you're arguing meeting of the planning board the township of Bloomfield Tuesday, April 13 2021, is now in session. Notice of the time, date, location and agenda of this meeting to the extent that known was provided at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting in the following manner pursuant to provisions of chapter 231 of the law of 1975. The open public meetings act, one by posting says notice on the bulletin board of the municipal building, and two by mounting such notice is the opposite of the independent press one try and store that it will not go somewhere.
I pledge allegiance to the flag to one nation,
Miss Richardson.
I got it. Okay, Dr. Hill.
Mr. Laporte. Here,
Mr. zaika Councilwoman Mondale. Here. Councilman rock Well, Mr. lassic Mr. Stern. Here, Miss Richardson. Here, gentlemen, quietly
For the record, Mr. Harvey is absent and as of right now Mr. babila is not here although he is supposed to be on so when he comes on I'll announce them and also for the record. Mike Reuben the board's consulting attorney is present. Anthony maroochy. The board's consulting engineer is present and pull gravel as I write gravel, gravel. Okay, the board planner is here. Okay,
first order of business resolutions, resolutions. Alright,
so the first one is the resolution in the matter of the review of a proposed ordinance amending the redevelopment plan for the Hartz mountain site to permit microbreweries as a principal permitted use
this resolution could either be moved by Mr. fabula, who's not here now. Okay, Dr. Hill, Missoula for Mr. lassic Councilwoman Mondale, Miss Richardson. Councilman rock. Well, Mr. zaika, or Chairman lapaglia.
Make the motion to approve the resolution. Can I have a second?
Mr. Second? Okay. I'm gonna. I'm going to call the board, please. Dr. Hill. Well, Mr. Laporte? Yes. Mr.
lassic. Yes, Councilwoman Mondale? Yes. Miss Richardson?
Okay, the next one is a resolution and the review of a proposed ordinance amending the redevelopment plan for block 228 and block 220. Lot 42 permit microbreweries as a principal permitted use. And on this one, I believe it's all the same.
It's all the same. Yep.
I'm going to send you a
second. Yes, yes. Again, okay. Dr. Hill? Yes.
Mr. Laporte? Yes. Mr. LASIK? Yes. Councilwoman Mundo? Yes. Miss Richardson?
Yes, Councilman Rockwell? Yes. Mr. zeca? Chairman lavoisier.
We have one more.
resolution in the matter of the review of a proposed ordinance amending the redevelopment plan for block 243 lots 1320 520-728-3031 3237 and 38 to permit microbreweries as a principle permitted use and the same people can vote.
I don't Mr. Laporte,
that's fine.
Okay, hold on one second. Okay, Dr. Hill. Whoa. Mr. Laporte? Yes. Mr. lassic. Yes, Councilwoman
Mondale? Yes, Miss Richardson? Yes, Councilman Rockwell?
Yes. Mr. Zico? Yes. Chairman lapaglia. Yes, so
next order of business. application of the normal six pairs memory Boundary Street LLC as applicant at 106 days 108 Montgomery Street, LLC, and it was an Cova as only as for preliminary and final major site plan approval, both variances and any such other relief as may be required from the zoning ordinance of the township of Bloomfield to construct a four storey multifamily apartment building in a garden farming or rezone or on premises. What 481 large 16 and 17 are known as 104. That's one way to know we don't have a letter from our attorney. I guess you don't know my law firm. Call and use board secretary regarding 106 has one away from Camry Street, LLC 104, gateway, street block 41 lot 16 and 17. Here Mrs. Cosenza I am writing to respectfully request in a journal it will be gone to the above caption matter. We are requesting at the application for 106 days 108 Montgomery street LLC scheduled to be heard at the April 30 2021 meeting of the town planning board be adjourned until the day 1121 regularly scheduled leave. in consideration of this generated request. The applicant agrees to suspend any and all applicable time limitations for reusable action for the duration of the journey. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in connection with this request yours truly Michael period family from Casio canonical. That being said, they don't have to have noticed he had been correct. And that we didn't know. That's correct. They don't have to be noticed. And we should just announced that there'll be no new doors. Again, just as Mr. Roman said, there will be no new notice regarding this, if anyone can I have a motion to the journalist?
To the May 11. meeting? Some of
you? Yes. Yeah. Okay, second.
I saw Dr. Help.
Yeah. Okay.
You want me to follow the board? Yeah, please. Doctor now. Mr. Laporte? Yes. Mr. zinka. Yes. Councilwoman Mondale? Yes. Mr. lassic? Yes, Councilman Rockwell?
Yes. Mr. Stein? Yes.
Miss Richardson. Yes, channel pioneer.
Yes. So if anyone is here for me, and I will see you then may we have a courtesy review.
I'm gonna interrupt you real quick, just to put on the record that Mr. Bob EULA is present. Oh, yes. Yes.
I mean, we'll see on the
screen. He's there. He's right next to Mr. Stern. Yeah, yeah,
I don't see.
Wait Mr. Beulah. Okay.
Now I save Okay. Thank you. Okay, we have a current board of education, okay, regarding a proposed new Fieldhouse fob field, and we're just saying no, it's a courtesy review the morning. Basically he's under the Roman rules with their property. anytime they have a project they come in front of our board. Any employee there's no ASIC or Mr. Buchi ever nothing to say. I take it the art that being said with Mr. Song Jen from the eggs and then
Mikey, I have to swear anybody in for this.
Okay, so who am I swearing in first
I was going to have will do the presentation if that's okay with everyone. I was gonna do a quick introduction. But I'm going to stay here in case any questions so, evening my name is Greg Sangin. Sounds architects.
Yeah, that's where I'm Woody.
Okay, Mr. sands and raise your right hand. Do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is okay, you can continue.
So my name
is Greg Sargent. I'm here representing correct Sangin architects. We are the district's architect for the Bloomfield Board of Education. And we've been asked, as Mr. Cogley has stated, to come and present a little overview of the proposed project that the board has been working on with the fully field foundation for quite a few years. I'd like to introduce wil Ross is our licensed associate, who will be presenting tonight. So you'd like to swear him in. And then we're going to keep it very high level, we know you're very busy. So we're going to give a very high level if there's any specific questions that you'd like us to answer. We'll certainly drill down so well, please introduce yourself and get sworn in.
Hi, Mr. Ross, can you raise your right hand? Do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
just state your name for the record. Well, Ross,
thank you, Mr. Ross.
Feel free to make a presentation this week. I was just gonna record you're a licensed architect, licensed architect.
Yes, I'm a licensed architect in San New Jersey. With razzamatazz
Tech's where I've been managing K through 12 educational projects for the past nine years. So I need to know thank you when I qualify, you just want to record.
Thank you.
Can we share the screen?
Yes, yes.
Let me just make sure.
Yeah, you should be able to.
Well, can you share?
There it is.
Okay, there we go. These moves.
One second, please. Good evening.
Thank you to the
board for seeing us this evening and thank you
Mr. Allen quality for coordinating our attendance.
Tonight we are hearing conduction with our
application to the New Jersey Department of Education to present the proposed Foley Fieldhouse. The proposed 3000 square foot building is located on the southwest corner of
the Foley field. Have Jeff cake drive
in Bloomfield.
Presently, our design indicates
where we are in the process
of finalizing the budget potential phasing plan if the district's budget can
only support a one storey building
based on the DDP and flood zone requirements, the proposed building will need to be elevated slightly. As you can see from the sketch on your screen, we are providing stairs Ada ramps to meet codes to get to this
like elevation.
first floor of the structure
is comprised mainly of
restrooms for field use, men's and women's they are ADA accessible, compliant,
a concession stand storage and vertical circulation. The second floor is a large multipurpose room
with a kitchenette,
AB accessible restaurant and miscellaneous storage. The elevations for the structure,
story structure again, the walls are comprised
of a mixture of stucco and siding. And roofing is going to be either metal Standing Seam roof or asphalt shingles.
The final material selection is still in discussion, as it has impact on the district's final budgets. I appreciate your time this evening. Be happy to answer any questions. Thank you for seeing us.
Or until we get back to the full members.
Yeah, we got Okay, great.
Are there any questions?
This is just not
nearly mirror images? Curious.
