NAD, Energy & Longevity with Maite Brines von Melle
8:57AM Oct 24, 2023
Angela Foster
Maite Brines von Melle
Whenever I take like new supplements on whenever is anything up in the body is like this is the place where I'm gonna go to I'm gonna just like check in on you because basically you just checking on energy frequencies in the body. And I think it's still maybe a little bit too fringe for most people to kind of take series. But I'm really, really hoping that over the next few years it becomes more mainstream because it's just such a simple way, really to get some guidance on what works in your body. You're listening to the high performance health podcast helping you optimise your health performance and at longevity. My name is Angela Foster, and I'm a former corporate lawyer and high performance health coach. Each week, I bring you cutting edge bio hacks, inspiring insights and high performance habits to unlock optimal health performance and longevity. So excited that you've chosen to join me today. Now let's dive in.
Hi, friends. It was my birthday yesterday. So I had fun celebrating. I'm currently out in Sri Lanka, with my family having a lovely time. Last year, many of you will know that I tested my biological age to see how I was ageing in comparison to my chronological age. And I did the test with glycan age and found that I had a biological age of 20, which is amazing. Because I've just turned 48. So it looks like all of the things that I have been doing have been paying off in terms of my nutrition and my fitness, my sleep optimization. That one always needs a little bit more work, I think than I would like but it didn't seem to impact too much. I definitely focus on the quality of my sleep. And really good exercise, muscle mass, things like that to improve glucose sensitivity, my nutrition, my hormone health, all of these things make a huge difference. But I often get asked what supplements do I take a long side. And that's what you're gonna find out about today because for a number of months, I have been taking a supplement called NAD regen, which is designed to enhance NAD levels within the body. And NAD is a coenzyme that consists of Adeline and nicotine amide. And essentially, it's part of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. So it is really essential for energy production. It's sometimes been dubbed the molecule of youth, largely because levels of NAD plus dramatically drop as we age. And there also seem to be an implication around this around the sort of stage of menopause for women as well. So being the age I am that is something I'm also focused on. But I have seen a huge uptick in my energy since taking NAD region. That's currently why I have biostat labs, the maker of NAD region as sponsors of the show, because I love it so much. And I definitely want to be sharing it with more of you because of the benefits I've been experiencing from NAD region, but also from a couple of their other supplements including cell shield, which contains chlorella and really high levels of glutathione. And so I tend to take that before bed.
And it helps with detoxification and really helps with sort of cellular enhancement while you're sleeping at night. And then I also take their GED aid, which is a really super stack of ingredients to help improve glucose sensitivity. I tend to take that before my highest carb containing meal of the day. And I wanted to share with you the science behind these formulations because they are pretty unique. And I think that what a lot of people don't realise when they're thinking about NAD is that you do need to consider methylation and not actually overstretching methylation capacity. So NAD region has quite a unique formulation. It has NAD three in it to help with this. It also helps to raise the nampt enzymes to recycle NAD via the salvage pathway. It has resveratrol and it also has spermidine to address inflammation and a welcome side effect of that has been the hair growth that I've been experiencing. Now as sponsors of the show. biostat labs are very kindly giving away a free bottle of GED aid when you purchase two bottles of NAD region. To claim that offer all you need to do is go to biostat forward slash Angela that's biostat forward slash Angela. And in this episode you're going to be hearing about the science behind these formulations and a whole lot more. My guest is mighty Breen on mele, who is a holistic health and nutrition coach. And she also works as the innovation executive for bio stack labs and helps them to formulate the latest longevity products on the market, as well as creating educational content for biostat labs. She's also the founder of the super health playbook, where she runs group coaching programmes called only 66 days where she teaches women to achieve optimal health by building habits over 66 days in small group settings with support accountability and interactive educational workshops and live strength classes. And in today's episode we're going to be diving into the supplements and also some more of the things that biostat labs have coming out, which are really, really exciting. So without further delay, let's get stuck into the science behind optimising NAD with mighty green. So my day, I am so glad that we finally got this sorted in the calendar. I think we met. First time, I want to say maybe a year and a half. Was it two years ago, the health optimization summit in London?
Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Last June. Yeah.
Yeah. Was and we had dinner together, we immediately hit it off. We're in, you know, very common fields very similar, should I say and similar interests in helping and empowering women? It's awesome to have you here today. I'm excited.
Yeah, I'm really excited to be here. I'm a great fan of your show. I really love the work that you do, and your messaging and just all over sort of like awesomeness that you created. So yeah, very excited to be here.
Thank you, thank you for coming on. And I'm excited because you actually were the first person I think, to introduce me to the supplements that I've been taking, which I can really credit with improvements in my energy. And just the way my recovery with my workouts, the way I kind of show up every day, we're going to dive into the science on all of that in a bit. But first of all, do you want to just sort of introduce yourself, I know that you are an expert in helping people form new habits, particularly in the area of health and wellness, you're an innovator. Please share a little bit about your background, how you got into this.
