I document we start our work. And if your question gets answered and you feel like everything's good, you're welcome to, to go from there. But we're going to try to answer some questions up front that everybody may have, so that we can help move things along. Okay. All right. So if you have not signed in yet, please do so. The sign in is in the chat. Before we begin to answer questions, we just want to give a couple of updates. One update is that the allocation letters for all grantees went to all principals yesterday. All money is in the budget for all schools at this time, ready to be activated and used. If the SAA or you are wondering about anything, you can speak to your principal, they can speak to that letter that they received in their email. They SAA should have a copy of it because it gives them all the details about the grant. So that occurred as of yesterday. So that's the good news. That money is in place. If anybody was checking yesterday morning. It wasn't there. Yesterday afternoon. It was there. So I know it went out around two o'clock yesterday. And so we got about a day early, which is good. We're not going to change any timelines beyond what we've already done. But just know that that's the information and the latest update. In addition to that, we're going to take a look at the acknowledgement. I'm saying the wrong thing. What is it called? Is it called acknowledgement document?
Yes, acknowledgement of responsibilities. Yes, acknowledgement
of responsibilities, just as a quick review, and give a quick overview so that you understand how things can work at your school and this may answer some questions for you. Awesome. All right. Dr. Mac, you want to throw it up there? Yes, I
did drop a link in the chat. Okay, so you have a
copy in the chat. And Dr. Max going to share her screen, which I should be able to do good. All right. So the form you're looking at is the acknowledgement of responsibilities. Now you submitted this with your grant. You signed it and your principal sign it and it begins to outline okay, it begins to outline what are the responsibilities for the grantee, that's you and the responsibilities for the principal? And so I encourage you to take a careful look at this. But look at bullet number three, maintain accurate financial records for example. That's something we've talked about using their grant funding only for the approved activities that are within the grant. Participate in any like we're doing now, and any other mandatory meetings, collect data for our evaluation, which you saw, we'll talk about the timelines in a bit but you'll be able to see that in our mandatory meeting. We're going to go over that. And of course, the last bullet is speaking to the previous bullet. We'll be able to talk to you about the mid year report and about the end of year report in that meeting. Now the principal signed these five the grant aligns with the tenant that they helped you got them to approve for you to have, support the grantee and implementing the activities and overseeing the grant expenditures. So that falls under the principle as everything else in the budget does ensure the grantee complies with the requirements of the middle end of the year reports. All grant funds have to be spent by June 30. Now you know our deadline for your expenditures to be done is May first that is either expended or encumbered, except for personnel and goods, receipts etc. And we've talked to the essays about that. And then the ICB grant funds do not carry over but that the principal will support the grantee in implementing the activities and oversee grant expenditures. Now it's very important that you know that while Dr. Mac and I can answer a lot of questions when you're trying to expand your money at your school. If you run into any walls go to your principal first because they are supporting you in implementing the grant. If you have a question about how to buy something, or what you should buy your essay and your principal are there as supports for that. If something can't get done as fast as we may expect it. Go to your principal and say can we make an adjustment, your principal can make that decision because the money is at the site. However the grant needs to be implemented and be implemented in the way that you intended it to be as the grantee. So just know that there's some flexibility that wasn't there last year because all monies are at the school site under the supervision of the principal. So just know, you don't need to get my approval, or Dr. Max approval to do something that your principal can answer the question to. However, if they don't know the answer to the question, or they say, Well, maybe you should ask Dr. Mack or Dr. Jones, then reach out to us. If you just are trying to get an answer and nobody knows the answer, reach out to us. It's just we want to make sure that you use all the tools you have at your school so that you can make things happen the way they need to. And the good news as I said at the beginning all my knees are in place in the budget ready to be spent as of yesterday at two o'clock. And those allocation letters went to the principal, like every other budget that they know, and tells them everything they have to know about the grant that they've already acknowledged in red here and they are there to help you to get it done. So I just wanted to say all of those things. I miss anything, Doctor man. I
just wanted to reiterate that for this grant, that the principal is the approving authority on the campus. So you need to engage with your principal for any goods and services that you need in order to implement the grant. So the monies are at the school site. With support of the SAA. The shopping carts will be created, but even when the SAA creates the shopping carts, for your contracted services and to purchase your materials it is your principal who has to go into the system, and your principal is the approving authority. So we just want to reiterate that you really need to be in collaboration and communication with your principal. Thank you.
