Cuffed To Cash // Cuffing Season (Part 12) // Michael Todd
12:29PM Apr 7, 2023
Hi, my name is Amber Lee and I have the privilege of serving as one of our executive pastors here at transformation church, we just want to say thank you so much for tuning in from wherever you're watching from. And if you haven't already, be sure to like and subscribe. We believe that God has a word for you. So let's jump into this amazing message.
I really believe this cuffing series has been delivering people like ping anybody who's checked in to this series Full throttle. They're they're having to face themselves. Like, we talked about being cuffed to cake almost six months ago. Let's take a poll. How many people now we're hot, humble, open and transparent. Look at somebody said how many people are still cut the cake in this room right now as we're going into the holiday season. Some of y'all are lying. Thank you, my brother for being truthful. Some of us are still cuffed to the comments. What everybody's saying about us, checking back every three seconds, checking the email, checking to see what like some of us have been cuffed to constant. Let me ask that one, how many people are still cuffed to constant, you don't stop, you keep running. You think somehow you're made better in the sight of God if you do more. But he called you a human being not a human doing. What I believe my assignment is in this whole series is to challenge the things that have become watched this word idols in our lives. Some of us our pace, our production, our success or relationships, they have become the thing that have replaced God. So as long as those things are going good, we don't think that we need him. And it's not until those things disappoint us that we somehow call them back on Jesus. And God said, I want you to have the things that I have designed for you to enjoy in this life, but never at the expense of our relationship. And the truth of the matter is the reason why we can't be connected and come to Christ is because we're cuffed to a lot of other things. Some of y'all are like, okay, Pastor Mike, you're talking about this cuffing season, this is week 12 of a series. We're not just starting this if this your first time hearing this, you need to go back and watch from one all the way to today, because it is a process of actually shedding the things that we think love us that but don't actually love us back. There are so many of us. Okay, let me just back up because somebody's like, Susan, cuffing season. Are they talking about handcarts never had that happen before telling me what is this cuffing season they made? Let me give you a definition, straight out of the Urban Dictionary. cuffing season is a season where because of loneliness and desperation, watch this, you settle for a relationship that is way beneath your standard. This is literally cuffing season. The fall in winter is when people get into really dumb relationships, because they want to snuggle with somebody Netflix and chill and end up with issues by the summer. Okay, let me okay. And the past couple of weeks, we've been talking about being tough to control. Like some of us have to be in control all the time. And we worry ourselves. And we're frustrated because we got to know how everything's gonna work out. And then last week, we went kind of deep on them. And I kind of snuck it in on you I said, Come to contamination. But we talked about the spirit of Jezebel, where there's there's a spirit that is trying to control from the back seat and get you to do things and say things that are not like you are not like Christ, and it's been running your life today. I think this message is gonna be more real than both of those. Because some of y'all could have dodged them to like control contamination now. But let's see, let me walk you into it slowly so your heart will be prepared for the pounding that you're about to take in the spirit today. Anybody ever played video games? I need hands like in the chat video games. What was the first video game system you ever remember? Shout it out at me right now. Okay, Nintendo 64 We got to go further back than that. Which one? Sega Genesis we gotta go further back. She said our tall rain. Okay, anybody got further back than Atari? What do you say? Jared Leto visit Collete go visit is, is that real? Man on the front row like? Okay, cool. So I didn't make the Atari timeline. But in the Tod household the first game system was the original. Y'all know about say, Nintendo. Okay, y'all remember the gray box and you had to lift it up, and you had Breath of the Spirit NUMA of God. Like, if you've never blown on a cartridge you haven't lived. It's the first miracle you've ever seen in your life.
first miracle if you don't crease your faith. And me and my older brother, Gabe, were playing Nintendo. But then one Christmas dad took it to the next level. And we opened up this box with this little blue hedgehog on it. And when the Sega Genesis came in to play that, I mean, there was nothing like playing Sega until Sony came out with this little device with three circles on it, called a PlayStation. And I don't know if I was the only one but I was a professional CD cleaner. I had alcohol, see some you're talking about? Because the games could get scratched. And if it gets scratched the you can play it no more. So I had alcohol, I had cotton swabs. And if you if you had I mean, if you really had to do it, you had to use the bottom of your T shirt. Love y'all. Okay. And all of these games were so fun. But the one thing I hated about all of them is that you only could be so far away from the console. Because there was a controller that had a wire that you had to be connected to. So y'all see how I preach like, like, so there will be times that I will be playing and get so into it. That right after moment that I was about to win
and I will lose not because I didn't have the moves. I lost because I lost connection. Okay. And then what ended up happening is probably about three years later, we got this thing called a Nintendo 64. And Nintendo 64 changed the game because the game started changing on the Nintendo, Nintendo 64 We got this one game called NFL Blitz. And then we got this other game called NBA Jam. He's on fire. Some people are still looking at me like what is he talking about? I know you're to save for this. But this was ministry to me. Okay. And then I still had the same problem with those things because they had the controller. But then the PlayStation two came out. And when the PlayStation two came out, they invented this new technology called wireless controllers. You could be in another room and still controlling what was happening. And I begin to think about that, when we were talking about being controlled by things the past two weeks, is that many of us are being controlled by something we don't even think it's connected. Okay, our wireless controller, you don't see the connection, but it's controlling your life. Like, this doesn't look like it has a direct path. But somehow every time this issue comes up, it's moving something on the screen of my life. Okay. The reason this came to my mind is because I was sitting in