These Thoughts Large and Public: Sunday (part two)
4:07AM Jul 31, 2022
So now a little closer to home this year has seen industrial action by rail workers in Sydney referring to cognitive particularly vicious and incompetent government and safer working conditions and appropriate pay increases. lobbying for the engine followed by first name only report on the tactics of the New South Wales Government in February of this year. On Monday, 21st of February workers of Sydney arrived at work to find that they have been locked out by the New South Wales Government. Communities and staff were left hanging while the government played media games. The rail tram and bus union has been in talks with Sydney rail, the government's rail service overpay scheduling changes to the rail network and the encroachment of privatisation into the sector. The government will reclaim the Fair Work Commission the previous Saturday to stop planned industrial action. The RTBU agreed to drop both overtime bands and a 24 hours strike as part of the plan two weeks of industrial action. However, they did not agree to drop a ban on Bolton working, meaning that union members would only work this set shifts as laid out in Sunnyvale schedule and not changed their working hours at the request of management. RTBU New South Wales Secretary Alex classes speaking on Monday stated we walked away on Saturday thinking that was done and dusted then at 8pm last night and dragged us back because they realised what needed rain to didn't satisfy them. So they asked the commission to return the New South Wales Government had not realised they had agreed to ultimate working action taking place and looking for a reason to kneecap the Union declared that the railways would be unsafe to operate on Monday with the ultimate working bands at the urgent IPM Fair Work Commission meeting on Sunday. Sydney rail did not provide any evidence that the ban would endanger anyone's safety. If they had any action would have been suspended by the Fair Work Commission as was done in the previous round of contract negotiations in 2018. Throughout the stoppage, the government played media games, they blamed the shutdown on the RTBU and set angry commuters against the workers and transport minister David Elliot accused the RTBU of hijacking the city terrorist black activity that may be a lens into the government's narrative with seven years among others, attributing stoppages to a strike despite the RTBU putting out a press release at 6am explaining the situation in Australian Financial Review, before Sydney train workers walked out from around work and analysis of economic recovery following the crisis of 2020 made it clear with both profit and risk lie in the body of the worker is Brian supply chains need supply chains main people and that brings industrial relations performance sharply into focus. careful analysis of events reveals militancy as a major threat to the recovery. Understanding this is key to business planning 2020 to 2020 ones or material run union militancy and pivotal sectors such as resources, transport, distribution, and logistics. critical industries were exposed to coordinate an industry wide industrial strategies designed to supercharge the impact of enterprise level protected industrial action. overwhelmingly the strategies for is inaccurate proportion of assigning calls by International Workers organisations to extend industrial actions across the entire logistic sector. And beyond. So that's our kind of ground. state of things across the world. There's much to feel optimistic and
willing to struggle and organise nice and spontaneous or relative President kinds of struggles that we've seen unfold over the last decade in terms of riots and blockades as well.
So we feel optimistic in the face of misery. Yeah. Let's do it. So we haven't we still have quite a bit to go. I've got half so stick around. We'll get to number one, at some point, but right now, we're up to
2020 is Jackson Browne is running on empty exhaustion. Perhaps also something that counts Jan morning. You Evening. Right? in public.
We now live
solidarity Hall at trades. fast approaching the end of this, of this epic action. Stick around. Turn your radios on strands off just yet. In 15 or 20 minutes, we'll be joined by a cast of incredible poets, for us with a wide range of book paths with poetry. And then we'll be playing the rest of this top 40 countdown when you get to number one. Just a reminder to that if you're listening at home or on the run, please text in some questions, comments or just say hi, number is 0401196653 Okay, so take us into this poetry reading. We're gonna do one more short segment segment. So let's get into it. There's a classic hypothetical that sometimes comes out in the audience as everybody's fine handwriting catches up some replicate after the revolution bands, of course, he's gonna get to cable the songs. Easy. But the experiment is really an invitation to reflect on the things that we love the things that we hate, the things that sustain us as we struggle from a different perspective question comes with us into that future. Songs of course, are a crucial ingredient of our collective sustenance. As the great poet Hamilton writes, a song should be useful for dancing and crying. See them daily got about some some songs compel us to sing even if we can't afford to dance or cry or seem to assume that we really will not be reminded of him during this island that perhaps will not confirm the desire that we have. And sometimes these scenes become good and that from this day first notes can only be future oriented and it must pass the National Anthem Of course conformed to this formula. Its composition is aspiration, an articulation of a vision for a state that is yet to be realised. But the national anthem also capture something of an already existing nationalism. Anti nationalism, indexing the character of people that it hopes to further to get out through the repetition of the national anthem France is perhaps the most iconic national happens to someone in 1792. Getting I don't know how to pronounce French names. It's my uncultured best sorry, in this prospect after the declaration of France against Austria, it was originally titled war song for the audience. And as the title suggests, Sonny does not have to miss the national spirit to ever return from a solemn sacrifice. But the French revolution, a revolution that was 16 and bringing into the absolutist French monarchy still in its place, The first French Republic we get to values
encapsulated by the fraternity suddenly requiring the name in July of 17 marching to Paris to join the struggle. Club claimed by the people the Senator Cornyn officially adopted as the republic in 1795. The song was suppressed or banned German reigns
at the child's attempt was revived with the revolutionary spirit that swept through the 19th and 20th century France. And here we can locate again the jewel temporality of appealing to the past in order to manifest the future in the 19th century, must become the anthem of the Paris Commune, albeit with fresh lyrics, particularly articulating the ideals of the Canaanites. And almost a decade later in 1979, defeated counter revolutionary forces, the original version will be restored it's the official national anthem has remained its anthem since that day. And is a strange song that's in the title. It looks backwards and forwards, a song that captures the ossification revolution to conservatism as some complicated attachments. To people, nations futures promises.