When you say concessions? What type of food is going to be served? Is it going to involve any open flame or just cooking? burgers hotdogs? Or is it just chips and stuff? At this
time, we're not including I'm sorry,
at this time we are including a grill with an exhaust fan.
So there will be some
sort of fire suppression system that will be included in that area or around the building? Yes. And will will there be direct gas lines running if the building for this? Or is this going to be running on propane tanks?
That level of detail we
don't have at this time.
We don't have the utilities that are available yet. What we're trying to do is get the DLT application in. And obviously an additional discussion with the fully field Foundation and the department in the school district about what kind of amenities they want in there. We're not, we're not precluding the use of a grill, which will meet all the requirements, but that will be driven by budget and their desire to outfit the space accordingly. I think our experiences when you have volunteers running a concession stand simpler is always better. And so you know that will be a conversation we have with
Jan, is there going to be an area for deliveries white there by the building? Or will there will deliveries be done further down where the entrance is running through the parking lot area? How would that how would that work?
And then guess
currently there
is a driving gate
right off of JFK
that will be to the rear of the building
so at least deliveries will be right into the building in that area.
Okay and refuse collection.
As has to be determined, I'm assuming that the district has some method by which refuse is collected now from either that adjacent building that has some lockers in it or after an event where a garbage cans are existing around the complex. So we will coordinate with the facilities department and expand whatever collection exists today.
Okay, because I know
in town we have an issue where a lot of trash seems to build up on on our streets and our sidewalks and especially on the fields after children enjoy their time there they seem to leave their trash behind. So anything that can be done to accommodate trash receptacles and proper disposal and retrieval of these trash.
That is always like
we've never heard that children need messes.
Well, while we have the opportunity to correct the issue, let's try to do that.
Absolutely. We understand it will be part of our conversation.
On the questions board. Mr. Massey, do you have any concerns with this type of construction comes
we coordinate utilities. The water in silver
river process
we have a new water meter
Over a building, not that we're going to build before an event, but we want to make sure we keep track of our students, you know, for various public buildings. Mr. Sanjay, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. lashings, our township engineer, correct?
Yeah, yeah, we
will absolutely coordinate with the department. Once we get more detailed drawings, starting to be developed on the site side of things, as you had mentioned earlier, this is really just to allow us to expedite the DMV application, which raised on limited resources in the state are taking over longer. We just want to get this up. And we'll absolutely reach out to Mr. lastik and coordinate.
Very good. Anybody else? Mr. Hogan, how do we improve this? We take a vote or is this just current here? Good to see, you know, whatever they heard that they can take to heart. There's no vote. No, there's no. That's
the only thing we would request is if you could write a letter from the planning board to the medication that we've come before you, right, you have no except you have no concerns about it. We would like to include that in our do we application, because otherwise, the state will hold our application for a minimum of 18 to 45 or 55 days, if we include that we've come before you and you have no objection to the application. They will release it as soon as you're done with the review.
He is yes, he explained all that in his letter to us. So you and I can coordinate that tomorrow or
no problem.
I would suggest the point to take a vote authorizing the chairman to issue such a letter. I think that it would be
wise for the chairman to issue a letter that was requested by him some different architectural. Motion.
Do I have a second? Second?
Now this is a good okay.
opposed, not take care.
Yes, we will.
Mr. Ross. Mr. Sanjay, thank you very much.
Gentlemen, for your time.
Thank you. Very nice.
Okay, moving on. next order of business. application of only two Broad Street LLC as applicant and owner for both marians is any such relief as may be required from the zoning ordinance of the township of mobility construct in addition to the north side of the building, which is a childcare facility committee. Do state law in a professional office slash presidential female slash on our premises? Not exactly webbing, block 245 block 12 economic as 102 Broad Street is pretty much second board.
Okay, before we begin, I have a letter from Mr. malucci regarding this and I like to read that into the record.
Okay, Chairman, members of the land board regarding a lesson from Logie engineering associates 102 regarding one of the two Broad Street tax math blog 245 112 102 grocery LLC applicant owner zone to slash our professional office presidential here Chairman members of the planning board. The subject property is located in a p o slash RS zone and it is utilized as a childcare facility. childcare facilities are considered permitted uses in the field or zone pursuant to Section 315 days 37. This application proposes a one story addition in order to expand the child areas. According to the application, entire building, basement, first floor and second floor is all used for childcare purposes. The addition is required due to a recent state law and mandates children two and a half years old to one and a half years old and young earth to be located on the first floor. The additional space will also increase the number of children I convince the VBA for an X amount of 100. To one story addition is proposed on the right side of the existing dwelling will be constructed over an existing player. The illusion is approximately 595 square feet area and the level zero side your setback. The one story addition is the only improvement that is proposed. The rest of the site will remain as it exists in its present condition. The rear paved area has room for six parking space. including one handicapped space, one parking space and shabby striped and appropriate signage installed for a handicap
rear fence play area will also remain according to the application existing lighting will also remain variances in p OE slash oryzanol requires a labor law area of 10,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet, the existing area is 9120 square feet and existing lot width is 48 feet. These are existing non conformities that will not change. The adjacent properties on either side are both developed. Therefore, no opportunity exists to obtain additional land. Most bulk and setbacks either combined with the field size are zoned for they are existing non conforming variances required for the side yard setback where the addition is proposed. The PL slash our zone requires a side yard setback of 10 feet on the proposed and the proposed setback is zero. According to Section 315 dish three seven in the current zoning ordinance. Though these formulas in front of parking requirements, except for new buildings tend to be initially proposed. The township parking requirement applies. Section three one fine is 41 specifies parking requirements for certain usage. childcare facilities require one space for every dentist. The proposal is for 100 students with 10 parking spaces are required and six spaces are provided. The vineries is required for the additional four parking spaces. The applicants professional shall provide the board with the necessary testimony for the variance really comments and recommendations. from an engineering perspective, this is an existing sites that will essentially remain the same except for the addition for the Lord side of the existing building. childcare facility has operated on these premises for many years without incident the best of my knowledge. The front elevation with the proposed addition is shown on the plans prepared by Thomas Geiger edge architect LLC sheet a one dated September 15 2020. Vision appears to plan completely within the front elevation, which will be statically pleasing.
The planning board act favorably on this application saying they can listen as following Essex County Planning Board approval boards should in a county main thing no break, straightening up the parking spaces and appropriate signage for the handicapped space building permits obtained from the blue pill construction office. My office has no further comments at this time. However, my offer office reserves the opportunity for further comments or recommendations pending testimony derived on the hearing process. Respectfully submitted and technology manual but again, thank you, Mr. Miller.
Okay, that being said, this
is tell the lots is the applicant for the applicants attorney.
Are you here on the board? She's
there? She's there. Yeah.
You're just flying down. She's right there.
If I wasn't the chairman
that goes, you're
Miss Lutz's present.
All right, I just think you're right. I miss lunch, if you would, please.
Yes, they they get Chairman. Thank you, board members. It's nice to meet you all this evening, even though it is by zoom. My name is Tony lots of the Lutz Law Group and I'm representing the applicant wanted to Broad Street LLC, the owner of one or two Broad Street Bloomfield a preliminary matter. Yes. Mr. RUBIN counsel to just confirm that along with preservation notice the board is in receipt of my affidavit or proof of publication and mailing and all in order and acceptable
it is.
Thank you. The property in question is one or two Broad Street located on the municipal tax map
as blocked to 45 blocks wealth zone p o dash our profession from office residential. Currently, the property owner houses a family owned child daycare facility milestone street daycare, excuse me milestone childcare Academy, which has been operating there for the last 30 years. The applicant needs to enlarge just the first floor of the existing structure to accommodate a recent change in statewide childcare facility requirements which now requires That q&a if you will remain on the first floor and can no longer be serviced on the second floor. But more particularly the applicant is seeking final major site plan approval and two variances side yard setback and off street parking. With the board's permission, I'd like to turn this over to our expert, Mr. Dennis Lindsay, professional engineering planner who can provide the board with greater details. If I could be sworn in, please. Sure. Mr. Lindsay,
raise your right hand. Do you swear the testimony you're about to give us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? And just state your name for the record?