my room, and my kids was playing a game. And I sat down on the couch and the character on the screen just started moving. And I'm watching it like wow, they're gonna get beat. This is not the moves they should be making. This doesn't look good. And my daughter starts yelling dad get up. You're sitting on the controller. And I know my booty mass. I said booty mass, okay, ma SS. I know it. I didn't feel it. She said I promise you sitting on the controller. It's right there. If I get up, and I will see another controller. And what I realized is because there was a connection I did not see. When I sat down and it came into contact with me, it started making decisions on the screen I was looking at, but I didn't even know it was me that was controlling it. I didn't see how there was a everybody say connection. Okay. What I've come to realize is many of the things that we are dealing with and that we are cuffed to our because we have control, it has control over our life without obvious connection. What are the things that are in your life right now that have control without an obvious connection? about it? Because there are reasons why you do what you do, and reasons why you go where you go. And reasons why you don't like certain types of people. Not not not because you don't even know them. But they remind me of that. Anybody I see like that. What is in the background controlling what you're doing now, but you don't see the obvious connection. Literally, when I begin to write down all of the things in my life, God say you could talk about that you could talk about that. You could talk about that. You could talk about that. But Mike, in this season you're coming into right now, I need you to talk about one that has been controlling people without an obvious connection. And I need you to do it now. And I was like, God, I don't really want to do it now because they're gonna be mad at me. And he said, but they need to be transformed and I was like, but then they're not gonna listen to me no more. And he said, but then because if they listened to you, they're gonna be listening to me, because this one I told you to speak. And I said, Okay, guys, so you want me to talk about it? He said, Boy, if you asked me one more time, if you want me to talk about then we're gonna have problems. And so I'm gonna tell you the title of today's message is tough to cash. I didn't want to let's just be very clear to you. I didn't want to do this. But God told me he said there are so many of My children who are cuffed to cash. They're cuffed to the idea of finances you live a life you hate for cash you wake up every day mad to go to work because of cash. I need cash to live in this neighborhood I never going back to the hood and literally you pay for a house you're never at you're cuffed to the cat. You got shoot day I did I just stepped foot you got shoes still in boxes? That you've never want my man in the bag as I Oh, he didn't. He didn't have to do me like that. You got shoes still in boxes that you will never wear for the next five years. Because you're waiting for the right opportunity to kill Beyonce. Ya know I'd say when I put his arm or kill him with it. Okay. You've been waiting on the moment to kill them. But you're in dead. It's killing you. But you won't sell them you won't let them go because your costume they won't even say it they want everybody say cuff to cash. You get a mica lucky Taki Taki top Tae venti every day you even like Starbucks but the people at your job. It's a cultural thing. You like the good old boardroom? Folgers is the best part of waking up is Folgers in your you've you've you've become accustomed to that nasty taste. That's what you like. But you spend $8 Every day buying a drink that stays halfway field because you're cuffed to the idea of what cash gets you. Fendi don't make you more expensive. Louie Louis does not increase your love. product does not give you purpose. A new truck, a new boat, a new gun, a lake house. That stuff does not increase your value. It usually increases your responsibility. I just said a mouthful right there. But the problem is, we are going after the American Dream cry In the corporate ladder, missing out on our children being raised. Why? Because we're cuffed to the idea of having cash. And in the moment cash, there's nothing wrong with it. The only problem is, when it becomes the thing finances money more, when that becomes your driving force in life, it will always disappoint you because it never has the power to fulfill. I know people with so much money that they could literally give everybody in this room 100,000 Somebody said where they call them, invite them to church. But the truth of the matter is when you run through the 100,000 you still depressed when you run through the 100,000 The 100,000 is just gonna magnify who you really are. If you pop into pills, you get 100,000 you pop in 100 pills. If you allow your you're just going to be more manipulative in the way that you love. Money does it make it magnifies? Oh, I'm talking right now. Money doesn't make you it just magnifies who you really are. And because so many people in the church. So let me give everybody a pass that don't love God and don't call Christ is king. Okay? Go after it. It kind of feels good. But everybody who calls himself a believer, if you're still cuffed to cash, God may not be your god I'm gonna tread lightly today, Noy, here we go. First point. Cash is critical. But it's not Christ. It's a servant, not a savior. Got to have. We got to be able to function. It's a tool. But it is not our Savior. And the truth of the matter is some of y'all would shout more over $1,000 than God giving you joy in your heart. You You will act a fool and somebody walked in target and gave you a band.
But we come in here it's time to praise God see my shoes kill him. And I came to tell you that cash is critical. We need it. But it's not Christ. It is a surfeit. Money works for me. Somebody say that money works for me. I don't work for money. Si, now I'm having to come against generational curses and, and generational habits. Like I'm fighting. I don't work for money. I work for purpose. And because I work for purpose, even if I'm doing a job that I don't like it's a part of my purpose that's developing me into something or some way or, or some something that I need for the next set, but I'm going towards what God wants for me. But I don't work for money. Money works. That's gonna be somebody's face statement for the rest of the week. Because some of y'all are just trying to figure out well, if I carry to two, and then I go sell plasma and then if I don't be acting like Jambi when can I come back in two weeks? Okay, stop it. We're trying to figure out what God provides. For those who do. Cheers. We'll first I'm gonna teach you Matthew 624. No one can serve two masters. For either you will hate one and love the other. You will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. This is the Bible. You cannot serve God and because to cash. Do you know how strong that is? You cannot serve God and have money as your God. I wake up and the first thing I think about is getting this money.