Yeah, I think my background probably comes from movement. So I've been very interested in movement and exercises have always played sports have always kind of worked out in some sort of way. And then when I had my daughter nine years ago, I became very interested in birth recovery because all of a sudden, my body had changed so much through pregnancy. And it's just kind of understanding what the body is going through and what it needs to recover. So I started actually teaching local mummy and baby classes and I got really into biomechanics, and then under studied with someone called Katie Bowman over in the states a year causing biomechanics but which led me down the whole sort of rabbit hole of understanding movement much better and movement mechanics and also how we are so far removed from a world of natural movement, which led me into then exploring sort of barefoot shoes and natural movements like more floor sitting rather than sofa sitting not more outsourcing your core and your back muscles to furniture, so scared of sort of going back to a bit more sort of natural environments and natural movements. And then from there, I just went deeper into the body in terms of like fascia, got very interested in fascia and fascia release practices. And from there, I got into nutrition and I just wanted to learn more about and understand more about the body really, and which also led me into just the the whole holistic thing of, you know, how do we build health, what is health and what what is, you know, part of it and then also understanding the psyche behind it became very interested in the work of Dr. Gabor Ma Tei, and psycho neuro immune endocrinology, how our emotions and especially unexpressed emotions can manifest in disease and, and then through I think most health practitioners, I know, have I this sort of suffered through trauma themselves or have seen a loved one suffer. And I unfortunately, saw how my father died of cancer very slowly. And that was very, very painful to watch. And I just became more interested in how ageing affects the body and how we can you know, not prevent death. But how can we live a healthier life up until the moment we're not here anymore? So that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Yeah.
Awesome. It's very similar to myself, actually, I watched my dad go through, you know, end stage renal disease and received the discomfort and the kind of end passage and it's very, very distressing. I think, as a, as someone, you know, seeing a loved one go through it. I've seen you know, my, my mom's now sadly, not in good health, either. And I think, you know, when we look at it, I think all of us now are starting to realise that that sort of, we made so many inroads, right, didn't we for so long with our health into into virus, things like antibiotic development that helped extend life expectancy because we were no longer dying of these sort of bacterial infections and things and they were very helpful, of course, their own problems that potentially with resistance and things like that, but it was really, really life changing, but now we've had this onset of chronic diseases and I think our parents generation are almost the first to go through that because previously people were kind to fit in, well, almost into in many respects into old age, we have things like smoking. But now what we're seeing is that generation, increase their lifespan, but there's a very long period of suffering. And I think it's a commonality among yourself. And you know, myself and other coaches and nutritionists, and people, practitioners, medical doctors, like how can we help people to live healthier for longer? It's not just about extending that lifespan. Yeah,
exactly. We want to do all the things that we want to do right now. That's what I say that's, that's what it's about up until the point it's over, and you move on to whatever's next. But yeah, I want to do exactly the same things, I want to walk, I want to travel, I want to lift stuff, I want to still enjoy all the things. So I think that's, that's what everyone really wants. Because seeing someone that you love, like you, like have with your dad and, and your mom. And in my, you know, own environment, and especially I think the last year, in my sort of closer community, there's been an incredible amount of young, especially women that I know, that have either been diagnosed or have passed away of cancer in the early 40s. And this kind of that did not happen when when I was young. And I didn't see sort of my friend's parents with these chronic diseases. I mean, there's a real I mean, folks always argue like, Yeah, but there's more people now. So it's bound to be, you know, the cancer rates are going up. But I think there's more to it. I think there's just more stresses out there. And our body body is constantly battling to literally stay healthy.
I think so I think it is actually something that we do really need to pay attention to, to really look after our health. And I think it is the tectonic plate, right that everything else is resting on that. So thing you can you know, all your other goals are very much more difficult to achieve if you lose your health. One of the things that you and I both found from working with women who are in their 40s. And their 50s Is that ageing starts to accelerate around that age when we see the drop off in oestrogen. And I know this is a particular interest area of yours. And certainly there seems to be we were just talking offline about the interplay between women's hormones and that transition, and reductions in NAD. I think the best place to start many listeners will be familiar with NAD. It's becoming a bit of a buzzword, you will Lycoming it is going to become like collagen. But do you want to just let's just start explaining NAD and then we can kind of come back to the hormonal piece if that's all right.
Yeah, NAD, the energy molecule, which isn't every single cell in the body is absolutely crucial part of the energy cycle in the body in the mitochondria. So it's called the Krebs cycle. And NAD is part of that just as much as oestrogen actually is, and women get hit with both not just the NAD levels decline, but also towards menopause, the oestrogen levels decline, which has an effect on NAD metabolism, but also it affects pretty much everything else as well. Brain Health, heart health, bone health, muscle health, as well. And again, NAD metabolism also has metabolism, it has an effect on human metallic metabolic health. So everything seems to be going down at the same time for women in particular. So NAD, however, is not just important for energy levels, and creating energy is also really, really crucial. It's basically food for some enzymes and proteins called the Pops and the sirtuins group of protein that's really, really important for DNA repair. And that's what it's all about really is trying to keep your your DNA well maintained and repaired and protected from damage. And by boosting MHA NAD levels through lifestyle, you know, all the kind of usual suspects of eating, you know, good foods that support NAD levels, anything that's high in B three, for example, exercise, and even like other hormetic stressors like even red light exposure, or, you know, I'm the biggest fan of the sauna. You know, all of these really, really helped with boosting your NAD levels naturally, but we can't help but have this decline. So in recent years, precursors have become really really popular to take for people to help boost NAD levels. But I think now we know so much more that it's not just a matter of taking precursors alone. We actually need to help the mechanics of building NAD and recycling NAD. So we know so much more now that it's not just a matter of taking a bit of Nmm or an AR to help those levels. stay youthful, I suppose because that's what we're after. We all want that youthful energy. We all want that youthful Shah Mind we all want, you know, youthful skin. So yeah, so NAD is absolutely crucial to, to stay healthy. Really?