Dennis Lindsay.
Thank you, Mr. Lindsay.
Thank you, listeners if you speak for the board your credentials and your licenses and just confirm that they are still current. And also if you can just share a couple of boards, perhaps that you've testified before as well?
Yes, my name is Dennis Lindsay. I'm with the end of firm HTM architects and engineers. We have offices to executive Boulevard in Suffern, New York. I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. We're professional planner in the state of New Jersey and the certified municipal engineer in the state of New Jersey. I received a bachelor's degree from Villanova University, and my Master's in environmental engineering from Manhattan college. I have served the township of Little Falls as its township engineer. I've also served the planning board and certainly the New Deal, as the Bloomingdale borrower engineer, and also they're playing a chord. As a citizen, I have served on a planning board. I served on a board of adjustment, actually, I think nine years as the Chairman of the Board of adjustment. And I served on the governing body for nine years and served two terms as mayor in the township.
We accept his qualifications, I suppose.
Thank you.
So he's one. I just want to make it clear he's qualified as both a planner and an engineer.
You may qualify so great.
Thank you, right.
That's correct. You're qualified as both were engineer,
okay. Yes, yes. Okay. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for Thank you, Mr. RUBIN. This woman, see if you will, please provide the board with supporting details for this application that is before them this evening.
And I'm sorry if some of this is redundant. The chairman read the entire letter from Mr. Ruchi, which was very enlightening, and totally provided some preliminary comments but to keep this all in the context, I'd like to try to bring in some of the details and then give you my opinions on some of the sounds relates to your master plan and that sort of thing. So add property in question is located at one or two Broad Street contains an existing childcare center known as the milestone childcare Academy. It's, it's in the PLR, the professional office residential zone, and the childcare center is an existing business using the basement ground floor and second floors and the existing structure and has been in operation for over 30 years. The Where are the applications for final amended site plan approval for the addition of 595 square feet of building to replace an existing impervious play area and to see variances are required for side yard and for wall street parking. The need for this as of January 2018, state mandated ultra were two and a half years of age and younger need to be on the ground floor. The owner advises that Israel coupled with the existing building floor plan creates a severe imbalance with other similar facilities of this site. Sites ability to serve the demand for children under two and a half years of age, and most of the demand in this industry is for children under one year. The blue Bloomfield code requires major site plan approval for any addition that exceeds 10% of the floor area or 1000 square feet. In this particular case, the building is small and even with a modest addition of 595 square feet. it exceeds that 10% threshold. That's why we need a site with regard to the site plan, I note that the proposed addition will replace an existing play area and there is a second existing play area to the west, which will will remain and meet the demands of the state for outside play area for children. The addition is located on the play area which is an impervious, rubber poured rubber surface and no new impervious coverage will be applied to the site. The existing lighting as shown will remain as far as the variances CRTC variances required on side yard code requires Tempe the existing building right now is a non conforming 6.33 feet and that will reduce to zero feet now explain why y'all street parking requirements are based on 100 students and the current capacity is each student's code requires one parking space per 10 students. Thus nine are currently required, and this will raise that level to 10 of the variance will be four spaces 16 divided by four. As far as the discussion on the side yard or the marriage is on the side yard. This is an existing business provided childcare for residents and workers for the past 30 years. The state has imposed the new operating rules impacting the ability to satisfy this th the owner is seeking a modest billing admission and only 595 square feet. And the variances are a result of the unique physical features of the site, which did not allow this improvement within the constraints of the Balkan area regulations. There is no other place to locate the addition that would avoid a variance and still allow the site to function. The minimum lot width is 100 feet, but the property is only 48. This exceptional walk narrowness has caused the existing non conforming for the side yard and leads to the current request the zero fee. As far as the parking all available area not occupied by the structure, the requiring play area in the driveway, and the modest green space in front of the yard has been used for parking. The physical constraints of the property do not allow for the additional parking to meet the code requirements.
The daycare operation currently operates under a deficiency from the code requirements and successfully manages this. Your engineers letter acknowledge that. In my opinion, the granting of the variance caused by these unique site conditions will continue the management of traffic flow will allow the center to function meeting the needs of the community with no substantial detriment to the public boogers on water consideration the variances, we'd like you to note the following terms of hardship, letters hardship is the result of a combination of these state regulations and the unique characteristics of the property. It has not been caused by the owner. The state regulations are particular to this use and not other properties in the zone. My opinion and granting the variances will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the properties in the neighborhood. In fact, they allow this business to comply with state mandates and continue to provide a service to the community. The physical shape of this specific parcel would bring a hardship on the owner not just the inconvenience if the strict letter and zoning regulations were to be imposed, and that's in terms of the hardship on this, on this property. But also that's a C one various but also unforeseen two variants in terms of dancing public purposes in the municipal land use law. There are some community benefits to this. The municipal land use law was revised to provide some definition for some inherently beneficial uses and childcare is one of those uses. The master plan. I believe with the approval of the application will advance the goals and objectives of master plan. Under the land use objectives. One of the listed objectives is striping commercial districts by encouraging a mix of uses that provide employment retail opportunities and services. And your master plan. Your township code and the municipal law all have language that highlight the need and value of child care facilities. They also I already mentioned the municipal land use law. Inherently beneficial use, but also in your measure plan. It's it says daycare facilities, the township of Bluefield has experienced an influx of young couples and families that have fueled recent population growth. This increase in couples of childbearing age and families with young children has also generated increased demand for childcare services that demonstrates that it's meeting a need that the municipality is seeking
an inclusion
The use of light are particularly well suited to the relief sought due to the exceptional practical difficulties and hardship that compliance with the new state regulations impose on the operation of the childcare center, as well as the narrowness of the post. Reading of the variances and proven with site plan will allow the childcare center to function in accordance with state mandate and provide a development that is not out of character with the neighborhood. The conditions are unique to this business and create a hardship where the strict application of his own criteria will present exceptional difficulty. The variances requested on the minimum variances that will permit the reasonable use of the land instructions as described in the variances can be granted without causing substantial detriment to the public good, and will not substantially impair the attendance and purposes purposely municipal event zoning plan and the ordinance. And finally, the granting of the variance will not impair an adequate supply of light near to the adjacent property substantially increase hazard from fire or other dangerous to the property in question or adjacent property. Otherwise, an era of public health safety and comfort, morals and general welfare diminish or impair property values within neighborhood unduly increased traffic congestion creating a nuisance or result in an increase in public expenditures. I thank you for your patience.
Thank you, Miss OMG. Are you going to show the pranzo as
I can.
Well, just to go over for the board sake. Yeah,
I think I would like to say, Okay, can I share my screen? Yes, you can. Yeah. I'm sorry, I
was muted. Yes, you can share the screen.
We can mark these two. Okay, go.
Are these going to be the plans that were submitted with the packet? Right.
Okay. Thank you.
Trying to share my home, my base screen that I don't see that so that you're
able to join here?
Yes, he should, he should be able to we it's allowed on our side.
At the bottom of the zoom session, he should be at
the bottom. All right at the bottom of his zoom session celeea you should see the share screen by you should see a share screen button.
If you hover your cursor over the zoom window on the taskbar
pops up on the bottom in the middle of that green button that says share screen.
Right and then it's given me a window. You can
choose which window you want from
that window, you select the program you're trying
to share,
right? Or you could just share your entire desktop.
It's up to you. Can I share my desktop? That's
the first option usually as your desktop.
If not, Nicole, are you able to share it since you have it? Or is
that? No, I don't have a PDF file.
Five minutes of PDF and
then you can Yeah, well.
Mr. Winslow, instructor you have made a point or so on so forth. Yeah, that's fine. I'm planning what we're doing to see the plan.
Okay, just give them a minute. I'm sure they'll get it.
No problem.
you're not seeing any or you know,
settings in my computer to lets you know
Well, our client is trying to do it right now as well. I apologize.
That's okay. Thanks. There we go.
Now we're getting there. I think
it's me
Yes, it's from your screen. That's
what you were. I don't know what you what oh, this is I see everything that's marine is what you're seeing. Okay. All
right. Well, those
are the those are just the areas I think we were talking about the plants
I can.