I go to sleep and the last thing I think about is getting his money. When I look at people I know how much money you think they got.
You look at people's car like can they help me? Make Money. Hold on y'all. Nowhere in the scripture that Jesus say that needs to be our focus. It should be our fruit. Okay, let me let me stop. When we talk about this, in the original language it this is one of the only places that God distinguishes himself against anything, because most things ain't even worth comparing him to. But he says, You cannot serve God. And the original Aramaic word is Mammon. You can't serve both of these. Let me take your backup because some of y'all looking at me like hasn't Mike really just like really taken me and show me Luke chapter 16 Verse 10. So we just read it in Matthew, But Luke is a doctor and is a little more detailed in certain things. So you're gonna see a little more right here, Luke chapter 16, verse 10, he who is faithful and what is least is faithful also in much and he who is unjust, or sloppy, or raggedy in what is the least is unjust. Also, how much clean your car let me let me put my glasses on, maybe you'll take me seriously, okay. This is what we call stewardship. He don't care what it looks like right now. Can you keep it in the condition that it is in or better right now? He's watching how you handle what's in your hand. Keep screaming for more, but he's watching how you handle what's in your hand. Okay, he says, Therefore, if you have been faithful in an in this unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust true riches hold on what we've been talking about is like money, he said, but I want to give you true riches that's what I want to trust you with? And if you have not been faithful who watch this man, I can't even I ain't got time to even talk about this. But if you have not been in faithful what it faithful over what is another man's almost see oh my boss all work for nobody. How the? If you are not storing over something that somebody else's? There are certain principles you miss. This is for another day. It says if you are not faithful or been faithful in what's another man's who will give you what is your own. No servant can serve two masters for either he will hate one and love the other or else he will be loyal to one man we've been loyal to cash. Man we wake up when we don't want to for cash. Man, we will we will throw somebody under the bus by cash. What do you really think about them because I was thinking about promoting them. You are them? Well, you know, I've seen him a couple of times. They don't always stay till it's time to leave. And that last presentation they gave subpar like why? Because you thought somehow their elevation was going to take away your ability to make more cash, oh god. How loyal have we been? We We have taken our character and put it under dirt for the possibility of more Taff. Okay. It says, You cannot serve God and mammon. This is an Arabic, Aramaic word that means riches, okay. It was a Syrian god named Mammon. It actually came from Babylon, just giving you a little history. You remember Babylon comes from the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11, verse one through nine. And these people thought that they they could get to God on their own with this spirit of Mammon is write this down. The spirit of Mammon is a belief that we don't need God if we have riches. This is the truth of the matter. Most people think if I got enough cake, don't really need God. If I got enough money, want me to pray for I'll pay for it. Oh, God, if I got enough money, I can step in and be God instead of need God. You don't say it out loud. We don't we don't actually confess this. But this is what we think. And the church has been cuffed to this spirit of Mammon. And that's why we've been cuffed to cash. And today I came to tell somebody that we've got to break this thing today. In the name of Jesus. This spirit of Mammon is arrogant, it's prideful, and makes you look to to other things then God. Write this down ma'am and promises you everything only God can deliver. I'm saying this. I'm gonna just tell them the truth. Because I used to live like this, I used to think that money if I make enough beats, and Beyonce allows me to produce her album, along with Usher, and lo Romeo, that was the time I was saying, Okay, then I'll make enough money to be able to come back to the church and impact it for God. I'm gonna go outside of God, make some cash, and then come be effective for Jesus. Don't act like you ain't never thought that your please just let me hit the lottery. They got about good fit into bill. And Lord, I'll serve you with all of it. These are the thought and it may not be at that level. But But what I'm saying is somewhere we've replaced needing God with needing money. And man, listen, man, listen, that being up to cash, it promises identity, security, significance, and happiness. And it cannot provide any of that. Only God can give you identity, security, significance, and happiness. This is the lie of Mammon. And everybody has had this thought before. This, I'm gonna prove it to you. Either, I need God to come through. I need somebody to give me some money. If you've ever had that thought, I either need God to come through. Or I need somebody to give me some money. You been cuffed to cash. And the reason I'm bringing this to you is because I don't want you to be shackled by this another day of your life. I don't want your children being growing up in a situation my daughter the other day, she Belle is becoming more aware of everything. And so literally, we're at the cash register, and we're paying for a bunch of people to get into amusement park and she sees the price. And once she sees the price, she said she said Dad, you spent that much money on data that she said no, no, nevermind. No, I don't want to do it. As maybe why wouldn't you want to do this a daddy's providing this for you? Could you you see how much it costs. You see how much there's so much. I said, I love your spirit. Watch this. But that he wants to bless you. And you have been obedient. And you've done what I've asked you to do. Let me bless you, but that he is going to bless all of them to because cuz you know, sometimes it's like, alright, bless me, but get all of them. Like, but you can bless all them. I said, Yeah. She was like, You got it like that? And I said, Yes, I do. Like, and in that moment, God said, Michael, that's how I want you to come to me. When you do what I asked you to do, when you've been faithful over what I given you, I want to bless you, you and you and bless all of them too. Yes, this ain't gotta be one person or somebody like, I'm gonna solve them. I'm like, You got her like that? And guess what God said, I got it like, this only happens when you keep him in his rightful place. So here we go. Okay. Money is not the answer to your problems. God is always the answer to your problems. And some of you right now think money, money's going to answer that. Yeah, money may help it. Money may be the tool you need. But anytime you have a problem, how did you even get into a situation in the first place? If you're going to get out of the situation and stay out of the situation, you need God to transform your mind. So what I'm saying to you is, money might be a part of the solution, but it is never the thing. That is what we need fully. God is the answer to every problem we will ever have. And I know all the way up into this point, some of y'all y'all just battle and struggling because you're thinking about your situation right now. And how a cool 30,000 would solve all your issues and take away it wouldn't take away the anxiety.
