Hello hello hello everybody it's Friday sorry know that a few excited here? I don't know. It's a long weekend too so tell me what is one good thing that happened today and one fun plans you have for this long weekend everybody nice to hear you all talk about that I think this is great. Something to look forward to maybe I mean doesn't have to be really exciting right for some of you it could be just some time some downtime right some time for yourself to recharge. I think this is great. Awesome nez. We have some Facebook groups done. See like the name doesn't stop you. I love it. Oh, birth, you can make a birthday Kenyatta. That's amazing. Wow. Okay. Cool. I wouldn't know anything. I just be like, yeah, there's some candy hidden all over the place. So uh, go nuts.
I taped this cardboard box shut. Here's a stick
if knowing me that box is probably made out of chewy you know, one of those chewy boxes so guilty. I have those like all over the place. But so again, like always just want to reiterate the purpose of this new Friday q&a call where you can ask follow up questions for your DP for your next submission, or more questions for their Thursday call, or you know, like this week, we don't have a Thursday call. So any questions that you have, you know, to help you bridge over to the next submission, or even for you to find out what your next steps are, etc. And think of it as an additional office hours from the team to give you more clarity to continue on your journey. And more often than not, we have our tech guru over here, Jill on on the call. So any technical side of things, any kind of automation, she is the queen of automation, y'all. So definitely take up this opportunity to ask all kinds of questions that you have. Alright. Alright, so let's get started. Um, so today, first questions that we have are from Michelle. So Michelle is asking she was like to start building her meditation hypnosis session audios, would love to hear like if you didn't need any test subject to you know, for those and I volunteered, these audios will prepare students for their expressive arts experience. I love the brain.fm app. We love it too, so much that we'd like to use that as a background or something similar, where should I start to do do a recording like this, and I see that Jill was putting down some notes, I'm gonna let her take away on this side of
things. Okay, um, so in zoom, you can share audio for better sound quality, and then talk over the top of that.
I don't know,
I won't be able to like, share my screen and show you but what I can do is Lou myself doing that share audio process and send you a video. Because I thought I was thinking about it earlier. And I was like, Yeah, I'll just share screen and show or what to do. And but I can't show you that part, because it happens when you click the Share Screen button. So it's not I'm not there yet. But I'll record that process for you. The only thing I'd recommend is after you do it, and I'll show you this too, and that loom of just getting the sound to balance. Like once you've shared that audio, clicker recording, talk a little bit over at the volume you'd be talking at when you do your video and just listen to the recording and make sure the brain dot FM's not way too loud and your voices and way too quiet just to make sure you can be heard. So you know what adjustments have to be made. Um, that was really what I recommended. They're just in terms of sound quality. I know you asked about a microphone, too.
Yeah. So the next one is the suggestion would be for the recommendation for specific microphones, because she was think that she needs a good one, especially eventually for zoom and podcasts and all of that. So any comments on that, Joe? Yeah,
I mean, I think starting out just to keep your costs low, really any microphone that isn't just your computer mic. So any kind of headphones that have a microphone will already be better than just the regular computer microphone. When you really want to upgrade and get yourself like a podcast mic is basically what you're looking for. It's called a condenser mic. The reason they call it that is because it's way better at condensing like pops and snaps and other noises you wouldn't want to hear. I grabbed a couple links here for you. I've got stuff in the low end. I've got one in the low end and I've got another one that's like if you really want to go for broke. There's a microphone that's a good brand, but it's about 270 bucks. The other one is about 40 bucks, and they're probably Almost, they're probably pretty comparable with that big of a price difference. You're honestly just paying for the brand name on the second one, it will be a little bit better. But for what you're recording, I don't think it'll be that big of a difference. But I don't know, I've only ever used the second Rhodes podcaster mic, and I have some condenser mics at my house for recording, but they're more for sound recording and not really voice recording. So I don't have great hands on experience. And I mean, you know, you could go down the rabbit hole of reading reviews, but you'll get all kinds of back and forth on that, because people who know about sound are really picky about it. So but I think starting with just any kind of like microphone, that's headphones, and not your internal computer microphone, and then anything if you really want to upgrade, some kind of low end condenser mic would probably be more than enough to get you started.