Excuse me. If I can just just hold on a second. The plan that you have that you have up on the screen was submitted with the application I'm
color planning exhibit. I think we should mark that as well because it was submitted with the application
so that exhibit right here let's mark
that exhibit right there that you have on the screen is a one which is eight inch
So if you if, if Mr. Lindsay was testify, it's been more. The next thing we need you to do is is to bring up a diverging architectural plan if you can. That's
a good rotate. I could do whatever you need and welcome. Frustrated. That's Mike, I can just walk
by you just gonna mark this is a two I
was just gonna ask Can we just mark the whole set as a two? Yes.
The plans manned by Mr.
six pages a one to a size
eight to a two through a seven. He just marked eight one is the ht to em planning exhibit.
No sheets on his architectural plan. Okay, Mark is
a more change a one through a six and they will be marked as a two.
Okay. Okay, got it. Okay, okay.
Can you see a cursor moving? Yes, yes, yes. Okay. Well, I don't know if it's the same way. But
while the existing structure is shown on the plan you on the left in a black outline, but it's white, since two and a half story frame. Go back to the original drawing. So right here in in the black outline, where it says two and a half straight story framed, not 1102 that is the existing building. To the right of that on this drawing, that's the North. To the right of there. There's a little cross hatched area. That's the one story proposed addition 595 square feet. That area right now is a rubberized player, a fenced in player for the children of the rare area where it says asphalt, that's the best here. That's the park the driveway comes in from the street. Next the parking area on the right side of the north side. The rare to the west, is it's more of this play area that's here in this to remain as a play area and will serve sufficiently for the new 100 students in that rear play area. As noted, there's a driveway from the front to the rear with asphalt. That's all covered with macadam. There's a play area in the back. There's the building. And then there's the proposed once one story addition on the north side and there's a small modest area in the front, which is grass. And there's no other opportunity to put an extension on this building and other than the area that's shown on the front elevation on the right side of the drawing. What you see there is the existing building, basically, with the addition, one story addition on the right superimposed the way that is proposed to look It'll be harmonious with the neighborhood and fiddling with the structure. Now, the next two drawings really don't show you that much. This is the foundation plan to show the foundation. Next drawing that one. That's the first floor plan showing the addition, it's the reverse.
Can you rotate the screen?
I'm sorry about that. No problem.
Okay with your case, shown here is the crosshatch. Now is the existing building, and the area white where it says new playroom in that area, that's the addition.
We go to the next drawing. And that's just that's the roofline. Again, new areas on the top of the drone. And the last one was the parking lot.
Not sorry, this is the first floor and egress plan. Anything it was this was the architect at the show someone that the length of travel faces, but I did not prepare that plan. And this is the parking lot in the back. The driveway comes in from the left side there. That's the structure on the left, looks. Okay? When reverse that, okay, the driveway now comes in from the bottom. Cars turn into those stalls and roam on the north side. Up at the top of the drawing, you see the playground that's going to remain. On the bottom of the drawing, we see the line for the existing structure. And on the right side, that double lines there. That's the addition or the beginning of the additions or grandstand assignment. I don't know if there any questions on those planes.
Okay, more. And are there any questions for Mr. Lindsey regarding these brands?
Definitely. Chairman.
I guess that's
right. Yes.
Yes, it is. Please go ahead. So Mr. What is the notion of the board and how this site is located in the war zone?
I assume that you're also aware
that he lives within the boundaries of the Bloomfield green historic district?
I'm aware that
this applicant for
the local township Historic Preservation Commission of which I happen to serve as the chair on October 15 2019, seeking a certificate of appropriateness for this proposal. And then at the African ngrams,
you know, a site Well, not so much finish with different
treatment over the addition on the front of the building that was being proposed or presented now.
I know that he appeared before you I wasn't aware of that requirement for changing the owner is available, perhaps might be able to tell you isn't the final plans if that's going to be modified?
Or what changes are made as the historical Preservation Society approved that our change now? Well, so I probably 15 or 2019 hours
in Cuba for Historic Preservation Commission,
to present
essentially running for an MDC here, the commission expressed some concerns that this particular treatment, which can be existing residential character of the property, and does have an adverse impact upon the status of the historic district. And so in our discussion with the applicant, the applicant ultimately agreed to set the front addition back, actually one step beyond the front of the second floor. And the purpose of that was to, in a sense, kind of go the scope, in the sense that it was an existing condition.
As constructed back when these properties and houses were additionally built, where you have, you know, varying setbacks and undulations in the rhythm of the building.
And then after that awesome rate to sign the building, not in the break, when which gives him this kind of monolithic terms that we see here. But instead, the same sliding as we see on the second floor of the front facade here, as well as also to get some good mold in front. So the whole idea was to give the addition of sense, give the additional sense that it was never before, not a modern idea, not a modern addition that was going through essentially the commercial nature. The
other building. That's what the African great feeling for moralizing is revolution that we're now seeing here. On screen.
Can you explain the differences mister in the former slides?
I would ask my client was their priority.
Very swimming.
Okay, I can't see. So we I don't know.
Let's take this off.
Yeah. Maybe take something away.
Let's let's just mark the resolution as a three.
I stopped my staring or
Yes For now, if you don't mind.
Can you get back on again?
Okay, much better. Okay,
so we are there is, Mr. priori, raise your right hand. Do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I do. just state your name for the record.
Vincent priori.
Thank you, Mr. priori.
Thank you. Mr. Murray, please state your relationship for the to the Board of your relationship to the owner of the property that is one or two brushy LLC.
Yes, I am 50%, owner of that property along with my sister
and the relationship to the property as well.
Yes, my wife and I own and operate the business within. Okay.
Thank you. And board member about Boa I apologize about Viola is raising some questions about the the approvals that you received from the Historic Preservation Commission. So if you could just enlighten the board as to what that is, and what mean, what modifications Do we need to make here? if any?
everything that Mr. Viola said is is correct. I did agree to that. And I'll be honest, it was such a long time ago that I did forget to make those amendments when we submitted these plans. And that's my fault. I apologize. But I think the requests that were made to set the front back, I believe it was a one foot from the existing front and change the front from brick to match the siding that we have on the rest of the building was more than reasonable, and we're happy to make those accommodations
at this Ferrari. So you would be you know, assuming the board is okay with everything else you would be it'd be acceptable to you to list those concerns. Are those modifications that Mr. Gula raised as additional requirements for
approval tonight? Of course, that's
not a problem
that satisfies the Historical Commission? Well, I think
that there may be an ambiguity
and unfortunate
coming out, so you know, in the interest of transparency here,
so just one sentence
of additional approval on
some of the front facade of the addition, wonderful for the existing front facade? No, I
remember showing
the condition of the finding that we promise was that you're putting
an addition to the setback, wonderful from the front of the second floor facade, not the front
floor facade. But that's
not specified in the resolution.
So that being said, I would probably have to give the benefit of the doubt to the applicant, since we were not as specific as we should have been. And so it sounds like what we're agreeing upon in that was like Mr. Priority
priority to to confirm is, is that the foundation will be set one foot back from the existing front facade in the first floor.
In addition to using the siding, you know, the siding that we have on the second floor,
but without your understanding, what's your priority?
I believe so. Yes.
Okay. So I just want to be clear, since again, you know, we
didn't have this ambiguity, unfortunately, the resolution. And I just want to make sure at this point that we're all clear on what we're all agreeing to.
So it sounds like we are in agreement
on that. So, you know, that being said, you know,
the chairman says the applicant accounts when these conditions are not satisfied with the article.
Yes, okay, fine.
Does anyone else have a question for Mr. Lydia?
Let me summarize the question. I
mean, it's maybe cutting here's a little bit but you got a 595 square foot edition. He sent him back one point is going to shrink that size. Is that enough? Do you still have enough to meet your state requirements
if you do that? Oh,
yes. You know, Ideally, we'd like to seek as much square footage as possible. But of course, we would like to be in compliance with historic and any other town requirements that we can meet. So that that is
okay. I can't
impact anything. As far as revenue requirements,
Okay, the other question is, is the play area in the in the parking? Is there a vertical separation of the fields through like a curb a fence, or rail, or something? I just have a little concern with vehicles maneuvering in and impacting that play area by accident, is there some way you can delineate that better? Or show some type of detail as to how that's going to be handled?