So they are your partner. So please remember those things. Okay. So Dr. Mac, for the good of the order, we want to make sure everybody has signed in. There is a sign in in the chat. Please download a copy of the acknowledgments if you don't have one for yourself. And we're going to begin taking questions and Dr. Maximum moderate and I'm gonna try to answer them and Dr. Mac will help me where I fall down. Alright.
Yes participants can you please raise your hand and we will call you in the order in which your hand is raised.
So first we have Sandra min Gandhi.
Yes, I just wrote in a text on the chat. My principal was given 44 on and those fonts are not there. I just run in availability report. And one of my counselors also was a grantee and one of our teachers and those funds are there, but not that
they are there. Yes. Yay.
I think it's would you give them the correct program numbers? Dr. Jones?
Yes. And so the program numbers. Give me one second. I'm just pulling it up in front of me so I don't say anything wrong. If
you give them to me, I can put them in the chat. Okay. All
right. Give me one second guys. I'm gonna pull up the information. Now remember, this information is on our website. If you look under the presentation, can you put a copy of the link to our website there? And the website was updated today. It's almost every day if we find something that we need to update we do it and so just know you can always go to the ICB website to find the latest and best information and we try to let you know when we update it and everything. And I'm going into the presentation that we went over with you. Just to remind you of what those areas are for a budget. All right. Second
question. I'm sorry. Can I Can I ask the second question? No golf. Okay. So one of my counselors also was given some 12,000 I think it was she plays X time for counselor X time, but it was divided into elementary and secondary. We are a secondary school. How will the elementary funds will affect Can I still use it?
So welcome. Welcome back to that. Because I think you're gonna hear we're gonna hear that question over and over again. If a fund is in a certain place and needs to be a different fine, what do I do? So that's question is going to come up. And so we're gonna look to help everybody, but you've asked a great question. Just know that the presentation that I have on the screen in front of you is from the presentation that's on the website, and it is slide number five and the budgets are 14884 for all 701. And your essay knows because it's on the it's it's on your budget form that they gave you. So you should have this as well. 14885 for 702 and 14886 for 704. So those are your edits on your budget sheet that your SAA gave you a copy up. And that tells you where your money is. And it's possible for school to have all three of these in budgets, depending on what grant you know what Grant was approved under which area thank you so much. Well, there you go. And we will answer the second part of your question. Absolutely. Go ahead document.
Okay. Next person is Jennifer Stapleton.
Good afternoon. Thank you. I have several questions and I was just thinking maybe in the future I should email them ahead of the office hours times. All right. Thank you, please. So we I'm doing my question is about the protocol for the rollout of contract services. I have scheduled dates with both of my presenters, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be using their MOU that one of them sent or an invoice and do I meet with my essay or just send it to her? Do I need to schedule a meeting or do I email it? I don't know the I'm new to this. So
I know your essay isn't that's the good news. Every contract that we have, we need to get a quote from the contractor as to how much it will cost right. The second thing we do is give that quote to the SAA so they can do an LRP or a shopping cart, so that they can get that approved. Once approved, a purchase order will be generated that will go to the partner will come to your FAA and you'll probably get a copy as well. Now once that goes they can do work. Until then even if you scheduled work, they can't do work until they have a Pio. So you want to get that process moving as soon as possible. You'll also note that on the website, we have updated the timeline and moved it from the first to the eighth. So we did that because we saw our distribution came out late so we just moved it back to help everybody keep doing their work. So that helps.
