and
so there has been an objection stated. So now the chair entertain a motion to move new business directly after the board of police commissioner's offices report. So is there a second back? It's been properly moved and seconded. Is there any discussion? Hearing no discussion? All those in favor please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. Right The eyes have it in so now we move on to the approval. Of the May 23 2024 agenda with this amendment. Is there any objection to the agenda? Hearing none the agenda is approved as amended. Now we'll move on to the approval of the minutes for May 16. So we'll start with the approval of the minutes from May 16 to 2024 Is there any objection to the approval of these minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved. We had several closed sessions last week, which requires the approval of the minutes of these closed sessions. And so we began with the approval of the closed session minutes for police officer Caleb Williams from May 16 2024. Is there any objection? To the approval of these minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved. Now we'll move on to the approval of closed session minutes for police officer Glenn binds may 16 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of these minutes? Hearing none these minutes shall be approved. Next we'll move on to the approval of the closed session minutes for candidate Koren. Crowley, May 16 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of these minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved. And then lastly, the approval of closed session. minutes for candidate Dr. Reese Kane, May 16 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of these minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved. And now we'll move on to the introduction of the LPC staff Chief of Police elected officials or representatives as well as community leaders by acting secretary Brown. That's
no listen to your current we have with us Chief Investigator Warfield. And it's definitely the elders on Zoom. This Candice Hayes Miss John yonder would miss Jasmine Taylor, Miss Teresa blossom? Miss Artesia Mojo Joshua as ASL interpreters Miss Yakata and Miss Joyce Washington. supervisee investigator Ainsley Cromwell DPD HR director Katrina Pattillo. Mr. Don Handyside is the court reporter and media services doing a video and audio along with Sidney and his chief white James White. Mr. Murray overall state representative tarots Carla's office Mr. Don Davis, Office of council members phrase do Hall The third office, formal commission with original Crawford form commission William Davis, Lieutenant Mark young LSA President and Mr. Ron Thomas de Bie. Vice President.
Okay, thank you. We're grateful for everyone's attendance today and it is our hope that it will add to the productivity of today's meeting. And now we'll move on to the board of police commissioner's offices report. Is there anything to be shared by commissioners? Hearing none, we now will move to the amended agenda, which calls for new business? Well, we have the personnel and training committee memorandum by the chair of that committee, Commissioner Hernandez,
thank you so much. So I don't actually have the memorandum in front of me. But we met on yesterday, the 22nd of May. We had a full representation in the form of commissioners, banks, commissioners Carter and myself. The main agenda item that we covered was regarding the vacancy with the board secretary position, as this body fully knows and as we voted a few weeks ago to move it into personnel and training. The ultimate recommendation that we came out with was to redo or enhance the current job description to make it more comparable with the executive director role that we're actually trying to fill. And so there there are a few items, action items that need to follow through in partnership with HR, but we're scoping over the next two weeks to be able to not only enhance the job description, but also posted on city HR for a two week period. So no longer going with the I advantage firm that we retain prior. A few factors that lead into that consideration was primarily if if we were to retain an additional firm, as this body knows and as you've been briefed before, we would have to go through a bidding process through procurement that would take at minimum 90 days. And so we obviously don't have that luxury. So with that, I'll make a motion that which which is out of committee, I'll make a motion. So by recommendation of personnel and training committee by recommendation of personnel and training committee, I'll make a motion that we upgrade and enhance the current job description for board secretary and ultimately repost the position under city HR for a two week period. Okay,
noting that that is a motion that comes out of committee it does not require a second, but is there any discussion? Just for clarification on a timeline. So we're hoping to have the updated position description in two weeks and then two weeks from there. It will be posted on City's HR. So
we're targeting to have it actually are through the chair. We're actually targeting the habit on June 4. So we'll have a personnel and training committee meeting there. And we anticipate having every stakeholder that we might need from HR prepared beforehand on that date so that we can finalize and ultimately post immediately the next day. So I'm anticipating at the soonest I'm hoping for the fifth of June. That would be that Tuesday, in about a week and a half that it will be posted that it would be posted for a two week period from that moment.
Okay, any further questions or discussion?
To the chair Commissioner Burton? Like to know have personnel and training I have looked at the other applicants from the search firm that also apply for that position and have they considered possibly interviewing them as well given them? You know, the opportunity to you know you know, to come before the board, we may have someone within that pool. And so that's the question that I have this at this time
through the Chair if I could already hit so I'll actually just remind this body that we actually had two guests yesterday, two commissioners who are guests, including Commissioner Burton, as well as Commissioner more online. So as I briefed yesterday, the the current pool of applicants which is just north of 65 applicants that came in via HR and also in partnership with the AI Advantage Group. Those ultimately went through a very traditional review, which is typical of HR. That's how we ended up landing on the seven candidates which then personnel and training narrowed down to three. So in looking at the entire pool of candidates we don't have unfortunately a pool of candidates that might be adequate to serve in the capacity of board secretary. So because of those factors, and because of the how critical it is that we actually fill this vacancy. That's why we're deciding to move forward. It's going to be the most expeditious way that we can actually accomplish. filling the role.
Okay, any further discussion? hearing no further discussion again, it's by recommendation of the personnel and training committee that we update the position description for board secretary and have that to be ready to be posted. The beginning of June. So all those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. All right, the eyes have it That motion passes. Let the record reflect the commissioner woods as you joined us. Is there any further new business?
Yeah, right here Mr. Chair,
Mr. Banks.
I was speaking on this last week, but I I guess I spoke at a turn so but I want to speak on it again this week because I didn't get it all out last week. You know, Rory gamble Commissioner where we Commissioner Rory Gam has left and we have some commission we have some capable leaders that follow this board Minister Eric blunt, Commissioner William Davis. Scotty Bowman, and Richie Crawford. That stands for justice. Can the mayor Can we get a message to the mayor to look into these people that maybe bring them on? Bring them on board? Possibly.
I'm not quite clear what you are asking to be the action of the board, as the replacement of vacated seats for this commission is within the purview of the mayor. Right. But it would be interview it's well within your rights. Allow me to continue to speak Commissioner banks as well within your rights as a city commissioner to share that communication with the mayor and whatever capacity that you see fit. Thank
you. Yeah, no problem. And I get one more. Yes. All right. You know, we need our own attorney. The Board needs his own attorney, not an attorney. That works for the city of Detroit. The board needs to become more independent. Well, we need our own attorney. That's ours.
Okay, good. The chair, relation
to burden I like to make a motion at this time and I actually agree with McCauley from District Three. Commissioner Cedric banks. I like to move that we pose the board's attorney position because it has been 90 days and I feel that this you know this, this will be a good time to do that, that we post deposition along with the other positions.
It's been properly moved and seconded that we post the board's attorney position. Is there any discussion? Yes. Commissioner Hernandez.
Thank you. Again, I'll through the chair. I'll remind everyone that's present, including those who are present yesterday. That was actually one of the questions that came up from Commissioner banks in committee. That's an action item that I think right now is entirely premature to vote on, especially a motion to be able to vote or to actually post a position entirely premature. We still have a review of confirming when the actual tenure began for a current sitting board attorney to be able to determine when that 90 day period actually expires. So I'm very happy to take that item under personnel and training. But right now it would be entirely premature
to chair Commissioner banks and then Commissioner burden, Mr. Banks
that 90 days should have been expired a while ago. Isn't it expired?
I'm confident that the 90 days as in Spanish buyer, yes, I
remember. Yeah. I remember once you came in, it's been well past 90 days.
Okay. We've come to an agreement on that Commissioner Burton, buta
chair. You know, I do not serve on that committee on personnel and training. I brought my motion to the full board at the full table. And it was definitely properly seconded by my fellow commissioner and district seven, the Honorable Commissioner Ricardo more. I like to call for the vote. Mr. Chairman, Mr.
There a second. Second, spin problem moving second for call for the vote. And so all those in favor please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. All right, the eyes have it. Now we move to a vote on posting the board's attorney position. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Get a roll call please. A roll call vote has been called mission. I mean, Acting Secretary Brown?
Yes. Chairperson Presley? No.
Commissioner Bates? Yes. Mr. Baier? Oh, Commissioner Bowden. Yes. Commissioner Moore Yes. Mr. Hernandez now? Commissioner woods? No.
