Alright, we're starting the recording about 12 minutes late, but here we go. We're on maintains presence as a coaching competency. It'll Lisa. Yes.
So number four their confidence in working with strong client emotions. Yeah, okay. I think I feel awkward about maybe not knowing how a client might want me to respond obviously, I'm not trying to be mind reader in any other situation. And I don't know, I guess, I guess just kind of feeling like, do I just go with like reassurance? Like how to approach that without? Yeah, I guess how to approach it from a coaching mindset. Okay,
Melissa, Sam, what do you think?
At least I mean, for me,
it's a little bit different because when I used to do psychotherapy, I was used to just sitting with a lot of silence. So I'm not necessarily uncomfortable with the silence, I think I sort of, for me, it's more about the last competency where it's sort of like, you know, keeping myself in check, you know, in terms of what I'm going to do with that next, so you, I don't mind silence? No, no.
Are you thinking about about strong emotions?
I've my own experience with strong emotions in coaching, it usually happens right at the end. And then I'm like, oh, man, what do I do now? Or I'm, or the client comes in, and what they want to deal with is strong emotions that they're not necessarily experiencing in the moment. But then when they start to start talking about the situation, then it raises up emotions, but then they just want to keep talking and talking and heightens and I'm like, oh, you know, let's stop here. What is it? You know, asking what is it about this situation that you think is creating such emotion, I think is one thing, like, what does it point to? That's really important to you?
What my my instinct in these moments, well, my instinct is to be awkward and not know what to do. Yeah, my training is
I get extra curious.
Right? So I really, I really sit in that curiosity space. I'm not a big fan of reassuring, because that ends up being sympathetic rather than empathetic, right? Like, it's going to be okay, or at least blah, blah, blah. That's that Brene Brown video, sympathy versus empathy, which if you haven't seen, you should totally look up. It's like a three minute
clip on YouTube.
So I will validate their emotions rather than reassure right, so while that does sound really hard, or something like that, I will often use a lot of silence around here because I will feel like I'm providing the container or those emotions more than anything else. If they get stalled, I might ask that's when I'll get curious. Be like so what's, you know, what, what about this is creating strong emotions or But oftentimes, they just they'll get they're gonna dig down themselves until they hit something that you know, is where they hit. And then it's a matter of how do I tie this back into making progress, but not too fast because you want to be in that container and building emotions. But I had a client once on our second session, she had been journaling right before we were talking for the first time and like ever, and she'd been journaling and we got on the thing and I think it was like 12 minutes and she broke down. And I clocked it I didn't talk for half an hour. She needed to tell me what had been going on she needed to get it out of her head. She process it in that way. I held the container and then we talked about where does that go but she you know was on her way. So a lot of times you don't actually need to do much. Sitting with it is showing confidence does that make sense? Yeah.
Yeah, it does. And like I said, I'm okay with the silence. I guess my issue is more like having them walk away like I I'm still really stuck on the I want to give value. So as long as they see it as valuable, like you being that container that that part is yes. Like she needed that you knew that you would know that she would need that in that moment. But I think specifically With the ADHD, coaching, I have this like, and I know it's wrong, but I have this thing about wanting to give value.
And that's one of the competence in one of the competence. I don't know which one, but being concerned with your own performance, instead of with what the client is getting, right. So I understand, I still feel that sometimes I definitely felt it as a beginning coach, like all the time. And so if I have a couple sessions where we don't make progress, then we're gonna have to conversation. We aren't one where we are in these emotions. And there's got one more to go. There's evoking awareness happening like crazy. Like, I thought, I think I've talked about how the evoking awareness and facilitating growth is like a balance to me. And the evoking growth part is the first half and, you know, but it's not always half. So some sessions are very focused on what do I do, right. And we don't evoke as much awareness and nobody gets very concerned about those. But the ones where we evoke much more awareness and have very little on the facilitating growth, those are just as valuable. So the question is, are you getting a decent balance? Overall, I think, versus one session. What do you think?
Yeah, no, I mean, it makes complete sense. I, it's just my, I have to keep
working through and so they can notice and journal about you like, How can I release this? Right,
right. And
it may just take practice. Okay, so here's the real quick. Here's the minimum things, be curious, acknowledged situations, and allow the person to direct the conversation some of the time and see if they expect you to be perfect. Coaches right away, it says, a lot of distracting direct the conversation at least some of the time that's beginning ACC level, right? So they're not expecting perfection out of you.
Well, that's good. That lifts the weight a little bit.
Good. Good. So here's, here's the like, don't do it. Right. So don't spend more time on your own view of the situation or be waiting to demonstrate your knowledge or directing the conversation. All those kinds of things which in ADHD coaching, I think that demonstrating our knowledge thing can be a pitfall sometimes everybody comes into is going I want to educate everybody then learns. But we have all this knowledge and we want you to like benefit from it. So I think that's one to be on the watch for Yeah. I'm speeding for so listen to actively focuses on what the client isn't is not saying to fully understand what is being communicated in the context of the client systems to support clients off expression. So give it a skim and let me know what you want me to scroll to the rest. See what comes
up for you? Please What do you think?
I think it's really hard as an ADHD coach.
I think it's more challenging as ADHD ADHD coach than maybe as a neurotypical coach, although I've seen a lot of coaches of NT folks also do this. Everybody wants to go to solutions like that, right? We've all got the answer.
Well, and especially when they're coming to you with a with that in mind thinking that that's what you know, the coaching is, so it's, it's, it's challenging.
So how do you set yourself up so that they have a different expectation?
I mean, it's hard. It's and I've talked about this with Say I'm like, It's hard because I'm working mostly with parents. And because I did a separate parenting training behavioral training program. And so I'm doing two things I'm doing for some people, when I'm working directly with the individual, just the coaching, but with the parents, I'm doing hard education, and head coaching, but the coaching is not really what they're going for. So it's, it's, it's very difficult for me, I'm really struggling.
So if you aren't doing education, I think it's fine that you're doing education as long as you're represented as coaching. Right?
Right. Well, I look at it like on consulting at that point, that's the consulting piece of the business, then there's the coaching piece of the business,
and then that's fine. As long as you're telling your people, you know, hope, right? That's not having the same session. But if you are, you're saying, Okay, we're consulting, or we're doing education right now, right now. Right? No, separate, you're fine. I just wouldn't send one of those into the ICF. Right. Just God? No.
I mean, it's entirely different. It's two, it's like apples and cars. It's different. It's just it's confusing to me. And it's hard to get better at both at the same time.
Yes, I could see that. You and I think you need to be clear for you where your habits, right? Yeah.