Yeah. And also for energy levels as well. Right? That's what I've noticed by taking NAD precursors, is just my energy is great. And I think sometimes I've noticed people when they're taking it, they might report needing a little bit less sleep about I see that if that is the case, it almost as a good thing really, right, because you have more energy. And I certainly feel like I can bring it every day. So it's, yeah, it's interesting. And I think for me, I've really brought my focus to this, because I think ahead of going through menopause, as I kind of move closer towards that transition, I think the more you can do in preparation for that, to help yourself stay youthful, the better, if you can, and it's obviously never never too late right to start these things wherever you're at. When we're looking at NAD. It's not just about optimising NAD is it is also about optimising the salvage pathway, so we can recycle more of it. Can you explain a little bit about how that works?
Yeah, so we actually have, we have NAD in the body, it's in every single cell without it softens that we wouldn't survive very long. So we already have the body's pretty clever, you know, knowing that we have the storage available. But the problem becomes as we age, as with so many different processes in the body that the enzymes needed to recycle the NAD in the body, they decrease, so we need to kind of add those enzymes, especially the nampt enzyme that's part of the salvage pathway. So there is a way that we can do that we can raise the enzyme through resveratrol. So obviously I work for biostat labs, we have a compound called NAD three, which is made up of Cooper's nice and thier cranium, wasabi. And those together help to raise the enzyme and provide building blocks, not just to, you know, give the body just building blocks, but actually, it's clever enough to then raise the enzymes as well. So once it has the building blocks, we can then build it, break it down, build it, break it down. So that's really, really important points to consider. If you're thinking about boosting your NAD levels. The same goes for taking IVs or NAD injections, because you're giving the body NAD. But how's it going to recycle if the enzymes are still low? So you need to take something in order to raise those enzymes.
Yeah, so some people will be taking precursors, right. So they might be taking niacin, but that will be helping in terms of like improving NAD levels, but not actually helping them with that recycling component. Right?
Yeah, it wasn't,
it was just one part.
That's right. And then the other kind of, I don't want to say danger. But essentially, if somebody takes a lot of no man, and I know like David Sinclair is well spoken out about taking like 1000 milligrammes of nm in the day that we're not considering that, actually, the methylation process of it. And what we've seen is that if you just take a bunch of precursors thinking, you're just gonna boost your NAD levels. And yeah, you might actually feel that uptick in energy, but essentially, you're almost stretching your methylation capacity, and you might take methyl donors away from other processes that are needed. So it's like pretty much like overheating the body. And methylation yet again, is another process that unfortunately, winds down a little bit in the body with ageing. So that's why you see a lot of people now taking no men and they start taking also TMG for example, to have methylation or to help methylation or other sort of methylation things like biotin, or what else is out there. We're just this great, another product can't think of the ingredients right now. But yeah, b Yeah, B 12, as well, that really helps with methylation, but you end up just having to take like a lot of supplements to make up for taking an amen.
Yeah. Okay, so basically, the biostat labs formulation is doing two things. It's helping us with the precursors, so we can actually produce more NAD and then it's also giving us the components we need to be better at recycling that NAD. Yes. Yeah,
it does one more thing, it actually lowers inflammation in the body, okay, because through spermidine, so spermidine is is wonderful molecule that helps with autophagy, which autophagy meaning self eating so it cleans the senescence cells in the body. And often senescence cells are called Zombie cells, because they're not just dead cells, they actually have these inflammatory markers, directing other cells, making them zombie cells, making them that cells as well and the more you have of those, and if they don't get cleared out, there's creating a lot of inflammation, this low level inflammation So in the body as we age is, again, another thing that we're sort of combating. But through autophagy, which we get through good sleep, and even exercise, and maybe some sort of form of intermittent fasting, we can help autophagy. But spermidine is wonderful to really help ignite that whole autophagy process. So and because the more inflammation there is in the body, essentially, the more energy molecules being sucked up by that. So the less NAD is available for DNA repair, and we don't want to take away from DNA repair, we just want to make sure that, you know, everything is in order. So keeping inflammation low, really, really important. Obviously, there's healthy inflammation, I just want to point that out as well. Because often we think like, oh, we have to take all these antioxidants all the time. And it's like, no, it is a natural process. When we work out, we inflame ourselves, we create oxidative stress, and that's a really healthy and normal process. So not taking antioxidants directly after a workout, you know, needs to be said, is really important. We need to have that natural response to information. But overall, our bodies just have more information. As we age, it's been around longer, it's been exposed to more toxins. So, again, so autophagy is a really crucial process to keep inflammation low, and we can help it by using sperm alone.
And also right for women in sort of late stage perimenopause, inflammation is going up. So I think it's a really important time. I guess my question would be, I like to take this in the morning, before I eat anything, so I take it in a fasted state before I walk out, listening to what you're saying in terms of the spermidine and the reductions in inflammation. Is there any downside to me doing that pre workout? Or is that a good way of boosting? Autophagy? Because obviously, exercise itself is great for autophagy.