Right with three yes votes and five no votes that motion fails. And so to be clear, my opposition to that motion is just as Commissioner Hernandez said that it's premature. We had documentation on what actually that description it looks like. We still have to have conversations about the budget allocation for how much we would pay that individual. And so you know, I am in line. Once we get done with this board secretary position sending that to our personnel and training committee to do that due diligence for us. So again, that we're clear on what we're actually hiring for. So again, I encourage us to return to this matter after we've concluded on our board secretary woods,
I said oh sentiments as well. You know we don't want to make a motion each ours decision and we want to do our due diligence to make sure that we are in Ottawa. Right. Thank
you any further comments or any further new business? Hearing none, we will now move to the chief of police report chief White So good
afternoon. Honorable board. If it pleases the board, I would like to submit an abbreviated crime report today to get into the incidents occurring on May 19. Regarding the protests and it's fine. homicides are down 24% non fatal shootings are down 23% robberies are down 29% Total part one crime for the city of Detroit. is down 11% And that's inclusive of a 56% reduction in carjackings, outstanding work by the men and women of the Detroit Police Department. And on that vein to begin with, I want to thank all the members of the Detroit Police Department who work day in and day out to keep our citizens safe. Keep this entire city safe those who live work and visit our city. I do want to spend some time on incidents that occurred on May 19. Regrettably, the department but let me start over when I'm going to talk about the I want to give you the subject matter the protests of May 19. Regrettably department has come across several issues arising out of the protests event on May 19. It started with as we are all very well aware a video that went viral involving one of our lieutenants. In that video, the lieutenant said to a protester, one of the protesters on the front line want to leave protesters to go back to Mexico. Like many people I was outraged by the statement and directed that an immediate investigation take place, particularly out of concern that there was some type of racial animus directed at the protester, you will know that the protester and subsequent video you see them going back and forth. And you see that the protests are indicated that she was not in fact, even Mexican. But was still frustrated was no, regardless of your nationality, those are certain terms that you do not use. But in doing an investigation, we wanted to know what happened the lieutenant's position and others was that he was commenting on the fact that she had just returned from a vacation evidence later surface that provided that context that he did, in fact go to Mexico and that he was responding to her albeit inappropriately, directing comments at her to go back to the vacation that she had just come back from where she was having a good time. Despite his revelation, I remain concerned about the lieutenant's conduct, the way that he was presenting, certainly at the frontline, certainly as a lieutenant certainly as a person who's responsible for setting an example and leading men and women of the Detroit Police Department. But let me say that Stern, there's no doubt that there were at least two protesters that were lobbing insults at Lieutenant Cole and other officers and certainly when you've got somebody in that emotional moment those those comments will evoke emotion. I will like to bring some clarification on one thing. One of the protesters the lead protester did not make comments about his spouse. It was someone in close proximity but was not video revealed that we looked at that it was not, in fact, the lead protester who made those comments, but certainly we understand that there could be an emotional response when somebody is on the front line. But at the end of the day, that's not an excuse. I mean, we are trained specifically to deal with that type of conduct that type of tilt that type of commentary. When we were in the academy, our TAC officers are yelling at and officers and in their face not to to haze them, but to teach them how to to deal with people who are yelling and you cannot react like like a regular citizen. Our piece cannot be broken. We're police officers are just the way it is. Is training as important because at the end of the day, person can't be disorderly to a police officer. Our uniforms often serve as our soundboard. Some may say that's unreasonable, but that's what this comes with. That's what we do. But moving on yesterday, I was brief regarding additional video that has surfaced this additional video revealed an altercation with a separate protester giving rising concern of bias based policing. I saw something in there in that in that commentary to another protester. That was very, very concerning. Details of the interaction with transmitted to the board of police commissioners, I'll be late last night, but we by the time we finished up everything, so I don't know if this honorable bodies had a chance to look at it yet. It was very late in the evening that we did that exercise, my authority to suspend with pay and I'll be submitting to dishonorable body of suspension without pay. Once again, I want to emphasize that our officers do a great job at protests. I mean, we we have shown that we have worked very hard. We have also implemented a number of changes in policy since the protests of a couple years ago. This is pretty much the largest protest we've had in the past couple years. What was unique about this protest is that in large part, it was a stationary protest. We learned a lot. We're going to continue to look at some things that we can do better one of the things that I'm going to implement, I'm going to bring grandpa up very quickly, just to give you a couple of things that we're changing right away. But one of the things in the stationary protests that I think is important is that rotation of the front line, the front line that those officers stayed there in the heat for well over an hour, interacting directly with a relatively hostile group. That's not a good practice. You need to rotate those those folks off that front line and get a fresh set of eyes and emotions at on the front line, particularly when it's hot, particularly when you find that you are engaging like that. Ironically, the person should have did that as the lieutenant and the captain and the commander who were out. The captain and Commander were there but they were engaged in other activities. And the lieutenant as we know, was engaged in the activity that brings me to this conversation today. At this time, I'd like to bring grant hop just to add a couple pieces of information before I take any questions.
With their permission, sir Carnahan. Second Deputy Chief grant ah, in regards to our department rules and regulations, our department rules and regulations require that all mobile field force members when engaged in the First Amendment related activities have their body worn cameras on and that they probably have their badge numbers and names readily apparent to the individuals that they're dealing with. Specifically, going forward, what we're going to do is we're going to mandate that our supervisors ensure that each member's body worn camera that each member is equipped with body worn camera that is operating, and that the badges and identification not I'm sorry, the badges and names are prominently displayed, if not the supervisor has responsibility to ensure that all those are done. Thank you. With
that, I'll take any questions. Obviously, before we get into questions, we know that body cameras are required. We know that they're required that we know that he should have had a body camera on and the expectation from a captain from is that if a lieutenant who was on the lead doesn't have a body camera on before they're able to even engage that should have been corrected. We are looking at everything. We're picking the whole thing apart. We're looking at other video we're not even done. There's so much video from this from cell phones that we continue to get from, from businesses in the area. So we'll be looking at everything. And with that, I'll take any questions. Mr. Chair, you
got one right here.
Commissioner banks.
Cheer, Chief. Peace and blessings to you Chief like what what category usage? Is that with that Lieutenant, with the woman from Mexico, what category not from Mexico? Just the cities. I thought he the lieutenant said told her to go back to Mexico from my assumption. That
is the correct. That is the phrase little teeny use, but he was incorrect in suggesting that through chair.
If I may. I know that this is on our agenda. Believe for closed session, is it there's no closed sessions so there is no closed session but obviously it's in our documents, probably incoming
correspondence. All right. Go right ahead commission to banks clipboards do we do we do it dissipate a closed session on this? We do as the chief has just suggested he's going to recommend suspension without pay, which is the board's prerogative to absolutely so
that is it for us to talk openly about if it's going to be a close I think
that it is within the Commission's right to be able to ask questions of the chief relative the report that he just provided. Okay, I just want to make sure if no problem was there, clarification or anything. Commissioner Banks was not done speaking yet. Are you sure? Yeah. Okay, I'll make sure Hernandez
Great. Thank you so much through the chair. I think, Chief we have a very clear example of this moment to go. The types of damage that ethnic undertones can have on a community. And so I think there's going to have to be a lot more engagement when it comes to our Hispanic and Latino community to be able to begin laying the foundation of repairing the damage that's been done. Whether it be perception, whether it be lack of information, whether it be just the fact that in today's age, people only take the sound bite and they don't peel back the layers. And I'm very, very clear and understanding that if you still remove the ethnic undertone of that engagement in that encounter, in a time when we're welcoming so many people on a national and international level as a department, the perception could be that we're not welcoming guests, that we're not welcoming demonstrators that we're not welcoming our own residents to be able to be in our own streets and it just so happens to be that it was downtown. And so I'm actually looking forward to have a very deliberate action plan and how you and your department are going to actually start laying that foundation to repair in our community, because it's very disappointing. And I understand that information is preliminary and especially you having been on this board for a few years. It's critical and then I'll remind our public that it's very critical. That information that's shared is preliminary until more more facts are gathered. And I understand that the investigation is still ongoing. But again, I can't just do away with the very clear example that we just saw a few months ago and heard really, so I appreciate it, and I look forward to some kind of debrief from you on it.
Commissioner Moore
I'm sorry, I'm a
chair. I don't disagree with anything that you said. Sadly, on the heels of probably one of the more successful moments in time that we've had in this department's history, welcoming 775,000 people to our city, with very few minor incidents happening. I'd much rather be before this body celebrating that work celebrating our historic crime reductions. We're going into June looking at some pretty good numbers with an opportunity to close out the year. And a historic rate, much like we did last year. Instead I'm talking about this and we've got a number of protocols in place to ensure that this behavior is not tolerated, or they were not followed. I can't guarantee that 2600 plus people are going to do things the right way every day but what I can commit to this board is that I'm going to hold them accountable when they don't particularly in an area still sensitive. So so very sensitive to the success and important to the success of this organization. So I hear what you're saying and I will be providing updates to this board.
Commissioner more.
Thank you Mr. Chairman. How did the lieutenant know that the young lady just came from Mexico?