Lanes the national anthem of work is solidarity stretching across borders was originally intended to be something to the tune of Romans. Here we can find again dialectic to the swing from revolutionary perspective to the conservatism of nationalism and back to revolution once the same lanes and nationality takes its name from the first International, a broad coalition of socialists communists, anarchists and trade unionists who came together in 1864 around a shared desire to collectively organise class struggle. The Congress that the first international was held in 1866 in Geneva in attendance on such occurrences Max was the anarchist and future coming together. Five years later in the wake of the defeat of the Paris Commune 40 every pen the lyrics to the song, the song opens with the line arrives Wretched of the Earth, both reflecting the defeat of the economy, while serving as a call to arms to continue to struggle. That phrase, the wretched of the earth will be almost a century later in France of the Normans anticolonial manifesto, which removes the revolutionary perspective in relation to struggles against the two miseries of capitalism and colonialism. Then it rods decolonization which sets out to change the order of the world is obviously a programme of complete disorder. But it can't come as a result of magical practices of a natural shock of a friendly understanding and visitation, we can locate a call to action that seeks to change the order of the world. But in joints of certain abilities, we can also locate this tension between revolution and conservation, rupture and continuity, the revolution in perspective, in other words, intention, the counter revolutionary one and it plays out in relation to the songs. Sometimes the revolutionary perspective might be reactive, simply by singing different words to a song. lands and nationality get its own musical setting in 1888. The masala was replaced by an ability composed by parentage data, the data set in the patinas networks was originally composed and acquired French word as part of the funnel new this version of the song will be adopted. As the official of the second international.
Number one whole revolutionary song Battle Hymn of the Republic will be repurposed into work as dance and that is still some today. Solidarity for the Battle Hymn of the Republic was penned by an abolitionist in 1961. That's the US Civil War already the third repurposing of disability and rewriting of another civil war, John Brown's body which we wrapped the old folk in his glory. Somebody so many environments of medicine to collecting and rejection of individuation in order that one might discover the strength that is to be found and sharing and sharing our joy. What is wicked and the fame or strength of one song tells us for reminding us that makes us strong. It's the next one. The Labour organiser, artist and writer Rob Chapman. Chapman began working in the 1912 while working in a strike committee and reporting on the train counselling group calling miners strike in Kerala country West Virginia. The strike was a particularly violent one that resulted in the deaths of people struggling, chuckling and being inspired by the spirits of the striking miners and their families who have been tense for years remain stuck in the face of intimidation from their bosses. Chuck them finish the planning fees either as a community member or an active organiser, The Woodlands Industrial Workers of the World was founded in 1985 in Chicago. The sun was shaped by the political commitments of the Balkans and that was captured in a famous preamble, a short text reproduced inside the front cover of their official official song. The plan begins the working class and employment class have nothing in common. It continues between these two classes a struggle must go on until the work as well organised as clients take possession of the earth and the machinery of production and abolish the wage system. A few years later, chapter will be rounded up some 100 Wobblies for anti war organising specifically for conspiring to him the draft and encourage possession and this kind of 1970 us Espionage Act and for four years in between the sentence and solidarity forever the now familiar movement of the revolution. To conservatism to revolution, once again, very activated, and as someone that champions the virtues of collectivity. As an anti capitalist and alienation.
Thing is probation not children. To make the
strange temporality of with one foot planted in the past and the other reaching for another line how to approach the question of nostalgia in a way appeals to pass struggles are often invoked as the grounds or future ones. Were to put the question in another way, what are the revolutionary anthems these times and things that might capture simply the spirit of the worker but the spirit of those rendered surplus to the native capital? Over the 20th century, especially over the past 50 means surplus populations have grown as capital is increasingly unable to apply. This concept of surplus populations was first formulated by Frederick Engels, who describes such populations as a result of Labour government be pulled into capitalist production periods and pushed out of it in periods of boss angles putting this this was an army which embraces an immense multitude during the crisis and a large number during a period which may be regarded as the average between the highest prosperity element classes is the surplus population, which keeps body and soul together by begging stealing streets and collecting, pushing him cars, driving donkeys pedalling, or performing occasional small jobs. And if we break down a multitude of such people may be found, of course my texture in articulation with so called primitive accumulation and dispossession of indigenous people around the Marx Engels this idea of the surplus population, capital capitalism as an inevitable outcome of the general rule of capitalistic accumulation, he writes the greatest social wealth, the functioning of capitalism, the extent and energy of its growth and also the greater the absolute mass of the proletariat. And the productivity of its labour, the greater is the industrial reserve. The same causes which developed the expansive power of capital also develop the labour power at its disposal. The reality of massive industrial reserve thus increases with the potential potential of wealth, but the greater this preserve in proportion to the active labour, the greater is the mass of a consolidated surplus population and inverse ratio of torture it has to undergo labour the more extensive flyweight sections of the working class and the industrial reserve army. The grater is official pauperism. This is the absolute law of capitalist accumulation. So the concept of the surplus population is that unlike Marx and Engels this time, we're confronted by surplus population capital as capital constraints and of growth to the times we find themselves in hospital units, and as such will not require new suitable today's times. Contemporary surplus population is excluded from the discipline and safety of the wage are increasingly managed by the meanings of the state and military, the police and prisons. And so the anthem at least, might be the best version of the title of the police. Hearing like twice a month rock with black people to in revenue way to get credits to do that additional data to be seen. to This might explain why add music to index is the circulation of capital, the world of the world system as it passes through the Global South having harvesting instances into a pastiche of surplus nouns and albums. The car up perfectly captures all of these songs we might wind them in clean lines. We have nothing let us be everything. Now you continue to seeing some of this the police
for the size of heaven so the police don't say we don't say shots leads to alarm clocks. The police for my morning commute for electoral system for endless so please don't say I have lost understanding of migration instead of saying that much maligned human faculty doesn't say exactly by societies like the police. The movement at the head of the police to the moons bright globes, they fund the police to the family much they fund the police don't say David joined the party, that you're sleeping for the boss and then say from the police don't say evening mashallah say from police down and save the steps I've taken to find the words they found the police done safe, tall skinny lattes, and the police for the Earth's gravitational pull is safe. After making a new safe fund in other words, the words are spoken Then don't say spent chatting safe from the police don't say happy new year. So perhaps slightly like the calendar, but after that, immediately after that, see the police the Philosopher's Stone, the Royal Wedding, of transmutation from lover duty state. Police don't say hey, there's money saved from the police say no justice no peace the men say Fuck the police
are indeed and you just heard Shawn Barney read his incredible timeless poem nursery and, and the nature of poetry. Let's begin already. I shouldn't say that this reading is poetry. Plus, it's not just poetry. We've given our writers licence to read whatever they want. So it will be its kind of poetry in the forest possibly sense. Yes, yeah, exactly. So we asked thrilled to welcome as the first reader in this reading, which we've given the title, magic actions. Take it away whenever you're ready. Thank you so much for having me. I feel very lucky to be part of it. I'm gonna rage instead of working progress. For chatbots I'm done safely. And about shopping malls and labour and the kind of love hate relationship that I have with shopping malls. I guess exploring that tension and the potential that exists within a contradiction. I spend a lot of time in shopping malls as a kid. In a small town, it was kind of nice to hang out. Also had a lot of jobs in shopping malls throughout my teens and 20s. I'm really interested in the small acts of resistance that can be found in the shopping mall, if you're paying attention, I guess as well. As the sort of golden spectacle of capitalism at the shopping malls that works really hard to hide exploitative labour practices.