Yeah, absolutely. So as you're the same thing, I have it first thing in the morning. And that's how we recommend it because it's part of sort of aligned with your circadian rhythm really, because NAD is part is actually a very important part of the whole circadian rhythm and having it in the morning, you're amplifying those natural levels anyway. And then on a faster stomach just before you exercise is absolutely fantastic. And once you create inflammation, that healthy inflammation response towards your exercise, that's different. You know, that's where I say to people don't have your Chaga after the workout and don't have your blueberries right after the workout, just, you know, let it just like calm down a little bit by itself before you're hitting any sort of other antioxidants. Because I think we've all become a little bit obsessed with antioxidants. Like we have to, like everything is higher, like this is the highest antioxidant now. And then the next product this is higher than that. So just being kind of mindful of like when to take good, it's definitely place for it. And I definitely take it myself, but it's just knowing when, yeah,
when to take it. I always think when you're taking things in supplement, right or powdered form, or you're getting something concentrated fast way where you need to be a bit more careful. But if you're having a natural food source, I think I've seen some studies that if this naturally occurring food, then it's okay to so everyone doesn't think oh my god, I can't have my morning smoothie now. postwork I think generally, if you're adding a whole load of things like something like Chaga, for example, there's very concentrated, or maybe, maybe I don't know, blueberry powder, potentially. But ya know, I take it in the same way. We were chatting actually, because the other products I really like to take before bedtime as your cell shield to help with inflammation and detoxification overnight. And it's, it's the one that my husband's always trying to steal off me because I noticed the jaw going down way too quickly. And he feels great on it. He feels like just he's really noticed. You see he wakes up fresh, and feels kind of clear when he wakes up in the morning. That's got quite a lot of glutathione in it right, but a particular form of glutathione that helps with that process. He explained a little bit more about it. Yeah. Glutathione
Yeah, so this is a patented version of glutathione. So it's been trialled and tested, it raises actually your own glutathione levels quite nicely and sustainably over. I think we've seen sort of like a really nice rise over 12 weeks if you consistently take it up to pretty youthful levels because I'm gonna say it again glutathione levels is again, something else that reduces as we age. So it's something that at some point, we need to think about either taking straight glutathione or taking something that helps build glutathione like glycine and NAC it helped actually build glutathione in your body and weight has come some other processes in the body as far as like different signalling, other than just taking glutathione itself but this particular formulation is so it's a painted version of glutathione and it's also possible that two men see that works really nicely together which is another antioxidants amino vitamin C the original antioxidant, right glutathione and chlorella which further helps with detoxification because again, we're just giving the liver a bit of love. Because the liver has to take care of so many things and it has to store and produce Is and manage and do all sorts of things. So I think it's at least one thing that we can do just, you know, to help deliver out really, I think, probably can check probably for another hour or just on sort of liver health and you know, all the different protocols that you can do to help the liver. But I think if you do one thing, then just Yeah, but a future science or relah, you know, that will definitely be really helpful.
helpful, and that's like taking it before bedtime. Yeah, yeah. If you listen to this podcast, you're probably like me, you want to have high energy every day to achieve everything you want to while also protecting your health span and longevity. And for the last six months, I've been taking a supplement called NAD region by biostat labs. Not only does it contain a powerful combination of niacin, amide, NAD three and resveratrol, which support NAD also known as the molecule of you, it has spermidine in it and spermidine helps inhibit many of the hallmarks of ageing. It also supports better cognition, improved memory, heart health and circadian rhythm. And I'll tell you what I've noticed since taking NAD region is consistently high energy, which is a huge bonus, given that I'm always juggling the demands of running both my businesses alongside my kids and all of their activities and my daily workouts. And I've also noticed a lot of new hair growth, which is common with spermidine. The beauty benefits are of course, always welcome. So after experiencing all these benefits, I wanted you to experience similar ones. And so I've arranged a very special offer with our sponsors biostat labs, when you buy two bottles of NAD region biostat labs are giving listeners of this show a free bottle of GED aid, their glucose supplement that contains the very best ingredients for all around metabolic health. I take NAD region in the morning in a fasted state before my workout to amplify the autophagy boosting effects. And then GD a just before my most carb heavy meal of the day to blunt the glucose spike. To get your free bottle of Gd aid and all the energy and health promoting benefits of NAD region head over to biostat forward slash Angela and when you purchase two bottles of NAD region biostat labs we'll send you a free bottle of G D eight. That's biostat forward slash Angela to get your exclusive offer. I'm inviting you to join our newly opened high performance health Facebook group where we're all about unlocking our utmost potential. If you are a fellow biohacker, a coach or a woman with an entrepreneurial spirit looking for peak performance, and our community of ambitious women is just for you. But it's not just about connecting with like minded women. It's about empowering each other. We have weekly live training Q and A's and a bunch of other exclusive content that I don't get the chance to share anywhere else. You biohack some exploring plus extra nuggets of wisdom from my podcast guests and so much more. It's free to join simply click the top link in the show notes or go to Angela forward slash h P h that's Angela forward slash HP H or click the top link in the show notes and once inside send me a message so we can connect personally I can't wait to see you what are the other things like natural things that people can do alongside to optimise their liver health obviously avoiding as many toxins in the first place is going to be a good thing but that's very difficult isn't it kind of such a modern toxic world? What are other things that you think about in terms of bedtime? Do you do regular castor oil packs what what kind of things do you yeah so