Right in perhaps I you know, suggestion for you to maybe try out a few recordings, maybe with your existing set and see what does that sound like? And then if you want then started with a starter one, right, the the cheaper version of it and see if that makes a difference. Honestly, like Jill said, I don't unless you're dealing with sound producers or wrecker. And all those people I know, they're gonna be like, Oh, full Yeah, that, you know, third minute in the best sound just no good. And, you know, if you're not dealing with a professional, I doubt they're going to know the difference. But definitely give it a try. And then if you think that, you know, it could be better than this, start with the starter one and move upward from there later on, if needed, for sure. And the last one from you would be from about the apps. So all the apps and sites are starting to add up financially, is there a business package for small businesses so so right now you have color story, Canvas, brain brain.fm, etc. Any ideas?
So as far as software goes, that's kind of the price you pay for wanting to use, for wanting to be on the software, heavy side of things, quite literally and figuratively. My recommendation and it's also Sophie's recommendation is just always starting free and only upgrading when you really need it. And really just kind of discovering, you know, is this software actually helping you? Or is it just a nice to have kind of a thing, it might be that some things you can downgrade on or get rid of until you have a bigger return on investment. And then you can start investing in those pieces of software as you've got more clients more money, so on and then you can upgrade from there.
Right, or, you know, even for I mean, I don't know much about the color story, but at least for Canvas, and maybe not bring to FM because Brina FM I think only does one week trial. But Canva as you can start with a free version, and there is quite a bit that you can do under the free category already. But I understand you're an artist. So the limited color scheme might not just be your thing. I totally get it. Oh my god. Those coverings are just like, Oh, God, awful. I get it, I totally get it. But one thing about green.fm though, they always almost always have a really huge sale at the end of the year. Usually around Thanksgiving or January, what people are starting to do that New Year's resolution. I remember I recall that they had a sale for like, you have to pay one year in advance, but it was like down to barely $5 a month or something. So definitely snag that if you think I think brain.fm is great if you want to incorporate that into your lessons, but also I think it's great for your personal use as well. So definitely stack those deals if it is coming around. And definitely I've been you know, like we said if you can start free then definitely start from there. If you want to upgrade, then we can talk we can think about that when the revenues are rolling in. For sure. Alright, and next up, oh, verify
something, do you can I just clarify something? Can you hear me okay? Yes, you can. Okay, good. Okay, so So I'm Jill, my understanding is you said to use Zoom to, to do the meditations. Yeah.
You can just record yourself in a meeting by yourself with nobody else there.
would never have thought of doing that. Okay. Right. And it's usually
free. Like if you're just in a meeting by yourself you can be in there as long as you want you can record and not record as much or as little as you want. So you don't have to pay for anything.
And then I can mix on top of it. The background music from the FM the Rihanna I hit did not know I because I'm ready to start it. I have to get that going. And I'm like what do I do? What about us? Okay, good. All
um, all the loom that of me just showing how to share audio on Zoom. It just makes us sound better because it's coming from your computer and not some external speaker. But it's just a matter of testing the volume. So you know before you like go for broke and record the whole thing record like 10 or 15 seconds, listen to the recording and just make sure it sounds good before you do the whole situation and then have to re record a whole Okay,
girl, you got it? I'm on it. All right, got it.
She's like the Loopmasters she has a loop for everything. Sorry, God. Like, it's like, you know, anybody can capture on the screen to show you how to she's got it. So. Alright, so next up we have from Becca. So the first one is about email templates. And girl love that you have a contact list with 250 people. That's great. And you don't think that the email templates or is are a fit for you? And honestly, yeah, go ahead and write your own because you know them better. Right. And I think the more personal lies you can sound like, the better it is. One thing that I would suggest, though, is to steer clear of too much content. Okay. Don't talk too much about the program. Let's think about doing it pa s style, where we are simply pointing out, are you having these problems? You know, some of you are still here, because you have this struggles and, you know, and and you know, if this is you, then I want you to click this button and book a call with me right now. Okay, and then something has been on my mind since the last time you asked this question, and I'm Sylvia's Thursday call, I don't know, my brain is work that way. Um, so So remember how your question was about what if people come out and ask what well, you know, how many people have gone through this? And how many people have you helped, right? Instead, in this warm audience, specifically, they have been with you for a while correct. And so then this is a perfect chance for you to be like, you know, after many years of working with you all, and have gathered, you know, invaluable experiences with you, I have decided to start a program just to help you, I want to help you mentally change you yourself and regain that, you know, regain reclaim, and we connect with you being yourself, right, like so all that can be written into your email and your style, I think that will work the best, right? I think, you know, the templates that we have are great for a colder, you know, audience where they might not have been around, you know, for that long, but you just want to drive it in quick and just go, hey, you know, I'm sorry, you're feeling this. I'm sorry, you're feeling that book a call with me. But I think with your warmer audience, we can definitely have a more personal touch in that way for sure. Okay. All right. And next one is private Facebook group, you already did
that. The names are awesome, man. Hello.