Yeah. And so through the chair, condition more, we have found that there is some communication now I don't know what level of communication but we do know this. That there's she has a social media page. My understanding as I sit in front of you right now, is that it is an open page is not a private page. So perhaps he got on her page and saw that I don't know I will find out. But yes, we that's one of the things we're looking at. Cause
people are automatically linking that into your CX. Absolutely. And which brings scrutiny on a number of different levels. Go on to the body worn camera issue. I learned that there was an issue of body worn cameras couple years ago. And I learned it from a person in this room that's a lieutenant who brought it to me, because I didn't know it was as severe as it was. So I would just hope that y'all can break up this pattern of people not wearing body worn cameras because of the very severe. Sir,
can I go back? I want to address what you said about the Seahawks. Commissioner Moore you're absolutely correct. We have been scrutinized these past few days. It is illegal for us to track and what's the term I'm looking for grant store, store one more word start with to explain it
through the chair right ahead. The department does not maintain nor do we store or have a repository or database of individuals engaging in First Amendment related activities that is clearly unconstitutional. And we do not do that. How Lieutenant Cole came upon that information that is something that will have to be ferreted out during the investigation.
The SEC, thank you. The second comment is also correct. Two years ago, we had a horrible problem with body cameras we had we didn't have enough and so we would run details that would be officers out there with no body camera on and frankly, we didn't have enough an aggressive enough audit system. Since that time we have purchased over a million dollars and new body cameras. Everybody has a camera. I have already checked there was a camera available for the lieutenant. He wasn't wearing it. Other officers were he was not and that's a problem. And it's certainly a problem for a lieutenant who has to lead by example, so that other people wear body cameras. So all of this is problematic. Just
very quickly to his body armor. Was he wearing a bulletproof vest
and he's well by policy. Yes, oftentimes my understanding as as I sit here right now, and I want to preface with that because I continue to get more and more information. The heat caused him to take the vest off to cool down. I was also told that the body cameras on the vest, so I asked for all the video on the body camera when he had the vest on I have yet to receive that that's a problem for me. But going well, okay, we'll be looking at it. But with regards to the vets Yes, you should have had one if he took the vets off the cooldown and he left the line. He shouldn't have been interacting with anybody if he's on a cooldown break cooldown. But certainly he shouldn't have been interacting and then he should have been replaced by another supervisor. That's what the protocol requires. And that's what we'll be looking into.
My last question to him was regarding the statement you sent out
your mic down just for the or wouldn't even guardians think better, sir. Yes, thank
you. All right. Last question. The statement you sent out last night. I said despite the hard work with officers at the event, the recent protests was one of larger ones, which as stated we've had to deal with over the past couple of years, which has revealed deficiencies and operational unit. What are those deficiencies? Yeah, and
that's, you know, the deficiencies that I see is that I don't have a protocol I have a protocol. I don't have folks following the protocol to ensure that the lieutenant's lieutenants ones will be doing that right but Lieutenant wasn't doing it. So what we're going to do now is we're going to change that so the captain who's responsible for that unit when that when there's a protest, and people can protest whatever they want. Our job is not to tell you if you're right or wrong. Our job is to provide safety for you and provide safety for those people who are in our city. If you if one side of the street is protesting catch up and the other is protesting muster. We don't get to tell you which one tastes better. We get to stand there and we get to provide safety for both sides of the street. Now what what did not happen and what should have happened at the beginning of the protest is someone at the beginning should have said everybody's got a body camera. Everybody's got a visible badge and a visible name tag. And now you can engage that that didn't happen and so the expectation was the lieutenant would do it. Now it's going to be mandated that that the command officer does it that's on the ground, and that that is communicated and recorded in our process. The other thing that we're implementing immediately is that there will be a videographer separate and apart from the body camera that will videotape all of these interactions and I will be reviewing those videos.
Any further questions? Commission woods.
You don't see if I want to first off launch your leadership and your promptness and dealing with this issue head on. And secondly, I want to ask how many people was arrested in that protest? Thank
you for the for the comment and my the numbers that I have there were two physical arrests there was six additional detentions ticketed and released that to say
okay, so far as was any felony arrest,
one felony arrests and all the arrests have been reviewed. And I'm going to review the felony arrests again.
That's what I strongly encourage you to take a look at that. You know, because I have received a whole lot of complaints from Palestinian community and a lot of folks have felt that there was some some injustice they I don't know have you reviewed anything but I strongly urge you to take a look at of all of that. And as it relates to moving forward. Whether it be training in or in this regards. In terms of deliverable tests and things of that nature. I think that should be a part of your training through
the chair. We have some of the best trained men and women deal with protests. They do a great job, okay, this this incident doesn't represent the work that they've done. I mean, this was they've been doing this this I mean, for years but it really picked up again in January and they've been going at it strong. I have no I have not lost any confidence in the men and women. The Detroit Police Department has engaged in us, they train bi weekly. They train with other agencies, they train and internally they have some of the best training. Some of the things I think we need to do is help them out we need to manage and lead them effectively. And we're gonna do that and that's that falls on me with regards to the the the arrest, you know, I've got one arrest I'm very concerned about this is sort of an officer and I'm gonna go to support him on that. But I assembled I have a really use committee that I assembled from time to time that's representative of various members of the department including the DPLA and LSA, and it's a it's a policy committee that I assemble when we have something that's unusual that I need a little bit of help with and I'm going to assemble them I have already assembled them and they're going to review the arrest individually supported by a video and then they're going to make a recommendation to me. And that way I'm I'm out of it, but I'm in it and then they will make the recommendation with those six or eight set of eyes that will look at it, and then we'll move from there.
Any further questions or comments for the chief? Did
the chief I mean to the chair right, okay. Commissioner Burton, you know, given the most recent abuse committed you know, by Lieutenant Cole against you know, peaceful protesters. You know, you know, our community, you know, call for greater transparency and accountability but also call for this police oversight board to weigh in and so I have a question for both chiefs. To my immediate left, Chief white, the question for you is will you support us support demoting Lieutenant Cole or his most recent actions out there with innocent protesters or I'm calling for you to demote the tenneco but also also provide us a over updated overview of police officers training when it comes to interacting with protesters, the department and the city has settled millions of dollars in a Detroit would brief situation and look like the department and this should have learned something from that incident. Pertaining to peaceful protesters. And my question to achieve Warfield worthy your office stands and regarding to this most recent abuse, violent tenneco against civil protesters, Lieutenant Cole agitated a, you know with with those protesters, this is not acceptable by this department. It's not acceptable by the city. And we expect Lieutenant Cole as a lieutenant to be to lead with a good example. But this was not the case at this most recent protests, and so what strong what what strong
punishment are you got what stronger measures are you going to send chief white, retaining this?
Through the Chair I will start with with the first part with regards to the disposition of discipline. You know, it is difficult as these situations are. We must remember that the lieutenant has due process. And, you know, he has an opportunity to defend himself explain what happened. We have to conduct a thorough investigation. I don't believe in making you know emotional and cosmetic decisions. If if we're going to make a decision about where we go from here with this particular Lieutenant. I think it needs to be a sound professional decision, not just for him, but for every member of this department to put their lives on like eBay. There are 2600 plus people out there every single day that are dealing with mentally ill folks, protesters, guns, knives and everything else, and they're not necessarily always going to do everything perfect. I have the privilege of looking at things after the fact I have the privilege of sitting at my desk and replaying videos back and forth, rewinding and playing rewinding and playing them. And I'm asking them to make split second personal professional. Perfect decisions oftentimes, this situation with the lieutenant is unacceptable. I have been transparent about it. But despite all of that, and despite how I may personally feel about or professionally feel about it, I've got to go through a process. When that process is complete. I won't be making a recommendation to this board. Well, I've already made a recommendation to this board about suspension without pay. I will be providing an update to this board as to what the discipline will be and what the disposition will be. But that will take some time. Not a lot of time, but sometime it's an expedited, thorough investigation. And as far as the training curriculum, the officers train well they do an amazing job. This is not representative one person is not going to represent 2600 This is one incident. I'm going to hold them accountable. The officers will be right back out there tonight, tomorrow night the next night and they're doing a great job and they're not coming before this body. Commission. I would love to to not have an issue to deal with but in my 28 years, I have never not had an issue to deal with. So I think we're going to continue to have issues. We're going to continue to need this board. We're going to continue to need supervisors, you're going to continue in the chiefs to be transparent hold folks accountable. And my commitment to this board is I'm going to do that judge me on what I bring to this board judge me on the transparency of this process, but don't judge the department on an isolated incident. Duty chair.