A lot of this has been the high point which is my shopping mall, which was it's written in three sections. Just short extracts from each of those sections. The first sort of
talks how I expect to shop talks, and the second is described as a kind of theorising the shopping mall. This is a section it's called I love it here. This is a novel about high point. This is a novel about square. This is about patience. This is a novel about how I love it. My first job was acquiring a job. My first job was at High Point. My first job was it was my shopping square. My first job was loving it. I was fortunate in my mom's 14 and nine months is the age you're legally allowed to work and 49 months. You are legally allowed to eat things that came up. Okay, that was 14 and before I was 14, I was banned from coming up too hard. In Kmart, I hung up enrich girls with names like Kimberly Montgomery. And Kate came up with which girls were there shoplifted Maybelline foundation sticks and scarf comes in shapes. Recently at a party I told someone My first job was at Gloria jeans and his most shocking square love. They would find that Gloria James was the cool guy job and I objected. I objected because in actual fact, it was Boost Juice. That was the best since the girls know how to tie their hair. And the uniform includes hair accessories, like headscarves and scrunchies. This was true then and this is still true now. I know this because when I go to high point, I love a guy named Mangal. Magics girls and they still have iPhones and they were perfect. Unfortunately, I did not get a job and still got a job. The questions are different in fact, it's likely that I gotta face just did not print up and ended up writing some little poems now. This one's called a disturbance at High Point. It's not all about and boredom in service means having the base
I don't want to get much. Okay, I'll take it to the big boss dipping into the dad's
soft fixtures and the poles and fees. Up here it's all possibility. The channel is a fragment right that sharpens to refract reveals a pocket and a matchbox car where history is affected punch line during a simple way better than a lot of tracing wretched. indecision. My hands are slow enriching. So I stole some Australian Justin Clemens. It's just incredible. I remember in what context I have no idea what's going on in English that that's great poetry for that. He also told a story about Augustus strong, which is subject this next point the guy loved porcelain. Absolutely loved it. You may not realise but this place is full of alchemists behind the restored locked away from the recipe oopsies opacity Australian Bay voters headed for the third court. Hundreds of foster children, foxes across the way we get around to get a chanting. We'd like to thank our funders and when he sleeps he's rested the rest his iPhone boxes
underneath and factors which I mentioned. To shine in dust is a line that is said with a particular inflection and he found this little while watching the jingles declaring on point Melbourne's first choice
for the boxes stuck up fascinating to my speeches who I refused to record and so it goes that first choice applies many others the last section clueless. The word shop when means different types of goods and services. It is also a price connected to manufacturing. Specifically the workshop. One talk shop that is discussed discussed trade and business as a verb to purchase commodities, but its best use of uses was recorded in the 16th century as British slang to shop someone Mr. Rat someone out especially to the place to shop is to increase
as well as an enclosed shopping precinct and logically it ties back to the emergency in 17th century, a bowl games and electric okay and a favourite leisure and social activity
was constructed in 1661 Because it's not fashionable is going to have a sense of hammer or mallet. There's also a sock rolling bag that is
like lost in social standing. Here the shuffling begins to reveal itself. Here we kept sight of what's buried under high gloss. He find violence and betrayal of commodities and institutions. This is boring What about the fact that I already know this to be true and let's do this I always return. Sometimes alliances usually winds up in the suburbs or in small towns like me, who grew up working. Now I started the momentum until I'm cycling back. I seem to like Hearthstone until I hand it to I don't know why. Most of the time I'm not even shocking. Let's call it nvm intervention. Let the court design access all the kids here they're doing it to 90s and early 2000s. In America, activist group cleaning nation staged a series of invasions interactions the notion of a heterosexual economic across the country Cree Nation stage public caissons they haven't handed out flyers that read, like real going shopping. Then being wrapped recognised ad campaigns swapping out models again celebrities, intended as subversion, alienation, experience into corporate strategy, intentionally aiming to unsettle records of desire to unleash repression, to positive citizen citizens of America. I agree with the general premise of disrupting public space and the intention to shift away from heroin addictions. There's something about these interventions in large part I think this has to do with eating and shopping at the level of spectacle. As long as the campaign is not yet with fantasies of glamour, marginality that characterise American nationalism itself, as well as citing the failure to understand intersection of science in ice, cream cultures consent international normativity against itself, provisionally. This is not to say that the shopping should not be invaded, but that these intrusions have always existed. The ground is shaking the task such as display products that are related so powerful, staring at suspended glass ceilings, scanning the bedsheet I send the same scan during that same archive of jobs, claims and coding. Prism dot escalators giving attention to the higher order of apple to the chaos the basement level entrance doors kick you favoured outside the 90s relics was dusty. I'm thinking about Frederick Jameson, how he called utopia. Jonathan knows the exploitative tear of the mega corporation but he also knows that run by one can explain the domination of Metro dielectrically is not an aberration or an exception, but rather the purest expression of that dynamic of capitalism which devalues itself, which abolishes the market that means the markets market itself.