You wouldn't get that alert every month. But you still wouldn't be able to sleep. Why? Because you need God to do more than give you cash. And if you're still debating right now, if this is okay, your cup of cash. I heard one of my friends asked some people he said what's the highest form of value and A lot of people say cash. And my friend, Dr. Derrick Daniels, he said it like this. He said cash money. And in an in the top three of the things that you need. He said like this. If I give you a million dollars today and you died tomorrow, which one do you want? The million are your life. You want your life. So that means time is more valuable than cash. If I give you a million dollars today, but then you have to be sick for the rest of your life. Which one do you own? You want your health. So that means health is more valuable than cash. If I give you a million dollars today, and then I tell you your mama gotta die tomorrow. Somebody's like, well, I know you you only you know, stop it, not my mama. What that means is relationships are more valuable than cash. So why are we being controlled by this thing that's not even as valuable as everybody makes it seem. You will get up and work a double for more cash and won't go to your kids recital. I'm providing well, your children need more than J's in dresses, shoes and vacations. They need you to seat him soothes them. Comfort, they need light. But the truth is, it's a little easier because a lot of us are cuffed to cash. Okay, so write it down and appoint finances aren't the highest form of compensation. Watch this fulfillment is I have never by the grace of God. I have had as I'm about to turn 36 I've had some opportunities to receive some resources from different things that are like God, how did that happen? And I'm gonna just tell you because nobody ever told me like when whatever the biggest check you've ever gotten is when you get it. It feels good for 48 hours like after you like burn
it walking with a little swag
you go to the bank different though. You don't do the drive thru you go in. You'd be like Oh, hello. Hi
like you just be doing random weird stuff. And then it goes into this magical disappear layer. And then you feel anxiety for a second like did they take it? Ah, there it is. You check your account. You go eat a nice dinner and then all the things that was a problem before it will be a problem after the check. I'm telling you. I thought it was gonna be like a man. I thought I was gonna lose weight when I made more money. Like I don't know I just thought it was like you rent you skinny like I thought it was he felt like you needed did he said the more money do you normally take more money government takes more money when you make more money? I don't know if everybody knows that. But like a million a million 100,000 and 100,000. I mean, it looked like that on the chat.
You know, people want to be paid for helping you count your money. No, I'm just telling you things that I didn't know.
Did you know that when people find out you might got no money. They start asking if they can have some of your money and it'd be the people you love to. Like I heard God blessing you
Why are you telling us because I don't want you to come to it. I want you to know the greatest thing. The greatest form of payment is fulfillment. And some of the most fulfilling things in my life. I didn't get paid for If you are missing moments that God wants to richly bless you, because you're looking for there to be zeros behind it, when it might be a hug some of the greatest moments you may ever have may not come in comas. It may come in a conversation, like God's using you to help somebody else and you are feeling the field. And that's why I just, I just want to help you understand Matthew 633, which is my favorite Bible scripture. And I've always been wired for things that, that make me understand the Bible, finances, all that other stuff. And I remember being 17 years old when this scripture came alive to me, and I took it to heart. This is my favorite Bible scripture, and I'm gonna preach a lot about it in 2023. Listen to this, Matthew 633. But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things. All of these there'll be added. It's like going to the fast food restaurant. And you order in five baskets of fries. You're not worried? Aren't you gonna get ketchup? Like you're not like, Oh my God. I wonder if I just order all these fries? And I wonder if they're gonna allow me to have ketchup. You ordered the fries first. The ketchup is added. Like, why am I stressing about what's added if I did the prerequisite? And most of us are worried about the Astor thing. Because we have not done the first thing. When you seek everybody's shot at me first. The Kingdom, the king, what he wants you to do, how we want you to act how I want you to maneuver mud. Cap cash influence has added that Smolin when I got this connection at 17, Mo, it changed my life, because I had never heard anybody say, just go full throttle after God, and everything that you think you need. It's added. Everybody was telling me go after the things you think you need. And hopefully, God can be a part of it. And this is why some of y'all know y'all called into ministry but you're still working a job because it pays you six figures. It's 19 years and you're working for a Rolex and a plaque and even a Rolex and some avato. Let's be honest, they're not giving, you know, Rolex at that job. 25 years for a Movado and a plaque and an insurance plan and Gaza has been 25 years you've not been working in purpose why are you saying this? Because my I pray for it and counsel so many people who are cuffed to cash. Why don't you just give them managers I'm so burdened by the problems in this world. All of the homeless people. Why didn't the church do something? You to church? You have nine jackets. It's cold outside. You put a heart on a post by be heard movement, but you didn't take nobody a jacket? I don't. But not the ah, this is a scoop. My grandma bought this when she did. She don't even let me start up. We make all of these excuses because somehow that's giving us value. cuff to cuff to and why am I so passionate about this because it almost took my generosity. It being cuffed to cash almost robbed me of the blessing of being a generous man of God. I was almost the most stingy, greedy, selfish person you've ever met until I found the revelation that it is more blessed to keep than it is to. Most people will never live that out in their life because they are