And I'm guessing, Lisa, does that also pose a problem with educational coaching as well,
I was just thinking that Yeah, with the ones where I'm trying to balance ADHD coaching with academic coaching, I'm starting to now get more clients who are purely ADHD coaching, which has been really nice to get back into that. Because I do find it super difficult to manage, with my clients, where it's kind of supposed to be both. And I do find that it usually ends up our session will either be one or the other, and it but it's just, it feels impossible to just integrate them into one session. So Tracy, it's good to hear you say, try to keep those separate? Because yeah, I think trying to put them together, just really makes it kind of too, too gray to really be much of a benefit in either area. In my experience, I've
got to know what to expect, right? So as you're setting up the engagement, as you're in your discovery call, and in your like, beginning calls be like, Okay, so we're gonna do a combination of education or consulting, and coaching, and I'm gonna let you know what we're doing one of the other one, we're doing education, here's what you can expect, when we're doing coaching. Here's what you can expect, right? No, two different animals. And I would even give them a sheet to because they're not gonna remember it. Yeah. But then I don't I don't have this client tell. But I think being just incredibly clear about it. And then making sure you send one of your coaching videos. Yeah. Are y'all we're starting to record and listen to yourselves to figure out what recordings you want to send in?
Oh, not yet. So you might want to do that. Yeah, I have one client where every session just seems to be going so well. So I think it will be with her I know which, because that release
horrible. You want a bunch of them to choose from you want, you know, that's true, right? Because I have
a real, like, really awkward about asking them to record. It's, it's, you know, I know, I can do it, they know about it. But I, I just I'm really feeling like I don't I don't know I have an issue with with people being recorded.
I mean, I can understand that I feel a little awkward sometimes, too. And I've had people say no to me, and we just go on, and kind of have one to send in. So you know, when you say it's for my learning purposes, and my credentialing purposes, here's what the confidentiality will look like. You know, sometimes that that helps some making it about you, as opposed to about them. And also can say, they're actually not listening for what you're doing. They're listening for what I'm doing. Right. This is for me to improve my skills is for me to prove that I am a good coach or a credentialed ACC level coach. So your part is actually less important than my part. But I just need someone to coach what
Yeah, I don't know if that's helpful. But
no, and I know that we asked this and I, again, I'm really having trouble focusing today. I'm sorry. So I'm a little off. But we don't have a time limit after we're done with mentoring in which we have to send in a recording, is that right?
Correct. If you want so they're changing the coach knowledge assessment. The last day to send in under the current requirements is July 27. Oh, yeah, we have to have your 100 hours to
I have that I have that. So So you know, recordings.
And I haven't figured out the details of it. But I was going to offer an add on of like, I'll listen to two recordings and we can talk about which one is the better one to send it and why sort of thing. Or you can do that with some other metric coaches. If that's better, and so the difference will be the, we're looking at the competencies, the revised competencies, the CA is currently is on the 11 competencies, the old ones, which aren't that much different, like the information is the same. The big difference is that the current CPA is self administer. And whatever they're calling, the next one is going to be proctored. So you can either go into a physical place, or you'll have internet proctoring. It's like a three hour test on multiple choice. It's a lot of coaching scenarios, like what would you do in this scenario? What would you ask? What would you see? That sort of stuff. So that's the biggest difference I can discern is number one, it's different competencies. And number two, the test is proctored rather than self administer. So proctored online, there's some sort of way they're practicing online. Or if you're in a metropolitan area, they'll have you go to the center,
then it wouldn't be open book, right?
It's not a yes. Wouldn't be open book when I took it. I mean, I cheated. But when I tell you, you weren't allowed to move from the window that have the thing on it. I printed out the competencies and printed out the code of ethics and had them next week. And I hardly refer to them because it was all stuff that since I've been coaching, I know, you know, I think nowadays if I were to do it, I would spend more time memorizing those, you know, the competencies and the ethics and like really getting them down in case they asked specifically, and it's still going to be coaching competencies, it's still going to be all the things that we're talking about. So that's the big difference between find July 27, before July 27, for after August 1.
So wait, so you have to have the recording in before you take the exam?
Yes. Okay.
You turn in your recording, and then they'll invite you to take the exam, but as long as your application is in by July 27, you're on the old system.
So what would you what do you think is better? Oh, six,
one half a dozen with the other. Honestly, like what we've been talking about most of the time has been the new competencies. And I think they're better, and there's only eight of them. So that would be preferable to me. On the other hand, you know, a non proctored exam sounds a lot easier. So I think it's I think there's pros and cons. Either way, it's just a matter of what.
Right, but if it's a proctored exam online, would we even feel the sense of like, you know, being around someone else, like, what would it feel different? I wonder?
I don't know. Might have to have your webcam on? Yeah, in my university exams right now. Or during, like, peak COVID that were online, they would have there was a system where a webcam is tracking you.
Okay with that? I mean, I honestly, I don't even think it's the kind of exam you could cheat on really like, right? I haven't.
Because I had, it was like opened up. It was like open book. I couldn't cheat. Like, knowing the answers. Apparently one of the issues has been security because they've only had the one test. And so people over the years who copy the questions and pass them on and stuff like that, which was not like my version of cheating. I have my notes next to me. They are now going to have an A and a B tests. And you could randomize which one you get. And it's proctored. And so they're they're trying to beef up sort of, like legitimacy and security of it to make it look more like a board exam, right? For nursing boards or, or, you know, physicians boards or whatever. So that's, that's the choice. Yeah.
But I don't know that I have a choice because I don't know that I'm ready to record myself. I don't, I don't. Well, and there's
also recording, like, like your mentor coaching originally, there's also recording yourself, to listen to yourself, and you listen and do the things that we do well, right, this right. So that's worthwhile in and of itself. And then when you get a couple of recordings you think are worth doing, sending them to a mentor, coach and be like, What do you think?
Yeah. All right.
Okay. Are we good? So we've got a general idea about this, maintaining presence and listening actively, and also a body or coaching mindset, but that's not as demonstrable, demonstrable, demonstrable. So we're gonna see how we do with with maintaining presence and listening actively today, especially, and then we'll also comment on Okay, how are we doing? All right. Yeah. Yep. Okay. So last time, Denise and Sam coach. It sounds like only Sam like sort of in the mind space to coach but I think Melissa Lisa needed your coach.
Because I want to coach I want to get it over with okay. Need
to be Bev and Denise assuming they come so it's So one of you can coach Sam and whatever you can coach me. And I'll try to make comments even though you're coaching me. But your your cohort will help you too. All right. I get a blank page in my notebook. And so who would like to coach first?