Jemison reaches for an experiment, injunction to one and same time to have the luxury of condones evil without particularly imagining place the shape of the shaping future as well as revolution I guess
so no matter what any
project at that time that was amazing. We are going to have quite a crowd with us. Thanks everyone.
If you're close by,
come and join us. If not, don't turn your screen off. There is more poetry to come. There's no music to come. Right now.
We're gonna play the
next song on our top 40 countdown is number 19 That is stop again.
Got to the status
quo. Not assets right Evening. Welcome back to these thoughts and public poetry writing time. So we're going to keep going and we are very thrilled to be able to introduce a friend and comrade in the dashcam. And when we were asked to do this project, we were asked to invite somebody to propose someone not something for the catalogue to frame the project in some way and we immediately got
a fantastic attention so they join us right now thanks thanks Astrid. Work do some organising. Have a quick read this journey. I went through eight pillars and about steps into the belly.
After finishing work with the banker, doesn't have to be my first recording and demonstrations whispering and stuttering and chanting and finding my voice both here is human business necessary. And we work as if the world the same as those who won the eight hour day in 2056 and outside of the People's Palace and they funded it ourselves from timber and galvanised iron and carbon trade. So literary Institute and now the grand capital is fresh. This is covered in major roses. They say work on this claim their work, stay in the film of their labour, the stonemasons rooms and have an office here one of the contracts in our case is that to work in this look up and say New Orleans on boats. I salute the britcar is association 2000 striking seamstresses Helen Robertson comrades demanding better the female operatives or opponents scarf across the Knights drinking and dancing across the intersection now looking at what the statute is doing. I can't tell me why it was stripped back it seems like level Repko casualization flexibility notice. an amicus split at the moment and after work each day each Monday that you handed out this concrete column to passers by. This isn't ways to campaign. Below in the women's national shop, I hear chatter about Google has issues worse than Trump? That is nuts. Scammers the boys are where's the left anarchists to visit communists, and anarchists. But diversity is our strength you know, some people seem solidarity forever in some international internationality 1978. science and knowledge directs the working class. Eight hours work rest, recreation. Work life balance is not the only way that they wish the world historical movement here through Kaiser radio proclaim the end child poverty early before the universal basic income and that was the day that had to be flown. And so without the whole band's hang demanding the government programmes pants justice, health care, education, safety and dignity urbanise So remember, turn left three times to turn right thanks for joining us on short notice and spell and also shout out to enter her unit in a time of need provided us with the infant child safe for the weekend. We love nothing more than recognization infrastructure. Make sure you do a glimpse of the brettanomyces carpet around this building. Also for those please don't forget to pick up and take with you as many posters and pamphlets as you like. There are two versions of the poster and just one off the pamphlet that we worked with. Our friend and collaborator come right in. And the posters were printed by Trent volta to negative press say thanks so much to Poland Trent for the work on the printer Masha. Next in the poetry and more poetry plus reading we're extremely excited to introduce Terry and quantum zoom. We're so stoked to meet you today finally, in real life after many years of mutual mutual love online. Thanks so much, Terry. And take it away whenever you're ready. Here been totally like marching, listening into this podcast this morning and now here I am on the radio. So five problems this first one is called on with thanks to Colin singleton for commissioning this just a week or so after I gave birth. And the experience of giving birth was wonderful. For me. It was a great experience but really time to be rushed for emergency surgery and emergency sort of implies
that this really just dragged on and on. So I read this and they'll say shout out to extra it's wonderful book of poems later and other poems which I read in the leader. And it was wonderful to be in that vibe that talks about that experience. Through poetry and political and yeah, and I just remembered that addresses this kind of cringe. This kind of history and the cringe about writing kind of like a bit long and I didn't feel any possibly thanks. Run leader. She says she felt the muscles when she reached inside me. But how do they know I lost one leader like do they just eyeball the red line on my wrist? Visibly dry. I'm like I'm like the river. The fish flapping in trauma and they keep saying trauma. But it sounds too neat to surface so superficial and doesn't seem to justify this digging around in my five minutes so far.
On my jelly like this next. So the seas literally on fire right now. Thanks to camp Mikado and Mikayla Zaha for publishing rabbit
in the same issue on the reportage and I climate this problem because of its ambient just feels like it's not really like doing it. I recently started the calamity from the calamity, formless play on the commodity form. Shout out to fans of Karl Marx in the building. Yes, he is talking about the early Romantic poets like Keaton,
who were writing an
essay it says poetry that was written sort of at the dawn of this apocalyptic moment with the rise of industrial capitalism and my co writes that this poetry sort of fails to articulate the truth of this moment for the traitor This is failure in itself is paradoxically part of articulating something true about that experience of alienation under capitalism. So their poetry doesn't display. The alienation produced by capitalism represent that, that feeling of that didn't make me feel too much better at this time, but maybe it could be in the context, that it's sort of an aesthetic and political problem. That has a history. So yeah, it's this feeling of, you know, this objectively horrific news that pops up on Twitter or wherever and just to like, just like, wildly alienated them then that might not lead you to write that poem that will end the horrors of capitalism.