so close to cash. Because the suit makes you the shoes make you the house make you the clothes make you what my kid has on your baby got baby Jordans and they only gonna be that size for 13 days. You spent $78 on a shoe This big I'm not judging you, but you spend $78 on a shoot is beginning keep them don't even give them to somebody else, your brother having a baby and like, that's fine, but he ain't gonna look at them. And it's like, why? What do you come to cast? Okay? So when it says Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, all these things are added. I wrote this down because it helped me get it. Cash always needs to be connected to the kingdom. Like when I seek first the Kingdom, cash combs. Like, if I kingdom if you're doing what God's ask you to do in the kingdom, he's always gonna find it. So when when you get into your Kingdom purpose cash Come, my cash is connected to the kingdom. That's why money should never be the focus. It should be the fruit. Stop focusing on cash, stop focusing on money, start focusing on helping start focusing on solutions start focusing on being a blessing. When you start focusing on the right thing, the thing you won't comes because it's the fruit of the seed you planted. You never reap if you did not sow and everybody looking for God to rain down the harvest on seeds they've never ever said why do you say connect because the heart of the kingdom is give somebody something? bless somebody, first seek first the Kingdom I walked into the restaurant and I was about to buy two of them. I'm about one of them. And I'm about a person behind me something that seek first the Kingdom seek first the kingdom is you know what? Instead of my all my kids 50 presents this year, I'm gonna let them pick the top five. And then we're going to as a family bless another family with Christmas. Why are you saying that personally because that's the heart of the kingdom. And when God gives seed, he looks for people who will sell and most people don't have solar on their nametag. Have you ever seen any sewers? I'm ready to give something to somebody? Like think about it? Yeah, I'm coming to bless somebody who's a sower. Look, somebody's hands. They just like a thing. Is this real? Or is he really doing it or not? I don't know. Why don't Is he trying to really get us? I said who's a sower in the room? Can you bring me my cash machine real quick? I need a sower like somebody who like if if I if I bless you, you bless somebody else not. Now in the context of the message everyone is like, may deaf if I call me Bobby sower real quick, I just need one more person. Somebody from this section. Here's a solar where I heard right here coming right here. The one that said right here. Who's there? Right here. Come on, y'all give it up from a man the solar. Okay, now, I want to do this little example for everybody. Just this isn't real money machine. Okay. And we got a couple dollars in it. Yeah, get my man up on it. Yeah, come on. Bring them up here. Come on. What's your name? Amen. Andre, give it up for Andre. So Andre. I need you to step inside the money machine real quick. My man. Come on Just going here. No, right here, baby right here. Awesome. 50s and hundreds and 20s. And now
you guys. How much time should I give him? He said a minute. How much should I give him? 30 How much time should I give him? Put it in the chat? How many to she said 20 minutes. Oh. I'm gonna give him I'm gonna give him 15 seconds. Okay
you ain't got no seconds in here. Why are you saying how much should I give him Roman 30 seconds. Are we gonna give him 32nd Because I'm gonna say to give him 30 seconds. You got 30 seconds to pick up as much cash as you can. Okay, you're gonna check them all. Alright, go ahead and start let's go ahead and start Come on start start me up. I don't know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop. Put it down. No, no, I'm not praying. Stop the blower
that means said Going never seen no cat machine. You can't do that. You got to stay up right? And you got to catch it all right, he got 30 seconds to start and start to start it right now. Okay, now you got to catch it. Now you better figure out a technique encourage him to let his belly come out and everything he's about to get this money. How much we got? Oh no. Oh
all right. 54321 All right, stop it. Stop it. Stop. Y'all give it up to my man right here. All right. Come on. You got to give it away. All right. All right. Okay. Malia Will you come over here with my man and can you just count llama just counted which Alright, just you hand it to me. Honda 200 300 Oh, hundo 500 600 100 You picked up right there. 700 just passed me to hundos 809 10. That's the Dow that's a band. Here we go. One. Two. I'll get it. I'll get it three. He said three Come on. Fold. We gotta hurry. oh five. Come on six. Y'all you got way more than I thought. 789 10 That's another band. That's two. Why? How much you think it is two? Three Come on. All right, we got three that's four right there. Come on five. Brother. This is just magical six. Okay, so the now we only 20s We have 60 6080 Why? Why? Why? He said oh, this man is serious right now. So that's seven right? Yep. Okay. Okay, yeah, so does that okay, we got 18 no known as 1818 20 Okay 2000 3000 2800 Right 2822 $1,820 Y'all give it up for my man now you came up here and I told you that wasn't yours. So you did the work to be a blessing Yep. All right now I'm ready you found somebody Boom Boom
this baby is excited I don't even know what I asked him to do
I want you to find one person that's your lead to lead. Oh y'all missed the word that your lead you from up here because all of your work he's sweating a little bit he's like he's he did something but he did it knowing the purpose was not for him to keep it he would be blessed to be a if you need a real blessing in the room right now like there's like something for real is going on? Raise your hand okay you got Okay, I got it. Who is it over there my man are over there with the orange beanie on and a lot of people have been raising at the very back yep Hey my man is you know no issue you turned around yeah, you come in here
he think this the prices why he like oh come on, bro. You gotta come on prices right Come on, y'all. Give him high fives all the way down the aisles you gotta hurry we'll Come on y'all