Both so, yeah.
You go ahead. Okay, so Melissa, you're gonna coach me because you know, Sam too well.
Okay. Just like last time. That's fair.
Thanks. Yeah.
It's an easy time to coach people you
don't know, go easy on me.
Don't like I'm gonna have a real problem, and you're really going to coach me on it. So it's not like I make it hard.
But it makes me wonder like, will you be like, I really need the feedback. What will you be able to?
If I don't give you satisfactory feedback, I'll watch the recording and send you a version. So you told me after we're done, like whether you feel like you got it
or not? Well, actually, no, you tell me if you feel like you're able to sort of do both. Okay. I think you'll
each other. Okay. Okay. All right. So I need a problem. What's the current issue? Got it. Okay. Got it. Got it. I've always got something I'm stuck on. Alright, let's spotlight us. Sam, can you turn your camera off? Thanks. Okay. All right.
Are you ready? I'm ready. Are you ready? I'm ready.
Do you have a timer? Or do you need a no warning?
I have a timer. Okay. Great. I looked at my phone and now I have 10 texts from my kid. Okay, hang on.
Well, but this can be how long can it be? We're gonna go 20 minutes. Okay.
And then we'll do feedback. You know, but you know, concise sounds good.
Okay. All right. All right. So, hi, Tracy, how are you today?
Hi, Alyssa. I'm good. Thanks. How are you?
I'm good. Do you have? Are you comfy? Do you have everything you need to get started? Great. Okay, so what would you like to focus on today?
I have a challenge right now, because my schedule keeps getting full. So it's hard for people who are doing discovery calls to find time. And it's hard for me to find time to like, create and like try to grow my business. There's just not enough sort of hours in the day. And I keep looking every week and my schedule is suddenly fallen. I'm like, I thought I had time this week. That happens every week. So that's, that's where I'm stuck right now. Okay,
so what I think I hear you saying is that you want to find time for discovery calls. But you're you've been trying but you your schedule ends up being stalled, and you haven't been able to carve out the time. Did I get that? Right? Yeah,
I think I think maybe it's, as I as I'm saying is I hear you listen, you reflect it back to me. I think it's more about the time for whatever it is I need. The issue is more on the time rather than discovery call specifically. It's on this way too heavy schedule.
Okay. So your schedule was too heavy, and you'd like to carve out more time for whatever, anything else that
like I get to the end of Wednesday, and I'm pretty sure it's Friday, and this has happened for like four weeks in a row. That's not good.
Okay. Okay, so what would you like to walk away with today? Um
Let me just first step. I don't expect to solve the whole problem today, but a first step in the right direction, which I don't know what direction that is yet. Okay,
so a first step in the right direction toward carving the timeout
toward how solving the problem yeah.
Why don't you tell me more about that, solving the problem?
Okay. Um, so, I think it's a bigger deal. I think it's a mindset shift. Right? I think I'm probably working from a place of scarcity instead of abundance. So I don't expect to solve that in 20 minutes. But what's, like, one small concrete step I could take? That wouldn't be too disruptive like and go, Oh, my gosh, I'm changing everything. But we but would free up, you know, an extra three hours a week, five hours a week, you know, like an hour a day or half, half an hour a day or something like that. Just a mini like baby step in the right direction.
Okay. So what I heard you say was that you recognize that it's, in speaking that it's maybe a mindset shift and means that rather than working from a place of scarcity, you want to broaden and and take a baby step toward reaching the larger goal. Yes. So if you were to take a baby step, how would you be able to measure that? How would you be able to know by? You know, by the time we're done talking that you've that you have used the word concrete that you have a concrete baby step?
Well, I think maybe just that, like the fact that I can think about this till the cows come home, and I can come up with ideas. And I haven't actually changed anything yet. So when I when I have something that is that I feel comfortable changing. Right? So it's, that's it's a concrete step, like you said, it's a concrete step that I'm actually going to execute.
Okay, and why do you want to execute this? And why is it so important to you to do this?
I think I need to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Like, what I want to execute it, it's because I need to start this mindset shift. I can't keep doing what I'm doing is not sustainable. For me. I edging toward burnout, like I saw a little thing with a Venn diagram between burnout and depression. And I checked all the boxes and all the circles and I was like I could. And because I can't grow, if I don't have the space to do the things I need to grow. What do you mean by grow? Like, right now I have individual clients. And I love that and I have a couple of other gigs like teaching, and I'm going to be on the Rice University coach bench this fall and you know, a couple a little bit in facilitating a Tesla. So it's all a hodgepodge put together. But in terms of like individual coaching, which is where I really want to be that part needs to grow, I need to get my name known in the circles that I want to be known in, I need to be presenting I need to be, I want to grow into organizations, okay, so I need something like a lunch and learn that I can offer. I need to be having conversations with people in di departments and HR departments that are decision makers. And I haven't pursued I've been saying that since the beginning of the calendar year, and I haven't done any of it. I just feel like I'm constantly running to keep up and not quite touching up ever set.
And so that leads me to ask you, what do you think is getting in the way of, of you acting on it?
Fear? Fear.
I worry that if I restrict my time in some way, it's going to be just the time that somebody needs a discovery call. And I would have gotten the job except they couldn't get to me until next week, and they pick somebody else first. Or that's that. I mean, that's a big part of it. I allow things to creep in, like I've tried blocking off time, like an hour a day, it's just mine. Last week, I think I managed it twice. And it wasn't at the time I scheduled it. It was at the end of the day instead because things creep. I'm the president of ICF Austin right now. So that's a bunch of unpaid work. And I just got in so we're doing all the setup and the detail work. So there's just there's there's things that creep. What was the question with my fingers getting in the way?
Okay, so your fear? So let's let's talk about that for a minute is would you say that that fear is a real thing, or a story that you possibly could be telling yourself? That's a
great question.
I am going to have to send you something after the recording. My, I think it's it's hard to tell when you're in it, right? When you're feeling the thing, it's hard to do the step outside and see what it is. I mean, when I meet with my friends, because I have a couple of people that I meet with weekly or monthly or every other week, that kind of thing. And they say what's been going on for you and I tell them what's been going on for me. And you know, my especially it's a couple of friends I have in a mastermind that I'm in who are ahead of me in business, right like they're they've had their businesses for longer, and they're much more developed. And they're like, you're doing awesome, like at a year basically, of restarting your business. Like it's incredible how much you know, attention you get when you do post on LinkedIn, that that you are having all of these gigs come your way, all of that stuff and you're doing all the things you need to do. Like it's fantastic. So there's a way in which I have evidence that the fear is a story and also I don't have enough evidence. I don't have evidence that's convincing me enough yet. Other people's opinions only go so far.