The existing play area that's in the west of the far rear of the property? Yes. Yeah. It is fenced in areas in close. that's currently what exists.
Yeah, cuz again, my concern is, if you look at the parking, especially the space closest in play area, when
you turn in air, there's, you know, there's a potential, you know, driver error there. If there's, like some type of you can just for that parking area length to put some type of almost like a guide rail or something just to protect that a little better. So you don't have somebody driving into the fence, you know, and having been, there's somebody there, it will make it a little safer. That's what I think. You know,
and I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. Yeah, I was going to suggest
that we actually were had our state inspector out for another matter not too long ago. And we were actually having that discussion. So we have Ballard's in on the north side of the play area, separating our property from our neighbors. And we did have that discussion with our state planner. not less than one month ago, about potentially putting some ballots and bollards in to help delineate the existing play area from the parking. So that is definitely something we are looking into right now.
Something like that wouldn't be acceptable is the same thing. Even a timber died, rail, whatever. So, bollards, cameras, just something should be addressed on the plan, just so we can, you know, you know, if we approve it as a condition of approval, just so we know, there's going to be some type of a delineation for sure.
So you'll agree the aim is to pre army and Israelites, they will coordinate that with Mr. elastics. Office. Great.
Happy to Yes.
Thank you.
castling. Aqua?
Yes. I'm curious about how this zero setback works. So when you're actually constructing this, this building, are you expecting to trespass on this property to build that side of the building and an ongoing basis? If you need to do maintenance that you need to wash the windows? Or you need to clean the siding? Are you are you expecting to go onto your neighbor's property to do that? No, we're
not anticipating having a need to do that.
I mean, with regard to construction, I believe our plan will be to construct it in such a way that our footings don't impede on our neighbor's property, and that we can build everything from our side backwards. You know, I think the only even with regard to Windows that we can do from our side as well with will have windows that casement windows that fold in and out that we can clean from the inside. Okay,
thank you. Mr. RUBIN is always in construction agreement in place, any damage to his property is automatically have to be taken care of, is that correct?
You're on mute mic.
Sign the project. I mean, if performance bars are required or anything like that, and I leave that to the construction official,
I'm not the construction patient.
Okay. They're not always required. It depends on the size of the project.
But obviously, they have to gain assurance and beginning to be sure Frank damage they would do their neighbor's property. So ultimately, Mr. fury will
say, Okay, hold on.
Hold on a second. Miss Richardson had her hand up first, if we can let her go.
Thank you.
She's been sitting there patiently with our hands up for the last two weeks.
Before it's okay.
Good question.
Um, just to refresh my memory in terms of plans, um, how does the new addition in terms of the expansion of affect the traffic flow on the steam and has any examination, since the first agreement to plan has changed in this time.
They damn staggered their short times, and drop offs, that sort of thing. Somebody, I think many of the employees take buses are there, from where they draw on their personnel. This will take it from 88 to 112. more students, if they're if they max out and they fill up, I wouldn't expect a significant amount of traffic from that, you know, a few hours, we've seen so many cars or you know, a few cars. And I've sat there one day, you know, just watching the pickups and drop offs and, and you know, the busier times then in Florida. But no, there's been no further study guide, and they seem to warrant studying.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you Miss purchasing. Anybody else?
Let's close to know. Yeah, as a follow up to zero parents on the side setback. I'm just curious for any part of that building, at the roof, at the roof, the gutters, hanging over the property line, where you ended up in the jackpot there? Or is that zero setback inclusive of any overhang you have at the school on the roof.
And I think initially, we did not factor that end. However, in our reexamination of the plan, we will factor in the gutter overhang, which would be a couple of inches, I think three or four inches. So that way that stays on our property as well.
And as a follow through counseling, as I say, I I don't see Honestly, I'm gonna be able to construct this all from your side with the zero setback. I know, it would eventually end up being your headache, but I would seek some sort of permission from your neighbor. Because you can just set your windows, you're not gonna be able to sample from inside inside and everything else. It'll just be virtually impossible. That's just a heads up. But I have another quick question. Do we need to and maybe this isn't for you. But do we need to consider any sort of a front setback variance on this also? Because we're, what, 26 feet from the street. Now I know, their existing is is what it is. But do we need to give them relief with the new addition?
existing on the front yard requirement is 25 feet about existing is 20 feet and new initial one foot further from that. I
just wanted to throw that out there because I know that they're short on the desk. And one last question. Theoretically, we have 88 students in the class right now. And so right now. So that would really fall for roughly nine parking spaces. Right.
So by this edition, we're only really looking at increases by one. Theoretically. The impact with the parking right now, with the amount of students that you have.
No currently
that yeah, it's been licensed for 88 for 32 years. So it's been from Jay fine.
Yeah, exactly. So theoretically, really, the only impact would be technically onespace. Correct? Yes.
This is very hard question.
Or like a steady state. And I I just I see I proceed complications with the as, as mentioned a year of having a zero lot line. And I was just curious if there's any other examples of this board, receiving a request for a zero lot line variance where somebody would come before us to ask to increase the property line for some sort of change. And if that's something that's been traditionally done, I understand the reason behind this request. But as a property owner, myself, and as I know that area well and talk go into the aesthetics that Mr. medulla was talking about with historic preservation,
what has been approved in terms of their meaning, stylistically, I just go through a lot line changes a lot in that area. And as much as I believe that the resolution to Tampa, Florida advancing his master plan, I just believe is counterintuitive. To change a lot line to a zero.
For many of the reasons that we're seeing here,
you're doing the construction work
on a zero lot line, you're going to have to use your name for sure. It's more likely than not.
There's gonna I mean, it's impossible.
I mean, who knows, you would probably build the factory, you've done the engineering, he knows. And I noticed it before most
perfect to work in construction.
You know, so it's just it seemed a little counterintuitive to the master plan, where we're trying to enhance the visualisation of the town's
motion to try to improve the quality of life.
And, and I get the reason I'm not saying I don't. But beyond that. I just need to change the word of that area and how it looks, how it feels. And then I don't think that the whole the
whole point of this is that was just
it's a concern.
It's like concern moving forward is that
this becomes a trend that if one can do it, others will ask to extend their long lines to zero as well. And how do you set a precedent where they can be turned down?
Mr. Lindsay, can you speak to your experience to zones such as the one we're dealing in now, having commercial residential district where there is a zero lot line, how uncommon or common that might be? And also to the carve out of how for childcare services there is this unique carve out in the master plan, which I think mainly Mr. Stern's concerns about setting a precedent that this is a very novel situation because it's specific to childcare services, which is such an essential
need in the community
and is covered specifically by masterplan. Mr. Lindsay,
if you will? Well, I'm in the board is zeroing in a lot on some of the things I think that your planners thought about when they were preparing the master plan. There's a section in the master plan, it talks about professional office and residential districts, and he talks about issues. And one of the things he says is that professional office residential district is by definition, an area undergoing change from residential to commercial and character. The major issue is providing a new zone with permitted uses bulk regulations, design standards and parking requirements to address the unique mixed use character and residential character in the district. So when you start talking about business areas, you start seeing things like sterilize party walls, common walls, things like that, then you have mainstream, this is not mainstream. But nevertheless, you are starting to get business here that you need the different type of use of property than you might get for a residential use. In that area, there are many properties or in now that it's a small PLR district in that area, there's only four or five properties here are adjacent to each other in the field war, there are five parcels there. And of those parcels. Turn them there were property corners out there, they had been surveyed that I can take a look at and I looked at the properties that were that were their dwellings are, and there were a number of approaches and synthesizers, frankly, there was no one that had a zero lot line setback. But there were the law office on block number 16 had about a two foot setback to its property line. And the one immediately south of this building, the CPA, the CPA electrolysis of beauty lounge on number 10 that had a two foot side yard to this property. So this is more this is closer to the line because they're stuck with these regulations. And they're stuck with this impacting their needs. So we've gone to zero, but it is not uncommon here to see buildings approaching very much approaching the same. That same property one.
And also Mr. Lindsay, if you could just speak to the nature of the use here, and the carve out for childcare.
