WCC, Committee on Public Safety, Judiciary, and Homeland Security
3:30PM Jul 26, 2023
macomb county
wayne county
fiscal year
medical leave act
Good morning. Welcome to the Committee on Public Safety, judiciary and Homeland Security. Madam Clerk, would you please call the roll?
Commissioner cannot. Commissioner Clemente has requested and excuse Commissioner Basham Here. Commissioner Scott. Chair Clark Coleman, your you have a quorum present.
Thank you. Next item.
Be Chairwoman remarks. I
have none.
See approval of the July 12 2023. Meeting Minutes.
been properly moved by Commissioner Scott supported by Commissioner Basham. Are there questions on the motion? Hearing none, all of all. Those who support it say aye aye. Those opposed? The motion carries. Next item
D unfinished business there is an unlisted next item one and a new business reporting the July 2023 report on sheriff's office overtime costs.
Okay, we have anyone here from the sheriff's office.
Press the buttons, the big green button light up. Okay.
Come on Vinita. Terry shares director of administration here. So our overtime Report for the month of June 30 2023 Is that we have 384 vacant police positions and 37 civilian positions vacant at the time. During that time, we've hired 51 police officers, and we lost 83 to retirement resignation or termination. The number of employees on Medical Leave Act that this to date is 144 on your 44 active FMLA days. And today we've had 37 tests positive for COVID.
You're doing it still testing positive?
Yes, well, we didn't have any for this month so that 37 was same as last night. So we've done that for the month of June. And I did not give you the actual numbers of our overtime budget. So our overtime budget is at a point 8 million. Right now we're at 11.7. So approximately 2.8 million over. Okay, or any question comments?
Just one quick question. And it's related to overtime on Terrance. How does that equate from last year? Are we seeing a trend of more over time or
through the Chair, I believe is probably running at the same rate every year, give or take 100,000 or so but it's around it's run at the same rate that I needed this data.
Last year fiscal year 22. We ended at 3.2 million. So we have approximately what two more months left in this fiscal year. That's me two to three months. So we're going to be in line with that number.
Any other questions or concerns on item number one? Can I have a motion to move to receiving file or improperly moved by Commissioner Scott supported by Commissioner Basham? Hearing no, no questions on this? All those in favor, please indicate by saying aye. Aye. Those opposed. The motion carries the next item. Thank you.
Item two requesting commission approval of an interlocal funding agreement with Macomb County to allow reimbursement under the 2021 Homeland Security grant program.
Okay. All right. Press the button to see the green light and then identify yourself. Yes. Good
morning, Madam Chairwoman and commissioners, Nathaniel McQueen, Deputy Director for Wayne County, Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Okay. You want to talk to us about this? Yeah. So
this is a funding that comes to us by way of the federal government for the state of Michigan and the fiduciary for our USC group, which is the urban area securities initiative, encompassing the counties of St. Clair and Macomb, Oakland, Wayne Wassenaar, and Monroe County as well as the city of Detroit. We receive federal funding for security initiative actions that we take to make sure that citizens here in the county of Wayne as well as the region remains safe. This money comes to us from Macomb County who's the stated fiduciary, we receive that money as well as the secondary listing there for not just the USC funding of $593,000, but also the $41,640. That comes to us all sort of helps pay for our staffing within our department there. There is no matching funds from the county of Wayne that is required for this.
I'm just a little puzzled about why it goes through Macomb County. So the county, so why does the funding go to Macomb County and then they distributed.
So what happens is the urban area securities initiative we have meetings with encompasses those six counties here in southeast Michigan as well as the city of Detroit, which makes up a seven board panel. And they have a president, obviously, the Vice President and they also have a fiduciary. Macomb County of the seven entities decided that they would take on the responsibility of funding a individual who would be the representative that would handle the management of the monies and be the fiduciary. And it would not come out of the monies that we received from the federal government, but it would directly come from the county of Macomb. That would hire an individual to do that. So it was agreed upon many, many years ago that Macomb County would be the fiduciary. So they would be the one to distribute the monies and ensure that all of the initiatives that we take here in the county of Wayne as well as throughout the rest of Southeast Michigan. We're done in the net reporting going back to the state of Michigan.
Okay, thank you, Basham.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I was just thinking, first of all, thank you for what you do. But we are international waterways. between US and Canada. And my district in Commissioner Powell Maris district is a big part of that river. And I know I'm reaching a little bit, but to be able to travel along the coast of up and down Wayne County. In our district man and Commissioner Powell mares. The Wayne County used to have a weed harvester Believe it or not, and would clean up the waterways so that the boats could actually get up and down the waterways. Wayne County let grow seal and to brawl to use it until for many years after the Wayne County quit using it until it's gone now. And we're trying to acquire a weed harbor harvester. And it's like pulling teeth. I mean, it's hard to get people to come to the table to say it's only for brand new and $167,000. And it's like, can't we have some kind of coordination with I'm just thinking about if you want to get if you if you got a Coast Guard boat or county sheriff's boat, or any kind of other boat trying to get some of these places you couldn't do it with without getting across all of them nasty weeds and whatever grows every spring of the year, and it's here. But I'm sorry.
Oh, no, I'm sorry. You know, we went. We didn't talk, but had conversation with the administration. And pretty much that's going to be part of we include in his upcoming budget.
Okay. And I appreciate that. But you know, I hope I could give support from the from you guys, it would really it would help. But anyway, I just thought I'd make the case. If if I could so I don't know if I made it or not, but I'm trying. Thank you.
Yeah, good morning, Director. Jafer just slept the directors meeting with the CEO. Absolutely. We share resources. The Sheriff's Department does share resources with other downriver communities. We have gators in our warehouse, which are basically four wheelers, and they're able
to do well units, they can go up to probably two and a half feet of water. And those are used for those types of things. But when the water is deeper, of course, the sheriff's department does have something similar to a pontoon where they have tools where they can go on to shallow waters, but we will discuss those needs. With you said Grace was community Oh, seal and Gibraltar. Yes. And they also have access to the stone garden funding, which protects our international borders.
I appreciate that very much. And on a different note means Can I still take I'm sure. I happen to know personally, I won't mention names or communities but are some of those international communities downriver, and a police chief was telling me that I wanted security got them all sorts of diving equipment. and they were upset that they had