Well, what what sort of evidence would would that be? What would that look like?
Well, this is the part that's like the the catch 22. Right? I'd have to actually try having an abundance mindset and having my schedule, reflect that mindset to get the evidence that I need in order to shift the mindset to an abundance mindset and change my calendar. So like, there's my catch 22
You have to do to get that mindset. shift that mindset, what would you have to
have the evidence, but I don't have that until it just might you see what I've said? Like, that's where my second egg? Yeah, exactly. I'm just stuck in that circle. A lot of people say like, believe in yourself, and you've got this or like, you know, you got to, and I'm like, I don't I do evidence.
I don't do face. Not very well.
Okay. So if you've done evidence, if that's the way that your mind works with evidence, that's it, take it in, leave it, however that works for you. How could you procure that? How could you get that evidence? What would be
convincing? How can I get convincing evidence? No.
This is a great question. I don't know, it'd be convincing evidence. He asked me another question around that.
Well, if if you were to ask a friend, I mean, if this were a friend, right, and and what sort of evidence do you think they would need? And I say it like that, because sometimes when we take ourselves out of it, it can be helpful to look at it from a different perspective. Like, what resources do you think another person could access to get evidence that they would need?
I always forget that question. It's such a good question. Okay, so I'm thinking about ask, if I ever watched and she's been one of the people that's just been like, so supportive and cheerleading. And if we had to switch places, would I be the same? Yes, I'd be like, That's pretty awesome. So what would she need to keep moving? Safety Net. I need a safety net, or plan or things like that? And what?
What kind of safety net? What does that mean?
I think financially, financially, I'm, I don't feel stable. Oh, this is I, you know, I knew both of these things. But I hadn't connected them. I hadn't felt stable. But I really don't know how to anticipate what could come in, how to plan my finances, what I'm actually making really like, and how much I should be able to draw out how much I should be putting into RE education and professional development, all that kind of stuff. I don't really know where to start. But I've been thinking about contacting a financial planner of some sort to help me through that. I hadn't connected it with the abundance mindset.
But I use that word you that was one of the first things you brought up, what was this mindset, and it's coming from a place of abundance? So I think
it may be a lack of knowledge of where do I actually stand right now? But maybe the evidence is there waiting, and I don't know how to access it. And that's where I need to help.
Okay, so what would what would you have to do to find that person?
Well, when I did my taxes, I finally got somebody to do my taxes for me this year, which is like, I know, I was like, I'm a grown up look at me. I contacted a couple of different accountants that I was referred to one of them was like a, like a big service a big a big firm here in Austin. And they said, you know, we could do it on an extension because you were referred in, but you know, if that's not, that's not going to work for you feel free to contact us later to like set yourself up for next year. So I think I need to dig out that email and see if we can do that and also see if there's financial planning services attached or they can refer me to somebody working with us in Indiana, so I don't think the referral is gonna come from her easily.
Do you anticipate anything getting in the way of you being a being able to access that email and get started?
Well, first I need to write it down. So that I remember that's what I want to do. I'm doing it right now. I put my tasks on these individual erasable index cards and prop them up in like a little card holder.
So they're always big If I did, wow, I didn't know that was a thing.
I thought of Facebook when the Facebook ADHD groups people were, they were talking about the card part the reusable cards already knew about because of my notebooks. But it's really been helpful until it gets to full and then I'm like that take them all out, forget it. Start over. So
email count for everything. The girl's name was crystal. Ray financial planning.
Okay, so that makes sense. I have to know where I stand before I can know where I can go.
Okay, so when you?
Yeah, I want to just sort of check in with how we're doing with this. When you started the session, you you said that you wanted to find, you know, it's all for the problem of finding space in your schedule. And you discussed talking about switching up your mindset a little bit, which led you to sort of come to a moment of realizing that maybe this is more about understanding where you are financially so that you could possibly have some evidence that the fear that you've been having around this possibly not necessary. So So I think I hear you saying that you you'd like to delve more into figuring out where you are financially, before you get to the next step of solving for this space in your schedule. Is that Is that right?
Well, as you're saying that, and because we have seven minutes, as you're saying that? I'm thinking to myself, Okay, when am I going to carve out time for like meeting with them and for creating, you know, I'm sure I'm gonna have homework, my Quicken isn't up to date, like, I need to do my categories, I need to attach receipts to things, all that boring stuff that, you know, my ADHD brain has no desire to do. But I'm going to need time to do this. So I still have the time issue. But it's less needing an abundance mindset to change the time because there's, it's
it's a finite situation. It's a project.
Yes. Yes. And it's I can't I can't figure out how to describe what I'm thinking. It's a concrete thing, it actually is growing the business, but like, it's in a way that I know that the result will be used that I know the result will be useful. Whereas just freeing up time, or time blocking, or whatever, to me is like I don't know, let's try this, which is not feel good. Even. That's what we do a lot of the time. Right? Right.
So, so why don't you tell me? What exactly, I know you wrote down, you know that you're going to make the call. But why don't you tell me what your first beginning steps are going to be and where you'd like to take this new knowledge.
Session to dig out the email. I need to email them.
I think I need to keep trying to find time in the day for me to trying to keep blocking it off. It worked. Even though I didn't do it in the time I blocked off. I still journaled twice last week. I'm always telling y'all to journal. I don't always do what I teach. Don't tell anybody. Yeah. So, but I journaled twice last week, which is good for me. So I think I need to keep putting it on my calendar. So I keep remembering that's what I want to do, even if I do it at the end of the day. Okay, I didn't do it yet this week, because I was like, Well, that didn't work last week. That's not true. That's an all or nothing thing. I did journal twice, just not in the space.
So maybe the progress so so you want to put this on your calendar to make time for yourself? When are you going to put it on your calendar?
Well, let's look at my calendar.
This is a hard week, like every other week I facilitate down at Tesla. And it's because we have the Tesla Giga plant is here now in Austin. I facilitate leader development from like eight to three on Tuesdays and eight to 12 on Wednesdays because then I come home just in time to teach my x class. And it's about an hour away. So my Tesla weeks I'm exhausted, like most of the week, because I get up at like, I gotta leave here by 645 630 to get there. Yeah. And Curly hair doesn't set itself up at night. Let me tell you. So that makes it extra challenging. But what am I seeing here? Seeing here's where we go. I only have a few places where I'm available for people to make appointments this week because of Tesla. So like I just opened my Calendly up to six instead of 5pm, I don't want to take that time back from it there, you should.
