Hi everyone, we're talking about websites today, super stoked, it's gonna be really, really valuable. I'm really, really excited for you all to get this info. So today we're gonna be talking about optimizing websites for conversions. I'm super excited to be here. And if y'all don't know me, I'm Christie, I am an online business manager. I'm also a website, branding designer, and web designer. And I have a full group of people on my team knew in 2024, I'm very excited. I have copywriter. I've a web designer, a graphic designer, I'm also a photographer. So my background is wedding photography. I'm a creative, I'm a musician as well. So creative business is kind of my jam. And you can find out more about me at Kristi Johnson creative.com. That's my website, you can listen to the dream biz podcast, I'm all about empowering creative business owners to make their dream business a reality. So I love the name of Daydream apothecary, because dream kind of goes into my brand as well. I really believe that your dream business can exist and can be a reality. And you can have everything that you need. Today I want to talk give you some easy step by step tips to optimize your website for conversions. What is a conversion, a conversion is just turning someone from a lead into a client, okay, it doesn't have to be even turning them into a client, it can be whatever your goal is. So if your goal is to get them to sign up for your email list, when they land on your website, and they sign up for your email list, they have converted, that's a conversion. If you want them to buy from you, like go to your shop and buy from you, then them landing on your site, and then buying that's you having converted them, okay, so we're going to talk about all about how to optimize or make things fit in line, so that you can get the most conversions possible for your website. Okay, so we're gonna break it down into really easy steps. And I have a freebie for you, you can get my free website wireframe template for a single page website, I'm gonna talk about what a wireframe is in a second, you can just go to cjc.my, flow desk.com/wireframe, and you can grab that freebie, I will be emailing it to y'all after this live, okay, so sign up there, and then you can get the freebie. So we're going to break it down. When people go to your website. The most important thing is that you give them what they want to know, and you give it to them immediately. So let's think of a really easy example for this. Let's say that you are going to a website for a restaurant, there's probably a couple things that you want to know, when you go to their website, you want to know, what are their hours? Where are they located? Like, how do you get to them? And how do you order food from them. Those are like the main things that you want to know. So when someone comes to your website, you need to be giving them the things that they want to know, immediately. Now, you also want to make it really easy for them to get the one thing that they want to know. But you kind of want to make sure that it's also the thing that you want them to do. So it you need to decide do you want them to buy from you? Do you want them to join your email list? Or do you want them to do something else? What is the one thing that you want to do? And you want to make sure that they can do that thing? Within a couple of seconds? When they get on your website? Okay, your website needs to be able to answer three questions within the first two to three seconds. If they jump on your website, they need to know one, what is it that you do? Number two, how can you make their lives better their life better? And number three, how do they buy? If they don't know that from the very beginning, as soon as they jump on your website, they're likely going to just jump right off of your website. So the way that you do this is by really editing the top section of your website, which is called a hero section. You know, when you go to a website and you open it up, and they have like a beautiful photo or something and then you usually have to scroll down to see more stuff. So that beautiful photo that one section is called the hero of your website. So right there from the very beginning, you need to give your clients exactly what they need to know right there or your your your potential clients, your potential customers exactly what they need to know. So a lot of you guys probably have online shops like Shopify sites. So you are going to want to have a big ol button that says shop now. Okay. Kathy says hers needs a lot of work. Yeah, honestly.
You are not alone. So many people are in the same boat as you because it's overwhelming, right? So I'm going to hopefully make it super duper easy. for you, and if you grab that wireframe template, it's going to be even more easy for you. So first of all, starting with the hero, you need to have something that you want your potential customers to do. If you're selling things online, it's likely going to be shop now, okay for me, because I sell services, my thing that I want them to do is I want them to get on a call with me. So my button that I have right up there is book of consultation, or chat now. Okay. So first of all, think through what is it that you want your clients to do and give them one thing, because you don't want them to burn too many mental calories, as Donald Miller says, Donald Miller is a marketing expert. And he has a really great analogy, make sure that they don't burn too many mental calories, because people are tired. They are, you're constantly competing for their attention online, like there's so many things that they're