Maybe a random home and a bit of evidence describing
that, like, wandered lonely as a cloud of feelings. Say the sea is literally on fire. So the sea is literally on fire right now. And that's not good material for a poem about the end of
the like, the sea is literally
right now. I'm drinking one entire milk tune and looking out the window, the cloudy day and the sea is literally isolated on Twitter. It's literally on fire right now are fine amounts, oiling this and that's not good material for poem writers and poets retweeting or tweeting about it. About the city being on fire. Gracie raising the boiling sea at the edges of the fire now. emanating from the fire and out to sea in all directions. A circular way. away. Right now my dog is snoring asleep on a pillow shaped like a giant bowl of garlic. And let's see is literally on fire which is not about the end of this next is a problem. And it's a poem that I'm still working on. Shout out to Toby Fitch for rejecting this personalised rejection physics. Okay, I can send this one but it's not. It's not ready to go out there. But it does have a future ever finished. And I'll say this payments dedicated to my dears Conrad and Alex is everything. This is let me say this intensity arrays away games demand for time and leaves next. Witness the monsters or whoever response is admission bursting flips them with upscale shapes exhausting lions and optimists. And open one and organs and under a shattering revelation. It's shifting that bumbling body expanding, expanding beyond from witnessing the monsters along with the grid or want of worlds gesture as Aaron's groping to find more exhaustion and it's Bob is here. women that want to be a variety of ends and insurance payments at ambient just by being the failure of maintenance and maintenance to be survived working on like a blink away to lights our entire bubble and working style given to dream. Running I need to return the system as strange as sequence let loose in spelling out lines or don't oblige me. I'm just vibing amongst you but first and the waves are going to be automatic and easy speed
and again that
unbearable. Prison work The Hitchhiker's agency of comradely monsters during this year increments from an exam from a distance, looking at a formal and specifically flips on pages one to two. How to recommend other a mother afterwards diseases unsightly in a hot tub together of course making cigars like forever and doing their best impressions of us. And now that actually into the bath water flips in DJI in a basement also very suddenly planning planes and pruney tires are but we're inheriting at least one future information becomes
crucial importance on habitual autonomy and the instinctive answer to that barely making it alive in my mind at least just thinking of it isn't learning president the making of the sacrificial eyes might be wasting the president and throughout things like roots like like possibilities actually always tilted toward setting concrete dangers, Dream across the braid, both doing whatever just vibing this next headline something like like It's like weekly or monthly yearly amount of plastic Yes, let's say anyway, then I learned about the Pacific garbage patch and I got really approved and thanks Tuesdays and T poetry for publishing. Now let's see if I mean while sleep integrate metre flash way deep mouths and slowly opponents speed up mounds and mounds of lateral drift and garbage patch mounts in a sailing, saliva of blood dripping by settlement agreement, salivate mounds. And sea particulates are in that amount amounts and polythene John has a gelatinous now, but it's not safe. That's like sucking now in the tissues of every living now, generally I feel like Mr mouths and feed and slip crisis this is my last chance for conditioning. This is for my grandma
or my grandfather.
And I don't want to be able to explain medical. Cicadas bury themselves down into the soil and then reimage later so you can feel that as a staycation. With resurrection and return and left following burial and I mentioned steaming Qaeda in thinking about struggling against between the miseries of capitalism and colonialism and this weekend with the support just like being in continue in mortal reemergence against these things
to pick up the mantle of generic
and then we've never lost whatever we haven't won yet. It's the future. And that's just one kind of connection. I was making this as I would sleep and stop this. Cover playing to Jade on a bracelet available under the seal the scenes primaries and spreading seeds of breath experience old and a way to say basically the greatest advice on my channel.
Thanks so much for having me everyone listening thanks so much for joining us and also a shout out mentioned a whole bunch of places to keep poetry alive here. So, all of those, including some of the ones you've already been circling Sabine rabbit I think there's such a rich and lively poetry publication syndicate that's done on love and friendship
and that's the best way circulated thanks to those people are putting into supporting writing. Thanks so much Terry and magic actions are waiting we'll continue after the song rich babies hard times, which is number 18 for the counter, and after that song we're going to be stepping up to the mic. On I'm afraid I'm afraid this crazy crazy right that's crazy. Trade. I'm sick and tired I haven't felt. Number 17 Now Countdown into a factory
You're listening to
these thoughts large and public a live radio broadcast by snatching the kick I was just about to say that but then there was a recording of me having said it
halfway through the
reading magic actions which will be the last live segment before we head into the end of our top 40 Countdown
and next up live. thrilled
to welcome Chad. Thank you so much for coming. Thanks, Max. Thanks for inviting me it is revolutionary to be talking about your thoughts on blockchain seconds, that sort of stuff. But it's such devoid of connotations. Like is it? Like always thinking what's public and privately about sexually assuming stratification that's why there's no solidarity so far. White Collar like you're a service worker that can catch both. kinds of lightness. See, for example, when I do that, that's,
that's considered physical. That's obviously what it's like and I always think about it it gets more and more
complicated, I think, in these times when there's more stratification and then it's like labour is considered more important than others. Labour that's more glamorised than others. It doesn't necessarily mean quantifiable. And then, think about the quantifiable pleasures of something that's driven and exists later, we sometimes have to do to change this pleasure, right. Which makes me think about, you know, my other kinds of deep work such as a cat sitting in house cleaning, ushering in events and things like that. nicely, but then sometimes it's not like I'm shedding out something I don't necessarily like doing in order to this nation I'm trying to seek I mean, reading from this from
this unskilled
that speaks to some of this to extract I think, part of the poetry plus as
I imagine
optimal labour to expand on on this afterwards, but now I mean, we all exhausted I'm exhausted, but I'm doing the labour All right. Let's play extracts. I'm gonna read the first page I'm gonna read the last this life I've often thought about the many sacrifices I made in order to allow my desperate woman at 7am every day for a week in a car park in the car in service reengineer my abdominal area to harvest my very filled with eggs so I can reinvest reinvest the $4,000 she stuffed in an envelope at the end of experience. Again, the bedding not that time I involve myself in making mistakes. That would give me a few $1,000 a month of disability for a period of days. I'll be waking up every morning at 6am to have my vitals checked. And watch as the mask enters yet four out of the market dragons. That's a quick casual job of the casual drove. Each one resulted in the inability to to writing the money in time and finance a little bit of the performing various types of cycle unskilled labour requirements resulted in syncing oppressions that made every piece of writing a piece of garbage signed up to work as a food delivery cyclist riding beacons is very contemporary. And operation like the benefits of being honourable say that I can manage my time and I never been to Korea. I didn't come from a family of thought enthusiast statement readers. are not the only bookshelf exists at home, at school, whatever library they do serve and they can somehow leverage the guilt but I see that inside singing in English the protagonist rises against everything else. Happily ever after. Success story because in gaming, life exists. That meritocracy exists in our society for the Corinthian
College and dodge and everything
else with enough hard work sacrifices that's the first extra second okay, that's writing all these like things. Next week, shout out online of crushed up amphetamines, and play blazing clarity. I spent much my life chasing for it and Darwin I think it's time to start all over the satisfaction I feel as a manager is to connect with like minded person disappeared the Senate as it was received, and it was just as infrequent as a dazzling wonder of Washington. Suddenly about falling ages, which attempt to even my mailing list because once something was revealed, this way, effect is immediately diminished. Okay is what sticks right into that
knowing and but spaces between knowledge that allow for understanding to open or turn to sign up for yourself like a video game isn't until the very end until it's fine first. mastered one piece of writing doesn't mean a cheating monster others the replay of the game Raven,
light stop. Maybe
it's not work because it's not life. Now can anyone explain the moderate wage disparity
$50 for 4000 versus $10,000 or 2000 Zero other times I'm in it for the most adulterated Joy most of the time in the game
as far as one quantified artistic labour, how quantify as I mentioned rate the amount of time is one consider the time spending kits up to 3am brain putting together
when one reads 24 different books that arrive in one blaming I spent hours and told that I shouldn't reading a book alongside or creating editing. This is not a to play an expression of friendship. I'm most happy at least in the way I can intellectually understand and time to rock. Like how do you reconcile the fact that this black is largely precarious and insufficient for the times largest of a candidate yet the same odd dies in his searing critique
with your spouse and sponsor,
the AP self promotion in general, essential otherwise, next success and happiness. Me observes that mentality allows us to valorize against those insurance business line sums of money that was previously mentioned freezing and maybe that means amounts maybe not the base map. in its full glory immediately without it being spread across weeks and months. But time is very similar in that it's a sum of money it gives me this choice. And the fact that there is a means infinite system and it's very very closely and innovatively circumspect.