Yes, sir. All right. So um, he you're gonna have to come on come on, bro All right. Yeah, he said that's crazy. until you're happy. What's your name, bro? What's up? Yeah, I know you will say To watch this God called you from the bag until it happens. I know who you are, until it happens. God called you from the back he blessed somebody from over here to find somebody over there to be a blessing, but this is how God works. Half of what you are blessed with. You got to bless somebody else. Oh, that's fine. Okay, so who else needs has a need in the building right now? Okay, so just find somebody real quick. Just just we got to do it real fast though. real life example. real life example. Know what? He said? Ah, don't play him like No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, just just just pick somebody right here. Okay, we're gonna block right we're right here, right here. Come here says blonde right here. Right here. Right here. Come on. All right, come on. Hurry up. Okay, so. So watch this. Now most people would think that my man who started it off is the loser. How you doing says you good. Okay. So you got $1,400 Okay. There's real money. Okay, there's not fake, like real. Okay. All right, cool. So the blessing was provided by somebody's work. But it was received by grace. They did nothing to earn work like and then they were trusted to then be a blessing to somebody else. Okay, now watch. I'm trying to tell you how Kingdom cash works. Because you've been faithful and haven't asked me you'll pass my When. When is when all this is over? You're gonna slide me something beforehand, I didn't know how much he was going to pull out of there. But already have five bands ready to give to you. You missed it. You missed it. Because I trusted the character of the one you don't know what it's doing for him right now. But you better get I want you to get a visual. God bless. So you can be a blessing. But before he bless you he already has something else prepared for you
now know who leaves off of this stage blessed I want to invite you to the kingdom. The kingdom is not about one person being blessed. Or this group of people being bound like this thing because it's only black people up here like this we're a multi ethnic church. Sweetheart, I need you pick somebody white out here or Hispanic there's a black woman like my Daddy white like no stop Can you pick somebody please? Give somebody come on so sorry. Okay, come in. No watch just hurry just now now watch before before you get I need somebody Hispanic or Asian or Come on somebody. You come on come on come on. Come here. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. We got to make some room. Oh, hold on. We got to make some what? Some room we have to make room because the blessing has gotten too big. To contain by one group of people in one space. I'm trying to show you our actual picture of what kingdom is supposed to do. Okay, so, so so so everybody 1400 1400 1400 1400 All yogin 1400 You get 5000 Now watch this watch it the reason she said you need Africans up there. You need to African My brother was there forever. You need to have free time. I saw you ready come on. Come on to international Come on. Let's get some international here
I'll see you see came ready. See, well does he say don't fall don't fall at the end. Don't follow. Just stay right there. Now stop. No, stop calling. It ain't nobody else coming up. But that doesn't mean you can't be blessed. because it should not stop here. See the only thing I'm asking you didn't come to church looking to be blessed. But God blessed you. Now he's giving you the opportunity to bless someone else. Okay, this is what kingdom and cash this is how it should relate. Y'all hear me? Can we give God praise for all of these people? Y'all can go Joe is gonna they're gonna take all your information we're gonna make sure What are you doing bro
all good bro
we moved here we
moved here from Oregon
are over five years and I just wanted the chance to be in the booth. You got through you inspire my family
I never saved money before. I never gave up before I started become a part of this church. I didn't ever know how to hold a job. Where to God through you? My love
and now look what God did. He let us meet in front of the whole world can we give God praise for transformation in Christ? That's what it looks like. I'm gonna we're gonna talk afterwards brother. He messed up y'all this brother he is like your drunk friend. It ain't. And what he said going off he said it ain't about the money. He's been transformed. Okay. 5000 worth $5,000 difference doesn't do that. God did that. The 5000 just was a catalyst to be able to point to how good God was in that man's life. Like beyond See what I'm saying? And I'm not gonna make it through this whole thing. But that was a message in itself. So. So if you want to understand how Kingdom works, it means you have to uncover from cash. There was a rich young ruler, you can go look at this whole story. And Mark chapter 10 Verse 17, that he ran after Jesus. It says in verse 17, and he came running up to a meltdown and asked Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus always dropping gems and just making you think why you call me good? Only God is truly good. But nevermind, you ain't ready for that. To answer your question. You know the commandments. You must not murder you must not commit adultery, you must not steal, you must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother. Nature is your boy. I've done all of these things. Since I was young. Looking at the man Jesus felt I love this genuine love. He felt genuine love for him. Come close, bro. There's still one thing that you haven't done yet. He told him go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me. I've heard this scripture butchered for years that God wants people to be poor. That's done. That that doesn't. It doesn't even make sense. How are we going to bless people if we ain't got nothing? Like that didn't like where I'm supposed to steal it out? Nope. That's one of the Commandments Thou shalt not steal. What big Miss interpreted the revelation and I'm gonna give it to you today and this will set you free. It said at this man's at this that Jesus told me go sell your possessions. Give the money to the poor, the man's face fail. And he went away sad. He didn't even try y'all. He didn't try for he had many possessions. One thing that we don't give this rich young ruler credit for is he at least was seeking Jesus. Like literally if you look at it in verse 17, as you Jesus was starting out on his way Jesus was going this way, a man came running up to him and knelt down. He had the first part of Matthew 