Generally speaking, though, for anyone who is curious, the name of the group isn't as important as the outcome. So generally, we would suggest that the name of the group can be as simple as results for people. Right. So So PMS, for women, or, um, you know, expected outcome, right? You know, energy, like your energy thing was good, right? Energy for women, right. So those are all good places to start. Really, the, the guarantee outcome is more important than the name itself. So I wouldn't worry too much about the name. And you can always change that later. So you have a follow up question.
Yeah. I just want to clarify, so I totally get what you're saying. And I'm worried that my choices are redundant. So my public group is energy for exhausted women. And my private group is right in energy for women. Is that too redundant?
No. And because one is public one is private, our worry too much about it. Okay. Right. Because the private one is only for your clients that are saying, Yeah, another thing for you to maybe tap into is, sometimes it's people who aren't quite sure, I mean, if yours is already set, yours is already set. No, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But if you are not so sure about your name, one thing you can do is go into Facebook groups and start searching other people's names. To see if there is you know, how people work there's you want to make sure that you're somewhere similar, but different. It's such a weird place to be right. You want to be like searchable, that's a case like you want to be very searchable. You want to be the up from as a, you know, as, as a someone who is, you know, just browsing through the groups. As soon as it looked at the name, I was like, Ooh, I'm interested. Right? You that's the goal you want it to be he doesn't want me to be fancy. It doesn't he just needed to be strict to point right. So sometimes a Facebook group, you know, research can help when it comes to maybe revising your name or coming up with a name if you haven't had one. So definitely encourage you to do that. So one more time about the last thing is from you. Can we talk one more time about the timeframe for launching? So if you were we were talking about doing quick cash injection and wanting to launch in the next three weeks, but if not, maybe by the end of the month, March or is that unlikely? Honestly, the answer is, whatever fits your bandwidth. Okay, so let's look at hurrying it up and throwing everything out in three weeks versus end of March. Is there a way that we can find a happy middle place work Becca here, or, or, you know, because we don't want you to rush out hurry and launch everything in three weeks, and seriously burned out by week four. Right. And that's the last thing you want to do. And this is where all of you, right, we want to find that middle ground where you feel like you're pushing yourself to hurry up a little bit, but not so much that you're like running on fumes. But at the same time, most so much. We're just taking our time to do I have to say, not that either. So let's see if you can find a way to find a happy middle ground for you. And whether that would be just in the middle, or a little closer to the end of March or a little closer to hurry up. It's up to you and your bandwidth. Right. So that is really, the answer is all up to you. Okay, so we can hurry as much as we want. But again, we want to gauge the timeframe that doesn't burn you out. And that is the key. Okay.
Can I respond?
Yeah, of course. Cool.
I so appreciate that. Because today was my day to do my work on this program. And I literally sat on the couch jays, like, I'm so exhausted, I cannot do more. And so I was thinking, Oh, this is not good. For me, this is not good for me. What am I doing this is and so also I'm thinking like the discount I'd be giving for a quick cash injection seems to cross my financial boundaries as well that I know what my value is. And I don't want to downgrade. But I do want to get moving. But maybe not such a hurry. So I really like this, that maybe I shoot for a little bit later in March and take a little bit more time to breathe.
Absolutely. And I think really like you know, there is always that balance, right? We want to make sure that we have a balance in everything, right? Because if not, once we start tipping on one side, it very, it can very quickly go fast downwards soon, right. So this is partially what we have discussed in these live coaching call as well. And I think it has been a kind of a ongoing theme for a lot of people where you just like, Oh, my God, I just thought in Yeah, this is an investment, I got to do things, I got to make sure everything gets done, like, and then you burn down by month two, and you're just like, I don't know, I'm just, you know, am I ready? Like, I don't know, I'm, I'm too tired. I can't like you know. So again, pace yourself. We want to make sure that it is pushing a little bit, right, because this is still we're testing our comfort zone. Right? We're testing our limit of comfort zone out of it. Right. So we're that's what we're trying to do. But at the same time, we won't we don't want to sit too far and literally fall off the cliff. Right. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, you're very welcome. Um, ooh, there is few more from Michelle. So what is the best way to get a world clock on to my Mac? I tried to think that was provided on it. And now how do I get on my desktop?