David grey by the
same name, the medical promotion jobs. That means jobs relied on and respected by professionals will pay them treated as climate changes as Dummy jobs that affect what happens in humans category. The existence of Bucha jobs exists to undergird the necessity of ship jobs. That is called Empire by the hour itself. When you think about a gig economy and how thinking freely joins its ranks, the idea knowledge right being that other classes as much more mobility is acquired through education or seen by him is catastrophe
featureless slow cancellation of future
making seats in this company space between bullshit job and shit job. It's subjective nature of the story and kind of random out subjective answers and lives
artists approach humans procedures as
each other ever had by constraining myself. Thanks Thank you so much. It's such a pleasure to read the beginning and the end of that essay and thank you so much. So much. Okay, well, most of this reading, keep count down. So anyway, let's go to our last render this
as we talked about before, and
this is a song operations in ws number 16. Right about now and I survived my students wants to tell me please come back. Going to be in the middle of a sale right. Right so now for the whitecaps
on the show. Want to get testimony already some of the biggest the fucking weapon is kept in negativity makes me to fly me under my pants right back to you up now, we're not getting to that can't cope with me weather they don't give a fuck. Back me while I'm feeling so much worse. Get on with the trigger got some silence up and then get away from this is what I say soon as logic gets
it Welcome back to public it is quickly becoming a party which is good as it should be.
We're gonna have one more song
The next song it's a
very special song. Its mother anything that was dancing in the street is a written in 1964 in the wake of riot in Holland and the NYPD. Jumped into town and it rioted
in the sun came out that summer and became a kind of Anthem. moment many years later in the wake of September 11 and
wasn't that bad. I on the radio. Anyway, I listed songs not too few of inciting was produced and circulated US radio station and these songs still on that list today. So dancing in the street with my body. Yeah. I asked by the British press if she knew when his son became associated with bribes and when riots followed Martha raids on her Tula she replied My lawyer it was a potty zone. 3d You TV view really
Listening to Facebook's alleging public radio broadcast by snack syndicate and friends. We're coming up to the reader last reading advanced magic actions and we're extremely excited to have them with us. One of our favourite products, longtime friend and collaborator,
Dre and I use the term. Jason Sadowski comm radio and I want to give a shout out to WhatsApp which is called comrade, comrade. And that should give you insight into the depth of our feeling for Allah and her poetry.
Thank you you've said everything. Anyway, jump into these points. We're gonna read a few short ones in a couple of along with the one
new best poem it's it's a bit of a problem but most of my problems are problems. Thank you this flux triangle and conditioning it. It's called we're not painting this I promise. I was banned from Johnston Street. The beach in Ocean Beach positive veterans meeting that was desperate the catalogue was printed early encounters in the economy apply the craft colour theory luckiest beats TOEFL is effortless and billowing in the white clouds. Christmas staying in the small bars. My Silk Road actually read but a hand wash sunshade of birth. So people love to hold my hand out or when I'm released from duties to hold the moments without breaks.
I'll convince them. I'm not
like a Hara or like a paint
on the support attempt
to pester me on sorry, dusty Martian particles are among the wavelengths sorry, the poet said they could handle
this. I'm immune type linqpad has gone back even I've gone before the rest before the word
content, right. A conversion of exchange or if you have specific secret stills of the West driving
small bars. Mr.
Chairman Dr. West stamp lessons are ongoing and cards. This next poem is also a new one it's going to be coming to show of course we have Limnos I think you better only it's called the city and insurrections of the city and intersections. Once the customer on Apple day, my friend jumps mentioned in his pickup, just in the sense of a natural monoculture a steep price we have desires above
the evidence we need abundance.
When surplus sprouted mung beans I'm on a single leg. colliding at the sky, pond or hearing the old life. They call it keeping. I call it switching. Swapping a tiny blacksmith's hammer on the neck for the enclosed the erupted from 23 more spots one where I use coffee voltage have been degeneration with junk past always continuing to the object towards a pierced hole. My deep I mean, the hook inside but welcome digging pits reaching over shifts in the new world about the shame for the economy for I'm calling it this debate. You told me how it's made but I stuffed my face with spinach all the
same. I haven't. Next bit the cost of coal is efficient.