going here, there and everywhere towards. So you have to get their attention right away. So you need to have one thing that you want them to do, you do not need to have three things that you want them to do, because that's confusing. You need to give them one thing that you want them to do, and then lead them down the steps to the next thing, if you have three things you want them to do, you need to first give them the first thing. And then after that, give them the second thing. And then after that give them the third thing that's called your customer journey. If you're giving them too many choices, you're overwhelming them. Okay, so let's start with the hero, you're gonna give them the one thing to do, and you're gonna put that in a big button right in the middle of the page. Okay, I'll give you an example. Actually, I don't think I can, I don't know if I can share my screen from this, okay, well, in the wireframe, you're gonna have it when you get it later today, a big button. And it needs to be before they scroll down the page. So on a desktop, before they scroll at all, there needs to be a big button in the middle of it that says shop now or book a consultation or whatever that one thing that you want them to do is, you also need to have that same button in the top right of your navigation bar. Because, in general, we're going to scroll down the website in a Z pattern, that's just kind of how it goes left to right, and then down the middle. So you need to have the button in the top right, and also in the middle. And that button needs to give them the one thing that you want them to do. shop now. So go to your website right now. And I want you to tell me, does your website have one big, very clear button, noticeable? Immediately that tells them what to do? Or do you have choices for them? If you have choices, you are losing conversions right there. Because people need to be told exactly what to do. We don't have the mental calories this day and age. Because we have so many things vying for our attention, we don't have the mental calories to make a choice, you need to you need to make the choice for us, you need to tell us what you want us to do. Okay, so that's number one is optimize that hero image by giving them one thing to do and put it on the top right. And in the middle. The next thing is you want you have tiles with each brand. Okay, Kathy, tell me a little bit more about your business. You sell a few brands? Can you be more specific? Tell me a little bit more about what you do there. Maybe even actually, you know what you're on live? Can you send me your website? Can you put your website in the comments, and I'll take a look at it. We're gonna do like a little mini website audit. But just to answer your question, if you have multiple brands, then maybe you have the buttons. And then with once they click through, you know, it has the thing on mobile, by the way, I forgot to say this, above the fold is going to be before they scroll on mobile. So you need to have that big button right in the middle. And also in the navigation. Okay, the second thing that you need to have is you need to have a brand promise and your brand promise is going to be like a transformation statement. And this is where you basically envision the ideal future that they have, if they work with you, or if they become a customer of yours. So, you know, for mine, it's let's make your dream business a reality. I want them to know, I want them to come to my site and feel like they can do what it is that they want to do and build their business, I have a separate page for most of my like back end services. And my brand promise is serving community without tech or task overwhelm. So that's my brand promise, you're telling them what you want them to do, what ideal future they can have, if you are selling paint, you can they're gonna put it on their walls, you can say enjoy every minute in your home or, or love the way your home looks something like that you're selling the result that they're gonna get not the product, then underneath that you are going to actually say what it is that you exactly do. And this is for SEO purposes, and also so that they know immediately what it is that you do so that there's no confusion about what you do. You don't want someone to go to your website and be like, Well, what do they actually do? What do they actually sell? I'm kind of confused. So you need the brand promise but then you also need in very plain language. What exactly it is that you do. So when you go to my website, Kristi Johnson creative.com It says in big bold letters, let's make your dream business reality. And then underneath it says systems integration and online business management for creative entrepreneurs. So it tells them what I do and who It's four. If you go to the management page on my website, it says server community without tech or task overwhelm. And oh, actually took it off because not my homepage. Well, if you go to my website, Chris Johnson creative.com, it says the brand promise, it says what I do, and then the button. Okay, so that's exactly what how you need to have it set up on your website as well. So those three things are right, they're going to capture so many more leads for you, and convert them more quickly. Because they need to be able to understand right from the hero, what do you do? How will you make their life better? And how do they buy? So what I do is I do systems integration and online business management for creative entrepreneurs. How I make their lives better is I say, I'm going to make your dream business a reality. And how they buy is they book a consultation, okay, so you have to be able to answer those three questions and give it to them right? From the beginning. Okay, I've talked way too long on that because it is really, really, really important. All right, I'm gonna check out Kathy's website colori Rustin. Rose, beautiful. Okay, so I've no idea what it is that you do. Okay, so I had to scroll, I see these beautiful images. And that's really pretty. So I'm guessing your Are you an artist? Or do you put these on your site coloring restaurant roles? Yes. From the hero on this main thing before it's called? I don't know what you do. So I would put right away a a word that says what you do? Do you sell furniture? Do you paint furniture? Do you create art? Are you an artist? I'm not actually sure what you do. Scrolling down, you say shop floor? You have the icons for the stuff. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, see, there we go. But I don't. If I'm, if I'm, if I'm unfamiliar with you, I don't know what you do. You okay, so you love to take pieces of furniture and transform it into something beautiful. If you're looking for a statement piece for your home, you'd like to learn how to transform your own pieces. I'd love to help you. I'm not sure how though. You also don't have a call to action. You do say shop for these things. But there's nowhere that says shop now either. So you You haven't told them what to do? Can you tell me what do you do? You sell paint and craft products? Okay, so you sell paint and craft products? And you create furniture? Is that right? Do you do you like take like, commissions, you sell paint and craft products? And you're and the people that you're selling them to? They are other makers? Who are going to use it for their own products? Is that right? Like they're going to use it to create their pieces of furniture? Yes, I paint but no commission. Okay, so do people buy from you? Do they buy your furnishings from you? How do you make money? Is what I'm asking? Yes, they buy from you. So you sell paint
and craft products to makers? And you asked Do you sell them to consumers like customers as well? Like if they want to buy your stuff that you've made? Yes. Through paint sales? Oh, you make money? Oh, does that make sense? Because yeah, we're all the sockets, this is the sockets for the, for the pink. Okay, then you need to have some type of thing at the top of your website that tells you what you do. So I would say something like, create gorgeous, fabulous paint for or like easy to use paint or some type of verb that is going to make sense to your customers, easy to use paint for your creative projects. Or like, good, beautiful paint for your creative projects. Make your next product, something that you're proud of, or something like that. That's not quite exactly true, I would want to workshop it a little bit more, I think. But something like give them a promise for what the result is. So you're selling the paint to them. So you're actually selling, you're not just selling paint, you're selling the result that they get from the paint, which is a beautiful piece of furniture or a beautiful object that they've created or art that they have made. Is it mostly for furnishings that they're putting it on? Okay, I get the drift. Great. Yeah. So sell them the promise or tell them the promise. And then have a big button that says shop now. And then that shop now button can scroll down to the different brands, or actually, okay, so your page, the collections page, your catalog, it's your website.com/collections that's where you need the Shop Now button to go. So you need to say your next project from start to finish or something like that. Beautiful paint for your next project. Shop Now big button, and then boom. Because yeah, I didn't know what you were until I scroll down. I thought that you were selling me furniture. If you're selling paint, then you need to tell me that you're selling paint right from we're getting and then a big button. Okay. All right. So that Number one is optimizing your hero section. So someone needs to be able to go right onto your website and know exactly what you're selling and how they can get it. That's just that's, that's what I'm saying. Now we're going to talk through the rest of the page, which is really not as important. But it's still important because basically, if they haven't already bought into the fact that they want to buy from you from that from that hero section, then you need to give them more information. So if you download my free wireframe template, I follow Donald Miller's story brand framework, Donald Miller has an amazing book called Marketing made simple, you can check it out, it's on Amazon, hoopla, audible lebih, wherever you get your books or audiobooks. Um, it's called Marketing made simple by not Donald Miller. And he will literally give you the entire framework. I've just made it super simple in a wireframe that you can download. But if you want all like the big the why, and also like, exact things, then get his book called Marketing made simple. But go to that freebie, it's cjc.my. Flow desk.com/wireframe. A wireframe is just like a Google doc version or a document version of the website so that you can write, write the words on there before you put it on your website. Because if it doesn't make sense, on a Google Doc, it's not gonna make sense on a website, either from the hero, you need to have that section that we already just talked about. The next section that you need to have is your customers pain point. And it should be about three to five. So you need to first have a big bold thing that is talking about their pain