I'm going to pause that question because you also pose a question to our chief investigator and then I'll come back to you
go right through the chair and to Commissioner Burton. Our office have received 24 inquiries today concerning this situation. We've already conducted a preliminary investigation concerning the events on May 19. And upon our preliminary investigation, we do understand that internal affairs is in the process of conducting an investigation as well. One of the things we've decided to do is to close this case and to transfer this case over to internal affairs primarily for the reason to not endanger any future criminal case that may arise from the department's investigation. If we move forward with an investigation and guarantee the officer we significantly handcuff the department's ability to meet her out any discipline that may be needed in this situation for so for this particular situation. We are transferring this case to internal affairs. Right.
Thank you and let the record reflect that Commissioner Bernard has joined us okay, go right ahead. Commissioner Burton,
thank you for the update. Chief Warfield officers chief investigators office but also question to Chief white. You know, I like for you to provide an updated overview of police officers training and procedures and interacted with civil protesters. This was this appeared two minutes Civil Protest to my understanding as far as what I'm hearing, but also also, Chief, you know, our community calls on you to demote Lieutenant Cole for this abusive behavior against innocent protesters violating their constitutional rights, First Amendment, freedom of press freedom to assemble freedom of religion, and where do we you know, where the where did we stand as, as the department and as oversight board, if we don't do our due diligence, you know, we have 2324 complaints that came in today. And and, and this this behavior is totally unacceptable. Especially from any member of the department or lieutenant and body worn cameras, while the by the body worn camera was not on minor standard this wasn't the first incident. Most recent incident with Lieutenant Cole out there were innocent protesters. There was a few other incidents pertaining Lieutenant Cole on that day with innocent protesters, including that the accusations that he had made to a black protester asked you know why they out here with these white folks or white people. But in so those was some of the remarks this also is surfacing up pertaining to Officer COEs behavior and not to mention, we don't even know what else is out there. But we should as a city should have learned something from a few years ago. What did he try it? What brave what a city at each rate has settled for officers misconduct and behavior against innocent and so well, protesters. You know, constitutional rights should never be violated. Not here. Not anywhere and and we would like for you to to demote Lieutenant Cole for his behavior on that day is not acceptable chief. You know what I know board members of this board knows it. Our community knows it. To have officer with this level of behavior and in a leadership capacity. This is not the type of Lieutenant we want on this department on this force. wearing that uniform serving in our community violating civil liberties free speech, First Amendment.
Now respond, Yes, you may okay. Once again, we support peaceful protests. We support
that was not a
burden. I'm gonna ask that you be as respectful afforded but that was not a piece from our point of order to you, Commissioner Burton Kurata. He, for whatever
reason, he's, he's indicating it's not a peaceful protest. And he's speaking specifically to that protest as not being a peaceful protest. And that's his opinion. No, that
was a peaceful protest. The officer mentioned your Spanish peaceful protests are not order. That was a piece bar out of order. Okay. That was a peaceful protest. I've ordered that resignation piece for pro at a border. Burton you order here's
my response. That was for clarity. Okay. I have submitted paperwork to this honorable body. That should signal just how serious I'm taking it. I am not going to render a disposition of this on his career today because we have an incomplete investigation. And once the investigation is complete, I will be making the appropriate determination. I have exercised my authority as chief of police to suspend him with pay. I have made a recommendation to you, among other in the entire body of commissioners to take that pay, which signals the seriousness of this of this action and I am going to act quickly on a disposition but it will not be today. It will not be today. We support peaceful protests. I am not going to tell you I'm going to demote him, but if there is a constitutional right violation, he has a bigger issue than the motion. We are not going to tolerate race bias, bias based policing or constitutional right violations. This department spent many years under a consent judgment. It's not going to happen. So once the investigation is complete, I will look at it I will do an assessment and I will make a recommendation and that's where we are it's not happening today. Mr.
Woods, the duty chair. This this is a shame that we will sit here and placate to this issue. This is very serious issue. This is not a game. The chief has made his recommendation. We have received it if you don't know about a regional package, because this is disgraceful and for our mission of burden to continue in his actions. towards his board and towards this community. I am recommended that a lot of I'll make a motion that will be censored Commissioner Burton for his behavior in his in his body. It's just on a sample. So I'm making a motion that commission burden be sensitive
there's been a motion is there a second? Same problem moved in second that Commissioner Burton fee censored is there any discussion on that motion? Hearing no discussion all those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. No no. Roll call vote police.
Person Presley abstain to versus me VICE CHAIRPERSON Smith. Yes.
Mr. Barnard now
Mr. Banks. No. Commissioner bail now.
Mr. Burton? No. Commissioner more.
Mr. Hernandez abstain.
Mr. Woods Absolutely. Yes. You know and issue Hold please. Okay.
And so with two yes votes, five no votes and to abstain which also are no votes that motion fails to to share. I let the chair speak Yeah. Oh, quite a few things. That was mentioned that I just want to follow up on. One is it to be our understanding that Lieutenant Cole has not yet been interviewed?
I have the record. i He was scheduled for an interview. I can't tell the board if it happened yet or not.
Okay. And then part of your recommendations for protests moving forward is to have a videographer there. And while I know that may not seem like an issue because body worn cameras are already present on the scene. I'm just wondering how a videographer plays into the notion of over surveillance that protesters might feel and so can you give some sense on like, the presence of that video ographers and maybe the perspective that the videographer has taken on the protests, yeah,
through the chair. Obviously, everybody's got a cell phone camera, and we get different perspectives from everybody who's present with the idea would be is that the entire engagements are captured, just to be used as another tool to understand exactly what happened or at times when there's interaction with at these events, not necessarily this one, but in times past. For body cameras get dropped and whether it be from engagement, moving fences, or trying to control crowds. We're just looking to have a videographer to provide us some additional perspective into what occurred, but
primarily on the side of police officers, because again, what are my secondary question to that would be in case there is a videographer can there be any police action taken from what might be captured in a video?
Well, here's the thing. These are public spaces, right? And so we won't be violating anyone's constitutional right. I'm not going to commit that. It'll just be one view of just the police officers. This needs to be a whole view of both the police and the protesters. And what they're engaged in both what they're saying what they're doing. The officers reaction to it the whole thing. So it will be both.
Well, I just encouraged What I know is already your thoughtfulness and consideration around that issue. Again, we know how cameras can impact behavior. And just to know that in a protest environment, that there are cameras there that are being let's say, endorsed by or let out by the Detroit Police Department might be another issue that may arise between protesters and police. So just thinking through how the presence of that which makes absolute sense to ensure that we have some record of what has occurred, does not exacerbate the issue when we're attempting to try to mitigate it. Yeah,
I just hope that you know, everyone understands that. Again, this is peaceful protests. This is not a commitment not to take enforcement action. If you are engaged in violence, or is attempt on officers or citizens. We're taking police action, what we support and will continue to support and not disrupt and not interfere with its peaceful protests, not not protests, where you should have concerned with with the engagement that you're in, because if you've got that level of concern, the question next logical question is what are you doing? The officers are already wearing body cameras and they're standing right in front of you. The idea of this was to give a full view of both sides. One of the things that was missing was not missing, but was missing initially, is the fact that the lieutenant didn't have a body camera on to have that that videographer there to capture the entire protests, I think is very beneficial and I'll deal with what comes from that. But my commitment is is that if we do get something that we've got to move forward with either criminal prosecution or presentation to this board, you're gonna see the whole view you're going to see the 360 You're not going to see just my perspective of the officers perspective, which ironically, is exactly what you see from a body cameras facing forward and you get one perspective, this is going to give you a whole view of the incident.
Yeah, and again, that may not be doing an effective job and communicating. Again, I understand the effectiveness of that policy. I guess I'm just more so encouraging that there is a clear and transparent communication to the citizens so that when they see a camera that is not a body worn camera, but taking footage that they're not alarmed, or that it might incite them to act in any kind of outrageous way. The second point of that, as you just mentioned, the lieutenant not having on the camera. I'm wondering if there can be anything done when we think about the culture of policing in the city of Detroit, whereby officers obviously have each other's back but in this regard, have each other's back when they see that the body worn cameras not present. I'm just wondering, is there any kind of incentivization or encouragement that has had among police officers? That if they see one of their colleagues, not wearing a body worn camera was not operable to you know, encourage, strongly encourage that to avoid these sorts of incidents?