Next poem, I thought I'd I sent it to
the family a few years ago I think
and it's about memory and working. Memory of work. Could we demand a switch 10 years around a minute paying your visit or flexing our muscles as we work on trying to grasp or find books or where they have reported deeds spoke this evening about her deeds that were this is just the right time to visit clamping down with quiet sentiment of all of the refused to abandon post. When you stand so elegantly beside a post that reflects the survey deeds spanning three days and amongst any reasons for future visit, denied and denying that you have work and he sensed it as dust arrives on the lamppost cannot back sometimes for years, we might continue to avoid a visit us doesn't work. If we change the masters of what might allow all your teeth they might warn others of your deeds. Don't make us even used to send me right. A law Dean's make
I forget the years
Okay, so this next poem, it's a bit of a longer one where he says revising reasoning and the latest to it came from some friends and I went to visit my mom got a little bit of a pilgrimage around to find them. They were quite majestically munching on some glass in order to save the scheme to require the song. And I was thinking about when when I read about them and one of the conservatives, scientists describes the Brits as being very happy with the way
I'm still upset. Several reasons
and so if the results but eating this is a cold patwon Khurana begins with the beginnings of concept rightly capture its importance. I am blinking my eyes a rapid breeze. Here I ruffled Springfields my nostrils are these strange lands on the tractor as the board is cycling down, somebody is confessing that we're on Earth. We're on dancin to the wheat fields and we're back into the mountaintop taxidermist remains unnamed. We are somewhat unhurried. So van is a drop in the uncultivated. I just instruct you to get great being ocean, another beginning of
my human Madonna Rihanna, memory or an empire. Vegetable lamb, extreme green for communal baths. We're exploring to rain as a traded from the peak for the longest time squared rested
ready to assemble
named Eric or think I'm longhand
and I crave coming, my human the mother of breonna FUCK THE FUCK start Rihanna has been on 14 1516 over knit store now spin die on the Rihanna store restoration 1987 plus, plus Cherrytree Rihanna her friend Hannah. Emily. me wearing slacks on ah how to write an iPad. Another one to one on self sufficient condition. The problem with comments Clemens Levesque and has logged on, and agreeable jumbo Raj as an edge, left face covered warp and weft, Swedish Canyon Norwegian route and a single interlocked technique. The picture Weaver has worked on freshman cabin to house our animals. Here it is 2016 linen, a protest going on the fluids
rather than guard space.
Contained among capes and unpaid and metabolic labour for emerging and young. Helping style, cost and memory saved from remember the meat and milk
love to struggle.
Single intellect technique for a clerk fashions hands in the Milky Way walking etc. In the meal 20 employees
to paint the difficult box filled with grass and sign the wiggers depending on this is a human concern. I love and it's uncomplicated. My mother my boss edge over the breeze and if I could paint the tentacles internet's natural life. Gates mountains, eyes now and healing soil and you might need a human but my homes work against the notion of debt and fish fun children in compensation fitted linen dress trade debt a neck elbow line I think in bow strap now fire sleeves oh man for a fox around a man will be two kilogrammes
pays for medical break
this last one I've been reading it a little Bailey. Apologies today's hearing it for this time but I read these books and read it last year trading can. So it's opponent that thank you for the film Escape. It's about other things as well.
It's called present city
I'm enjoying lately the buoyancy of desire tastes shackled to me, contains regrets my state and brings me there was once a requirement. Self Destruction is now strong. urgent needs to be destroyed by month
by month. This is a poll not a
president's but I am a president. I am about it. The imprisonment unpaid Imperial resource extraction point with a tight black stretch tank is quite large. I had the briefcase. I was all for this planning seeing snakes long blocks that are around here somewhere to Yes, I am the President the Vice Chancellor either way I am also thinking that snake skins ICP Iris it's nice to see towards the ready to desire AMI management and cost real estate because playing this game but recognition. We love fusion in this house but I also love to keep occupied in ways such as great camera time by House name, such as listening to a huge heart in my chest. Your hero has arrived because he's your hero cassettes. I am the president's office in lovely stepaside They call themselves the 69 like tank tops with remain distributor trucks and summon about by all the pack you will ask these presidents have a large ring they call it a big wrist good for a shackle my briefcase against apparel. This was a pony snake This is tanktop which by
the rectory.
Handstand back we call the working day unpaid labour or like escape plus labour extracts came here to work sessions, but the sense of very loudly how they say my object is next to traps the problem being the president in this revelation. Problem is that the old time but saying how some of that ingredients will our attack, a sort of cross between the juices, sort of like a picture of me. We still put out tapes unspooled quickly, but inevitably, the appearance of Harry Dean Stanton. This is also the point that they're in one corner, find where it is Bruce Lee was on fire with Steve space or live in another corner. It's things like debt and debt and I'm glad I'm not pretending for selfish reasons but of course,
it'd be nice
returns for the stones in the rain. Thank you Oh my god. Amazing. Thank you so much learning incredible, incredible times. Thank you Karen and Ronny for
bringing this
up because we still want to play some tunes but to talk about money and he asked me and thank you to end up being a special guest into magic actions as well and it's now going to work but shout out to so before we get into doing just take a moment to thank everyone who has made this project happen
could not have done this
project without dreamiest writers John Kinja is getting the mixing desk making everything happen and project to come my way and thank you to you right now for working on the printer Mata and for Bain collaborator in both Siemens Yeah, and so wonderful that this whole project have learned so much. Technically. It's such
thought and everything goes and has been wonderful to have lots of consultations about the sorts of things and things to try and counteract negative press for is part of an exhibition Open House weekend. Thank you so much, Tom down for the curators of the exhibition. It has been amazing to work with. So thanks. People often say that like origins of curation has something to do anyway.
Okay. Fantastic. Thank you the other day code of conduct for yy like and like Pringle, I'm not naming everyone and everything. My Way
fantastic designs is the snowball two and three accessibilities thanks thank you to liquid architecture angels and tech stuff. Yeah. And of course thank you to everyone who has
contributed to this brand has been totally
thrilled to talk to some comrades, people with all manner of things. Those people in Hamilton Chelsea Hi, everyone our Lauren basky and for poets you just heard a man running with the engine in his capacity as the building trades and to get immediate so much more than just speak to us healer helped us to be helped to set it up was hanging out all week with us being an absolute legend. To us, this project, whatever you ask me the answer, yes. It will just take care of how I can deliver that. Yes. The most generous approach is to collaborate with Anthony is credible man with a job and Steve Jobs hot in and we have been very nice People's Palace train has been so wonderful. Thanks to all the clips. Everyone in the space has made us welcome as guests in it. Shout out to lux and say thank you to Boris supporting that green bar as provided will the pace during the two days but more than that basically kept us alive with nourishment for the waiter Jane and is probably giving us a snack thanks to Jimmy and Frankie often hanging out with me. Days Eve to drive cows to Munich as well. Yeah, and is Craig Johnson here with Genworth second weather report. Thank you, Craig Armidale and we're part of the onboarding of Georgia. You're in a new branch
so thanks so much everyone. We like hanging around. There's like a bouncing party holds. Thank you over here. Thank you to all of you who have come over the weekend.