It's sort of that same thing that we started with in the session. And you lifted a whole lot of things that you're doing right now. A lot. And it's making me wonder, you know, you talked about wanting to grow the coaching part of the business. It's making me wonder what you might have to not give up, but focus less on that isn't that what would have to what would you have to give up to make that time? The question I'm trying to get out of my mouth.
So really, I have never in my life been good at corralling myself. Like when I was little, I had extracurriculars, five days a week and Saturdays. I still asked my mom, if I could take ice skating lessons. And she was like, you literally have no time. I was not like, so this is how I'm built. is I can do all the things all the time, even though I know actually, it's probably not true. But I haven't had enough evidence to teach me otherwise yet. Because I usually can pull it all off.
And yeah, you came to the session with this problem.
What Right? Um, I think maybe fewer, I think I need to corral the colleague calls. Because I'm looking right now. And I've got, I think this one's a colleague call. I'm talking to like four people this week, which is a lot even. I mean, it's not usually that many in a week, but I'm talking to four people this week, that are new people that are not going to be clients. They're just colleagues, I know that we need to like, you know, I see that as spreading your network. And it's really important. And a couple of them are like doing it because they need something for me as opposed to like, share. So I want to be generous. Because that's part of the mindset, right? Because like, right, I don't want to be stingy. And also, I don't want to be like, like, one of them's Friday at four o'clock. Just just but I had it open. So maybe I need to corral that a little bit.
Um, and when Could you start to do that? Next week?
I don't think I don't feel like I can cancel on people this week for no good reason.
Okay, so if you were to do that, how much time do you imagine that would free up for you to be able to
maybe an hour a week, half an hour to an hour a week? That's not a lot, but it's a step.
It's a baby step?
Yeah. I don't like the other things I have on here are either clients or I act, or the kind of phone calls that fill me up. Because I have like, three of those scheduled a week with people who we support each other. And it's, it's like, I would, wouldn't go well, if I didn't have them. I think maybe I have to have different expectations for Tesla weeks and non Tesla weeks, for some reason that's never clicked
before. That may be true.
So okay, and knowing that, and we only have a couple more minutes. If that. So, knowing that, what could you do with that information?
That can help me rearrange my thinking about how much am I going to get done in a day, because I'm also constantly disappointed in myself. So like, just recognizing those days, you're gonna be tired. You can maybe do one meeting afterwards, but like, don't expect huge progress. Those days are kind of a wash in terms of my stuff.
Just how it's gonna be okay. Okay, so I'm gonna
write so what do you Why don't you just briefly tell me what you're walking away with this session.
There's a lot of different thoughts. And walking away with like, let's get the financial planner that actually is the next step. It's not like some nebulous thing I should do. It's actually what I need to do to understand what to do next. That's a big one. Like I hadn't connected those two things before. And I'm going to keep putting finding time on my calendar to put in my little red block for me time, so that it reminds me that I want to do do some me time at some point in the day, even if that part gets creeped into. So those are two things.
Okay, and I thought I heard you also talk about shifting your mindset and that was something that you and I know that that's the bringing in the financial He's a bit. Yeah, I
don't feel like I can focus on changing my mindset because I don't have steps for that. It's too big. It's too a amorphous. I know I need to do it. But I I need more support. And I don't know what that looks like yet.
Right. But you You gave me an awareness of that, which was Yeah. Which was what I heard. Okay. It sounds like you have more than one little baby step. And that. Yeah, that sounds exciting to me. So thank you.
Thank you so much, Melissa. Thank you. And I will give feedback on a recording because it was really distracting, tried to write my notes while I was being a client. So hopefully, we'll have enough people next week that we want you to do that. Okay, what's your graph and gallery view? You all are? Hello. Alright, so what did you eat here? We're still gonna be rushing.
I heard a lot of good evoking awareness in there. And there's especially that moment where Tracy first connected the financial aspect of it with the, like making time kind of thing and support, like needing support system. So that was really good. I felt like I could see on Tracy's face like, a shift happening there. So I thought you did a nice job. Looking at awareness with some very well directed questions. I thought a few of the questions could have been a bit more concise. There were a couple that got stacked a little bit for Yeah. Or maybe you explained why you were asking the question, that kind of thing. I think your questions were very effective. And then continued on. So I, you know, leaving it at the effective part. And I thought there were some moments where you held space very nicely. I can't remember what it was at the beginning. But Tracy said something. And in my head, I'm like, Okay, now. Now, I would ask this, that you just sat on it for a minute. And then Tracy elaborated and went in a different direction than I expected. So I thought that was a very nice moment of holding space. There were a few other moments where you did talk over Tracy a little bit, I know. I think I could see that you've noticed as well, right away? There's a balance of both the holding space. Yeah, overall, I think, a great job of looking like. Yeah,
I totally agree with everything that Lisa said they some really great questions. One of them was the question excuse me about the store like fear, like kind of trying to be a little more curious about the fear. But, um, and let's see. trying trying to get at a different perspective of thinking, you know, what, what might you tell your friend if she, you know, question about evidence? I don't know if it worked. But but it was it. But actually, it did. That was the question that led to the safety net, which led to the financial thing. So even though it seemed awkward in the moment, like, kind of like she was struggling and you were struggling, it actually, it got to the realization that I think will really help provide some of that needed evidence of am I focusing, you know, for tracing? am I focusing my attention in the right ways to sustain my business? And if not, where do I need to make shifts? And, and same things about the, you know, a number of good evocative questions, occasionally, the interrupting and occasional stalking, but overall, I felt like it was late. I didn't feel like you were trying to direct way until
the very end, but yeah, I tried.
So thank you.
I agree with Sam, that question. That ended up I just made a recording to send into rice for the coding batch, I'm now on with my friend. And she's we're really good at putting the coach and client hat on. And right in the middle, she went, Wait a second. How could I have not thought to ask this question? And, you know, figured it out. And I had asked her something. And it was like the coaching magic that happens when a connection sparks that you're like, I have no idea where that came from. Like, that's what that one felt like. Which is not to say that it's not due to your work, because if you hadn't asked the question that was like over here, I wouldn't have made the connection that's over here for some reason. So as the so I can tell you as the client and then I'll give, give you feedback later and maybe I'll record it and put it up so that it. Everybody can hear what the feedback is on the Yeah. Is that okay? So, yeah, as the client that was really effective. I think you did a great job with me having multiple, like, I jumped a little bit.
I got so confused. It was sorry. Normally, I don't know that it would even be that hard for me. But as I said, I'm just not feeling well. And I'm not as focused as I would normally be. So I was like, Wait, what did she like? It was? That part was hard for me today.