I have.
So that World Time buddy is just a website. But to get one on your desktop, I've, I'm going to drop a link in here, it's just a app for your Mac that you can download from the App Store. I just picked the first one. So you can look on the app store and see if there's others like it that you prefer. But that was the first one in the app lineup and that'll pop it on your desktop. And I think it allows you to have X amount of time zones listed right there if you want um, and so so on, I think will give you up to four but I'm not sure if it will let you do more if it will let you do less if it's you get four and that's all you get or not sure. But there's definitely a handful of apps on the
Yeah, like and I think you know, Max in general, there are a lot of widget options as well to choose from, for sure. So there's some really pretty ones that might cost you but you know, like there are there are plenty. And last one is can you explain it? Can you please explain the cookies? What should I accept and not accept?
You attach the file with this but I wasn't able to open it. Are you talking about cookies on someone else's website or cookies on your own?
Okay, I'm gonna open up the mic. Okay. All right. So, as I saw everything that you've been given me I've been clicking, putting it in files, clicking putting in files and I've been getting all these cookies, and then a pop up came, which that's the file essentially that you couldn't open. And it gave me options for cookies gave me four different options. And I was like, I have no idea what the hell to
do with all this cookie shit.
Yeah. Okay, so I'll give like a brief layman's explanation of cookies. So it's basically just like website tracking, and not necessarily the bad kind of tracking. Some of it is tracking to say like, I'm going to remember your username. And I'm going to remember your saved password here and let you put it here so that you don't have to type in your login information every time you come here, or every time we load this page, you've already been here before, I'm going to go ahead and keep the photos that need to load so that this web page will load faster when you come here next time. There are some cookies used for marketing purposes. And pretty much every website that's following any legal advice, anywhere is going to have a pop up that says, we use cookies for blah, blah, blah, practices. And you can click Accept all or you can go to Manage cookies. And when it comes down to it, it's really just your personal preference of how much information do you want to give this website about you? What is really doing if like, if we're going to the marketing side of it, what it's going to do is give your IP address a tag that says that's this person, they came to our website, they clicked on these links, they did these things. With some cookies, you're able to shut that kind of stuff off where they can't track you in that way. So it really just comes down to what you're comfortable with sharing.
Right? Okay.
Um, all right, like, once again, a gave me a pop up and I had like four different things. And I was like, I don't even know what to pick. Okay. So I so in layman's terms, I understand that what you just told me and but it just, I'm opening up all these websites now and things that I had never opened up before. And so that's why I'm like, Okay, I, you know, I just want didn't want to overload my computer with stuff that shouldn't be there.
No, I would say, you know, in the future, if you're ever having trouble with your computer seeming slow, or something like that, you can do something called clearing your cache and clearing your cookies. Right? deletes all that stuff. Yeah. And so that that's the only thing I would say is if at some point in the near future, if it seems like your computer is like having weird little bugs, when you're on certain websites that usually function fine. Just clear your browsing history and cookies and cache and it'll refresh you to start over, it will re populate those notifications about accepting cookies, and you can just go down and, you know, really, except for the websites that you're using, and not except for the websites, you're not anymore kind of a thing.
Okay, I just wanted to double check, because I'm going into a lot of navigating so many things I had never navigated before. Okay, totally.
Yeah, I mean, the other piece of advice I'll say is when you know what websites you're going to use more often and have kind of like, the ones you don't want anymore, then go in and clear your cache and cookies anyway, just to give you a clean slate and so then you'll just start saving the ones you know, you want to use from websites, you're still visiting.
Okay, yeah, that seems that's actually one that one of the things I asked about one on one coaching was it like, the technical part of it like the I need a little little, like direct? I'm quick, but I just some direction in certain areas. Totally. Yeah.
Okay. And now and this is such a deceiving conversation where like, I was promised cookies. Oh, wait, that's not it. Okay. Okay. All right. It
seems so exciting. You're like cookies? Of course. I'll
do all the cookies. Yes.