Now, as I mentioned, childcare is considered inherently beneficial use, it gets some favoritism, if you will. for that. I think that the first I think the board has already appreciated that and shown that I can understand your questions about building up to the line. But again, this is a beneficial use. This is something that your master plan recognizes this used to want to promote this business has been in this structure. for 30 years a new law regulation is impacting your business. This is an owl This is resolution Without I don't think a detriment to your to your zone plan that would allow them to continue as a viable business. You know, what I understand as far as their, their business model, and I think it would still be in compliance with the character in the area, and you want to be attractive. And you're going to comply with this syrup of a regulation. So anyway, in answer your question, is a beneficial use and, and I think that the board should consider their main audience.
Okay. Finally,
if you could speak to the the what, in my opinion is is wonderful is that here we have a request to a board to expand commercial use in his own like this in an age when retail commercial remodeling and you see somebody finding his friend. So in a global kind of view of this, the fact that he's asking for this expansion, would that be a benefit to the town and not across the eastern USA?
Well, obviously, it's it's more square footage, it's going to be increasing the property value here and taxes, it's also going to be, in particular the use, and it'll be able to be continued at this. And he's making an investment in the property to continue this use of the site. Thank you.
Very, you're addressing the cleaning issue here. But Mr. Ricci, if you don't mind, how difficult we're needing to go up to a zero. aligned clarity. Well, in the call, yes. When
raise your right hand, you swear the testimony you're about to?
Do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I don't just state your name for the record.
Anthony Marunouchi.
Thank you, Anthony. Mr. Chairman, my question
Can Can someone build to the property line or to your side property line? The answer is yes. I mean, you know, we see it every day, I'm a surveyor I, I surveyed many properties that are right up against the side property line.
Can it be done from inside the property? Of course it can, because you basically have the cantilever your footings, you can't have your footing over on your neighbor's property. So you have to make your footing wider on the inside so that it'll balance out. So it can't be done, obviously. And I've been listening to the testimony and it this is a very, this is difficult, obviously, because as I looked at it there, the Afghan really has no other choice if if he's allowed to build this the only location that he can go without he punching out into his own parking area with it that would that would defeat the purpose right there with this, they would have no parking for his employees.
If the building were, were set back a foot inside the property that creates another issue, how do you maintain that one foot on your neighbor's size?
How do you how do you work on that one
foot? So?
building on this is essentially one half dozen or the other? In other words, it get
built right up, but
I guess the property line now maintenance wise, you probably don't have to worry about it for many years.
But if you build it, say a foot inside, now you have a foot to maintain. And how do you maintain the foot or you walk on one foot to maintain that without going on to your neighbor's property? So
physically, then it is possible and has been forced to build up their property line? more difficult than normal, but it can't be done?
My answer is yes. Okay.
Mr. lassic? That's okay. I'm assuming you would agree with Mr. Marunouchi on that point. x i
would agree. I mean, it's there are it is something that is done. It's maybe not the easiest thing to do, but it can be done. And there's no reason to think that you know, during this construction period, I don't know what your relationship is between pretty hilarious, but certainly
where I live has requested. My neighbor wants to come on the side of my property and do something on his house. I just go anyway.
I mean, you know, it's not always possible, but it is it is doable. And if that doesn't happen, as Mr. Miller he says there's other measures
that can be taken by
Okay, let's say Mr. D. are you raising your hand?
I am I am.
I wanted to know So he already went missing the fourth again. Yeah, I
was just going, as a follow up, what's the minimum square footage you need? What would be the minimum square footage you need to maintain 88 students that I'm going back to the setback, you know, and to try to, you know, because that seems to be the zero versus one foot versus, you know, whatever. But I know, I know that it is zero clearance as zero setback that will increase your student capability to 100. So it increases it by 12. But you're going to set this building back to Pete still the same length? Well, you've already lost the footer, right? Because you've conceded that foot to the Historical Society. Historical question. What's the minimum square feet, you need to make a Ada students and still accomplish? This state? The new state laws?
So yes,
this is a good question. So
are you speaking now, guys, you have to say that you are sorry, I'm sorry,
this is probably right. So the issue at hand is related to the age. So at two and a half years of age, our capacity, we can only serve two and a half and under on the ground floor level, and our existing capacity, there is 30. So we have that severe imbalance that we have of over capacity above two and a half and under capacity below, which is why we're seeking as much square footage on addition on the on the ground floor possible. So I guess to answer your question,
I didn't go like more than 600.
I think, you know, to the best that we can add to that first floor that will help balance out our capacity.
Only because, like you said, Well, first of all these drawings that were submitted, they're not final down, if I'm not mistaken, right? They're not. Alright, so we have to adopt this the depict the roof of the pitch of the roof, and any sort of overhang that that in addition to the gutters would have, so you don't have to back that up. X amount of inches. So you may end up with that one foot setback. But can you give them an overhang and gutters? It's entirely possible. Right. So you're basically looking at foreigners it's already gotten roughly six inches plus for them for the overhang. That's just for smell and everything. So anyway, you're still looking at the foot that goes back with Rosie one of the one foot property one How do you maintain it? You've already Yeah, you're gonna end up giving that to your neighbor. I mean, in terms of letting maintain it for you, I guess. But I just want to I just want to make sure that again, we don't find this doesn't jackpot with the with that roofline and that overnight, you know, certainly you know, we just we're all concerned about the floor space and not what's up in the air. Okay, that's that's kind of what I was
saying if the overhang of the roof and then the gutters and the local normally being the overhang annoying, but how far would that normally go on a house like this?
I would defer that to an architect's because kind of not really in my purview things. I
don't want to I don't want to make a statement or give you a dimension that might not be correct.
You can base it on our is using what's existing on the other side. You know what I mean? What's the exhibit? Because I'm sure people that want to see this house balance. Yeah, yeah, I mean, so the other side is got now foot and I would assume that that roofline would have to be a foot to maintain yards going around them. That would be just my opinion. Chairman
Mr. Rooney, yes. I'm a different history with you because if you look at the foundation drawing or rendering they've done a one of the
plans from day one,
to chosen to pitch in the roof is front and back, not side to side and it doesn't show the need for any gutter along the property.
Whether the gutter on the front will stick out to some degree I don't know there isn't a downspout there maybe because the other way. But I'm not an architect,
land engineer. The two lines because says, given the pitch of the roof, they won't need to be a gunner on the property
now, but they'll have to be a, they'll have to be a single gun, which almost makes it even worse to be honest with you because you got to put a piece of five quarter, and then a piece of Drinkwater. So if you if that building in and of itself is on the property line, by the time you get up to the roof, you've got to have somewhere to slip that side. So that there's there's a bump out on that roof. And they call it a single God.
So Mr. 40, security says, as part of the zero outline request, can you confirm to the board that any any improvements that you are going to Rebecca on the property will be within the property line, regardless of whether or not my
daughter, a leader,
my shingles, overhang a guard or anything at all, please clarify that for the board so that they have a little more comfort, but it's very legitimate.
Doctor Miller agree that it's a very legitimate concern. And we want to be mindful of that, you know, in our construction, and, you know, in our design and our construction, one of the things I wanted to offer earlier that Mr. Beforehand questioned me on with regard to our actual facilitation of the bill. I do I own a construction business, and
a lot in in,
in Hudson County, and very, very tight markets, where we are very close to neighboring properties. And in those types of instances, we've actually sided the friend inside of the wall and then erect the wall so that so not to disturb the neighbor.
Good. Now, that's good. I'm glad to hear you got the experience. So you know,
how far the building is next door, you hear the north from the property line.
They have a couple of things, they have a the outside porch or or stairs and walk up, and that's about three feet from the property line. And then there's a building, it appears to me it's approximately six feet from the property line. But the if you look at the building line, the building line is somewhat irregular, and certainly has different setbacks. So the distances vary.
There needs to be a fiery wall on that property line.
I'll defer to the architect for that. But I mean, they're going to have to submit plans and building permits and and obtain the necessary permits.
So you'll agree then to abide by whatever our building Department says regarding that, of course, of course.