633. Down, Seek first, he did that part. But at some point and I'm telling all Christians this, you'll seek can't just stay a Sikh. At some point, you can't just be like, I'm going after God. I'm in your presence. I'm here for you, Lord. At some point, he's going to ask you to do something. Let me put in an appoint. At some point, your seek has to turn into a sacrifice. Who does nasty Bible right there? Keep seeking Him. But then do what he says to do. At some point, seek him and stop hanging out with those friends. What is that gonna be a sacrifice. You're gonna have to sacrifice your social life for a season because you're not emotionally stable enough to make your decisions by yourself. So you need to get away from them. So you can hear from God and find your own identity outside of that friend group. Oops, I'm in your business. What God is going to ask you to sacrifice somebody say sacrifice. If you're sick, never turns into a sacrifice, you will never see the promises of God. And I wish somebody would have told me this. You can't just sing the songs and come to church. If you not giving up something, it will never materialize what you're believing for. And how does Jesus test this man? He says, um, yeah, go sell all your possessions. He wanted his seek to turn into a sacrifice. And this is not just a money, y'all. Fellow if you seek in her, you like the way she moved? You like the way she talking? And Walton and you infatuated and you holler and at some point, it's gonna go from a seek to sacrifice. You're gonna have to do stuff. You didn't think he was gonna do it? She said, I noticed why. You're gonna have to pay if you like it. I think it was prophetess Beyonce. She said if you like it you're missing out on your promise because you don't want your seat to turn into a sacrifice. Oh, god. Yeah. Some of y'all go to the gym seeking for the best gym. Is it Gold's Gym? Is it lifetime is it Why have you been seeking for months. But at some point, that see got to turn into a what, you got to lift something, you go half shoe gone, you can make all the stretching videos you want to. But at some point, the seat has to turn into a just came to tell you. It's the same thing with money. If you're going to seek God, at some point, he's going to say I want some of it. I want you to use it for something that you would naturally use it for. I know you could go by yourself another but I want you to sew into this. And let me let me show you the the key to it. Because when I looked at the Scripture, he said go sell all your possessions, man, when you really dig into the Scripture, it just changed your life. He said sell all your possessions. That was the sacrifice. But then he said so it. What do you mean, give it to the poor? Those are two totally different things. I can sell all my stuff and just have more for my investment. But he said sacrifice. And then so it let me say it in a point. Sacrifice is solidified in sewing. Like there's something exponential that happens when you take what you sacrifice for. Did y'all see what happened to this man he sacrifice it was his hands. It was when he was picking up that money. Nobody else was working. But it was solidified. Did y'all see he broke down crying after the fourth person, his blessing sewed into them. This is what God is requiring all of us. This is why God asked us to share our testimony is because all the crap you went through does not get solidified until you give that story to somebody else. I'll think about my friends who who are up here Bree and Erin have a couple of weeks ago, all the crap that they went through all the sacrifice all the marriage counseling, all the different things they went to. It didn't get solidified until Aaron told me God's coming into his barbershop saying man thank you for sharing that message me and my wife. We're gonna actually work on our marriage now. What? All the sacrifice was actually solidified when they gave it away. And what I'm saying is some of y'all been through a whole bunch of crap, that hasn't made nothing yet, because you're not willing to give it away. The same thing with your finances, God said, Do you know how much I could do? If I had control of the resources that I give you the ability to get? It does not become solidified until it's sewn. So um, as I was reading this to bring it to in the goal of this parable was not for church people to think either I follow Jesus or I live a broke life. That wasn't it. The goal was not broke, the goal was broken. He was trying to get this rich young ruler to be uncuffed or broken from the thing that gave him significance. His title was rich. They didn't say his name. They had identified him but what he had accumulated rich young ruler, Jesus said, If you can follow me, that can't be your first title. So I don't want you broke. I want you broken. And there is no telling if this young man would have not been the replacement for Judas in the treasury. Because he was obviously good with money. It just was. He didn't have money. Money had him. He didn't even try. He didn't even try to uncover and today I'm just asking everybody in here.
If you're going to uncover from cash, you got to give it there's no other way how I got rid of the ingredient My heart is I gave it I'll give it to you in a point. It's got you until you give it
it's got you until you give it anything in your life in your bank account in your closet that you can't give away. You don't have it. It has you I told I told him bring me that last. That last little thing Birmingham shoes. I literally got a pair of shoes last night. My lion I'm telling you to two I got these last night most seen them bring me the shoes in the jacket you gotta you gotta thank you
they not open y'all These days even come DJ Khaled came out with a shoe call we did this. These mugs is so clean air jordan five. And I mean they just
and I was literally preaching this sermon to Charles in the greenroom and just finished I mean on the inside y'all is so the I'm not sponsored DJ Khaled if you wanna sponsor me, that's fine. But I literally was in the greenroom. And the Holy Spirit said, If you don't give them away this morning, they got you
It's my birthday. Money. And God said, what a blessing that I had you pay for something that was somebody else's.
And you got to enjoy carrying them around for one day. We'll come here. We'll hang them up. I've been watching you so y'all can clap it up real quick. As soon as soon as the Holy Spirit say you got to give them away. He showed me well.