Bucha sure, I'm sure in the hundreds of 1000s of runs that are happening in our city every year that is occurring, but because it's occurring I don't know about it, right. I mean, I know that an officer is looking over saying you got your body camera on or, or step back. That's why we have supervisors. That's why I got captains and commanders and that's why they're appointed by me and by this body, who's approving on my recommendation to do that job to have those tough conversations to have unpopular conversations, right to walk up to someone in the heat of battle and say, step back and put your camera on. That's what the expectation of a captain is. And I'm gonna hold the captain's accountable for that, because that's what you're supposed to do. Maybe he lost track. I don't know. I'm not gonna speak for him. But he was too engaged. And had he been pulled out. We wouldn't be here had some had a leader stepped up and said put your camera on and calm down. We wouldn't be here but we are here. And so that's it's unacceptable and my expectation for a captain when you know you have a protest and a frontline and a protest isn't moving at a stationary protest. And it's 90 degrees outside and you've been standing there two hours and you've got Lieutenant that's engaging a protester that should never happen should never happen. He should have been pulled out and the camera should have been on him. So we're fixing that and here's your response in a nutshell. It's a mandate. It's not a request. It's a directive. Okay. And I'm not asking you to agree with it. I'm directing you to do it. And it's part of your responsibility as a command officer. And so if it's not done, then I have to do my job as Chief. Yeah.
And so to that point, again, I recognize that this is a you know, very high profile, for lack of a better term incident that occurred, but even anecdotally, from my observation, you know, we review CTRs and one of the highest categories that we're now seeing in sustained cases is around procedure. And that procedure more often than not, is that body worn camera aren't being worn or they aren't on so while this is one incident, you know, where the heat and these things are, you know, can be mentioned as explanations. There's a I don't want to say a larger pattern, but this definitely happened more than this particular incident. And so, you know, again, speaking about the culture that might exist in the police department, you know, just making sure that as much as you would, you know, look after your officer if you see that they are in harm's way, that same level of urgency should be there. If they're witnessing an officer who doesn't have their body worn camera.
I appreciate that, sir. And let me just say this last thing about that, I've just hired a risk manager literally a couple days ago, not because of this had already interviewed him. And one of the things is is to work with OCI and look at what the trends are. What is what is the trend commission more has mentioned his body worn camera thing for quite a while. There should be no trend of people not wearing body cameras, but there's going to be a person who's responsible for tracking trends. We hired him yesterday. And he's an attorney. He's got a huge background in risk and EEO and we're going to be again, accountability I need to supervisors to supervise if someone is not in possession of their body cameras, progressive discipline, we can't not have your body camera on three times on a major incident and you still get a verbal warning. That's not what the progressive discipline process looks like. So and these are the things that are traceable trackable as part of my report card to this body. If I'm sitting here with all this, and then six months from now, you say okay, what's your body camera problem, and I'm still I've still got 100 People not wearing their body camera. Thumbs wrong, right? I've got enough people that are responsible for this. I will be providing an update based on what you just said to this body based on those cases, we should not have repeat offenders. And so I'm going to be asking grandpa to reach out to OCI and get those cases for last year. And let's see what we've done about him.
Thank you. All right to the chair Commissioner Bodnar.
Hi, it's good to see you Chief longtime so I'll see. I want to first and foremost I have a question but I want to congratulate you on what happened with the draft as a matter of fact, I I wrote an article about it and I talked about you and i i euthanize a James Brown song Papa don't take no mess. I'd say Papa parentheses chief white they'll take no mess and that's why we were so so saved during during the draft so I want to congratulate you pop up that you did a great job but my My question relates in part of what you just said. And that relates to the fact that you're going to be taking this video and so forth. This video I assume will not be used for facial recognition. Okay, so that to me, that was no crime. None of that. Okay. And the second thing regarding a body worn cameras, I'm sure you saw the accounting of what happened in Chicago where they shot that guy 90 times. And you can hear the sergeant and all those guys were playing clothes, say turn off your body worn cameras, turn off your body worn cameras so they could get their story straight. And to my knowledge, they've not taken any disciplinary action. And get is the lady who's the lady started that approached the guy first who said it. And I always comment to people that that couldn't happen here. If somebody tells you to turn off your body worn more camera during an incident, that person to me would be in trouble. And anybody who followed that command should also be in trouble. Is that the case?
That is the case? That's that's what I'm hoping is occurring. I'm not going to guarantee anything. I put my own eyes on it. I don't, at least to my knowledge have a case. Well, you know what, I think we do have at least one case where someone tells someone to turn the body worn camera off and they both will be held accountable. We absolutely do. I just remember that. That's why your chief is shaking his head. Yes, I just thought about it. So we will be dealing with that. We're very serious about this body worn camera. You know, I I said before you got here man. I would love to be sitting in front of you talking about the draft and we're 100% on point with everything. That is not the case has never been the case. But I'm gonna hold folks accountable. I don't want to miss out on the fact that we've got a really good police department. We do. And this incident here doesn't represent the hard work of the men and women of the Detroit Police Department. What does is that draft 775,000 People over four days, and they worked their tails off, and they still got those runs answered in those neighborhoods, and they still got those parks patrol. And they didn't they didn't flinch. And I'm so proud of them. And I feel bad for them that they got to deal with this right now, because this is not the majority of our officers. We're dealing with an isolated huge answer that that mess you talked about. I don't take I got myself a mess. And I'm dealing with it. But it but you've got a lot of good cops out there right now as we sit here that are getting it done. And I don't want to miss out on that. It
definitely is isolated. There there. I don't want to see a trend but in the shadows of the NFL draft in our past two meetings, we had the Cinco de Mayo incident. And now Now this incident and so I do think that it reinforces our need to focus on as you said, you know that there's no bias in policing that we're culturally sensitive. So again, that the good work that the Detroit Police Department is doing isn't being sullied by these unfortunate incidences of insensitivity. I have one more question is on a separate basis, Chief and this is maybe about a month or so ago now. It was brought to us that there was an officer involved shooting non fatal one on remote and Finkle. Two officers were officers fire two shots rather striking the suspect in the leg. It was a 16 year old Yes, I don't know if you remember that. I do but I'm only bringing it up relative to the video release policy. One. I don't know if this board has received the debriefing and I'm not for sure whether or not that's the clarification on whether or not it's a fatal shooting versus a non fatal shooting that we have received that and then the 45 days for that body worn camera footage to be released any update on that
that's been released. It's been released. We we have adhere to the policies since we put it out. It's it's out it's on social media has been published. The public information team makes sure that we meet that timeline and it's out. We'll make sure we send the board a link. Okay.
Thank you Chair. Yes, Commissioner Burton, you
know I just want the director reflected that I am sad that that was a peaceful protest, not the other way around. And also want the record to reflect that I am calling for our chief white to demote the record has the Lieutenant Colonel several times can be also you know, is that our community, you know, you know, wakes up every day and pain when their constitutional civil rights you know, being violated you know, we have seen and witness where police officers use Gestapo tactics and police commissioner's meetings as well as city council meetings. We have seen how the department have in or interacted with peaceful protesters and on appropriately and violated constitutional rights. We have seen and witnessed a lawsuit settlements in you know, in the millions. And we have also witnessed how and seeing how officers are not wearing body worn cameras. And our chief or Phil can contest to that over the complaints and stuff that he has his office has to deal with countless times in so but you know, this board is in position to do something you know, we have to defend civil liberties and protect our community and, and our community has the right to assemble to protests. You know, under the US Constitution, Lieutenant Cole agitated with protesters did not have was not you know, wearing a body worn camera or something of that nature. You know, where were the we as a board with a week come in at from oversight body, fulfill it for our judiciary responsibilities. You have some really good commissioners Here. Commissioner Moore, I served with under my first term, him and Commissioner Crawford all for the department to wear body worn cameras at a time when we didn't have body worn cameras. And now we have body worn cameras as of 2016 2017. And now we still have the problem today where a lot of officers are not wearing their body worn cameras
pay. Thank you, Commissioner Burton. It's somewhat ironic a few weeks ago, we had a matter that was brought to us by Chief white red regarding a change of duty status, and I believe it was communicated by you Commissioner Burton, your statement was police officers have rights. I think that was your statement. Police always have rights. And I think what the chief has attempted to communicate is again those rights is the rights of due process and while ultimately there may be a landing where you are again that due process has to be followed, so that the rights of officers are respected. So again, we it is on record your desire for this lieutenant to be demoted. But again, there is a process that has to be adhered to for that. matter to be resolved. With that. The visitors at the urging get it? Yeah, Michelle was
absolutely. To find out. Again, I want to again, applaud you on your promptness on this issue was in fact at the freedom fund dinner, walk in the midst of those who were protesting and a walk where the office where there were officers that and for the most part, they were very, very stellar. I seen officer Jalen back there at the freedom fund dinner patrolling the area and other officers who did a phenomenal job. And I'm, I'm sure I can speak on behalf of the Detroit branch NAACP, in terms of harbor officers in there to protect that particular space. And so I want to call that first and foremost, but also one of our two for working with the University of Michigan Law School. And with the ACLU, as well as with Mr. Williams, who sued this department. You sat at the table your team sat at the table and was able to create one of the most historical policies in the country to protect people from wrongful convictions. and things of that nature. folks voted against it false walk out of the room when that was bought be voted on to try to lose four. But many of us stood up on a mission of our large leadership and we was able to get that policy passed through. That was fair historical. So I believe that this department is moving in the right direction. And I appreciate of have a chief who not waited to the next day. But that very night started to respond to those issues. You know, and so and I watched you with my own eyes, and we was in communication. So this is not a thing of fly by night type of situation. You know, we could play for cameras we could play for the community. But commissioners need to be here with the interests of the people of the city of Detroit. And really, really understand that it's about citizens of the city of Detroit. And I thank you for your leadership in that regard.