Exactly. And that's that's basically the tracking system for each website, like Jill said, and so you can choose to accept or not accept. It's all up to you. But yeah, like, it's just, you know, ever wonder why you did a Google search and everything you search is popping up left and right. And
I know, oh, I know. I Yeah. What Yeah, it was like, Okay, how did they know I was searching for tampons? I mean, come on now.
Exactly. We have his back. Alright, so um, does anybody have any live questions that we can take at this point?
Yeah, Rebecca said she had three more if we've got time. And we do. Oh, yeah.
Oh, my gosh, thank you guys. This is so invaluable for me. I think just like you, Michelle, like I'm quick. But but this is a lot of new stuff. Okay. I'm someone that likes to have our ducks in a row before I launch. So I'm having this feeling like before I start booking my Calendly, which I did set up, it's all ready to go. But before I start sharing it saying hey, book, like I want to have a few things prepared. Like if someone's asking, saying yes, I know if someone said yes, I think I want to pay I think I want to do this but I need a couple days. Do you have advice on how long to offer like a slightly lower rate for paying now and full versus
not like am I making sense on that? Yeah, of course. And I think you know, while it is possible to do a discount. And really this is you as a business owner you decide, right? You can be as generous as you want without selling reprising your work, right going, this is going back to your comment of knowing your worth and not wanting to cut down. Even if we are sort of, we want to capture the moment we want to seize the moment or the carpet a DM right now. And, you know, if what if I give you a 550? You know, pay in full break? Would that have could that happen right now? Right. Um, but it is not happening is not happening, though. And then another thing, too, is oftentimes Sylvie would talk about, sometimes, if they're coming back and say money is a problem. Generally, there are, it's about 80% Money is not believed the real problem, right. So dig a little deeper. So say if money is not a problem, what is stopping for signing up right now? Um, so that will be those those questions I can follow up and kind of, you know, really dig deeper on. And honestly, I think if the client is not opposed to take your credit, I mean, this count or not, it is six months of zero APR that they can do. Yep. I mean, I don't see why. Right. So if we can offer offer other options without cutting your programs price, and still go, then yeah, let's do that. But, you know, this is kind of a decision, do we still want to do a painful special with a maybe a $500? Break? Great. If you want to do that awesome offer right there and then and see if that is a better view? Or, you know, sake, you know, okay, I understand like, he does not everyday, I can just pull, you know, $4,500 out of my pocket. I get that. But what if what if PayPal credit works? Can we maybe explore this together and see that as an option for you? And then down the line? He was like, you know, it is? Yeah, but it's just about money. Okay, so if money is not an issue right now, let's wipe that aside. What is stopping you from signing up? Yeah.
Okay, I love that. Thank you. And so that leads me to think like, Oh, I better have a merchant service lined up and ready to go. So if someone says, Here's my credit card, I can take it and it will go into the right bank account. Do you have recommendations on merchant service options? Or who you guys like?
Yeah, so I think that is the tool and logistics in module two, I believe. Right. Okay.
I will drop the link in the chat in just a moment. Okay.
Yeah. And so we generally speaking, recommend Brightspark they're pretty easy to launch and easy to work with. But I know there are other people that use different type of services, it could be a service that you already have experience using, maybe just adding an account or any other kind of, you know, as long as the user friendly. Yep. Okay, cool.
And then the last piece is having the legal contract ready to go. Because if someone pays, I run their card, and I say next, I'm going to send you the contract, I have to actually have that. And, and I worry about starting to have sales calls right now without having the contract done. So can I just skip ahead to module, whatever it is six or seven, and just get it done now? At least get it to my attorney now.
You can, but honestly, no, I would say tap into module six and modify that template to your liking that fits your program, your the name and everything, and the details and all that and just have a sit. Once you make that first sales, Money in Your Pocket, Hey, what's up lawyer, I will need you look at this document and verbally coming back in three days, if you can, I think that will be a better turnaround. Because I mean, talking to a lawyer cost money. Right? And you know, let's wait until first sale is in. And that's exactly what she cured it to write, like, you know, we don't have to rush through everything. We want it to be there. Yes, but let's wait until the first sale is done. But the template is already there. Right? And the first nail is, is good. So then you can just rush it through and go, Hey, lawyer, I needed to take a look at this. And you know, I'm ready to go.