That helped a lot. So in terms of the MOU in the invoice none of that is important. What's important is that I give the quote and that she starts the LRE in the shopping cart and the purchase orders generated and from there we can go ahead because
the invoice is used to pay and you can get an invoice so they do their work, and then they invoice you to get paid and then your NSA takes that and they do what they do. And it's all they know so
much. Thank you my second question and then I'll get back in line if there's time for another. I'm part of a I'm the B sub designee at my school site, and I'm part of the B sap team meetings. My principal particularly requested that I work directly with my assistant principals might be sub team meetings, as opposed to coming directly to her because I hear you guys repeating seek your principal, but she has requested that I seek Him and if there's any questions to clarify, then I would go to her and that's per her request. So that's fine, right? You're following the
procedure. So if they say we have a designee then you deal with that as administrator. And then if there are questions that administrator can't answer, they'll you know, no problem. That's normal
designee and he's the AP and so when we're touching
the administrative designee is the AP, so no problem. Thank you. Sounds good to me. No problem. Thank
you. Next up, we have Sheree Reese.
Hi, thank you so much. Yes, ma'am. I'm with Hamilton High School. So my question is regarding the contract for instructional services. So, um, the LAUSD approved vendor is asking, she did submit her quote, I did submit it to her SAA so few questions is March eighth. The deadline for my SAA to submit it in the shopping cart. That's part one.
So we went out as little as possible. Okay. All right. The eighth you should not be given or anything after the eighth. So once she has it, it's out of your it's you know you're done. You're good. You just follow up
for that. So part two is this vendor is asking, Is it okay for partial payment in two ways, a third of her budget for supplies to begin to do the work, then submit a monthly invoice at the end of March and then another invoice at the end of April. So is partial invoice submissions okay for the ICB grant.
So this sounds like a principle question. Number one SAA
you need to talk to your essay or maybe have the vendor talk to the essay about what they're requesting. Okay, yeah.
Okay, thank you. I'll do that. And then last question. Um, does this community partner need to give the live scan fingerprinting because they did go to a place today and they were told they needed an ROI number they needed all kinds of things and I just didn't have that information. Yeah, procurement
has that information. So if they need to go on onto the LAUSD website, to the procurement office, and if they have to call their to ask further questions. They can do that. But the procurement office can give them guidance on what they need to do so that they're ready to do work in LAUSD.
Okay. Thanks very much.
Yeah. Good question. Thank you. Thank you. All right. And I haven't forgot the question about what do I do if the money's not in the right place? I'm holding on on purpose that matter who's next? Okay,
next we have Melissa Wiseman. Seven.
Hi, how are you? I just I have two questions. One was already answered. So we, in our in our budget allocated money for teacher professional development. So I guess my question is, how would I go about doing that? Do I have to fill out like a specific form to allocate those funds for those teachers and the the amount of hours needed like a requisition form? Sorry, I'm so new to this. It's a little confusing.
Gotcha. So the good news is your SAA is not confused. And so they have a procedure at school, so that if you all do extra time, you follow that procedure. You're just using money from a different account. So the cool thing is, if you're trying to do a certain project at your school, and you need to use x time for teachers that are working with you and your project, then from the principal in advance, and then you follow the procedure at your school on how you keep track of the time and how you identify the activities. that are being done. And your SAA can support you in doing that. Dr. Mac, did I miss anything?
No, just to reiterate that you need to get pre authorization from the principal. So we did provide the essays with a sample pre authorization form, and on that form is where you would identify the employee who's requesting permission to work, describing briefly the activities, listing the dates and times. And then submitting that to your SAA and your principal or administrative designee for approval before you start the work and
I pulled this up on purpose because on our website, we have all of that information over here. It says sample pre authorization form, sample supplementary timesheet, all of that is here on our website. So if you if your essay, for example, doesn't have a timesheet, or she's new and maybe just learning about it, one, we have some examples here that you can use. But also over here on the left side. We have the SAA presentation that we did. If you go in here, it will give you some great information about what they should know about how we work. And there's even three essays that volunteered to be resources for essays. So you know how they talk their own language, you know, they can reach out to those essays if they have a question and that can support as well. So I don't know if I answered your Miss Wiseman. Did I do any good in answering your question?