Thank you sir. Thank you for your comments.
Thank you, Chief for being here and for your presentation. The chair. Bourbon swiftly. You
know, you have more confidential informants right here and a CD trader you have college graduates, this is not the this is not the this is not the body or the board, where we say great job department every day and every week or great job chief every day in every week. This is the body where we deal with police abuse, police accountability, police reform issues. This is where we address those issues like Lieutenant COEs behavior, advocate and with peaceful protesters. This is where we call for. Lieutenant Kokako the motion this is what we call the see more video. This is where we call on our chief Warfield and OCI asking about how many complaints has been filed. But this is not the place where we say great job every day. We as police commissioners, fiduciary responsibility is oversight not to be an appendage of the mayor or the chief for those that cannot serve get in line with former commissioner gamble in turn to submit your resignation because this is not to stage over the place for rubber stance. All
right with that we will now move to oral communications Who do we have?
Thank you, Mr. Chair. We have 15 speakers. Our next speaker is former commissioner Reginald Crawford, Lieutenant Mark young and Miss Bernice Walker. I mean, Smith
Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is Reggie Crawford. I'm citizen city Detroit. I was one of those may have been one of the first to follow the 24 complaints and 24 complaints with OCI and I look forward to it. Once this investigation has been completed, I look forward to getting the finality or final answer as to what occurred out here. I will say this. Commissioner Burton said it pains people every day to wake up I'm not pained every day to wake up but this is a very painful incident that occurred. very egregious, very bad. very disrespectful. Very. It was embarrassing to see Detroit and inside Detroit. Police Department. But as the chief stated, you know the recommendations on recommendation for suspension were four of our pay was forward to the Commission. The onus is on you commissioners. Have the courage find the courage to do the right thing as it pertains to this particular incident. The comment by Lieutenant Columbo back to Mexico. I consider it as many citizens do and those who know the history of such a comments that have occurred in the past is a very racist comment that was racist. The racists and the enablers of racism don't get to define it. In other words, the narrative the initial police narrative as I call it, talked about the social media that was related that was obviously derailed and surveilled by the lieutenant. And that's where that comment arrived from that is totally irrelevant. It was racist. Also to in reference to Lieutenant Cole's uniform. It was embarrassing. I've been a part of three departments. I've never seen a supervisor dressed that way. I mean, he looked like a police ball. That's what you look like. And prior to this meeting, I talked to Mark young president of the LSA Mark young, I commended him when he walked into this role on what was in the media yesterday. And that was Sir,
that's your time they Okay. Thank you,
Mr. Chairman. Now that I recommend that we finish hearing the statement of Commissioner clapper come
back next week thank you, sir. You're out
of time, sir.
He's honorable man and I served with him.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Good evening, Madam Chair. Let's give let's give Lieutenant calls to due process that we give criminals. He deserves that. He deserves that. Because we give criminals due process and his board ensures that we do the Constitution our way also ensures that we do and let me say this due process to the pendulum swings. The pendulum swings both ways. That's why we should be careful in a rush to judgment. It's a shame that we don't give the good work of these awesome colleagues of mine the time that we do for allegations of bad work or for bad work, because it does happen. But it's a mustard seed compared to the outstanding work I didn't hear much praise about the draft. I didn't hear much praise about the primary production. I didn't get much praise about the sacrifice of the men and women. You would never be able to measure the sacrifice the multitude of positive work because we don't talk about that peaceful protests versus violent protesters. Let us be clear that those were professional protesters, they came here they came here to agitate the same protesters that will protest mustard versus ketchup. That was here for Kim little 10. That was at every scene. I'm not justifying what happened? I'm going to wait for due process because Lieutenant coasters are that these peaceful, so called protesters came here. They took resources from the city. They took response time from the city from actual victims that needed here. Talk about peaceful protesters. You should be ashamed. And embarrassed.
Thank you Miss Smith
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. I have heard enough for me to tell you my part. I was there. My daughter's bought me there and I was sitting there waiting to go down the line where they had a curve going into the garage to protest or low my right now what I fought with the city for they should have had that barricade on the other side of the street because number one, the guests and the people that were going into the dinner could not walk down the street they had to walk in the street. The police was across the street and encouraging them to stop the noise and so forth. So he sent the post I saw set the police over there by eight or nine of them to make a move because the people had to walk in the street. The Barricade was with between the street and protesters and they were acting a fool I saw this nobody can tell me anything. And as far as your Commissioner defending the protester they should have did it in a decent respectful way someone was cursing because I heard him cuz I had my window down. So don't tell me that the police was totally wrong. They were not wrong. Some of them should have did what they should have did and they eventually did move the protesters out of the way so that people can walk down the street here. You got guests coming in to a over 100 some dollar dinner and you got to walk in the street to get to where you are. You're going no I don't approve of that. But in the meantime, do not give to the police. They have they're a hell of a job. Look what they did last month. 750,000 people came to our city. The people in Chicago that I talked with, they said y'all did a damn good job. So don't tell me that the police department I'd say to him every time I see him, you've done a good job. And I'm proud of you and I'm still proud of it. They do mistakes. They're not perfect. But we have some commissioners in here that are so disrespectful they need to get the heck out of here. Okay,
thank you. That is your time to chair one quick side and don't answer me you just share Thank you, Madam Chair one quick, quick second cumin. Can Mr. Barton please I
want to just I want to just say that we do have some good officers on his force. But we also have some that that that that should be demoted. And we have some that this board so look more into disciplinary histories of some of our officers that are mistreating innocent protesters and residents as well. I'm not saying that all officers are bad. I'm not saying that. All officers are good either. But when in this situation by Lieutenant Cole, I do strongly feel that he should be demoted. You know because he violated the department's code of conduct as well as you know we all have the department's may yield you know but overall you know, we our oversight body. We're not here to say great job chief every day night we can say that. Above and beyond. And I'm sort of women in balloons where we can acknowledge officers from the department. That's the time to say that it's for right now.
We heard you thank you it's been on the record she said thank you we need to please move forward for oral communication a man a chair please Have a little respect. I'm Thank you sir. You're the matter. I'm not getting ready. To go with you today. Thank you, sir. A blue border.
Yes, ma'am. Madam Chair, you have three more speakers in the in the room. relah lands there. Minister Eric blunt and Miss Michelle George. Then we'll go on to zoom.
Thank you
My name is Reylo Lanfear I would like you guys to recognize Miss Michaels mama. I was here a couple of months ago to kind of get some answers about what happened with my son. I am the mother of Michael dosta. Second he was missing initially and he was found by myself as well as the rest of the family. Well, every since then, I was giving that day when I came here to the commissioners meeting. I was informed by the chief of police that I would be provided total transparency there was there was going to be total transparency there was going to be follow up. I spoke with Lieutenant Timothy Jones. Is that an appointment? We were supposed to have an appointment on that. But however I was supposed to go out of town I asked can we reschedule that? I was supposed to get a call back. Never got I apologize. I did get a call back. I got a bunch of callbacks but never no results. I spoke with Captain may dot some Maddix. I spoke with Commander Savary a couple of times and I was even told during the draft season or during the draft that you know is just busy. And you know, we'll try to get back with you but we're so busy with the draft as a constituent of the city of Detroit and as the grieving mother who has a son who is now gone and have no knowledge of really what's going on. How could you tell me basically that you don't got time for me because of this draft? Don't people don't go home when they go home. I'll see you hear. The last time I talked to someone was April 29. I have yet to have a meeting with the chief. I have yet to get the ballistics from from the from the weapon. I have yet to receive my son's phone unlock it
ma'am. That is your time Michael's mom but I do have homicide in here. If I can have commander severy
I want to know what's going on if you can speak like I want to know when because y'all are supposed to work for us. We're all working so I understand
and I will talk to you after the meeting but the chair can we achieve every miss ruler they can talk for the board knows me sir.
Point of order Mr. That speaks over me madam chair that will see guy sheep investigator speak office speak with the lady at the podium.
I understand the process and I don't have a problem with the process sort of protocol by how many times do I have to keep calling? So not get answered.