point. And then a paragraph that's like three to five sentences says long and empathizes with their problem. So if their problem is, are you tired of sticky, tacky paint, making your furniture like peeling off of your furniture, something like that? Or just say like no more peeling furniture or something like that? And have that in big bold letters? If that's their pain point? What is the biggest pain point that your customers have? Why do they use your paint? That's what you need to know why did they choose you over another? Why did they love your paint all the things that is better about your paint? First, you need to start with a negative because you need to tell them what is the risk of not using our paint, you need to basically get them to be like oh my goodness, yes, I do have that problem with other with with all the paints that I've been using. So say no more peeling paint or something like that. And then have like three to five sentences long that says like, are you tired of creating your furniture and putting the paint on there and coating it and then you know, a month later, it's already peeling off and like has bumps or whatever we get it. We've had that problem before. And that's why we created our paints for you to make the best furniture hot, most high quality furniture ever. Then the next next section, you need to have in big bold letters, I'm telling you really big bold letters, the ideal feature that they're going to have by working with your product or to using your product. So it needs to say something like create high quality furniture that lasts in big bold letters. And then in a paragraph right under there, you want to give a little bit more about why your product is so good. And you're basically saying, you know, this is what you need to have, it'll make more sense when you download my wireframe. And then there needs to be another button a call to action, you have to tell them what to do to say shop now, do not say learn more, Don't be weak and your calls to action, there is a big reason that people are probably not buying from you is because you're not telling them to buy from you, you have to tell them to buy from you. Okay, then the next section needs to be where you introduce yourself. And you need to don't give all your history and all of your qualifications and how long you've been doing this. And I love don't don't go on and on and on and on and on. Nobody, nobody really cares, just talk about yourself, like in just a little bit about why they just need to buy into the fact that you're qualified to sell them this paint. So you could say something like, I've been working with paint for 15 years, and I was tired of my paint constantly peeling and bubbling and warping and all this stuff. But when I found the paint from daydream, apothecary, my I never went back. Now I love my furniture so much. And I want you to have the same result too. And put like a photo of you, then when you scroll down, you're going to have a section that has all of your services. So if you're selling the products underneath the about you then you would put your services. So for you Kathy that would be like the brands that you sell underneath. So you would say brands I trust and then have those squares exactly how you have it on your website. But underneath those squares, you need to have a call to action button that says shop now, I think that is something that's missing on your website. Okay, so then underneath you can have a testimonial is what I would do social proof really goes a long way. And then lastly, I would have another section that tells them the steps to go through about getting your product and make it really really simple because a lot of times when they go on your website, they might not know like, if it's someone called like me, I've never bought your paint before I don't really know what it is, but maybe I'll be into it. I need to know okay, well how does this happen? Like for those people who are not impulse buyers, they need to know all the facts they need to know step one. rouse the collection of our trusted partners, and then you can say we carry trusted brands that we love and you know, in respect, and just a small amount amount there. And then step two, you can say. So in big letters, browse, paid from trusted brands. Step two, add them to your cart. Step three, there'll be shipped right to your door. Okay? So tell them the steps of how they can go from website to reality, how will they actually get it in their hands so that they can start painting. And you're going to do that step one, step two, step three, make it really clear, really easy, bold letters on the steps and then small on the description, because here's the thing, anytime you have small text on your website, and like a paragraph, very few people are going to read it, they're going to skip right over it. That's why you have to have bold things that tells them what to do, because most people are just going to read the bold. And that's it. That's it. So then underneath you say shop now. And again, it goes to that same place that you want them to go, then the last section is what Donald Miller calls the junk drawer. That's anything else that you want to put all the other stuff that you think is important to have on your website that you discovered, is really not important, you just put it down there in the junk drawer. And then lastly, I like to put one more call to action. So you can say, you know, find the find the trust, find the own the only paint brand you're ever going to want to use. And then say, you know, you're going to love this paint, it's going to make your furnishings