Yes, you did. And thank you for showing me where it is. I was going on the website and I was like, well, there's all these forms. So I appreciate that. And then my last question is I know that you want us to use the vendors that people that help us we in the past have used specific LASD approved vendors that we've that the product is not on the LASD catalog. Do I need to still go through one of your specific vendors, or can I just bypass that and ours
were recommendations, okay. And we weren't saying you must use them but we gave you some options. Just make sure they're LAUSD vendors and that you're following LASD policy, you'll have no problems.
Okay, I appreciate you guys answering my questions. Thank you so much.
Oh problem.
And just as a follow up again, looking back at the acknowledgement documentation is critical. So just make sure that you guys are keeping copies of all of the documentation related to the grant and that would include the X time and the overtime. Okay. Thank you. Next up we have we have we have Miss Hines, Lauren Isha Hines. Let me share lanisha I'm sorry.
So sorry. Did you get a chance to go visit our website? Then you get Did you get a free free question go right in what questions do you have? My question is about moving money. Yeah, so I'll stop you there. Okay. That's the question that I have on hold. Okay, probably another 10 minutes and then dive into it. Call me ask the same question we got earlier. And two great questions. And I promise you I'm gonna give a thorough answer. Promise. Wonderful. Thank you so much. Absolutely. Okay. How would you document we knew it was.
Okay, we're prepped and ready for it. Okay, next up, we have Jennifer Stapleton today,
so I just I mine is the CLR PD series with Dr. Shrugging Holly and Dr. Alicia Montgomery and Dr. Don afford the cards. Yes. So I'm I have funds available to contract more services for another part of the series. But I don't know about the X time pay for the staff to make sure that I can compensate them even though I have enough to contract the services because the budget was done with the SAA and the ISB team without the grant writer. So how do I know and I've requested it but I don't have access to the numbers to crunch them to see if I can do another see or you know, another date session.
Okay, so, one, your essay has access to the folder that has your budget for your grants. So please ask them to give you a copy. Okay, then you'll have the way the money is laid out. Right. Second, this is now a public information item. So it actually lives on the LAUSD website. And you could actually look yourself and Dr. Mac. I don't know if it's too much to even think about doing that today. But another meeting maybe we go in and show people out to find where their budgets are on the LASD website, because you can see every budget for all schools at any time. And so that will help you because then you don't have to ask your essay. You can just go in yourself and look and you can see where the money is and how much is allocated and is that cool?
So um I do have with somebody in the district got wind that I was doing this CLR PD series and would like to attend not necessarily for compensation. Can people who are not at my school site be present?
Yeah, that's that's up to you principal's discretion. It was in my mouth back to back. But yes, as long as your principal approves or your designee, Administrator, you're in good shape. Thank you both. There you go. All right, Dr. Mac, what do we have next? I got five more minutes before I do the Thank
You know, Michael, Michael dropped the link to the school directory page where you can access the budgets. Michael, we'll dig
into it a little bit for the novice so they can, you know, understand it.
