Hey, everyone. Welcome to a special holiday episode of all the things ADHD. I am one of your co hosts Lee Skallerup Bessette. And I'm recording this solo today, the holidays have taken their toll on Amy. And so we just couldn't make the timing work to find a session to record together. And also, we didn't want to leave you hanging with last week's episode saying that we were going to come back with a holiday episode, we're gonna take a little bit of a just a brief hiatus after this to get through the holiday season and get the semester started back up again. So I imagine we'll be back. I'd say January, but it might just end up being February, knowing us and how we roll. So wherever you are, and whatever you celebrate, I hope that you find some space for some rest. But also find some space and find a way where you especially those of us who are neurodivergent that you find a space in a place in a way where you can be unapologetically yourself. We talked last week, and I've been thinking a lot about that I've been thinking so much about that. We talked in the last episode about how things like this podcast or allow for Amy and I to just unapologetically be ourselves. I think about that sometimes in the ways I write too. And my sewing allows me some some of that escape and piano for a me provides that and I hope that you can, I hope that you can find it, I hope that you can, you can look for it, you can find a space or a place where you can be the most yourself, then perhaps you have ever allowed yourself to be or felt empowered to be. I was also thinking that that's what I feel like when I'm on deck coaching. Were being loud. And over the top and slightly goofy and eccentric make me a really good coach for the kids that I coach. So, you know, I I'm so thankful that I have found the spaces that I have people around me who support the work that I do in these spaces that you know, my, my husband, you know, wants me to coach because I'm a much nicer person when I coach. But also we were able to make that work so that I can coach and my kids understand and then make it work so I can coach. So if you are someone who is living with someone who has neurodivergent or ADHD or whatever it is support them as they try to find a space where they can be authentically themselves and find that kind of joy. There are so few spaces now especially with the Kron pandemic, just that won't end is that we can find a space if we can find a place where where we can, where we can cultivate a little bit more joy, a little bit more comfort, a little bit more self worth and value for ourselves, then that's a win. And so I really hope that you will all try to work to find that for yourselves. And that you support each other in finding it for yourself. Because I think we can all use a little bit more joy this holiday season and moving forward into 2022 that if we can all find something that that we love, and that helps us feel more like ourselves and perhaps we've ever felt before then that's that's a really good thing. So that's my hope for you. That's my wish for you for this holiday season. isn't really even an episode. It's five minutes of me unscripted. Lee rambling. Be grateful I thought maybe I should sing. I'm not going to sing. Don't worry. I just went meet last weekend which is why might sound a little hoarse and rough. And yeah, so be well and have a really happy holidays and we'll see you in early 2022. Thanks everyone so much for listening. Take care.