And then I can let that person know who made who made who was my first customer? I can let them know it'll I'll have the contract to you within a week or something like that. Correct? Correct. And that
could be in a, you know, like what we talked about in the hug, right? And you're calling convert into hug section. Or this could be you know, in the moment where people are like, Oh, they got it. Yeah, you're gonna say what? You forgot everything that's totally normal to and you can always follow it up with an email. Right? Congratulations for signing up here some next tip for you. So I will do this and we'll do the official launch days this and you will get a contract from me within a weekend blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that can always be followed up with an email afterwards. Okay, awesome. Thank you. Yeah, no problem. So when That all said though, remember, the tracking system when we're talking about this is coming in handy. Right? So who haven't you talked to who have made the sale? Who has signed the contract that made the first payment or painful like those are all needed to be on your tracking system as well. The earliest the earlier you start tracking, the easier, it will be down the line and your future self will thank you for that. Huh? Yeah. All right. And I see Kristin over here. Do you have any live questions for us as at all because we are running out of live questions at the moment Me submitted questions at the moment? No, I
just thought Sorry for being late. I'm on vacation, but I just figured I try to catch what I could. So I don't have any questions. But thank you for checking. I appreciate that. Yeah. Yeah, I'm working on module two. So I'm watching the videos on that and getting ready to I'm doing my 50 reasons why. So that's what I'm working on right now. I don't have any questions today, but I'll be doing some work over the weekend. Ah, awesome.
That sounds great. Yeah. Alright, so one more thing from Becca in the chat. Is Facebook Live, the first thing to have in my public group? You can, because remember, the first first Facebook Live also has a little bit of your personal background and information, right? We wanted this warm mother video to be like, whoa, whoa, hey, everybody, my name is Becca and I headed out right? They just chit chatting a little bit and talk a little bit about who you are helping with what are the problems that they may have? And all that, right. So following that template, I will say first Facebook Live as the first thing short, that is absolutely fine. Or you can do a very quick introductory post and say, hey, you know, my name is Becca, welcome to this group. I'm here to help you, if you have questions with this, this, this and this kind of problems. And here's a quick Facebook Live about me and my program and all that right, that could be also included as well. So you could do really work it as you know, however you want and set the tone the way you want it as well. And I will say just randomly I was, I would also recommend that throw a little bit. Now we're talking about cookies, and thinking about cookies and cookie crumbs, just you know, here, you know, like, Hey, here's a quick thing that you can do to make me make you help you feel better today. Or hey, quick tip, if you know in your everyday tea out of the little bit of lemon for you know, extra vitamin C, you know, whatever. So those are the little things that I would throw as back from it, which hopefully doesn't, you know, give away your program content, but also sort of give them a free content be like okay, yeah, I'm still engaged. Yeah, this, these tips are awesome. So they will continue to be engaged. For sure.
And I asked when I make my Facebook Live, so am I making them technically from my profile? And then sharing them in my various pages and groups?
Yeah, you can do that. You can absolutely do that as well. Because I think the perks of so that the way a little bit. So I understand there are people that would prefer to do that in a business setting, right. So there will be people that even would go as far as setting up a business profile for that purpose only. But honestly, if you don't think that it matters that much and doing it from your personal profile, the perks of it is your friends and family are going to see it. And if they go Oh, yeah, you know, now that she's doing this, I have this friend. Oh, yeah, she's gonna love this. Right. So the referral can be powerful. If you don't think that, you know, this blend would do any bad for you. And then I would just literally post it anywhere and everywhere. For sure. Thank you. Yeah, no problem. And Michelle. I see your hands raised.