tassel packs, mix a little bit of whatever got like rosemary oil on there as well castor oil, but then you can put like some essential oils on there as well. With a little bit of heat. Now you can buy actually don't have to do the whole towel thing anymore. You can actually get like proper packs that you can wrap around their liver flushes that you can do as well and there's so many different ways actually people can do it and like sort of so many different practices on how to do a liver flush. And then there's I personally make myself in its herbal place where you can ask for you put it together the ingredients so I've got nettle, dandelion, bilberry Barbary Milk Thistle and dandelion leaf in there and it's a really bitter tea. So anything that's really better than liver really likes so I have a cup of tea of that every night again just to help my liver again. Like I can't emphasise enough like if the if the liver is happy, then your body will work quite well and especially again for women in the in in perimenopause and menopause, helping with the extra load of the oestrogen to detoxify making sure that that's going through properly Yeah, you can also drop I love any sort of supplements I can take, that's a liquid texture, anything I can drop under my tongue. I'm a huge fan. So I do some drops under my tongue sometimes as well. And I go to a special botanical pharmacy that's in my local area where this amazing lady puts together some tonics for me, which has been like a real eye opener. I've done some bioresonance testing with her recently, and it was completely full my mind. But again, that's like another topic that we need to pick up at some point. That's absolutely I'm literally blown my mind to see how supplements work in the body as well. Because I, for example, have been taking magnesium Fahrenheit for years and years and years and years, just to realise actually, it was not the right product for me. And now I'm on this other type of magnesium, which is an ionic one, and it literally sustainably now have created like an extra 10 ms on my HRV, just by changing this one thing, which was a different magnesium. So,
so interesting, it's really interesting, I do a lot of work with biofeedback and resonance, and just even looking at people's alignment with their values, and when they're really living life in sync, and how much we see improvements of when we because we use a finished device where we can track it during the day. And we can actually see when people go into resonance, and if they access, for example, their resonant frequency breathing, just how quickly that can move them into the green and prove their HIV. And we can see, like daytime practices or like a mum, for example, who is very much like, you know, adores being with her children. And it may be a joy that like reading a story we can see, like, obviously, I think there's some research that the mother's heartbeat and the the child's heartbeat will start to align and become coherent together. But then what we see on in terms of HRV is it boosting up and in some cases, we'll see HRV actually go higher than when that person is asleep. So it's super interesting, all of that. Really fascinating.
Yeah, I think that needs to be more of a variable for people I knew of it. But until I did the testing recently, I was completely blown away by it. So now, whenever I take like new supplements, or whatever is anything up in the body was like, this is the place where I'm gonna go to I'm gonna just like check in on you, because basically, you just checking on energy frequencies in the body. And I think it's still maybe a little bit too fringe for most people to kind of take series, but I'm really, really hoping that over the next few years, it becomes more mainstream, because it's just such a simple way, really to get some guidance on what works in your body.
Very interesting. Yeah. I mean, and you know, we use it as a medical grade ECG device. And so it's super accurate. And I think, yeah, it's kind of the science is there. Okay, so when we're looking at optimising for longevity, right, so we've talked about helping detoxification at night. And we've also talked about optimising NAD. Now you have something coming out that I'm very interested in, because obviously, you know that I'm a big, big fan of glycine, I put it in my tea at night or put it in my morning smoothie. And I find that you know, it's great as well, particularly for women who are going through perimenopause, or maybe you're getting a lot more heat at night, or women in the luteal phase out strategy, lower body temperature, so many benefits, right. And as you always do, you always come out with any, when you're formulating this, or I love the innovation that you do. Mighty, because anything that you do is always like, always combined with very cool ingredients to help support it, but also seems to be stronger even when you were looking at and I won't name the brand, but when I was looking at the like the surgery glutathione your levels are much higher than I find in other supplements, for example, but this we allowed to talk about this, I think it's gonna come out by the time and I think I think you've been talking about it on social, but it will come out probably by the time this comes out anyway, you have coupled the glycine with a couple of other cool ingredients. Tell us more about that.
So yeah, one is NAC. So that's, that's a pretty kind of standard combo. And there's been like quite a few studies done on blind x. So glycine and NAC put together, it's the black combo, they seem to work synergistically really well. And often people think it's just like a great builder for glutathione. But actually it does so much more. So with glycine Renault also is great. It's building block for so many things from muscles to collagen, from, as you were saying, kind of helping to lower body temperature a little bit. It's just like such a great, those two are such great building blocks for so many things. But we wanted to really add something onto that. So we call actually the no new product lineup class, because it has some compound called calcium alpha ketoglutarate in it. See a AKG and AKG has actually been used for many years with bodybuilders because there's some really good literature on that helps with muscle and keeping muscle. But other than that it's also great for cardiovascular health and A couple of other benefits. But the most interesting sort of study that came out a couple of years ago is that it actually helps. And actually, some folks said it's better than boosting NAD levels, because it really seems to have an effect on longevity pathways. And the recent tests that they've done, or the recent study that they've done, they've seen a biological age, increase or decrease in eight years, on average, which is actually quite magnificent. And they use the true age DNA mentioned methylation test on that as well. And they've seen that for women taking calcium off of gear obliterate with vitamin D, really helps with that. And for men, I think it was vitamin A, so they have mixed a vitamin into this particular product that they use. And this was also just alpha ketoglutarate. Ours is calcium, alpha blue, right, which is higher, got higher bioavailability, then just the regular one. So this is what we kind of had to add to our gynec. Because actually, it works quite well, we talked to the scientist about it and say, Look, this is an incredible compound, is there a way that we can add it to the lineup? And it's like, yes, absolutely. There's a couple of minerals in there as well. We've put molybdenum in there, and selenium as well. And all of that really is a powerful kind of cocktail, longevity cocktail, really that again, the aspects in terms of support healthy ageing, it's just absolutely tremendous.
And would there be an issue then like, say, for example, if you wanted to take the cell shield at the same time to help with detoxification if you're getting the NAC and so the glenapp combo in conjunction with the glutathione and the chlorella and everything else? Or could you take these at night together?