I said, I'm all over the place. I don't really like that phrase it, honestly. But I've been told that I thought I was being trying to be linear. So yes, but you but I didn't notice that you weren't focused, you seemed very focused on me, you seemed very focused on the questions. I think I agree with the critiques from Lisa. And Sam, I think there were a few times you stacked I heard a do you question and right at the end, we started like, you really wanted to connect it back to that big thing. And I was like, Nope, no,
I caught it. I knew it to
what I said, No, you let it go. You weren't attached to connecting it at that point. So that was that was a good piece there. But I will watch it. And maybe what I'll do is watch it on one screen and record myself on the other screen. And it'll be like, so cool. Would that be? Would that be okay, talking while you're talking still? Oh, it'd be great. Okay, we'll do that. And then I'll put it up on blessing.
When are they? Like they I thought it was effective? How you you rephrase or summarized, sometimes maybe missing pieces because of not feeling well. But just having just stating what you did here gave Tracy the opportunity to clarify if you had heard correctly, or if there was more to it than just what she had said,
I think I'm writing a test card for the thing. Yeah, I did write down before I stopped writing things down. You had some really good reflections during your first times and you did both Tom's is very nicely. So that was that was great. And you asked for clarification in that first times when you didn't have
it so awesome on those. Um, okay.
Moving on for the feedback, everyone.
Thank you for the coaching Melissa. I like that's exciting. I got it. I have to contact the Financial Planner. Like that's what I gotta do. And you all got it's got a window into Yeah, this is what business looks like, even after you've been doing it while
I was honestly refreshing and reassuring.
Okay, good.
You'll get it'll grow. It's okay. So, so that was Melissa, making tracking sheet, Melissa, and now, they see your coaching Sam. Right.
Right. And I just ask, which are the two we're supposed to be focusing on that mind
to do that maintaining presence and listening actively? Okay. Okay. Lisa, you get with the time or you need some need external Time Ring,
worry. And if we run out of time for my feedback, I'll just do the same thing.
Alright, so now I'm turning myself off. Sorry.
Okay. Hi, Samantha. I'm glad we're getting to connect a bit.
Yes. Hi, Lisa.
So what would you like to be coached on today?
So I'm in a period of transition right now where my most of my clients finished up and heading into the summer. I also like, I met with a small business coach, and he said, you know, what you really need to do is is like, put classes out there. And I'm like, oh, so that was in my head. And I'm like, it doesn't necessarily fit with. I mean, it couldn't fit with coaching, but so I jumped when I you know, like, first one thing came along, and I'm like, Oh, that's good. Then another thing came along, and then I'm like, Okay, this one this one's really good, because it's a pay what you can and and they and it provides instruction in brief videos, and it also has coaching. And so I thought, well, that would be a good way not only to explore the possibility of building a hybrid class, but also to experience coaching in a different way than then I may have experienced before. So I'm in here and and and I'm working through but then I'm I'm kind of stuck because I have to niche. And I like I'm still trying to figure out like Here's what I like, I like doing adults. But here's where I'm getting asked. And that's by middle school parents and parents of kids who are transitioning from eighth grade to high school. And so then I'm like, well, maybe there's, that's where need is, because maybe they don't know what they don't know. And so I will teach, you know, do some instruction, but also have that as have coaching as a component of it. So it's sort of that dilemma that we talked about before about, you know, the educational piece and the coaching piece. But I, you know, as I'm getting into it, I'm, I'm bogging down, and part of it is thinking, Am I putting too much time into this? And really, I should be focusing more on just building my coaching because I don't even I haven't even applied for ACC. But on the other hand, I signed up, I mean, I'm doing it, there's no refund, if and, and so, you're making the most of it right now. But if so, is this really where I want to, you know, on these parents of middle schoolers, and then the, you know, is that who I want to focus on? So? Yeah, so that's kind of what I want to work through some of that today.
Okay. Okay. So it sounds like you're just got a few different directions that your coaching business could take. So you're thinking about doing the classes, you might work with middle schoolers? And you're just kind of have a foot in a few different places right now? Oh, yes. And so what would you like to get out of this session?
I think I want some clarity, like about when I leave, maybe kind of clarity. Am I going to be doing this class thing? Full one right now? Or is the fact that I have lifetime access to it mean that I set this aside for a time and focus on some other things? Because it's not? It's not just me coaching? It's family stuff. It's staying up on various Facebook groups that I'm in, you know, maybe I need to set that, you know, it's time how am I going to use my time? Well, this summer, so getting some clarity, and just having a sense by the end? This is one step I need to take to not feel like I have so many.
Yeah, just just some clarity.
Okay, yeah, that's a direction to move forward with your business. And, and a step by step you can take towards it. Yes. Okay, good. And what, how can we tell when you found that clarity today?
I think I'll just have a sense, like, yes. Like on this field feel in my body,
you feel in your body, okay. Okay. Yeah, just find something that feels right to you. Okay. And why is that important to you right now.
It's important because
because I want to, I want to help people, I want to make my business profitable enough. So that because it's, I want to learn and I'd love to keep spending money to learn more and, but, but I need to, you know, be making money to, at least to do that and tell people and so it is partly, it's not just an expenditure of time, but also of money. Also, this summer, my my daughter is getting ready to go off to college. And so I don't want to absorb all of my time and then not make time for investing in my own children.
Yeah. Okay. Great. So where would you like to get started with this?
maybe if we could discuss a little more around the the niche Is it is it. So the other piece I didn't tell you is I had a conversation with an AI act grad Kelly blitz who does coaching for teens and supports parents as well. And jam. And my background is in education. And so it just seemed, I don't know, like, and I worked as most recently as a para in the middle school setting. And so there seem to be reasons that oh, it would make sense to do you middle school and have it be connected to academics and ADHD, but but when I sit down to coach with people, my most recent experience of coaching a middle schooler was definitely my most challenging and challenging isn't bad. But I was like, I got to see the progress more with my adult clients than I did with my middle school clients. So then there's probably part of me that's like, oh, I don't know if I really want to do it. But I do know the needs there. Because people have been asking me, so I guess maybe what's the gonna be the basis of my decision making for that?
Yeah, so hearing that, on the one hand, with the middle schoolers, it'd be a lot more maybe consistent work, at least at the beginning. But then working with adult clients, it sounds the way you're talking about it sounds like it might be more fulfilling for you get to see the progress more, which
which of those
feels most meaningful?
The feeling questions? The it depends on how I think about it. Because if I think about if I could help middle schoolers, or you know, freshmen in high school, work through some of the things related to managing time, or how to study or, or relationship things, or you know, whatever, but, but if they got a foundation in the early part of their high school experience, then it might make for a much better ending high school experience and transition if they want to go to college transition into college, because I really, I love, I loved coaching, some college students.