Okay, so Rebecca, that's funny, because that was part of my question, because so like, right now, I am going, I have a Facebook Live Saturday night that we'll be doing right. I'm trying to get my hand lower. And then we'll try and we'll be doing a Facebook Live on Saturday. Well, I have Michelle Portola fine art and then I have my own profile. But I usually post on my own profile because like the business profile doesn't like it doesn't get as much. It doesn't get seen as much. So the question I have relating to that is, since this is going to be part of connecting nursing in art, would you recommend that I like Jill, we were talking about this getting a name for a group. Well, that's now a third Facebook group. So then I was going oh, that's lot of Facebook groups, I'm thinking, should I just attach it to my shop, Michelle Portola fine art and work off of that? Um, because that's a, that's a lot of groups, I don't know, what are your thoughts about that it's kind of like me, saying that I wanted to make one page and attach it to the website that I already have. So to make it easier on myself and other people,
right, and I think for, from my perspective, and I'm like, you know, while I understand the ease of you managing one group versus seven, at the same time, I think, let's also think about it from a customer's perspective, right? If I'm in your fine art group, and I'm enjoying this blue, the coloring combinations, ooh, this painting Ooh, this is, and all of a sudden, you're like talking about this experience of, you know, data, almost therapy, like, right, like, almost, you know, helping me do that for now. And this is relating to health professional. What, wait, wait, wait, I'm here for the art. I'm not a health professional like I'm, what am I doing here? I would think that there might be a little confusion, right? It's like, yeah, are we here for the art? Or are we here for this, like I write, so anyway, purpose? Yeah, for the purpose of clarity for whoever that's in the group. I think, you know, it wouldn't hurt if in your fine art group, you started, say, hey, you know, guys, I'm creating a new program. And I'm helping health professionals, you know, deal with their burnout, because I was one of them. And I'm just so passionate about how art has helped me come through, you know, walk through these, you know, hot charcoal pads. And so I'm working on that right now, if this, you are interested in this, please click this, click this link, and join that group as well. I would love to see you on the other side, right. But we will be focusing more on how this our experience will help you with burnout and you know, all that and if you're interested, welcome joining our group on that side. But we were going to stick to this group to just find our for you all, but if you know, if you yourself or anybody you know, around that can benefit from this experience, then definitely help me share this words and help me share this group. And, you know, let everybody
know about perfect because I sent out a newsletter and I had in the newsletter on the bottom, that I was starting this in, you know, for healthcare professionals to conquer burnout to feel more inspired and empowered, and you the whole mission. And then I was like going, okay, like some people are probably going like, what do I do with that? So yeah, you understand you get it? Okay, good. So I'll put a link, and then I'll have to get a new Facebook. Group threat. Okay. Got it. Yeah,
yeah. And I think you know, as far as, as much as managing multiple groups can sound taunting, it's actually quite easy. Because if you click on the group icon on top, if you're using your computer browser, then actually if you do pin, then those two groups over there, it will show up, right and left hand bar for you to easyaccess. Out. So that might help. And again, like, if we're talking about the ease of it, then instead of combining the two groups into one, let's keep it separate. But maybe, let's set a boundary of okay, I'm going to check the fine art Facebook group, maybe 30 minutes every day. And the other one we do also 30 minutes every day, or every three days and you know, set yourself a boundary. So it's not like I'm doing three hours in each group. And I'm burning myself out the first week, right? Like, again, not what we're going for your own.
Absolutely not. Okay, that makes perfect sense. Great. Great. Great. Rebecca, I'm glad you asked that question. Because it led me into. Yeah,
because yeah, and this could be, right. Yeah, you have the brain.fm. You set up a 20 or 30 minute timer on that music and you just go Nutch on one group, right, and music stuff. And then we stopped and then we go another one started another music for 30 minutes, and we go at it. And when the music stopped, we stopped. Right. So and
are you standing up right now? Yes, I am. I totally love that. I like trying to figure out if you're standing up like that is totally me. I'd be like walking around doing.
I know Jill was like last Friday. She's like you are very animated. I was like, yeah, it's also helpful that I am standing up so the animation gets it really enemy.
I love it. That's awesome. I'm so glad to do that. Okay.
All right. So, Becca, I know you're very welcome. Becca, you have another question?
Oh, yeah, I could keep in common. Do I solidify a name? I know it's not really now it's like way later for my actual program and at what point do I make an actual website for my program? And I know that's also a layer but I like to know like to think ahead.
It depends on how
techie you are, you know, and I think really building website can be as easy as using a template and cut bam, in 15 minutes you filling in information it's done. Or if you're looking for something really complex, then number one, it costs time. Number two, it costs you money. Right. So it depends on how complex you want it to be. And, you know, we I think recently, we were chatting, me and Jill, were talking chatting about Wix. And there's so many other websites that have the template system set up, where you can literally just plug in photos, putting information upon bam, your your website's made. And a lot of them even have like multifunctional things, right? Like, I know, what's trickier is Wix, She even does her scheduling for payment, everything is through Wix. But then at the same time, it's really depending on how early you want to set it up, or how you want to run your program. And I think, you know, I think it would be safe to say, by the first time you you have, you know, the first group of clients running through your program, at the bare tail end is probably a good time to get something started for the next round of clients. And just go, that would be kind of your program update for the next round of people for sure. And then you can decide whether you wanted to do something more hands on maybe using a template, or you know, find them depending on the revenue you bring in. If you want have somebody to design it for you. That's an option as well. Right? Yeah. Joe, you have anything to add on? On website designing?