No, you know, you actually. So here's the thing. So we often think about glycine, we think about also as a sleep. So this is another benefit, right? We think of glycine helping to lower body temperature basically to drift off to sleep a little bit quicker. But you can take glycine, I think you actually said like, so glycine NAC also well known, of course, to help liver health, but also spiritually health. I think there's been like a bunch of COVID studies on that as well. NAC they've also seen help with sort of mental health and depression. I mean, the list is kind of endless. But we suggest to take this in the morning, again, on an empty stomach. And, yeah, to help sort of amplify, again, all those and start signalling the right kind of signals go down those longevity pathways. And that can be taken Yes, absolutely in the morning. So we don't actually recommend to take it in the evening, which means glutathione is just one thing that gleich bills, right. So it provides some building blocks. And again, it creates signalling that glutathione doesn't do, because if you just take glutathione that's just one thing. You don't have to operate the mechanics around it. Whereas when you take line out, it does, but it still won't be to the same level as you take them to found in the evening. So you can absolutely take them like separately, one in the morning and one in the evening. And it won't impact each other You're not going to have to hire beautifying level that's not going to happen.
And so you take it alongside the NAD in a faster Yes, yes. Now that I like that because that means that I don't have to give up my little evening ritual. So as you know, I gave up alcohol is close to 500 days ago now. And so my little like evening ritual is to have chamomile tea with some glycine in it and so this would just be a good sub from my morning one and I can carry on with my little evening ritual because it's funny how kind of wedded to these things you can pick up
Yeah, I who I'm also I actually take him on as well every evening. I find it really calms and also it's a great source of apigenin I guess nation so yeah, that's a great combo. And I used to take I'm not taking right now I'm just literally waiting for glein Act to come through. But I used to take sort of glycine three milligramme 3000 milligramme Every evening with a bit of yes specific actually this was called Cherry night by brilliant they did a really nice again it's a dream to take a spoonful and water it's got Montgomery cherry in that as well as in that museum glycine is actually a nice formulation I have to admit. And it was very very good to take so but yeah for the purpose of the other things, all the million things that line up does. This is not meant to be like a sleep prep formulation. This This does you know again, helps with muscle the collagen with with all the tissues that need to be built detoxification inspiratory. Again, great to take before a workout. Definitely you know when you pull the temperature a little bit lower, you might hit the gym a little harder. So that's why glycine in the morning is great before Workout?
Yeah, for sure. And I've noticed, actually, I mean, I, as I said, take it twice a day. And I think you can take that and earn a bit more, I think if you if you if you have too much, then it can start causing a bit of digestive discomfort. But I think that I have noticed that I have noticed a noticeable improvement in in joint health like aches and pains and things like that it's probably reduction in overall inflammation as well. But also, as you say, it helps with that connective tissue. The last piece in the longevity puzzle, I know you have lots of new things coming out that I'm very excited about. But the last piece of the longevity puzzle here is metabolism, right? And I always talk about metabolism being the CEO of our health, right, because it affects everything affects the way we feel, not just people often think of it in terms of, you know, why is it I haven't got the body composition that I want, right? That's often the first thing that we jumped to. But really, those are just the aesthetics as the outer layer of seeing what's really going on in the inside. And one of the most important parts to this is having good blood glucose control. But not everyone wants to be on a kind of ketogenic diet or like remove carbs, and actually that can cause its own set of problems. And insulin resistance, right, which was specially for women, especially for women. And I've seen huge disruptions and menstrual cycle and things like that. And also, not being able to like fuel up post workout is not ideal either. And so I have been a someone because I have PCOS as well. So it's always a challenge for me with blood glucose control. So I've been playing with your formulation, because I've tried quite a few over the years in terms of like helping regulate my blood sugar. And I do see a noticeable improvement if I have a kind of carb heavy meal by taking gdh it's a really interesting stack that you've put together because as I sort of keep saying like all of your things, right? They're never just just one thing, they have quite a bit to them. The dye hydro Berberine you and I were talking about is actually better tonics, I think some people do worry a little bit about Berberine. And kind of any kind of gastric distress, but you want to explain a bit more because I think it is superior. And it's also easier on digestion.
Yeah, dihydrogen Berberian does not cause any digestive distress. So this is another patron. So when we can we use patented ingredients and this one is from NLP nutrition. Sean wells really well known formulator probably the most well known formulator globally. And so gluco Vantage is this particular patented version of the heavy burden, which is five times more bioavailable, you can take a lower dose, and it won't cause any stress at all on the GI tract. And also, you can take smaller amounts. And I think recently he's come also like a lot of the biomarkers are taking Metformin, which, you know, again, it's not a natural like dye overburden, it's completely natural was Metformin isn't and what it appears to be that Metformin might not be in the long term, actually, the solution where you know, people think like, oh, this is like the panacea to run to, and I draw Berberine is a much safer option to help with blood sugar regulation. But that's Metformin
can also cause problems. I think on it with strength. I know even I think Dr. David Sinclair talks about not taking it so much on workout days. I mean, I had it prescribed to me very early on when I was diagnosed with PCOS. And it was I think, some people just can't tolerate it at all every every kind of food I was trying to put in my mouth, I just wanted to come back up. I couldn't let it literally Yeah, there was just no opportunity for me to take it, it was just impossible to take for me literally, and I think that's probably an extreme avert extreme case if you like, but then I also know you know, it does cause quite a bit of digestive discomfort. People have to be able to tolerate metformin and also there are kind of potential issues around strength and things like that and so die Hydra Berberine teams a much a much better fit and I don't get any deaf gastric distress at all with this.