I also, I also know that Denise is working days, she's wondering if she's one of our from my cohort, who's also working in that area. And I'm like, Well, I don't want to like compete with that. So So there's, there's that but also, just that starting point, but then this morning, I was thinking about the fact that I as a mom, I'm now realizing, if I had developed some of these skills as a mother, and demonstrated them, as a mother, to my children, and maybe could have aided my child with ADHD in developing some of those skills, then, perhaps she would have been set up better for success. So then I'm like, Well, maybe focusing more on the parents.
Could be more helpful.
Okay, I don't know, middle schoolers or adults or college students or parents. So I'm hearing that you've spent a lot of time considering all the different places that you could be most beneficial to clients. And I getting the idea that you have fought through all of the pros and cons a lot. Is that Is that fair to say? Yeah, yeah. So at this point, what would you need to help make you make this decision?
I think I
would, I kind of feel like, I need a sense of competency. I don't feel that I have like, you know, I may have credentials that say I'm I could do this or I have my own experience. I have my child's experience. But but then i i compare, I look at Oh, well this person's doing this already. And look at all they are offer and like, so what's the point because they already offer that, but then I look at the price tag, and I'm like, ooh, the people I'm talking with wouldn't be able to afford that price tag, or they need even all that level of service. So, you know, I could step it back. But then that same person I'm comparing to does a lot of content creation. And like, Do I even have time for that level of content creation? When I really like coaching, individual coaching? And so why are you doing this? You know, because I think that the small business man that I talked to thought of it as a way to build my business, and he probably wasn't thinking of it as you you, he was probably thinking of it as a course where I just create information, put it out there sell it. But the thing I'm involved with is a hybrid course where it's more like the training we went through with, with Lori, that incorporates not only instructional time, but coaching time, and, and so maybe I've just a bit off more than I can chew. I don't know. I know what our time is really limited. But no,
I think it's great that all of these things are coming up for you. And I can see how then, in you saying that you're doing a lot of comparisons, and you're looking for this sense of competency. And so you're pursuing this other course, and the business coaching and all those things, I can see how that's influencing it. But it sounds like so far that hasn't helped you build a sense of competency. Right? Right. Okay. So can you elaborate more on needing to feel more higher level of competency?
I think
I'm guessing that like, that's been a lifetime thing. Like, I want to feel competent, I want to show up competent. And I think I do that in some settings, pretty well, you know, with coaching, the competency is in asking questions. I'm listening and being present. And I feel like I can do that. Well, the competency that is required for teaching a course or doing a course, seems like there are so many more pieces like there's there's the content creation, but there's also marketing, and there's like, and we have to do that as coaches as well. I think I thought that this would be helped with marketing, and I think it will, but but I'm wondering if it's diverting my attention from where I should be focusing that, like if if I should focus on just getting more individual clients, until such time as I feel like, I'm hearing the same things repeated over and over, I'm saying the same things over or hearing the same thing said over and over. And that's what I will build a course around. And you know, I've only had a limited amount of coaching experience and so maybe just waiting and focusing in on the telling more you like focusing in on getting my name out there in coaching, not in trying to
do the class. Okay. I am still sensing a little bit of hesitation, with you saying that. So Where's that coming from?
I think it can partly comes from that, that tension between the education like I do, like I did just meet with a client, and they want both information and coaching. And so I'm trying to decide the best way to deliver that information. Or if I, you know, I explained what coaching is and how it's not advice giving. It's not. It's not that I can't give information, but it works best if the ideas mostly come from the client themselves and that we can work to Gather on that but and so I said I can do some consulting piece but so so I think there's still sort of that need for some information that I'm just working around level I provide information without making a coaching session a telling session.
Yes, I challenge for sure. Okay. So I'm just in our last few minutes it seems that so you're really are looking for more of a sense of feeling competent in what you're doing. And you said, that may come from some aspect of having more V. Practice and coaching. And then, like you said, more of an idea of how to get through some of these sessions just more smoothly not having to do the work so much every single session.
how can you bring that towards then? This question, we started with defining your niche and deciding what to do with your summer.
So I think what I need to do is actually have a conversation with my husband. Some of it to say, Okay, here's kind of what's going on, and, and get some input from him, because he's supported me and, and saying, Okay, if you want to do that, sure. And he also is working, he has developed my website, and he just spent the last week and a half working on creating a blog space within my website, so I can blog. And so that provides an avenue for some information, delivery, and I can put videos in there and I can do you know, so. So I think he's, he's somewhat invested in my choice in how I decide to spend my time. And so having a conversation with him. And then And then, I think, at least one to finish the first module of the course that I'm in and see, which I think I only have like, three more little sessions to go through and then decide, do I want to go into the launch phase? Or just say, I will do that when I'm feeling more ready.
Okay, okay. All right. Something to go with
you. Okay. Great. Got a couple small steps to take there.
Yeah, thank you, Lisa. Thank you.
I thought you did a really great job. So I really, I felt like you were really present with her and you really listened. And you really rephrased a lot like you kept, you know, going back and telling her what you thought. So I mean, I think you really did check off those, those boxes, the things we were supposed to be listening for. And, and you hit all the time. And I thought it was interesting, because there was one part where you you said, you asked a question, but you seemed like really ambivalent about it. Like, weren't sure if it was right or not. But it actually was interesting. So you said, Which of those feels most meaningful? Right. And I And you definitely hesitated when you asked it. And, and, and then it really she got to focusing on the parents could be more helpful. And she and she talked a lot about wanting to help people. And it seemed to me like that, that maybe could have been a place to explore the value of that a little bit because she was like really going. She kind of said it a few times. But, but she got to it, which was sort of an aha, but I feel like it was a you were I think you were so interested in moving with it that that? I don't know. I don't know. If you if it would have been who knows which wife but um, but then you said what would you need to help make a decision and that was really good because you know, then she got to, you know, this whole thing about feeling incompetence. And that was a whole different thing. And she hadn't been talking about that. So I thought that that was really good. And you said, you were really positive with her at that point, like you, you shared your positivity, which I thought was really great. And you said, I think these are all cuz she was saying I'm all over the place. And you said, I think that this is really great, all these things coming up for you. So like, you took that her confusion and sort of like made it more of a positive thing. And I thought that was really good. And there was a point where you were circling back to
somehow I feel like
it was something about you saying, like, all these things that you've done, like all the educational, the pieces haven't really helped you to be more competent. Like, you kind of put that together a little bit for her, you didn't use those words, but like, sort of put it together a little bit for her. And it felt a little leading, but it actually was genius, because it was like she she went in war at that point. So I'm not really sure if that's like a, you know, a good thing or not, but if that's what you said, you know, I feel you're hesitating, and she was able to then get to some other stuff. I, in the end, she got, you know, to her step. So I feel like it was a really successful thing, because she hadn't talked about, you know, getting her husband involved at that point, you know, at all until the very end. And, and, and she really didn't focus in on the fact that she would, okay, I'm just gonna do these modules, and then already have that. So I feel like it really, it was really successful session. Good job. Thank you.