We have someone here in the room that can speak with his voice I don't know but there's someone's here right now. Thank you can you please talk to her?
I recommend OCR office war feels office darling so lady tells
me Commissioner Burton you are out of Tyre the bank use our oral communication you don't
know who she should speak with. I think I think Sonia for the board therefore she's just people have so one from the board
is Madam Chairman. In fact, I recognize Mr. fellow commissioners, we cannot allow this gentleman to continue to bully. This lady this woman
is terrible. is disgraceful.
For him to continue to try to bully her point
of order. No one's bully anyone committed tonight that share the madam chair first. I know who would be the best for her to speak to she's brought our case to the board at Barton therefore why not recognize for philosophischen Look into it.
We are sending an oral communications
going up madam chair for you. Thank
you sir. Go ahead please.
Good afternoon board. The situation with Cinco de mio and now the May 19 protesters just reiterates the demands for the CIT decree. There are a lot of bad officers but how we don't deal with those that are bad is what makes this whole situation so dangerous. So I agree a consent decree is in order this department has a lot of rules and regulations, policies and procedures. But it's the pattern and the practices that again make this whole situation very dangerous. And then yes, we have the union contract. No matter what happens to this officer by the chief by this board. The union will ensure he keeps his job he gets us back pay and is eligible for promotion whenever he decides to be qualified for. Again, I say released the body worn camera footage if it's available to the board of police commissioners, it should be available to the public put it on the board of police commissioner's website. And yes, someone brought up Hakeem Littleton within three hours of his shooting that pair of footage was available for everybody including the media. That's about when we still haven't heard from HR I guess the report is still unscheduled. But with HR there is a risk management system that is supposed to give us an update on what the over 100 police officers that have been labeled high risk for police misconduct. We still don't know where they stand. What are they doing with it? This board does it No,
thank you. That is your time.
To the chair.
If I can enquire with the Assistant Chief Human. Was the video released if I may, if I could be recognized. Mr. Willis. Okay. Thank you. Was there a video released as relates to this incident?
Are you talking about a worn camera footage? Yes. No, it has not been released. Okay,
so no video was released in this regard. Are you guys are planning to release the video in that regard as regard to that situation right now is the appropriate time as
the chief talked about. He's still still on investigation, and we're still getting more videos in. Okay. So I can't give you a timeline for that at this particular point.
Thank you.
Thank you, quickly.
Chief viewing. Generally when there are incidents that for which there is substantial public outcry and there is video, the board is allowed to see that video. I haven't received a notice of the date and time that we can all go see it to see what we think about it. And I as you know I'm a big proponent of of release of the video, actually within like two weeks of an incident at the latest. Because if quells the concerns of the community. I mean, the iron sky does not lie. And people really want to see for themselves. What happened and I think that's legitimate. So if you could convey that concern back to the chief about the community seeing the video is is Reverend just said and also when can when are we allowed to see it but should be soon? Usually is within seven or 10 days or can be your concerns. Thank you. Thank you The cubic communicate back to the chair or Vice Chair. Thank you.
Thank you go here, ma'am.
Yes through the chair Miss Smith, and to the board of police commissioners. Good afternoon. I know it's a lot going on in a meeting I would say to Commissioner Bernard is best to get those videos released right away as soon as possible for you know, for transparency. I am glad the chief is going to hold he stated several times he's going to hold officers accountable. I am disturbed with the mother. So I don't know what happened in that situation. But I would say that someone needs to be on that case with that mom losing her son. So hopefully, I don't know our name and I can't get that we can get that done. But I wanted to comment on the other day when I was at the citizens complaint committee with Commissioner banks and Commissioner Barnard. So I will be kind of getting on that committee but I want to say for being a member of my civil rights group National Action Network. Policing right now is stressful right now policing in communities of color black or white Latino. So one of the things I want to suggest to the board and to Assistant Chief viewing is that the quicker transparencies better when we were in New York, protesting the billionaire that got rid of Dr. Gay from Harvard University in YPD. They they protected us from down the streets of New York and we protest and we did have a peaceful protest but working with National Action Network, I would say to the Detroit Police Department, when videos are shown and there's issues with videos release them right away. They shouldn't wait two weeks because that give time for editing of the videos. So in our organization was very instrumental after Eric Gardner to get body worn police camp cameras that were dealing with. So I would say there's a lot going on with the board Commissioner burden. She White did say he will hold him accountable. We will make sure it's the community that is done but I also got disturbed to hear that mom that someone should have taken that either no matter how busy officers that have taken that report. Say man, we'll get right with you. And Chuck got it done. So I will be following up with that situation. Thank
you. Thank you
if I could through the Chair. Just gotta update commissioners to your request. You will be have given the opportunity to see this video in closed session next week. That will be presented to you in closed session.
All right.
Thank you for Thursday. Thank you. Thank you
so the next speaker will be Yvonne Jones.
Good evening. My name is Yvonne Jones and I'm a member of the coalition for police transparency and account bills. The purpose of my call tonight was to to request for a forum that we had set requesting for the release the release of the citizens complaints from the period of January to February 29 of 2024. And we have received communications back from law department informing us that there will be a feat that we as a community organization cannot. We have send communications to this body requesting that that fee be waived and that those those reports be submitted to us. It is apparent from everything that's going on tonight. And some of the findings that the citizens complaints are not being dealt with in a way that they should. They're not being investigated. They're not being reported back to the people as Michael's mom was up there trying to say you know, I do agree with Commissioner Burke, that some of the commissioners should have came to her because she came to the oversight body asking for your help and that she should not be put on and I do see bias. Implicit bias and it is evident by the three events that you all are talking about how there was no incidents with the police at the draft, but both of the incidents that involve brown and black people, we have incidents, we need to look at ourselves and this commission. You are on the front line to help but we need transparency. We need transparency of this body. Thank you,
Madam Sure. I'd like to make a motion in regards to that fee waiver.
all right. I would like to motion for the board and city law department to support the fee waiver as requested for four years number 24 Dash 02888
support is there a second second. So that motion has passed Oh no, no,
no discussion.
Any discussion?
Any discussion? Any discussion? Ma'am? Yes,
go ahead through the chair. Can you just give us a little bit more for the record?
I mean, in addition to what I just said, Yes. Let's see we'll see what I'm what I'm ever signed
the fee waiver. Okay, are they anything?
This fee way of FOIA Freedom of Information Act should be forwarded or requested in situations that come to the public's issue or attention. This body has requested for the fees to be waived. The law department said no. And they put on that 100 And something dollar fee attached to this Well, the issue is of public knowledge. Dealing with OCI is not anything secret or anything what I will consider controversial what I ran into it. So therefore I support a fee waiver so that this group can get their information
through the Chair if I could, just in the setup already be if I'm if I'm not mistaken, this the same people who have been calling me they came before the body. They've been waiting for someone to return and because I recognize her voice,
okay. To the chair, so is it intended that another body take on and incur that cost or it's just entirely being waived?
I'll just say support it forward. He is that's a good question for it to be waived as it relates to our resources. I guess we should include Chief Investigator see if it will be an additional tax to his resources. As it relates to manpower and putting information together.
And the Secretary had to say
enough to and is it for timeframe or?
They did include a time lately? Okay. Yeah.
Eggman Secretary
met him to try to get the attorney to respond. Okay. did speak to the attorney today in regard though she's on now. Returning to the bail.
Hi, good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
This matter was provided to FOIA. The requester was given a discount and the correspondence that came into the board today was also forwarded to FOIA and they're handling it.
So thankful to share is still opportunity attorney Labelle for this to be a waived requests
you can leave
that would be determined by FOIA. If the board votes to do that, then I can let the FOIA department know. Okay, thank you. Thank you,
Commissioner because I think that you're right about the FOIA department and generally people have to pay for those requests paid by the page. But I also think that the board has the ability to waive the costs for documents related to us. So I concur in your recommendation that this woman in this community not be stagnated as a result of not being able to get the information that they requested. It's our information
to the chair. Commissioner, well,
it's a turn to a bail will we be in compliance with the law does without will be my only concern.
If the bo PC does not wish to charge for their staffs time, I will relay that information to foil if that's not acceptable to them under FOIA. Regulations, then they will let me know that
commission we can wait lost
to the chair we are a burden to share. I already Second the motion by Commissioner Moore. I like to ask you, if if we can go ahead and just call for the vote.
Because then we have to vote on it.
Well, I move that we delay this motion at this time. So that we would understand more of what's going on and that we have the legal standpoint
and we don't think you can do that.
The chair could we ask that until we get more information we actually table this it would that be okay with with Commissioner more
well, the information this is the second time we've received communication about this. So what will we be waiting for?
So it seems there are two cases through the chair. Sorry.
