Hey y'all welcome back to another weekly where with Jada Kay, I am so glad to have you back with me. As always, I am ever, ever grateful for each and every one of you, who joins me every week to receive these messages for the collective. Hey, y'all. Let me be honest, before I even get into it this week, I just want to say to y'all, to my community, to my people, y'all right now, I know we are all pandemic fatigued. But y'all, we must be safe out here, we have got to be very safe in the streets, with COVID surging the way that it is. And now we're also dealing with monkey pox. Y'all, the viruses out here, are relentless. And so we must not give up, we must not fall weary, we really must be vigilant and do what we can to lessen and lower the risk of spreading these viruses to one another. We want to make sure that we're caring for one another with high regard. So if you're going to go out in public, y'all please be safe, where your mass and do what you can do your part so that we can try to keep each other as safe as we can in a world that is not fighting to protect us or keep us so that we can have good, long, healthy lives, we must do our part, we must end in the gap where these systems have failed us time and time again. That's just been weighing heavily on my heart. So I just had to say that. And now that I've taken a cleansing breath, hopefully you took it with me, we can get into this week's word. Our word for the week we have the Wheel of Fortune. And I was so happy to see this card this week. Because this always lets us know that change is imminent. is not only possible, but it's imminent. This is a reminder that things do not last forever. This can be the best of days. But it's also the worst of days, they are not permanent. And that is good news for me today. That the world that we see is not going to be the only world that exists. If you are struggling with anything today that there is still possibility for your situation to turn around for you. And that is such a good reminder. And something to hold on to very dearly. When I see the will fortune, I am always thinking of our wonderful benevolent spirits and ancestors who walk with us daily. Because what I see in the Wheel of Fortune is them turning the ties in our favor. I see them. course correcting our ships. I see them protecting us from danger. I see them co laboring and cooperating with us so that we can reach the destination that is far best and highest good. And so for me, in the midst of a world that is crumbling and collapsing all around, this is good news. The Wheel of Fortune reminds me that things are shifting. And that even when we are in seasons of despair that we can just as we can expect that when the sun goes down, it will also rise again in the morning. That's how sure we can be that
these perilous times have an expiration date. And that is something that has been holding me lately. And so what is the energy we should be embracing this week in light of the change in light of changes, in light of shifting seasons, we have the world reverse. So the world is such a beautiful car, because the world shows us that we have leveled up, that we have completed the journey that we have graduated, if you will, that we have completed this particular story that we're in and we're ready to start something new. In the reverse. This is saying that we still have some lessons to learn before we cross the finish line that we still need to revisit and take some extra notes that we don't need to rush toward the finish line just to say that we finished that there may be some lessons there may be some things that we need to pay careful and close attention to as we welcome the changes coming.
Well, this also tells me is that sometimes the completion or the end of a journey does not mean that we move up a level it can mean that we are moving deeper capitalism teaches us that you have to climb the ladder in order to be considered valuable or important that you have to have that be the highest ranking person in your on your team and you know you have to have all of these special letters in the PhD in a be a behind your name in order for you to matter to society in order for the words that you say to mean anything but the world in reverse here for me feels like the next level for you and for me to achieve is not going to require us or it's not going to catapult us to a new level of perceived success is actually going to ask for us to go deeper inside to do deeper reflection
is say is asking for us to redefine success is asking for us to redefine our values because the Wheel of Fortune is saying that change is coming. And so the changes that are underway in order for us to align ourselves to this change what are the values that we need to reassess? What are the lessons we need to revisit?
What are the things that we need to uproot? How do we investigate ourselves and go deeper deeper down?
Are we spending enough time with our inner children? When's the last time we spend time with our the five year old versions of us and the 15 year old versions of ourselves
What messages do you need to carry to them and What messages do you maybe need to receive from them? And so how do we do this? How do we Welcome change and allow ourselves to rather than speeding ahead revisit some things before we finish this course or this leg of the journey I have death reversed
This is showing resistance some of us are resisting either resisting shifting and changing things because change may feel uncomfortable to us. Or some of us may be resisting the the spiritual work or the emotional work that's required for us to be ready for what's coming. Be ready for what this future looks like. Some of us may even be resisting reality was facing us I opened this episode speaking about the two pandemics that we are navigating. And I'm looking around at a world of people who are dedicated to their delusion who refuse to believe that is actually dangerous outside
who are willing to risk their lives and risked the lives of their loved ones and strangers and disabled people and immunocompromised compromised people and children elderly
all because they are unwilling to confront the reality of what time it is of what days we're living in.
And so the death reversed can be speaking to us about our unwillingness or our unpreparedness to face new realities. It could be us clinging on holding on not wanting to let go of what existed before. But we must because a new world will be built the Wheel of Fortune requires it tells us change is coming. And we must be ready
we must be ready. And we ready ourselves by getting really clear on
dealing with anything in our lives that could be causing blockages or delays by freeing ourselves, of the things and the people and the habits and the ideologies in the communities and anything that is keeping us from a new world where we can be held where we can be honored, where we can be safe, where we can be healthy
and I know sometimes by saying New World it feels kind of big right? But so let's bring it down. It can just be the realities in your life. It can be huh. Maybe I've decided that I must be in a community of people who sent are the most marginalized amongst us. And so I know that I cannot be in close relationship with people who disregard those marginalized lives Whew, that's a change. That's a big change. And understandably so we some of us are resistant to that. There's mourning there's there's there's loss in the death card. And if we allow ourselves to begin to work through that pain, that loss, those hardships and sit in the darkness we see that the Divine is there too. We see that our ancestors And our spirits are there too. Because they are the ones who are joining, hoping to join with us to begin to course correct and change
the realities that we have, that we're living in now into something greater. And there is something greater on the other side that I can promise you. And so, I just want to close with an Oracle message from Lucille Clifton. Which says, what you pawn I will redeem while you pawn, I will redeem. And see that's that's good news. Because we pawn things that may have had value to us, but we have to give it in exchange for money mostly as a means for survival. And so, this message from the spirit of Lucille Clifton feels like a message from the Divine saying that if you give me that which is difficult for you to release as a means for survival. I will give you back more than what you lost. I will redeem it and that is an encouraging word to end on. My prayer is that you all have a beautiful wonderful, fantastic week that you are welcome to the change and that you are able to revisit and re investigate anything in your life that may be keeping you from the change the shifting the moving through that which was into that which will be See you next time.