No, not really. I mean, yeah, those templates are great. And there's nothing wrong with them at all, like the plug and play aspect of them is great. The other thing that's awesome about them is that it's really easy. If you want to hire someone like a contractor to help you do it. Like if you already know what you want it to look like you can just pop on to Upwork or a Facebook group for that website platform and just see like who's out there that could just help you put it together? Then you don't have to do it.
I know they have this these magic. I don't know if their mouse is special or something and just have the magic to make everything look prettier than I
can I ask you one more question. Okay, so I hope planner. And I'm I'm in a program right now run by Mariah Brown, who went through this to design and hers is evergreen, if that's the right, I don't know what it is. It's got a rolling admissions, right. And it's a 12 month program. And so people are joining all the time. And I'm thinking, when does the person take a three month vacation? Like when would I ever take a vacation and and I I wake up at night thinking about this, I want to make sure that after I've done my 12 week, little course and maybe I run it a second time, or maybe I just roll everybody if they want into a longer thing. That's cool. But I want to set it up in a way where I can say, you know, I'm on maternity leave. I see that coming. So I'm going to run the six month course and there's not going to be a renewal option, unfortunately for this time, right? How have people handled this?
Jill, since you're the schedule master for Sylvie, you want to?
Yeah, I would. So there's a few different options that you can do here. And I'll tell you like sort of in a nutshell, like how Sylvie has handled this in the past, like Sylvia will still go on vacation. And people will still be going through the program. And all she needs is a Wi Fi connection, to make sure that she can still do what she needs to do. When you're first starting out. You know, that's a little bit harder, because you don't have a team of people helping you run your program. So it might be smart for you in the beginning to build in that vacation time. When you want to build that in. Like for example, we always take two weeks off at the end of the year, no matter what is happened. We didn't we don't work for two weeks at the end of the year, the end. And I know you know, if you wanted to take a longer vacation, it would just be a matter of planning ahead of like making sure that you have the income security to handle that that you're going to have enough enrollments you can step away for a month. So there's going to be a little bit of planning there on terms in terms of your income side. But once you're really growing your program and having more enrollments coming in and quite possibly having a team with you, it's a lot easier to step away on vacation and still have a program running in the background where you maybe have to work like two days out of the week that you show up for a few hours to do something or you're kind of like an on call situation where if something really bad happens and you just need to fix something, then that happens but you're still 90% on vacation. So there's some options and I think it really comes down to your preference how much you feel comfortable Stepping away, if you have a team helping you, you know, are you going to be fine with just like they got handled? If I'm going to walk away for a week? Or are you going to be Nope, I need to be like hands on watching this happen kind of a person, you know, it really comes down to where you get to feel comfortable.
Okay, thank you.
Awesome. Yeah, I think this is more maybe down the line. But I think you know, if you, you know, I think another thing to also think about is communication has to be clear, right. So like Jill said, we always take two weeks off. And I, I remember one thing, we start blasting that information, like four weeks out, and just just so you know, we're going to be out from this time to this time. And just so that your clients are very clear on this the same thing when we are asking you to add on more information when it comes to support, right. I don't check things on weekends, right? I don't do this on this days. And then you want to make sure that that communication is also clear, loud and clear to your clients. Regardless if you have a team or not, just so that if you really need the day off, you take a day off and you know, you already told them about it. So you're not feeling obligated to come back a little bit. You work a little bit more, you know, my day off kind of thing. Oh, all right. Anything else last call for questions. Too excited, but if not, it is so great to see you guys here and is always always always a blast to do this with you on Fridays. As always, if you have any more questions, don't feel don't stay stuck and reach out to us in any shape or form. And we'll be here for you. Okay, and until next week on Nixa mission right so don't forget submission is on Sunday. Until then, have a great weekend everybody and take the don't forget to take some time to chill and Kristen enjoy that sunshine for me, please. God, yes,
I need it so bad. We just arrived to Florida like an hour ago. We drove through the night so I really enjoy the week. So thank you but I'm planning on submitting for Sunday. So thank you very much. Awesome enjoy you as well.