Well. One of the things you have to keep in mind if you have more than one grant at your school site. When you look up the budget information on that website, the funds might all be sitting in one program code. So we will go through that procedure with you with an understanding that all of the monies that are sitting in that program may or may I hear an echo may or may not be the monies that were allocated to you. So we'll about that at the next meeting. Yes. Okay. I don't see any more hands. Dr. Jones. just jumped in please raise your hand if you have a specific question. So that we can call you in the order that your hand was raised. So with that in mind, Dr. Jones, we can go ahead and talk about the transfer of funds and adjusting budgets. All
right. So if a budget exists at a school, like your budget, and you look at your budget and you go, I expected something, but I felt like I need to move money from point A to point B or whatever between accounts that doesn't exceed the allotment that was given to you. The way schools do that is called a manual bar. A budget. Request a budget out of adjustment request budget adjustment request. Now I have our webpage up here on purpose, because the two new additions to our website right here in the resources is the manual bar for the FAA completed, you can look at it. You can work on it, but the FAA has to take it and blessing before it can add the principal and approve it before it can be submitted. And then if if you don't know what you're looking at, you'd love to this one. This is the directions on how to complete a barn. Now, really what you're doing is saying I've got I'm just doing it as an example. I've got $5,000 in general supplies. I need to move some of that money to teacher X time because I'm gonna be having additional PD or I need to move some of that money to quick non non cap equipment, because I know I'm going to be purchasing them there and I don't have enough money there. So you'll say I've got 5000 general supplies and then you'll begin to say how you're going to split that money and whatever way you're going to and then your your SAA looks at it and says yes, everything adds up. Your principal signs it, they send it to your fiscal specialist, who will send it to me, I will look at it and I'll make sure all T's and i's are dotted and crossed. And I will approve it. If I have a question I call you or I'll reach out to you and then I will approve it, send it back to your fiscal specialist so that they can move the money for you. And there you go. It happens. Now, here's what you don't want to do. Do that 50 times, because if I get two bars from you, I'm gonna call you before I even look at it. Because you need to be thinking smart. I only want to do this one time. Let me move the money to the right places one time and if I don't need to move money, I'm not going to touch this budget. I'm gonna just keep it the way it is. Okay, so the bet the last best option is a manual bar. Your first best option is to go into your budget and make sure you're using it the way you said you're going to use it in your grant. Now, if some unforeseen circumstances occurred, you're going to say, well, I need to make this adjustment. Let me talk to my principal. Let me talk to my essay. These are people got to support me and make sure this gets done right. We're gonna do it once, right? Where's my finger once? Right? And then I'll make sure it moves quickly. Now if you do it twice, you're not handling your business and I'm gonna look at you and I'm gonna get the belt and I'm gonna come chases and you make sure you start running. We're not gonna get that done. We just want to make sure that you do it right the first time. That's really what I'm saying. So try to do this only once if you have to. If you don't need to touch it. Don't touch it. Did that answer the question? If you had that question, did it answer hold your thumbs up or something? If you say, Yeah, Dr. Jones, I get it. No problem. All right, very good.
Can I just reiterate something, Dr. Jones? Again, these documents are only for use by the SAA they are there for your viewing. But before you even have a conversation with the SA please engage. Sit down, talk to your principal or the admin designee about what you are proposing. Again, your principal is the approving authority. Your principal is responsible for all of the funding at that school site. And so please sit down. Okay, schedule some time to talk about what you are proposing to do. The SAA is just the person who's actually completing the necessary activities to get it done. But as your principal who needs to be informed about what it is you need to do in order to implement the grant. Okay. We do have a hand raised here for now before we go to the hand, hands that are raised I do have a question here. Dr. Jones in the chat says last year there was someone who helped with Amazon orders. Do you have the name of that individual?
So everything is being done at the school site. So that name of that individual is your SAA. However, we said the P card should be your last best option. And we also said that if you have a list from Amazon, and let's say that's the only place you can find what you need. You should probably use one of our three buyers in order books and more superior integrated image. Pick one of them and they'll get it and order it and put it on a quote for you. That it gets you a PIO and then you can get that in to be submitted for purchase. That's probably the best option. The last best option is to use your P card and your principal will be your guide on that
and one other thing that I wanted to reiterate Dr. Jones mentioned that the budget adjustment or the manual transfers should only be occurring one time throughout this process. Keep in mind that your schools are currently going through budget development for next school year. Okay, so that is the priority for the principal and the SAA right now. So if you do need to complete a manual bar, try to do everything at one time so that you're not impacting the principal and the SAA who are trying to develop the budgets for next year. Okay, alrighty. Next we have a hand raised and it is rivers. Mr. Rivers.