beautiful. Shop Now, so that you can start building your next project today. And then a call to action says sign up. Okay. Thank you so much for being here. And then one last thing for SEO, I want to give you something for SEO, you need to make sure that you are adding a page title and page descriptions, a page description for all the pages of your website. So the page title should be the keyword that you want to rank for. So something like high end paint for makers, and then your business name. So Kathy's would be color me rest and Rose. So it would say paint, furniture, furniture paint, it needs to be specific, what are people going to be typing into Google. So the SEO title of your page could be, you know, furniture paint for creatives, or for makers or for artists, and then a little line, call me rest arrows. And then underneath you say, browse paint, from trusted brands. On Color Me Western rose,
you'll love our high quality paints that don't peel or something like that, whatever, whatever the bare brain promises. That's what your description should be. And then I just want to give you another basic thing that again, will make sense when you see it visually in the web. The wireframe is when you are doing the SEO of your website, you're going to have different tags. On the backend of your website, there's going to be things like Heading One, Heading Two, Heading Three. And then there's things like a paragraph. The easiest way to think about this is to think about it like an outline for a paper. So your page title, your heading one should be like what the page is about what the paper is about. That's what you're telling Google about. So furniture paint for artists. If the rest of the stuff in your website doesn't talk about furniture paying for artists, then Google's mean like, well, this doesn't match and then they're not going to want to serve your results up. So you're heading one, you should only have one heading one. And it should say exactly what you do that people are gonna be searching want your main keyword that you want to rank for, then in your heading two, it should be the next things. So you can say you know, furniture paint, you can say wall paint, I don't know what types of paint you're selling on there. You can say glass paint, or something else like then those would be like your heading twos, you can have multiple heading to h2 is on your page. And then anything under that, like h3 would be like your different brands. So you know, the brands that you have on your website, Daydream apothecary redesign with Prisma a nice summary collective. Oh, and by the way, if you have these ones that are discontinued, maybe don't have them on your site. So anyways, that's just a little bit confusing if you have it, and it's discontinued. I don't know, maybe there is a reason that you have it on there. But yeah, so then your heading threes would be like the actual brands. So heading one is the main keyword that you want to rank for. Your heading twos are like the next keywords you want to rank for and never make them the same kind of make them like different variations of the keyword that you want to do. Or something else you might be Googling and then heading three can be like more specific stuff that you want to rank for. Does that make sense? All right, make sure you put your email in the link. And thank you guys so much. If you have any questions you can reach out to me here in the Facebook group, just leave them in the comments here. Oh, someone asked me Oh, but how do I sell out the stock of old brands I no longer so. So you don't sell them anymore? But you still have a stock. Okay, so if it says it I would just say liquidation sale or something like that because if it says discontinued, that's gonna tell me that you don't sell us anymore. Like that communicates to me that I can't get it. But if you're like wanting to sell it, but you don't continue to restock it, is that what you're meaning? Then then just change the language on like, you know, discontinued product. Vie my last stock, like you need to tell them, You need to tell them that it's still available to buy, but at like a discounted rate or something I don't know. Or like flash sale or something like that. Yeah, just change the name for sure. Because when it says discontinued, that makes me think that you're not selling it anymore. Yeah, so just change the title name for sure. Great questions. Someone did ask a question that I wanted to address in the group. Someone said, Would you do an email pop up for your website? And I'll talk about that more. I'll talk about pop ups a little bit more when I talk with you guys in a couple weeks about email strategy. But yes, absolutely. Pop Ups are great. You definitely want to have a pop up for conversions, especially if you're giving them something away for free. If you have a freebie, definitely put a pop up. Or if you have a flash sale and you want them to go to your shop, definitely put a pop up, and you want to make it either show up three seconds after they're on the page or show up as soon as they pass the hero section, you can set it up a different ways in your site. So just it just depends on what options your site has available. If they don't have it to where you can do it. As soon as they scroll past the hero, then do it for three seconds after they join. So that's about to do. Alright, thank you guys, please put your email in the freebie. Link cjc.my fluoresced.com/wireframe. And I will send you the template for you with some with some examples so that you guys can really get more value out of that. All right, thank you very much. See y'all later. Bye.