And we haven't had any so we have like by now like 1000s of customer taking GED aid and no one so far, like not a single email we got and saying look, I can't do this one doesn't work this I'm intolerant or allergic to it. Like all the ingredients are all natural compounds from the from the calorie burn, which is African. Oh my god, I forgot the name. They look like peppercorn. They're African Paris seeds of Paradise Seeds of paradise, which is a calorie burn, which is another nnB nutrition ingredient and it helps literally makes your body burn more calories. There is a recent study that came out actually two weeks ago on that. Then we've got chromium in there again another patented version called chromax, which is a well known compounds to help with blood sugar regulation. Ceylon cinnamon, also very traditional, even used in Ayurvedic traditions to help with blood sugar management. What else is there in Islam again we got Australia stragglers and ginseng in their top of my head. I don't know
what's a melon fruit extract which is also another one that helps is very helpful. I'm looking at it here
who like blood sugar management? This is it. So now we had like amazing feedback so far from it and people that use CGM is continuously, they can definitely see it's not being spiked. So yeah,
exactly how I tested it with a CGM. Yeah.
And here's another thing when it comes to so I keep going back to the menopause. So I went into early menopause when I was 42. And basically, at that point, I didn't have a period for one year and when I checked, like, had a proper checkup, my ovaries, the production line was closed down. So I went into early menopause. And you know, oestrogen also really affects insulin. So it's, it's another thing that we kind of really need to lock, those kind of baseline insulin sensitivity goes down. And it's something that we definitely need to take care of. And I particularly because it happened to me at a young age when you're under 45. And you you're sorry, early menopause, as described, if you're under 45. And you had you hadn't had your period for a year. And there's no other reason other than your ovaries actually shut production down, then you aren't early menopause. So for me, it's absolutely crucial, then to make sure that I'm looking after my longevity. So I am on HRT, but I have to make sure that I'm looking after my blood sugar, and I'm keeping my NAD levels high. So these two products, even though they're not created, specifically for the kind of perimenopause or menopause, a woman in the company, that's what I shout out about, because I think these two products are absolutely critical. If you want to have really good, you know, sort of change over to the next phase in your life, then managing blood sugar and NAD levels are Yeah, the two of them that really needs to be kind of looked at.
Yeah, for sure. And I think that managing blood sugar is so important. I think. Dr. Peter reed here talks about it in his book, you know, outlive when he's four horsemen, right? Yeah, it's outside cause cancer, cardiovascular disease, and then metabolic disease, but then also, it's metabolic disease that's feeding the three other horsemen. So it's like, absolutely fundamental to good healthspan
Yeah, and blood sugar management effects all of those, again, when we're not talking about cancer, again, blood sugar management, if if not managed, is a lot of inflammation, again, we know that inflammation is you know, creates cancer, it's, you know, inflammation is basically from inflammation, that's where all these diseases, you know, that's the initial kind of igniters, and it's the inflammation and all of a sudden, DNA can't cope. And then we, you know, we get chronic diseases. So, and it's something we can absolutely manage naturally through lifestyle, like, again, having good muscle on your body, making sure that protein hitting the gym, all of that even having your vinegar before you eat, or, you know, having food in certain order, like the glucose goddess talks about I mean, we, there's so much knowledge that we have out there, but why not take, you know, something to help us when we want to have, you know, a plate of pasta, you know, I went to Italy in June, it was like, it'd be like sacrilege if you don't have pasta when you go to Italy, right? So it's just for those moments in your life, then why not, you know, help. They're all natural compounds, you know? So it's, it's nothing that will stress out your liver. Because these all these supplements, they don't have any extra sort of fillers or anti caking agents in them. They're completely free of magnesium steroid, which so many other companies use or silicon dioxide or anything like that. So it's I, I feel, I mean, to be honest, like now I feel better than I've ever felt in my life, I think at this age, so with the combination of taking the supplements and taking HRT, and you know, and doing all the other basics, right, you know,
you look at you look glowing, mighty, glowing, and you're vibrantly healthy for those that can't see you. I think yeah, I mean, I think it is really important. I think also not just like when you want to have like a bowl of pasta or whatever, right. But some people I've noticed, you know, they will say like, they will spike on things that a seemingly healthy low spike on a banana, for example, some people right and apples really individual, some people like the pectin seems to delay that stomach emptying and they don't get any spotlight. I don't really get a spike on an apple, I could eat it on its own, whereas other people they do and I think is so individual. So sometimes, even just if you want to have healthy foods, maybe you're gonna have, you know, a whole sweet potato with your steak that you've got on the barbecue or something like that. And there's so many nutrients in it. So I was curious as to why there was milk fissile in the GED aid.
Yeah. So again, we when we've done the reading and liberal literature really seems to suggest that milk thistle and Berberine or die How to prevent that case synergist. You work really, really well together. And again, I suppose that it has, on a deeper level the signs, I'm not sure what my hypothesis would be, again, when we're looking at the liver here, so and how well your liver is coping with the impact of carbohydrates. And you really well to point out that I always think about pizza and pasta, but you're right, even like, you know, you can have your carbs, you know, in a healthy way, it doesn't have to be pizza pasta related. But yeah, I believe. So after looking at the milk thistle and dihydrate, Berber was kind of like a no brainer to combine those two, because they seem to really, really work well together. So put to support each other.