Let's see. Anybody else got a question?
for Mr. Wilkie
at this time? You might want to see anybody Mr. Snake. Like this disparity? No question. No, I
was just putting out
that looks like
you raising your hands not
Mr. Stack. They're on Mr. stacks. Computer but this is the objectors attorney. Mr. Ambrosio. I believe
you have any questions for him? No, no. Okay. Anybody else board? Okay, Mr. Ambrose, you introduce yourself, sir.
offices in New Jersey.
I'm gonna ask you to come a little closer because we can't hear you.
Yes, my name is Anthony ambrozy. Oh, that's
At eight hillside Avenue in Montclair, New Jersey, and I'm representing the objective of Allstate pediatric practice as well as the owners of the building. Why our home Nirmal better in his wife, grouchy neighbors directly to north. Yes, they used to reside, but no longer reside in an apartment and went on to Broad Street. But Miss Mrs. Mehta
conducts her
medical practice
at type of premises.
all right, Mr. Lindsey. You talked about hardship that exists Is there a hardship needed to the to the end of the building
that you're going to learn
next? What is that? Well, the configuration of the building and the width of the property, the width of the property is on the 48th. Street. This is 100 foot zone. It is the narrowest piece of property that is in that PLR zone there. Because of the shape of the property and the shape of the structure, there's only one location that this addition can be added to. It's in a location that is shown now that you've heard testimony regarding the rest of the property being used for parking or driveway access to a building or playground area, or front front yard setback. This is the only area that would be available that could be used in this manner to meet the state mandates.
That's what I meant. They can testify that this property is being used as a daycare center for over 30 years in its present.
That's what I understand. Yes. Okay.
So the regulations to the regulations, if not, if the variances are granted, does that
mean that the business can continue? I'd have to defer to the owner. Obviously, it seems like it'd be a diminished. Looks, but yes.
Well, there was a there was a testimony that there's 32 and a half years or under present customers or attendees? With does that number have to increase the necessarily?
can vary maybe the better response to that question?
Sorry, if you would answer that, please, sir. Yes, I'm
happy to. Um,
so you know, I think going back
to January of 2018, when this was when this new requirement state requirement was passed, if that hadn't happened, frankly, I don't believe we'd be here this evening. So what that what that has done is this put us at a given us a capacity issue, as I stated earlier. So that's created some hardship with us continuing to operate the business, that on top of the last, you know, 13 months of COVID, it's been quite challenged to operate childcare center in, you know, in this environment. So I guess the answer your question, it would be increasingly difficult for us to sustain the business with under the restrictions that we're currently operating.
So you're saying that unless you have more two and a half years or under, you can't operate the business successfully.
As a general rule,
the drivers to the business are young children one year and under, typically, by one year, folks have chosen a location and they tend to stay there until those children go to public school. So because we have such a low capacity below two and a half, it makes it very difficult for us to not not just film business, but
operate in a balanced
manner with that sustainable for the long term.
Can you continue the business, the same number of two and a half year old as to have now going forward? Now,
it's hard for me to say that I mean, I'd have to, I'd have to do, I'd have to run a pro forma, quite frankly, the last, you know, 13 plus months, we've just been trying to keep our doors open.
So the purpose of this application is to increase your capacity to give a good care for youngsters that are two and a half years or younger.
Correct. Your hardship? is one involving your business, not your land. Well,
I mean, our preferred Mr. Lindsey on that, but I believe the the configuration of our land, is giving us a hardship for our business.
If to answer that, and this is
getting back into the way we're speaking now, sorry. Everyone introduce yourself and
Dennis lunchy. Again, because I believe that they're, they're intertwined. If we had a very large piece of property, and this addition could take place with no bearings, they could just simply make a building application. So it is the nature of the land that is causing us causing the applicant to require a variance. Only because this is the only place that they've been located and it requires invariance?
Well, the requirement is only because you want to expand the existing operations for what they are now, is that correct?
Vinson priori, yes. In an effort to continue to be competitive and operational. Okay.
May I close on that question but expand?
No, no, no, no, you
can't interrupt is that you have to redirect it to conclusion of his
Do you see Cathy's the Lindsay, this is just because you again, you characterize the building, the building lot as very battle coordinate? Isn't it true that the three lots together world to a world six. And I think the other two lines are all relatively narrow?
Well, they are all narrow, but it says this one is so narrow, the one to the south of this last one in this zone is 77 feet wide, that's 29 feet more than this one, we would not be there. If that was the line. This lot is 48. A lot more clients lot wanted to the north of this is 50 feet, even trophy would have helped create less of a problem. And we have a template set back not a zero mindset. But one to further north than that. The next slot is 60 feet wide, which is 12 feet wide in the slide. And if it was on that lot, they would have a lesser of a prop. Now, that's not to say that they don't all have issues because they all are very close to their property lines. But those are existing with some some having two foot setbacks, which if we had that kind of a line that that width of a lot, we'd probably be similarly situated. And the last one on the corner. That's exactly when we go to church.
state regulations. They were passed when in
January 2018. Is my understand you fit me
by any continue the business been interrupted since that time, correct. I think these questions are more addressed to Mr. priori and to Mr. Windy.
You're right. That good question is okay. As the Mr. Lindsey, the
is the function of a business on a site, which is permitted under the zoning law? Is there any guarantee that that function continues despite the spike with the change in regulations?
No, I don't suppose that there is the only thing there is, is the underlying zoning that permits it in the zone. And that's why we're here asking for relief, because the business is allowed to proceed as it is. But in this particular case, we're asking for relief for the various reasons.
We lose Mr. Ambrose, you know,
I was gonna ask the same question.
Thank you. He has nothing further at this time. He said
nothing further. Okay. All right. So that's the attorney. Honor Any other questions board for either Mr. Lindsey orchester. priori, and he's sworn in, right, just the start.
state regulations were passed in a nutshell that is creating such a hardship on the business owner, that this is really required for. So just to sum up what we understand from my hurt here. In essence, this relief is not actually necessary, required to continue the operation of the business from a legal perspective. You there was a regulation and the state passed that is called the hardship that this relief is recorded that you're asking for this relief for to help the operation. Come over. Home the regulation that was put in place. So what regulation in nutshell with the same path as causing the hardship of a business,
Vincent priori, they are requiring that all children age two and a half and under be on a ground floor only. So prior to that, I believe from zero to 18 months was housed on the ground floor, two and a half in the basement. And then above two and a half on the second floor. When when this regulation was passed in 2008, teen there was actually and we were not the operators of that center. We were the owners of the property, but not the center when the previous center relocated my wife and I elected to open a senator in that facility, which happened September of 2018. So
there's a trajectory period
from from opening to when this bottleneck becomes an inherent problem, and could prohibit us from functioning going forward. As we were getting into, you know, nearing that bottleneck issue COVID happen. So this is sort of an interesting time. But, you know, now that we're hopefully getting to the tail end of COVID, this, this bottleneck will now become a problem for us again.
you I'm sorry, just trying to set a timeframe here. When did the regulation passed in the state of Jersey, January 18. And you opened your business September of 18?
Were you aware of the regulations when you open the business and the impact that could potentially have on your business when
you opened it in the first place? We were in process of opening when we became aware of this state regulation change?
So did you know that at
some point you were going to have to come before this board and submit for any reason or for your business to survive?
We were
aware that this was going to become a problem. And we weren't planning to ask for relief. At some point, obviously, in the beginning stages of opening a new business, that was not the first priority on our list. But we did appear before historic, roughly a year after we had open. So was your plans?
Was there a contingency plan if the board was? So was your success of your business always going to be contingent upon the approval of the extension for your property?
It's hard for me to answer that question.
I don't know that my mind was in that place at the time of originally opening. But we knew it was going to be a major problem for us at some point. But being the owners of the property and being well into the opening cycle of that new business, it was something that we could not deal with at that point in time.
But you didn't know at some point there was maybe a possibility this could not be approved that you have the outbreak with business as was.
Yes. To answer your question. Yes. And
there's less you're architecting here.
Yeah, just Mr. Lindsay's here. Okay.
I guess it's just following on Mr. Stern's question, but so a little more clarification, too.
how many of the children
under two years old and are required to be on the first floor of how many of those children can you accommodate now?