And y'all don't know but will is one of the best people in the world serves this vision tirelessly. And today, I just wanted you to know I love you. I appreciate you. I care about you and your family you're the best another one
but y'all know what happened? God just allowed me to graduate to the place where he can trust me with anything she was didn't have me. I had them. And now we'll have them. My question is, do you have cash? Or does cash have you? The only way to break this cycle is to give. Now, we're not taking no second offering today. So this is would be the time that in most churches, where they cue the music, and the pastor would be like,
I heard the number 1,000,620. Like, I'm doing that crap. Because at the end of the day, if it doesn't come from a pure place in your heart, it's a manipulation anyway. We don't want that. All I'm asking everybody to do. Every year we do this. But I think it's going to be a more spiritual act than it is anything else. On December 4, people are going to come from all over the country to so in crazy faith, y'all in the testimonies we have of people who trusted God with whatever he said, not what what we said, I want you to do is pray God, is there anything you would have me to give in this offering. And this is the crazy thing, this is the time of year like I tie, like that's the first level if you don't have time, right now, y'all missing out. It's a protection is blessing is all kinds of stuff, to 10% We wasted anyway, of that we've wasted on stuff that don't fit us we got clothes that we bought for a size, we ain't bout to be like, You know what I'm saying? Let's be honest, like, we wasted anyway. But 90% with God's blessing is better than 100% without it. So if you're if you're not tied to man, I'm encouraging you to start tithing. That's the first level, but then you can graduate to a second level. The second level is offerings. And when God tells you and pricks it on your heart to give something, but there's nothing better than doing it. But there's a third level, everybody said, there's another level. The highest level is sacrificial offerings. What you mean, you just seeing one
is one that you'd be like, Oh, that hurt. That's the level where God starts doing things you never thought
you would ever see in your life. And it was possible. I'm believing God that this year before this end of this year, I think there's 47 days left in the year like we ain't got that much more time. Like, I'm believing that there's 1000s of people that won't just do the first level of tithing. But in this short span of time, we will go from the first level to the third level. Like I'm gonna start tithing, but dang, I'm gonna get before the end of 22 to sacrificial offering. And as we come in, so in crazy faith, I'm ready to seek God do a miracle. Not in the church. In the church. Like God has blessed this building, we got nice building we got we didn't tell me that. We need the spirit of Mammon to be broken off of our minds. We need the principles of poverty to no longer pass down from generation. We need the goal of greed in our lives and our families to be eradicated. How does that happen? We got to everybody say give. Generosity is the number one way that people become more like God, for God so loved that he it's his core characteristic with everybody stand all over the world. If you've been cuffed to cash, or you just want a deeper heart of generosity, would you just lift your hands everywhere? Because I'm the first one to say it. Father. I thank you that I delivered your word in the best way I do have today God, I'm asking that you would uncover us from our need for cash more than our need for Christ. Let us be married to the idea of you being provider. The one who has the ability not to just meet our financial needs, but meet all of our needs. Today somebody needs the healing. Today. Somebody needs breakthrough. Today somebody needs their mind shifted. Father, thank You that we are going to the one who was a source of it all. And no longer will we be cuffed to cash. Today we are severing our tie to the spirit of Mammon. We are connecting to the life giving source Jesus Christ. Thank you for generosity erupting in this church. Thank you that this week we're looking for places to be a blessing As your Word says, You give seed to the sower. So we have to make up in our hearts right now that we're going to sow and you will provide seed. Other let us be the answer to prayers, not just praying to get prayers answered. Thank you that families change. Thank you, Father that legacies change. Because we will seek first everybody say first, the kingdom. God, I thank you that you'll add everything else. You're in this room and you've never accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Let me introduce you to the king of the kingdom. He's the one that took somebody like me who was addicted to pornography, a liar, a manipulator, somebody who had a felony, car insurance fraud case, and say, Yeah, bring that all to me. And I'm not gonna make you perfect, but I'm gonna make sure you're progressing. And today, the main you stand, that's you see standing before you has transformed because Jesus's love has come in and wrapped his arms around me. I've experienced the grace of God. And today, I want to offer that to you. Yeah, your eternity you are be secure. But that's not the best part. You get to walk with God every day of your life. Today, if that's you, and you're saying, Pastor Mike, I want, I want to make Jesus my Lord and Savior, not just save, you're not just give me out it is. But Lord, show me which way to go and tell me what to do. Because I know your plan is best for me. I want to let you know, that's the best decision you could ever make. If that's you on the count of three, I want you to lift your hand. We're not gonna embarrass you and call you up or do anything like that. We're gonna pray together. But I want you to identify just like if I say, Does anybody want $1,000 hands will go up right now. This is way more valuable than any amount of money. So relationship with the one who is and is to come. If you want a relationship with Jesus today, whether you're in the room or you're watching online on rebroadcast or 10 years from now, I want you to lift your hand. Today is the day of salvation one. I'm so proud of you. Two, your name is about to be written in the Lamb's book of life. I hear claps already. Three. Somebody lifts your hand right now. You're in this room. I see you. I see you, sister. I see you my brother. I see you over. Wow. Oh, come on church. I see you. This is what it's about. Hey, transformation churches, a family. Nobody prays alone. So let's all just lift our hands and pray this prayer together. God, thank you for sending Jesus. Just for me. Today, I'm uncovering from everything. That's not like you. I believe you lived. You die. You rose again. From my freedom. And today, I give you my life. changed me. Renew me. Transforming. I'm yours. In Jesus name. Amen. Hey, can we celebrate all over this room? Oh, Joe, Kevin is turning off right now. Can we celebrate all over this holiday? Next week, we're gonna take it to a whole nother level. This week, watch the message back. Anytime you get frazzled about finances, watch it again. Because God's going to uncover us because he's our source. I love you. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. This is the best church to lead in the whole wide world. And until next week, go out and live a transformed life hug two or three people we love you.
Thank you so much for watching this message. We pray that it encouraged you. Our vision is to represent God to the loss and found for transformation in Christ. And if you would like to partner with us and giving you can text give to 828282 or visit us on our website. Also, be sure to like, subscribe and check out our other sermons as well. Our service begins every Sunday at 10:45am Central Standard Time. Now go out and live a transformed life