I feel like it was an hour session.
When asked about was it leading or not in that? Yeah. Yeah. It is
hard to tell sometimes. But it's but to me, it's synthesis. It's synthesis of what the person already said, right? Sometimes you need to make those connections, point out those those connections and those parallels to your client. And then you say like, Okay, what do you think about that, right? So you're bringing together the stuff that they've given you and saying, Here's what I notice. And they can go MIT? Or they can go hmm, or, you know, that sort of thing. But Sam, what was your experience?
I felt like Lisa gave me a lot of space to to talk, that that's what I needed to process it out loud, because I've been processing it in my head. And so I felt like she gave the space to process out loud. And that that some of those questions like
helped me to
think more focused, even if my talking didn't sound like I was thinking more focused.
You were a lovely client, you don't have to
be so what do you think? Yeah, I think there were definitely some spots where it kind of not lost the plot. But I think I did have a clear in my mind, and just got you're still you're still competent. Like I want you to feel good about this. But obviously, you can't do that. But yeah, so I do think there were a couple points where I think in doing the synthesis, I was trying to present the like, and doesn't that make you think that you're sorry? Yeah, I'm
sorry. So the intent does matter.
The intent? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, the intent was not quite in the right coaching mindset. But overall, I thought Smith, you just brought so many, so many things to the session that for sure. Like you said it felt like an hour there were just clearly so many small or large things factoring into it, but I can see why it's been such a struggle to navigate and so glad that we got to point of your husband sounds like a really good person to have in your corner for this sounds like he's been really supportive. And so yeah, I feel it felt you know, successful and getting to that, that
it's 1230 ones if you have to go go. Lisa, do you have to run away or? Okay, so So you did a great job with the Tom's in the beginning, I thought you especially holding space for that topic, and then reflecting back to her in a synthesized way. Right? Because Because she she pulled a lot of stuff out right, ready first dumped out the toy box. So some good reflection on that and on the outcome. I think when somebody measures like I'll just feel it and that's their answer for measurement is so hard because you're like, that's not a measurement. Yeah. Yeah, but but sometimes that is what you've got. And so you know, sometimes you accept it. Sometimes you dig deeper, whatever you feel is the right thing to do, but then checking in and out at the end and say okay, so you said you wanted to feel blah blah blah how Are you feeling about this? That probably would have been a good book and there? I think after significant, she had a lot in significance. And I think that could have used a reflection at the end. There was there are so many threads to pull, like y'all were just talking about. One of them was, and I felt like this kind of went to listening actively. She was talking. And she was talking about the two different niches. And it was right before the question that Melissa pointed out of which one feels more meaningful to you, which was a great question. And what she said right at the end before that, was it's really about the criteria for decision making, or something to that effect. And I was like, oh, like, yank, Paul. You know, and and I don't know, it was because you thought the other was more important, which is a totally bellicose decision, or if you didn't listen to the very end to grab that. But I thought that was like, a whole different direction for this to take, and would have gotten to what she was going for. So make sure we listen all the way through the end, because sometimes we have the question in head. And the last sentence gives you something new to work with. And you got to, you know, kill your darlings. Some of that question. We go to the next one. Really good summer,
I think throughout I thought
it was another one I wrote, whoa, sense of competency. Like you had some big stuff that you that you're evoking and it was to tie together. So it was you were managing all the pieces pretty well. In terms of listening actively, so that was one listening actively. But also, when you wrote, I'm sensing because when you said I'm sensing hesitation, that was a great notice. I hadn't noticed any hesitation. And but you felt it and you noticed it at her. And she was like, Yeah, well, you know, off that went. So that was a great piece. Think I've told you before you have a lovely coaching presence, like you are just calm and level and make everybody feel like, okay, everything's fine. Yeah, and so, good reflection and ask for connection. Oh, right near the end before it like as part of the Tom's maybe you reflected back the session pretty well, you could have done it a little more succinctly. But I appreciated that you like said, Well, here's where we got to. And here's where we started, what's the connection? And tried to pull that out? And that I think is when she was like, Well, I think I've talked to my husband and we were all like, Okay, perfect. Before but cool. You know, and making those connections. I thought that was a deft, deft move right there. And you ended up with some steps that she could do. So yeah, nice work. I think the presence piece is great. I think the listen actively, I think we always think that we're doing that. Listen back to some recordings and see if you're listening all the way through to the end. And if you are and you still make the choice to go back, you know, to the question, you're hanging on to it, that's a perfectly valid thing. But make sure there's not something. I mean, how often do we say the most important thing at the tail end of whatever we're saying, right? For sure. Where they say it is a flip thing that they want us to pass it by? And just like, huh, just draw that out? So those are those were my thoughts and notes. What do you think?
Lisa, I thought it was great. And I mean, I agree with you on on her style sheets, because I think I saw you coach on a on a lab once then and and then last time. Just in a way you're speaking. I I almost feel like no matter what you say, would end up being okay, because your style is so good.
I tell you what I did. I did all of her mentor coaching with I asked, and she's like this every time it is so steady and it is so consistent.
So natural. It's just so natural. And that's a gift and a tiny coach. Working hard,
Pro statement two statement. It looks like we're just asking like five questions in an hour. And the amount of stuff that is going on in our brains to ask the question that is going to make that connection. Like
yeah, coaching ADHD when you have ADHD and just like everyone has 90 different thoughts going on.
Yeah, that self management piece is harder with the ADHD instructs.
Okay, so how are you guys feel about today?
Right, I feel like we all got such good attention. So that's it. Yep. Melissa, I
will do that thing. I'll put the video up and record that and then just record my voiceover with it. It's going to be very strange because it's but I will focus on you. And I'll get that up and I'll put it on the website thingy which I will send you the link to again and think about getting some recordings and listening to them to yourselves. And whether you want to apply before July 27 will be done by then I think we're done like 10 Day He's ahead of that, which I was glad to see. And yeah, thank you for your work and your attention and your extra time just now. Ladies, thank you so great. All right, let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, I'll talk to you next time.