And you How many of you want to be able to accommodate
Ideally, we'd
like to have
Tony, you said that 32 of those would be
young exactly
is that because even with the addition, the lower floor will only be able to accommodate 42 people? Or that you have 50 a folder chose that you will have to still serve?
No, it's it's the former we would have, we would have capacity for 42 on the first floor, which would be two and a half and under. Thank you.
That's not even understand. Thank
you. I'm sorry. Yeah, Counselor guy.
One of the things I mean, this may seem like a minor technicality, but you're saying ground floor? I'm just wondering how ground floor is defined? There are? What's the one to six or seven or eight stairs to get up to the first floor? This is it still considered a ground floor? And if you go down six or seven stairs, can that be considered the ground floor in the basement?
by the state? Yeah, no,
that's a good question by the state of New Jersey, they have deemed that that ground floor and despite the stairs that we have, from both the front and the rear, are considered ground floor, nothing else the basement, nowhere in the second floor concern
that age group. Do you know where to find that? Like,
you know, a certain number of stairs are dismissed from the ground actually off the ground?
I don't have their actual definition. I'd be happy to provide it if it's required.
Mr. Chairman, very direct, please.
Yes, Miss lunch.
Thank you, Mr. priori, just to clarify, since when over how many years as a daycare have been operating at that site? 1989 since 1989. And if that 2018 regulation had not been passed, would we be here tonight? No. So is this a situation where you want to increase your business and make more money? Or you want to maintain what you've been doing? Or what's been going on
the site on one?
ladder? For sure. Yes, it's just our desire to maintain the operation that's been there.
And if you're unable
to maintain that operation, is there a possibility that you will go out of business?
It is a possibility? Yes.
And we've got how many employees? Do you have at the property now
at the business 2027?
And where are they? They're from the area?
Generally, yes, most of them are
local. We have a number of that, that walk to work, and a majority that take public transport to work.
And even how many families you serve.
Currently, about 60 families is usually about 55 to 60 families
are currently serving.
And these are parents who are co working moms or co parents who both the mother and the father are both working.
You That is correct. Yes.
Thank you. And also, just to bring home the point here,
that this is not a situation where you're coming here before the board to as it sounded like from Mr. Ambrose, you
have to increase your business quote unquote. No, absolutely not. I
mean, as you stated, I stated earlier, had this this requirement not happened from the state of New Jersey, we would not be here this evening. Okay.
Thank you. Okay.
Thanks for setting.
We've had some very serious questions about the site that a setback overhang and so forth. And you don't have an architect here that prepared this. I was interested to hear client and also sectors of the port for making intelligent decisions regarding this input from your architect. Just a question, Mr. Chairman, and Mr. Ford, for anistar sake. I think we need somebody here. I could answer that. Before we continue any further. I know we have. Mr. Speck. And we have our player, Mr. bridle. But I think before anything, we should have your architect in here to testify as far as all these situations are brought up as far as setting the right way to 142 foot what the gutter overhang is going to be. The board has to have definite answers to this. And so far, we haven't had anything for hypothetical or abstract type of answers, and we think it's in the best interest of everybody. Does anybody disagree with that?
Mr. Chairman, I would like to add something if if yes, counsel.
If you're considering Waiting for her to come, it might also be worthwhile to have plans that show the changes that were that were agreed to.
Absolutely. Thank you. Can you
hear me again? council? I'd say. So if no one objects besides I think would be in everyone's best interest. Mr. Priority, I understand you want to get this done. But by the same token, we have to know exactly what we're doing here.
I think
the next number, which is our new
topic, you
may lack the next meeting.
So I believe will be in the best interest of everyone concerned. We have turned this into a 11th. Meeting. You're You're architecting. And we're still NGO shoved into the plains and water up this evening. As far as getting away from the fruit, at least the one foot and I'm assuming that you'll have the gutters and everything else, or or what Mr. concerned about the architect will go and testify to that.
Well, I expected I mean, I hear that you want revise plans, I think we'll have to take all those things into consideration. It's going to be a cantilever Foundation, those things are done, so that we don't encroach on the adjacent properties. But we still have the planning matters to consider the variances assuming that technically we can comply with your requirements for both the aesthetics of the building the setback requirements, the start changing the siding, and showing that it can be built within those areas. The planning questions still remain as to the variance, you're not going to be regulated by whether it's possible if it's impossible to build a value if it isn't. If it's impossible to build in some way, we'll show you another way that we can show you can be built. But there are the planning questions. And I know you got your planner, and I don't know if the objector has anything to say. But we you know, if if boards have a mind, you might want to still continue that issue to discuss that.
If I may, Mr. Chairman. Chairman, now just respond to that. Yes. It seems to me, frankly, from a legal point of view, they have significance in grading variances, particularly study your setback variance know
whether or not the proper facilities can be built on the property line, thrown off the property line, two feet off the property line or three feet of property.
And until we know that, I don't really know how any planner will find on the various steps required, at least as to the side yard setback, which, you know, based on the testimony we've heard tonight, and the comments before, it seems to me most relevant
variants performed that the board is facing. So I don't really understand how the board can make or even the players can testify as to that side
yard setback variance. And the implications raised unreasonable miscellaneous law until they know what it really is going to be.
All the for you and the chairman. That's your advice.
I believe Mr. Hogan has a very good point there.
Miss lunch?
First of all, are you you're free from a lot.
The chapter the architect,
and the architect has to be here to that's going to be
I can't I can't answer that for all parties concerned at this time. I agree. Well, okay, then.
I think we are actually putting a motion to adjourn this delay 11th meeting, at which time we expect. Plans, I believe is still in G should coordinate that with Mr. Buchi. And Mr. lassic. As far as
cantilevered and Mr. Lanza, you look like you have something to say.
You were on mute. You're still on mute.
Mouse died.
I have nothing to say. Okay.
Can I ask them if you share me? What is the deadline for submission of revised plans to meet your may 11 meeting?
I mean, if you can get it to me, at least a week prior wouldn't be great.
Okay. Okay, thank
you. Excuse me, roughly, what, three weeks I guess that's about three weeks from now. And
just to be clear,
The setback requirements as opposed by the historical preservation in addition to the siding changes to remove the brick.
Yes, that's a very good point. Mr. Stern. You have Ms. Dungey. Yes, I do know everything that Historical Society approved before that you'll be shown on there. Mr. ribo, will you be free for me?
Just a little.
Thank you, Mr. Stack.
I believe I'm associated with it. I
have two hearings in two different places, but I will
one of my hearings, is it Bloomfield
the Montgomery application so that's like, I'll be right. Okay. All right. So promotion out there. During this day. I'll make the motion by checking everybody.
Okay. Great. Mr. Moving now, yes.
And Miss lunch all time constraints are waived. Is once all time constraints away? Yeah.
Thank you. Okay, everybody. Okay. Doctor, Dr. Hill. Mr. Laporte?
Okay. Mr. Second, Mr. bacula. Yes. Councilwoman Mondale? Mr. lassic. Councilman Rockwell?
Miss Richardson. Miss Richardson. Yes. Thank you, Chairman lapaglia. Yes, yes.
So we will lose, we will see you may 11. will be first since we're continuing this correct.
we're continuing both we're continuing 102 Broad Street and Montgomery straight. So yeah, I
think it'll be quicker than
fine. Why don't you watch a movie first really started
to finish this first. That's fine. Mr. florea. Okay. With that, then you'll be free to overwhelm.
Yes, of course.
I'll see everybody.
Thank you all. Just
wait a minute. Hold on. Hold on.
Three ambrozy. Oh, can
I make a request for a copy of the plans when they're available?
Yeah, sure. I
mean, after you proceed, do you want them digitally? Or do you want
them digitally? Mike is
Hold on, hold on Mr. Boise, if you want to digitally or hardcopy digitally be fine.
Mr. Lindsay, can you make sure that
the call received
email copies and maybe she can even circulate the
Moulton board as well through email as
well as hard. That will be helpful. Thank you.
Thank you.
Miss lunch.
I was telling my 14 year old son to back away from the screen. Sorry. All right.
That's it.
Can I have a motion to adjourn?
All in favor?
See everybody.
coming tomorrow, Alan? Yeah. Good night, guys. Thank you