And I think a lot of people I've been speaking to actually have been, I'm just about to do it myself. I've been talking about the fact that they've done the Zowie test. And they've been surprised by the fact that when they've looked at the results, and now they're guided on what to eat, they're actually being guided to exclude foods that were really really healthy in their view, like blueberries, for example, which we know have huge cognitive benefits, huge benefits for the gut microbiome in terms of polyphenols, and yet they're being guided away from these actually, it seems like taking something like this if you're going to have something, some fruits and things that can just help you on every level. And if I don't know, I guess it's a separate conversation on where we're ending up with that sort of information. But this can definitely help out.
Yeah, I think it's nuts when you ask people then stop eating fruit because of all the benefits that you can get for it. But again, when you're saying like it can help with you know, even the healthy carbohydrates, it doesn't have to be that bowl of pasta for sure.
Although the bowl of pasta is very nice. If you can tolerate gluten, yeah, it's been amazing. Amazing to have you on my team. I'm looking forward. We're both connecting on Friday. We're gonna having dinner together in Amsterdam.
Bye. Oh, biohacking Summit. Yeah, looking so right. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm really wondering, like what foods I'm definitely gonna bring the TGA with me. So, you know,
I take all my stack when I go. Yeah, I have my little like, kind of supplement stack that I take when I travel. And so these definitely come along with me. Because actually things like the cell shield and everything when you're going out and you're eating lots and you're travelling and you're on aeroplanes, and all these different things really helpful to have. So amazing. Well, I'm excited about what's to come, I think I don't think there's anything else you can share any yet about what is to come in the future.
I think there is a bit like one of our founders has been talking about it. So we got this really cool hydration product coming out. So again, hydration is so so important. Especially for those of us that are super active, you know, you're hitting the gym, you're hitting the sauna, I'm the biggest fan, the most consistent practice I have in my life is going to the sauna five times a week. So I'm constantly just like adding salts and electrolytes to my water. And you know, just having like a little bit of flavour with it. And making sure you you're replenishing your minerals is really important. But this actually, I have to tell you, this is gonna be very good because it also helps with blood sugar regulation. So this is like a, I don't think anybody else is doing that right now. So scientists that we worked with, were the first people to have this hydration product. And it's not only tastes you and replenishes you, but also helps with blood sugar regulation.
And you can see as well, well, we
just sending out the first taste is now so we'll send we'll make sure to get some over to you. Tasty flavours ready. So yeah, we'll probably send them over to you in a couple of weeks. I'm really excited. We're getting some of our inner circle customers to taste them and just give us some feedback. So that's why I think we can talk I can talk about and today because we've already sent out the email saying, Hey, you're part of the inner circle, we sent you out some goodies and let us know what you think. So yeah,
awesome. So this is got minerals has to help you hydrate better. How is it? How is it helping you regulate blood glucose better? I mean, I know things like potassium actually are really important for that.
Yeah. So this is a very, very special, I don't know how much I can actually say about it. It's a licenced ingredient and no one else is using it yet I believe that we are actually going to be the first ones to bring it on the market. And this the same people that we work with with our NAD three formulation and a spermidine that we have in our NAD region as well. So I'll send you over a paper on it. But this is like truly exciting because I've not seen anything like that. And also it's it's meant to be so Adam has been during his art one of our founders has been drinking it already kind of non stop. And in this actually even though it's a little bit sweet. It doesn't raise your blood sugar. It's another new sweetener derived from a sugar beet and it doesn't let us spike your blood sugar same way like monkfruit Doesn't or earth roll doesn't spike your blood sugar. So there's two or three sort of sweeteners out that are natural without kind of wreaking havoc, but on top of that it has that other compound that helps to regulate your blood sugar during the day as well. So yeah,
amazing. Well, we Well, where can people find out about you? Obviously, that is an amazing offer that we have here. If if people are listening, and they're like, I want to get to taking some NAD, right, yeah, start helping protect my house found that I have been and get all the energy benefits. You are giving listeners of the podcast, a free bottle of gda of GED aid, I believe. So you can start testing. And if you've got blood glucose monitors, you can test this I've tested it myself. Very good results. That's the thing. That's what's really fun about it, I think is that you can actually see the results in lifetime. And so we will put that in the top link in the show notes. But it is biostat Forward slash, Angela, if you want to claim your free bottle of Gd, ADE. Where can people find out more about you might a your work? The founders, the company, everything you're doing and kind of here because it sounds like there's so much fun stuff coming in the pipeline that can really help people?
Yeah. And so yeah, biocide,, model product UK, that's where you can find us. And then my website is super health playbook. So it's all about creating a playbook that creates super health, looking at all the elements. And as I said, I do sort of group coaching programmes for women, where we work on creating habits, so in the community, because it's that accountability and support aspect really to help us or build healthier habits and is what it's wonderful. And it includes live strengthening classes and, and also sort of weekly workshops on all the topics, you know, that we talk about, like hormones, or muscle or microbiome. So you get to it's an educational but it's in a fun way in an interactive way. So and it helps and the women are fantastic, because they help to support each other really makes my job very, very easy. Because they also Yeah, they're also supportive of each other and just checking in that people are turning up for the live strengthening classes and so forth. But yeah, that's it super health playbook. That's where you can find me at
Amazing, thank you. I'm very biassed, I think I think we've women make the best communities. That's definitely what I found in my own. Thank you so much for coming on. You've been so gracious with your time and sharing all of that is super, super interesting. And we will link to everything in the show notes. And I'm looking forward to catching up in Amsterdam.
Yeah, thank you so much for having me and I'll see you on Friday.
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