What was the first case because that was a continuation or
the I heard that there were oh maybe it was two requests that were put in? Right. They put it in a request and the second is underway. So depending on on the result of that is what I would want to wait for but again, that's just that your discretion obviously since you motion,
I would just call for the request. Well, I'll just ask for us to vote either way.
That's a call for call for further roll call vote.
Roll call vote and the question Commissioner more
for the board and the city law department to support the fee waiver as requested for for yet number 24 days. 02888
in there is any discussion, no discussion, roll call vote.
No. Commission Bernard Yes.
You're missing a bail. Mr. Burton?
Yes. Commissioner Moore Yes. Mr. Hernandez? Yes. Mr. Woods, yes.
Okay, so their motion has passed there's five years foes to nose. motion has passed.
Now apologize, Madam Chair for interrupting oral comment, but I just want to get that on the record and
thank you. Our next speaker is the caller with the last numbers one to four. And then after that speaker will go with Miss Maddox.
Color one to four.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. You can be hurt.
Okay, great. Well, it's rather disconcerting for me to hear all this concern. About police officers to have their body cam videos and yet the police officer the bully three immediately grown and falsely arrested me didn't have his body cam video yet the police continue to press the bogus charges. Oh, right. And, and then, thank God the other officer kept his camera on, because you can see me for 40 minutes and cuff asking for proof that they could do what they did to me and constantly asking the police officer if he had his camera and he kept assuring me he did say we want the camera. So why you're prosecuting little misdemeanor garbage when somebody doesn't have a police body cam video is beyond me. And I heard it another meeting that the biggest complaints you get are people or officers not having their body cam video or not showing up. So my other problem is police officers not showing up also, I expressed concern about the mistreatment of me at the detention center. repeatedly. It was member Carter who was the only one that said gee, I'm sorry that happened to we I was forcibly stripped after I was not properly screened. I did call Mr. Warfield I have not heard back from I don't know if he attempted to hear back from me. So I'm deeply concerned if any of you even care what happens at the detention center, and I spoke with a woman who has helped people escape sex trafficking and she heard my story. She believed me and she said she's heard that these kinds of things have happened to other people. So I certainly hope you're concerned now. If somebody told me to go back to the burbs or so the kinds of stuff that I say even though I live in the city and then my father was born here. I would much rather prefer somebody tell me to go back to the burbs or wherever they think instead of being forcibly stripped in a solitary cell with a camera in it and then I have reasonably people are passed around the strip video because later
Thank you
Miss Maddox.
Yes good
number one
the commissioner do now Yeah. Number one and now you was number two through
enough for everything then
then again because yeah, nice I'm Marcia right now know the database no kill you
know going in would you be here again, go to work
get the Belgian award really
good that. There, be me here get the body camera is
the the new book
more you know about my not no I'm not
you the one
that I could crush that oh the south photos of him thing that they do not
have your emergency but good luck they will not
pay me so that they know they cannot block the trash
thank you
thank you one of the coders.
Call Are you there
one of the code I'm trying one more time to add a mute. I can go to the next one and come back. I'm going to go to Mr. Miko Williams just a moment if I can see if I can find him thank you for your patience
Mr. Williams?
Yes. Hi. May I be heard, please. You can be heard go right ahead. Yes, hi. Um, I demand that Lieutenant Brandon Cole be fired immediately without pay. What he did was unacceptable. It is not acceptable under any law enforcement to taught a protester and protesters are concerned citizens. Those are concerned citizens that was out there. And I don't give I don't really understand this logic of defending or giving Mr. Cole due process. You saw the video he was right there. He said what he said and he also snitched on me. He falsely accused me and said bad things to me at a protest back in 2020. That's how I know when I went to speak up and give my testimony that it was 100% true that Mr. Bert Mr. Cole needs to be fired. He needs to be removed. Let them go work for another police department. We don't he represents the 55% white police force that is under Chief Craig that is now under Chief white. And for Mark young lieutenant How dare you defend Mr. Code you white supremacists enabler? How dare you? You cannot defend what that man did or any of these cops that harass black people, brown people and those that are policed in our community. And also I want to say that in regards to Mr. Cole, there's others that need to be investigated. So it should take you two weeks or so to review the evidence and to remove Mr. Cole from the Detroit Police Department period. I also want to say leave my Commissioner burden alone. We voted for him to represent our community. We voted for him for transparency and to keep it honest now I don't know why you commissioners keep continuing with the bully and harass him. We're gonna start filing complaints and we're gonna start coming after you remember you were voted in you can be voted out so you better watch his steps and Commissioner woods you to watch yourself. Have a great day. Thank you
see me in the streets.
Good evening. I wanted to take a time, really just to say Oh, I appreciate Mr. Moore. Mr. Moy really does a good job or taking late and advocating on behalf of the community regardless of any type of positive or reinforcement. So that's one thing I do find commendable. The other thing I was gonna say is this just mentioned that the union due process is different from constitutional due process and I don't think our community could really be fully effective and be informed or be involved in a lot of discipline here or our commissioners until the union reps, sit down and be candid and open up some of that power until that contract is over. And it's up to Lieutenant young to sit down with the commissioner and create new policies that's gonna be more effective to open up and create relief for our community. And until he takes that step why they under this contract is only the chief of police or the board of police commissioners are limited to what they can do. On behalf of this community. So I'm putting accountability on the union leaders now. If they want to profess and take sides to do anything else, they should be willing to sit down at the table or both that and come up with good policies that's going to be conducive to our community as well as the police force. And not just be one sided. Thirdly, I want to ask our community and ourselves not to measure our police force by individual incidents, but let's measure them by the culture. And I think that's one of the things commission more was speaking of. It's about changing culture when it came down to those body worn cameras. We can address things individually and we have to be united and we have to address cultural things, things that affect the mass, mass people a lot of times so those are just many things I want to say but the police are where I've been doing some good work. I'm not ashamed to say they've been doing some good work. We got a lot more work to do, though. Thank you.
Thank you one of the coaches
call Are you there?
Yes, you can be hard. It can be hard color. Thank you
she's working out thank you.
You're breaking up. We can't hear you
through the chair for two minutes.
No, you're not clear.
Wherever you are your reception, we can't hear you.
Know Don't be working with one or two devices.
You call it you can't be
here okay. No
no go outside maybe
almost okay. You're breaking up still.
Madam Chair. Please go on to the next.
We're gonna have to move to the next caller. Because we can't hear you Thank you.
Next speaker
Commissioner William Davis, can you
Okay, here on Bucha I can hear him.
Oh, yeah. Caller
Can you can you hear me? This is William Davis. Yes, you can be hard. Okay, great. I like to start out by saying this president of the church chapter National Action Network. I received over 50 calls about the incident on Sunday. And I find it very troubling in a number of ways, not just what he's saying how I said, but also I found that even more troubling that I heard the explanation and that it would make people think in fact, I got some calls from out of state. Assam is Detroit Police. Tracking people's cell phone is Detroit police using facial recognition on people in in crowds and protests. I hope that's not the case. Because if it is, I can see that the Detroit Police going back up under the Department of Justice oversight. You know, we need to make sure that we do a better job. And we need to make sure as our department becomes more and more outsiders, you know, because often you hear the chief and others talking about outsiders, but the vast majority of our police officers are outsiders they do not live in our city. They do not they did not grow up in our city. And so we need to look at this equation a whole lot better. And also, you know, this board and the Detroit Police Department needs to be working jointly together to try to see if they can reduce the vast number of lawsuits because you know, we have a lot of losses is generated from the Detroit Police Department, from especially from poor any reaction with citizens, you know, and you have to make sure that demeanor matters what you say to people matters and how you say it to people matters. Especially if you're you know supposed to be a supervisor of the offices that sets a poor example. So hopefully, you know, yokka asked some stronger questions and get some stronger answers on what's going on, especially as it relates to possible monitoring, control, crowds and social media. And facial recognition. Thank you. Thank you.
Caller you still have a bad reception. We're just gonna move forward have
a chair. Ma'am. Could we just take note of who the caller might be an offer up an additional two minutes two minutes at a future meeting?
We can't hear you.
Now we can, but we can offer you an additional two minutes if you call back next week. Because we can't hear you very poor reception.
time because we can't hear you back yes, we just
cut I'm sure. I do have two questions for assistance. If you
go right ahead.
Chief, did you get any statistics as relates to to 2023 vehicle or homicides suicides and justifiable homicide?
Yes sir. We do have that I'm waiting for the chief to approve though we'll get right over to you.
Okay and is it required for captains and above to wear body worn cameras?
It is not required for the campus and above but they're on the line engaging we make the available for them. Alright, thank you, sir.
Thank you
so much. shutaura.
Yes, most of what he did, he did his communications already where fanworks finish. Okay.