Thanks to everyone who's tuned in as we've done this project, it has been loved fun would have been so 14 is a recent track record by myself. I just want to say they're
an appropriate one to play.
I just want to shout out to Beyonce for pressing play if we're gonna play one scab,
it'll probably data but let it be known. That
It's not just the whole amount of people
that I was assigned there. What's up right? Need to leave slack Wow. Are you waiting on round
Baseball one more thing, right are saying
that to the MB.
Know listening to business groups large and public I think we've ever actually said comes from spoons incredible book century of class is first of all, and second of all has a nice resume take Solidarity who just been to a party and we're going to number 12 socially but it could be even number one it is of course and you've all been waiting for a good working class. Man.
Final 45 minutes or just gone until we get to number one of these public that was me cracking up only a few days even if anyone wants one.
Sample snack round up. Melanie's live in the house. Now. You asked for a snack update. I'm not sure if you heard it. Yeah. In the room Yeah. Slack snacks and everyone's delayed down in the Snap Chat. We've gotten a lot of walnuts today. While not dusk, these are the aforementioned California no nuts pose brand that we did yesterday. Yeah area. I'll get my snuck up there and I also I also told you that I was eating some very unstable mountain bread with placement out but I did for lunch ended up leaving
out a couple of neurotic milk and then I made a claim I've had for years and because I have a migraine and I can have about five layers.
Great. Well, I am back
now. Extremely good moments as well. I was like I would say not blind today. Yes after the excitement of this programme. Today. Mountain red rocket was like simple but I also had like half. I don't even know how to describe this
Maybe cheese inside it was like savoury, very sporty it was very unusual to have him cracked open and chocolate when I said jump through to an act of solidarity. Chocolate
also here on the table help yourselves now. Number 11 Which is I hate my phone bugging me because I'm a corporate shill. I dyed my fucking jaw my God
Right Right You so much you're listening to the sports break, not worst numbers 10 for the countdown Shim 69
If this is a party, I do want to take a moment on the
last countdown the great job search
so we want to take a moment
to send love to your watches and to actually register presents an incredibly wide experience. Exchange because when you buy it at musician that says doing dancing streets my god There you Evening guys rest in power.
Today today's class
and we are in the Top 10 Top Top priority counting.
Just heard ARCHIE MILLER now are going to
have one to me. Every one of
you you make it on time. God you're working on. Morning do you guys I'm working on?
Me am I gonna be oh yeah was boy
I hope you can hear this. Vinny is bringing the house down, saying Victorian trades Hello. We're gonna start with the sound of the incredible joy. So next up is number seven on the queue really special in our household. It's one of the best, least coherent Now does that work?
With the most exciting and joyous five it is of course. So I mean the whole wide world. COVID Classic is Fifth Harmony Time. Live. Right polymer boom
you just heard and is someone who's been in the news lately, and Troy's banned Kate Bush and this is a fantastic song. This one was about production social reproduction.
Kate Bush
this woman's work inside the top five number four is Ramdas work. Monday Are you ready? against you?
He just need to slow down get out. Of the. Way I got a spoon rolling up until you just need to
pick it try
to spend some time so I just announced this
in actual fact the amount of flooding countdown so sorry, Brianna. Number five
is David
Cohen. We take this job and shove it on a Sherman Eastern to the MCS thanks max out standing can get my hands as you say there
bad I can't wait to see
you there?
Take this job indeed. We are coming fast approaching the end of this broadcast. We are live on about 30 minutes
it's been wonderful to be here.
This broadcast out we are down
three and number three is MIA this song is ultimately I think of like global sanitation surplus population captures something of energy, global financial crisis a fantastic fantastic learning history. If you want to listen and read it incredibly simple one highly recommend and different visual claims and has a fantastic chapter but this is pull
up the people. The best to make you back
you you want it to shine
saw John that was Am I
coming number 345 is where Dolly Parton's come in and the answers are coming in at number two nine to five. Come to light Sharon? Just to watch him back on the ship or come in and out only nine to five an absolute classic Alright everyone. You have to listen to this. Massive want to say thanks to everyone who has made a deal with us. It's a joy to be here. And thanks to everyone who has listened on if you're listening to say hi and by the numbers exhibit 4016653. We're up. So we're up to the end. Why don't you give a special shout out to Jonathan actually chose we asked we asked him joins us guessing this temporary way to select a song and Jonathan
here's one song become play
number one on ones which shows you to first and foremost kind of return to these awesome session we are today with Jonathan and Evelyn so fantastic and say two days on an extremely I'm going to give a little context for this song. Emotional devotee for the song This song was directed by Florence race. The wife of Sam race when the union organiser for the United Martin County, Kentucky in 1931. has met regional extremely struggle with the Monterey County Board. Union organising by itself in the 70s with the kind of casting is an absolutely incredible Collin County. Watch it if you haven't seen it. Already have Julian struggling to intimidate the family. Sam race j and the mining company
race was taken on
white flights and intimidated and terrorised by these men. And that night afternoon left Florence just hearing his kids outside as well as his son afterwards and the song is of course, and she wrote the lyrics to the song to the kitchen she took melody from a traditional let's lay them what's repurposed Ballard Jackman so it's another one of those anthems that has been written many times. Peace singing which is why it sounds pixies be afraid to sing on here if you wish to upgrade the one first. Always decide thank you so much. It's been a wonderful two days and Radio. Thank you it's your union it's a reminder until this
up you You're listening to large and public radio broadcast. By snacks my lovelies I